II SPECIAL NOTICES. No ndvcrtlsoinnnls will bo taken Tor tlirfic coliiiniiH after I2itu p. in. Terms Ciisli In ntlvnncc. Advcrtteementd under this head 10 cents p r fine fortntiflratlnsertlott,7 cents for each mib * f npiont Insertion , and tl.no per line par month. Ho advertisement taken for less than 1 cents the cm Insertion. Sevan words Vflllbncouutetl to the lines they mint rim consecutively nna must bo paid in AI > VANCK. All ndv rtl-o- liii'iUN inn t l lundcd in boforfl 1S'H o'clock p. in. , nod under no clrcumnlaucf.s " 111 they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1 arilo ? advnrtlnlug In these coin nun and hav- Intj thalr answers addressed In rnie of TIIK llr.n Tvlll please ask for a rliock to enable them tfj get their letters , nsnonewlll bt delivered except on pro entatlonof check. All answers to adver tisements should be enclo ea'.ln envelope * All advortlsemonlB In tlic.su columns nra pub lished in both morntnirand evening editions of TilK llrv , the circulation of vrlnch aggregates more tlmn li < ,07 > papers dully , nna gives thn ad- vrjnlsers the nonetlt , not only of the city circu lation of TIIK I IKK , lint also of Council Illmrs. J.lncohi u nil cither cities und towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. AdvertlslnB for those columns will bo tnknn 0:1 : the above conditions , at thn following bust- nefs holies , who r ai thorl/pd agents lor TIIK Jlr.K Bperlal notlco' * , and will quote the smnt rixliM as can bo uad at the main olllco. Htruet. _ C MASK & I5tIV. Stationers and I'rlnters. 1K1 P'.tliatrcot. _ _ S"II rAHNSWOHTH.rhannaeiit , allG Cum- . ing Stre'it. TlITciHKS , Pharmacist , C3I orth 10th Street. GRO. W. lUIt , I'harmaclst , 13W St. Avenue. \rANTKD Situation as housokeeior by n I'lotcstant Scotcn-lrlsli girl of : l'i In a CbrlHtliin widower's family ! good cook. s. lath. ia-7 WANTKD Situation nH housokuopor by a competent Amurlc.in gltl of " . No objec tion to country town. Mr a. llrega , 3UIS " ! . > th. _ _ _ _ feOI 0' Sli't'ATION wanted , liv young man , as book- . . keeper or nsHlsUint ; Into graduate Dastni'in Iliislncis college , llest of ri'ft-rences glvwi. 1.1 . Main St. , lleatrlce , Neb. KH-Ci J Ally kind of honest labor by u coiid teamster , city or country. Address 1' . SIilvul. fiUl 3. 1.1th st. Omaha. 7J.-5T _ "l\rANTHl ) Situation by Oermnu as cutter ; ! J ye.ii ' experience. Address K IIlee. . O' ! * ) U * \\rANTI ! ! ) Young men nt $18 a v/ejk ; $1 T security required. Art room No. 17 , MSt NT'ttist. Wlera & Collins. 84'Kt t \\7 ANTKIl Uood coat-maker : also , good T pant nnd vest-maker. One that Is willing to do bushollng ul.so. Tho.Olobo. South Omaha. ' A -SAI.KSMKN-Wnnted , live traveling Milo- mcn ; Hillary nnd expenses ; no exporh-uco tie -warv. Address with stamp , Palmer Jfc Co. . Wiuoua. Minn. SU-ll * D , honest and noit IHIV , with refor- vi once ; apply at boot tooin , Paxtoii Hotel. wanted A'good man to travek BAILSMAN engines , bollors und general inn- rhluury ; must nave n practical knowledge of IlilH bu-lno3siind fiinilsli good references. Ad dress llrownell & Co. , 1213 Lcaveuworth at , , Utimlin. Neb. 825 ITANTKD-A bread baker at Main St. . Council lllulls. 81"- ! ) v TANTKI ) Two saleraen for Nebraska and Iowa. 1' . Holleen. lCi : Capitol nve. a'4 . - \\'ANTi:0-iIen : to travel. Must deposit f i t us guarantee for tutmplcs. etc. Salary 175 lo $ IOJ per mouth. Address 12U Glen avcutu- , Council Jtlllir.s' , la. 812 U f \rANTKD Uollablo .V energetic salesmen In ft Oniaha'aiid northern half of Nebraska to Bell our machlnesalso 2 collectors , no capital or experience necessary. The Singer Mfg. Co. Omaha. Neb. 717-ul r ANTnn 10 tnive.Ilntr salesmen , salary mid expenses. Address with stamp. Palmer & Co , , lies Molnea , la. 72lal txrANTIlO-liatlroad laborers for Washington - ton territory ; steady work , long Job , at Albrlght'b Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnim st , ' 40 TDOVS Am. DIst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. WANTIU ) A good business mau to take the management of an olllco In New Vork city , one tor Detroit und another for Cincinnati ; mu.st iniivt $ . ' .MX ) : salary SU.N * ) per year. Address Cioorge S. Cllne , Wagner block , DCS Mulnes , la. l > 74 A ORNTS wanted on salary. 37. > per mouth and expensed paid , anv active man or troman'to sell our goods by mvmplo nnd live at li'ime Salary paid piomptly nud expenses In advance. I'm ! particulars and sample case Tree. Wo mean just wnat wo say. Address { Standard Slivorwaie Co , lloatou , ' Mas-s. lAfANTKI ) Agents for our new patent lire- proof sates. Blzo'-SxICxl ? , weight' ' COD His. , retail prIeo.S\U , others In propqrllun. Highest nwaul ( silver medal ) Centennial imposition ; faro rhauco ; permanent budlnc.s/s. Our prices lowest. Wo nre not lu the safe pool. Inclusive tcultory given. Alplno Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. "VV ANTKD A good man to ( jo on tho-roall ; T I must be wide awake , full of energy , glvo Becilrlty for money collected and deposit t2t > for paniplnx. ( Mil on ( Icorgn H. Cllno. Itoom * > ll , yirst National liank building. Omaha. Neb , lit ; AOCNT3 wanted in every town and city In the went for thn Harden Hand ( Iranado IMro r.xtiiigulilicr. Apply to F. Ci. CrunUall.U : ! ) South Ifitll st. B7U "ISrANTUD Agculsln every city nud town In V the est to t.ell the Toy Calliope , the preat- ' mt seller ou earth ; bend 20 vts for uample. ! ' Ci , Cramlall. ! 11Q South 15th ht. tffj OALUSMliK Wo'wlsha few men to sell our C ? goods by namplo to thowhoiesaloand retail trade. Largi'.stmaiiufactiirerx In our lino. III.- clojn 2-cent stamp. Wages Jl per day. I'crman- nt position. No posUls answered. Money ad vanced for wagon , udvei Using , etc. Contcniilal fclan'l'gCo. . Cliiciiiimtl. O. TO'-ml'j ; "W A NT E D" - F E HI A'tlTHE CP. " \f ANTUO Cook in private family , tl.VJ pi > r i v.ec'k : nurse girl , fi ; Head laundress , } i' . ; brad scrub girl , IM : place for clrl on funn , tl ; first-class rook for lintel , tt4Utiireoci ; > olcs.liourd- ing house , J per week ; thrre girl" , hoti-l utcli en. two second girls , four waitresses , twenty ctils for general work. Oiniilm Kmploymont flui emi. Sixteenth and Capitol nv. _ fl2-5 * f\ I ItL for general house work. Dane or fcweclo V profeied , 112 N. li'th ' . : . _ . . . ) < ! irl for general housework can > i get iJ.M per wuelc at wJluOlilostroct ; Hiimll Hiiilly. tSi } COMPLTENT girl t No. 113 St. Mary'H ave. _ XII "l rANTUD A Itrst-clasH breaa and cnko > i Imcer. Only nttrxt-clasH man wanteil.wlth reference. Apply at 1110 Howard st. KWCt _ 'IWANTKD Olrl for gencrtil houfowork in T > family of three ; only two cooked meata u flay ; iil8 : VlrRinla avonuf. SJ2-7 tS\f ANTKlJ A'camMtcnt | girl In family .of TTtwo. ilIS.2ttli. ) ilr . Dan Wheeler , jr. BUS II MlI.niNJfR and drds-unaker for town' In Oregon ; 2good trimmers In Nob. ; Scamll- puvlnnglrl for family of two lu Cbeyrnne , 20 ; exverlenc < d lunch counter gill , 120 ; chamber maid and two wulUYSMforsani * ) hotel : 20 ctrls for eonor.il housework , Mrs. llrt-gu , .TUVj I. Ulln W-K \ \ ANTKD A good girl for general house- TI workln n faintly of three. Apply to Mr. ? . IL I ! , ( iniy. 131C ( Iporgln avenue. TlfWii t ANTKD Oil 1 for general housework. In- \v quire-19 N. IVtli. 7UI a lAf ANTKD ( ilrl to taKe care ot children , nn it old lady pro ferred ut i'Sli DougUs. "WO 7f\r ANTI'.I ) Immediately. 4 male and 0 T i female school toachera at Art ( looms. Good wages nnrt permanent positions. ( Jailor * ddre L. Cotllus , Art llooms , No. 17 2 North jlCtli street. 7U.-M * l , AUIKiltainakewirt > tedailvertl > uiuunt csrds f-l at home ; ( I to tH woc-kly ; outllt IOC. St-diro- yl ( k Novelty to , , New Haven. Conn. _ 77i-lf ! "IXTANTKD A competen girl. Mm > t lie n ITT ' good cooV ami laundress. G01 South 7thfct 7MM1 * fclirANTKD-UIrl for general hounework. 523 l rANTliD--nTiilnjrn > oui'Blrl7caWornlalio3 > ' _ tel , IJth nud DoURltts. Hi7 ; I > auduts. Kellable women to ell . the "Oilglnal Hypula" Combination 0hould r ilmce Corbet , llcxt money making firtkle In the country. SaUifacUanuiiarautt'ed , Al'I'ly for u-rtus aiul territory to Western Cor net I ' < . St. Ixml * . M o. ' " ' - " > DRESSMAKING. ANT1I { > Kiipagomeutu to do dredfuimkiuit In families , ilisa aturdy.2017 Lea\en vorlli < 1M m SI * lufuiullloa , I N17Ui ; VjUUSSJlAKlNOcuttliuJttlttlUil:17 ) : ouvla * EWIPUOYM6NT BUREAUS. O MAll'A iTinp. Tinreau. 11 ? Nr. I th. ' .ub' 8 years. .Most reliable In cty 11. K. W hite. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINn Y VLT75.a'lNl''S fnorthand ami tyimwrltini Instliuto , new Paxton bulldlnir , Omaha. Tli" only exclusive shorthand echool in the Mate. Over one hundred graduates In good situation * , Tno school is under th manage ment otc. C. Valentino , olllclal t nographr > r of thettiil judicial district of Nebrnslta. and Prof. II. H. Itoylas , an cxnoriruced teacher and v r- bntlni mpor tor. Day and otrotilng sessions. Stu dents can eater at any time. Send for circulars. _ _ _ _ _ 2W ml7 \\7HITTLKSP.VS Shorthand schooTsi llMlcer i ' block , : ) mtliH' instriictlon , } ls-clajfi limited . _ "ll.nl * QTANDAII I ) Shorthand School. 412 Shoeloy > 7 block , teaches Maudard systems and uses Hemlngton typewriters. Circulars free. _ 729 \\7ANTRI ) Ily two young gentlotncn , room i T nnd board In a-prlvato tinnlly. tn the north pntt of the city. Sntlsfnctory lefcreiicc fur- nj.shed. Address tt S this olllro. _ _ * MJll IVIISCE"LUAfJEOUS WANTT \\rAXTHt ) Carpenter to build aim furnish ' t nuttitlal for largo house , tor cathanil Illnu rcsldenco lot. Addiess lift ) Usootllcd. 411-j \VANTP.I-10.0.ja ) vomen to use "Wllcox's ' ' Knhcy Compound Pills. * Perfectly safe and always olfcetuul. Send for 4c "Woman's hafo Ouarcl. " Wllcox Medical Co. . Phllidel- phla. IH Ala 'n FOR RENT -HOUSES. A ifia MSTot holies for tout. 8. T. 1'otnr" ; on , s.'f. cor. lath and Dougl.is. HUNT \ew7-rootn Hat. corner lOtlintul no * . A. C 1'owoll. tail I'limam , _ JTOIt HUNT 2 Iiottioi. 1 ton rooms , t now J. ' house. < rooms. 1 18 I'arko avo. all 11 il HIIN'T House r rooms to ruspqnstbld party. I1B. Imiitlro 13iHUJnd. ttil-T FOU HUNT Nine room house , all modern convonlomos : part of futnlture for wiles three rooms rented , whlcu pays rent : I'arium st Address S 11' , . . - HINT : 7-roo t Hat. Iin3 I'acllic st. " 53 FOU Itr.NT-10-room houso. steam. KU ? , both , hot and c < fld and cistern water , good collar and ulco yiird. 150. MiUSUIth. limulruX'OTS''ltli. ITIOIt UliNT 8-room liouso , with ult-o barn , -L1'-.M and Wnlistor sts. U. r. llnirlion. Mcr- cauls' Nat , llaliii. | TUT U POlt SAMI Nino-room housi ? . barn and lot In llaiiicom I'lace : also houie-i and lots In Sunny Side. IlarrH , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. ffti Foil URN'I' IO-rootn modern house near high school cheap. Also H-room cottage , SM and ltov\ird. (5. II. Thompson , 2I2 Sheuly block , ir > th and Howard. < 'J'I T tIl HUNT 7 room cottage on Harnoy t Just -13 west or-Jiith at. * Z > . 3 room Hat N lUn st , JI2. 4-room cottage. S. lath st , il .W. 10-rooin House on S. 10th Ht with all modern convenience , will rent reasonable to party making good lone. Apply to circou & Wil liam * , l-lrst National bank building. 5. TTIOIl IinNT Ily March 1 , fi-room house In -U good repairs on Lake st , rent cho.tp. and : i- room cottage in Arbor place , bheely's Station , JT.COpcr month. Inquire IBiS ISth st , or USJ Douglas st , room 2. 4'.U 3NK\V , llrst-'class llnUhod. 0-room llata with b.ithrooin. gas. water ami sewer ; - storai , corner , HUltablo for drug store : 1 ba-semont suitable for barbershop , corner 21th and I.eav onxvorthata , Inqutront proiuUoi. ! Ui-ni3' rilEN-ItOOM house on Ihth near LeaVonworth J Mt ; modern conveniences : will lent to good reliable tenant at Jl'l ' per month , n .1. Sterns- Uorir , rooms : t7-U13 ! first Nut. HUUK. building. 5 room house , (14 per month. S. K. cor llth und Vlnton. Inquire iiextduor. ! H7 TjlUHNISHKI ) house for rent In Park Terracj , -t ? opposite Ituntcum lj rk , all modernn con- veiilpuces. Knqulre , Lea & NIchol. iith and Leave uworth. BKAUTluTi 8-rootn house , gas , city water , bulh room , hot and cold water , on paved streets with str ot car , near a good school , only $ - > " per inontn. The house Is new. Apply at once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. FOlt UKNT When you wish to rohtU house , wtore or omen call ou us. 11. K , Cole , room 0. Continental block R1Q THOU HUNT 9-room modern Improved hous * -L A I locality. Kent moderate. Apply M. El gutter , 10J11'arnam st , ttj1) P 6TT HKNT-rottages. Broonn.37J1 riiarle * st and 3M4 So 5th st. Innulre It 21Shoeley block. KiJ TilOK KENT 9-room brlcn ; 111 S 25th st ; mod- X ! ern conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W. Grllllth. U. 1 * . headquarters. M3 pOU HRNT 7-room Hat atrtwa S. intn. Inquire ! J. L. Urandols Sc Sons. S17 ROOt S. K HUNT Two well furnished roo'iis.slnijlo or on Quito ; steam heated. lilI ) Douglas. T71HONT roommoderu conveniences. 311 N.lTth JLA KM < n FUItKISHED room , 420 S. I5tHst , Hat 7.8S7S * LAKQK furnished front room , sultablo for 2 or IIgents ; boanl If desired ; private family ; reforciue.s desired ; 107 N. ItJth. | 8JJ-U' FOU HKNT Furnished room with use of ] > r- lor flra and piano , flO per month , and board if desired. 15lf California at. Slii-7' "I710II ItijNT Tlanrtsoniuiy furnlsheil rooms , X ! with batli , otiJx ; > ard if desired. 1'Jll Far nam .st. 817-7 * iriOK HUNT A Small south room every conJ - Jvc ill once. 2107 Douglas st. Hit Oll'.i ' DotlRoI i7urnfih U"roomi for ladies n"ml ' gt-ntliunon. with or without board. Oath , heat and light , lleference required. Price moderate. " 793 h * VENUK Hooms-At 1013 and inf. Capitol a"vo 2 blocks from P O , uawly furnished private bOariUns houao.ploasant rooms , alt convj. iilcncos Foil IIKNT Furnished sleeping rooms , $1.75 per WCCK upwards. B07 & 89U Howard st. IIKNT A nicely furnished room , with all coiivenlencua ; 1)18 ) So. I7tn at. 72J irH'HNIHU5f | ) rooms , single or on suit" , bath -L. ami btvam : for gems only. IMU Howard. 74 8 i : > OO.M 17 , KM S S-Md. 680-Ct \TICiiY furnUliOil front rooms , smglo or in -L-N suite. 14IJ Dodge st. I. N. Gulll. 077-75 171S Dodge ; rooms and Ural-class home H2- " 171011 HUNT Very larga turnUhed room and .1 ? alcove , south trout ; lias electric belU , pc > 4k- Ing tubfs. grates , etc. ; suitable for two or three persons ; ill Kariiam , 52 "OHIVAT15 family have several choice fur- Jnlhli'd rooms for rent. 015 N.20th'st , CU'iJ * "VilCELV furnished room 210) Douglas st. 1 > Ml fit " | j1UItNIHHii : > rooms by day , week or month , J-A ht , Clalr Hotel , cor. iith : und Dodge , M2 JOOM8 l'uriil.slied or unftirulyhed , smclo or ten suite ; modern convenience , iii-7 Uodge. 104 "VT1UB furnlaheU rooms In board , I7U3 Douglas. IN 45'J CJIJITofS furnlsheil rooms , modern couven- k7lence , ; i blocka from P. O. , private family , A , Hropn , jr. , IJH Dougla.s "t. 42(1 ( "VriUM irooms.a fronit"itotl"ainonth Pcatiody , Jllthuud Joue.s streets. ITU in 11 ; LAltdM front room , nicely fnrnlsliodaultablo for2cutlemen | , lb2JKarnum. 716 l/lUKNISIIKDoruiifiirnUliofl room , with gas J } and bath , ooard If deslroil , M'J .s. uiltu st. , opposite All tJAlnta' chtircn. 737 | ( ) ItKNT-llirnlslird front rou i 1SU Dodge. JL } 4U7mJI * FUKN13HKUrooms , in 8 SOth st.nSar Dodgo. 4I I O NiCKLV rurulithad rooms , stemu h t , gas. -J bMii. etc. , ou name Uoor , IIU per mouth. 'Ml 8.21th , no Hat , i'JO lUUNISIIUDrooui , cheap , $3,00 , 2110 Ilurney. 777 K * NICKLYfnrnUtiatl rooms , also front un back parlor ; IHM Doaglaa t. BU Fn'tnicNT Furnished rooms In ( Irucmgblk , car. Mth and Dodge bts. Inquire of Ooo. u. l)4Vl. % MlllarU hotollitUlard room , Wl TTHW ItliNT-Nlcely furnlsU l room , with J-1 bounl It desired , B * . heat and bath-room , 1707 Dodrcil. Kl ) _ 15LKA3ANT furuUhod roouu 1017 Capitol ave. J 1W-1UI5 * TTIOK ItUMT-i unfufuUlioclroonw5Tlh ) N"ICtliu U ' . TSWil FOR RENT-STORES AMD OFFICES. T7V.ll ) UliNT Store. SL W. cor. IfltU nnd L V. J-1 en ortli 7fXMt ! FOH HUNT A peed ollice at 130i Karnatn. Tlieo. P Davis Co. 7W 0 TT'OH RSNT 2 stores 7 room flat , 0 room -L ? fconse Kth , near Nicholas. Inquire ; Schlea- inger llros. , 614 South lOtnst. Ka-m2i : Bl'S1NIS9 ' , bit8iue.s ? Two now brlce DIOCICI on I.eavenwortti strost , castot 20th , trial nro paying 10 per cent at a "low ront.il. fl t prices of M. A. L'pton Company , Kith and Par- num. C4.'i oit Ill'.NT-Storo BIO South Utli. Inittire oi 4 South loth st. . tlliNT- : loorsSSx'O ' cach.ln brlckulu ini ; . with elevator , close to oppress ollice. cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location , apply Oeo. lleyn , 1103 I'nrnam st. a'.s HUNT Two stores Ml. nnd , ' > 2J North - ictli ot , Inqutro ut the building. Henry OtlllOtl. J | TTIOIl II I'.NT-Oince suite Jiln month , 2 .single JL1 olllces $1.1 each , ah fronting Ifithst. Hush- man blork , n. e. cor. inth nnd Douglas. W. M. lliixhman. im : l avcnworth. > "I71OH TtlJNTA warenousa with high baso- A incut , ' 'outrally lo'-ittedon Idepoiulont track from wnlch cars can bo unloaded aud loaded into nnd from building , Immediate possession. bam J. Jfowell. 217 S. Utli st. Omatia. < V > 1 . FOR RFNT-rVHSCEULANEOUS. fTOH HUNT Well Improved farm of 0 acres JL1 near city. Schlenliiget llros. , Ollfcoiith lutli. 0n-tii27 TnOHHP.NT-Ilosamont. suiublo for a plum- -L' bcr or barber , cor. nth nnd Jackson 8t . 1CJO Rl Olt HHNT-Uood basement. irixTO. nr JL' 4W RENTAL AGENCIES. G HO. J. 1'At'l , , looa farnam at. , homos , stores , etc. . for rent. . BW \YrK give special attention to renting and colT - T T lectlng routs , Hit With us. II. H. Cole , room OContlncntul bloffc. KW ' ' joiirhomtw rented place-them wltu llonawii A : Co 1.1th , oppoilto postollico. Ml MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA Steam Uyo WorKj IMl Howard Rt. Dyeing , cleaiilng , etc. I.ace curtnlui cleaned. C. T. I'utilMiu . " ' ' ' prop. , telephone ill" . fil'-m'ii 'ANSON. Vallen & ( o. , undertaker * and " 'iiliiierjf ' , 1721 liimim * .st. Tel. IDiw. IDiw.lm'7 ' . ' < lm'7 banjo taught as nu art byOeo. r. Oel- lenbeck. W1S. lllthst. _ _ _ M ? _ Il'YOL'wanttobuy. sell , rent or ovcliance. cnll on or xddre-,3 , 0. .1. Rturnidorll , rooms 1117 and aiS Klr.stNatlon.il b.iuk building. ( IVi PERSONAL. ATUANCK MnmrMMlne.SatitfuJI. . the young Swede , tella full ntlnesdt.eaUor $ ulul the full name of your future ; hmbikml-or vlfo , with 'late of marriage , and tclta wHetllor the ouo you love is true or fnls\ > . Not . 'u.foitiine teller , but young .spirit , ineihuiu. Madame goes Into a perfectly dead tranco. Will bring back the parted husb.r.til > or lover , no matter It they bo. in.DOJ nuleri awav. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels. I'arlor.s up stalr.t , 4US N. lUhnt. . third door. Ml 5t TlYOl'Intend to marry or only deslra amuse- J incut Join our club Address with Htiunp Western Correspondence Clii ! ) , Council liluflt , la. UBO milt FOU SAI.H-'J Hocond hand bli-j-cfes at Douglas bt. 810.1 TTtOH SAt.i : l.OTO Ums 14 to l Inch. Ice on J-1 track. Council lllulls , ( iillort llros. H.lnl AliAltCK. liea\y govcrntnont wagon , almost new , can bo lionultt at your own prlre. ( ! . .1. Sterutdorir. rooms 'JIT and 318 I'lrst National Hank. TelPilioiiH4ilt. | f V > AltA IK ! A IN Thirteen hundred dollar * worth of furniture for lUo hundred and llfty dollars and lease of modern housion Cap itol avenue. Must sell ou account of poor health .1. II. I'arrotte. HKW Chicago st. IlIT-fl OI ! SAhK-Car load of young sound horses , l-llt ) Callfornlj _ < U i : . it. Wood. iCil 1J1OH SA IiK On terms to suit , tha neat cottage , -i1 ttSM Charles s ; . TolephonoaSi. or W. T. Seaman - man , Onnha'.i largest variety buggies , wagons , it' . , ca&t s' < le tilth st. north of Nicholas st.tVi WAMVED TO BUY. "TTHItST-Cr.ASS mortgage notes wanted In any Jamount. . C. A.Starr , Hill F.irmuu st. LOST. "T OST Shawl Tuesday afternoon. Davenport J-J between Mthaud 15th Vlndcr please leave with Hnrroy. 1'lrst National haul.ami get re ward. MS-fif LOST A s t ot ctiurcJi plans on loth or Wht sts. Howard by returulnn to Mendelssohn , rishor & I.awiie , architects , 1'axtoa block.S17G. S17-G. TOST On nth st , within .1 blo"ks of Webster J t. depot , a hrown leather giip contalnliicr articles of flotbmg , Somt inarKcil " 1- . II. " and some Frank lloyd , Mberalreward will bo paid by leaving ut this olllco. at ! U' LOsT A wide black Moire nbbon bow ; Und er will pleabe return lo2IOJ rarnum st. and receive reward. Kia-V T OST I'ocketbook containing smalt amount J J In cash and check ou Omaha Savings bank In fu01of Sam 1,0.1. Kinder will bo rewarded by leaUngat lleo ollice. 8IB-W LOST A reddish brown bird dog.with end of tall cut oil. Uhe Under will iflease return to II. K. CiayI , ' ! N. luth and get reward. WANT'llL ) to buy t have cii&toiuera for houses and lots worth from $1,1.01 to JVX . property owners wlsldng to sell will consult their Interest by listing their property with TIIH. 1 ran tlnd you u purchaser. C. K , Jtolter , room S. H.V. . cor. 15th and Douglas. Kg WANTI'O To uuy good commercial paper. 1C C. 1'attorson J1S 3 I.'th st.w ! e.'J _ WANTKD rurniture. carp.iti , stoves and household gooJn oi alt kind i. Omnha Auc tion A. Storage Co. . IL'Jl Kurnim. M' ) STORAGE. STOUAOK At lowr.ita. < t IUl ! J'-arnau ' : St. , Oniiiha Auction Jt Storage Co. 517 nillACIlAOK. storag. % lowint rats * . W. M. JL Iliishman , Ijll laiivcnworth. ! iH "OUANCI1 iCO. . , Mtoi-aso , 1211 Howard. ( CLAIRVOYANT MHS. UKNOKMAN can be consulted on all iitlalrH of life through the magic mirror. SatlKfaction guaranteed , 41tt N 10th st. Upstairs. 77.1 a'J * DU. NANNIK V. Warran , clairvoyant. Medi cal and business medium. 1'umilo diseases aRpecaIty. { 11V N 10th st , , rooms 2 and U. Gil ABSTRACT3OF _ TITLS. \fIDr7A'ND"auardnTeo i TriisF06. ITLnam. Complete ab < tracts fiirnLshaii k tltlas to realestate examlnaJ.perfecteJ Ic guuranteai AIJbTUACTS MnaTian & Mahoney , loom WflT I'axton " block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K13 OMAHA "Abstract ) mpauy , if > n I'.inmm st. Most complete aud carefully pre'i.ired not of abstract booss and plats of all teal property in the city of Oai.ilia.aiiJ DauijUu county. MONEY TO LOAN. CITV Financial agency will loan you money on liorsux. furniture , Jewelry or cocurltlos of any klud ; IJjtl Howard at. , cur , H. it : at. Sil-ll * /1IIOICK loans'wanted on ImprovcdTlty proi > - V < > rty. Klmball , Clmmp A ; Ityau room 0 V. 8. Nat bk bltli ? , IJOi Kariiam st , 807 u'J' ' SPIRAL fuud , il.nuo to 1WX ) to loan on good propouy , 774-.1 0 rover Stevens. 16.J1 Karnam Bt. rTSlIB Central Loan & Trust Co. , No. I'll 1 Kar- X iiani street , will quota unusually low rates on cholcoclty loans In Omaha or Council Illntrs. C. A. Blnrr. manager. 71K 0 \\rANTUD-Kirut clas Inside loans. if latos. Call and seu us. Mutual Invest- meiit Co , III Darker blk , 13th nnd I'arnAin. on MONIiVto loan on furniture , homos , wagons , etc. , or on any approve.1 security. / W Itobblns , U.200,81ieely WK. , IMh and Howard I , 6M TV 1ONK V to loan ut lowest rates of ititcrett on -I'L realesUte In Omaha and South Omaha. Titles mm properly oxamluud by IIH and loans made at once. Cash ou baud. Ilatca , Built h A- Co. room WJJtanige liking. iw ( ' " - - - "ilToaiiii a sr > eplaity , W. M. Harris , Kreuzer block , opposite P. O.U2j U2j TONKV to loan. HarrU. It. K. 4 Loan Co. , IrooiiUH. Hr t Nat. Hank. 610 PEO PL1"H Tinaliclal Ilxchange-The fairest , -L ( inletejt , must liberal money nxchangn In t no city ; loaniiundo without delay urpubllclty , lu any amount large or Baiall. ut the lowett rates of Interest , on any available sucurlty ; loaus msy bo paid at any tliuo or renewed at original rates. O. llouscareii. uigr , Uoom My , Darker blk. 15th atU Karnam UXS T CAN make a few loan * on flrst-otasi chattel J-securltles at roajoaabla rate * . W. U. Patter , room 1'J ' llactor bit. . 70i MONEY TO J.OAN. DO YOU want H > borrow money ? ( lead this : rn vujl snveyoit tlmo. IvTvllLsavo you money. Toucan borrow from "II. F. Masters , successor to W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wllhnejl bl.l'g , | rth and llarnoy sts. W-W mUltfVl.WO.'iyH. Sl.OOJ. iVWJ.llrt.OJH , in fact , nny srtm you want on tutnlttire , pianos , hqrain : mules , wagou.s. etc. , on easier terms and aMbwr rates than any other omce In the city , lAvltHout publicity or removal of property fromiyour possession. If an Instalment Is duo on your property nnd you cannot moot-It , call and see me. I wil pay it for you lit you uave n loan In nny other onice , call ana gat my iatos. 1 will take It up nnd carry It fox you. 1 msko loaitRforono to six months , and you can , pay a putt & any time , reducing both prin cipal and interest All loans renewed at original rates , and no All business strictly conildcntial. Call nnd BOO me , Don t forgot the number. Iloom 4 , Withnoll b'.ock. Ml . > riunNu IORIH , .D. v. suolcj , sis , nrst _ _ c - DO V'br want money ? f.o.ins made on l hod ! furniture , pianos , hornet , etc. , without delay or removal , Pornons wishing a loan of this kind will do well tocnll at our olllce buforo dealing elspwht'ro : business strictly confldon- tlal A. K. Orrfpnwood A Co. , Room I , Cunning ham block , lath and Jackson sts. _ rr > j MONliY to loin on fuinltnrc , pUnts , horses. wagons , etc. I'ltv Loan Co , MS a Htli st , opposite .Mlllard hotul. 17tl 1ON"T" borron'Tnoney on fuinltura. hordes , U wnifons , eti' . , or collaterals until you sou C. lUncobs , IIU 1'lrst National b.uik building ; . mo LOANA spool.il nitiil of Jlll.OK ) In sunn .L from $ .W ) up , on unimproved lots In Omaha If not situated too far out.Odell llrothors. & Co. . ' 112 S. 16th t. li2J FIHSTmortg.iea Jeans at low rntei. nncl no delay. I ) . V. Sholos. 210 , Klwt National b.ink. &V ! _ _ MONIH" to loan onimprored property nt llrst hands' . No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined frc o ot cliarRa to borrowow. Lombard Investment company , S03S. loth st. _ Kit . & Co. , No. : ir : so. ictii at. . ciininber of c'ouuuerco bulldlim. loin money ntfl. IP | , 7 , T'j andsner cwnt , ncconllna to locu tion of property. Uiisunmssod faclllttu for plnclnt ; lurpu loans on ln lilobuslno < ) $ i uroporty. Anpocial fund ot suvor.il tlionaatul dollars to loan on unimproved lots. _ gre LOAN > > on business property. * VWJ to f. ' > 'iWX ' ) . wanted. Provident Tni t Company , loom .W , rirht National Hani : building. 10) _ MONKV to loin on linprorud real estate by Northwuiitcrti Mutual l.lfo ItiMir.iiitrt Co. Ijone < t rntos ; nocotiitnUHloui. Audr"s ? How ard Kcmiudy , apt-dill loan a unt , Umaha. Nub. - w : . . MON'HYto Ijontion cliattcl security , falrrata of Interest. .1. II. I'.irrotto , KiUG Chicago st ; 4IV1 M _ KIWASKA Mortg. Loan t' . will ma'ico you d loan on household sjoodi , horseswaifons , Iandcontr.ict4. flno Jewelry or securities of nny kind without puuticlty. lit reasonable ratea. Itoom " , Howley block. South umnhv , ltno-114 f.ltCITl T > fivtn , lillr Olllftlia , KM ( hl.CO ) to W\om at 0. 01 } and " per cent , no Midi ' "dlcmen ; money tllreit train tin-liastern In vestor , \V. II. Melkle , 1'lrst Nat'i Manic building. 407 M ONII Y Loans negotiated nt low rates without - out delay , and purchase good commercial iianerand mortgage note.s. S. A. Slumau , cor. l.'lth and I'arnam. W3 ON11Y to loan. O. P. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , IM > L'urnam st. 6ii7 MONKV kpLoaa. Wo are roarty for applica tions for looa lu amounts from M n to f 10- WM on improvetlumaha or Douglaw county real estate. 1 iillNumirmuloii as to rate. ? . Lonua promptly closed. Good notus will bo purchased by us. Call upon us , or write. The McCugue Investment Co. . 1U : PKOPLirSTInaiiclal Kxrhange-l < ir 4 and small loaus for long and shore tune , at low est rates of imerist. on' real estate mortgage notes , chattels of , all kinds , diamonds , watched and JewelryJ Don't fall to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscaron , Mgr. , room > 3VS , ] Barker blk. , 15th nud Karnam. GI'EIt CENCP wouey to loan Cash on hand. W , M. Harris , room 20 , treiizur block , op p , P. O. , ' ; . , , . , . , . ' , ' il.'J . COLK , loan agent. HK. . M-jr ' 247 ' 5KK Sholes. 21D Kirst Nafl bant bftfore mak ing your loans. f > 5U MONI3Y to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. W. Squire. 1210 I'arnam si. . First National bant : building. M7 Mortgigo Ac Trust Co. . J. chf up partarn moiierdirect to borrowers. ' Moke building loans , large or siuail : psrfocr titles : accept loans in their western olllc > ) . Goo. W. P. Coates , reprasontatlve , 11 ! Hoard Twade. Kil MONKY loaned for 1)0 ) , OJ or BO day * , on any kind of chattel socurltv ; roasontibla inter est : business contldentlal. J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 I'arnam St. Wl l Or RV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed Lpromptly. H. K. Colo.lt G.Contlncutal blocu , O 5CO.OOO to loan at 0 per cent. Linilian & Ma- Phoney , Itoom ffM. Paxton block. DTI LOANS maua tm real estate mm mortgages bought Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 rarnaiu. MONKY to loan tu large sums at the lowest rates : no delay. It. C. Patterson. 31S 8. 15th , TT E. COLE , loan agent. { UILDINd loaus. Ltnahau & Mahonoy.WO > . -WO FOR EXCHANGE. , ot to trade for driving horse , -rt-lt. K Williams , 2J5 N. Itith t. a fi * [ 71011 SALb Or exchange , saloon , fixtures , -i ? htock , tf. Address. . C. A. Post. Liucoln , Neb. Hl4-12t FOlt SALII Or exchange , grocery .store , stock , IlxtuvM , etc. Aduruss , U. A. I'ou. Lincoln , Neb. b43-l.t " OH KAVHANflK Twogoocf hotels'for clair luud-or merchandise ; tlttuen farms for uior- chaudise or town property : a good livery barn to hull or trado. Address J. K. Shlpman , Kear ney , Neb. Hi : ' " [ TlOIl lXCHArtOU-2 ! good lots on WeU Par- _ ! . ' nam st. for Denver property. The O. ! ' . Dana Co. , 150j I'ariiam. 710 5 LOOK IIKItE-I have td oxchangj titjan worth sooa Insldo property unlncumuerec ! , for u gooil farm. Ml feet on Jono.s stieot near Fifteenth for. residence property. Improved. Lot on I.oivo uve for rosldenca in west part of city or Walnut hill. illogant hoasQ in Kouutzo place for a house or lor m west part or the city. ( Miencumbered house and lot In West Omaha tor good vacant lots. An Improved business corner for other prop- 01 to and AO mo cuhh. 4ivi iicreh tine land one-half mile from rail road In Hrown county tor Omaha property. Unencumbered city properly and lands for stot'ks of goods. iiood farms for city property. Property In ailjiarts of tne'clty tn trade. t [ Giover Stevens. 77J13 t V. 1&21 rarnum St. _ TTtOU SALK.orjuccliuiiKO , a line ranch , clear ot JL1 encumbrance , of two acres , 61 head of cuttle. 11 horses , pliuv waiions , windmills , running water , timber , jnd In fact u ' ompleto plaro. Will take agLol Iciwa farm as pare payinont. WantedGobd residence at once for my own use. use.Slonoy to liwn'ijtl chattel socurlty. i'or purtlriilavi * lii'iulro ' room 402 SUeeley block , cor , MtU ami HownrJ. 707- ! ) * CLKAIt Imiifilib' and stock for good house uud lot , I'mulux ; mubt be iinexcrptlonablo nelBhborlUKxj. _ &Uarea H 81 , Bee. 7il ) ( mo KXCIlKUtC-llonses and lots , farm -L liuulx , nu ) : ill3o.horMiH , cattle , wagons , etc. Call or urttiM ; . ! { . Itoltur , room f > , SW. cor. ir.tn and Douiage' _ 2IB TTiO It KXCHAfmK-Klghty acres of the finest -L timber UndlulWlsconntn. clear ot inciim- brance. WhaUwva you to olforO. . J , Storna- dorir. toamfitkf l"i t'lrat National bank bnildlug. - 619 1 _ \\MIAT hare you to olfor tn exchange for a T * I , OOU reufdonce In a good county neat. and 1,003 acres of laud , all clear. Western Land and Ixjan Exchange , III B. Sixteenth. O5.'t-0 T7UM KXCIIANOK-For desirable resldanca JL' property in Oui&lia. any or all of following ; 40 choice Inatilo reildsiico lots la Hxstlngj. ino lots In Llnroln. nioacrus line furmliiirluuil. Lancaster county. Kino recldfiiCfl property , Lincoln. Good reutul property , Lincoln. Cnolre fvicyresldeuca. cnitier. Lei Angelis. A neat restdonca property tn Ilaiwcom Place. Also , sorae good mortgage notes. Address , ilring location and prlct of prop erty. J , K. u. , care Uaiim Iron \ja. , 1317 leaven wor in , 071 TTIQIt KXCIIANGK-DaKota. Hand county.- -L1 What Imve you to otfer for a treed farm here , nightly encumbered ? Dakota lauds are rlalug lu value , and 1U deatlny cannot bu dis puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop erty anil assume aome lucuiubrancH. G , J. rooms 317 and 313 , First National ' MU BUSINESS CHANCES. \\rANTI5D-Partner with * MO In n theatrical > enterprise : will pay fee per Week sure. Address S ; i7. Hoe. Wl Gt M11AT market for Rate : best paying stand In Omaha. Address " M. " lleo olllco. _ _ 4l"all : ! _ VlrANTii ; ) A partner , either active orMlont , M In a M ell-established send luisltiojs , with n largo stock of all hinds ot Hold seeds ; capital required , jnnio to Jlo.OOiii n splendid opportu nity for the right man. Address SK' ' , lleo ollice. 91J A NKWroller mill for s.tlo inn good wheat belt , ami peed market for tloor. For terms address P .1. Audreas , Harden. Neb. 2Viiul3 * FOR SAUE REAL ESTATE ? inoil SALK or trade-One 2-story frntnt * build- Ing 22xllJ2 ; must be removed April 1st. In- - | T KAD-Sholes specials Head. jw. 00lluys elegant new house on Georgia and Poppletou a\es. , east front mm till con- vlenreM , taruart1 , i holco. , VW-lluys tluorootn hou o on Lowe nvo. , nil i ouvenloucoj. Part cash and good lot in payment. $7,500 Ituys good house and lot on I'ark nve. , near Poppli'tou , 0 rooms uud all conven iences. I urnaco. ti'.GOO Can buy new house , 8 rooms , furnace and nil ( onvc'titcncs , in Haiiicom plaiv. Hop on to this quick. J ) ) lluysa good > room rottago and full lot. V 'W ' liavsiin elegant house in Kountro Placv. ou Wht st. Part rush nnd part tiade. ? . ' > , OCOlluys an elt-gatit house In Kouutzo Place. Furnace aud nil convonli'iiros , Hesldencos nnd lots in all parts of the city. Tor Trade. Three good lirlck dwellings near Park , flno house and lot In ICountzo Place , tine house nud tot In Hauxc'om Place. ill.GOi equity In Knox county farms for good clear lot or lightly encumbered house and lot. Yulned at KWU. . This la n rare trading chance. 1 handle all kinds of property and push n bargain. List your property with me. lltiMtiops Is going to bo gooil this year and 1 want a good list for vnrltvt. 8-nil in your lists. 1) . V. Sholc.s. 2lt > First National Hank. 778 JOHN T. FLACK has removed from Prensier blocctolllO S. IRth Ht. , whcio he has opened n neat ollice In the baf-ement of the Chamber of Ccnnnittrro , Ills ll t of cholco leal e.state is com plete , embracing some of the incut desirable business nnd residence property In the city. AUo n number of houses nud lots for sale on tvisv terms , or will exchange for good cltv lots. John F. Flack. 310 S. Illh. G ! 771IN1 : quarter ei tlou. Sherman county. Lots JU lu thriving IOHA city : also lu Ouiahn. Ken tucky bred saddle hor.-.e , nil the gaits. Suleu- diirf.imlly mure , curilage , etc. Wlmt have you to oiler ? Address S a ) , lleo ollice. 7 ( l $4OJd buys S homes and lot. 07x31 S. K. cor. Utli and Vlntou. 031-m'll TMlAOIvAGI ! for sale-Lots 21 and 23 , block fi. Paddock Place , track already In , fl.iHJO It sold ny Mlirch loth ; nttei that dale WUV > . M. A. Upton Company. Kith uud F.irnaiu. U73-ID IOOlv HKUK Lot fiOxll'i ' , 20th streat , just Eolith of lioavenworth. paved street , stroo cars. Two-ttory K-room liousn ; good cellar ntl'l cistern ; owner golnijwe.'t ou Marcli nth. and If not sold by that time will bn taken out of the market : $ " , r > ! )0 ) ; cheap. M. A , t'pton Com pany , inthnuil ( ' 'uriiam , tilJ [ will sell the rollowing described property on Wi-dnes'lay. ) lurch"J. Ill ii.m.ntpunljc auction to the highest bidder for cash or approved security. A now one story frame store building 10Jx2l , with basement and living moms. A now stock of nboiifKMiiW.Ol v.ortli of gon- era' ' tncrrhandtse and about S 00.00 worth of new furniture. For particulars call oa or tiddro.ss J. II. ICuhl. Cnarter Oak , Crawford Co. . la. oni-i _ : HASTrNKSTNebr.tska lf'J ! acres land adjoin- lugthocltv for sale by A. Veltu , Hustings , Neb. Ki.-m t ITlOlt HALIi orTrado-Theverv tlnest rosldence -C In Obii-ola , population 4,00. ) , comity scat of Clam county , Io n. Iroom ! ) brick house , stoum lieat , and everv convenience ; one aero of land. Cost ir'l.VHi ) . Mortgage if'.OO I for live years at 7 per cent annually. Will sell or trade , onulty. il. A. Upton , Company , Investment baukoM , Omaha , Neb. C17 FOlt SAl.K-hots 15 , a ! and 27. 43Xlol. ( lot . ' ! . VKIW , in block 13 , on Hurney st. also lots 4 ami-'I In block 1. Hast Side addition to Omaha. For particulars Inquire of T. J. Ilermlnglmin , ( Joloua , HI. 4'JHiniit T71OiT SAl.K-I.ot 111 , In block in. noxl.in. on - - ' Harnoyst. Tor particulars inquire ot Win . Galena. 111. 1W ! ml5 TX7AKiup ; and take advantage 01 some of T > the bargains I have to olfer. Are you look ing for a nice little home ? If so , 1 have a splendid four-room house In Stevens Place , ac tually worth WOJ ) that can be bought for $1,1)0) , 'i cush. bill to suit. Tlio house H finished In hard Dine , has a goon well , cellar , cistern , barn , etc. I.argo corner lot facing south and oast. It will pay you to Investigate this. fleo. J. Storns- dorll. rooms ! 1I7 and iflH First National bank building. Telephone 4 il. Bll "IXTOiiTIIY of > our attention. Now being T compU'tod on 3.tth st , north of Ijeaven- wortn st , two houses convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mautol. furnace , gas. bath , toilet. - water clouts , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold water , live bedrooms. 10 closets ; only * f.r. 0 , ou terms to suit. Telephone-i7 or W. T , ijoantau. Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , currlngo . etc. , east Hide Kith bt , north of Nicholas at. 4'K FOH SAI.H t.ots 11 , 15 anil lii , blocK II , West Side addition. Tnuso lots arar > ) xl"J each , lav very prttty , ami tha tiiroo can bs bought for JJ.noJ. Thev are actually wortli twice that amount. ( ! . .1. Sternsdorir , Rooms :117 : ami 'MS , First National bank DiUldlug. | IW FOU BALK Ortrado , B new 8-room houses ; from 11 rat hands. ItoomID Itiunge block. 4 Jl m r FHSAIil { 7 roomed house and full lot , good surroundings. 0:1 : a street car Hue. Will tike In oxdiango Nebraska or Ivans is farm property n 1th .somo Incunibranco , or vacant lot InOiiiAliaorSoiith Orailm. Call and Investi gate now. C. F. Irurrlsoii , 40J aud 401 Mer chants'National bank "J GUOVii : < BI'UVF.NS. IWI Farnam. has a num ber of bargains In houses and lots in all parts of the city. If you want to buy. sell or trade , give mo ncall. TOi FMl 8AI.K 31 acres , corner Thirteenth nnd North street i. Desirable for platting. C. Good , Good block , De.i llolno-i , la. lilB-in'7 * mitACKAGR-On the U. P. II. II. IO''xl2J , JL within the nil ) ' ) Hue. This is the best bar- Aulntii Omulia ; * " > , OOJ. Grover Stevens , 15'Jl Fnruam. _ _ _ J176 " OHKAt * LOTS. Amos , Douglas Co. , Ab stracts. 1W7 raniam street , Those wishing to invest n little money In Omaha lots In HUCII a way as not to fei > l the outlay , can now do so. We have good lots , splendidly located , surrounded by new build ings and Improvements , widen you can buy , $15 down. balance' ten dollars a month ! Think of this ! A chance to suvu your money 1 A chance to get the incrcusu value on the lotas Omaha grows ! Think of , t. good lots at Can you find a safer Investment , a better way to saxo your money ? Can any bunk pay you uu equal Interest on jour money ? Yon Can Heo these lots any time you \vnpt to without charge. Wo have conveyances always reucly to show property free (15 cash and ten dollars a mouth will buy your wife or one ot your children a lot that will make tnum more money than anything else you can do for them. Itemember that It Costs You Nothing to romu and see ihuse lots to Investigate this , matter for yourself. You can juako upyoiirown mind wlien you see this property aud what sur rounds It. Is cheap for the lots or not. Your chance to maice money In Omaha land Iu as good and even Jletter Now than ever before ! There la no question now as to our clty'H future growtti ! Apofitolhco build ing and a city nail are but a part of the contem plated tiiiprovi'inoiitu for lixS'j. Tneno cheap lot * are put on the market bacaiihe they are cheap ! It would not pur us to show you the property unless It was cheap 1 lu other words , It Does Not I'ay to adveitlso cheap goods unless they ore what is claimed for tncm. Don't ba lacking In cour age ; if you want toMake Make Money. Iluy on the terms wo now otter you , and no one con duplicate this property at the price named , but I'lrst of All cnmo and see what U la. wnero It Is. what sur rounds It , what u future it has ! ! ! i'enty of people ple have made money in Just xuch Investments as this HMD ollered you ! You run absolutely no risk ! You get the easiest possible terms ! You can investigate tha olfer ! It costs you nothing ! A llttlu courage and a little money IH all needed. Ames , 1507 rarnaiu St. rU ) 10 T7UIt BALK or Kxchanire Improved stock X ! farm of HO } acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also nttw ri-room liousa with all con- ventnnces. In desirable residence portion of Omaha. Andrew Kevins. Attorney , 43J and iH 1'axlon block , Omaha. Neb. 270 SOUTH OMAIIA-i have u number ut eoo < l lota In various additions that must be sold at ouca and can ba bought ut prices that will wilt you. G , J. Hternsdorlf , rooms U17 and 314 First NatiojiaUwnk btiildlng. OM POlT HA"I [ : Cheap-Not for trade : f > fl.7n acres land (8 ( o 5-li-OJ two mites from Murquuito. Hamilton county Nebraska. I'rumo hotuo.uta- ble , : vu afres under eood barb-wlro fence , round cedar posts , two stays ; living water , Ul- foot channel ; 2 wellb , a-M-buirul tank , corral , Milf-foedor ; a natural stock raucii ; m a llnocoiu belt. 1'rice fabout IH/jQ per acre ) , .JflSV > Cash down , , , : iuo ) S and ! J years' time U per cant UJV ) ( jo and Inoic over land. Address owner. F , K. Auias , 15Wlj rlniorst Dourur , Col. 670 _ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. _ FOItHAIiKi Itfirealu Vine lot and ro ldcuro. on South Uth straeU Lot OOxl.H nt grade , S- foot nlley on south side And 10-foot alley In rear ; nice shade trws In front. Now 6-n > om house ; hardwood and ell llnlsh ; nlco honifet largo lot and very cheap at fj.ood. M. A. Upton company , 16th and Kiimain. Kfi "TT10U SAl.IJ or exchange for Omiha prop- Jerty. . W acres snltiblo for platting ; will make 4U01otsaU clear ; big money In It for om < i one who can push thti ; locatad nut ontslils tlu cltyllmltsot Council ItlutTs. Inquire OPO. .1. Stemsdorir , rooms ; I17 aud 318 , Flnt National bankljulldlng. 673 5i iiXW ! ft years 0 per cent , b'lfj-s P2-story 8-rootu house , funi'ico , bath , otc. , lot Wxioo feet. No. 2S1.1 I'oppletxm avp. , ilanscom Place : must go by March 1st , party going avuiy. I ) . V. Sholes , 210 1st Nafl bank. 01 \ \ nST : OMHA fwo"eTcw > ut lots at a bar- i ? gain. GroverStovons , 1K1 I-arnam. _ _ 37(1 ( GAM , on II. B. Cole , nnrtho-ut corner of Utli and Douglas sts. , Onialin , for IMulnK. Al- sip A : I'o.'s catalogues of lands of California. US ) April ln THE REALTY MARKET. instruments placed on record during yester day , H T X.lmmer and wlfo to M A Det- wller. iiiulh Ided M of lot ; l , blk'.i. Heed's 1st ail , w tl tifa FT Murphy to M IS Ilracey , lot 103 , Nol- fcotr uil , < ] c il 10 15.1 llrlRRi to M i : Ilracey , lot 10,1. Nelson's ad. t | c d . . . 1 LSchroedcr , tniMre. to l It Worthing- ton. lot tl. blk 7. Hrown Park , w d . . . 400 CA Hlibbard and husband , toll PKnlght , undivided ' partiof lotsl. : land f > . ttlkil , ijiiliui's ad , uud 151 , Vlix 7 f I , nt M o cor lot I , blkfl , Qtilnn'Sad , w d .1.SWJ P SonnenMMieln ot nl to llrnzda llros , lot 7 , blk 4SO. Oranaviow , w d 2,500 K sonnrnschlen el nl to Hrazda llros , lot ( \ blk I. Itriggi'place , wd f > ,0. > 0 Knuda liros to A llr.izda , lot 7 , blk lilt , ( Irandvlew , wd 5,500 A .1 Ilrurdn to I ) .1 llrnzda. undivided ! i of lot US , blk 4 , llrlggs' iiiace , cl e d . . . 2.323 C KMaynonnd wife to H Jlerywoatner , lot 1blk I , I U Mnyuo's 1st nd to Val ley , w d M 11 W YutoAotnl to Aden A Ifpunuo , lot 3. blk LWJ , Omaha , 11 eel 1 11 A Nott and wife to A Itlckoiuu 4 , lot 10 , nud s 21. lot 11. blk I. < S N and J Craw ford's mid to Valley , wd 150 .ITilinmur and wife to ,1 Kondls , lot 15 , blkil , Wilcovmldiva l.SJO D L Carpenter mid wife to H M Wyoth , lot M , blk y. Arbor Place , w d S.750 II M Wyeth ot al to A Lewis lot 10 , blk , ' ! , Arbor Plare. w tl I1.2.W Ainer Water Works Co to city of I'lorence , nstilpoiin w cor blk 127 , lloreuce , < i ctl 1 A Snuuders ot nl to Treasurer L Irlck ? ou , lot 17 , blk " (5. " Sannders \ 11.3 add. wd 200 L SlioiiuMawl husband to luoi Christen- son. .same as above , v d 70J A I'hrlKteiison nud lfo to A P Shoiiulst , n il ) . lots I nnd 2. blk 7. Orchard IHIl.vd 1,700 A P ( .raw audvlfe to C 11 tin sou , und ! i lotto , und n 15 , lot 11 , blk 1. Ames Place , wil 2.0M A Pni'awto.l P.leu-en. und ' lot 12 , and sin , lot 11 , Ames Place , wd 2,0 C llniien aud wlfo to .1 P Jensen , und 'j ' lot 12 und H 13 ft lot 11 , blk 1 , Auio.V place , w tl 2.0M .1 P .leiiM-n to C draw. lot 12 and s 10 ft lot II , blKl. Ames'place , wd 2.000 L S Itoed and wlfo to C Wledman , lot II , blk II.K , Oruiid View , w d 300 A Pfiruwnml wlfo to.I P .Icnteti , lots 1 aiulu' , bljMOmalm ; View , wd 3,20) II H Iliikn m wlfo to II P Dro.sul , lot 2 , blk 12,1/ : oui place , w d H.WJ o transfers aggroEitlng.$3 < ,363 The followhi } ; building permits wcro granted .vustordny : John A Anderson , ono story frame brn , Cass street near Thirty-second 4 19J iMiac Street , oue story tramp cottage , Tlilrty-thlrd imU ( tlondc-streets BOO I'liMl T Andrew , ono story tramo barn , Thirty-second street near Pacific t'O Coii'-oliduted'lank hine , two story brick cooper shoo , Millard and Culdwell ! > ,90J Four permits S 4r bO llii > Trrroi'H of I lie Kilt. A person nrraycilf In full Iligfhlniul costumes ivuscl terrible commotion in u railway carriage at the Pcrrncho stu- tion , nour Lyons , on Tucsutiy. says the St. James Gazette. Two ladies who \vjsra in the wirriugo shrieked as they Haw the awful spectacle presented by the entry into their ronipurtincntot a man without iiantaloons. The High lander , who was on his way to Nice , nevertheless took his scat with Cale donian cooluess , whercuDOti the ladies Mjroamed the louder. It was in vain that the apparition in the garb of old Gaul apologized and explained the situ- tion in bad French ; and equally futile were the efforts of the btiition-mastor , who assured the ladies that the gentle man with the dirk , the sporran , and the tartan accessories or properties was per fectly harmless. "You don't run the shadow of a risk , mosdumes , " insisted the btntloii-niustor in his. blandest tones. "The gentleman comes from a country where the mou wear petticoats and do not wear trousers. " Dcspito every thing , howevorwhich was bnid in order to calm their npprehontnons , the over- timid lady travelers had to be plated in a carriage at a safe distance from that in which the Caledonian stern and wild had taken up his position. OWEN'S AND SUSPENSOR1T. FATCNTEO AUG. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1880. DH. OWE1P8 KLKCTRO- GALVANIC ) BODY BELT AND SUSPENSORY ar < [ uarantred to cure the fal- . .ovlDg aUrat.a , DatnvIjtAll [ KRheumatlo Complaints. Jfc/.vmbago , Oentral and KHcrvoui nubility. 3o - , erroutnf i , Tterabllnr , Sexual Exbau > tion.Watt' ° ' HoJy. Diseam in Youth. Age , Mar- nficlo.ll Jlic , fitr [ lDlnl - - - of male or female. trrnEiT TO iiKiii-imini.i : rAiniKs ON to IUTHTHIAL. TRV A PAIIl OK PI CPTDIP ILCfll EC THICK. R.OWEN'S tLLUInlU moULto n-FKi > iiic. 01 flc. noitage lor riia llluilrat J paaphltt , wblcb will l lot 7011 In plain aeaUtl nrloi > e. Mention IbU i per , adJroi OWEN ELECTRIC BELT k APPLIANCE CO. aoe NorlU Uroudwur , BT. LOU IB. Ma RUPTURE ! ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSSi ! COMBINED. DR. ISRAEL'S ELECTRO. OAI.VAN70 . Owen a Eleotrio Belt Attachment. „ L worn with rate and comfort. Tfc eur.S { made mill or tlront. Tl.li li tli snl/r elMtrlo ( run and belt ertr nude , u JUpluro U rra 10 l > UO d , . . for full dricrlpllea of Dr. Owen eKIectro-Qalraolc Drill , H | > lnal Anll nt.i , Tru.iciaol Intolet etna n * . for ran lUuitrat * ) p.mi.liln hlcli olll be aenl/ou ID plalo tealed mtclop . Bold onlr tij the OWEN ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO. BOO North Bru awor. BT. LOUIS. XOX , 'fruai.comblniia. Uuanuiictdtbo unly cno la the worldncneratlaa ACOntlnuoill Klxlrla it ilaanttfa - 'curml. hcluntldc. I'uiferfut , I _ , { \ncfnrtatloAtid Effivllve. ' wt" OTprD/OOOournT. Kr.iilHUOiprnrnani blob AUO KLF.OTU10 IIKLTH Full J > lT.AhlX Di. HOiuiE. INVUTOR , iat WABASH AYE. . CHICAGO. PBNNYnoVAEi WAFERS ara iucceaafully iu d monthly by over 10,000 I dlua. Are Baft , Kfftctualand 1'tcaiant ? ' PTbor hy moll.or at druggista. Healed - / VircuJar 'Jix > sWgBEtaraps , Addrom TDK Kvit&x4 CUBMIOAI. Oa , UUTIIOIT , For snie anil b\i \ inulUni Dt'iiu Co.UiuilKi , fonsistlug of Fruit Trees , Small Fruits , ( I rape Vliio.s , Ornamental Trtw and Mirub , I5v r- Kreunii , Hoii-s , etc. , together with a largo assort- moiitof TrcosHiiiltfai-ds for planting Timber Claims , LOW PRICES AND CHOICE STOCK. Facilities unsurpassed. Wrlto for wholesale and ii'tull Ihti. Aililress , NIII\AMI : > OAII - Mjitsiitiis : : , D. S. LAKE , Proprietor. HHKNANDOAII , . . . IOWA. DPJXAHKE ESTABLISHED 1851 I 180 So. ch0ago | , nis. 1 cmrkot. l&o Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURCEQH It ittll Treating with lh GIM ! J KILL and SDCCESS M A Tft Chronic , Newns and Private Diseases , * a-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Falllnc Memory , Uxhnuailng Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the eiTitU leading to early Jecuy and peitups Consumption 01 Insanity , treated < clentifiully ty new nwlliodi wilh neter-hiling siiccest , * a-SYPHlLlSnml rllbad UlooJ and Skin Dls > enses permanently cured. 3-KlDNEYanJ URINARYccmrMntii Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Sttlcture , Vorlcoccle and al ! diseases of the Qcnlto-Urin\iy Organs cured promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Organs. . SNo experiments. ARC arid experience lrn portnnt , Consultation free and sacred. Cd'Send cents IXHUKC for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. T-Those conternrhtlne Mairiaee send ftr Dr. Clarke's celebrated ruljc Male anJ Female , ea.ch is cenn , Iwth aj cents ( stamr ) , Contull lheolJ Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay save ruturesuner. inz and thame.anil mil golden jean lolife. 03-Uook "LIfe's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50ccntt ( sumps ) . Medlclni nnd wtiiinct sent everywhere , secure from expoaute. Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundiyl 9 to u. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , , ' IQB So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. THE BAIIKAYJIME TABLES , ( OMAHA. C. . ST. P. . SI. .fc O. Arrlvo Depot 15th .t Webster sts. Onmlm. Omaha. City Kxprois 1 : ( fl p m llOO.p m OaKlainl Accommod'n r > :00 p m n : a m Sioux City Accoiiunod'n 4l' : > a m 5:40.p : m Ft. Paul Limited 8:40 n in 7:110 : p in MJally i\copt : Sunday. MISSOI71I1 PACIFIC. Leave. Arrlvo DepotIMh .V Webstersf. Omaha. Omaha. Hay Kxpross . . . 1010 : u m 0UO : a in Night i\press : , -'a p in OiO'i p 111 SIOl'X C1TY& PAOII'MC ' I < eave Depot ir > tli and Webster. Omaha. Bt. Paul Kxpross. 7:00 p ml 8:40 a m WAIIASH WKSTKUN. Leave Arrlvo Depot luth and Marcysts. Omaha. Omaha. No.8 St. L. tap. Dally. . . 4:15 p in Ta20 ; p m SUBUIIBAN TUA1N.S.- AVrslw > ril. Itunnlncr between Council IllulTs and Al bright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , uud at tno Summ It In Omaha' Kn Htwn I'd JlOOUllli I Omaha Trans Urond- bright.'Omaha ' Shooley depot. fer. way. A.M. A.M. A. M. ArJT7 A.M. A.M. ' r.:57 : 0ai : 0:10 n-M 7iTM : 7ir. ; 7:40 : TM 8i : : > 8:27 : H:3 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:27 : 1li:15 : 11:07 : 11:15 11:27 : 11:31 : P , 81. P. M. P. . JL P. JL P. M. V 12r > 7:07 : 1:27 : 2:07 : 2:27 : 3:117 : 4:07 : 4f.O fi:07 : 5:50 : 0:07 : 6:15 : 0:27 : ilV ; ) 7:07 : 7:15 : TL" 7M 7V : ) 7.ri : 8:07 : H:27 : 8:50 : 'J:27 : IIJ.MI 10:07 10:27 : ihSv ! 11:07 : ar. 11:15 : 11:12 KtlUam Iv. UM : : COUNCIL HliUKPH. CHICAGO , I100R ISLAND &PACIKIO. Leave. . , Arrive. A No. 2 . . .0(0) ( ) p.m. No-1 T:00a.m. : C No.l ! . .00an. ; m. ( J No , fi , „ p. in. A No. 4 . . . . 'JID ! a. m. A No.l ) c:4 1 > . m. A No. i .UlUa. ; in. 7:3) : ) a. 111. A No , 8 , r > : 'fi p , in. r $ A No , n. . .ilnp. : ) m. A M- . ' ( tifiOii. ! in. - OHIOAOO c NOUTHWKb 6OHIOAOO No 6 " ' ' U(0a. ; in. No. 7 . . , . . , . , , , , . ' ! > & 1U NO.H , . . 'ii.'iiia p."ii ! No. 3 0Wn ; ( , ra. No. t iltl'JP. ' ill , No.6 , .8:11 p.m. All Trains Dally. CIIICAOO. MILWA1IKK15 & 8T. FAtfti. A No.2 ( I MO a. m. A No. 1 -.S Wa. in. A No.4 7Wp. : 111. A No. ! ) . .7i0p ] , in. KANSAti CITY , HT. .IO3KIMI n- COUNCIL A No,2 . flsi'i a. iii.lA No..1) . ,0SO : , m , A No.4. . . .0:2. : ) p. m. A No.l . , fliljiliu : SIOUX CITV ic PAOIl'JU. A No.JO . 7tfla. : m.A | No.lt . 8Ma.m. A No. 12 . iiOJn. m.'A ' No. II . a.-Wp. xa. OMAI/A / & HT , LOUIS. A No.8. . . .4ri : ; p.ni.lA No , T..r,1800 in. A dally : II dully except Saturday ; Q except Sunday : D except Monday : fast mall. The time lv n UDOTB In for Troiufor. there bauifi from liyo to ten minute botwwm Trcna- cr aud local depots , FLORIDA LANDS For Sale or Trade. Itanldenco property , oranijo i.'rovcs. tov n iota , and daainihlv itiilinprovtd lund * uultnbla foi H inter liomu.s. fur Miiluor to trutlo for weMaro luiptorod farm lauds. CorrugponduncoaoUcited L .0. GARRlfTT , , Orlnndq Florldo , FOR MEN ONLY ! . , TKitiTiMT-tsu la " . , , . . . < 4 Kr..f. aiallii , . , . AH , , . , Ai eB. , g Muii7 .