0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MARCH 7. 18SJX , THE DAILY BEE. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE. NO iu i i/vnij ISTIIEET. ircArrifr in Any Tntt of ho City a Twenty Cenls 1'crVteV. .i.w.nni . , JMV. TIMON TKLU'HON'ES : Ht'fiiNr. R OFFICE No. 43. NKIIIT KIIITOM , No.-l. MlMHt MKM'IO.V. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coalandwood. E.E.Mnyne , 010 B'way. Twin Brothers oncnmpmcni , No.12 , I. O. O. P. , will visit Omaha brethren thisovunlng. H. L. Williams has boon awarded the contract lo furnish the hydraulic ele vator for Iho Merrium block. 'Squiro Shuiv. olllciatcd yesterday afternoon at the marriage of Richard VItiers and Sophia Becker , both of this county. S. Allan's lodge , K. of P. , will give a grand ball lit Masonic temple Thursday evening , March 21 , for the bonollt of their library. County Atlorney Organ filed an in- ' formalit'm yesterday against Thomas Urooks charging him wilh Iho murder of Frank Do Goodo. Nalo C. 1'hilllps , of this city , and Miss Belle Clmmpior , of Ligonior , 'nd. ' , were united in marriage Monday after noon at the homo of thu bride. A team attached lo a heavy lumber wncon indulged in a lively runaway on upper Broadway yesterday. No one was hurt and no damage was done. Miss MyraCrano will give a reception this evening at her homo on Parl ; ave nue in honor of nor guests , Miss Myra nayos and Miss FiV/.patriek , of Omaha. The Ihird and lust of Iho series of matches between the rillo clubs of this city and Omaha , which was to have corno elf yesterday at the range of Iho iocal club , was postponed. The ladies of Trinity M. E. church will give a sociable to-morrow evening , at Lacy's hall , on South Main street. The feature of the evening will bo buckwheat cakes and maple syrup. The funeral of Mi" ) . Cecilia Wickham took place from St. Franeios Xavior's church yesterday morning , and was very largely attended. The remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery. The "Bucket of Ulood" was closed yesterday by order of the mayor and that ollicial stated that it would bo kept closed. It is rather late treatment of a htable door that should have been locked up long ago. Alfred A. Smith died yesterday morn ing at liis home , 1-8 South First street , ngod seventy-throe years. lie came here in 1850 from St. .Louis , nnd has re- nldoO hero over since. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow 'morning ' Irom Iho residence. Burglars entered the residence of James Lee , on First avenue , Tuesday night , and stole Mr. Leo's pants , con taining about $0 in money. Several oilier articles of value in the room were untouched. Entrance was cllectcd by cutting a light of glass from a roar win dow. dow.Several Several of the business men along Broadway vet out their hose and sprink lers yesterday to lay the duut in frontof their places of business. Loud demands were made for the starting of the street sprinklers , and the mayor expressed tlio opinion that it was time that they , Avoro put to work. They will undoubt edly bo ordered on ut once. Several telegrams wore received yes terday from relatives of Do Geode , tlio murdered man , regarding Iho disposi tion lo make of the remains , The last one wns received last evening , and was from Elmer Do Geode , of Montrose , Dak. , and was as follows : ' 'Hold the body till I can got thero. " This coun termanded a previous order to niter the remains. At a meeting of tho-Young Men's Commercial club , hold Tuesday evening - ing , it was decided lo elTocl arrange ments for the Teomor-Courtnoy race at Okinawa the coming season , and the race is now an assured fact. It will bo cither two and a half miles straight away , or five miles wilh a lurn. The date is not yet agreed upon , but will bo BOino time in July , and the oarsmen have been wired of Iho decision of Iho local club. The rowers have both sig- iniflcd Ihoir approval of Iho course. The eases of the gamblers arrested when the Mint was raided last Friday night were called in police court yesterday - torday morning. Two of the parties were shown to have been merely look ers-on , and were discharged. There "wore eight others who failed lo respond and their bonus of 850 each wore de clared forfeited. Carrigg failed to ap pear , the city attorney having agreed to continue his case th'at ho mitrht at tend a funeral. The bonds thus con tributed , amounting to S400 , arc put up "by Carrigg. r , C. A. Boobo , D. K. Dodson ; Robert MoKonxle , II. W. Hanson and Warren Peak arc delegates from this city to Iho supreme conference of Iho Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ , Latter Day Saints , to bo hold tit St. Joseph April 0. It will continue ten days. An attempt will bo mudo to secure tlio next confer ence for this city. It is thought that this can bo done if tlio usu of thu Masonic temple is ollorpd. As-thcro , are nearly ono thousand delegates froni all pur wet the world , the opportunity to advortlbo the city would llrst-class. Captain DulV Green , Sergeant Mos- tyn and Detective Tom Orinsby , of the Omaha police force , were in'tho city yesterday. This crack lrl < ? of Omaha thlof catchers came over to give evi dence In the case of Stuto vs. Maher , the "con" man. They also took a peep nt the prisoners in the county 'jail. They recognized bovornl of them.among the number Halohor , the bartender at the t'Buekotof Blood , " who is held as a witness in thu Brooks murder case. They stated that ho is a dangerous crook , who has faorvcd several sentences in Iho Douglas county jail , and were pot surprised to learn that he was trot ting hi fust company on this side of the rivor. For Hale ; it a Inri > nlii. Hotel properly in Council BlulTs , cen trally locntedudoinir good business. R. P. Olllccr , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main Bt. , Council Bluffs. ' Notloo the beautiful finish tflvon col lars , culls and shirts by Casjado Laun dry company. Monay loaned at L. B. Craft's ft , Co.'s loan oflco ) on furniture , pianos , hurbos , wagons , personal property of all lands , and all other articles of vaiuo without removal , All business strictly confi dential. " ' -fl'ho finest line of spring goods to bo found in thu market is nt A. Roller's , NoTJBlO Broadway. _ / Ji C ! . Tlpton , real estate , 527 B'dway. Money loaned on fuintluro , pianos , diamonds , horcH , buggies or anything , ef'-riiluu ' at low rates of interest. No JjnilillcHy ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , clllco cor. Uroailway DfJ Main , ever American express. ' IlooniB to rent in the Men-lam block. 0. B , V/iuJjnvorth &C6.,13 < J .Main struct. A WOMAN IN THE CASE , Broolia' Mlstro33 Danioa A'l ' Kiowl- edge of tl'o MurUorod Man. DUNN VIEWS ON PROHIBITION. Bnatli oFE. W. Itlckninn A Youthful Editor MccfH Highwayman Tlie HnUwny Crossings A Bail Stairway. Ilrooks' XVoninn. A BIM : reporter called ycstnrday at the Miller bagnio'l51 Vine street , lo sec Ida Molvlllo , the mistress of Tommy Brooks , and.nscortain what she had to say regarding Iho statement that she was formerly Iho mistress of the mur dered man , De ( load , at Sioux Falls. The place was formerly run by Kittle Edwards but now recognizes Jessie Mil ler ns the landlady. The Melville woman stated that she had been in this city for a year and a half. Said she : "I never was in Sioux Falls in my llfo and never saw the man who was killed. I would like to-fceo what kind of a looking fellow ho is. My homo is in St. Louis. Tom is the only lover 1 have had since I have been in the city. lie sent a messenger for the gun Mojulay evening and 1 took it over to the saloon and gave it to him. He was not drunk , and I don't think ho was drinking , i didn't see him again until ho came in Tuesday afternoon and said ho wanted to see mo. 1 wont into the back p.irlur with him and then went half way up the stairs , lie wont up and I came back. " "What did ho tell you ? " "Ho didn't toll mo anything , lie wasn't oxcitiid , nor drunk. When Iho olllcer.s came wo couldn't tell them anything , of course. No ono had seen anything of him. I didn't help him get into the trunk , and there wasn't anybody up stairs , llo never told mo anything about killing a man , and ho didn't know the man was dead until the ollicora arrested him. " The woman undoubtedly know what was the matter when Brooks visited the house after the tragedybut she refused to toll anything that she thought dam aging to him , while in fact the stalo- ment of. his sobriety was exactly what will not tally with the story of Brooks himself. _ Temperance Stimulant. The temperance work being prose cuted under the leadership of Mr. James M. Dunn , is by methods decid edly now and they are more attractive from that fact. The meetings thus far have been well attended , in fact ; the Methodist church has been crowded. Vast numbers of drinking men are at tending and quite a number nave taken the pledge. Fully five hundred names have been subscribed of which a respec table quota have been moderate drink ers. The interest is increasing , espec ially among those not denominated church people , and it is already an as sure , ! fact that loniporanco reform will gain a marked stimulus from these ef forts. Questioned in regard to the work , ho said : "No one pretends that-liquor is not sold in a mitjority of the towns of Iowa. Except the towns located on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers , the tratlic is undorapretty good control. But the most marked olTcct the law baa. had is this : It has taken away from the tnillle the seals of legitmacy and re duced drinking to 'boot-legging' and 'back alloy gu/ixling. ' This is true all over the state , but most notably so in the interior towns. While it is true that men who are determined to drink will find whisky , it is also true that pro hibition reduces the tcmptatio'n and takes away the look of respectability which drinking possesses to a degree , at least , whore the license system is operative. But that is not our strongest point. This is the educating oll'cct which the law is having upon tno young men. Most young men desire to appear well in society to bo well spoken of and they will not take the risk of losing their social standing by being classed with the violators of the law. " "What do you think ought to bo done in Council Bluffs ? " "First of all , no petition in mine. Do not recognize the fact that the saloon element possesses any pQwor at all. Grant this to those men and they assume the dignity of dictator ship. They will run the whole machine , and they won't oven let you oil the crank. Have a committee of ono hundred men selected business men whoso words have so mo weight lot them go to the authorities and say to them , 'Gentlemen , you have sworn to execute the laws of the city and stUo. Now do it or wo will murder you politi cally. Wo want it understood that no minority clement , whisky or otherwise , shall dictate to us ns to thcso matters. The majority of the state have spoken. Now you must obey and uxecute the laws , or we will dig your political graves. ' " "Do you expect this to bo done while you are hero ? " "Well. I don't know. I hope so. but nt any rate f want to start such a whole- bale , practical sentiment that this will be the result sooner or later. " Death of K. W. Klnkinan. Yesterday morning about 0 o'clock Mr. E. W. Riokman died at his homo on South Sixteenth street. Ills illness was very brief , pneumonia being the fatal ailment. But five days elapsed after the dlsimso developed until death occurred. The deceased was a prominent man , his connection with city affairs making him familiar to and popular with all. Earnest W. Riokman was born in Klonzau , Duchy of Olonburg , Germany , lie was in the scTonty-sixth year of his sigo. Ho came lo Ihls country and settled in Davenport , la. , in 1849. Hero in 185 : ! ho married Miss Maria C. Spot- man. In 1870 ho oanio to Council BlulTs , mid for olghleon years was an honored cilt- zen ol Ihe city. Thu wife and four chil dren survive. Those are Mrs. II. F. Saar , Misses ChriBtino and Thoroso Riekman and Arthur \V. Riokman. The sympathy of a largu circle of friends Is extended to the nllliotod fam ily.The The funeral services will take place at St. Paul's Episcopal church to-morrow , Friday , at U o'clock p. m. No services will bj hold at the homo ; but those who deciro to hoe tno deceased can do so at at the homo at 1 oV.lo.ik , one hour before - fore the removal of Ihe body to the uhtuvh , A You in ; Kit tor With Money. YostorJay morning Edilor Arthur Wilson , of Iho Christian Homo , mot his first ihrilling experience. .Ho was col lecting from his subscribers on Eighth street unil had quite a sum in a satchel nt his side. Suddenly ho was confronted by two hard looking cases who de manded that ho pa b his money over to them. Arthur proved to boas gnmoyns the older members of the ornlt and told hl would-be bankers that , he had no money , The follows wero. incredulous and disposed to Investigate the con tents' of tlio satehol , but the appearance , of some other , people upon the street frightened them and they decamped without oven a "good .morning. " The little editor is'no more than twelve or fourteen years of ago and his presence of mind anil ready wit was rather re markable ntul it saved his wealth as well. Trv our XXX bottled beer. Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FlNKULSTEtN. s ami Slri'cts. The citizens In the southern part of the city are again coming to the front with a renewed kick for the opening of Soycnlh street across the Rock Island and Milwaukee tracks. The first kick wns made n year ago , when the city council ordered the street raised to grade , and the Milwaukee company se cured a temporary injunction restrain ing Contractor Berger , who was doinjr the work , from filling across their tracks. As that was about the time that the Milwaukee company was obstruct ing the crossing of the Mannwa motor line over its tracks nt Ninth street , the Seventh street matter was postponed for a while until thu other could bo set tled. tled.When When the Mannwa question was fin ally adjusted satisfactorily , the other matter was brought to the attention of Superintendent Campbell , of the Mil waukee , who was then in the city. Said ho to the council : "Now , wo have given you all you asked for in this other case , and it has been settled up , but I want to call your attention to afow facts regarding this change that will bo re quired to raise Seventh street to grade. You scOj our yards run along there , and if wo raise our tracks two or three feet nt thai , street crossing , wo will hive to fill up our whole yard. It would cost a largo sum of money to do that , and to loll the truth our company is rather poor at present. Wo couldn't possibly do it this year , and if you insist we will have to light you in court. If you will let it go over until next year , "wo will fix it up. " With this understanding the matter was allowed to drop then and there. As ' 'next year" has now1irrivedit remains to be seen whether or not the Milwau kee company will keep its part of the agreement. Unfortunately , there is another ob stacle in the way of opening the street , and that is the position taken by the Hock Island company , whoso tracks cross Seventh street only a fe-w rods north of the Milwaukee. This com pany not only refuses to open the street , but claims to own the crossing , on the ground that they secured the right of way along there before that part of the city was platted. They have always kept a line of freight cars on the cross ing , to prevent anyone from driving through. They have disputed the city's claim to Iho crossing , and paid no at tention to orders issued , on the grounds above stated. It is now stated , how ever , ihat the company will shortly vacate the crossing and allow the street to bo opened to the public. This is duo to the moving of their freight house tea a point just cast of Seventh street , and the need of the street as a means of ac cess to that building. Nothing binding has been done in the matter , but it was tacitly agreed between Mayor Rohrcr and the company that all objection to opening the street should cease with the removal of the freight house. The freight house will bo standing on its new site in about ten days , and then , according to the statements of the rail road olliclnls , all trouble over the open ing of the street will bo at an end. Sev eral petitions have been prcsontc-d to the council regarding the matter , and the property owners and residents in that part of the city will now rqjoico to know that the indications point to a speedy settlement of the case. Bartlett & Norton for hardware , stoves and cutlery , 737 and 2310 B'way. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odoll & Bryant , 513 Main street. O A Faulty Htnlrwny. Miss Belle Price had been looking through the court house and was de scending the main staircase , when she slipped and fell- , and would have fallen to the foot of the stairs but for the timely assistance of Mr. Ed Bates , who witnessed the accident. She was as- sibtcd to the pfllco of Colonel Dailey , whore she fainted. Dr. Barstow was summoned , and restoratives applied. Miss Price wno convoyed to her homo on Grace street in a carriage , and it was found that the elbow of her right arm was badly bruised and the wrist j dislocated , and the right ankle was also sprained. She sustained a severe ncr-j vous shock. Several complaints have t been made regarding the court house stairs , and their present dangerous con- j dition. They are of iron and there is a ( projection at the edge of each stop that ' is very liable to catch one's heel , as was the case yesterday. The edge is so slippery that a misstep is almost sure to cause a fall. The stairs are arranged for rubber mats , and if these needed articles were supplied the present dan ger would bo almost entirely obviated. Send all orders for bottled boor'to L. M. Finkolstoln , Omaha. A Woo ft a by. The manager of the Eden Museo , of Omaha , has found a curiosity in Council BlulTs. It is the seven weeks old baby Mrs. Lloyd , who has boon at the W. A. C. hospital for the past three months. This remarkable infant is perfectly de veloped , but is so small that it has to bo dressed in doll's iclothos. It is fifteen | inches long and weighs but two pounds , j A pair of No. 0 doll's shoes proved too large , and No. 5's had to bo substituted. A small doll's stocking had to have an extra scam sowed in it before it would ' stay on. Thu Musoo manager hua of- j * * + 9 MH forcd tie ] mother $13 a ni'oiith. board anil o.xpon'scs to show the clttld in Omaha , It will leave hero Monday rooming' It is n great curioslty ( nmli attracts ninny visitors to the hospital , ft Is the third child of Mrs. Lloyd , who says that all of them have been very smdll. . I have moved my olHCb tb. Omaha , at which all orders will bai received and Irom Which all deliveries will bo made by wngon. L. M. FINihtSTKlN. Helping Manama. At its hist "star chainbcr session , " hold Tuesday evening iu.ihoi now quar ters in the library room [ it ho county court house , the board of trade made ono transaction that Is worthy of com mendation. That body appropriated WOO from the troamiry of thu organr/a- lion toward the Mnnawa improvement fund. For some time there has been in the treasury of the board the sum of $1,100.00 , received from members for membership fees , dues , fines , etc. , and the board has several limes dibcusscjl , at great length the question of how best to spend it. This llrst appropriation meets with much favor. Dr. C. C. llnzon , dentist , Opera house block. Parties having temperance billiard halls and restaurants will do well to take the exclusive sale of my temperance anco beer. L. M. FiX lion rd of llcnltti. The city council introduced a little variety in its proceedings last evening by assembling at 8 o'clock as a board of health. The mayor and full board except - copt Alderman Bellinger were pres ent. Alderman Kuophor moved that the reading of the minutes bo dispensed with. The mayor stated that ho did not remember that the records of the board had over boon read and ho de sired that they be read. The cleric re ferred back to July HI and aid not know whether any subsequent records had been read. Motion to dispense was seconded ended and carried. The city physician was instructed to ropaper and repaint the second story of the Sears residence , propirulory to 'tho removal of the family into it. The Rich bill , for repairing the Compton liouso , was rejected. Several small bills were ordered certified up to the board of health. Dr. Cook presented his bill of $ ; t50for attending Mr. Compton and the Sears family , but it was referred back for cor rection. The bill of William Elliott , of $150 , for cleansing smallpox houses was laid on the table. The bill of A. B. Compton , amount ing to $ lt 10 , for the destruction of his property , was road and went over with out action. The guards at the Sca'rs house were ordered removed. Now'and full line of sprin'b goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. S. \Vadsworth ft Co. loanttnoney. In the I > l < trictC9iir.r. The case of The State vs King , forgery , was submitted to the jury shortly after noon yesterday , and a verdict of guilty was returned in loss than ion minutes. King forged a check on the Council BlulTs Savings bank last December , anil signed .the iiamo of T/J. IcMilla n , which was fictitious. JTo passed , it on a fellow named Riley , from Missouri Valley. „ , ; The case of State vs , .Manor , the "con" man , was then taken up , and the testimony for the state introduced. The defenbo was not ready , and a continu ance granted until this morning. The larceny case of State vs Fogarty was then called and was on trial , when court adjourned. The case of State vs Collins , for grand larceny , will bo called to-day , if the de fense is ready , and with the two already on trial , will occupy the attention of the court the entire day. Wanted AseiHtnnt Cook. At the Deaf and Dumb institution. Wages SIS to 820 per month. Lodging and washing free. Have our wngon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. oniclnl Jokers. A prominent railroad ollicial from Pa cific Junction , who was in the city yes terday , left for homo last evening , but for once in his life his Bluffs friends hud "ahorso on him. " The party took in the town , inspected the work'ings of the fire and police departments , and saw such other sights as the city otlicinls could offer. As a wind-up , it wns de cided to call out the patrol wagon. A call was turned in and the "catch 'om quick" was boon on hand. Before the visitor "know What wns going on ho was landed in the wagon , the rest of the party climbed in , and they were oil. Ho was trying to think how the interior of the city jail looked , when a stop was made before a residence on Mynstor street , where ho was visiting. The chief was "onto" the scheme , and know what was expected of him. Taking the astonished gentleman by the arm , ho escorted him to the door. As it hap pened , the prisoner's wife answered the bell , and she took in the bituntion nt a glance. The chief "deeply re gretted the necessity of bringing her hushaiul homo under such suspicious circumstances , " and boarding the wagon was rapidly driven away. The released prisoner gave a sigh of relief as the party disapocnred , but his blushes could not bo hidden , and when last seen ho was endeavoring to "square himself. " It goes without sayintr that there are six gentlemen in this city for whom there is fun in storeoil the occa sion of their next vibit toiPauillc Junc tion. , ti MUSTANG MEXICAN LINIEftENT ss * sa ssas 5s Foot ' V "DiseaW > " rs Spa" Dis- Thus the ' 'Mustang" conquers paSn , Makes MAN or BEAST W i ! again ! t.7 * * - * > - Tv \ * te.ft .VV SAPP &KNOTT3 ? -Fuel Merchants. WatchTheSlGNS ' LNo.31 South. MainSt , BiVY'our Courteous niieniiufi . . . * ® . * * r > * . Painted by' Ah H. .j r fM.t A\t- S [ < We mvife your Prompt patronage. Delivery * P.C.MILLEf ? ; EraqARD i N E R : / VQO4 \ BFfOA C > WA Y Nos.liai3 Pearl St. . COUNCIL Bt-ocV B , : " 'QDELIBROS&G. ' /l3tot > Bl-ofenictti//03 PearlSt. OtnahO'Council okiffs , That we are putting in the largest and most complete , line of building mii- ) plies \M * iavo over carried , and will bo pleased to give estimates on all tin work , roofing , furnace work and build- cr'b hardware. Are pleased to give es timates to all parlies who contemplate building. Call at our store , .11 Wo sell the Quick Meal Gas and Gasoline stoves. The 1SS ! ) stove is a daisy. COM : & COM : , 41 Main street. WANTS. FOR SAIdl Shelving , counters. nho\v cnsei. awning nnil stnru llxtnrci , nt 4 % HronUwiijr. irujlt HUNT Two nicely furulsncil rooms for JL' innnnnl wlfenrtnogentlomcn.wlth usoof Imtlis. llented by furnace. 1 South Sovoiith street , Amcnt block. WANTED The people to try tlio City Steam Laundry , HI Nortn Muln. FOR KENT Clienp. two hnndsomo , new , six- room cottated , north of transfer. Council lllults. Inijulio Illnml Jtlshtor , Gtli ave. and The Most Modern tiovr' coin PAPER HANGINGS. AND AT PETER C , MILLER'S. Sign , House and Ornamental Painting , Knlso- mining , Graining , etc. Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. What a SMrt LOOK AT IT. If you hud taken It to tlio City Steam laundry it wouldn't look ao. Ill ilula Street. Telephone 141. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AHi : JNV1TEI ) TO CALL AT .MrsC . , L , GILLFJT'S ' l\ \ Anil see her line line of Hnlr ( joodH. I'INlIhT HAM OKNAMKNTS 111 the city WiK" . Hfaulf , etc. , for Kent or Salo. OliitH nnd Coylo nml Myers Greuho I'ulntH. Hnlr , > - , Dressing lite. No. 1 > HBulli St. , C'OHIM'II III lift. Orders by roall receive prompt attention. A. F. CLATTERBUCK , DiH ? POT ATI ? nllAL KM A lH 410 KKOABWAY , COUN < "Il ( nijUPKS , I i IOWA. PRIVATEDETECTIVE. _ Private watchmen furnished nt nny nnd al .special attention Riven to collection of chat tel mciityaKos mid notes. Money tci loan on KOOI | cluittol gecurtty , llefoieiico Any bunk , nttoniey , or business man in tno city. O. R.GILBERT , TAXIDERMIST And dealer In NATURAL HISTORY SPECI MENS Orilcru ( tiled for all limdi of mummalx and ilrd Hpeclinrns. .Mineral * and fo.-oiU on licnd. InllalolioriiH , Deer innl Dlk autlcrn. I'nraiKl J tr wklu riip * . urtitlolal eye * , etc. ' 1'axlcivrny ork done in ull ItM brundiea. Bend fur CALLED SEE US. PUBLIC & PRIVATE BUILDINGS BY- JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St. TELEPHONE 224. Estimates Furnished Correspondence Solicited. On Application. An old established Boot and Shoe business in Counoil Bluffs , Iowa. The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the store , ' or to N. O. Phillips , one of the executors - tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. JST. P. PODG-E. Executor. SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER. AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF Bnocltlcatlons and estimates furnished for compl'-to ' ( .tenin pinnK . llcKiilatlon. Iiuraliiltty n r . imtec-d. Can show letti-rs from mer.i wjiurn Puel Kconnmy is C JH.I | with CorllsH Non-Uoudeiisliig. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Cnialogue. No. BIO Penrl Street , Council Bluffs PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Dl/l M Dl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plain , K-jthnntos , DlimllNDllNL SpocillcallonR. .Supervision of Public Worlc. Brown Duildlng , Council MlulTB , lowu _ _ _ ID7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco ever American ExprobH , No.Ill ) NCPLJI / Proud y. Council UhilTs , Iowa. QTAKl C 5 "oT\/rC--Attoniov9-at-Law. ] \ / 1'raetlco in the State and Kod- O I UlNt. ( X OJIVlO oral C'oin-U. Rooms 7 and 8 Bhuptarl-Uono Block , Council lilulTs. Iowa. Hoom 10 sllus rm't riloclc Rl IRKF > > Council GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BH.OABWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 Tuns. o ncKii. W. II. . . IT as * . OFFICER & PliSEf , ' BANKERS. Corner .Main and llroaduny , COl.SXU , JJMJFI.'S , ItMVA. Dealer * ill foruljtn r.iid dowus'-lo CiClruure , Collettlousniailo awl iJt roit i > aU fcb tl.i.oilo- D.H.MCDANELO & co. , Hides , Tallow , Pis , WS. Fun . . market . i ; : rMirni. , HiiatCiluluHi.ioiiiill !