G THE OMAHA BA1LY. MONDAY , MARCH 4. 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL , BLUFFS. OPF1CR NO 12 IMS A lift 8TIUOI2T J , ell vcrcdbr carrier In Any 1'n.rt of hoClljrn 'l vi rnly Cents 1'erWcek. IIV. . TII/10N SI AN AG EH TKLlII'llONKS : nvM.SF OrriCE No. 43. NiniiT KIIITOII. No. si. MINOR MUN'11 OX. N. V. Plumbing company. Coalnnd wooil. H.K.Mnyno , G19 BVny Tl.o nnniinl meeting of the Savings Loan fc Hiilldiiig association will l > o held at 7:110 : this evening tit Masonic temple. Members of the Ludlcs1 Musical so nioty can got tickets for Miss Atnj Fay 8 concert at Moyt-r's hall to-nljjbt by calling on Miss .Bella Kobineon. The jury In the case of I'cokinbaugh vs Leonard hns not yet been able to ntfrco on a vonlli't. It is stated tha they stand ton to two in favor of the de fendant. The Misses Ross , daughters of Chan cellor L. "W. Hess , will entertain i number of friunds at a high tea tomorrow row afternoon in honor of Miss Higgs of California. The funeral of Mrs. A. Davy took phu'c ut 1 o'clock yesterday aftcrnooi from St. Francis Xavier's church The remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery. The criminal docket will bo opened in the district court this morning. The first criminal case to bo tried will bo that of State vs Thorpe. This is i forgery case , and has already gone over for oni term. Captain .1. J. Hathaway lias leased the restaurant privileges of Louie it Mot/- ger , at Lake Manawa , and is putting things in line shape for the coming bea- bon. Ho is ulbo laying in a good store of ice for use during the hot weather. Work on the Kibotnan block will bo commenced to-day with n rush , and it is promibcd that the first btory shall be u ] by the end of the week. Uoth carpon- tera and bricklayers will bo put to work in force ar.d will make things fairlj hum. The news of the death of D. M. Connell - nell in Omaha was a great surprise to his many friends in Council HlulTs. Ho was for a time engaged in business in this city , lirst as an undertaker , then in the jewelry and commission business , mill as coroner of the county. There were hundreds of Omniums in the city yesterday , and during the after noon It was exceedingly diflleult to liiul u vacant place on any of the cars of the electric motor line. The streets were filled witli carriages and the sidewalks in all parts of the city presented an un usually animated appearance. The funeral of John A. Currio took place at" o'clock yesterday aftornodn from hs ! residence on First avenue , be tween Ninth and Tenth streets , and was largely attended. Itov. A. Overtoil olliciated. Abe Lincoln post , G. A. It. , turned out , in a body and escorted the oTGiimins to Fail-view cemetery , where they were interred. Nearly three hundred voters were registered in the various wards Satur day. Those include all whp have changed their places of residence since last fall , as well as now voters. The greatest increase was in the Third ward , which will bo the center of in terest to-day. In this ward 137 new names were added to the list. Gibson Bros. , of Omaha , have leased of Odoll Bros. & Co. sulllcicnt ground near Manhattan beach to erect n pavil- lion 60.x85 feet. According to the terms of the lease they will furnish dance music every evening during the season fora term of Jlvo years. Visitors nt tho'lake wfll always find amusement " and pleasure thcro"and several concerts will also bo given every week. Numerous adverse criticism on the action of the chief of police in taking his whole force to raid one gambling and letting others oil free wore heard on the streets yesterday. As it was generally understood to bo part of a prearranged plan , and as the chief was acting under orders of the city marshal , who was carrying out the instructions of the mayor , the critics soon let up on the chief and directed their kicks to the proper point. M. Marcus has plans nearly completed for a handbomo businc&s block on Broadway just cast of the opera house. Ho prosposes to make it two stories , but lias expressed a willingness to put , on an additional story if any society desires to lease the hall that would 1111 the third lloor. It ought not to prove a dif ficult tusk to lease a large and so cen trally located hall , and as the external appearance of the structure woulit bo greatly improved by a third story , it is hoped that parties interested in these mailers will lake the matter in hand. The leaders of the "ring" were busy yesterday circulating the report that the breach in the democratic ranks had been patched up. and that there would not bun factional fight at the polls to-day. The report was vigorously denied uy the members of reform branch of local democracy , who staled that the light to bo made against Lacy in the Third ward would bo a most bitter one. Trouble Is anticipated in that ward , and each side uill have several special policemen at the polling place. It is proposed to rigldlv enforce the 100-foot law , and keep a sharp eye on all pro ceedings. Parties having temperance billiard halls and restaurants will do well to take the exclusive sale of my tomper- nnco boor. L. M. FiXKihSTiix. : Have our wagoa call for your toiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. K. E * Adams is confined at homo with n severe cold. N. .1. Swanbon loft last evening for Conception , Mo. , on n short business trip.Mrs. Mrs. W. E. Pattison has returned homo from a two weeks' visit with her parents at Ued Oak. Miss Lutta Plnkston , of TanomuV. . T. , is visiting her mint , Mrs. A. S. Beck , ISO Glen avenue. Miss Clara Cole loft yesterday for Kaiifciis City for a short vibil , ullur which she will tro to Mount Pleasant for a visit of several weeks. Mrs. Henry Otto , living on Beaten fctreut , in Kiitforlng seriously from pneu monia. A council of physicians was called yesterday. MM. J. O. Denies is quite ill at her homo on First avcnuo , Her illHObs is ruiibud by a complication of diseases , bat her fnondb hope to' soon see her about ngu'n. .Mr. K. Dowltng , who was formerly on- fragui in the dry goods business in 'this city , but is mm u resident of Now York. i * hero on n combined business and pleasure trip. Ho is accompanied by nls wife , and will remain two or three wool ; * . They nro ntojolng at the N'cw Ogdcn , ' _ ttartlctt ft Norton for hardware , uiovoaand cutlery , 787 mid i')1.3 ! ) JJ'wny. I have moved my ofllco to Omaha , ut which all ordftr * will be received and Irom whk-li all deliveries' will be nmdo , by vf 2on. . L , II. SUDDEN DEATH IN CHURCH , A Council Bluffs Lady Dies of Heart Disease Slttinp In Hov Pow. THE TEMPERANCE REVIVAL. A TnlkVtth Dunn , tic ColilVntcr lluiitlnc Ior I'ri/.c I < Mjit- ] crs A KooHter Contest The RIotor'H lOxtciifllonw. Died In Church. The chimes of Trinity cathedral , in Omaha , were just sounding the last call for the morning service yesterday. The worshippers were just gathering. A dor.cn or twenty were in their scats , and the ushers were busilv seating others , when there was a little stir noticed and it was quickly whispered from one to another that a lady had fainted. She was quietly carried into the air , and the service proceeded as usual , few learning the fact that it was not merely a fainting spell , hut death itself. The lady thus stricken down so suddenly - donly was Mrs. Carolina M. Stevens , mother of Mrs. W. Uunyati , of this city. Mr. and Mrs. lUtnyan , with Mrs. Slovens and a niece of Mr. Hunyan , went over to Omaha yesterday morning to attend service at the Trinity cathe dral. They went early in order to hear the chimes , and had only been scaled a few moments when Mrs. Stevens ap parently fainted.- Before the usher could secure witor for her she gave a little gasp and all was over. Heart dis ease was doubtless the cause. She was removed to a private carriage standing at the door , and Dr. Sprague , who chanced to bo near , was soon at her side , but it was too lato. She was taken to the child's hospital , and from there brought to her daughter's homo in this city. . Mrs. Stevens was the widow of Colonel nel George Stevens , who died at Fort Calhoun , Neb. , fifteen years ago. Mrs. Kunyan , of Hits city , is' her only ( laugh ter living , her otherdaiighter who lived in Fort Calhoun , having died about two years ago. Mrs. Stevens wa's sixty- eight years of age. The family settled hero in 1851 and she had many friends in these two cities , as well as in the little tlo town of Calhoun , where she had lived twenty-live or thirty years. The funeral will bo at Fort Calhoun Tuesday afternoon at iJi0 : ! o'clock. - New and full line of spring goods at the London Tailors , 037 Broadway. The London "Tailor's" ' is the place to got your clothes made. 037 Broadway. - . . - Down on Gin. James M. Dunn , the apostle of tem perance , began n series of temperance meetings last night at Broadway Meth odist church. Tliis is his first visit to this part of Iowa. Ho began this work about twelve years ago , at the time when Francis Murphy was organiy.ing the feature of reform which bears his name , and made it a household work throughout the land. Mr. Dunn's word is along the game lines as Murphy moved , his methods being largely the same. Yesterday morning a BKK represen tative sought him out at his hotel. The door lo bis room was ajar , and lo the reporter's rap came a cheery "Come in. " 'So you are Tins Bun man , are you':1 Well , t am Dunn , and just as you see mo. I always like to greet the news paper men , but I must confess that dur ing the past I have hardly accomplished as much as I might had 1 sought more the assistance of the press. " His hand-shako was hearty and ho spoke quickly and vigorously. The pencil-shovel' looked into a pair of gray eyes that showed the latent fire which animates his utterances either in pri vate conversation or upon the platform. A compact form , weighing about one hundred and ninety pounds. About live foot , seven inches in height , a well formed head set upon a pair of slioul- ( lers that would do honor to a shoulder- hitler. A cleanly shaven face that showed the various shades of feeling moving the man within. Such , in brief , is the man the reporter looked upon. In conversation ho was genial and without the mannerisms which are so often seen in men of his calling. "I have attempted once or twice to cave the work , " said ho , "but now I liavo determined to devote my life to it. How long will I remain here ? That do- ) onde upon the success attending my work. " "How are you working ? " put in the inquirer. "I am under commission from the I. O. G. T. of the stale , although my work is not outlined by or for that order. Of course if wo get a thousand signers to the pledge the order will got from this number , -ay one hundred. That is how I am woruing. As 10 my methods , they depend unon the uudi- ence. Come around and see me and you will learn more than I can tell von. " "What is the form of the pledge , Mr. DimnV" "Hero it is , " and ho handed out the following : ' Temperance Abstinence Pledge I , : ho undersigned , do pledge my word md honor , God being mv helper , to ibstain from all intoxicating liquors md that I will , by all means , oncouraco others to abstain. " The meetings thus begun will con tinue every evening during the present week at the same place. Money loaned at L , B. Craft's & Co.'s .oan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , .vagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ nooms to rent in the Merriam block. S. \Vadfaworth As Co. . tKJO Main btrcot. AVItera Worn the Word was received at police head quarters about 10 o'clock yesterday norning from Omaha that a party from that city wore crossing the bridge for he purpose of having n prize fight on ho Iowa shore. The patrol wagon and ovoral otllccrs was immediately dis- latched to the bridge lo head off the > artv and prevent the light from com- ng off. A protruded boareh was made , ) ut neither the pngilit > t8 nor their riendb could bo found , and the ollicors 'iivo uj ) the bcr.rch. It was whispered m the ftroets in the afternoon that the ight wim to cojuo oil' late in the day , init the police could got no track of it. ' uncut CiiiMllilatr. John Trouti'iau , proprietor of the At- nnlic houM' , . announces himself as a andidiito for aldoiinan of the Third uml * on the independent democratic ickot. A Hiimluy Cook 1'iKlit. While the police wore hunting for lie prlzo lighters along the bottoms ? skjrduy hiurning u rattling cock light ook place ut a s > ocludoil spot among the bltills , not a thousand miles from th < police station. There was but one bat tie , and that was fought by n fowl be longing toKugonoMoltazand an Omahi bird. The light was a fierce one , am lasted fifteen minutes , when the Nebraska braska rooster was stretched dead li the pit by an unlucky stab through tn < head. 'Gene's chanticleer was awardot the fight and stakes , and the crowd o spectators dispersed in A hurry. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. Nt publicity ; fair and honorable dealing , A. A. Clark it Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. For Snfe at n llnnatn. Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen trally located , doing good business. H , P. Olllccr , sole agent , No. 11 ! N. Main St. , Council BlulTs. I ho Motor. Mr. Willard , 'electrician of the Thomson -Houston company , who Tias hnd'i'hargo of the equipment of the electric motor line hero , stated yester day that ho would begin work this week erecting wires in Omaha for the Omaha Electric Hallway company. There are seven miles of road lo bo fitted up. and the contract requires that the line shall bo in working order by the 1st of .Tune. The rails are already laid , and the work to bo done will consist of putting up the overhead wire and attaching the lower circuit to the rails. The line will bo equipped with ton motors at llr&t , each of which will lie thirty horse power , which is ton horse power stronger than those used on the bridge lino. It is expected that in two weeks enough work will have been completed to allow the cars of the bridge line to run up Douglas to Fourteenth. Four teenth to Howard , Howard lo Twelfth , and from Twelfth back to Douglas , thus doing away with the use of the "Y''at the corner of Twelfth and Douglas. It is stated that as the two lines are owned and operated by ditt'oroiit com panies , they will be run independently of eaoli other , but connections will be made at Thirteenth and Douglas , as at present. Notice the beautiful finish civon col lars. cuds and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. _ Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odell & Bryant , 511 ! Main street. - V Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house block. Gninlillnjj Up Stulrfl. Said a well known gambler last even ing : ' 'Gambling on the first lloor is now ended in Council BlulTs. I have always opposed it , and do not think it right , but have had to do as my competitors did. I shall begin moving lo a second lloor location in two or three days , and will bo running by the last of the week. It will not be an open place , and every body can't come in. The door will bo locked , and a man will answer all knocks. I don't want any laboring men who have to work for $1.50 a day , and ought to give the money to their families , and I pay a man $3 a day to win it away from them. Men who work on a salary and want to gamble can come in. I am in favor of an alley en trance. and running the place on the quiet. I am glad the move was made , and I think it will be betler for the fra ternity and the city. It look's tough to see gambling houses running openly on the first lloor , and although I am a gambler , I am pleased to think it is at an end. " Wanted Assistant Cook. At the Deaf and Dumb institution. Wages $15 to $ 0 per month. Lodging and" washing free. Send all orders for bottled beer to L. M. Finkelstein , Omaha. Try our XXX bottled boor. Special rates on all orders from Iowa. L. M. FlX Alinii Tndcma'H I .m lest. Mr. Alma Tadoma is getting on with his picture for this year's academy , says the London Star. It represents a Bac- channalian dance , and , as usual , the surroundings are strictly classical. In the foreground are a row of dancers , und the movement of tno dance is won derfully rendered , while the fig ures are drawn with the natural grace so distinctive of ancient art. and which Mr. Tadoma alone , perhaps , among modern painters , knows how to repro duce. A iimnbor of youths in the back * groundf carry on their bhouldors on a kind of stretcher , a skinful of wine. I'he picture is stilt in an unfinished condition , but it bids fair to bo one of Lho most popular paintings which Mr. radema has exhibited lately. There is , 3f courbo , the inimitable on the floor recall Iho "Iloliogabalus" of last year. Mr. Tjidotmi intends sending to the New Gallery the charming liltio picture rt-hich ho has dubbed "A Favorite Pool.1 On a marble sofa is stretched a v young girl , her dainty limbs protected from tlio hard n r > 83 of the marble by a litantity of richlv-colorod cushions. At lior feet by the side of the sofa crouches i graceful youth , a book in hand , from .vliich he is evidently reading out his 'avorito passages lo his mistress. It is i small , but very dainty and highly hushed piece of work. That wo are putting in the largest md most coinpl'oto line of building sun- lilies wo have over carried , and will bo jvleasod lo give estimates on all tin kvork , roofing , furnace work and build er's hardware. Are pleased to give es- .inmtos to all parties who contempiuu- juilding. Call at our store , .11 .1IAI.V STKKKT , Wo sell the Quick Meal Gas and laboline stoves. The 1881) ) stove is a iaisy. Uou'&CoM' , 11 Main Hlreet. D.H.McDANELQ & CO , , Tallow Pelts Woo IlghcHt nmiltet prlcei. 1'roinpt returns. and t 2 JlulaHt. . Council illuiro , I own. : ITY. MEAT MARKET ! TO TBffi PBONT ! UNTII , rUIITIIUIt NOfll'K I Wll.f. BKl.t. BEEF , VEAL & PORK - or MV OWN imr.ssiMi Iowa Cattle , Fed on Iowa Corn , Inil will moot any honest competition on prlcei for iMi'Ht-fluss Meats. J. M. SCANLAN , L2O Jlroadwny. - - Ti'lephono U01. TUV pUU SI US II. THE COUrffyb BLUFFS INVGSTMEf COMPANY MtfNEY On hand for city loans' , lowest rales of interest. . ' Fine farms close io Bluffs to exchange for city property. ' Western hum to exchange for citv property. Big bargains in Broadway lots. Fine business property to exchange for well improved farms. Good fresh stock Groceries to ex change for city property and one-third cash. cash.Houses Houses and lots on monthly payments. Small payments down. Prices ranging from $770 to $1,000. Cheap lots in Evans1 , Wright's , Coch- ran's and most all ndditlons to city. Fine acre property for sale from $101) to $ .500 less than present worth. No. 10 IVarl St. , Council llluffr. Tnog. OKFICKII. w. u. M. I'usr.v. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Mnln nml Ilroaihvny , COlNUIti lIMTIiTS , IOWA. Dealers In forcljtu ? .ntl iloinostlo oxeliaiico. nolk'Ctlons imulo unit Interest imlil on Umo de posits. SP ECl A L N OTIC ES _ WANTS. WANTl'.D ( looil Kli'l , flurmnu preferred. Highest wiiRci paid. Merges ! hoif-o , lUl'.i Main St. , Coundl I Hulls. \\r.\XTI ! ! ) Thrco dining room K'lli 1m- ' inudlutely lit thunew 1'uclflo hotel Nonu but Ilistclussultcrs need upply. TT > Oll HINT : f.lesnntljfurnished rooms. J- ' . singly or In suite. Meals If dualled. Apply fii-J First aveniiu. "IJVJIt HUNT Two nlcolv furulstiod room * for Jman mill wife or t\voteiitleneu , with usoof. liatlii , Heated by turnuee. 'l Soul li fc' \ until btrett , Ainciit block , WANTIID-Tlif people to try the City Stcnm I.mmary , HI North Mala. FOU KENT Cheap , two handsome , new , six- room cottages , north of transfer , Council llluirs. Inquire Illiind Ulshtor , iith nvo. and " 1st st. T7IOK KENT The three-story orlck storeroom JJ No. 40 ? llroulwuy. The loculoti Is one of the licst la thu city. 1 ho building has been oc cupied fey the last twenty years by M liter .V Co. , liaidware , und would be a very du.slrablu loca tion fora hardware business 0:1 : that account. John lleunett. MERCHANTS Who Will Snvo You Money IFYOU BUYof THEM , g'ADAMS ' tr w ? 54 & < : o.'s B1 SHOE House 2.y * g , ft 41T Hrnftilwnr , i CQ U Council IlliiliN. I THE BEST. LS = eL era IN Always w52-t = 5 co " " * CHEAPEST is QS Asl cnn prove 1 > y I 3j a5 _ P hututreas. 3 I ? SS LanzendoiTer & cr- > Sirohbehn , cr&d \ < > . ! i2 ! I Ei H3 < y > - FIELD & ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I'nrllciilur attention Klvcn to K \0. 1-1 \ . .11 Hill St. , C'lMlltcil HI UllS. 1'iirnltim' rcpalilni ; nuatly done. Olllco calls nttpndeil promptly day mid nlKlit. GO TO THE And gel the best UUiii ; ; Suit you ever hud. No , 397 Broadway.Council Bluffs , mrrir i8 GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BRQABWAT. TELEPHONE NO. 260 An old establislied Boot and Shoe business in Council Bhiffs , Iowa. The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in. city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the ' store , or to N. O. Phillips , one'of the execu tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. JN" . P. DODGE , Executor. ! SIZES FROM Especially AJapleJ for ELECTRIC ' 25 TO 300' HORSE POWER ! Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Ppeclllcutlnns nnil iiiUiiintoi furnished for complete steam plant * . IIi'L-iihitlon , Durability Gtmr unteed , Can show leijrrs from n errt wlicro ruel Kconomy In orjunl with Corliss Non-Comlonslna. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. F. < J. BREZEE * Taxidermist and Naturalist. _ . . _ _ _ _ - . - Permanently locutoil nt No. 14 N'ortn Plxtli Stroct. _ j 'QjKSvojfQJjSJ f ) oillce , on motor line , Council IllutlH. Iowa. W Y K f - r * HlrrtH nnil anlnmlH mounted naturally nw ! In UIB b ot tnptliwl of \lrl"'IffaSA \ * ' the nrt. Wnrrnnttd loprebeive foryuarn , Korelun blrilt Mippllml on tliort notice llicheHt prlcu paid for owls and hawks of nil kind * . I'traoim sending onlern assured of perfect batUfacilon. 1 ur dresjlnz n speUalty. Wrlto for pirticnlurK , POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H , PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. Manufacturers and Wholemilo Dealers in 5 Of Onlurs Promptly Filled and Dolivnrcd. No. 6.35 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The Head of the Finn of Fotlierms'ham , Whitelaw & Co. Has returned from tlie east where he has purchased at prices lower than ever before , complete lines of the fol lowing' goods : Will make a special drive on these for this week at atnts. . A full line of Foster's Lace and Button Gloves. Ladies' Swiss Lisle Vests , 15c , 19 , 25c , 50c. iery. Specials at 25c , 5Oc , 75c , $1. Every pair war ranted. Our customers will be given A GRAND BENE FIT , f9r we are prepared to show you the best bargainscever offered in these and all other lines carried by the Harkness Bros' Old Stand , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A ORGAN , SHEET MUSIC , MUSIC BOOK , OR ANY KIND OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Call on u . We keep only tlio bobt and latest improved. Wo soil the Celebrated HARDMAN , FISHER & EVERETT PIANOS , ROYAL AND CENTURY ORGANS , XOAK HL.TTEII JN THE MAJIKET. Wo sail for Cash and on Monthly Payments. We Kuur.intuo satisfaction in PUICE AND QUALITY. CO MK AXD SEK VS , OR SKX'D FOll CATALUGLV. ADDRKSS MUELLER MUSIC CO. , MO. 103 5IAI.STItKKT , - - - COUNCIL , KUJFPS , IA. P. S. I'ianos and Organs , to rent , tuned and repaired , Wo nlso furnish estimates on Pipe Organs. The nicest eighty acre farm on the slope in Iowa , 9 miles south of Creston , 100 miles east of Omaha. Good G room house. Barn with room for eight horses , and cow barn , shed9 grhineries , orchard , etc. Good wells , living water,4amo grass. Near school , church , etc. Eisy : terms. . Write ' C. J. COLBY , 522 Paxtou Block , Omaha , or Broadway and 150th St. , Council Bl ail's , Iowa. THE ORDER WAS & Y O U N K E RMAV. BROADWAY S TAT I ONEK NNUue o SCHOOL . \N , SWUTH 8c BflOtf , Sflp SWANSON MUSIC © . ' M ,239 Broadway. S. AiPicrccif------ > rurnituro 8e'Slaves on YezKIor . tnonttily ha/rnffnt.S. Bcaf Sc/ccflprjs Lonest price ; . Liberaldiiavnt . CASH burns . ( K0/ 4fttffT | * \\k'tf \ r\ < y.LT M < > r it i2 ' ' . _ . &SHOS > ra /VO. 336 QHOADV/AV. STEAM 37-N.Ma'in St. Tele\ihorte \ SEE HOW THEY OBEYED IT. ZStos&fvffm