THE OMAHA DAILY BIEE : THURSDAY , MAKOH 7. 1881) ) , .SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ndveHlHctiientfl ivlll bo taken for IliRRC columns niter lliH : ) p. in. TerniH Cash tit ndvnncc. Advertisements tinder this heart 10 cents p r tlnn for 1 lie Hr t Insertion , 7 cents for cnch sub- requcnt Inrertlon , and JLfiO ptr line per month. No advertisement taken for less tlian - " > cents the Insertion. Seven words will bo counted totlio Hues thty limit run consecutively nuil must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advrrtlf-e- jncntH mtiHt tie lundp'l la before IS-o'clock ! t > . m. , nnil under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone , 1'nrtlos advertising In these columns And hnv- Inir their nn wer.i addressed In cnin of TIIR JlKK will please ask for n check to nnobUi them to Ret tliolr letter * , as nonu will Iw delivered except on tirc.ioiitntltm of rlieLk. All answers to advor- llxaments nhould 1m rncloKcalln envelopes. All advertisements In these column * nro pub lished In botli mornlnp nnd evening editions of TUP. llrK , th circulation of which aggregates morn than If.lMJ pMior.s dally , una gives tint ml- renders ttio tien nl. not only of tha city circu lation of Tim HKI % lint also of Council IthilM. Lincoln nnd other cttlci nud towns throughout Ihlii flection ot the , country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thoio column * will bo taken on the above condition * , at the following biisl- nesa houses , who nro m tliorlzotl agents for Tito Ilr.r. upcdiil notice * , nnd will quote the sain * rates us can be liail nt the main olllco. J 0lt Nw . Plmrmacht , Street. OUASK A iilV. : Stationers and Printers , 113 Mouth Hth Htrcet. _ II. I'AHNSWOIlTlT , Pharmacist , S115 Cum- IUK Htrcut , W.I. IHJdlfKS , Pharmacist. C21orth Ifitli . Street. _ KO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist , 18UO St. ilary'd Avenue SITUATIONS WANTED. \ lANTID ! lly a good bilker , a good , steady . job. Habits steady nnd industrious. Ad dress .1. D. Ilaker , Davenport postollieo. Daven port , la tf ! > ,1H "V\rANTII ! ) Situation ns honxnkcenor by a T > Protc.stixlit k-cotcii-lrlsh girl of % In ft Christian widower's family ; good cook. II r . ll-eK .ail'i S. 15th. ' 8l'-7 * _ _ 8ITlrATlONvnnred , bv young man , ns'boolr- keeper or assistant ; late graduate Kastiii'in ' lIUHlnust collouo. llpst of rafcrancus given. AddreKM ' ll.'i Minn St. , Ileatrlcc , Neb. _ HM-l _ _ "V\rANTiD : Hituntion by Ucrmnii a * cutter : ft ! M years' experience. Address H K , Iloe. Kilt 0 * WANTED MALE HELP. T WANT a first-class broad nnd cnKo bnkcrjan I JLAinerlcun nnd married man preferred ; nouo but llrHt-class need apoly. W. It. Furman , York , Neb. 871 a * w AN'TlfD-Kxporlencod housemaid , with TV good recommendations. Inquire . ' 121 N. M st. czn Mi'7 * _ Experienced man to sell small WANTKD aittclu to dealers ; references Afldiu.-iS 841 , Dec. HKMit ANTKD "Young men at tlS'n week1 ; security required. Art room No. 17 , ! i" Nintnst. Wlei-8 & Collins. 840-7 * WANTHt ) Uood coat-maker ; also , good pant nnd vest-maker. One that Is willing to ilo bushellngalso. The Globe. South Omaha. -8ALKSMKN Wanted. live traveling t-alos- men ; salary and expenses ; no experience IioccsHarr. Address , with st.unn. Palmer & Co. . Wlnona. Minn. KJ1-11' _ wautoil A good man to travel : and sell engines , boilers and general ma chinery : must Ii u vo a practical knowledge of this business and furnish good references. Address - dross Hrownell . .V Co. , 1213 Loavcnworth St. , Omaha , Neb. _ Kir , * w ANTKll- bread baker at K3 Jluln Bt. . Council Illtills. 815-1) ) WAM'Efl-McnTo travel. Miut deposit $ . : . " as giiaruntou for sumpli's. ete. Salary } ; rite to $100 per month. Address 139 Olen avonuc , Councfl ; ; liilln. la. 8180 ANTKt ) Reliable & energetic sales moil in Omaha'und northern halt of Neb ruska to Boll our machlno.s.nlso " collectors , no c apltal or oxperlonco necessary. The Blnger Mfg. Co. Omolin. Nob. -al WANTfiD 111 trnvollnc Ralesmen , salary and expeiWH. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , UesMolnes , la. 7-lal _ _ _ 7 Hullroad laborers for Washington - ton territory ; steady work , long job , at Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnani Bt. 740 ' 1 o YS-AinTDlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. "VV ANTKD A good business mna to take the T management of an olllce In New York city , one tor Detroit and unother for Cincinnati : must Invest l..Hl < ) ; snlixry $1.500 per year. Address Ueoigo S. C'llne , Wagner block , Des Molnet ) . In. C74 A 0 UNTS wanted on salary. S75 per month -CX and expenses paid , any active man or sell qnr goods by sample and llvo at liomo. Salary paid promptly nnd expenses In ndvacce. Full partfculnr.s nnd sample cabo free. Wo mean Just wnut we say. Address Standard Silverware Co , Boston , ; MosiH. WANTKD Agents for our new patent fire proof sates , l7.e 28x16x13 , weight WW Ibs. , retail price Kl. ) , others in proportion. Highest siwuid ( silver medal ) Centennial Exposition : rare chance ; permanent business. Our prices 'lowest. Wo are not In the sato pool. Exclusive territory given. Alpine Sato Co. , Cincinnati , o. \\t ANTKU A good man to go on the road ; V > must no wide awake , full of energy , glvo security for money collected and deposit JJSfor 'namplns ' , Call on ( loorgo 8. Cllno. llouin nil. 1' National bant liiillalng. Oinalnv. Neb. iif : \ OENTS vanted in mry town ana city In -CXtlit ! wc t fortho Harden Hand ( Jranado llro IlxtlnsulHhor. Apply to I' . G. Cnviulall.illO South 15th at. B79 " \\7ANTKI ) Agents In every city nnd town In V T tlio wont to > ell the Toy Calliope , the great- pRt Roller on earth ; send 20 cts for sample. F Q. CrailUall. 010 South 15th Ht. 87i < 8AMSHMRN Wo vlshn few men to Bell our poods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade. Largest manufacturers In our lino. Kn- clofie 2-crnt btamp. Wages $ ) per day. 1'orman- nt position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages advertising , etc. Centennial Mftii'I'gCo. . Cincinnati. C ) . 7Q.VmlUt ) Olrl for generul housoworlt In family of three. TJ1 South IBtb St. , corner Loavenworlli nt. BXi ' ANTKD-Tlousekeeper for family of "m Chtiyeunt' , f M : cook for small hoUtl , ii'i : luunilrcsn lunl kltchun ulil m Houtli omalm , 1 for Carroll , In. . 'J for 1'fattnmonth. Lots of now phiccH In famlUed every day. MM. llroga , : IH ! } fe , iDth _ atu 7 * Y"OtJNO girl wanted to Hew on buttons. 1203 Uouglns st. Cnntluld M't'g Co. 8S1 0 ANTKD ( JlrTifor goneiul housework , no washing or Ironing. I'M ! I'nrkuvo. : 8t - for general honsoworic In n WANTED-tllrl small family , no lodger * or boarders. WJCJ California t. H7I lli - lady clgarmakers or girls who have worked at the trade ; must bn coed and Meady. Can board and ronm x > | tli fnmlly If doalre- . Address B 44. lice. E72 IQr second girl wants plnco in good fam ily , apply p'Hldcnco of 11 , M. Citldwoll. JMth mid Loavmnvo : ' . ANTI'.D Girl for general housework ; KM week ; HXri Duiiglns. b55-S * 'ANT1ID Girl for general liouuowork. 80S B ISth. b& ) or ANTKDVAt 27Tu rfncs'o'ii Ht. girl to do boUHeworItefcreuce.s required. FC4 U * / OMPKTKNT Ctrl for geucrnl housework , v/'Doao ' or Clermiui , at Bit Houtli 2titp ave , hj2 IQt WANTHD A fjlrl for general housework In a fnmlly of two. Mil N&th at. Hil-7ri " \ ) frANTrlCinrfia ! ) ; ; B neral iiouiieworK can W nut JO.M per week ut 2.100hlostii'ot ! : umall taially. KL7' WANTKD-A first-class bread and calio bn.or. Only a flut-rlnss man wanted.with reference. Apply at 1UJ ) Howard tu K1G i > ? WANTKD-Olrl for grneral hounoHorl ; In family of three ; only two cooked meals a d rS131H vlrglul.i avenue. KZ-1 ANTKD-Olrl for Kunoral Iwusowork. li- ( quire 210 N. loth. 71UO | ADIKStomaknwori < tednilvnrtl oinent curds J.J Bt homo ; ft to tH weekly ; out lit Itfo. HeOtie- \vlckKovf UyO .A New lUven , Conn. ' tjL. . WANTKD-A competrn nlrl. 'Must" I * a coed cook nntt luunduss. 001 South 27tb _ t - foru-uerAl liouMV > ork. G'U WANTBD-Uhl N. Both at. , roriier CalUornia. _ W _ WANTllD nurntH.-Itt < ll-ll vcmen to Bull tha "Orlclnal llrinta" Combination Bliouldar lliucu C'4ir ct Ite-t money maKli nMde In the country. PatUfacllim cnarantfed. Lpply for terms niul ttrrltoi'y to Wu-teru t'or- , rt C . .St. IxmU. .Vo. uti-iut " EMPtoVNIENT DUR-AUS. D ; "bm-aiiT" ! ! * N."ICih. ' yun ) . .Vest rsllublo in cty II. li.Wl DRESSMAKING. W ANTED Lncngement. * to do dressmaking In families. Mis * SUirdy.SUl * Lcavenworlh 404m 21' DUKSSMAKINO In families , 1211 N 17th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 412 in 2 DHK8SMAIClNO.cuttlni& ! ntUng.-'ll * Douglas Sl'ml'it SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TrAT15M'lNr.IS TiiortIi ! niT amf Typewriting V institute , new Fnxton building , Omaha. The only exclusive shr.rtb nd school In the Mate. Over ono hundred graduates In good Mtnations. The school li under tha management - ment of ( . ' . C. Vnlontlno , oniclM .stenographer of the : ird judicial district or Nebraska , nud Prof. II. II. lloylein experienced teacher ami ver batim reporter. Day and evening sessions. Stu dents can enter at iiny time. Semi for circular * . rrt ml7 \\f llirriiKSP.V'H Shorthand nchunlSL Itirker T block , : ) mths' lnitrlictionstlsclass ; limited 7:11 : al' STANDAHDPhorthanil School. 412 Shoeloy block , teaches standard systems nudti'cs Uemltiqton typewriters. Cliculars fiee. 72J V\MNTKi-Hv ) two young gentlemen , room > t and board In n private family. In th" north pait ot the city. Satisfactory lefaronce fur nished. Addicts 8S ; , thlsolhro. W 6' \VANTi : Hourd In nrlvnto family by gen- 11 tleman ami wlfn ; location contra ) ; rofer- cnccs exchanged. Address stf' , Hoc. b.M-1 * \\rANTIJD-Carpentcrto build ana furnish 1 1 mateilal forlirjo house , tor eaihandjlluo residence lot. Addiess It 01 iW olllco. Ill-j " \VANTKn-10.00) women to iiie T i Tnnoy rotnpouiul Pills. ' Pcrfoi'tlv aafo nnd always cllfcltial. Send fort \ "Woman' * fMifo ( Jiuu-d. " Wllcox Medical Co , . Philadel phia. IMAl't'tiU WANTED-TO RENT- "V\rANTI'D to Kent Small stern or part ot store In drat class location. Adilrs n H ID , Iloe ollico. W17 IS * FOR RENT-HOUSES. TJ10K HUNT 8-room house , hard nnd soft JP water , SU. Cor ISth and Pacillc. 870 8t ITlOIt HBNT A iiqw 2story hoiisp on Center , .L1 between 2Uth nnl 21st ots. , upper frame , lower brick ; upper story has 1 rooms , kitchen mid pantry ; lower story has d rooms , kitchen , pantry aud cement llnlshed cellar , tanks for cistern water lu both ptorltu , wotl. coal houses , etc. . separate for bath ; suitable for two fami lies. Knqulreof propilotor Pacific hotel , G > 7 Pa cific st. fchl H * FOIt ItnNT OtiHHroomliDiMe , ItU barn , S. 'd St. , Hoar I.eaveinvorth st. Inquire at Western Cornlie Works , C07-OII S. loth st. C. Specht. KVJ-l'J F OirilTTNl'-I'lat of seven rooms cor. S llUh and Paclllo st * . Dusgan's block , b77 IIinUSTotbimsosforrent. 8. T. I'otor- A son. s. e. cor. loth and Dougla * . Sl > at * . . HUNT Now 7-room ilat , corner ICtli and Jonas. A. C Powell. 1-01 Karnnm. iff ! 17011 HUNT 2 houses. 1 ten rooms , 1 now J1J house , 4 rooms. 1213 Parko aye. 841 lit FfH ) ItKNT 10-room house , ste m. gas , bath , hot and cold and cistern \\ater , good cellar nnd nice yard. $50. i'J S'lib. . lnauiro ' 07 S 2Uli. ITIOH HUNT 8-room bouse , with nlco barn , -U 2x'd and Webster sts. C. I1. Harrison. > Ier- cants' Nat. Hank. 7U7 0 TJ1OH SAIiK Nino-room house , barn and lot OJ In Hnnscom Place ; also- houses nnd lots In Sunny Sldo. Harris , room 411,1st Nat , bank. FOH KENT 10-room modern house ueir high Khool cheap. Also 0-room cottngiN Slil and Howard , ( ! . II. Thoui | > son , HIS Shecly bloclc , loth and Howard. ) < . ) . ! ITIOIt HUNT 7 room cottage ou Harney st just JJ west of aith st , $ Jo. 3 room Hat N 17tn st , ? 12. 4-iootn cottage , S. IJth st. JO-room house on S. ICth st wltli nil modern conveniences , will lent reasonable to party making good loisp. Ajiply to Ureon HeV11 - Hams 1'lrst National bank bnlhlliicj. 5VJ FOR HUNT Hy March 1. (1-room ( house In good repairs on Lake st , rent cheap , and it- room cottage in Arbor pluce. Shoely's Station , J7.W per month. InfiulroSaiS IBth st , or 14KJ Douglas st , room . 4'JO 3NIJW , flrit-class nnlsbed. 6-room Haw with bathroom , gar * , water uud bower ; - stores , corner , suitable fdr drug 'Store : 1 Imscinout siittabio for barbsr shop , cornar 21th and I.oav- onworth HtH. Inquire nt proniljei. 2MnS ! * QIKN'-ItOOM house ou Ifeth near Leax-enworth ht ; modern conveniences : will rent to good reliable tenant nt Jin per month , Ci. .1. Sterns- Uorir , looms : ; i7-318 First Nut , building. JUJ FT room house , J14 pnr mouth , S. U. cor 11th and J Vliiton. Inquire next door. : ( > 7 TJIUUNISIir.D house for rent In Park Terrace. JL1 opposite Hanscom Park , all moileinn con veniences. Ilnqulre , Leo i : Nichol , 23th and Leavt'iiworth. OJi BKAt"ril''UIi B-room liouse , gas , city water , bath loom , hot and cold water , on paved streets with struct car , near a gooJ school , only * . " per month. The house Is new. Apply at once. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. TTIOH HKNT When yon wish to r < mt n house. JL' btoro or olticn call on us > . II. U. Cole , room 0 , Continental block KM "ITUIt HUNT O-room modem Improved hone JA ? I locality. Kent moderate. Apply M. Kl gutter , 1001 Kurnam ht. & -M FOIt HUNT Cottages. ! > rooms. 27.5 Charlo * si nnd lit".I So Cth aU Inaulro It L'U' , Sheeloy block. KM TTIOH BKNT 0-rooiu briclc. 114 S Situ st ; mod- JU cm conveniences ; near cabin line. .1. W. Qrllllth , U. I' , hottdqnnrtora. MJ OH IIF.NT 7-room tlat at&08 S. lath. Innulro F J , U llrandols & Sons. H-17 FOR RENT-FURfJISHEP ROOM . POll HKN11 Two well furnished rooms.siTiglo or en suite ; steam heated , IDlil Douglas. B3J7 * T71HONT rooinjmodern conveniences. 3Z3 N.Kth JL1 b2 9f TJIUKNISIIUD room , 4'0 S. Ijth st , Hat 7. _ I AltO h' furnished front room , suitable for l " or ! l gontn ; bnaul if desired ; private family ; references dailred ; ( .07 N. Ibth. 823-11 * "ITIOU HKNT Furnished room with use of par- JL' lor Ilia and piano , $10 per month , aud bounl If ili-alred. Ifill Cullfurulast. Bll'-7 ' * TJIOH HKNT Handsomely fiirnl.shod rooms , JL ? with bath. etc. ; board If desired. 1911 Far- mini ht. tili-'T FOIt HKNT A buiiill south fooii every con"- vcnlente. 2U > 7 Douglas st. MI Qlil'l Dodgel rnrnTRheil rooms fov iadies ami -i gentli-men. with or without bnaul , ll.uh , neat and llj/ht. Iteferonco reiiulred. I'llco moderate. ,1)0 ) h * A VKN'IIi : Hooms-AtiniftndIfliriC ; ! pltol vo J-\ 2 block.s from l > O. newly f uriiiihed private boaitlnchouiuploaautrooiU3altcoiivcuton'ieK ! ! 3 U _ fjlOlt UKNT A nli-ely fiiriilslien 4 : all con ye iileiicv a ; iil8 So. itn wt. Till'IINIHIICDrooms , shiKlo or ensinte , bath JL1 and KtPttm : for ( jouts only , 1010 llouatd. 7tO .R OO.M 17 , KXi b 2X'lld. e * > -t N10KLY furiilHhed front rooms. 8mln ; or In _ suite. 14lUDoduu t. I. N. ( Julll. 077-7J ] 71b Dottgo ; ru ms and Ihvt-clas. liome bond. . 7IW-7 TpOH. HKNT-Very Inrgp tnrnlshed room and - JL' alcove , south fimit ; hnieleclrli : bells.nprak- Ing tul > .s , cr.tlen , etc. ; guUa.lo for two or tlireo -n : I'm nam. cv : ' 1 > IHVAT1J faintly havn sovi-ral choice fur- J. ulMird rooina for rent , Ul N. airh * t , ur r. * "IjM'HNISllUD ri'oms by dayTwo'.teor month. J1 > t. Oulr HotBl , ror. iiih : and Doilge. 5W 'I. IUMS Funilhlioil of uiifiinilshod. atniiUi or J-\ su suite ! nmdorn convenlonces. J7 l odie. ; "M 101" f urnlshea rooms & ; board , 1703 Dotmlai. J- > 4VJ _ SUITof 2 fnrnlhlioJ resins , modern conven * Icni'Pi , J blocks from I' . O. , private family , A. Hoxpv , Jr. , 15IJ DoiiRliis st. ! ij XT li.'li uooms.o from M to i a mouth Pcaiio < tjr , JHth iulJc.u istrdtv. V70mli ; IAllTK ( .rontTMiii , iik-nry furii Jfor 2 ecutleinpii , lau hnruam. "IjlUIINI.SIIKD or uufuruuiiqd room , with JO nud bath , ooard If dailrod , Dlv d. 2atn at. . oprKinlto All Hatuu' cliurcn. 7:17 : front roo.u laltt Dodge [ , I ) rooms. 1UH2JIU st.near Dodga. t ) NiCKIiV turnUhod room * , iteniiilieat , gn. : - > tath , f ic. . on naiuo Uoor , 119 per mouth. 20J B. Sltti. n.i IIU. _ _ -g ; iruntNISmUl room , cheap , KOO , 2UO I . 717 l _ _ _ N' lOI'.fiYfuraUhocl tonias , niionTilt nn buck parlor ; 1WJ DOI.IM ; it. eu _ _ FOR RENT-ROOMS PURNIHE.D. -rnrnWnedTooinsnrOrneiiisljl cor , Ilth ntid Doiliro st . Imiutro of Goo. I Davis , Mllliml hotel billiard room. KV ! "fiWIl HUNT Nicely filrnlsliad room , with JL1 boardlf desired , gai , heat anil bath-room , 1707 Dodt-est. Ml IDLIIASANT furnished rooms 10K Capitol ave. FOR RENTSTCJRgg ijipjg r F ICES. FOH HHNT-Store , S. W. cor. ICth and I.onv- cnuorth Ifiu-S ? "irolt HRN12 stores 7 room Hat. n room JL' housn 17th , near Nicholas. Innulro fchles- ingor tiros. , nil south luth at. G.Q-mi : BrPI.VHSS.bililncssTwonttW brlrt on Lpavciiworln street , east of 3lth , thnt nro paying 10 u r rent at aoit rental. ( Jet pilcesotM. A. t'ptoiiCompany , Ifith and Far nam. Gill FOH HP.NT-2tloors22K J cach.ln brick build- iniT , with elevator , close to express olllco. cheap lent , Just thn thhi' ; for hnla.xallng , good location , apply ( ieo. lleyn , HOi Fftrnam st. "IH ItKNT-T o .storey r/l. ! nnd r.a North JL liith at , Iniiulro at the building. Henry Oatholl. WI FOIt HP.NT Olllco snltujil a mouth. 2 slmrlo olllces Jl.'ienrli , nil fronting loth st. Hush- man block , n. o. cor. lath nud Douglas. W. M. Hiishniai' . 1J11 Lcavemvorlh. 5Si POH KENT -A warehouse with high bass- ment , ' 'ontrally locatetlou Idcpsnilont track from which earn bo utiloaduil and loaded Into and from building. ImmgdUte ponsos-slun. Sam J. Huwoll , 2K S. llth st , Omann. m' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. NlvriCI ! to Fnrmem nnd OanU-ners For rent , the lollowiug pieces ot land ; Noith \t \ ot uortli\\e t \ of s-er. I , t 13 , r 12 , IJJ acres ; south ' . of Houthuoit' , of sec. Id , t 1,1 , r 12 , 8J nrivs ! east ! ) i acres ot north V * ol northwest1 ! H3.'i , t 1" > , r I1. ' , JWacresjnlso 17 acres duo south or the poor farm aud adjoining Kdward Howi'll plneo In city limits , Innulro ot John llamllti , UI7 I.lnton block , Omaha. Neb. 870 31 Um HKN'I' ' Well Improved farm of TO acres near city. Schlesliiget llros. , Ull So'ith 10th. 1JIOII ItliNT-llasement. nuttthld for n plum. - * - ber orbjrbor , cor. Mth and.Iacteon sts. Veil oil IIF.NT Uood basement , lJKW. ! ! 131 "i Douulasst. 4U ! RENTAL. AGENCIES. /"iKO. J. PAUL , Ida ) Farnaiu at. , houses , VJ store * , etc. , for rjnt , KM \\rn give spe 'lal attention to lenllng and col- TT lectlng rants , list with ui. II. II. Cole , room G Continental block. 5311 LF VOF want your liousus rentoil place them wltu llunawa Ac Co Ijth , opposite postoillee. MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA , .Neb. , Fob. II , 189. Notleo Is here by given to the holders of all bonds Issued by the Cabin Tramway Company of Omaha , nud hearing date of May 2d , 137 , January 1st , INvS , and October lar , 183 < . to present tht ) sniue , Jor payment , with accrued lutoivst , at ths First National bank of Omnlin , Neb. , the fifth duvet ot April. lt < 8n. Interest on said bonds will ceaio on that date , the company having availed Itself of the right to lodeom the same , by giv ing thirty days notice of Its deslie to do so , S. H. Juhuson , 1'renldeut. Bfl8-a" > B f \MAIIA Steam Dye \Vorcs 1.VJ1 Howard st. v/Dyeing , denning , ete. Lace curtains cleaned. C. T. Paulson picp. , telephone 1147. 512-m2.1 S\VAN80N. Valien St Co. , undeirtakors and embalmers , 1721 Cuming st. Tel. 10IW. 651 m27 a 1IIU banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel- _ lenbeck. U2J1 S. 10th st. _ _ M2 _ IF YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange. call on or address , ( , . ,1. StornsdorlT. rooms 317 nnd 3IH First National bank building. C62 PERSONAL. PiitSONAL-"H. : A. H."Lottor just received. ! I Here Is letter ut postolllce for you general delivery. It. 44. Write mu please. hT.'i Ot ATHANC'B MUDH'M Mnw. Sandall , the young Swede , tolls full names of callers and the full name of your ftitnVu husband or wlfo , wltulate of marriage , nnd tolls whether the one you love is true or false.Not n fortune teller , but. a young spirit medium. Madame goes Into n perfectly < lo.vl tranro.Vlll brlug Dad. the parted husbnhd or lover , no matter it they bo W.OOJ mila.s Will guarantee to settle family nuarrels. Parlors tip stair. ) . lOi N ICth St. , third floor. MlSt \ tl' VOL' intend to marry or only desire nmiiso- mcnt join our club. Address with stamp Western CorrospoudoacJ Club , Council Illtill.s , In. UMImllt FOR SALE-MiSCHLLANEOUS. TTOH SALi : 1,000 tons 11 to in Inch ice o J-1 track. Council Illuirx , Gillert Ilros. Sljal Af.AHtlK , nea\y government wagon , almost new , can be lioiuht at your own prlne. G. .1. Sternsdoill , looms 317 and 1MB National Hank. Telephone 4HI. f > V ) A11AIKJAIN- Thirteen imndred dollars worth of furniture for live hundred and fifty dollars and lease of modern house on Cap itol avenue. Must well on account of poor health J. H. I'arrotto. UMB Qhlc.igo at. ? ; ? - " _ - FOH SALE Car load of young sound hordes. _ ] 010jullfornla Ht. K. U. Wood. 321 "IjtOH 8ALK On terms tusnIMho neat cottage , Jt ? 2SM Charles st. TelophoiidKiT , or W. T. Si-a- man , Omaha's largest variety bu zlcs , W.IKOIIS , \c. , cast s de IQth st. north of Nicholas st. 4Vi WANTED TO BUY. TXTANTKD For cash , a .span ofyoting sound , T T well-broken fai m mare : * . UI4 ! S. 15th. tKOfi * S'lOHH properly ICth north of viaduct. 22 feotou Leavenworth. llntclilusou \ Wend corner rooms , N K cor. Douglas and 10th. tou-t ) WANTKD to buy I have customers tor houses and lota worth from SI.MW to Jt OO1) ) . projieity ( Avnern wishing to self wilt consult l heir Interest by listing their property with inn. 1 Van llnd yon a purchaser. C. D , Holier , room u. S. W. cor. ifitlmnil jjouglaa , CB \ATANTKI ) To buy good commercial paper. W It. c. Patterson Jlsirtn _ st. _ f WANTKO Furniture , carpnts , .stoves and hou.s hold goods ot all kinds. Omah.x Auc tion & Storasfo Co. . 1121 Fani'ini. 5I'J PIIIST-Cli/VSS inortgiio notes wanted In any amount , C. A. Starr , 1011 Farnam ht. LOST. LOST Wlillo and yellow Hotter dojj , blemish on loft eye ; $ . " > reward If returned to ut ! So. Sllth ut , FrauC Cross. 870 7 LOST Shawl Tuesday afternoon , Davt-nport between 1'lth and IStli Finder please leave with Harvey , First National bam ; , ami got ru- want , ' Hf2t LOST A bet of church plans on 10th or Wirt sis , Howaul by ronirnlnu' to Mendelssohn , Ftshor & Lu rle , iircluteuth , I'axton bloek , BI7-fl. LOST On 1 Hh bt , within a blocks of Webster st. depot , a lirown leather grip containing nrllclM of clothing. Pom < } marked "K II. " and homo Frank lloyd , Ltburalroward will bo paid by leaving at t hi * ulllce. Ktj G * STORAGE. STOHAUK At low r.itooat 1U1 turnum st , . Omaha Auction i Htor-su Co , 617 rPHACKAOl : . Etoragn. lowest rates. W. JI , JLHushmaii. nil Leavciiwortli. 543 ItANUll A : COtoTai'u. . lilt Howard. CLAIRVOYANT Tl I'HH. l.CNOHMAN cnn be consulted air all -I * 1. nifBlrof life throiich the nmglo mirror , S-tUtaUon ! guaranteed , 4U * N lUtliat.Hphtalrs. _ U. NANNIK V. Warroii , clairvoyant , .Meill- cat and business medium. 1'amalo dlseusoii a pei'lally , 113 N 16th st , , rooms 2 and J. 611 ABSTRACTS OF _ ITLS , MIULAN'DOunrauiB , v Trust Oo , , I'M Fur- nam , CoiiiDiota nlntracu fitriituhed & tltloi to roaluotato oxainlnoJ.perfoctoJ & guuranteoJ AlliiTllAC'lS--Ilualmu i. Mahonay , room new. _ Pax ton block. _ _ _ _ 643 _ O MAI1A Abstract company. ii9 ! Farnnnist. Most complete nud carefully prupared set of abstract lmoK.s and plats ot all i at proparty m the city ot Omaha and Douulai county. _ MO.M'.V bnvo. 8.VXX ) caih fund to loan ror prhnte p-arty ; Mill exaiutna your abstract ! can yet your money withoui delay. J , D. Ku- ony i Co. , ttOjFUnt National bank. 01TV Flrjimolal ftgeiu-y will loan you money on horitrs , furniture , jewelry or securities ot any kind ; 13U3 Ilon-aca st. , cor , 8. 13 at. CCJ4-11 * _ _ HJK loaiii wanted on improved city prop- eily. Ulmlull. Clmmp & llyau room U U. B atJjkbUlg. l'.Mj Faniam t , B07a : > rplllJOenlraTLoan & Trust Co. , No. 1011 Far- .L nam fitrc < < t , will nnoto unusually tow ratas OH choice city loin * in Omulm or Council Illuffs. C. A. Btarr. inauagcr. Tt ! B WANTKIlrirar clftjj Inside loans. Lowest iiittJ. Onllnndaaa ui. Mutual Inve t- cii-ut Co. Ill IJarlctr blk , loth and Farcaml 60) 1 > 0 _ i _ [ MONEY TO LOAN. _ _ MOM2VV6 fcnn on furniture , horses , wagon , etc. , otlWniir approved socitrlty. J. W. Itobblns , If.Uft Sheely .l.lSth and llow ra " , _ _ _ M\ tor | < V i Rt lowest rates of Interest on real estaTc In Omnlm nnd Pont'i ' Omalm. Title * nnuprqperty examined by its and loans mndo nt owe ? 'dish on hand. Bales , Smith , V Co. rqomjjttl ltomgabldng. _ L * _ Bl'ILDIti ( ! > loans a snecialtv. W. M. llnrrls loom 21 * , Frvnzor block , opposite P. O. TrONKVjolmu. Harris. U. li. A Loan Col I room Al. First Nnt. Hank. 018 OKOPLKS Financial E < cclmuge-Tho falroit , JL quietest , Inost llbsrnl money exchange In the city ; loans made without delay or publicity. In nny nnioililt large or smnll , at the lowest rates ot Interest , on nny nvallabla security ; loans may b3 paid ntanytlmoor ranowod ut original rales , O. llouscjirou , mgr , Hooin IWJ , Darker blk. nth and Farnain I CAN make a tow loans on flr.u-ciass chattel securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter , room 10 llarkor blk. 70i B 10 VOU want to Ucadthlsi borrow money/ It mil savoyoii tlmo , It will save you money. V'otl can borrow from II. P. .Master * , sucrossor to W. 11 , Croft , room 4 , Wltlmell bld'c. i : > th and Harnoy sti. fit ) , feM. iil. jli ) ) . JAW , j-ojf ji.ouj , $ .5.00) , $ inOH m fact , nny sum you wiint on iiirulturo , pliino * , horse * , mules , w.iunns. etc. , on enlor terms nnd at lower r.ito * tlian any other olllcii In the city , without publicity or removal of properly from ynur possession. It an Instalment la due on your property nnd you cannot meet It , cnll nnd sco me. I wll pay it for you. If you nave a loan in nny other olllco , call and Ret my rates. 1 will take It up nnd carry It for you. I mske lonn * lor ono to six month' , nud you cnn pay a part nt any time , reducing both prin cipal nnd interest. All loans renewed at orlKlnal rates , anil no arso for papers. , All business strictly confidential. Call and see mo. l ou t forpet the number. lloom 4 , Vvitlmoll block. GV1 BUirlINJ loans. D. V. SUoles , 210 , l'l"t Nnt'l Itauk. ? DO ITOU want money ? Loans made on house hold furniture , pianos , hornet etc. , without delay or removal , Person * wlthlmja loan of till * kind will do well to cnll at our olllce linfora dealing ciawher < i biialness strictly conllden- tlal. A. K. ( Ireenwood Si Co. , Room I , Cunningham - ham block. Mth nnd .lark.snn SH. ! i" > J MONKY to loan on furniture , piano * , hoiso * . waBon . otc. < 'lty IIOIM Co. , lid S Mth at , opposite Mlllard hotel. 17(1 ( DON'T borrow money ou fmnlturo , horses , wii ons , etc. . or collaterals until you sen C. II.Jacobs , 110 I'lm National bank building. 8S rpo MAN--A special fund ot 110,010 In .sum * JL from JVM up , on unlniprovoil lots In Omaha If not situated too far out.OJell llrotners. * Co. ; iw s. ir.tii st. rj : F IHSTmortijaKa : oiins at low rates , and no delay. 1) . V. Sholea , U10 , Klnst National bank. - _ MONRY to loan onimproved proporfynt drat hand * . No application sont. away for ap proval. BttPiirltynud titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , IW-J S. ith : ! st. 66 > / DEIiI. DUOS. & Co. , No. HIS So. 10th St. , V/Chambcr of Commerce building , loan money nt 0 , ( i4 ! , 7 , " ! nnd 8 pir emit , according to loca tion of property. Unsurpassed facilities for placing largo loans on Inside business properly. A special fund of several thousand dollars to loan on unimproved lots. 2.W IOAN.S on business property. $ , tOJ ! to SM.UOtl. Avanted. Provident Trust Company , room UGH. First National Hank building. IQJ MONHV to loin on Improved real estate by Northwesturn Slntual Llfo Insurance Co. Lowest rates : no commlsblons. Address How ard KeuuMjvspoClnl loan agent , Omaha , Neb , ' i < N.7 JM : O.N'iYto ; Ltan on chattel socurltv. fair rate of interest ; .1. II. Pairotto , ICOU Chicago s > t. _ NKUUA&ICA' Mortg. Loan Co. will mane you a 1 , loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , flno Jewoti'y or securities of any kind without publicity , at reasonable ratoJ. Room 7 , Howley bloclc. South Omaha. Hooius , OlS-51,1 I'axton bin. , Omaha , Neb. G > 5 Al.fO ) to * : o,00) ) at 0. < i' ' ; ami 7 ner cent , no Mill- "illomorij money direct from the Eastern In vestor. W'll:3Ielkle ! ' , First Nat'i Hank building. MONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with- outidelay.aiiid purchase good commercial paper nnd mortgage notes. S , A , Sloinnn , cor. ] 3th and Furnam. MJ MONKV to loan. O. F. DavU Co , real estate and loan agents , 1535 Farnam st. M7 MONKV t Loan Wo are ready tor applica tions for loans In amounts from WW to $10- 000 ou improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. I nil Information as to rat s. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased bv us. Call uion us , or wrlto. The McCaguo Investment Co. 130 Pr.Ol'LK'S Financial KxplmiiHo-Lirga and snull loans for long and short time , at low est ratei of interact , on real u- > tate mortgage notes. clmttolH of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't t.ill to call U you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. Houscaren. Mgr. , roomfiliij , IJarlcer blk. , 15th and F.u-nam. uO " 1'Klt CENT money to loan Cash on baud. W , M. Harris , room a ) . Irenzer bloclc , op p. P. O. .T.U F . COLD , loan agent. H.F . 247 SHK . 21 a First Nai'l bine bnforo mak ing your loans , r > 3i ! MONI1V to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. \V. Smitro , I21 Farnam si. , Vint National bank building. f > 57 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . chfap o.irtorn money direct to borrowers. Make building loans , large or mntill ; perfect ; tltlos ; accept loano In their west ru olllco , Ooo. W. P. Coates , representative , W Doaril Trade , Mil MONKir loaned for : , & ) or SHIday ? . on any klndot chattel security ; reatonablo Inter est ; biiRlnoss confidential. ' J , J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam st. " Mil fOMKVto Loan Lowest r.itos. Loans closed Lpromptly. H. 15. Colo.H . .Continental blocs. 6fl2 JiVXI.OJ'J to loan at ft par cent. Lmatian & Mahoney - honey , Itoom SJO , I'axton block. WM T OANS madoon real estate aim mortgages JLJbought. Lewis S. Used & Co. , 1121 Pnrnum. BH MONKY to loan in largo sums at the lowest ratej ; no delay. It. C , Patterson , ai8 B. Ifith. ii2j I" K. COLK , loan agent. * - 217 U1LDINU loans. Ltiiahan & Mnhoney.W > W FOR EXCHANGE. \\rANTKD ( iood of hor-ses m exchange T t for clear lot. A. P. TuktyI5thand Douglas kfi ) " lniClllN'bON Si We.ul have removedlocoT- nor rooms over'1 wo jOrphans , " u o cor. Kith aim Douglas and have to exchange for Omniitt property 2groc rfe. < , one $1,150 and onu jl(0) ( . Cn tytfOldrug stock , Llvo Mock and vacant Iota clear. Food business T. 1th leasa of build ing and ground. BJIB : > A aOOD blear lot to trade for driving horse. It. F.'WIlllanis , : i 3 N. liith Ht , W > J fl T710K SALh Or uxchange , saloon , llxtures , ' A' stocktjt _ Address. C. A , Post. Lincoln , Neb. . - , B44-12t F OH JJ A fiB oroKchaiigc , grocery Htoro.Etoct , llxtuiej , etc. Address , C. A , Post , Lincoln , Nob. _ _ TflVil KXCHANflU THO g.w < l hotels for 'clear -t. laud or merchandise ; fifteen farms for mer chandise or town property : n good livery burn to hell or trade. Address J , K. Shlpmnn , Kear ney , Neb. so. ! . ' ; * ' " T OO'lv" III'.KK I liavu to exchaiigo $ JiroTi XJ North iiood Inside property uulncumuered. for a good farm , Cit feut on Jones street near Fifteenth for residence property , improved. Lot on Lowe nvo for residence In west part of city or Walnut hill , lilogant house In ICount.e place for a house or lot in west part ot the city. UnencumberiiU house and lot lu West Omaha for good vacant lots. An Improved'liiiKluess corner for other prop- ertound Borne cash. 4 HO ttcroH fine land one-halt mile from rail road In llrowu county tor Omaha property. Unencumbered city properly aud lauds for atoclu of Roods. uood farm * for city property. Property lu'ail parts of the city to trade. G rover Stevens. 77a-a 1521 Fnniam Ht , _ il WALK or exchange , a tlnu ranch , cleat of encumbrance , of UXJ acres , fit head of cattle , U ligruoo. plow * , wauonv , wlndmllU , running water , timber , and fn fact a complete pla < u. Will take a good Iowa farm as pun payment. Woutod uood residence at ouco for ray own use. Money to loan on chnttetaccurlty. 1-or particulars lu-iulro room 403 Blieeley block , cor. ISth and Howard. 707-V _ O' LKAHiuiid , low and etocic for good house and lot , Omaha ; must be unexceptionable nelgUborliopd , Adareiu tf 21Uee , _ 700 flip MCliANliK llonsoi and lots , farm J-land merch nilhe. howej , c-ttlo , waooaa , etc. Call \\nt9O. . li llelter , rOom6'SW corj IStU and Dougjas. . 240 FOR EXCHANGE. TOIl nXCIIAKUK-RlQhty acres of the finest JU' timber land In Wlnconsln. clear of Iticum- brnnce. What huvo you to olfor ? O. J. Sterns- lonr. rooms 31T & U1S FlMt National bank Tiulldlng. C49 _ _ " \\7HAT have you to odor In pxchsngo for a T f SI2.00U ro'ldonce In n good cnunty nnd 1,000 acres of land , all clear. Western Land nnd l-cmn Exchange , 11 ; S , Sixteenth. M.1-fl resldnnco JL1 property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Inside resldcnco lots In lit stings , KU lots In Lincoln. r.40 acres tine farmlnit land. Lancaster county. Flno residence property. Lincoln. Hood rental property , Lincoln. Cnolcof aucy residence , coiner. Los Anenlna. A neat residence proparty In llnnscom Place. Also , soma good mortgage iiotof. Address , giving location .md prlcn of prop erty , .1. K. II. . care Haum Iron Co. . 131T I.oayou- worth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ TTOH ixCHAN(3K-D.ikotn : , Hand county. JL1 What have yon to oirer for a peed farm here , slightly eunimberod ? Dakota lands nro rlslnu In value , aud Its destiny cannot bo dis puted Will take vacant lot or Improved prop erty ati.l assume- some Incumbrnncn. I ) . J. Htern dorir , rooms 317 nnd 318 , National bank building. _ Sflt BUSINESS CHANCES. OAPT. W , p. O'Jxolll's dairy farm near town for sale or rent cheap. Cull to-morrow nt 310 SJUith st. l21 l.t-CLF"IntelostTin > eiTpaylugchop house nml J In city ; nine furnished roouiR lu connection ; tliu * trade : good location : Invent- gate liiimedlatoly. Address S 41 llee. S.VT lu * TTlOlt SA Li : A lint class meat market , best JP location lu the city. Hcason for selling , ch.ingo ot business. Address S 42 Bee. 8tiM3 _ \\rANTKI ) Partner with J-WO lu n theatrical > > enterprise ; will pay JOi ) per week sure , Address S ; t7. lloo. SOI t MKAT market for sale ; bout paying stand lu Omalm. Address "U 5 * . " Hoc olllce. 400-uv-l * \\r , ANTKD A partner , elthernctlve orallcut , V > In n veil-established seed business , with n largo stock of all kinds of Hold seeds ; capital required , W.tiOO to $10,000 ; a splendid opportu nity for the right man. Address SUS > . Ilco olllce , 81.1 AN KW roller mill for sale Inn good wheat bolt , nnd good market for floor. For to rms address r. J. Andreas , Gordon , Neb. 2-V > uU8 * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. rPOH HUNT or Sale SOncre' C miles from JL1 Omalui , plento' of frnlt and good Improve ments ; also IVi near storkyurds with good oichtird. Apply at 'llmc.s olllce , So. Omaha. KiS 10 " 171OH SAM ! On 20th near Clark , good coitago JL1 and stable ; small cash payment ; balance monthly. Here Is a chance to get a homo on easy toims. 1'rico fl.OJO. A , P. InkojIBth Douglas. BiRJand FOIL rSALC-llouse. No. 1211 Capitol avenue. Apply at 1217 Furnam. Wll 1710lt.SAl.ilWe : have 1 lot in llniiscum Piucu JE" " and I corner lot In Kountro Plnco. We will build to your plnn and give It to yon nt cost , 'i ciish , bnlauce tohtilt. We have a now il-room cottage ( cor , 45x115) ) . 15th nnd Locust .sts , JIOO tush , balance monthlv. It will pay you to BOO UN Hamilton liros. , llullders , 40-i S Isili M. HU'l'CIllNSON i Wcad have removed to cor ner rooms over "Two Orphans" n o cor. Douglas and 18th and have corner In Plaluviow J1.200 , KBU cash. Corner in Orchard Hlll$7rX ( ) ; $ - ' ) cash. 22,44 , ( Ifi or ty feet Douglas on 12th nt WW. 4-xltO IDtli near viaduct. S1.6 0. _ FOH SALE or trade 0ne 2-story frame build ing 22x1112 ; must bs lomovod April 1st. In quire at 12ttT > Douglas. 7U.J-17 Tl HAD faholes specials Head. SaMM Buys elegant now house on Georgia and Popplctoii lives. , east trout aud all cou- vlence.s , furnace. C'liolco. j5"iW ) llnys flue 8-joom house on Lowe avo. , alltouvenlcncos. Part cash and good lot in payment. } 7.VW Ifuya good louse nud lot on Park avo. , near 1'oppleton , U rooms nnd all conven iences. I urnaco. SO.DOO Can buy hew house , a looms , fnriiiico and all eonvenieiics , In llanscom place. Hop onto this quick. 8300 good room rottago and full lot. S SOO lluy.s nn elegant house in Kountza Place , on Wilt st. Part cash and p.irt trade. STi.OOO Buys an elegant house in Kountzo Place. Furnace and all conveniences. Kojldencos and lots In all parts of the city. For Trade. Three good brick dwellings near Park , fine house and lot in ICountze Place , iluo house nnd lot In llanscom Placo. $ I4.00J equity 111 ICnox county farms for good clear lot or lightly encumbered lionso and lot. Valued nt M.SOU. , This is a rare trad Ing chance. I handle all Kln.lnot property and push n bargain. List your property with mo. Huslness Is going to be good this year and I want a good list for spring. S'-ud lu your lists. 1) . V. Sholo-s , 210 National Hank. 778 F. FLACK has removed from Fronzor t bloeK to 310 S. liith St. , whore ho has opened a neat oflice In the basement of the Chamber of Commerce. Ills list of choice real estate is com plete , embracing some of the most desirable miblness and residence property In the city. Al o n number ot houses and lots for sale on easy terms , or will nxchango for good city lots. John F. Flack. :110 : S. lull. Cat 1/HN K quarter section. Sherman county. Lots JU in thriving Iowa city ; also in Omaha. Ken tucky bred f-nddlo horse , oil the gaits. St > len- dld family mare , carriage , etc. What have you to oiler ? Address H fl ) , lleo olllco. 70ti Q I.OTO buys 2 bonnes and lot , 07x3J S. K. cor. Pllth nud Vlntoii. GJJ-m'll T > HACK Afli : for sale Lots 21 nnd 22 , block fi. JL Paddock Place , irnck already In , Sl.iKW If told by March 10th ; after tnat data JfjCOi ) . M. A. Upton Companv , Kith and Farnam. 678-10 LOOK IliUK-Lot : fiOxli ! ) . 20th struct , : ust botith of Loavcnworth , paved street , strea cars. Two-story 8-room UOUSH ; good collar and cistern ; owner eolugwo' t on March and If not sold by that time will bo taken out of the market : J''xKI ; cheap. Mi A , Upton Com- pnny , Idth and Fanum , 01 : ! milACICACK-On the U. P. It. U. JU.'xISI. JL svlthlu the mile lino. Tills H the best bar gain In Omaha ; $ " > , OUJ. Qrovor Stevens. 1021 Karnoin. _ _ _ JIJjl GIIKAI' LOTS. Amos , Dounlas Co. . Ab stracts. 1507 rarnam street , Those wishing to Invest n little money In Omaha lots In Htich aay as not to fed the outlay , can no\v do .so. Wo huvo good loin , splendidly located , s.urrouudca by new buildIng - Ing * and Improvements , widen you cnn buy , paying f 13 down. balance tuu dollars a mouth ! Think of this ! A chance to save your money ! A chance to get this increase value ou the lotas Omaha grows ! Think of It. good Iota at * IUO , * WO. $ r > 0 , Can you Hud u safer Investment , a better way to bavo your money ? Can any bank pay you an eiiual Interest on ynur innnuy'f Vou Cun See these lot * any time you want to without charge. Wo hive ' .onvuyances always ready to show property free ! ! > cash and ton dollara a month will buy your wlfo or one of your children a lot that will make tm-m more money than anything else you can do for them , llemumbcr that it Costs Von Nothing to como and seu these lots to Investigate- this matter for yourself. You can make up your own mind when you see this property and what surrounds - rounds It , wnethor Is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to mnKo money In Omaha land IK as good and eve u IlettOr Now than ever neforol Tncrelsno question now us to our city's future growth ! A postoillcu build- lug and H city nail n > but a part ot the contem plated Improvement * for 1"J. vhuap lots iiro put on the market bocaimu they nrn cheapl It would not piv : uxtOHliow you the property niilu.i.s It was cheap ! In other wordg , It Does Not Pay to adverttou cheap goods unless they are what is claimed for tiumi. Don't be lacking In cour age ; It you want toMake Make Money. lluy on the terms we now olfer you. ami no one run duplicate tills property at the price named , but 1 llHtof All como and see what It la. wliuro It is. what sur rounds It , whut a future It luiHlil Penty of pen- pie have made money In Ju-a nucli liiveutmeiitn u.i tills iino ollerod yon ! Vou run absolutely nr > risk ! Vou not the ouHleHtposi.blo | terms ) Vou ran Invi tigato tliu oiler ! It costs you nothing ! A little coaragu and u little money Is all needed. Am OH , 15'j ' ; Farnam St. yg 10 _ _ "TTlolt BALR or Ilxoliunire Improved Block -L farmof W ) acres In eastern Nebraska , near market : ul o now ij.rooin house with all con- venlcnres , in deilrabla resldanue portion of Omaha. Andruw Hevlns , Attorney , iSJ ! nd ISJ Paxton block , Omalm , Neb. _ CTJ CJOUTIl OMAMA-f have a numbsr ot good lOlots lu rarlotu additions ( hat muse b old at once and can lia bought at prlcei that will Rutt you. O. J , Htcrnmlorlf. rooms U17 and 1114 First Natlonul uauk building. _ rtVi ' TTlOIt HALU'ciienp Not for trade : MJ.7J acres JL1 land ( Sea ft-li-0) ) two miles from Marquetta. I lawKtou county Nebraiica. Frame liouio.sta- ble , : no acres under good barb-wJra fence , round rodar r.ostn. two atayn ; living wntir , Mi- foot cliacnulU wolU. ff-'Himrol tank , corral , xeir-feeder ; a natural stock raiicnj m a nnecorn belt. Pnco ( about II 1.60 per acre ) . , , . .fV-v : ) Cash do wn . . . , ; iuo ) " oud Ji years' time tl percent . . . . . , , , , , . 32X ) do and IOOK over land. Address owner , F. K. Atutns. 1KB Larimer HI Denver. Col. WO J7IOU HALKi llargain-Flne lot and roildcnce J' on Houth Ilth Bireet. I/ot ( XJxlJH nt grade. J. foot alley on south ldu and 10-foot alley 111 rear ; nice uhado tit'cs In front , Now U-rooui hounet hardwood and elj'tlnUli ; nice home ; large lot and verr ti.OOO.M. . A. ( Iptoa company J8th nud Faiuum. CM FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. win nelftbo rnllowlng ile.'crlbcirpiiii > crtron XU'cdnrsday , Mnrehsa , 10 a , m.atpubllc auction to the highest bidder for cash or approved security. A now ono story frame Morn building HXU3U with bn ement nud living tvoms. A new stock of nbout ts.WM,0.1 worth of gen- cr\l inorchandlso mid nlKint J'iOO.OO worth of new furniture. For particulars call on or address ,1 , U , Kuhl. Charter Oftk , Cra fonl * Ml < ! l Co"i * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HASTINTrSTNpbrii'tlca-llWljcfeslirml adlolu- lug tha city for ale b ; A. Volth , Hastings , Ncl > . ra * mii J _ " "jTTon 8ALK or Trade The very llnest re < ldeucn JJ In Osceola , Dopnlntlon 4XM ( , comity seat of Clnric county , Iowa , 1 1 room brick lionso. otoain heat , Riulevervronvcnlonco ; onuarre of laud. Cost J ir > , ixi0. Mortgage } s.tMJ for ilvo years at 7 per cent annually. Will sell or trails onnlty. M , A. Upton , Company , Investment bankers , Omalm , ob. _ W7 IpOUSAirU-Lots 15. ! nnd 27 , iniW , lot SI. 'lOxlW , in block II. on Harney t , also lots 4 nud 21 lu block 1 , KuM Sidn addition to Omahi. For particulars Itiaulro of T , J , Ucrinlnghaui , Ualcun , III. 4 ! jlm2l in , in block n Kist\won \ Harney st , FnrpArtlcularsluiiulro of Wm Slulgor. Onleiia. 111. _ _ _ _ V.H mis _ \\rAl\Knp and t.iko inTvantago 01 Homo ot > f tlmbnrgniiid I have to olfer. Are you look ing for a nlco llttlo homo ? If so , I ha\oa nph'iHllil four-room house In Btcvcns Plnco , ac tually worth $2,00) ) that can bo bought for Jl.fKKi. } , cash , bal to Milt. Tliu house Is llnlflnnl In hard vine , has n goon well , cellar , clstein , barn , etc. Largo corner lot facing south nnd cast. It will pay you to Investigate thK ( loo. J , Sterns- ( lorn , rooms U17 and tllrt rirst National bank building. TnleDhono < iH. _ Ml " \\fOHTIIV of your attention. Wow being T * completed on 2Jth tit , north of LraVtMi- worth Ht , two houses convenient to busluos , very roomy , gratemnntol. . furuaoo , gas. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold water , llvo bedrooms. 1" closets ; only t\'t 0 , on tyrmsto suit. Telephone 221 or W. T , .CMimn. Omnha'9 largest variety of wug- oin. cKrringc.s. etc. , rast side liith st , uorthof Nicholas st. _ 4113 " iruMt SAIU"-Low II , l"i anil HI , blooK 11 , We JSldo addition , Tnasa lots are O'l\l-j each. lav very prstty , and tha tliroo can bo bought for $1.000. They are actually wortli twice that amount. ( ! . .1. Slernsdorir , Rooms olT and 1UC , FlMt National bank biilldlmr. _ 1M Or triulo , 8 new H-room houses ; JU from tlrst hands , lloom t'-'il Itamgo bloek. 4'Jl m 22r _ FOltSAIjK-7 roomed house and full 1m , good Hiirrouudluirs. on a street car lino. Will take lu exchange Nebraska or K.IUS.IH farm property with some liienmbr.inco , or vacant lot in Onmlia orSonth Omxhi. Call and Invest- ! gate now , C. F. Harrison , 40) ) and 401 Mer chants' Natlouitlbank _ _ "M Gl ItOVRH ' . 1331 Fnniam , has a Hum- ber of bargains In hoilses nud lots In all parts ot the city. If yon want to buy. sell or iradu.glvo liica uall. _ ! I75 ' TTlOIt SAIi'li-CIl acnv ) . corner Thirteenth and JJ North streets. Desirable for platting 0. < ] oed , Good block , Dos Mollies , la. ' "TJ10U SAM : Or exchange for Omaha prop- J. crty. 80 acres , stlltible for platting ; will make 40J lots.ull elear ; big money In It for HOIUO one who can push this ; located mst outside tha city limits ot Council. BUilts. Inquire Ooo. .1. Steiusdorlf , rooms : I17 and UlS , First National bank building. fi i $ < VlSo , $2S."iO cash , * .t.KX ) 0 years C per cetitTbuy J-.story tljroom house , furnace , bath , otc. , lot MlxlOO feet , No. 2Sia I'opploton ave. . llanseom Place ; must go by March 1st , party going away. J ) . V. Shales. 210 1st Nat'l bank , 01 w KST OMAHA Two elegant lots at a bar gain. Orovor Stevens , 1621 I-arnatn. 370 CALL on H. K. Cole , northeast corner of loth and Douglas sts. , Omaha , for Kdwln K. Al ain & Co.'a catalogues of lands of California. 2TO April Hi * THE REALTY MARKET. Tnstrumeuts placed on record during ycs > ter- Jday. . Otto l.obeck and wife to M 0. Martin , lot ! > , blkfi , Lincoln I'laci' , wd 4 375 Otto Lobeck and \vlfo to .1 L Kennedy , lot . blk fi , Lincoln Place , wd 100 P Hoe and wlfo to C TJinmerclicldt. lot P , blk " 0 , " 1'rospjct Place , q cd 1 M Vojlrto.l Vollr , and > J s I' lot H , blk B , Koimtze's ! id nil. wd Hyroii Heed anil wife to P A Kdqulst. lot 12 , blkil. Hted'Hadad. w d 3,2,10 A Albrcclitaud wife to.l Havmi , lot B , blk 2 , Kountze'HSd ad , wd 2,800 J U llranclt ut al to 1 S Hasuull , lot 0 , blk 2 , Okalmmo Park , v a 2,000 J linker anil wlfo to L Ueswlclc , lot 33 , bin 8Ho , aid , wd 200 J 1) Kerr and wlfo to O H Kayes , on Ne braska and Iowa state Hue , in sea 10-15- d 200 Stuto bank of JiilMberglo 13 II Stevens , lots 17 and 1C , blk 3 , Ashland Park , o c d 1 JTComstockund husband to D V Har mon , lot : t-l , 1)11 : r > , 1'u lit lock Place , < i c d. . 1,00) W H iMontleih and wlfo to llntchlUHoii , pilots II and 1 ? , 1)11 : 7 , Hodford Place , wd 2,503 N A IJronn and wife to U W Clayton , lot ffSI. hlk 15 , Shlill's second ndil. w d 1,003 Jl .1 Hartman nnd wlfo to K Smith , lot U , bile 4" , Florence , wrt 300 C A Clowry to O A Ksterbrook. uml ! i lots C , (5 ( , 7 and H , blk a , Omaha , wd 1 0 A Kstorbrook and wire to U 0 Clowry , nnil ' / lots S. 0 , T and 8 , blc I , Omaha , wd 03,009 Miles & Thompson to C Schropshlrc , lot 20. blK If. Walnut Hill , w d C03 Otto Lobeck , ind wlfu to I ) L Thomis , lot U' . blk 1 , lot 1 , blk 5 , and lot 11 , blk 0 , Lin coln place , w d J.ISi K A lionson , tniswe , to Tnoo Williams , lot 2 , bll : 8.1 , and lot S , bile DO , llrnsou , wd 4,000 S and I Schloslngcr to O H Folsom , lots 11 , lii , 17 and IS , blk H.Schle.siuger'Hndd. wd 1,200 C N Thomas to M 11 The mas , lots 1,2 , 'J , 2- . 23andU4. blk 12. Calkins' sub. qed DO Gardner A : SaimdoM toJ K Mack , lot 7 , blk "K , " Saundcni & Hlnubaugh's add , . Twenty-two transfers aggregating. . . . $38,778 RCSHING TO GOhP Grout K.voitcnioiit Over tlio Strike In SAX FHANCISCO , March 0. The gold ex citement in lower California , near Enscnmln , is increasing , and many pcoplo nro lloolting from San Dlofjo to the tfohl fields. Work on the Cuyamocu , San Uicgo & Kastorn railroad 1ms stopped , the workmen leaviiiG in a body for the mines. Steamer's between San Diego nud Kusonada Imvo doublet ! rates , but the rush continues nnd stages uro now running overland , carrying many imsseiiRers direct for the mines , which are situated about sixty miles southwest , of Knscnudu. The Sun Diego papers declare that the development covers hundreds of miles square , nnd that placer minors nro making a great deal of money , $111,000 In gold uust having boon brought into Hnsenada and San Diego yes terday. Steamship /Vrrl vuls. At Hamburg The Wioland , from Now York. At Glasgow The State of Nevada , from Now York. At New York The Italy nml Wyoming , from Liverpool. At 1'hlladolpliia The CarthaKiml.m , from Antwerp , and Iho llrltisli I'rlnco , from Liv erpool. _ _ Tlio Krlonds Will tta Kxtrmlftuil. LANSING , Mich. , March 0 , The governor lias fully considered the case of OHvo E. Friend and lier relatives , who were arrested on n charge of fraud in connection with tliu electric sugar muddle , and ho has decided not to reeall his extradition warrant. This HIO.IHS that Mrs. Friend , the Howards and llalsteads must go to Now York for trial. ArahH Dcl'nateil l > y GormtinB. HitllM.V , March (1. ( At u broaU IV the emperor this morning to ofileer.s bo. longing to Captain Wlssinann's Hast Africa expedition , lie iinnnuucoJ the recapture ot liugamuyo and two guns which tliu A nibs nnd taken from the ( jcrmnus. The Arabs' loss was heavy. lloolioroaii Killed IIIiiiHi'lf' , PAIIIS , March I ) . It la asserted that Don- fort Kocliereuu , director of Ihu Uomptoir < lei Co m p to , whoso death was announced yontor- day , coinnilttcd suicide with irevolver. . Uochoroau , It Is slated , had lost his private fortune amounting to ? iiMKK , ( ) , RlioVillc < i.l on tliu 'J'riclr. STII.I.WA-IKII , Minn. , March 0 , Mhs Du\r , a young lady teaohini ; Bchool at White Hear iteaeh , was run over and killed by the Dtiluth cirpross last ovenin ; ; wlillo walltiug on the track , Her baily wan cut to pieces , A Tit 1 01 ! LONUOX , March O. Vboount Muiidovllle , eldest .BOH of the iluko of MunuhoHter , luio been declared bankrupt. Ills liabilities are ; > laccd at f XXOJ. ) ) . It U daid ho has been liv- , nr ; b ouil ills A AHnlMry ( i n4 Iinwii. N'Sv , W , , March 0 , The ministry of NU.W South Wales has been dofculi'd on the question of protection and hat icBfcncd , filr Henry I'ariica. will form'a li'co trajo cab'iuoL . , . , ADDITIONAL OOITNOIL BLUFFS , City Council 1'i-oocctllncs. The last rotfulnr incotiiiff of trto' old comictl wna hold Inst ovonltiR. Tlio monthly bills wore nllowotl except copt thnt of City Clerk Hurko , which was , on the foport ot tlio conuulUoo , disallowed. IWltion for the wldoniup ; of Hiffh % street to sixty foot was referred to the coininlttoo on strcots nnd alloys ami city solicitor. A resolution to settle with Captain II. L. llotiry for $ ; KM ) stntl costs of suit was referred to the oily attorney. A proposition to settle the ulnlin of Sophia Kasloy , for tlaniauos tlono prop erty by Iiulluu Crook , for $75 , was ac cepted. The petition ot Allco Pilling , for re mission of city tax , was referred to the jutiiulnry conitnitleo and olty solicitor. A resolution was introduced request ing the elty clerk to make a cotnploto report of all monies which have como into his hands since 1SSO , and on failure to do to within ton days that the olty attorney bo instructed to proceed to col lect such sum as the books now show the shortage to ho about $2,700 carried. In the matter of the bill ofSamuol llobson for clean liifr property ot John Ahlos. on North Main street , tlio owner was ordered to appear before the council and show cause why It should not bo taxed up to the property. The city attorney was instructcd'tb ' do all In his power to force the collection of taxes duo from the banks of the city , The council adjourned until thlsovcn- hifj' , when another meeting will beheld hold to canvass the vote of the recent election. M. A. Ranoy , ot Fontunoll , wns In the city ycstordtvy. Moses Fluid , of Fratilclln county , Is Iho guest ol his brother , II. F. Field , of this city. .lohn T. Pucrli , general ngontof the "Q" at Pncillc Junction , was in the olty yesterday , and was warmly greeted by "the boys. " Charles 1' . Tirnslnn loft last evening for Washington , Boston , Now York and Baltimore on a business trip. lie will bo absent about ten days , Dr. A. P. Ilanchett returns this morn ing from Iowa City , where ho wont Tuesday evening for the purpo.o of signing diplomas for the graduates of if tiio homtvopjtthio department of the state university. it George P. Sheldon , of Now York , president of the Plunnix Insurance com pany and troasurcrof the Council Bluffs City Water Works company , was In the city yesterday , inspecting the plant ot the latter company. Onkluml. Monday of last week wns noted in this place for its many moves , us about thirteen families changed nbout. Qu'to ' u number are putting ready to build. Mr. Frank Turner of Avoca was in Oak land over Sunday. Mr. Tomson on FrHay buried the fourth chTid , who died of diphtheria , leaving them but ono , which seems to be hotter. Mrs. Lackey , who was so very sick- with measles , died on Monday morning nud was buried Wednesday in the North graveyard. Mr. Powell , who was kicked by n liorso and so badly injured , died on Wednesday morning. The funeral wan held in the M. 12. church on Thursihiv afternoon. Ho was buried by the Masonic order. His mother and son from Illinois came on the noon train Wednesday. Mr. Powell was n man that everyone esteemed highly and his departure will ho greatly felt by ninny. Hancock. Mr. Alex Armstrong and Miss Mary Iltcki wore united in marriage February SO , Key. Lipplncott ofllciathig. Mrs. Harris visited Oakland last week. Hancock school closed Saturday , Fob. ruary 2 : ? , Mr. Christy Armstrong returned homo with a wife last Wednesday. They woie married in Missouri. Ho intends to make his homo there after a short visit with par ents and frlundB , Miss Eva LJell's school closed February C1) . Miss Flora Ilorah spent u few days in town last week visiting friends. Miss Libbio Hnmso.v , who has boon siolr for sometime Is bctor. Mr. Tibbcts was called to his last resting plu.o last week , lie was ninety-two ycara ot age. The teachers' meeting last Saturday was poorly attended. Mr. nnd Mrs. Scnochor and Miss Wilsna , of Oakland , visited Hancock Sunday , , Dr. Hnrdman nnd his daughter Grace , vis ited Avoca last week , Mr. Will Tlhhits and wlfo , of Harrison county , attended the funeral of his father. Dr. HarOman has purchased the resi dence of Wlillo Martin , nnd expects to inovo about the 1st ot May , ' "f Mr. Snars moved out on the farm pf Mrs. Page last week. Mr. and Mrs. Spanglor are vlHitfng1 , In Omaha. ' ' Walnut. Rev. II. E. Coulter and fnmlly started "for Ohio , Wednesday , whore thuy expect to make their home. Mr. Coulter was formerly pas tor of the Presbyterian church at this' place , .1. U. .roliannson has about recovered from the effects of his fall. l3 The parties who bong lit Albert Brown's place for Urn puruafco of turning it intq a hotel , moved Into It. The "farewell social" at the residence of i Mr. and Mrs. Alice , February ! M , was d very line affair. J. H. Henry is here attending to business ; affulr.s. Ho reports every thing booming in Colorado that ho has .inythliig to do with. Tim case of Marian Phillips vs. Miss , \VII- letts. a teacher In the public school , whoroln Phillips trarnlshcod Miss Wiltalfs wages In payment of u debt commuted by hoc father to Phillips , wan tried before Justice Joluinn- son. The court released tluvgurnlsliee , plac ing the costs on tlio plaintiff. TUoro Uilaltc of an appeal on a writ of error. UoelH. A house on the farm of of Mr John It.van of Honey Creek , was destroyed liy llro on the mith. The building was o-ruploil by Mr. Slioncor al the time , and was intuiroi.1. A man by the name of John Points was * ar rested at ( Jrutfccnt City lust \veolc forsclliucf liquor ut a dunce and oilier places wltliput li- co.-iHO. Tin ; United States marshal look care of him. Scarlet rafih and sore thront together uro raging In Pottawattamlo county. It gnoins to bo mostly among children which loaves the schools with not mom than half tlio reg- ulur attcadaiiuc. I'lOllHAIll , " f Chicago Herald : Mrw. PlpkiiiH.fjwIioso disposition Is not one of Just you all over to bn Into to bcqak/ast when yon know Pin in a hurry. I'vo got tin appointment at the phoUgnvpli- ; er's at ] ; , 0. , Mr. Plnkins I'll ' go with you , "No you needn't. I'll go alone. " "I'm going , too. It'tt the only eluiiico I'll ' over huvo to HCO you 'look pleasant , ' if yon can at all , " * . For Strain " ? , ! njurlo8t n B u B N T , P"E R y E u T o u n ti a. " " ' Crippled. tlittUrTlil , K-r > . MM. Mr , U.JACK , r.MbuiMM .Uluk.tJ.U J , , . urr.lllt , ar t-44 fcli tikli tli vti Mi < pl < * ? ' * . * f ? ! * - kw. k * lw < ttlilti el Cruih.d. CUt4linlll , Ill..M > / M.-tlll. ' . . . . . AtWll .11 O..U. HO t WIl'juUMll * I M | f.1 1.1,4 " . ' . d.- " " . " < ' r . > ; ; { . . , . UM l.ll It. J t. OIU WM U > U . . kUl In ct wMki . . -i i r- j ADVOtlT. Ctialued , ' Ml. c r.t. lit. , lit31 , Ull. UtU > 4 nr tack U Xtlruirlul ; g H Itl icun < lot lv wtiXl lt | > | > < ni , - i tuiij u u.frt ttji > r i > . J c t on. j , r. y/A.jriR / , AT P-U60IIH Ji7p 6IAIMI TltS CIMHLES A.VOQE.eKC9.OanmonU ( ! _ ,