Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1889, Image 1

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History of the Flurry and the
Threatened Pnnic.
AmcrlcntiH HnHton to tlio Rescue of
the French Monopoly mid the
I n'itclN ot'tlie Sulcldu
Arc Overcome.
A Knsh Deed.
l > u
PAUIS , March. 7. ( New York Herald
Cubic Special to Tin : Btr.J By the
courtesy of one of M. Dcnfcrt Koehercau's
intlmnto friends tha Herald Is enabled to
publish tlio following account of his suicide :
"M. Dcnfort Koclicreau , who llx-ed in a
nr.all , olegnntly furnished apartment at No.
fi Iluo du Conservatoire , arose at 8 o'clock on
tlio niornins of Mardi Gras and read Ins let
ters as usual , M. Hcntsch , president of the
council of administration of the Cotiiptolrdcs
Compte , called to sec him , and a very ant-
nwitcd conversation ensued. M. Denfcrt
Uochereuu hud from the outset of the copper
nrJsls firmly opposed the idea of Irrevocably
engaging the Comptoir des Compto in the
metal syndicate. M. Hentsch and the ad-
rninistration on the contrary wcro for engag
ing 11 to Its fullest limit In the copper
corner. M. Uenfert Hocheroau ns ho opened
Ills letters on Tuesday morning felt con
vinced that there would bo a tremendous
run on the Comptoir dcs Comptc. Ho spoke
most severely to M. Huntsch , and in very
tronR lanpungo accused him of running the
I conourn. A violent discussion ensued , at the
J end of which M. Oenfert Kochuroau rushed
/ violently from his apartment and jumped
1 ' nto a cab : 'Hue Viviuuore , 37 , ' he shouted
to the coachur. At a quarter to 11 the
cab drew up before the gnnmaker's shop of
Lcfauehcaux , 37 , Hue Vivionorc. M. Dcnfert
Kochcrcau juni | > cd out and said to tbo clerk :
M want n pistol with rilled barrel , but show
mo one quickly as I wish to cutch a trail ) .
"Ho selected n pistol with n rilled barrel
of nine jnilimetrcs calibre. Accompanied
by the clerk ho weul down into the cellar ,
where there is a shooting gallery , and tested
the pistol by tiring it seven times at. n small
iron target. His hand was steady and he hit
the bulhvcyo each time. He after
wards went up stulrs again and
the clerk wrapped up the pistol. As M.
Uenfert Uoclicrcuu took it he said : 'If this
pistol doe'sn't suit mo I will faring it back
again. ' He then drove in a cab to his apart
ment , which lie reached at quarter to 12 , and
wrote a letter to Ills most intimate friend ,
Dr. Albert Uobin , who lives at 4 Kue St.
Petersburg ! ] . In this letter he wrote :
" 'My Dear Friend : When this letter
reaches you I shall bo dead. I shall have
shot myself. Take care of my children and
do all you can to let it be believed that the
cause of my death wns apoplexy. '
"M. Denfert Kochereau then sent his con
cierge with the letter to Dr. Uobin. He was
now alone in the apartment. Dr. "Robin was
reading in his library. When the fatal letter
arrived ho dashed into the street , Jumped
into a c.ib and in llfteen minutes
walKctl into M. Denfert Hochercau's room.
A terrible sight met his caze , His friend lay
unconscious on the floor. There was a small
round hole in his right temple , but ho was
still breathlnir. Dr. Hobin took his friend in
his arms. In a few seconds he was dead. "
M. Denfert Rochereau was an ex-ofllwr ,
commander of the Lesion of Honor , and
cousin of the heroic defender of Uclfort. Ho
was 11 fty-llvo years of age , and was a fine
looking man , erect , muscular , with piercing
blue eyes and a frank soldierly expression.
He entered the Comptoir dcs Compte as a
simple clerk In ISfil. Ho married Mile Pin-
sml , daughter of a former director of the
Comptoir desComptewho died ten years ago.
Ho leaves two sons. One is lift ecu aim the
other is twelve.
There wcro tremendous times on Tuesday
at the Comptoir des Co in | > to and a terrific run
on the bunk. Hundreds of men and women
with bonds ami certificates in their hands
wore rushing into the east hall to exchange
their paper for gold. Oa the right was one
incessant click , click of stamps ; on the left a
running cascade of gold. Nothing could bo
jieon but a forest of arms stretched out to
gether. Among the throng were some very
old types. I noticed an old ladv get out of
an old family brougham with armorial bear
ing. Her white huir was dishevelled , and
she was hastily dressed. ' 'My God I" she
exclnimcd , "if I arrive too latol" Shu took
her turn and got her money , and as sbo did
to her whole countenance changed and she
went away calmly.
"Aro they still paying 1" was an eager
question asked by everybody. The stream
of outpouring gold continued nil day
long. The Comptoir des Compto
lias its money in all parts
of the globe , in China , in Japan , in Egypt
and In Madagascar , hut yesterday every
thing was paid and during the night wagon
loads of golden louls arrived and their con
tents wcro shoveled Into tlio coffers of the
Comptoir dcs Compto ready for the attauic
that in sure to bo continued to-day.
There was a run also on tlio Marseilles
bank , but it noon came to an end. In finan
cial circles last night It was felt that the
Comptoir dos Compto will weather the
crisis. The danger Is not Immediate , but the
fact la now considered certain that this vast
financial establishment ia so deeply involved
in the copper syndicate that it must now
Btuud pr fall with it.
The Herald correspondent called yesterday
afternoon on M , Eugouo SeeroUn , of the
Socloto Imlustrlello ot Commorelulo des
Metuu- who was found at his residence In
the llua Moncci. Ho is au old friend of tha
Into M. Denfort Kochereau , and was
evidently much grieved by the death of that
gentleman und declared that he did not know
whether ho died by his own hand or not. Ho
said that M. Den furl was subject to apoplexy
und had bad two or three attacks within the
last tweivo months , one of them , which oc
curred last bimiincr , being BO serious tlmt lie
remained unconscious for forty-eight hours.
On the other hand It was qulto possible that
M. Dcnfort Hochereau's mind had been af
fected by anxieties occasioned by I ho many
attacks made on him in connection with the
Socloto des Mctuux , especially during the
past few days when ouch persistent efforts
wcro being made , and apparently with suc
cess , to break down the credit of enterprises
in which he was Interested and in the- suc
cess of which his honor wub at stake.
M. Socrctun Is of the opinion that M.
Dcnfcrt liochercau's death would huva
no effect whatever on the financial
situation. The occurrence has boon *
followed by a fall In the pric-e
of certain stocks , but thcso had already not
only recovered their prjvious quotations , but
when tbo Bourse closed stood higher
than they had prior to the event. For this
however , then ) was an excellent. reason
Which is embodied in'O .telegram which M.
Sccrctan handed the Herald correspondent.
It was from Now York and announced that
at n meeting held in that city nt 4 o'clock on
the preceding any , representatives of the
copper mines In the United States had de
cided to accept the propositions of the French
copper syndicate and reduce the price of cop
per 20 per cent. This meeting was
brought about by the action of
Mr. Shnw of the Calumet and
Hecla nnd Mr. illpgins of the Anaconda
mine who had been first to eivo their adhe
sion to the proposition of the French syndi
cate. All the American interests wcro repre
sented at the meeting with the exception of
the Clark and Parot mines. Mr. Clark had ,
however , not only LMVCII his consent to the
meeting , but had niso expressed his entire
willingness to concede more than was asked
The result of the arrangement lost Tuesday
would , su M. Sccretan believes , more than
counterbalance any evil effects that might
bo produced by the death ol M. Dcnfert
Hoclicrcau , nnd there was no danger of any
thing llkn a panic resulting from it.
From the Uuo Moncle , the Herald's corre
spondent drove to the Ilanquo de Compto for
the purpose of sccurinp an Interview with
the president of that institution. Tlio Huron
Georges do Soubcyran was not In his onicc ,
but M. Houa , one of the managers of the
bank , assured the correspondent that
neither the baron , nor the bank
were In any way Interested in enterprises
with which the Into M. Denfcrt llochcreau
had been connected. His death had pro
duced nothing more serious than a tem
porary flurry at the Bourse , which speculators
had taken advantage of to hammer down
prices a little , but these had already recov
ered , and there was no danger whatever
of a panic. This opinion was fully concurred
in by Mr. Scltgnmn , of the firm of Seligman
Frcrcs et Clo. the American banker of
Houlevurdo Hausmann who was seen nt his
residence in the Hue Faubourg. The Couip-
tolr des Compto was so high ana so careful
n financial institution that th"ro was not the
slightest danger that it would not bo able to
get all Its liabilities. The facts concerning
the French copper syndicate are briolly as
follows : Since the commencement of 1883
the stock of copper on haud had been con
stantly Increasing. At that time it
amounted to 43,000 , tons and to-day
it is in excess of 12J.OOO tons.
That is to say , it has been increasing
at the rate of from 5,000 to 0,000 tons a
month. Suddenly , in February , this increase
rose to 5,000 tons , a fact which proved the
nilncfe were producing their maximum. At
the same time , the syndicate being obliged to
take more copper than they could dispose of ,
were forced , in order to realize any profits ,
to increase the price of nn article which al
ready in August had reached a figure of . 500
a ton. Meanwhile , English buyers finding
themselves driven out of the copper market ,
declared war on the syndicate. This closed
their factories and even the government of
that country reduced their orders to the
lowest possible figure. It is in order to put
a stop to this state of things , that the syndi
cate lias for several months been endeavorIng -
Ing to mduco the owners of mines
to consent to a reduction in the
price at which the syndicate had
agreed to take their ore. The
negotiations were commenced by M. Secrc-
tan in August last and they have been pur
sued actively ever since. They have been at
last ended in an acceptance .of his original
proposition of u reduction of 20 per cent.
The effect will ho to bring the marltet price
of copper down to ono which will allow man
ufacturers using the article to resume opera
tions , and it is hoped that under the stimu
lus of this Inducement the consumption will
increase sufficiently to enable the syndicate
to get rid of the large stock they are now
The dramatic suicide of M. Denfert
Hochereau , the director of the Comptoir des
Compte , is the sole topic of conversation , A
thousand wild rumors were flying about yes
terday. Some said that the French copper
syndicate had completely broken down and
that Paris was on the eve of a crisis. Others
said that M. Dcnfert Hochereau had been
plunging on the Bourse. The result was
that the paule ensued , which is now , how
ever , happily ended.
An American Vessel Itcportcd to Have
Been Blown Up nt Sninoa.
ICopyrluM ISSSlni Jamc * Uortlim BciwelM
BiiEbMN , March 7. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tuu BEE. ! The Schles-
ischcr Xoitung prints the following sensa
tional private telegram from Samoa :
"Tho German frigate Olga has bombarded
Mataafa's camp. The captain of nn Ameri
can man-of-war protested , but , seeing his
protest disregarded , ho opened fire on the
Olga. The shell burst between decks , doing
much damage. The Olga then directed a tor
pedo at the American ship , blowing her up
with all hands.
I'rcsiilent Cntnot Gives Ills Opinion
or the American Game.
ICoj'J/i'/w/it ' / / / J&SSI/w Jamet ( Jonlnnemictt.l
PAWS , March 7. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun UEE. " | President
Curiiol received Mr. Lynch , the representa
tive of the American base ball teams , and
spoke in warm terms about America's na
tional game as well adapted to the nervous ,
wiry physique of the Americans and French
men. The teams will , the weather permit
ting , play a game Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock. They will leave Paris at 8 o'clock
Friday evening for London , whence they will
no straight to liristol to piny their tnaideu
match in England on Saturday.
To Protect American Intrrosti.
[ fopi/i'fuM tSSl \ lama Gordon Hcnnctt.1
NICK , March 7. [ Nor York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bee. ) Tho. Enterprise
has been ordered to Zanzibar to protect
American Interests there , nnd leaves to
night , The. Lancaster flagship will remain
until the arrival of the Qulnnebarg , whicn Is
in Adrlatiu.
Prtsldent Pro Tom.
WASHINGTON , Marclj 7. Vice President
Morton was notprosent at the opening of the
morning session of the scauw nnd Secretary
McCook rend a note from Mr. Morton stating
that ho would bo absent from to-day's ses
sion. * Thereupon Sherman offered a resolu
tion tlmfdurlng the absence of the vice presi
dent , IngalU should be president of the senate -
ate pro tern , which was agreed to. In culls
thereupon entered upon the duties of presid
ing officer pro tern , the oath of oftlco having
bccui administered to him by Sherman , and
it was ordered that the president bu notified
of In gulls' election. The senate then at I'Jr.'O
adjourned till Monday.
Killed Wllli an Axe.
NEW YOHK , March ? . ( juntherWcchrunp ,
twenty-nine years of age , a German drug
clerk at 1)37 ) Third uvcnuo , was struck on the
head with on axe early tills morning by an
unknown man. Wcchrung's skull was frac
tured , and he dla-1 In the hospital thin morn-
lug , His hands were almost cut off In trying
to save hi * head. His assailant has not been
arrested. Tha. store was robbed , but the
police believe this was done to avoid sus
picion as to the real motive of the crime.
Wcchruuu huld he/ was struck from behind
and lust cohseitftwnrtlttioat seeing his
assailant. . . . ' ,
The President Gives Him a Spoolal
General Harrison Refers onloe Seek-
crw to thnt Doily The Railway
Mall Service Entertaining
the Hooslers.
BRH , )
513 T , }
W.ABIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Mnrch 7. I
W. F. Cody , ( buffalo Bill ) , loft Washing
ton this afternoon for New York. Tomorrow
row ho will make n contract with the Mon
arch Steamship company for n ship to sail in
April to Paris with his show. Colonel Cody
was shown unusuul attention while in Wash
ington. Ho wus ono of General Heaver's
stuff ofllccrs in the parade on Monday , and
was given n special reception by" President
Harrison , Ho was a prominent llguro nt the
Inaugural bull on Monday night. In the
parade ho rode the celebrated Arabian stul- ,
lion , Leopold , presented to General Grant by
the sultan of Turkey , and ho was given dis
tinguished recognition by the Kansas nnd
Colorado cowboys who were In line. The
colored people of Washington wuro almost
awe struck with his dashing horsemanship.
President Harrison has adopted an en
tirely different plan for the distribution of
oflices from that followed by his immediate
predecessor. President Cleveland did not
take ns final the recommendations of his
cabinet oftlcers in the matter of appoint
ments. In fact a cabinet ofilcer's recommen
dation did not avail much. The consequence -
sequence was that , ono faction in a
neighborhood would go to a cabinet olllcer
for an appointment , while n congressman era
a senator would go to the president witli the
recommendation of another man for the
snmo place. It was n continual crossfire.
Those who went to thu president direct
were more successful than thosu who made
their npulications to their cabinet officers.
President Harrison is referring oftlco seolt-
ers to the men who constltutu his cabinet ,
und as far as possible ho intends that the
cabinet ofllcors shall determine the men to bo
appointed to the various positions. This
will tuko from him an enormous amount of
care and work. Presiden * Arthur , Hays and
Grant left the appointments with the heads
ofcxecutivo departments almost absolutely ,
and this is to be the policy of the present ad
There uro humorous incidents transpiring
about-thu hotels and around the executive
department among the army of ofllce seek
ers. Sometimes a politician who sits down
at a table in u hotel to sign the recommenda
tion of one applicant , is presented with a
dozenendnrsements for his signature by as
many aspirants before ho leaves his scat.
Some of the applicants go about on tlio
streets with pen and Ink in hand soliciting
the indorsement of every mnn of influence
whom they meet. A large number of aspir
ants to minor positions who came here to at
tend the inauguration have left the city and
intend to return three or four
weeks hence for the purpose of pushing their
applications. They have come to the con
clusion that it is too early to do any direct
work. Every train bears away to tholr
homes a large number of oQlco seekers.
Three-fourths of the strangers who linger
about the hotels and departments want
something either for themselves or their
friends. It is expected that a largo grist of
uouiinations will go to the senate the first of
next week. The nominations for Monday
nro expected to reach a considerable number.
The senate will remain in extra session for
the purpose of passing upon nominations ,
probably two weeks yet.
Attorney General Miller broadly intimated
to-day that it was very probable that Prcsi-
dent Harrison recognized the necessity of
extending the time when the civil service
law shall cover the railway mull service. Ho
said that the service was undoubtedly in
preut disorder , and until it was placed upon
a new nnd efficient basis , those in charge of
it should not bo hampered with a law which
would Keep in the service incompetent men
and keep iut those who would ho cfllcient ,
but who could not pass the civil service ex
amination. It is probable thut instead of the
law going into effect on the 15th mst. , as
directed by President Cleveland's proclama
tion , it will not take effect until the end of
ho present fiscal year , June 30.
A few of his boomers called upon
Postinuter General Wanamaker to
day and presented the name of
Paul Vnndervoort , of Nebraska , for the
position of chief of the railway mail service.
Postmaster General Wanamaker also re
cognized the necessity of extending the time
for the civil service law to cover the railway
mail service , and the question is to bo dis
cussed at the next regular cabinet meeting.
To-night President nnd Mrs. Harrison
gave their third lunch to personal friends.
The Indiana people wcro entertained this
time. Those who stood about the table in
the grout corridor on the second floor were
impressed with the informnlitics of the presi
dent and Mrs. Harrison. While the lunch
was being served the president himself at
tended to the tea and coffee and guvs the
ladles suecial personal attention. As the
guests were departing he assisted the ladies
und gave them those little pleasant atten
tions which have characterized the enter
tainment of General and Mrs. Harrison at
their hospitable homo In Indianapolis. It has
been customary for presidents to leave
everything except conversation entirely with
the servants , and it amazes the people of
Wushingtun to have n president , who , in his
pcrsonul capacity , takes the part of u private
citizen. It begins to look as though the pres
ident and Mrs. Harrison would have moru
social duties than they can attend to. Hoth
of them have given up every hour of
daylight to receiving and curing for friends
since the inauguration , The carpet on the
great east parlor of the white iiouso has been
half worn out since thu Incoming of the new
occupants of the mansion. All of to-day was
given up to straners ( who wanted to see the
president and his wife. Mrs. Harrison is
quite as informal as her husband. When she
receives her friends in the parlors on the
upper Moor of the executive mansion there Is
no waiting nnd no preliminary introductions.
The president has refused to devote himself
to his uiual duties so long us there are people
waiting to pay their respects. On Monday
ho will begin his official work in earnest.
Every hour or two to-day a messenger en
tered Private Secretary Holford'B ' room , nnd
throwing his long arms around a great pile
of applications for ofllce , lugged them Into
an adjoining room where they wcro piled
upon a OOSK for classification nnd pigeon
holing. Several bundles of these papers
were received between U and 0 o'clock. The
stream of ofllceseektrs was continuous irom
thu moment the outer doors were opened
until they were closed , lleskles the flood of
written applications delivered to the private
secretary ho Is the recipient of u largo num
ber of oral and written speeches every duy.
H Is very common for ono or two men to ai > -
preach him , and after placing In his hands tin
application for an otllco , to address him in
the moat formal und berlous wuy , ThU
morning a duet of colored citizens entered
Coloael Hulford'u room , and after handing
him a formal application for u position ,
one began to deliver n speech. Colonel
Hal ford permitted him to proceed for
some minutes , when believing the address
was almost Interminable , ho stated thut it
would not bo necessary for him to give
further Information respecting the merits of
the applicant. Thu udareus was terminated.
The speaker however , nut his hum ! la his
liuIJo | Heket and produced in manuscript
form the speech ho wu * delivering , and utter
placing it in too private secretary's bauds ,
departed , socmlngjy well satisfied. The two
broad tables occupied by the president's
stenographers were completely covered with
'letters from oftice-seckiiig constituents , and
the work of classifying anpllcatious and an
swering the requests of applicant * fim been
thoroughly begun. The'announccment mnito
In these dispatches the other day to the effect
that only ofllcers of the higher classes con
nected with executive departments would bo
selected during the coming week or two , has
had the effect of checking the enormous In
flow of applications , but there are tnougli of
them yet to occupy the attention of several
presidents and a largo corps nf clerks.
The following postmasters nominated by
President Cleveland during the Uut two
months of his mlmmlMrntion"fulled to secure
confirmation : Howard A. Graham , Broken
How , Neb. ; John -T , Uronnnn , Correction-
villes Goonro A. Enrleht , of Marcus ; Peter
Johnson , of Esthorvillo | H. E. Kearney , of
Sheldon ; Nicholas C. Stanton , West Lib
erty ; .lohn H. Wilson , Corning ; Prank A.
Glass. Cercsco ; James E. Latcjicm , Monte-
zuina ; Seth Smith , Manning ; Samuel W.
Summers , Clarion : James A , Tatton , Gris-
weld : MoilioG. Moduli'Upton , and Coles-
tine Gibbons , of KcokuK , Ia.
Miscnu.NEavp. .
The list of ofllco seekers given by THE
Diet : this mornlntr has been greatly aug
mented to day. C. C. Cole , ex-Judgo of the
superior court of Des Moitics , la. , wunts a
place in thu diplomatic ncrvicc. C. Marine ,
of the Vinton ( Iowa ) Eagle , Is in the Hold
for the pension agency for lowu and Ne
braska. Kugcno Arne , of Minneapolis , is an
applicant for the consulate at Havre. Ho is
hacked by local politicians , and Is suid to
have the support of a great many Grand
Army men in Minnesota and lown.
The Third congressional district of Ne
braska secured thu first appointment under
this administration ousido of a cabinet ofllce.
William U. Backus , of Columbus , 1ms been
appointed superintendent of the Indian
school at Genoa , Neb.
The Nebraska delegation in congress to
day made the rounds of the departments and
called upon tha cabinet ofllecrs.
The rumored elevation ot Colonel Hall and
Captain Hay , by tha appointment of the
former in ctmnro of the military records , and
the latter to a station iu the Arctic waters , Is
a little premature. No record whatever can
bo found of such orders. It Is learned , how
ever , upon peed authority , thnt Colonel Hall
will probably receive such an appointment ,
und his friends uro confident that they will
not huvo to watt long before they will sou
him installed in his nuw otllco.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M L Hocder loft for Now
York City , where they will remain ten days
before returning to Omaha. They were , last
night , the guests of Colonel Cody at a thea
ter party.
Representative James Laird , of Nebraska ,
\vho hns been seriously ill during the whole
of the last session of congress , has come to
Washington very nfuch improved in health.
Ho has not , however , entirely recovered.
Senator Allison , who is a member of the
senate committee on re-organivatlon , states
that the changes in committees will probably
be announced next Monday.
J. II Millard , of Omabia , has gone to New
J. II. Carroll is here.
Lieutenant Colonel Uobert H. Hall , Sixth
infantry , is assigned as-acting inspector.
General leave of absence for four months
is grunted to Tnomus Britton , Sixth in-
Private George Harris , Troop G , Ninth
cavalry , now with his troop , is discharged
from the service of the United States.
Sergeant Charles S. West , Company A ,
Fifth infantry , now with his company , is also
discharged from the service.
Gcnerul court martial is appointed to meet
in this city nt 11 o'clock a. iu. , on Monday ,
the 25th day of March , for the trial of such
persons as may bo brought before It. Detail
for the court : Major General George Crook ,
Colonel H. M.Black , Twenty-third infantry ;
Colonel U. I. Dodge , Eleventh infantry ;
Colonel E. F. Townscnd , Twelfth infantry ;
Colonel J. M. Whittcmoie , ordnance depart
ment ; Colonel Alex PfUerf Fifth artillery ;
Colonel C. B. Comstoclr , corps of engineers-
Colonel O. M. Pee , corps of engineers ;
Colonel J. Mendenhall , Second , artillery ;
Lieutenant Colonel D. W. Flaglor , ordnance
department ; Lieutenant Colonel H. M. Hob-
ejt , corps of engineers : Lieutenant Colonel
VV. E. Merrill , corps of engineers : Lieutenant
Colonel G. L. Gillesplo , corps of engineers ;
Major George B. Davis , judge advocate ,
judge advocate of the court. The superin
tendent of the recruiting service will cause
thirty recruits to bn assigned ut Davids
Island , New York harbor , to the Seventh in
fantry , and forwarded under proper charge
to such point or points in the Department of
the Plattu as thu commanding general of the
department shall designate.Pwinv
Pwinv S. HEATH.
Congressman Springer Gets n Token
of Dakota's Entcem.
HunoN , Dak. , March 7. A number of
Huron gentlemen nav6 forwarded to Con
gressman William H. Springer a souvenir ,
in the shape of u leather modal , six inches In
diameter , on which is the following inscrip
tion in gold letters :
"To William Springer , Who , having been
so instructed by the house of representa
tives , rather than bo in contempt , sacrllicd
his own principles and magnanimously
opened the pathway to statehood for South
Dakota. Fiat justltlu ruunt prinoipa. "
The medal was sent to Hon. "Sunset"
Cox , with a request thut ho present it to
Springer with the following letter :
"To Hon. W. II. Springer : A few of the
hosts of your Dakota friends , appreciating
thoroughly your truly noble and thoroughly
disinterested services In behalf of South Da
kota , dcslro to present to you this testimonial
of their esteem. Wo' remember with what
poignancy of grief you pave up the cherished
objects of your heart , how nianv sleepless
nights you have passed ! ll < l nobly und alone
you fought for all those- vital issues , without
which hope would have been lost and Da
kota a dream ; howsinglehanded , you
fought the flvo enemies of Dakota In confer
ence committee , nnd said , 'Live or die , sur
vive or perish , ' or words to thnt effect ,
'though I give up everything , still will I
cling to the cherished ooject of my heart ,
DuKota shall agnln vote for the temporary
capital , or she shall forever rcmuln a terri
tory. ' The noblest of 'thy race' , whenever
the retiring sun shall again bring around the
bithdny of the father of his country , shall
not his fame , his integrity , pule bcforo the
Incorruptible , the matchless integrity , the
statesmanlike character uf him whose numo
wu inscribe on this modal now awarded to
you. Hall , sweet William , hall und fare
well. "
Sickly Kentlinmitnlltv.
HELENA , Mont. , march 7. fSpoelal Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Soipo prominent ladies
of Helena wore successful to-day in saving :
the life o'f Godus , tho'balf-brcecl ' murderer ,
who was sentenced to bd hanged to-morrow.
They circulated a petition , asking that ho bo
reprieved and sent to thfoeiiltnntlury , which
was signed by nearly every citizen of Helena
nnd a largo number of leading men In the
territory. It was presented to Governor
Leslie , and ho acceded'tp'tho ' request , fixing
the penalty at imprisonment for life. It was
a great surprise to the general public. Every
arrangement had been mndu for the execu
tion. Godas received the Information with
out a change of couutejmnaa. Ho suid ho
didn't c.iro ono wuy or the other , ono wus as
bad as the other , but hi * father would have
killed himself if he fmd been hunt' , and that
made a difference. Tno Salvation Army of
fered their services to slag and pray nnd
give comfort to Godiis In his , last moments ,
but he scornfully rejected tbo proposition.
* '
The Knmoiip Coul'orenoo.
BEIII.I.V , Matvh 7. The .Uoersea Xeltung
buys the United State * hajproposed to re
fer that portion of the Samoan quoslfbn con
cerning Germany and the United States to
arbitration. Germany U not avows to this ,
but adheres to tha opinion that * the confer
ence to bo continued in Berlin should settle
questions involving Qjruiauy. Great Britain
und the United States.
A Kulaldi'a Wlfo
ATLANTIC , Is. , March 7 , 'Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.J-rM.r * . O. D. Morris ,
whose husband suicided four weeks ago , has
been adjudged insane. \
Ofllco Socking Pilgrims Woud Tholr
Way to Washington.
The Wliito HOIIBO IlesleKcd hy Thous-
niuln Anxious to Shnkc tlio Pres
idential Hand The First
Cabinet Meeting *
At the White House.
WABIIISOTON , March 7. The callers
at the while house to day outnumbered
those of yesterday. At 0:80 Pres
ident Harrison made his nppcnranco in tlio
oflicial part of the house nnd received
the Inter-state commerce commissioners with
the stnto railroad commissioners now in the
city. Following them was about one thou
sand persons who wished to shako the presi
dential hand. When this was over the pres
ident climbed the stairs to llml himself con
fronted with senators , representatives and
ofllco-seekers In scores. Soon lifter noon the
Michigan dolepiitton i-alled by appointment.
After that and until luncheon the president's
time was taken up with handshaking with
the public.
During the afternoon a number of callers
showed llttlo dimunltion Patrick Esau , the
well known Irish land leaguer , was promi
nent among them. So many visitors of the
unoftlcltil class came to the whlto house this
afternoon that they formed double and treble
lines from the doorway to the gates on the
avenue. Most of them passed through thu
building and shook hands with the presi
Yielding to the inevitable the. president has
at last given formal notice that hereafter ho
will set apart three hours dally for the re
ception of callers. During two liouifl , from
10 to 1'J o'clock , senators and representatives ,
and other privileged persons , will bo ad
mitted , while from li ! to 1 the general public
will be aeon. ,
The president gnvo a reception ntthe whlto
house to-nicht to Indiana's residents and
visitors to the national capital.
The New Cnbincl Olllcers Hold Im
promptu Reception * ) .
AVASinxoTOK , March 7. Secretaries
Uluine , Proctor and Tracy came to their re
spective offices early this morning. Senators ,
representatives and high ofllclals came In
twos and threes. Some brought friends and
many ladies were among the callers. Hus-
sell Harrison , with n party Of Montana people
ple , made the rounds of the departments.
They called on the secretaries to pay their
respects. General Sherman nnd Admiral
Porter were among the notables who at
tended the imnromptu receptions. No official
changes have been recorded in subordinate
ofllces. Senators Paddock and Hnwloy and
Hepresentativo Dorsey , of Nebraska , were
among Secretary Proctor's callers and they
subsequently called upon Secretaries Blaine
and Tracy. Ex-Senator Chandler culled
upon Secretary Tracy nnd hud a long chat
with him.
Representative Laird , of Nebraska , who
was very ill during the whole of the lust ses
sion of congress , has reached Washington
much improved in health , although ho has
not entirely recovered.
Secretary Windom devoted the day
to the reception' of visitors. A largo
number of senators and ex-coneressmen
availed themselves of the opportunity nnd
called to liny their respects , und throughout
the room of the secretary was crowdea with
Secretary Noble arrived at the interior de
partment a little after 9 o'clock this morn-
in ? , and from that hour until late this after
noon wns kept busy receiving visitors. A
largo number of senators and representa
tives were among his callers. Postmaster
General Wanamaker also reached his de
partment early , accompanied by First As
sistant Stevenson and Chief Clerk Hoy. Ho
visited the oflices of the bureau chiefs and
other odlcials and acquainted himself with
the general location and arrangement of
offices of the several divisions of the depart
ment. All of the higher oftichils tendered
their resignations , nnd , without accepting
any , Wuiiamaker lias requested them to con
tinue in their respective oflices for the pres
ent , at least. A largo number of senators ,
representatives and others called during the
A I'retty Scene.
WASHINGTON. March 7 , A pretty scene
was enacted in Mrs. Harrison's private
apartments this aftcrcoon , the occasion be
ing the presentation to her of an elegant
oveninir reception robe by the General Lyons
Woman's Hellof corps , of St. Louis. The
presentation wns made at the request of the
association by Mrs. Chauncoy I. Fllley ,
president of the woman's executive commit
tee of the Mississippi Valley sanitary fair.
In addition to the dress there was also pre
sented to Mrs. Harrison from the relief
corps a pair of white slippers , decorated with
small sprays nf whlto lilacs , hand painted.
The artist who painted the dress and slippers
presented to Mrs. Harrison , on his own be
half , n richly bound cony of u bible with a
handsomely bound cushion.
Democrat * * Tender RcsfcnaiioiiH.
WASIIIXOTON , March 7. First Comptroller
Durham , Commissruner of Internal Revenue
Miller nnd Fourth Auditor Shelley , have
tendered their resignations to Secretary
Windom , to take effect at his convenience.
Treasurer Hiatt will tender his resignation
to the president at tlio first opportuni'y. It
is said thnt Huston , chairman of the Indiana
republican committee , Is likely to ho his suc
cessor ,
Cleveland GOCH to Work.
Nmv YOHK , March 7. Ex-Prosident
Grovcr Cleveland drove down town this
morning to Mis ofllco In William street , ac
companied by Messrs. Ststson nnd Mau-
Ex-President Cleveland wus nominated
for honorary membership In the chamber of
commerce by Alexander K , Orr , who made a
speech highly eulogizing the nominee. Colonel
nel Fred A. Conkllng opposed the nomina
tion and adoption of the eulocisUo senti
ments In if" speech , and said that no ono
would vote against it if thu name was put up
without a speech. Twenty voted in favor of
It and thirteen against , a few not voting at
all Cleveland wus thercupan elected an
honorary member.
Tim First Cnhlnot Mooting.
WASHINGTON , March 7. At half past 3
o'clock this afternoon tha first cabinet meet
ing of the new administration was held. It
was an informal meeting of the newly ap
pointed cabinet officers , called in order that
they might become acquainted with ono
another , _
Hart For I'lilillo Print or.
WASHINGTON , Mnrch 7. The New York
delegation has decided to ask that A. H ,
Hurt , of New York , bo nominated for jiubllu
printer , and the lowu delegation will push
ex-Governor Stone for commissioner of the
general land ofllco ,
finrrlson'H Immigration Policy.
KOMI : , March 7 , The Capltun Fri-
cassu says President Harrison's ref
erences m his Inaugural address to
Immigration are a departure frpm
American traditions of boundless hospital *
Ity. The paper admits , however , that Pres
ident Harrison's policy will tend to restrict
excessive Italian agricultural Immigration.
'I ho Death Ilccoril.
PuiLuiEU'iin , March 7. Isnlah V. Wil
liamson , the venerable millionaire philan
thropist , died early ttis | morning ,
Ills Steed Also to Ditto Seems to Ho
the Item.
CUBTEXST : , Wyo. , March 7. ( Special Tel-
grain to Tun HUB. ) Wyoming has developed
n Lochlnvar whoso courageous during ob
scures the bravery of the madiaval hero , nnd
crude Davy Crockett. Ho Is James KIdd ,
or. Omaha drummer , who Incidentally killed
a man before Hoping with his lady love.
Thro months ago the widow McCool ,
whoso beauty and grucu is heightened by her
sombre attire , became agent for the stage
company at Dry Cheyenne , nn Important sta
tion between Douglas nnd Buffalo. She wast
n heart-breaker , and every cowboy nnd
ranchman in the region beoaino subject to
her fascinations wlulo few travelers left the
place henrt-whoio.
Mrs. McCool finally selected Frank Mead ,
son of a wealthy nuieher , and they were to
have been wedded this month. 1/ist week
KIdd , who Is a hniidsomo nnd lively follow ,
passed the place. Ho became enamored nf
the widow and soou roturnoa to press his
suit with great fervor. The glib tongue ,
stylish dress nnd polished u.iinncr of the
traveler captured tlie widow and she surren
dered. Tim Jilted lover sulked In Jealousy
and awaited u favorable opportunity for re
venge or rtidrcss.
TucsUav night a largo crowd attended a
dance at Dry Cheyenne. When the festivi
ties were most hilarious Mead , overtaking
KIdd in the corner of the ballroom , shipped
his face and iravo him a terrible tongue lash
ing. The widow , with snapping eyes , twitted
her now lover of cowardice. Thus encour
aged ho drew a revolver and commeneu.l fir
ing recklessly , bolng too frightened to use
the weapon effectively.
In an instant n dozen six shooters wore In
action. No one heeded the wounded , but
when Ed Cook , Mead's pard , fell with a bul
let from the drummer's gun through his
brain there was a cessation of artillery
music. Thcro were cries of "Lynch the ten
derfoot , " but the drummer had become n
Westerner In remarkably short timo. Ho
backed to the door with the widow as a
shield , and the pair mounted one horse and
unshod uway.
They soon reached a railway and proceeded
to Cliadron , Neb. , whore they were united in
marriage. Sheriff Williams , of Converse
county , is in pursuit of KIdd and his bride.
They Hntcr an Iron-Clad Agreement
Not to Pay Commission" .
Nnw YOUR , March 7. The joint commit
tee which convened nt the trunk line olllco
on Wednesday completed its labors to-day.
The result is convoyed in thu resolutions
adopted , which declare that "each and every
railroad company hero represented pledges
that it will not pay , share or allow the whole
or any part of commission , part salary , sido-
cut consideration in connection with
the sale of tickets of issue of other comuanies ,
nor permit its tickets to bo sold at any
point on commission , and each company
represented will prohibit its ngonts from re
ceiving commissions from other companies. "
The chairman was instructed to give notice
to all interested lines , the resolution to take
effect April 1. The agreement will apply
niso to foreign Immigrant business us well as
domestic. The closing resolution declares
thut "if any railroad company so advised
shall fail or decline to conform to such notice
upon a date to be fixed by the chairman and
vice chairman of the joint committee ,
prompt action shall ho taken in such cases
under the trunk line contract and organiza
tion of the joint committee , and also before the
Inter-state commerce commission , if , in the
judgment of tha chairman of thu joint com
inittee , such source seem' to him uec ssury
and desirable , "
The chairman was instructed to forward to
the inter-state commission copies of tlio
rcsoltions , together with a circular of the
roads authorizing the payment of commis-
sions.nnd express to the inter-stute commerce
commission the earnest desire of the railroad
companies represented in the joint
committee that the payment of commissions
be prohibited , and ttiat the commission take
early action on the question.
The Alton and Hnulc Isl-ind to Uo-
KstaDUsh Their Fast TralnH.
CHICAGO , March 7. fSpecIal Telegram to
TiicHnc.1 The western passenger difficulty thouunounceinontof | thcAIton
and Hock Island of the re-establishment of
their Kansas fast trains is growing to formid
able proportions. Wabush officials state posi
tively thut they consider the proposed action
a violation of the presidents' agreement , and
that they will consider themselves justified
in any action which it may bo necessary to
take to equalizematters. . The U'abash line
to Kansas City is twenty-four miles longer
than the Alton , and it will thus bo impossible
for them to compete in time. His tlio uni
versal opinion among railroad men thut thu
Wabash will raise such n storm us will im
peril , if it does not entirely break up the
presidents' agreement. S.iid a disinterested
railroad president to-day : ' 'The Kan
sas City trouble Is the end in
stead ot the beginning. The whole
thing originated in the action of the
Uurlington , or rather its Denver branch
from Pluttsmoutb. An agreement wus made
lust year among the Oinulm lines to slow up
on the time , and the Burlington made the
Hiimo time to Pltittsmouth , but you must un
derstand tlmt the light is not and was not on
Kansas City or Omaha business. Denver is
the objective point. Here is where the liur
lington got in some line work. While the
Omaha connections of the Chicago roads
made slow tune to Denver , the Uurlington \
Missouri Hivur took the Burlington's passen
gers at PlaUsmotith and scooted them into
Denver eight or ten hours uhe.idbnttlio rate
to Donvur via Kansas City is thu same us via
Plattsmoutli and Omaha. Consequently the
Kansas Citv HHUJ lost about all thulr Denver
business. It is to counteract this , and not to
fuvor Kansas City , tlmt the fast train ser-
vicu is being put on , hut the \Vatiasli is in no
position to object. H has all along mudo an
hour faster tnno than thu other roads , from
Kansas City to Chicago , and has practically
monopolized the eastern trade , ns It makes
very much better time with its branch to To
ledo. This is the whole hUtory of the mutter
in a nutshell. "
Some Fancy Prlcus Paid For Cali
fornia Stock.
NEW YOHK , March 7. Tlio greatc/a / Kath
arine of trotting horse men witnessed in
New York this winter assembled at the
American Institute building thU morning at
the auction sale of California trotting stock.
The sale , both in number of animals olTcrod
and character , was the mail Important of
the kind uver known in thu east. The sensa
tion of the suto was tha nulo of Misc/nt , by
Stumboul Minnohatiu , und his yearling
brother. Masooti tins trotted a
quarter mile in ! ) S ) seconds , nnd
ho was warranted to go uvun faster.
Tnu bidding started ut fa.UJO and quickly
wont up to fJUK ) . From this the prlcu ad
vanced steailily. 1,000 nt a clip , until ? JO,000
was reached. The contest tvus then between
Mr. Sclniltx. of Urooklyn , und D , S. Quln-
ton , of Trenton , N. .1. They raised each
other f.VXl ut a ullii until * 2. " > , IUJ was reasheil ,
when Quintan bid fl.OOO and the homo was
knocked down to him , It U understood that
ho bought thu liorso for Mike Duly and a
syndicate , who have u ranch in Montana.
A brother to Musoott wus then put up and
sold to Schulu after a lively competition
SS.fM The famous biy filly Moluka , by
Stumboul , dum Molusku. was sold to .I , H ,
Schulu for $ V > 00 ; a brown filly by Alcazar ,
half sister of Nuhnsta , to J , D. Ferguson , of
New York , f 1,000 ; yearling brown colt , full
brother to precedingfilly , eold to Ferguson
for KV < 0 ; brown colt by Stumboul , tp
Fcrmon for $3iOO ! ; bay ( illy by Stumboul ,
to Fergeson for $1,100 ; two-year-old hay
JULY by Stumboul , to G. H. Hicks for M.05U ;
two'ycar-old bay colt by Ktuuiboul , to I ) , S.
Quinton for J.V , > 0 ; two-year-old bay filly by
Btamboul. dam Astrono , to .1 , Madden for
i , t < 00. Thcsi ! are a few of thu most Import
ant bales. The total realized to-day was
The Pitiful Story of Poor Llttla
Cora Cnrnnhnn.
The Child Is Murdered hy ( ho Cow *
imlly W rotoli Who Then Scat
ters Ills Own llrnlns
About the 1 lee in.
A Sad Story.
GJIic\no , Mnrch 7. ( Special Telegram to
Tnfc Hin.l While her father was looking
for her In Chicago lo-ilu.v , Cora Carnixhnn , &
! mmlnomu slvtceti-yeur-old girl , who dlsap-
poarod from her home nt Paw Paw , 111. , Sun
day night , win lying dead in n house near Ifl
Karlvlllo , III. , slain by the hand of her lover ,
n bov of twenty , who also look his own life.
The story of the tragedy , which was barely
mentioned in the dlsp.ntchos this morning , Is
n sad ono. .hot nt dark Sunday night , tha
girl's mother saw her go out the back door
of the house nnd disappear into tha darkness.
The haste she niiulo caused suspicion , and uu
alarm was given , and several parties started
n search of her. Hut owing to the intcnso
darkness of the night , she maJo her escape.
Tlio next morning the discovery wns mudo
by tracks in thu mud that ttio child
Ir.ut gone north out xof the town ,
Tim foot prints showed that a
man was with hor. The young couple
reached the farm house of Elmer Davis ,
tibout six miles south of Eurlvillo , Tuesday
nicht , and npplled for shelter. They had
walked through the snow and mud nearly
twenty mllus , and the jjirl was completely
exhausted. They stayed nt th'o place Tues
day night , claiming to bo man and wife.
They retired early Wednesday evening , soon
after suppor. Shortly afterward two re
ports of n mvolver were heard , nnd immedi
ately the farmer started for the room up
stairs occupied by the young couple. 1'oforo
ho roachud It another report was hoard.
When ho opened the door MeL-ichlln and the
girl were both dead. Tlio man hud ovi-
dcrtly put the weapon back of the girl's
ear nnd sent a bullet Into her head. Not sat
isfied with ono shot , he again phicc.1 the
weapon to her temple and discharged It. Ho
then shot himself in the crown of the hcild ,
the bullet L-oming out under the chin.
The tragic end of the coiiulo Is in accord
ance with the note the young girl loft in her I
trunk before leaving home. The note wns as
follows :
"Dear Minnma : i5y the time you read this
1 will bo in my grave. "
A short lime previous to the elopement the
parents discovered that Cora wns deeply in-
fntuatud with McLtichlln , a young black
smith , and they opposed nil Intercourse.
The girl's father thought to find her hero ia
Chicago , and has been here since Tuesday.
To-day ho came Into the police station and
asked "Have found child "
: you my yctl"
The chief of detectives turned to the lu-
quiring father with a strange expression on
his face.
"Haven't you hoard anything yourself 1"
ho asked , hesitatingly.
' Not a word. 1 have been nearoliing Chicago
cage high nnd low for my daughter and that
villain who enticed her away. "
"Aro you prepared to hoar bad news , Mr.
Canmhun ! " asked the lieutonnnt.
"My Godwhat is itl" exclaimed Carnahnu
alarmed at the question.
Lieutenant ICliiott handed him a telegram
just received. It was from Kurlvlllo , III. ,
and was briefly , as follflws :
"Duke McL'ichlin killed Cora Cimiulmn ,
nnd then killed himself at n farm house
north of town. "
The poor father fell into a choir ns If shot ,
nnd moaned in agony. After aomo time ho
are o nnd slowly walked away , Baying ho
was going after the body , and that this news
would nearly kill the mother.
A Bitter Fight Threatened In the
National ljuuciic.
New YOHK , Mnrch 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : 13ni.J The Irish National league is
threatened with civil warfare which may il
prove at least a great stumbling block to the
success of the organization If It does not end
in nn open rupture between some of the most
important councils. The bono of contention
scorns to be the presidential ofllco and the
friends of Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago ,
are trying their best to push him forward ns
the most available candidate. The re is objec
tion to the urogrammo on the part of many
Now Yorkers. These men nro mostly of :
opposite political faith from Sullivan and
they are busy denouncing him as a political
schemer who only wants to nso again to the
pinnacle of fame in tbo league that ho may
thus be furnished with the means to further
political designs. They Ray he should
content himself with tlio honor ho has al
ready had as president of the league. If ,
however , his friends determine to continue
to push his candidacy , thu Now Yorkers
promise to make it warm for him. Sullivan ,
moreover , is not/ the only one who comes infer
for censure nt the hands of those league pol
iticians. It is charged that Father Dorno'y.
Patrick Kgan and Sullivan have resolved
themselves into n mutual admiration society ,
and that together they are laying the foun
dation for political schemes. Father Dornoy
IK considered only In the light of a tool for
the two others , and by pushing Sullivan for
ward , Kgan will stand with him , and the
twain with their largo following , combined
with Dornoy's influence , will bo
next to invincible , and can coin-
inn ml almost whatever political
ofllco or patronage they ohnosu. A meeting
of the Now York municipal council was held
last night , but no action was taken , the
council deeming it bast to wall for the fur
ther development of thu Sullivan boom. So
far as ICirnn is concerned , the members of
the Now York council do not care to talk
about him , but they intinmto that if ho
wishes to bo let nlone ho must keep out ol
the way and quit championing ttiocausoo'I
Sullivan. Tlicro are n number of Irishmen
hero who have no sympathy with those in
the council who are flu'htlng Sullivan , und a
very bitter factional light is looked for ia
this dulogation.
Mr. Sullivan said this evening that lie Is
not n candidate for and positively will not
accept any olllco ; tlmt his business domuids
his exclusive attention , and that ho is on ]
tlrely out of public affairs.
The Wo4i Virginia Uover.iorHhlp ,
CIIAHI.IISTOS , W. Vn , , March 7. The In-
ltlil ; step was taken in the Hupromo court
this morning by General Guff's attorneys
suing out a writ of mnnilarnus against Gov
ernor Wilson to compel him to surrender the
oftlco of governor to General Golf. The
case Is to come op to-morrow for argument.
All parties to tlto suit have agreed that thu
matters in controversy may bu determined
without furthnr process. This afternoon
General GofT's ' attorneys sued nut u writ of
nuo-warrnnto In the circuit court against
Governor WlUun , but this is only a formal
matter ,
The llnllrond Coiil'erciiott.
WASHINGTON , March 7 , At the third and
last day's session of llio conference of state
railroad commissioners with tha Inter-state
commission , the report of the committed on
statistics recommending , for the use of rail
roads , uniform blanks for maklnc annual
reports to Htato boards , was adopted.
A resolution was uluo passed looking to
the final adoption of a uniform and Im
proved coupler. The subject of railroad ac
cidents wus discussed , and n resolution
adopted recommending the Inter-ntato com
mission to consider thu matter of autotuutla
sliimla In uldlng the protection of life , and
requesting that thu 'commission advise rail
roads In regard to the < \dfji/tien of .the beat
appliances In this Iluo , . ' , .