* r-w "V * " ' _ Jfiii rijut1iHniimaiTt ( y ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEET : MARCH ? 10 , -SIXTEEN * PAGES 15 In Fact , Lord R Remains Ju that Condition Still. nOMANTICSTORYOF A NOBLEMAN I'cctVlHcli Once Trot ! Blnrlrio llnlls Now Dnlly IICAVO Their Imprint In Soiuli Oinalm'fl Hlock Ynrtl Mud. The Misfortunes nC Lord 11 . The little city on the south I * quite prolific fif sensations , but what is furnished to-day dips the climax. Seated In the cozy room of n hotel in South Omaha yesterday a Hr.r. reporter listened to lite life story ot a man whose ancestors have hold a plarc In the British peerage for cen turies and whose own name stands high In that aristocratic register. At one time ho was very wealthy and wns blessed with many friends and a beautiful woman's love. Uut these are gone. A hurricane of misfortune swept across Ills p.ilh. leaving poverty , humiliation and ru- inorso In Its track. Two hearts were crushed und a proud nnd sensitive mini was a subject of Jest nnd dcris on. This could not bo en dured , nnd in n moment of dcsjwration ho resolved to llnd n new world and a now life across the sea. To-day Ins Is ono of the familiar fncc.s seen at iho Union stock yards nt South Omaha A short twelve-month ngo this interesting man coulil ulvo a check good for i'500,000. His richly caparisoned cu-acli nnd four attended by lackeys wearing the rich liveries and uriiionil bearing of ills ancient line could be scon in Hyde Park , London , white HoKanre , culture und luxury were evident n every side. At the court of the snvcreigno ho was a welcome guest ; no lirilliunt gather- i'lH ' was complete without him. Ualls , bun- MUulH and fetes were Ills nightly und daily icsort. In those days this youn scion of wiMlth nnd blood wood und wun.i beautiful und vivacious maiden of ruuk , and existcncu wis Bweol Indeed , Although intoxicated with love for her , there was still another passion which leil Him , as by magic , Into the gilded retreats of pun and loss those ante-rooms of hell , where lives art ) bJrtbrod and souls are dimmed. Ho was a gatnblur. Losing hcav.ily nt the gaming table , he liian speculating on the stock exchange. Here ho was seen , day after day , investing fabulous sums and doubling them in an hour. A tiny of panic came. Men were wild , de lirious , und the pit a roaring Babel. The day ( Mined , and the electric Hash carried tidings Avhich meant fortunes lost , lives wrecked , homes made desolate and souls blasted. Lord H came down with the crash. Lord U has many Interesting rominis- c Mires of his brilluntcureer. ' Ho wasclosely identified with tne Wilbraha'm family , whoso present representative is the Eixrl of Sefton. He lulls of an amusing incident which oc- < Mirrcil at a dinner party. Among those present was the Karl of Derby , one of the oldest und richest members of the British aristocracy. His lordship is nfllicted with kleptomania , and after dinner wlica the lames had retired to the drawing-room ami this gentlemen were lingering over their Wl port und walnuts. Karl Derby occiinied hlm- i elf by making a tour of the bed-rooms ami ladies' dressing-rooms , picking up all the Jewelry anil other valuables he could llnd and LMiircailng them about his person. The consequence - sequence wns , when retiring time came ni'ui-ly every one was minus some valuable artli-lo ( and my lord wus loaded with gems and nrecioua stones to the value of many tnousaml pounds ) . The rou- Ktijruution ws great , and the mortification of ilic host and hostess extreme. No ono Uncw where tno missing articles hud gone , Lut the general opluion was that a burglar Oitsnuul : thlcnmd entered the house und iifuili1 a clcan swoop.1 Detectives were mini- imtncd'und all ttie machinery of Scotland Yanls'set in motion. However , when the real culpritwas putting on his coat prepara tory to departure , to the astonishment of everyone , a lady's diamond necklucc fell from his pocket. This was u most valuable Ki'in belonging to the hostess ; in fact , one of thu family Jewels. The effect was not so Hturtliiig as might be supposed. No notice whatever being taken of the incident ; but thu next day every article , including silver Kpoons , knives , nnd port of the desert serv k-e was returned by his lordship's vulct to the hostess , the duchess of , who re turned each article to Its owner. He tells also of an incident [ which ( llus tratcs thu niggardliness of thu present diiUc of Edinburgh , brother of the prince of AVales. His grii-cwas prcdcntnt a bnn- ( jiiRt held In a well-known place in the strand , nnd after much toasting und oratory a sub- HiTiption list was p.isscd urouml for an Irish cliurituble object. His grace madu his murk 101'thoniuiillfcent sum of 10. The paper was next handed to Lord K , who wrote Ills name for CI.IKX ) . Prinre Leopold , brother tn the duke , gnve i'MK ) , but my lord Headed the list that c'vciilnv. ' 1 ho Prince ofVules he describes ns the best of good fellows ; liberal , affable , free und easy , fond of fast horses uml hand- Mime ladies , but withal a perfect gentleman , ' .i'lio Derby , the greatest race course in the world , is always attended by his royal highness and raost of thenobility. . Fabu lous sums are won und lost on this race i1 very season. On one occasion Lord K won quite n comfortable sum on the great American horse , Iroquois , when ho won this ( ireat race Vox-hunting ; , the great English sport was his nivoritc nut-door amusement , und no crows extremely enthusiastic when describ ing n run with the Berkshire pack. "Tho Moot" In the gray of the morninir , the men in thi'ir rc l coats , white breeches , and spot less knee boots ; ladies with their closely tit- ting habits nm ! tall tints , displaying their irii.-eluluiid lltlicsomo llgures to perfection ; tnu hounds cngcr for the start , und boraus with shining coats. Hashing eyes , pnu cing , Himrling , pawing the earth , Impatient of the control of curb and bit. The huntsman's Imrn is heart ! echoing uinongxl thu wolds. 'I hey nre off ; licymird bus been unearthed. Over hedges , ditches , und all obstacles. lint Krailuully one utter unuther falls out in a 15- niliorun and tcwuro left In thu chusu. On nnd on they go until Mr. Pox is run to earth , anil the lady who Is "in ut thu death" in gill- lunllj presented with the "brush. " When returning from the chase , what n dlircrcnee ! Horses jaded , men and women tired , besmeared with mud , wet and gener ally "used up ; " ln l in the condition to enjoy u warm bath , n KOU'I o'clock dinner , with mindr.y potations of old wluo , folloued by u houml nighl'H sleep. Among ull his busy rounds of plnasuro and jjali-ty Lord H ioiuid .leisure to keep tibieast with the times In thu sclentlllo and literary world. Let us look at him in his liiiov at No. Picailllly , London. At 11 o'clock hi the forenoon , seated in his Rtudy , in drt'Bhlng Kown und allj > i > ers , smoking n inigrunt Havana , the lust new novel in his bund , perhaps ilocii in the pages of bomn philosophical or scientlllo work , or conduct ing Romu experiment in electrical or chemical lut-curch. heicirs ! bteuilily till U in thu iiftcrnoon nt whatever for the time occupies Ills fmiey for this young tminhusugrc.it diversity of knowledge and n vust fund of varied information. Ho has seen und appre ciated u',1 the best paintings nnd worus of art in Kuroiio ; is us much ut homo in thu Itxu- Clupo of Franc ? , iiermuny nnd Italy us his natiyo tongue , und Is acquainted with thu political economy und By stems of govern ment * of all the world. Thorn is , however , ono toplo on winch ho l very reticent , nnd that doubtless ttie ono nearest his heart- his lucly love Of this serious affaire dc counr only meager details could tie gleuniHl. Maud was u ludy of twenty uimtr.ers , with coal black cyA , cherry check * and raven lacks , thin , uristo- i-rullu lips set o.t by pcurlv teeth , ami , Judg ing from her photograph , of rcmurkube | beauty. She Is n member of an old Chcikire family , who can truce their ancestry back to thu Norman conquest , unit poiut with pride .to Iho vulor and courugo exhibited by those 'irho tore tna' | mm Two years ugo the Mansion house In Lon don wus tic bccno of a brilliant guihcrinj , ' , tUe beauty , youth , Intelligence anil chivalry of n nation gliding om > with the other In thu in ( lie poetry of motion o'er the polished Doors anilthrough urehway * bedecked with rich exotic * . Enulmutlnp BUnln of muslu from a hidden orchestra Moated out from a vurl-colorcd bank of chrysanthomuins und ' nwit thelp iurinony u | n the can * ofal ( - tut lords ami fulr ladles. In this guy throng w.n Lord K ' 9 Ideal. His fanciful fairy hod materialized , breathed , moved and looked Into his eyes with an expression akin to love. Was It real I Was this the woman who could odd the Instdrop to his cup of Joy I \Vaa she destined to be the fair queen of his heart ! It seemed so. Indeed , for as ho pressed her to him in the dizzy whirl of the waltz there were ' Two souls with but a single thought , Two hearts tha.t beat as one. " That night ho "Put It to the touch to pain or lose it all , " and wont to his home the happiest man among the 5,000.000 souls in London. Then followed n period of calm nnd un alloyed happiness In tin ) company of his in amorata. On all occasions , at fetes , balls and purtics she was the qnccn , She had ninny suiters , but her smiles were all for I/ml U , ami he was a subject of envy to nil his associates. She , until our hero met with the octupus that folded its destructive arms ubottt him , was rich in worldly bless ings. Her llfu was naught bat ono sweet dream. Hut a gloomy curtain wns drawing across her morrow's sky. It was on the eve of that eventful day that had brought ruin und penury to the king of her heart. Him oxpeuted him. Ho came. Ho bravely bore up In the presence of the guests and de termined to appear as gay mnl lighuheartcd as over. At last the long evening draws to n close. All have departed. Ho H alone with his idol in the summer-house amongst the ferns. Thu moon shedding her pale light on his still paler faro , ho whispers the words which are to part thenv-it may bo forever. Like the bravo , true woman llmt she Is. she remains ntcudfust to him In his dire misfor tune , buthe , amid her tears and protesta tion , In his honorable , unselfish love , re leases her from her promise and goes out in to the world n ruined man , This young lord , nurtured tn the Ian of luxury , now wades knee-deep In South Oma ha mud is well acquainted with the hog market , can tell the wuigiit and comparative value of n car load of porkers to a nicety ; mingles with the commission men and is looked on as a boon companion nnd right good fellow by all thu stock yard boys none of whom suspects his identity which he carefully conceals , It was only by finding n uumllci of papers and pri vate document * , of wlileh hu Is the owner , that Tin : Ilii : : reporter discovered it. Ho is a man of good appearance , above medium hciuht but not lull , nnd will weigh lt ( ) pounds. Ho has u high , in tellectual forehead , black mous tache nnd hair , light blue eyes and fair comple.xtion. Ho has tin casj carriage and is an habitual smoker , but docs not drink. My lord intends to try his luck in the wheat and pork ring. Hu is well up in sta tistics , can tell the number of hogs in thu country which nru to be marketed next summer ; Knows exactly the number of bushels of corn in last season's crop , tno acreage of wheat sown this winter. Ho has plenty of pluck , and saj s he will retrieve his fallen fortunes , and yet marry the girl of his heart. Use Angostura Hitters , the world re nowned South American appetizer , of exquisite flavor. Manufactured by Dr. G. 13. Siegort Si Sons. Ask your drug- MISS CUSHMAN'S MEMORY. Barrett I'nys an Kl < iiiiciit Tribute to the Doail Actruxx. Actor Lawrence Uurrett paid a mag nificent tribute to the memory of Char lotte Gushmnn before the Con temporary club yesterday afternoon , in the Union League club annex , says the Philadel phia North American. The address was a masterpiece of its kind ; exquisite in word painting , subtle in pathos , quaint in humor , and charming in de tail. The audience was large , and lis tened with close attention to every word that fell from the distinguished speaker's lips. Lawrence Barrett mudo a strong and. earnest plea in behalf of the absolute justification of women entering other spheres than those within the circle of domestic life. This he said in his intro duction. InoidentiaHy he referred to the morality of the stngo during the Uli/ubethan reign and in succeeding periods. Woman had but few opportuni ties in former epochs , he &aid , to raise herself from that level to which she had been hurled by social traditions and customs. Then Mr. Unrrettdcscribed that great woman's ambition to become a star of the lyric stage , and her Mibucqiicnt pa thetic loss of voice , which was accom panied by all the black despair of hope less aspiration and blasted promises- . Undaunted by these misfortunes , he said fthu applied thoi principles of art which she had received in her early training to that of the interpretation of the higher creations of the dramatic world. In all her vicissitude she was the same kindhcarted , loving , gener ous woman. No one ever went to her for alms and returned empty-handed. Mr. Barrett spoke strongly of her ability and power of characterization. She was a women of strongly iniiriced porbonulity , and with her decease the stage lost a representative which might take ages to replace. Mr. Barrett closed by des-cribiugC'har- lotto Cnshmnn's domestic life in pictur esque phrases. The address was re ceived \vith great upnluuso. Before and after the address an informal reception was tendered to Mr. Barrett. IluiHl'orii'H Acid t'lionpliue : , A Healthful Tonic. Ut ; < ; d in place cf lemons or lime Juice it will hurmonUu with suoh stimulants us are neuus- saryto tukc. HIS $100 HAT. It I''its UusKRll IInrri < ou'H llcaii All ( lie Time , nnd la Truly Ciiirgcous. Mr. Arkoll , of .ludgo , in a moment of depression last fall , bet Mr. Uiii-sull Harrison u new hat that his father would not carry Indiana , wtys the New York Sun. Young Mr. Ilnrrison re cently reminded Mr. Arkoll of the wngor. ' What st/.o do you wearV" Mr. Arkoll ntikcd. "No. 74. " "I guo.sb I had better make it a si/.o larger. " "Why. " ' Oh , you will have a swelled a head by the 4th of March. " Air. Arkoll will pay his hot to-day , when'Mr. Rusbullurrison / ( will put on th.o most gorgeounnd expansive opera hutovormado in Amarica. Mr. Arkoll nays ho is-glad to remark thnt the hut is'n perfect lit , although it is only 71. The hat was constructed under the supervision of Mr.'ICnox. The silk was the product of John I ) , Cutter's mill at I'nUcr.sun. flitharto opera hats have been made of imported bin IT. Thn man who put this American tile together is Captain Juuk Zimmerman , a veteran of the war who fought four years with the T.vclfth Now York. Miss MoFurlund , whoso father wus killed in the war , trimmed the hut. At fists Hamilton , Fluhri , Cilllam , and Smith , of .ludgo , decorated the Mitin-linoil interior. In the center of the ton is a picture in oil of the .ludgo framed in a Minlnirst , with u goblet of peach brandy poised in hlu right hand about to drink the health of Harrison and Morton , who u pictures in little ptiintcd frames are onroathod in flowers and leaves at his feet. The side of the lining is filled with buds done in water colors. The hat coat $100. Mr. Harrison will wear it on inauguration day , und then use it for decorative pur poses. An Absolute Cure * The OIUGINAL AHIKTINK OINTMKNT Is only put up in large two ounce till boxes , and U nn absolute cure for old HO res. burns , wounds , chuppcd hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Abk for thoOKIOINAL AHIBTINB OINT MKNT. Sold .by Goodman Drug Co. , ut. 35 cuts per bqx by mail uo ceiiU. ' ONLY A COMMONPLACE WOMAN And Yet You WlllPlnd Her Exceedingly - ingly Rare. BELLE BROKE UP THE GAME. A llecciit Advent tire of Cnltlc Quern Sonic Imltntoi-4 of Mrs , Potter \Vliy Il l Frantic Go to Sleep. The Commonplace Woman. Wo htivo read , as you know , for agea and Of a willowy mnliicn devoid of n spine , A fabulous pro-historic .young person , Who on white of nn egg mid qracker could ilino. Uut I write to you now of a commonplace woman Who's shockingly henlthy nnd fearfully fnt , Who never has headache or nervous prostra tion , Commonplace \rlmt I could bo moro so than tlint I She doesn't "do" Kensington cat tails or rustics , Nor has she a screen with a one-logged stork ; She doesn't adoru CharlotteKussc or lilanc matu'cs. Uut prefers mi romantic , comuiouplace work. She hiisn't a quilt of crazy , slllc patchwork , Nor the tiniest bit of crotchcttud maercuio ; She cannot perform Ucethoveu's ' sonatas , Nor sing but ttm most commonplace little lay. She hasn't a gift for the art decorative , Pasting Japanese monitors on Yankee stone Jar. That stands in a corner to look , so esthetic , Hut that grieves to the soul the old house hold Jar. She never paints song-birds nor crickets on china , To be drowned every day in our tea-cups jilasl Or forms cabbage roses of ribbon on velvet , And nought nous she know of the much ham mered brass. She can not write poems thut glow llko a furnace , Nor sonnets as cold us the Appcnlno's snow , For if she chops up Her ideas Into meter , There's n rush in the ebb and a halt in the How. Uut there's worse to be told of this common place woman , Who owns neither bird , nor doer nor pet cat. They say that she's re.illy in love with her husb.itid , Commonplace i what more could be said than thati And when we ull stand at the last , dread tribunal , Where great and where small arc assigned each u part , May the angcU make way for the common place woman Who knows naught of literature , science.- art. In BIrn. I'ottiM-.s Footsteps. Mrs. Wilbor l \ Bloodgood is walking1 precisely in the footsteps of Mrs. Potter - tor , says n New York letter to the Phil adelphia Times. Nothing that Mrs. Potter over did is left undone by Mrs. Bloodgood , 'itid there c'ui be no doubt in the mind of n close observer of the stage and its people that the similiarty in the career of the two women will bo curried out to the end. Mrs. Btood- good is having her photographs distrib uted , her pretty face is continually ap pearing in the dramatic papers , para graphs about her dot the columns of the press. She is a regular uttcndaut at the theaters on first nights , and at professional matinees , and she vigor ously denies that she is going on the professional btage , precisely as Mrs Potter - tor did all these things two or three years ago. Now York must have some woman to talk about , and Mrs. Blood- good would seem to bo the coming vic tim. Her face is not as wrotty as'Mrs. Potter's. Do Gentlemen Do Iliis ? A Philadelphia girl , who signs her self .lennio , sends the following to the editor of the North American of that city : DKAII SMI : There is much said about ladies wearing high-trimmed hats at the theatre , but I do not think it does the general public as much harm as the spitting of tobacco does. Only the other day I got on a Master street car , and I do not think there was live inches of the lloor that wns free from tobacco spit. It is , I think , far more obnoxious than smoking , and I think it would bo well for the car companies to forbid it , as they do smoking. U is not only la die.- , who object to this dirty habit , for I have heard gentlemen denounce it. t do not think they are gentlemen who do it ( that spit tobacco , I mean ) , and although I am not ono of tho-io girls who chew chewing gum , that habit does not ruin the bottom of men's trousers as their tobacco spit ruins the bottom of ladies'skirts. Perhaps I am a little spiteful , but it made mo angry when I got out of the car to find the bottom of my new long coat ajl stained with tobac co. I think ladies in general will agree to take their hats off at the theatre , if the men will agrco to stop spitting in the cars. Of course I know all men do not spit.neither do till ladies wear high- trimmed hats. Yours , etc. HitnttiomoOIIIBII of Coimcmara , The women of Con Honiara are pic turesque in attire nnd shapely in form to : i remarkable degree , says a corre spondent of the Pittsbnrg Dispatch. Their limbs are long and graceful. They are erect and spirited in carriage' and the immense black bnudcons or cloaks , , vith which all shortcomings in clothing are shrouded , fall In truly chinstc folds about them. Hare-limbed as the men , at all seasons. , you will not infrequently catch glimpses of log * as exquisitely moulded as those of , the Venus of Co ; while the mont voluptu ous typos of southern Lumpe , or Ian- goitrous , tropical Cuba , furnish .no moro fwrfoot examples of tapering , djmplod arms , beautifully formed shoulders , and full but lengthened nock with dove- like double curve. The broad , largo faces are still superbly oval. The chin bus strength , the full , shapely mouth is red and tenderly , expressively curved ; the regular teeth are charming in pearl- white glint and da/.7.le ; the noae is largo , well cut , with thin sensitive nos trils ; the eyes , under long , heavy lashes , look straight and honestly at you out of clear , largo depths of blue or grey ; the eyebrows a re marvels of nn- luro'spencilling ; the forehead is large und fair , and such heads of hair crown all that were they unloosed the Connc- inara women could stand clud in lus trous black immeasurably Bin-passing her sloo-bluck braidcen. Not a thread is on them beside the Connemura llan- nol. It is spun from tno wool of thu mountain sheep. ICubtcr Huitttuy COHUIIIIPH. Would yo know wliuta to bo the thing for the spring-time what my fine lady will wear on Kautey Sunday ? Listen then , says n wrlftt1 in the Chicago Herald. It will ha a flue wool costume in u faded tone of color , woven with n mottled effect , llko Scotch mixed wool. It will have a wovdn border' , consisting ot graduated bands of u darker shade , which wiln lrclo the nctllcoat , The draperies \viUi > bo made without scams , in sash cffcd , for the goods nro forty- six inches VU\o \ , and the border follows nil pn ono siup of it. On some pieces n ( Umnutlvo.-tx ( > rdor is woven along the outer otlgafon sleeve nnd wnlst trim mings. Should this not bo flno enough formndaniti , tfhoro is n novelty much morb costly.1 * The same kind of wool material , vol qvou finer and softer , with ft oonvontiyniu border embroidered in black ombjxntlery silk , a la Chlnnoiso , for the embroidery is nltko ou both sides. In fio'otlior colors does it como black on old rose , black on serpent preen , black"6n oleetrnl blue , black on copper , black on rod.Jetc. By the way , speaking of reds , it Is evident there are expectations that "tho ladles" will fall down before the now reds , the llashy , dashy , striking rods I Franco was ono blaze of bright color last year. It is our turn next. Perhaps the most effective thing in rod was a line wool , woven in stripes throe inches wide , divided by a hair line of black , win to or blue. These would look smart enough up among the mountains or on the deck of n yacht. Let us hope the salesmen will Icoup them in nice , smooth , oven folds until wanted for such purposes. Uut whAt did they liavo for tailor-mudo biiitsV Soft wool , oven checks , of white and faded tones of color ; big gay Scotch plaids ; line smooth Honi'lcUn cloths. Oh ! those Henrietta cloths In such soft. pleasing colors were thoro. Those all wool are to bo preferred to the silk warp , for they do not grow stringy nor shiny as quickly. Auburn UnitUut of Stylo. lias anyone noticed the almost ab solute disappearance of our old friend. the red-haired girl , ujxm our streets ? inquires the Philadelphia Times. It is seldom that ono can sco a real red- haired gicl on Chestnut struct now in the afternoon. What is the reason ? Simple enough. The white horse story is responsible for it all. Upon the ad vent of the sad talc the life of thu red- haired girl became simply unen durable. She was pointed tit , mocked and insulted. Like little Mary's lumb , wherever she went the white her e would surely follow. But the rod-haired irirl knew her business. She had not studied chemistry in the high .school for nothing. Mure wise than the scriptural leopard who could not change his spots , she consulted the nearest hair dyer , and as a result we have bleached blondes , brunettes whose locks almost approach the purple iu hue , and the thousand nnd one kaleido scopic varieties of girl now extant upon the streets. The red-haired girl i * de parted from our midst until the story of the white horse , like , a politician's early record , fades away never to return. Thi ; Shoes oCKnmoim Women. Amelia Rives-Clmnler says she wears n common-senso shoo , "because I like them bestvnf'd I have a right to dresi myself us T'plonso. " Mrs Ltinglh'.v wear ? a No. 5 shoo of Knglish nfnkd. of good breadth , with a low. Hat beet , " Mrs. Potter says she docs-n't know what size hctsslioes are. but apparently her shoos \ very long and very narrow. Mrs. Cleveland wears No. 5 , B width. She lias Mr shoes or slippers to match every gpw\i slie owns , and her hosiery is always , of the ) same shade. Mary A dc rson UH > u large foot , and she weirsa large , broad shoe. Mrs , Kate ' 'Maxwell ' the "IJolle Starr \Vydij\ui g 'say'sh Cheyenne dispatch , closed up a gambling-house at Besse mer Monday night , recovered .several thotisaiYd dollars winch had been lost by her cowboys , and then saved the lives of the two "tur-liorn gamblers" just as the infuriated cowboys were going to strincr them up She is known as "Cattle Kate' ' and runs a small ranch , which it ib suspected is a rcndc/- vous for cattle thieves and lawless people. About twenty cowboy make eeir headquarters there , nud of late they have drawn large sunn of advance wages from her. She is generous and has been in funds since last fall , when she shipped nearly all her cattle to Chi cago. On Sunday she wus robbed of $1,500 by her own men and her resent ment was aroused against the gamblers. They are icnown , one as Mike Parly and the other us Hodcll. and had to leave Colorado for crooked work. Their gambling boll at Bessemer wns crowded Monday night , when Kate strode in , accompanied only bv her foreman , and both armed to the teeth. AVhllo Kate covered the dealer with a six shooter Miison. her foreman , secured the box and showed the crowd tliut the game was unfair or a "brace" one. This en raged the cowboys , and Karly and Ho- doll wore terribly beaten and ordered to prepare for lynching. The TOUGH were insight when "t'attle Kate" in terceded for the two wretches und an nounced that she would divide their money , amounting to several thousand dollars , which she hrtil secured. Bodell and Parly wore placed on a couple of scrub ponies and chased out of town. Their place was liredand all hands wont over to Mrs. Maxwell's ranch where it dance and general good time followed. "Cattle Kale's" reputation among the stockmen , is very unsavory , but her popularity among' certain class U wonderful. Cattle owners are organ i/- ing for protection ngnini-t the whole sale thieving that is depopulating the herds , and it would not bo surprising if "Cattle Kate" should become a regu lar outlaw queen. She is a big , good looking woman of thirty , nnd it is said. used to. ha \jurioty sin'ger in Chicago. Within vho.preqlnols of Predoricks- burg , Va. , Ms llio grave of the mother of George Ayq hington. The old farm house in whiclpHho died is also in thi8v.iclnit.v. Hither Wash ington cnmo'on the way to his first in- augurnlioi ) fns { president to bid his mother a last farewell before nor dentil , It will Hhwokrf the whole country to learn that the grave of Washington's' mother is Jjkely to be sold at auction next week" . During the administration of President .lnckw > n the corner stone of a monument was laid , but the shaft was novcrlpnt. up , Messrs. Colbert A , Kirtloy , real estate agents of this city , will offer WiC'tolo ' at Washington , ou Tuesday , March 5 , at public ) auction , twelve acres of land , on which is the tomb of Mary , the mother of Washing ton. If the stomach performs its functions actively and regularly the food of which it is the ! rccopticul , Is transformed into blood of a nourishing quality , which furnishes vigor and warmth to thu whole body.-tho remedy to give tone to the stomach is Dr. .1. U. McLean's Strengthening Cordial nnd Blood Puri fier. I * A Very low N'cck , Chicago Herald ; Mrs. Uatlor ( whoso gown it an extreme specimen of the decollete ) How do I look in n.y new re ception dress , Alfred ? Alfred -You would look better if , you were in u , niy dear. PATRICK EGAN , .An IntercBtlnR Sketch nt the Man AVho Exposed PlRutt. Patrick Egnn , who was the treasurer of the Land League In Ireland , nnd then the president of the National League in America , nnd who , accord ing to Lo Cnron. has shared with Alex ander Sullivan Iho leadership ot the Irish movement , is the very last man In the world to bo taken for a conspirator1 , says the London Star , and especially a conspirator of n desperate character. He is a small man , with a small , rtell- cnto rosy-pin ic face ; with the complex ion , in fact , as well ns the air of baby hood. His eyes are of the softest blue , and he sneak's in gentle whispers. Ho is n rigid lcc.lotalcrns is also Alexander Sullivan. When ho lived in Ireland ho wns the chief partner in n largo bakery busi ness , and was very woll-to-do. Ills In tense Interest In politics wns not dic tated in the smallest degree by personal needs , for he never accepted a penny remuneration , nnd lost heavily by his generous contributions to all agita tions. tions.When Mr. Poster passed his coercion net , Mr. Kirtin retired to Paris , and there received the contributions from America for nearly two years. After his dapurlu.ro to America , under the circumstances described by Lo Caron , Mr. Hgan settled in Lincoln a pruspur- ous town in the state of Nebraska ; went into the corn trade ; speculated in land ; and is becoming very wealthy He Is a French rather than an Irislttyp t In corruptible , immutable , fanatical in public , gentle in private life. to the Chicago Herald : Mr. Toiighy ( an admirer of genuine pugilism ) doing to the light , Jack ? "What light ? " "Why , the light at Indianapolis. " "Who is it between ? " "A couple of members of the legisln- ' turo. ( ! o along with us ; it will be a rattler. " DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS anil ninny times will nrovo to Von n gro.it OHM. You Imulil not ik'Iay i > vjit for a day our roiutni ( to onrst'iro. Wo ai-a luftklns a clean s\vac | > of our entlii1 itoolc of whiter Kools. nml will uimo you prlcm tliat will ntoreit you. , CALIFORNIA ! The Uod of Discoveries ! Santa-Abia and Cat-R Cure Kop Silo : by ( looihiuiii Drujj Coiuimny. TO THE Citizens of Omaha ! And Vicinity. Weaivn'ivr Incntol In imriipirlirlok lilix-k. nt Ilia r.inK-r of JTIU iiiHlCciuilinr , lllli n ( ul | Him ( if Drlf ncil hiuvo Itt-imlri. Wo pro UHrun * uf lh fart that the till/fin uf Omnlin Imrc bitcn liunibiuiiPil , \ > j littThii : thnlml < ivt > < rrpalred 117 piirtU-i hiimllliu wiirtlili'i uixlniii , rail * HK nol iiiiulu hy uiHiiiirurliiri'M ol their > l vi- > , hill liiiscnf iiDiluriiuillljr nur nini' . Iti'iiiilrlup wltli lii'V ! c-nillnui iinully iiillod in ulin nnr i > utl > larlluii Any wurkilono hy 114 , that ilm < nut ulvu nutlklui * . lon.irri'parloil lu iiiiriiniuo , win lip ioili > , ie , Iron of hiinfu , I'urllci ilf lrluK cuillniit forthnlr otnvei , nlll llml Itiitlu-lr niltruiiiiiKu In o.ill 1111 iis.ni wu haiiJIn lothtnit lull orlKliml inntlnKs , mailo itlrpctlr by tua In luunufiirtiirpni , Our r ( lnu arH better In quality , and w m'll tlioni o yuii at tlm HIIIIIU [ irlrn at yuii IIHTU been paring 'or Inferiorcuvilnj : * , Wn nl o iln n ) . ' ( MiDfal rupalrhiK > u liiu < un ull klnU > uituru > nnil IIJTO u > | iurli to repair irmollim snivi'4. All work dune promptlr mill un nliurt nniliiVeulsi > sliirn > tuTr > . wlileh nlll lie kepi In m 1:00,1 nlinpo a It n'Un tlui ptrlur. Wuuruauu untimfHCIiirura of Ihe Acuio lluit I'ro- ri'iillvu. nhlrli wlicu upplloU to your iii > r < anil tiiTv plpoi , will provcnl ru > t from erer louoluuw them , 1K not foruet our locution. 170 > OumiiHj Hi. Tolophouo 1077. UAHUFACTUaERS STOVE REPAIR CO. The HUSSEY&DAY COMPANY * \ Sanitary Plumbing ! Steam and Hot Water Heating ! , , . Gas and Electric Chandeliers ! Art Molal Work , Stable Fittings , Fountains , Vases , Etc , Ij AUGUST STOCK. I'lXKST SHOWROOMS U'KST OP < S"\Vo mnko a specialty of ropnlr work on Plumbing , Ons or Heating Ajiimr- atus. Prompt attention. Skillful mechanics. Personal supervision , and charges always rensotinblo as Ural-class work will allo\v. . . js Twonty-llvo yours' prnatl- cal o'xporionoo. Visitors to our showrooms always welcome. , THE HUSSEY & DAY COMPANY 409-411 South 15th Street. , _ uj.j _ juiL ji-iiMimmH _ _ MJTtrT--rTi | - . _ I - _ -i.-ir.r T _ _ L _ _ ± _ M- - . - . - - - . yyjq HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , i Hardware and Cutlery , Mechanics' 2ools , Fine Itronzo Jlulltlci' * ' Oooilt anil Ititjfitlo avtnojt i ( 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. DEWEY & STONE ] Furniture Company A inognlficcnt useful and omit mental ! n tlte ture maker's art at rcanonaMa price * . ESTABLISHED 1851 t ISO So. Tlio Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Tiwtlng with the Greatest and SUCCESS ClirDiiic , Nervous anfl Private Diseases , JW NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , 'Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cflecll leading to early decay anJ | > erhpt Consumptions Insanity , treated tciendllcall ; ky new methods with iiever-fAihnff tuccess. * - SYPHILIS anil all bad Blood and Skin Dlj- eases permanently cured. OVKIDNEYand URINARY comphlnU , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and a'.l diseaiei of the Genlto-Uriniry Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Oigani. W No experiments. Ace and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. aj-Send 4 cenu pottage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Distant. AS- Those conlemplMinc Mairiaee send Tor Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call iiiiysavefuturejuller. inK.indthuneand add golden jean to life. O3ltook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soiemsfsumps ) . Medicinj nnd writings sent exeryuliere , secure from exposure. Hours , Bio 8. Sundjy * 9 to u. Address F. D. CLARKE , IYL D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. H. B. IREY. TO LOAN , On City nnil Fixrm Prooortv " ! GASH ON HAND , First Mortgage Paper Bought. Kren/.ci1 Bloelc. opp. P. O. WHEN YOU BUY A CIGAR ! SEE THAT THE * "RED LABEL" IS ON THE BOX. OMAHA MEDICALa-1 SURGICAL INSTITUTE N , W. Cor. 13th 8t Dodge Sts. FOn THE THSATMINT OK Al.l , Appliance for Deformities and Trusts : . IlvU facilities. HppHralua untl rmnouleii furHiicceii ful treatment of urerf forot of dlauuie roqnlrlnt MudtcnlorHurvlcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS , Hoard aud attendance } best hospital accomuiuJu Unruln the irott. WHITE roBCmc'UI.A on Deformities and Unico , 1'ruKsi , Club foot , < : urr tiire tit the Hiilns , I'llu * , Tiimora. Cancer. Catarrh , Urnnchltls , Inlialati ( n Ulcctrldtr , I'aralrslii , Bnilopir , Klducjr , Illaililor Kjo , | 5ar. Skin nua IlloiiJ.aul MllSurKlctil ooratlini | Diaoases of Women a Specialty. noun ON DiSKABci or WOMEN Kiiir. ONLY SELUBLS MEDICAL IHSTITUT2 MAUINO A iHT.CIAI.TV Of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood DI oncj urcuJtull7 treited. Mrphllltic I'olson raniovod from Ilia a/itpni without mnrourx. New restorative treatment lor IUM of Vital IMwur. Puriuns unable tu vUlt ui maf be treattil at lionin by cnrre/ipoiulciire. / All comiuuiilostloni oonttdcutlnl ModlclnM or ln trunl nl tent l > r mall or eipro < , iiurelj tiacketl. no marka tu Indicate content' or lender. One parsoaal InterTlaiv preterred. Call nml cumuli uii or und hliturr of your eai , end wo will end In pliln irrapptr , our BOOK TO MEN. FREE ! Upon Private , Hueclal or N'erTOUt Ditoaie * . Iinim * loner , S/pbllH , Ol t and Varlcucelo , will ) qneillon Hit. Addrcil Or.io/ia Medical and tiirrgical Institute , or DR. McMCiV/VHIY , Cor. 13th and Dodge SU. , - OMAHA , NKIJ New Store ! IAS.MORTON&SON HARDWARE Have Removed from lid H. lath Street , Uretgltton Wocl ; , to 1511 Dodge St , First Door West of Postoffice , . OWEN'S - t 0 BELT ' ' 'AND'SUSPENSORY. . . VAUNTED Auo. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,18894 DH. OWKN'B ELKCTRO. . OAtVANIO BODY DEI/T i AND SUSFENSOIIY r * J. utrintrl lo cur th fol- _ [ JjCRheumatle Complaints. . ail.nmb 0 , Orneral kBd , , , . -N - rn Debility , Seat , Nervousness , TrernMIng , S lualE h uiUonWut-l ' Body. Dismiss In/Teulh. A ( , M r r'sfollil org n , of ntle nr THY A PAIR OK C | CnfDIO DR. OWEN'S tLtUnlb Send Re , p4Blnf > for r i llttiitrfttft r > .nr > lilel , which vlll bt ml joa In T'UIn ictlrd rtiTelope. Mriillou tbl. r | .cr. . J Irnwl OWEN ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO , „ 3OO North Uroadway. ST. 1.OUIB. MO BUPTUBET ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS COMBINED. DR. ISRAEL'S KIKCTBO. OAtVANIO . . , . . , . , „ Owen'a Kl etrio Belt Attachment. . . worn with rMe unit comfort. The eur- ramlf mill or .trnnR. TMi ( lh onlj " electric Irun aoil l * It Trr ma e. It > win VCIIB Ilui1urrln | from III ) | < > 0(1 il. , , . lor Cull drierlpllon of Dr. Iniolei fnl te. for rcn lllu'iirdi't | , raihlrl , ' ' . itntjou lnrl tniri lf < l ctiTeloi * . Hell onlr br thf ' OWEK BL OTRIO DELT ft APPLIANCE CO. SOO North Brosdwnr. ST. I.OU18.MO. The'MOW ( SHOE' ' Hici obtained n reputation * trodnccd for "C'oituufi " " STYLK"IJJJU- i-KOT PIT , " "CojiroitTAXD DuuAiiirr ITY. " They huvo no snporior.s iii Tlunjl Tunis , , Hand Welts , Goodyuur WoUs , nnd Mnchino Sowed. Lndics , nslc for ( lib "Lrnr.ow" SIIOK. Try them , and you will buy no other. " Health is Wealth I > lt. K , C. Wl'.HT'H N'KIIVK ANll TnfiAT- > IINT. : a ( 'imrantecd Hjiuciitc for Ily torlo llzzl { 11PFS. i'onviilslons. His , Nurvoug Kourftfclil , Ifuilaclu . Nervous rru.stratlnii caused by tlid usiMif nlcoliol nr tobacco. WukcfnlnoHS. _ neprussloii , rioftenliiK i > ( tUu llraln reHtiltliii ; 111 Insanity and leudlnp to irilficrv. fiL-ciiyand dealt ) . I'rcmaturo ( Jlu A i > , HarntnncHH. losHof I'ouci-in oitlicr sex. involuntary I.O KDS'anil ' HpcimntnrrlKi'rt catiHed by r-oxertlon"yif tne uiain. f > ; iif nKuse or ovur iiidulRunca Kucli IKIX contains ( inn nionth's trrntmunt , II a box , orHlJc ImxiM furKi , gout by innll prepaid ( ou re- I'rlpt of prlcu , / WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case.Vltli each oriicr received by IIH for six IJOXOH , arcomimnlrd with fft , we1 Will Kend Iho ptirchaHfr our written Kiinrantw ) u ru- funcl tlieiiiniuiylf tlm truatmeiit Uoct not oirnct a ritro. ( liiarantfcii iusui-d only by ( Joodinau DriiUt'o , , li ) UK Ut , Halo AKCIHM , 1110 Jfarnaui , Mrcot Unifllia ul ) . OR , BAILEY'S DENTAL Institute ! Tuolhrilntcted wlltinnt nnln finlnin < ur I HniMlKMiof teothHcxj ( lolil ami Mlver lllllnKs at lowest rotes. Sound runii aavod br crritviilnii , ' raxtou Illock 1UU unJ Kaniaiu , f -i tnmbles na lly. nulclc- biilcs. Hevontl caH a cured In hoven dKy ! ' 'Kold tl/uner IKIX , nil druicglxts , or by iiiallfrom > too uta MfK Co. . 112Vlilte SI..N.V. I'tilUtlrectlow. nBUnnj froiu th * TO MENL . tl'l [ will 3 ml B yalasbV * troatlsa ( * aalad > oonU4uUu ( full lit' Dr.J.E. . . . Ono of llio Most SPECIALIST ! In ttie Treatment of all Chronic , Spa : cial and Private Diseases , v LOSS OF MANHOOD , : : ; ; ! Sexual Urgaux , absolutely cured. PRIVATE DISEASES , antecd. Ql/IU PIQCAQCQ lil tif .iiiontfor ' unltl UlgLnuLOi nlvestliui Cbinplexldii , nnil a prirfoct ln. CONSULTATION FREE ; build htamp fur reply. Oftioo Bushman Bloo * . . . , Uouulaa Sts. Omaha , Noif - , , M ' . t ; Uoyor-EstallUhoi ' 1856 Alolph