* * * THE OMAHAI DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA TUESDAY MORJsllNG. MARCH 5. 1880. NUMBER 203 THE CROWDING ACT , Bonjatnln HnrrlBOn Formally In ducted Into His HlRh Onico. WASHINGTON FULL OF VISITORS. ittalfn , Million People Wltnooa the Imposing Spoctnclo. POLICYOF THEADMINISTRATION2 The Civil Sorvloo Law to bo Faith fully Enforced. PROTECTION AND THE SOUTH. Jlou TlilH I'ollHcnl Problem Will Ixj SoHecl ItclntioiiN to 1'orclnn POUITN ICvllH oftlin KtnnliiM Ilrvaniir ltilslnn. . ON , March I With simple and solemn ceiemony , In the presence of all the wisdom and authority embodied In the co ordlnato branches of the govcinment , nnd Hiiironndcd by representatives of all the great nations on the globe , Hcnjamin Harri son was to day Inducted Into the highest ortlco uithln the gift of the American people. Never was such n cnrvd in Washington before. U is estimated that half a million strangers camped in the city last night , fill ing every Inch of the hotel and boaiding house accommodations and drawing to the full limit on private hospitality. Kvon then many wore forced to sleep on floors , some on bllliaul tables , and even the welcome recess of nn occasional bath tub was not despised. A great army surged mourn ! the capitol this morning. 'Ihu rain by this time had ceased , nmVthoro was apiospcctof a good day. Many came provided with benches nnd umbrellas and took places on the porticos and other eligible stands to witness the events of the day. The capitol was the ob jective point of most of the strnngeis arriv ing , and they poured in > ru ceaseless hticam tip and down the approaches. About b. : ) a line , pencil ating ruin began to fall. The work of the dccoratois presented a line effect. The sixteen largo corm- thinn columns suppoiting the aichcd roof of the portico weio draped with largo American banners. From the top of the six rcntrnl columns two largo flags of the United States hung down and were gathered over the passigowuy through which the presidentelect walked from the senate chamber to deliver his address. Above this passage , in a spice made by tno looping of flags , was a large blue silken banner sti etch ing from the column , with nn eagle's wings plumed for Illght and in his claws an olive branch nnd a bundle of silvery arrows. In the apex of the loot a hugo American Hag \v us rtgi out , nnd fiom three points numerous pennants of the nations of the world swung one above the other from lopes stiutching fur upwaids to the first balcony of the dome of thu capitol. The inaugural stand was also gay with flags , banners nnd shields. Several resi dences of public men in the neighborhood of the capitol were handsomely decorated. The plaza in front of the capitol , the adjacent sidewalks , portwos uud every coign of vantage from which even n glimpse of the presidential party could be obtained was black with people. The organizations to take part in the parade marched , with bands playing , by the side stiocts and avenues to places adjoining the cnpitol giounds , where they wore to assemble. The noise of the bands was drowned nt intervals by the boarso roar of the crowd , as.it greeted with npplauso some favorite oiganiration. Piesident-oleet , Huirlson , accompanied by tlio inauguration committee , was taken in closed carriages drawn bv four grey horses to the white house about half past 10 o'clock. The rain , which was pouring down in tor rents , drove many olT the Htiect and made sorry work of the decorations. Arrived nt the white house , Mr , Hariison was received by Mr. Cleveland and the cabinet itvtho blue parlor , where they wcio joined by Mr. Mor ton , At 11 o'clock , Cleveland , Harrison and Moiton took carriages 'lor the capitol. The Hist carnage , an open lundati , con tained Mr. Cleveland , Mr. Harrison. Mr. Hoar , and Mr. Cockicll ; the second Mr. Morton and Mr. Cullom. Mrs , Cleveland witnessed the departure from the window. The carriages then moved out and the Sev entieth Indiana veterans formed a guuid of honor , one section before , one behind. They marched out to Pennsylvania avenue nnd took their assigned place in the procession which took up the line of march to the capitol tel amid amlnglcdHtoim of rain and applause. AT THIS CAPlTOIj. Ijnst Day's ProcoodlniiH of the Fiftieth WABIIIMITON , March 4 The doors of the senate were reopened at iiiCO this morning. The conference report on the sundry civil bill having been piesentcd and agreed to , the doors wore closed , and the senate took a re cess until half past I ) . The senate chamber was metamorphosed during tlio recess which ended nt 0 ! ! 0. Scats voro reserved on the lloor for Cleveland , Harrison , Morton , ox-Prcsldcnt Iln.\c * , ox- \ico President Humlln , state governors , dip lomatic corps , thu supromn court , etc. The Kallciics were rapidly filling at 10:1" : o'clock when word cumu that thu house was excited over thu refusal of senate employes to admit the families of ruprobcntatlvcs to the gallery on the ground that forged tickets had been issued and sold at 5 to (5 } each , The house passed a lesolutlon directing thu scrgcant-at- * nrms to force u passage to the galleries. It docs not np | > ear that any fraudulent tickets were issued , though some gonu Ino ones wore sold when thu hoiiso resolution was presented In the senate at U o'clock. Mr. Kdmumls adroitly settled the matter by moving aequl- C UIHO in thu < resolution , with the proviso that the president of the sonnuvujgiit pro scribe regulations respecting tin ? Uontlty of ticket holders. . This was agixod to , Hannibal Hamlln , the venerable ox-vlco president , was cscoi ted to a seat at thu right of the president pro torn , Mr. Ingalls. As ho moved across the chamber ho was greeted with a generous clapping of hands , the first demonstration of the day. Mr. Hliilno ciuno In and modestly took nscut at the ref the senatorial body but could not csciipi , discovery and a rlpplo of appluusu ran over the chun&cr. This was increased to a wave as a senator went down and escorted him to a , inoro prominent scat. General John O , Fremont only shoitly preceded thocntranpo of General Sherman and Major General Schoileld. Then cama tha diplomatic corps In gorgeous court uni forms In striking contiust with the plain civilian dross of thu American officials. At ono mlnuta to 1'J Captain Hassott an nounced the president of the United States and a great hush fell upon the assemblage. President Cleveland entered aim-in-arm with Senator Cockroll followed by the mom- burs of his cabinet , taking seats near the cleric's desk , the assemblage standing until they were teutcd , General Harrison , on the arm of Senator Hoar , Walked with his companion to a scut provided at President Cleveland's right , the audience ngaln arising to Its' feet. Tlio antno cere mony was repeated v/lth Vice President elect Morton. Hoforo taking his scat ho was sworn in by Speaker Ingalls , who walked arm-ln-irm with Senator Cullom. At 11.39 the president pro tcm , Mr. Ingalls , rose nnd closed the Fiftieth con gress. Immediately upon the rcllnqulshmont of the chair by Senator lnialls , Vice President Morton a ccnded the forum nnd called the senate of the Fifty-first congress to order In special session. Mr. Morton spoke ns follows- "Senators I shall enter on the dlschnrco of the delicate and Important duties of the position to which I have been called by the people of the United States without experi ence ns a presiding ortlcer , nnd therefore be- apeak In advance the Indulgent considera tion which you have been nlwujs rcadi to extend to the occupant of the chair. As the presiding ofllccr of the senate it will bo my endeavor to administer the rules of procedure with entire fairness nnd to trc it every senator with the courtesy and consideration due at all times to the rep ; rcscntiitlves of the great slides. I hope our ofllcllil and personal relations will prove mu tually agreeable , and that our duties will bo discharged in a manner to maintain the dig nity of the senate nnd to add to the piospor- Ity nml happiness of this great nation " After the Hwcarmg in of now members Vice President Morton announced that the senate would proceed to the nlatform at 'the cn t end of the capitol to wltnnss and par ticipate in the ceremonies of the Inaugtna- tion of the piesldent-elect of the United States. The procession then moved in the following order : Marshal Wright or the supreme court mid Marshal Wilson of thoOtstilct of Columbia , ex-Vice President Hnmlln , the supicmo court. Sergeant at- Arms Cnnml.of . the senate , Senators Hoar and Cockiell , the committee on ar rangements , Picsident Cleveland , Presi dent-elect Hinrlson , Vice President Mor ton and Secretary McCook , membu.s of the senate , the diplomatic corps , heads of depaitnients , General Sherman , General Schoileld und staff. Admiral Porter , the house of representatives and members elect. The governois of statcs'and others were ad mitted to the lloor of the senate while the procession was being arranged. Mem bers of the press were permitted to reach the platform in advance by means of a pri vate stairway , and take their seats. The oc cupants of the gallery were held In their places while the procession was mov ing. Hut there was no delay or Interruption , and in live minut.cs from the time of leaving the senate chamber. Presi dent Harrison was leading his address. After the inauguration ceremonies the senate was again called to Older und immedi ately adjourned. In the house Mr. Hlnnchard of Louisiana offered the following resolution : Thnttho sorgeant-at-ai ins of the house take the necessary steps to secure forthwith to the members of the house nnd to the fam ilies of thu members of the house free access through the corrldois of the capitol. The resolution was based upon the refusal of the senate emplo\es to iccognl/o tickets to the senate galleries issued to the lepre- scntativcs and given to members of their families , A heated discussion i-nsued when n message fiom the senate was received an nouncing the adoption by that body of a resolution elution ncceedini' to thorequcstof the house , ns contained In the Hlanclmrd resolution , under such regulations as the picsuling olli- cer of the senate might prescribe , nnd it was unceicmoniousl > laid on the table. The direct tax bill was passed by the sen ate over thu pi esident's veto , but every at tempt to take it up for consideiation in the house was defeated by lUiliustcring tactics. Mr. Hatch of Missouu being in the chair , Mr. Heed of Maine oflered the following ics- elution : That the thanks of congress aretendcicd to the Hon. John G. Cailisle , speaker , for the courtesy , ability and fairness with which he has presided over the deliberations of tlio Fiftieth congress. [ Applause. | Adopted. Mr. Hatch made n speech in snppoitof the icsolutioii. Speukcr Cai lisle responded , and the house adjourned sine die. TAKING Till : OATH OP CFFIGIS. The Most .Solemn nnd Impiming Kvent ofllic Day. WASHINGTON' , Mmch 4. After the cere monies in the senate chamber were con cluded came the most solemn nnd imposing event of the day , when the chief magistrate of the United States , chosen b } his fellow- countrymen , was in their presence to take oath of ofllce and swear to defend the consti tution and laws of the land , The crowds in the streets kept up a constant cheering , shouting the name of Harrison and "Four , four , four yeais more , " It was nearly 1 o'clock when the procession appealed at the doors of the rotunda. President Cleveland nnd President-elect Harrison valkcd side by side and took places in a small railed en closure which stood in the center In front of the stand. Such members of the senate , diplomatic coips and bouse of rcpicscntn- tivcs and u number of officers of the govern ment as o ircd to brave the riuors of the ele ments then came on In a body. When thu crowd saw the president thcio arose a tre mendous tipioar , The cheering was renewed again nnd again , and it was not until Presi dent Harrison had scvciul times raised his hand for silence that order was icstorcd. When the cheering had partially subsided , Chief Justice Fuller arose nnd bared his white locks to the rain. He had u bible in his right hand , ready to administer the oath of ofllco. General Harrison andSergcant-at- Arms Canady also removed their hats. It was a most impressive scene. Standing with uncovered heads in the midst of a pelting rain stoim , the chief justice and president elect , surrounded by high officers of state , and In the picsenco of an immense multitude of cltUens , faced each other with bowed heads , while the former rend the oath of oilleo in a low tone of voice. At the conclusion of the reading the niesl- dent , witli his right hand clasping the bible , bowed his head In assent. Silence marked this proceeding , and when It ended there was another tremendous buist of applause. The cheering which followed the cere- moil ) having at length subsided somewhat , Piesldcnt Harrison drew fiom his pocket n roll of manuscript , nnd after adjusting his spectacles , began reading his inaugural ad- diess. Ho kept his silk hat on during tie delivery and was partly protected from tno rain by atrgcant-ut-Arms Canady. Mr. Clavchmd , now nn ox-iiresidcnt , stood up during u part of Urn address , but becoming tired toward the close , seated himself. Thu president spoke In a loud , clear tone , witu distinct enunciation , and emphasized with much earnestness portions of his speech. It was an instance of the president's power to rise nbovo the surroundings and become wholly Indifferent to them. Ills manner was as deliberate and forceful as if ho were In the senate uhambor , and ho was pcrfectiv nt ease. His gestures wcio omphatlu and prominent , and nil the graces of oratory of which ho is master wcro biought into play ellcctlvcly. Vice President Moiton nnd Mrs. Morton wcro present during a part of the ceremony , but the latter fainted In the throng and was lemovcd to the vice president's loom in the senate , where the quickly revived and was taken home. The dellvoi.v of the speech was frequently marked by loud applause and shouts of ap proval , The i cforcncu to Dakota produced considerable cheering , but when the presi dent spoke of a free ballot the applause was mighty and tremendous. There were only mild demonstrations of appiovnl when the president spoke of his policy In regard to oIIlee , and when ho mentioned tno words "Civil service" there was a silence broken only by u prolonged "Ah" fiom a solitary voice in thu crowd. Reference to thu ie- habllitation of the nav.v , and to the establish ment of steamship lines , evoked chrcrs nnd cries of "Good , " but the most over whelming bhout of approval was resort cd for thu statement of tha president's pension pol icy. The erewd cheered again and again ut this itolnt and waved their hands nnd canes wildly. At thu close of the address there was another outburst of applause , dining which the president turned around uud kissed his wife and daughters. The crowd , Which had all this time surged back and foi th like thu waves of a sea , grad ually dissolved , The line was formed and the president retraced his steps to tno vice president's room of the senate , escorted by Senator Hoar. Senator Cockrell escorted the retiring president to the president's room. Th ( * senator kept nn umbrella raised while in the building , nnd It was not until two or more knocked against Mr. Cleveland that he recognized that ho was no longer in the rain storm and lowered the umbrella. Kx-Prcsidcnt Cleveland remained la the president's room about five minutes and then joined President Harrison in the vlcn presi dent's room. The entire party again formed In the procession and departed by the exit doois ot the setiato , through which they came. President Harrison , icaninir on the arm of Senator Hoar , however , took the first Instead of second place , which they occupied when they arrived at the capitol. Nextcumo ex-President Cleveland attended by Senator Cockrcll , followed by Senator Cullom. Prl- vato Secretary Halford , attended by General George 13. Williams , brought up the rear. While the procession\vasmovlng through the corridors Senator Kdmtinds met Mr.Clevcland and greeted him with great cordially. Mr. Heed , of .Maine , also exchanged pleasant salutations with the rctliing executive. Deafening cheers and demonstrations of up ptauso atraln greeted the party as they de scended the senate steps and continued until they were seated in their carriages and took thulr places in the procession , which immed iately began to move. TIIIO INAUOPItAlj AIIIti.SS. ; Ilo\v tlm VnrioiiN I'olilhril I'robloniH Will Itn Met nnd Solved. WASHINGTON , March . Thu following Is President Harrison's Inaugural address , as dolivcicd in thu senate to-day : There is no constitutional or legal require ment that the president shall take the oath of ofllco In the presence of the people. Hut there is such manifest appiopilntuness in public intioduction to the ollieo of chief exec utive otllccr of thu nation that from the be ginning of the government the people , to whoso KOI vice the olllcial oath consecrates the ofllcer , have been called to witness the solemn ceremonial , 'Ihu oath taken in the piesunce of 'he pcopln becomes a mutual cov enant. The olllccr covenants to servo the whole body of the people by the faithful c\o- cutloaof the laws , so that they may bo the unfailing defense and security of those who respect and observe them , and that neither wealth , station , nor power ol combinations shall be able to evade their just penalties or to wrest them fiom the beneficent public purpose to servo the uuilb of eiuoltyor selfishness. My promise Is spoken , yours unspoken , but not the less ical and solemn. The people of every stale have hoio their icpiesontativcs. Surely 1 do not mls'-cpio- sent the spirit of the occasion when I assume that the whole body of the people covenant with me and w ith each other to-day to sup- poit and defend the constitution and union of the states , to yield willing obedi ence to nil laws and each to every other citizen his equal , civil and political rights. Entering thus solemnly into covenant w ith each other , wo may reverently invoke and confidently expect favor and help of Almighty God , that ho will give to me wisdom , stiength and fidelity , and to our people the spirit of fraternity and love of righteousness and peace. This occasion derives necultar interest fiom the fact that the presidential term , winch begins this day , is the twenty-sixth under our constitution. The first Iimuqui.1- tlon of President Washington took place in New York , where congtess was then sitting , on the yOlh day of April , ITb'.l , having been dofeiied by icuson ot delays in amending the organization of congress an I the canvass of the electoral vote. Our people have already worthily oh- scied the centennials of the declaration of independence , of the battle of Yoi ktown and of the adoption of thu constitution , and will soon celebralo in New Yotlc the institution uf the second great department of our consti tutional scheme of goveinment. When tlio centennial of the constitution of the Judicial depaitment by the organisation of the supreme premo court shall have been suitably ob served , as 1 trust it will bo , our nation will have certainly entered its second century. I wilt not attempt to note the marvelous , nnd , in grout pait , happy contrasts between our country as it steps over the threshold Into its second century of organi/ed existence un der the constitution , and that , weak but wisely ordered i oung nation that looked un dauntedly down the first century when all its years stretched out before it. Our people will not fall at this time to recall the Inci dents which accompanied the institution of the government under the constitution or to find inspiration and guidance in the teach ings and example of Washington and his great associates , and the hope and courage in continst which populous and piospcrous states offer to thirteen states , weak in everything except , courage and love of liberty , that then fringed our Atlantic sea board. The territory of Dakota has now a population greater than any of the original states ( except Virginia ) , and greater than the aggregate of live of the smaller states In 17j. ! ) The center of population when our na tional capital was located was east of Haiti- more , mid it was argued by many well- informed persons that it would move eastward rather than westward. Yet in ISsO it was found to bo near Cincinnati and the new census about to bo taken will 'sjiow another stride to the westward. That which was the body has come to be only the rich frlngu of the na tion's ' robe. Uut our growth has not been limited to territory , population and nggiegato wealth , murvcious as it has been In each of these di rections. The masbos of our people nro bet ter fed , clothed and housed than their fath ers wero. The facilities for popular educa tion have been vastly enlarged and more goncially diffused. The viitucs of cour age and patriotism have given recent pioof of their continued presence and in- ci easing power in the hearts and over the lives of our people. The influences of re ligion have been multiplied and strength ened ; the sweet offices of charity have greatly increased ; thovlituuof temperance is held in higher estimation. Wo have not attained the ideal condition. Not all of our people aio happy and prosperous ; not all of them are virtuous and law-abiding , but on the whole the opportunities offered to the Individual to sccuro the comforts of life nro better than uic found elsewhere nnd largely better than they wcro here one hundred years ugo , The surrender of n largo measure of sovereignty eignty to thu general government , effected by the adoption of the constitution , was not accomplished until suggestions of reason were strongiy reinforced by the more Imix'r utivo voice of experience. The divergent in tetcsts of pence speedily demanded mure poi- feet union , Thu merchant , shipmaster and manufacturer discovered and disclosed to our statesmen and to the people that commercial emancipation must bo added to tha political freedom which had been so bravely won. The commercial policy of the mother country hud not iclaxed , iu def of its hard and oppiesslvo fei.- tuies to hold in check the developments of our commercial marine , to prevent or ictard the establishment und growth of manufact urers in the states. To secure nn Amer ican market for their shops nnd a cairjing trade for their ships , was tha policy of the European statesmen , and wus pursued with the most selfish vigor. Petitions poured in upon congress urging the imposition of dis criminating duties that should encourage the production of needed things at home. Tlio patriotism of the people w hlch no longer found a held for exorcise in war , was eacrgctlcally dim ted to the duty of equipping the young republic for the defense of its independence by making its people solf-depcndcnt. Socie ties for the promotion of home manufactuies and for encouraging the use of domestics in thu areas of the people were organized in many of thu states. The revival at the end of thn century of the same patriotic Interest in the preserva tion and development of domestic industries and the defcmto of our working people against injurious foreign competition , Is an incident worthy of attention. It U not a departure but u re turn that wo have witnessed , The protective | > olie.v had then its opK ) > ncnts , The argument was made , as now , that Its benefits inured to particular classes or sec tions. If the question became In any sense or ut any lime , sectional , It was only because slaveiy existed In some of the states. Hut for this there wus no reason why thu cotton producing states should not have led or walked ubrcubt with the Now England states in the production of cotton fabrics. There was , tills reason only why tle- | states that divide with Pennsylvania the mineral , treasures ot th.0 great southeastern'and. cen tral mountain ranges should have been so tardy in bringing to the smelting furuaco nnd to tbo mill coal and iron from their near opposing hillsides. The mill fires were lighted at the funeral pyroof slavery. The emancipation proclamation was heard Ih the depths of the earth us well as in the sky. Men wcro made free and material things becmnfc our belter servant. The sectional clement has happily been eliminated from the tariff discussion. Wo have no longer states that are necessarily only planting states. None are excluded from achieving thatdiversification of pursuit among the people which brings wealth and contentment. The cotton plantation will not bo less valuable when the product , Is spun in the country towli ly ) ouoratlvcs whoso necessities call for diversified crops and cre ate a homo demand for garden and agricul tural products. Kvory new mine , fumaco and factory is nn extension of the productive capacity of the state more real and valuable than added territory. Shall the prejudices and paralysis of sltwcry continue to hang upon the skirts of progfcssl How long will those w no rejoice that slavery no longer ex ists chin ish and tolerate the Incapacity it put upon their communities ) I look hopefully to the continuance of our protective system and tg the consequent development of manufac turing and mining enterprises in states hltb- ci to wholly given to aijrjcultuie , as n potent Influence In the perfect unification of our people. Men who have Invested their capital in these enterprises , fjormors who have felt the benefit of PUiolr neighborhood and men who work In the shop or Hold , will not fall to find and to ucfend thu community of interest. Is it not Jqulta possible that tbo farmers and promoters of thn great mining and manufacturing enterprises which have been established in thesouth ! , may yet find that the free ballot ipf the workingmun , without distinction ofj race , is needed for their defense us well ds for his own ! I do not doubt that If thosakncn In tno south who do not ubcept thu tariff views ot Clay and the constitutional isitlons of Webster , would courageously sh and dolcnd their real convictions , they would not find it dif llcult , by frank i istructlon and co operation , to make ) the black man their efficient 'and safe ally , not otilv m establishing correct principles in national administration , but In preserving for their local communities the benefits pf social older and economical and honest gov ernment. At least until the good ofllccs of kindness and education have been fairly tried , the contrary cbucluslon cannot be plausibly urged. I I have altogether rejected the suggestion of a special executive policy for any sect Ion of the country. It is the duty of the execu tive to administer and enforce in methods and by Instrumentalities | xlntcd out and provided by the constitution , nil the laws unacted by congress. These laws arc general , and their administration should bo uniform and equal. As a citizen may not elect what laws ho will obey , neither may an executive elect whiehjid will enforce. Iho dut.v to obey und to execute embi aces the constitution iu its entirety mid .he whole of laws enacted under it. The evil example of permitting individuals , corporations or communities to nullify lows because they cross Homo selfish or local cares or prejudices , is full of danger , not only to thu nation at large , but much more to those who use this pernicious expedient to escape their just obligations or to obtain unjust advantage ovtsr others. They will presently themselves bo compelled to appeal to the 1 iw for protection , and those who would use the lawus n defense must not deny that use of it to others. If our gtcit coiporations would more scrupulously ob serve their legal limitations and duties , they would have less cause to complain of the un lawful limitations of their rights , of violi-nt interference with tiiair * operations. Tlio community that , by concert , open or secret , among its citizens demos to a portion oj its mumucis their plain riirhts undue the law , has severed the only safo" bond of poclal order and prosperity. \ Evil works from n baa critter both ways. It demoralizes those who practice it and de stroys the faith of those who suffer by it. The efficiency of law as" a safe protector to a man In whose breast that faith has been darkened Is naturally a subject of dangerous and uncanny suggestions. Those who use unlawful methods , if moved by no higher motive than the selfishness that piompt/id them , may well stop and inquire what is to be the end of this. Unlaw ful expedient cannot become a pcimanent condition of the government. If the edu cated und Influential classes In the commun ity either practice or connive at sjstemutic violation of the laws thai seem to them to cross their conveniences , what can they ex pect when the lesson that convenience or supposed class-interest is a sulllcient cause for lawlessness , has been well learned by the ignorant classes ? The ; community where law is the rule of conduct , and whore the courts , not mobs , execute its penalties , is the only attractive field for business invest ments and honest labor , Our naturalization laws should be so amended us to make the inquiry into the character and good disposition of persons ap plying for citizenship inoro careful and searching. Our existing laws have been in their administration in an unimpressive und often unintelligible fof-in. We accept a man as u citizen without nny knowledge of his fitness and ho assume the duties of u citl- /.en. Ho is without any knowledge as to what they are. The j : rlvilegcs of Amciican citizenship are so rent and its duties so giavo that Wo may well insist upon the good Knowledge of ovoiy person applying for ( citizenship and good knowledge by him of ? our Institutions. Wo should not cease to bo hospitable to immi gration , but wo should not bo caieless as to the chai actor of it. There uro men of all races , even the best , yvhoso coming Is neces sarily a burden upon our public revenues era a threat to social order. These should uo identified and excluded. Wo have huppily maintained a nollcy of avoiding all Interference with European uf- fulls. Wo have boon only interested specta tors of their contentious In dinlomucy and In war , and icady to usq our friendly offices to promote peace , but never obtruding our advice - vice and never attempting nnfaiily to coin the distress of other powers into commercial advantage to ourselves. Wo have a Just right to e.xpcct that our European policy will bo the American ugUcy of European couits. It is so manifestly incompatible with these precautions for our peace nnd safety , which all great powers habitually obuervo and enforce , in matters uffnctlng them , that a shorter water way between our eastern und western Seaboards should be dominated by any , Eliropann government , that wo may confidently oxpcct that such n P'irposo will not ba entertained by any friendly power. Wo-shall In the future as in the past , use every endeavor to maintain and enlarge our friendly relations with all the creut powers , but thoywill not'cxpcct us to look kindly UIKIII anyf jirojeet that would leave us subject tto the dangers of hostile observation or environment. Wo hava not sought , to dominate or absorb any of our weaker neighbors , but rather to aid aad encourage them to estab lish ft co and stable governments , resting upon the consent of thn people. Wo have a right to expect , therefore , that no European government will seek { to establish colonial dependencies upon tha'Umitory of these in dependent American states. That which the sense of justice restrain * us fiom socking , they may bo reasonably .expected willingly to lot ego. * It must not bo assumed , Irowcvcr , that our interest ) are so exclusively Amciican that our entire inattention to anv events that tnuv transpire elsewhere can betaken taken for granted. Our citizens domiciled for purposes of tradein nil countries uud in manv of the Islands of the sea , demand , and will have , our adoquata cure In their person al and commciclul rights. The necessities of our nuvy require convenient coaling stations and dock and barbof privileges. Those and other trading privileges we will feel fieo to obtain only by mcjjis that do not in any de gree purtaka of coercion , however feeble the government from yhlcli we usk such con cessions. Hut havfn * fuirly obtained them by methods and for purposes entirely consistent with the most friendly dlsjiosltlon toward all other powers , ouF concent will bo neces sary to nny inodiflcaMoQ or impairment of the concession. We sbal ) neither full to respect the flag of any uutioCor.tbo Just lights of its citizens , nor to cxaoVllUe treatment for our own. J Calmness , juatlccknd consideration should chunieterl/o our dipiouiavy. The otllccu e i intelligent diploma ; of friendly aroitraliou In proper case * should bo adequate to the peaceful adjustment ot nil international difficulties. 13y sudi methods wo will wuko our contribution to the world's pence which no nation values inoro highly and avoid the opprobrium which nnist lull upon the nntlon that ruthlessly breaks It. The duty ilovolvcd bv law upon the presi dent to nomlimto nnil by nnd with the nuvtco ntul consent of the sonnto to nppolnt nil public officers whoso appointment is not otherwise provided for In the constitu tion or by net of confess , has become very burdensome , and Us wlso and cfllcicnt dis charge full of dlfilculty. The civil list Is so large thntn personal knowledge of any largo number of applicants Is Impossible The president must rely upon the representations of othuifl , and those are often made Inconsiderately - considerately and without any Just sense of responsibility , I have the right , I think , to Insist tint those who volunteer or uro Invited to give advice as to appointments shall exercise consideration and tlilollty. A sense nf dut.v and ambition to Improve the service should characterize all public officers. Tlioio are many way * In which the conven ience and comfort of those who hnvo been Identilleit with our nubile otllces may bo promoted by a thoughtful and obliging officer , anil 1 shall ex pect those whom 1 tuny appoint to Justify their selection by conspicuous efllciency la the discharge of their duties. Honorable party service will certainly not be esteemed by mo a dlsiumlilleatlou for public ollieo , but It will in no case bo allowed to servo ns a shield of oillelal negligence , incompetence or doliiniueney. It Is entirely ci editable to seek nubile ofllci ! by proper methods and with proper motives , anil nil applicants will bo ticatcd with consideration. Hut 1 shall need and the he.ids or departments will need time for inquiry and deliberation. Potsistent 1m portunity will not , therefore , bo the best support of application for ofllce. The heads of departments , but cans and all other public officers bavin ) ; nnv duty connected thoroxvilh , will bo expected to enforce the civil service law fullv and without evasion. Heyoud this obvious duty I hope to do some thing more to advance reform of the civil sci vice. The ideal , or oven my own , I shall probably not attain. A retrospect will bo a safer oasis of Judgment than promises.'o shall not , however , I um sure , bo able to nut our civil service upon a non-partis.m oasis until wo havoseeuieil the incuinboncv that fair-minded men of the opposition will ap prove for impartiality and Integrity. As the number of such in the civil list is increased , removals from ollleo will diminish. While the treasury surplus is not the grcatcstevil.lt is a serious evil. Our rev enue should bo ample to meet the oidinury annual demands upon our tieasury , with HUftlclent margin for those extraordinary but scarcely less imperative demands which arise now and then. The expenditure should always bo made with economy , and only upon public necessity. Wastefulness , pro- Illgacy and favoritism in public expend- ! tines is criminal , but tlicio is nothing in the conditirfn of our country or our people to suggest that unj thing at present necps-saty to public prosperity , security or honor , should bo unduly postponed. It will bo the duty of congress wisely to forecast nnd estimate these cxtiaoidinary demands , and having added them to our culinary ex penditures , to so adjust our revenue laws that no considerable annual surplus will re main. We will fortunately be able to apply to ttio redemption of the public debt any small or unforseen excess of reve nue. This is bettor than to reduce our income below our necessary expendi tures with the resulting change between another change of our revenue laws , and an increase of the public debt. H is quite pos-,1- ble , I nm sure , to effect that necessary reduc tion In our revenues without breaking aown our tariff or seriously injuring any domestic industry. . , The construction of a eufllcjont number of modern War shlpa and their necessary arma ment should progress ns rapidly na is con sistent with rtiro and perfection in plans and workmanship. The spirit , courage nnd skill of our naval officers nnd seamen have many times in our history given to weak ships and inefficient guns n rating greatly beyond that of the naval list. That they will again do so upon occasion I do not doubt. But they ought not , by neglect , to bo left to the risks and exigencies of unequal combat. We should encourage the cstab lishment of American steamship lines. The exchanges of commerce demand stated , reliable nnd rapid means of commu nication , and until these are provided the de velopment of our trade with the states lying south of us is impossible. Our pension laws should give more ade quate and discriminutinc iclief to union sol diers and sailors and'their widows. Such occasions as this should remind us that wo ewe everything to their valor mid sacri- llccs. It is a subject of congratulation that thcio is a near prospect of the admission Into the union of the Dakotas. Montana nnd Wash ington territories. This act of Justice has been unreasonably delayed in the case of some of them. The people who have settled these territories aio intelligent , enterprising , patriotic and the ac cession of these new states will add strength to the nation. It Is duo to the settlers in the territories who have availed themselves of the invitations of our land laws to make homes upon the public domain that their titles should be speedily adjusted , ana their honest entries conllrmcd by patents. It is very gratifying to observe the general interest now being manifested in reform of ou" election laws. Those who have been for years calling attention to the pressing neces sity of throwing about the ballot box and about the clcctois further safeguards in order that our elections might not only bo free and puie , but might appear to bo so , will welcome the accession of nnv who did not BO soon discover the need of leform. The national congress has not as yet taken con- tiol of the elections in that case over wliie'li Mio constitution gives it Jurisdiction , but has accepted and adopted the election laws of the several states , which pi ovule penal ties for their violation and the methods of supervision. Only the Inolllcloncv of state laws , or the unfair or partisan administra tion of them , could suggest a depaiture from this policy , It was clearly , however , In the contemplation of the frumors of the constitu tion that such an emergency might arise , and a provision was wisely made lor it. The freedom of the ballot is a condition of our national life , mid 110 power vested In congress or in the executive to so- cura or pcipctuato it should remain un used upon occasion , The people of all con gressional districts have an equal intcicst that the election iu each bhall truly express the views and wishes of the majority or the qualified electors icsullng in it. The re sults of such elections are not local and the Insistence of olcctots icsidlng in other districts that they hball be pure and free docs not savor at all of Impertinence. If in anv of the states the public security is thought to bo threatened by ignorance among the electors , the obvious remedy is education. The sympathy and help of our people will not bo withheld from any community struggling with any embarrass ment or dilllculties connected with the suf frage If the remedies pioposcd pro ceed upon lawful lines , and are promoted by Just and honorable methods. How shall those who practice election frauds recover that respect for the saiiLtlty of the ballot which Is the first condition and obliga tion of good citizenship ) The man who has come to regard the ballot box as a juggler's hat has renounced his allegiance. Let us exalt patriotism and modelato our puity contentions. Let those who would die for the Hag on the field of battle glvo bettor proof of their patriotism and higher glory to their country by piomotlng frutcrnlty'und jus tice. 1'arty success that U achieved by un fair methods or by practices that partake of revolution Is hurtful and evanescent , even from a party standpoint. Wu should hold our differing opinions la mutual respect , and having submitted them to the arbitrament of the biillot.should accept nJven-o Judgment with the sumo respect that wo would have demanded ot our opponents If the decision had been In our favor. No other people Jiuvo a government inoro worthy of their respect and love , or a land BO inuiiiilllccnt in extent , so pleasant to look upon , and so full of pcncioug suggestion to enterprise and labor. God has placed upon our head a diadem and has laid at our feet power and wealth beyond definition or calculation. Xiut wp must not forget that wo take tuoto gifts upon the condition that Justice nnd mercy shall hold the reins of power and that tUo upward avenues of hope shall bo free to all people. 1 do not mistrust the future. Dangers have been in frequent ambush along our pith , but wo have uncovered nnd vanquished them nil. 1'asslon has swept some of our com munities , but only to give us new dehionstrntton that the great body of our people are stable , patriotic and law-abiding , No political party can long pursue advantage at the expense of the pub lic honor or by rude nnd Indecent conduct without a protest and fatal ills- satisfaction in its own body. The peaceful airenelcs of commerce are inoro fullj revealing the uceessiti of unity of all communities , and the Increasing intercourse of our people Is promoting mutual respect. We shall llnd unalloyed pleasure in the revelation which our next con BUS will tuaho of the swift de velopment of the great icsources of some of the states. Each state will bring its generous contribution to the great aggregate In the nntional increase , and whoa the har vests from the Held , tno cattle from the hills and the ores from tno earth shall have been weighed , counted and valued , wo will turn from them all to crown with the highest honor the state that hns most promoted meted education , vlttue , Justieonnd patriot ism among its people. Forty Thoii nml .Men m Mite tlio Mint nnd II in. WXSIIIVOTOV , March . With wonderful patience the expectant "pectatois waited for the in ocession to-day while the inaugural cciemonles were In urogicss. The lain had abated somewhat and taken the form of line driving mist. In spite of all the untow- n'rd surioundltiRs the crowd preserved good humor , Finally the beads of the great procession turned Into Penn sylvania avenue on the match . to the white house and interest ceased in nil else. Fo rtj-cight years ago William Henry Harrison , on his white horse , headed a procession of I , t)00 ) patriots on tlie same loute. Attlmttl.o Admiral Poiter ( then a lieutenant ) said it was the finest pageant in the woild. To day probably 40,000 men were in line to escort his grandson , many of them comlm. fiom citizens of n country in which in Ibll were tiacltlcss areas of uncultured territory. The elements warred upon them , but thej held their own bravely. Looking eastward fiom the tieasury , with Jlic capitol forming a hiuy yetxstatelj buck- giound , the sight was inspiring. A broad expanse of avi'iiuo glistened beneath the dull sky. General Heaver rode in advance , and his head was uncovered n great part of the time in acknowledgement of the greeting of the gie it multitude Long lines of tioops , militia and civilians , with banners and guerdons Hying in the northern wind , completely filled the vision. Over all was hcaid a continuous icar made up ol the voices of thousands and thousands of specta tors us they cheered the presidential patty , or greeted some particularly line looking tionps. When the head of the procession reached the tioasury , u halt was called and the piesi- dential party , in its own C.UTML'CS , tinned off and diove rapidlj to the while house. When a hasty luncheon had been taken the party , with the oxcjption of Mr. Cleveland , 10- paiicd to the reviewing stind , and the president and vice president had thenfirst view of the grand pageant In which they had taken so conspicu ous a p 11 1. When they took their places at the front of the stand they were at once recognized by the crowd gutheted beneath them , and n mighty shout 'rent the air. The stand was elaborately decorated with Hags and bunting , and presented n pretty picture destmo the ruin. ' It was thronged with ladles in gay costumes and army and navy orllcers in full uniform. Many diplomats and prominent officers with their families were scattered in the throng. The review began immediately after the president's arrival and was indeed a beauti ful spectacle. General Heaver , chief marshal , headed the line , with General Hastings as chief of staff , followed by a great number of aides. As they approached the stand they bared their heads and gave the president a marching salute. The president and Mr. Morton leturacd the compliment by remov ing their hats. At the same time the band played "Hall to the Chief , " and the clowd cheered vociferously. The first division presented a splendid ap pearance. It was composed of United States troops , marines , naval apprentices nnd the national guard of the First disti let. The president rccngni/ed the salute of each com manding oniccr by raising his hat , and ho also uncovered his head as each flag was dipped in salute. He spolce frequently to Air. Morton In commendation ol the march ing of the different regiments. The fire works exhibition has been post poned until the weather is more propitious , The national guard of Pennsylvania com posed the second division. It was command ed by Major General John F. Hartr.mft , The j)0i ) feet alignment of the marching col umns as they passed the president's stand , and the soldieily hearing of the men culled forth cheer after cheer of admiration. The third division was commanded by Governor Forakor , of Ohio , and as he1 , ac- accompanied by bis staff , approached the stand lie was clu'ered to the echo. The only full regiment in the Thhd brigade was the famous Seventh Now York , which , as hcio- tofore , was received with ticmundous ap plause. The Fourth division consisted of G. A. I ! . posts , and was commanded by General Will iam Wauicr. Most of the remainder of the pioccsslon was composed of civic oiganiitluns , politi cal clubs , etc. , many of them handsomely uniformed. Owing to the lateness of the hour at this time a niimbci of organl/itions diopped out of the line and did not piss the reviewing stand ; consequently the programme of the procession was somewhat broken. The Cowuoy club of Denver , headed by Buffalo Hill , Huck Taylor and Major Hurko , formed one of the most interesting features of the paiadc. They were all well mounted and wore Win pie- tin esque dress of the far west. They wcro accompanied by the flambeau club of Dodge City , und bore two unique banners sin- mounted by enormous horns. A , continuous round of chccra greeted theai along the line. line.Last Last of all ciuno a contingent of colored llatrison and Motion clubs ; fiom old Vir ginia , winding up one of the grandest civic und military pageants over seen in Washing ton , Just as twilight bo.an to thicken into the darkness of night. When the lust of the participants had passed the stand , President Ilanlson , wltn his son Hussoll , walked rapidly to thu white house , followed by Vice Picaidonl Merion , and the party passed within the open port. Us out of which bo.uned a generous pinmlsu of warmth and light after the fatigues of the day. The white housu was thu only building In the city devoid of decorations. The Ameri can Hag , however , floated fiom a staff on the roof. roof.Several Several elegant floral tributes wcro re ceived at the white house this moining for the Picsidcnt and Mis. Hamson , A. Keene of JHnrvollniiK Homily mill WASIIIXOTOV , March 4. The great court of the pension building is to-night abla/o with light nnd color , and to the seductive music of gi eat orchestras thousands glldo through the movements of the dance or stioll in thu corridors und promenades , admiring and contributing to the marvellous beauty of the sccno The rourt of the new pension building Is undoubted ! . * the largest and grandest Intci lor of its kind on this conti nent , and in respect of symmetrical beauty it bai low superiors In the world , Tim area of the tcssalutcd tile floor Is about 37,000 squaio feet , or vciy neaily un uero. Four yc.ua ago , when the first Inaugura tion ball was held here , the then unfinished Condition of the building was rendered highly effective , but decora- tlOu was. exceedingly difficult uud Iu souro respects quite Impossible. Hut to night tha perfection of decorative art seems to * have been attained. The most conspicuous feature of the In terior scene Is n three story .Tnp.tncso pagoda , about 2K30 feet la slo , In the cen ter of the court , built over and around A fountain , The lower part of the pagoda Kn picturesque grotto of locks , ferns and flowers. On Its second floors are stationed n hundred performer * , composing an or chestra from Philadelphia , who play dance music. Above tnem , on the third floor , the famous Marino band discourses music for the promenade. The whole structuio Is gay with streamers , festoons teens and colored lights Tall , graceful palms and Homering tropical plants ami masses of smlhiMidorn the Hoers and roof. ' The unique music stand Is Indeed a triumph of beauty. On the "west front of the first gallery hangs a largooll piluting of Piesidont Harrison , and on tlio east front one of VicePiesident Morton , each richly framed In blue purpla and old gold silk plush. The pnrttnits , with their frames , aio H\15 feet la size , and ara tastefully draped Q Extending around the cntliu ciicult of tha court under the thieo galleries , and ever the heads of the p'-omemulcrs , nro thick laurel garlands , festooned in graceful lines. Sim ilar garlands are looped "and twined nbovo rich capitols of broaxcd Ionic pillars , form ing with the nrches n succession of elipsos. Dliei'tly ever the west entrance to tlio hujldlng , mid Uluh above the pauipct of the first gallery , in glittering colm-od gas Jots , Is traced the word "Constitution. " and higher still shines n single live pointed star. Its crystal setting lollccting rays fiom a hun dred points of light , The faces of three galleries are almost com pletely covered by rich draperies. On the front of the lower pnllcry , and Just nbovo the capitols of the pillars , are hung bronil shields , upon which are artistically painted in rich colors the coatu of arms"of all the states of thu union , Altci natlng with these are miniature steel suits nnd gilt Koiniui armor. In a gcneial way this scheme Is car ried out in the decoration of the front of the second and third galloiies. On thu front ot the second gallery , however , the suits of armor niu full siml and of burnished silver plate , and on the shields are icpresented the aims of all the nations of the world , each trimmed uith the tings of the nntlon represented Tlio richest , and most striking fc.ituics of the gallery decorations aio long lines of silk and Hatin gold ombioidercd banlieis. Those nro six feet in length , and are pendant from gilt silIT ornamented stalls , attached at ucuto angles to the 15. ) pillars supporting the first nnd second galleiios. These are trimmed with deep gold , fringed and studded with Jewels. Upon each of them is embroidered in gold the coat of arms of one nf the leading nations of the world , the American eolors alternating with those of other nations , The decorations of the eight immense Corinthian columns are in perfect harmony \ \ ith their towering proportions. Stretching across t'ie east end of the couit Is a great high terraced conservatory , ix scene of striking floral beauty. Other striking features of the Interior scene aic eight large panels , upon which are represented in floral pictures the executive departments of the government. They are eight by ton feet in dimension , and are sus pended at oven distances fiom thu front of the lower gallery. The state department Is represented by an open book , upon which mo letteied in immortelles the words "Ueputment of State. " The emblem of the \\nr dcpai tmcnt is n mounted cannon with a pyramid of cannon balls. On the navy depaitment the panel is a complete model of the United States despatch boat. Dolphin , perfect in every dotnil , with her name on the bow. On the panel of the de partment of Justice nro shown the scales of justice nnd an open law book , across the pages of which is the Latin inscription , "Fiat .lustia. " The postodlce department is repre sented by a mail bag letteied "U. S. M. , " and u letter with a post murlc dated ' "March 4 , isM ) , " -addressed to "Benjamin Harri son , Washington , D. U. " On the I' treasury department thb panel Is a loprcscntation of n huge safe with a combination lock i arried out in detail. The interior department is represented by a log cabin , with a stump of a tree Into which , an axe has been diiven , and the agricultural detriment by a plow and sheaf of wheat. All of these emblematical designs are In half lebcl , and are constituted of only the choicest cut flowers. Prom the topmost pcakof each of the threa sections of the roof of the building , a sheet hundred and fifty feet fiom the lloor , radiate a thousand streamers of red , white und blua bunting , alternating with garlands of evergreen and v forming an Im mense canopy. Trom the middle of thfl canopy depends the largest and moit com plete pvrc of lloral decoiation ever seen. It Is a fall rigged , three masted ship , icprcsent- Ing n ship of State , thirty feet long and Is a perfect model In every detail. Tons of thou sands ( if choice ( lowers wore used In its con- stiuction. It is a marvel of graceful beauty. Fiom the center of each of the canopies overspreading - spreading the end sections of tlio court depends - ponds a floral ball , fifteen feet in diameter , a mass of brilliant color. Taken as n whole or In detail , tha decorations are undoubtedly the ilchest and most elaborate ever produced on this conti nent. The rooms set apart for the use of the presidential party nro on the second lloor , in the southwest corner of the buihllnt , ' . The walls are cntnoly covered with cardinal slllc plush , with bioimi and old gold frie/o. Uluo portieres hung at each of the cloorB. The window hangings are of the finest lace , and the carpets and ings of the ilel.est quality. ' 1 he furniture is elegant In design and mate rials. At the side of the main room stands a tete-a-tete floral sofa with an ovci hanging canopy , upon which are letteied the words , "Inauguration , IbbU " Diagonally iicioss the back of Hie one at the light Is traced in imtnoi tulles the word "Iliiuison , " and on the other "Moiton " Near by is a crystal fountain nf elaborate and boauilful design , which ceaselessly throws up sprajs of ex quisite pel fume that fill the air with a dell- 1'itis odor , ijvoiywiiero are flo'vers and tropical foliage plants. The rooms assigned to the vicepicsUlontl.il patly , diplomatic coips i.m ! the icccptlon committee ) ate ( scarcely lonu elegantly fur nished , The ball room was crowded when at 10 o'clock wind came that thu piesidentlal ii.iity would boon anivc. A few minutes later President Harrison and puty reached the building , escorted by Colonel Hrltton , chairman of the executive committee. Tlioy were mot at the entrance by the reception committee , headed by General Mct'ammon. An open passage was formed by the mem bers of the committee , and through this luno the paity proceeded to the stairway reserved for thorn. The president took the arm of General Mo Gammon , and Mrs. Harrison was escorted by Colonel Hrltlon. The other members followed , Tlio ladles , shortly after reaching their looms , retired to arrange their toilets , wlulo General llatiison hold u ivccptloii , Tha members of the various Inaugural commit tees , n number of govcinmcnt oftlcoru and quitea thiong of ladles wcro presented to him by Gcnmul Me- Cammon. The president was in ex cellent spirits nnd plc.isantly gicetml all whoncio Intiodticed. chatting for a few minutes with tliosu with whom he was ac- ( juahitcd. Among others presented to him at the icccptlon wcro the Corcun inlnlsterH , ICipic'scntativcH Cox and Kctchiiin , Senator Stanford and a number of army ofllcors. While President HiuriHon was holding Ills Informal levee , the vice president and Airs , Morton und thulr duughtcm arrived , accompanied by Myron Al. Parker ana Henry A. Willardand were conducted to the apaiimonls icscrvcd for them , Th ludiux in the presidential party wcro Mis. Harrison , Mrs , H. Kub-tol Harrison and Mrs , MelCeo. With Vice PiCHidont Morton were Mis. Morton and his HUter-In-law , Mrs. Hobson. About lO.aui'rotldont Harrison was joined by the ladles of his family und the reception committee. Forming three nnd fiiur abreast in fiout aid | rear nf tha party , n procession was madu up for u tour of tha ballroom. At the xpeclul request of PieM- dent Hnrriuon that no police should BUT. round him , thu plenfttuablu task of procot. ! Jug him frpui the presence of thu crowd de volved upoh the coinmlttucmcii , The ball room presented tha spectacle of a sea of fuccn , appau'iitly oc'-upylng every Inch oj the bp.tcc. President Huimcm