Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    [ t i 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. MARCH 7. ' 1889.
Collections of internal revenue yester
day were * 8,1 ! < W.81.
A young son of Patrolman lingo is in
n critical condition from an attack of
epinal meningitis.
There will bo n. mooting of the Con-
trnl Labor union Friday night. All
delegates must bopresent. .
William Dow was fined $8 and costs
for committing an assault yesterday af
tcrnoon , but appealed the case.
Miss Lottie Cook employed in the car
accountant's olllco of the Union Pacific ,
reports the loss of a gold broach with
diamond setting.
Edward Warner was granted a license
yesterday in the county court to wed
Miss Mary McCall. Both are of Omaha
and their respective ages are forty-
throoand thivty-nine.
I. Hank , who claims to bo a ragpicker ,
dibtrlbutcd some broken iron along the
BtrcctB yesterday afternoon , and was ar
rested. Judge ucrka will listen to his
side of the case to-day.
Tlio State Loan company , with a capi
tal etock of $20,000 , is a now corporation
which will file articles with the county
cleric to-day , The company is organ
ized for an existence of llfty years.
A force of jail birds was at work yester
day on Farnam street cleaning the gut-
tcre. Their efforts improved the ap
pearance of the thoroughfare. On the
Miiith side of the street the gutters
were filled with ice , which required
the use of picks.
A. P. Badger , of Lincoln , Is nttlio Murray.
W. H. Harrison , of Grand Island , Is at the
Pax ton.
J. P. Mnnn , of O'Neill , Is stopplnf ; nt the
Pox ton.
J. C. White , of Lincoln , Is stopping at tlio
Pax ton.
W. E. Ilnnly , of Lincoln , Is stopping at tlio
D. L. Dara , of O'Neill , Is stopping at the
G. W. IlolllnR nnd wlfo nro registered nt
the Murray.
Hobcrt Dorgan. of Lincoln , Is a guest at
the Mlllard.
J. W. Miller , of Dcsatur , Nob. , was nt the
Pnxton yesterday.
Z. F. Funk , of Alnsworth , was nt the
Murray last night.
J. D. Moore , of Grand Island , was at the
Mlllard yesterday.
John F. Crocker , of Kearney , Neb. , la a
guest at the 1'axton.
Charles Wasincr , of Grand Island , is a
guest at the Murray.
B. F. Kcnoglcr and daughter registered at
tbo Paxtan last niiit. !
J. W. Long , of Beatrice , is among the
guests at the Pnxton.
W. U. Bullnrd , of MeCook , registered at
the Pnxton last night.
A. M. Robbing , of Orb , Neb. , Is nmong the
guests nt the Mlllnrd.
J. A. Cnviinaugh is happy m the possession
of a now ten pound boy baby.
II. M. Attle.v and K. II. Taylor , of O'Neill ,
nro registered nttlio Mlllard.
Colonel Honr.v nnd family leave for Colorado
rado to-day. They will spend a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Georco A. Joslyn and niece ,
Miss Anglo Boyco , Imvo returned from a six
weeks' trip in the east.
Bolvu Lockwood , the great woman's rights
advocate , who thought she was ono 01 the
candidates for the presidency , passed through
Omaha ycstcr-Jay en route for Weeping
Water , where ihu lectured last night.
CiiHloin House Whisky.
The custom house bundled twenty-live bar
rels of whisky this morning , consigned to
Ed. Qulnn. The goods nro American make
but were sent to Europe some years ago and
como back nowas Imported stuff.
A Much Wnntoil Former.
A letter frolii Alexander Lane , sheriff of
Douglas county , Kan. , says that C. Nelson ,
recently arrested for wholesale forgeries
here , is not only wanted nt Lawrence , but also'
at Belle Plains , Kan. , for the same offense.
It. A. Fryer , of Chicago , and Mir.s F. A.
Robinson , of this city , were married In St.
Pbllll'/s church Tuesday , nnd will reside in
Omaha. Beth arc well known in colored so
ciety. Tholr homo will bo at 2100 Nicholas
Schedule Mooting Postpnnnd ,
The schedule meeting of the \Vestorn as-
Bociiition has been postponed until Thursday ,
March U , on account of the absence of Jim
Hart , ono of the committee , In the east.
President McCormlck , of this city , will at
tend and look out for Omaha's interests.
Civil Sorvlco Examination.
To-day the locnl civil service board
will hold an examination for applicants to
positions in the railway postal cleric depart
ment. It will bo the llrst examination of the
kind over held In Nebraska. Up to the pres
ent time applicants have bcon taken on the
trial plan.
Yesterday , Asb Wednesday , Lent began ,
and will continue , Sundays cxccptcd. until
Easter , April 21 , Services were held in all the
Episcopalian nnd Catholic. churches
And others will bo hold generally on Wednes
day and Friday evenings during the poultou-
tlal season.
> .ToliiiH * Ilencflt.
The concert of the Ladles' Musical club ,
for tbo bonciltof Miss Jcsslo M. Johns , nt
Walnut Hill Tuesday night , netted WO. The
late Instruction of the club by Miss Johns ap
peared in the smooth rendition of the num
bers assigned to It. Its singing and the lu-
dlyiduul performances wore well received ,
Thu presentation of the opcrattn "Two Can
PJoy tit that Game'1 provoked much mirth
and concluded an onjovnblo and profitable
evening. Thu succors of the entertainment
Is duo largely to the managerial capacity of
the committee of ladies in charge.
Two Mni-iuui ; Flt-cs.
The flro department was called out twice at
a curly hour yesterday. Tlio llrst
Urns the roof of the Carter
white lead works was discovered
tce on tire , the result of nn explosion. The
flames wcro extinguished after about f.'O
wprth of damage had been done. Mho see-
cud call was to tha Can Held house , the roof
of which was nlso found to DO burning , hav
ing caused from sparks Hying out of the
clnmney. Only about 3 woith ot damage
wan done , but lor u whllo there was consid
erable coiistcumtlon among the boarders.
Nooitttny Mirvleo * .
.ft noon to-day Dean Gardner will In-
UiKurato usorloiof rellxlous services to beheld
hold every wt'uk day thereafter for the uo-
ooutuiodatlon , convenience and benoilt of
business men. It Is proposed to make thcso
prvices popular and at the llrst they will bo
bald In tbo rear ground floor room of the
United States National bank building. The
dean soya thnt In Chicago , Now York ami
cttior largo cltlos , mooting of this kind are
BUccassfully conducted and ho thinks they
can bo here. V great many business men
will bp glad to devote fifteen minutes every
day at , noon lo devotional exorcises ,
ll * *
I May , iloiua Matin Ilrcatl ,
Tto city council gave Council Bluffs
titeftiJ-maUert a blavk-cyo lust iilght In the
an ordinance "to licence wagons
i ina delivery or poddllnr ; of bread ,
ryoVolhor VaVc.-y produeU rnanufao
5 ] onWIdo of tlio Uty limits. " For every
i wagon the owner must pay an annual
license of f W , and the driver of * uch wagon
tkt.1t ut all nMWwble time1 * on reijuest , thow
j U liven id to thn Inspector or any uniformed
b lic ? ofilrcr On tha wagon mint be dls-
uUy l In } MfO figure * a munlMir correspond-
mgfo 'he n'.i in her. ol ( lie licenso. Failure lo
tfinit'if iilli tl'i oril.n.iiico will bu duemoil a
MMtttitanof. , 'unl f.ublo by a llnu of from
J ft f.O'jf 13u , U it < iiulfriU.O ( | that thu Unnlio
l / r * r"ti t.o b9tiorn of tin *
TV. G. Hlirlvor Thinks Oinnlm Will
Ilnvo n Very 1'ronpnrons Year.
- "Yes , the real estate outlook for-tho coming
season Is very encouraging to estate
dealers , nnd , with many othora , I predict
tlio liveliest boom in Omaha this year wo
hnvo over soon , nnd can't ' see why wo should
notlmvcit. The building outlook Is excel
lent , nnd there Is plenty of cheap money on
the market , The banks Imvo a snrplui on
hand , nnd the different loan companies nro
prepared to furnish thU western country
xvlth nil the money It wnnts at n low rate of
Interest. Money Is the first thing to get.
After thnt comes manufactories , etc.
"Omaha Is rocognl/cd the world over as
being n rood place to nniko money. I
don't know of a bettor plnco to In
vest n dollar than right hero In Omnlm
real estate. An architect told mo
a few days ago that they had moro
plans for expensive buildings to bo erected
the coming year than over before , and
thought there would bo nt least ? 2,000,000
put into buildings alone , In Omnhn this sum
mer. Yes. 1 think wo tire on the eve of the
biggest building boom wo Imvo over seen. It
Is surprising the number of small buildings
thnt is being erected on the outskirts at
present. Now what wo want U moro fac
tories to furnish occupants nnd purchasers
for thcso small homes. The moro factories
wo have the tnoro people employed , and the
moro people employed the moro small nnd
comfortable homes can bo sold. Wo want a
woolen and paper mill by all menus. This Is
n splendid point for either , and I hope the
day Is not distant when wo will see both of
these industries carried on in our midst on u
big scale , " _
The longest polo knocks the persim
mons , nnd Bigolow's Positive Cure
knocks nil coughs , colds , croup , hoarse
ness , bronchitis , asthma , influenza and
consumption. Pleasant for children.
Safe and , speedy. CO cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
The Features of the Ordinance A ( lop- ,
tccl Tuesday Kvonln .
Hereafter any person engaged In the sale
and delivery of coal to Omahn customers
must pay nn nnnunl license of SIOO. The
year will bo reckoned from January 1 to December -
comber 31. Any license Itsued ntav at any
time , bo revoked , cancelled and annulled
upon conviction of the person , llrm or corpo
ration to which it is Issued if any offcnsces
against the provisions of the ordinance arc
committed. Failure to procure a license
subjects any person to n flno of not less thun
K nor morn than SIOO for each olTonse. In
the solo of coal , the hundred weight must
consist of 100 pound1 ? avoirdupois. With ev
ery delivery of coal made , the dealer must
also deliver to the purchaser a sicncd i-ortif-
icato or ticket , showing the weight nnd kind
of cool. Any delivery of a le squantity than
than the amount purchased , paid for and
certified to with intent to pr.ictico fraud , will
bo considered nn offense , and punishable by
line from ? 5 to SIOO. Bvury purchaser will
hnvo the fight to require a re-weighing of
coal upon the scales of n city weigher before
accepting it and if the weurht is found cor
rect ho shall pay the expense of such weigh
ing. If shorter , the seller must pay it.
Advice tt > Mother * .
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways boused forchildren teething. It soothes
the child , softens thn gums , allays nil pain ,
cures wind co'ic ' , and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 25 cents a bottlo.
Decoys for Vomit ;
A lady signing herself "Wngeworkor"
writes to Chief Seavcy complaining of cer
tain advertisements published in the papers
of late which nro really the decoys to a cer
tain immoral business carried on by the
same person in this city. The ludy writes
that "this humbug has been carried on for
sotno time. Atonotitnoho advertised'La
dies wanted ; steady Job ; SIS per week. ' At
another , 'Ladies wanted for light , easy em
ployment , nt $10 per week , at 1010 Dodge. '
At. another time , ' Wanted Male ana fcmnlo
teachers ; steady work , nt 2-0 North Six
teenth street , room 17. ' "
'Tho ludy says : "I answered all of thcss
advertisements , with no idea of encounter
ing the same deception each time , and the
llrst thing that will bo seen in his present
location is obsccno pictures spread upon a
table. When a person applies ho pretends to
wish to teach ono ivory-tvpo painting in two
hours. Many young ladies like myself nro
actually becoming afraid to answer an ad
vertisement. " Ofileer Ormsby is investi
gating the matter.
An Absolute Cure.
MISNT is only put up in largo two ounce tin
boxes , and Is nn absoluto-curo for old sores ,
burns , wounds and chapped hands , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively euro all
finds of piles. Ask for the OHIGINAL AB-
I1CTINE OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , at S3 cents per box by mail DO
cents. _
An Opening Gala Day.
The ball season of 18S9 draws on apace ,
and the cranks throughout the city are in a
nigh state of pleasurable excitement. The
opening championship gamn here , this year ,
will probably bo un occasion long to bo re
membered. The management Is talking
about making it the greatest gala day in the
base ball history of the Guto City. A good
Lund will bo on hand and give an open-air
concert bcforo the game , nnd the players
of the opposing teams will parade
the streets in carriages , and alto
gether It will bo a notable occasion.
The mayor , city council and other dig
nitaries will bo invited to occupy prominent
seats , and every effort will bo made to got
the ladles out in force. On the opening day
it would bo n good idea to admit the fair BOX
Tree. Tholr presence will enhance interest
in the struggle a hundred fold , and in the
long run the management will bo the gainer ,
tjndor any cjrcumstuncos the season of IbS'J
is to bo started with a boom.
To the young Jiioo Potzonl'a Complex
ion Powder tfh'os fresher charms , to the
old renewed , youth. Try it.
Who Took ho llroortlB ?
The case of S. A. Orchard against the
Junior Order of Mechanics , who ewe him a
bill of $130 for carpets , has been attracting
considerable attention In Justice Kroogor's
court of late. The case llrst came up two
weeks ago to-day , mid was continued ono
week , A week ago another continuance was
secured until Monday of this wcok , but when
the eight men who represented the order had
departed It was discovered thnt A book and
paper necessary for evidence against them
nnd also disappeared , although both had been
in the justice's possession , and were lying
on his desk during the arguments for a now
trial. The book contained the records or the
association and the Hat of members. The
paper was a warrant containing this list also.
As the orgnnlratlon Is now extinct. It will bo
Impossible to secure the names of the mem
bers unless the book and warrant are so-
cured. The ease was sot for Monday , but
the lots of the record book ami warrant was
then discovered and the case was continued
again until this afternoon.
The Principal of tlio Itookrry An\-
Inns Per Her Bcho'nrH.
Mis * Ellen M. White , principal of the
Hart man pest-house nnd death-trap , writes
to Tnc Hun with reference to Its nrticlo on
that subject of last night as follows !
"All tlio rooms In the Hartmnn , except
two , arc fairly well ventilated. In these two
there is a positive need for complaint.
"Ono Is without any ventilation , except the
windows nnd doors. The other , with n seven
nnd a half-foot ceiling , has n small votilllnt-
Iiig shaft.
"This , with the low windows , U decidedly
insufficient. Foul air is the constant result.
"There never cornea a heavy storm with
out the nnnox building Is n source of great
nnxiety to me. I Imvo moved the children to
the muln building when the storms seemed
too severe. "
Superintendent James was asked concern
Ing thu school In question , Ho ( toes not , it
scums , think it Is dangerous and only in ex
treme circumstances lias there boon any sus
picion of danger. When men like Messrs.
Woolley , Morrison , Hoover and Livcseywho
arc practical builders , express no concern
about Its safctyjio does not think the opinion
of the janitor should bo accepted. Ho stales
further that the whole t > ciira is duo to nat
ural concern of a teacher for her pupils.
The ventilation , however , is bod.
Mr. Wchror , a member of tlio committee
appointed to examine the building , says that ,
after looking over the structure , lie found no
etui so for uneasiness as to the building not
being stiongly constructed. There Is no
danger whatever , but ho thinks the school is
too high. Ho found all the rooms well ven
tilated except two in the basement , and the
committee will recommend the dlscontlnu-
aneo of the use of these. Mr. Wchror thlnUs
that the Increase of pupils will require a now
building soon.
Special short tour to the capitals of
live European countries England ,
Scotland , Holland Belgium nnd Franco ,
Costing2:200 : ,
which includes nil necessary "expenses ,
embracing moro travel anil bolter ac
commodation than ever olTorcd by any
Longer tours , including Germany and
Switzerland , costing & 5jU and $450.
Send for circulars.
M. J. WOOD & Co. ,
122.1 Farnnm St. , Omaha Nob.
31 Broadway , Now York.
The Alternative n Ijovnr Given n
linmlBomo Young Ijiuly.
Miss Ella Kimball , a young liuly of very
prepossessing appearance , complains that
she has been suffering all manner of indigni
ties at the hands of ono U. D. McClutchen ,
because she will not marry him. Ho is
"clear gone" on her , but she says ho is a
lazy loulcr who does not oven provide for
himself , and she will nave nothing to do
with him. Tuesday evening , he called on her.
and after again unsuccessfully pressing his
suit , ho assaulted her , striking her in the
face. He returned again about 2 a. m. and
attempted to brealc into tno house , but was
driven away Dy the other occupants. On a
number of occasions ho ha ? threatened to
kill her if she would not become Mrs. Mc-
Clutchcn. She swore out a warrant for nis
nrrest on the charge of assault , and after ho
is tried for thnt offense she will have him
bound over to keep the pcaca.
A New Train ,
The connecting link between NQ-
br.iskti and Kansas has just boon placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 a. m. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cast anU south via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. m. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the east , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and llrst-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will fill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
Tit For Tat.
A few days ago a man named William Wil
son caused the arrest of Jacob Sohmitz , for
damaging an old barn. At the time Wilson
flashed a gun and threatened to shoot
Schmitz. The latter was tried In police
court on the charge of destruction to prop
erty. Now SchmiU retaliates by fllinir a
complaint with Justice Head , charging Wil
son with carrying concealed weapons nnd
threatening to shoot him. Sclimiu also tiled
a peace warrant to compel Wilson to keep
the pcaco. Wilson will be arrested as soon
us ho can bo found.
Had a bilious attack and ono of these
indescribable cases of constant weari
ness. Took quinine and other remedies
without relief. Took Dr. Jones' Rod
Clover Tonic ; am strong and well. Asa
Thompson , Logan , Ohio. Goodman
Drug Co.
Bold Hnlf Their lllock.
Mrs. Caroline A. Estabrook and her hus
band , General ExperienceEstabrook , filed a
warranty deed yesterday with the register
of deeds , convoying to Uoliort C. Clowry , nn
undivided half Interest in the Estnorook
block , corner of Sixteenth and Chicago
streets. The consideration of thu transfer is
$03,000. ,
traclt llokinp , VatlCtaI. Vow'ilcr ! doci .Uioii iiuf , Orange- cdiitni
. PRICE'BAKING POWPErl CO. , N.w York. ChlcoBo. 8t. LouU.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
stiotic-lii \vliolesomonc3 * . Moro economical
tlian the ordinary klmls , nnd cannot bo sold In
cotiiDutitlon ultli tnu multitude * of low cost ,
shortwolghtulum or pie ! pltato powdo.-s. SoUl
only in cnus. Uoval Uaklnj ; I'owdcr Co. , KO
Wallstrcut , New Vork
ESTABLISHED 1851 180 So.
BnreCnraIohlcag0fllls. }
. ClnrkSt.
Ite Regular Old-EslaMIsIied
Is stlil Trcallng with the Greatest
L. M S * > TT. .
Cliroiiic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
03-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Drenmo , Hend and Back Acne mid all the etTecia
leading to early cicely nml pet haps Consumption or
Insanity , treated < cienlifically by new methods with
never-failinjj MICCCSI.
ff3- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis-
cases permanently cured.
Ae-KlDNCYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Vorlcoccle and a'l disra e
of ( he Genito-Urinary Organs cured promptly wthoul
Injury to Stomach , Kidnejs or other Organs.
Tir No experiments. Age and experience lm >
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
B"Send 4 centt postage for Celebrated Works en
Chronic , Nervous and Dellcdte Di < eases.
/J3"Thoje contemplating M.iniaqc end for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Mnle and Female , each
cents , both sj cent * ( statni ) Consult the old
B octpr. A friendly letter orcnllmay saiefiititrrsulTtr.
ing and shame , and add golden ) ears to life. CD1Bock
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccr.Ulanps ( ) . Mcd cir.a
i > nd wntings sent e\crywhere , scciirr f-om exposure.
Hours , Bio 8. Sundays 9 to 13 , Address
F. D. CLARKE , EVi. D. ,
ISO So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , 81.1. ,
AsIc "Your Retailer /or tlio
01 ! TIIK
According to lour Keetls.
lia lightciKSajlisp. It ilts lllnn
stocKlnc. rjid KKQDJKK3
NO " 15KEAKlNcriK"bc-
jn rcntctly caw the ilret time It
Icvortl. MtviiftatisMliB n'nst
SUOt ! 1 ; i.tjsolutdy the
ily itMt of Its price lilch
Jmg crcr Lteii placed P.X-
iTer/on tlie market
imv.'ilch durability
la considered tKiuro
acre out
JlrtforlheJunici g Sjie'E nScl" "
Uctna J2 SliooforKoys SSftJig S
J. niHANS & ; CO. , IJoeton.
Full Hues of Ihu ubovo BKCB Tor aalo br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
Charles M , Jordan
Successor to
( Late of lielleruo HosrUUJ.Kew Yorkl
( Latoof tlio University of Wow Voik City and
Howard UiilvmsHv , Waiitlnt'ton , U , V.
No. 31O and 311 Bamaro Building
Corner Fifteenth and Hnrnorsts.maia ! , Nob. ,
wliure all curatila cunes ate Uu.iteil
* with succeds.
Note Dr. Charles M. Jonliui lias been resi
dent physician for Ir , McCoy , In Omulia , for
tlio ] mst yuar and m tlio iitiyslcluu who lias
inuilo ttiB curei time liaya be-on
weekly In tills paper.
Mfillcal diseases treated kktlfutly , Donf-
HO08 , Coniiiiinptlou. llroncliitln , Asthma , Dya-
peiitla , itlicuinatlsni and ull Nervous and / .
CONBUI.TATION at ofllce or by mall , f I.
Oilloo hours t to U a. m. , 2 to 4 p. m. , 7 to 8p.
tu. . Bumluy oltlco ho lira from 0 n. in. , to 1 p. m.
Correapomlenco roculvea prompt attention.
Many diseased are treated itucci-asfully by Or.
Jonlon ttirotign the inulls.unil H Is jnuu posiul
for tlio o unable to make a Journey to obtain
of our spring gooilg have now avrivcrl and we have thorn on our countoi'8.
As lenders in the clothing trade we are expected to bo ahead in quantity of stock and
variety of styles. Our exhibit will show that wo have fully realized these expectations.
We invite inspection of our grand stock which by far exceeds that of any former season.
Three immense doors fall of new goods. Such a stock was never shown in Omaha before.
At the opening of the season it may not be out of place to emphasize the fact , that
in the face of constantly increasing competition , our business has kept on growing
larger .and larger until now it is conceded by all that the Nebraska. Clothing Company is
the leading clothing house of the west , and selh more goods than any two or three of the
largest houses in Omaha combined.
We mention this for the benefit of those who have not yet traded with us , It should go
a long way toward convincing them that a house who is thus able , not only to hold ita
trade , but to increase it from season to season MUST oiler inducements which can not bo
had elsewhere. Close buyers have recognized the vast difference between our prices and
those of other houses.
To new customers we wish to say : we want you to try us. You take no chances in trad ,
ing with us. We olfer no goods that we can not warrant to "give entire satisfaction , and
we were the first to establish the rule of refunding your money in case your purchase is
not entirely satisfactory.
We have always sold goods cheap but this season we will break the record. Prices talk
and our prices this season will do more advertising for us than the newspapers.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
2Oto60 DAYS.
This is it disease which has heretofore
Ualllcd all Medical Science.
We hnvo u Hemcily , unknown to nnj ono In t'la
World outside or our Company. nnd ono thnt haste
to cine tlio ino-it obstinate c.iiu * . Ten days In
leciMit casts < l' > b the work. Jti-tlio olilflivonio
deep seated oases that \\a solicit. Wo have
cured hundreds \\lio luuo buuu abandoned by
Plij-hlchini. nml pronounced incmable , and vo
challenge the world lo bi lug tun case that we
will not euro In Icasthin sixty d..ys.
Sln-e the history of im-ule'ne true hpoclfla
for Syphilis 1ms been sought for but iioyer
found until our
eJ , anilwoaro 1u tliu > , l in savins
it Is tno only Itoincuy mlho Woililtn.itI11 pos
itively ouiv. biKuiiM ) ihe latest .Medicalorks. .
imblBni'd by the best ! cno\n nmliorltk" . . Kiy
t&oio was nevEratraobpecltlc before. Oiirr > m-
ctl v will cure wlii'ii evuryHiliiK else has failed.
\hy vtistu > our tlino and iniiney with patent
Jiifrticlncs tlnit never hail viuuu , or doctor with
lihj.siclans that cnnnot euro you , you that h.iva
tried everything should conic totmiownnil
gt t permanent relief. } on neor can get it ulso-
whert' . .Murk what we s.iy , in thn end you
must Uko our remoily or .NUVKIl recover ami
N on that hnvo been utlllctcil but a shoit time
bhoiilil Ly nil meana come to us now. not ono in
ten of now raws over cot permanently cured.
Many uethelp itnil think they nro free from the
disease , but in one , two or thieo vears utter it
appears sif.ilu in a moro horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Even-thing Klfao Fails. .
Koom 10 urn ! 11 , U. S. National Hank
iiuililliif , ' , Omaha , Neb.
Remarkable for powerful symtithotio )
tone , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; I0 ! years' record the best guaran-
teoo'f the excellence of thcso instru
il Lands
And all ueci-Miary papcr.s llllea.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
Capital . eiOO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18S9 . 6:2,000 :
omLT.iis AND niiiccroiis ;
H. W. YATr.8. President
B. HKKII , VIcj President.
W. U.S. lluuniis. Cashier.
1)1 ItiX'l OILS :
JOII.S 8. COI.I.INH , J. N. II. 1'AflllCK ,
It. C. CtJHIIIMl ,
Corner 1-th and I'lunum Sts.
A 111 nM c lltiblneos TranwcteJ.
I.omloti , I iiKluud.
AiiKlcrduiii , Iliiliaiuli
rraiitnct n ticnonil buiiklntbuiluCK. . Socurillji
/oiiKlit iinn tulit un cnniinliilon. Korcln i exclntmtt.
' ' of III.
'oiuiiiurrliil niul ttnvelur' Ifttura ere
Onlurs d > r Uiiinl unit Uck ) lUi-tutoJ KII cumrali
ioi | | In lAJiidun iinU on nil i'uutliiii-ital llu'ir ' ci of
* ui llnllitur.fc'tiito , Cllf nnJ Cor | > vra'
mUeurjoruHu , Cmca/a : uurlcjlrjo ; tl j tt
nnd ninny times will pro76 to You a great
est . You slioulil not delay oyjn lor n day
our commsj to our sturu.o nro making
n clean sweep of our entire stock or winter
Eoods. and will mine you prices that will
nterest you.
DII. I. 0. Wisr's NKIIVK ANU Hitur * TIIKAT-
Mivr. : ncuuruntuu i spociilo for Hyutejln , Dlzzl-
nt H. ConviiMoiH , fits NITVOIIS Nourulfrla ,
lleitdaclu * . Norvoiw Troitratiou cmibed liy thn
Uhu or alcohol or tobacco , Wukofulnuss , Muiitul
Depresxlon , Sofa-iiln of tha llraln. re ultlii'lii |
Insanity ami Imiillimtomihvry , ( loL-iiyiimt ( luinli.
1'iemntiiio Old AKllnrrormevf , Loss of I'ower
In olther Httx. lutoluntary I.OSSCH nnd Spcnimt-
orlm-a caused by over-exertion of tliulirnln.balf.
nbnuo or oti'ilmltilgencH. Kuril box contains
one month'H tre.itmt-rit. f I 0) ) n box , ot six lioxei
for * " > . ! > > , feat by mall p-opald on receipt of prke.
To cine liny cato. With each order received by
lib fornlx accompanied with ) , we will
i-end tliu'r . our written jjuiijiiutuo to re
fund the moni'j' If ttie tie.itmi'iit ilooi not 'iivct
IK lire. UniirautuL'rt issued only by ( ioodman
DrituCo , lriitfKl t , Hole Aijents , HlU rurnum
ttrcet , ( Jmiilui , Nub.
, -l iH/lYPjr , . . . DR. OWEN'B FLEOTRO
l iwM5&irr'rt .OAi.yA.iiipDODyBpi-r
u > r > nutd lo cur. ibi fol.
Rhcum > tlo Cornplilntl ,
. I-urjibogo , Otr.tnl and
tlTervoui Debility. SOL
Nervoui'ncsi , Trembllnir ,
8 xualEih u tion.WMt !
, - Ine of Body , Uiioiti
/flndl.rr tlni In .Youth , Age , Mir-
' i EleLlfe , loricl > lldliiairii.ciulnlD |
" or itDlul orrtm 6f Riftlc or froi * ! * .
.SIUI.K rillliKH Oil SO UiV8 IKMt.
' > sELECTRIC INSOLES , , ! , , .
EVLVl | im 7or r i i.mjljlel , wlltL .III It
IIDI j u ID pl > lD inlcJ tonlci. . Uiullta till | | r. ildrtll
- - - Vorth Broadway. OT. LOU1U. MO.
Owrn'i EUctrio Belt Attachment.V
cm wlili fiit nJ mr rt. Th. cur. ,
n 4 mill or tlrocr. Till la ( > < dulr <
ifctrle truit * D < I Ltll v r f&fc4 . II " ' - - - .
UponU | rr a ID ! ( Ki diii. l r roll dticrlrilcnv'ur.
< l.oi E ! cllo-O l lill II.Ill , Slc l Jl | < | lliliKlTriil l > ii < l
la olu Bi4e. lor * > ! llluilrfttr * ! laoipbUl I.Ub'VllI I , ,
nut too U | lila l 4 Bl lrl , tj It.
atKJ Worth Uro.iwur. BX. . ' " * "
N. W. Cor. 13th 8t Doclffo Sts.
ApallQncos.for Doformltloa and Tmsso ? ,
Itent'faclllllOB , nppnratut nnd rcnioJIcs fur ttucceu
ful trentmont of uvvrf form of tllnoaia ru < | ulrln |
.MoitUal or Surc'cal ' Trontmunt.
Hoard nnd allonJadcc ; best Uuspltnl uccouimoda-
tlnniln tlio wost.
. 'umlTi'ti' .
Kyc , Knr.'Mkln imtl IlluoJ.rinrallSiirnlcal'd'pt'nUloni'
Diseases of Woman a Specialty ,
lioou ON DisnASKi or WOMEN MIKK.
All lllood Diseases sucruiiriilly treatoil.
I'ol.vo'i roniuvcil from tliu ur > > U > ni nllhout uuircurTi
Nun rostorattva treafnunt fur lun ur Vital l' < > wor ,
I'ersoiu iiiniblo tu vtitt us 11117 bu trcatsil nt lininu bi
correftpoiitUmcft. All roininuiilctitloiia rontluentlMl ,
MmllcliioM or Instrumunta > ont by unit or oxproiq.
BT-urcly narkcct. no marks tu Indlrnie cnnttiiiti ol
sender. Onu puriuanl InU'rvlnir ( irufurrcd , Call nnn
consult ui ur nurul lilstorjr o ( ) our case , iintl we will
tend In plain wrapper , our .
Upon Prlrnto. Hpcclal or Ncrrout Dlionsoi , Impoi
ttncr. 8rplilM , Olout and Varlcocalo , wltli gnetlloq
IUI. Aaurcii
Omulia Mvlicnl aiul Surgical Institute , < n
OK. JIcWi\A lY ,
Oor. 13th nud DoJ o bU. , . - OMAHA , NED ,
MiUVUUH , CIIIIO.VH' nml I'lllVATi : ilHiASK3 ol
Mi.N nmlVO.MU.N lucccustullr IrunlcJ.
SulTprliii ; rriini Ihn riructi of youth fill follli'i orlnrllf
crilluitH , ur urn troul > ltil ivilli NVi'iikneiii , Nuivoul
llulilllty , Ixni uf Muinorv , IJatiiiiniloiicy , Atfrnlun t < i
hueli-t ) , Klilnuy Truubli'iior itny dl i' unf tliodcnli
to-Urlniiry < ) r nn , ( un liuru ilii < l u mifu uiiil upecJJ
cure. Ctiitucii rt'uiioiiublv , v | > vcliilly tu lue poor.
Tin n > nro niuny truiiblad with tuo frciiucnt ct
tldiiH ot thd li ii'lilur , of leu miDiniMiMlul liy u nllulif
SMinrllnu or biirnhiK uii > titl ii , anil weukuiilnu vt tin
> ) iluni in milliner thu imllent cannot ncciiunt for.
in vxntiilnliiir the uilunry ilupoiliia ropy cccllmenl
nlll oltun I'O louml.i'Nil umiiuiliiiL'i unrtU'le < iifHlbu >
nunnlll nppi-iir or thu cnlur b ot n thin , nillkUk
me , iijulii cimiiKlnK ton ilurk or toipld iiimi'iinima ,
J'Jiorvaruiimni ini'ii wbuilluof tlilnllfllciiltr. lunon
ilnlorthu i.iuiu whUh i Iheiiucciiil Uliuc of ornl.
nil wciikni'n. 'I'liii itoctor will Kuiiruiituiia I'nrlcct
iirolnull Midi ia c .niij n lionllliy renturntlou ol
huiicnilo iirlimrr orvnn * Connilliillon frui > . Sana
/ O'Ml cliiiii | > lur "Vounn Mun'ii Krluinl.oi Uuliluto
Wedlock , " true to n'l. ' A lilruss
Miiin and 12Ui St. , Ktinsus Clt.vMo.
tSfAIC'iiilun thli
. . . ,
HOOIII 03 Trader * '
ST.lflUIS , MO.U,8./ , / .
TABI.E8 , CJJAIBB , & 0.
100 t ! ! m'.r tc4