Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1889, Image 1

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Rainy Weather Likely to Interfere
\Vlth the Inaugural Prggrammo.
The Ilcnil of the Aerlctilturnt D'-jiart-
inunt Not Yet Chosen Carl-
lnle ami tlie Free To-
tmcco Hill.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 3 ,
"Tloo bad , Isn't IU"
These words nro on the lips of everyone ,
ns Iho rain which sot In yesterday continues
to Jail. The streets lire sloppy ntiil muddy
and the brllllnnt colors ot the bunting and
drapery have bleached Into n reddish purple
huo. The out-door reviewing stands nro
snaked thrnugli , and the onl.loolc for to-inor-
row is not encouraging In spite of the rain ,
the sidewalks of the principal thoroughfare *
nro crowded with people , who , wltli umbrel
las nnd innukcntoslios , struggle along and
elbow thuir way In nnd out of the hotels.
The atmosphere of Iho hotels baffles descrip
tion. The otgnrn from wet garments , the
mud off mired feet , the odor from constant
cooking , blended with the smells from the
bar-room * , makes a composite atmosphere
which the strongest would gladly lly from.
These fortutmto enough to have ventilated
rooms Imvo not ventured from them to-day.
The rustless throng of visitors sway to and
fro , josflo each ether , puff cigars , and
now and ujrain reliova the monotony
by taking drinks which they don't want.
The cabinet being practically settled , Iho
only matter loft to speculate nnon Is the
agriculture department , and tlmt'has beeoino
tiresome. As the incoming military com
panies and societies come In and march
through the wetstreetsheaded by n band a mo
mentary ripple is noticeable and then things
resume their bedraggled appearance aguin.
About the only plueo of cntcrtninrncntor re
sort outside of the churches nnd hotels rs
congress. All day long thc-worn out mem
bers in a stilling atmosphere have been set
ting the nation an example of Sabbath break-
in g. _ On the other hand , it is learned that
General Harrison has observed Sunday by
taking what ho is much in need of , n day of
rest. It has ucen a severe week
for him and the coming week ot-
fer ? no relaxation. There are simply
shoals of ofllecscckers here. The scramble
for second places has fairly begun , and the
fear of sonio other fellow getting In ahead
lends to outrageous action. Whatever the
morrow may bring forth , Washington to
day Is as thoroughly uncomfortable for n
respectable citizen with no ax to grind as
any place on earth. Those who nro hereon
on account of u surplus of patriotism , ns
well as of wealth , stand a good clmnco to
have both soaked out of them before they
can get uway. If the sun shines to-morrow
everthing will change.
CLOSING senses.
The closing scene of the first hundred
years of the American congress is a dupli
cate exactly of those sights so familiar to the
visitor in the gallery 011 each "odd year"
4th of March for years back. The weather
Is as unpleasant as it could well be. A tine
misty rain has been falling all il.tty. Urn
brcllas nnd overcoats decorate the persons of
each and every man ns he enters the door of
the capital. The humidity penetrates every
thing except the gush on ttio floor. Every
gallery Is illlcd to its utmost capacity.
There are hundreds of strangers
In the corridors straining their
necks for a sight through the
open doors. Men , women and
children are crowded out , but patiently
nwnlt the chance of admission. There Is a
very fair attendance on the Iloor , but there
is no clmnco of action on many of the bills
other than the two appropriation bills , the
sundry civil and deficiency. All attempts at
special , private or general legislation nro
promptly squelched by a little knot of ob
jectors , who nro determined that nothing
alinll be done. The day is still frlday , ac
cording to the journal , and it will remain
Friday until the hour of Haul ad
journment. The dellcleney bill Is the
great bone of contct.tion , and the
clause over which the light is maintained Is
that which appropriates money to pay the
Judgments in favor of the French spoliation
claimants. Motions to'tnko a recess meet
every proposition looking toward nn agree
ment. Every effort directed at a settlement
of the differences between the two houses Is
mot by n shout of "regular order" by Hlnnd ,
of Missouri , or some other small bore states
man. At this writing the , prospects nro that
the dellcleney bill will fail for want of time.
On the whole the houseIs us good Matured
as could bo expected. In fact at this hour
( lip. in. ) the quietness is so apparent thnt
but for the curly tobacco smolco nnd the
neglige appearance of the members one
might mistake the gathering for a Sunday
night prayer meeting. There is , however ,
for more cursing than praying going on at
present. Members who havebeen
promised recognition by the speaker
nre unable to secure n hearing because -
cause of the attitude of the llllbusterers.
They see the hist of their chances slipping
away , and bills which have been on the
calendar with favprnblo reports for months ,
will die at noon , and In the next congress nil
tlio work must bo done over again.
ICnoth of men who will bo members of the
house ufter noon to-morrow are. looking on
from the rear of the seats. They express
disgust with the rules , and declare they will
never vote for the adoption of the same sot ,
The blockade of the night will probably be
bcnollulnl In the end.
The cabinet still stands unfinished. The
man who is to 111 ! the department of agricul
ture has not been chosen , at least the presi
dent-elect has' agreed it ) hold the appoint
ment open until Monday tilclit to permit the
Nebraska pronto to submit additional rea
sons why ex-Governor Kurnas , of that
Btato , should be selected. Hut at
present it looks very much as if
Undo Jerry Husk was coming out ahead.
Ho bus wonderful powers of endurance , nnd
the chief man behind him acorns bound to
win , Spooncr has munaiiod the case with
consummate ability , lint for him HUSK would
have been dropped nnd forgotten long ago ,
but Spooner hud not lost u point nnd never
for n moment has ho admitted that ho could
possibly fail of securing the old gray gran-
ger'ii success. It has been the blggost light
In the history of cabinet making. The Ne
braska incn had the lust Inning. They secured -
cured permission from General Harrison to
send for Governor Furnas and that gentle
man arrived hero this afternoon. Although
It was Riven out distinctly that there would
bo no rablnot tulle to-day , General Harrison
consented to ECO him and the ex-governor
spent half an hour In his parlors with Sena
tor Paddock and Kcprosentuttvu Dorsc.y.
General Harrison promised not to decide the
cine until he had received some papers the
Nebraslmtis desired to unbuilt , but did
not give them any encouragement.
These who have the last opiwrtunlty
for knowing nro certain .General Husk will
bo appointed. In fact , a member of the pros-
Idvmt'R immediate family sivla to-night ttmt
hi * name was on the mute , and he did not
think it would bo scratched olT. There are
reports to-night that some ef the appointees
may bo shifted around. It evidently grows
out of the fact that General Harrison told u
( . cntleirun yesterday thut he Rhould not con-
ilder bis cabinet llnally settled until ho lent
tlio nominations to the senate. Hut there
will bo no Important chnnrci. HusU may go
into the war department und Proctor Into
the agricultural department , but this i only
the merest guess , Nobody knows what may
happen. General Harrison has not made up
bU mind definitely. The Ohio people nay
that General liumitou told Kcpreseututlvo
Thompson , of that state , thnt he would ap
point ns assistant commissioner of agri
culture Mr. Hrlghnin , of Wnsson , the master
of the state grange , who was presented yes
terday by Mr. Sherman , ns a good tn.xn for
secretary of agriculture.
( AMI * nrwiss. :
To-day's Post has an illustration four col-
urns wldoof Camp Uurgoss , Howling Green ,
Ky. , the camp of the Seventieth regiment
.Indiana volunteers , colonel , Benjamin Harri
son , Including a view of the fortifications
erected by the confederate ) general , Huckncr ,
showing the regiment on dress parade.
HMow Illustration Is the following ex
planation :
"The picture of Camp Burgess , Uowling
Green , Ky. , represents the Seventieth regi
ment ( nonernl Harrison's ) drawn up In line
of dress parade , In front of the white tents ,
which form an excellent background. On n
slope about a quarter of a mile distant are
the fortillcntiuns of the rebel , General Buck-
tier , for HO the foes camped in each other's
sight. This sketch was drawn by Frank B.
Matthews , a member of the Thirty-first
Ohio volunteers in ISili , and Is therefore
twenty-eight years old. The copy from
which this reproduction is made was scht at
the tlmo to Mrs. Emily Thornton
Charles by her b'-othcr. Mnjor Gardner
I' . Thornton , who enlisted when a lad of
seventeen ns a private In Colonel Hen Har
rison's regiment. 'Major Thornton , now of
Cincinnati , will accompany the remaining
members of the Seventieth regiment who
reached Washington nt 2 p. in. by special
train to act as escort to their former com
mander , the president-elect of the United
Stntes , on his way to take the oath of oflleo
and thence to the white house. "
HlVOTUI ) Till : DAY TO ItEsT.
There was quiet about the Harrison house
hold to-day. The family nroso at the nc-
customod hour and devoted the day to rest ,
which they needed so much after the fatigue
of the week. It was decided not to attend
divine services , and none of the party loft
the holcl except General Harrison , who took
his accustomed walk In the forenoon , and
again In the afternoon. Mrs. Harrison , ] r. ,
attended the prayer services at the New
York avenue Presbyterian church in the
afternoon. The number of callers was small ,
and none who came during the day on polit
ical missions worn accepted. Senator Sherman
nnd one or two others who called In socially
were accorded an interview , but politics and
the cabinet were tabooed. Private Secre
tary Hnlford was in his room throughout the
day , nnd was at home to all visitors as usual.
Mr. Ilnlford has dropped into his Washing
ton work like a veteran.
Speaker Carlisle will have a good deal of
d'.nieulty ' in explaining to the people of the
south why ho refused to recognize Air.
Kmitlull for the purpose of calling up Cowlcs
free tobacco bill. Everybody knows that
three-fourths of the people south of Mason
and Oixon's line arc in favor of the measure ,
and that a majority would go oven further
und abolish all of the internal taxes. Great
pressurewas brought to bear
upon Mr. Carlisle to recognize
the free tobacco men and give their
measure a chance. Ho had almost mndo up
his mind to yield at one time , but he was
driven over the line by the most potential in
fluence which can bo brought to bear upon a
Kcntuckiau. A delegation representing the
Monarch whisky company , of Kentucky ,
called upon the speaker at the time when It
was believed he was about to yield to Mr.
Randall for the free tobacco bill , and pro
tested earnestly ngainst any reduction what
ever of the internal taxes. It may not bo
unpopular wjth Mr. Carlisle's school of poli
ticians to c-iter to the whisky element , but It
is refreshing to learn that Its influences did
more than anything else to prevent a hearing
for the free tobacco bill in the house ,
wno suoorsrmi TUACV.
Some speculation has been indulged in ns
to who first suggested General Tracy's
name to President Harrison. Credit should
bo given to Fnanklln Woodruff , of Kings
county , also to Senator Iliscock nnd J. Sloan
Fassctt. They called General Harrison's nt-
tention to the fnct that If it had not been for
the very line political work done by Kings
Vounty the s.tnto would not Imvo been repub
lican. The gentlemen named were the first
to suggest Tracy. 'I'he.v did it at a time wnen
the New York situation was in the greatest
doubt , and when General Harrison was
perplexed ns to just what ho should do In or
der to satisfy the Knickerbockers. They
conceived the idea that there was n good
field for them hero , and they came down to
see what they could do.
Mr. Hlaine's high regard for General
Tracy is indicated by a remnrlc made by him
when the appointment of the Kings county
favorite was under consideration. The
Maine statesman , in discussing the question
with a friend of the general , usked : "iJy
tlio way , wasn't General Tracy one of the
lCO' : ! nt Chicago in 18SO,1 ?
"Yes , " was the reply.
"Well , 1 like him nil the bettor for that , "
responded the next secretory of slate. Those
wno recall the flcreo conflict at Chicago ex
pressed most agreeable surprise when they
lieard the remark.
When Colonel William H. Bajrd , Timothy
Woodruff nnd Clarence Knnawu called upon
the president-elect and expressed m behalf
of the Kings county republicans their grati
tude for the appointment of Colonel Tracy ,
General Harrison observed : "Aren't you n
little premature ! "
"Oh , wo thought it was all fixed except
the mere formality of conflrnmtlon
by the senate , " replied Colonel Hnnnwa.
The president-elect laughed heartily nnd as
sured his visitors that it gratified him ex
ceedingly to learn the projwscd appointment
pleased the republicans in the county they
The cabinet as selected gives very general
satisfaction. It is made up of business men
and men of the highest character ns well as
the most successful records In all of ( he hon
orable avenues OT life.
The conferees on the deficiency bill to-day
agreed upon Senator Paddock's amendment
nppronrlating & 15XX , ( ) for the payment of In
dian depredation claims In Nebraska , certi
fied to congress from the Interior depart
ment. At a late hour to-night the final de
cision has not been reached , but it is ex
pected that the amendment -will secure
The Now York Times this morning has n
vicious attack on John M. Thurston , on ac
count of his speech before the republican
league , In which ho promised that republi
cans would fill the ofllccs under the new ad
ministration. The Times berates Thurston
ns nn ardent admirer of Ululno , a high pro
tectionist and an opponent of civil service
There are fewer Nebrnskans In Washing
ton than were expected , although the state
is fairly well represented.
Miss Claire Kustin , of Omaha , returned
last night from Virginia Heach , where she
has been spending two v/cck , and. will bo
present at the Inaugural ceremonies.
Senator Manderson is up and about his
rooms to-day , but will hardly "venture out to
attend the Inaugural ceremonies. Ho has
had a narrow escape from a severe attack of
pneumonia , und U still quite fceblo.
Ho was unable to accompany Senator Pad
dock and Mr. Dorsoy with ox-Governor Fur-
nas In their call upon President-elect Harrison
risen ,
George Hrown , Into private , Troop H ,
Ninth cavalry. Fort Koblnuon , has been ad
mitted to the Soldiers' National homo here.
lin I'arnclllU'H.
LONIION , March 3. Archbishop Walsh , of
Dublin , has gent u telegram to Cardinal
Itumpolla , secretary of state , instancing the
case of PIgott as proving that the Parncllltes
hnvu boon misrepresented at the Vatican. It
Is said that n Fcnlun In Paris is prepared to
divulge the source of the first batch of the
Parnoll letters. MacLcan , a conservative
member of parliament , says that Hal four
warned the Times u year ago -that Pigott
was unreliable.
The Pennsylvania Hvlctiuiis.
Pirisnrito , Pa , March : > . A Now Caatlo ,
Pa. , special suys : Everything was quiet at
Carbon last night und to-day. The evicted
strikers all found shelter with friendly farm
era. The work of evicting the balance of the
striUlnir quurrymon will bo finished Tuesday
morning ,
TlioVentticir IiulicatloiiH.
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota ; Fair ,
slijjlitly cooler , northwesterly winds.
IT UMC \ cnvnvv crc inv
11 WAo A oUnuAl oliojiUi > .
But Harmony Wa3 Not Ono of It3
Distingulshod Foaturos.
DCCIHMCH ObstrcperoiiH ,
i'lnceil Under Arrest , ami
A. Tumult In
the House.
WASHINGTON1 , March 3. The executive
session of the senate continued until 1:4' : ) a.
m. , when the doors were reopened nnd n
number of urivatu bills passed. At 2:15 : a.
m. the senate took a recess until 3 p. in. ,
when the enrolled bills were signed , and
then took another recess until 3 p. m. , the
evening session to bo for consideration of
general business.
The night session began nt 8 o'clock. The
first bdslness transacted was the prosontu -
lion and adoption of the conference report1)
on the bill to provide for the allotment of
lands in severally to the united Peorlas and
Miamis in Indian territory , nnd the Indian
appropriation bill. Tlio bill ns agreed to is
In nccordnncc with the senate propo
sition In the Oklahoma matter.
The house paragraph looking to
the organisation of n territorial government
was struck out and the substitute of the sen
ate adopted. Tills substitute provides for
the appointment of three commissioners to
negotiate with the Cherokee nnd all the
other Indians owning or claiming lands west
of the ninety-sixth degree , for a relingulsh-
merit , ot their title or claim to the lands , the
result of the negotiations to bo reported to
the president , and tlio president to mnko a
proclamation of the lands being opened up
for settlement.
Even before the latter report had been
disposed of Mr. Kiddlubcrger wjis endeavor
ing to Interpose a motion to proceed to execu
tive business. The presiding olllccr took no
notice of him at first , but rinally recognized
him , put the motion nnd declared it lost. Ho
repeated his motion , till llnally he was noti
fied by the presiding olllccr that ho would
not be recognized further.
On motion of Mr. Fryo the Union Pacific
funding bill was recommitted to the select
Committee on Pacific railroad indebtedness.
The passage of private bills went on under
unanimous consant. In the meantime Mr.
Hlddlcberger , who had loft the chamber ,
ngain made his appearance and informed the
presiding officer that ho had just telegraphed
to the governor of Virginia his resignation
as senator , because ho could have no recog
nition from the presiding nlllcer. Ho was
now awaiting the answer which would relieve
lievo him from the responsibilities of his
position. He had found that a republican
senutor from Virginia could not be recog
nized by the president of the senate pro
Presiding Officer The statement made
by the senator from Virginia is In violation
of order. The chair directs the senator to
take his scat.
Mr. Uiddlobergor did not obey the order ,
but made another nttcmpt to speak.
Presiding Oflicer The senator will not bo
allowed to proceed further without permis
sion of the senate , which must be on a mo
tion made for that purpose.
8SAs Mr. Hiddieberger still remained stand
ing , the presiding officer added : "The
sergcant-at-arms will see that the orders of
the chair are executed. "
Mr. Uiddloborger took his seat , but ho
didn't keep it. In n few minutes he was up
asain with an objection to a private bill and
was again suppressed. Soon ngain Uiddlo
berger arose , and was informed that if ho
persisted in further violation of order ho
would be taken In custody by the sergeaut-
nt-arms. In n minute or two lie was up
again , and the scrgeant-ut-arms was directed
by the presiding ofllcer to execute the orders
of the senate. The serjeant-at-arms and
one of his assistants took Mr. Hiddieberger
in charge nnd led him out of the senate cham
ber into the nearest cloak room.
Then the business of the senate was al
lowed to run its regular course. Most of the
bills passed were of a private character.
Among the public bills that wore passed
were the folio wing :
Senate bill appropriating ? 1,200,000 for
the , irchaso of a site and the erection of a
pui - j building at Kansas City.
Senate bill to incorporate the Washington
& Great Fulls narrow gauge railroad com
During n lull in the proceedings , and while
the senate bad no item of business before it ,
two petitions were presented by Mr. Cam
eron , one in favor of Sunday rest and the
other in opposition to it. The pre
siding ofllcer himself contributed
n petition from the citizens of Kan
sas protesting against the passage
of any bill for the observance of Sunday.
Then Mr. Hlair presented a petition from
Philadelphia for a constitutional mncndmenl
against religious or sectarian education in
the public schools.
Mr. Dolph's contribution to the Sunday
rest idea was n motioi. which ho submitted
to discharge the committee on education and
labor from further consideration of bills.
Under the rules the motion went over , nud
at 10 15 the senate took u recess until mid-
On reassembling after recess a message
was received from the house asking for a
further conferdnco on the deficiency bill ,
which was agreed to.
At 13:40 : Mr. Halo presented the confer
ence report nnd explained the action of the
senate conferees. Hegarding the
appropriation for tire French spoliation
claims , the ttmnto conferees had
felt that the ssnato had committed itself
distinctively in favor of those claims nnd nn
appropriation to cover them , but It was evi
dent that the condition of the house was
such that it was Impossible to pass the de
ficiency bill there with the spoliation
provision loft in it. Not only
would the dellcleney bill itself
bo imperilled , but the deadlock
caused by it wouln prevent action on other
important matters. Therefore the senate
conferees had felt constrained to recede
from their position on this provision , The
report was agreed to and at 1 o'clock the
senate proceeded to consideration of execu
tive business. _
WASHINGTON , March ii. When the speaker
called the house to order at 3 o'clock to-day
every scat in the galleries was occupied and
an overflow crowd charged through the cor-
'rldors. The speaker said tnore were upon
, the table various senate bills and a veto
message from the president. Ho would like
to have the scnso of the house ns to whether
he should now lay them before the house.
On motion of Mr. Mills , by unanimous con
sent , the speaker was requested to lay the
senate bills before the house , but withhold
the veto message. Acting In conformity
with this request , the speaker laid before
the house the senate bill Increasing to 1.750 , ;
000. the limit of cost for a public building
ut Detroit , Mich. , which was passed.
On motion of Mr. Heed the senate bill was
passed granting n pension of fjO u month to
the widow of General J , H. Hunt.
Mr. Suycrs of Texas submitted the con
ference report on the deficiency appropria
tion bill. An agreement bus been reached
on all points of difference except the amend
ments of the senate relating to the water
supply of the District of Columbia ; provid
ing for the payment of the French spoliation
claims , and the grunting of an extra month's
salary to the senate reporters.
The report was agreed to , und the question
uro o as to whether the conferees should re
ceive any instructions relating to the existing
points of difference. After some discussion
consideration of the report was suspended to
tiimblu Mr. Peel of Arkansas to submit the
conference report on the Indlt.ii appropria
tion bill , and it was ntrreed to ,
Mr , McCroary reported favorably on the
Kdmunds' resolution In regard to the con
struction of the Panama canal. Placed on
the calendar.
The deficiency bill again being taken up ,
the French spoliation claims amendment of
the senate was read.
Mr. Springer of Illinois1 , naked unanimous
consent that the house WsHl upon disagree
ment. Intimating that unless his request was
net-ceded to ho would filibuster ngnlnst the
bill. t
Mr. McComas of Maryland , having object
ed to the request , Mr. Springer carried out
his threat by moving n rqccss untlll 8 o'clock.
After some delay the botiso took u recess
until 8 o'clock.
When the house mot at 8 o'clock this even
ing Mr , Sayew was'hccorded ttio iloor , with
the deficiency bill. Mr. Saycrs yielded the
Iloor BO Mr. Springer , nnd that gentleman
moved R recess until I ) o'clock.
Mr. Cnswell of Wisconsin expressed as
tonishment that the gentleman in charge of
the deficiency bill should yield the floor to an
avowed lllitmstcrcr , and Inquired whether
the gentleman's objset jiyas to defeat the di
rect tax bill , which two-thirds of the house
Mr. Sayers replied tliut-tho object was to
pass the deficiency bill.
A vote was then taken on the motion for a
At naif past 8 Mr. Springer withdrew his
motion for a recess and Instantly Mr. Sayors
moved that the house insist upon its dis
agreement to the amendment.
Mr. McComas then moved that the house
recede frquvtho disagreement.
Then the house was thrown into n tumult ,
Mr. Sayers claiming the Iloor , nnd Mr. Mc
Comas and his friends Insisting that the floor
bo accorded to him.
The spcaKor pro tern , Mr. Hatch , recog
nized Mr. McComas to mnko n motion , but
decided that. Mr. Buyers } vas entitled to the
floor , a decision which called forth angry
protests from the republican side. For ten
minutes the galleries Were entertained by
viewing one of the noisiest scones which has
been presented In the house during the pres
ent session. ' '
The two hours' dobatov which ensued was
participated In by Messrs. Mansur , Me-
Comas , Dibble , Kcrr and Bland. They were
continually interrupted by laughter and ap
plause. *
Mr. Hland llnally moved n recess , and un
til 11:110 : the house relapsed into a state of
inanition. At that llour Mr. McComas
said lie was willing to' withdraw
his motion to recede und to
allow a square vote to bo tnken
on Mr. Sayers' motion to insist on disagree
ment. Hut this was distasteful to the ene
mies of the French spoliation claims , and u
chorus of objections to BUch procedure came
from the democratic side. Again , after
another half hour had been consumed in a
vain endeavor to secure u quorum , Mr. Say
crs nskcd that the house insist upon disagree
After n slight colloquy the bill was re
turned to n conference.
Mr. Payson of Illinois was then recog
nized for n motion to suspend the rules ror
the passage of the land forfeiture bill prac
tically as it passed the sdljato.
Mr. Crisp of Georgia , called up as a question
tion of highest privllcge'lthd Snllivan-Felton
contested election case , .and then the filibust
ering was transferred to * the other hide of
the chamber , Mr. McKcnna of California ,
making a motion for a recess.
The motion for a recess having been voted
down Mr. Payson , in tho.interest of the land
forfeiture bill , raised a tfiestion of consider
ation and Mr. Caswell of Wisconsin , second
ed him in the interest of the direct tax bill.
Then filibustering was" again transferred to
the democratic side and jnotlons entered for
While the tellers were in position keeping
a desultory count of the members who
strolled between them , Mr. Warner of Miss
ouri , made an earnest effort to secure the
pasbugc of the senate bill-for a public build
ing at Kansas City , but Mr. Lynch ef Penn
sylvania , objected. - . }
Mr. Hlanchurd of Louisiana obtained the
atcenuion of the hou c" fcy offering resolu
tions protesting ngams .that part''Ofthe. ;
arrangement for the Inauguration"'mndo b'y
the senate which the members
of the bouse and the mem
bers-elect of the Fifty-first congress
a subordinate place In tlio ceremonies
t Hereof , and saying that. ) t is the right nnd
privilege of the house to participate equally
with the sonyto In the arrangement thereof.
The resolution agreed to.
"i'he conference roporton the sundry civil
bill was submitted nnd acrced to. The sen
ate recedes fsom the Walfo amendment nnd
practically from the steam press amendment ,
the royalty remaining nfcl cent per 1,003 Im
pressions , i ;
The house then , at 2:30 , took a recess until.
0:55 : a. m.
Tlio Financial Transactions ul * tlio
1'nst Week.
HOSTON , Mass. , Marclj 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hin. ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
thcmamigcrsof the leading 1 caring-houses
of the United States , shows tno gross ex
changes for the week ended March 'J ,
1SS9 , with rates per cent of inci case or de
crease as compared with the amounts for
the corresponding wcoty'in 1SSS :
* Not Included In totals ; no clearing house
last .year. J
A Complaint Krdm Mexico ,
WASHINGTON , Marches. The president to
day transmitted to the"bouse a communica
tion from the sccrotnri''bf ' state , stating that
ho is In receipt of complaints from certain
citizens of Texas tlmt/tjio' Mexican authori
ties nt Paso Del Norti arc building dams in
the Itlo Grande and causing eraslons on the
American side of the river.
Dr. Tniuuir Jnllecl.
DUIIUN , March ! i Dr. Tanner , member of
parliament for Qark- who was arrested in
London Friday last ; arrived ut Clonmcl thi < t
morning. Tanner ref isod to enter the
prison wagon , whereupon .tliroo constables
forced him In and held "him on Iho seat. A
crowd followed the wagon , groaning and
throwing stones at the police both before and
after the prison wds reached. Six persons
were arrested.
.Tlio Patriotic
PAIIIS , March i Five tlumsand letters
were seized In Uio pRlco of t'.ip Patriotic
League. A cursory examination shows u
largo number of letter * to bo from sub
alterns and iiQUTofllcuni In tlio uriny , and In
dicate the udbercnca of the writers to Uou-
An Important Mooting of the Phar
macy Commission.
Its Investigations IJCIK ! to ( ho Dlsoov-
nry of a Simple ) Itenunly Kor
Dliilitlicriu toxva'n Outstand
ing Indebtedness.
Thi ; IMitirinney ComniiRiloii.
DK * MOINUS. la. , March ! ) . JSpecIal to
Tut : line. ] Ono of the most important , but
( pilot meetings of the past week , was that of
the state pharmacy commission. Tlio com
missioners met in session here for several
days , und transacted n large amount of busi
ness and planned further work for the
future. The general public knows but very
little about this commission nnd the work It
is doing. Vet It Is a power In the state , and
more so than ever slnco prohibition went
into effect. When tlio board was organized
a few years ngo , the pharmacy business in
lifts state was in a very demoralized condi
tion , and n great ninny incompetent and irre
sponsible men were engaged in it , and the
public was largely at the mercy of baphaz-
? iml druggists. Hut the commissioners
began to grade up the business nnd weed out
the incompetents nnd thus protect the public
health and morals. Since the board was or
ganized it has Issued Il.iitK ) certificates to
druggists ; that is , It has certified to that num
ber of persons ns being competent to do n
prescription business , handle d.-ugs , etc.
Uut nt present there are less tlmn
lSill ) licensed pharmacists in the state.
A largo part of the number of these who
have gone out of the business wore irre
sponsible or law-breaking druggists , and
have been weeded out by the requirements
of business , ortho enforcement of law. Under
the law passed by the last legislature the
sale of liquors is confined and limited to
registered pharmacists. Great care Is taken
to see that only responsible druggists got
permits to sell liquor , nnd the commissioners
have the power to revoke any druggist's cer
titlcnto who is guilty of violating his liquor
permit. That holds him down to great care
fulness , and in view of other restrictions and
responsibilities , the number of druggists
who want to bother with liquor permits Is
comparatively small.
A your or two ago the number of druggists
who sold liquor was very large. In fact , the
drug store larcely supplied the place of the
banished saloon. Drug stores sprang up as
if by magic , far exceeding the normal de
mand for more pharmaceutical wares. Uut
the new law has changed all tnat. Now no
druggist can sell liquor without n special
permit niul it is so much work to get n per
mit nnd so much responsibility after it is ob
tained that not many druggists want the
trouble or risk of a permit. If a stranger
should come into Iowa and want to know
how many places there nre in the city where
ho could buy liquor legitimately the books of
the pharmacy commission would show him
that there uro just ll with one county
recorder to hear from. Of the
ninety-eight counties reporting , Polk
county , including the city of DCS Moines ,
has the largest number of permits ,
or eighteen. That represents the total num
ber of drug stores in this city and county
where liquor can bo bought for legitimate
uses. Woodbury county , including Sioux
Citj. * , comes next with thirteen , then Carroll
with eleven , then JPottownttatnte'rlncluding'
CoilncirniuftsVwIth nine , though' ills'sur
mised that in the latter , liquor could bo
bought ai some drug stores that are not per
mitted by law to sell it. There are forty
counties in the state that have not taken out
a single druggist permit to sell liquor. In
some instances It is possibly because the
driigglsts believe they can sell without , or
rather because saloons are open , nnd it is not
necessary to go to drugstores for liquor. Uut
in the most of the count'cs ' in the list there
is so little demand for liquor ] that the drug
gists don't care to bother with the trade.
The following is a list of the non-permit
counties. *
Adams , Allamnltce , Appanoosc , Audubon ,
Hremer , Uucna Vista , Cedar , Cherokee ,
ChieUnsaw , Clay , Clayton , Crawford ,
Dubuque , Fremont , Greene , Henry , Howard ,
Humboldt. Iowa , .Inckson , JohnsonKossuth ,
Linn. Louisa , Lyon , Madison , Mills , Mitch
ell , Monroe , Montgomery , Muscatlne , Paso ,
Poweshick , Shelby , Story , Warren , Wash
ington , Winnebago , Winneshick , Worth.
The pharmacy commissioners are plaunln g
n new scheme for making their work more
effective. They propose to have a complete
prescription case kept nt the rooms of the
commission in the capitol , nnd then when a
candidate applies for u cortilicato they will
give him , in addition to his written examin
ation , n chance to do soito practical work.
They will make him mix pills and put up
prescriptions before them , and thus ascer
tain his Illness to do the work for ether
Tlio Stuto IJoiird ofHcaltli.
DBS MOINKS , la. , March a. ( Special to
Tun DEE. ] The Iowa state board of health
has found that its chief light this winter has
been against diphtheria. There has been a
good deal of the disease in the state and rigid
quarantine has been frequently necessary.
The board In looking around for some reme
dies and. preventatives heard of certain ex
periments that had been made by Dr. Hcrr ,
one of the health commissioners of Prussia.
They wrote to him for a copy of n paper
\vhlch ho presented nt tlin ] ] qrin ) cungrcss ,
and received itund In addition received from
him a letter describing his remedy for dinh-
thcria. As it Is very simple nnd of easy ap
plication it may interest the readers of Tin :
Hni : as well. The letter was as follows :
Kvniioii , Prussia , Jan. JiS , 1SS3. Secretary
Iowa State Hoard of health : In reply to your
favor of January fi ( which I received yester
day , I have the honor to herewith transmit
to you my pamphlet concerning the remedial
effects of yeast. I have used it thirty-live
years , first in cases of scurvy , and for ten
years In diphtheria. I have Been in children
almost momentary relief from its line In se
vere cases ot diphtheria. Fever is reduced
In thirteen hours three and three fourths de
grees Fahrenheit. I Imvo used the sumo
remedy with good results In scarlet fever ,
measles and cholera Infantuin. I desire to
ndd that nlnco my pamphlet was published I
have seen my statements therein concerning
the curability of diphtheria' confirmed in
many Instances. Nor is there any doubt
that typhus in all its forms may bo cured
by yeast , und that old cases yield to this
remedy. I have made iV proposition to tno
United States government to cause yeast to
bo tested in cases of yellow fever , and I
scarcely entertain any doubts as to Its result ,
us I have , byadminlstorlng largo doses of this
remedy two hundred to two hundred and
llfty grams , broken lip severe cases of ty
phus. ' I
The entire hnrnilcssncss of yeast permits
its use in largo quantities.
In xevero cubes of dlnhthcrln , wo glvo
children , every hour from six to eight grains
of fluid j-ciiRt. and also cause the mouth and
fauces tbo > mopped , ut the same intervals ,
with a mixture of ono part yeast and live or
six parts water. If this is done energetically ,
und In time , Uio result is prompt und favor
able , 1 am , respectfully , DJI. Huuu ,
An Appeal For JtolfoT
DBS MOINKS , la. , March a. [ Special to
TUB UEB. ] When the railroad commission
ers prepared their schedule of rates they
adopted four classifications for the different
classes of roads , allowing the weak little
roads to charge a good deal more than the
strong ones. Uut experiment lias shown that
the concession practically amounted to noting ! ) -
ing , since the little roads were all touched ut
competing points by the big rouds und no hud ,
to make the sumo rateu us the strong
roods. This has worked great mischief for
some of the small rouds , und unless they get
relief they ure threatened with bankruptcy ,
The DCS Moines ft Northwestern , n narrow
pnnpo rend running from this place to
Fondoln Pocahontns county , belongs to thnt
class. Last year It was operated nt n net
loss of fiS.OOO , an.1 If It lias to luo the com
missioners' schedule of rates for thii year
its nctlosn December 31 will bo fllK ( ) ( ) , al
lowing nothing for interest on Its bond * or
revenue upon Its investment. Tlio road has
appealed to Hie commission fur relief , and
Insists that if the rates are not nyscd it can
not continue In business. The little roads
nro all being badly pinched.
The StntoV
Drs Mnixi : , In. , March il.--fSpcclal to
Tin : HiiJ : The outstanding indebtedness
of the state Is being rapidly reduced , nnd by
the 1st of January , IMIO , It is expected thnt
Iowa's books will balance , with a little sur
plus on the credit side. 1'reasnror Twom-
bloy is making nrrangements now to pay off
n largo block of outstanding warrants. Ho
has given the thirty days notice required by
law , and thnt stops the interest whether
warrants nre presented for paymout or not.
His last two calls for outstanding warrants
apply to fl'.i.'i.OOO , of which $7. * > , ( HX ) expires
March 7 , and $ r0UOO expires March ! ! 0. Al
though there Is not enough money In thu
treasury nt present to meet this amount , yet
ho expects to have it by the payments of tlio
spring taxes , which nro due to the county
treasurers March 1 , and are promptly for
warded to him. Uy making his calls In this
way ho saves the state about thirty days'
The Vacant .luducKhip.
Dns MOINM-.S , In. , March U. ( Special to
Tun HII : : . | The absence of the governor at
Washington keeps the aspirants for Judge
Heed's seat upon the supreme bench still in
suspense. The governor would probably
have made an appointment before this had
not his libel suit interrupted his work. The
lawyer who was Ins chief attorney in that
trial , Mr. C. A. Hlslinp , is n candidate for
appointment ns district judtre , to succeed
General Given in case the latter is appointed
supreme judge. So the governor will Imvo
nn opportunity to remember bis successful
counsel should he desire , by choosing Judge
Given to succeed Judge Heed.
Two Old Veteran * .
Dns MOIXKS , la. , March II. [ Special to
Tim HUB. ] There will bo two old veterans
from lown who will march to-morrow in
General Harrison's regiment as his body
guard at the inauguration. are Cap
tain T. J. Donne , of this city , nud G. W.
Short , of Webster City. Captain Doano Is
one of the janitors nt the state house , and ho
abounds in reminiscences of whnt his old
colonel used to say and do when they were
In the army together. He is probably the
proudest man that bus gone to Washington.
Hon. James Imird on His Way to tlio
HASTINGS , Neb , , March 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 13ii : : . ] James Laird started for
Washington this morning In company with
Charles H. Paul and wife. He is worse than
ono month ago , but his presence in Wash
ington is regarded ns prudential lor both
personal and political reasons. In case of an
extra session ho could bo present to vote
nnd thcrely assist republicans with their
small majority to organize the house.
Gone to Kansas.
AuiifKN , Neb. , Murcji. 3. [ Special to Tn n
Ur.u.J The brother and sister of the Into
James Williams sold out everything belong
ing to the deceased 'and both left for Kansas
lastrilghtr Thby 'rnfiisod to pay the reward
for the capture of Skillmnn , but finally set
tled it for $ -200. Public opinion is strong in
favor of Skillumn and his ruined sister.
Sons of Votcrans ,
ATKINSON , Neb. , March 8. [ Special to
Tin : HKK.I Scott camp of Sons of Veterans -
was established here , last night with thirty
members and the fdllowing officers : Cap
tain , Frank 13. Smith ; first lieutenant , Stove
Dowling ; second lieutenant , Nicholas
O'Hricn : Jlrsa sargeant , Harry W , Mnthewa ;
Q. M. S. , ChildalCom. ; Ser. , Charles Uca-
MUNT , Neb. , March 3. ISpecial to Tuc
Hun. | The excitement over the cattle-steal
ing which has been done Is gradually dying
out. The vigilantes have not hanged anybody
yet and are not likely to now. It is quite
plain thnt the suspected men will all bo re
leased and the same state of affairs will pre
vail another season.
Tlio Grand Island Gun Glut ) .
GKANU IsiANi ) , Neb. , March 3. [ Special
to THE UIR. ] The following is the score of
the Grand Island cun club at their shoot nt
seventy blucrocks :
S. H. Fleek. M ; Fred Palmer , CIR. ; P.
O'Neill , 57 ; M. Wilkins , SI ; George Everett ,
| M ; ( J. Perry , -11 ; 11. .1 , Palmer , 43 ; W. IX
iloulton , iii ( ; J. C. Gershpackcr , ! " ; 12. Hock-
cnbergcr , 4'J ' ; G. F. Pcrrln , 8S.
Will Bo Taken .to the Hospital.
ATKINSON , Neb. , March 3. [ Special to
Tun HIB. : I M. S. Shaffer , a farmer and old
soldier living near this place , who has been
subjected to occasional violent attacks of in
sanity , was taken with smother yesterday
and bccuma so violent that his family was
compelled to send for assistance. It is likely
ho will be taken to the hospital for the In
sane for treatment.
Another City Hall.
GUANO ISM MI , Neb. , March 3. [ Special to
Tun Uiu. : I Plans have been adopted for the
erection of a city ball fiOxGO , three stones ,
with basement ami nil the modern improve-
mentH ut a cost of $ . ' 5,01)0. )
Ht. Louis IiiioriUH ! Investigate the
Hcornt Republican Mnjorlty.
ST. Louis , Mnrch 3. The first fruits of the
investigations of the democratic state com
mittee into the big republican majority In St.
Louis nt thu November election , Is given in
several columns of space In thu two morning
papers. . A complete canvass of the city ha *
been made Under direction of Assistant
United States District Attorney Knapn , anil
in the reports received by that official It is
claimed thut dead men , non-residents and
negroes not designated us colored on the reg
istration lists wore voted. The assertion Is
madu thnt prominent citizens uro Involved ,
nnd u great sensation is promised. As u result
of these investigations four persons , all col
ored , have been arrested by United States
authorities. It is said that other arrests will
ICirhiiakcH ; : | In Kuundor.
ST. HtuVA : , Ecuador ( via Gulveston ) ,
March 3. A shari > shock of earthquake was
felt hero at 11:15 : last night , It lusted about
fifteen seconds , und wus followed u few min
utes later by four other bhocks. The shocks
were felt nt Intcrvuls during the night and
to-day. ,
GiuvAQUf.r , , Ecuador ( via Gnlvcston ) ,
March 3. A violent shock of earthquake
was experienced heru at 11:03 : last night.
> During thu night und this morning thcro
were thirteen other shocks of less severity.
Telephone wires are down , and a panic pre
vails among the people.
Hliinwooii Kiolcoil to Oo < itli.
WASHINGTON , Murcli 3. - The president
"to-day transmitted to the liouuu supplemental
correspondence In regard to the killing of
United States Consular Agent Btunwood at
Madagascar. It appear * from the corro-
8K > nduncc , which U very voluminous , thut
Stanwb'od , while acting a peacemaker In an
altercation in which Captain | ) nvorge wai a
principal , ' was kicked and killed by Duvcrgo ,
who claim's to bo an American.
Two of the Most Interesting So3-
Blona In the Country's History.
riox'olnnd DNtlnmils'irM Himself Uy
Vctolnu More MIIN Thnn All
HiH Predecessors Comlilnuil
Tin ; Now LIMV.H.
It WUH : \ Kruord llronkcr.
W\MiiNinox , Maivh : i Undoubtedly the
most noteworthy net of the Fiftieth congress ,
which closes nt noon to-morrow , bus boon
the nassnge of the net by which there will
be nn addition of four new stars to the na
tional colors. The first session was mndo
unusually interesting by the fact that the
national election was near nt hand , nnd that
the lines of both parlies were closely drawn ,
with the leaders watching eagerly for every
opportunity that might give them nn advant
age , however slight , in the approaching con
test. Although the measure which caused
the prolongation of the llrat session to a
tlmo beyond nil precedent fulled of enact
ment and resulted In nothing cave a mighty
torrent of debate , congress never
theless achieved a considerable amount
of work. Mora bills have been
Introduced and more enacted Into Inw than
during nnyother congress. In the matter ot
vetoes , the theretofore unsurpassed record
of the Forty-ninth congress has been beaten ,
President Cleveland disapproving more bills
during the last two years of his administra
tion than during the llrst two , lit ) 1ms vetoed
directly Si7S bills , 1ft" more than nil his pre
decessors combined from Washington down ,
while n number of bills have ueen objected
to by a "pocket" veto.
During the two sessions there have boon
introduced in the house K'.O.VJ bills , or 1,400
more than in the preceding congress , and "OS
joint resolutions , or 5 more than in the
Forty-ninth congress. Committee reports
have been mndo to the number of 4,1,14.
In the senate 3v.iS bills nnd 1M Joint resolutions - .
lutions Imvo been Introduced , against ; i'C , > 7
bills und US resolutions during the Forty-
ninth congress , which broke all previous rec
ords in tnis respect.
There were y,7X ! written reports made , or
over < ( ) > ) in excess of the nrecedlng congress.
Of all these bills and joint resolutions 1,781) )
became laws , of which number 1,11)0 ) origin
ated in the house nnd ( 'Ml in the senate. The
president also sent veto messages in the case
of ' .I'.l house and 47 venate bills , or 14 moro
vetoes than were made during the previous
congress. f
Of the house bills which became laws , 833
were private bills and 3. " > ! j measures of public
character. All of the ll'.l house bills vetoed ,
except S , were cither private pension or relief
bills. The S public bills are as follows :
To quiet the title of settlers on the DCS
Moines river lands , in Iowa ; for the sale of
Indian lands in Kansas ; for the disposal of
the Fort Wullis military reservation In
Kansas ; authori/.lng the improvement of
Castle Ishind.'Hoston harbor ; for the ccrtifl-
clitlon of IiiniisJ to the state of Kansas for
the benefit of agriculture nnd mechanical
arts ; for the erection of public buildings nt
Columbus , Gu. , Allcntown , Pit. , Council
liluffs , lu. , and Unr Harbor , Mo.
Some of the more Important house bills
which become laws are the followfng :
For a conference of the South nnd Central
American nations in Washington in May
next ; to dlvido the great Sioux reservation
in Dakota ; the Chinese cxclusleivact ; for ( ho
protection 'of United Stales ofilclals la
Indian tqrritory'to ; authorize the condtnnna-
tlon oMand'foi'-sitoa for public buildings ;
creating a department ( it agriculture , the
bend of the department to bo n cabinet
officer ; to establish a department of lubbr ;
to create boards of arbitration or commis
sions for settling controversies or differences ,
between inlcr-stute common carriers und
their employes.
Hills originating in the senate became laws ,
to the number of GUI. of which 401) ) were of a
private character. Forty-seven senate bills
wore vetoed , the most important being those ,
for the erection of public buildings at
YouiiRstown , O. , und Sioux City , In. , and
thu direct tax bill. Uy far the most Import
ant of the senate bills enacted Into
law has been the omnibus territorial
admission bill , by which North and South
Dakota , Washington mid Montana territories
may acquire statehood. Among the other
senate bills placed on the statute book nro
the following : To provide for the warehous
ing of fruit brandy ; to increase the pension
for thu loss of both hands , nnd ali > o for deaf
ness ; to Incorporate the Nicaragua Canal
company ; to provide state homes for the
bupport of disabled soldiers ; to prohibit the
coming of Chinese laborers to the United
States ; to allow any honorably discharged
boldier or sailor who has abandoned or rolin-
( inishcd his homestead entry to make
miuiuur ; to change the time of inectlag ol
thu electoral college ; ratifying the Creek In
dian agreement ; to enable the president 'to
protect the interests of the United
States In Panama ; to protect the
Alaska fur , .seal und salmon fisheries ;
directing the secretary of the Interior to In
vestigate the practicability ot constructing
water storage reservoirs in the arid region ,
and the erection of now public buildings or
enlargement or change of existing buildings
ut several cities.
Congress nlso passed bills to pension Mrs ,
Shcridun , Mrs. Logan , Mrs. Frank A. Ululr ,
und to retire General Kosccrans.
There have been Included In this state
ment of bills which have become laws those
In the pres'dcnt'H ' hands awaiting his signa
ture. Quito u number of these are subject
to "pocket" veto nnd the '
n , president's uo-
tmn in regard to them may , ol course , mod
ify this btntement to b'omu extent. Them
nre also pending u number of measures
which may yet be passed , bin the work of
congress Is practically complete.
Three hundred nnd thirty-three bills which
passed the house failed In the senate in con
ic re neo. The must notable rif these were the
Mills tariff bill nnd the Oklahoma bill. Other
important house- measures which fulled are
ns follows : The general land bill und general -
oral forfeiture bill ; to prevent the product'of
convict labor being used by uny government
department department or upon publiu buildr
ings or public works ; to amend the Internal
revenue laws by relaxing the rigors of the
lawn ; authorizing the llvo civilized trlbes'to
lease their lands , nubjee.t to the approval of
the secretary of the Interior ; authorizing tlio
Issue of fractloriarsallor certificates ; to pre
vent the employment of alien labor on public
buildings or other work * , mid In the various
departments of tUe government ; to forbid ,
theNorthern Pacific hind grant ; to proviilo J
for the revocation und withdrawal of lands
made lor the benefit 01 certain railroads ) the
fisheries retaliation bill recommended by the
Six hundred uud eighty-four bills , after
passing , fulled through ono cause or anotlicr
to reach the president. The most important
nro us follows : Declaring the BCJLSO of the
United Stales with respect to foreign control
of the Panama canal ; the Jijulr education
bill ; dependent pension bill ; providing for
thu Inspection of incuts , and prohibiting Uio
importation of adulterated urMcles ; tha
Hxvump land bills ; fur the compulsory educu-
tlon ot Indian children ; to uuthoHzo.thoKala
of certain lauds to aliens ; to make- telegraph
companies subject to the regulations ot Urn
inter-stuto eomnimslon ; to retire Genartil
.loim C. Fi onion t ; to ratify tlui southern
Ule Indian ngrucmont.
The following nre among Iho other Import
ant measures which also came to naught :
The Pacific railroad funding bill ; the blUfor
the admission of Utah , Idaho , Wyoming uinl
New Mexico territories ; to declare trusts
unlawful ; to promote commercial union with.
Canada and to uuthorUo the president to
Qpen negotiations with a view to the annexa
tion of the-dominion : to grunt woman buff-
ruge ; to repeal the civil ttervlce law , Internal
revenue laws and the tobavco tax ; to lay'a
graduated Income tax for u bounty on sugar ;
for tlio free coinage of silver ; to repeal tlio
oleomurguriiia act , und various measures pro
poning radical departures lu the pension ,
tariff und Jlnunclul systems.
Twp inniorUint trouVles whlch wore reject-
cd were Iho Canadian Jluherlca und
cxtruditlon convention * .