THE OMAHA DAILY t EE : MONDAY , MARCH 4. 18S9. THE DAILY BEE. O KVEIIY MO11N1NO , TKHMS OK SUHSeiUPTlON. Bnlly ( Morning Kdltlou ) Including HUNIIA Y HKR. Ono Tear , f 10 00 ForStx MonthM f > < W J'orThrpo Month * 260 'Jii OHAIIA SUNOAV Ilitr mulled to any mldrcni , One Year 200 WKRKLV UKK , One Ycnr 200 OMAiiAOmcB.Nos.l4nndnlt'AtiNAVt8THF.KT. ! ! | ) CnicAnoOrricR , M : HooKRiir liuiMuna , NK\T YoitKUrficK , lioovsH AND l.'iTiitiiu.NR in.t . .tun WASHINGTON OffICK , Mo. 513 i STIIRKT. COHUKSrONDRNCn. All communlcnllons tainting to news nnd cfll- torlnl matter should bemldrrssedtothe UuiTOIl ' " " ' . All misinoM lottvmiml remittances should bo ftdtlroKjod to Tun llr.r. I'um.ixiiiNd COMPANY- , OMAHA. Ir f ts. checks nnd po tollico orrtorH to bo made jmynlilu to the order of the company. rue Bee PQbliSuiHgTSiaiiy , Proprietori E. RpaiiWATEK , Editor. TUU OAI1/V 11I2C. Sworn Ktntcinorit of Circulation. Btntoof NebrniVn , l _ , . County ot Douglns , ( " " Oeoriioll. Tzsclmck , secretory of the Ute 1'tib- llshlni'company , ilnu.s solemnly \voar thnt the actual circulation of Tut : D.MLV llf.t : for the w oi'k ending Mnrch 2 , mi , wus as follows : Hntidnr , reti. yi IH.T ) Molldiiy , Fob. 25 N.HKI 'luefdny , 1'cli.SU I .HIO Wednesday. > 1 > .ST 18.8IB Tmirsdnv. I'ob.28 IH.8I1 Friday. March I IB.wil tJMurdny. March : .m. ll ! AvcraRO „ 1H.KW UKouni : n. TzsciircK. Sworn to before mo find tmliscrlbi'd to Inmy ere Hence III Is ftl ilfiy of Mnrch. A. I ) . 18811. Heal. N. 1' . KKIU Notnry I'ubllc. Btntu of Nebraska. ua County ot Douglas f3- ( JcorRU II. Tzsclmck , bpn | duly sworn , ilo- po > u3 und fmys that ho Is flocrotury ol the lisa I'ubllshlnK company , tluit the actual nM niia rtnlly circulation nt Tin : IHH.v linn for lho mouth ot March , 1W < , IB.fiW copies : for April , 18.SH 18,741 copies ; for Mar , ISfW. lf.183 copies ; for .luno , IKHH , ! V"t-i copies ; for July. 18si. 18,0.13 copious fur AiiRiist , JHBX. 18.1Slcopies ; for September , 188.H. 18,111 ronlos ; for October , IMS , it jH | ooiiles : for Novem ber. P-Hfi , IWNJ copies ; for December , lew , lt , ' lt copies ; for January. IBM ) , ] HG74 copies ; for rob- ruary , issi , 18 , tOcojn > B. GKOltOK . TJSCHUCIC. Sworn to l > cforo mo nml subscribed In my presence this 'M dny of March. A , I ) . JfW'J. N. P. KHII. Noturv I'ubllc. TO-DAY may bo truthfully called In diana's inauguration day. ATr , eyes are turned towards Pcnnsyl vania avenue , the raid that leads frou the capitol to the white house. Tins pole-evil promises to become con lagious in Omaha. The street car borsos are in immense danger of a fatal nttucic. OHIO has lost its grip on the natioiia government. Not one of her sons wil bo favored with a seat in Harrison's cabinet. cabinet is a western in stitution. Four of the eight niombon como from states west of the Allo phonics. THK bright , invigorating breath of spring is rendered doubly attractive b.v tlio fact that the Fiftieth congress ex pires to-day. Now that our Tliurston has got to bo president of the league ho can organixe a cabinet of ids own , with Vandorvoort as doorkeeper. K republicans have an assured ma jority of three in the next house of representatives. The number of con tests booked insures a good working' majority. " * THK ordinance just approved , pro viding for a city weigher , comes , un happily , too late to benefit the coal con sumer. But it will bo sweet rdvongo to weigh the ice-man's bill this summer. Tin : next thing in order is n viaduct over the railroad tracks across Tenth Btroot. This viaduct is essential lo public safety and should bo built this season whether wo got a union depot or not. SOUTH OMAHA wants her now char ter adopted immediately in order to curb her olllcials from rushing poll- incll into extravagant expenditures. Tlio people of the mugic city are manifestly - fostly dolormineu to hold the reins of public improvement in their own hands. TUB "White Cap ] ' idiocy has broken ® ut in a remote section of the state. The attempt to transplant Hoosier ChoUiods of regulation oa the prairies Oaunot fail to result disastrously to the Uuthors , Nobrasica railroad bridges are elegant and convenient means of in voluntary fauielde. Till1 : paper with the Chicago lung- tcbtor slill persibts in boasting about its wonderful increase of circulation. Tlio increase is laying on tlio counters of all the news dealers of Nebraska and western Iowa. In duo time il will bo chocked off on the books and disposed of as waste papor. CIIVILANO'S : enthusiasm for civil service reform became intense with the ( lying hours of olllclal lifo. IIo regards it "so firmly established and Its value BO fully demonstrated , " that ho seri ously commends thu ruins to his suc cessor. The tow friends of the presi dent linvo cause to rotrrot the cruel levity of his latter day professions. PnosricCTiVB booiUorsnnd peculat ing cashiers must look for shelter to other countries than Canada. Tlio government has introduced In the Do minion purliainant a bill to extend the provisions of the extradition so us to include all criminals now in Canada but political offenders. Jf the bill becomes n law It will annihilate the American colony and create a tremendous demand for quarters in the jails of this country. Nebraska would bo particularly pleased to furnish a spring suit to her Canadian contingent. | i vonernblo moss-backs of Omaha I never miss an opportunity to denounce and ridicule the growth of business ever the Fnrnum street hill. Rheumatic joints and enfeebled minds give a pain ful accent lo tholr pleadings for the "pluteuu. " They cannot comprehend the sturdy enterprise and business push which crowds past thorn in the race for the upper heights , leaving them groveling und prowling on the lower leviij * . As well mluht'thuy attempt to t in the current of the Missouri .us to cliock the upward and onward inarch of lho vforou | ; manhood of thU city. The inntigurntlon to-ilayof President- elect Harrison will rclnstnto the republican purty In the control ol the executive branch of the gov ernment , with the certaintv thnt the loglslntlro brunch will also bo in con trol of that party. Not slnco 1876 hna the republican party administered the government in nil Us branches , either the senate or house of representatives In the succeeding years having been In the control of tlio democratic party. The last republican house was elected in 1880 , and with the exception of two years the democratic party has been In control of the lower house of congress since 1875. The republican party returns to full possession of the government nt the be ginning of its second century , nnd this Interesting fact will doubtless have duo prominence in the inaugural address of President Harrison. Its significance , however , is merely historical , and it does not alTcct cillior to lesson or in crease the great responsibility which has devolved on the republican party. It is a trite observation that po litical parties act with greater wisdom and di&crothm when there is an opposition strong enough tochoclc excesses nnd defeat unwise - wise measures. A narrow and uncer tain majority in a congress Is not nl- ways a misfortune , nnd the fact that tlio two branches tire in political opposition may not in all circumstances be n disad vantage. There is greater danger of injurious legislation and careless ad ministration when ovcry branch of the government is in the hands of ono po litical party than when the responsibil ity is divided. The republican leaders unquestion ably appreciate the situation , nnd thuro is every reason to expect from tlio now president a wise , careful and conserva tive administration. The policy which will guide the next administration the country will learn of to-day , and its enunciation will bo received with great interest by men of all parlies. THE nilTiniNQ I'llKSlDENT. To-day Grover Cleveland , four years ago elevated to the great olllce of presi dent of the United States , will retire to private life. Contemporary judgment may not be able to fairly determine the place he should occupy in our political history , but the one fact that ho brought victory to the democratic party after twenty-four successive ynars of defeat assures him u position of prominence. Perhaps also the historian of the fu ture , reviewing the administration of Mr. Cleveland with complete free dom from the prejudices and from the coloring inlluonccs that affect favorably or unfavorably the judgment of contem poraries , will bo able to say much to its credit. The one acknowledgment that can now bo made is that the country lias continued to bo prosperous. Hov fat- tills has boon duo to the administra tion is a question on which there can ho a wide difference of opinion. It was in the power of the administration , doubt less , to have checked this prosperity , and this would unquestionably have re sulted if the treasury policy of the first half of Mr. Cleveland's administration had been continued to the end of his term. His first secretary of the treas ury was unalterably wedded to a finan cial policy which was distinctly hostile to the general welfare , though it might have operated favora bly for a time to a section , and Mr. Cleveland was in full sympathy with him. His party in con gress , however , was not , and this , with the added pressure of a financial exi gency , forced the administration to a Bluingo of policy , or rather to return to the old lines marked out by republican administrations. This was accomplished with manifest reluctance. The return Lo sound practice was delayed on the plea of questionable authority , and was not made until congress reassured the idministratioii that it possessed ade quate power. There has since been lit- : lo to complain of , but In giving the ad- ninistration credit for having avoided Joinir injury to the material interests jf the country it must be said that this vas because tlio administration came at ust to abandon , in largo measure , the loliey it originally intended to curry iut and to return to the wiser methods > f its opponents. -Tho work which Mr. Cleveland was lartlcularly pledged to when ho on- .orcd . the presidential olllce was the ad- rancomot of civil sorvioo reform. Tlio nest ardent friends of the reform and if the retiring president do not pretend hat no has redeemed his pledge. Ho ins expressed himself as well satisfied vith this branch of his work , but tha voight of testimony borne by those vho as independents and reformers upportod him four years ago , is hour ly ugulnat him. His fatluro finds ox- enuation in the fact that his party wna ilmost solidly against reform , and when he time came for him to determine vhothor ho should malce an effort to uccoed himself , with the aUornalivo of indaugcring hts chances or disrogard- ng u principle obnoxious to his patty , 10 chodo the latter. Another policy rhlch Mr. Cleveland proposed should listinguish his administration was thnt if removing al ! sectional animosity. It k-as a commendable purpose , but the uothod adopted to effect It was most inwisc. The south was given an undue > roi > ondoranco in the administration , nil southern men were largely preferred or the public service both at homo .nd abroad. The policy was not only IIP too magnaminous to the south , but ho administration boomed to have boon uost carefol to select for its favor -those nun who were most obnoxious to the lorth Dy reason of tholr prominence in ho confederacy. It cannot bo doubted hat this course lost Mr. Cleveland lemocratlc friends In tlio north who bo- ame republican allies in the last cam- KHJJH , while it is not apparent that it ins had the slightest effect in removing octionul animosity , if indeed it has not iggruvutod It. The generous recognit ion of the administration did not tin- irovo the conductor the southern politl- IIUIB , who as tholr confidence in con- inuous democratic rule increased rb- umod the old arrogant and dictatorial ole played so effectively thirty years go and for half a century before. They oolc-control of the democratic party , nd in and out of congress , .consplou- usjy In the last campaign , they were the foremost exponents of democratic principles nnd policy. They could as sure Mr. Cleveland the reward of n solid south , but with that tholr ability lo repay him was exhausted. Mr. Cleveland will not bo denied cVcdit for courage in giving his party a clearly defined tariff policy , but hero again ho was unfortunate in the men entrusted to give the policy practical form. Furthermore his courage faltered as ho began to see the possible political effect of his bold stroke , and there were quali fying explanations that did no good to his cause. The country saw in this an evidence thnt the 'foremost considera tion with Mr. Cleveland was to bo ro- olooted , the effect of which was to reduce - duce him to the piano of n moro poli tician. As to the foreign policy of tlio administration , it has no defender ex cept tlio secretary of state , and his de fense has met with little else than ridi cule. The judgment is nearly univer sal that the conduct of our international relations under the Cleveland adminis tration has been the wcakost and stupidest in the history of the country , and frotii first to last humiliating to the nation. Mr. Cleveland will retire from the presidency with the best wishes of his countrymen for his future. Ills rapid political elevation makes a unique chapter in our history , and when it is considered what little experience and preparation ho had for the great task of administering the af fairs of the nation , it can perhaps bo said that ho did bettor than could rca- bonably have boon expected. IIo has been most diligent In the performance of his duties , and in alienees where ho was not dominated by his passions , prejudices or ambition ho doubtless acted conscientiously. Ho will not go into history asa statesman , nor will it be recorded of him that ho showed any desire to bo with and of tlio peoplo. But ho possesses some strong qualities that are necessary in the discharge of executive duties , and no man has been his master. SWIFT R The sudden and startling suicide of the infamous forger and informer Pigott , at Madrid , cannot fail to have a beneficial effect on the wretches that curse the Irish causa and sell their birthright for British gold. Pigolt came into notice in the dark days of the land league. Failing lo secure the confidence and the moans of the league olllcinls ho trans ferred his treacherous abilities to Dub lin eastlo and became a spy upon the : nen who had befriended him and a trultor to his country. The position afforded him free scope and ample moans to perfect a conspiracy to dofaino and destroy the Irish lead ers. Forgery and falsehood were the weapons chosen. The anxiety of the lories to block the progress o homo rule in England and blacken tin characters of Parnoll , Dnritt nnd olhe Irish loaders , was an incentive to hilt to stoop to the extreme of infamy to complish their destruction. Their anxiety only served to make the failure more complete und disastrous. Pigott could not hope to escape th vengeance of the men wliom lie had led into a disgraceful trap. He wont fortl with the brandof Cain , with the handso friends and enemies raised against him and ho performed the lirst honorabl net of his life when he scattered his brains with a pistol. The collapse of the Times' conspiracy and the tragic death of its author will prove of incalculable advantage to the cause of homo rule. Founded on right nnd justice , and backed by the friends of liberty the world over , its progress is as irresistible as the tides of the ocean. The lories and liberal unionists fool its growing force in the country , and are combining and sinking all differences in a common effort to retain power. The shrewdest statesmen concede that general election now would result in an overwhelming victory for Ireland and the return of Gladstone to power. To delay the day of reckoning will increase the dislrust and make the downfall of tory tyranny disastrous in the end. Tlio outlook for homo rule was never brighter. AS A 3CAnrrn. For sublime and adamantine choclc commend us to the person by the name of Frank Morrissey , who for four weeks was permitted to hold down the seat in the lower house of the legislature , now ho creditably filled bv Hon. Christ Specht. Sunday's Ifemld is adorned by the following pen-picture : It does not matter that it was Frank Morrissey - rissoy bright , dashing , keen , Incisive , hon est nnd eloquent loader that ho was the faithful representative of his great oonstitu cncy ; the friend of the common people ; the uncompromising fee of jobbery and oxtravu- Banco nnd the terror of the lobbj and legis lative vampire , is the victim of the foul con spiracy. This certainly docs beat anything that over emanated from Morrissoy's lofty inlollecl. Tlio companion of boodlcrs and oil-room strikers , an honest man and friend of the common people ! who transcribed the governor's message in a low dive , the victim of a foul conspiracy ! The fellow who tried to hold up the liquor dealers by playing informer , the terror of the logltilativo vampire ! Isn't ihat enough lo make a InughV GOVKIIXOK TiiAVKit is not likely to amuluto Grover Cleveland in Interpos ing his vetoes to thwart the clearly ex pressed will of tlio law-making branch af government. The governor will liardly refuse his approval of the val ued polioy insurance bill'in view of the fact that it passed both houses by a two- thirds' vote , If the bill dooi not meet liis vlows , ho knows enough to know ihut tho'oxocciso of Iho veto power was lot gfvon to the executive to override .ho legislative excepting where undue liaste has boon exhibited , or a bill is mmifostly unconstitutional. Tun futile attempts of railroad of- loiuls to roach an agreement which will : iold for twenty-four hours proves tlio lesporato avarice of the companies and -heir utter indilTeronco to all obligu- .ions , Contracts and agreements arc dinost daily mudo bot.voon high and ow oflluinls , but the ink is not dry bo- ere the signers conspire to break tlioni. L'lio existing demoralisation In ratou and secret discrimination is not only disastrous fnjtho companies but annoy ing nnd hurtful to business generally. TUB cniFoUo of the government against the.Mormon , church nnd its property , appears to bo particularly sat isfactory lo ( , ho receiver and his asso ciates. The' former receives a sal ary of ten thousand dollars for lho first year , nn attorney fifty-five hundred dollars , and an assistant foul- thousand doling. It is snfo to predict that their annual report will applaud the Kdmunds law and dcmonstnto that the only way to stamp out polygamy is to make the apoJt- les pay liberally for the luxury. A mr/fj slipped through the Now Mexican legislature anpropriating fif teen thousand dollars , instead of llvo thousand dollars , n year for the support of an immigration bureau. The meth ods employed to secure the plunder would put to shame Hie bosl ollorls of lho Lincoln lobby. And yet It has been asserted that the rosidonls of Grcaser- dom were nol sulllcionlly advanced to enjoy lho lucre and liberllcs of slato- hood. TUB legislature is asked lo establish the agricultural college as an inslilu- lion separata and away from lho alato university. Change of scone and change of diet will , however , not afTect ils chronic weakness. An agricultural college is costly and unsatisfactory. Such has been the experience of other stales , as well as Nebraska. For that reason the stale agricultural farm and college , as such , should bo abolished. IN an invcstigalion before n congres sional commltlco some time ago , it was confessed by leading railroad men thai they always expect and generally re ceived an equivalent for all passes given to members of the stnlo legislatures , The Net rnska railroads have no reason to complain so far of not receiving tin "equivalent" for favors extended lo lho legislature now in session. l'ATh ; AN1 > TISIUUl'OKY. Nebraska Waterworks or no waterworks Is the lib- sorbing question at Wuhoo. A canton of 1'iitriarclis Militant was insti tuted at North I'lsitto Friday night. One humlrcd now volumes have boon or dered for tbo.publlo library nt Crete. Work bus been resumed on the now bank building at Ulysses uud it will be pushed to completion. Tlio scmi-nnnunl convention of the W. C. T. U. of the Fourth district will bo hold at Fullerlou March 0 nnu T. ' The ftlissouri Pucillo road 1ms cut nnd shipped over 10,000 tons of ieo from Fisher's luhe , near Auburn , this winter. Crete sports ; have banded together nnd or dered n set of boking gloves for use in per fecting themselves m the manly art. Cass county bus thirty lawyers located within her I/orders. Plattsmouth claims nineteen. Weopiilp Water iive , Greenwood four , nud Louisville one. Nebraska City Exhibits u remarkably solid growth as a sdnsntion center. The slccolcss activity of some of the residents c.unio't b stopped for a moment outside of the county jail. jail.Sinco Since the great victory over the London Times through tlio efforts of Patrick Epau , the Fremont Trjbuuo puts fonv.ird the name of that gentleman as its candidate for minis ter to EnglauiJ , Fifty thousand brook trout fry . vreno planted m the tributaries of tlio Nibbrara rlvor between Valentino and Fort lioblnson by the superintendent of the state fish hatch- cries lust wecir. South Sioux City rebels aqninst beinp linked in name and fortune to Covington. If one-half of what has Been told of thu latter place is tiuie the rebellious burg might bo ap peased with the title of South Sodom. A cow and thirty-nino hogs bolonpinp to Charles Bo.ydston , a Saunders county far mer , were bitten by a mad dog four weeks ago and dovolopcd symptoms of hydrophobia a few days later- All the animals wore shot last week. The Dakota City bottle brigade started out the other evening , picked up about two hundred whisky Ilasks , assorted sizas , nnd proceeded to South Sioux City , where they traded their collection for corn julca and re turned homo hupny and abusive. Tno regulators In Koya P.iha county have succeeded in diminishing the number of horse and steer lifters m that section. The business had grown to such proportions that the wicked waxed fat on tbo spoils , while honesty hugged poverty with a dcsnairing grip. An effective change was brought ubout by unity of action , supplements ! with stout lariats nnd revolvers on the side. The startling news comes from Fremont thnt the oldest inhabitants of Dodge county have effected u combine to control the weather market uud for economy nnd accur- ncy of statement. The organization supplies u crying need. Horctoforo the efforts of the oldest inhabitants hnvo been nmrrod with fuint Iraccs of truth and frcimsnt and furious contradictions. Organization will remedy these unwholesome evils and give strength nnd vigor to all reminiscences bearing tbo stump anu seal of tbo socioty. Tlio public may now look for an early Improvement In the story of the naming of the Kuwliidc river. * lown. Waterloo is achieving a reuutation as n fine liorso center. > The Iowa CImutnuqun assembly lias been permanently located at Colfax , It will cost , $ CS,4"3 to maintain the publio schools of Uubmpjo next year. There are twenty girls to two boys nt Lib erty nnd u mala importing society Is talked of. Corro Oordo county will bo taxed ? U,009 for the luxury of having the Urown poisoning case , The secretary of the stuto board of health is busilv nt work on a circular on tlio use o * keroscnooll. The trial of Mrs. Hillings , of Waverlv , for ' l > erury ] , has been postponed until the next term of court. F. M. Hoovor./tf Vinton , in stopping upon i chair In some manner tipped it , throwing luni upon the buuktof . the choir , fracturing a ,01 At LostNatioil lust wool : a minister uu- bruidcd a Biilooukooner for defying the law. Hot words followed and n light ensued. It ivas n dandy scrap , but the preacher got a Ittlo the woist/jfflt. / A petition to tl'iu governor of Iowa for the mrdon of W. l Moudunhntl who is hi the itato panltontlnwifor thu murder of Joseph [ line * , of Em-miff , Shelby county , about .hroo yours ago , . m in . circulation , .J I ) ' I Iroquls U to h&v6 an artesian welL A real estate boom Is on at Pierre. ' Mount Vornoii HuitB a harness sliop , The MoUioJhw of Klmb.ill are to erect a mmonago. " ' A law and order 'society ' la to be organized it Whltowood. Kllcndalo claims to trans-let f ! 00OW worth b , f business uunuully. MIn A Chinaman living at Spourllah claims to T tuvo lost &ICVO gambling nt Deadwood , Intl A hatchet sociable wus the fouturo of the tl clobrutlon of ' l > . Washington's birthday at Ira- uis. 01 Manufactories furnlshlftg employment to tltl UUmon will bo started ut South Sioux Falls tl his year. I"H The clt/.ons of lilunt have passed resolu- I"gl ions asking the coUnty commissioners to ex- glHi and tS'JO to advurtUo the county. Hi There is some ttilk of a meeting between tl ! tie lc.idwood and Itapld Cfty gun clubs IIW hortly after warm weather returns , W IH - * - The mosLoftlcnciousfcttmulunt lo ox- IIUt Ut : llolho nppollio is Angostura Hitters , m lie genuine- Or. J , li , Ii , Siogort & Bt : lonu. At all druggisU , pc PRESIDENTS OF A CENTURY , Statesmen Who Have Administered the Govomtnout 100 Yoars. A GALAXY OF IMMORTALS. Atcn Illustrious In AVnr and In Civil lilfe Oltizcti Killers AVlio \Vcrc the l'cci-8 In Power of l-jmi > erors. Slcctclics oT Clilof Magistrates. j Whoa President Cleveland's term of offleo expires nt noon to-iluy , March I , tlicro will have been completed a liuiulrod yenrs of con- stltutlontil government In the United States. The occasion scorns appropriate for a brief review of the careers of the twenty-one wes- idcnta wlio have nthninlstorcil the govern- uient during Its llrst century of existence. 01:0110r : WASHINGTON' . The first president of tlio United Stntos was tlio unanimous choice of the people for that high station. As soon 113 the constitu tion was tuloptoil , in tlio framing .of which Washington shnrcil as president of' the con vention , all America looked to him n < t the citizen entitled above nil others to first ex- crclso executive functions under It , niul with extreme roluctaiico ho yielded to the populur will. Tins most cminont of Atnorl- patriots , the record of whoso illustrious career should bo a part of the education of every American cltircn , was descended from an old Kugllsh family , the nnmo of Wash ington being traceable as far buck us the thirteenth century. About 1(157 ( two brotlicrs , John and Lawrence Washington , emigrated to Virginia and settled at Bridge's Crock , on the Potomac , In tlto county of Westmoreland. Lawrence , the father of George Washington , himself a most esti- nmblo man , was twice married , nnd she- who is honored in our history as Mary , the mother of .Washington , was his second wife. Her great son was born on the 22d of February , 1732. The province of Virginia offered but scanty means of education , and reading , writing , arithmetic and the mathematics wcro alone within the reach of Washington. Passing over the details of his earlier youth , wo como to his entrance into the military service , nt the ago of nineteen , as commander of tlio northern department of Virginia , n most responsible position for one who had not reached the ago of manhood. At the ace of twenty-one Major Washington w.xs sent to confer with tlio commander of the French forces about to erect forts on the Ohio , nnd to inquires by what right ho presumed to invade - vado tlio dominions of the king of England , and what were his designs. The mission was successfully accomplished , nnd us a result of it Washington was sent with a force to do- feud the invaded territory. His military services up to the time ho resigned his com mission In the tinny of Virginia constitute n most interesting chapter of his career , espe cially as showing the possession and steady development of those great qualities which later raised him to the llrst place among his contemporaries. He acquired experience as a member of the Vircinia house of burgesses for n period of flftuen years , and won tlio honor and respect of nil who were associated with him. Washington was among the llrst to resent the oppressive measures ol the Uritish parliament , and was active hi preparing the public mind for the resistance that culminated in the revolution. When the army was organised after the fiist blood ivas shed at Lexington , Washington was chosen comumnder-in-chief. His mag- nilicent career during the succeeding years of war , much of the time under the most dif- llcult und discouraging conditions , cannot hero bp oven outlined , but no part of Ameri can history is of greater or moro instructive and inspiring interest. The heat of parties , which had been growing during Washing ton's lirst term as president , from 17S'.i ' tel l yj ; , and the apprehension of statesmen con cerning the stability of the union , induced Washington to sucrilico his private inclina tion to tlio publio welfare , mid to accept a second term of oflk-c , which expired in 1707. Ho retired to Mount Vernon , but in 1703 , in consequence of the difficulties with Franco , ho was again called Into public service , re ceiving the appointment of lieutenant general. The diflicultius wcro settled before armies could be set in motion , out Washington re tained his commission until his death , which occurred December 14 , 1799 , in tlio sixty- eighth year of his ago. JOHN ADAMS. Among the illustrious founders of the re public , John Adams , the second president of the United States , occupies a place of equal eminence with any of them , Washington alone cxccptcd , Jefferson spokt ! of him as the colossus of the continental congress , and the adoption of the Declaration of independence was duo largely to his determination , bold ness and eloquence. John Adams was born in Uaintres , Mass. , on the Kith of October , ( old style ) , 1705. Ho graduated from Har vard college and afterwards studied law. Ho early evinced a fondness for politics , nnd his feeling wontstrongly nnd ardently American. In the continental congress he advo cated the boldest measures with great force and brilliancy. On tlio 7th of Juno , 1770 , Hichnrd Henry Lee made the famous [ notion that the colonies bo declared frco and independent states. John Adams toolc tlio load upon then side of independence and ap liealed fervently and powerfully to congress lp take the decisive step. Ho was ono of the xmumttoo appointed to draw up the Declara tion of Independence , and ho win among the llrst to put his signature to that immortal locumcnt. Mr. Adams rendered diplomatic lervico of thu highest value to the colonies , ind when Washington was elected to the iresidcncy ho was made vice president. Ho vas elected president after u close and ipirltcd contest against Thomas JotTorson. muportcd by the republicans , or democrats , ind Thomas Piiioknoysupported by 11 portion > f the federal party. Mr. Adams served but me term , ut the close of which he retired to ils estate in Massachusetts , Ho died at the igo of ninety-one , on the -Hli of July , 1820. THOMAS .HlTiilM : > X. The author of the Declaration of Indcpend- Mice ami the third president of the United States , Thomns JolTerson , was born at u ilnee called Shoiwoll , in Alboumrlo county , \ ' \ \ . , on the 21 of Anril fold style ) , 17IU. Ho oceived u very thorough education , und In 7UI , when Just twenty-one years old , was tdmittcd to the bar. His patriotism was llrst iroused by the famous spcnch of P.itricic Innry in the Virginia house of delegates , ind ho subsequently entered politics and was iloeted to the legislature of the province. 10 entered the Continental congress in 177 < i , ind soon achieved n place In thu respect of hat body. Ucmg appointed chairman of the onunitteo to prepare the Declaration of In- ppondencc , ho drew up that formal Instru- licnt , which immortalized his fame. Mr. offcrson was In the cabinet of Washington , nd when Admits was chosen president ho ttis elected to the vice presidency. During 11 this period , Us the lender of the repub- ic.m party , as the political organization op- osedto the federalistwus then called , Mr. olferson exercised tremendous political In- uonce , attaining u distinction as the ox- onont of principles and policies which should revnil in the administration of the gov- rnmont that still gives his name potency in \ir political nlfalrs. In thu presidential c-on- jst of 1700 , Mr. JofTorson und Aaron Hurr aving received the same number of eleo- > ral votes the election of a president do- nlved upon tliu house of representatives. .HIT a most memorable contest , Jefferson 'us bueeosafnl on the thirty-sixth ballot , lurr , of toursc , becoming vice president , 111. JolTorrton wus ro-clccted in ISO I. At the lose of tils second term ho retired to Monti- Jllo , where ho dloa at the ago of nighty- irec , on the Fourth of July , 1S20 , the day ii which also died his illustrio'js ' compatriot , > hn Adams. JAMIiH MAIIIKIX. Jefferson was succeeded in the presidency ; another EOII ol Virginia , James Madison , ho wus bom on the 10th of March , 1751. tils distinguished mun , whoso influence wus irdly HOeond to that of any other In hhnplng 10 early policy of tlio republic , occcupioil u be omlnent place among tlio wise and cnllght. in led atiiteamen of his time. Ho entered re t oontliient.U congrois In ITtU , und for rept ptM rt-o years noted a prominent part in the ptcc ( Hifcdlngd. Madison wan ono of thee cc o delegates thut represented Vir- tliH niu in thu convention that framed H o constitution , and ho hud a large hlmru In in o construction of timt great Instrument. ofwl u wus In c-ongresa from 17s'J ' to 1707 , und wl is one of the most prominent of the oppo- th iitn of the lluunciui measure's proposed by lei million , then secretary of the treasury , w , d the pal icy generally of Washington's ud- Hi niitr.itlon. Hu was mudo Kocrutary of ito by Mr , JufT non und t'ontlnucd In tha sitloii throughout the two term * of thut pr president. In 1809 Mr. .MndUon become president , and it was during bis administra tion tli at congress declared war against Great Britain. At the election of ISl'J Mr. Madison was re-elected , At the close of hU second term In 1317 Mr. Miullson retired to his homo at Montpoller' , Va. , where ho re mained with few interruptions until the date of his death , Juno US , 1S3' ' ! . JAMHS MONW1R. The fifth president of the United SUtcn. James Monroe , whoso famous "doctrine" the nation Is now proposing to reassert , was a commanding fig- tire among the statesman of Ills time. Ho was born on the ! M of April , 17W , in the county of Westmoreland , Virginia , nnd nt the ago of eighteen abandoned his studies ami joined Washington in Now Vork. making during the ensuing two or three year a high reputation for bravouy us n sol dier. In 1783 ho appeared In the continental congress , of which ho bccamon leading mem ber. He was one of the most earnest op ponents of the adoption of the national con stitution. It 1700 ho took his scat in the United States senate , nnd four years later was appointed by Washington minister to the French republic. Ho also olTected the negotiations with France , during the admin istration of Jefferson , for the purchase of Louisiana. Ho was secretary of state in the administration of Mr. Madison. Mr. Monroe \vas elected to the presidency In 1810 and reelected - elected In IS'JO , receiving ovcry vote of the doctoral college except one. At tlio close of his administration ho retired to Ins A'lrgmla residence , nnd later served us a countv magistrate. Mr. Monroe d'cd ' on the Oth of July. 18II1 , nt the ago of seventy-two years. His administrations were exceedingly popular. JOHN QUIXC-V ADAMS. The boyhood of John Quiney Adams , sixth president of the United States , was the poitod of the revolution , In the principles of which ho was baptized. Ho was born in Uostonon the 11th of July , 1707. Ho ob tained a very thorough education , gatnini ; valuable knowloJgo in his sojourns abroad with his father , and hobugiin ourly to attract attention to tlio superior qualities of Ills mind. His Ural public position was us min ister to The Hague , to which ho wag ap pointed by Washington. Ho was In the United States scimto trom 1803 to 1803 , was appointed minister to Knosia in ISO' ) , assisted in negotiating the treaty of Ghent , which terminated the war of 1812 , wus appointed minister to England , nnd In 1817 became sec retary of stale in the administration of President Monroe. In thooxcltingcumpuign of IS'.M there was no choice of u president b\- the people , nnd the election devolved upon the house of representatives , Tne contest in that body resulted in the election of Mr. Adams over Andrew Jackson and William H. Crawford , and ho took his seat on March , 1S.5 , the ceremonies of the Inaugu ration being the most brilliant and imposing ut > to that time. Adams was charged with securing his election by making n trade with Clay , but tlio chnrgo was refuted. He was u candidate for re election in 1823 , but was de feated by Jackson. Adams retired to Ills family seat at Quincy , Mass. , and in IS.'tO was elected to congress , wheio ho continued to servo until hi * death on the 2nd of Febru ary , 181S. ANDIIKW JACKSON' . The hero of New Orleans , nnd , in many respects one of the most distinguished characters in American history , was of Irish parentage , nnd wits born at Cunidon , S. C. , on the 15th of March , 1707. It was the intention of his mother to prepare him for the ministry , and care was taken with his early education. His tastes led him away from the pulpit to the bar , and in 1780 ho was admitted to prac tice. Finding his native state presenting few inducements to a young attorney , ho re moved to Tennessee , and hero ho subse quently found opportunity for the development of the military tal ent that afterwards brought nim fume und honor. Thu career ot Jackson as u sol dier was successful , and in many respects brilliant , his crowning achievement being the defeat of the English forces at Now Orleans - loans on the Sth of January , 1815 , an event still celebrated by his countrymen. In 1S2. ) , Jackson wus elected to ho United States senate , nnd in Ib23 was chosen to the presi dency. His llrst term was distinguished by several nullitlcution schemes of Calhoun and Hayuo.whlch Jackson summarily crushed. It was then , also , that the policy was inaugu rated of general removals from ofllco for par tisan reasons , which gave to William L. Marc.v , n senator from Now York nnd a staunch supporter of Jackson , to proclaim the doctrine which has since crystallized in the phiMso "to the victors belong the spoils. " Jaclcson was re-elected in 1S32 , und at the ex piration of his term retired to tlio Hermitage in Tennessee , where ho died on the Sth of Jiiiic , 1S45. MAUTI.V VAN Ilt'llliX. man of line ability nnd a politician of consummate skill , Martin Van Huron enjoyed tlio advantage of tlio hearty friendship and con- liucnco of Andrew Jackson , which was a great aid to his political success. Ho was born at Kinderhook , N. Y. , December 5 , 1732 , and entered politics at the ago of eighteen. Ho represented Now York in the national senate and was made governor of the state in 1S3S , which ho resigned to go into the cabinet of Jackson as secretary of state. Ho was chosen vice president of the United States in 1332 anil four years after was clectod president. Ho was a candidate for re-election in 1840 und was defeated by Harrison. Ho failed of u nomination in the ileuiocratio convention of 1541 , but was the 3andidaLe of the "froo soil democrats" four years after , IIo died in July , IsOJ. WIM.IAM IIINUV : ii iititio.v. The ninth president of the United States , William Henry Harrison , was u native of Virginia , and was born February 0 , 177H. tVlter graduating ho turned his attention to die study of medicine , but after u time ru- iolved to give up this profession and oln the army. He received u . ommlsson us 'ensign from Pros- dent Washington , and at nineteen joined bis irtillory corps at Fort Washington. In 17U3 10 was niiido.secretary of the northwestern .orritory , and tlio year after was elected u .erritory delegate to congress. In 1830 ho vas appointed governor of Indiana territory , mowing marked administrative ability in his position. His military career against , lie Hritisl. and Indians was very successful , md cave him a distinguished reputation us i soldier. He was subsequently in congress ind in the diplomatic service , and ut tlio ling of his election to the presidency in 1810 vas clerk to thu court of Hamilton county , ) hio. President Harrison was in ofllco but si mo month , hia death taking place on the -lib & if April , 1811. U JOHN TYI.1MI. UJ'i John Tyler wus chosen vice prcsidnnt with J'iui larrison , and on the death of the lutter HUC- in eeded to the presidency. Ho was u native ti f Virginia , and was born on the 2'Jtli ' of tiVI larch , 17'JO. In 1610 lie wus elected to con- VI ress , and twice ic-olcclcd , In lbl5 ! ho was 111 boson governor of Virginia , and afterwards III iiccccdcd the grout but eccentric John Kan- IIIUI olph In the United .States Hen a to. UI Us legislative career gi ve him a UICD utlonal reputation. As president , lion-over , CDbe IH administration wus Justly subjected lo sc Id ore criticism , and the record is not entirely th ) his honor. He failed to souuro a reinan- di at.ion from the rcgulur democratic con/pn- on of Ib4l. He died ut Richmond , Vii , , in anuury , IbU'i , VI JAM lib K. I'OI.IC. in No man over nominated for the presidency to UH less known to the people than .lames K. as 'oik ' at the time of his nomination , and that asmi , 'cnt was n great surprise to thu democratic fie : irty. He was born in North Carolina on lei 10 yd day of November. l7Ci ! , and tlio curly bi > ; , irs of his life present little of interest. Ho ha as elected to congress In Ib25 , where he ud irved several terms und iiiadu u creditable hi ; : eord. Ho was speaker of the Twenty- of lurth and Twcnty-llfth congresses , ami was liu ccted governor of Tennessee In IS' ) ' . ' , con- iiif nuingmoro or loss active in state politics 185 itil lilsiiomlimtion and election to the pros I- moy in 1844. Thu Mexlcin war and the J mexation of Texas were the chief evi'nts of fin jilt's ad ministrationand lvo It a prominent the ace In our history , Ho declined to bo u cau bo i date fur lo-elcctloii. His death took im uco on thu Kith of June , Ib'IH. trl. ZAUIIAUY TAVI.OIl , ole The popularity of General Tuyior as a wa Idler secure I him tlio whig nomination In wa : H. Ho wus u native of Virginia , and was pr rn in the year 17fil. Hu untorud thu tinny rei : IROj us u lieutenant , and .hls military ca- dat er throughout wus highly micoosiful. Ho In rfonnod dintlnijiilshed wervieu In the - xic.111 war , allowing great ability us a muicndur , und lighting qualities that won I [ > entliiisiastio udmlratlpn of thu country , jforu ho luft Mexico ho Imcl boon iioml- fltOI ted for the presidency in various Hectionn Hu the union , and the choice of tlio national ma iig convention wan the natural oijtcomo of maK a popular expressions. President Tay- ' n > 's brief administration of sixteen months , s-murkoJ by fo\v evonu of great intnrctt. bat i died on the Dili of July , l $ . " < u. MII.I.AIII ) KII.I.MOIIK. ' I1' ' ' thci ( 'resident r'lllmoro succeeded to jalJeucy. Hu wus bora In Uayuga couuty , toll Noxv York , In the your 1800. Ills iwyhood had few advantages , and lid was early apprenticed to learn the cloth * ier trade. Ho thirsted for know * ledge , however , and Improved nil his leisure hours in reading. Ho was persuaded to study law , and in time reached distinction in the profession. In 1S.2 ! ho was elected to congress nnd several times re- elected. In 18171m was elected comptroller of Now York. In 1818 ho was nominated for the vice presidency on the ticket with Gen eral Taylor. On succeeding to the presi dency ho organised u new cabinet , of which Danlol Webster was the head , nnd although his administration was subjected to severe criticism , chletly because of his having signed the fugitive slave law. none over questioned that ho tilled the lilgh station with honor and n conscientious sense of duty , Mr. Fillmore was the candidate of the Ameri can party lor president in 1850. Ho dlod ut Huffalo on on the 8th of Mnrch , 1871. niANKi.ix riiitcK. : The nomination of Plorco was nttnthcr selection somowhiit like that of 1'clk , though ho was better known than his predecessor. Pleroo was born nt Hillsborough , N. II , , ou tho'-id ! : of N'ovombcr , ISOi. Ho wont to con gress In 18'U ) and was there two terms , being transferred to the senate. Ho mudo no very great murk as n legislator , though ho was n useful member of both houses. Ho declined several political honors that came to him unsought , nnd ou the breaking out of the Mexican war showed his patriotism by enrolling himself us the curliest volunteer of u company rulsoit In Concord. Ho did good service us a soldier , attaining tlio rank of general. Ho was nomi nated on the forty-ninth ballot In the national convention thut met in Baltimore in 18.VJ , and was Inatigoratcd March , 18.VJ. Ho died nt Concord , October 8 , ISil'.i. ' JAMIJM lltCIUXAV. Mr. Huclmiuin wus n native of Pennsyl vania , and was born April 2.'t , 1791 , Ho was n man of line ncqulrumonls nnd superior ability , but his course at a most vital epoch In our history llxed an Indclllblo stain on his patriotism and showed him lucking In essen tial qualifications lor the high station ho filled. Jjimcs Buchanan hud filled creditably legislative and diplotimtiu positions , and bis place In history would bo moro honorable If ho had never aspired to loftier place. Ho was elected to the presidency In 18M , nnd his administration from llrst to last was under southern domination. Its record possesses hardly one redeeming feature. On retiring from ofllco Mr. Buchanan returned to his homo in Whcatlaud , where ho died Juno 1 , IStW. AllHUIAM LINCOLN . The career of this Illustrious patriot , which moro than that of any other mnn in our his tory illustrated the possibilities of American citl/cnship , is so familiar that details may bo omitted from tills brief review of the presi dents. Abraham Lincoln was born in a rude log cabin near Nwlln Crook , Ky. His boyhood was passed in hard work , of which rail splitt ing was not the least laborious part. Ho em ployed what lcasura ho could Ibid In reading , and ho road only Instructive books. Thut sterling quality of character which gave him the title -'Honest Abe" was as marked in his earlier us in his later life. Ho early manifested a taste for public speaking and political affairs , and took an active part in the campaign of 1810. Ho entered con gress in 1817 , and soon bccntuo rccoirulzcil us a man of marked ability. Hut it was his great debate with Stephen A. Douglas that gave him national fame , although lie made some mumorablo utterances before that. Tlio republican national convention of 1800 j was the most important in its consequences I In the history of such conventions. William 1 II. Sowurd , Simon Cameron and Solomon P. I Chuso wcro among those presented for the I residential nomination , and when tlio I nouicnt hud almost arrived for balloting , I lesso Harper , of Illinois , presented the name I > f Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln was I lominntod after n few ballots , and tlio choice I vas received with great favor ( 'oiiorallv by I .he . republican party. All the eventful life 1 if Mr. Lincoln down to the night of the | rngedy. April 14 , ISGj , which .shocicud tlio 1 vorld and turned to profound mourn- ng the joy of the nution iver conquered rebellion , is familiar. The { nartyr president died on the morning of j Ipril 15 , 1S05 , having by his great work P arned a place by the side of Washington in I he love and veneration of his countrymen. fi ANUKCW JOIIN.SOX. I Vice President Andrew Johnson toolc the II nth of ofllco us presided on the day of tlio | cath of Mr. Lincoln. Ho was born on the I 9th of December , 1803 , in Ualoigh , N. I ! . Ho was in both branches of con- I rcss and lllled other publio trusts before his I lection to the vice presidency in ISO I. His dministration was not in harmony with tha 'publican party and ho was impeached by Diigross. Ho escaped conviction by 0110 ite. Six years after his retirement from 10 presidency he was elected to tlio United tales senate from Tennessee , and took his H : iit Mnrch 4 , 1875. In tlio snuio year , July 1 , ho died. I'l.YBMH S. OK INT. The conqueror of the rebellion was born on 10 2'Jtb ' of April , 182J , 'at Point Pleasant , O. 0 entered West Point at the ago of seven- : cn and graduated at twenty one. He made I good record in the Mexican war , sometime ter which ho resigned his commission id went to farming- , subsequently ling into mercantile lifo. The oplondld Hilary career of Grant during the rebellion fl well known to all readers of the history of fl at era. It gave him world-wido fam'n as jfl c greatest soldier of his time , und one of jl e greatest in nil time. Grant had no ojipuJH Lion in the national republican conventions n 1803 nnd 1872 , und In both the elections the III oplo overwhelmingly testified to their 'In nlldenco in him. After protracted sufferH | g from the inroads of u malignant cancer , 1 ( literal Grunt died ut Mount McUregoi' , B Y. , July 23 , 18ST ) , In the slxty-fouriu fl ar of his ngp. H iirTHKiiroiiii n. iiivr.s , H I'lio eighteenth president of the United HI ales , Rutherford H. Hayes , wus born in H jlawaro , O. . October , Ib22. He mudo Hood ; oed record in the war of the rebellion , anil ! is gave him a popularity which was shown H his being twlco elected governor of Ohio. Wm 1 was in Ibis olilco when ho was nominated Mm r the presidency by the republican nu- mil convention , In CinclmiDli , In June , ft " 0. Tho. incidents connected with thu doK m inlnutioii of his election are u familialI m rt of recent political history. KxPreslf M nl Hayes is living at Fremont , O. i JAMI-.S v , n.\iiriiiii. : ] , This distinguished statesman , whose assasS'B lutlon and death shocked and bereaved the fU intry in 1831 , wus of humble birth , mid his Ifl j is another Illustration of what American \'U \ nth of couruue , industry and ambition may I wniplisb. Ho was born in Ohio in I8-'JI , ! [ 1 was one of thu boat examples thu conn- has produced of u "self mudo mun. " H rll'jld did excellent service in thu civil H r , and for years in congress was a comH mdlng figure. His nomination by tlio repub ) H in national convention at Chicago , In mso , B s ttio outcome of thu third term contest , H 1 it was received by the republicans of the H in try opposed to u third term with unH mdcd gnitllication and c'litliusiasm. ProsH nt Gurlluld was Khot down by Gniteuu In HH deoot at Wuslnngton July L , 1831 , and H d on thu Kith of Suiitomuer. LIIKHIKH A. Aiirnuii. H 'Iio ' day following the death of GuHlold , H u President Arthur took tlio oath of olllce S'ew York citj und repaired Immediately VH iVushington , where tlio oath of ofllco was H in udmlnlsteiTil by tliuchiof JiiHtieoof tlio M remo court. Mr.Arthur was liarn ut Fair- H f , Vt. , October f . ISO Hu liud boon H i ; jiroinlnonl in Now York politic * buforo H nomination for the vice presidency , but j l held no very Important positions. Ills H liniHtrntlon , Ihougli not eventful , was BH dy credltablo to him At tlio expiration j H its term bo returned to tlio practice of H , but did not long survive , his death tuk- H plaoo in Now York cityNovember 13 , B OIIOiil : CMiVKLA.NI ) . 1 le president whoso term completes the cuitury of constitutional ffovurninont In I United States , Graver Cleveland , was 11 i In Caldwell , N. J. , March 13 , W . In lB > iU he wus appointed nssihtant di - BTI attorney of New York , in 187U ho was > } Led ttlicrlll of Unit county , und In 1831 ho M'l elected mayor of UuJTnlo. In IHH'i ) io B < > olcctcd governor of New York by un uu- ] edentod majority. Hu wuv ut OIIDJ i , ( ; ni/ed as n posnlblo prosldcntlal cundlD > , und this honor came to him ut Chicago B * 5.31. I' . The I'rcipriutlim OlMervud , Bis lilludvlnhlu Ilccord : Anthony ComKl | k ( in lietitdd biitli-roim ( ) "IIolloI Ifl io , I Biiy. Porter ! linntf me u file : ; h , I uan'tBco to llx my noulctlo. " | H irvuiit ( liuHtonlng to thu door ) ! { 11 the 1'us L'O out , nahi"1 ITo \To * ; I put It out. I'vo boon tutting n 1H. ithor Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamn. , jihone liiUi , blank booU tuakoi'd , etc. < . ,