Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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the Three Doojuloa Grown ocl
, With Divorce.
Asked for the Antics of an
Ill-Mnnngcil Cab Other
News From ttio Court
Tlio Divorce Oranlcd.
Judge Wakcloy gave his decision In the
O'Neill divorce case , and in so doing deliv
ered n few of tlio passages with n great deal
of fooling. Especially was this noticeable
when referring to the testimony which ex
posed O'Neill's attempt to have his nged wife
adjudged Insane nnd sent to an asylum for
the balance of her life , "To my mind , " said
his honor , "this act was not only nnninnly ,
but ono of tlio most audacious displays of
brutality Imaginable. I will not mince words
in referring to It. For over thirty years the
couple had lived in domestic harmony nnd
then for him to conspire against a woman
sixty odd years * old , whom ho had
brought to this country , far away
from home and friends , for the
purpose of confining her In an insane asylum
the rest of her days Is certainly the extreme
of cruelty. " A divorce from bed nnd boaul
ivas granted. This docs not dissolve the
tnnrrlngo bond.
Judge GrofI and a Jury nro giving their at
tention 16 the cuso of Ivilhurn vs Christian ,
in which a largo number of town lots at
Florence are Involved. The property , it
scorns , was owned originally by Mrs.
Mitchell , who , according to the petition ,
leased them to C. Christian. After her
death , Mrs. ICIlburn , the daughter and heir
of Mrs. Mitchell , stepped in and claimed the
proi.nrty. Christian refused to recognbo her
and stopped paying his rent. Shu has brought
6nlt for possession.
Judge Savage made a short argument before -
fore Judge ( iroll on a motion for continu
ance on behalf of plaintiff In the case of Porter
ter vs Gibson , an action for damages claimed
in connection with the sale of certain real es
tate at Lincoln. Fraud Is charged.
The Union Pacific has confessed Judg
ment for SIM ) .to Mary MclSncary , who
brought suit for J500 on account of the kill
ing uf her husband.
A "hansom cab" is the secret plot of nn
action brought by Ada E. Flagg against
James Stophcnson and Cornelius F. Wil
liams for $ T > , 'Jtl.50. Mrs. Flatrg was out
driving ono line day In her own rig nnd was
L\ run Into , it Is said , through the gross caro-
lossless of ono of Stevenson's
drivers who It is alleged , know nothing
nhout his business and was responsible for
being unable to manage the horse. Mrs.
Flagif received injuries which laid her up for
four months , her buggy sustained disable
ment , and altogether great suffering re
sulted. Sac wants $5,000 damages besides the
loss of tinio nnd money in doctors' bills , re
pairing of vehicle and other expenses.
Stella Munger and Sarah Bernstein have
come togethoi in the courts on n set-to for
JlfO. Before Judge Shields Stella recovered
Judgement , but Sarah was not satisfied and
took nn appeal to n higher court. The papers
were lllod yesterday. Thosuitbtarted in Judge
Berlin's court , where Bernstein hud an at
tachment issued and charged .Miss Mungor
of Dotting ready to leave town witli the in
tention of defrauding her creditors.
A case entitled It. Vine vs F. Olson , for
$150 , was Hied on appeal from Justice
IJouthcr'n ' court.
Charles Johnson , who was convicted of as
saulting and intending to kill Frank Dovorc ,
a B. & M. scab cngiucer , in the district court
the other day , yesterday made application
lor a now trial on the grounds that the Una-
Ing was not warranted by the evidence ad-
duc d ; that the court erred in refusing to
civo instructions to the jury asked for by the
defendant ; that it orrcd in giving instruc
tions asked for by.tho state ; that it erred in
permitting nnv testimony being introduced
on . the part of ttio state relating to the beat
ing and wounds of Devoro ; that It erred in
its Instructions to the jury on the law gov
erning the case.
In the $2riOO damage suit of Doll U. Ed
wards against the city , an amended and sub
stituted petition was tiled by the plaintiff.
The suit was brought to recover damages
for the destruction by removal of houses on
Capitol avenue.
In the case of Charles C. Hansel nnd others
ngalnst Aimer Uravis and others , the Jury
found n verdict for the defendant.
The divorce case , of Stembach vs Stlnc-
bac'u was concluded and taken under advise
ment yesterday by Judge Wakoloy.
Judge Hopuwell lookup the case of Oleson
against Noble , a suit for $100 on a contract ,
after the Jury returned with a verdict for
the defendant in the case of Tappon against
SVoolloy and others.
Savage ou Donuo.
When Judge Savage reached the court
room and learned that no vordlct had been
returned in the Lowe Omaha case , ho mani
fested a feeling of annoyance that was quito
plain to bo seen.
Some lawyer said to him :
"Judgo , you nro going to bo defeated.
That Jury has boon out so long now that
there is no hope of an agreement bolng
reached. "
"Yes , " replied the whlto-haireJl sago , "I
expect as much. In his instructions , Tues
day , Doano cut mo wldo open. Ho was worse
than 'Jack the Ripper. ' I had to bo away
looking after another case when the Jury re
ceived its instructions , consequently 1 got the
worst of It. ' The fact is , Uoano has a way of
Ills own for tiying these city cnsos , nnd Web
ster won't take them before any other
judge. "
As the old gentleman openly and unre
servedly muito this btnrtling declaration a
number of attorneys looked in astonishment
nl each other , exchanged commouts nnd
cast significant-looking glances at his honor ,
who was then on the bench calling to-day's
bulletin , and assigning cases for trial. Judge
Savage continued Ills criticism.
"If Uoano could bo llko Judge Maxwell , "
lie sold , "In his charges to n Jury , deal with
plain statements of law nnd evidence , instead
of arguing the case , I am confident wo would
Imvo ficcnrcd n nice little judgment. It is
plainly evident to mo that Doauo , and not
NVebstcr , tries these cases. Any more of
them that I have to do with J propose to
rrmlco application to have tried before another
judge. "
Judge Savage's remarks created qulto n
//ft'oly breeze for the time bolng and wcro the
uonsation of the morning.
This Lowe suit has been on trial since the
fore part 'of last week and Its outcome Is
being watched with interest by u great many
The Jury in the cnso agreed at noon and
returned a verdict fordcfcndont. Tlio suit in
volved about $75,000. Lowe was allowed
damages , by two appraisement committees.
for two cutfl made in the street grades , ami
sued in addition for f 15,000. This verdict
wipes the whole thing out.
County Court ,
F. W. Chase was appointed administrator
for the cstato of Samuel Lumbard , ono of
the victims of the Farnam street disaster.
The plaintiff In the cuso of Paul Hani I ft
ngnitmt Cnvanaugh and others , was given a
Judgment for ( Ml.
Cniiicht on n Docoy.
Edwin C. Marsh , an express messenger ,
who has been running between Oumha unit
Sioux City , urrcstod Tuesday on a warrant -
rant sworn out by the Wolls-Fargo company ,
Charging him with robbery , It scums that
Marsh has been suspected for several weeks ,
nnd u trap was set for him. Ho
fell into It. and , as a result ,
found himself a prisoner. Last
Monday Superintendent JJormuth had a
package of money addressed to Kaunas City ,
put Into the Sioux City sack , and instead of
returning it when discovered , as ho should
fcuvu down , Marsh appropriated the nackugo
for his own use. Ou bolng arrested he first
denied everything , but subsequently ad
mitted having talton thu money.
* <
Ma , can I got married ! No. Well then
buy mo u yard of the "Hello" Jnno Hading
veiling that I HOC In all the fancy ( roods stores
Ulnrkud U5c to II.
TrmiBporllnj ; ( J.v Punchers.
Now rules adopted by all western.roads
applying to transportation of mon in churgo
fit shipments of live ttcole have boon adopto J
And Wtll go iuto effect March IS. They art }
nn foliowv Ono car of stoclr cnMUos one
tnnn to transniirt.iilon ono t ny ; ( wo cars ,
ono ulnn nnil return } from font to seven can ,
txvo men each way : eight or moco cars , thrco
men both way * , which I * the
lunxlmum number allowed to nc-
contDany any Individual shipment.
Under the existing regulations no combina
tion of agreement exists and no limit as re
gards the number or men accompanying shipments is uniformly agreed iiK | > n.
Another Hame which may appeur siiDerlln-
ous Is that no woman can obtain passage by
reason of being In rhargo ot stock , Tlio
freight man stuto that u shot t while luck U
was not nn nnrommdn thing for the wife of
n western shipper to accompany her husband
us an assistant In looking utter tlio stock In
The Kltcliorn'fl Itntei.
The Klkhorn withdraws the announce-
mcnt to the contrary nnil declines to raise Its
rates n cents ou grain to Uuluth to correspond
spend with Chicago. In consequence the 21)
cent r.ito from points south of the >
I'latto will prevail. What prompted the
Klltliorn to retire from Its thtcatcncd ltd-
vnnco , could not bo ascertained , but It is
stated that tlio cut of live cents made by the
Canadian Pacific to the const has had a ton-
dciicy to still make the northeastern source
more attractive to Nebraska product.
lllli'koiiBtlorrer to Hcliirn.
Robert Hllckcnsdorfar , who until rceontly
was superintendent of tno Nebraska division
of the Union Pacific , and who was succeeded
by Superintendent Hcssequte , Is again to become -
como connected with the Union Pacific , but
HUH time as "consulting engineer" In the
chief engineer's department , at headquarters.
It is said that Ullukcnsdcrfcr Is to bo placed
In charge of the construction nnd grade of
the now line to San Diego. It , was also
learned that a requisition Iml boon made
for passes for the resurrected otllcial. J.
Ullckonsdnrfcr , father of the gentleman in
question , is olno an attache of the chief en
gineer's department.
A Ininth Tariff.
Tuesday the Hurllngton put In a graln
tariff to nppl.v between Omaha nnd points in
Ncbinskn and Dnlutli. The tariff is the same
as that on Chicago shipments. Heretofore ,
the Uurllngton hnd no tariff applying on Uu
luth shipments , ami the rate which now cov
ers Uulnth was made only to St. Paul and
Minneapolis. Tno rates on grain under the
new system to Uuluth will bo from Omaha
l0 ! cents , Lincoln ' } cents , nnd Kearney ami
points In the western gram bolt " 5 cents , the
same being the rate to Chicago from the
given points.
The Ice Gorge at Valley.
Reports received nt Union Pacific head
quarters yesterday wore to the effect that the
gorge had been broken and that the ICQ was
moving down the stream. It Is now thought
that all danger of n washout is passed. The
Union Paeltle trains are now run over the
bridge. At the headquarters of the Burling
ton the ofllci.ils state thai a large force of
men has boon put to work nnd that by to
morrow the bridge will bo completed so a'i
to ufford ix crossing for trains. The river
tind its tributaries nro reported high , but it
is thought that the worst has passed.
Ilctiiriiint ; fiom AVnHhlncton.
The combination train of the Union Pa
cific and Northwestern , west-hound , was re
ported three hours late ycstereay. The
delay was occasioned by a wait at Chicago
for parties returning from Washington. The
Golden Gate special was _ also held three
hours at Omaha in order accommodates the
leturning California delegation.
Unllroaci Kotos.
The Union Pacific received two new en
gines from the Schenectady locomotive
works yesterday.
C. M. Hathburn , superintendent of the
Missouri Pacific , is in ttio city.
Samuel tthonds , assistant general store
keeper of the Union Pacific ut this point ,
has gone to Denver.
Hus HartlcU , storekeeper of the Union
Pacific at Shoshone , Is in the city.
The "orange" train on the Union Pacific ,
made up of eighteen refrigerator cars laden
withoiangcs from California arrived Tuesday
night , making an average time of thirty-five
miles per hour between Denver and Omaha.
The fiult Is consigned to points east.
Assistant General Manager Dickinson and
E. Huckinghnm , car accountant ot the
Union Pacific , were cxpcted to return last
evening from an extended tour of inspection
of the Union Pacific system.
General Traffic Manager Mellon of the
Union Pacific left yostcrdoy afternoon for
St. Louis , where , nt a meeting of the general
managers , matters relating to the presidents'
agreement will bo considered.
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome , Catarrh ,
and vanity trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease send
ing a solf-addrossed stamped envelope
to Prof. , T. A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
Tlio Name of tlio Now Consolidation
ot IlnrHO and Cubic Linos.
The proposed consolidation between the
Cable and Horse Car companies is still hang
ing fire , and no precise date can bo given ns
to the time it will consummated. The affairs
of each company nro temporarily managed
by a committee of stock holders , those of the
Horse Car company being Messrs. Murphy ,
Marsh , Harton nnd Smith. The managers
of tlio C'nblo company are Messrs. Johnson ,
Morse , Kustln , Don Smith and Paddock.
The latter corporation have ordered the re
calling of many of Its bonds with the inten
tion of issuing others to take their pluco un
der the now organization. The imino of the
latter will bo the Omaha Street Car com
Mr. Johnson , of the cable line ,
said that ho did not know
whether the now company would
build to the park this year. There-would not
bo as much road built if the paving clause
In the charter H passed. That would require
them to pave a width of sixteen feet live
inches , Instead of nlno feet live inches , en
tailing an expense of $18,01)0 ) u milo Instead of
$10,000 us heretofore He says that in Chica
go the street car compinies are required to
pave sixteen feet , in Kansas City , they pave
only between the tracks , and in Milwaukee
and Huffalo they do not pave at all , balng re
quired only to keep the pavement between
the tracks In repair.
AYnoilriifTGraititn Quarry ,
lain prepared tj furnish Woodruff
granite in pavinp blocks , dour sills and
steps , or blocks of most any diinontion
at cheap figures. Also h audio at my
Lincoln yard nil classes of cut stone for
any part of the Btnto , Auk /or figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
Theodora Forscn , who prowls about the
st roots with n loaded revolver , was fined ? D
and costs and hU weapon was confiscated.
Al Svvuuson paid (13.50 for bolus drunk.
Ida llennington and her uon Hilly wcro
arrested on complaint of Mrs. DannUon for
using loud and threatening language. Hilly
wits lined fl0.r > 0 , but his mother was re
leased. All thu parties live on the bottoms ,
Jack Hryan was fined 5 and costs for
hauling gurbago without a permit.
Fred Ur.iy and Jim Huston , two youths of
eighteen wcro tried in the pollvo court yes
terday afternoon on the char go of attempt
ing to forcibly take a gasoline stove from
Adolph Fisher , and also using profane and
threatening language.
ftcocham's Pills act Uko mugio on a weak
Away i'rinu the City.
The county commissioners are all out of
town. O'ICeolTo went to Valley In osvcr ; tea
a rail notifying him that two spans of the
Plutto river bridge hud been swept nvvuy.
Mount and Anderson are In Lincoln as lobby
ists on the jury bill now pending before thu
Fisher Pnntinrr Co. , 1011 Fnrnnin st. ,
telephone 1-U1 , blank book makers , etc.
Ylcw4 nnd Interv.ows UAiishtln llotol
Corrhlori nn l KUrwIiere.
Conductor Wilson , of the Missouri Pacific ,
snld last night that the amount ot travel
commencing this spring surprised him. Mr.
Wilson rum a passenger train between
Omaha and Kansas City. Until recently the
business has been llirht , but now It Is blir.
The trains that used to come through half
loidcd are crowded those days to the fullest
capacity. Mot of the travelers at tills time
are bound for Washington territory , nnd
they coino from the south. A majority of
them , says Wilson , claim to be Alabamlans.
Tlioy are principally country people , far
mers , with large families , going to scok
homes In the new land ,
John D. Howe 1ms a grievance nnlnst tno
council of this city because hnckmen arc al
lowed privileges that maV-o them a nuisance ,
"Why don't tlioy set apart some special lo
cation , designate it ns a hack stand , nnd
make these Jehus stay there. " At the time
of making this speech Mr. Howe pointed ton
line of carnages surrounding the Pnxton
hotel , and declared that no such thing would
bo allowed in , any other city. They not only
keep the gutters there , that should bo clean ,
constantly tilled with tilth , but the drivers
are so foul mouthed that a lady can hardly
pas < the place without bolui ? subjected to the
embarrassing annoyance of hearing vile Ian
M. F. Folk "I have n great schema
for nn nmuscmcnt snap , something
that I can get nhcad of the railroads
with , and nt the same time aston
ish the natives. 1 propose to go out myself ,
telling stories , in balls , at church festivals
and charity benefits. My supply will bo
limited to old time stories. " Air. Falk is
now the advance guard of old Lydia Thomp
son's big burlesque company. lie is n good
story teller.
Colonel Put Humphry , tlio celebrated T.
P. A. , is in ( own nsain , and last evening he
made a little talk to the effect that , lottery
pi Ize or no lottery prke , "this is going to be
the greatest year lor business wo have had
for a long time. I attribute the evidences of
new life to a change of administration whicti
promises such good results. "
Lost.UI don't know where , T can't
toll when , I don't bee how something1
ot { front value to mo , and for the return
of which I shall bo truly thankful , vlx. :
a Kood appi'tito. "
Found. "Health nnd strength , pure
blood , ati appetite like a wolf , regular
digcstionull by taking that popular and
peculiar medicine , Hood's Saraaparilla.
I want everybody to try it this season. "
It is sold by all'druggists. Quo hun
dred doses ono dollar.
Four Theft .
Four thefts wore reported to Chief
Scavoy ycsterdav. The llwt case was
that of some thief breaking into a writing
desk owned by Kate Ulslen , 15(5) ( Dorcas ,
nnd stealing a gold chain nnd pair of brace
S. ICellener is another sufferer. Ho re
ports that thieves broke iuto his barn at KiO'i
Howard Tuesday night , and stole n single
harness wort h $ : ! 0.
The third case is the loss of an overcoat ,
seal skin cap , blue silk dress and blue pol
onaise , which were stolen from William
Itoth , at 231)2 ) Murcy.
'Iho fourth theft complained of to
Chief Seavey , is the larceny of n pair of
gold bracelets , two gold rings and thrco
breast pins , which somebody has taken from
Miss Louisa Dyering. A woman named
Mollie Miller was thought to bo the guilty
party , but au oftlccr could not thul them In
her room ,
Pears" soap secures a beautiful com
_ _
Tlioy Need n Good Rntvliidlng.
Complaint is made to Chief Seavey that a
gang of young toughs , headed by Emmett
Inman and Charlie Mo ran , are the terror of
South Tenth street in the vicinity of Wil
liams. Their usual rendezvous is in front of
a house occupied by Mrs. Morning and Mrs.
Bergman at 1012 South Tenth street. Both
of these women have suffered particularly
from the depredation of the young toughs.
They lately have opened the water hydrant a
number of times and the house has become.
flooded thereby. They upset , barrels and
boxes and do whatever damage they can. A
night or two since they brutally kicked and
beat Mrs. Bergman's nine-year-old boy. Of-
llccr Ellis has been detailed to investigate
the matter.
Oh I ye who teach the ingenious youth of
our great nation , let them learn the noble art
of self-defense , as Salvation Oil is the spe
cific for hurts.
Little Annie yesterday told us , In libr way
what a good medic.ino Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup is ; it had cured her of u very severe
Sr. Patrlck'H Day.
The A. O. H. has commenced to make ar
rangements for the celebration of St. Pat
rick's Day. The association will attend
divine service in the morning at St , Phllo-
mcna's cathedral , whence they will bo ac
companied by a branch of the order from
Lincoln , A panegyric will bo delivered by
Key. P. F. McCarthy , pastor of the church.
In the evening there will bo a literary and
musical cntcrt'iimncnt under the manage
ment of the order in Boyd's opera house.
On the same nicht there will be another
entertainment In Hascall's hall by the chil
dren of St. Patrick's parochial school.
The sale of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is becoming iiumoiibo. Tlio se
cret of it is that tlio preparation re
ceives a great deal of free advertising
from people who use it and llnd it so
much superior to anything else of the
kind that they have over used , that
they persuade their friends nnd neigh
bors to try it. It ia certainly a sure
euro for colds and croup and a prepara
tion fully worth the popularity it cn-
joya. For sale by all druggists.
Rolling Mills CInso Up.
READING , Pa. , March 0. The failure of the
Reading Iron works has caused n great
flurry among the Iron men throughout this
section. Last night the rolling mills at
Naomi and Gibraltar , this county , the greater
portion of whoso products wcro received by
the Reading Iron works , closed down for
want of orders , and this forenoon the Key
stone rolling mills , of this city , whoso entire
product is taken by the Heading works , also
shut down. These three nulls employed over
six hundred men.
Orders have been given by the Reading rail
road companystoplngshipincnts to the HeadIng -
Ing iron works ot supplies from the mines ,
furnaces and kilns controlled by the railroad
company. If this order is continued for any
length of time the iron works will bo obliged
to cease operations for want of supplies.
The works are running as usual to-day.
1'Vircljjn Press Opinion ,
BEIU.IK , March 0 , The National Guzctto ,
commenting ou President Harrison's inau
gural address , says : "Thero is no reason to
doubt the president's pacific principle or tlio
sincerity of his opinion rcgardlni ; the peace
ful adjustment of International affairs , al
though ho recommended the sti-cnulhcuing
of the imvy. This tone toward foreign coun
tries proclaims the beginning of u new era In
American development and a display of a
more asset live policy by the United States. "
A AlniiHtiotify.
' Beating and abusing his mother" is the
charge preferred nznlnst something that
looks like u man , It rcclstorrnl its name ns
C. Polcrlu ut the police station last night ,
nnd was placed behind the bar * with some
higher classed drunks.
ItcHiimini ; tin ) Kn t Tuiln Service.
CIIICAOO , March ( ! . The Chicago & Alton
announces that beginning next Sunday the
fast train service between Ciilca o and Kan
sas City will bo restored. The Burlington
will take the oamo step on Monday. U U
supiwsed that all line * will follow their ex
ample , and that all fast trains will \ > i re
Two Yoi ug Mou Are Qullty of So
, T Dolug.
They Go jWlth Money Not
To Them Ann I > n Not Show
fllnrjced Symptoms of
t Jlcpontnnce. ,
On the Wrong Uoad.
Two more young gentlemen have gen
wrong , betrayed their employer * ' confidence ,
nnd in ono instance , at least , brought sorrow
nnd shntno to respectable parents.
Patrick While , for six years past , 1ms been
a trusted salesman and collector for M. Hell-
man , the Fiirnnm street clothier. He prew
up , so to speak , in the store , having com
menced nt the wrapping counter.
Lnst Sunday night he left town , nnd on the
following morning , in a pocket of an ofllco
coat , which was left after him ,
was lounil au unfinished note
which told of his dishonestr and of the flight
whlcli.ho had planned to H.IVO him from the
punishment duo his crime. Coupled with
this avowal were several other admissions ,
which could not be discovered , Air. Sloinan
the manager of the house , in Mr. Hcthmin's
absence , having locked the missive in the
safe nnd declining to permit the Hir. : repre
sentative to see it until Mr. Holhnan should
White , as Iscnstomary , had been collecting
up to Saturday night. Ho turned
no mo cy Into the nftlco at that time. How
nuielijho secured can bo ascertained only by
n call upon those for whom ho was entrust
ed with bills. Several of these have already
been called upon and It has been discovered
that they held receipts for the amount of
their indebtedness. Speculation says that
White's misapproprintion will very linely
reach f-500.
White lived nt 4".G North Twelfth street ,
where his parents nro cast down with grief ,
lie was a lively young man nnd his company
both male nnd female has boun such as to
render it Impossible for him to live within
his income.
Another fleeing young gentleman is Harry
Heed. Ho was a salesman and collector for
Fred Ullman , California wino dealer , corner
Fifteen nnd Hartley streets. Heed wai
taken In and clothed by Ullman. This
liberality was rewarded by several thefts ,
some of which , now that Uced has disap
peared , nro coming to light. Olio of these
was his Indorsement of Ullmnn's niimo on a
check for SU made by n Fifteenth street
druggist named Tueek in payment of nwiuo
bill. The check was cashed ami Heed
pocketed the money. How much more
pocketing he has done will later bo dis
Yesterday one of the clerks at Hcllmnu's
received n nostal card , signed "The
Gang. " The latter is composed
of While , Heed and a couple of
other joung scamps who are spending stolen
money. The card was dated Kansas City ,
and said that they were all bound for the
Palace variety theater on a grand old lark ,
and were going'to taste the train in the morn
ing for Portland.
Jt is not known that stops will be taken to
bring them buck. Mr. Hellmaii , however ,
returns to anp.
Aciil t'linsplintc ,
" A Healthful Tonic.
Used in place'(5f Jemona or lime juice it will
harmonize with suoh stimulants as are neces
sary to take. ,
Mills County Farmer * ' Institute.
MAi.vnutf , la. , March 0. ( Snccial to TUB
Bun. ! The event of last week was the Mills
County Farmers' institute , which convened
in the opera house Wednesday morning , con
tinuing two days. The attendance was largo
and an enthusiastic Interest in the proceed
ings purvaded all present. Prominent farm
ers from all over the county were present
and the time was occupied in the discussion
of practical , everv-day topics. The discus
sions were carried on almost entirely by the
intcllic-ent farmers of the county , the only
outsldo speaker being lion. George Van
Honten , of Taylor county , sec
retary of the . State Farmers' in
stitute. Hon. James Wilson , of Tama county ,
was to have been present , but failed to keep
his appointment , causing considerable dis
appointment but no discouragement. His
absence pushed home talent into the breach ,
which- was Just what was needed to make
the institute the grand success it was , The
papers read upon the various topics wcru
good and many of them opened the way for
animated discussions. The railroad problem
elicited the greatest amount of Interest and
the time allotted for its consideration was
altogether too brief to give all who desired
to do so an opportunity to express
themselves. Colonel A. J. Chuntry , Mills
county's representative In the legislature ,
surprised even his best friends by the
strength of his speech on this question. Ho
has evidently given tbosubject much thought
and painstaking study , and has qualified
himself to discuss and act upon it in tin in
telligent manner. The sodal features nf the
Institute wcro worth moro to the farmers
and their families than is sometimes realized
Country people , boins somewhat isolated by
the very nature of things , need many such
seasons of social intercourse. It is
argued by some that moio Is to bo
learned by observation than from
experience. Hence ttio importance of
au Intcrcluneo of views and observations
upon such topics as pcitain directly to the
prosperity mid comfoit of the farmer and his
family. The leading spirits in the movement ,
that brought about the Institution , can congratulate
gratulate- themselves upon the success that
has attended their offotts. So successful did
this institution prove , that n permanent
organi/ation was entered Into , the necessary
officers elected , and plans for next year will
bo matured ana every cfl'ort bo put forth to
succeed as well , or better , if possible , with
the second annual meeting.
H , Hoarseness , Sni-n Tin-outvote. ,
quickly relieved by Urown's Bronchial
Troches. A simple- and effectual remedy su
perior to all other articles for the same pur
pose. Sold only in boxes.
Harwell's Itooin.
Ht'iiWEM. , , Neb. , March 0. [ Correspond
ence of THE Hi'.i : . ] Uurwell , the only town
in Gartlcld county , is beautifully located in
ono of the most fertile valleys of the west ,
It hi sprung from a country postofllcc In a
year and a half to a and thrjfty vlllfuo
of COO Inhabitants. At present U is the terminus -
minus of the Lincoln & Black Hills railroad ,
find is the marketplace for the surrounding
country for n distance of forty miles. It is
the best hog and cattle market In the North
Ionp valley , consequently the trading point
for fanners for n long distance. Many
farmers who have heretofore gene
to the Klkhorn Valley rail
road for a market nro now coming u greater
distance to this place. Hunvcll expects two
new lines of rnllroad during the coming sea
son , the Sioux City & Ogden and the Union
Pacific It has n water power which his no
equal in the state , and to bo appreciated
must he seen , as It cannot bo described in a
tow words. The fall is about twelve foot
per milo.
The Congregationallsts are making
ations to erect a $2,000 church during the
coming season. A $ .1,000 school house will
also be erected. A general merchandise
store Is being removed hero from Kent , nn
inland town ten miles out ; also n real citato
and law office. The election of an opera
house is being considered.
. Odd Fellows ore preparing to organize
lodges , and will have them In running order
soon.A creamery and canning factory nro
among the industries which could bo made
to pay a larce return on the lilvestuients.
For nearly a third of n , I'ontnry tlioso
delicious , pure mill economic nrepn ra
tions Van'd Flavoring- Extracts ,
Imvo led the vanguard In popularity of
articles of their class , nor 1ms disparag
ing competition boon able to shake for
a single tiny the faith reposed in them
by the American people. The bottles
of thee extracts contain surplus meas
ure , a point of superiority over rivals ,
and the process by whioh they are pre
pared prevents a contamination with
any deleterious snbbtance.
A Now Town in I'tnttn County.
CCni.i-Miius , Nob. , March 0. [ Correspon
dence of THE Bun. | A now town has sprung
up in Pintle county , fifteen miles northwest
of Columbus , six miles from Genoa and flvo
miles from Oconee , on the Albion branch
of the Omaha Northern . & Black Hills rail
road , in the rich valley of tlio Loup river.
The new town has been named Monroe. It
is quite pleasantly located , surrounded as it
is , by undulating prairie lauds , which are
now under a high slate of cultivation. The
Farmers' Protective association have an ele
vator almost completed , now in course of
erection , having a capacity of 25,000 bushels.
Largo quantities of grain , hogs and cattle
are being shipped from this point , oven
with the meager conveniences nt hand. 10.
A. ticrrard lias platted twenty acres for a
town site and will begin selling lots at onco.
The form of deed used contains a provision
that forever forbids any spirituous liquors
to bo sold on ttio premises as a beverage ,
under forfeiture of the grant , to the original
owner. A number of business houses will
bo erected as soon as spring opons. William
Strother will start n prohibition paper ns
soon us n building can bo procured. Mr.
Sti oilier is a practical ncubpapcr man ,
having conducted a paper for many years in
Kansas. 1 hat this thriving little burg will
grow and flourish , there can be no doubt , as
ttio men who have the matter In hand have
money and energy to hack them up. The far
mers by private subscription raised the nee-
cssaryfunds to pay for side track facilities ,
whichtho railroad company refused to put
in at itsown expense. The opening of spring
will witness great activity In all the villages
of the county , and t lie starting of a , number
of new ones.
Jesuit * Sue Tor Iiibcl.
MONTREAL , March C. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBK.J Considerable excitement has
been created in ecclesiastical and political
circles by the action taken in behalf of the
Jesuits against the Toronto Mail for $50,000
damages for libel. The special complaint of
the plaintiffs is that the Mail published an
oath alleged to have been taken by all Jesuits
in which the pope only is acknowledged ns
their spiritual anil temporal head , in which
they renounce all allegiance to any heretical
king , prince or state , and that in all things
Catholic the cad Justifies the means. Lead
ing Jesuits declare this false and malicious
and to have been published to create Prot
estant prejudice against them.
Saloon MPM Give Up. ,
Four Donoi : , la. , March . [ Special Tel
egram to Tni : Bnc.l The light commenced
against saloons in this city a few weeks ago
culminated yesterday in the most hotly con
tested election ever held here. It resulted
in the election of George H. Pearsons , anti-
saloon candidate for mayor , by 07 majority.
The liquor sellers acknowledge the futility
of further resistance , and say they will
close all saloons within two wcoks , when ,
for the 11 rat time slnco its enactment six
years ago , prohibition will bo enforced in
Fort Dodge.
at Curtis.
CIWTIS , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to Tan
BIE. : ] Three cars on the west-bound ex
press were derailed heio thismorningcauscd
by a broKen switch.
Farmers are sowing n larger acreage of
wheat tlian any previous year.
Cuttle nro being shipped from hero. Corn
ia plenty at fourteen cents.
Seley's roller mills uro nearly completed
and second to none in tlie state.
Kueo has secured a plant of fish for Cur
tis luke consisting of trout and bass.
ObjcctH to Fast Trains.
Cnit too , March 0. The officials of the
WabasU to-day entered nn earnest protest
against the proposed 'restoration of the fast
train service between Chicago and Kansas
City. Receiver McNulta , wiio is in Now
York , notified the general manager of the
Chicago & Alton by wire that the Wabash
would consider ended the agreement in re
gard to the maintenance of passenger rates
if fast mail trains wcro restored. Notwith
standing this , the Alton and Burlington will
commence running fust trains nt the begin
ning of next week and the Hock Island will
follow suit on March 17.
Sidney Uurtlett
BOSTON' , March 0. Hon. Sidney Hartlett ,
loader of the Boston bar and director of the
Chicago. Burlington & Qumcv railway , is
dying. Bartlctt passed his ninticth birthday
in February.
Let It Help You !
Shortsighted , and to be pitied , is the woman who re
jects this wonderful article PEARLINE. Incon
siderate the one who does not supply her servants with
it. Its popularity immense sale and the hundreds of
imitations all tell of its usefulness ; besides , it's ' old
enough to have died long since were it at all dangerous
to fabric or hands. On the contrary , in doing away with
most of the rubbing It saves the worst of the wear ,
Use it without soap It is economical.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are
J § / offerinrr imitations which they claim to he I'earJ-
_ . . _ t A > - / ! | ic , or"Ihos-irnoas 1'cailinc. " IT'S FALSE
they are not , and besides arc dangerous. J'EARLINE is never peddled , hut
* > old by all good grocers , lUuuficturcd only by JAMES 1'VLB , New York
Then ho clnipixl her with omotlon ,
Drew the nmlilcn to hia btrnst ,
Whispered vows of true devotion ,
Thu old , old tale , you know thu rest.
From his circled arms npapriiiRlnir ,
With n tear slto tin nod nwny.
And her volco with sorrow rlnjrlnff ,
"I Bliall not sco my brldnl day. "
This drnmntic spcccli broke him up badly ; but when she explained
that her apprehensions were founded on the fact of an inherited predis
position to consumption in her family , ho calmed her fears , bought a
bottle of Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery for her , and she is now
the incarnation of health. Consumption fastens its hold upon its
victims while they are unconscious of its approach. The "Golden
Medical Discovery" has cured thousands of cases of this most fatal
of maladies. But it must bo taken before the disease is too far
advanced in order to bo effective. If taken in time , and given a fair
trial , it will cure , or money paid lor it will bo refunded.
For Weak Lungs , Spitting of lllootl , Shortness of llrcatli ,
Bronchitis , Asthma , Severe Coughs , and kindred affections , it ia
an efficient remedy.
Copyright , 1833. hy WOIILD'S ni3PE 3Anr MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Proprietors.
- . - . . , . . . . _ , for an Incurable case of
u-jj > mum.m mi - i. Catarrh In the Head br
the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY.
OF CATAltRII. Headache , obstruction of nose , dlschnnrca
falling into throat , sometimes profuse , xvntery , ami ncrld. nt othera , thick ,
tenacious , mucous , pui uleiit , bloody uud putrid ; uj es weak , rliiiflmr In oars !
deafness , difficulty ot clearing throat , expectoration of offensive matter :
tircntli offensive ; smell nnd tosto Impaired , and pciiem ! debllltv. Only a
few of these symptoms llkel > to bo piesent nt once. Thousands of casoi
result in consumption , and end in the i
By Its mild , Boothine , antiseptic , clcnnsimr , and healing properlei ! , Dr. Saco'fl
cures the worst cases. Only GO ceuta. Sold by druggists everywhere.
lectro -
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Scl-
3Gentlemen's Belt : BflSt Srifmtfflc8nlificallV Mada and Practically Applied.
fnuiuiin / Vijui uu aiiuiiuii m any unri * ui mi * K > OUT *
ea bv pcrmUiton. MitlK tbo rollnwlngwlio have boon
" " " ; ng
re t OtfKl i-X. > .TloapianilTii.8 f' rkcr aud J.M. Hralftt.iillon Doonl or Trodo , Cliloa-
Jia accumplulH'tl wiiat no other remedy bait
] teady nrrres and comfortable Bleep at n Itol.t , Hall , itlilorman , ISO K tSJth fitrei.t , NowYorlr , etc.
EucrKO-iua. :
" "
.KKTIC"liiLT"l ntlllvrlr euro ?
jflrusscombined. Uiuraatccdthol '
'onlr ono In the world prenerAtlnii R litt , HIU.1BT and cibatuUmt
ncontlnnoua Eltvtrla if J/apnrtfa < < chronic olsfrucnor liothMies.
. . . , , Cnntnlni 23 tel 0(1 ( dprrmx of
.gTij1 ntt SclentlBo.roworfnl Uarablu
" ' ' " ' ' . . . . . . . .
7 Con .ortAblo ttini 'l''froctiYo ' AYO\ frauds. , - jit * . Eloctilclty. umiugllcxpuio
tired. fien'imainpforpampUot rt' P-I t ctrBP st.MltmUnonowerrui.dtt *
B ivholetale house Inc. . . % ; SW \ C
I yrunclaco anil Chicago. 11,000 cond Sena ctunp rorIllustrated pnmDblst.
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
ItlccJianlcn' Zdola , FlneJironzo Jinlldora' Qooils anil Buffalo Scales.
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Only fJrmilno System of Memory Trnlnlne.
Itour Jtunks Ipni nrd In ono reudintf.
HI I n il vranilrrlnir cured.
"Every clillil mul mlnlt ffronlly hpnenucd.
( Inducements to Corruipondenco Claisct.
Ttonxietia , with opinions nf Hr. .Win. A. llnm-
niniiil , Hi" world ( imoil Hpeclalltt In Allnd DU ' .
oiiit , .1. HI. ri1 llnrMi'y ' ' , J > .l.adltoraf | the t'lirliiUan
Ailvocatf/A' . ) ' . HlrliiiNl I'l ortnr , tlio Ho ontlrt.
JllHOn , Jmluli 1 > . joiijumluaad
TK , B37 I'lfth ATC. , N. V.
Millions of Trees !
Consisting ( if 1'rnlt Troei , Kmall Frulti , ( iiapa
Vlnus , OiiKimeiiUil Tiuri anil .Slirnljs , | ' , \vr-
urui'iu. HofcM , i'tt. , liijf-'tlicr uUlinl.iiio awort-
muiit of Tri'it.i ami Steels for planting
Timber Claims.
J'UCllltUvi 1111111 lUSMJllVlIIO for
nnil -lull Jlxti.
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor.
BHIN.\M ; > O.\JI , . . . IOWA.
( Successor. * to John U. Jucobi. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At tlioolil stand HOT I'.minm St. Ortlor-i by
tulcarapu solicit fil uiiU promptly nUvmlvil.
Telephone to No. ' . . ' .
f I nilC Vandal ) urltumioubloa axl
IXIUIIU I JyanilcafolycuroU IjyOOuriJ
nleii. K'vwral camj ciirul In suvmi ilaya.
0 per box. all druijKlstg , or by mall from Doc-
ailff Co.lli \VttlleSt.N.V. rulidUectlQiu.
For Sale or Trade.
Itasldrnco projinrtv , orange RFOXOH , town loti ,
nnd ( lesliullu ) unimproved Iniuls tuiitablo for
\vlnterlioiiio8 , fdrtiiiia or to trndo tor weutern
improved turm lands. OcuroupondcnrcBollcltod
Orlando , Florida.
Cnpltnl Kt < * 8150,000
Uuliilltii'S of Stot'KIioliloi-H : JOO,009
llve l'ei < Cent. Inlet-rat J'ttld on De
posits Coiniioitinled Scinl-
L. M IIUNNr/rr. Vluu 1'iosldent ,
I' . W. WKtiSKI.LS , MaimtfiiiK Dlnictor.
JOHNli. wlMiUlt , Cashlor
J. vf , OANNurr , OUV O. llAIITOIf ,
I..I. IIIIOWM , I , . M , HUNNKrr.
CI1. . MANiihitttnv , TlllM. ii. IClUlIA
IlK.MIVl'UMir , H. / , . HfO.NII.
( ) > I\IIA lfa4rT Co. , I , . \VII.I.IAUS ,
MAX JiKvnn , THI/MAN Jlucic ,
I. II. OftNonoK.
AM ( ) N 0. Mut'OOK , N.V. . \VH.,8.
11. KlKMXN , JOHN i ; . vrik p ttl. lnUr.
. klKlrll
iiucce68fully USMJ monthly by ovur 10.000
fliea. A it ) / > < / . KffntiMland 1'lcaiant
' I'1'0 ' * liymall.or nt ( lru iltta. ; HfalfJ
> ar ctCar83poa giBtiimp < . A ( M rots
TUB Eim 2 ± CuKUKUb Co. , liinnorr , ilicu.
( title and tin mall \ > \i \ Uootlnut
tk'iril. l i > rt < l TUBU1AR t'Ah'c'jViuOtlJl
LI > r r . Cooreilllloi | iJWulllni tJ. toml
rotl.ClKItrir.A JJ .ll.j , > D4Il.tMii , > yrr , l > I
K iiuaSx' ' -"H" ' " " " " " "I