Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    * "
, ( t
Collections of internal revenue yes
terday wcro $ . ' { ,030.07 *
There will bo a mooting of the Con-
trnl Labor union Friday nlfflit. All
delegates must bo present.
Bales of stamps nnu envelopes for
February were us follows : Stumps , $14-
HJ0.03 ; envelopes,34,017. ! ! .
Dr. Ilcrtzmnnn , who 1ms been dan
gerously ill for two or three months , is
ruptdly convalescing mid in a few days
hoCB | to bo about town again.
At 10 o'clock Thursday morning
.Bishop Worthlngton will hold a "quiet
day for women" ut Trinity cathedral
for all of the Episcopal churches of
.7. W. Cooper , an abstractor , who was
charged with obtaining personal prop
erty under false pretenses , was dis
charged yesterday in Justice Wade s
Frank Sclnvoboiln , who was charged
Hr-ltli selling liquor on election day , paid
$103 for the priviledgo yesterday.
Judge Herkii was appointed custodian
of the funds.
Trouble in a house of ill-fame Monday
night resulted in the arrest of the in
mates. Yesterday Judge Berka lined
John Dooi0 ! and 'costal ? . Garilold $10
and costs , Etnma Hess $ a and costs , and
Elllo Smith 9' ) and costs. Quietness will
reign in that locality for some days , as
neither ] ) oo or the Jloss girl can pay
their lines.
I'craoiinl 1'arnKrapti1 ? .
II. M. Utlcy , of O'Neill ' , Is at the Millnnl.
Jtulpo Uundy returned from Lincoln yes
E. C. Pine and wife , of Illair , are at the
J. C. White , of Lincoln , is stopping at the
W. O. Wkitmorc , of Valley , Nob. , Is at the
Uobert W. Bradley , of Cheyenne , la at the
Jsanc Lincoln , of Aberdeen , Dak. , Is tit
the Pitxton.
M. E. ford , of Lyons , Ni3b. , Is stopulng at
the Millard.
Theodore Stnrlt , of Sioux City , Is regis
tered at the Pnxton.
V. C. Sliicltloy , of Geneva , Neb. , is regis
tered at the Pnxton.
James Cou hlan and wife , of San Fran
cisco , uro at tno Murray.
Charles R Dicltinson , of TeUamah , Neb. ,
is registered at the Millard.
W. H. Uurcli , manajtor of the farm depart
ment of the Phccnix Insurance company ,
with bendciuartcrs at Chicago , Is In Omaha.
Frank Murphy , chief clurk of the rail
way mall service , has returned from n
tour of Inspection over the eastern Hues run
ning Into Omaha.
Georgtf P. Shclton , prcslncnt , and T. Ti.
Burch , general agent of the western depart
ment , of the Phtcmx Insurance company , of
Brooklyn , are in the citv , the guests 3fH. B.
iCorycll and M. M. Hamblin , who have
charge of the Pbmnix- interest In this Held.
Every night and Saturday matinee Fiiii-
r smu.
EDH.V Musnn.
Every nfternoon and night Joseph 1C.
Kean in , Ura. I'ttrtlmjLm nntl her son 1 lie.
Every night Six day go-as-you-please pe
destrian race.
. AYoutlil'ul Thief.
A warrant has been sworn out for the ar
rest of MJckcy Shellcnberger , a Ilftccn-yuar-
old lad who stole $10 in coin from his mother
unu then decamped.
D. H. Slutton and J. A. Vance were ar
raigned before United States' Commissioner
Anderson yesterday on the charge of Belling
liquors without a license. They were drug-
Fists at Campbell , Neb. Eacli was held in
the sum of ? 5UU. _
Klcctlon ol' oniccrs.
TheJBeo Publishing company , at Its annual
mooting , elected the following directors for
the ensuing year : Max Meyer , E. Rosewater -
water , Bruno Tzschuck , George W. Lininger
and George B. T/schuelc. 13. Hoacwater was
re-elected president und George B. Tzschuck
secretary and trcasucr.
A Chil ) Incorporates.
Articles of Incorporation of the Emanon
club of South Omaha were filed yesterday
with the county clerk. The incorporators
pro A. W. Saver , J. G. Martin , C. P. C.
Smith , E. R Farnsworth , H. E. lloglc , Z.
Cuddington. Fred M. Smith , J. P. Colnon
and E. I1. Savage.
A Prospective Synagogue.
The Husslan Israelites gave a ball In Wash
ington hall Monday night to raise money for
a synagogue. This wai tha ilrst of n scries.
Within n few days the work of constructing
the now syngoguo on Capitol avenue , be
tween Twelfth nnd Thirteenth , will bo com
menced. The Jewish temple will cost about
10,600. , _
Mnrrinco licenses.
Following are the marriages licenses Is-
uod yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Residence. Age.
William A. Hostotter. Omaha . 23
Qruco U. Cluwsoi ) . Omaha . 11) )
Frank A. Me-tik , Omaha . SO
Autbnla Dwornk , Omaliu . SI
Carl Nonborg , Omaha . 25
Theodosia Hursli , Wahoo , Nub . 18
AVln-re luMnry ?
Mary Huhn , a iiftcon-.vear-old girl who
resided with her mother , Mrs. August Hulin ,
near the shot tofor on South Twenty-fourth
street , is missing. She left her homo December -
comber 21 lust , nnd has not been heard of
since. Her mother thinks bho r.m away
with n young follow who used to make
brotherly calls upon her at night or Sunday
aftcrnouilR , Mrs. Halm has directed the
police to se.xreli for the wayward girl in the
different retorts of the city.
Ho l.lkiul to Wonr n fitnr.
Qua Burlso is one of the ex-policemen who
refused to part with his star after the great
docapitatlon of olUccrs noiirly two years ago ,
nnd lias kept It ever since as a relic of de
parted power. It is said that ho has Hashed
it on u number of occasions , und the un-
ophlsc.ilud have held htm In nwo us a rupro-
eontntlvo of the majesty of the law , But the
star proved nn Inauspicious one , and tha pos-
uthlon caused his arrest. The police nmgis-
irnto Iflcturcd him soundly for impersonating
on onliiur , and conllsciitcu the stellar orna
ment , turning it over to the chlof of police.
'With this Hurko was released.
A New Train.
The connecting link botwuon Ne
braska and Kansas has just been placed
In sorvluu by the Union I'aullla railway.
This train leaves Council DlulTs daily at
4'Ali a. m. ; loaves Omaha ut50o ; u. in. ,
And runs through without change to
Mtuilwttiin , Kim. , making direct eon-
jinotiiws there with the Kansas division
of the Union Ptteillo railway for nil
points in Kniibns and Colorado west-
'pound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan-
tsas City and points cast and south via
JKtuihiis City. Hoturning , train leaves
Manhattan at 15i3 : p. m. ; arriving at
J3eutricuatOii3 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
; p. in. , und Omahti at 11H : ! ) p. m. , Coun
cil BUiITs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kunsas division trains
irom Kansas City , Ltiwrouco , Topeka
and the onst , and from Denver , Sauna ,
Aholino und all points west , onublliig
naesongors to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible tlno. : Thosu trains liuvo Unit-
clabH equipment , conslbting of smoking
earn and first-class day coaciios of the
latest pattern , The now tnxtn will fill
, long 'felt , want , und Is bound , to 'bo
popular , ' ' ' . .
Wlilcli Ought to bo HcmoTCtl From
tlio Alley * .
To ascertain who Is to b'lnmo for the
present wretched condition of the streets and
alloys , n visit was inndo to the rooms of the
board of public works ycstorpay. In re
sponse to a tjuury , Secretary Wapplch said
that , as yet , the alloys had never been
swept. Ho added that the board of public
works bad nothing to do with the matter
whatever ; Unit it was under the supervision
of the board of health , and must bo properly
attended to through the medium of the chief
of police. This is nil provided for by city or
dinance , ever which the board of
public works 1ms no control.
"But , can't the board order the
mud shoveled out of the gutters even If the
weather is too cold to permit the sweeping of
the streets I"
"No they cannot , " was the rcolnor ] to this
question , "bccauso they have no right to ox
pcnd n dollar unless it is so ordered by the
city council and the mayor. "
"It Is the council's business
, then , to seoto
the nlloys ntall seasons of the year I"
"Yes. sir , that is the case. Ofllccrs Pulaskl
nnd Hfnchoy , however , act as sanitary inspectors
specters through the summer months , and it
is one of their duties to notify the property
holders to clean their nbutt Inir alleys when
their condition Justifies such nn order ; and ,
in case of non-compliance they must file In
formation ngalnst the offenders in police
court. "
"When will the spring renovation begin ? "
'Must as soon as the council orders it and
designates the streets to bo swept anil
cleaned. "
"That will bo soon , you think 1"
"It is sincerely hoped so , as thcro Is much
complaint from nil parts of the city. "
The chief of police volunteered the Information
mation that as much us could be possibly ac
complished In this line was being done daily
by the city prisoners , but their number was
so small and the area demanding attention so
largo that their work was hardly noticeable.
A force of four was ut work cleaning the gut
ters on Fnrnain and Douglas streets yester
day , and it will bo utilized in this way right
alont , ' . However , ho thought the council
would take immediate action in tno matter
and have the whole city thoroughly swept
and cleaned up.
It is n fact notwithstanding that the officers
mentioned look only for nuisances In the al
loys and have never had nn.ything to do w'th '
the sweeping or scraping of them. As a con
sequence. In some places the tilth Is so thick
that the paving cannot bo scon. "Property
owners , " said a taxpayer , "are not. and can
not bo expected to scrape the alleys any
moroihan they nro expected to sweep or
scrape the streets. It's about time that the
council and the board of public works did
something to effect this sanitary reform.
The alloys need cleaning us regularly , and in
some instances moro regularly than do the
Pears' soap is the most elegant toile
Tlio Penitential Snnaon or Lout Be
gins To-clny.
Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday.
The day was one of .general rejoicing in
catholic countries. It was the carnival of
Italians , the Marui Gras of the French , and
pancake Tuesday in "Yo mcrrio England of
yo olcten tyiro. "
The day Is more generally observed among
the old French families of Now Orleans than
anywhere clso in this country. There , the
day is given ever to fantastic parades and at
night , balls , the magniflcsnco of wlilcn arc
There wcro no public observances of the
day in Omaha.
To-day is Ash Wednesday nnd in
all Catholic nnd Episcopal churches solemn
services will bo hold. It is the Ilrst day of
Lent , and derives its naino from the old-time
custom of wearing sackcloth and ashes into
the sanctuaries and synagogues as emblems
of penitence.
During the next forty flays devout Episco
palians nnd Catholics will forego many of the
pleasures of the world and devote themselves
to meditation , prayer , attendance upon reli
gious services in their respective churches ,
and not a few will spend the season in ab
stinence from many of the luxuries of the
table in which they arc wont ta.indulge.
In the churches referred to there will bo
nightly religious services held at Intervals in
cacb week.
The sale of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is becoming immense. The se
cret of it is that the preparation re
ceives a great deal of free advertising
from people who use it and find it so
much superior to anything else of the
kind that they have over used , that
they persuade thdir friends and neigh
bors to try it. It is certainly a sure
cure for colds and croup and a prepara
tion fully worth the popularity it en
joys. For sale by all druggists.
An O Ulcer Uses ills Fista to KfTcct n
So 17. ure.
Constable Martin Eddy lias been arrested
; hreu times In the last few wcoits for abus-
ng and assaulting persons with whom ho
has had legal business , and each tlmo ho has
shown violence before ho read or displayed
ils paper ? , shown his star , or even said that
lie was an ofllccr. Ho hasn't got through
with his late assault on Kuto Moore yet , but
Tuesday , it is charged , ho struck and
injured Mrs. Gertrude Willomanns , who
lives at Twenty-fourth and Dupont
streets. Mr. Willcmanns runs n small dairy
and owns eight cows. Ho also has two line
liorscs , ono of which is valued at $200and ho
lias also a buggy. On Sunday , Mr. Wil-
kunanns says that a follow named William
Johnson got him drunk , and ho believes that
while in that condition Johnson got him to
agree to .soil nil the chattels named nbovo for
1ST ) , when they nro worth nearly f I.OJO.
\Villemmuis says ho has no recollection of
doing anything of the kind , yet Johnson
holds a bill ot sale , which shows that the
property has bcnn sold to him und f'5 paid
down to bind the bargain. The paper is
dn'.ed Saturday , so as to make it le
gal , but Willetminns says ho had
nothing to do with Johnson nil that
day , und the members of his family
swear to the same thing. Mr. Willomanns
says that if whllo under the intlucnco of
liquor or drugs ho signed the paper , it must
have been on Sumlnv , and tlio date of the
paper is n forgery. Neither has ho received
the fc-'S alleged to have licon paid. Constable
Eddy went to the homo ot the Willcmanns
und proceeded to tuko possession ot the
chattels without saying who ho was or oven
producing a paper. MM. Willcmanns nntur-
ull.v objected , and a number of witnesses
testify'thnt the constable twisted tha wo-
maa's arm until she shrieked with pnln , nnd
ho then struck her n terrific blow In
the breast that almost knocked her down ,
At the time she held a suckling infant In one
of her arms , Mrs. Willonmnns called out for
her daughter to run after n policeman to pro
tect her when Eddy throw bock his coat nnd
showed his star , this boitiK the Ilrst Inthha-
tlon , it Is said , ho had given of his being nn
ofllccr. Eddy was arrested nnd the case late
to bo given a thorough ventilation before
Judge Berkn Thursday nfternoon. Mr. nnd
Mrs.Willomanns nro both Gorman and speak
English with difficulty.
A Coin moil Sense Remedy.
In the matter of cur.Ulvcs what you want
Is something that will do its work while you
continue to do yours n remedy that will give
you no Inconvenience nor Interfere with your
business , Such n remedy is At.r.cocu's Po-
nou ? PLASTF.US. Those plasters nro purely
vcgctnblo and absolutely harmless. They require -
quire no cbnngo of diet and nro not effected
by wet or cold. Their action docs not inter
fere with labor or business j you can toll nnd
yet bo cured whllo hard at work. They nro
so pure that the youngest , the oldest , the
most delicate person of cither sex can use
them with great benefit.
Mr. James SHJ-H 1 lint Is the Design era
a TcuchcrH * School.
Mr. Jnmcs , the superintendent of schools ,
docs not favor the move of the bonrd of cdu-
cntion , proposed nt Tuesday night's meeting ,
of establishing n teachers' training school In
connection with the llieh school. Ho con
siders It a needless nnd extra expense to the
city of at least $3,000 a year. The results ,
lie thinks , could hardly bo termed bonollclal.
Ho holds it butter for Omaha to let the
state educate the teachers as it is now doing.
There is n normal school nt Peru provided
specially for the training of teachers. Ho
says , further , that thcro are two theories
ircvnlcnt among the people concerning
llio conducting of schools that are
diametrically opposite. Ono is that
the public schools nro for the best in-
: crests of the pupils ; that the money con-
: nbutcd for the purposes of education
should bo applied with discretion. The
other theory of many people is that the
schools uro run for charitable pjArposcs , so
that certain poor or un fortunate creatures
can have a job. This latter theory , ho says ,
is riilieulous , but the actions und reasoning
of many persons show that the absurd notion
actually exists.
The BJporintcndcnt expressed the fear
-hat it Is this second charitable theory that
'influences some of the supporters of the
iroposcd Innovation , ana that the greatest
argument In its support will bo that It will
give somebody a Job.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam st. ,
telephone 11201 , blank book makers , etc.
GiicHts at tlio Central Station.
John ICearnoy , late of Chicago , arrived in
Omaha Tuesday over the Burlington. The
price of n ticket being very exorbitant John
chose the moro economical method of maklnc
the journey ina box car. The flrst duties
hero wcro to sample the spirits on draught
in the saloons , but before Mr. Kearney had
quite made the rounds ho was prostrated by
something very similar to vertigo , and a mem
ber of the metropolitan police kindly es
corted him to the central station , where he
received the treatment ho needed. When ho
went to settle ho was charged just $4 , this
being nil the money ho had with , him al
though ho assured Judge Bcrka that he had
J50 when ho arrived. The usual charge is
$5 , but Mr. ICearnoy being hero with a view
to locating , the rates were made according
to his means.
George Addison was found making his bed
on the tics of the B. ft M. track , and was
trnnsfcrcd to a less exposed place at the
central .station.
Jack Hawkins , who recently finished serv
ing a term for stealing , accidentally ex
changed coats with Mr. McGilly , a waiter in
the Philadelphia chop house , last night. It
was very unrk at the time , nenco the mis
take. Jack's coat was very ragged while
that of McGilly's was almost now. Mr. Mc
Gilly reported the accident to the police , and
they hunted Jack up and gave him a chauco
to correct the error.
For a disordered liver try Bcocham's Pi 11s
The Council Responsible.
Councilman Lcc , ChafTeo and Bedford
wcro seen yesterday morning , and said with
reference to the amendment of the charter
on the subject of erecting public buildings
that it simply gave the council the power to
select a competent superintendent for the
erection of the city hall. The council waste
to be responsible for the structure , nnd it
was hut just that it should have the right to
select the superintendent. The council was
certainly ns competent as the board of publio
works wns , and consisted almost to a man of
members who wcro disposed to push the
work as rapidly as possible.
Had a bilious attack nnd ono of these
indescribable cases of constant weari
ness. Took quinine nnd other remedies
without relief. Took Dr. Jones' Rod
Clover Tonic ; am strong and well. Asa
Thompson , Logan , Ohio. Goodman
Drug Co.
Jub'Ico Singers.
Despite the various other attractions last
night , the First Congregational church wns
nearly tilled with appreciative listeners to
the colored Jubilee singers from Fisk unl
vortity. There wcro nine persons taking
part , eight singers and n pianlstc. The pro
gramme consisted chiefly of slave or "spirit
ual" songs , nnd wcro well adapted for a
church entertainment. They also displayed
to a good udvantugo the natural powers of
the smgors. The participants nil had melo
dious voices , though not highly trained. A
number of the selections were encored , Mr.
J. N. Caldwcll's bass solo , "Uockcd in the
Cradle of the Deep , " receiving a second
encore. The entertainment was for the
benefit of the organ fund.
Catarrh cured , health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In
jector free. For sale by Goodman
Drug Co . _
ExpresH KatcH.
The express companies expect to bo noti
fied before the end of this weak that all
troubles regarding rates have boon fixed up.
They say that whatever is agreed upon this
timu will bo permanent. The instructions
will bo sent from ono point simultaneously to
all parts of the country. This precaution is
being taken to prevent anyone gutting nn
undue advantage by having tha information
two or three days in ndvnnco of the otncrs.
iK ° i Sc\avSc , Tcful i Jcu ° nS' .
ri S &s KjJ. : e
iMiwv'Ay- , ! Coi > aclcl.uw } llruises.i
? & tjfe . wr *
Cin A o't ot"7K' XSpavCuSSViv
Thufi the ' Mustang" conquers pain , SI
Makes P/9AN or BEAST wel ! again i iiu
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never vnrles. A marvel of purity
Btrenrtu and whole < oiiiones < < . Moro economical
than tlio ordinary klmts , nnd cnnnot bo sold In
comnotltlon with tno muiutmloi of low cost.
sliortwolKlit alum or phosphate powdors. Sold
only In cans. Kov.-il linking 1'owilor Co , lM :
Wnllstroot , NO\V \ Yorle
SWIFT'S SiMirmu cured inu of mnllgnnnt
Illood 1'ol-ton utter 1 had been treated In vnli :
with old so-called remedies ot Mercury nnil
1'otnsh. S. 8. S. not only cured thu Illood I'ol
son but relieved the Hheiimatlsm which uus
caused by the poisonous mlnurul.
OIX ) . IIOVUIjL , S4'Siil : Avenue. N V.
Scrofnl ailevoloped on mv daughter- swelling
nml lump son her neck , wo gave her SWIFT'S
SiT.umu , nnd then-suit was \\ondorful nnd the
cure prompt. A , DKAUMUND.Clovelnnd.Tcnn
SWIFT'S Si'KCft'iu Itcntlrclyn vcsetablo rem
edy , and Is tlio onlyromndy which permanently
cures So rofnla , Illood Humors , CancernmlCon
taRlotH Illood I'olson. Sum ! for bonks or
blood and akin dls ususi , mulled free.
Till : SWIFTSi'KCino Co. , Drawer : ) . Atlanta , tla
Warranted ntiaoltttcllf jturo
Cfirna , from which Hie excess of
Oil has been removed. 11 has moro
than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed nith Starch , Arrow
root or Sugar , and is therefore far
more economical , costing less than
one cent a cup. It is delicious ,
nourMiinjr , strengthening , easily di *
celled , and admirably adapted for in *
valid * , as \ \ ell as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers evcrjrnhoro.
W , BAKER & CO , Dore&ester. & Mass ,
Finest nml rhea | > e t Mont MnvourlnK Stock lorSmipt
Made Dishes unit Niurus. A" ll < > at"l'tu ! , "an Invuluu
bio tonic. " Annual sulo S.UAJ.VUJ jars.
Ocuulnoonlr wlthfnc-plmilo ofljuitus Ton
slgnnttiru In blue across lauol.
Sold by Storekeeper ? , ( iiocorri nnd Druirclsts.
L1KIIKVS HXTIIACT OK MUAT CO. , l.'til , Ixindon
Bold by Ulcuurilson Druu Co. , anil lllaku , Druco A.Co
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by the loKlglnttire In 1M18 , for
Educational und Charitable purposes , nml Its ma lo n pat t of tlio present State Con
stitution , in 1879 , by nn overwhelming popular
Its MAMMOTH 1)11 AWING Stake place Semi
Annually ( Juno and December ) and its ( JHANI )
SINtililS NUMIIKUDUAWINOS take place in
each of the other ten months of the year , and
nro all drawn In public , at the Academy of
Music , New Orleans , La.
For Integrity of its Drawings , and Prompt
Payment of Prizes ,
"tt'o do hereby certify tlmt we supervise t-
arrangements for all the Monthly ana Seml-An
nnal Draw ings of The Loulalnna State Lottery
Company , and In person manage and control
tlio Drawings thcuiielves , and that tno bamo
are conducted with honesty , falrnes" , nnd in
Ituod faith toward all parties , nud we authorize
the company to use this certllk'ate , witli fac-
Blmlles of oita signatures attached , in Its adver
tiscmeiits "
Wo , the undersigned HankB and Hankers , will
pay ull I'rlzoi drawn in The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may bo presented nt our cotin-
H. Mi WALMSI.KY , 1'res. Louisiana Nat. Hank.
I'iKHUi : LANAUX , 1'res. Ktuto Nafl Hank.
A , IIAMUVIN. 1'res. Now Orleans Nat'l Hank ,
CAUL KOIIN. Pros. Union National llanU.
At llio Aciuloniy of Muslo , Now Or-
lenns , Tuesday , March 1" ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 TIeiots as Twentj Dollars each.
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen
tieths , $1.
i I'ltr/K OKjuoi.oouis funo.noi
i PHI/I : ( ) ] ' liiO.iifioiH JOM. * * !
8 I'HI/,1-,8 OK 80.GOU
n I'lllXKS OK .
lee i > uixr.s OK nwure
2ml I'itlX.H-i OK JKDnre ll'.ouj
WX ) t'Hl/.K.S OK lliOare.
100 Prizes of W t nro J.W.dOO
inoi'rl/eHof li'iOiiro ' : miiOO
1001'rlzojof 8IX ) aru LM.OJO
OCO Prizes of I Id. ) are . . . .
I'rlzes. amonntlnp ! to .
TU.-a'Ickcli DrnwInaiiiMl'r Cupltn uro not on-
tltlt'il to lerniliml pil/u .
Jjr-Kon ci.i'ii II.\TIH : , or > nr further Infurnmtlnn
ili'ilrml , wrllo lckil \ \ to HID inulvri-luneil , tlcnrly
itntlnit yuur rotlilun'u. vrllli blnleil iuiuy , Mri'ctanil
.Niinil.i'r. .Mum nnilil return uiull Ocllrury will bom-
MirulLr jrour vnclU'ln un a-ucloslui ; Lcnrint' jrour
lull HilifreH4.
Hi-ii'l li ) > TAI Min'H , i : < pre 3 Money Or.lcrs.m
New Vork K < i-liuiiij Inunllimry Idler. L'uriunuy by
Kxprru Cut imr cxpiiiM ! ) " 'I'lH/w'jI. ' , . , , . . , . .
J\t ] At I'AWl IIIiii
Or .M. A. DAUPHIN. .Nuw Urlcuu : , I.a.
nn , ! ) . .
Address Re istereJ Leliers to
Nnw Orleans , l.n.
' ! ) 'J'l' ' t tlio iiayuioiit nf
mnvrii'AriJh1 l
> pri i > oiJAHANrKiin
IIV KOI'U NATIONAL lIANKh uf New Drlt'ium , mill
llio | l 'LiUiiro uliiiiul tiylhu 1'ii'klili-iit of nil liiilltu-
Him nliotu i linrii'reil ilulio xnt rui'iiirriliu , ) In tliu
lilviie > tiuuriii. llmruiiiru , liuwiiruuf itlUiiiUittluii > ur
uiiiiiiyiiiiiii ili > iiivi" . . . .
( l.Nli MII.AH U Hi" prli'ouf tha miinllost putt tir
friiclion uf a liKkut | > U , < I > IIV KH In nny ilrnwlnir.
for lr t tbunuUbliur ,
n < l iilllirlnurv tnuililen
, Hi'vinvl c.iNt-i cured In hiivt'n ilnyn. not 1
, 0 per box , nil ili'iigylHtN , o.-liy niutl from llo -
ill-it .Mfu f < > . , IIJ Wllliu StN. V. ( UilillifvtluiM.
r ? AR2 THE Bi3f.
- -
Hundreds of our customer will remember the wonderful sale of collara wo Imd laafc
fall when TTG sold these splendid 2100 Linen Collars at (55c ( a dozon. That was something
never seen before nor since. Those collars gave such satisfaction that wo have boon trying -
ing ever since to got them at a figure which would enable us to sell thorn all the year
around for that prioo , but the manufacturers would not furnish thorn regular. Wo have ,
however , succeeded in getting another lot t'us ' time only turn-down of the same quality
of linen , but new shape. We shall oiler them at a special sale on Monday morning
These collars are WARRANTED 2100 LIN1DN , and of as good a quality as is sold b
other houses for 'JOc or i.TC apieco.
In connection with this extraordinary collar sale we will oiTor Monday morning a largo
lot of pure Linen Cull's , in two of the very latest shapes , at G5c per half dozen or 81.25 per
dozon. The linen in this cuff is not of quite as fine a grade as that in tlio collars , but wo
guarantee it to bo of better quality than is found in Gulfs usually sold at 25c a pair.
In order to supply as many of our patrons as possible wo shall sell only one dox.en
collars and culls to. each customer.
x We also invite attention to our latindriod and unlaundried shirts. AVe claim in thia
department to give more value for less money than any house in the United States. Wo
ask the ladies to compare our three qualities of unlaundried shirts , which we are
selling at 30c , 50c and 70c , with any shirts sold by other houses for almost double the
money , and they will find them in quality and make e ual in every respect. The laundried
shirts at.65c , 9c ( ) and SI.25 are fully as goodas those others are selling at § 1 , $1.50 and $2.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
nnd many time * will prove to Von a great
oss. You should not ilrlay even for a day ,
our comm ? to our store. Wo mo makliii ; !
n clean sweep of our entire stock of winter
poods , and will lumo yon prlco that will
nterost you.
r rumdoiO.
Mas Hoysr-EstaWlshsd ISao-Adolph Meyar
General Agents for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & ( Maiiu Slioiiinpr-Bcll Organs
Write forCatiiloutio ,
* " S > CWl."X'J.'MLL = ; ft1 1J ? IiSTJ 1 > s
t ItlJYlMJ
A irrntii wrllo _ for imjllnitratetl clrculnr ( if THIS
II PHI lie piped In common thlnmoyn. TIIK Air
DiNK priKlu i > wnrin lluor * , Mi-mly lire , rminlniit
hem nml pi'ilivttulll.itliui nlvlil iiii'l ' ' ' " / " > ie
C'lnOltlmi ni lint nlr aliuiit tliu lieinl mill coliliilr
nl.iiui lliitli'ft Utibvluteil , Uciin bo to ! nml n | > crnli'il
nlili leui tlum oaulnill tlu fiion > o ol nny utncr
criito , an I wliern iriuical ur ntlier J l < u > eil
liirlnol Hie remit In n lilvliljr MiilBiniliiri ; us will ;
dinl. ( Oke or wt.oj. It li > clfitnljr , ccontiinl.iil und
DoeiuriInilnrxn Till : AMIINK nn ncrountnr tlm
purfuit fniiltniy mil lltlmn prolu-ol. liir tlitiM k
room , inirn'i ) ' , piirlnr or I'luiiillntf 100111 Tllh Al.-
III.N'i : lm no iDiuiu'tltur. Atlilrcst
ALDINE MFG , CO , , Grand RaiiJsMld , _
Dr. J , E. McGrew ,
One of the Most Snrcciif il
In the Treatmant of all Ghronis , Spe
cial end Private Oiseasas ,
. ' -'txuivl OrnniiH , ulisilnlely 1'iire I.
an toed.
QtflM ni PAQP ? liiu tiv tmuitfor : wlilili
OMli UnCHOUOi BUTK tlm most bnautlful
cuiniileNlou iiul.i | K > > 'frct lil'i ,
t-'ciui Htiiiuj ) r if iv'iily.
Chilian lilocx , 1 tit.i ! "And
AS i5ca. Oihal.a. NOJ
20to60 DAYS.
This is it disease which lins heretofore
] > n.nied nil Mutlictil Soicnco.
We haven Hemedy , unknown to anyone In the
World outsiduof our Company , und one Unit haste
to cure the moit olistlnato cuses. Ten days in
recent ca os does tliework. IMsthe oldchronla
deep t-ented cases that wo solicit. Wo hnvo
cuietl liuudretls who have been abandoned by
3'hyhiclans. and pronounced Incurable , and wo
clmllonnii the world to brine us a case that wo
will not euro in less than sixty days. t
Since the history of meolclne a true speclflc
for Syphilis has been sought for but uover
found until our
vna discovered , and \vo nro justlQetl In saying
it is the only Itemeny m thu World tnat will pos
itively euro' , bnrause the latest .Medical Works.
published by the bust known authorities , s.iy
there was never a true specific before. Our rem
edy will cure when nvvrytlilng else has failed.
Why waste your time und money with patent
medicines never hud virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot cure you , you that have
tiled every thing t'lse should come to us now and
K > 't permanent relief , you never can get it else
where. .Mark wlmt we say. in the end you
must take our remedy or NKVKll recover and
you that hnvo been mulcted but a short tlmo
should ty nil menus comu to us now , not one In
ten of nnw cases ever ut't permanently cured.
-Many uct help and think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three year.s after it.
appears Again In a more horrible form.
This is u blood Purifier nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disesise when
Everything Else Kails.
Itoom 10 ami 11 , U. S. National Hank
Itnildin ? , Omaha , Neb.
Guaranteed by using
National Automatic
Secures a steady nnd uniform < ie reo of Illu
initiation , resulting trom regular pressure and
consequent perfect combustion of the gasi's.
Insuring n pure and liu.ilthfiil atmosphere , and
obviating tlm sooty deposits of .unconsumed
carbon upon frescoed walls , paintings and
1 "
"Prevents the disagreeable whistling , blowing
nud hiuokinn of burnrrri. and avoids tln < fri >
ma-lit danger and wtjienio of broken globes.
Tlio ( Jovcrnor cn.sU tlio consumer 1'HAOl I-
CALI.V NOTIIINO. us the r-avltw in gas bills
WJieio full capacity of muter It , used ) will te-
bate cost of ( lovornor In every throa or four
mcntlis' service and In largo Imii'lliiKsej-erv
sixtv days , tlniK retniiilnc i'ltOM ' MJ to MX ) I'KH
CDNT. annual dividends on the Investment.
We Mill attaclinur ( Jns-Sinhur .
to nny meter upon the basis of one-half
( lie value of monthly Sating.
Piactical tests inadont our olllco. Public in
Agt-nclcs distributed in all cities.
S. U. Corner Kith amlTai'imin Sis. ,
OMAHA , Niu :
Rare Chance for Settlers ,
The llnllrAftd Synltmof 'fcinnlinrliir ileif tr >
B lu I'liliK ullliin < > y ncccBMuf Han't Inlu lor luiil
k nt > oariliiiarKBli tlioluiia < Kiuiit < i | lu die
It | I > B tifii duiormluiid to offer toettlKirs tli *
Renowned Agricult'l Lands
u .i . | } -i r.iio | r.r ; , * < > $ iK
County , foinpi I. INK
200,000 ACRES
In fnrmaof \ ncrc and np ur l. Tin mi Inn Jirre
locuii'il liy tli9 Cunirnny iiinuiig th nirlf4t ) , with
( [ xvliilriira A * lo kuil. tlnilK-r nml wnlfr 'lli'r iu
uilintfMl lo I ho irruulli ( f tnllun , cnrn , ( > at > , wliCKt.
l < arl y , r ) < < , \rKfl lif ! , ouliunln iiU'J ' ifaiJruii nnu
tlm vnrlonpi iloinctllr pia if . . . . .
tiltualeil In thu nlnHiui nml lii-nllliy rrcion Knotrn
vitliu Hniitlirin rHiiliuinllii of T \ , Ilit-y | K n ? t a
jrn1til clliitntf , fuiornllntonr'itniii'l Uail , MIITO |
uiitiloor wnrl ; nn * rrinl in ll'c ) "jr round , ami
am In nmiki l loiilrnit nlili icKlm/nufuuly / uuil li.le
traitor of tli'iiriKiltii "l >
1'opiilatlon In fait roiirliiu'ln.niiUlornl
lialri-nily i , .
Ti ni or f A 1 1. ; Duo'Hill cu li , I KluiH i In fini
) t.irb' p.iymciiln , ullli liilricrlomli'lirii'il luyincnti ,
Kurlurilicr liifur'notliiu > tuttiuc uml Imiuilu
Ujkcintroiiiitlti , ai'l ; ) lei
i J. S. NAPIER , Vernon , Texas , v
( lioli prepared li li 'opKT lru i j urtn
C. C. QIBBS , Land Ag't , Houston , Tex.
Itoiimrkable for jiovverful Hyinpathotic
.one , jiliablo ai'tUni mill nbsoltito ilunt-
'illli.v ' ; ; tf ) yoaff' record tlio \ > Ml ytiiirau-
tec of the o.xcolloiii'O ot tlu'BO instru-
N. W. Cor. 13th & . DoclRO Sts.
I Appllanco : for Dofora.ties and Trussos.
IH"t litclltllca , appnrntun und rumnllui for KUCCQII
rul Ironlincnt of ovcry form of ill'omo ruqulrlof
Medical or Surclcil Treatment.
< lioanl antl attendance ; best Hospital accommoila *
tlonsln tha tvrsl.
WIIITH PouCinciTLAiwon Doformllloi luid Braces ,
I'ritssp' , Olul > I'eot. Curvnturo nf thu Spine , IMIei ,
Tumorn , Cnncer , Catarrh , llronctiltlP , Inli.ilfttlon ,
Klcctrlcltjr. I'lrnlrMs. Kuildpv , Kidney. Kladder ,
Kyi' , i : r , Skin nnd Illood , nn-1 nil Surgical opumlloni ,
, Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
Alllilooe ] Dhoaso.1 successfully treated. Srphllltlo
Poison removed from the ; vncm without mereurri
N w rmtorittlvo treatment for Ions of Vital 1'oner.
Persons unable to visit u 111:17 : bu truatuil ut homo by
rnrrusnondenco. All coraiuuulc'itlona confidential.
Medicines or Instruments sent br mall or ex
uruly nr.cked. no marks to Inalcuto contents or
sender. One parionitl Interview preferred. Cull.ind
consult ni or send history of your ca u , nud we will
Bend In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nerruut Dlsoaiet , Impo *
tency , Siphllio , Gleet and Varlcocele , nltli question
list. .Address
Oinuha Medical and Surgical Institute , or
ttK. lUcHKNAMY ,
Cor. 13th ana Dodge Sts. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
MIN uml WO.MHN succciKfiillr Ironic. I.
HiilTprlnir from the cirprtHot youthful f < illlc' nrlndli
trillions , cir an- troubled willi Wi'iikni'M , .Ncrvoui
UfhMty , I.OHH uf .Memory , lluftiiomli'iicAvemton Ip
t-oi'li'ly , Kldnny Tioulilvn or nny ( tlfi'iiiii ut the ( Junn
lo-Urlniio Or-ian" , can h"ru Hud u . .itv uiiil upct'dy
ciiie. ClnirKi's rviisoinilili' . fpcthilly t tno poor.
There lira ninny trniihlcf ! with tno frequent cvnriiit
llon uf thi ! bladder , til tun lucoinpunli-ii by n Klliiht
smarting or biirnlnir HoiiMitloii , Hud wuul.uiiliiu nt Hid
ityali'in in u miinnur tliu | mllrnt lUiinnl uirmml lor.
On I'-viiinliilnt : the niliinry ilepoilli a ropyciMllment
will oltwi In ! fimnil.nnd mimi-tlmon mirllvloiiot ulbu >
men will iipu-ar ur tlio color bo ot n thin , mllklsli
line , iiimm c inniilnK to u ilurli ur torpid appearance.
Tlicru are luanv nii'ii whoillii of IIH | | illilli ully , lunnr >
ant of II o ' 'ansi ) . whlrli 11 llio ni'CunJ Minreiil muni *
mil ivcakm'BH , 'I ho ilnctnr will k'nnranluiiu pcrlftt
run' In nil KUC-II ( a e , nnd n licililir | i'i > l < > iatlniinC
tliuncniio ur nury nrimii . Cnnntltiitloii Irei1 t'liiKl
2-ci'nt mump inr "Viiiiiir .Miiii'n I'rlunil.or liuluu to
k , ' true to a'l. ' A Idrci"
Main tuirt 1-tli St. , Kansas City , Mo.
iillun llus paper.
> M\T : , aKtiur.intet ) I Hnuuitlo fur llyitoi'lu , Dl.-.zl-
iifKH , CoiivulHtons , I Iff , .Nervoin ( N't'iiiulila ,
llrndfichi * , Nerwini IYoiriitI < m cuuscd l > y llio
ihtinfiilciiliiiliir lobiicro. tVttkifiiinui4 , Muntnl
Depri'HsInn , Hiififtiliiif uf tlio Itniiu , rniiiltliiKln
iisiuilty and li'adlnutn mli'-'ry. ilivnynml di'juli.
I'luinaliiruOM AB. % , Iliirrumii-Mi , I os of Power
n either mix , Involuntary ismm und Hpermnt-
nrmit'mixed ) ! by rivur > uxiirtlnnnf lliciliruln.Hulf-
abiiKi * or rin-ilinliilyi'ili' " . Knell box contitlni
mu nioutli'n trii.itment. fl Diu box , or l < IKIXOI
or f V't'iiunt ' ' liy mull p'-epiild on r'culiit of price.
J\ > cure uiiy I'unu.Vltli cacli order received by
IK fur six bovt ) , uc"ompiuled Mil V > Mvowlfl .
hwiil tlm iiuicliiuer our wrllttMi uiiuttiiitod to re-
'nnd llio money If tne tm.ittin'iit doi'H not uifuct
i ( inn , ( iinti-.mtei'i l nuod only by ( Joodnmu
'Co , HriiKuUt , Kolij AiuntM , IllJ 1'urnam
tt ( 'malm , Nub.
Table SOUPS FISH , ,
Sauce , &o.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And ull n < v.ifeurv u ipcri ) llllud.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
L'AHI'JUt VD , , or . OMAUA ,