Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Closes With a Material
Shrinkage In Values.
Moderate Intercut In Onts Provisions
Kxjicrlcnco Another Hlinrp Ad
vance Cattle Generally Hnrcly
Steady HORN Itrislt.
t .CHICAGO rnonucra MARKET.
CmcAfiO'Mnrch 5. [ Spoclnl Tclccrnm to
Tun UEE.I May wheat closed yesterday
morning nt Sl.OlVQl-OUf. It sold down to
tl.OOJf to-day , within less thnn nn hour of
tlio opening , JocovcrliiK something HUe 2c
Inter , nnd closlns nervous wltliln l' c of Uio
bottom. Hutctilnsoii smiled to-duy fo Uio
first time in six weeks. Ho said thnt wheat
was worth as much to-day n it was when It
was tiuott-il nt 81.10 , but thnt its intrinsic
commercial value was about OOo a bushel.
Falrbanlr btnlcd llatly and umplmtlcallj1 that
ha had not sold nny wheat nml that ho Is
long n < * much as ever. Some of thu hears in-
tlinnto that ho "doth protest too much , "
but then the bears are chronically skeptical.
The belief is general that if ho has not sold
out nny wheat hU line Is less commonly esti
mated nnd Mint It cannot exceed -t.UOO.OOO to
5,000,000 bushels. A line of 4,000,000 to
5,000,000 bushels , or oven 10,000,000 bushels Is
not enougli to control this market ex-
cent tcin | > orurily. A .year ago last
June Harper and his crowd had over 42,000-
000 bushels bought nt onu tltno through three
houses , nnd the "taller" wheat must have
been half as much more. At the moment of
the collapse of the Ocal there wcro about
f8,000,000 bushels of cash wheat here. That
left trade short 2:5,000,000 : bushels to thocliquo
mid quita 20,000,000 bushels to tailors.
There may bo no great stores of wheat in
the country , but few in trade really doubt
that there is not enough to 1111 contrtiqts for
10,000,000 bushels , or that grain would not
como If prices were boomed. It is yet
eiirhty.fivo days to the end of May , and trade
in"that month is narrower than it has been
since last fall. The bears have imulo n can
vass , nnd falling to develop any enormous
short interest in May they have arrived at
the conclusion thnt thcru can not bo any
dangerous long interest after deducting the
amount of wheat in store. They feel en
couraged to believe , therefore , that the dan
ger of a corner has been greatly
overestimated. The foreign news was mildly
encouraging. The private advices were , tiaa
rule , rattier better than the public cables.
The foreigners arc in the market , but they
nro for from being greedy or panic-stricken.
They have no fears that they will starve.
Merchants nt the seaboard marlccts fail to
report any special activity in the export
trade. Thuso weak 'markets will probably
result In good business later. The other do-
nicstio markets were Idwcr to-day In sympa
thy with Chicago , but they did not break so
fnr or so fust. The dcclinn hero hao been
7o In three days. - May wheat oncncd at
$ I.03& and July at DO e , a shrinkage of o
in May nndtfo In July over the night. May
went to $1.0.yf(7Dt.Ot [ ( and looked strong , July
lirm up to Wc. ) May worked back to
uil : , and hung nround thcro for quite a
ile July in the meantime displaying signs
of great weakness. It broke Ic ,
while May drclincd ? e. When May
started , however , it made up for lost time.
Thcro was u plunge to fl.U'J , a slight pause ,
nnd another plunge to Sl.OO'f , July going
like u shot to 8Sc. These wcro the bottom
ligurcs and they were before 10:110. : Until
the bottom was struck the market seemed to
be "Absolutely wlliout support. A rally of Ic
\vAs the next tiling in order , followed by a
Ifa reaction and another J c rally. From
i < 1.01J nnd SUK" for May and July , respec
tively , the market worked down fraction-
nlly mid then rebounded to S1.03/V and OOJ c
lor May and July. The hist half-hour wit
nessed a gradual depreciation , the closing
being $1.01 % for May and KOXc for July , a
net shrinkage of 2 ! c in .tlio nearest mouth ,
nnd 15ffo la July. The excitement to-dnv was
largely local , the outside interest in wheat
not being very largo at the present writing ,
comparatively speaking. The splendid
weather nnd reported increase in the amount
of wlicat on passage , when a largo decrease
was expected , may bo said to be the under
lying causes of the weakness in wheat apart
from the increasing disposition to scoll at
the Idea of manipulation. Sit. Louis reported
n largo milling demand for wlicat there. Cal
ifornia , too , sent bullish weather advices.
The demand for corn was unnffocteaby the
Blurupy disposition displayed by wheat , and
. it was firm in the face of several other cir
cumstances ordinarily tending to troduco :
weakness. The receipts hero wore 23 cars in
excess of the estimates made yesterday , and
81 cars , or about ir > } < per cent of the total ,
were of No. 2 grado. Tlio exports also wcro
smaller than of late , nnd the recent heavy
HhipincnUi Boom now to be affecting the Liv
erpool market , which was quoted as "lead
ing down for American corn. " " Prom Now
Orleans there wore export shipments yester
day of 08,000 bushels. Tlio demand for cash
corn was' good at higher figures , and the
speculative offerings were light. Tno senti
ment of the local speculative element ap
peared to favor the buying side on tlio the
ory of comparatively low prices nnd the prob
ability of a sharp advance in the event of
nny untoward circumstance Interfering with
the prospects for another good crop. Thcro
wus a fair amount of business , and the course
of the market revealed a consldnrablo short
interest existing. The average of the day's
dealings was at and over 'Mo for May , tlio
closing price Doing 8l'@COKc , ut which it was
offered. The general market was j e higher
at the closu than ut the corresponding tlmo
In oats thcro was only moderate interest ,
with the room traders the principal operators ,
nnd but few outside orders received. The
market was heavy , with the principal options
ruling ) t < ! tu lower , through n lack of sup
port. A fairly large lot was thrown on the
market soiling it oft nt noted , as the bu'vers
wore Indifferent and wanted but little nfter
the opening. May declined to t7@'J7 ! c.
with a partial recovery later , while June and
.Ttily wore slow nt about a J o discount. No.
- to go to store shared the wcaimcss in the
ipcculativo market , selling nt 37.j@2Tg'c. }
Provisions experienced another Hlitirp ad
vance. The receipts of hogs wcro smaller
than was very guaerally anticipated , and
with the continuation of the outside buying
noticed yesterday the hull side had the call.
Trade was strong from the start and for all
descriptions of product the prices moved up
wltlt a readiness that made the professional
boars slow to take hold. The extreme outside -
> side prices touched wcro not , sustained , yet
the closings all around wcro at substantial
improvement ! ) . In pork the day's actual ad
vance was 17Js@20c , In lard 5@7i u nnd In
CiiiCAflO , March 5. | Special Telegram
to TUB UKK.J CATTI.C-- market to-day
was generally barely steady , with good cuttlo
in small supply and pretty fall demand. Good
fat i'.ittlo sold badly at about us low prices as
wcro ever known. Cholco extra beeves ,
14 ! X ! ( ( 4.59j medium tn good steera , 1,850 to
1,800 pounds , W.70@.05i : ) 1,800 , to 1.H.V ) pounds ,
taa-'oiaooj usa to i.-'oo pounds , , | y.oo ( < a-fU ;
Btcclcers and feeders , f a.S.'SQy.M j cows , bulls
nnd mixed , fl.STiQSJ.40 ; bulk , FJ.lOffi3.45.
lUxif HuBlncss wan brisk with an upturn
of about u nickel 011 prime medium weights ,
imch nn puckcro ran utilize In making short
ribs ; best heavy and light grasscra sold about
the BHWO us on Monday. Thu bulk of the
best medium , mixed nnd light mixed , sold ut
tf.K&GM.tiO. and best heavy nt W.tiSj one lot
of fancy at f 1.70. Light sorts sold largely at
H BO , and there seemed IHUoor no distinction
between 125 pound averages and 175 pound ,
both selling allki > . Light sorts , especially
Kght-lljilit , nro ' . .X'titOc ' lower than lust week.
Heavy weights now lead in price.
YoitK , March 5. f Special Telegram
to Tin : JH'.i ; . ! Sr < nis The stock imirKct
thin mornir.g opened with Increased activity ,
nnd ut { ruriiimUy lower tlgurcs , the declines
I'xlcmilnt , ' to K per cent. Hock island
nhuwcd n 1 percent decline , while Manhat
tan H timed elf at nn mlvum of 1 per cent.
Tiio Uut named blue ! ; , however , became the
we'nk feature of trading , and on largo sales
by .Iccordova , a largo professional trader ,
It yieldedJJf per cent. The German bouses
wcro buying Louisville & Nashville , while
the London brokers were picking up St.
Paul nnd Northern Pacific preferred. Mr.
Sidney A. Kent arrived hero last night nnd
Is nn outspoken bull , particularly on Chicago
Gas Trusts , Ho says : "Jt wlU sell nt 75 In
( ho near future , no matter how the courts
decide. It has n dozen charters or more ,
and is as much a physical fact ns the sun is ,
In my opinion Judicious buying of the entire
market will pan out good profits , but the
stocks to get Into are those which llavo lots
of merit , but which , ns yet , have had no
ndequato appreciations. " Western Union
continues to be In favor with conservative
bankers. President Green says the com
pany's statement Is not quite complete , but
that the net revenue will exceed the esti
mate by ? .V,000 ) , and perhaps more , and ex
pects the result for the current quarter to bo
S2.-H,000 ) greater than for the corresponding
three months last year. Manhattan was the
only feature in the market after 11 o'clock ,
nnd It retired 1 per cent further. This was
followed by n sharp rally to 10S , nnd the re
mainder of the list was inclined to follow ,
but the movements were very slight. Nor
folk & Western preferred became compara
tively nctlvo nnd declined 1 per cent. The
improving tendency nftcrwn.-d disappeared
and the market nt noon was dull and steady
generally at about the lowest prices of the
morning. The failure of the Heading Iron
works caused selling by the * professionals
durmi ! the afternoon , and the general mar
ket closes with a weak undertone. Oregon
Short Line closed with nn advance of 2J { ,
Texas Pncillc % , and Kock Island $ per
cent over the opening Ilgures. The balance
of the list shows n net loss of WK Per
cent , the latter for Mnnhnttnn elevated.
Thcro have been largo realizing sales of this
stock. TheY \ per cent dividend in scrip
was n disappointment. Pullman shows n
loss of 2Jon very limited dealings. The
total transactions amounted to 200,000shares ,
including Lnokawannn , 17,003 ; St. Paul.
14,003 ; Union Pacific , 12,000 ; Heading ,
28,000 ; Louisville & Nashville , 12,000 ; Ore-
non Transcontinental , 0,500 ; Western Union ,
7,000 ; Northern Pacific preferred , 8,000 ;
New England , D.OOO.
The following were the closing 'quotations :
MOXBT ON CAM. . Easy , at 2@ ( > per cent ;
last loan , -I per cent.
PIIIMB MEUO\NTILC PAt'en l O par cent.
STEUM.XO EXCHANGE Dull ; sixty-day
bills , H.SG ; demand , W.SSJf.
New Vork. March 5. Wheat Receipts ,
4,000 ; exports none ; spot , dull , nominally
lower ; No. 2 rod , 94 > fVZ'Jfic in elevator ,
% Kc afloat , 00 f@07' < fc f. o. b ; No. a red ,
UlJ c ; options more active , weak and J < ? ( %
lower ; March , QJC.
Corn Receipts. 1C3.000 ; exports. 08,0,10 ;
pot , fairlv active , and firmer ; No. 2 , 4,8f ; ! ; ( < 7 >
4lc In elevator , 4l@l ! ) c ; No. 3
white , 45c ; ui.trraded mixed , 40 @ 10K - ' .
Oats Hcccipts , 21,000 ; exports , 500 ;
spot dull ; options dull and easier ; March ,
! iO f@0e ; ! ; April , .ll c : TUnv , 15 < c ; spot.
No. ii white , S2K@yae ; mixed western , ! i'J@
82o.Coffco Options opened steady ; closing
barely steady aad 10 to 15 points down ;
sales , 80,500 bags ; March , ? tQ.SO@17.1U ;
April , $17.10 ; May , ? 15.80C < jl7.20 ! ; cpot Hio ,
strong ; fair cnrcoes , $18.75.
Petroleum Firm and quiet ; United ,
closed at OlH'c.
Eggs Quiet and firm ; western , 14(3)14Xc. ( )
Pork Higher and active ; now , $12.75@
j o1 :
Itl.OT' .
Lard Strong and quiet ; western steam ,
J7.27K ; March , $7.2 ! ) .
Huttor Steady ; western , 18@30c.
Cheese Quiet and steady ; western , 9 } < j
Ijlvcrnool , March 5. [ Special Cablegram
to THE BEK. ] 8iO : ! p. in. close. Pork
In poor , demand ; prime mess , eastern , 03s
9d , easy ; do , western , 55s easy.
Lard In i > oor demand for spot nnd fair
deuuuidfor futures ; spot nnd March , 35s ,
steady ; April and May , 35s 3d , stcaly.
Wheat In f Ir demand ; now No. 2 win
ter. 7s 8d , ilrm ; do spring , 8s , llrm.
Flour In good demand , 11s 3d , steady.
Corn In fair demand , for spot and poordo-
mand for futures ; spot , 4s Id , easy ; March ,
4s , dull ; April , 3s ll'tfd , dull ; May , 3s ll d ,
Minneapolis. March 5. Wheat -Samplo
wheat dull , irregular and lower than yester
day ; receiptsilOO cars ; shipments , ( W cars.
Closing : No. 1 hard , March , $ l.ll ! ; May ,
fl.KJ ; on track , $1.13 ; No. 1 northern ,
March , $1.00 ; May , fl 02 ; on track , 51.01 ;
No. 2 northern. ' March , Die ; May , 03c ; on
track. 'Jl } < c.
Milwuukon , March D. Wheat Easier ;
cash.OlJie ; May. 92c.
Corn tOasIer ; No. 3. 201 < f@33e. } /
Oats Kasy ; No. 8. white , 2727 > fc.
Hyo Steady : No. 1 , 44c.
Barliy Dull ; No. 2 , 5Sc.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.70.
St. IjouM , March 5. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 93 > < J@94)4c ) ; May , ! i5H' @ 5Ke.
Corn Hotter ; cash. liS o ; May , 30c.
Oats Nominal ; cash , 24 o ; May , 27jtfc.
Pork Higher at11.75@12.00.
Lard Nominal at $ i.75. )
Whisky -Steady nt $1.03.
Butter Quiet hut steady ; creamery , 2) ) @
20o ; dairy , : ! 0@22c.
Cincinnati , March 5. Wheat Nominal ;
No. 2 red. 95c.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , mixed. Sac.
Oats Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20@
Whisky Steady [ at $1.03.
HIIIISIIH City. March 5-Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , OOo asked ; May , 93 > c ; No. 2 ,
soft , May , 9lc asked.
Corn Quiet ; No , 3 cash , 2l > caskod ; May ,
25tfu bid : No. 2 white , May , ! ! 7Jf e.
Oats No , 2 cash , 2''c usltcd ; Alay , 22J , o
CIIICACIO , March 5. CottloUecolpts ,
7,500 ; market steady , lower on common ;
choice to extra beovcs , $ l.80@4,5 ( ) ; atcqra ,
fct.OOivry.OS ; stoi-kers and feeders , ? 2.25@3.85 ;
COWH , bulls nnd Inlxcd , $ l.25iiy.40 ( ; ,
Hogs Kccolpts 18,000 ; mnrnct strong ,
5o to lOc higher on all but light ; mixed
and light , $4.IO@1.W ) ; heavy , $ M5@1.70 ;
culls , $4.0ll ( ; 4.40 ,
Sheep Hccoipts , 0,500 , ; market slow ,
closing 5o to lOo lower ; natives , f3005.50 ;
western cornfcd , ? l,40@l.bO ; lambs , | 5.00g ( )
National Slock YnrilH. Rast St.
IjoulH , March 5. Cattio Receipts , 1,000 ;
shipments , 1100 ; market higher ; choice
heavy and nntivo ntccrs , < 3.71$1.8S ( ! ; fair to
good.f3.00@.90 : ) ; stockers and feeders , $2.00
( < ? 3.10 ; rangci-B , corn-foj , W.9003.50 ; crass-
fed , $2.00 ( < i3.00.
Hogs Kecelpts , 4,500 ; Rhipmonts , 1,000 ;
choice heavy. $4.55tt4.70 ( ; packing , ifl.45@ ; light grades , $4.40(34.00. (
Hnnsna CUy. March fi. Cattio Ho-
celjas , 8,000 ; shipments , 415 ; fi\t , heavy
steers , strong and a shade higher ; cows
strong and active ; good to choice corn-fed ,
t3.MK34.20 ; common to peed , $2.75 < a3.GO ;
stoekera and feeding steers , strong- and act
ive. tl.OOM3.20 ; IXMVH , $1.253.75.
Hogs Kecoipta , 7.200 ; shipments , 1.400 ;
maikct strong , iictlro and 2)tf@5u higher ;
common to cholcu $1.00 1.45 ,
Hluiix City , March 6. Cattio Hocolpts ,
050 ; shipmoiits.'iU ; market weak ; fat steers ,
fj.tt3,50 ; fcpdom , J-AiaSiW ) ; stockers
$ , ' .00(32.75 ( ; cows , fl.Wfts3.tW : c.mnors and
bulls , f 1.00QL7P ; veal colvos , $ ' 3.00@ ,00.
Hogs Hectiipts , 1.W3 : market strong
light and mixed , $4.20@4.27 > i5 heavy , tl.
Cut 1 1 u.
Tuesday , March 5 , ISS'A
The t > r < Jpt9 of cattle were the heaviest for
onto days buck , considerably over ouo hun
dred curs being on snlo. The trncie opened
with botchers' stock in good demand nnd
with nn nctlvo market , but while buyers paid
abdut steady prices , in some cases the market
was 5@10e lower. The prices paid
for caws ranged from $3.003.0.i ( , but the
bulk sold nt $2.25ii2.40. ( There wcro n few
hulls on the market , which sold for the most
part at J.OO@2.40. The hulk Of the butchers'
stock had changed hand * by midday. The
trade in beef nnd shipping steers opened
slow , with little life to the trade nil the fore
noon. In the afternoon the packers took
hold better , and with the nld of a good shl- )
plnc demand , the market became quite
active. Although the receipts wcro heavy ,
there were not many cnttlo remaining in llrst
hands when the trade was over. The prices
paid , like those for butchers' stock , were on
an nvcr.igo 5@10c lower. The prices paid for
steers ranged mostly from S3.00 to SUiO , The
supply of feeders was light , nnd though there
was some trading in that class of cattle , It
was mostly In n sniull way.
The hog mnrkct was nctivo nt an advance
of 5@IOc , mid the buyers wcro not long In
picking up everything on snlo. The heavy
hogs sold nt f I.C4.40 ! nnd the light hogs ut
$4.40(21.45. (
Tim market was active nt steady prices ,
and the buyers bought freely , taking about
everything that was desirable.
Oittlo. . . . . 2,400
Hoes . . . . . 3iOO :
Sheep . 700
Prcvnllhn * Prices.
The following Is n table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs..1.40 © 3.00
Prime stecw , 1100 to 1300 Ihs. . 3.00 QfU.OO
Nutlvo feeders . 2.SO < Y(3.00
Common to good cows . 1.50 ( ( (2.-10
Choice to fancy COWB . 2.50 ( ig.j.'JO
Fnlr to choice nulls . 1.75
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.40 ( if 4.45
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.1'5 @ | .40
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.35 ( ,4,40
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.75 ( S)4.25 )
Fair to choit'o Ncbraskas . 3.50 ( & 4.10
RcircBMitntlvo | Sains.
No. Av. 1'r. No. AV. Pr.
M MM 33.05 20 . . .
21 11120 2.00 III . . . .11(17 (
i 1250 ; u > o DO. . . . . .1218
2 1215 ; i.ici ( 40. . . . .1181
lou aoo is. . . . .12MI 3.2.1
14 11(18 ( 3.03 211. . . . ,10.- ! | a.2.i
i H47 : < , u5 r > 7. . . . 1274
18 1117 3.10 21. . . . 1283 3.37 '
14 ! 2JI 3.10 1(1. ( . . . . 1tlrj . ) . : ! 7i !
41 120. ) 0,10 11. . . . H..10
so 1211 : i.i5 is. . . . ! uii
1481 .
. . ' ! ! ! ! . ' ! ! ! : UG is. ! ! ! .11.11 3..V. . .
13 iKX : ) 3.15 20. . . . .1403 'J.CM
1005 3.15
3.15COWS. .
1 1051 2.00 12 1115 2 M
1 1IHO 2.0J 2 111(1 ( 2.B :
2 1040 2.00 ; M I a5 2.31
I 020 2.UO 24 10 I 2.35
3 WIO 2.20 .1. . . 112M 2.111
14 S21 att ) FO. . . . 17 2.i7 :
4 IKK 2.20 i : ! . . . , 1UO 2.10
10 1075 2.20 10 . . , , NXil 2.40
5 ? J 2.2J II. . . . 1U58 2.40
2J KKW 2.2-ilJ la. . . , 2.40
.1000 2.25 ! ! . 118(1 ( 2.40
1120 K. . . . . . . ; . . . HOB 2.40
21 112.1 2.25 1 XI 2.10
2 IU. % 2.25 li ! l 4 2.4(1 (
1 124) 2.25 11 ii2r 2.41
24 lO'-T 2.35 2.VJ
13 1012 - 2.2- . : ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! . ' 3..W
W58 2.51
2 I'M ) 2.31 .106'J 2.M
10 1U24 2.3) 4 . .1217 2.IX )
1 ! ) 1KII ! 2.-HI ' " . .1107 2.IM
111 10C1 2."i : ) 10 ! : : ; . 2.CU
J2 11UJ 2. 5 . .1170 2.63
J 1C ) 1.75 1 . 1820
i iraj 2.w 1. . .MM )
a 1210 2.01 3 , .1841) )
1 UIO 2.tO 1 . .Ui2J 2.33
7 l.-i2.i 2.10 1 . I'KO 2.40
1 170J 2,10 1 . .H17D 2.4U
1 1(1511 ( 2.2J 1 . .1710 2.4)
1.VO . .1800 2.1,0
1-17S 2.25 1 . 1U0 2. (5
4. . WJO .a > J 3.0J
415 2.G !
2.GhTAOS. .
J. . 2.50 1 .1023 2.73
1. . 4.00
n . 0(0 ( 2.7G M . . . 068
3. . " ' ' 2..S5 1 12W 2.W )
u. . ! ! ! ! ! . ! i'i7 2.87's ! 8 11U1 2'JO
2.80 4 U87 2. fl
No. Av. Shk. Pr. IIOC.SNo. . Av. Slik. IT.
l. . . . .2i > ( ! Ml * i.3i ) 71. . . . ' 40 4.40
08. . . .239 200 71) ) . . . . . .an 40 4.4'j '
60. . . . .3)7 11)0 4.v ; , 73. . . . . .SU 40 4.40 -
70. . . . .22J 2oa 4.y > f.7. . . . . .3iii KO ; 4.40
74. . ISO 4.'r > r.5. . . . . 281 1(10 ( 4.40
fil . . .2.7 40 4.3" ) (18. . . . . .237 N ) 4.40
filCO. . . . . .32J 80 4.115 no. . . . . .2i ) 4.40
r.7 . ICO 4.35 ' ' 4.40
cr. . . . . .2S1 120 . 'iiO ! 80 4.40
. . .324-120 4.ri in. . . . .2.53 120 4.40
. .288 W 4.5 : nu . . . ,212 120 4.40
. , . . .270 40 4. ! ! } D'J. . . . 278 40 4.40
Kl. . . . . .33J * .22 ! 40 4.40
r.y. . . . .2.11 210 413 .253 1.40
47. . . . . 374 80 4.r : > Ii8. . . . .192 120 4.10
(13. . - . . . : wo 210 4.35 115 . . . 205 4.40
1U. . . . . .101 2108D 4.i7'4 : lil. . . . 4.40
35 , . , .35'J 8D ' B5. . . . iSli 120 4.40
. .2(14 40 4.375 " .250 12J 4.4J
1C . . ll'O rji. ! ! .257 40 4.40
nl . . . . .2" > 8 U'O , ' ' .2.57 120 4.40
8. . " llkl 4.40 ns' ! . ! .201 40 4.42 ' 4
ftl. . ! ! 2VJ 120 4.4) 22. ) 40 4. ' ,5
' . . . .214 1ft ) 4.40 .240 W ) 4.42 ! ' ,
79' ; ; . . .21(1 ( 40 4.1) ) 7 ! ) . . . .1(11) ( 40 4.41
25 , . , . . .221) ) 4.4'j ' 7(1. ( . . . .220 4.15
04. . . . . .2Jj ' 4.41 70 , . . . .2.0 bO 4.45
HIIEC- ; : -NATIVE * ,
NO. Avo. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
70. . , . . 8U 8J.8J & > . . . . . 117 $4.10
fi7. . . . . 04 4.10 47. . . . . n 4.10
01. . . . . 00 4.11) ) Ii7 .nu 4.15
No. 1'r. No. Avo. Pr.
11M. . 8J.76 22r. . . f3.90
IJvo Stuck Noto3.
A lower cattle market.
Hogs nctivo nnd 5/3100 higher.
Sheep move freely nt steady prices.
The Union Pacific has not fulfilled its
promise as yet to reduce bridge tolls.
T. O. Shelly , mayor of Falls City , Neb. ,
has taken an interest in the live stock com
mission llrm of Hulls , Collins & McCoy.
The Uock Island announced to-day that the
road was in condition to handle live stock ,
after refusing to receive nny shipment forever
over a month.
Judging from the way hogs nro selling in
other markets , It would bo only natural to
expect heavy hogs to bring more- money than
light weights in a very short time.
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
HUTTKH Creamery Fancy print , 24@20o :
choice print , 20 ( < ? .i-j ( ; fancy solid packed , 18
OJlOc ; choice solid packed , 15 ( < ? 17c. Dairy-
Fancy roll , 17@l'Jc ' ; choice , ISMiOa : good ' 12
< $14ej low grades , 10@llc.
'OniiMiJ : Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12@
I'JJi'ci full cream Hats , two in lioop , 12 } ( ( p
llo ! ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 12 } ( ( i > 13o ; oft
grades nnd skims , 50c : limburger , 12M
12K i brick nnd Swiss , 14l5o. (
K os Strictly fresh , lO fillo ; cold storage ,
7 < Sc ,
I..IVE POOLTIIV Chickens , per doz , $3 50@ >
fl.75 ; ducks , J3.-5@.5'Jj ) geese , &j.fiOt 'J.lX ) :
turuoys , per lu , ' . ( ( ( BlOc.
Uitus eu PdUi.THV Chickens , per Ib , 0@
lie ; turkeys , ll@13e ; geese , Il@l2c : ducks ,
YKAI , Heavy grosser * , 150 to 203 Ibs , 0@
OV < o ; in ferlor calves , 50 to GO Ibs , 4@5o ; me
dium to good. 70 to 85 Ihs , 7@Sc ; choice to
fancy. 100 to 130 Ibs , 8@Uc.
VKnuTAW.KS Potatoes , Colorado nnd Utah ,
70 750 : Wyoming , 50 53 ; Nebraska and
Iowa , choice largo , 35@IOo : cnminontO(735o : ( ;
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , $3.25@.50j : (
beets , per bu , 55S.OOo ( ; carrots , 35 ( ( 40c ;
cabbage , California , per Ib , 'J } o ; parHiiips ,
50gUOu ( ; onions , rod choice , 50Q53o ; silver
skin , ( Xg75c ! ; turnips , 20jfc25o , rutabagas , 35
@IOo ; c.iullllowcr , choice largo , per doz , Sl.25
( ifl.50 ; good , * l.00@1.25 ; radishes. a5gJ40o :
lettULO , 25@30u ; cucumbers , $1.50f3.00 ( ;
strlnir beans , per box , $1.75@3 25 ; celery , 25
( i30o ; spinach , $1.50il.75 ( per bbl.
GAME Mallard , per doz , f3.0l3.50j ) red
head , per doz , ttijjfi ® 1.00) ) teal , per doz , if 1.75
Ari'i.KS Per bbl , fancy Now York nnd
Michigan , $3 50 ; choice , W.OJ@3.i5 ; choice
Missouri , fl.75@2.00 ; good , f 1.5Ugt.75. (
Fo in : KIN FiiuiTj ) Malaga grnpus , Kegs , 40
to 55 lus , lOu | > cr Ib ; bananas , i > cr bunch. 1 1.50
C'13.00 ' ; lemons , fancy new , : KK ) to iiOO s , f'1,75
OV4.50 ; cholcu old. : UX ) a , | .5'0 3.00 ; nrnngos ,
Los Angeles , f-'JSita.OO ; lUvcrsldes ,
4,00 ; Nuvels , W.00fl3.50 ; Huuuhilo ,
'oiuxiiKiiuiKS Hell & Huglo , choice. $7.50
© 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , $ u.50@0.75 ;
choke Jersey , * 3.00 ( < i3.25. ,
Nets Walnut * , 50r00c { peanuts ,
chestnuts , 4 < 3 > 5c : coconnut1' , t > cr 100 ,
0.00 ; hazlcnltts , B@4d ( tilckorynuts , small ,
$1 > S3@1.CO ; large , Wt riks } jiccnns- plain , ( R < ?
be ; polished , lSjJi ( : c'nltt ; > oud9 , ISc ; filberts ,
14c : Hrazlls , lOc.
HIDES Green salted , No. 1 , 5c ; No. 0 , 30
a > ? c ! calf , r. ( (5Kc ; dry Dint , Tx Sc.
IiiHxs Navies , hand picked , perbtu $2.10
( H2'20 , good clean country. SI. 75 2 0,1 ; offer
or poor stock , fl.00@1.50i California , $2.006 $
2.10.Cinnn Michigan , iwr bbl , $4.g5.QOj ( New
York , pcrbbl , e5.00i5. ( : > 0 : half bbl , $2.75 < i !
3.00.FnATiinn1 * Porlb , prime llvo geese , white ,
OriJ40c ( ; mixed with tray , 25@3Uc ; damp nnd
musty , Hxa-JOc ; nriniu llvo domestic duck , ' , ' 0
@ 25c ; wild duck , 15204 (
SriiiKmuT : Per bbl , 30 gal , choice , J4.00 |
lier half bbl , N.25.
PorcoitN Per Ib , H'cCj KffPJe ; common ,
Htisnv 1-lbfrnmes. choice white , 15Citlt > c ;
dark , 13 ( n4c ; strained , lll@12c.
Jni.UKs 4@t ) e perlb ; preserx-es , 10@lio
LUID So In 50-lb pkgs.
Miser. MIAT : OJ fif 7c per Ib.
Gro : ci ! ' Ijlst.
lioviscd prices nro a1 * follows :
lAiniNo ) ( Stark A , seamless , 2Jc ; Amos-
koag , seamless , 17 0 ! Lowlston A , seamless ,
lOc ; Auiorlcan , seamless 17cj burlaps , 4 too
bu , lloU4c ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , ! Mo ; wool sack , 4'Jc. '
Twis-us Flax , 20i3ij ( : ; cotton , 10'i@l'c ) ;
jute , Sc. FiifiTS Figs , In boxes , per Ih , } 4ff (
KVj ; dates , in boxes , 7ftlOc ( ; Loniion Malaga
layer . 'aisins. per box , $ . ! .5flff3.iO ( ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.30S ( > 2. : > 0 : now Valencia nus-
ins , perlb , So ; California loose muscatels ,
per box. $1.50@2,10 ; California Londons ,
IhSS , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , per Ib. ISo ; Cali
fornia pitted vlutns , per Ib. 12@13c ; dried
blnckbcrries , per Ib , C@7e ; dried raspberries ,
) ior Ib , 23 ( < f'.14e ; evaporated apples , 5TS ( c ;
17c : California French prune. " , I'Je. Medium , In bbls , $3.00 ; do , in
half bbis , $3,00 ; small , In bbls , SiH ) ( ) ; do , in
half bbls , $ AfiO ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , # 1.00.
UHsTii ( : > CoppBrs German , 24'.fe ; Me-
Laughlin's XXXX , 24'4c ' ; Ariosa , 2IUe.
Corriii : Green Mocha , 'J.\ f0c ! ! ; Hio ,
good , ISCill'Jc ; Mandahling , 2'C1J3L % ; roastini ?
Uio , 17ifil ( c ; O. G. Java , 2l ( < ( .2ic ; Java in
ferior. S3Q 23e ; Uio , fancy , 'JlGg'JSc ; Santos
nnd Marac.iibo , 17@Hlc.
SUCIAII Granulated , 7J7lsc ( ? ; conf. A ,
( ijfc ; xvhito extra C , OJ c ; extra C , rtJe ;
.vellowC , 0'4c ' : powdered , 7.a@So ; jubes ; ,
lJiiswvChoice : yellow , 20@J'i'ie ' ; dark
colored , 13@l4c.
ToiiAtco Plug. 2t ) ( < ? 35c ; smoking , 10@19c.
SM.T Sl.a'if5i.4 ( ( ) per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , 14Jtfe.
Mvi'i.n Sto VK Bricks , ll@12o per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12riC13c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , ? l.OO per gal.
SUCIAII Sviiui's 34 ( < t45c per gal.
, .
powder , choice to fancy , 40 < JJ5j ; jiip.ui , com
mon to medium , 15@'Jc ( ) ; Jnuan , choice to
fancy , 30@l5c ; Oolong , common to good , 25
@ 40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy. .Ml rOc ; Im
perial , common to medium , 23g3.c ( ; imperial ,
good to fancy. IOH50o. (
CKAUKIHS l'@ic per Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
f < E25e per Ib , ns per Ijst.
CASIJI- Mixed , OMOl ie ; stick , Ji@Ilc ;
rock candy , 10)Tf@13c ) ; fancy candy , 7M2sc : .
M vcsr.iii : ! . Faniiy.1 , Jt3OD@11.00.
Con FISH OJ Cfl ? Jjc.
( ( ( ; 7j < , c ner Ib.
Dry1 G > ods.
COTTON Fi.ANSni.s Wp'er cent trade dis
count. Unbleached L L , SJ < c ; C C , fijfc ; S
S , 7Jfc : K J3 , Sc ; G G , ! > ? , ; X X , ll ) $ iO :
O , llla'c ; NT N 12) ) ; A A , 14u ; D D , 15''c ;
TT , lijfe : Y Y , ISc. ; 13. U , 1'Jc , Bleached ,
CO , SKc ; O'i , 12j < cSO ; , 18 We. Brown nnd slate ,
5i , ! M ; 70 , l.'i j ; ! W , UK- .
( jAiirirrV tinUibbwhite , 19c : colored ,
22c. - . .
BATTSStandard. . , EcGcm. lOc ; Beauty ,
12J.fc ; Boone , 14c ; 11 , cased. fG.,70.
PniNTti Solid colors Atlantic , fie ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , O..jc ' ; Garner oil , ( ! (37c. (
PniNT-5 Pink and robes Allen , ( in ; Uiver-
point , 5 } < c ; Steel Uiver , C c ; liichmond ,
c ; Pacific , 7c.
PiciXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' ' c ; Uam-
npo , 4cL.odi , Slfc ; Allen , lie ; Kieliuioml ,
lie Windsor Eddystone 0'-e ; Pacillc
; , CJic ; , ; ,
PHINTS , Ixitino BLUE St. Lcger , SJi c ; Ar
nold , OJ c ; American. 0)ic ; Arnold U , long
cloth , ; Arnold B , long cloth , 10' c : Ar
nold Gold Seal , lOJ c ; Steifel A , 12c ; Windsor
ser , Gold Ticket. 10."Te.
GiNOiiAM Plunkett , checks , "Kc : Whit-
tenton , i a ; York , 7 u ; Norinandi dress ,
SJfic ; Uentrow dress , t > > .l c ; Whittcfiton ,
& a ; Calcutta , 8K = -
OAVIIUICS Slater , 5.1 ; Woods , 5c ; Sland-
nrd , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
Ellerton ,
Housekeeper , 8'io ' ; New Candidate , S c ;
Berkeley cambric , No. ( in , 9 > < ' c ; Bast Yet ,
1-4 , ( > % c ; Buttercloth , OOl 'o ; C.ibot , 7 > , fc ;
Fin-well , halt bleached , 8c ; fruit of Loom ,
bjfc : Greonn G , < > c ; Hope , "jjtKing ;
Pnilip ca'iibne , llc ) : Lonsclalo cnniurlc , Ie ( ) ;
Lonsdiile , 8J < e ; 'New York mills , ] ( ) > c ;
Pepperoll , 4i in , lU 'o ; Puppcicll10 in ,
llj u ; Peppercll , 0-4 , ! 5' ' < 'c : Pcppcrcll , 8--I ;
Ulc ; PoppcraU , U-4 , ' _ u ; Pcppsrell , 1(1-4. ( 25c-
Cuntoii , 4 4. 8J c ; Canton. 4-4 , HJ o ; Tri-
umpti , lie ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , r > e.
UIICHVX SIIURTIXG Atlantic A , 4-4. 7 } c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , OJ c ; At
lantio P , 4-4 , ( Jo ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , 0 ; ; Aurora
C , 4-4. 45 o : Crown XXX , 4-4. 0fc ! ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Ho.ul,4-4 , 7' ' c ; Liwronco
LL , 4-4 , Oc : Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5) < c ; Pep.
pcrcll J3 , 41) ) inch , 7 e ; Pepperell. 8-4 , ISy ;
Pepparcll , 9-1 , 21c ; Pcppcroll , 10-4 , 23c ;
Utic.i C , 4-1 , 4Xe ; Wachusutt , 4-4 , 7 > fo ; Au
rora It , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , Ci c.
FI.ASXEI.S , Pi.un Haftsmen.yOo ; Goshen ,
82'ic ; Clear Lake , 3 ( ! < c ; Iron Mountain ,
, .
FI.A.NNII.S , WHITE G II No. 2 , % , 22J c ;
G II No. 1 , % , 2JKc ; 11 II No. 3 , 22 > c ; B II
No. 1 , % , 30c ; Quccheo No. 1Sf. 1 . 4''c ; Quc-
cheo No. 2 , > : ! 7J < c ; Quechoo No , 3 , % ,
U2Kc ; Anawan , 32Kc ; Windsor. 22Wc.
I'YvxxBi.i. ' Uiii-C : , 24-Inch , ISJ.Jc ; E , 24-
inch , 21U/C / ; G G. 24-incn , 20cH ; A F , % , 2. > ts ;
J U F , M. 'J7c ; G , f , 2-ie.
DUCK West Point , 2l-in ! , 8 oz , lOJ c ; West
Point , 29-in , 10 oz. 12Kc ; West Point , 2'J-in ,
12 oz , 15u ; West Point. 40-in , 11 oz , l c.
Comurs Jiivss Androscoirgln , 7cICpar- ;
sarge , 7 fc ; Hockport , OJfc ; Conestoga , dltfc ;
TICKS- York , 30 in , 12' ' c ; York. M in ,
13) ) 0 ! Swift Ulvor , Sc ; Thormllko , OO , SJ-.c ;
Thorndike , EE. 8'fo ; Thorndiko , 120 , OJ < c ;
Thorndike , XX , lee ; Cordis , No. 5 , Hc ;
CordU , No. 4 , lOUc.
UIXIMS : Amoskeag , 9 o ? , W Everett \ ,
7oz , 13) c ; York , 7 oJ3) c ; Haymaker ,
SHc ; Jottrcy XX.llJ e ; Joffrc-y XXX , ri a ;
Beaver Creek , A A , I''c ; Beaver Creek ,
BB , llu ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
JUANS Mdinorlal , 15o ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27 0. ; Hercules. ISo ; Leam
ington , 2-i ) < fe ; CottsWpld , 27 > c ; Melville ,
25c. ' '
CIH&H Stevens' , B , ' SJ o ; Stovens's II ,
bleached , 7o ; Stovtns1 A , 7i o ; Stevens , A ,
blenched , SJ c ; StoVenii' 1' , 7 e ; Stevens1 P ,
bleached , 8 > fo ; StoVpns' N. 8 } e ; Stevens' N ,
bleaoueU , > ic ; Stcyctis' SUt , ll c.
.Motitl and TliuiLTH1 Stoolc.
Block tin , small pig. ' . ' , ! , $ 28
Block tin. bar. . . . . .V " 9
Copper , planished Uollef sizes 34
Copper , cold rolled. . . : , . . . . . ai
Copper , sheathing./ / . ! iO
Copper , pitts ; ; io
Copper , Hats , , 81
Gal. sheet Iron , Jurtiatiir > 0 , 10 and C
per cent discount' ' . , , ;
Put. planished iron. Ho 27 A 10V
Put planished iron \ J4to 27 13 < M
Hooting 1C , 14x20. ll Bheots O.iw
Hoofing , IX , 14x20 , itrsheots 7.60
Hooting , 1C , 20x2S , iWbheets 11.00
Hooting , IX , 20x28. US sheets 14.60
Sheet FroirNo.- . ; > 8.40
Sheet iron No , 27 8.5'J
Solder 14@10
Tin plate , bent charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 2iri sheets , , . , 0.60
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets' 8.r
Tin plate , eouu
1C. lOxU.Wislicots 0.25
Steel nails , per keg , . . , , , 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 2,75
DiMKXnioN-i A-U TIMIIUII 2x4 to 2x12 , 12@
10 ft , * IO.lJ ) ; 18 ft , * lT.OJj 20 ft , $18.00 ; WniiU
24 ft , ft ! 1.005 4x4. 8x8. 12 ( < ? ll ) ft. ? 17.00 ; 18u20
ft , $18.00 ; J 3l ft. eil.OJ : Poncing , No. 1 ,
* lll.5'J < jrlS.OO ; No.3 , f 14.00010 0(1 ( ; Finishing
1st jind 2d clear , $47.00 50.00 : 3d cluar ,
$ IS.OK' 4il.OO ; B select , * : )7.00@ab'.00 ) ; FlourIng -
Ing , 1st coiu.0 In'\V. P. , { 31.00 j ad com. , f 31.00 ;
3J com. . ? 'MOO : D. S20.00 ; common Y. 1'-
$17,00 ; Island 2d clear Y.P..4 nnd ( J in. 0,00 ;
J'osts , whltucednr , 12e ; red cedar , Iflo : split
oak , DC ; sawed oak , ISc ; Shingle ? , XX clear
$3.20 ; extra A , $2.bO ; standard A , * 3.CO : lath ,
n40Bhlpln : ) No. 1 , $18 ; No. 2 , $10.,0 ; No.
1 O. G. , $19 ; sldlni. . 1st common , $33 ; Sd ,
$ lfl ! 3d , $15 ; fence , $12.50 ; stock board * , A ,
$4(1 ( ; 13.511 ; O , $ ; ! 0 ; 1) , $ W ; bonrils , No. 1.
common , $19 ; No. 2. $17 ; No , { ) , $15 ; No. 4 ,
$11) ) ; partition , No. 1 , W. P. Jin , W4.UJ ; No.
2. $ -7.X ( ) ; celllnp , clear. , Y. P. , § 20.00 ;
clenr , nH Norway , $10.00 : seconds , 514,50 ; O.
G. bntts , K in. , COi ) ; O. G. halts , i < x3 In. ,
350 ; 3 In , well tubing. 1) . & M. , bev. , $ ' .200 ;
pickets , U. & H , EM 00.
lriijH hnil ChoiniunlR.
Arni1 * Sulphuric , IJfc , Cltrii',5Se ; Oxnllo ,
15c ; tartnric , 45c ; Am curb , 12c ; nlum , 2'ii , !
3o ; arrowroot , "Oe ; bnlsitin capalbn , WOC
75c ; borax , lOfinnc ; calomel , Mo ; castor oil ,
$1.05J1.10 ( ; crcnni tartar , 32c ; rorrsolvo sub ,
Me ) ; chloroform , 45'if5i. ( ) ; exl logwood , 12c ;
glycerine , 2lci gum arable1 , Ws\ \ gum cam
phor , T > c ; gum opium , SiJ.25 ; morphia sutph ,
$2.000(2.85. (
Oll.s-Bergamot , S2. : < ? 3.CO ; lemon , $2,00 ;
peppermint , $3 CO@35D ; wlntergreen , $2.40 ;
ollvo , SI 00 ; ( lUinlne , a"rf4be ( ; strychnin ,
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
S05 § oulli IJlIIi Slrcct , Oninliu
Dr. Schemincl has been Justice-
of the peace , vlco Christ Bauhus , resigned.
Nick Peters nnd Nick Donnnckcr had adls-
pnto while riding homo Sunday evening. The
result was thnt the latter received qiito | a
severe wound upon the head. Dr. Schemmel
is attending the injured.
It is rumored that the Bcnnmgton meat-
market has been sold to Nick Peters.
Dr. Ebcncr , of Millaril , paid Bennington a
visit Friday last.
MUs Annie Glandt , from the vicinity of
Allllurd , is vsltlng with her relatives , Mr.
and Mrs. Mangold.
Charles Michel is about to leave town. Ho
will start for Minnesota next week ,
E. Gllmore has loft nnd Mr. Delph Is
Mr. S. C. Brewstcr has rented the larger
portion of his farm , stock uml utensils to Mr.
E. K. Brewster.
The Ladies' Aid society will meet with
Mrs. .1. T. Otis , on Fflday , March S. Gen
tleman invited to tea.
Communion services wore hold at the
Congregational church Sunday , on confes
sion of faith : Mrs. II. O. Arrant was ad
mitted to membership.
Mr. N. G. Johnson 1ms rented the place
lately bought hy Mrs. William Daily.
Miss , Minnie M. Boris Is homo from Yank-
ton on account of sickness.
The social held nt Mr. J. G. Hennigloris
Thursday evening was a great success and
many complain that a month is a long time
to wait for another.
Two of Waterloo's entcrurhing business
men have purchased one of Omaha's chief
milk routes , and take possession nt once.
The sick here arc on the improve at last
Mr , H. B. Hennigcr is visiting at Arling
ton this week. _
Mill .Ml.
On the evening of the 23th ult. the ladies
of the village surprised .Mrs. Pcppenhagen
nt her home , and celebrated her forty-sixth
birthday. Among others , there were pres
ent : Mrs. Lemlte , Mrs. Charles Karlberg ,
Mrs. Bill Kaelbcr , Mrs. Von Dohrea , Mrs.
Ebener , Mrs. Km , Mrs. Melchert , Mrs.
Storm , Mrs , Harter , Mrs. Schaltz , Mrs. Arff.
The party had a very pleasant evening.
Marcus Uahdi died suddenly at the his resi
dence on Henry Kelsey's farm , at the ago' '
of thirty-two years , on Friday , the first day
of March. It is supposed that Mr. Hnhdi
died of heart disease , He leaves live young
children and a widow. The burial was from
Millard under the direction of William
On Sunday is the funeral of'Harry Mun-
stcr , at the age of twenty-live years died of
pneumonia. He had rented the farm of
Penry Posh , and was about to be married.
Miss Hello Canon returned to DCS Moincs
Saturday last.
Mrs. George W. Kingston of Omaha , vis
ited her parents last Saturday and Sunday.
John Saulsbury of Ansclmo , Ouster county
is visiting friends here.
Mrs. W. S. Canon visited her daughter ,
MM. H. U. Livingstone , at Calhoun Satur
day and Sunday.
The police court was in session two days
last week , cnnsldering drunk and disorderly
cases. Judge Canon presided and dealt out
justice in $5 and cost , doses.
By actual count thcro arc llvo aspirants for
Postmaster Goodhard's shoes , II. I. Mo-
Dougal , II. J. Holf , William Shoenbaun , H.
Uicker and M. L. llendrlcks respectively.
First place in the race has been conceded to
Mr. Rolf , ns ho fought and bled for his
country , and ho also has a string and knows
when to pull it.
George Gclston and John Lutz went to
Omaha Monday mornh g.
J. W. Fitch is getting a largo stoclc of ng-
iculturnl implements.
William Linden has n horse and peddler's
wagon and fttarlcd on the road Monday
morning to peddle.
Mr. Jaszkowlak hnd the misfortune to lese
one of bin most valuable horses last Satur
Joseph Jaszkowlak Invited a few of his
neighbors in last night to help drink u keg of
Crowe * ! ! .
J. J. King was in Scnbner on Monday of
last week.
The following persons went to Scribner on
Thursday to attend the second trial ol If Ing
vs. Fritz. J. J. King , Jake Homer , H.
Dlers , Otto Voaburg , Frank Hormel , Will
Shepard , James Burk , John Piilsiller , Will
Shcpard , sr. , and Mrs , J. J. King.
The school nt this plava closed on Friday.
The pupils presented thu teacher with u Jluo
autograph album in which each of them had
written a very expressive autograph to nhow
their esteem for the work ho has done for
them during the past six months.
There was n pleasant party at Mr. H.
DIcrs1 on Friday evening , Mrs. H. Dlers
had Invited some of her friends to spend the
evening of her birthday with her ; and C. B ,
Goodspccd hnd gathered together his pupils ,
for a last tlmo before hu went homo. Thcro
were forty-live or fifty present , A pleasant
evening was hud.
The weather Is unusually fine , but the
deaths for the past two weeks hereabouts
have averaged about ono per day. Mrs.
Charles Carter , of Blair , died last week
Monday and was buried on Wednesday. Mrs.
O. A. Pound died on Wednesday nnd was
buried on Friday. Mrs. S. Hunt , who 1ms
been sick tor some time with consumption ,
died last Saturday and was burled on Sun
A great many people were on the streets
Saturday , Mr. Swihart , the Kennnrd black
smith , being among the number.
Miss Culia Allboy's school nt DoSoto
closed on Friday. Mr. H. II. Herzog nnd
Mrs. Athan ulso completed terms on thnt
day. The city school closes In four weeks ,
The Frco Methodist revival Is still In
progress nnd a great deal of Interest is
shown. The hoodlums who go to disturb the
meetings need a lesson or two from the law.
A cllbordoruil condition of the stomach ,
or malaria in tlio hvbtem will produce
sick headache. You cun remove this
trouble by takinp Dr. J , H. Mof onu'ri
Ltttlo Lfvor anil Kidney Pillutu. Ji5
cents per vial. '
_ Agricultural implomonts. _
cilUltCHfiL I'AKKKtt ,
Dealer ! i Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Cnrrlnccs mid tuicBlp' . ,1nnc < rcct , tictnccn Wh find
Ktli.Onmtin , .Nt'
//fv.i ; r.n\\ K co. ,
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
lliifk'lioc. ! | Wliolc'nlo. Umnlin , Xc
M holonlo I'cxlor * . In
Agricultural Implements , Wagoiis& Bnggies
WI , ntOi nml ! * JT Jonc < Mrcel , Omnlin.
MnmitiKMnrcr * nml Jobln > r In
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Hews Etc ,
Cor.t-th Miit Pncillc Mri'ots Oniuhti *
Artists' Mntorlnls.
yi. woy/'f-//- / , "
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
l'ini > ouKti \ Ueet Omnlin , Ncbrn kn.
Boots and Shoos. _
ir. r.tvoRsfJ.vro. ,
Jobbers of Boots Hid Slices ,
1101,1KXI , lllij Dmiulin lroi > t , Omnlm. .MnniifnctorT
Nmmipr Mroct , llo lnn.
Conl , Coke nncl Llmo.
. - 7'f roiV6/o/ u.v" ? : co. "
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
aflSoiilli tltliMroot.Oinnhn. Xclrmta.
Mill ASK A
iipie s of Coal a it Coke ,
SlIHoiith 13tti St.,0mnlm , Neb.
Crockery nnd Clnsswnro.
fliltlflNS , HATCH A' LAl
Importer ! ! nml Joblicri of
Crcck'cr ? , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerwarc
Ktc. 15U Kiirnnm xtrcct , new 1'nxlon bull.llnu.
Commission and Storages
' '
'RJDDKL'L HtJiivniiLi , ,
Storage and Conniwsion Merc hauls ,
nltlo > ] - llitttor. cccs , < lire ipoultrjr , grime.
llUlliiwnnl Mrcct , Oninlin , Nub.
i st1 u noun .v co ,
Frounce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Siicco > ser < to McSliano A i-clirocilor. )
Umalia , NcUrn kn.
Dry Coeds and Notions.
Dry Goods , Furnisiiiiig Goods and Notions
IHK ! ntul 1IUI DoiiKlns , cor. 11th streetOniulin , Nob.
Imporlers ? nd Jobbers In Dry GooflsNctions ,
Gents' furnlsblim Ki'i'il * . Corner 1Kb and llnrncy
ptrcuts Umiilin , Ni'tirnnku.
UKLlXi TUOMPtibx A CO. ,
Importer" nml Jublicn of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
1'ith street.
ni : \ \ Er A STOAT- : ,
Wliolesale Dealers in Fnniitiire
Knnmm streel , Omnlin. Nclirnxkn.
Cmaha Nebrnska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
705,707,709 nnd 711 Houth lOtli St. , Omnlin , Neb.
McL'OIlD , JiJlADr A CO. ,
Wliolesale Grocers'
13tli nnd l.cnTcn\rortli ttruets , Oiuahu , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
H. wiiRon stock , Imrrtwnre , lumber , etc. 120J
and 1211 llnrney trc < it , Omnlin.
Wholesale Hardware , -Cntlery , Tin Plate ,
.Metals , chi-ct Iron. etc1. Aconts for Howe scalei.
Mlnml pow.leraml I.yimm bnrbed wire ,
A T.
Bnilfl rs' ' Halware and Scale Repair Shop.
Mocnnuics' too ! nnd IlulTulo ncnlcs. 1106 Douelas
street , Uiuiiliu , Nob.
Wholesale Lunilier , Elc ,
Imported and Amcrlcnn 1'ortlantl cement. Btalo
agQUt fcr Mllwuiikro tiydrfttillc cement and
Qulncy white llmu.
Oil AS R.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmler ,
Wood carpets and p.irqnot flonrine. ! 'th ' and Douulas
ttret'lti , Umnlin , Neb.
AHKinfls of Building Material at Wholesale ,
lEtli Ktrci-t nnd Union I'uclllc'rrutk.Ouialia ,
Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc , Yards-Corner 7th nn.1 Douislai. Curner
lUlliuml Douiilas ;
Liimtcr , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner t'tli and Douglai rit > , Uimihn ,
C. N. DIK'1 % .
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmhcr.
UtliaiHl California Blreels , Omaha , Nebraska.
Nlllljnory and Notions.
Impories & Johhers in Millinery & Notions
JJS , JlUunUVlVfoutli lltti street.
Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods ,
4(1.1 ( anil Ufibuulli lath tlruot , Uiualiu ,
Notions and Gents' ' Furnishing Goods ,
lia'i llnruvy ttrett , Oinnlia.
. , . _ . .j.
Wholesale Refined and Luhricating Oils ,
Ailo vrcaso , etc. , Omaha. A. II , lllshop , Manager ,
_ Pa por.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr a nice stock of prlmim : , irrapplrig and writing
I'nper. Hpocml atlsnllon xivfn toiarload order * .
Storagq , Forwarding & Commission !
' ' ' "
'jfjfa/.s'/v'OA'oi I'trrnx A'C'O ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
Urauc bouio of ihn llcnucr IlueiiT Cn , Iliiutlo at ,
ale and ruUH. l Jh , lllu. Hi : InirJkttucl ,
Umiilu , 'roluihonu | .Nu.J > ,
/.M fhY AC ( ) ,
Jobbcr4 of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Boots nnd Shoos.
Sucrc-'forj tolttJt \ , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Mamifoctorers of Boots & Shoes
Acrutn for Ilnilon UuMicrStiont'o , 1103 , 1101 and 1101
llarnaj Street , Omaha , Nebr * in >
STiUM A 1 I.Kit ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1UI North KlBhlrcnth Mrcot , Umftlin ,
Mannfaclnrwsof Salyaalzcl Iron Cornice
ow-miii and mrtnllc Xf I uht . John Kpcnotcr ,
imiprliMor 105nnd IIUMiuth lotliolrool.
c.-i XT ; / : / . FJ .v. i .v i ricn \ 'liixo "co , ,
Maniifactiireis of Overalls.
JCH.IK , I'nutj , tliltf , Ktc. 1101 1101 Doujilns Strctl ,
, .Soli.
Office Flxturos.
Manufncturors of
dee and Saloon Fixlnres ,
lnntloii. Slrtptinnnli. Hook Cn f , limit VI x lure" . Wall
CHIT' . I'nttltlun' , HfilltiiB , C < Mintcr . Hfcrnml Win *
( onlcrt * , Mlrniri * . Ktc- Factory nnd ofncc , ITTU and 1TJI
Poutli Mill 81. , Omaha , Tolftlinn | IUI. _
Pnpor Boxes.
JO//A * L. WlLKIti ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nus. lei ; add 1319 Mrcct , Omnba , Neb. |
Rubber Goods.
O3t AU A mm HER co. ,
Manufacturers a-d Dealers in Rnhlier Goods
1)11 ) clotlilnR and lenthor lieUIng , 1H8 I'nrnam nttoot
Sash , Doors , Etc
.if. A. , t co. ,
Wholesale niatiiitncttircrs of i
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , '
llrnnch olllce , l.'tli nnd Iinnl utrcct Omalin. Neb.
ix .u.i A * ; TFA
ManiifBCtiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
JtoiilOInc" , lnlr nor'x nnd Interior hnr < l wood tlninti.
N. U. curner Mil und Loavenni rlti streets ,
Omnlin , Neli.
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
A. L. sriiAtra A co. , (
Pninp ? , Pipes and Engines , ,
Btcam. wntor. nillnnr nnd inlnltiR Mippllcs , eto.
KV , VB nnU W4 l < 'nriiuin Btrrut , Omalin. '
Steam and Wate1 Supplies. 1
II&Mlday wind mills , iilt nnd 12) ) Jones St. , Omnba.
Cl. K. HOSJ , actlriKinaiiHKur. (
'KLL A co ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet-Iron work , ptcam iuimi. | , saw mills. 1213-1214
l.omi'mviirtli street , Umnlin.
Iron Works.
Carter A Son , Prop's. Jlnnufnctiirer * of all kinds
Steaia Boilers , Tanks and Slieit Iron Wort
\VortLs South ) th anil II. & M.cnls llK.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Work ,
inP" , brusi work , Ronprnl fonnilry , niaddnonnd
tiliicKsmltli work. Olllco nml w.irk.i , U. I' . Uy.
nml 1UU titled , Omu'Ki. '
Manufacturers of Wire and Iroi Railings
Desk rail' , nlinlow iinnnls , llnwer KtnmK > ilre Blgnt ,
etc. ia North tub flrvct , Oinulia. . .
Mail'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif Safes ,
Vaults Jnll work. Iron shutter * and lire escapes.
C. Amlrecii , prup'r. Cur. 14th and Jacksun Sti. ;
Iron nd Wire Fence ? , Railings , Gnait
and scicenB. for lmnk , olllce" . tnroi , rn.'l.leiiccs via.
linurovcrt nwiilnii" , locksmith miiclilnery nnd .
lilncksmlth works. 4tlboiilh llth bt. ;
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Onico llonm 21 , Opposite EtclninKQ HnlldlnK , Unloa
block You- ! , South Omaha , Nub.
OfOmaiia Limi-ed
, , t
'John K. llnvil , MiprrllUemlont. ,
Omaha ,
And Chicago ,
r e'T7ftaAS ' ! u * * forle Molnos , Manlinltnira
S3 HnS/n.iVlllltn / ? ? > .VllOn' t-1hlcmm. MIIwuukc.
A "yj"1 Kut. ! To tlio pnnple at Neliraikn.Colo-
" ' " " "
Arionic a few of the nnnu-roui points nt lupertorltr
VK,0 ) > . ? , " , by ' " P tron of tin. road l , twcen Otdanii
{ I , which . " * . . " " ? 'r1'.11' ! . ' > ' o'.HAT
are Ilieflneit thnt li'inmn art inA
inKC'nulty rnn cruato. Itn I'AI.AUKHIiKKI'JNUCAH ! !
I'ouncll Uliitr . tliotrnlnn of tlm Union IV-ltia nTN
Tny connect In unlun depot with ibniu of thii Clhl-
1,1".i * "Ortliwftilorn Hr. In Chlcntrn tlio trHlniof
Kiiilern ii'p. ? ° ° connection wltU tho.a or all otliSr
nunolli. Cincinnati ,
'v . Toronto. Munlronl.
, , on n 1JVTVorkl . . , , . , lliiltluioni , WRib-
115 points the Kast. Ask for tlcketn rl
A" tlcltrt
I ) . . Ticket
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. '
TlioBcflt Route from Omulm nml Council
DlufTti to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
8t 1'nul , Mlniicnpolls , Cedar Itwi
Kock IsUnO. Frecport , Koekfonl ,
Clliitou , DuLuque , DaTcnuoit , J
Jaudlson , Junt-svlllc ,
IklollTliioun , . „ ,
Aud all eli | r Importtut puluti Kut , Nartbeml , ail
„ . . . rloultieait.
rortbrnuBb tlikijU.cali "u tb tlckat ngi > nt > t iWl
Farimni tr ul. la llarkvr lilack , or at Union I'acltta
riilliban Blc | j ri anil Hit flntit l > lii < ou Ctrl la ( ! )
world Bra ruuuitb \ \ mala Una of lUe Tjiilcajo , Ml. |
wukto & bt , J al H llir y. and T Uvullunli | . I4
i Amffl ? reus'saV.i 'e'9'tl''uit'tta' . . ' '
J K 1'uUKiCXl , *
* * Avilitcnt GvnorAt Uftnitjo *
YAlln < t'.AUI'JfNTJCtt' tt"t"1 ' "
T. . ; .
4.T , CtAUb. U > n rii upirli t nil ui , _
VIGOR , lassfflj/KSB
\itf."r \ r-E-lhiU by tlio i.cvf
JSZ , i. BeniT ( ! < t our HI i'/.i '
tl.c , AtmimtOKiHUY
cuiol iiliuutt | > 3liii > rv4itiUin. |
olon-Dupru '