Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The annual agricultural fair and race
meeting of the Omaha Fair and Expos !
tion association will bo held in Omaha
September 2 , 8 , 4. 5 and 0,1889. ,
Frank Kagan , of Lincoln , spent Sunday in
Om aim.
Miss K. R McCartnoy loaves for Ncv
York on business to-morrow.
Manager Hobort Uro Koynoldsiof Hit
Futiko opera house , Lincoln , spent Sumhi ,
in Omnha.
Clinrlcs F. Stephens , of the Grand opera
house , has severed his connection with the
AlfrcJ Molnbcrg Piano company. Ho wll
go back to his old Dosltion with Max Meyers
Captain F. 11. Lawrence , of Chicago , ha
assumed the ninnnRcni' < nt of the Northwest
crn Shot company vlcj 0. II. lc Carter , win
lin.s no no to Chicago to take charge of th
Omnha & Grant Smelting and Refilling com
l > any's ofllco there.
Kcr cnnl .Mat/ii Hnvoroly Hilton.
\Vhllo piissltiK clown Vlnton street Satur
day evening Surmount Mittzn was several ;
bitten In the leg by n vicious doff. The
jifllccr In so badly imiltncd that he will bo lali
ji for some time.
A I'roclotii f'nlr.
Peter Ilnmcr , n white man , passed Satur
ny night nt the house of 11 colored woman
giving the name of Mnndy Kllzabctti. Wliot
lie to dcpurt ho found ho had beet
robbed of fO. ilo enuscil Mundy's arrest.
Hand Il.ill.
llnrt & Kllgnllon's hand ball court wa.
well patror.I/.ed yesterday.
The most interesting match was n contest
between Hums and Klrby and ICIIgallon and
Hart. These four arc piny-ing the best two
out of thrco for $ .V ) . Kilpillmi nnd Hart won
the llrst mnteh , nnd by winning the games
yesterday , llurns nmMCirb.v tied the score
The Html game will be played next Sunday.
As to the other matches , Ilriggs nifd Ver
lion defeated Hlbben nnd Uaud by nscoro ol
Ul to " 18 ; McAndrowK nnd ivlrby beat Uren-
nnn nnd Tlgho l > yiltolll ! ; MeNnmara niul
liurko won u mateh from Hums nnd ICirby
by u score of 2L to Ifl.
Had UOPJI There IJoforc.
"Sayi Cnn you get mo n hack ! "
Ulood was running down the cheek am ;
over the starched collar of the speaker , as
he stsgpored Into a down town drugstore
yesterday afternoon , and .steadied htinsoll
nguinst the show caso.
"Don't ' want any medlelno , " lie continued.
"I only want to get home. "
"All right , I'll ring 0110 up , " was the an
swer , and the dispenser of drugs stepped up
to the messenger eall nnd rang for a hack.
The indicator buzzed in the usual wuy , but
it seemed to exert a magic influence on the
mnn Unit called for it.
"No you don't no patrol wagon in mine
J'vo been there before , " ho said , and before
the indicator bud rung out Its usual note ho
was u half block uway.
Mortuary Mutters.
The funeral of Mrs. Anne M. Franco ,
whoso demlso occurred last Thursday morn
ing at the residence of her son-in-law , D. U.
Tralll , No. 83.1 Park 'avenue , took plaeo yes
terday afternoon nt 2 o'clock nt her Into
home. Her husband , James France , died
about a year ago. Mrs. Franco was seventy-
four years of age , nnd she had a number of
grown children in this state , all of whom at
tended her funeral. The obsequies wcro
Inrgoly attended by friends nnd relatives.
The ceremonies , which were quite imposing
and impressive , were conducted by Kov. Wil-
lard Scott , pastor of St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church , and Kov.
IX A. Kerr , of the Southwestern
Presbyterian church. The Howl tributes
were very elaborate. When the funeral ser
vices were concluded the remains wcro con
voyed to Forest Lawn cemetery for inter
ment. The pall bearers were Judge
Anderson , M. It. Kisilon , .Tdnn T. Dell , J. L.
VVolshans , Grahnui Park and William Kan-
The remains of D. M. Cornell were laid to
, rest yesterday afternoon in Prospect Hill
cemetery. Tno funeral took place nt a
o'clock from Fourteenth and Capitol avenue ,
where ho died Saturday morning. The Uov.
Willard Scott ollleiated. Mr. Conncll was a
brother to Congressman Connell , and was
thrco or four years ago an undertaker and
coroner of Pottawatamlo county , at Council
Cntnrrh cured , health nnd sweet
breath secured b.y Shiloh's Catiirrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasnl In-
jeutor free. For snle by Goodumn
Drug Co .
Among the many social events of the past
week , none were moro pleasant than that of
the surprise party tendered Miss Ida Isaacs
on the anniversary of her birthday Thursday
evening. The whole affair was inaugurated
nnd ably managed by Mr. Sol Davidson. Miss
Isaacs' friends met nt the residence of Mr.
S. Goetz , 22M Douglas street , nt8 p. in. , and
proceeded to the residence of her father so
quietly that she was taken completely by
surprise. The spacious parlors were soon
cleared of furniture , the chairs , tables , etc. ,
brought by the guests wcro takan in , and n
bounteous repast was spread under the di
rection of Mr. Sol Prlnco. While the feast
was being prepared , the company was fa
vored with several zither solos by the MUscs
Rothschild and Miss Joseph. Several mag-
nlllccnt bouquets of flowers were among the
birthday gilts offered to the popular and
charming young lady , who was
nt once made the star of the even
ing. Ono of exceeding loveliness
was tied with n broad band of old gold satin
ribbon. On this was Inscribed the date of
the occasion , the recipient's nnmo nnd the
names of all the donors , printed in largo
Roman typo. Miss Isaacs was nlso the re
cipient of n magnificent solitaira diamond
ring , winch she modestly were on ono of her
fore fingers , rather suggestive of an engage
ment. 'J'ho invitations nnd the guest cards
were the most unique affairs of the kind
over seen. Each of the former were printed
separately , none of the several invitations
reading nllUo. The guest cards bore the
names of tlioso who tendered the surprise to
Miss Isaacs , prefaced with the following
beautiful poetic effusion by Mr. Davidson :
"It Is well to remember pleasant hours ;
Life , with its uncertainties , contains so few. "
The following were present nnd took part
In the festivities : Dr. mid Mrs. E. E. Sic
ilian , Mr , nnd Mrs. Sol Prince , Mr. and Mrs.
L. II. Hoer , Mr. and Mrs. Simon Goutz , Mr.
arid Mrs. George Hoyn , Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert
Calm , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Schlank , Misses
Cora N. Hondlt , Isabella /.under , Clara
lUndskopp , Lizzie Isaacs , Sadie Joseph , Anna
nnd Minnie Rothschild , and Messrs. I. Isaacs ,
W. C , Long , Julius Fostnor , . Aaron /Cumler ,
Julius Robcnbcrg and Sol Davidson.
All real OBtnto listed by mo for Gale is
hereby withdrawn from the market.
GKOUQH C , Hoiimis.
A New Trnln.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed
In Horvjco by the Union Pacific Vatlway.
This train loaves Council DlulTs daily at
,4:45 : a. in , ; leaves Omaha nl6:0o : a. in , ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topoku , Lawrence , Kan-
ens City and points east ana south via
If " Kansas City. Iteturning , train leaves
Manhattan at ito ! : ! p. in. ; arriving at
Doatrlco atOi5 ; ! p. in. , Lincoln at 7:60 :
p. in. , : ind Omaha at 11:120 : n. in. , Coun
cil Blurts 11 MO p. in. , limiting direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from ICiinmiB Olty , Lawrence , Tonokn
and the east , and from Denver , Sauna ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
. to visit the principal points
f.mongers tuid Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first *
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of tha
latest pattern. The now train will nil
a long foil want , upd is bound 'to bo
popular. '
Views fttitl Intcrvicwn Cnughtln Hotel
Cori-ldorJ null Ktaowhcra.
The ncnr approach 'of Inauguration day
with Its pomp und circumstance bus loosened
tlio tongues of politicians , set everybody to
talking , nnd brings out ninny Intarcstlng
little stories of event * conncctc : ! with the
late campaign which assisted materially in
the success nnd llnnl election of Harrison.
Lust evening a Hnt : representative mot
Kugcno Meyers , of Michigan , nnd feeling
loquaciously Inclined , ho plunged breezily
into tlio subject and made public several
lively features that belong exclusively to the
secret history of the Chicago convention.
Huld Air. Meyers : " 1 was there as a Orcshitm
man. und the only one from my stuto. You
can Imagine the feeling Algcr'H friends had
towards mo. They were extremely hitter
but I had access to the Insldo circles ana
know exactly everything that transpired.
You can write It down us bulng nn absolute
truth that Harrison owes his nomination to
lohn C. New. For four days nnd nights
that mini didn't close his e.vcs m sleep llftccn
minutes. And speaking of New reminds tno
that I am pretty well acrjualntcd with the
duals . iniulo that brought , about
the eruption between Alger nnd
John Sherman. There Is moro
foundation to the published reports about
strained relations between these two men
than people generally have itny Ido.x of , but
Algor was not to hlnino for Sherman losing
his southern delegates. The fact is two or
thrco men , working for other candidates ,
conceived and easily consumntcd n llttlo
scliomo of tliolr own that queered the colored
follows nnd knocked Mr. Sherman out of
tlio ring. On Monday nnd Tuesday they
sent their rustlers among the darkey dele
gates with Instructions to make them be
lieve the convention would surely not con
tinue later than Thursday , and buy their
tickets of admission to the bull. Several of
the sable colored brethren fell Into this
cleverly baited trap nnd us a result when
Friday caino around they were not in their
scats. Outsiders tool : their places. About
that time , It will bn remembered Mr. Sher
man's star began to fade away nnd Alger
gradually fell behind. Harrison commenced
to gum a llttlo. Ho got Btronircr on Satur
day. New was the most active man in ulii-
rugo Saturday night , Sunday nil day and
Sunday night , ho had every man lobyist us
well us delegate who could bo Induced nnd
rolled upon to put in a stroke for Harrison
taken into his room nt the Grand Pacific ho
tel , where they wore consulted. I can't toll
you what the number of his quarters was ,
but those who do know can toll you that
there is where U"njimin ; F. llurrisci was
made president of these United States. If
John ( J , New is not given u place in the cab
inet be ought to be. "
The writer of these interviews had a very
entertaining chat yesterday with James
O'Neill He is ono of the most agreeable
men , especially when among friends , on the *
stage. It might ho interesting to know that
Mr. O'Neill"wus educated for the priesthood ,
nnd said ha : "Jlad my father lived I would
bo 11 Catholic priest instead of mi actor. "
He is a thoroughly intelligent gentleman ,
fully up with thu times on matters of state
us well as his chosen profession , and a thor
oughly delightful conversationalist. Kefor-
encc was made to the tenacious manner In
which ho clings to "Monto Cristo , "
and it was suggested that the old picco must
bo n constant tiid great money winner to
last so long. "It is. For six years 1 have
been impersonating Kdmoiid Bitntcs , und
the business brings me good re
turns. Last sciison was moro profitable
than the one preceding it , and
this promises to bo still better. "
It is not necessary to speak of Mr , O'Neill's
dramatic work. Suftieo to say he is the only
slur of to-day who can play the part. Others
try it , but they prove miserable failures. Ills
career , however , forms n pleasing story. Of
the numerous extraordinary efforts credited
to him limy bo mentioned the fact that he
organized the stock company which opened
Hooley's theater at Chicago , and wus lauding
innn thc're for three years.
"I commenced acting by carrying a spear
in 'Hamlet , ' and have played every character
in it. While ut Hooloy's the old man gave
mo every Saturday night to myself , on which
occasions it was my privilege and custom to
appanr In Shakespearian rolls. It was I who
took Billy Crane out of Allico Gates' bur
lesque company and gave him his llrst legiti
mate engagement playing comedy. At one
time Unit orgnnizatinn had in it , besides
Crane and myself , Nellie McHcnr.v. Johnnie
Husscll , and two or three others who have
since become famous and made good for
tunes. "
Mr. O'Neill ' is also distinguished as the
only artist on this side of the Atlantic ocean
who over impersonated Christ in the
"Passion Play , " being principal of the cast
that produced it in San Francisco cidht or
ten years ago. "And , by the way,1' said lin ,
"I tliink it is the greatest dramatic
affair ever pul on the stage. There is
not n single thing In it to offend the feelings
of any person. Its presentation would do
moro to elevate Christianity and suppress
vice than all the churches in the world. "
A gentleman who had joined the party
suggested that the play might bo revived
and brought out in Omaha. p'Neilldeclarcd
that there was not a building hero half
largo enough to hoht the people who would
go to sco it.
"What of the colosseum that holds
10,000 ! "
"That would ho excellent and you could
fill it every night. "
This conversation brought out n proposi
tion from Mr. O'Neill to the effect that if
permission could bo obtained from tlio city
council to produce it ho would como hero at
the end of his present season und put the
"Passion Piny" on as a summer attraction.
As encouragement for such an undertaking
he declared that it would bring more pcoplo
hero from every part of the' country than all
the festivals , conventions , expositions and
fairs combined , to say nothing of the money
benefit the city would derive.
William H. Lovlno , u long time member in
good standing of Tammany hall , Now York ,
Is probably not the sorest democrat on earth
to-day , but ho can say some very unpleasant
things , when talking politics , about the
way his great organization performed in the
late campaign nnd election. Mr. Levlno is
at present sojourning among Oimihu ac
quaintances , and while chatting with a party
lust evening related some of the Incidents
that occurred in thA Tammany wigwam near
the close of the campaign. They made no
secret of their antagonism to Cleveland.
"On Suturduy night boforn the election , "
said he , "I know and so did every other
Tanimanyitc. that Harrison would bo elected.
When the various district workers wcro
given their ballots nnd election day boudlo
It was understood then what the result
would be. Some of us went to friends who
had big money up on Cleveland nnd told him
to hedge , I know ono man , an acquaintance
of mine who had up 118,000 , but switched ,
commenced taking bets on Harrison , ijnd
eauio out $0,000 winner. "
Secretary GIbbs , of the Omaha Fair asso
ciation , is taking up a scheme , that , if con
summated , will bo a rousing good thing for
this city , und add nn immensely attractive
feature to the fair. Mr. GIbbs says the
breeders of draught horses are now seriously
considering the feasibility of making Omaha
thu place for their annual exhibits. They
huvo nu organization , and two nr three mem-
bora of the executive committee specially de
legated , wore hero last week to sco what
arrangements could bo made with the Fair
association. "They nro BO reasonable nnd
mild In tliolr doinuiulu that will not have any
trouble In completing negotiations. " It is
understood that u meeting will bo held n
Irwin B. Llnton bus become so favorably
impressed witli Omaha that ho talks of com
ing hero to locate If Mr , Harrison thinks ho
can run this government without hU assist
ance. Mr. Llnton said last evening ; "I will "
not remain In Washington should some good
republican ask for the place occupied by tno
now. und as my wife desires to como west I
think wo would both be very much pleased
witti Omaha. The chances are that we will
move hero. " So many courtesies have been
shown him during his present visit that no
has fallen in lee with the people.
Bepclmm's Pills act llko magic on a weak
stomach ,
A Timely
Dr. Williamson , of tbo Central United
'resbyterian church , took for the subject of
lis discourse yesterday morning "Tho Presi
dent's Inauguration , " The speaker reminded
lis ticurcrs thaton the morrow another
executive wus to take tbo solemn oath , that
would mnkohlm thoheaa of the creates *
nnd most progressive commonwealth on the
globe. Ho dwelt on the great responsibilities
that rested on the shoulders of the president
elect , of the wisdom , conscientious
ness nnd other Christian virtues that
wcro necessary for the fulfill
ment nf the duties of that high
ofllco. The speaker hoped that the now pres
ident would prove n jtut and good ruler in
Israel nnd like Solomon would look to the
Lord of hosts for strength nnd clearness of
mind. The s ] > cnkcr deemed it an iinjiossi *
billty for u really bad man to become presi
dent ,
Experience taught that the presidential
system of our country Is the best. The ruler
Is chosen , not inherited. He Is not a dread
Jupiter , hurling thunderbolt ! ) nnd making
his subjects tremble with awe , but Is , in
stead n servant of the people chosen to do
their will. "May God's ' blessing rest upon
our new president , " said the speaker , "and
may ho serve the people faithfully , "
Never defer until to-morrow what sliould
bo attended to to-day. A slight cold should
not bo neglected when Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup will cure It.
The readers of our until lent ion are requested
to use Salvatioji Oil for any and nil pains.
Jt is a sure cure ami costs only ' . ' . " > cunts.
Commencing this evening , and during the
entire week , with a special matinee Satur
day , the original and wend famous Hanlon
Bros. , who will present their grand fuir.1 '
spectacle , "Now Faiitasma. "
The "Now Fnntasma" requires two car
loads of trlcit scenery and fifty pcoplo in the
cast. "Faiitasma , " as presented In Omnha
heretofore , has not been a very popular suc
cess with all classes of theater-goers , but as
offered this season with nil the
wonderful improvements invented by
these generous caterers to the
nubile taste the Haulons during the
summer months , the plceu reaches the nemo
of perfection In stairo art. The piece has
been entirely rewritten and rearranged. ID
is almost entirety a new production. The
llrst act opens with the "hag's retreat" in
which Hagwrath , n diminutive demon , de
livers his message from his master Xamuliol
commanding the assistance of the witches In ,
diabolical schemes to entrap the fair "Lena : "
Then follows n weird dance , in which the
most prominent feature visible is nn entangle
ment of arms of maminouth dimensions , two
pairs of which might easily reach across the
Then follows the deluge , renlncing the
famous cyclone scene of last season. The
mechanical work here , representing the
mailing waters and the destruction of the
village , Is wonderfully realistic , the stage
having the appearance of being entirely
Hooded with water. The skeleton pass i
another clever piece of mechanism.
The seouo at the "bottom of the sen , " the
great success of last season , the Hnnlona
have retained.
In the second act a ghostly minuet , danced
by knights and ladies , is very neatly exe
Probably the most striking and original
scone in "Fantasmn" is the "Grotto of the
Magic Fountain , " a combination of beautiful
colors and handsome faces.
In tbo third net the specialties of Laura
Hurt and little Tootsey tire introduced , the
piece ending with the Vulcan Volcano scene
and the transformation.
Madame .Tannuschok , the great trage
dienne , will play "Meg Mcrrilcs" and "Miic-
licth , " at the New Grand , on Monday , Tues
day and Wednesday , of next week , and her
manager , Frank V. Hnwloy , with ,1. T. Colton -
ton , advance representative , wcro at the
Miliard yesterday , arranging for the engage
At the Eden Musce. this week the attrac
tion will bo the popular comedy "Mrs. Par-
tington and Her Son Ike , " given by the
Joseph H. Keene company. Among other
nttractions will bo Xiinzie , { .ho magician ;
Mons. Huber , the nrmless painter ; Helena ,
the lire queen , und many other attractions.
The sale of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is becoming immense. The se
cret of it is that the preparation re
ceives a preat deal of free advertising
from people who use it and find it'so
much superior to anything else of the
kind that they have over used , that
they persuade their friends and neigh
bors to try it. It is certainly a sure
euro for colds and croup nnd'ti prepara
tion fully worth the popularity it en
joys. For sale by all druggists.
All Saints1 Church Formally I > etll-
( jutiMl to the Work of the Master.
Yesterday afternoon All Saints' church
( Episcopal ) was formerly dedicated to .tho
service of God.
The white-robed choir entered singing the
twenty-fourth psalm , beginning :
"Tho earth is the Lord's , and all that
therein is ; tbo compass of the world and all
that dwell therein. "
Bishop Perry , of Iowa , conducted the ser
vice and read the prayers proscribed by the
liturgy of the church for such occasions.
After prayer the proper psalms for thofcer-
vieo were read , nnd verses 0 , 7 and 8 , from
Psalm 2i ( , with the Gloria Patrl were sinig.
The collect , eplstlo nnd gospel were then
read and after this tbo bishop preached a
most eloquent sermon upon the sacrcdness
of God's ' temples.
In the evening Hishop Perry went to Coun
cil HlufTs , where ho held services.
They Protested Vigorously.
For two weeks past complaints have
reached Tin : HIE : troin subscribers on the
Lincoln nnd Alma mail route that the paper
renohcij them from twenty-four to forty-
eight hours late. The postal authorities
were repeatedly notified nnd made n number
of attempts to locate the trouble. The mall
was known to have reached the Omaha post-
ofllco on time , and was intended for the
Union Pacific train which leaves Omaha
noout 5 o'clock in the morning. The pouch
was traced punctually to this train , yet the
complaints continued and multiplied. Tracers
wcro sent out without satisfactory returns ,
and the plot thickened. Finally it was yes
terday discovered that the genius who pre
sides over the distribution of the mall sacks
nt the Omnha depot had been doing all the
mischief , Ho had thrown the Lincoln-Alma
sack on the overland flyer instead
of the 3 o'clock Grand Island
train. The matter has been llxed
and subscribers of THE HIK : nt Uralnard ,
David City , Rising City , Shelby , Osccoln ,
Stromsburg , Uenediet , McCool Junction ,
Lushton nnd Clay Center will receive to-day's
paper on time again. Every precaution will
bo taken to Insure spcody delivery hereafter.
All complaints of slow delivery are promptly
attended to nt this ofllcc , for the people must
and will have TUG lii : .
Catarrh to Consumption , (
Catnn h in Its destructive force utandn next to 'i
and nnJoubtetlly leads on to consumption. It la
therefore singular that tlioso nllllcted with thin
feurriililltieuuo nhould not muko it the object of thi
their HVCH to rlti thonmelvoj of it. Jlecentjvo
remedies concocted by Icnnrant pretentiers to
medical knowledge Inivu weakened the coull-
deuce of tlio pieut majority of sulterem in all
udvertlxed remedlen. They uucomu resigned to
life of misery rather tltuu torture tlieuuelrea
with doulitful palllutlveH.
Hut tills will never do. Catarrh must bo met
at every stngo and combated with all our might. I
In many co.ata the dUeiiHn nun iibnumed danger-
nua HymptoniH , Tlio bones and curtilage of the
uotu , the urgnuti of hearing , nf seeing ami of
tuHtlngHn affected an to be utelesn , tno uvulituo
flongatcd , the throat HO inllamed and irritated
in to nroUnco a constant and distressing cougli ,
' , emu : metis every phase
ofCutjtrrh , from iiHlinplu head cold to the most/ II.
loathsome und tleatriictive utage ! < . It is local
und coiibtltutloml. lustunt in relieving , per-
ii ; in curing , safe , economical anu never-
Kucli packapio contains pnsbottlnof the KADI-
CAi.Cuiif , one box CATAIIIIM\I , HOI.VKXT , and
nn IMI'UOVKI ) IMHI.KU. with treuttbu ; jirke , tl
I'OTTKH Ulllia i C'llKMICAl , CO. , UO.STO.V ,
Full of comfort for all I'alns , In-
"Humiliation , and U'raknesn of the
iAged in the CirriL'UUA ANTI-I'AIN
.ABTgii. tlieilrttunil only jmln kill-
ttnln I'.uitcr. New. iustuntano-
ous and infallible. Vmtly superior to all other
remedies and upp'.luucex for relieving pain and
utrengthenliiK the muscles. 1'eeU good irwii
the moment it is applied. At alt driiifirlstn , tt5
rents ; dve for t l.OJ : or , pjstuij free , of I'orrut
IJauu ANU CiiKincAU Co. , llooton , Maas. '
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strenplu and wholosomeues . Moro economical
than the ordinary klntlH , ami cannot bo sold In
comnctltlon with tne multltudei of low cost
f-hortwelKhtalntn or phiwphatu powders. Sold
only in cans. Itoval llaklng Powder Co. , l-'O
\Vallstroet , NOW York
Chicng0 ( m8 , j cinrkst.
Tlie Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
. . "Jv r.-iri
Clironic , Nervons and Private Diseases ,
Palling Memory , Exhaustine Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache nml all the rflectl
leading to early decuy and ] iethaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
tiever-failinc success.
SfiT SYPHILIS and .ill bad Blood and Skin Dls.
eases permanently cured.
* H-KIDNEYand URINARYcompbinlsGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocete and all iliseaso
of the Oenlto-Urinary Organs cureil promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
fNo experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
SS"Send cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
&S Those contemplating Mairiace send Tor Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , e.ich
15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or callm.iy save futurcsufler.
ing and shame , and add golden years to life. AB'I.'oclt '
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 lo 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
SWIFT'S SrHTiFir has cured mo of a
llgnantbraaklUKOUt on my leg , which
li'iuised Intolerable pain. It was called
9 Kcztuna by the dOL-tors four of whom
I treated me ivJth no relief. I ciimildly
I confess that I ewe my present good
I h 'tilth to S. S. S. which In my estimation
| ts Invnluiible as nl > lood remeny.
Miss.lui.i.v Ui\virr. :
ii.7N.lUth St. , St. Louis , Mo.
l Our baby -when two months old wa- ,
I attacked with rit-rofula , whli h forix lonf ;
1 time deitroyocl her eyes > lsht entirely ,
j mil caused totlcspnlr of. her life * . Tlio
B toctors fniWd to relieve her , nnd we
IgavoherSwJFr'n Si'Kcmc , which soon
1 ' 'tired her entirely , nnd she is now halo
" "
1l".V."DHi.K. Will's 1'olnt. Texas.
CBTSend for book giving history of
J lllood DlM'asoH nnd advlco to s"uirirorn ,
I mulled free. .Tun SWIKT SPKCICIO Co. ,
1 Drawer U , Atlanta , Ga ,
PATENTED Auo. 16 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
iL guaranteed to cure the fol-
SS.lo lni dlieaiei. EimeljiAll
5SJ ire ; V.I ) Sf ! ! Sil plie tlc Ooniplalnti.
tl.umlago , General and
- " " " " " ! Debility. Sot-
Nervcuinesi , Trembling- ,
Sciual ExbauEtion.Wait-
. ' " 6 ° ' Body- Diseases
caused byfeJL/jSlndl'cretlonj in Youth , Age , Married -
ried or Sintftft& gle Life. In 'act all dliraiei ptrtaiDlnj
to the womb Ui > or re-nllnl orfrani of male or female *
TRY A i-AiK OK ri CfiTnin lUQfll CC rnicK.
DR. OWEN'S tLtU Hlb INoULtO * i rxu IAIR. ;
Bend 8e. poitage for ritai llluitrnted pamphlet , wbleh lll be
aim jou ID plain iciled envelop * . Uentlon Ibli raper. addreil
SOU North Broadway , ST. LOUIS. HO
Owcn'i Electric Belt Altachmci. . .
worn with eale and comfort. Tbe cur.
made mild or atrooir. Tbli l the onlT <
elcetrle triiia and b lt ever made. It -
ItuiilurMn from art M 1)0 diji. For full dcicrlptlon of l < r.
( ) CQ'a Klectro-dalraalc llelti , Splu l Appliance ! , Truiiel nl
Iniolet lend fi . for rnaa Illustrated pampblet whlCQ will L0
lent jou In plain aealed envelope. Hold onlv bv tbe
3OO JJortb 13roadwcr , BT. LOUIS. MO.
A Great Medical Work for Young and llidilo-
Aged Hon.
Yuun Kniul nililillo-aKcd men who are nutTcrlne from
tliulnil rrntiiiiii of Tontli. Klluui lo.l VHnlltv , Nerv-
cniKuiiO 1'liynlrul Detllltr. 1'rvniuturo l > oclln , Ac. ,
anil Ilioliomunil imUil.l miseries con ciupnt | tlicro-
in , nntl all who uro jiltk nml nutTurlnu , itnil On not
know wlmt ulU tlic'iajon hu curi'il without fall lir
following the liiHtriirtlnns In the N-k'ncn of J.lfoor
Kulf rricrvatim. | . ITIf only II , by ; innll. pont-palil ,
> ulcij. It IH u bonk fnnevt'ry mun , ftl ) p.'ivca , full Kill ,
IM lri' cripllii ) ] for all uciltn uml rhronlo itlioaaui.
Fully Initorrnl by Ilia Mitllonal Mcillral AH'oclallnn ,
who awimlccl the itolA uiul jtmulful medal In the
Author , lllufetruttvo aaniplo , with InilnrsomuntK nf
) pntm , frt'U If you uci'ly now. Aililrcs" tlio I'ea-
buiy.M | illnil lin > tUut vor lr.V. . 11.1'AUKIill. N .4
Ilulllticli n. , llosldii , Alain. , who IIIUT bo consulloj
conililt-'ntlully on all anujiui
Cnpitiil $ -100,003
Surplus .Inn. 1st , 188 ! ) 6:2,000 :
' orncKiis AND iinii'.cioiis ;
. W. YATKS. Pro > Iilent.
J.t\vi.sS. KBKII. Vlej'I'rc'altlant.
W. U.S. lluuiit.s , Coalner.
nutuc-ruHS !
A. K. TOUii.VMN , WiV , MllllKK.
JOHN B. Coi.r.iNH , .1. N. II , I'AUIICK ,
Comer l tli uiul I'arnnm Sts ,
A General ll.iuk Jirf Iluslaju Tru iH.icte.l.
Physician and Surgeon ,
Preparatory to operfmg our spring goods , we have inaugurated a grand
closing out sale of many lines of our most popular lots in
our Men's Suit Department.
, Men's ' Suit Department and our Boys' ' and Children's ' Departm't
Men's Siiiis , $12.50. $ This will be the last week on this lot of Suits.
bracing j
wo allow
popularity the Con tinc i till' iiuV alYciul'y obtttinoilV'bv tboiriiii'ouiy'ro'iiiiblo goods. Koinonibcr , tlio price of this lot of Men's
Fine Grndo Suits is $1U.50.
Special in Youths' Sack Suits , $12.
Wo Imvc consolidated several popular lines of Youth's Cussitncrc and Cheviot Sack Suits , and will offer them at $12 per
snit Wo guarantee that not one suit in this lot has over been sold in our store for less than $18 per suit. Buyers will ap
preciate the price when the goods are examined.
Boys' Long Pants Suits , Ages. 13 to 18.
In this department wo will olTer about lot ) Suits of Pure , All-Wool Fabrics , goods which have sold all season for $10 , at
the nominal cost of $7 per suit.
' T r\-n rv TZn-n + a Q i-if Affes 10 to 13 A Special Bargain Lot of School Suits in cheviots and
JlUllg JLT cllllib OUlbo ciissiinores , thoroughly reliable goods , are offered to close at $ ,5.
TT TMDTT'TVT'CJ CTTTrPO Snocial Bargain Lots in Knee Pants Suits too numerous to mention. Prices ,
ij.U ± LJillN O O U 1 1 O § j ) $2.6 ( ) , $3 , $3.6 and $4.
Men's Pantaloon Sale Price $3,50 POSITIVELY
This week wo have sold a larpo number of Pantaloons , advertised last Monday ut fcJ.oO. Now styles will bo added , nnd
wo clnim this to bo the choicest bargain sale wo hnvo ever had. New , line Trousers , in several choice styles : it &J.50. Not
a pair , prior to this sale , has been sold for less than $ " > , and sonic 119 high as SO and fr7. .
In addition to the above , wo have added 150 pairs of genuine Snwyer Cassimoro Pantaloons , in a neat brown chock , in
all si/es up to 42 waist , nt $ ! t per pair. And 200 pairs of All-Wool Cheviot Pants , in a neat brown and grey check , nt $2.60
per pair. Samples of these Pantaloons will bo shown in our windows to-day.
TV/T / A-TT O'RTiTT'l ? i Samnlo c'Sd ' of these lots will bo sent to any address , and if they are not lound to
OMBAOSATON Preeland , Loomis & Co.
NEDWErMRoKmns - Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Mas Meyer-Ectatilishoi 18Ss--Adolph Moyar
Max Meyer
&Bro. ,
General Agents for
V05E & SONS ,
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Claris anil Slioninpr-Bell Organs
Write for Catalogue.
I nml ninny times will provo to you n great
loss. VoiiHlioulil not ileluy even for a day !
lour coming to our store , \Vo are nmklnn
' a clonn sweep of our cntlro slock of wlnlor
i Koods , and will name you prices that will
ntcrcst you.
Steck Piano
Hoinurluthlo for powerful syinpitthutlo
tone , pliublo action and absolute dura
bility ; 8 ( ) years' record tbo bo-it guurnn-
tcoof tlio excellence of tlieso lnstru-
C : ' ( be Mauor Habit , 1'ailllTrlr I'artti
\ > r AdmlnUtorlDB Or. Ilalnei'
( joldeo Hpecluc.
It cun be ulvcn in u cup of cotfee or in arti
cles of food , without the Knowledge of the pu-
lent ; it is iibioiiii''lr ImrmltiBH , and will of.
fectupernmn nt uniliipevdycure , whether tli
patient In u moderate drinker or fin alcohol
wreck. IT NIWKK I'AILS. Over ( OO.OQO
drmUardii have buen maduteinperuto meji who
Jiavo tit'ifii ( iolden tyiedlli ; In their coirce wltli-
outtheJr knowlwlKf. and today believe they
quit drinking of tholu own accord. 4i page
boat of particulars five. Ktilm , V Co , aueutx
Hth and Douglastitg , Iblh amj Cum'n'ttreeU ,
Omalia , Neb.i Council llluQa , JOiv i Amenta , A.
1) .
' 18 T0 40 PER CENT
in lias
Guaranteed by using
National Automatic
Gas-Saving Governor ,
Secures n stoutly and uniform nogreo of Illu
mination , rosultlni ! Jrom resiilnr pn-ssnro mid
consequent iierfe'-t combustion ot tlio Buses ,
InsiidiiK iv pure anil healthful atmosphere , niul
obviating the sooty deposits of micoimunetl
carbon upon frescoed \vnllH , paintings and
l'revrn'8 the dlsngreenblo wlilstllnir , blowing
and Miiokmc ; of buniTS , und avoids thn fre-
ciuent danger and expense of broken globes.
The ( JoviTiior costs tbo consumer I'KAIM I-
CAMW NOTHINO , as the riling In gns bills
wlicro full capacity of meter Is used ) will ie-
bate coHt of Governor In uvory throu or four
months' service und In largo building every
Mxtv rttiys , thus rotmnlug KIIOMUJ to ( TO 1'Kll
CUNT , annual dividends on the Investment.
ft r NOTICE ! g |
We will af tut'li our ( ins-Savin.Machines ;
lu iin.v molcr upon ( he linsis of unc-ltalf
( he value of monthly Saving * .
I'ractlciil tests made at our ofllco. Public Invited -
vitod ,
Agencies distributed In all cities.
S. K. Comer Kith and Fimmiu Sis , ,
MUM anil WO.MU.N niR't'Oaafullr ( rculoJ.
BiilTorlMK front I In ) iMrVrU of youthful CnlHcn nr bulls
crt'tloii" , or nru lronhln.1 with Wi'iikiium , Nervous
Dul.lllty , Loss of .Memory , Domioiitli'iicy , AVfrnlonlo
fodi'ly. ' Klillioy Trmitili-sur miy illncii"uof the ( ii'iil-
lu-UrliiMi-y OrKitMB , can hero tlnil n mifu anil nput'tly
cuiu , Clmr tjit rt'iisutiablu , e&peclully tu the poor.
'J'lioro uro inuny trouLluil vrltli too frciunnt cvnciiu
lions of tlio blunder , oflon mcomimiiH'il by u itllxlit
murtlim or burning miriintlon , and wvakenlMK of Ihu
jritum In nmnniRT lliu imtlcnt citmiot iicraunt for.
On fxnuilnliiK Hits uiinary deposits u ropy i > uilltni > iit
Mill olti-n hi ) fiiunil. mill BOim-tlmei partlrlui of alln ; .
men will iippi-nr nr the color lie ill n thin , nillklali
hiUMiliulii L'lmiinliiX toil ilnrk or tori'l'l amM'iirnmo.
Thuiv urn uiBiir mi'ii wliodlii of Ililii illlllrnlty , Ivnor-
urn of ihoniusn. nlilcli ID iliosvconl Ktiixu of iiuiiil.
nul Tlio iloi-tor will Kiiarnntoua perfocl
rnroln nil Midi ra-o .aiHl n liiinltliy ri'Moriitloa nl
tlioKi-nltO'ttrlnury iirKuiix. Cuiiniilliition fri'f. ruml
" cent Muiniilur "Yotiiiu Man' * h'rlcml , or Uul'iu ' to
vt'oillock , " iroo to nil , A lilress
Main nnd 12th St. , Kansas City , Mo.
IVMcnllon tills puper.
. . . ,
Ono of Iho Most Hiircesrfiil
In ttie Treadnent of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
Sexual Ufgun > j , absolutely cured.
Cl/IM niQCAQCQ hlM treatment for whlvh
OMH UlluHOUOi glvcyt the most bnuutlftil
complexion , und u perfect HKln ,
> iiU stump for reply. '
Offco | BuBliman Bloo < < . loth and
StsOmaha , Niu
N , W. Cor. 13th ft DodffO Sts.
Applla for Doformltios and Trusses.
t ( ncllltler , npiinratui nnd ri'inrdlca for ucoen
ful tronliiiL'nt or ovcrf form of illicnio roqulrlni
Medical orSuruicsl Troutmi'iil.
IJoiird anil nltundnnco ; bunt Uospltal uccotnmoda-
tlnnd InUhe weit.
WIIITI : roil Ciitni'i.Aiis on Darormltlei nnJ lltaoei ,
Truaiies , Club. Keut , ( Jurvuluro of tlio Hiilno , IMIni ,
Tuniora. Cancer , Catarrh , llrtmcbllla , lnhalnttnnf
Kloclrlcltr. I'araljnl ! ! , lilo ) ! | > ir , Kldnny. MlRilitor ,
Kjo , Kar.Ukln unit Illood , nnd ullHiirnlcal opurnllom.
Diseases of Woman n Specialty.
All lllood Dlsoaneiiuoaosifiilly troatod. Hrnlilllllo
Polfon reniuvo J from tha > r > tuin without iiii'ruurir.
New roatoratlvo truntiucnt In" of Vital I'ovcer.
I'orioni unable to vIMt ui lunr bu tri' t'd at hnuid bjr
rorrf9pundencn. All cuminuiilcatlniifl cuufldenlliil ,
Medicines or InitrumonU font by mall or eipr a ,
M-.uroly packed , no marks to Indli'uto runtunH nt
sender. Ono punonal Intervlnir prel'urrcd , Callanil
consult us or semi history uf your caau , uud wonlll
lead In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvnto , Spoclal or Ncrvoiu ll > t'a es , Impo-
tcDcy.H/plillls , Ulect and Vnrlcoculu , wllli ( inoitfon
li t. Addrcsi
jVctlienl nnd Snr'jlcal Institute , or
Cor. 13th and Dodge Sta. , OMAHA , NEU ,
20to60 DAYS.
Thin IB udiBoiibo whiuli hiw liorotoforo
Bullied all Medical .Scicnco.
We luivo n Heini'dy , unknown to nnynno In the
WorltloutsldooroiirCoiiiininy. uiidonu thatlia *
to cure the limit obstlnutD caue.s. Ten days In
recent cases doen the work" , 1 1 IH the old chronlo
dwp heated CUHCH that wo Hollcit. We have
cured humlreilH who havu been ubuiitloned by
I'hyrilclanu. and pronounced Incurable , and wo
ciialleiih'K the world to brlnn ux a cnau that wo
will notniire In ln.s.stlmn hlxty dayx.
HIiicutliuhlNtoryoC inciilclno a true upecllla
for HyphllN hai been sought for but never
found until our
waHdtMrovcreil , and wonro Jmtllliid In naylns
It IH tint only Itemeijy in tlui world mat will pos
itively curt' ' , biicaiiHO thu Intent Medical Works ,
iiiibllstiod by tlio bent known uiitliorltlos , nay
Uieru waHiievuratriiubpecIiloliororu. Ourrnni-
oily trill euro when uvvrytlilni ; ulna liux fulled.
\VIiy wii to your tlmo und nionoy with patent
' nutnuver had virtue , or doctor with
, . . . , . . . . . tlmt cannot cum you , you that have
[ rled every thlim "lae Hlioulil coinu to us now and
K t permanent roller , you never can net It else
where , .Murk whut wo HUV , In tliu und you
iinntttukooiirrnmedy or NKVHK recover und
you tlmt havu been ullllcteil but a uliort tlmu
Hlionld by till ineunii come to UK now. not one In
: enof nnvv CHWH over uct iiHrniunentlv cured.
Many uet licln und think tliey uru ( roe from the
llBeiiKe , but in ouc , two or three your * utter It
Hpiivarx > Ki > ln In a more horrible form.
This IB ti blood 1'urlflor and will Cure
any Skin or Blood UlHunso whoii
"Clao Kalla ,
Jloom 10 ami II , U. S. Niillonnl Ifank
_ Jliillillni ; , Neb.
. ara
ucct'Hfully u > ud nioiitljy by orur 10,000
. - wJ ullea. Arefin/t , KfftctualanJ I'leautnt
> J8lp rU > iflyinall.ortttdm ( Klt . Rrnled
1'urtlculari S poeui ( ; i > Uiiiip . AiMroa *
' " TUB EynsiuCUEMWAL Oo. , Uin-nolT , Mica.
mule anil biniuill l'tJoodma
CoOiiHtlui , Jftbrasliu *