THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , IONPAY MAKOH 4 , NOTICES. OMAHA. this head 10 cents per tlno for liio nmt Insertion , 7 c nts for each sub sequent Insertion. and IUX ) per line per month. No advertisement taken for less than 2.1 cent * the llrst Intertion , 8 Ten words will \to \ counted totho line ; Uiey must nm consecutively and inn t to potel In AtlVANCK , All advtrtl'o- nicu's mti9t bo handed in before 12 : . ' * ) o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will thay betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1 nrtloi ndvcrtlslnir.lntli6so columns and hav ing tholr answers uddrcMrd In rare of Tint HEH will please nsk for a check to rnnblo them to get. their letters. an none will b delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to adver tisements BliouUl be cncloien'ln envelopes. All advertisements In those column * nre pub- 1 lulled In both morning and evening cdlllonii of TltK 1IKR , the circulation of which aggregate * . more tlinn lf,0i papers daily , and Rives thu ad * > crtlscrs the Denellt , not only of the city clrcu- latlonof TUB HKK , but also of Council IllufT * , Lincoln iind other cltlos and towns throughout thin section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for those columns will bo talcen on the above conditions , at the following busi ness hoiifti-A. who tire ni thorlzed agents for TUB llKK cpcclal notices , nnd will quote the sum * rates ns cnn bo Und at the main olllce. "JOHN W. HKLIj , Pharmacist , fc 0 South Tenth J Street. _ K ASK k nODY. Stationers nnd 1'rlnter * , 113 South IClh Street. H FAHNSWOHTTl7i'iinrmaclst , 2115 Cum- ing Street. TpTr JAIIUCIHKS , I'lmrmaclst , 621 North ICth Street. _ _ " " " " G . W. PAUIl , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary' Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD Situation on ranch or stock farm ns bookkeeper or forotuan ; lefereiicos fur nished. Address S 21 , lice. 731 3t \\rANTii-I'osItlon by n young man In ' olllco : good penman , good habits ; catiglvu best of references. Addiess H , Excelsior olllco. GT > S 2t r A COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper oftwenty years' experience , wltn il.liUO to f2,000 to Invest or loan employer ( well secured ) , desires a position where ho can niako himself useful as bookkeeper or accountant. Address IOCK box mojjuiaha. Jieb. 45S-2J i ) 1'osltlon by gentlemen , . grnphor and typewilter Address H 10 Dec. tto'J-4 * WANTKD Situation by German as cutter ; .88 years' experience. Address 8 12 , Hoc. fig ) l ) _ WArfTEP rVIALE HELP. TT olasHt. Spencer's llakury. 753-lt W ANTI2D Immediately at 1 lilt Farnam St. , a ; good tnllor for busliolman work. C'JI-3 \X7ANTKD-Ilonest. Industrious young man T > with ,10 , as partner In a paying bootblack Bland making about } HO a month ; 311'i S 15. 703 2 * irANTED Agents for Mllward'ai yx-nyod > self-threading nuiMllo ; preserve. ' falling tight ; a help to good sight ; perfect bonanza for cnnvnssors ; sample package lOc. Sena for circulars to headquarters , Stayner & Co. , Pro- yldcnco .H. I. MCm3 WANTKD Iteltablo & energetic salesmen in Oraahn'and northern hair of Nebraska to loll our raachlnes.nlso 2 collectors , no capital or experience uoce-shary. The Singer Mfg. Co. Omaha. Neb. 717-nl _ ANTED A man with $1,000 to Handle one of the best telling articles made , sells nt tvery house. Inqiilro for Harris , 1717 South luth. _ ' _ 733 4" * WANTKD 10 traveling salesmen , salary and expenses. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , DCS Molnes. la. _ 73Ial ANTKD llallroad laborers for Washing ton territory ; steady work , long Job , at Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 Fnrimm at. 740 B OVS Am. Hist. Tel. Co. , 1TOI Douglas. A Rood business man to take the WANTED of nn olllce In Ne\v V'ork city. one tor Dotrolt nnd another for Cincinnati : must Invent $ . ' .H ) : salary * lriOil per year. Address Oeorge S. Cllne , Wnijnar block , De3 .Molne-i , la. 1)74 A OENT9 wnmod on salary. J75 per month JT - and e\pensos paid , nny nctlvo man or wolnan tosell our coodsby sample and live nt homo. Salary paid promptly und expenses In advance. Full particulars and sauiplo case free.Vo mean "Just wnat wo say , Jl ptandurcl SUvorjvaro CoIlOston.tJIass. . ' ANTED Agents for our nc\v patent tire- proof sates , size 8x18x18 , weight WX ) His. . retail price J3 % others In proportion. Highest n vi aid ( silver medal ) Centennial Exposition ; rare chance ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. We are not In the safe pool. Exclusive territory given. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , 0. 5 * . ! "IA/ ANTED A good man to go on the road ; T T must be wide awake , full of cncrpy , ilvo security for money collected and deposit llr > for ( tamplos. Call on ( leort'e B. Cllne. . Hoom 511. yirbt National bank bullalng. Omaha. Neb. 137 A 01INTS wanted in every town nnd city in Xithocst fortho llardPii Hand ( Iranadu Mre Extinguisher. Apply lo F , O. CrandallJlU : South Ifith st. _ 7'.l WANTED Agents In every city nnd town In the west to r-oll the Toy Calliope , the greatest - est nt'ller on earth ; sand 0 ctg for sample. K U. i IBth t _ 87 . AVe wish u fo\v men to Ball our SAf.H9MKN sample to the wholesale and retail trnde. LarKostniunufacturernlnour Una. J''n- clot.o 'J-cent stamp. WftKes 91 per d.iy. I'errann- ont position. No poitolR nnr.woroil. Money nil- vauced for watfos , ndvortlBlnu , etc. Conlonnlal Mnn'f'R Co. , Cincinnati. O. _ TOVinlilt WANTED--FEIV1ALEHEI.JP. \7t7ANTKD Immediately , 4 male nnd 0 W female school tenchets nt Ait Itooms. Oood wageq and pormaneiit positions. Call or addresst L Collins , Art Itooms. No. 17 W North Ttr.-Tit 10th street. - 'I AOIEStomakoworstMiliidvortlhoment cards JU t homo | tl to M weekly ; otltilt 10c. Sedge- yltk Novelty Co. , New llitven. Conn. , 77lMr ! \X7ANTEn-A compotim girl. Must t < o n T > good cook andliumiuess. C01 South27tliht. 75'J-O ' * THIT ANTED A middlo-ngnd woman for care of V > Infant ; bust city references required ) 2100 DoUglas Bt. 721-41 ANTKD-Ulrj for general housework. 633 WANTED . , corner California. 7iil ) ANTED ( Jlrl for general honnuwork. Kendl.s , Hill S 13th st. . 7254' ilent girl for general IIOHHO work , nt25121'lilcat'o street. 72U-2t 1\ANTr.I-Comp5tout Klrl for housework. > * IVJUBiMlhet. 7gU2 \\7ANTED-jcrinau girl to do housework V > and take care of n child. WW North inth , at Mrs. Hoyo. 7 , ' " 2' A" ( llHirabout sixtooil years old as nurse for children , Apply 2iXl ) St , Mary's nvuiiuo. - girl lor geuural UOUM work , In small family. ApplyullBC'apltol avenue. _ _ I } " " _ _ \ArA.NTHl-Vouiigglrltu ntslst with light > housowoik. 81J a , 23th ivvo. cor. l.cayun- vroitlt , RVI 2iiJ \Ar.\NTKU-Coinpetunl ( tlrl forgc-ueralhouse- . .V > work ; good wage * . . _ No.gull. ) lli. UHil-i' ' \ \ rANTKD--Dliilug room jjlil , Callfoinia ] io- T > teyithnnd . agentx. Hcllable wcmen to sell the "Original Ilyitola" Cuuiilnutloii : eiiollldor Ilrnco Corset lliist money mnKlng nrtlcln In thu cnnntr } ' . „ _ -llongiiarBiitoed. Apply for terms and tqriltory to Westoin Cor net Co. St. I.ouls. Mo. " 2-l-lut DRESSMAKING. lirANTKI-iiiKi ) : Be ii tH li > 'lo dressmaking in families. Mlas Sturily..tJK l.euvenworth . _ 4Qa in "I * _ _ _ ' TllESBMAKlNl5 iu fnmlllcs. UlT'N 17th. HKS8MAKINCIcuttiU ifTutlai.m " " "Sla" tt 1 8 til I * emiK buriiui , llll 11V"l ili , ostnFi' .Most i-ellabio In 1 11V H. K , Whltu. \\7ANTKO-To wilt ft blacksmith uliop In > cruod loralloii , AUilreai Lock llox fa , rieUmi'outli. Neb. iHTgt THITl'l.raKV'S gliorth tid school. ' . ' * llarkcr T > block,3 mths' liutuictlon , tlScla ( _ i limited VAl.KNTl.NK'a Hhurthnnd and Typnwriting luitltUte , uaw I'uNtou building , Omaha. Tin only exclusive. uliortUaud school In the fctnto. Over due bundled graduates In good Bitui : | Ions. TJi school Ii iintler lhe tnanaga- went of 0. 0. Valentine , official Bt nogr plier of the aid Judicial district of Nebraika. and 1'rof. II. H , JloyUn , 411 experienced teacher and ver- tiattr.i reportev. D.ty end evening se lon . Rtu- -ticols can enur bt any llmr , band for circulars. _ _ " ' IvTNOAHnShoithand"school. < l Bhooley S h'ock , leuclioa nyttAin * uud'u e Bimington tynowiltera. Circulars fr . W EOSWANT jniSCELLAN _ _ \\TANTED-Hoard by Rentleinan and wife In ' private family { location contralr ferencss anBcd. Address S 22 , lice omce. 718f \\rANTKD-Carpenterto bull.\ and furnish T material for large house , for coshnnd I nno residence lot. Address H ( V ) lleo onico. 441-8 WANTKD-10,000 womr-n to nse "Wllcox's Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly nafo find always elToctiiul. Bend for < c "Woman's Sfifa Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Phlliulel- in Aia'K ) FOR.RE . N TH o u s Esr T r.NT "Nice"cottafte , well locatpiiTSo ? per month. Hiclcs , room 10. Hunter block. KM 2 T7HH UUNT-7-room Hat , life I'neine st , JJ 7A3 HUNT Two C-ronm homes , allconvcn- lencos. IJnqnlrc , fiK I'oppollon avo. 757-1 * TpOH HUNT- - room lionso. Rtci.rn. Ras bath , JU hot nnd cold nnd clstorn water , jjoort cellar nnd nlco yard. 13) ) . W SSIth. Iuuulro207 8 2Uh. 714 Tmolt HRNTlly the year , to man andwlfol JU without chlltlren , newly titled up cottoRo of Hroomi.SU nnd DodRo ; city nnd clstorn water , on caolo line , SIT. Hoggs , V Hill , KW rarnnm , " 19-4 IIIOll HOT 8-room house , with nlco barn , JU y.'d nnd Webster stg. C. F. Harrison. Mcr. cants' Nut , llank. 707 B _ TT1OH HAljK N'luu-room house , barn nnd lot JL1 In llanscom 1'lacu : also'J housei and lots In Sunny Side. Hants , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. O'U "ITIOH HUNT ft. room house fflilS Caldttcllst. : JP rent reasonable. Apply 1KJ7 Izard St. 40i-7t FUH Itr.N'T 10-rooni moacrii house near high school choa ] > . Also n-room cottagi' , 'd and Howard. (1. i : . Thompson , -13 Shoely block , 15th and Howard. 4OT _ TJIOH H ISN'T 7 room cottage ou Haruey st just JO west of 'Aith sr , { Sit. a room Hat N. iTtn st. $13. 4-rooni cottage , S. 12th st , J12.i > 0. ID-room house on S. luth st with all modern con\i'iiloncos , will rent reasonable to party making good leise. Apply to Green ft Wil liams. First National bank building. 67 ! TnOH HUNT-Hy March 1. ( Vroom house In JD Rood repairs on I.nko st , rent choap. and 'A- room cottugo in Arbor place. Hhcoly's Station , * 7.Wpcr month. Inquire 2i S 18th st , or ll'Jl Douglas MI , room . ! ' - ' ) 3 N r. W , n rat-class flnlshod. O-room Hats with bathroom , pas , water and sewer ; 2 stores , corner , suitable for drug store : I basement suitable for harbor shop , corner "Ith and I.eav- onworthsts. Inquire at promises. 2US-ni8 * Q1EN-HOOM house on 18th near Leavcnworth ht ; modern convculoncus : will rent to good reliable tenant nt Jl < ) per month. (1. J. Btonis- Uorir , rooms 317-318 First Nat. Hank building. ur O" room house , 114 p r month , S. E. cor llth and Vlnton. Inquire next door. nn "CU'llNlSHKDhousa for rent In Park Terrace , X1 opposite Hanscom I'lirk. all moilornn con veniences. Kiuiulrc , Leo i Nlchol , USth aud Leavcnworth. 03- TT1OR RENT Nlco 5-roora house , cast front , JU half block of cable cars. 112 S. t'Stli sw 751 m 4t BEAUTIFUL 8-room house , gas , city water , bath room , hot and cold water , on paved streets with struct car , near a good school , only & 1 > per month. The house w now. Apply at once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. TT1OH HKNT When you wish to rent u house , JO tore or olllco call on us. H. B. Cole , room 0 , Continental block O'iO | 7UH UKNT 9-rnom modern Improved hoiisn JL1 A 1 locality. Hont moderate. Apply M , El gutter , 10U1 Furnam st. G-"J POH HKNT-CottaBos. fl rooms , 2728 Charles st and 1524 So 5th st. Inquire H 212 , Shoeley block. W ) TJ1OH HENT 9-room brlcfc , 114 8 2.1th st ; mod- JO ern conveniences ; near cable lino. .1. W. Orlllitb , U. I' , hcudiiuarters. MJ FOH HKNT 7-room at 508 S. 13th. Inquire J. U Hrandels & Sons. 847 _ R E NTFJJ N IS HEg KOOK\S. \ POH HENT Furnished slcopins rooms. $1.75 pcrweet upwards , bli ; JcHUJ Howard st. 7(05 ( * FOH HENT Nicely furnished rooratoonoor twoKentleiuen. 171'J Davenport. 087-2' FOR HKNI' rurni.shed room , second lloor , fronti with largo alcove ; all modern con veniences. 115 S. 2utll Street. 07U 2 $ TJWO nlcoly furnished rooms for light honso- Ju keeking. Inquire ItO'J AVebstor'st. C2y-2 IilUHNlSHEI ) rooms , with Urst class board , 12J1II Douglas st. 457-2J AVEN'UE Uoonis At 1H13 and 1015Capitol ave 2 blocks from 1' O , newly furnished private boarding houseploasant roomsnllconvoulencos 775 1 * " \TICK1A ftnnlshod front parlor , suitable for i- > 2 gents or mail ana wife. Heat , gig and bath. Sit ! per month. 2lu Farnum st. 70S-1 * FOH HENT A nicely furnished room , with all conveniences ; 013 So. 17tn st. 722 "ITlUHNISIinn rooms , single or on suite , bath JO and steam : for gouts only. 151U Howard. 74(18 ( R' OOM ' t" , 800 S 2'nd. : 08 3t N10ELV furnished front rooms , single or Hi suite , Ul Dodgost. I. N. Oulll. 077-71 171S Dodge ; rooma and llrst-clnss home board. 7U2.7 _ _ _ _ FOU HUNT- Very largo turnlBhed room anil alcove , south front ; Imselectrlo bells.Hpenk- liR tubes. Ri-ntes , otc. ; suitable for two or three fe ; 2214 Fuihani , C52 PHIVATB family have several choice fur nished rooms for rent. Gil N. 20th at. COT 0 * NICELY furnished room 2103 Douglas Bt. filiG ? 17HJHNIHHED looms by day , week or month. -V bt. Clalr Hotel , cor. 13th and Dodge. M2 TJOOMS Furnished or unfurnished , single or -lien suite ; moduin conveniences , 2227 Dodge. 100 "M'lCU furnished rooms A. buard , 1703 Donglui. 4JW SUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven iences , H blocks from P. O. , private family. A. Hospe , jr. , 1513 Douglas Bt. 4-0 43MALL Hoom , at 130J Douglas st. llrd lloor. USD N'ICE : roomso from t.1 toll" a month Fcabody , Ittlmiul Jones dtreets. U70 mil ; T AIU1E front room , nicely furnished , suitable JLJfor 2 gentlemen , lK231'anam. 715 T/UJIINISIIHl ) or unfurnished room , with gas JO and bath. Doard If desired , 51 ! ) S. U'fltli at. , oppiislto All Saints' churcn. 7:17 : l OH HENT-Furnlshed front roo.n 1810 Dodgo. J 4U7ia' * ins , 11,1 S 20th st.noar Dodgu. ONlCEl.V rurnUhod rooms , steam heat , gat. > -t bath , etc. , on same lloor , CIO pur mouth. 207 f. 2ltll , 110 IhX. 420 , cheap , IS.OO , 2110 llapioy" 777 b * _ NlCKI.VtnrnHlioii rooms , also front an back parlor ; loot ) Douglas t. 814 TTOH HUNT Furnished rooms In Gruomgblk , J"ror , llth nud Dodge sts. Inqutro of tioo , It , Davis , Mlliard hotel billiard room. 633 Po HENT Nicely Mrnlshod room , with boaid If desired , gas , hunt and bath-room , 1707 DmU-est. 601 _ I1L15A8ANT furutshod rooms 1017 CupUofavei 1V.HH15 * N1CKI.V furulsheil rooms with board : all conveniences , 11)10 ) Capita ave. 207 FORR NJ.- ! JTOH HE.vF-2 unfnrntshed rooins 510j7N710th. jJ 78U-5T > UNFUHNISHEU rooms , st. tl 61HI- ° & .JlgjiIrT0"E8 AND OFFICES. POH HKNT-Storo. 8 , W. cor. Kth aud Leav- enuoitli IJIolt ItliNT A good olllre at 1005 Fnrnaih ; -UTheO. F. DvU Co. W 5 _ FOIl KENT ! toros 7 room U t , 0 room hoiifcu llth , near Nicholas. Inquire Srhlea. Inger llros. , Gil South IQllut. _ lU-m2T . BUSINl'.SS. bnslueas- vo now brick blockn ou I.eaycuwortn itroat , east of 20th , that are paying 10 per ceat at a low rental. Get pilcisof M , A. Upton Company , I'Uh and lnr - imm. 013 _ IjlOH HBNT-fitOVe 610 South Wtji. Inquire J3 814 South ICtli st. UI4-A _ T7HJH HENT-5i7tor } " brick utoro bulldliitfon JL' main liunlness t. , well IncateD and vs. peclnliy adapted for retail or light wholesale biuinuas. lilcks , ) , Ilarkur block. .EP-R.RENT-STORESJkNP .QF.FI.CEA. " "niOR HENT 2 ( ioora"22xfn eachIn brick build- JU intj , with elevator , cloio to express ofMca. chcnp rent , jnst the thine for whole < mllng , good location , apply Oeo. llcyn , 110 * FRrnamst. snv ) TpOll HKNT Two stores 621. nnd 633 North JLA leth it. inquire at the building. Henry Olthoir. 631 Oil HENT-omco suite * 15 n month. 2 single ofllres f 15 each , nil fronting inth st. Hush , man block , n. o. cor. inth and Douglas. W. M , llttshmap , 1311 Leavcnworth. 15 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. fiTOH HUNT Well Improved farm ofH ) ncros JJ near city. Schlesinget llros. , Oil South 10th , C3.1-m87 T ADIKSandRentloinen can rent masquerode JJsults by calling at MO N. 10th , upstalrsi TT'OH HUNT Hnsemont , suitable for n plum- -L' bcr or barber , cor. lllh and Jackson sts. 020 "T71OH HENTA warehouse with hluh baso- -L' ment. coutrally located on Idepondeiit track from which cars ran bo unloaded and loaded Into and front building. Immediate possosslou. Sam J. llowell , 217 8. 14th st. Unmlift. 6T.5 OH HENT-Uood basement , axtK ) . nil" Douglas t. 41C "RENTAL AGENCIES. G EO. J. PA UK It 9 Farnam st. , houses , stores , otc. .for rent. KIS GWr Wr give special attention to renting and col lecting rents , ll t with us. II. K. Cole , room 0 Continental block. KM -rF YOU want your houses rented place them JLn ltd llenawa Ac Co luth , opposite postolllce. nil MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD Lessons In bookkeeping. * Apply 031 So J7tn. 77114 MAHASt-amDyo Works 1IB1 Howard st. Dyeing , cleaning , etc. Lace curtains cleaned. C. T. Paulson prop. , toll-phono IM7. fil3-m3.'i SWANSON. Vnllcn * Co. . undertakers and embaluiora , 17J1 Cumlng st. Tel. luia U > lm37 fl llKbnnJo taught as an nrt by ( loo. F. Gel- JL Icnbeck , 333 S. luthst. M3 TF VOU want to buy , sell , rout or exchange , J-callouor iddrosi , O , .1. Storusdorir. rooms 317 and3l First National bank building. 053 PERSONALTT . TUANCK MKDHrM-Mmo. Snmlall , the young Swoilo , tolls full names of callers nnd the full name of your future husband or wife , with late of marriage , and tells whether the one . you love Is true or false , Not a fortune teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame poea Into a perfectly dead tranco. Will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter It they bo 10.00J jnilcs away. Will guarantee to nettle family ( inarreK Parlors tip stairs , 408 N. 16th. St. , third lloor. KM St II1' VOU Intend to marry or onlydoalro amuse- nicnt join our club. Address with stamp Western Correspondence Club , 'Council IllulTs , la. 050 milt _ LOST. ADlTis pocketboolTconTalnliigCj r ' ' I ' Ills nnd eight silver half dollars , on Leaven- worth street car , bet. 10th and Chicago sts. and Iluimom PurK. Under will be liberally re warded by returning same to 1810 Cnlcilgo st. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS- Ueiiilngton Nb7"3 typewriter , nl- most now , latest patent , $75. Address S ! i ( ! , lice. Wl-4 * " 0011 SALE Furniture , carpets , stoves , etc. , Jt1 for ] ] rooms complete , must bo sold within throe days. _ lnniilre14S > Douglas , room 8. 773-1 FOU SALE Cheap , ono solitaire diamond ring , weight 17j carat. Address > , lice olllco. 754-4' Tlb U SAf.K-10 head tlno fresh milk cows , at JU Military llridge barn , Cumlng st. H. 3. Jester. U'Jt-ap _ l.AKGi ; . Heavy government wagon , almost new , can bo boncht at vonr own piloe. (1. .1. fetornxlorir , rooms 317 and 318 First National Hank. Telephone 4HI. _ r V > Thirteen hundred dollars A11AHCAIN worth of furniture for live hundred and llftj- dollars and leasu of modern house on Cap itol nt enue. Must sell 01 account of poor henlth .1. H. Parrotto. liiOO Chicago st. _ 337- l FOU BALK-Carload of young sound horses. 1510 California bt. E. II. Wood. 331 _ TjlOH SALE On terms , the noatcottnno , JD 3ffi l Charles st. Tnlephono Kr , or W , T. S > ja > : man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wacons \-c. , east side IGth st. north of Nlcliola-i &t. 4Vt WA NT D TO BUY. FIRST-CLASS mortgage notes wanted In nny amount. C. A. Starr , 1011 Farnam ht. 7300 , WI3 have a customer for good corner lot Ih. Philnvlewaddition. H. K. Cole , room tl. Continental bjocK , tijl-4 T 7AT\1'KI ) to buy 1 have customers for T V houses and lots worth from 81,601 to $ " ,000. property owners wishing to sell will consult their Interest by listing their propertv with mn. I can find you a purchaser. C. K. Hotter , roqm5S. W. cor. 15th and Douglas. VJ3 WANTP.O To buy good commercial paper. _ It. C. Patterson 313 H 1.1th st. jtj WANTI3D Furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc- tlon & atonigii Co. . 1121 Farn'im. Slg STORAGE. TOHAQH-At low rates at 1131 iarnam st. , Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 547 riTHACKAGE , storagn , lowest'rates. W. M. JL niislnnmi. nil Lcavonwortli. 518 OHANCll & CO. , storage , 1311 Howard CLAIRVOYANT INI1 US. LENOHMAN call bo consulted on all L nirnlru of life through the maglo mirror. BatlsfaaioUKUurauteed.41)N ) ) lUthst. Upetalrs. 775 a'i * P H. NANNIK V , Wftrron , clairvoyant. Modi- -L'cul and business medium , Futnalo diseases n specialty. 119 N IQthst. , rooms 2 and ; ) , clt AB3TRACTB OF TITLg. " " MlDirA"ND"Guafaiiteo ft Trust Co. , 150j Far- uam. Comnloto abstracts furnished & titles to renlentiito oxamludd.perfectod A guaranteed 640 AIlijTIlACTS Llnahan & Mahoney , room 500. Pnxtoii Wock. 615 OMAIlA'ATAtractcompailV' , IAIB I'ornFini st. .Most complete and carefully prepared sot of abstract booics nnd plats of all ruui property m the city of Omaha und Douglati county. 470 MONEY TCTiOAtf7 SPECIAL fund , f 1,000 to } lftXJ to loan on good property. 771-5 0 rover Stevens. 1521 Farnam Bt. _ r i M 1 1 J Cent ral Loair iTusl Co. ; No.6il Vaf' X iiam street , will emote unusually low rates on choice city loans in Omnha or Council II lulls. C. A. Btarr , manager. _ 7Ji 0 MONEV to loan nt lowest rates of Interest on reulestute In Omaha nnd South Omuha. Titles anu property examined by us nud loans made nt once. GiiMi on hand. Hates , Bmlthit Co. room 201 llniugo bldng. _ UJ4 MONKV to loan on Improved proportyat Urst hands. No application sent away for ap proval , Security and titles examined frtvj of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , iiOU 8. 13th " st. _ _ _ 651 " OnKLMlHOS. & Co. , No , .112 Bo. Iflth Bt , , Chamber of Commerce building , loan money nt 0. Oil , 7 , 7i ! and 8 per emit , according to loca tion of property. unsuriiiisaod facilities for placing largo loans on Inslilo business property. A special fund ot several thousand uollnra to loan on unliiiproved lots. sti LOANS on business property , 83.UW to t.VW."J , , minted. Provident Trust Company , room JOS , Flrat National Hank building. UK ) MONEY' to loiu on Improved real estate by Northwestern Mutual l.lfo liisurauce Co. Lowest rates ; no commissions. Address How ard ICenuody , special lom agent , Omaha , Neb , MONUV to Ix > an on chattel security , fair rate of interest. J. H. Purrotto , 1GOU Chicago tt. 4tf B BUlLDINd loans u specialty. W. M. Harris , room 20 , Fronzer block , opposite P , O. _ ( MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. City Loan Co , , lid S 13th st , opposite .Millard hotel. 170 Y\ON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , JL/ wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you sue C. n.Jucobi , 41U First Nutlonul'banlc building. \\7ANTlin-First class intlde loins. Lowest TT lutes. Call aud aeo us. Mutual Invest ment Co , HI Hirk r blk , IMh ami Farnam. B'W M ONEV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons etc. , or on any approved sacnrlsy. J ; W. llobblna. It. 200 , Buecly blK-.lMh and Howard. 65g PHOPI.irs Fluancial Bxchauge-The fairest , qiiletejt , jnott liberal money nxchauge Iu tno city ; loam mafic without delay or publicity. In any amount large or small , at Urn rates ot Interest , on any uvuiliblj security : loans may b paid ut anytime or renewed ut original ratoi. O. llouncareu , mgr , Hoom M\i \ , liark r blk , 15tU aUd IMruaiu , , toi MONEYJiDLOAN. DO FOU want money ? I.oans made on house hold furniture , plaVflJ. horses , etc. , without delay or removal , PftMbhs wishing A. loan of this kind will do well if toll At our omce before dealing cisewhoro I bullSoss strictly confiden tial. A. H. Or enwood s Co , Itoom I , Cuunlug * ham block , 13th and J 09X3011 sis. 5.10 OYOU want to borr ( > w nionoy ? Head this ; Hwlilsnvsyoil time. It will save you niouor. I'ou can borrow from II. F. Wasters , successor to W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell bld'p.irth and llarnoy sts. * io , tai } , v > . * ioi , $ AIO , swo. * ltw. $ .1,000 , iiooa\ in fact , nny sum - you want on furniture , pianos , horses , mule.vilvnKOiis ! , etc. , on easier terms and at lower rates than any other olllco In the city , without'fmbllclty ' or removal of projiorty from your poMesslon. If an Instalment Is duo on your property nnd you cannot moot Jt. call and nco mo. I wfl pay It for you If yon have a loan In nny oilier olllco , call and get my rates. 1 will take It up and carry It for you. 1 make loans for one to MX months , and you can pay a part at any tlmo , reducing both prin cipal and interest. All loans renewed at original rates , and no charge for papers. . , Alf business strictly confidential. Call mid BOO mo. lion t forgot the number. Hoom . Wlthnell b'.ocU. Ki3 moLOAN'-Aspoclnl fund of 110.000 In sums JL from J.100 up , tm untmprovod lots In Omaha If not situated too tar out.OJull lrothcrs. & Co. . ' 112 S. Ifith at. &M "JJMRSTmortgage'ioam ' nt low rates , nnd no A1 delay. 1) . V. Bliolos , 210 , First National 5511 NEUHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. wlll in ko"you a loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contract * . fine Jewelry or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rate ? . Itoom 7 , Howluy block , South Omaha. Itooms 618-51H Paxtou blK. , Omaha , Nob. f.55 ) to KW.OOO at B , 0 > ; and 7 per cent , no Mid- "dlemon ; money direct from the Eastern In vestor , W. a Melklo , First Nat'i Hank building. 407 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial nnd mortgage notes. H. A. Sloman , cor. ith and Farnam. 56J M ONEYtoloan. Harris , H. E. & Loan Co. , room 411. First Nat , llank. fllit ONBY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate M : nnd loan agents , 1D05 Farnam st. 507 MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans 1ft amounts from J.MO to $10.- 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real ostute. Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call noon us , or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. 130 CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel I securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter , room 10 Uarker bit 705 uTl.lINU loans. D. V. Stoics , 210 , First Nat'l Hank. 3ii ! ) ' Financial Exchange Lama nud small loans for loug nud short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kludn , diamonds , watches and jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. HoiiHc.iron , Mgr. , room &OJ } , Barker blk. , 15th und Farnam. PEH CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W.M.Harris , room 20 , ireuzer block , opp. ( E. COLE , loan agent. . 247 _ _ S IEESholos. 210 First Nat'l bank bnforo mak ing : your loans. 5M MONEY to loan ; casiT n hand ; no delay. J. W.Snulro. 121U Farnahi si. , First National bank building. fiy 557 QHILADELPHIA Moittpago Ic Trust Co. , JL chfiip eartorn inonprtdfroct to borrowers. Make building loans , -large or small ; 'perfect titles ; accept loano In Wclr western ollloo. Geo. W. 1' . Coates , ropro ento lve , 13 Hoard Trade. ifi'i 651 MONKY loaned for WJJW or POdays. on nny kind of chattel soctmty ; reasonable Inter est ; business coutldejulal. J. J. Wilkinson , 141" Farnam st. Mil MONEY to Loan Lojivqht rates. Loaus closed promptly. H. E. ColsH ; G.COutlneiital blocK. O 6lti QJiOU.OJO to loftuntf ) pocepnt. Lmahan & Ma- Phoney , Hoom 500. 1'axton block. 5GO T OANS made on reai > itato ana J-Jbotight. Lewis & > IUod.Ae Co. , ISsi Jt > rnum. . : y * ? ' : . ttttw M DNEV to loan in larfea sums' at" ' the'lbwest rates ; no dolayr H. C. Pattorion , 318 8. 15th. sis HU. COLE , loan agent. . S17 BUILDING ) loans , Ltnahan & Malionoy. 500 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGU-2 good lots ou West Fnr- nam st. for Denver property. The O. P. Dtu-13 Co.M i Farnam. 711) 5 _ OOK HEHE-I have to oxchanffo U4.0M worth good Inside property nnlncnniDcred. for a good farm. ( ill feet on .lones street near Fifteenth for residence property , Improved. Lot on Lowe ave for residence In west part of citv or Walnut hill , Klegant house In Kountzo place for a house or lot ( n west part of the city. Unencumbered 1101130 and lot In West Omnha for good vacnnt lots. An Improved business corner for other prop- crtonml Homo cash. 4 J ncroH line land ono-hnlf mlle from rail road In Ilrown county tor Oinnhn property. Unencumbered city proparty nnd lauds for Blocks of gonds. Good farms for city property. Property iu all parts of the city to trade. drover Stevens. 773-8 15JI Faruam St. _ FOH SALK or exchange , a line ranch , clear of encumbrance , of COO acres , r > l head of cattle , 11 horses , plows , wagons , windmills , running water , timber , and in fact a complete place. Will take a uood lovrn farm as part payment. Wanted-Uood residence at ouie for my own usu. Money to loan on chattel security. 1'or particulars Inquire room 403 Phooloy block , cor. I.'ith aud Howard. 7U7-U' TTlOIt SALE or cxchiiliKe Ttt'o pool tables. J ? Address W. 1 * . Johuaon , Mllford , Stiwnrd Co. Neb. 70J-'J ! _ _ WILL oxchiingo South Dakota land for graded pony Dillon. C. Woluhnrdt , Far- well. Simborn Co. . Dakota. TbIMt _ /"ILEAHland , lots and stock for peed house VJnnd lot , Omaha ; must bo unexceptionable neighborhood. Adurons SSI , Bee. 7Ui Foil EXCHANOE-Wohave for excnango n Jii.txw stock of merchandise. Want goo Omaha property. Vacant lot opposite Kountzo I'lnco , nnd a neat ft-rnom cottage for a vacnnt lot In the northwest part of the city. Vacant lots llghtlv Incumbprod. Easy terms. On tlio car line. Tor good land. 11 , K. Cole , room U , Continental blocic. ( iil-l mo EXCHANK-Houso3 ( and lots , farm JL lands , merchandise. IIOMDH , cattle , wagons , etc. Call or write C. 1 * . Holler , room fi , 3\V . cor. Ifithand Douglas. " 40 , FOU EXCHANdE-KIghty acres of the finest timber land in Wisconsin , clear of Incum- brnncc. WlmHuivo you to olfor'(1. . J. Htorns- dorir , rooms U17 & 31J , I , Vlrjt National bank building. Clil _ _ TAfHAT have you to olfer In exchange for a IT ili'.ooo residence In n good county seat , and 1,000 acres of laud , all clear. Western Land nnd Loan Exchange. 117 3. rilxteenth. KO-tt T710H KXCIIANOE-For desirable residence JL1 property in OniHliu , niiy or ull ot tollowlng ; 4UcholM Inslile resldeOJ-p lots in ItastlUKs. JIM lots In Lincoln. C40ucres line farmlncrlnnd , Lancaster county , Kino rexldence property , Lincoln. Coed rental property , Lincoln. C'nolno fancy reildenccsiioinBr , Lei Anqelp.i. A neat residence prop + SV In llaiucom i'luce. Also , some good inortigwo notes. Address , giving locatliiiT nnd price of prop erty. J. K. It. , care llaum Iron Co. , 1317 Leaven- worth. nan 671 _ _ T71OU EXOHANdK-DSiota , Hand county , -L What ha > e you to oirer for u good farm hero , ellghtly eneumbered ? Dakota lands are rising in value , and its Iryitlur cannot bo dis puted , Will take vucanHot or improved prop erty nnd assume sonnr"lncumbranco. (1 ( , ,1. Sterusdor/r / , rooms U17 and 318 , First National bank building. _ B > BUSINESS CHANCES. f/IOIt SALE All established CDinmlsaiou.pack. JliiKbnUer and egg business , with cold Mor. ngo connected , Addresu lock box 60 , Omiiha. _ _ _ _ CUO-4t A FINE saloon business In the best part of Nebraska f or Bulo ; brlclc bulldiUK for rent ; wlllglvu immediate possession ; auyone with let > B tnau f iXj ( ) mscd not apply. Address B U , IK-o. U4J 4f _ _ _ A HALF Interest for sale In All ntnbllHhed \\urenouaa ouslneis , and two prolltable ageucies connected with it. About f'J.iO ) capital lu required. Thoroughly natisfaetory r ftsoni given for Bulling , llusfness not complicated und H certain and proQtablo return on invert- iiu'iit. This Is a rare chance for u reliable push- lngman.\ddieas _ B 'M life olllce. 741 a T7\01t \ BAI.K A neH-.TfealTstock of boots and J-1 iboei , Ju a. live to nof Mobrtteka ; BIOCK about K1W ( ! work enough for two men on cus tom work ; good location ; rout 110. Address 1(01 , lies ulUc . M7-2 * BUSINESS CHANCES. 35T EAT innrkct for sale ; best paying * tauil Omaha. Address " 11 5 ? . " lice onico. fUO-mSl * A NK\V roller mill for sale Inn good wheat bolt , and Rood market for lloor. For terms address F. J. Andreas , Uorduu , Nob. sastnia * TOOK 8AI.K A well established srocery busl- JU nn < in this city. Inqulra 1) . M. Steele A Co. . 13th and tlarney. 7U mU FOR mid one homestead 1 can let go for price of Improvement , Unison , going to my mother-in- law's. lnnd Is good. Price , flOO for nil. Address - dress " 8. 7. " llco olllco. _ KO-S * "IIKMI HAI.U Some line revenue paying prop- JU erty ou the bust streets of the city fJ. > , UOi > , JlWflO , M 0.000. J.J.W ) . Several bargains In unimproved business lots. Choice property , easy terms , In all parts of . llarkcr block. Ml 2 13 EAD-Sholes specials Hend. lluys ologai't now house on Georgia nnd 1'oppleton aves. , east front ana all cou- vlenco i , tiirnnco. iholco. M.5W lluys tlno 8-room house on Iowo nvo. , nil conveniences. 1'arj cash and guoil lot In pnymcnt. I7r > 00 lluys peed house nnd lot on Park avo. , near I'oppli'tou , U rooms mid nil conven iences. furnace. ? 0GOU Can buy new house , 8 rooms , f urnaco and all conventi-ncs , in lliuucom phice. Hop on to this quick. $301 lluys a Rood 4 room cottage and full lot. fct , " > 00 lluys tin elegant house in Kountzo Place. on Wilt st , I'art rash nnd part triula. J5.00Ulluys an elegant house hi Kountzo Place. Viuimco and all conveniences. Residences and Inti In all parts of the city. Tor Trade , Throe good nrlck dwellings near Park , tlno house and lot In Kountzo Place , line house and lot In llanscom Placo. ; JI4OOJ equity In Knov county farms for peed clear lot or lightly encumbered house and lot. Valued at M.WU. , , This U a rare trading chance. 1 haiidh ) nil Kinds of property and push a bargain. Mst your proparty with me. Hiiblnoss Is polng to bo Rood this your and I want a good list for spring. Send In your lists. I ) . V. Bhole.s , 210 I'lrst National Hank. _ 778 TOHN F. FI.ACIC has removed from Fronr.or tl blocc to 311) ) S. HUli St. , where ho has opened a lieat onico In the basement of the Chamber of Commerce. HIslHtof choice real estate Is com plete , embracing some of the most desirable business and residence property In the city. Also a number or houses and lots for Halo on easy terms , or will exchange for good city lots , John P. Flack , ail ) S. llith. _ CTJ FINK quarter section , Sherman county. Lots In thriving Io a city ; also in Omaha. Knn- tucky bred saddle horse , all the gults. Solon- did family inure , carriage , etc. What huvo you to offer ? Address a l. Heo onico. 7UU _ . ( ) buys 2 houses and lot , 07x82 B. K. cor. $4.XX llth and Vlnton. cat-mill _ : for sale-Lots 31 and 22 , block B. THACICAOi Place , track already In. fl.UOO If told uy Jlarch Mth ; after that date ? 5ww. 31. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 078-11) ) KKAI. K3TATK for sala-A line lot on 20th street , on thu cable lino. And two ( S-room cottages , $1,000. Terms easy. This Is a bargain. II. K. Cole , room ( I. Continental block. OM-4 " 1710H SAIjlI-Story and a-half tl-room house. JU sewer , gas and city water , with good burn , all In peed shape ; vary convenient cable ami three norse car lines. Terms very easy. H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. C44-1 LOOK 11KHK--I.OI WxUO. SOth street , just south of t.oavenworth , paved street , stroe cars. Two-story 8-room house ; good collar and cistern ; owner going west on March 15th , and If not weld by that time will be taken out of tuoimirket ; J7'VW ' ; cheap. JI. A , Upton Com pany , 16th ami Kariiam. 01- Iwlil Hell the following dcbcribcd property on Wednesday , Match 20.10 a. m.atpubllcauction to the highest bidder for cash on approved socially. A now ono story frame store building 100x24 , with basement and living ruoms. AneWHtockot about n < .OlX.Ul ) worth of gen eral merchiimllse and about i'OU.OO worth of new furniture. For particulars call on or address J. II. Skuhl , Charter Oak , Crawford Co. . In. G'il-13 ' HAST1NCJS. Nebraska liWacres land adjoin ing the city for sulo by A. Velth , Hastings , Neb. KU-m'Xit CAOll 8ALH or Trade The very lluest ro-ldence J In Osceola , population l.UOU , comity seat of ClarK county , luwu.3 \ room brick home , uteam heat , and every convenience ; ono aero of land. Post JliiUUO. Mortgage iJs.OO ) for tlvu years nt 7 per cent annually. Will sell or trade equity. M. A. Upton , Company , Investment bankers , 'Omaha , Neb. C37 Fou BAu-iots ir > . aiaiuia4sxi5u , lot - ; . fiOxlSO , In block l.'l , on Harney fit , also lots 4 and " 1 In block 1 , East Side addition to Omaha. For particulars Inquire of T. J. Ilermlngham , Galena , 111. 4 ( ) m' > 4 Foil BALK Lot IB , In block VI , BOxlM ) . on Harneyst. For particulars Inquire of wni Slnlgor , Galena. III. 1IW mlu " \\rAKKupamltakoudvantafto 01. some of V > tha bargains 1 have to offer. Are you lookIng - Ing for a nice little home ? If so , 1 huvo a splendid four-room house in Stevens Plucu , ac tually worth 1K.,00) ) that can bo bom-lit for Jlr03 , Y cash , bal to suit. The house Is llnlshed In hard Dlno , has n goou well , cellar , clsturn , barn , etc. Iaigo corner lot facing south and east. It will pay you to Investigate this. ( leo. J. Sterns- dorll , rooms 317 and IllH First National bunk building. Telephone 4(11. ( Kll WOUTIIV of your attention. Now bolng completed on "Jtli st , north of Leaven- worth Ht , two liousas convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , " water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets ; only $ > . & 0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 2ur or W. T , sontnan , Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , cuirmgen. etc. , cast side hlth bt , north of Nlcholusjit ; 1113 TTIOIl SAljE lots II , Uund ID. blocill , West Jj Side addition. These lots arofilxUM each , lay very pretty , and the throe can be bought for Jl.oiw. They are actually worth twice that amount. 0. J. Sterntdortr , Rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank Jjiilhlljig. < ' m SA"LB til ! acres , Hamilton Co. . Neb. FOU , J'J iior acre , one-third dish , balance at (1 ( percent. Address W. J. Wlldman.Uonver.Col. 075 FOlfUAT/K Ortrado , Snow 8-room houses ; from Drat hands. Itoom 42il Itnim-fl nlonit. 4iS m 83t "IT'OKSAIjI'i-7 roomed house and full lot , Rood Jj Hiirroundlngx , on a street car lino. Will take in exchange Nebraska or Kann is farm property with some Incumbranco , or vacant lot In ( jumliaortioutli Omaha. Call nnd Inveatl- gatu now , C. F. Harrison , 4O1 and 401 Mer chants' National bank 7M GllOVI'.lt Bl'UVKNS , 1VJ1 Farnam , has a num ber Of bargains In houses and lots in all parts of the city. If you want to buy , sell or trnde.glvo moo call. 375 FOlt 8AI.K--I.ot 7. block A , lledford add. I'llcufifiO ; tarniB easy. Lots , 10,11 mid 13 , block 4 , lledford place. Prlco JV I each ; tcnns uasv. Lot nhloclt B , Hanv.-om place. Price M.50D. Jxit 7 block 3 , Hnnscom place. Price il.WJ. iMt 11 block I , Plalnvlew. Price 81.3JU. J.ot U.'i. Simnyrtldo. Price , S.'JR'J. Lot 17. Kuwiyslde. Prlco K.M ) . Lots - ' ! ) and 3' ' . Hunny l < lo. Price J.5.0W. Lots In Illllslilo reserve , opposite Yntos' fine residence , from tJfi'M to JI.MW , Hiieclnl Induce ments to pattlns wUnlng to build in this addi tion. tion.Lot 4 block HO , city , B. K. cor. 17th and Far. mini sts. Price * I3Wio. Lou 1 nnd S olock 3.W , city , B. W. cor. llth and Mason Mts. , price fJUHU. , , oti ; block 313' $ , city , price J3.WJ. ) Ilullilliigs on this lot rent for about * 13U pur month. Lot 1 block 3' , city , price * 16UlO. llulldlng * rout for SM ] > cr mouth. Lot 4 block 313' } , city , 8. K. cor. SOth and Cum I ML' M . , price & , m. Ilulldluus rent for about ; l'- > per month. Lot tt block 3. Potter's addition. U. M. Lriti 13 and 11. block I , Ilenson's 3d addition lo Council llltiirs , double corner on llroadway , price i..IU ) . Lot II block 3 , Iteuson'H ' 'd addition to Coun cil Bliiir * . corner on llroadway , price fl.KVI , Lot 13 block II , HcnBOM'H addition to Coun cil lllnirs , corner on llroadway , 5Uxl73 feet , Lot i'block H , Terry's addition to Council lllurra , corner on Ilroaanrar , * ISSJ. Houth Omuha- Lots P and 10 block 3 .letter's add'n : live lioiiBu.s renting for ' 7U per month. Price , $3iK . iMt U block 3 Jettar'Hitdd'n ; four liouauarelit- Ing torIU per month , Prlcetliuj , LoH block-C. First udd'n to Bouth Omaha , PriceliT.'i ! ; one-thlra CIHI. Lot II block 7 , rirhtadd'n to South Omaha. Price , tl.riA ; ono-thlrd cash. Lot 3 block m , Bouth Omaha. Price , Jl.GOO ; Cllftll. f U ) , LOIE 1 and 3 hluck 4 Potter A : Cobb's 3d iidd'n to Houth Omuliu. Price. II.3UJ. ThUlsa coiuor Oi3lthnt ] , V7xPfo ) t. and one-half thu price aiki'd for Hlnglu inside lotH one blr ck north. lluslnuss lots on N. Q , 3Uh , 3Jth , 30th uml 37th /streets. / Cull for prices. J/ot3 bloik 7. First aild'n to South Omuha. Price , WUUU ; \ , ' cash. Potter iik-Cobb , lull and Karnam fcts. 4'n F > H 8ALK-31 ncren. corner Thirteenth and North utreeti. DedlrnbU for platting. C. ( juod , Uooil block , Dos Molum , la. C4-ni37' TjlOlt 8AI.H or Uxcbuntrn Imurovoa stock JJ farm of Si ucroj in ctUteru Nebraska , ucur market ; uUojiinv 13-roum ; toiti < with all ccm * venlimne , in deilruble retldeucu portion of Omaha. Andrew Jtevliu. Attoruuy , 43'atid 4JJ I'axton block , Omaha , Neb. 370 SOUTH OMAHA lwvea number of gpocl lota In various additions that must bo bold at ouco and can be bouijlit ut prices that will cult you. (5 , J , Sternadorir , rpom * U17 and 314 First National Dank lulldlus. ' C53 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. $8,7511 , W.HM cash , * i , 00 5 years o per cent , buys itstory8room housd , furnace , bath , eta , lot MxlOO feet. No , 2413 Popplwton BV , llanscom Pisco ; must en br March 1st , party eolng away. 1) . Y. Sholo * . 210 1st Nat'l bank. 01 V\TEST OMAHA Two elegant lots atn bar- IT gain. OrovcrSlovens , 1KJ1 1-arnam. 30 /"I.M.tjon H. U. Cole , northeast corner of 15th VJnnd Douglas sts. , Omaha , for Edwin K. Al * sip .t Co.'s catalogues of lands of California. Z April ! nillACKAOK-On the V. P. H. JlTTosxlBI , X within the mlle line , This Is the best bnr- gain In Omaha ; VUt , (1 rover Stevens , 1121 rarnam. 370 IjlOll SAt.H Choap-Not lor trade : MH.70 acres JL1 land ( Sec M3-0) two miles from Marquette. Hamilton county Nobrasica. I-'ramo hou'e.sta- ble , I * * ) arms under uoml Imrb-wlro fence , round cedar pous. two stays ; living water , ill- foot channel ! 3elK IlM-batrel tank , corral. self-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; m a llnocbm belt. Prlco ( about 111.50 per aero ) . fa.2.V1 Cashdmui _ . 3.00) ) 2 and ' 1 years' time I ) percent . . . . 3,2V ) ( lo and look over land. Address owner , F. K. Atkins. 1M3 Larimer l Denver. Col. 670 TJlOll SALK : llnrgaln 1'lno lot and ro-ddciico J' on South llth street. Ixjinotius at grade , 35- foot alloy (411 ( south nldo and in-footalloy In roar ; nice shade tieos In front. Now o-room house ; hardnoodand oil llnlsh ; nlcu homo : large lot and very cheap at M.OOO. M. A. Upton company , 16th ami rnrnnm. _ KM FOli 8AM3 Or oxcliango for Omaha prop erty , so acres , sultabln for platttniti will make ilUlots.all clear ; big money in It for someone ono who can push this ; located justoutslds tlio cltyllmlt.sot Council IIIulTs. Inqiilro ( leo. .1. Htotnsdortr , rooms 1117 und 318 , 1'irst National bank building. 57. ) OMAHA. SUUUUUAN TRAINS. WoHiwnrcl. Hunnlnn between Council Hluffs ana Al bright. In addition lo the stations mentioned , trains stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streoth. nnd at tno Summ It In Omaha. Kaxtwnrd COUNOUi CH1CAOO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Leuvo. I Arrive. A No.3 . Dl : p.m.lA No.l . 7:00 u. in. O No.0 . 0Kn.m.C : ( ) | No r > . . .0:60 n. m. A No. 4. . . .U : in a.m. 'A ' No. if . 0:45 : p.m. CII1CAOO , IHJHLINOTON < k QLMNOV. A No. 4. . .0:10 : it. m. , A No.5. . , ,73) a. m. A No. 8 . fi.Vi : p. m , A No , 7. . , ' . ,530 ; p , in , A No.fl . 0:5)11. : iii.'A ' No.'l. . . .fl:50i ) . m. CHICAGO & NOHTHWKSTEHN. A No.fl . . . .D.'iOa. m.'A ' , No.3 . 7:10 : u , in. A No,4 . OiflOp.m.iD No.l . 7Ku.m. ; ( ) IS No. S . U No. 6. . . . . .0:1 : 1 n. jil. CII1CAOO. MILWAUKEE AST. PAITL. A No,2 . HHOti.m.lA No , I . fl:50a.lil. : No.4. . . : ( ) | . in , A No.JI. . . .7IOpm. KANSAS CITY , ST , JOSEPH It COUNCI ' A No. 2 1)SS ) ; a. in. A No. 'I. . . . n-JQu. m. A No. J U:9)p. : ) m.'A ' No.l. . . .0o : ; p , m , 8IOIJXCITV * PACIFIC. A No , 10. . . 7ii5 : a , m.A | No.ii H:5.1 a , m. A No. 13. . . :0) : ) n , m. \ n fit ) , II , . . .0:00 p. m. OMAHA fc ST. LOIJIB. A No. 8 4'np.iil. A No,7 ,12OJ : in , A dully : II dully except Saturday ; Ut-xcapt Sunday : I ) except Monday fast mull The time given nooru Is for Transfer , tlioro being f i om ttvo to ten minutes between Trans- cr and local depots. S , f , Comer Farnam and I5tli Sis , I'uiil Iii Cnjillal , $500,000 OFFJCEHS. O F , J AHK/iH.Pjeeldent / , E. L. IIIKHH'MVHH. Vice President. F. U. JOHNSON. Cashier. W.H. HF.UTOH , AmUtaut Cashier. DIHEOTOIW ; fiUQ. E. JUltitKii , J , H. McCVNNKl.l- , K. L. lluniiowiii : , ( 'IIAH. HUT/ , V , H. JOIINSU.V , J , N. COIIN'lrill , L. II. Wll.MAUH , .1 IMll.KS. . H. U. JOHNSON. H. W. Cicor , AM.ltN'J' . IlKUTOIt , WM. HlKVKII , K , A. lli.NiON : , ( U'KTAV ' ANUEltSON , ( iii ; ) . I'ATTIIIISIIN , 1 > , CINMNIIU | ( > I , Accounts of HanKurK , Mttrohants and Individ. uuUreceived ou the mojit fixvorablu tvrnid , l/inrJCVan'llllllrlllarVtloubles ' easily , quick- MUllLllyundi.iifulycurvdbyDOO'n/HACap. iulun. tieveral wunp ourt-d lu novvn days. Bold H.W per .box , nil drut'slsts , or by mall from Dee uru Mfu Co.,112 WhT'oat.N.V. Full direction. HAD A HOLE IN HER STOCKING \VliT n Gnrdcn Cltr Clerk llrt > ko Oft AH Kiinieiiicuts | , The North sldo nintinco of . Dob- bor , the shoo clerk , ntul Miss Toninlo , which bopnti vvltli the tltUnjr of a slioo nut ! otulcd in runnwiiy nintoh to Onll- fornln , bailo fnlito huvo its counterpart on tlio pouth ptdo , says thu Clileiifjo Tribune , A Walmsh nvcnuo shoo clorlc , who is ono of tlio elite of his profession , and a Hhoilos uvomio yirl luul ailvnncctl through the iiitlliil stugus of courtship to tin oiign ciuunt. Ycstot'diiy while down towiii she dropped into the shoo store. The entrance - trance of ti ( 'ustomor n fuw inotnoittn later drew the clerk from her Hitlo , and she nnuiKod herself bv looking ever sonio now fiunplos of evening sllpnora. "I called only to sco you , " she said o his return , "but now that 1'vo BOOH thoin 1 must hnvo these , " tapplnu with lior lltiKOM the daintlos. No. 'JJ. "Lot nio BOO if they'll fit , " said ho , though ho know thov would. Slio had not coino prepared U ) expose her foot for a lit , but there was no roaa- enable excuse for i-efusiiiK.and she sub mitted with a demurring little smile. Ont of Us shoe came the shapolv right foot cased in a black hillc hono. She sot it down at once on the white rug , but the quick movement was lost nt the moment on the lover in his admiration of the arched inston outlined on the favorable background. The tilting began. There wore some what nervous vet becoming blushes on her part and delays on his. Presently ho drew his hand sharply from the bottom tom of her foot. A drop of blood welled from the lip of his second linger. The awful truth was revealed to him. With out looking up ho tlnlshed the fitting , boxed the slippers , and was relieved by thoaJvontof several now customers. A couple of hours'after reaching homo tlio fiancee received this by messenger : "Fob. 1 , ' 83 Miss : You will no doubt bo surprised at a note so soon after our meeting and ono opening in Mich tt formal manner. Hut I behove the situ ation calls for unequivocal action from mo at once. In fitting your slipper ( it s-joms an ago rather than barely an hour ago , such has been my agony Binco the revelation ) my hand was pricked by a pin in your stocking under the toes ( excuse my directness , but frankness is necessary in a matter like this ) . I could have pardoned a hole in the too of your stocking , but a hole deliberately turned under and pinned down indicates characteristics from which the woman I would maUo my wife must bo free After this note our engagement , is of course , at an cud. As you will not care to wear longer the ring I gave you I suggest that you sell it and invest the proceeds in a complete darning outilt. KitANicC. . " It was through the fainting of the horror stricken girl and the confusion necessary to her resuscitation that the story leaked out. THB CHICAGO WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , r7PBen'rir ' ? * < > S ' * * ' fprDes Molnos , jlanthaltowa amiI all ofntifaC".ntni * ) llonChicago. . Mllnaukca , d.0. "lro'n'n ' Utah , Idaho , Nevada , , Va f . . ! ? . > Oregon > b- tf * $ lsff \ n iuperior & " * ffiV&y ffi SSftSffi . ' ! iilf5go"e ! lt * " > roe trnlns a dor of OAV OACIIKS. which are tliollneit that human art nnil nKonultr cAii croato. Us I'ALACKSLKKl'lNU CAIIS ino oqiialtat which can not be found oltuvvtiora. At i.ouncll llluir < Dm trains of the Union 1'ftclllc Jinn , war connect In unloa ilopot with ttioie of the Clil- rrl0 , . * "OfM'WoiUrn ny. 1m Clilcnuo the trnlna of line ° contlootlon with these of all oilier Raitorn * For Detrolti Colurubiis , Incllanapolli. Cincinnati , Hni ? ri1 tnl"'ilualI'lttttiiiru. . Toronto , Montreal ojton , Nan York , I'lilladelptiia , Ilnltlmoro , Wnih ! InKton , nod alt points In the Kat. A > k for tlckotVVl * " , . , "NORTHWESTERN" it. uuiiiin-r. B. p. WILSON , Oon'l Wanagnr aen'l 1'au'r ! Agent. \V.N. \ UAIICOCK , ' . . U. K. KIM [ JAM , , Ticket Agont. . . , " * WK8T. Cltr l'n * njer Agonk U01 F rnam BU Om alia. N b. OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' Tlio Best Route from Omnha and Council IJIufftto TWO TUA1NB DAILY 11HTWICKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL ULVVt'H ChlciiRO , - AND - Milwaukee St. I'nul , Minneapolis , Cellar Hock Island. Frecport , Kockfonl , Cllulon , Duliuijuo , El 'ln , Madison , Janpsvlllo , Dcfoll , Wlnona , La Crosse , Andullolber ImperUnt point * E Jt , Norlljomt For throudh tltkoti o IJ on tin tlokgt tgont at 1M1 Farnam street. In Uurkur Ulock , ur t Unlou 1'acJflg I > ui i > ot . alln.nn niecpersnnd Ibiflneit pining Car § In tb world are run on tb mklD lln of Ulu Utiloavp , Ml | < wnlcuu & Bt. 1'aul iUllir 7 , mid trerr attintlouU p l to in > brcounuoin niplujoiof tlio | ieMKyr cumpaaf H. Mil , .K i. iloneral Manwiir. J. K. 'ryUKKn , A.ii.unt 0 ner l M n or A. V. Tt. CAUPfitmiB , nr f l' iMaf r ant Tlokut Anont. T T ( JKO. K. HUAKKOHD , Annual Otacral Pnnotti kud Tlokul Aytnt. t.V. U.AUU. Health is Wealth ! 1)11.15. 0. WKBT'H NBHVE AND HIIAIN MKNV , aguarantoei upocidc for Hyxtoriu , ] ) lzzl > ii .s.s. OiivnUlons , Fits , Nervou ? NeuruJgU , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the iiso of ulcool ) | or tobacco. Wnkefulnnss , Mental Depression , Hoftonlug of the Drain. riuultlnKtn Insjnlty and inadlim to mlsury , decay anil death. Piemutnru Old Ago , Harronn ss , J/oss of j'ower In ollliei1 B X , Involiuitury Losnus and Hpcrmat- orliifaruiisoilby owr-itxertlonof the brut u.solf. or overlndulj/oncn. Each box > utulna one mouth's trealnicjit. 1(1.Oil ( n box. tit six boxes for I5.0n.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cm a tiny case. With ouch order received 1 > y UK for MX boxen , accompanied with 15,00 , wa will u U the purchaser ourtrrilttq Kuaranteo to re fund the money if the treatment doc * not eifect a cure , auaranteea Issued only by Uoodnmn o. . PriiKuiita. Bole Agents ,1110 a , Null. from tt ctfwta error , eurty dee y , rwlUoondav ptruo'wlara lot , aSnut ftot. . -ialpiiNo. l Foi-cuncerm. loceptlotis - , balli , twrtlea ? iJloiv' and parades. Hlxly of the besi of m-tl3tj Ti W3 cor,13m naracIUc , WJ1B , ' "