c THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH G. 1890. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OJ'PICK. NO 12 I'KAUIj STIIBBT. rellmtd by tarrlcr In Any Part of he City a 'JvrntyCents Per Week. It. W. TIJ/ION MANAUUIU TKLKPIIOfJCS : ntipisrci OrHCT. No. 43. Kionr KIIITOII. No.2) ) . MUNT10.V. N. Y. Plumbing company. Conlaml wood. B.K.Mnyno , 010 B'wny. L. A. 1008 , K. of L. , will moot this ovoniiifr nt 7 o'clock shnrp. IJy order of the M. W. Jacob Lnt/ mid Annii Fisher , both of Oinnlm , were married yesterday after noon lit tlio olllco of Squire Sehuiv. . A "Quiet Day" for women will no hold In St. 1'aul'H ' church to-morrow from 2 p. in. to r : ! ! 0 o'clock. This service is open to nil ladies who may desire to at tend. The Ladles Auxiliary to llnzol camp , No. 171 , will Kivo UBOcialthis evening nt Woodmen hall. All Woodmen , theii wives and daughters tu-o requested to bo present. The case of State VBGrilllth was sub mitted to the jury shortly after noon yesterday. The case ofState vs John- ton , for forgery , was to have been taken uti afterward , but was continued until this morning. Dr. Macrae , of this city , was called tc Missouri Valley Monday night to attend to Dr. .T. I ) . Chapman , who was badly injured by being thrown from his car- ringo. Dr. Chapman wus driving along well bundled in robes , when anothet buggy struck his , overthrowing it , am throwing him out. His right arm was dislocated , and one of the bones broken Parties having temperance bllliari halls and restaurants will do well to take the exclusive sale of my temper ance beer. L. M. PiNKi IIavo our wagon call for your soilet clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Bartlett fc Norton for hardware , Btoves and cutlery , 71)7 ) and ii'116 B'way. ' I have moved my olllco to Omaha , til which all orders will , bo received and Ironi which all deliveries will bo made by wi'gon. L. M. FiXKiiLbTKi.v. Now and full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. ' S. B. Wadsworlh < fc Co. loan inonov. For Sulo at 11 linrcnin. Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen trally located , dome good business. U. P. Olllcer , solo agent , No. 1U , N. Main St. , Council BluiTs. HcttcrniK the Hotel. Extensive improvements have been begun by the management of the Ogden - don house , which will require nearly n month to complete. The billiard hall is being handbomoly decorated , and when th-own open will bo brilliantly illumi nated , as will all of the lower front of the building. An archway is to bo cut through from the olllco to the northwest Teem of the lower lloor , which will befitted fitted up in dopant style as a smoking room. This will give those inside a line view of Broadwav , and will also render the interior very attractive from the street. Heretofore the building has not shown up well in the evening , and the change is partially made to remedy this utato of affairs. The opening of the archway will give n splendid view of the interior , and will admit of the olllco , dining hall and entire front being thrown together. The enterprising management is * constantly improving the hotel , and the result is scon in the steady increase in their business. The manner in which the hotel is now run in a credit to the city. Notice the beautiful finish erivon col lars , cull's and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Money loaned at L. B. Graft's & Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal "property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. The finest line of spring goods to bo found in the market is at A. Roller's , No. U10 Broadway. Personal I'arajjrnphi. F. L. Davis and Mr. Riley , of Missouri Valley , wore in the Blulls yesterday on business. Wanted AKHlfltniit Cook. At the Deaf and Dumb institution. Wages $15 to $20 per month. Lodging and washing free. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A ( Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Rooms to rent in the Morriain block. B , B. Wadsworth &CO..U30 Main street. Try our XXX bottled boor. Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FIXKIJLSTKIN. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Ddoll & Bryant , 613 Main street. Dr. C. C. Ilazen , dentist , Opera house block. _ Send all orders for bottled beer to L. M. Flnkolbloln , Omaha. The following is the programme of Boryicos to bo uolil at St. Pnul'u church during Lent : ASH WKllNESIHV. Bcrvlco anil Bonnon. . . .Ii-i5 ( ) a. in. , 7:80 : p. m , Sundays Service nnil sermon . . 10:45 : n. m. , 7:30 : p m. Tuesdays Service . ft p. in. Wednesdays Service urnl address. .7i)0 : ) p. m. ' .Thursdays Service . 5 p in , Fridays Service . .5 p. ID. noi.vur.K. : . Dajl.v morning jirnyor. . i . 10:45 : n. in. Good Friday Service and sermon . . . . . . . lU45u. ; in. , 7:30 : p. m. Easier Five , Saturday Uuinlsinnlsprvlco , . . . S p. m. floiy communion every Kumluy . b u. in , Also on tli-st Sunday in month. . . .10:15 : a. in. UAbTKIt flUNIUV. Services , aonnon nnd lioly communion. . . . 10:20 : n , in. Children's festival . f . a p. in. 7iO : ! p. in. More fhvcrtliic Tlmn Converted. Some time ago at revival services held nt the Central Metnodist church ou Market street , in Newark , the Hov. Dr. Inglchart , the pastor , was pleased til ; the penitence of , : i burglar , who de clared he hail been converted. Friday night what afterwards proved to bo the eanjo man , secured a room at the bourd- lHS lioiuo of Mr * . Moses , 1:200 : Clinton Btroqt. Ho retired to the room , but during the night disappeared , and with him three gold watches , n child's bank book and bovoral other articles of value. Tjio fonvoi'tcd burglar ) ia not boon Been slifeo. Ho has also imposed on ' corjyiuou. | . ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS , Speculation ns to the Oour'so of the Now Council. * ACTORS GET A LITTLE LECTURE. The Scottish Kite lobe Conrorrqil To Dny Tlio Now City Council Jlotcl linprovcincnts IV Ycstculay's Mtirdor. A full account of the murder of Ho Ooodo will bo found on the llrst page of Tin : Bin. : The New Council. The city council meet1) this evening for the purpose of settling up the busi ness of 18SSTho ! ) now council will not meet until Monday evening , March 18 , at which the bouy will organize mid choose a president. Tlio question of who will be the appointee1 ? of the coun cil for the olllccs of city clerk , city phy sician , street commissioner , poll tax collector , and chief of the tire douart- menl , IB already agitating the several aspirants. As the political com ploxion of the council remains unchanged , there are those who predict thtit the city olll- ccrs will remain as at prusent , but th is opinion is shared by very few. It Bcoms to bo the general belief that City Clerk Lturko will have a succebsor , although no one hazards a prediction nu to the identity of the new man. Little is said concerning the city phy sician , and aspirants for the olllce are scarce. For street commissioner the present incumbent , Mr. Avery , will receive strong support. Several of the alder men have expressed themselves on the subject , and are in favor of his reten tion , as his qualifications for the olllco are llrst class. The same is true regarding Mr. Book man , the poll tax collector. It is stated that he has had remarkably good suc cess with collections , and nothing could bo gained by a change. It is thought that there will bo a hard struggle for the olllce of chief of the lire department. This has always been a bono of contention. The present chief is not a favorite with many , and a strong attempt will bo made to bocurc ti change. MiiHt Hat in the muffin. The James O'Neill combination , which presented * 'Monto Cristo' ' to a largo audience at Dohany's Monday evening , did not leave a dollar in the city ; although they took several out of it. They stopped in Omaha , coming over to this side just before the show begun , ami returning to that oily as soon as it was over. The advance agent of Hanlon's "Now Fantagma" company was in the city yesterday , and stated that his company would do the same thing , but such a howl was raised that ho quickly thought better of it , , and agreed to see about accommodations in this city. The Jllullltes kick , and justly , too , over the practice of some manager ! ) in this mntter. It is argued that as these companies demand and re ceive a liberal patronage from the theatergoing ater-going populatian of the city , they may rea.--onably bo expected to patron ize tlio city , at least to the extent of their hotel bills. A disposition is man ifested to sit down on the companies which thus shun the city. Stnrtinir n Consistory. Preparations have been going on for sometime past for the establishment in Council BlulTs of a consistory of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. It is an event of more than passing import- anbo , and will attract hither prominent masons from various parts of the coun try. The work of conferring the degrees will commence this morning at ! ) o'clock in the G. A. II. hall on Pearl street. The work will take several days. Ojll- cials of high rank from New York , Ohio. Minneapolis , Sioux City , Omaha , and other points will bo present. The para phernalia brought hero is said to bo very elaborate , and the mystic degrees will bo conferred in a most imposing manner. It will bo the most important gathering of masons which has mot hero in years. Tlio now organization starts in with about seventy-live charter members , in cluding not only prominent citixons of Council BlutTs , but from other cities in western Iowa. Preparations are being made for a grand banquet at the now Ogden on Thursday evening. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway. SUBUKHAN NKWti. Uonnaril. Mr. Walter Groscloso went to Dlalr Satur day. day.Mr. Mr. John CloU was a pleasant caller on Friday. Herman Hopandlnk Is quite sick with sore Hi rout. Mr. John Clotz was a pleasant caller on Friday. 1)111 Swllmrt was laid up with sore tliro.it last wcok. Mr. William Gains movca off his own farm on Monday. Mr. Elinor Wild nnd wife , of lllutr are vis- Itlng Dill Switmrt. Mr. O. P. Urcwbtor moved on Ills father's farm on Thursday. Horn , to Mr. und Mrs. William Mcgall , on Wednesday , a bo.y. Mr. Andy Llthco starts for Oregon on Tunsdiiy , March 11. Mr. John Norton moved on Mr. William Burses' farm on Friday. Mr. Molco Miller shipped his cattle to South Ouiuha on Thursday. Mr. John Locrono was In town Saturday , the lirst tlmo slnco ho got up. Mr. John Nisson Is moving in the Dulany old stand and will open a Kiocory store. Mr , F. Plmnxvlcklo nnd wife wont to Ar- ' llngton on Sunday , returning on Tuesday. ' Mr. I ! . Uowestnnn ciuno down from Fre mont on Friday and returned In the evening , Mr. John Gains moved on a farm that ho rented north of Klkhoru htatlon on Monday last , Mrs. S. Hunt nleil Saturday morning with the Qiiluk consumption , after auout onoyoar's sfcUncsn , Mr. Wlllliim Cunningham and Al Brewstor went to Utahon Thursday , returning Iho same day , John Hhico has rocolvcd u letter from Bob blmnor. J'ho letter was written from Can- nda and mjucfltcd Mr. Blaco not to lot his wife Buffer. ' Fontanollf. \Ir. William Kramer sports u now top- Fremont , Is at homo visit- Mr. Gcorgo Gannon , of the mail service , oundnyvd at homo. J. W , Kontlnffwuln Fremont Sunday , n caller en thumnlly of Mr , FO. . Sexton. Mra. Hanili , living u mlle and a half oust , tins been seriously in , but U reported sono Mr. Charles Kramer U moving his household - hold Roods , farming Implements and stock tea a farm ho lias purchased In Cumlng county. The library society of this place Is to clvo an eiitcituluulont tha Oth Inst , oxordsos to consist of music , playg , recitations and lun- tominics. On Saturday evwilnc n parly of yon lie fulba met at LuwU Broa. ' _ Uall to trip the "llKht fantastic toe. " The cheerful spirits wcreiircsont ns usual. While ntnylng bnll on the school grounds , last Wcdncsdny , Wltllo Boschulte , aped four teen , lire ! < o both bones of the right leg mid way between the knco nnd the nnklo. Mr. Jesse Wheeler nnd Mrs. Mary Cuppy , while riding In n narrlago drawn by an un ruly broncho team , experience. ! a romantic nnd somewhat unpleasant runaway , the flrst of Inst week , It happened thus : The ponies scorned playful , nt which Mrs. C. gave n hearty laimh , causing the most playful pony to hick still higher , and over the 'buggy tongue. At this instant both her cs took Illgnt , throwing the buggy llrst on ono side , then on the other , nnd llmilly turning It bottom tom upward , nnd completely raked oft the top nnd othTwiso demoralizing the buggy. Strnnge to sny , the occupants , who were in the buggy until the top came off , wore but slightly Injured. Valley. Operator McDcrmott made n draw in it lottery recently of ? 15. Al. Stanetcn shipped three loads of fine fat steers to Chicago Friday morning. There are rumors of two or three wed dings close at hiitid In this vicinity. Frank Whltmoro attended the dedication of the Masonic temple nt Fremont tlio 3Sd. Al. Stanetcn has rented his farm to n Mr. Green , ncent for an eastern seed company. Miss Mogglo Crowo loft hero last Sunday to visit relatives In Council Bluffs and Mln- dcn , In. Silas Springer is on the slclt list , and Mrs. Dr. Williams had n shock of parulvsis from which she is recovering. Kov. Mr. Bick was malting calls hero on Monday. Bo is at present doing ministerial duties at Lurnmlo Citv , Wyo. McNcal's house Is nonrlng completion , nnd N. K Cowlos is erecting ( mother small house , having made sale of same to a Mr. Street. B. M. Puffer lias moved Into his now resi dence recently bought of L. Whlthlngham ; Mr. Dennis has moved Into the house of N. E. Cowles , and Robert Growcock has taken possession of his premises , vacated by Den nis. nis.An An accident occurred In the hardware store the other oven ing by which Miles Moon received a wound In the cap of his Itnco from u revolver that was nccidcntly discharged , but nothing serious is anticipated from the wound. T. M. Stonnr , who has bjcn absent in Iowa the past winter , returned Friday , nnd with him a wife of recent date. Howill Itcep house m his brother's house , nnd attend to all the wants of those desiring anything in his line. It. Stanetcn and wife have returned from their eastern visit , nnd since then have lo cated at Crcston , Neb. , and will run n meat market at that place. They will remove there in a few days with the best wishes of this community. There was a social gathering at tlio house of James Whithlnghnin last week Tuesday evening , religious services at the church Wednesday evening , a party at J. J. Miller's Friday evening and lyccum Saturday even ing , nil of winch were falHy well attended. * Swnbtirgh. There was a party at John Youn's resi dence lust Saturday ovcnitnr. Mr. Henry Eghers has bought his brother's farm and will move there sonn. Pete Hanson Is moving his personal prop erty away from Hooper to his farm , Mr. Ferdinand Brass of Hoouer has rented Caspair Miller's farm and will move there this week. Henry Egbers lost a valuable horse last week. Several other similar reports come from other parties. 9 Henry Bec-kman of Hooper is malting prep nrutions to move to Henry Daubert's farm , which ho has rented. Mr. Henry pauhcr will hereafter make his homo on his now fnnn , which he bought from Henry Egbcrs lately. Miss Katie Stover..who has been working for Henry Uhling for some time past , re turned to her homo in Burt county last week. Mr. Bruce , who has been renting Pete Hanson's farm for some years pant , will soon move to Swan Peterson's farm , which Helms rented. Mr. Caspar Miller gave nn inauguration dance last Tuesday evening in his new house , which will bo completed In a few davs. All participants report having had a jolly time. NIckerHon. Mr. and Mrs. M. Herman went to Omaha Monday morning. Mr. Gcorgo Evans spent part of Saturday and Sunday in Fremont. Miss Alice Osierman , of Fremont , was the guest of Miss Clara Haven Friday and Sat urday. Mr. Lymnn Heinrich , formerly of-thls place , has been visiting friends hero tholast two or three days. Several of the young folks were over to attend the dance at Fontcnello last Saturday night. All report a very nlco tltno. Miss Mary Jacobs came down Irom Scrlb- ner Saturday afternoon to visit old friends. She is now the guest ot Mrs. Gcorgo Her man. man.Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Bullock nnd two children , who have been visiting Messrs. M. nud Gcorgo Herman , returned to her homo in Fremont , Friday. Mr. M. Herman has removed his house hold from his farmone nnd a-half miles west of Nlckcrson , and is now living in our town , trying to take lifo easy. Bcllcvue. Bcllovuo boasts of a population of 400. Bellcvuo needs city mayor and sidewalks. There are three candidates for the Bcllo vuo postofllco. B. Larson finished tilling his 4,000 ton ice bouso last week. II. W. Bardwell has laid the foundation for a now hotel opposite the B. & M. depot. H. C. McMakcn ft Son of Plattsmouth , shipped ! )00 ) cars Ice to Kansas City from Bellcvuo this winter. The students of'Bellevuo college huvo just awakened from n happy dream , which now Is causing quite n stir among Iho faculty. That wo are putting in the largest and most complete line of building sup plies \vo have over carried , and will bo pleased to give estimates on all tin work , rooting , furnace work and build er's hard ware. Are pleased to give es timates to all parties who contemplate building. Call at our store , 'II MAI.M STIEKIi'F , COJLR iV COLE. Wo soil the Quick Meal Gas and Gasoline stoves. The 1889 stove is a daisy. Cows ft Coi.u , 41 Main street. THE COUNCllTBrUFFS RSTMK fflEiMONEY MONEY On hand for city loans ; lowest rates of interest. Fine farms close to Bluffs tooxchango for city property. Wcfatorn lunu to exchange for city property. Big bargains in Broadway lots. Fine business property to exchange for well improved farms. Good fresh stock t'rocorlos to exchange - change for city property and one-third cash. Houses and lots on monthly payments. Small payments down. Prices ranging from $776 to $4,01)0. , ) Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch- ran's and most all additions to city. Fine aero property for sale from $100 to $ .500 losu than present worth. No. 10 I'cnr JS1. , Council D.H.MGDANELD& CD , , HidesJallow.PeMool . fi.Fufs , l'wt ' market prices. Prompt returns.WO tud s ilixla at , , council Bluffs , low * . SPECIAL NOTICES. . _ _ li' 'A- - . . . , . WANTS. 771011 HKNT-Tno nicely fit/nUncd / room * for A. ' innnnnd wlfoortnogcntlciacnwlth nsoof Vinths. licnted by furnace. . ' 1 South Seventh street , Amcnt block. WANTKD-The people to try tlio City Steam TT I.tumdry. 31 Nortti Mnin. i "T7IOH HENT-Clieap. two Inuiilsomo , now , six- J- room cottage * , north ot nrnnsfor , Council lllwrs. Inquire lilauil Hlsutor , Mh avo. nnd 2lSt St. TTOK HKNT Tlio three story odck store room J-1 No. 407 llroiulwny. The location Isonoot the Iwst in the city. 'Iho liulldln ) has boon oc cupied fey the Inst twenty ycnrs by M Iller \ Co. , hardwarp , nnd would be n \ ry rteslralilo loca tion torn Imrdtvnro business oa that account. John llcunott. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. It. .IIIt > I > , Council Dlu r-i In , CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE FEONT ! _ t'f < TU , FUKTIIiil : NOTICE I VIM. PEl.t. BEEF , VEAL & PORK - or MV OWN miEssi.sn - Iowa Cattle , Fed on Iowa Corn. And will meet nny lionet competition on prlcaj for llist-t'Iaas Mo its. J. M : SCANLAH , 12O lirondwny. - - Tcloph.mii 2Ot. THY OUH illUHII. TllOS. Of KICKH. XV. II. M. PUSKV OFFICER & PliSEY , BANKERS. Corner Muln nnd Ilroadnny , COl'NCId liljUKre. IOWA. Dealers In foreign uitl domestic1 exchange. Collections niutle nud Interest palil < > u tlmo do- poslt.s. MERCHANTS Who Will Snvo You Money IFYOUBUYofTHEM. CO . t. ADAMS CD CDo o A. CO.'JS SHOE House , w * + 417 llroatlwn ' , < " } CQ 8 Council Illuifs. - l THE BEST. ' ? ! ; Ul Is Always 5 | 3 co CHEAPEST ! - . * * C. ft As 1 can jirovo by I iH | hundreds. Lanzendorfer & 2 * Strohbehn , Xo. 221 ยง 85 E9fl MAIN STKIIT. : 9 n FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I'nrtlcnlar attention given to Kinlmlnilmr. Ki > . II X .Until .St. , Council Uinift. Kiirntturq repairing mmtly dono. Olllco cullB attended promptly day nnd night. LU THE BUST . m 1 MEATS S. 5 Q ) O P 4- * AT TIIK & 4K 3 K Lowest Prices ! * u - 5 S2 . -2 O 2 " * s Poultry of nil Uimls " c g o * * ' J dressed to order. Irt ij - , - o ei r nivu SIK A CAI.II. ) w ' n .S - , : S E. Mottaz CJ > No. 114 Ilroathx' GO TO THE - TAILOR And gel Uic heat luting Suit you ever luul. No , 397 Broadway- , - Council Bluffs , t The nicest eigh'ly acre farm on the slope in Iowa , 9 miles south of Crteton , 100 miles east of Omaha. Good 6 room house. Earn with roonrfor eight horses , and-cow barn , sheds graineriea , orchard , etc. Good wells , liyiug water , tame grass. Near school , 'church , etc. Easy terms. Write C. J. COLBY , 522 Paxtou , Block , Omaha , or Broadway and 30th St. Council Bluffs , Iowa. , . THE ORDER W\3 POST NO BILLS ! VOUN KE RMA/V. BROADWAY STATIONED SCHOOL SUPPLIES. CljOafier UMBERS. SWANSON MUSIC ( S- S. --.ilwoysthci A. Pierce , Proprietor. LOVVCST. /Vo,23 < f No.H4MainSf. rurmfurQ 8c Stoves on vreeftor / monthly foy'tents t Best Selections Lonost r/ccs. Literaldi'saunt Faf CASH. _ SbSHOS /V O . 326 BROAOVv/AN / , STEAM /V. A/lain St. Teie\r \ ) > or\e SEE HOW THEY OBEYE D IT. NEW CURIOSITY SHOP. i , ji' . ' _ -T-T -p.i-uiYmfc.Hroi kTO fe ry fe ggm OAOHAS'GONE | ofCJ.EJ.JUDD onX0 ? 5 cv 606 efroadv i- 35 ra ? * JO WATCH THE BOSTON STORE NEW ATTRACTIONS OFFERED DAILY ! SPECIAL FOR TO-DAY : 1. 75 pieces 36-inch all wool Dress Flan nels , former price 50c , to-day's price 33c , 150 dozen ladies' Balbrig-gaii Vests , worth 25c , Price for to-day 15c each. 3. 150 pieces dark calicos 2c a yard < worth 5c. An old established Boot and Shoe business in Counoil Bluffs , Iowa. The Phillips "stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the store , or to N. O. Phillies , one of the execu tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. N. P. DODG-E , Executor. TIHIIEJ IRTJSSIEIILiILj SIZES FROM Especially Adapted foi * 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , nflRSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimates furnished for complete Rtonm plnnt.i. Ileculatlon. Durability Guar nutuud. Can bhow letters from users where Fuel Economy Is oijii'il ultli Corliss Non-Condensing E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 51O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO , ORGAN , SHEET MU.SIC , MUSIC BOOK , OR ANY KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Csvll on us.Vo Iseup only the bent and latest improved.Vo boll the Colubnitcd HARDMAN , FISHER & EVERETT PIANOS , ROYAL AND CENTURY ORGANS , XOXK JIKTTER IN TJfli M A It K 1ST , IVc soil for Cash and on Monthly I'tivmuiits. AVu tiarantoo butifafaution in P1UCK AN ! ) QUALITY. COME AX1 > SKfS US , OR HKXn FOlt CATALOG U IS. ADDRESS MUELLER MUSIC CO. , vo. io niii.STKIIT / : ; , - - COILVCII , HMri\s , i/t. P. S. Pianos and Of-gans , to rent , tuned and repaired , Wo uno furnish 3fathnatcs on Pipe F. J. BBEZEE , , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently located at No. II Norm Sixth filrcc-t , i. , oilln * . on inutorllno , Council llluirH , Iowa. Illnls nnd anlmalH mounted naturally and In Iliu bi-nl method ot . . . , , . -11.- . - . - the art , Wai ranted to prcservu for year > < , J'on-lfc'ii bird1) ) supplied n bhort notice. IliulioHtnrlcepnld forowlHnnd liawkn of nil klnilH. I'tmoiw sending orders ajurcd of | ierfect hutlsfactlun. I ur drusslng n ipevlalty Witlo for paitlculiira , POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H , PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. ManufueturorB and Wholesale Dualers in Sa iasa gre of .A.11 2dl2n.cd.s , Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered , Mo. 635-Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. ; ASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. 70. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 2GQ