Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Ins doubts of the possibility ol
opening n passage , but nald he
was willing to make the attempt. After
much exertion nn opening was effected In
the crowd , and the procession began Its tour ,
Colonel Cody ( Buffalo BUI ) and Captain
Fred Bracket In advance , and foljowed by
about a doren committcetnen , preceding the
distinguished gucsU. President Harrison
wnlked with Generals Morton nnd McCam-
moil , MM. Harrison with Colonel Hrltton ,
nnd the other Indies with their husbands.
Vice President Morton and family followed
In the waka of the president , but separated
by considerable space. Admiral Jouclt es
corted the vice president.
President Harrison's nppcaranco was the
signal for n burst of applause and the clap
ping of hands , which wan hunt up along the
line of march , Slowly and laboriously a
narrow lane was mndo through the dense
throng , and President Harrison , stopping at
frequent Intervals to allow these nhcad ot nlir
to force their Wiiy , ' marched entirely nrounil
the immense courl nnd partly back again tc
the upper room , Hero the vice president
caught up with the first part of , the proccs-
nton , and u few minutes later the whole party
came out again and were escorted to the llrsl
balcony and thcnco to their rooms. The
president look the pressure of the crowd
smilingly and bowed his acknowledgment In
return to the salutations of the ladles.
llnw tlio Now AilnilnlHtrntlon Is Uc-
Knrilcd Across tlio Water.
LONDON , March 4. The Morning Post
says : "President Harrison's Inaugural
address is marked by a commendable nb-
ncnco of bombast , and if this marks the fu
ture lone of Iho national policy another cle
ment in thu concord of the world will have
licon secured. "
The Daily News says : "Gold had a more
decisive Influence on the Into election
than on any that "has gone before.
The rich on both sides virtu
ally buy places In the administration
by liberal donation * to the campaign funds.
It la a form of purchase system whicii bodes
no good to the state , and shows thai civil
service reform niUHl begin ut the very apex
of the pyramid. President Harrison's iti-
augural address is remarkable for Its nu
merous foreign -allusions. The union may
refuse to grow in territory , but cannot refuse
to grow In interests. The creation of the
navy is evidently duo to olher consideration
than ttio necessity for reducing the surplus.
The world may soon have to reckon with a
new naval power. There are more disquiet
ing signs for those who care to find them in
the curious interchange of views on commer
cial union T > ctwccn Canada and America
than in the ilshcrlcs question. "
Tlio London Times doubts whether Presl-
dcnl Harrison's proposed now departure re
lative to naturalization laws would be advan
tageous cither fur America or for the root of
the world. Blalno's foreign policy ,
it snyn , appears prominently in
the address. The general assertion
regarding coaling Blations and harbors is
probabably Intended lo cover both Samoa
and tlio Canadian fisheries. In the depart
ment of finance the Times thinks President
Harrison's Ideas are verv clear.
The Daily Tclegjaph says : "Tho fact that
Mr. Harrison Is so well disposed to deal with
foreign affairs in a calm and equitable spirit
will bo remarked with satisfaction. "
Tbo Standard says : "Tho message , on
the whole , Is disappointing. It was certainly
not wlltcu to please Auglo-Saxcns nn this
side of the Atlualie. "
All Iho unionist dailies make u noint of
Harrison's references to law and order as a
lesson to Knglund on the Irish question.
Cleveland's Courtrsy to the Press.
NEW YOIIK , March 4. The retirement of
Mr. Cleveland from the presidency affords a
fitting opportunity for the Associated press
to iiiuko some recognition of the uniform
courtesy with which its representalivcs have
been received al tlio while house and Ihe in
telligent Interest that has been exhibited in
placing at Its service promptly nnd without
the annoyance that too often accompanies
ofllclul acts , everything that might properly bo
given lo the public. While the Associated
press has always been on pleasant terms
wfth the occupants of the white house , the
fact that the press was the servant of the
people , and the iiropor medium 'through
which to reach them , was never so clearly
undcistood before the administration of
President Cleveland. The experience of
Colonel Lumbiit as a journalist was un
doubtedly useful in establishing such sensi
ble aud practicable relations with the Asso
ciated press ut the very beginning of that ad
Cleveland Retires.
WASHINGTON , M arch 4. The ox-president's
part In to-day's ceremonies closed when the
party returned to the white house from thu
cjpitol. There ho was Joined by Colouol La-
tnout , and the two entered Secretary Fair-
child's carriage and were driven direct to
the Intter's residence on Now Hampshire
avenue. Mrs. Cleveland preceded him thoro.
President Cleveland had n very busy morn
ing , Hu remained hard ar work until 3
o'clock and was up and'at work again at 8
o'clock. The member * of the cabinet were
with him most of the time. A vast amount
of business was accomplished. A large
number of bills were approved , the most im
portant being the bill amending the inter
state act , thu sundry civil appropriation , in-
diim appropriation , dellclcncy appropriation ,
l > o toUlce appropriation , army appropriation ,
and agriculture appropriation bills.
AVIll Name the Cabinet To-I > ay.
WASIIIKOTON , March 4 , The understand
ing Is that President Harrison will send in
the names of the members of his cabinet to
the scnato to-morrow , und they will bo con-
ilruicu at once. As to the length of the ses
sion there Is a diversity of opinion. The
Chandler ami Hoar resolutions lo investigate
alleged fraud In thu elections und Alaskan
outrages are btlll ou the calendar ;
and if passed by the republicans in pursuance
of the caucus action last mouth , a delay may
ensue which will curry the i-ossioii far into
the spring. The democrats , under
the stmato rules , may filibuster indefinitely -
definitely , nnd if the republicans
nro to curry oul the decree of the caucus It
will have to bo by wearing out the demo-
cruth. Possibly the unnouncuuient of a pol
icy will bo made this week.
A Queer Situation of Affairs In West
CiiAiiuwTO } ? , W. Vn. , March 4. At noon
to-day Uoncrnl Goff , republican candidate
for governor , ana claimant of the ofllco , took
tbo oath In ono pf tlio rooms of the state
house set apart for the use ot the governor.
About the same time , In another apartment ,
President Carr , of the scnato , also took upon
himself the prescribed oalh and prepared
to transact the business of the
ofllce , wnilo in his private onlco K.
W. Wilson , who bus filled the oftlco for the
past four yours , continued to discharge his
accustomed duties , in and about the statu
house thcro wus gathered n tremendous
crowd of people about equally divided between -
tweon the two political parties.
About I'JiIW o'clock Gunt' Goft and sev
eral friends came into thu capitol und pro.
ccoded to the private ofllco of Governor \VI1-
noli , who was also surrounded by a mini-
ber of his friends. General Goff
mounted a cbulr and add roused the crowd
which hod asocmhlod in the room , Ilo
claimed Unit ho had received n clear major
ity of tbo votes cast , and charged Speaker
Woods , of thu house of delegates , with hav-
intr failed in the performance of his constitu
tional duties in not doclnrlng the result , and
Bald : "I um now roudy In the presence of
these people of my stuto to kiss the holy
blOlai-ond commit inytelf to Iho deetlny
that awaits mo by virtue of the partiality of
luy fnjlow eltizenj. "
Tlm oath was then administered by H ,
McWhoarton after which General Goff pro
ceeded to Governor Wilson's private ofllco
mid demanded potsraidon. Governor Wilson
\vhs surrounded by a dense inu& of hi *
friends and party leaders. In rcplv to
the demand ho said ho was of the opinion
tbut the legls'iituru ' , as a co-ordinate.
duparUaimt of tha government In Joint us-
soiubly , had exclusive jurisdiction to ascer
tain and Uoolmu the result of thu election ,
and that no tfllo could come from nay other
ourcn. Ho felt jt his duty to continue In
President Carr made n similar demand
ft r tuking the/oath and was Blmllatly ra-
1 u ed , aud thus the matter kUnds. ' *
nuns Into the Uoar Kml
of A Passenger Truln.
O.tFonn , Nob. , March 4. [ Special Tclo
grnm to TUB Ben. I As the Beaver Valle\
passenger train was ready to mnko her dnll.v
run this morning she was run Into from the
rear by nn enatbound freight. A serlouf
smnshup was the result. The freight engine
was almost disnblcd nnd the coaches were so
badly demoralized thai they are laid up foi
repairs. A laity passenger was slightly In
jured nnd the accident Is said to bo due
wholly to carelessness on the part of Freight
Engineer Craig who should have pulled in on
the side track. A special from McCook wus
neil I down lo in alto Iho regular passenger run
of No. 130.
Politics at Wnlioo.
WAIIOO , Neb. , March 4. [ Special to Tnr
HUE. ] In the coml'ng election the
Issue will bo high license , low license or no
license on the liquor question , boom nt nny
cost , or conservative , substantial Improve
ments , on the question of public works , nnt
Iho acceptance or rejection of the water
works contract ,
After trying both low license and prohibi
tion , Wahoo decided on the happy mean of
hltli license , nnd elected a mayor and coun
cil to carry out that Idea , nnd the people gen
erally and cspccialy the solid business men
of the town are decidedly in favor of contin
uing Iho present policy.
Two years ago the then mayor and council ,
made a contract with the American Wnlcr-
works and Guarantee company for twenty
years to furnish water lo tlio citizens who
desired it at not to exceed stlpulalud rates.
Ihoso roles were exceedingly high. They
also contracted for lire protection nt K,0i)0 ) )
par annum. A great umny of the citizens
fought thu question at Ihe polls lost spring ,
nnd ducted a mayor und council that would
not ratify the contract , nnd In the
inonntimo n suit was begun in the
district court to test the validity of the con
tract made with the waterworks company.
This suit Is pending now and will probably
be decided at the March term of the district
court. The waterworks company , it is said ,
will Biwml some money to elect u mayor and
council that will ratify Uieir conlruct. and it
has bcca rumored that they hud offered a
prominent citizen J500 in waterworks bonds ,
to support u ticket friendly to their interests.
A Presentiment. Vorilleti.
DAVID CITV , Neb. , March 4. [ Special to
TUB BEE. ] Pete Anderson , a brakcman , had
his loft hand badly crushed bclwcen two
drawbars , while making n coupling In the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley freight
yard here at 1 o'clock this morning. Ander
son's wife was in thu caboosa of tno train nt
tlmo and the plucky follow went to the doc
tor's ofllco with the conductor , leaving her in
ignorance of the accident , hoping to spare
her feelings , but remained under the influ
ence of chloroform so long as to cause alarm ,
and she laid to bo notllied. Anderson was
nearly thrown under the Irain the same
night at Henderson by having his foot caught
between two ties while ho was between the
cars coupliug , but wrenched his foot out of
the shoe and saved his life. Ho hud a presentiment -
sentiment that he would be hurt that night
and waatod to lay off , but was laughed inlo
going on.
At the coining city election in April the
prcscnl ipcumbent. Mayor Jones , will proba
bly bo candidate of the no-license clement ,
and both Judge Perkins , n banker and cap
italist , and Judge Clingman are spoken of us
possible candidates of the liberal or license
side. The issue will be license or no license.
Tlic Ilntol at Columbus.
COI.UMIICS , Neb. , March 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tirn Bin,1 Tlio grand opening banquet
at "The Thurstou" this
quet evening was a
success in every particular. A dainty
luncheon was served by a corps of waiters to
over four hundred guests. The hotel was
ablaze with light and alive with merry so
ciety people , while the orchestra disinjnscd
sweet music to add to the pleasures of the oc
casion. Over a thousand viewed Iho Interior
during the evening. The spacious dining
room xvas thrown over for dancing. The la
dles especially looUcd charming with toilets on
a sculo of richness in keeping with tno oc
casion. Ono hundred Iraveling men from
abroad and all who reside hero attended the
opening. Carl Kramer , In his pleasing man
ner , presented each guos't to the host aud
hostess , Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pollock , in
the Indies' waiting "room. The opening of
this mutrnillec'nt hotel marks un lifiportunt
era In Ihe hislory of Columbus. The travel
ing public can now be entertained with the
same comfort and case tbat is afforded in
larger cities. The hotel accommodations
here are not excelled west of Omaha.
The Outlook at Wnlioo.
WAUOO , Neb. , March 4. [ Correspondence
of Tun BUK ] Waboo has some prospects of
a busy building season. J. B. Allen & Co.
will erecl a iwo btory brick business build
ing on Linden avenue during the summer ,
the second story to be expressly lilted for a
1C. of P. castle hall. The First National
bank propose putting up n brick block ou
Linden avenue and H. A. Snow intends
rebuilding on Fifth street , und will put up a
handsome brick structure in place of the
frame building now on his lot , and many
other Improvements are promised for the
coming season.
Heal ostatu in Wahoo is cheaper than in
any pthor town of half its size in the state of
Nebraska , and furnishes a good field for
investment for a largo amount of capital.
Money invested in Wuhoo' dirt will bring
a rich reward to the investor , for Waboo
with her 3,000 people , three railroads varied
manufacturing industries and such bright
prospects munt grow.
CUurcli , UclcK < itRS to tlio Y. HI. O. A.
Hoi.unr.aE , Neb. . March 4. [ Special to
THE BRE.J The delegates sent by the four
different churches in this place Baptist ,
Methodist Episcopal , Qvuugolicul and Con
gregational to the Y. M. C. A. convention
nt Fnirbury to get some Idea from that body
preparatory to starling such nn orjfanlxaliou
here , met yesterday ulturnoon in the Con
gregational church to inako reports. Tne
movement is receiving the approval of many
of the best citizens.
JlrjiUciiinn Killed.
SJSWAHU , Nob. , March 4. [ Special Telegram
gram to TIIC BRE. | Mike Shalluo , of
Aurora , III. , u brakeiuaa , on the North
western railway , was Instantly killed Sun
day night. U Is supposed that ho stopped
off the front section of a broken train nnd
was caught by the forward car of tlio rear
section. Ho was horribly mangled 'beyond
Vnlciitlno Colclmitob.
VALKSTIXB , Nob. , March 4. [ Special Telegram -
ogram lo Tun BBB. | The republicans of
the county ami town ore indulging iu a
grand iimugurul cclegratlon and ball to--
night. .Speeches liuvo boon delivered by
( Jlsllngulfihc'd stranger * nnd local orators.
The ball is now hi progress , preparatory to
the coming bunuuet.
l With Keren ry.
, March 4. { Special Telegram
to TIIK BKK.J O car Sac-rider , n young man ,
on February ! ij , is said to huvo forged the
mime ot A , Ditxscll to three notes of $15 each
und sold them to the First National b.inlc ,
To-day , is 1 * tatcd , thu notes were ' discov
ered to bo forgoi-ich'nnd ulllcern were sfnt in
pursuit of Sscrlder who haa not been found.
A f.'rrnwory Wantncl ,
MAVWOOU , Neb. , March 4. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THIS HKE.J Arrangements just completed -
ploted ut this place guaranty 500 rows to the
party who will put In n creamery hero this
spring , also the site for the buildings , etc. ,
y for the erection of u creamery ,
Cast * County Jjlvo Stock ,
WUJPISO WATKII , Nob. , March 4. [ Siw-
cial to TIIK BBB. ] The imwburof cattle
that are being fud in this community la not
in largo as that of last yocr. Tiio cattle
look wull and uro doing flue. Hogs are
somewhat scarce. Food Is plenty.
A Hrnlccinun Injured ,
A B. & M. braVeman nnmcJ Daniel lluss
lad both feet cut ptt lust night. Ho lives on
bouth TlurteuntU ttrccL-nid : has u wife aud
oue child. , ,
Several House Bills Matco It Ac
Object Of Attack.
Ono of the Most Important Doing Providing Tor the Invest
ment of tlic Permanent
School Finn ] ,
honking to llcvlalon.
Ltxcot-x , Nob. , Alnrch 4. ( Spoolal to THE
Hnn. ] The state constitution has been the
object of attack often of the 4S3 bills Intro
duced In the lower house. The "grasshop
per constitution" docs not seem to suit the
fastidious lawmakers of thesa opulent times ,
and they propose to revise it In the following
particulars :
House roll No. 1 , by Dempster , is the wcl
known submission amendment , by which 1
was proposed to "forever prohibit the manu
facture , sale und keeping for sale of intoxi
cating Ilijuor as a beverage. " This bill was
supplanted by senate Mia 81 , the Lindsay
uU ! , and will bo allowed to die a natural
House roll No. 11 , by Corbln , was almost
Identical with the Dempster bill mentioned
above , and will share the same Jute.
In house roll lill , Morrlssoy endeavored to
checkmate the prohibitionists at their own
game. Uy the provisions of this bill the
question , "shall the liquor tr.ifllc bo forever
regulated In this Rtnto according to the pro
visions of the present law known ns the Slo-
cumb law ! " Is to be submitted to a | K > pulnr
vote. This measure has been consigned tea
a state of "innocuous desuetude" by the pass
age of the dual submission bill.
House roll 137 is the Corbln amendment ,
proposing to so change the constitution that
the ] > crinancnt school fund may be Invested
in rccistercd school district bonds. It is the
intention of the author to provide for the
loaning of these funds to needy school dis
tricts at 7 per cent interest to' build school
houses and for other purposes. This amend
ment has been favorably considered ia the
house , but aiwwerful lobby , representing the
banners and money loancra who now have
the free use of hundreds of thousands of
dollars of school money , is on hand and will
persistently endeavor to pigeon-hole the
measure. Its fate at present is decidedly un
Mr. Cashing of Douglas has coma to the
conclusion that the judiciary of the state is
under-paid , and in house roll 231 proposes to
unbuilt to thu electors a proposition to raise
the salaries of the judges of the supreme
court from S2,500 to $3,000 , and of district
judges from # 3,500 , to ? 3r 0i ) per annum.
This bill has been acted on favorably by the
committee on constitutional amendments.
pDuring the sef slon of tlip legislature Mr.
Kayncr , of Cheyenne , has observed that the
work of the supreme court is getting sadly
behind , and has come to the conclusion that
an increase of the working force of the court
is absolutely necessary to manage and dis
pose of the constantly increasing business.
Ho has therefore introduced house roll 30 ,
which provides for the submission of nn
amendment to the constitution raising the
number of judges from three to live. This
bill is now la the hands of the judiciary com
Mr. George M. O'Brian , of Douglas , pro
poses an important change in the constitu
tion In house roll 418. The bill provides for
the submission of an amendment to article 7 ,
reading as follows : "livery" person of the
ago of twenty-one or upwards , who is u citi
zen of tlm United States , and who shall have
resided in thu state one year and ia the
county , precinct or ward , for the time pro
vided by law , shall bo an elector. " This bill
has not been considered yet and the mem
bers of the committee on constitutional
amendments arp non-committal us to the
merits or demerits of this measure.
In house roll 44S , Mr. Uayncr comes to the
front with another bill , by which he pro
poses to change the form of submitting an
amendment to the constitution. The rcadltfg
of the section ho proposes to change is now
very cumbersome and contratllctary , Mr.
Uayncr suggests that Instead qf containing
both affirmative and 'negative ' forms , the
ticket shall simply read , "For the proposed
amendment , " leaving the elector who does
not wish to vote "Yes" to simply scratch
the sentence out or craso the word "For"
and write "Against. "
Mr. Cady thinks ho has found n solution of
the railroad problem. The present law cm-
powers the commissions to lix rates , and in
house roll 45S proposes to submit an amend
ment to the electors uroviding that the rail
way commission shall consist of three per-
sons.who shall each receive a salary of $3,000
per annum , und wno ahull bo elected by the
people , one each year.
Mr. Coleman , of Antelope , has Introduced
a similar bill , with the exception that it does
not Hx the salary. Tills bill has notyetbeeu
nctcd on by the committee , but some of the
committee are favorable to one or the other
of the last two amendments. Hotli of these
bills are yet in the hands of the committee.
An Important Measure.
Lixcoi/sr , Neb. , March ! . [ Special to THE
BKP..J Ono of the most important measures
to come before the senate is the joint resolu
tion , already passed by the house , for a con-
stltutlonal amendment authorizing the state
treasurer to invest the permanent school
fund in the registered bonds of school dis
tricts. At present the treasurer is limited
to United States , statq and county securities.
Tbo books of the state treasurer show a
large balance constantly on hand for years
past , which , it Is assorted , has been depos
ited in Lincoln banks without bringing any
revenue to the state. The balances at Bcuii-
annual dates for tlireo years past will give
an Idea of the condition of things.
On January 1.12SO , It was , in round num
bers , { 01,000 ; July 1 , $3 < I3K)0 , ( ) ; January 1 ,
1887. $355,000 ; July 1 , 8140.003 ; January 1 ,
13S8 , SJH.OOO ; July 1 , flll,000. ) ,
It will be noticed that most of the balance
has been invested slnco last July , but an ex
amination of the books will BU'OW that the
greater part of it 1ms been disposed of filnco
December 1,18SS , when the balance on hand
was fc.70,000. It is insinuated that tills speedy
reduction of the money in the treasury was
made in anticipation of the move now being
made In the legislature to open a now avenue
of investment. It was hoped , by wiping out
the surplus , to do away with the stringent
argument for tlio proposed amendment , und
thu slate treasurer Is under sus
picion of being hand In glove
with the ring that has schemed
to keep big volumes on hand in tile state
funds for tha benefit of certain 'Lincoln
Ono of the sample transactions Is that of
November 15 , 18S8 , when the state sent to
the eastern money lenders and bought Ne
braska county oonds to the amount of
10,000. They were paying H per cent Inter
est. The eastern capitalists would'not sell
withoul a consideration , and the ntato ofll-
cors could not p.iy a premium. These gentle
men solved the diftlculty without trouble.
Thu eastern holders were allowed to out off
and pooKct interest coupons to the amount of
11 per cant fur the whole period during thu
life of the bonds , The stutu will only re
ceive 5 per cent Intercut.
The state- treasurer has guccoasfully re
duced the aunilus , but thcro promises to bean
an enormous income * In this permanent school
fund within the next few years. The report
of the commissioner of public lands und
buildings shows that on November 30 ,
lfc& that there were duo tno state on school
umis sold ( and payable to this fund ) , very
nearly f4,0KOUO. ( A bill passed thu Honuto
cxtcndiiif : tha time of payment till 1030 , but
t was killed hi the house. The object waste
to k/ocp / the notes outstanding because they
arc paying thu state (1 ( per cent interest. The
irgumcnt against it In the house was that
.ho owners of these lands aru taxed onlv for
their interest in them as shown by their pny-
ncnts. In sonio parts of the btate these
audit have advanced la valuu to if'-.l or even
( Ml per acre , while the holder may htivo paid
no luoro than i'-i to $ j on the purchase prioe.
As boon as they are wholly paid for these
and will ba usseswxl the * uma ns other dim-
lor property , but to extend the timu for
iiaklng deferred payments would rob the
state of many thoubnnd dolhivd in taxon.
I'bU point wus not brought out In tha sen-
atu's discussion of the bill , and the fdends
ot tha mcaiuro in that body uc-
lulc&co heartily in the action of the house in
defeating tlio bill.
Of UOUMO all of the f lOX , ox : ) U not com-
og In at onto , but u largo part of it is liublo
o itnniediuto colloflldu. At theoillco of ttio
and rbinmissioner it U staled that payments
to the ntnouiit of fcOii.ooy to tlWJo Oarc
past clue. Tliej payment h not boon fch
forced bcoausoiftiwns believed this legislo
lure would ixisfcrvjoieiwuro of relief. Thes
txist duo notes r .paying Interest , but new
thai the legislature has refused to extent
thorn they will , ba-follcctcd and turned lilt
the permanent fcthpol fund. The probability
is that before tuancxt session of the Icglsln
lure there will Jau-.fiilly fl.000,000 due. Th
l > nokR show thl state of facts on Norcmbe
80 , 1SS3 : . , ,
Of the monejt)0fitht9 fund there were In
vested In Unltod States and state securities
and registered County bonds , the nggrcgnU
sum of 41SOOOt 0which will liavo to bo re
Invested from tlino to time. The w.w a lial
auco In the treasury of 8 70,000. There Is du
on deferral payments for school land
W.OOO.OOO.of wliUili nearly or qulto Sl.OOO.OIX .
I.M llablo to ItmiKkliiito collection , There sir
( VV > , ( X > 0 ncros of Kohool lands that liavo no
yet been leased or sold. There are 1,437,00
acres under lease aud llablo In tlmo to b
Tlio friends of the stale treasurer nccoun
for the largo balances In years past with th
statement that it has been difllcult to get th
prescribed securities ; and yet , In the face o
the m lllions to come into the pormaneut schoo
fund , they oppose the proposition tomakotht
bonds of the school districts of Ncbrnsk
available for Investment , and they have n
substitute to offer.
Thn llt'KCi'tfl Alarinoil.
LINCOLN , March 4. [ Special to TIIC HUE.
The regents of the state university or
alarmed and pleading for mercy. They hav
been supporters of Prof. Billings , but now
nro willing to sacrifice him to save tlioir up
proprlatlon. An oftlcor of the university
who is on the tloor of the legislature dully In
the interest of thatMnstltultou , has suggcslci
that the proper method to reach Hillings , la
by resolution. Helms given it out that the
regents would bo guided by a request frou
thu legislature for the removal of Hillings
"only don't crlpplo the stuto university bj
culling down Us nppropriallon. "
The sentiment of tbo senate Is clearlj
against Iho prolossor , but his persuasive in
lluenco is getting In its Work in the house.
The feeling of thu senators Is not so much
against the innoeuUi ion theory or the work
of experimenting as Jl Is ag'alnst Uillings per
soually. He is regarded as a quarrelsome ,
jealous , cranky epolist who is soiling I5ie
various state departments at swords' paints
und bringing dUrepute upon the state. It is
argued that there nro other scientists us
capable as Hillings , 'others who can push the
hog cholera theory to Its conclusion as * weil
as he , and who will attend to Uieir legiti
mate duly without abusing other stale de
partments or firing hot Phot into republican
candidates. Prof , Hillings admits that ho
has made a mistake in them ) respects , but
the confession comes late. Ho says bo has
frequent offers of more rcm line rail vo | x >
Bilious , claims to have refused a fcl.OJJ . place
last week , but ho announces that being In a
tight ho will see 11 llirouca if it takes a head ,
The proposition to establish an independ
ent agricultural college comes lute in the
session. There has bocii no preceding agi
tation , and thcro may be too much inertia
and too little limo to give thu proposition
ovou careful consideration. It will bring the
mailer under discussion , however , and may
lend ultimately to a curoful study of tbo sit
uation before taking action upon so import
ant a proposition.
For UIB rfcno.'U ol' Teachers.
Lixcoux , Nob. Alnrch -Special ( lo Tun
BIE.J : Scnalor Roche says his bill for regis
tering the orders br'school districts is for the
benefit of teachers { fa country schools.
"There are many , ' school districts in the
sparsely populated t parts of Ncbniska too
poor to pay theirt teachers properly , " ho ex
plains , "and the 'latter have to take orders
on the treasurer. These orders may bo out
for a year before there are funds for their
payment , and themthe teacher conducting
the school at thL Umu may step in and take
all the money , while the order of the year
before goes unpi4' | The result Is u greal
hardship to the country .school toichars. Be.-
cause of the uncertainty of payment they
have to give a bte , Discount , often as high as
ns a ) per cent. , to. got their orders cashed.
The object of the'-bill is this : The district
treasurer must # feel > 'ister of the orders
Issued , and tboymust 1)6 ) paid in rotatloiras
issued. When funds are received he must
send notice by muil to the holders of orders
onlillcd to payment By this means bankers
and others who buy these orders will bo
enabled to calculate on the tlmo of payment
and the discount will bo greatly reduced. "
The Chiii'tei- Peril.
LI.VCOLX , Neb. , March 4. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The efforts of Interested parties-
secure a moailication by the senate of the
Omaha charter bill , in respect to the street
paving clause , if succeastul , will almost certainly -
tainly defeat the measure. Should the bill
bo scut back lo the house the Douclas county
delegation will be divided , and thcro is a
powerful combination on the Hoer of the
house who are determined not to allow the
bill to take up any more time. It they get a
suspicion that the bill' has been tampered
with In the interest of corporations , ihey
will kill it. Some of the members of the
Douglas delegation who favored giving tlio
street car companies two years exemption
from paving , now say tnat the senate must
put the bitl through just as it came from the
house , or Omaha will not get a new charter.
It is understood thai the senators from Doug
las have agreed to several cUauges suggested
by special interests , aad , as ono member ex-
prcBscd it , "Unless the schemes of these
designing parties are frustrated the people
of Otuuha won't know the bill when it passes
the senate. " _
The State Printing Bill.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 4. J Special to THE
BBi.JThe bill for a state printer is doubt
ful of passage. Even if not vigorously op
posed it proK | > scs nn important change likely
to provoke a long discussion and comes Into
in the Bcssloii. The committees , however ,
nro nt work remodeling the bill to meet ob
jections. The senate sub committee have re
duced the price of composition from ( ) * > to ( V )
cents and base the rale of presswork on
sixteon-pugo Instead of clght-p.t2o forms.
The last legislature appropriated $1)5,000 ) for
limiting and up lo November 30 flOll'J had
boon spent.
, A New Hellenic.
LISCOLX , Neb , , March 4. [ Spoclal to THE
BEK.J A new scheme has boaa gotten up by
parties who have failed to got their culms
allowed , to Jllch money from the public treas
ury , Those claims , where possible , will bo
surreptillously inserted in the appropriation
bills and unless everything Is closely scanned
eome unworthy claims will bo unwittingly
allowed. Tbo appropriation bills will betaken
taken up to-morrow , mid us there U yet nearly
three weeks of tbo session each measure nmv
to fully considered Htm by item before tlnal
action. _
The Valued Policy Hill 8is nnd.
LINCOLN- , Neb , . -March 4. [ Spsolal to Tire
3ii ! . | Uatisom'sj'j. ' jjcy Insurance bill bus
escaped the lobby/ ! * and became a law , the
'overnor having stjufd It ,
LINCOI.K , Neb. , autarch 4. [ Special to Tim
LJcE.J II Is unUHoil' ' for the senate to have
u morning session on Monday , and a third of
the Hcnutors were ftbsent to-day. Tlio first
iroccedlng was un'ajbempi to straighten out
.ho tangled record , oX Saturday ' adjourn-
nont. Certain Huimtora wanted to pul
'resident Church Hovyp pri record as deelur-
ng the motion" Mr 'a rcccas Jont when It
actually had llflccn ayes to nine nay . Ho wo
defended himself with the statement taut
ho secretary gave him the veto as eleven to
eleven , and tbut it wus not his business to
gj over the Bncretury'g poll list. Ho also
utscrtud that on account of the numerous
motions and the several changes , lie had sug-
; eslcd ut the tlmo that the vote be taken u
ocnnd time , which was a fact , but the sue
gcstion was not acted on. Sot-rotary Sooley
explained tbut in inaUliic thu chungoa In tlu
ally sheet the result became mixed. Hu
gave the veto us eleven to eleven , with u
request to the president to have the
oil culled again , The record was loft
n a contradictory condition. Church
{ owe thinks he Is vindicated , and
hu other follows believe they Imvu him fln
oeord , Llealeiunt Governor Mvlklojohn
was uppculiul to by Howe , and sustained the
position that tbo presiding oQIcer'a dutv is
ended vyho'n ho tuke tha footing of a vote
ns given hy the secretary. The Incident lint
CAtiscd much fooling , and has given rise to ns
much talk on the side ns the most Important
inPwMtres before the senate.
The" morning scssloli was very quiet , most
of It being devoted to senatorial opinions on
the Immorality and the usefulness of bucket
shops. The bill for the suppression of these
Institutions was llnnlly approved in commit *
tee of the whole. It was stated In the dis
cussion that the only cities concerned are
Omaha , Lincoln mid Howard.
The only other business transacted was the
approval of Uochc's bill providing that school
district orders shall be registered and paid in
the order registered.
In committee of the whole thu following
measures were approved :
A joint resolution and memorial urging
con cross to help distribute tbo surplus by
posalng the bill authorizing the secreinry of
the treasury to buy postoflleo sites and erect
buildings with fireproof vaults.
Kocho's bill fora normal school nt Nollgh ,
providing thai the Property known as Qates
college bo conveyed to the state for use ns
said normal school.
Kocho's bill nuthorl/lng n railroad to sub
scribe to the stock of or otherwise help the
construction of another road Intended to
form a connection with or extension of the
The committee of Iho whole also approved
the bill providing that a tto vote for a city or
village ofllcor shall be decided by lot ; also
the bill requiring the county attorney lo
have hid otllco al llie county soat.
Fuucit's registration bill was sent to the
Judiciary committee for revision.
Llna's bill limiting the employes of each
house to ilfty , which was defeated last Satur
day , win culled back and pul on tlio general
A lively discussion was provoked by the
eommltti'u bill providing that applicants for
admission to the soldiers' home must appeal
to nnd have their clnims examined by the
commissioners or supervisors of the county.
Senator Hansom opposed the bill with the
argument thai il would raise up ninety
boards anxious to get rid of Indigent veter
ans and to sbovo them into the house. Ilo
thought it would degrade the old soldiers to
paupers. On the other hand il was explained
that the object of the bill was to have the
claims of an applicant examined by Ills
neighbors , who would Ira informed ns to his
worthiness , and to correct n provision in the
old law which closed the cloors of the home
to old soldiers who had no families depend
ent on them , The bill was laid aside for
fulure consideration.
LISOOLN , Neb. , March 4. [ Special to Tun
Br.E.As usual , the members wore In no
hurry to return to their seats. Quite a
sprinkling of vacant scats were observed
when the gavel fell , A motion by Hill , of
Butler , to appoint a sifting committee was
Bills ou second reading were nnd re
The house went into committee of the
whole to consider bills ou general flic.
The Australian ballot bill was taken up.
A motion was made ana accepted , making
tbo bill apply to cities of the llrst aud metro
politan classes.
Hall moved that Iho bill bo reported back
with the recommendation that it do not pass.
He thougul that there was no necessity for
such a law in Nebraska.
Berlin said it would do away with the use
of so much money in elections , and hoped
the motion of Halt would not prevail.
Dempster thought the bill a good one , but
needed ROUIC amendments to cover objection
able points.
Hampton seconded the motion to indefi
nitely postpone the bill , because the house
was wasting time nnd the bill would not
pass.Tho motion was lost IS to 21.
The question of independent candidates
wus discussnil al length. Hayocr thought
the hill would encourage a multiplicity of
candidates and complicate the election.
The bill , nftur receiving a number of
amendments , reported back with a fa
vorable recommendation.
The bill providing for a reassessment of
railroad lands in tirceloy. Valley. Hotvard
and other counties , for the ycaro 1S7 ( } to ISfS ,
inclusive , was taken up and discussed at
length and reported back for passage.
A motion lo hold night sessions was lost.
Ijcsislntivc Oosnlp.
Ltxcowr , Nub. , M.irch 4. tSi)33i-il to Tin :
Biiu.J Charles Slrussuer and I. II. Notl , of
Omaha , were Sunday visilors at tlio capital.
In discussing thu bucket shop , Senator
Connor said : 'There is no good wilhout a
corresponding evil. I doubt if u souatar can
name a good without , just on the other side
and shadowing it , a companion evil. "
A. S. Baldwin , clerk of the district court
of Lexington , formerly Plum Crcpk , was at
ihe slate house en roulo to Omaha. Mr.
Baldwin was a membsr of the legislature of
1SS1 , and is proud of having been "ono of the
thirty-five that died with old man Paddock. "
Mrs. Senator Wolbich , of Ur.ind Island , Is
enjoying her llrst visit to this legislature.
The speeches of Sonntor Hurd , of Clay
county , during the past woolc havj brought
him before the senate conspicuously asu logi
cal reasoner and u clear-cut speaker.
The legislature has received u letter from
the Chicago live stock exchange urging Chicago
cage us the proper place for the meeting
called by Iho governor of Kansas lo discuss
the cattle trusts.
For the third time the senate lias killed a
bill to Jlx penalties for nustr.tctorJ who fall
to lllo tlip required * 10OOJ ami making the
bond responsible for the errors of the ab
The Australian ballot had thu floor in the
house to-day.
Mr. Sn.vdcr ot Douglas voted sto.idlly In
favor of discharging the useliHa employes of
the housu. By mistake his name re
corded in favor of tab ! ins ; Iho whole busi
ness.Mr. . Severin 15 Iho only member of the Lan
caster delegation who votod'ln favor of dis-
chaigiiig the unnecessary help.
A New Train.
The conncutiiiff link between Nebraska -
braska anil lutiibii * has jiisl been placed
in Borvico by the Union Pacific railway.
Thin train louvos Council IJlufl's daily at
4irin. in. ; loaves Omahii at/5:05n. : m. ,
and runs throiifjlv without change to
Manhattan , Knn. , malting direct con-
iiQCtioius therewith tlio Kniibiis division
of the Union i'ucilic railway for nil
noiniK in Kansas and Colorado wust-
boinul , and for Topuka , Lawrence , ICaii-
SUH City and pointn cast anil south via
Kansas City , rtoturiiinjy , train leaves
Manhattan at i2U" : > p. in. ; arriving at
Boalrlco at 0:1M : p. in. , Lincoln at 7fiO :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p , in. , Coun
cil HlulTti 11:40 p. in. , malciiifr direct
conucctlon with Ktiiixas diviHion trains
from Kansas City , Lnwroncc , Topeka
anil the cast , and from Dunvur , Biilinn ,
Abeline and all point : ) west , enabling
passungor * to visit the principal points
in Kaiibas and Nulmibku in the shortest
wiaiblu time , Those trains have firat-
jlaa.s equipment , consisting of smoking
: ; u-n and llrst-olnsj day COUOIICH of thu
ntoat pattern. The now train will (111 (
a long full want , und Is bound to be
WKUI-IXO WATKII , Neb. March 4. [ Corre
spondence of Tin : BKE.J Several owners of
desirable lots in tlm business jiortion of the
city uro llgurlng with contructois for the
erection of brick buslnosti buildings ,
The manager of the City mills la putting
n n forty-horfto power engine. Already res-
drnccs In different parts of town have been
commenced , and a great uiuny more will he-
; in as HOOII aa the frost is out of the crouml ,
Mr. J. Chase has platted a now addition to
hn city , which will make n desirable resl-
lenco location.
The Weeping Water erpainory has been
ran ted by Masara. Mr Half , Uuiiliuni & Itox-
ord. They propp.ic to inako the machinery
mm and to muko U interesting for the farm
ers.The proipccu for a subilanliul growth
hli season for Weeping Wntor uro very 11 at-
orinjf. New comers are arriving every clay.
Postal Clerk Gpno > Vronir. * . March 4. Arthur H.
Vulkor , clerk in the registered lettcrdl vision
f the Minneapolis postonlco , was arrested
bin jnorninjj on a charge of robbing the
Domoomts nnd Ropubllonua Join It
Hurrnhs for HarriBOii.
Iluftlc Is Sccrctnrjr of Agriculture ,
nnd tlm Slnto Htniuls ns Itnnt
Printed Itlilillcbnrnor's
Shameful Career.
513 FotmTECHTnSTiinnT . }
WASIIIN-OTOX , D. O. , Maroli4 .
Tills wno tlio contonnlal Inauguration , lint
np.irt from Its historic significance it has
boon tlio uioit noteworthy Inauguration In
the history of tlio last half century , for
though the inaugurations of previous presi
dents wcro attended occasionally by unplo.xs-
ant weather , yet there has never boon , within
tno memory of nny liviuj ? man , n day when
all tlio elomonls sin-mod to conspire to nmlto
the weather nil that Is unendurable , niul
never has the loyal enthusiasm of the people
risen so far superior to nil obstacles as to
day. The weather necessarily detracted
from the brill lanuy nml beauty nml the glit
ter of thu military display. The drums were
mu filed in rubber , and tlm music nt times
sounded hollow. Tlio men were bundled up
In their overcoats , mid looked jaded niul worn
from their weary tramp throuith thu
slush. Hut all were animated by the same
spirit of loyally mid devotion to the now
cliiuf magistrate , and the ploasentcst fuaturo
of it all is that this loyally is wholly devoid
of any pai tlaan spirit. Thcro WAS no trace
of partisan spirit in all of the Hundred * of
thousands who thron-jod the strools to-d y.
Democrats and republicans though they have
been , to-day they were all Americans , shout
ing out the glad welcome to the now prosl -
dent. Mr. Harrison's douioanor has been
such aa to win him the warmest words on
all sides. Ulgtiitled and self- possessed , ho
yet showed at nil times that ho was fully
conscious of the imiwrtanec of the great
drama of which ho was the central figure ,
Ho felt an honest prldo in the enthusiasm
showed for him nil along the line and his ex
pressive features portrayed his pleasure.
His ride from the capital to the white house
was a continuous ovation ; and cvcu the
silent und defeated man who rodu
busido him smiled at tunes at
.some little tokou of popular favor.
As he returned from the stanu where he hail
tukiiii the oath of ofllco that had made him
president , ho stopped In the corridors and
warmly greeted both friends and strangers
who pressed forward to congratulate him.
His way was blocked at times , and several of
the senators found it necessary to form them
selves into a body cuard to protect him from
the onslaughts of the zealous admirers , and
as ho returned from the vice president's
chamber , to take his place in tlio parade , his
carriage was surrounded. Although the ruin
beat In his face , lie xvaitod until ho had
shaken hands with all who managed to press
forward. His kindliness and courtusv to-day
at this first public uppcaranco made a most
favorable imtirosslon , and thcro is every
prospect that theru will be established be
tween Mr. Harrison and the people of Wnbh-
ington that warm bond of personal lovu and
sympathy that has been HO notoriously absent
during the Just four years.
JIUtf. HAlilllpOX.
To many people who crowded the senate
galleries to-dav , and to nearly all who stood
around the platform , the fuco of Airs. Harri
son was familiar. When she entered the
senate chamber she was recognised at once ,
and n burst of applause her. Natur
ally she absorbed the attention of all , and it
was some few moments before the people
recognized in the daintily dressed ladies who
accompanied her , her daughter and her
dauffhtcr-in-law. To them , too , thcro was a
hearty greeting given. All restraint van
ished , however , when the ladies adjourned ,
with all the so ni to , to the platform to wit
ness the taking of the oath. Many who from
their position could not sse Mrs. Harrison ,
rewarded themselves by WJtchiiig every
Biullo that flitted across the faces of the
presidential ladlss as they followed the cord-
monies. Their apiioaninoo on the platform
was a pleasant surprise , for it had
been generally feared tlint the ram
would have detained them , and indeed it had
been hinted at first that they would not be
present at the capitol : it all. After the eore-
inonlus were over they ro-entcrod their car
riages. The crowd , which had lost sight of
them for a brief moineut , immediately recog
nised them again , and when tlio carriages
drove off no small poition of Unassembled
crowd deserted the parade , which was just
then beginning to move , and ran after tha
carriages for blocks in the hope of catehiug a
glance of Mrs. Harrison. In all the vast concourse -
course of people that wcro uacltcd into tlio
senate galleries to-day , like so many sar
dines , one pew presented a great gaping
void. It was the pew reserved bv courtesy
for the departing president. Not u single
member or friend of the president's family
was present. It had boon observed that pos
sibly Mrs. Cleveland would attend , and tnero
was a rumor to that effect this morning , but
it proved otherwise. Neither Mrs , Cleveland
nor Mrs. Lament , nor any one of the
cabinet ladles were In the senate chamber
to-day , anil it is positively known that none
of them will attend the Inaugural ball to
night it Is evident that their conspicuons ab
sence to-day Is a uart and portion of u care
fully preconcerted programme of avoid
It is now definitely assorted that ox Gov
ernor Husk , of Wisconsin , will bo secretary
of agriculture , and the cabinet Mate as
printed in tbeso dhnaichus this morning
stands beyond a question. Mr. Palmer gous
to join Air. Clarkson , Mr. Plait ami Air. Miller -
ler In meditation on what might have been ,
and Mr. Husk goc.s to the department of ag
riculture. The lirst reply to all ques
tions as to u general estimate of
the cabinet is the statement that
Mr. Harrison has certainly succeeded in
surprising the people. Ho has surprised
them , but it IK a satisfactory surprise. The
cabinet , it ia bcliuvud , will bo nn honest and
hard working one. It will man out for Itsulf
certain lines of work It will distinctively
carry out. While tliero arc , of course ,
among the many politicians who ure hum ,
some bitter disappointments , thcro ) , on the
whole , u willingness to accujit the now cabi
net and to glvo It a chance. FOW men will
ny that every member of the cabinet fully
comes up to tlioir own personal , preferences ,
but taken individually und coflefllvuly , it is
conceded that the cabinet will compare most
favorably with any that has preceded it.
What the popular cstlmato of Mr.
lilaino und Mr. Windom Is. everybody
knows , for they have boon uufora
the people no long that they aru
thoroughly known. ' Mr. Noble I * a stranger
to most people Mere , but all the reports unlto
in saying that his sterling honesty and his
excellent law knowledge * thoroughly lit nim
for tbo duty of thu interior dopai tincnt. The
Kamo Is said of Messrs , Miller und Tracy and
Proctor. They urn not intimately known to
thu body of tlio Washington statesmen , but
these who line iv them till iirodlct that
they will provo themselves mim
fully competent toill up all the require
ments of their duties. Mr. Wanumakur hn
never bofora appeared hero as n politician ,
und It Is believed that hn will bring Into the
ijostolllw ) department those xuum Ideas of
business v.lileli have placed him in the front
rank of successful merchants , Mr. Husk1 *
well known love for the fanner ls > generally
accepted us a sufficient guaranty fur
ttio manner In which ho will look
after the Interests of the great body of ngri-
: uturis | > ts ,
nui.i.v ltii > il.innit'iii : ( .
Senator niildloborircr did not put in nn nrv
icaranco at the c.vjitol to-day. His filcmh
iay that ho has passed his tobcllious point
uul Is now In u penitent mood. Alter his ur-
rcst last night by Scrgoant-at-arms C'anady ,
: io was taken away to his hotel by a friwiii ,
ivhcro ho joined his wife , son and two
laughters. Mru. lllddlobargor was In the
jftllery at the tlino of her husband' * arrest ,
mil was overcome by humiliation and agilu-
, ion. fine fainted und was tanon to u'nr
corns at the hotel Jusl before thu senator ar-
Irod. Ulddlubcrgor proves to have been
i bulb during his entire senatorial
-areor it hu been rtportod from tlino to time
hat ho was of a pugilistic temper und would .
Ight any man who attempted to talto him off
hollnorof the anate. ilo cvoir .
in a number of occasions , when threatened'
vltu arrest by thu president pro louipore of
the senate , M to. ny that no innn could llvo
and tnko him from his scat , \Vhon CoSonnl
Cauadny approached him last night In the
senate , the senator looked savagely nt him
and in a threatening attitude Inquired If ha
intended to take him away by fon'o. The
sorgoant-at-nrins kindly responded in
the afllrinativo , and then forcibly
moved him Into n clonk room , the door to
which win only ton feet nwny. Inside thu
olonk room Hlddlobi-rgcr rosumeA the role of
bulb' and throwing up his right arm ns n
guard drew hack his left ns if to strike the
BOrpcnnt-at-nrms. The latter said , "Mr.
Senator , you had bettor not strike mo , I am
acting under the direction of the president
of the sennto and intend to on force my in
struction if it costs mo my life. "
"I can whip you , and Ingnlls. too , " exclaimed -
claimed Senator Ktrtdlebcrgor , increasing
his pugilistic height and attitude.
"That may bo , " said Oolonol Canadny ,
"but if you strike mo It may provo n great
mistake for you. " As the sorgcant-at-nrms
said this bo looked Kiddlcborgcr in the face.
The lattcr's eye dropped , his hand wont
uown , and by doing so ho acknowlodgotl that
ho had met his match. It looked for a few
minutes as if there would oo blood shod.
Hoth wen wore nrmod , and if there had boon
blows the dlfilculty would undoubtedly have
ended very seriously.
MI'l.'lIl.lANT.Or. ' ' .
At the Inaugural ball to-night Mrs , Senator
Paddock were beautiful French tnolru bro
caded white draperies of black lace , em
broidered in gold , with diamond ornaments.
Mrs , Colonmn , daughter of Senator Paddock ,
nnpearcd in n gown of whlto satin with front
draperies of lace frosted with poarln and
diamonds. Miss Paddock were a Nllo green
gaii7o with n clasp of jewels.
The now senators sworn In to-day were
Harbour , of Virginia ; Hlggins , of Delaware ;
McMillan , of .Michigan , and Mnrslon , of
New Hampshire
The lirst assistant postmaster general has
tendered his resignation , to take effect upon
the appointment of his successor.
S. Hr.vru
Millionaire Klooil'H Will.
Hr.mvoon CITV , Cal. , March" I. Tlio will
of James C. Flood was filed in the county
clerk's ' oflloo this morning. The estate ,
valued at $ liOOOOJ ! , la bequeathed one-half
to his wife and the other half to his
daughter , Cora Jane , and son , James 1. . . ,
Bhuro and share alike. Hofore his death the
deceased deeded large blocks of property to
his family.
" ' <
Chnrtroa With StoiUfni ; Diamonds.
NEW YOUI : , March 4. Mrs. Sarah C. Leland -
land , iiieco of the late Chief Justice Salmon
1 * . Chase , was to-day committed for trial In
S3.000 ball. Miss Elizabeth A. Dniloy wan
the complainant against Airs , Iceland. She
charged her with stealing a pair of diamond
earrings valued at jaw , and of collecting
15 from one of Alius Duiley'n tenants wllh-
out accounting tlierefore. Mrs. hclund do-
nlcd both charges.
The Wrntliur liiillctitinnH.
Nebraska , Dakotiiand Iowa : Fair , warmer
winds becoming southerly.
' Positively cured by
these Tattle Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress fro-n Dyspepsia , Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too llr-nrtj
Katlng. A perfect rem
edy for UlTzhicss , NaiiMia ,
Drowsiness , Hail Taste
la the Jloulli. Couteil
Tongue , I'ulu in tlio Side ,
regulate the Vmels. . 1'urcly Vegetable.
OSierles M , Jordan
Hucccisor to
( I.utuof IScl'cvnQ ' llonpltul , Now York )
( I.atf of Ihe UmvcrMty of Now Voile < IHy ami
Howard Uulvvisliy , Washington , U , a
No. 31O and 311 Rumaro DulUiliicr
Corner I'ifttenUi nnd llnrnryxti. , Om.'ilm , Nob. .
\Uicio all cnralil'j cutui aiu tiu.Uml
YtlMl MllciHD.
Koto Dr. < ; h.irlen M. .Ionian IIIIN been leil-
[ lent phy.sldun for l r. MrUoy , In Uniulin , for
the pust year ami is thu phjMli'luii tvlmlmi
fiiailu lllo curm that liavo Iieun
tveukly In thl > p.tpjr.
il H ] Itul aiycnKPStrvatnilHKllfully Deaf-
nose , Cuu umitluii. | Ilruochltis , A-ittnua , ) ) > * -
; iepslu , KliuuinntUm und ullHorvoua and
< XNHUIiTAT10W at ollice or by mall , II.
Ulllru liuur.H-.i to 1 1 u , in. , K to I p. m. , T to 3p ,
a. , tiiitnluy oillco lionrn trum U u. m. . to 1 p. m.
Ojriinni'nilcnct1 ri'culvcspiompt attention ,
Manvillsoasui urt truitoilstioet'iMfmlvUy I'r.
Ionian Uirmixii tlm nmU , un < ) It I * tun ? po-jiiDla
fortlioiu uiKililu to nmkH u Jounxiy to owulti
* Allnd aud rlMK ctirrd.
Ev ry child end nilult graulljhtpf.v - "
( iriul iiuljMaiitfuli IP * wl < * nwi'iMit
, " r..Wiii. A JIn"
rr irlu , llh opinion" nf.l
niniiifi l" . w ld ni l * ' 1" MlM ! iil'S ' ? JS' '
ssssi fig |
llmiMiirjKoriHii. : < inJuUulilV < > J lulu * ' ' 4
M v.