THE QMAHA DAILY BEE * . TCJBSPAY , MARCH 5. 1SSO THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , An Approoloblo Recovery In May Whoat. CORN MORE ACTIVE AND HIGHER. Open the Wcok AVItli a Htilllfth Tentloticj Cnttlo Slow anil VnlnoH AVonltcr Ilrlsk. CHICAGO PHonUCIS MAUKKT. CiiHUflo , Marali 4. f Special Tcloeram to Tun UnE.l The course of wlicnt to- < lay wna conforniAtory of the theory that the Inrfio lioldorn had not let go their grip nnd Unit the heaviest soiling Satimlity wni b.y the bents nn'l rnldors. Tlicro wus no pressures ol whcut o the market to-tiny except on soft spots , nnil the olTerlnKs then were very largely ol tin ) kind ilt'ficribecl nntl known n.i "short wheat" "speculfttlvo offerings , " the com- incrclnl writers call It anil It is character ized ns ' 'wind , " In tlrb parlance of the pit. \Vhcn wheat thus used as a club was boufilit In It was usually at a loss. The spirit of the foreign news was uncouraglni ; to the holders nntl the rapid coiisiiinptlon of the domestic stocks Is ulso consoling to the bulls. Tliaro nro certain little Irregularities in the values nt several markets of this country that they would like to see reconciled , but as the re ceipts tit this and other dear mar kets In the northwest arc not yet overpower ! tip , the bulls nro partially Uownhgnrted , but' tiiey can yet sco hope of higher prices. The recovery In this market from tttu point of c.xlrctno depression Saturday wus about 'Jc , May displaying rela tively the creutost recuperative power. The oprnitiK price was f 1.03 % , with 'sales Immed iately iifierwurdft tit $1,0 , ' ! % It then went to tl.QU } ( , wliurc good supporting orders were ntruclt. Tlic'mnrkot then soarc'l to * 1.0I % . This Wus within nbout : i half hour of the opcnluc. Fluctuations Hiibscipjciitly were wlthlnaraiiKoof ei.uWi'l.W : ' % The nmr- kot went below Jl.lM repeatedly , but It would not May there. Tlio nvorago prleo the last hour XVIIB above $1.04' and fjcnerully npcalc- ing the prhe : wai above fl.OIJ . 'J-'Ho close was S1.041.0I } . Tlicro was considerable ontsido busine.sR transacted in wheat , but it wns chiefly in July. The fluctuations in Unit month were from OOJf o to ! ) % . Tlio opening wus OOJjJo nnd the close 01 life , or identically with Saturday. May , on tie contrary , was J6@le higher , llutchinson was a good buyer early , nnd n seller nt nnu above $1.01 . Vennctt & Kent wore Uio most conspicuous and the larucst buyers of the session. The Now York people were also in the market on a moderate scale on the same side. The crowd is probably quite as certain to-day that the Falrbank party is in wiciit ai It was Saturday. That the Fair- bank party nnd dumped Its ° load. It now re mains to be seen it the major part of the short interest is net represented by the actual whent located within n deliverable distance of Chicago. That belief is hold by well informed men. The market in corn appears to bo pilnlng more Interest for the speculative element , nnd was to-day active , measured , -by the cx- trrmo dullness of two weeks upo. The foreign markets were quoted steady , al though a prominent shipper received n dis patch fruin Liverpool in answer to his in quiry as to the selling vulue of Chlcugo No. ! ! In that market , quoting the Liverpool price as equivalent to Me , whtlo it is claimed that the cost nt to-day's quotations hero would bo 51 > .fc laid down. There was a good shipping domain ) notwithstanding , and plenty of ex port buyers in Ne\v York nnil Huliinioro and n better fooling hero ulso. An increase of only 371,000 bushels in the visible supply wus regarded favorably by the bulls , anil only about 8 per cent of to-day's receipts beintr inspeeied into No. 2 grade , was also In favor of that side of the market nnd caused some covering by the shorts. The tone was linn throughout , but there were no now features. The local operators still continue to bo the principal dealers. The closing prices to-dny were from c to Jfo in advance of the cur rent values at the corresponding time last Saturday. ' Oats were quiet but stronger with n mod- "crato trade In May nnd June. Tno opening was steady , but owing to the desire to pur chase on the part of thn shorts and the rather light offering in May was gradually pushed P' < @ ! o to 2' < Mc. There was but light trading nt the outside , and with the urgent buying orders sntisllcd , the market fell back a point or two , with Juno tit about n ytc dis count , and the other months dull. There was n modornto demand for No. 2 oats to go The provision trade opened the week with n bullish tendency. Thcro wns no marked increase In the trading , though the business transacted represented a larger amount of outsldo buying than for any day for some time past. The large shortage in winter imciiing , combined with the good consutnp- tivo demand and the export movement , on the reduced Blocks for the season , is 'evi dently working a revolution in the general feeling regarding thomarkot. Outsiders are boirlnnlng to ravor the longs in their opera tions , while the professional boars consider It advisable to net conservatively for the tlmo being. The changes witnessed In the prices were all on the sldeof an advance. In ' iiork'tho appreciation established was " -KG l5o ! ; In lard 10u , and in short ribs ? % @lOc. i ; srooa ' CHICAGO , March 4. | Special Telegram to Tim UCE.J CATTI.K The market to-day Avns generally slow and values were weaker. The sales wore largely at ? 3.-IO@a.SO. Some early prices on good cattle wore stronger , but some good salesmen quoted prices S@10c lower on all grades. The western markets wcro lightly supplied and were stronger , but the eastern markets were In bad shupo. At Buffalo to-day the cattle receipts were ox"- trcmcly heavy. The market was the lowest on record for good export steers , which sold nt $3.7C@-l.2.'i. A few good to choice cattle sold hero nt l.25@lr > 0 , but the buyers were generally complaining of the poor quality of the otTorlngs. There were many fat and heavy cuttle lacking in quality , nnd Micro were HOIUO very heavy , but coarse cattle lacking in fatness , Thn general market to-dny was unsatisfactory to salesmen. Choice to extra beeves , $ ! . 'J5@I.GO ; medium to good steers , \SM to 1500 Ibs , f l.nojM.OO ; 1200 to K50 ! Ibs , fJUOCrf.TOO ; 050 to I''OO 11)3 , J.IHJ3.40 ) ( ; stackers and feeders. $2,20@3. 0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.80@inO : bulk , 53.aooa.-i n. Hous Business was brisk with an up turn of about a nickel on prlmo heavy , and n down turn of about n nickel on medium nnd llirht. The oulk sold at f I. B0@ 1.55 , a few nt tt.flo , nnd one or two lots at M.ft. ( Linht sorts sold early ntl.M and wcrt ) weak to ward the close , with rumored sales * at $ l.-ir > . FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , March 4 , [ Special Telegram to TUG Hi'.u.l STOCKS The stock murKot this morning opened tame , with 11 rat prices generally a fraction higher tluin Saturday's closing. Foreign cables wore dull and brought few orders. After the llrst hour the , room traders began selling the list through out , In the absence of outsldo orders. A general decline of } @ } ia followed , Man hattan , however , exhibited great strength nnd advanced HX per cent. The Insiders continue to talk very bullish on this property end predict 100 for It In the near future. Western Onion also exhibited renewed strength , and scored an advance of K I" " * cent over Saturday's closing , Later In the sosslou ttio foreign houses began buying Louisville & Nashville quite freely , Th o excellent showing that this company U mak ing from month to month niukcs a cash divi dend almost certain. The crnugcr stocks wcro extremely quiet. Walker's non-accept ance of the commlssloncrshlp Is a disappoint ment to the bulls , It U thought , however , that ho may bo Induced to accept. Thcro Is said to bo a strong bull pool la Northern Pa cific and Oregon Hallway and Navigation BtocVi , Camniuclc and his friends are doing but very little In the market at present. They have no outstanding contract * they 'any , either In Trunk Ifao sUnrea * or Coalers. The npriu - llkoVcatbor Is still futcrforlcg- with the coal trad c'morc than the companies caretonJmlU The commission pcoplc.whtlo they arc doing very little nt present , talk In n very hopeful strain nnd cx | > cet nn Improve ment In prices th6 earning week. Money continues easy , with no change in rntcs. Stocks wcro in good sunply In the loan rrowd. At noon the market wn ? quiet nt nbout the lowest prices of the morning. The following wore ths cloilnz quotations ! IT.H. 4s regular. . .l27VNorthern.rAclne. ! . 27i II , 8. 4scout > om. . .lirt'i1 do preferred . ( S ! ' tr.8.4'4sreatil r. . IU7VC.N.W . lKii ( tl.r'.4iscoiip < > ni..l07'li' ' tloprafcrrod , . . . .13) I'acltlclhot VM \ | N. V. Central . 1WS ! Central I'acltlo. . . . : il I1. , I ) . & K . 2" > 1 * Chlcairo A : Alton , 1DO lltock lulnnil . M Clilcago.llarllngtiin 0. . M.&St , ! ' . ( Z'l & ( julncy . t'W'.ido ' preferred . 0't It , , . * W. . , . . . .UiSt. ) | PiMiKY Omaha . Si'i Illinois Central. . . .11 in" dopreferred . KMS 1..II.&W . 1 Hi Union IMciflo . C7 Knn < taft & Texas . . | : i' W..St , I , . \ 1' . I3U I.nte.ilioroW \ , do preferred. . . . K4 ! MlchlRan Central . S'.iif Western Union . bfl'i Jll.isonrll'acillo . . . ' - 'VI MONBT ox CAM , K.isy , at 1 ! ' ( S1 per cent. PRIME McitcNftt.B I'AiMn trji pjr cent. SmiiMSo EXCIHNOR Dull but steady ; sixty-day bills , If l.b(5 ( ; demand , M.SS'f. March 4 , U heat Steady : cash , 51.01 ll-lCn ; ; May , Sl.Ol 7-10. Corn Steady ; cash , 83 13-lllc ; May , 3Cc. 3Cc.Oats Steady ; cash , 3.VVC ; May , 27VWc. Uyij-llfjc. Harley Nothing doing. Prlmo Timothj fl.O ) . Flax -SI. IS. \VhlsUv-fl \ .0.1. Pork-Firmnr ; cash , ft 1.4 : ; May , $11.0'J } , ' . Lard- Steady ; caMi , 10.82 ; May , $ f.n' . O Flour Easier , \vlUi decline lOo to 20c from last prices , Hulk Moata Shoulders , | . " > .2. ' > ( fi' . ' > . .174 ! ; short clear , $0.25n(5.)7 ( : ) } ; short ribs. ? (1.UO ( ( § 0.10. Htitter Quiet ; ; creamery , VJS27o ( ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full nronm choddnis , like ; Vonni ; Amrriciis , ISOIia c , - Kirgs Weak , with lower tendency ; fresh , 12 l'JKc. Hides Stonily : heavy Krecn salted , 5fiic ( ) ! ; light green Baited , r > J ® o'.fo ! ; green , -Ifijlo ; salted bull , 4'f&C-l ! < e ; green bull , : ij < ic ; green salted calf , ( i ) c ; dry flint , T iCSo ; grean suited kip , 4c ; dry calf , 7@So ; dry salted hides. 7e. Tallow Steady ; No. 1. solid packed , 4i < f@ 4Jfc ; No. 2 , 4u ; cake , fie. iCocoints. Shlmncnts. Flour , bbls . 7.000 7,000 Wheat bu . 4'1,000 ' 29,000 Corn.bU . lltt.ODO 120,000 Oats , bu . US.IWII by.OOO Now Jfork , March 4 , AVhont Receipts , 3,000 ; exports none ; apot , dull , . weaker ; No. S red , ai > fi.HKI' > fc in elevator , iir c afloat , 07K@93. c f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 02c ; options fairly active ; March , 9i3t'c. Corn Hccoipts. 127,000 ; exports. 149,000 ; spot , Hull but firmer ; ui. graded mixed , 41 @t44c ' ; options , Jlrmer , but dull. Uats Uecelpts , 5'IOOU ; exports , none ; spot quiet and unchanged ; options steady nnd quiet ; March , JiOJ c ; April , 31 e ; Mav , . ColTcc Options opened firm ; closing steady ; sales , i2,7f : ! > 0 bags ; March , $ li.S."i@ ( 17.05 : April , S10.SO ( . I7.05 ; May , flli.SOdfi 17.10 ; spot Klo , stronger ; fair carcocs , fl8.75. Lnrd Stronger ; western steam , $7.2r ; March , $7.23. Kggs Firm ; western , 14@14).fc. I'ork Quiet but strong. Petroleum Firm nnd fairly active ; United , closed tit 9J c. Uuttor Steady ; creamery , new , ! C@lSc ; , Cheese Quiet and unchanged ; western , tit. Ijonii. March 4. Wheat Higher ; cash , 9-l@r.i | ' o ; May , JJ ( jfc. Corn-Cash , Sr.jfc ; May , liO c. Oats Firmer ; cash , 25c ; May , 27eC. Pork Quiet at $11.75. Lard Dull at $15.70. Whisky Steady. Huttcr Firm ; creamery , 24(3 ( Go ; dairy , 20@2c. Mitinonpolls. March 4. Wheat Sample wheat nbout steady ; receipts , 278 cars ; shipments , OL cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March , J1.15K ; May , $1.173 $ ; on track , $1.15 ( 1.10 ; No. 1 northern , March , $1.03 ; Mav , ? 1.0 Kj on track , $1.03u ( > 1.05 ; No. 'J northern. March , 93c ; May , 05c ; on track , Oincliinntl. March 4. Wheat Dull and nominal ; No. 2 red , 95c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , 33c. Oats Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 2oJ < J@2Jc. Whisky Steady at $1.03. March --Wheat Weaker KmiMiH City. - - ; No. 2 red , cash , Ulo asked ; May , S)2c ) bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 cash , 2Jc bid ; May , 2Cc asked. Oats No. 2 cash , 21c asked ; June , 23o uskoJ. lilVK STOCit. CHICAOO , March 4. Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market weak and trade slow ; choice to extra beeves , frl,35@l.iO ! ; steers , $2.t'04.00 ( ! ; stockers ana feeders , $2.20@3.yO ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , St.fiOiW3.10. Hogs Uecolpts 20,000 : market stronger for heavy , light weaker ; mixed , S4.40Qgl.G- > ; light and heavy , S4.40@J.t ; pigs , 5-1.70. Sheep Receipts , 7,000 ; market steady but rather weak ; natives , J3.7iil5.10 ( ; wes tern cornfcd4.50@l 85 : lambs , * ! .70 ( ji.50. ( The Drovers' Journal cahlogram quotes demand very weak. Host cattle , 12) e esti mated dead weight. National Slock Iia it St. LoulH , March 4. Cattle Receipts , 900 ; ftlflpments , 100 ; market strong ; choice heavy and native steers , $3.(50 ( < i51.iO : ; fair to good , $3,00@i.liU : ; stockers nnd feeders , $1.90 M3.1X ) ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.90@3.-10 ; grass- fed , f2.00@.i00. ! Hogs Kocolpts , 2,900 ; shipments , 000 ; market higher ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , ? 4.f 054.75 ; packing , ? 4.y3@4.55 ; light grades , 1.4G4.0" . KanstiH City. March 4. Cattle Re ceipts , 1,800 ; shipments , none ; market strong and active ; cows llrm nnd 5@10o higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $3.90@4.20 ; common to medium , $2.75@3.r 0 ; stockcm nnd feeding steers , $1.00j3.20 ( ; cows , ? 1.25@ 2.70. 2.70.Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 112 ; market strong nnd active nnd 5u higher ; common to choice $ l.20'iit.22K. Sioux City , March 4. Cattle Receipts , 130 ; shipments , none ; fnt steers , $2.UO@ 3.50 ; feeders , $3.25@2.yO ; stockers , $2.00 2.75 : cows , $ lGOii3.lX ( ) ; cnnnorn and bulls. fl.00i1.75 ( ; venl calves , f3.0J@1.00. Hogs Receipts , Ii2. > ; market So higher , light and mixed , W.20@l.27 > ; heavy , ? ,27 Qi I.UO. 03IAUA LIViJ SCOO1C Onttlo. Monday , March 4 , 1SSW. There was inoro "got up nnd gut" to the market to-day than thcro has been for n long time. The buyers nctea us If they wanted some cntllo and they got out In the morning nnd bought them. Dressed beef and ship ping steers , as well ns butchers' stock , wcro In tictlvo demand , and for the first time In a long while the cattle wore about all sold before - fore midday. The market was no higher , but It wns fully steady nnd the Increased ac tivity caused a much better feeling to pre vail in the trade. There wore some very good cattle hero , and ns high an (3.SO was putd for steers and fj.75 for cows. Feeders wort ) the only kind of cattle which were slow sale and In light demand. The buyers evi dently want the feeders at less money than they have been paying , Tno market was active at an advance of 5 QlOe , and the few hogs hero were sold early In the morning. The light hogs Bold mostly at f I.U5 , with two loads nt > H.3 ? > nnd tno heavy hogs largely ut f-t.'M , witu a few nt $1,35. Thcro were plenty of shncp here nnd the market was fairly uctivu at about steady prices. Some heavy westerns brought $1.25. and some pretty fnlr Nobnvslcans $1.00. Itecnliita. Cnttlo . 1,300 Hog * , . , . 2,100 Sheep . , . , . 1,800 1'ravnlllnt ; 1'rlccN , The following U a' table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stou'K men tioned ; , ' Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs.4 ( ) M.'J3 .Prime steer * , 1)00 ) to liKXIlbs. . 3.00. Native , feeders 2.SO ( S.1.00 Common to peed cows 1.60 ( rf.2.40 Choice to fancy cow 'iSO ' @ 3.00 Fair to choice Dulls 1.76 ( r'J. ' * , ' > Fftlr to choice light hogs 4.83 ( rM.3i ) { fair to choice heavy hogs 4.W ! ( $1.35 Fair to choice mixed hops . . . . 4.21 M4.0 ! ! Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.7.i @ 4.2."i Fair to choice Nebraslms. 3.50 ( rt4.ll ) Itcprcsciitnttvo Sains , STEKIIS. No. Av. l > r.f No. Av. Pr. 10" ! ! ' . ' . ' ' . ' . ' . . ' mi Siui in. ' . ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ait : uo u ion : i.u ) 4 lu-i aw in lau ,1.10 14 iiufi 9.10 . . " ! ! . " ! . . ' ! ! ! itiiT'4 ' " " ! . ! " ! . ' lu-o in. . . isii 3.20 i 11 ic : wo- ' * " ' ' ' ' ' " isrji hS * : . . . ; . . ! i : ui ins ,1.2.1 si istH : i.3s I2i a.w : sj isihH 3. : r.iil : i ! n iso 3.31 21 ; : : : : ; ; ; : . .IIM SM 5 1.17JI : LIJ : ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " ' ' " ' " ' ' ' . . ! . . . n.40 . . . . . . : : u ; , 211 14-.7 3.41 Ul . . .H7I a.52JJ 20 l.Vil . ! WU AVKSTKHN StKKHS IIAV STATE O. CO. 78 .1387 ii.itt KTKKIIR RTANIMIII ) C. CO. Si IWJ ! UO UOCOWS. . n ! K)7 2.03 10 10-.I7 2.1.1 . a 1070 2.1J ,11 1114 2.r.U fi HJ-8 2.13 1 \\-M \ \ - ' . U 13 1(110 ( y.'M 111 lilS 2.MI 2 * " > 2.2.i A HII.rij in lira LVZu low 2 IIUI 2.2.21 ; Hill 2.BO 1 ( . ( ! 2.2.1 1 Hill 2.CU 20 K > ! l 2.l l 1 K.1) ) 2.BO 21 111.1 2.10 r. ' , 1D 2 2.8.1 cows IIAV ST.UI : c. t : < > . 20 1131 2.70 2 | 2.7) ) U 1171 2.U1 2ll IKil 2.0. , COWS STANDAIIll C. CO. 10 ISM 2,71 10 IWi 2.75 HrocKiits. : fi 81(1 ( 2.2.1 4 777 S.fiO 27 W7 2.U1 1 ( rtj 2.70 I'KKIII'.ltS. 27 S'll ' 2.W 117 KB 2.8) ) MIM'.l-I1U11II ) Kits' SI OIK. 10 Wi 2. M ID 1231 3.15 " ' 1 llfO 2.01 "l' 1187 2X'o 1 15VI 2.2.1 1 ItMl 2'i'i 1 IIUI 2.2.1 1 1110 2.0 1 1750 2.2.1 1 1S40 2.iIO 2 I57n 2.3.1 1 1170 2.50 1 1HU 2..VI . 1 310 4.IU ' i" . ! liiO 4.CO Hi'UlMiitS. ! : 2. perhcatl 2o.OO nods No. Av. Shk. I'r. No. Av. Silk. IT. If , .2t > 8 LfO if 1.31 t ) 27 240 * I.IJll ( , ! l ' .2H.1 12J 4.27"j 47. . . . 271 f. ) : fkl 277 40 4.2i'i ( " , 2,11 40 I.IJ : 61 2V ( ! 40 4.27i ! " 1 2.17 Illll 1.31 70 . : > * ) ISO 4.3'J ' ( ! 7 2.17 120 l. ! > 2 ! $ f,7 27B W 4.ISI 70 'iV > 120 4. ; 0.1 2ufl 2w 4. : i ni no itw 4.n : Ki 2fil UK ) 4.3J ( .7 202 V.1I 4.33 Kt 23'J ' K ) I.JIO 07 211 tO 4.33 00 Mil 1U1 4.W f3 411) ) 210 4.31 110 312 210 4.30 W ) 11 4.3.1 71 2.13 ICO 4.3) ) 40 ! RI7 I2J 4.31 ; ,7 IK1 120 4.KO BO MIS 2SO 4.33 07 2iVI N ) 4. : ) Ctl 218 4.3.1 04 270 2 ) 4.i : < ) KI 211 4.3714 70 2.1B 100 4.30 71 211) 400 4.37i ! WEST lilt N' HHiii' : . No. Avc. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 112 120 13.7S US 12j H.25 .NKIIII.SK.siuir. : : . No. Avo. I'r. SOS 72 $1.110 Thn "Week's Rccnrd. Showing the number of cattle , hops and sheep purchased by the different buyers during the last week : CATTI.I ; . Swift & Co 3,152 George H. Hammond & Co 1,103 Tlio Armour-Cudahy company "ill Steven , Hamilton & Co 320 Omaha Packlni ; Co 1 ! ) Shippers nnd feeders 2,0'.ii : Local butchers 15 Total 7,523 noes. Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . 9,52i OmalmPacking'coiiipun.v 0 , < > 10 George H. Hammond & Co 2,8j)7 ) Swift & Co y,2ll Sinclair & Co 233 Moshcr&Co ID ) J. T. McNaupht ITS Total . 22,85'J SIIIEP. : Swift & Co . 9jO Lee Uothsehilu . 313 G. H. Hammond & Co . - . . 20 < ! Armour-Cudahv Packing comp.iny . . ' . . 201 T. M. Sinclair . 101 Hcynolds&Co . 90 Total . 1,1)37 ) Llvo Stock Notes. Cattle active. Hogs 5@lOo lngher. Sheep in good demand. Not much inquiry for feeders. The hog market took something of the same kind of a spurt 'as it did last Monday , when the hogs jumped up I5c , selling at § 4. 40 @ 4.50. _ OMAHA. WHOIjKSAljB M.YR KKTS Fruitp , Proilncp , Ktc. BUTTBU Creamery Fancy print , 34fi2ac : choice print , 20@22c ; fancy solid packed , IS ( icl'Jc ; cholca solid packed , 15i617c. Dairy Fancy roll , 17@llc ) ; choice. 15i01Gc ( ; good , 12 @Mc , low grades , 10 1 Ic. CIIBESB Full cream Cheddars , choice , 12@ 12Ke ; full cream lints , two in hoop , 12 0 13o ; full cream Y. A. choice , I'i' Ol.le ; olt grades nnd skims , f0c : limburger , 12J ( 12Ue ; brick and Swiss , 14C'C. > | . Koiis Strictly fresh , if SlScj cold stor age , S@Hc. ) Livu Pot't.Tiiv Chickens , per doz , $3.50@ 3.75 ; ducks , per doz , f3.25@3.50 ; geese , per doz , $ S.50u9.00 ( ; turkeys , per 11) , 'J@10c. UHRSSKD Poui.Tiiv Uhiekons , i > or ill , 9 ( < ? lie ; turkeys , perlb , HC'fl3c ; geese , per lb , Il@l2e ; ducks , perlb , llgi ( : < c. VUAI , Heavy grassers , ir,0 to 200 Ib ? , 7@ 7 , ' c ; inferior calves , 60 to t > 0 Ibs , 5aic ( ; ; me dium to good , 70 to 8,1 IbsflUc { ( ; choice to fancy. 100 to 130 Ibs , 9@10c. Vr.onTAni.BS Potatoes , Colorado and Utah. 70@75o ; Wyoming , 50@5r p ; Nebraska ami Iowa choice largo , 35@40c ; common , : iOfZ3.'ic ( ; sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , ? 'J.25rZ3,5'J ( ' ; boots , per bu , a.ltjIHOoj carrots , 35&5IOO ; cabbage , California , per lb , 2 } < fc ; parsnips , 50 < tfUU ; onions , red choice , /Xp.55o ) ; silver skin , C0@7.r.c ; turnips. 20@25c ; rutabagas , 35 ( r40u ; caullllower , ehaii'o large , per doz , Jl.2.1 ( ! l'1.50 ' ; good , $1.00@1.25 ; radishes , 35@40c ; lettuce , 25@30c ; cucumbers , tl.SO ; string beans , per box , J1.75W.2.1 ; celery , 25iJ30c ( : siilnuch , Sl.f.O ( I.7r. per bbl. ( J AMIS Mallard , per do3.00 ( n.50 ; red head. per doz , f2.n003.00 ; teal , per doz , S1.50 @ 2,00 ; common small , per doz , rnbhls , per doz , 7ftc@fl.UO ; Jack rabbits , per doz , f3.00@l.fiO ! ; squirrels , pordoz , 75c@l,00 ; ack wiipe , $1.001.25. Per bbl , fancy New York nnd Michigan , J2.50 ; choice , $2,00S2.5 ( ! ! ; choice Missouri , * 1.752.00 ( : good , ? 1.50@1.75. FOKUKIX FituiTS Malaga grapes , koga , 40 to r > 5 Ibs , lOo per lb ; bananas , per bunch.f I..r > 0 ® 3.00 ; lemons , fancy now. i)00 to ! UX ) B , ? 3.75 ( aM.50 ; choice old. ! X ) s , ? 2.Wg3.00 ) ( ; oruiiKes , Los Angeles , f2.75@3.00 ; Riversides , $3.75(5) ( ) 4.00 ; Navels , t5.00@5.5'J ' ; Haiichito , , , CitANimiiiins : Hell & Bugle , choice , $7.50 @ 7.75 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , f .BOQil.T.r . NUTS Walnuts , 50i2Wc ( : peanuts , SjlOc ; chestnuts , 4.1Jc ; cocounuta , per 100 , f5,00@ 0.00 ; hazelnuts , 3@4c : hlckorynuts , small , f 1.25@1.50j largo , (10@75oj ( pecans , plain , 0 ® So ; polished , 12@13u ; almonds , ISu ; lllberts , 14e ; Urazils , lOc. HIDES Green salted. No. 1 , So ; No. 2 , 3@ 3/o , ' ; calf , 5f5Ke ; dry flint , Of So. HEANS Navies , hand picked , per bu , J2.10 02.20 ; good clean country. $1.7502.00 ; olt or poor stock , $1.00r $1.50 ; California , $ .2.UO@ CIDKH Michigan. i > cr bbl , M.50g5.00 ( ; Now York , per bbl , $5.0005.50 ; half bbl , ? i.75@ u.OO * FEATIIEUS Per lb , prlmo live geese white , ai ( < { 40c ; mixed with gray , 25gUOc ( : damp ami musty , KXft'Mo ; prlmo live domestic duck , 20 ( iv25c ; wild duck , 15@20c. SAUBH KXAUT Per bbl , 30galcholcc4.00 ; per half bbl , $2 25. Poi-coiiN Per lb , rice , lK@2o ! common , HO.VKV Mb frames , choice white , 15@lCo : dark , KifflHo : strained , lO l c , JELLIES 4@Ka c > ' lb ; preserves , 10@12a per lb , LAUD ? Ko in 5U-lb pkRs. MINCE MEAT O CTfTo i > er lb. Urocor/t * fjlst , Revised prices are as follows ; HAQOINO Stark A , scamlcsa , 2c ; Amos- kcag , seamless , 17 } o ; Lcwlstoii A. seamless , 1'Jc ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , 11014c ; gunnies , Blnglo , 14o ; gunnies , double , 22o ; wool suck.42c. TWINES Flux , 29@ . e. : cotton. Jute , Sc. UIKIIB PIIVIIS Figs , In boxes , per lb , llic ; dates , n boxes , 7tflOiv ( London Malaga layer ralslus , per box , { ! 3.5Qg3.70 ( ; loose raisins , f2.30(32.r ( > 0'T3c\v ; Valcncm rnu- ins , per lb , Sc ; Callfornlu'.loosn ' muscntcU , per box , 91. 50J52. 10 ; Onllfornla Londons , 188S-2.40 ; pitted ehcrrlc- tier lb , ISc ; Crtll- fornia pitted plums , nor lb , U' ( l3c ; dried blackberries , nerlb , lW7e ! ' ( tried raspberries , per lb , 23H24u ( ; cvapornMsl apples , 5fSci ( California nnpared cva | > oratcd peaches , 12ij ( 14ci oviiirornted Callfoniln-aprlcots , 17o : cur- rnnts , < V4if" > K i Turkish iirtincs , S 'i c ; citron. 22C ( i24c ; orrttigo peel , 15e ; lemon peel , 17c ; California French primes , 12c. PICKI.KM Medium , in' bbl * , $ .1.00 ; do , in half bbls , MOO ; small , In bbls. fli.OO ; do , In half bDlB , $3.f > 0 : gherkin ) : , in bbls , t7.00jilo , In half bbls , ? I.OO. KOASTKJI CoFFBr.sGorman , 23 > 4c ; Me- Ltuighlln's XXXX , 'J3ife ! Ario .x , 23ho. COFFKC Green Mochn2.Vg30o ; Uio , peed , ISMlUc : Mniulahllng. l'WSc ; roasting Klo , 17MlSo ; O. G. .liivu , 5MgUVs ( ; , Inva Inferior. 2.@J.4Ic ; Ulo. fancy , 2lif2Jo ( ; Santos uiid Maracaibo , 17 ( < llOe. SriiAii Granulated , 7yf7'je ( ; cont. A , 0 ! < c ; xvhlto extra C , ( JJi'c ; oxtrn C. ( lYu ; : .vollow C , ( IJ e ; powdered , 79 ( ! $ c ; cubes ri ( < * ? L' . UIISV\-AX- : : Choice yellow , 20f20'ji ( ' % ; dark olored , 13 ( < 14c. ToiiAiro Plug , 20 ( 350 ; smoking , 10o < 09. SALT f I.5ec1.40 : ! ; per bbl. Horn 7-10 , l-j > si' , . M.u-i.n SI-OAK Hricks , ll@12c per lb ; penny cakes , I2@13c per lb ; pure maple syrup , $1.00 per gnl. - M.UM.i : Svitl'l1 34(34.5c ( per gnl. WiiAi'iMNd PAIT.II Manlllu , ( ll c per lb ; straw , IJjO lXe perlu. THAS Young Hyson , common to fair. 1S@ 2.c ; Voting Hyson , good to fnnc- ' . SOOt.'iSc " ; Gunpowder , common to good , 22jf-5c ( ; "Gun powder , choice to fancy , ,40tr ( ( > c ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15if20 ( ; .lapan , choice to fancy , iHjYiglui' ; Onion ) ? , oommon to good , 25 ( ifWa ; Oolong , choice to fane v , ftOiitiOo ; Im perial , common to medium , 25 (3.- ; Imperial , peed to fancy , 4lyt.0c. ) . CiiAiKr.ux lK 7u jor ) lb ; assorted cakes , 8 Oji1e per lb. as per list. CANHV Mixed , QyftlKXc ; stick , 9Kifillc ; rock candy , lO' ' ofl.'U1 ; fancy candy , 7 ( < j2Sc. IIot.l.\M ) HiitniNo : fKc. ) M.u-KiltKL : Family. $13.0014.00. . COD FISHffTJ ( { ' fc. STAIILII Ifti Jiic Dor lb' Dry ( iooln. ( COTTOX FI.AXNKI.S lO.per cent trade dis count. Unbleached L Lj fiJd'j ; C C , OJVo ; S S , 7-tfc ; E 12. fjnfc ; atle ) ; X X , 10c , : O O , ll ( ! c ; N N , 12' c ; A A , 14c ; D D , M3 c ; T T. lil 'c ; V Y , ISc ; H H. 19c. Hleanhud , 20 , S'a'c ' ; ' > 0. 12' ' < ; c : SO , 13 e. Hrown and slate , 50 , Do ; TO , 12'fc : 90. llic. C.uirr/r WAIIP13lbb , white , 19c ; colored , ° * 'c 'cUATTS - Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty , 12' c ; Hoonc , 14c ; 11 , cased , ? < ! .50. PKISTS Solid colors Atlantic , lie ; Sinter , Cc ; Horlln oil , 0' < c ; Garner oil , ( iiTc. 1'itiXTs Pink and robes Allen , Cc ; Hlv- crpoinl , 5' e ; Steel Klvcr , ( IJ.j'c ; Hichmond , O iP.icillo ; , 7c. PKINTS Dress Charter Oak , li e : Ham- no. ) ) 4c ; Lodi , BJfp ; Allen , tc ! : Kichmond , lie ; Windsor , ( i'fic ; Kddystone , O.'jc ' ; Pacillc , CKc. CKc.CAMIIHICS Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5c ; Stand ard. 5c ; Peacock , fn1. HI.K wnn : SIIIITISO : Ellerton,7 > ; House keeper , SK ; New Candidate , 8 } . | ; Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , ll ) < f ; Best Yet. 4-4 , ll"/ " ! : Buttcrcloth , OO , 4'4 ; Cabot , 7 > ; ; Farwell , half bleached , S1. . ; Fruit of Loom , 8J.f ; Greeiit ! G , 0 ; Hope. yt\ \ King Phillip cam bric , 10 ; Lonsdale cambric , 10 : Lousdalc , 81 . : New Yorlc mills. 10.Pcpperell. ' . 42 in , 10' ' . , ; Poppercll. 4C , In , 11' ' ; Pc.iipcrcll , li-4 , 15 > f ; Pepperell. S-4 , 21 ; Pepperell ! ) , 23 ; Popper- ell , 10-1. 2.1 : Canton , 4t'fi1Canton. , : . 4-1 , 'J , ; Triumph , ( S ; Wamsutta.'li 1 Vallev. 5. HIIOWNSiisinTixn Atlantie A. 4-4 , 7 n ; Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7 ; Atlantic , U , 4-4 , ! - , ; Atlan- tie P , 4-4 , II ; Aurora LL14 , ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 % ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , ll # ; Iloosier LL , 4-4 , ll ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7'4 ; Lawrcnco LL , 4-4 , 0 ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 ; Pcpperell H. 4-4f ; ! , Pepperell E , 40 inch , 7 , ' ; Pepperell , S-4 , IS ; Pepperell. 9-4 , 21 ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23 ; Ultra C , 4-4 , 4 % ; WnetuihCtt , 4-4 , 7J : Aurora H , 4-4 , 7 ; Aurora , H , 4-4 , ( ! ' < , , FI.ANXIL : , PLAID Kaftsmcn , 20o ; Goshen , 32J c ; Clear Lake , yti } e ; Iron Mountain , " " "I-LAXXCLS WniTr.-G II No. 2. % , 22 c ; U H No. 1 , % , 2 ! ! > .fc ; B H No. 2 , 22Kc ; H H No. 1 , ? .f , 30c : Quccheo.No. 1 , % , . | s ; Que- cheo No. 2 , ? f , : t7J < o Qjiechee , No. 3 , ji. , ' , 32 > .Jc ; Annwan , IS a ; Windsor , 22'ic. FIAS.NKI.S Kni ) C , 24. inch , 15 > ac ; E. 24 Inch , 21'i'o ; O G , 24 mjh,20c , ; H A F , ! . { , , 2jc ; JHF. J.2icGf.25c. ; DL-CK West L-'oint. 2'J in. 8 oz , lOJ c : AVest/ Point , 2 ! ) in , 10 oz , ; West Point. 2i ) In , 12 oz , 15o ; West Point. 40 in , 11 oz. lOc. COUSETS JEANS Androscoggin , 7fc ; Kcar- s'ariro , 7Jjc ; Hoi-kport , CJ c ; ( Jonestoga , O. ' . c. TICKS Yorlr , 30 in , 12Jtjc ; York , 32 in , 13Kc ; Swilt River , 8c ; Thorndiko OO , fi c ; Thormlike , 1313. S ) < c ; Thorndiko , 120 , ! ) ' c ; Thorndiko , XX. 15c ; Cordi ? , No. 5 , 9 > | c : Cordis , No. 4 , 10 e. DENIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , ICJ c ; Everett , 7oz , 13k'c ; York. 7 oz , \ 'AniHaymaker \ , SJ c ; .litfTrey , XX , 11i < Jc ; .laffrey , XXX , 12 > c ; Beaver Creek , AA , 12c : Hearer Creole , BB. lie ; Ueaver Creek , CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JUAXS Memorial , l.'u ; Dakota , Sc ; Durham , 27'tfo ' ; Ilcrctilc.s , ISc ; Leam- lngtonJ3 ! e ; Cottswold , 27'xfe ' ; Melville. 2.1c. CUASH Stevens' B , 5.e . ; Stevens' B , bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7 } < jC , Slovens' A , Bleached , 83 e ; Stevens' P , SUc ; Stevens' P. bleached , 9 l < fc ; Slovens' N , 9l < jc : Stevens' N , bleached , 10 > e : Stevens' Slit , ll c. DIMENSIONS AND TIHIIKH 2x4 to Cxl2 , 12@ 1C ft , * lt.OO ( ; 18 ft , $17.00 : 20 ft , 81S.OO ; 2i anil 24 ft , $21.00 ; 4x4 , 8x8 , 12C'10 ft , § 17.00 ; IS © 21) ) ft , 118.00 ; 2i@2-l ft , SJl.of ) ; fencing , No. 1 , $10.50 18.00 ; No. 2 , $14.00 ® 10.00 ; finishing , 1st unu 2d clear , W7.0CjJ.10.lj ( ( ) ) 3d clear , $ l3.00fi40.00 ; B select , $ , ' 17.00(33 ( .110 ; lloorlng , 1st com. 0 in W. P. , * 31.00 ; 2d com. , $31.00 ; 3d com. , S'W.OO ; D , $20.00 ; common Y. P. , $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear Y. P. , 4 nnd 6 In. $20.00. Posts , white cedar , 12o ; red cedar , Kie ; split oak , Uc ; sawed oak , ISc ; shingles , XX clear , $3.20 ; extra A , S2.SO ; standard A , $ 'J.C.O ; lath , $2.40 ; ship hip No. 1 , $18 ; No. 2 , $10.50 ; No. 1 , O , G. , $19 ; siding , 1st common ? S2J ; 2d , $1 ! ) ; 3arS15 ; fence , $12.50 ; stock boards , A , ? 4 ; B , $41 : C. $31) ; D , SJ3 ; boards. No. 1 , common , $ I'J ; No. 2 , $17 ; No. 3 , $15 ; No.4$13 ; partition , No. 1 , AV. P. Jin , $31.00 ; No. 2 , fi7.X ( ) ; coiling , clear % , Y. P.$20.00 ; clear , % Norway. fKi.OO ; seconds , $14.50 ; O , G. batts , W/t In. , ( Klo ; O. G. baits , i x3 In. , 33c ; 3 in. well tubing , D. & . M. , bev. , ? 22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , $22,00. Drugg nnd ClionilcalH. Acins Sulphuric , l4-o ; Citric , 53c , Oxalic , 15c ; tartnrie , 45c ; Am. carb , , 12o ; alum , 2'xJ @ 3c ; arrowroot , IlOc ; balsam capalbn , 05J/ ) 7.1c ; borax , 10l3c ( ; calomel , KOc ; castor oil , $1,0.1 ( < 1.1.10 ; cream tartar , 32c ; corrosive sub. , fcOc ; chloroform , 45@50i ; ; ext. logwood , 12o ; glycerine. 2le ; gum arable , l)0e ) ; gum camphor , 35e ; gum opium , ' fi.25 : : morphia sulph. , $2.00@J.S5. Oii.ii Bcrgamot , ? 2.SO@3.00 : lemon , $3.flO ; peppermint , $3.00@3.PO ; wlntcrgrcen , $ 'i.40 ; olive , $1.00 : qulnliie , 35@l8o : Btrycluiia , $1.05(21.10. ( _ J Molnl niitl Tlnncri' Stock. Block tin , small pig. . . , ' ' , ' , $ 23 Block tinbar.C ! 2'J ' Copper , planished hoilpr sizes 34 Copper , cold rolled 31 Copper , sheathing , . . . , SO Copper , nitts xt'J 10 * Copper , Hats r.-f 31 Gal. sheet Iron , Junlu'ta , 50 , 10 and ft per per cent discount. Pat. planished iron , 2-1 tb'-J7 A. . . . 10 } Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 B. . . . 9. ! , ' Hoofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112Bhcots ( i.OO Hooting , IX , 14x20 , IWahcets 7.50 Hooting , 1C , 20xOS , Hi sheets 11.00 Hooting , IX , 'Ox2s , m sheets 14.50 Sheet iron No , 2il , : i,40 Sheet Iron No. 27. . . . , . ' , ' H.60 Solder I'.V 14@10 Tin plate , best charcoal 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , ! 0.50 IX , 10x14,225 sheets , , , , b.25 Tin plutc , coke 1C. 10x14 , 2i1 sheets' . : n.2S Steel nails , per keg 2.25 Steel wire nails , per keg 2.75 SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , ' 800 SoUllj 13tli 'Slrccl , , " . Oumliu. BUItB , MUD AND M.MIY. Rut the linst Mentioned MitU Account for Xjls' IhirH"f > . A rather cui'lous suit was commenced hy .lohn Xels against Mary Osier. Itcamoto pass on the fith day of November lust that Xels lost n valuahlo ! < pati of mules , for which loss ho holds this \voninn responsible. The latter keeps a saloon in Valley. Xcls con ducts a farm near the simo : town. Ho had a hired innn who , on the day mentioned , drove to town and loaded himself with Intoxlcutliie liquors , purchased from the woman men- tinned. 11 is stated , In the petition , that this hired man got very drunk. However , ho un dertook to drive home , hut failed to reach thcro safely. On the way , ho steered the mules into n deep slouch of mud and water , whcro they drowned and the harness on them was lost , X.ios brmi ; * suit against the woman who sold liquor to his servant , for $400 damages. County Attorney Mahoiiey expects to com- Micnou the licrghofl ciiso this morn- Ing. It Is his purpose to dl.sposo of all the smaller criminal oases bo Ton ! going Into the prosecution of Hllxnuctli Hlechlcr. It Is ox- pccti'd that her trial will consume at least ten-days and drag nearly to the end of the term , Tlio Johnson case was argued nnd sub mitted to the Jury. Judpo Uoanu was still lis tening to cvidunco In the case of I.owo vs. City , and .ludiro Hopowell lind not completed the Itnrkor-Honnlngton fontrovcrsy. Tlio illvorco case of Stlnchnrh nunlnst Stlnebaeh was taken up by Judge U'akeloy. The features of It are not sensational , hut HH call for trial caused sonu-thlng of u breeze among the lawyer * . Stlnobuch lives in Nunco county and bus been here several days on expense waiting. Three or four times it bus been postponed , nnd Mrs , . Stinob.ich's law yers tried to itct another cofittnuunco. Tlio other side would not consent , ami the court insisted on proceeding without delay , but could not foieo lilt wUltes. Delay could not be prcvcnicdftlio petition nnd other papers eonld not bo found. The attorney for the defendant called loudly lor them and Clerk Moores made n great rustle itmong his rec ords hut to no iiviiil. Mrs. Stinubiich's law yer slipped out nnd left the building much disturbed. Ho loft the papers , It Is stated , nt his olllco purposely to force another con tinuance. Louis Hrnlford commenced nation against \Villiinii Chittick , Isabella 1C. Knton mid others to recover Sit'J and to forcloso a mechanic's lien upon n barn In Kountzc place , for which ho furnished the lumber for building. Octavo Houscarcn sued Ezra K Hingor for $75 , churning this amount is duo ns n balance on a f70 ( ! promissory note. The following appeal cases were taken to the district court yesterday : State vs Thomas Cnrtwrlght , destroying shade , trees nt Florence ; Mrs. O. W. Moore vs George K , Munro , detention of gold watch , from Mor rison's court ; Francis Cropper & Co. vs Sclilntik & Prince , bill of merchandise , from Morrison's court. \YHtiam J. Martin brought suit against Monte M. Aylesworth and Kdward C. Cal kins to foreclose n mortgage on n lot in .Tet ter's addition to Omaha. The amount of the Indebtedness is $ S5 ( ) on two promissory notes. About 8 o'clock in the evening of October 23 last , M. J. McEnmry. a Union Pacific switchman was caught while mailing n flying svyiteli in the lower yards nnd killed , His wife has brought suit for i0. ! It is under stood that the company will confess Judg ment for that amount. United SlntcH Court. .ludgo UunUy , the clerks , marshal , bailiffs and nearly everybody connected with the court , have gone to Lincoln , whcro nn ad journed term will bo held this week. One case was Hied. The National liank of Commerce , of New York , sues the First National bank of Fairmont for a 55,000 debt. County Court. Gustavo ICacssncr was appointed adminis trator of the estate of Sophia Kaessnor , his deceased wife. Her will wus also admitted to probate. The following judgments were entered up in the county court yesterday : Coots & Halton VR ICnrll , judgment for defendant ; Peters vs Hollenbeck , Judgment for ? 102 for plaintiff ; Frco vs Brown , judgment for $185 for plaintiff. . AVnoilrufTGrnnito Quarry. I ani prcpiirctl to furnish Woodruff granite in pavingr blocks , door sills nnd steps , or blocks of most liny dimontion nt cheap figures. Also handle at my Lincoln y.ird all classes of cut stone for iiny part of the stiito. Aslc for figures. Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob. SOUTH OMAHA. John F. Uuytl'fl Views. Manager John F. 13o.vd.of the Union Stock Yards company , on being uskcd about tno unfortunate killing of Charles M. Wood , Saturday , was surprised ut the verdict of the coroner's jury , and said : "There can bo no blame attached to the company or any of KB employes In this matter. The man was clearly a trespasser , and more than that , we can show by at least two witnesses that Air. Wood hud been warned to cot off the track. _ The verdict will cut no figure anyway. Why the coroner did nnot subpoena the men who saw the accident , not one of whom wits sworn or testified before the jury , I cannot understand. A number of men were on the trnin. Conductor Norton roiillcd Mr. Wood to got oft the track just before ho was struck. Engineer McLennan mid Fireman Walts , of 13. & M. engine No , 'JO' ! , standing just above to take the train , must have neon the acci dent , and nro said to have seen the man hit , were not before the Jury. Ueforo any ver dict finding persons guilty of offenses should bo nmdo nt least all persons cognizant of the facts should testify , Aualn , to weaken the force of this slngtiliirnnd , to me , unrighteous verdict , I have been Informed nnd believe that the verdict wus written by a person not a member of the jury. " Notes About tlio City. F. E. Hurt was married yesterday nt Va- llscn , lit. , to Miss Mary E. Kay and returned to-day with his brido. At the Bohemian masquerade ball In Shcluny it Podolok's hull Saturday night , Miss Josephine Sedlacck took the llrst prize to ladles , and John Eggert , dressed as u Bailer lasHle , took the second prize. The llrst pri/.o to gentlemen was awarded to Frank Lactner , and the second to Miss Jo- fiuphlne Kubot , dressed as n knight. Messrs , Hudolph Hortznnd John Fryc , re spectively extreu and treu mcistor of Trou Huml lodge , No. 51 , weru In Omaha Sunday and arranged with other delegates to organize it grand lodge , U. O , T. 13. of the district of Nebraska. The delegates will meet again In Gcrmanhi hall next Sunday forenoon ut 10 o'clock. brother of Mrs. Charles M , Wootl ar rived hero and to-day the body of her hus band will uo taken to Uunlnp , la , , for Inter ment. Mrs. Wood and her children will go home with her brother anil remain there. A collodion of $14 wus taken up In the Presbyterian church for Mrs. Charles M , Wood. Hey , aged ono and one-half yearn , son of Mr , and Mrs , Leonard McCowins , died Sun day evening and will be burled In Luurcl Hill cemetery this afternoon. Tlio longest polo knocks the persim mons , and lilgolow's Positive Cure knocks nil unughu , colds , croup , hoarse ness , bronchitis , iibthmti , iniluon/u nnd consumption. Plcusant for child run. Safe nnd speedy. CO cents. Goodman Drug Co. 3I Smallpox nc Murysvlllo. MAHVSVIU.I : , Kan. , March 1 , To the Edi tor of TIIK Iii : : ; The article whlcn ap peared In your isaue of yesterday about smallpox raging hero nnd vicinity has created considerable denunciation from our cltliuna , us the statement is not true. There U not now , and has not been a single case of small- liox In this vicinity for n year. Plcuno correct the error , \Vii.i.un Jiiuinn ; , P. M , Had n bilious attack mid ono of those indescribable cases of constant weari ness. Took quinine and other romcdius without reliof. Took Dr. Jones' Hod Clover Tonic ; am strong and well. Ana. Thompson , Lognn , Ohio. Goodman Drug Co. Agrtculturnl Implomonts. CJlVRCIULT , I'AHKKH , Dealer 1 1 Agricnltii ! al Implements , Wagons OarrlnRCS and t > inele . .Innr * otrcol , liotnrcn Ptli nnil lUth.Omnhn , .NrlTnun. AgriciilMmnleineiits , Wagons , Carriages HtiEilr. , rte. Wholesale. Onmlin , Np I'ARI.IX , ORKKDOHV MAHTIX CO. \S'hr > losalo Di-nlori In Agricultural Implements , Wagorsfc Buggies Wl.inIXi ) niul Ufijnnp * Urccl , Onmtin. MOLJXE , MIIMURXA ! ; : ODD A nJ ) co. , Mnnufnctnrcrsnnd jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , I lows Etc , Cor.Mb ntnl I' itrcct , Omnlm , Artists' [ Ylntorlnls. Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1)11 DoiDiln * trvot , Omnlm , Nct > ni kn , nnd Shoos. j ' " " ir. iV'\IORSK .v co , Johhcrs of Boots snd Shoes , 1101,1IR1 , lliiTi liMinln Mrort , Onnlin. .Mmitirnrtnrr Summer xtiui. ! , llo < loii. Cool , Coke nnd Ulmo. I/M ro.i f , , COKE AT.nii : co. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , ansonlli l."th street , Omnlmpl > rn kn. Slices of Coal a d'cok 511 South Hill St.Oin lia , Nch. Crockery nnd Classvvnro. ' ' " " * ' PE'RK IX's' Arcn J.ArjfAX , ' Impoilers nnil jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 1' > U Fnrnnin street , new 1'nxton bullillne. Commission nndStorngc. ' " RiiDELLARIDD'KLL , Storare and Commhsion Merc hauls , Sieclaltlc ! llnttor , cues clir < i p , poultry , came. 111J Howard ttrect , Uiiinlin , .Neb. GEORGE SCllRoiinEll * , F'O. , Produce Commission and Cold Storage , ( Successors to MeSliano , t 5chrocdcr. ) Uninbn , Ncbrnwka. Dry Goods nnd Notions. ' ' M. a. 'sMJ'rir & co. , Dry Gootls , Fiiriiisiiing Goods and Notions 11U ( nnd 1101 Douslas , cor. llth street , Omnlm , Neb. KlLPATRlCK-KOCll DRY GOODS CO. , Importers ? nd Joohers in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' ftirnlftilnc c od' . Corner lllh nnd llurncy itreetH , Uniaba , NYhr.'iskit , HELIX , r/o > so4v"t co. , Importers nnd Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 Houth 15th street. Furniture. TtEWEY STOXE , Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture I'arnnm street , Omnlm , Ncbrnskn. CHARLES SllIVERICK , Fiircitnre , Cninba , Nelirnskn. Groceries 1 > AXTON , G ALLAQIER CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 705.707.703 nnd 711 South 10th St. . Omnlm. Neb. McL'ORD , HRAVY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' ir.tii and TiOitrcnworth urocts , Omnlm , Ncbrnskn , Hardyvnro ' ' W''J. ltRb ATCIT. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , \\non ( stock , liattlwjirp , liimhor. etc. 1303 nnclll ] ! llurncy etruot , Omiiliu. LEECLA RKEAXDREESEtf HARDWARE - WARE Wholesale Hardv/are / , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , ( -licet Iron. etc. AccntH for Hotvo scales. .Miami powilcrand l.ymnn barbed wire , AUGir , t TAYLOR. Build rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mcclinnlcs' tools and HiifTtln untiles. 1105 Douglas strcut , Uninlm , Nob. _ " _ Hats , Caps , Etc. ' " _ _ W. L. 1'A RROTVE & CO. Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Ilmney ttrect , Onmliu , Nebniskn , Lumber. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American I'mlland cement. nsont fcr Mllvrniikco bjclriiullc cement and ( jnlney wblto lime , ' C11AS R. JEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpets and pirqiiot flrmrlrnr. All Kinds ofBuilflingMaterial at Wholesale , 16th Street nnd Union I'aclllcTrnck.Omulm , LOUIS IlRADFOItn , Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sas'j ' , Doors , Ktc , Vnril Corner 7lh anJ DouKlns. Corner 10th and Joutlu i ' FHED W. OKAY. ' Lumter , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Cth nnd DoiiKlas SU. , Uinalm , C. X. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher , 13lli tntl California glieot , Omalnt , Nebrunka , JVIIIIInory and NpUons. / . OltEliVRLDEli & CO. , Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions W , 2IUun < lUl oulli litb alruot , Notions. J. T. 11OIS1XSON A'OV'/O.Y CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , Ml and 0i Soutli H'tli tlrett , Omaha. V1NYARU & S Notions and Gents' ' Furnishing Goods , ttroet , Omuba , . - . . , - , . - - UOX SOLI DAT ED TAXKLIXE VO. , Wholesale Refined anil Lubricating Oils , Axle ureaie , etc. , Oiimlia. A. II. lllihoi | , Manacur. Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nlre itock of printing , nrapplnir and writing paper. Hpcclul utU'iillon Kivcn to cur lund orders. Oloroso , Forwarding & Commission. A RM STRONG , PETMX iCO Storage , Forwarding and Commission llruua IUIUIQ of the HCDIIUJT liuiiBy Co , HuuKlesst wbul > ulo and retail. IM , HU , Mr. linnlttruul , Oaiuba , 'iVIuphoim No , T.VI. Toys. / . IIARIJV & CO. , Jobber * of Toys , Dolls- , Albums , Fancy Goods , Boots nncl Shoos. ors to Hco.l , Jones A Co. Wholesale Manufactory of Bootsft Snccs for lloslon Itubbcr Shod Co , 1KB , 1101 unit 1101 llnrnrjr Slice ) , Ora tmNcl > r ki\ . Browors. STO1M . ILER , Lapr Beer Brewers , 1521 Norili KlRhlrontti Mroet , Oranhn.XeN Cornlcoi EAGLE CORXIt'K WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \Yliiitow-capianil molnllc * krliKlit . . | > n.iirlftor. llbniul mfjoulh lOtli street. Ovornllo. CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans , l'niit , Shirts. iir. : 110/1101 Str < t , OmRlm , .Ncti. Office Flxtiiron. CO. Manufnclurors of 1M , Office and Saloon Fixlnres , Mnnllr * , Hilvbunrds. Hook On'os , liruu Fixture * , Wml ( 'n e. , 1'nrlHlotn , Unlllnc'.Counlrt * . Mccrnml Wlno Cooler * , Mirror * , ICI.r Kncturi Hint nnlrn , KW : nnit"St \ South Illth St. , Omaha. TcU'plinno mi. " _ _ Pnpor Boxes. " _ _ _ J011X L. WlLKllf" Proinlelor Omaha Paper Box Factory , No . HIT nilJ l.ll'.l IMiiKlm Mrcol , Omnlm. Nt'li. Rubber Goods. OMAHA nrmtKii co.7 Manufacturers a"il Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil rlollilne nnd Irnllicr bolting. UW Knrnnm Btrcot Snsh , Doors , Etc. * M. A. ii sfnibiV , fc co.7 \VhoH' nlo liminifHcluicn of Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilrnnch onicc1 , ith mid Itiml Mrpel Oiiuilm , Nob. HOllIf MAXVVACTURIXO CO. , Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Moulding' , Mnlr wor * nnil Interior linnl rrooil finish. N. K , corner 6th litnl l.riTi'nvvi rtli struct ! . Omnlm , Fittings , Pumps , Eto. _ _ _ A. L.HTRAXG ACO. . , Pups , Pipes and Engines , Btcatn , water , rHllwnr nnil milling vnpiillos , cto. IWI. va ttnrt VU Knrniim Mri-et , Oninhn. U. & . W1X1) ENGINE PIWP CO. , Steam and Wate : Supplies , IIaliclny : wind mills. HIS niul 121 .Imio * HI. , Omnh . < ; . K lo 9 , noting manuL'or. UROWXELL Af CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery Sheet-Iron work , strain pmn | > ' , nnw mills. 1313-1S15 J/uavcnwoitli itri'vt , Oiiuilm. Iron Works. _ _ _ j KTEA3r HOtLElt WORKS , Carter , t i-on , 1'rofi's. Mamirncturert of all kinds Steam Boilers , Tanta and Sheet Iron Wort Works South anil and II. A M. crushing. PAxroN viERLixa IROX WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort , lncfi. bras * work , ftcitcrnl foundry , nuirlilno nn& bliicKsnillh wiirk. onirn ami worif , U. I' . lly. mill lilh ( tree ) , Otuahn. OMAHA \\'IRE' \ \ & [ RN- WORKS , Mannfactnreis of Wire and Iroi Railings licet rail' , wtnilnw Ktinrils , llnwrr sluml * . nlro lfn | . ale. I'll North 10th strict , ( Jinnlin. OMAHA SAFJ3 & lR01f WORKS , MaiPrs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , VniiHs. Jnll worli , Iron nluitli'is nnil tire vncnpei. ( i. Anilrtfcii.prop'r. Cur , lull luulJiiikMin 31 . ' 'CHAMl'IOtf IRON A WlllK WORKS. Iron rnd Wire Fence J , Railings , Guards and ncreRnn , for bnnk * * , nftlccp , Atorclroi > liloncoN cto. rovtMl awiitnit' * , loskumlth iiiiiclilncYy and blacksin Ith work ? , 4UI South Kill IM. PALMER , RWmiAN , t CO. , Live Slock Couimission Merchants , Ofllce Itooni 1H , Opposlto ICxchanco llnlldlittf , Uuton Mock Vnrila , uouth Urimlin , Neb , OfOmana , Limiel ! ijolin K. Iloyil , SiipcrlnloiKlcnt. THE I Council Bluffs And Chicago , olno . lllon. ClilcnKO. Mllwnukoe , l8 P " 'IIU | " ' Nol'nukB.ColoJ fiiw of ttiu numerous rmlnln of inpprlorltr .Jht PJlroB of tlilii road l ) t > f uii Omilm nuuncll ! i i ! , * i . " . . " ? * " " " lounu umitwuoro. At liluff * tliotrnlni of tlin IJnliin I'aeino llnll. wnynanneet tnotiton ilepol with tbiio of the Cl ! . rnu-o A Northwritern llr' In Chlcnim the train * o ( Ka.tJM1Mnc ! oonnecllon wl tli tbo or nil oilier - , ! "i-rY'i't't ! ' .V i".1 ' . InillaiiapolH. Cincinnati. o . ton , vi'i'-i"1.1. ' . ) " ( " > a'K. , Tnrnnlo llalllinoru , Montrc , Wmb li > | ji ton , and nil pjlntiln the fia t. A k for tlckcu l "NORTH WESTERN" _ , " ' Oen'l „ wpON , ' Aiont. OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. The Best Koute from Omnlm and Council IZZTHEEAST E TWO TUAINB PAILV I1ETWKEN OUA.UA ANO COUNCII , IJLUKl'M Chlcngo , AND Milwaukee , SU Paul , Jllnncnpollfl , Cedar ] ( : ipl4i , Ilock Island , Free-port , Jtockfortl , Clinton ) Uubuque , Diivt-iinoit , Eltcln , Uiidlson , Juiiesrlllc , IleloILVluona , IM Crossc , Aod all oibtr ImperUnt oolnti Ktit , Norlbent ( it , for through tkkeli.elui on'Vuo tlckol gent lit 1M1 > arn ui itroct. lo tiarknr UUck , cr l Uuicn r cm IJtfbUt. 1' 8lepin and ib ( Until IMa'DtfCin ' la tb worti | ro ruuuti th miia line of tU Chlcaiio , Mjf. J. TOullKnfAUfJu foVo'e'ulWin ' for tmtSttiau from tt clfocU of y utl > i ) crnin , early ( Hoomy , manliood , etn , I wit ) aond a valuable trcailm ( tcaiiA ) ooTiui f tlHoTl n4 for homo euro , rveo of eluntt. I cir w 1-tat. ifa , , vdvtutu , KStuVi