J&gmt > * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HA3CTDA\ ? . MARCH 0. 188U. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. "Wheat Ruloa Soft and Values Suffer Depreciation. A CHANGE IN CORN SENTIMENT. OnlH J CBS Autlvc 1'rovlnlons Not Kxcltod Cnttlc Stfonncr , Gootl KltulH Hljilicr I/ourr. CHICAGO IMtODUCR MAHIIKT. Cinrtao , Mnrch -Special [ Totccrram to TIIK UF.E 1 Tlio wheat mnrltct ruled soft lo iloy and values suffered some deprecia tion. The weather had more to do with tills than nnyiniriK oW perhaps. It was rains that caused the ilump In Snn Francisco yes- Icnlnj and undo cables weak to-day , und it Is the springlike weather throughout the whole \\cstorti country that Is cre.itlnR ttio widespread belief that the fminers will loosen up on their reserves of wheat in the near future. It snowed hero early this inornintr , and along the edges of the lakes the wcuthor will bo subject to disturbances for some liino to conic , but over u . ory lar o nrcu to the west and south very inueh wanner weather is promised Immediately. The llrst effect of the breaking up of winter Is to rentier the country roads almost inipas- nblo nnd to cut down the interior movement of grain and live stock , but If there Is no Daelisct tliu faimeis will soon bo deeply Im mersed in their sjniiiK activities , ami this should , In the natural course of events , ho followed by the genetnl cmptj in ? out of the country granaries. It i3 upon the anticipa tion of the free forwnid movement of the country reserves between now nnd thu end of the old crop ioar that the heavyweight professionals nro selling tho' mniket down. Linn , Cudnhy , Itcnm. ICnulTuiiui , nnd Indeed , nine out of ten of the profession als nro urra.cd . on tlint side. Their attacks uro directed mainly ngnlnst July. Tlioy are talking down Muy , hut letting their less pru dent brethren , who move bok.ly where tin- Kols fear to ticaO , ( lo most of the selling. They have n wholesome fear of manipulation , nnd frcclv r.dtnit that It is In the power of one or more of the strong holders to engineer u Hiniccro in that month , not , bcciuso then ; is likely to ho mi netual sc.ircitv of wheat , but on account of tlio scarcity of wheat of con tract grade. It Is noticeable , however , that , the receipts of wheat are improving in qual ity , nnd possibly more good wlicat can be brought forward than Is dreamed of. Such at least is the belief of the bears. The gov ernment estimates of the stocks in the farm ers' hands on March 1 is expected next Mon day. The speculation in May wheat is not on a healthy or legitimate basis ; that is clear to a blind num. Chicago wheat is relatively higher than any other market , yet country shlppcis hesitate to rush their wheat ior- wnrd nn account of the seventy of the Inspections. Manipulation is therefore dctri- metal both to the speculative and the cash brunches of trade. It Is to bo re gretted that this should bo so , but that is what Is the matter , as nine out of ten commission men and brokers on exchange tell you frankly. All things mortal , manipulation included , must come to an end , and the last of May is not fur distant. Meantime speculation is getting into the later futuii's and other commodities. There is moro ccntial activity In the other cereals and in provisions. The transactions in July wheat to day hugely exceeded these In May. Thewhe.it matket hud n dull nnd tame opening and for nearly nn hour and a half price lluctuations were within n ringe of $1 Ult < < lOJ' \ ' , , for May nnd S'.l' ' i O c for July. About 11 o'clock Hutchlnson , Linn , Cudahy nnd K.uiffninn raided July. In a very few minutes the market was broken fiom Mljfu to bSJ c , and May broke fioin fl 02J6 to gl.013j. | Hutchlnson w.is the biggest facto * perhaps , and on ttio bicak ho turned bujer , making a huge scalp. Ho kept right on buying , however , and n sub- ntnntial leaction occurred , May going to fl.OJ nnd July to SSIfc. Toward the last values cased oft again , the closing prices being $102J4 for May and 8bsifo for July. Tills makes a decline of le in May und ljnc In July. The wenuncss In the surrounding cereals and in provisions was the only outward visible cause for ttio change in the sentiment of the speculators in corn. Hut there are In fluences which do not nppcnr upon the sur face belonging to the quantities sold for delivery - livery , whether Hellers uro weak men or ttrong , nnd many other line points which frequently nfToct the market reversely to more obvious influencing causes and some of those were mildly working to-day. The news from abro.ul was encouraging , and the export demands were heavy , and with the now favorable ocean freight i.ites the move ment piomlsch to bo increased. The piescnt very bad condition of the country roads makes smaller receipts a certainty for a time at least , und every day the demand for do mestic consumption can ill-afford to have tno present deliveries veiy much curtailed. Tlieio were 111,000 bushels cleared yesterday for Llvcipool , and IH.HX ( ) for Houen from Now Orleans , in addition to the liberal quantities from the thtco principal Atlantic ports. The receipts for to-morrow were i-stl- hinted at 100 cars Theio-wns u fair do- priio of activity shown at the opening of the market , nnil the shorts were free bui- ers for a brief period , but when their wants wmo satisfied the offerings ptoved morotlinn wore wanted , with a icsulting weakness. Bovcial heavy operatois v cro fire sellers at [ Hie , and later they olTcrcd largo quantities at BTipj'c , but when thlft pi ensure was withdiawn thi'ro was n slight reaction , May closing at rCiJ4' ( 3. > J6C , which is about ; ' e lo\\er than It closed iesterdny. In onta theio was less activity than yester day , though in the aggregate n good'buslnoss was iccordcd on the speculative market , cen tered Uiiolly in Muy , with prices weak to aM @ < fii lower. The Mime effort was present to boar prices that was the i nlo yestoruay , whllo little disposition was shown to support the market in the way of purchasing. Mnv sold early at 20Jio mid down to ' 'tli4c , subso. quoiitly lecovering to 'Mc ) , vhllo.lune was dull nnd much lowei nt mjflg'.J.V.f.e. The posted iccoipts were fair , and No , outs to go to Moio weio quiet at5o The provision trade was less active nnd ex cited It attracted considerable attention , yet thoie were smaller nnd less violent changes In prices , as well as more restiicted trading than yesterday Operators with bull or bear proclivities acted as If they were a little undecided as to the future and were consequently unwilling to branch out. There were no aggressive movements to inllnenco the market , which , however , was mbio bull ish tlmn otherwise in its coin.so. Prices nil nround failed to touch yo&teiday's outside tlgures , yet the closing for pork showed nn actual appreciation of Ilk' , nnd for --Hurt ribs ofScVJIOc. Lard closed unchanged to 2Jfo higher. _ i AVI : sroou CHICAGO , March 8. | Special Telegram to TUB UKK.J ( jATn.B Yesterday's re ceipts fell short and the shipments overrun all expectations. In tact , only SIS9 , ! cattle arrived nnd 0,037 head were shipped. The porters took about 2,000 , hond. This gava tone to the innruot to day , Good cattle were In light supply nnd bold lOo higher , nnd the general market was stronger , One lot of very line cattle sold utflbInfci lor kinds woia In ample aupuly and sold slowly nt prices not fjuotabiy better , though the gen- crul tone of the market was steadier than on jestcrduv. Kxportors nro buying a good until v line fat 1SCO to 2100 Ib hulls at fa.Sfly 3.75. An exitorter took Home 1051 Ib cows at fAM. Choice to extra beeves , fi.5ji-i ( b5i medium to good steers. KIM to 1500 Ibs. , ? I.U ) CM)0 ( ) ; 1200 toxa \ lb . , W.iWQja 05 ; l > 50 to I'.ttO Ibs . fJ.W > @uOi gtockars nnd feeders. MJ.D.'K'CI.M ; cows , bulls und mixed , fl.GOQ 3 00 ; hulk. t3.306.JS TO. HOGS. Trada was active , with u down turn ot n strong Oc , in some cases lOc , on bcbl medium and best hi avy , some common selling at ft My I. CO und bulk mixed ut * I.TO , n few fancy heavy nt 11.75. and one lot , ut M.77 } { , na against fl.bC@4 S5 yesterday , Light sorts underwent little or no chance , belling largely ut f 1,7 ! > . l-'INANCIAU. VoitK , March 8.- -f Special Telefiain to Tins UUE.I STOCKS- -Thero was no per ccptiblo change In the condition of the mar ket nt the opening this morning. Prices ranged about as at the closing last night , being ste.idi to llrra Tlio Uoston houses nro buying Chicago , Uurllngton .t Qulncy , nnd Atchlson , Missouri Pacillcnnd Union Pacific broke the steady open Ing by taking a spurt ofi \ per cent. The market remained very dull for the general list throughout. The only really active stocks were St. Paul and Tennessee coal , with a fair business in Head ing. It was reported that J. Plerpont Mor gan will go into the Kt. Pain directory at the next mcotini ; , and this induced considerable buying of St Paul common. The change In quotations was on parity with the business done , nnd while the list retained a llrm tone the prices oulv got ' per cent away from those of the opening. Tennessee coal , how ever , developed marked strength and lapldly rose 15 per cent , while Manhattan was weak. At 11 o'clock the market wa * dull and steady , generally at n shade above thu opening price. It Is said that Mr. Armour is at the head of a bull pool In St. Paul. A meeting of the directors will bo held next Tuesday or Wednesday Thu stock markets shotted the most extreme dullness after 11 o'clock , anil there was a tendency to recede from the high llgilrcs of the wevlous hour among the stocks which had advanced , but In no case was the movement for mete than the smallest fractious , and only In St. Paul and Tennessee coal was there any ani mation whatever I\o feature of nnj kind mm lied the trailing , mul at noon the market was cxtiemcly dull and stca ly uiid"gcncrnll.v nt the opening llgures. Monov ruled easy at IV1-'Per cent. Stocks In Iho loan crowd \\cio In plentiful supply. Dullness was the ruling feature during the afternoon , nnd the flowing was at about the lowest pi ices of the ilnj. thu declines showing Manhattan ! Jji Heading , 94 ; Chicago , liuilington & Qulncy , , " < : Missouri Pacific and Chicago gas trusts and Northwcstein , JiJ ; Telegraph. Lake Shore and Cotton Seed Oil , ? rf per cent. The Ulg Four show u net gain of 1 % . The total transictions amounted lo t.Vl.OOO shares , in- cludlnir Heading , : w,0i)0j ) New Kngland , 8.000 ; Missouri PuciHo , fi.OOO ; Lnckawannn , 10,000 ; St. Paul , : ilf00 ; Western Union , -1,000 ; Oregon gen Transcontinental , 3,000 ; Lnko Shore , : ) ,000 ; Hoclc Island , 2,000 ; Northwestern , S.500 The following ware the closlnz quotations : P.S. 4s rpfjular .lai'iiNorthern ' Pacific. . "C'i U.S. Iscoupons . lift'il ' dopreferrod 013i 1'.S.4'Hregular ' lOT P. kJf. W . . . . KM'i doprnferre.l , . . IJO'i ' I'aclBcbsof ' 0 . .1-1) N. Y. Central . . 1U' < * | Central I'liclnc . . ! ) > p. , i ) . ki : sn Chlcapo * Mton . 1JO Itock Islnncl , UVi ChlcaRO.IIurllnKton C. . M. .VSt. I > . . UlU Jcgulncv . . . . ! ( ' do prefurreil. P.L.V. . . . .ITIV St. 1'aulOmaha . 'Ci' , Illinois Central I(015 dopr f * rrccl . . . . Ml i l..ll.Ji\V. . . 1 ll'i Union 1'acitlc . . . 7 15 Kiinsns & Texas 12' , W..M. i , . & I' „ ll'i LnkcShora . . . ID- . ilo preforieil , Michigan Central 7 , \\'estorn Union Mlssoiiril'aciflc MOVEV o.vUu.i , Cu'iy , at 2@a per cent. PHIMB MBiicxvru.B I'Ai'Bii I ( go pjr cent. STKUI.INO E\CIUVOB Dull but stc.uly ; sixtj-uay bills , $4.l5tf. rtcmaml , $1.5 . Ciuc\no , Murch S. Wheat Hasy ; cash , ! C.IJ | ; Mny , ? 1.02' ; April. $1.01 > 4. Corn Steady ; cash , 'JlJ oj April , 'J > ? gc ; Mnv , ; r l.J-llic. O.itb Steady ; cash , 24J c ; May , 20 ; c. llyo lie. Hurley Nothing iloinp. Priino Timothi * t.y.V l.n7. Klax fl.4' . Whiskv-Jl.or ) . Pork- Firmer ; cash , $11 ST ; May , $12.0- . Lnrd Steady ; cash , $ ( i.brf ; May , $ i ) 95. rionr Steady ; nominally unchniiKeil. Uulk .Moats Shoiililors , WJi i 1114 ; short clear , $ > 3 50 1) ) ( U > ; short ribs , 40.15 ( SO 5. Ctiueso Unchangcil ; full cream choJdatn , Hats , ll c ; Vonng Americas , Uutter Unchansed ; creamery , 19@J dairy , H@2c. : ! Kcps Unohanged ; fresh , lO lO ' . Hides Unchanged , neavy preen salted. tic ; llKlitgreon salted , fij ( j5 c ; green , salted bull , 4 J4xJ4Jij ( ; green bull , .IV'c , : preen salted calf , Oifc ; dry flint , M@3u ; green salted kip , 4c ; dry calf , 7 ( ! 3u ; dry salted hides. c. Tallow Weak : No. 1 , solla packed , 4(5) ( ) 4Xc ; No. 2 , 3@i : e ; cake. 4 c. UeceitHs. iSlilumcnti. Flour , bbls . 9.000 10,000 Wheat bu . 20,000 11,000 CornDU . 120,000 103,000 Oats , bu . & 'JOJU 79,000 Now Vork. March S. Wtie.it Receipts , 5,500 ; exports , 10,000 ; spot dull and nom inally 5f@lc lower ; No. 2 red , 95.Jytliio in olevntor. Wc ntio.it , 9R@97Kc f. o. b ; No , II rea , 91c , less active and weak ; options % ( i6 c lower ; Mnich , 95jjc. Corn Kecoipts , b2,000 ; exports. ai.OOO ; spot dull and weaker ; No. 2 , 44fi44 * ' c in elevator - vator , 45ft ? 15 ' 4 o afloat ; No. It , 4ritMli ) c ; uiiirradcd mixed , il'j 'ic ; options dull und lower , nnd steady. Oats Kecoipts , 11,000 ; exports , 200 ; spot lirm and 'jfuVo litRhcr ; options mod- eiatclv active and steady ; March , . ' 1154c ; Apiil , Jill4c ; Mnv , illij'c ; spot No. 2 white , < J.HiiU ( ! ic : inKcd wustuiii , : )0 ) ( .iic. OoitooOptions opened barely steady and 10@JO points itnwn ; closed weak und 10(7S3 ( jmints down , sales , J.2,00) . ) baps ; March , f 17.00 $1710 ; April , 517 05ft4ir.l5 ; May , S17 05 < d 17.20 : tjiot Hio him and ( inlet ; fair carsoos , ? 19 00. i'etroloum Steady nnd iiuiet ; United , closed nt 9J/C. Kpgs Steady ; western , UJfc. Pork-Fnm ; now , * ll ! 00jrl.t.2" } . Lard- Steadier ; western steam , f .35 ; Mnrch , ? r. 0. lluttur Steady ; western , Ghecso-Quiot ; western , Ijlvcntniil , March 8. [ Special to THE HEU.J . ! . : ) p. m. close. Pork- Demand poor , with prices steady ; prnno mess , eastern , 05s ; nocstcrn , 55s. Lard Uonmnd poor , with prices Hi in ; spot und Mutch. JiJs OU ; April and May , ! J" > s 9d. Wheat Demand poor , with prices lirui ; now No. 2 winter , 7nbd ; do spiing , St. Flour Demand fulr und jirlccs steady ut 11s Jil. Coin For spot 'ind futuii'.s dcmanit poor , with prices steady ; spot , 4s ? 4d ; March , 4s ; April , s llhd Maj , ys ll d. St. lioui-j , Mnicii -Wheat Lower ; cash , 91o. May , irtfjiif'.OJtfo. Corn-Kasy , cash , 2S6c ; Muy , SO c. Oats- Quiet ; cash , 2V2e , May , 2c. Pork ( Jtilot utli.a7Jl ! . Lnrdft ) 75 Whisky -Steady at $1.03 Hutter Quiet , ureainery , 2t@70c ; dairy. Mareh 8 Wheat Sample wheat unsettled and lower ; ri-colpts , US curs ; shipments VJ cais , Closing : No. 1 hard , Match , $1.1.1 ; Mny , 71.10 ; on track , SI iiii ; ( 1 14 ; No. 1 not them , Maicli , $1.02 ; on track , 9'mf I OJ. Mihvautciii * , Marclt 8. Wheat ISasy ; cashy.o. ) Muy. 91V- Corn -Easier , No. 3 , 30R33fc. ( } Oats Steady ; No , 2 , 2 ; ( - . ' f > c. Hio-Dull : No. 1 , 43 0. Harhi Quiet ; No 2 , Wle. Viovislons Active i pork , f 11.65. Cincinnati. Murch 8. Wheat Nominal ; No. 2 red. U5U7c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , .Tie. * Oat Qnlot ; No , 2 mixed , 2d@M' < e. WhUky-Steady ut Sl.W. Knnxnt ) City , Murch 8 , Wheat ( Julot ; No:2riid : , cash , OOc asked ; May , OJ'ie ' bid J No. 2 soft. May , W > io bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , no bids ; May , 25Ko l Ul ; No. 2 white , cash , 25o bid ; May , 20o bid. Oata-No. 2 Muy , 2SVu asked. Mvr. sr > j.v. CHIC UK/ , March 8 , Cattle docolpts 7.51KI ; murUot stroiic ; best lOo lilishar ; cholea to extra bcevo * , $ l.25@iS5 , steers , ? 2.W4.1K ) ) , mockers und feeders , * J.35@340. Hog * itmilpti 19,000 ; m.irKCt opened ric eusivr , closing steadier ; mixed , fJ.3.V < A 4.75 ; heavy , li(0@1.77l , ' ; light , $ i.55J 4.bO. Sheep Ueci'lpu , 4OOJ ; murkct ucak ; natives , 13 U-X. 5 00 ; western cornfed , I4.4U < T5 ; lamlis , t4.SKK < jO.OO. Hloux City , Murch 8. Cattlo-Hceolpts. 'i'j ; htiliniicnts , UOO ; ntcudy anil uicuungcd ) , HOK ltecalptsSOOOjmurletfi@10olower ; light uud mixed , $4.UOC < 4. i heavy , 4.40 < < $ 4.45 , Nntioiml fllnulc Yards , Rim Stt LouJn , MarcU a- Cattle JUecelpu , 503 ; umliiif ii'i iTj mt nnun nliliiiiriT shlpmcnKax ) ; mnrVct hlpiicr ; choice nntlvo steers , MWOl " 1.35 , fnlrtopooil. WOOWAl'S , stockers nnd" feeder1' , fi 00il3.10 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.Mr ) 3 wi , prnss fed , tJ ( WMJ 70. Hogs Receipts , 4.2W ; shipments ( WO ; market cn ldr , choice hcitvv , f 4 7S r4.'d packing , J4.GO(34 ( 75. liglit Rrades , J4.0 ( < * 4 65 UnnsnH Citr , March * . Cattle lie- ccitts | , 3fiOO , shipments , 870 ; best heavy fat beef * itcer strong to 5c higher , medium steers slow nnd steady ; choice cows steady common lower ; good to choice corn fed $ . ) S54. ( 10 ; common to medium , S.3 75C 3 Nl stockers nnd feeding steers , steady at Sl.OOC'C 3 20 , eous , < 1 250275. Hogs Receipts , H)00 : ) ; shlpmcnt i 1.100 ; \voalt nnd " MWc lowci ; commoi to choice , OMAHA H STOOIi. Cattle. rriilav , March S , 1SSI' ' . The cnttlo mniket was jirattlenlly dcvoit of any now features , the trade being nbout steady atestei day's prices. There nia.v have been n litjlo better lecllng , ns salesmen In n few instances thought they received n little bettor prices , but the bniers generally claimed that then cattle did not cost uny more than yesterday. Thc > ro were n few pretty jruoil cnttle here nnd ns high ns $ I > > 0 was offered nnd refuted for one bunch. The prices paid for steers ranged mostl ) from j.'URHu I 40 nnd it lnn < > t uo borne in mind thai fJ25 bitfs pretty good c.ittle Hnteliurs1 stock sold freely tit the old prices , but the duality of the cows was not veiy e\tin , tlio bulk going ut SUiow > lo. A good many bulls changed hands ut pi ices miming nil the way fiom $1 I55MJ 00. While thu iniirkot w.is not veiy nctiNO the oHunngseio ubout nil taken before the close of the Undo. After u decided bnom In prices for the first four dn\s of this week the muiltet to-daj re ceived a very ionslderablospt-b.uk The price * paid were on nn average 5 ( ? lile lower than josterdav. At least mic luut of nil the hogs sjlil niidor fl.fO whllo jesti'iday the bulk sold at 54.65 A few tiades weie made at$4'i5 us aguinst MOO \csti'idt . Salesmen - men \\cro not inclined to > ri\o up cnslly and the.\ held on , many of them , until near mid day , making * t lie tnni ket n little slow. Tlio tiade closed with the hogs nil sold. hlll'L'll. There were t\\o loads of light sheep nnd lambs in tlio yards , but nothing to make n market. While there 1ms been nothing hereto to teat the market for the two days past , sheep would undoubtedly have to sell n little lownr If tlmy .weie heio on account of the decline in Chicago. CntUo 1,500 Hoes 4,500 Sheep -Til Prevallm ; * ; PriccN. The following U u table of pi ices paid In this nun ket lor the graJos of stock meti- tionod : Prune steers , 130J to HOO lbs.fl 25 @ 3 SO Prime steers , UOO to UOO Ibs. . II ( U ( ii'.lAO Native feeders . " , < tt00 ; \ Common to good cows 15' ) o 'J , ! 0 Choice to fancy cows U. ID Fair to choice nulls 1.75 ( nt ! ! Fair to choice light hogs 1 l"i ( . t-i ; Fair to choice heavy hogs -i.-T ) @l Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . -140 50 Fair to choice wosti'in sheep. . II 75 50n Fair to choice Nebraskas . . . a.50 10 ItcprcsQiitnllvo Sale STII : us. No. Atvi r. .No. AV. Pr. 1 . . . tvi 1114 1 . 'KIU ' 41 inn ( IT" . I'-O 41w ir.7 . 9.7 IM IMM 11110 ; i no M ll.Vi 1U 1171 10 I l.7ii . no .1M * Ilo ) .1.10 L'4 vn : i.iir > II ! uvs J 25 . 11 1 .1.0 411 .UJi .1.10 1U .101 ; , urn 11-0 1US l-MI .125 D I2U .iJs .1117 J.1U r > ! , ! . > HA ) tons. . . . .1CC5 Sl.T'j Hi. . . . ioo > $ . ' .2oa . . Kll 2.0J 13 . U730) ) iu . 2.W . . . .1010 2.IH ) llbO -Ml ) . .I UK ) 2.IH.UO 10 - 2 JO JU 11 . . . lint : : n . . .1MIO -.DO r , . im IH'I ' ' . .117' ) ii . I.KU 5 ! U4'i 2 10 . .1IHW 2.11 2.WI i to.n ) 1UU ' .V-M SIJ3 HUM. " . . .Hill ) 2Xi .2170 2.40 . ism 2.45 1VJO 2.TU 2/ ( ) 2II.UU JJ No. No.M M $1.47' , 74. . M ) 4.5) ) HI 4.M HIM 4r,0 , M UO 100 4. > 0 320 4 fU 320HI 4.fO bj 4.fU ] ( U 4.W 40 4.V ) 1-1J 4.W ) 4.5) ) 4.W ) 4WJ 40 . 4rJ 4.50 4.W 4U 4.r/J 4.50 4.W 4 W 4.W 4,10 l/i < l 4.fO 4.5) ) 4&I ) IM 4.5.- ) II' ) 4.5- .24J 21 4.5.1 Ijlvc Stock Notoi. Sheep would undoubtedly sell lower. No mateiial rhatmo in the cattle trade. Aoout everyihlng t-old bofoio the Hose. Hog mniket CC'ilOu lower than yesterday. Tlio Texas Lh e [ tock .lournal says : Very lew cities of any ni/o In Texas but what got fresh beef from the noitli. This beef is con sumed in the tir.-tt class restaurants nnd ho tels , not because it is cheaper hut bccuuso it is better than can bo pi ocuied ( it tlio local butcher * . They can't get It of the butchcts , not because the butcjicrs can't get It of thu farmers or btockmon , but because they will not pay onoupli to keep it from going north and coming back in Ice l)0oThotourotho ) men , the Imtchors , who want state Inspec tion in order to fusion inoro seciuely tliu chain in which they hold the local trade. OMAHA. WIIUhUSAJj ! . : .lUAKKKrS 1-ViiiH , I'rodiioc , IJlo. HLTTUU Creamery Fancy print , 24@20o : choice print , 2J. < $ 'Jc ; fancy soliu p.icituil , IS ; cholco solid packed , 1517c , Dairy Fancy roll , 17@lUu ; choice , ISftDlUai good , 13 low grades , lOQllc. ai ! Full cream choddnrs , choice , 13 full cream Hats , two In Loop , \ ' lJo ! ; full cream Y. A , choice , U' fidlSa ; o'lf grades and skims , 5 'Jn ; Imibuigur , ISJtfo ; brick und Swiss , Il@l5c , fresh , 10 > i llo ; coldstoiage , I IVE I'OUJ.TIIV Chickens , per doz. 1.75 ; duckk , fJW J.CO ; geese , I , ur.cpy , ) ior ID. 'JftilOc. UiPH ! < i.u 1'oui nn Chickens , per Hi , 0@ lie ; turkey * , llif ( Wo , geese , llitl2c ( ; ducks , 1K Hie , VIUL Heavy gra sers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 0@ Oi c ; inferior calves , 50 to ( X ) Ibs , 4if5o ( ; mo- lium to good. 70 to b'i Ibs , 7iJSoj ( choice to funuy. 100 to 1110 Ibs , S@'Jc. VFOFTAiii.tH 1'otatoes , Colorado and Utah. 70 ( < $75c ; Wyoininp. 6K'i55 ; NebrasKa and Jown , choice largo U' Mc ; common , 80(43jo ( ; Bwcct potatoes , Jiu-snis , per bbl , J.'l.'J. " > ( i { , ] Mj ) beets , per bu , 55CiOOo ( ; carrots , USi Oe ; cabbage , California , per Ib , -c ; uurnnips , 60(4JOc ( ; onions , rod choice. 50 ( Sic ; silver skin , U ) 75ej turniin , L'O.ii'-'u , tutabagns , U5 CU'c ! ' ; c.iullllower , cholco largo , per doz , $1.25 3l.r,0 ; coed , ? l.Wifl.23 ( ; radishes. U5 < MOc ; cttuco , 25iTaoi ( ! ; cucumbers , $1.50 00 ; string beans , per box , $1.7A@2-25 ! celery , 23 Qi30o ; spinach , fl.WM1.75 per bbl. OAHK Mallard , per doz , fJ. .l J.M ) ; red head , per def , . ' .WQJ.OO ; teal , per dot , $1,75 ( it > 2 00 ; common small , per ilo ? . $1 OOfrtl 50 ; rabbits , per do ? , 7fic ( < el.Xiirtirk ] rnbblts per doz , f3.UO ( < J3 5(1 ( , siiulrrols , pjr.doz , OOcfti l.W ) Jack snipe , ? 1 OdQfl.aV , Ari'i.ts 1'er bbl , fancy Sew Yt rk nm Michigan. $250. choice , fiWK"1) ) 2" , choice Missouri * 1 7.Vif2.00 ; cooiVtt.rn yl 75 , Fin ITS Malaga grapes. Heps , 4 ! to 55 Its , lOc per Ib , bannnns , i r bunch , 1 1. M C < 300 ; lemons , fancv nexv , Stta to ilOOsl.7 , " ( f4 no , clioieo old. : WH ) s. f K < n OO. nruneci Los Angeles , 75.t' UO , UUersldes , W 75 ( < f 4.00 ; Navels , $50vini50 ) , llanchlto , f-'J-OOlii1 . 25. . rn\\iinnr.ii : Hell .t Huclo , choice. } 7 50 ( u776Uell .fc Cherry , iioice , fi .uK ( < { . " choice Jersey , $3.tXX 25. NITS Walnuts , 6or Xc ) , peanuts , SqllOc cliestiintd , 4a5c ( ; cocuunnts , per 100 , f..00ft II.Oll , hnrlcnuts , 3 ( < Hc , hlckor.Mints , utiiall Jl 'JViM 5(1 ( ; largo. Ii0a75c ; pecnns , pluln , ( K'1 ' > Sc. polished , 12Ml'to ; almonds , l c ; Illbeits 14c , Hrarlls lOc. Hinr.s--Orecn salted , No. 1 , 5o. No. 2 , ft ( < 8 Si c ; calf , 6i-i'e ; dry Hint , 5c. . IlKvvs Nuvies , hand picked , per bu , J2.ll Cii220 , goud clean country , $ l.75'Z200 ( ' ! offer or poor stoelt , St ( )0@1 ) : Callfornlu , ? J.OO ( < $ 2.10. 2.10.Cinrn Mii'liiKun , per bbl , | 4.iVj75 ( ; 00 , New York , per bbl , * 500i5.50 , half bbl , $ -.75i ( $ II 00. 1'rATiiKiis 1'erlb , prime live gccsc , white .T.ViP40c , mixed With gru25iT : le : damp am musty , 10aje ( ( ) ; prime HvO domestic duck , 20 < it25c ; Avllii duck , inr. Oc. fcsAt i n KIULI 1'erbbl , HOgul , choice , S4.00 per half bbl , 2.25 INii'ion.s ler Ib , lice , irifP.o ; common , l ( ) I lb frames , choice w hite , iri ( 1Go ; dark , lt ! ( I4c : strained. ll ) ? 12e. .iKi.urs l@l c per Ib ; preserves , 10J512L ( per Ib. hum "Jo in 50 Ib pligs. MIM i. MU\T 0 } < | 0.Tc { per Ib. Oroucrs' Iilst. Iteviscil | ) riccs nre as follows : H\nniMi Ht.uk A. seiunle'.s , 2.'c ; Amos- koa. , seamless , I' c , Lo\vUlun A , st'iiinless , 1'Jc : Amci lean , seamless , 17c , burlaps,4 to5 bu , llfii 14c ; gunnies , single , 14c , gunnies , double , 2Jo ; wool sack , 42c. 'I'ttisi s Flux , 2 ; > ( ! iJ.Jc ! ; cotton , 10'jOiliic ; jute , he Dun n Fiu ITS- Pips , in boxns , per Ib , 140 ? UV ; dates , in boxes , 7i$10c. London Miilaga hiycr nisliis. per box , $ i50fnt70 ; ; Malaga loose raisins , $ J.OW2 : ! 50 ; new Vnlenciii nils- ins , per Ib , be ; California loose muscatels , per box. ? 1 oOCiW.K ) ; Califoinln Lomlons , 1 > > 8S , ? 240 ; pitted cherries , per Ib. ISc ; Cali fornia pitted plums , per Ib. 12i ( ( > tte : , dncd blackberries , per Ib , ( . ( "c , dried nispbarrics , per Ib , 2,10 24c ; oviiporatcd npples , 5iti c ; Callfoi nia unpaired evaporated poaches , 12W ) 1 Ic , I'vaporutcd Californiu apricots , 17c ; cur rants , Ti'.jOi.VjC ' ; Tuikish pi lines , - ' citron , 2JiS4c ; orange peel , 15e ; lemon peel , 17c ; California Trench prunes , 12c Pichirs- Medium , in bbls(00 ; do , In half bbls , KU'O , small , in bbls , SO.OO , do , in half bbls , M.50 ; ghetkinn , in bbls , S7.CO ; do , in half bbls , * I 00. KotsTi.n Col H-I-S German , 21 0 , Me Laughlin's XXXX , 2 > 4c ; Ariosa , 24'4c. Corni : : Green Mocha , 2" > y/'t'c ( ; Ifio , good , ISdClOc ; Mandaliling , aK'i'-sc ' , ro.istlni ; Kio , 17itl c ; O G. Java , 24QZ2ic ! ; Java in ferior. 22vf23o ( ; Hio , fancy , UKtTiCc ; Santos and Alurauaibo , Ucil9e ( , SIOAIIGrannUted , 7fa ltjc ; conf. A , OJ < c ; white extia C , ( yfc ; extia C , C"hc ; \eilow C , C'4o ' : powdered , " ( tfsc ; cubes , 7Ji ( Sr. UKE\\ \-Clioicc Bellow , 'iOtg Uc ; dark colored , i14c. : ! Tonvtco I'lug , StXaa'c ; smoking , lG ( > 19c. Svi.T-51. ' 35(181. 10 per bbl. Koi'n-7-lU , 14K < - ' M\i'ii : SIOMI Uncks. hi12o per Hi ; penny cakes , 12i ( < U3e pur Ib ; puie maplu syrtiji. f I 00 per gal. ' , Si'c. vn S nt PS a4i ( ; 45u poi gal. Pvi'cu Manilla , 0c , per Ib ; straw , IJ dfil' c per Ib. \s-Voung HA son , common to lair. 1 © 21C ; Young Hyson , good to , fancv , 30 ( < t-)5c ; Gunpowder , common to good , 2JtJie ( ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 40C"5j. Jap in , com mon to medium , l.ViiUOc ; Jauan , choice to fancy , 30igric ( , Ojlong , coiliiiion , to good , 25 @ 40c ; Oolong , choice to fancv. f > 0r < t70e ; Im- perlal , common to medium , 2"iti5c : ; Impeiial , good to fancy. 4lli(5c. ( CHMKI n l'c ? per Ib ; assorted cakes , S ( Tt'.Vio per Ib , as per list. CVMHMixed. . 'I'.dff iC. ; stick , rock candy , 10V@itc : ; InnOycandi , HOII.\M > IlKiiuiNn * .KC. ) MACM.IU.I. Tamilv , riy.00@14 00. Con TISII ( i OL' " > 5C. STAIK n 4@7j < e per Ib. Dry Goods. COTTOV FI.ANMM.1(1 ( per cent trade dis count. Unbleached L L , 5Uc ; C C , fij c ; S S , 7e : K K , b i" GO , o ; X X , lOJ-jc ; O O , like1. N' N 12' ' o ; A A , 14c ; D D , 15J c ; T T , lti } e : Y V , ISc ; H U , 1'Jc , Uleaclied , 20 , 3jc ; O'i. ' 12JicSO ; , ia c. JJro\\n and slate , 5J , ! ) c ; 70 , l-J' j ; DO , li.- ( . - CAIU'KT AV\i : ' Uibb , white , 19c' colored , - Standard. 6c ; Gem. lOc ; Hcauty , 12' c ; lloonc , 14c ; H , cased. fO.5' ' ) . I'nisTi Solid colors Atluntic , Oe ; Slatei , Oe ; licrlin oil , O u ; Garner oil , ( tyiiTc. PnisTi Pink und robes Allen , lie ; Kivcr- point , .V < fc ; Steel Uivcr , C c ; Hiclimond , c ; Pncilic , 7c. in NTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' ' c ; Uam- npo ; 4c ; Lodi , "i c ; Allen. Oc ; Hiclimond , ( ic ; Windsor , O' c ; Kadybtonc , OXe ; 1'iicilic , OKo , PIIISTS , IMIK.O BILK St. T-ogcr. 5Ke ; Ar nold , O' c ; American. O' c ; Arnold C , long cloth , tic ; Arnold H , long cloth , lO c. Ar nold Gold Heal , lOJ c ; Steifel A , 12c ; Windsor ser , Gold Ticket , 10' ' c. QIMIIUM Plunkett. checks , 7 > c : Whlt- tentoh , 7' c ; York , " c ; Nonnandl dress , ; Uoiitio\viiicssb > 4.fcl-X ( * : ; Whittcnton , ; Calcutta , ke. CIM iiiniSlater ) , 53 ; Woods , 5c ; Stand- md , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. HI.CAOIICD SiticTi\o Klleiton , 71jc ; Housekeeper , h'jc ' ; New Candidate , S'4c ' ; Herkeley cunbric , No. W ) , ' .I'rfc ; Host Yet , 4-4 , ii > , c ; Uuttorcloth , OO , 4'4c ; Cabot , 7" " jo ; Tarwcll. halt bleached , b ) ic ; Fiuit of Loom , S9fo : Greene G , Oc ; Hope , i j ° i ' "B I'hilip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo canibric , lOc ; Lonsdale , b'-ic ; Now York mills , JO' c ; Poppeioll , 4i in , 10' c ; Peppeiell , 40 in , ll'jc ' , i'eppercll , 04 , )5' ) ' < c : Pepperell , 84 ; 21o ; PeppercUJlc ! ) | ; Peppcrell , 111-4. s5c- Canton , 4 I , b'4e ; Canton , 4-1 , UK * ! ? 'rti umph , ( Jc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. UnowN SiictTivo Atlantic- , 44 , c ; Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7c , Atlrtiitio 1) , 4-1 , UJiJii , jVt- lantie P , 4-1 , ( ic ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , 0 ; Auioia C , 4-4. 4Jft" Crown XXX. 4-1. 0'4c ; Hoosier LL , 4 4 , bo , Indian Head , 4 I , 7'4c ' ; I awrenco LL , 4-1 , ( ic ; Old Dominion , 1-4 , 5''c ' ; Pep. jiciell 1 ,40 ini'h , 7Kc ; Pcpporell. ( > ) , Ibc ; Pciiperell , 9-t , 21c : I'cppoiell , 10 I , 2Jo ; UticaC , 4-l,4ic ; Wnchiiselt , 4 I , 7o ; Au rora R , 4 I , 7c ; Anroia 1) , 4-1 , liVjf. TI.AVMII.S , PI.HD Hafismon,20c , Goshen , a2'/jc ' ; ; Clear Luke , aOJ c ; Iron Mountain , l'i.\svii.s : WHITE G H No. 3 , % , ! Kc ; G H No. 1. % , 2)K" ) ; H II No. 2 , 22fc ; H II No. 1 , % , aoc ; Quechee No i , ? , ' , We ; Quo- cheo No. 2 , } / , ! > 7J < i. Queciioo No , a , Jf , v * , / , . MIUj , 71 , M-IL ; , Di'Ck West Point , 2.Mir , ' 8 o10 } < fo ; West Point , 29-ln , 10 07. 12 > . , o'West ; Point , 29-in , 12 OA 15o ; West Point. 10-fh , lloz. Ko. ! Cousr.TS Jn\Nb Androscojrgin , 7tc , ICeur- sarge , ) iaHockpoit \ , ( y/c / < Conestoga , dj e ; TICKS Yoik , ! iO in , , l2j/ic : York. Us in , Cordis , No. 4 , 10 * < c. DCNIMS Amoskcag , OCA , WKc ; Everett , 7oz , ll ! ) < e ; York , 7 oz. 13 > jo : Haymaker , b u ; Joltroy XXlJ , } < fo ; Jpffrey XXX , I3j < c ; Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; , Heaver Creek , HH , lie ; Heaver Creekiqp , , lOc. ' Kr.STUKici JiiiNb Mem ilal , 15c ; Dakota , ISc ; Durham , 27J c ; Ilercule * , 18os Leam ington , SUtfo ; Colts woldi-J ! c ; Melville , arm , Cictsii Stevens' H , hjjo ; Stevcns'u H , bleached , 7o , Stevens'A , 7Ke , Stevens , A , bleached , SKo , Stevens' 1' , T&e ; Stevens' P , bleached , 8)fc , Stevens' N. i > hc ; Stevens' N , bleached , 0) c ; Slovens' SUt , llJ < jC. 'Molnl and 'i'liinci'H1 Stock. HlocU tin , binall pig f 29 Hlock tin. bar Ml r , planished boiler sizes ; M r. cold rolled ill r , Bheattilng , 0 Copper , pills : ) Cojipur , Hats , , . . , . , . . . . . . . Ul Gal , sheet Iron , Junluta , 50 , IU und 5 per cent discount. Pat pldiilHueJ Iron , 34 to 37 A 10 Pal. plunlshul Iron , 24 lo'jril HJi IvOOllng 1C , 14x20. 113 sheets OIK ) Uooliiig , IX , IlxSJ , 113 sheets 7.fX ) Hoollng , IU , 20x2-J , IfJ sbcots 11.00 Itootlng , JX , ' 'Oxa-i , 113 sliecls 14.50 Sheet Iron No. 20 , . , 340 Sheet iron No. 27 350 Solder. Tin plate , bem ebnfcohl 1C , 10x14. ! W5sHccts . M IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets . ! > 25 Tin pinto. COUP - jr. 10x14. 225 sheets . 005 Ktcel nulls , per keg . 225 Steel wire mill * , per keg . 275 VXD TIMIIEII24 to 2x13 , 12i ( ? 10 ft. fill 00. IS ft. $17 OJ ; 20 ft , f IS 0(1 ( : iWnml 24 ft. $21 ( XI , 4x4 , Sx ! > . 12inii ft , $17.00 , 1S ( 20 fl , $18.00 , 3 ( ( J'J | ft , * 3I.XI ( : Fendng. No. 1 , $ ll)5K ) flHOOi No 2 , fl40iC ( ClllOO. 1-inlshlng , 1st and 2d clcur , JI7KijrVK ( ( ) ( ) ; 'Id clear , $ ti.lXif4fl.OO : ) , U select , f. 7 OJiCl8 ( X ) . Tlonr- Ing , 1st com.iiin W. ! , * . IX ) , 2d com. , HI TO , ! M com. , f.'OlH ) ; D , frMX ( ) ; 10111111011 Y P , $ I7CO. Istund 2dclonr Y.P..I nnd fl in , $20.00 , Posts , white cedar. 12c , rod cedar , ItV. ' , split oak. dc ; saw etl oak , iV , Shingles , XX clear WJU ; extrn A , fJ SO , stnndard A , $ i f0 , lath , $ J,40 ; ship lap No. 1 , f K. No 2 , $10.50 ; No. 1O. , * lll ; siding , 1st common , 2J , Sil $ ! ! ! itd , $15. fcnco , $12.50 , stock boatds , A $1(1 ( ; H. $11 ; P , $ * . ; I ) , ? .M : boards , No cotiimon , $ IP : No 2 , $17 ; No. it , $15 ; No. SI.1 ; partition , No. 1 , W P V In , $ .H IK ) , No 2. $ J7.1K ) ; iclllng , clear , -V. Y P , $ . ' 0.Xj ( ) clear , \ Noiway , ? U00. ! s.-cnnds , $14.50 , O. G. baits , 2 > in. . GO , * . O baits , . < xlln ! , aic ; In. well tubing. I ) . & M , bcv , $ J2 00 , pickets , U. & IIJ.K 100 nnil Clioinlcnls. A iii ) Sulphuric. ? , , Citric , 5V. Oxalic , 15c ; tnrtnrio , 45c ; Am curb , 12c , alum , 2'aif ( .to ; nrrowioot , 'Ma , balsam cupalba , ( Viin ) 75c ; bnrax , HKiil'i ' * calomel. bOe , castor oil , $1.05il.lO ; cream tartar , : (2c ( ; con solve sub , bOo ; cliloioform , I.V 'Oo , ext logwood , 12c. glycerine , 24c , gum ur.ibic , I'Oc. ' gum cam phor , .Tic ; gum opium , - 1 25 ; moiphla sulpti , $2 fiOdi ' 5 OiisHcrgamolOiHO. : . lemon , $ i.Hi ( ; pcppeimint , $3 ( X'i8J5'l. ) wintcrgrccn , $2 10 , olive , $100 ; quinine , J5iMsc ( , strychnin , ? 105fiil 10 SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , or South litllilSlrcct , Oiiialiii Are the Best , JN Till' K-ihKNTIAT * UI'AMTIIIS OF Durability , Evenness of Point , and "Workmanship. Bsmplc-i for trial of IS different cOlcs tiy mallon receipt ol 1O ( ciilv iu nUiui | > i > Auk for card * \u ti 7"ill Ilrnn < l uy , IVISON , BUKEMaN & CO , , New \urk. 1)11. li. C. Wj-Sl'S NKIIVi : ANII HllAIN Till IT- MKNT , nguaninteol spuclllc for lljstcila , Jl/l- ncss. Convulsions , fits , Ncnous Neuralgia , lloinlnchc , Nervous I'roatr.ition iimseil by iho use of alcohol or tobncco. Wak fnlnisMoutal llepresslon , Softonliigof tlio llriiln. itiitiltlngln liisiinltvnnd lenillncto misery , tloriiynnil doaili. I'li'inatiiro Old A ' . lniienn ! ss , Ijo > , s of 1'ower In cither sex , In\olnntiuy I.OSSPS and Hpoimnt- orlm-iiLauspil bv over-evertlouof thubraln.solf- almsi ! or ovurlndnlgenro. Kuch box contain ? erne month's treatment. 51 OT a box , or six boxes for fi ( Ki.scnt by mull prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by ns for Mboos , ace ompinled \ \ 1th Vi.X ( ) , v c w 111 oiiil the pniclnupr out \\iHt 'ii Kiiniunteo tore- fund the money It tliu tin itnient dcu-s not tMfect u cure. Gnarnntces Issued ( inly by ( iciodiimn DiugCo. , Drngu'ist-j , bole Agentd , 1110 I'auiam btreet , Omaha , Neb. 'I Iir * Jiuluc Called It : i Stand Oil' . "Whero did you KOI that oyo'iV Judro | Smith of Mrs. Jiabollii Dully when bliu entered tlio witness hUuid at the Con trill ycsturduy und exhibited a ( Unnamed optic. "Mary McUuiro hit me wtul her lisht. " "Is Mrs. McGuire hcroV" 'Slio is , borr , " ' rcbiiondcd that indi vidual , ab bhe btuppecl up beside her ac cuser. "How did you got your black eye and damaged face ? " "Mrs. 1)titty's daughter hit mo wud a hatuhot. " "Did ou hit Mrs. Duffy ? " "I dm not , son * . She fell olT tno btop tif her duro and hittcd hoi * face on the bricks. Tom MHliKU seed lior fall. " "Is Tom heroV" ilHo ia , son1.1 "Well , eel out of the \\ay until wo hear him. " Tom corroborated Mrs. McGuire , and the case was dismibscd with the ijrtivo opinion irleaned from t'no old court records ihat"ono wnb as bad as Iho other , and a grout deal worse , " A IliiriiMl A Alec Citv. William Lighten , bon of the promi ent mieioseopKt , has just returned from ftororro , N. M. , bii.\s a Lcaviui- worth dispatch , to orguni/o a parly of bix , with whose aid lie will cxhumo an .inciunt city of Aztec or Toltec origin , which liab rouenlly been dibeovored in the mountain spurs eighty miles west of SOCOITO , Ilo brought with him a number of arrow heads and other relics , \\1iich will bo forwarded to the f'ornoll univcraity and Smithsonian institution. AmoiiK the relies of the past tfnuidour of the ancient place is the bed ofliat , was ono time a largo artificial lake , Ono or two buildings now exposed to view exhibit striking architectural jeauty. Professor Crayin , of Wnshburn college , Topeka , will probably bo ono of the parly. Tlio discovery is of seine irchtcological value , as liithorto traces of A/.tee clvili/.atlon have not boon bund ho far north. A raiiio-.iH Now Vcirk Hi ; I If. Miss May Urady is Iho famous Now York hello who roigncd almost HUpromo 'ant bcnson , and lately married six mill- ons in the pnrbon of Albert .Slovens , \\ritosGlaniJ3ellin the Philadelphia : 'res3 , IJeforo that , as the daughter of i supreme court judge she had lived in nodorato luxuryand had figured in Iho Abtor-Vandorhilt bet , hut had lacked the uionoy wltn wJiich greally to ex- ) lolt her lovolinuss. T'vo yoniv ago she \\iis taken to Kuropo ly Mrs. JIlicu- cock , an intluonlial inatroa , and she undo what wo shall have to call a big lit ut Nice and tlio oilier cities of iho Hiviera. She was called the beautiful American , and was idoli'/ingty admired. Now , with millions nt her command , vhat do vnu Mippobo she lias done ? The uibwor bhould bo eabv. , Instead of fitay- ng to participate in the sociability of Juw i'ork , she has urono back loner luropcan domain , established hor-jolf n tompoiary , but cpmploto nmgnlll- lonco at Nice , nnd now equipages , lol- ets and environment combine with hui * bcuuly lo dulo the people uncw. _ ARrlctiltnrnl Implomonta , _ ' cni'iirnn.t. rAitKKit , Dcalori'i ' Agricnitmal Implements , Wagons t rrl ic ! < nnrt luieslc" 1ono ln-p | , liclwcon h mul linh Umnlin , N A V/HMW ; co. Agricnlt' ' Iinplemcnls , Wagons , Carriages lliieulf < , ftp W lu > lc fil < > Omnlin. A Wlinlctiilc Denier" in Agriciiltiiral Implements , WagoiisS Buggies 'HI. 'Ml , ! 0. unit UI7 , lonc lrcot , Oiinh muYi. v//.mTKiVA"s7cj/j/.iT / / / { iFttr .MnniilH-liircr' HIU ! Johbcm In Wagons , Buggies , Ra\es \ , Flows Eic , Cur lull MHl I'ndlic flrccl . ( luiHlii. Artists' Mntorlnls , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 DoiiclnsKreet Omnlin , Nclr Vn. Boots nnd Shoes. if. r woitsii , v ro. , Jobbers of Boots End Shoes. 11(1 ( 1IUUlUt li uilii MriH-t , Ointlm .Miuiuliirtor' ' -lllllllH'r * UlM't llu lolt Con ) , Coke nntl Llnio. o.v.i/.i i o.ii , I'OKi ; , fT/in : co. , Jobbers ol Hard and Soft Coal , -Vi ' oulh 1 . - , . . - .Hi iii-col Oniiiha N lir.i l.n .V/WJ.S/IM ri-ii , co , Sliipro s of Goal a d Coke , JU uulli lltli St .OmnliH Neb Crockery nnd Clnsswnro. rUKKIXS , HATCH . ( LAUMAX , Iniporlprs nnil jnliberi of Croclfery , Glassware , Limps , Silverware KitTill 1'iirii.im Jlrwl , ntw rnxlo Commission nnri StoroRo. nnnnu. \ muni.LI. , Storao-c and Commission Merchants , Si > eclnlllo Ituilor , rirm clircii1 , iniulirr , jjuinc. I1IJI1 wnnl-tioit Oniuhn , Noli. iii , t to. , Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage , iSMiccessors In McSlmno \ c < lnocdcr. ) Omnlin , NL Dry Goods and Notions. M. / ; . SMl'I'Il . .VCO. . , Dry Goods , Fornisning Gooils anl Notions IKBnnilllUI Dmubi .inr Illli street , Omnlin , Ntb. KlU'ATltlCK KOC111WV GOODS CO. , Imporiers pud Jobbers in Dry liiodsNote ) , Gents' furni hltu : K ( inli Corner Ulh and Ilurney UJLIX , ruoMi'tsOX Aco. . , liiiKirler | mul Jubbora of f oolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 31T'-ouIli IJlh direct Furnituro. ; j/nvr.v xroxn , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture 1 nrnnnt ftieot , Oinalin , N ClIAItLJlS S Furniture , Cmnlii N'cliinsl Crocorlos. x , OAi.LAuihn .t cVT" Wholesale Broceries and Proyislons , 7ari.7U7.7UOnnil7ll.-o tli Will St. , Ouinlii , .Vcb. iATY A COM WliolcjalB Grocers' 13tli niul l.cavcn orlh street , Oiuahit , sctjrakn. ) Hardware - \\r. \ \ J. JIlWATCri. Heavy Hardware , Iron and aeel , . IIKOII stork , linnlnur ! * , lumticr , ttc. 1S03 anjr.'ll llurnoMrout , Oiniilin. LIU : , cLAJtKi : , Axiiiiisix MAUD- IIMJf/J ( VOW/MAT. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Mctila , pii | i t iron. ct1. Aifcntn fop Ho wo scftlos , Miami poJcr ami Ijyiiiun Uarbc'tl wrLt ) .t TAYLOR. Btiildrs' ' Ha flvarc a id Scale Repair Shop , McHlmnlci tco.s nnil lluiriln fic.ilus HJj Doujflu * blHM > t , Ollllllul , Nll ) _ Lumber. _ _ " ' ' * "Tonx A. n'AKnnn'i.or Wliolesale Lumber , Etc , Imported anil Anicricnn I'liitlnnil iniiunl btnto u unt Icr Mil wait k < o liydrnuilccLiucnt itnd ( julnty white llino. CHAK 11. JAW , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood carpcta an. I piripint llnnrlne iitli unil Doiitflns HiL-tls , Omnlin , .Neb. _ ai7 i// i L HM in : it co" , AllKinflsofHnilflingMitoria1 at Wholesale , lEllibtrcrtnnil t'nlun I'arlllu Iratlc.Uiunha , LOUIS ISltAlWORl ) , Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sssii , Jeer , Etc , YarcH-Torncr 7lli 1111 1 Douglas Corner lUlli and riiiiu ic. OIIA Y. Hunter , Lime CeniDiit , Etc , , Etc. Corner till mul lloiiK'lus hl , Omalia. c. N. minx. Dsaler in All Krids ol Liunlicr , 13tbunil California fcln-ct"1 , Omnlin , Nebraska. _ Nlllllnory and notions. ' _ / . oiwnrnuwn A vo. , Iinprlc 's & Jobhers in Mi'linery ' & Notions i Dili etna , Notions. J. T. nOHIKSQN XOT10X CO , Wholesale Notions aid Famishing Goods , 101 unO ( li boutli 10th ilrcci , Orauhu , I'lXVAIlD A SdlXVIDWl , Notions and Gents' ' Fiirnis'jing ' Goods , J1W llnrney urct t , Onmlin Oils. _ _ 'l'nU TANK UXK < 'O. , Wholesale Rcrniel and Liihricating Oils , Axle eiuutto , etc , Umalm. A II. Hltliup , Papor. CAnrvNrnit I'Ai'r.n co. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , C nlro luk of , lni uml rrr a printing nrni'i > { tai > i-r. hJt-c. | l uitciiilluu K.VUI Iu cur luai ) < iriler > Bipraso , ForwordlnB & Commlsoloni " ' "AiiMsritotfo , purr ifii \ uo' , Storage , Forwarding aid Commission Ursuc liouie of the Ilennex Huit y Co Ilimilci at whcje | alu unl rptml Us , 111 , , lilt lia _ Uiimlm 'I'Jloiitioim hu , 'I'M. Toys. li , JIATUJY ACO , Jnl > ber < or Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , lurnlililnj gooJ , c'llltren'n CHrria.ei , I'.c. / IT'S Doots nnd Shoos. * " 1 < 1 HKKXDA11. , JOXKS ACO. . , Snpoo'ior lo lie * I. Jonpj * k Co , Wliolesale Hanufactorers of Bots& ; Shccs > Ktnt for notion HuMicr Mu > o Co , ItiC. 1101 i > nJ 1101 llHrnrr utreot , immhn , NuiiriA * * , Drovvors. srunz A n / : ; . , Lger ? Beer Brewers , IMI Xorlh Klglitcrnlh ttrfct. Omnliii , N Corrilco , _ ' 'EAOI.I : conxit i : iroif/c * , Mann'actnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \ \ I nil OK rn | > < mul im-tnllc * V ) 1 i-lil * .liniii Kfencter. I'ropmtor liPnnU llu-omii lotli MICCU OvornllR. CO. , Maniifactiircis of Overalls. Jcin . i * Kto Onmlin. .Sri. Office FlxUiron. Muniifiirlmrr * of IM , Ofilcc anil Saloon Fixlnres , Mnntlm , HilolionrU Honk line" . DriiK J-nliiro * , Wf > H < n i" rnrtltUwi. lillnk ( * > C MinlcTi.flii-riiiiiMMnn ( onion * .ilrn > r , I Ir l < n < l"r > nnil nnlrp , l" < JiUHli.fl Nitltli Ulli St , Oiimlm 'l > lf | < luuui 1121 Boxos. Pnpor _ _ ws _ J011X L. 11 / / K// / : , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Niw t ili n lil I 111 KiMiii'nMnrt ' , Dmnliu , No I ) . _ Rubber CooclH. ' ' " " 'OMAHA nrinuit co. , KaniifaclnrcK a il Dtalois in RuMcr Saofls Oil rlullilnu nnil Irntlicr t < rltlii KXS riirnam street Snsh , Doors , Etc. M. A WMMOII * A CO. , Wli lc ntn mainifiicliircrt of Sasli , Doois , Blinds aid Mouldings , llratuh o ill co , nih niul Irnnl rtrpvt Omaha. Isob. nonx M.ixrr wrTnirxa cd > Maniif.ctiirers of Sash , Dooi1 ? , Blinds , SlonUHnc' . vtiilr work nnd Interior Imnl noml flnlib. .S IS conn r.-Hi nn I li < n\i > nni rili strtcta. Dinitlin , Nrli. _ ' Fittings , Pumps , Etc. _ 'A. L. Nl'ltAXO ACO , Fnmps , Pipes and Engines , Btcara , w t < 'r. rnllnnT nnil mlulni ; uppllc' , etc , K.U , 'K ! ami V2I tnrunui Unit , Oumlm. u. y. wxiNtxj : & I'tMf * co. , Steam and Wate1 Supplies , Ilalldny nlnil nillln ' . 'H ' nnil 121 Junes M , ouiali * . ( i I' lions lutlnx inuiiu ur. Engines , Boilers and General Mfdiincry , Bluet Iron work , jiuni1 ) , sin nillln. 12 1312 1 i Micei , Oiiiului Iron Works. _ Si'filTif notun Carter A. h n , I'ropS .Miriufnrturers of nil kinds Stcaiii Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Worfc Woih Soulli Jflth nnd II A. M Wrought and Cast Iron Bui dipg Wort , lnr' * , hrnni work , ponorrd fonnJrj , ntutlilncanil bliu t'liilth wort O 'Ire nil 1 work * , 1) . 1" . Hy , mill l.lli stri'fl , Omuiin Maniifactiircis of Wire and lro.i Railings Desk rails , ntnilnw KimnN llnwcr stiinil' . wire nlKiin. etc lil.Nortli Illli Mriot , Omabn. n A IHON Maii'rs ' of Fi e and Burglar Protf Safes , Vaults , Jnll work , I'nn lniltiri nmt tire oitupei. li. Anilrecn , prui > r Cur Illli nnUJackiiuii bin CUAMPIOX JHOX it U'llii ; W011KS. Iroirud Wire Fencei , Railings , Guards and prrcons. for 1 nnWii , olllcos. Htoros , rul lofico * , etc. Improved uwnlnpri , lncknilth inuoliltirr/ blacksmith works. lUlr-outh Illli M. 1 I'ALMJJlt , niCHMAN A CO. , Live Stock Commission Mercnants , Onico lloom 21 , Oiipiwlln KMlmnxe IlnlUIInK , Union Muck \HrUi. bonth Oniulm , Nub. VX1OX MOCK YAllDti CO , OfOinana , Limiled , Tolin r Ilcijil , lar hilloivn /"v.c"nt9n / ' i l > " n , llilcn o. Milwaukee .i.1" ' , ' ht.Til , . the iiuopl. . of Nelimikn.1 ulo. nWfr.1".1' ' IUhn ! * Nevi'ln. < > r onVn.h. . . . , n Anonii R fi.w of thn nomerom points of tnperlorlt * iSJi Vny th ° P tron ot thin rtmlbPtwrcnOm-iha . "A. ; . . ! f' ! > 10' . * " > It * llirvo Iralm a t\ar \ at llAV t-'WIK ! ' . which . lire th8tlne.t llmt lummi firtaod nKoniiUTtiiiicr < to. U * I'AliAKKHMCISI'INllCAlia tiucijim of vrlililiran nut Im fmn-cl ultrwliuro At ouncll Illiur. the train , of Iho Union I'm-lila Hall. ? . / ? "i'Pit ' ; , ln u"1011 ' ' "I10.1 wl" ' ' " ' " of thii Cl I- , ff. , ' . " " ' ' " "tern llf la Clilrami tliu linlni ot KnJitrn n'nei0 ' clt"e co""t'c " ' ' ah tliosuof nil oilier ' ' < ) i"'i'u ,9 ° la 'ndl ioU. . . ? . . , * , ! f'ndl n | flnclnn.tl , r Ink-aril I nlli , lluITalo , ' ' 1 I' llihnrK , 'loronlo. Montrol . . o.toii. u.r Vnrlt. I'hllBdulplim , liKliliii in . "ni" : ins " ' l"1 * " * " " " ' " ttl0 * < BIt A k ' "r tlckotV H "NORTH WESTERN" ' U , HUcilli H. I' . WIIJ50N , don i Warmucr. nen'l I'of/i r Agent. . N. . .J. ! < .Vlck l At , tint. _ - ! WK3T. CUT rannencer Af Bnfe < Tarnum fit. Omnlia " ' Til 15 OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' TlioiJcst Route from Omaha and Council JJIufTa to ETHEEASTE TWO T A\NH HAII.T I1BTWKKN OMAHA AKD COUNCIL , IJLUl-Ka Chlcngo , AND Mil nukco , Kt. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar IdtpIiLr. Itock Islaud. Frteport , l.ockforil , Cllulon , Diibui'iio , ] ) nrenHit ) ) , Elfin , Kadlbon , Juncstille , Ilc.'olt , Wlnona , La Ciosse , / > uil ull ulbtr Importaat uoinU Etit , Nurttiii.iit ( > A ' ' " For Itiroueh lkkn . 'c ll' a tli > llckat tgont at 1C01 farnniii > lru l. la Uniknr lllack , or l Uuloa i'tclUa L > ui > oi. I'ulln-an HUtperi and th nnoit Dlu'oa ' r ri In tb Kfirl.l aru rji uii tin , mala Hue ut tlia Cl I-.TO , MIU ttk u A BU 1'aul JUllwar , ua crery oltunllonU i.al4 to uaiiuDgtM lit courMoui inplv/ui of tlio / uoxpan U. Mil , .Kit. clonuml Mtunidi. J. K. TUUKr.H , AatlilantOtueral llan | or TioJet'A 'intAIU'JBKTaU ' < a1"ij ' ' ' * " * 5 UlM.f. UKAFFOIU ) , A. < liUnl Utaeral littKMI ' kud'lloivl ALeot. J.T. t.iid 'I iiuiuri rirrl , , i A . , tlilc tail. '