THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MARCH 6. 1839. JfflERE IS WAR 15 SIGllT , tnstor Mtoohart Dotormluotl to Cou- quor or Dlo Trying" . UNCOLN TO TAN ITS'HIDES. . the Dlfltrlct Court Dlsiiosoa of Im portant IltislncBi Tlio Official Uxnmlnorof IMinrmacliti General Notes. Bcnnxn.orTnB Ovum. JBB , 1 1029 V SfiiRKr , LINCOLN , March ifi. J The trial of Pastor Minchan , of Oraco ( Methodist r.plncnpal church , la near. Her. J. H. reason , of Seward , m whoso hands rest ? the prosecution , arrived to-ihy. It Is learned that the formal clmrgcs Imvo hccn preferred , but Tun ] Jin : representative has been un.thlo to obtain them. And , possibly , the reading public will never know whit their peculiar uordlng may l/e. Iho church eccins detortnlncd that the matter , BO far as possible , shall bo kept within Its pales. It Is BUHlclcnt to know , however - over , that Tun Uii : : has given the basis and substances of the charges In cmcstlon , viz. Bearing false witness against members of his flock , teaching doctrines at vailnnco with those incorporated In the church discipline from the pulpit , unp.istolnl conduct and the unbecoming usa of language in a RciiGtal way. It is understood that brother Is nrrn\ed ng.ilnst brother in this controversy About forty of the members of the church Bland or full Vtlth Mtnehart. Tuice that number uro said to bo determined to rid tlio chinch of Its obnoxloim pastor and thu doctrlno of satictillcntlon. Minohnrt now openly stiller that ho proposes to cany titu fight on until It seizes upon sorno members piomi- ncntly Idontillcd with St. Paul's In the language of ionic of Ills pnrlshlonon. "ho U determined to conquer or como out llrst best , no mutter \\luit the coat. " Tlio uxuct date of the trial has not yet been decided upon , but it is luiown that the ornitlc | > astor is ready for the melee , and It is likely to com mence at uny moment. His formal answer will probably bo ready before the ilnwu of another day.A. . A. Timely StiimoHtlon. "What Imvu you for tlio prp s to day } quer ied Tin. BBB man of Deputy Sew clary Uow- dr.\ \ tins inntning. "Nottiing particular. " he replied , "but I would HUc to suggest that the legislature .ip- proichcs ndjournmcnt , and I would like to Imvo the newspapers of the state commence to send in their accounts. While theie isn't much danger of us having to carry them over n j ear or two , we want to close them up as soon as possible , and It won't ' cost much of nn cifoit for editors niul business nmn.igois of newspapers to mid the "time to lun" to accounts us they now stand and pond ttinin in. Wo will tuko it as n fa\or and they will get then- money all tlio sooner. I can't see that the press boys of thu state ncul to kick when 'daddy dollars' me tin own at them in this way. " In tlio District , Court. Tn thoTiustm- The Missouri Paciflc vailwaj case , the jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of fJ.lUO , and thus rnds the great tinil of the term. It is sa'd ' that the plaintiff IB gicully disappointed ut tinding of the juty. A. .f. Field and u Jury next tiiod the case of Miehuol liondon vs Louis Jensen. In this case defendant was the contracting builuer of the Wesleyan University , and plaintiff had talcen fioni him the doing of the stone work in thu basement. Plalntift claimed a ualauco foilijltitftho stone , and fol ) which lie al leged to huvo been wrongfully detained from hit.I , bccntmu ho had not pointed the score , which he said ho had not agrcck to do. De fendant's uisa wub that the pIiiintifT had BO aciccd , and also ho claimed that ho had paid him fully on u settlement for the work ha liad done. The case wtia given to a jury at noon. A Ilonun/.a For Lincoln. A month or two ngo Tun UI.K mentlonod , In a casual way , that a move uas on foot to establish n tunnciy for the purpose of tanning and dressing skius for the inann- factuto of gloves , lobes , the liner class of boots and shoes , and other articles of the finer kinds It is Intended that skins shall bo dressed or tunned , with or without the hair , equal to any of the grades In flexibility and llnencss manufactured in the European pountilcs. Mr. A. Lo Gros , an old Unglish niunufactuicr , a specialist in the art of , tan- hing leathers , will have the immediate super vision of the enterprise after tlio buildings hn\e been fitted and works established , liio Bare half of the IJaio & Lamustur block , s 13-ir O street , has been leased for tlio store , ware and manufacturing looms , and it is said that it will bo lilted and ready for business on or before May 1. Lo Gros and Gcrgo K. Uigclowaro the resident gentlemen interested in the enterprise. It is learned , ho never , that , a party of English capitalists lm\e interested themselves m the mutter , ntid wlU'contributo largely to insure its suc cess. A "gang" of men commenced to build n dam on "Hamcs' branch , " which empties into Salt cteok , west of the city , to furnish the necessary power and water for tlio needs of the tannery. Tills may bo put down us nn enterprise that promises much for the future Of the capital ot the state. Organization pv jicis will bo Ulod In the ofllcoof thosccretnry of statu in a feu- days The news of the con templated tunnoi j was announced this moni- Ing IC\nmlnatlon of lMin.rnmc.lsts. The board of examiners of the state board 'of pharmacy mot to-day In regular session for the examination of applicants for regis- tiatlon for the piuctico of pharmacy in Nu- biaska under icquiroinont of statute enact ment , nmomlcd February 13 , 1SVJ. The board of examiners , Messrs A. F. Stroll ? , of KOI th Plat to ; Ilunry Uook , of Red Cloud ; Max Uccht , of Oimina ; .Imncs Hoed , of No- lir.iska City , and Ilcniy 1J. Hoyden , of Grand Island , wcio all piesent. They took pleasure in Mating that thu class as \\holo gave uyl deuce of thoioughncss in the work { hey ha- in hand , uud that there would bo few if any failures. Manuscripts were all in before 'i o'c look. The board is now busily engaged in thetuxuuiinutlon of papers , and state , that ccr lUcates and failures wilt ail bo noted v. It liia a week , The following candidates compt iscil the class : J. U. McConncll , Omaha : A. J. Wcard , Silver Clock ; J. 1C. Schollcld , Geneva ; George S. Frutor , Tliurnian , la ; J , 11. Good rich , Cailo : 8 , T. Ju'-ksan , Madison'Thoo ; > doio F. Knapp , York ; N. A. Lundvall , Omaha ; Gcorgo M. Lydick , Fontancllc ; U. G. ftMCIbbon. Phillips ; 1) . C. H. McNeil , touhton ; , Wis. ; A. H. MoFurlanc , Omaha ; 9. 11. Plnkortoti. Lincoln ; Will Hiookloy , Junlatta ; J. H. Hippy. Llbortj ; W. W. Kou cits , Notth Hciul ; J , V. Stout , Hlulr ; James AV. btiadoslcj. Alliance ; T. S. Tcasunll , Lin coln ; William Flory , bt. Udwards ; T. W. Bennett , Lennox , lu. ; John Fitzgerald , Lin coln ; .1 units K. Carter , Lincoln ; W. 12. Mimury , Hco ; Chariot , li. Mothi'i-sead ; Tul- ; J , 11. Huuptmon , Nebraska City ; 1C. D. Logan , Itopuhllcan City ; Joseph Ormand , Lexington ; V. A. Nichols , May wood ; C ! . A. Kloinltnuf , Giand Island ; W. P. Johnson , Wnhoo ; W. D. Abbot , Peru ; John F. , Peiu ; James M. DugaulonVoop < ln Water ; IViUik O. Lindborg , Omaha ; D , W. tipiing , Homeland ; H. P. 0. Petersen , Cedar 1 Huffs ; A. L. ICoyiiolds , Weeping \Vuter ; John 1C. Kohlur , IJuirj George H. IlnUleii , Lincoln ; Will G. Scribner , Lincolin TUo hcuid Is new tending out application blanks Jortho nmowiil of registration In Ne braska , mid all druggists who have changed thi'lr location uio icquestod to notify thu seiii'tary , Jl. U. Ho\aeii , tit Grand Island , Immediately , as the pharmacy luw as uimmduil Is veiy strict , and nil who full to renew v\lll liavo to anneal- before the boatd for i-o examination. Tlio annual report of the board will buioadv for distribution at the Nebraska Pharmaceutical association , to be held in this ctt.y , May 14 next. City , > rwg and Nolcu. The rusu of Charles Whltii vs. 'UioStuto of Nohtaslia , nn error tram Douglas county , van Hied for trial m the supreme couit this nioi uliitf. Kmlro Hiilvonson , the young man who was knocked from the limllngum at Denton joa- tenlny , dloa last evening at thu U'llhml hospital. The i on tip miui uiuleiloou to cioss the IroUi alie.ul of the train , just upon him , uml sustained injutloa time cost him his life. The piitimrles lor Urn city election are called for the ti'jth. ' The convention will beheld held on the ttOlh , when the futuio mavor and council will probably put In nomination. It is thought that , the tight for the mayoralty rests between Mcllrido and Graham , wllli chances In favor of the former , Interest in fthuimvnlclpnl election is warming up rapidly Tlio Nebraska Christian Education bo rd met last nlttht and aw.irdod-tho contract for building the now Christian university. ftt Bethany Heights , propcHy n portion of the ouburbs of the Capital city. Chldcstcr & Barrns secured the contract at { 47,000. The work will bo commenced at nn early date and the building pushed to speedy comple tion. _ _ An Absolute Cure. The OICIOINAL AUIETINB OINT MENT is oftly put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds and chapped hand * , and nil skin eruptions. Will iwsillvolv euro nil Uindsof piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AU- IKTINi : OLNTMKN'l. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25 cents per box by mall 80 cents. _ _ DOMESTIC DlTFaCUIjnnS. Sought to Ho Adjusted in tlio DIs- trcct Court , Tills morning Judge Wnkelnv will decide the divorce caco of O'Neill vs O'Neill , which occupied his attention nil last week uml brought to public knowledge a most de plorable state of affairs. The principils nro advanced In jenrs , and for thirty jcars have shared the joys of domestic bliss. But troubles came , ana the courts were appealed to to settle thorn , His honor Is hearing another recital of the same kind , hut more wiqked In character. Joseph Steinbeck and wife have been living npnrt three years , Iho latter brought cult against him for legal separation , cli.uging and nllcging acts of cruelty on his pirt which , If true , leaves the impression that her cxlstcnco under his roof must Imvo been ndseiablo Indeed. Mrs Stlncbcck's little. boy , Willie , n hid of thirteen and bright as n noiV dollar , sat in the witness chair and told the story. His frankness , self-possession and positive nnswcrs to nil questions sur prised the lawyers , astonished the court and interested a numbui of spectators. Search ing and soveic cross examination could not shako him. Stlncbcck , ho mid , used to swear at his mother and to apply to hcrovcry Imaginable vile tcim. It was u dally act of his to threaten her with violence , raise his list to knock her down. One time. ho threw H heavy chair at and strticic her on the hip , unother time with a terrible oath ho ordered her out of the coolc-'s corner. Willie also camn in for a share of the violence. On one occasion the old man struck him with u icvolver. After the chair incident Mrs. Stlncbcck and Willie escaped through a bed room window and ran for their lives. They came to Omaha and h ivo lived hero over since. All this boisterous business happened in Nance county. Mrs. Stincbcck Is a moth erly and kind looking woman. Judge Do ino made un order that hereafter no case will bo passed on c ill to the foot of an > paitictihir day's ' assignments except for urgently spui-ial reasons. Billuy Miller is being tried before Judge Grolf ior shooting with intent to wound. On the night of Febiuury 10 , Billy made a pistol play at David Bnslow , was arrested and held for William J. Martin brought suit nguinst Monte M. Aylesworth and Edward C. Cal kins to fomclose a mot tgage on u lot in .let ter's addition to South Omaha. The amount of thu indebtedness is $331) ) on two promissory notes John L. Miles and James Thompson com menced two suits in the district court , ono ugnmst 1C. Hornlrk and the other against Adolph Kline et. al. Both are to iccovcr on promissory notes. Tlio tiist defendan t owes two aggregating $ " ,1157 aim the second on tin eo amounting to $10,000. William II. Thompson vs 1C. W. Gibson , Hot man Kount/o , Milton Rogers & , Sons , is the title of u suit commenced to recover 5150 yo , for labor and material used in im proving a house in Kounto place. Allen MLCIoskoy sues U. S. Cavanaugh for $00 on a bill for work and labor. Slgmund Guthmau ot al , of Chicago , brings suit against Jo ickim Schmitt , to recover on thieo promKsory notes aggregating ยง 21397 , wade and delivered Soptcmber 18 , IbSl. The Swydu girl , Hosu Anderson , now m prison for stealing money from Ed Mauicr , was airaigned before Judge Graff jestcrday morning. Her plea was , "not guilty. " Bailiff Hunt had the distinguished honor of escorting ICosa back and forth betueen the court house and jail. She were u Jaunty hat and looked real saucy. A partial ruling was made yostflrday morn ing by Judge Wakcly on the exceptions argued before him last Satin day , in the Rob inson-Jones case. His holding was to the eftcct that thu hens iltcd by Robinson's at torneys formed no part of the record , and ordered them stricken fiom the docket. Tim cnso of Tappan , McKcllop & Co. , of Chicago , against Woolcy & Harris , is a suit to recover $50 , on a conti act which the defendants - fondants failed to comply with. Tlio case was put on trial before Judge Hopowcll , who ordered ft special venue of Jurors. Suit was entered against Jouihim Schmitt by Guthman and Carpenters , to recover S-174 ! lt , on small promissory notes. William H. Thompson sued 1C W. Gibson nndothetu for $15. , alleged to be duo on building material. John L Mills commenced two suits to fore close mortgages. Ono was against Adolph Kline and others , and the other was against K. Horwitch. Both actions were to foreclose - close on small amounts. Billy Miller , who was charged with assault and intent to kill , and who uas tuod before Judge Groft yesterday , was found guilty yes terday afternoon of assault and battery. County Court. Gustavo Kncssner was appointed adminis trator of the catato of Sophia Kacssncr , his deceased wife. Her will was also admitted to piobato. 'Iho following Judgments wcro entered up in the county court Coots & ifatton vs Knrll , judgment for defendant ; Peters vs Hollenbeck , judgment for J.16J . for plaintiff ; Fieo vs Bioun , judgment for 1S5 tor plaintiff. Judge Shields called the March docket and dunosod of cases as follows. W. W. Wallace et al vs H. W. Gillinan ; sot for trial on the Sth instant. John L. Miles et al vs B H. Cochinn et nl ; defendant given leave to answer in ten days. Star Union Lumber company vs Carl Hanuso ; Judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of S..iU 8- ! . C. H. Scott et al vs N. O. Brown , set for trial on thu 14th. Huns Lnrsen vs Nella King , sot for tiial on the 15th , G. D. Wi .itt vs M. F. Martin , trial on the lath. lath.K. K. T. Cook vs George T , Walker , leave to answer by defendant in twenty days. William Klliott ot nl vs P. A. Gavin leave toanswcr in ten days. Bishop & Whoislor Loan company vs Thomas Burrcll ot nl , judgment in tavor of plaintiff for SM.75. Herman Frcnklo vs J. F , Winslnp et al , dismissed. Doubt nrlKlitonlnc Into Hope , And liopo Into certainty , is the pleasing transition tin ough which the mind of thu nervous , dyspeptic Invalid passes who trios a course of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , which is nliko Incompaiablo and inimitable. In creased vitality , n gain In ueixlit , tranquill ity of the noi vos , sound nppotltu and sleep arc among tlio blessings \\hich it is within the benctlciont ixnyer of this medicine to con fer , nud It is not surprising Unit niter acquir ing this noiv dowry of health tha grt oful sick should sometimes utter their praises of the Bitters in terms bordering on extrava gance , "Out of the fullness of tlio heart the mouth speakoth , " mid the proprietors of Hostottor's Stomach Bitters have sometimes been obliged to suppress these oulogiums least thuy should bo accused of blowing their o\\n trumpet top loudly. For constipation , hllllousncss , kidney complaint and incipient rheumatism the Blttors Is also n deservedly popular remedy. Inilutalln Ciliiiluulity , , HAVI.IM , Wo-i .March 5. [ Special telegram - gram to Tun Biu. : ] Edward Vandusen , a soung man of about nineteen , went out shoot ing iesteuhiy , uccomp iniou by a friend named Holers from Kansas Citv , ICogers can led ills gun across his arm at full cock , and accidentally stubbing hU lee , trio gun was discharged , Tha bullet lodged In Van * duscn'B thigh , savoring a-i artery , ICogors came into tlio city after assistance , which was quickly rendered , but despite the olTort-s ot tlio doctors Yundunen died from loss of blood n few hour * uftor being brought in. AVoodnifTGrnnlto Quarry , I nm proparoil to ( urnlbli "Woodruff CTiiiilto in | > a\intr blocks , door sills ntid btups , or hlockb of moat any ilimontion nt cheap Ilirurou. Also liatidlo at my Lincoln yard till cliissus of cut atoiiu ( or any purtut tliostnto. Akk for ll < ; uro . Thuiuus Price , Lincoln , Nob. NO INVESTIGATION. Tlio County Commissioners "Wilt Not feliotv Up the Vnmlt Steal. The oonrd of county commissioners is still divided on the question of the ottr.u on the vault In the oftlco of the clem of the district court. Commissioner O'KcofTo ' proposes to have an Investigation , but Mount ana Ander son , It appears , nro fighting hard against It , Ask them what they propose to do and their answer invariably will be , "Wo don't knew. " O'Kcoffo has boon making strenu ous efforts to have the balcony In the vault measured and Its cost estimated by an expert - pert , out thus far ho has not succeeded. Christ Spccht and Gustavo Anderson seem to bo the only exports on that kind of work In Omaha , and both of them refuse to act. Tlio matter was referred three weeks ago to a special commlt- tco of which O'KcofTo is chairman , but so far ns can bo learned that committee has not taken much action as yet. Mount and Anderson , it appears , antagonize the Idea of employing nn expert , though O'ICoofTo sajs ho proposes to have onn if he has to bring him hero from Chicago and pay the bill out of his own pocket. Ho contends that they have admitted spending $500 too much on the job and Is anxious to see what they propose doing towards getting that money back In nn In ton lew , Turner made the statement that 5500 in excess of the actual cost had been paid to Pan ley , and Bald the latter must either refund It or forever bo barred from competing for Douglas countv work Mr. Mount nftcrwnrds s nd the Intel view was coricct , but he manifests no anxiety to have the matter looked into or adjusted. At the meeting last Saturday , when O'lCccffe asked what the board proposed to do in the matter , Turner movVl to adjourn and the motion prevailed. In this mannc'r the Investigation uas staved off. off."How "How long is this thinggolngto continue ? " nsitcd n taxpayer ycstciday. O'lCeeffo has char ircd that the balcony in the vault cost IMX ) Ho says that ho can show that it would bo dear at $ .150. Now why waslli > 0 of the county's money over uml above what was required paid for it. Some of these commissioners admit havjng paid $500 too much. Who authorized them to piv ono cent above the actual costf If they have paid $500 too much why may they not luxe $1,150 or oven $1,200 too much , as O'KelTo ' charges ! If they havn't done as is nllceed by O'KeofTe , why don't ' they put themselves forward as denving his charge and proving it to DO unfounded ! The fact is that thus fur , they huvo evaded all attempts at inves tigation. In this way they have led people to bollcvo that they are afraid to meet the charges. Can Commissioners Mount , An derson , Tui nor and Corrigan allow this im pression to become general 1 Tlio people will not stand it. If these commissioners are un willing to make u showing in this cnso , it will not bo long before a move will bo made in the courts to compel them to give an ac count of their atuwaidsliip. " There is a number of rumois lling around about members of this county boaid which , it is likely , will bo appreciated bv the mem bers when they are traced and found to ho well founded. California Cat-U-Ourc. The only gunrantco euro lor cntsirrli cold in the licnil , liny fever , 1030 cold cntarrhnl deuf ness tin d sere ejos. llc- fatoro the soiibo of tnhto and unpleasant , biciitli , resulting' from catarrh. l > .is.y anil pleasant to use. I'ollow ' direction's and u euro is warranted by all drusr- gists. Soml for ciroular to AUIiyi'INli MHDICAL COMPANY , Oi-ovillo , Cal. Six months' treatment for SI ; hcnt by mail , $1.10 , For sale by Goodman Co An Intcrmcdcilor. Tuesday aa mcorrigablo lad named Ora Hemming was arrested on the charge of va grancy , and his mother , a respectable lady , was compelled to appear in court and request that her wayward son bo sent to the reform school. Ono 1C. H. Howard , who lives next door to the Hemnungs appeared in court with lus wife in the roloof mtcrmcddlcr , and was promptly and justly sat upon by .Tudgo Bcika , who intimited that he was us bad as the hoy. and notified him to keep still. Mr. Howard retired in chagrin and imposed upon a BBB icportcr the story printed yesterday , bv way of getting even with the Hemnungs , who not long ago caused his arrest and line for building u yard fence on bundav. He told the reporter that the boy's parents kicked and abused him and diove him from homo. Mrs Heimnmgs savs that the boy has never been punished bru tally , and that she has tried her utmost to control him by coaxing , buying or in some casesforcing him to obey tier. But he has gotten beyond her contiol , nut ! she has been advised by her fi lends to send him to the re form school , which she leluctautly decided to do. Acliico to Mother * . Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways boused forchildren teething. H soothes the child , softens tlio gums , allays nil pain , cures wind colic , and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25 cents a bottle. Nlglit at Turner Hull. Last evening was "ladies' night" at Gor- mania hall , and a largo number of the fair sex with their escorts wcro in attendance to witness the sliillful performances of the turners on the parallel and horizontal bar and horse. The exhibition opened with a pietty oxerclso in calisthenics , wands bolng used instead of dumb bells. Then followed perfoi munccs on the various pleci-s of gym nastic apparatus Some of the movements \\oie graceful , sotno displaced prentstrength and others wcio ver/funny. 'Iho exhibition was a decided sucrcss , and was followed with a pleasant dance. The lonpost polo knocks the persim mons , and Bigelow-'a Positho Cure knocks iillcouffhs , colds , croup , hoareo- iioss , bronchitis , asthma , inlluon/a and consumption. Pleasant for children. Safe anil speedy. 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. John P. Boycl's Views. Manager John F. Boyd.of the Union Stock Yards company , on being asked about tno unfortunate killing of Charles M. Wood , Saturday , was suipriscd at the verdict of the coroner's jury , and said : "There can bo no attached to the company or unv of Its employos in tills matter. The man was clearly a trespasser , and moro than that , wo can show by ut least two witnesses that Mr. Wood had been warned to cct oh the track. The verdict will cut no llguio tiny way. Why the 001 oner did not subpoena the men who saw the accident , not ono of whom was Hworn or testified before the jury , 1 cannot understand. A nunibnr of men were on thu tiuln. Conductor Notion rotllled Mr. Wood to get off tl.o track just before ho was struck. Bnglnccr McLennan and Fireman Watts , of B. & M. engine No. 00- , standing Just above to take the train , must have scon the acci dent , and nio said to have scon the man hit , were not bofoio the jury. Bofoio any ver dict finding persons guilty of offenses should bo made ut least all poisons cognizant of the facts should testify , Au'ain , to weaken the foica of this singular and , to mo , unrighteous verdict , I huvo been Informed and bcliovo that the verdict-was written by a person not a member of the Jury. " AlliluuV ) Nisw HiUlrouil. Ai.mox , Nob. , March 5. [ Spscial to TUB BKE.J Albion is wonderfully alive over the proposed railroad that U to be built from hero to Not til Phitto , and to bo called the Albion , North Platte & Western railroad. The principal movers In the project nro Loran Clarke , of Albion ; T , C. Patterson , of North Platte , aud ox-SUto Auditor Babcock - cock , of Valley county , and Wilson Howltt , of Brolien Bow. Thu project is a practicable ono , and will bo a reality. Tlio towns along thoroutonio widoawuko and ready to taku hold and give assistance Cedar ICapids , Gicoley Center , ScoHa , Ord and Broken Brow , besides numerous smaller towns. An abundance of capital Is already assured to build and equip the road. i'lie Nuw York Bco-IIlvo , ouo of the lead ing dry goods stores of Albion , has changed hinds. Mr. Theodore D. Decker Is the now owner and uroprietor , and has largo oxpi'H- 0'ico In the business , and hosts of friends In Boone and adjoining counties. To the young fuco Poz onl'u C'oinol ion Powder plveafroslior charms , to t'u olil renewed youth. Try it. , MR , PULLMAN HAS A CRIP , How It la Fnstouod to the Ohonp StoopingOara. . ICE KNOCKING BRIDGES OUT , Tno Union Pacific Will Build to SAO Diego I'ocHonnl Notes nnd Goislp oT the Knll- > voy Worhl. How Pullman Got Control. The Insldo doil In which Pullman obtained possession of tha second class slccpcis on the transcontinental lines 1ms nt lost leaked out. Pullman has : i contract with the Union Pa cific , Southern Pacific ; , Santa Fo and Northern - orn Pacific for the cvcluslvo operation of the sleeping oar scrvico on thcso roads. The companies put on second class sleepers and did not regard that It was an Infringement of the Pullman contract nnd , although tlio second class service had been in vogue for n considerable length of time , Pullman ottered no objections Tinully , it occurred to him that the industry must bo a p lying one , and turning to his contracts lie learned that no class was spcclllod , and that he had the cv- elusive franchise. Arming himself with the contracts he made a dema-id on the various roads for the turninir over of the second class coaches. 'Hie latter could not do other wise nnd in consequence , without hesitancy , the Union Paelllc ahd tlio Sintii Ko at onto complied. YnUcrdav information was re ceived nt Union Pacific hundU.uters | to the elVect that the Southern Pacific haa re linquished to Pullman its second class scr vice , and that ulso the Northern Pacific would conclude similar negotiations in n tew dajs. TH HOUGH TO THH COAST. Tno Union I'uclllu Will Ilullil to Sun Diego. Tlio Union Pacific has at last gained nn en trance to the Pacillc coast , and its terminus w ill bu San Diego , Cal. About six weeks arothuSui D'ego ' , Ciuamaca t Histein road voted to issue S7.V)0 ) , 000 In llrst tnoit- gage bonds for the purpose of developing its system , This road is" a California enter prise , and the fact that this step was taken led to considerable conjecture in railway circles. H now transput's the corps of civil engineers whiih was dispatched fiotu tlio headquartoisof the Union Pacific some time ago was sent to this section ot the coun try nnd has now completed n survey fern n line from San Diego connecting with the present terminal ot the Utali Conti al. the latter being a portion of the system of the Union Pacillc. The Ulih Ccntril connects with the Union Pacific proper nt Ogdcn , and bv the construction of the road to ban Diego the 1 ittcr will hive un independent line he twccn the Missouri liver and tiio Pacillc coast. The line will icnuirotho construction ot HSU miles of track. The officials of the Union Pacific were reticent when questioned concerning tl > J mutter. Gcncial Mali nger Kimbill , however , udmitted that such a project \vns unitci wav , but requested that vice picsidont Holcomb bo seen. 1'urther inquiry developed the fact tint J.S. Cameron , first assistant to Picsident Ad mis , had consumnlntod the deal with the Califoi- mu company ) mdthat the work of constiuc- tlon would .soon , bo commenced. Ilcie- tofore , the Union Pacific had been compelled to operate jointly with the Southein , Pacific , connecting with that toad at Ogdcn. Ills no secret that considerable trouble was the icsult foi tbo reason that the Union Pacific had a strong competitor , the BUrlington , winch rcqtlueJ extra accommodations as retr.irds faster ser vice , tin ough coaches and direct connection with the coast trains. The Southern Pacific paid but little attention to tlio icqupstsof the Union Pacific , and m consequence the now outlet has rpsulted When the new line is built , sub gonohil offices of the Union Pa cific company will balooited at Sin Diego. Catricd Aivay. The Plutte river has biokcn loose fiom Us moorings and has again plajed sad havoc with the railioadbiidges tint span the strean. At a late hour Tuesday night the bridge at Columbus on the Burlington gave away to the picssuro of ice , and the stiucture , which is nbout two thousand feet long , together with the approaches , was washed away. The ice began moving in the stream about 4 o'clock i esterdav afternoon. The Burlington bridge gave out shortly before midnight , and only 11 vo minutes after a heavy fremht train had crossed it. The bridge was built on piers nnd was about , ton feet above high water mark. The Union Pacific has abandoned its bridge that crosses the Platte river at Valley and reports icceived at headquaitors { o the effect that u largo amount of ice is gathered there and the probability is the biidge will bo toin away also. This structure is also a pier bridge and , together with approaches , is 4,030 , feet long. The bridiro pioper is 2,107 feet in length. Although it is ten feet above the standard of the river , U was reported submerged this morning. The company nio ondcavorintr to keep the ice moving. Superintendent ICcssequie , of the Nebraska division of tlio Union Pacific left for the scene and was yesterday at work endeavoiing to save the structuio. Yesterday morning the Union Pacific ran nil its trains over the Missoun Pacific between Papillllon and Lincoln and the Burlington .ule ariangcnicnts toiun Its trains over the Union Pacific between Columbus anil C'en tial City. The Burling ton hi Idgo on the Columbus branch which gave away will entail a loss of about > 'JSOro Tlio threatened structure of the Union Pa cillc is valued at ? r5,00 ! ) A Duiiitti Tiu-irr. Yesterday the Burlington putinngiain tariff to apply between Omaha nnd points in Nebraska and Duluth. The tariff is the same as that on Chicago shipments. Hcrctofeic , the Burlington had no UrilT applying on Du- lulh shipments , nud thu latu which now cov ers Duluth was made only to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Tiic lutes on grain under the new system to Duluth will be from Omaha SO cents , Lincoln ' - - cents , and Kearney and points in the western grain bolt 25 cents , the same being the rate to Chicago from the given points. Han It Collapsed ? His stated that the organiation recently effected in Omaha that assumed the high- sounding title of "General Prolght Agents" has sunk into "Innocuous'desuotndo. " Tues day a meeting was to have been held for the puiposo to discuss the question of live stock trains , but , for some unaccountable reason , only two of the agents were present. Railroad Not CM. B. H. Barrows , chief of the literary bureau of the Union .Pacific loft to-d iv on u six. mouths' ' tour In quest of information for his annual edition. An empty Slat Jcar of the Rock Island was smashed injo , , kindling yesterday while being switched lu the Union Pacific jards. John ICoghn , 'attorney ' for the St. Joe & Grand Island , with headauurteis at Hust ings , is In the uty. General freight Agent Munroo , of the Union Paciric , has gene to Leavenworth where ho will incut witli the stuto railway commission to discuss rates on coal. 1C. W. Baxter , who was taken suddenly ill at the Millard Tuesday , Is reported con valescing , add his friends hope to see him out in a few daya. John S. ICnoc , commercial agent of the Nashville & Chattanooga , is in the city. W. N. Babcock , of the Northwestern , went to Chicago last evening. A caboose attached to a freight train on the Omaha load jumped the track at Brigg'p Station yesterday , aud slight damage re sulted. Demand a ilccolvur. CHICAGO , March 5. r. T. Whoolcr and Lucius S. Tisher , stockholders of the Pull- mini Iron utjd Siecl company.flled abill yester day asking for thu appointment of a icceivor for the concern. The company was formed In It&J with a capital stock of & 00,000. The complainants alleged that the plant had not been a success. The company Is now in debt (300.000 , of whicn $180,000 is owing to tha Pullman Palace Car company , which kept the Iron and steel company iunnlnr when it was in an insolvent condition. The assets uro anout f .OOO , consisting malnl > of thu plant. SODEN MINERAL PMIMS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT 50c A BOX. THE IIAUTMAN SCHOOL. tt Is Pronounced Both n PcHt-Itouso and n DcntliTrap , Messrs. Spore , Wchrcr nnd Sholcs , the committee appointed by the board of educa tion Tuesday night to Investigate into the condition of the Hartman school on South Six teenth street , will certainly tlnd a rich field for their labors. Clio buildings wcro thor oughly oxamlnod , and found to bo in it deplorable plorable condition nnd wholly unlit for the purposes for which they are used. Thc > stand on n lot extending from c'lf- tccnth to Sixteenth streets , near Williams , and the main building , which Is hi tolorahlo repair , Is a two story brick structure with basement and contains twelve rooms It was orlglnall.v u two room buildhiL' , but eight or nine yoais since was enlarged to nine moms , while nn annexe nf three stories , a single room to each story , was erected Immediately In Its rear There nro now in the neighborhood of five bundled children attending classes in HUMO bulldincs , and out of tlio nine rooms lu tlio main building only the four front ones me Jit for sohool purposes. In the Construction of the building no attention whatever could have been paid to hygienic or sanitary effect There is absolutely no ventilation , other than that obtained by throwing open the low windows nud allowing the cold winds to blow over the biro heads of tno little children , and this must bo done to avoid suffocation , oven in the coldest weather. The biseinctit looms wiili their seven nnd one h ilf foot ceilings , tire damn , nnd inustj , and the stench that permc ites" every nook mid eiannv , Alien the little ones hud died together , is something simpl.v appilllng- Tlio mephltic ntmosphoro of the police court Is the bie.ith of Arabia in lompirlsou , nnd it is \\ondcrtliat so many or the little pu piK to bo scon here , nt o watt and weakly , mid nlwa.vs in poor health. "It is suioh criminal noglieence on the part at the educational boaid and the parents , too , to allow this condition of thing * continue longer , " a gentleman who assisted in the Inspection this morning remarked to he icportcr , as they loft the building But this is not the worst feature nbout the Itaitmaii school buildings , and if a catas trophe , which would CKC'edin liotrors the lAmiam street calamity , would bo averted immediate attention to this matter is impcri live. I'ho so called IUIIICY , n niiwablo shell , is u veritable death trao To dav It contains , in its UUCP looms , something over one IIIM died and lift ) pupils , and so dangerous is the structuto.onsWeied ( hi MissWlntethe pi inci pal , that nt tlio approach of eveiv stoun , or the spiinsm"up of a sudden strong wind , she c ills nil nf the pupils out of'thesc looms nnd crowds them'into the iiiiiln building until the danger has pissed. The amiois tinea stonoi in height , the lower stoiy uncle and the two upper stories aic of wood it is built about u laiso Jam or chimney , and waicli is ovideiitl\ mainstay and s'ipport. In every loom tne w ills hae slu unlc nwav fro n this jam , nnd loft gaping llssuros nthwirt thorn to the celling , giving the budding un aspect of uncertainty calculated to mspiic fe.u in the experienced mind. The lowei story his buen braced at eich coiner with lion iods , but n to elllcieiicy thcic is much doubt find the ono avenue of safeU is in the aband onment and demolition of the vvliolo misci- able affair. Every hard wind rocks the budding , and duiuig the windstorm which wrought such disaster a month since upon l-'arn un street so decided was the swajing of this annex that school clocks upon thu walls of the uppar room stopped. This , too , it is said , occurrdd once or twice befoie. Another tiling should bo said about these buildings. They are totally inadequate to accommodate the school childien of the Haitmau division , nnd at tlio picscnt time , one of thu gradei , embracing sixty childien , is compelled to occupy u neighboring store room which has been tcmpoiardv rented for this pin pose. Miss White says that after the spring examinations the number of pupils will Mo gieitly augmented , and she is at a loss to know w hat is to be done. Everything . \hicli belongs to pure , healthy blood is imparted by Hood's Siiraiip.irilla. A trial will convince iou of its merit. _ _ CATHOLIC IMLGKIMS. Celebrate Mass in 1'nris and Cable the Cv-lrcfliIcnt and President. tCopHifufit I1SJ l > u June * Onrtlnn llnui't' ' . } PAIUS , Maich 5 { Now Yoilc Herald Ca ble Special to Tun BLr.J The great Amer ican pilgrimage to the Holy Land which left Hoookcn , N. J. , bv the steamship Wieland Thursday , rebniary"4 , arrived at Cherbonig yesterday. The pilgrims beirau by experienc ing some of the mlsei ies which accompany the modern boaier of the staff and weaior of scallop shells. The steamship had to wait for an hour in the offing. At length , how ever , a tug came and , with the American flag ns their talisman , the pilgrims landed. The quajs were crowded , and , although there was no cheering , the cordiility shown was very great , Dr. Salami , a venerable Amcr ican resident of Pianco , loceived the pii- giims , who wcro immediately driven to the Hotel do Laiglo and Hotel do Lntnliauto. Bofoio leaving the Wlchmd the pil ilms diew up an address of thanks to Cuptiin Bat ends for tlio kindness nnd couitcsy he had extended them tluoughout the voyage. Tlio members of the llrst pilgrimage of Palestine reached Pans safely and soundly at dawn this morning. Many of them will gather at the church of St. Vincent do Paul where Abbe Diddier Ciiatcllin celebrates the mass of Aduir assisted by rather James J. Dunn , of Meadville , Pa. Two of the chief organizers of the pilgrimage are wall known Pranclscans , Pathcr Chailcs Vissans , of Now York city , and rather J. J. Dunn. The latter gentleman was iiitei viewed by a Herald correspondent nnd said ; "Some of us may go to Lourdcs and join the pilgrims atMaisoilles Woarcpioud to visit Jeru salem and holy places us Catholic pioneers of the countiy and chinch of which we aio proud mcmbeis. Our llrst prayer will bo for those at home Just as our flist tclcgiams have been to Cleveland and Huirlson , they are : BvProsidcnt Cleveland , Washington : The Amciican Catholic pilgrims congratu late jou on jour successful administration. ' JOHN B. MvNMVo , Joins J. Di .s.v , Picsidont Ilanison , Washington : The American Catholic pilgrims congratulate you on jour ascension to ofllce. JOHN B. MtNNix'o , JAMKS J. DUNN. "Do the ! " you stop ou way "Oh , of course. Wo shall stay ten days in the Btcinal city whet o wo shall bo received by our holy father , Leo XIII. We shall also make u short stay in Naples , On our icturn to Pans we shall celebrate a mass of thanks giving , probably at the church of St. Vin cent do Paul. " _ _ Slot ) coughing at 011:0 by the immediate use of Dr. Bull's Cough Sirup ; " 5 cents a bottle. "f see a stur , Kvo's first whoso train" Comes the dump twilight that brlngcth pain. I ' 'or aches of linad , neuralgia , cut , ami bruise , i rj Salvation Oil , thcso you will lose. Halo oT There was a Masters sale of lands at the government building yesterday , one lot in Kails county being gold for R914.05 to sat- ijfy a foreclosure suit in the CMJO of Tully vs Hlldchrand. Some lands In Platte county Involved in thu suit of Maria Billing vs James Dlckeuson were bought in by tlio plaintiff for the amount of thu judgment , In- t-rest and coats , Three lots m Wymoro u'eic uUo sold forllJO ! , and were purchased > y Bonainln | Birch. Sleepless night ? mtxtlo mlsoniblo by Jut torHblo cough. Bhiloh's t'uro fa iio remedy for iou. For &alo by Oood- .nan Drug Co. FOR SALE , H10 ncrcs of land in Sections 13,11 , nnd 21 , Township 17 , Knngc 10 l.nst , "Washington County , Nebraska ; 2t miles northwest from Oinahfi.ntul 10 southwest from Blair. The land is well ivntcrcd , parity tinder plownnd fence , 1ms valuable inetulows , groves , five farm houses , etc. Apply to JotiK S. Hownx , ninir , Neb. \V\i. R. Ilrtwnx , OMAII , Kin. : TIIOM s DOLAN , on the Land. CHEAPER 4 BETTER THAN SOAP TRY IT -stands for "Gold. Dust , " i tiles ( lie laud iuul the sea. is one opinion , in which all Uo agree. Stands for Ittltor , which "Gold Dust" docs save * 13 the dirt , by its use. will soon leave. is also dcliffht , that each housewife expresses. the union , nilli which the orlJ , "Cold Past" is the saUnff , both iti time and expense. Is its triumph , since its ealo diil commence. QoLD lJST yASHING ] ? OWJER Has gladdened the hearts of a million suffering1 women , dragged down to sickness and misery through the arduous duties devohingupou them e\ery washday. GET R SAOlPUE At your fiiocer's and see what a saving you have fottniV. ( MADE ONIV or N. K. HAinoANK i. co , ST. LOUIS , MO. ) FOR PAIft IiiBtnnth stop's tlio most cxuucliitliiBpiitns ; m-vt'i fnlli to Rlvn ca'oTo the sufferer. I'oi Sl'HAINS. Illtl'ISCS , HAflCAUli : , PAIN IN THi : CIlllSP Oil SUMS. 11UADACIIB , lli'vedinsuiitlv , aiiilciiiKUvciK'd bj tukhig luuar'dlvajto W drops'in half u tuiuhlor ofvat r. \VrthUUAl\\rAYsai'ild'.b ) ! ' thesis no uettei CTHi : or Plir.vnNTIVU Of riJVBtt AM ) AQTTI5. Tor nearly a month I was not able to sleep , "out nttPruslngl'AlNEfl CEiFitr CosirouNu for tno di ! > 3 , In. INi I \ WIf ? somnla lied and I RvVnfr \ * strength return- Mll n eel. " K. n.hiimi , Clatibsen , S. 13. "I Imvo only a pirt of n bottle of Pal lie's Coleiy Com pound , nnd It has uitlroly relieved mo or filcoplessnes . from which I have surreieil 0reatly. " MHS 15. AoTcniT , rrorla , III. r.ilno'sColpry Compound produces sound and rorrcshhiii sleep. A phyRlrlan's prescription , It does not ( ontnln nno liiinnfuKlrnir. I.IKo noth ing clso , Itlsn guaranteed ciiru for sleepless iiuj , II illrec tloiiH uru Iilthrully followed. $1.00 MX lei } i oo. iiriiK'irists. Wn.i.s , iticiMHusos K Co , nuillugum , Vt. DMMONQ DYES H J outrfliiUf. . tmof I titutionf. " For i low tlmo I was so nervoin ana worn out that I tould not work. I tried many medi cines , hut none gnvo mo icllcf until I used 1'ilnu's culcry compound , which at once strengthened and Im fcoratcd my ni rves. " lUiiLKr BimciiAN , UurllngUm , Vt , Paine's Celery Compound quickly quiets and strengthens thencrvc , ulion irrjtutul or ueiikuitil by overwork , cicosses , , or shock H cures nervousness , head- atho , < l > spcmlaslee | > le.s8ncK.i incliuiUiolhi , and olhir disurilcrti of the ntrvoiH Tones up the Shattered "I'oi luoM.iii * I wnsn sutrnrer from nervous debility mm I tlinnk ( io < l uii'J Uiu illMoruicrot the MiliMblo remedy , that I'ulno'H ( dory Com pound Hired mo. fj.t unyoneiltn to motor udUio. " QKOnut ; W. IIOUTON , Htarnford , couo. tnralUt. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , " Mechanic * ' 2oo1a , FincJlronsc JJiitltlcru' Gomli anil Buffalo Hoalm. 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. C.1 Ue Maunr Ifnblt , ' Au fninUinrlnit'lir. lluliivn' Uoldvii MpcclQc. It ran be Khun In a uipof ( ollea or Inaitl- clfa of food , \\IHionl Ilio knoulc'dKU of thu pa- lout ; It H ul-.oiuiely harmless , umlslll tf feet u peinuin.'iit uniUpefd ) cure , whether Iliu jmtlunt l u moiluatu drinker or nn uRohol \jrock. I'l NKVI'.lt TAILS Otor ( OO.OQO ( Iriiiiknuli lunu been innilutomi > crute men ho havetnkcii ( lohlen Hputlllc In tlieli lollioultli. out then knoHlHdijw. und tadny bullevit they ( ( lilt drinking or thuln ouiiutcoid w jiij ( bookof purtloiilnirt fun ICiilin A Co. ii cnt IFth uml Doin-lim i < tM , Ihili and ( 'ninliii ; Miocti , llnmlu. Nub i C'liinell lllnua. Iowa : Atentn ; , A. I ) , rostfiA. llio. " " * < " * tnmtta H" A WEAK BSffi aB & TH ? Id caiKit ' youthful : . nn Wa - - n | Kgf error. . early cUwy , , * * . , , " " lt t n nliood , etc , t urtl ] ; ad a valuable trealisa ( tealod ) oontaloliig fuU for homa oure , frtto ot charffft. . V. JiOWXXU , WOOOD3. CONK , ' PEERLESS 0YES N NATIONAL BANK U. 3. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NSB. Capital 8100,003 Surplus Jnn , Jhl , 188 ! ) . . . . , 6OlX : ! ) OPUCHIS AMI uinccToitbi IIV. . VATI' , 1'roildent " > . ItKKii. VIra Pri'Sldnnt. W. II. 3 , Hutu i L3. Cashier , A. I' . Tou/.U.IH. W.V. , Jon * . B. an.r.iMi , J. N. II. I'Aiiuux , It. C. CiiHii n , THE IRON BANK , Comer Uth iuul I'urnitra Ht . A General llaiikJriK Ilujlnsn Tra luicto J. uud 'luut rt cured. cipirlcutr. liu UulTc. Krrc. 1U1