Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of Intcrnnl revenue yes
terday were $7 , < < 07.S1. (
Frnnk Hoknll paid Judpo Ocrka S-5
for Uio privilege of Imvlnj , ' rv Sunday
J. Wagoner hired rv faster horse limn
ho oxpecti.-d Sunday , nnd Uioil lot It go.
Ho paid $ > nnd costs.
A loik : was discovered in the water
innin ncnr the corner of Twenty-fourth
nnd Cuss streets , nnd the city oflicinls
voro notilled.
William Flynn wns run In ns a vng ,
° nnd Judpo IJorkn sonthlm over the hill
to see whether he could work or not.
] Io will bo hold On trial for fifteen
Two cases of woolens and ono of cl-
pnrfi , daimmcd in trunsit , are foointf ap
praised at tlio custom house. The wool
ens are from England and the cigars
from Havana.
Yesterday was the lOIHh anniversary
of the birth of Itoboi-t Hininot. In South
Uinulin lust nitflit the event was com
memorated by the Irish citizens of that
place and this city.
I'ormmnl I'nrntirnphH.
County Treasurer Holln Is in Hlttlr on legal
Mr. 1) . W. Klnu Colt 1ms returned from
Now York , where lie Ims been for two weoits
on business.
Norman Leslies of Leslie ft Leslie , has re
turned from n trip to Toronto and otlior
Canadian points.
Hnrry E. Moorcs leaves this nftcrnoon for
Kurope , where , ninotiK other tilings , ho will
visit the I'arii world's fnlr.
H. 11. PcrsiiiKcr , editor of the Ues Molncs
Mnil and Times , spent ycsturilay in the city ,
n tiuost of Assistant General Freight Agent
Cassidy , of tlioElKhora. ,
Frank Walters'
Frank Walters was reported as nioro se
verely prostrated ' 'osterduy than nt any tlmo
olurc his recent attack. Friends now doubt
Ills recovery.
Alioiit a Cnrper
The case of Orchard vs the Junior Order
Mechanics , In which the latter is sued for
not paying for a carpet , was tired in Justice
ICrncgor's court yesteailay afternoon ,
icnth of mi Old Ijrtcly.
The remains of Mrs. Emma Howe were
shipped yesterday to Home , N. Y. , for
burial. Deceased was 81 years old. She
died Sunday evening at her residence , HUG
Douglas street. _
A Dooinrd Den.
Clilcf Seavoy received a communication
signed by Councilman Adam Snyder and four
other citizens , protesting against the use of
n building on Ninth and .fiijiltson streets as a
house of prostitution. Tlio chief will take
measures to have it suppressed.
A Her Wrenched.
The horse of Simpson Mitchell , the driver
of express No. 111 , was thrown to the ground
yesterday morning ut Sixteenth and Uoilgo
streets , the ton calk of ono of his fore feet
having cauu-lit In the cable slot. The hoof
was p.irtmlly wrenched from the animal's
Foil Tliroujili n Scaffold.
TI. H. Allan , until recently with Cummings
& Nelson , on Thursday List , fell through a
scaffolding at the new building of the water
works company at Florence , and is now
lying at his homo , corner o [ Hebecca and
Nelson streets Walnut hill. His injuries ,
though severe , are not dangerous.
The I > eniiirrajo (
DTho case of the 11. & M. railway company
aeumst Harbor & Co. , commission mer
chants , for ? 200 on account of the commis
sion flrm detaining two cars , was to have
been tried in Justice Wade's court yesterday
afternoon , but when the case was called for
trial the iilaintllT took a change of venue to
Justice Head's court. This suit grows out of
the demurrage fight between the railroad
and the commission linn.
Ilaxter Taken Suddenly III.
H. W. Baxter , who arrived in Omaha Sun
day from Wyoming , where ho has been
laboring us assistant superintendent of the
Wyoming division of Uio Union Pacific , was
taken suddenly ill in his room nt the Mlllard
hotel yesterday morning. A physician was
summoned and pronounced his aflllrtion that
of brain fever. Up to Into yrsterday after
noon ho was resting quiet but fears are en
tertained of Inllamatlon setting it. His con
dition is regarded as critical.
Clinrcrd With I ; ' Uo Pretense.
J. W. Cooper , an abstractor , was arrested
yesterday on tho'ehargo of obtaining money
nnd personal property under false protensou.
Ho was taken into custody at the Instigation
of P. W. Hodson , who ( Hod a cotnulaint
against him last January. It is alleged that
Cooper attached the signature of I. M. Me-
Council , a real estate broker , to n promissory
note and gave n chattel mortgage on soma
abstract books belonging to the real estate
man. .Ho was arraigned ooforo Justice
AVndo , but as Cooper could not furnish
bonds , a constable took him to the county
Handsome la that handsono does but if
you wish to bo beautiful buy tno "IJollo"
Jane Hading veiling that I see in nil Uio
fancy goods stores marked Go cts to SI.
Alines in Mexico.
John A. MeSlmno , Low Hill , William Pus-
I ton , Jr. , Captain Uiistin , Cnarlos Halbach
and a couple of other gentlemen have- re
turned from n trip to Mexico which was
undertaken in the end of last January , All
of thorn look as bronzed as if they had junt ,
returned from n round-up on the urairlo.
Mr. McShano visited several gold and sil
ver mines in whlcli ho and otlior capitalists
of this city are interested. The mines are
Situated WO miles from Chihuahua , have
boon open for about six years ami now give
employment to about ono hundred and
twenty men. The proprietors have Just com-
plotcu a stamp mill with twenty stamps. The
run is about forty tons a day and the yield is
about 4U5 per ton. _
Wo m c n ' HxchaiiRO Iturclarlzad.
The Women's Exchange restaurant , on
Farnam , Sixteenth struct , was burglar
ized botwotn Saturday night and Monday
morning , The roar door , which was fastened
by an Iron bolt , forced opou. The door
leading out of the kitchen was next broken
in , which gave the burglars access to the
Bland In which the money is kept. The
stand wns removed to the kitchen , broken
open nnd $0.85 taken , which was the extent
of the cash on bund. Fortunately Miss Heos ,
the cashier , had during banking hours Sat
urday deposited $ iX ) . A spade was found in
the kitchen and the articles wcro strewn
promiscuously about the room showing that
the work was done by bunglers. The matter
was reported to the police yesterday but us
yet no uircst has resulted.
Oond-IJyo , Grnver and .Jolin A.
Inauguration day in Omaha was bright
and v/urm though a little broczo from the
north raised the dust on some of the streets.
Among republicans , the advent of the tlmo-
liquored party iigaln to the control the govern
ment was noted with satlafactlon nnd muny
congratulations wcru warmly exchanged.
Joint A. McShauo In his olllca ut the
moment the to nil of the democratic presi
dent caino to a close. At the same Instant
the term of Mr. McShano as congressman
from this district , which he entered upon
nfier BO great a victory , was coif eluded.
"What ofllco will you next aspire to ! " ho
wns nuked.
"Now. "
| "Aro you out of politics ! "
"Y "
' 'Yes , "
"W i't.vou run for mayor In 1S90I"
" \Q , sir , "
Acid IMiosplnUo ,
A Healthful Tonic ,
Used In place of lolnoni or lime Julco It will
hnrmonUo with such stimulants us uro ucco-
lake. ,
The Striking Tailor * Itcfusc the Mas-
torn' Proposed Agreement *
The striking Journeymen tailors yesterday
received a communication f rota the merchants
enclosing an agreement.
The document , after dwelling upon the de
sirability of pcaco nnd harmony botwccn the
two branches of the trade , goes on to say
that the masters will pay the Journeymen
for any nnd all first clais work done by them ,
full rates In accordance with the specified
rates for such work in effect la Omaha Janu
ary 10 , 1SS9 , being the same scale in ciTect
before the strike.
It is agreed , tlut the masters IXM to bo solo
Judges ns to whether or tint the work so
done is or Is not Ural-class or inferior or de
It Is further ncrooit that the masters shall
and will receive no dictation from the Jour
neymen ns to Its policy in management nnd
control of their business , nor shall they bo
bound to consider any supitcstlous or pro
pos.ils inndo In that respect by them ,
The next clause provides that the bosses
will not cut down sucn prices except In the
case of defective work , and then a proportionate
tionate sum according to the scale will bo
Tuo agreement also provides that the mer
chants shall have the right to hire other
tailors on Jobs where haste is required. It
also provides for the settlement of all dim-
cultlcs that may arise , b > arbitration , and
that the agreement shall bo valid for ono
year nnd for two unless one or the otlior
parties thereto gives sixty days' notice of a
desire to dissolve it.
The document us signed by Utickcrt &
McDonald. F. J. Hamgo , lid U. Williams nnd
llelin Thompson.
The journeymen pronounce the agreement
a "slave contract , " and in an answer sent to
the merchants tills afternoon , refused to
have anything to do with It , giving as their
reason for HO refusing , lirst. that they cannot
make n living nt the scale quoted , and for the
second reason , that the agreement would
talto aw.iy their rights us free bora mechanics
nnd make them slaves.
Tlmt Tired I'Yotlntr
Aflllcts nearly every one in the spring.
The system having 'becoino accustomed
to the bracing air of win tor , is weak
ened by the warm days of the changing
season , and readily yields to attacks of
disease. Hood's Sarsaparillais just the
medicine needed. It tones and builds
up every part of the body , and also ex
pels all impurities from the blood. Try
it this bcason. _
Mnrratc ! licenses
Following are the murriago HconsoT Issued
yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and residence. Ago.
I Edward Muhonoy , Omaha 'J9
| Luzic Hutler , Omaha 125
( Charles M. Hrouirb , Kansas City 4l >
( Cora H. Stephens , Ogden , Utah 23
( Patrick Cumin , Council UlniTs .T
| Hannah Uanahey , Omaha ! 22
j Samuel Leu , Omaha 30
I Elizabeth Frost , Omaha to !
I Fred Hramlcs , Omaha . ' ) "
1 Mary Ann Haarnian , Omaha 33
( George Morse , Omaha 21
1 Katie F. .Butler , Louisville , Ky 21
The sale of Chamberlain's Cough
Itemed ' isbecoming _ immense. The bc-
cret of it is that the preparation re
ceives a great deal of free advertising
from people who use it nnd lind it so
much superior to anything elbe of the
kind that they have ever used , that
they persuade their friends nnd neigh
bors to try it. It is certainly a buro
euro for colds and croup and a prepara
tion fully worth the popularity it en
joys. For sale by all druggists.
Strike at the Gas Works.
In the purifying department of the Omaha
Gas company's works there were , up to Sun
day , five men employed. The company do
elded to reduce its force , and discharged one
of the men. The remaining four protested ,
holding that the work was too much for four
men to perform. The company could not
look at it in this light and , in consequence ,
the men struck , received their time checks
and walked away. The process of purifying
is said to be ono that but few thoroughly un
derstand , and that It is quite probable that
the comp.iny will reconsider its action. The
men claim that the work even taxed the abil
ity of Jlvo men. Up to noon yes
terday , no settlement had been
reached , and the places which the
men deserted had not been lllled. The lat
ter claim to bo adopts at the business , and
are paid 51.75 per day.
Doesn't Ijilco Docs.
The following is another expression on the
subject of caiiino disposal which has been
received in this ofllco : "While glancing over
your columns last evening the heading
'Exterminate ' the Dogs' came to my notice
and I as a citizen , who has a perfect right
of the road , would suggest that some one bo
appointed to hunt down these curs , or make
these people who feeljdisposod to keep a aog
sco that ho is kept safely chained nt a good"
distance from the road. There ore hund
reds of the. e ferocious animals that have no
homo and are loft wandering about the
streets or barking after wagons , snapping nt
imssers-by , and in fact nro only n nuisance to
the community nt large. I do not know
whether It Is the duty of the police to Inter
fere In this case , neither do I kno'v what the
consequences would bo , If n man for self-
defense were to shoot ono of these curs. 1
should like n little ndvlco in the matter , a ?
my business sometimes kcepi mo out until
midnight and several times I hnvo boon
attacked by a ferocious bull-dog belonging to
some ono at n livery-barn on Saundcrs street
botwccn Charles ana Iard.
To the young face Pozzonl's Complex
ion Powder gives fresher elmrms , to the
old renewed youth. Try it.
The wedding of Miss S.illlo Newman to
Mr. Meyer Silver was celebrated nt Gonna-
nln hall Sunday evening nt 0 o'clock , Hnbbi
l.N. ; Hensou performing the ceremony.
The attendants wcro Miss Lena Nowninn ,
Hortlo Newman , Eva iJicnt and Gusslo Con-
felt as bridesmaids , nnd Messrs. H. New
man , S. Newman and James Hrown as
After the ceremony the bridal party and
invited guests partook of an elegant , supper ,
and dancing followed In which all Joined ,
and n very pleasant time wns had.
There wore about ono hundred guests
present , most of whom wcro rotated tn the
bride and groom. Some very line wedding
presents were received from relatives and
, Hoarseness. Sore 'J'liroitctc. ,
quickly relieved by Urown's llronchial
Troches. A simples and effectual remedy su
perior to all other articles for the snmo pur
pose. Sold only In boxes.
MnMrr Plumbers' Demand.
The point of difference between the Mas
ter Plumbers' association , and the journey
men is this : The former demands tliat , in
asmuch us the Journeymen request the inns-
tors to sign a contract to employ none but
union men , the journeymen should be will
ing to make a similar agreement to
work for none but members of the
Master Plumbers' association. Tlio
plumbers have bo far declined to
maice the agreement ,
A MtirdcroiiR .Minor.
Callahan's saloon oa the corner of Izard and
Sixteenth streets , was the scene of another
row Sunday evening. The principals wcro
Hughes Welsh and Frank Hiley , both youths
of nineteen. They were playing pool and
both being drunk a dispute arose. Ulley lost
his temper and struck Welsh a terrific blow
over the head with the butt of a billiard cue
which knocked him down and tore the flesh
from Ills skull for the sp.icc of nil inch.
Welsh was .stunned for several minutes and
Uiloy , thinking ho had killed him , lied in
terror. A physlcieii was called and Welsh's
wound was sowed up.
A. Mahcr , a Thirteenth street bartender ,
had n row with a customer named Stephen
Nowuerger , and beat him over thn head with
n billiard cue , Indicting an ugly wound. An
ofllccr interfered and Maher was Jailed.
Veterans Allir Sund ny.
William Glynn was charged witli bein g n
vagrant and suspicious character. "That's
about right , " laconically answered Glynn.
"Fifteen days , " said his honor , and the pris
oner took the sentence as though that was
Just what he wanted.
George Kccler , who gave the alias of
Marks , which he borrowed from u well-
known character in "Uncle Tom's Cabin , "
was arraigned for being drunk. Ho is n
carver by trade at South Omaha , but his
fucc looked ns though somebody had carved
him , a small section of his check being cut
out , and besides thcio was a slash on his
Jaw. He could not tell bow ho had received
his injuries.
Daniel O'Neill , of Norfolk , was so drunk
when arrested that ho did not know nis own
name , and ho gave the jailer the alias pf
James Duffy , tl'hd judge filled him ? ! 5.50. He
had but Just S5 cents , and lie boldly asked
the judge to allow himto go to Norfolk to
uct the money for his lino. The judge
smiled nnd told him to take his scat , \yhieti
meant a trip to the hill.
It cost 13. Johnson just Sl'.SO for engaging
in a drunken brawl. Jim Sparks paid $ T.M
Into the school fund for tlio banjo indulg
Jacob Wagner plead guilty to the charge
of fast driving and paid u Hue of $3.
William Smith admitted lie had attemotc'd
to intimidate the inmates of a house of pros
titution and was fined $7.30.
Pears' is the purest and best soapcver
Gnvc Them the "Slip. "
A prisoner at the central station named
Collins , who was sentenced to fifteen days at
hard labor , was set to work beating carpets.
The labor disagreed with him , and about
thirty minutes after ho commenced work ,
while the attention of the ofllccr in charge
was temporarily directed elsewhere , Collins
seized upon the opportunity and escaped.
Tills is the fourth prisoner that haS escaped
i nsido of u month.
Used by the United fitntea Oovernraent. indorsed by the lienda of the r.reat Universities
and I'nhllc I'CKK ! Analysts , n the SlronRcst , 1'urest nnd most IltaHhfiil , nr. Price's Cream
DakinfM'omler does not contnla Animonin , I.lme or Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious FlavortnpKx-
tmct , Vanilla , I.cmon , Orange , Almond , Itose , etc. , do not contain Poisonous Oils or Chemicals.
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . New York. Chicago , et. Loula.
ElectroMagnetic Belts !
- t
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ScI-
OenUemtn'iBelt Best KtlrntiBe Made1 and Practically Applied.
. .
r u. * .itcirtcii * iHtianiiw ran tH b appiicu 10 our pan ur TUB votiy *
me nuln mid niodtr txrmlitlon. WOJK the ( oIlowlnzTibo | I T htxn
> i-I.J. llo il nllt.B. r rk mnaj.M. HtiUtt.allon Uoanlof Tredt.Cblra-
iitmiu rui utiuv c. b arm oirc bnvw IUIR.CIC
ra. uoujtrs >
krnc BUT rxulilxlr cun-4
eoointh * vcrldnnmtlnji KM. kIU I and
itlnuout JCUttHo & Jfa HflM chroole oil * e of both texc * .
' . ' . > CoDUlDI IIS to KM ) Atann ot
[ ' 'nc. 1'owrrtul. . t ' * < M *
' fjT6. ( AVOldtl Xlcctrtcltjr. * 'W ' U > rtKU the
. > pec. rltntlne powrrfuldtt
BtUIClLItinkltuiLIln tba
lactrto Uuipeo.orlfi frw ) wltU il la llsiu.
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
AbsoSuteSy Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
slreiiftli nnd t Iiolc oniones . Jloro cronointcal
thnn tliu onlltiary klndM , ntul riniiot l > o gold In
comr.utltlim with tno inultltmloi of low coit
HliortxroiKlitulniti or jihomiluttn vowdors. Sol
only In cans. Itovixl Ilakitig Powder Co. , 1.1
WnUstrcet , New Vork
lie Land of
Santa-Abia- - Cat-R Cure
For Sale by
. Goodman Drug Company.
Aslc Your -Retailer for the
$3 SI3EOE *
According to Your Needs.
flu light and ctjllsli. Itiits llknn
rgtocMnB , and
O"lslEAKINCflN , be.
ng perfectly easy the flrat time 1C
* worn. Jtwlllfntljtv the most
bllOU la absolutely the
only elioo of Us price which.
lias ever been placed cx-
tcnslrclyon the market
Inv.-hlch durability
Is considered before
mere out
t. MEANS fc CO. , Boston.
Full Hues of tlio ubovo ulioca for anlo br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
Eppss Gocoa.
"lly n thnrouiih knowlodKO of the imtural law.i
whlcliKOreril uf duontlon ant nutrl
tlon.niid by u careful HpuilcHtlon of Iho line i > nUr |
tlt' of well-ifoluctefl ( 'ocnn , Mr. Kppa tin ) provldedour
breakfast tiiblojttltli HUolic.itcly llnvoroil huvoriuu
which may mire IIH ir.any lieitvy iloclorv bllH. His
by UHI judicious HID ot micli Hrtlclen of illct tlmt a
conBtitutlnii in.iy ho KMlually built up until stroni ;
ciuiUKli to rasbt every tendency to 11 nil-
ilreds of tubtle nislnciici lire lliintlni ; around us ruiiily
to nttftck wlieruvertharuK a wcuii uolnt. Wo iniir
< wc i > n inimr n fatal xlmrt by keuplnx iiuraclvps ncll
inrtlllod with puru bloxt nnd u properly nourished
JniinoCUII s-rvlco tin/ette.
MiilnnlniDly wltli bollliiK water or milk. Sold only
In Imil pound UnsbyUrocerslniielod llius ;
T AMP'S ' TJDPO 9 , ffl Hom'conatlilcCliomlsts
JMllDO IiirO a UUM J.O.MXI.V , UNni.A.s-u.
MKNT , ( iKUiirimteol Bjioclllc for IlyKtorin , Dl/.xl-
Ji .s9. Convnlilorw , . Klt < , Nervous NenrnlBln ,
Headache , NorvoiiH Pnistriitloii ciinaed by tlio
use of alcohol or tobacco , \Vakofiilneus , Mental
DcproKston , eofrooliuj of tlio Jiratn , rusuttln ln
Insanltv and leudlneto mUory. ilesay unit dculli.
1'icinntnre Old Ace. llarreiuissa , lot > a ot I'ower
In either BOX. Involuntary Losses and Spermat-
oilut'iicaused by orrr.exertlnnof tluiliruln.Kolf-
abiiso or overlmluluetico. Kacli box rontalni
( ino montli'H treiitmcnt. itl.tK ) a box , or 8lx boxes
for T.' by null prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure rmy caso. AVIth t acli order received by
us for six boxen , accumimnled nitli tS.lM. we will
.cnd tlie purcluiser oiirwrlttan Kuwanten to re-
Junil the money If luu tioatinent does not Direct
n euro. Qnuruntees Issued only by Uoodtnim
Drill : Co. , lru'ilstn ) ( , L > ! o Agents , HlO Kunmm
street , Umuliu , Neb.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary mjieru IllleJ.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
Arretitij discharges from the urlntry i
grinslii t-ltliersox ! : i < 1H lunirx.
it Is superior to copaiba , t'tibela , si
IliijectlonB , nnd free rrom all bit ! rat.iV :
I or oilier IncomeEleiiCfg.
/iniJCVandalliirinarytrouljles easll , .
MUnC I lyand bixfely cnreilLyDOO-l'lfllACttU-
ute , Bovcrulcuses puled In fiuven iluya. Hold
IliO per box , nil dniifyUtH , op by mall front Doc-
ura ilfi ; Co. , 113 WijTia Ht N.V , fulidliectloa * .
Hundreds of our customers will remember tlio wonderful sale of collars wo had last
fall vrhon wo sold those splendid. 3100 Linen Collars at 05c a dozen , That was something
never seen before nor since. These collars gave such satisfaction that wo have boon try
ing ever since to got them at a figure which would enable ng to sell them all the year
around for that price , but the manufacturers would not furnish them regular. We have ,
however , succeeded in getting another lot t'lis ' lime only turn-down of the same quality
of linen , but new shape. We shall olfer them at a special sale ou Monday morning
These collars are WARRANTED 2100 LItf ION , and of as good a quality as is sold b
other houses for 20c or lJ5c apiece.
In connection with this extraordinary collar sale wo will offer Monday morning a largo
lot of pure Linen CufUs , in t\vo of the very latest shapes , at G5c per halt' dozen or $1.2/5 / per
dozen. Tlie linen in this cull' is not of quite as line a grade as that in the collars , but wo
guarantee it to be of better quality than i3 fouu I in oulFs usually sold at 2 10 a pair.
In order to supply as many of our patrons as possible wo shall sell only one dozen
collars and cuds to each customer.
, We also invite attention to our laundricl and unlaundried shirts. We claim in this
department to give more value for less money than any house in the United States. Wo
ask the ladies to compare our three qualities of unlaundried shirts , which we are
selling at 'JOc , 50c and 70c , with any shirts sold by other houses for almost double the
money , and they will find them in quality and make e jual in every respect. The lanudriod
shirts at Gfic , 90c and $1.25 are fully as goodas those others are selling at § 1 , $1.50 and $2.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Chicago , Ills , ICIarkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
Is ctlil Treating with the Greatest
I M xa.T.-ir.i
Cbrosiic , Nervous aiid Priyatc Diseases ,
fry NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhauntinp Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil the effect !
leading to early decuy amlpeihaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-failing success.
ay SYPHILISanJ all bad Blood and Skin DU-
eases permanently cured.
* S'KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varicocele and all disease ]
of the Genlto.Urin.iry Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Orgins.
JfS * No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
JS3- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
B" Those contemplating Mairiace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , lx > th as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. friendly letter or call may save future sullcr.
inj and i name , and add golden > ears to life. & 3"Hook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors"socents ( stamps ) . Medlcms
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to la. Address
F. D. CLARKE , W. D.y
136 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL ,
nnd ninny times will prove to you a groa
OSM. You HliouUl not delay oven for n day
our eoniini ; to our store.Vo are making
n clenu sweep of our entire stoelc oi winter
foods. nnd wilt name you prlcej that will
nterest you.
of Trees !
ConslstltiR of Krnlt Trees , Small Trnlts , firnpo
Vines , Ornamental Tre H untl ShrtiljM , Kvrr-
Kreind , Hoses , etc , together. with nl.irge nssort-
went of Tt cos mid Soeils for plnntlntr
Timber Claims.
racllltlcs iinsnrpaHKo I.Vrlto for wholesnlo
and rutull list * . Address ,
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor.
For Sale or Trade.
Hosldenco property , oranga proven , town Jots ,
nnd duHlrulilo iiniiiiiirovt'd lands miltabla for
winter lioinet , for nuoor to tiadn ror western
iinpiovud raniilandrt , UorrespondencoKoHcllod
Orlnptlo , Florida
ICoom 03 Tradon'
- - Hugri < | 'ri r
Adapted to Eve'yKaeLlncnowC Sli "
Illu > Uat d C Ulogu free.
l ott r rrutiTltf ffiu HoLvwutr _
K. JIIBCOX , HUailrtiatrwmj. ( W.I llb.Kxw Vorb.
? AVrUUTI .W ILIUrtf V t U rk VCrl , AUUIT *
u 11 e ry ,
lools , Fine Bronze liuiltlcr. * ' ( land * nnd ntiffulo Scale * .
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
20to60 DAYS.
This is : i discnso which Ims heretofore
Ujilllcd nil Meilicnl Soienco.
Wo Imvo a Komi'dy , unknown to anronn In tlio
World outsitleof mill one that haste
to euro tlio most obstinate c.i os. Ten ilnys In
recent cini'8 docs the work. Itlstliu oliUlironlo
deep seatcu case1 ? tliut wo solicit. Wo have
rtiiud Immlrc'ilsvlio Imvo been abandoned by
I'hy&lLlnns. nnd pronomici'd Inciirnblo , nnd wo
ciinllanpfl the world to brliifi us a casa that wo
will not euro in U' sthan nl\tv days.
Slnrotho hMory of ini'dlclno true specific
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
vnsdlscovcieil , nnd wo nro justlllod In saying
It In the only Heuieily in the World tnnt u 111 pos
itively euro , uncnuso the latest Mc'dlcal Works.
published by tha best kmmn authorities , say
theio was never a true specific before. Our rum-
edv will euro w lien everything else lias failed.
Why wustojour limo and money lth paten
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor will
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should come to us now am
Kct permanent relief , you never can get It 'olse
where. .Mark what \\o nay. In the end yoi
must take our roinody or NKVIHl recover am
yon that have been mulcted but a xhoit tlmo
should by nil means como to us now , not ono li
ten of nmv cases ever get permanently cured
Many cetlicln and think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or three voars after 1
appears igaln In . . more horrible Conn.
This is tv blood Purifioi * nnil will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Itoom 10 and 11 , U. S. National ItiniK
lltiildliig , Omaha , Neb.
N. W. Cor. 13th Si Doclfiro Sts.
Appliance : for Deformities and Trussoi.
Hen facilities , npiiarntui mid nuncilltii formcccsi
tut treatment of arary form of dliotuu ruqulrlui
Weillcnl craiirclcnl Trootniunt.
Hoard and iittaadancui bent Jiujpftnl acconiaioln *
tlonnln the wuit.
W1IITC FulK.'lKCIH.AH' * nn Deformlllos mid Hrnro' ,
Trusioa , Cluli I'ect , Curvaturu of tliu Hnlnu. 1'llct ,
Tumors , Cnncor. Catarrh , Jironchlili , inhilntliin
Klectrlclty , I'urMynH. Kplleinr. Rhlney , divider
Kjrc. Knr , Bklu iinil llluOil.un I ullHiirKlcalnpcntluns.
Dluoaao3 of Woman a Specialty.
All lllooil l > lc/i i > s uccciifullr treated , Urplillltlc
rolion reniotuJ from tha njttviu without uioriiury.
New ruitorntlvo treatment lor Inn < < < Mini I'.iwer.
Porinni untiDle to flslt ui rnnr lie lr .itid nt hiirne til
rorreinondonco. AH connuuiilolluni coiiUuemlul
Modlcln > or InitnuuonU rtnt by mall urexpruiii ,
ivnurclr nncked , no irinrli tu Indlcito ciinttinti nt
cndir. Ono iiorional Intervlun prulurreJ Cull mnl
coniultui or aend lilitorj of your caio.una nv will
lead In J'lnln nimiper , our
Upon Private , Htioclitl or Nervous Discaiei , Innm-
tmcr,8vptilll , Ulect aud Varlcocelo , nllU qiieiuvn
Hit. AddiuM
Omuliu Mtilicul and f > nrylc < d Institute , or
Cor. 13th and DoUt'U Sts. . . . OMAHA , NKU.
( Sntccsiortt to John U ,
Undertakers and Embalmer
At the old staid , HOT J'inim S ( ' OriloM by
nollcitcd mid promptly attended ,
Trkphnno to No. U. ,
d-A. uixumiqu , ATronver. IT-LAW
121 Uearliuru St. , ODica/i > i Uimca fro-t ; II
bunueii < juuur aoj
\liS nndVO.MK.V aucccasfully trcatoJ.
Suffering from the clti'ds of youthful folllos nrlndli
crctloif , < ir urn troubliiil with Wi-alnem , NurvoiM
llcblllly , lxi"9 l ML'inory , lo < l'Oiiiloiicversion ' to
Socli'ty. Klilnojr Troubles nr uny ill i'iiiuol the tlpnl-
to-DilniiiyOwnii".ran licfro IMnl a nnfi ! innl npeedy
cure , ( "tmruea reanuiiable , especially to Hie poor.
There lire ninny troubled with too fu-micut ovacna
lions Ot thobinililiT , < itton nicoiiiliiiiiliil by a mivlit
eniurllnKOrljiiadiiKKUiisatliiii.iiii'l weakenliif of llio
sutern In n niunn'jr the patient oiinnol iiecouiit for.
On rxmnlnlnit tbo iirliiury Uuiii"lti it iop > si'dliiient
will nltcn lioloiiiiil.iiinl oiiieilmBs nirtli Io of iiljiii.
incnnlll nppeiir or the ciilor bo nl n thin , inllklnli
Innnxnlii cuiiiiKlim to a ilnrk or tprpld iippenrnnce.
Tlicri ! nro nmnv IIIPII wlioillo ot this illllli ully. miior-
nnt o : tlio rause. which is the Ki-ron I Mimu of noml.
mil weakness. 'Ilioductor nljl uniir.iiileoii perfect
inre In all nidi in-c .Hnil n luMltlir reatornlhm of
thoiii'nlliMirtniiryoritaiiH. Coii-iilUUIon fruu. hond
y-eent Bliinipliir "Yiiunu Mnn a tilt'iid , or ( juldo to
Wedlock , " tree lo all. Ahlress
U3 fc. SPINNEY & CO.
Main ntul lUth St. , Kansas City , Mo.
llTMciitlun this paper.
PATENTED AUG. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1089.
. oButraDtceil to cure llie fol-
iftloKlnc dlic&scl. namflr All
j-intheumatlo Complainti.
jJfLumbago , General nl ,
SfctNervous Dtlility. 3oi-
ijrr > tlvcne33 , Kidney Dlieiif *
S Cw5 ; Nervctuneii , Treinbllnj.
i'jv ' S'U ' * BcxualEihaustlon.Woit !
Indlteretlonj In Youth , Age , Bar-
reit i 7or rmi lllo.tralel | > nphlit , whltli III U
net you ID rl'ln ' I tn l p . Mci.ll.m ihli | | .f . r. tMitit
300 North Hroadway , UT. LOUIU. M0\
Owen'i Electric Belt Attachment.
Torn with cue Q < 3 conirort. The ur & \
rat > 1e ralld or .tronff. Till. 1. ttio onljr"
rlfelrle truii iQd Cl ! * frr mfcj. . II - - . . - - -
llnilurl-ln | fr .mi tn In 80 d.j. . tor full deierlr ll < " > 'I" ;
Oweo'a Flfetro OtlT.nil Itetl. Hln.l | Ar\uhtttVtuittto \ < l
Inioln lend Be. for r n Illnilritrl piBthicI ulilfli will K
cat you In r.Ula.rated'earcloi * . HolJ onlr l y In *
3OO North Ir0ttilv/n7 UT J-dUlU. UIO.
Surplus Jiumlsl , 1889 . 62,000
nrticKiis AND iiniscTtiiis :
H. W , VATI-H. 1'rosidciit
M : taS. UiiBii. V'lco I'realdent.
\V. n. s Jluoui : * , Caaliier.
A. r . Touz U.IN. W.V. Miiitsn ,
JOHN H. ( 'oi.MtH. J. N. II. J'ATIIICK ,
H. ( ' '
Corner Uth mid Karniim Sts.
A I Jink "if , ' llmlumi Tri macto 1.
Hojnarlcitblo for poworlul HyiiiiiUliolio |
tone , pliitblu iictioii niul nlj > , oluLo tlui'tt-
liilitv ; 'iO years' record tlio bolt guartai-
tcoo'f the excellence ot these lustra-
IKK : err
r l'V t7 iJ)3r''M"BiMiVii'iVii , Unllpnirli. I Kl't.Uo ?
IHrrlrle * * M/\ ltdlrretl/ilirowli ll wiak | rli , rector *
lolltu'lljtllullr Ub < ! TlKiro iKlrf.sib. Kle < lrll
I'urrrci " * ' Miti .t.itf tr orvrr liSUCOJa Mb
! J.tfTdHo | j.BMrf l Mptif | f t. and up. U' ill'flr * IB ILr.oiaenlL. . Htftlw. I tui Llrl4 . .tiltip *
_ „ VKNHVtlOVAt , TVAPfiKR are
gfVi ncc . ( uliy UM 1 tnonthlr by OUT 10,000
JR. " I ulles Atofiafe , ftfictviiliuul I'leamnt
Wtl | ii > rlKixlyiiiallor tdriik'Klktii..SVaI J
.ijnri'vulirf ( i ! jixilngii ptatiipu , Aditrou
TUB Kuuuu. CJIEMICAI , Co. , JJuruoii , Micu.
i"omile \ and / > / / HI ( t lllni Hoodtnti
Jti'iifi ( 'oiin < ilni , Nfln'aikiit
Physician and Surgeon