Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Trices Tlmt Arc Positively the l-oi
cnt Tor Monday.
Ono cnso of ladles' ribbed Jersey vcs
only 15c each , worth IMc.
Ladies' .Torsoy vests nicely trltnm <
on neck and sleeves , , only 25c uac
worth 60c ,
Infant Jersey ribbed vests , 12Jc cac
ribbon tied and worth SMc.
Infant Jersey ribbed vests , sil
trimmed , lOc , worth Me.
Gents fancy suspenders English woi
only 15c , worth -10c.
1K ( ) do/ , gents unlaundricd shirts we
made nnd'porfcct lilting , only Me , goc
value at oOc.
Just received our spring styles of boy
fancy shirt waists.
"We flliow the and largest sloe
of waists west of Chicago.
1 Joys' fancv Percale shirt waists , faiu
patterns , only -'Jo ' each ; these nold las
teuton for oOo.
] 3oys' hhio seersucker waists , SO
pleated front and back ; also same wai
with band and patent buttons , only M
Wo carry a full line of Star shii
waists at prices just one-half rcguln
On Monday our hosiery doptvrtmoi
will bo well represented with man
bargains. 1 cnso of Indies' brown ba
lriggnn hose only 15c per pair , actual !
wortli iWc.
Ladies' hairline stripes and rcg'iln
made only loc nor pair , worth 2oc.
Childrens' blaokcotton hose , scamlci
and good to wear only lUic , worth " 01
Ladies' fast black hose , guarantee
stainless or money refunded.
US doIndies' black silk hose only 801
reduced from 81.1M.
On Monday Dr. Warner's sun rise coi
sot only "fie , worth $ !
Queen French woven corsets only 69 (
others ask 7 < 5c.
On Monday a genuine 7 hook Fostc
kid glove in tans , mahogany and blacl
only.l , worth $1.60.
Our prices are always the lowest o
wall paper.
Dry goods , IGth st. Siilc For Monday.
200 doz. checkeo napkiiiB 20c a dp ;
150 doz. fancy colored napkins , Se cacl
Glass checked toweling Tie , 8c and 1C
a yard. Plain white toweling atlit
Be , ( ! c , 7c , 8c and lOc a yard. Brow
twilled toweling 4jc. Special bargain
in table linen at i5c ! , 45c. 60c and ( ic ( )
yard. Now York mills muslin at lOc
yard. H bales yard-wide sheeting , un
bleached , at 7jo a yard. This is th
best bargain wo over olTerod in II n
shootings. Yard-wide muslin .5c , ( ic , 7
and 8c a yard. Now styles of y.ophy
striped or checked gingham at lOc
yard. Now challics at ( ic a yard. An
other shipment of sateens just arrived
Plush trimmed tidies nt 250 and H5i
Felt ttiblu scarfs , new styles , at 75c am
81. Special bargains in line feather pil
lows. Remnants at a big reduction
New wall paper just in.
A ChniitUiiia ! | McotiiiKnt the Gr.anil
A meeting will bo held this evening at th
Grand opera house In the interest of th
Council Libia's and Oinahn Cluuitmiqua as
Bombl.v. Hev. Dr. Uuryca , Kev. T. M. House
Key. W. J. Harsha nnd others will spcaK.
Cnrtl of
DKUNRWICIC , Me. , Fob. 28. To tin
Editor of Tun OMAHA BKK. Dear Sir
I wish through your paper to extern
my thanks to my friends and to tin
lodccs of Oddfellows ana Knights o
Pythias for their kindness and sympathy
shown me in ipy late bereavement , th <
death of my husband , Samuel Lombard
Nel > rankn Furniture Company.
GOO , GOS North 10th street. Our now
stock of chamber suites , folding beds ,
book cases have arrived , a line assort
ment of carpets , shades , draperies , etc ,
Goods sold on weekly and monthly pay
Fine piano tuning at A. Hospe's.
Ilohetnian Hull.
1315 , 1317 and 1319 S. 13th st.
Restaurant , lunch and boor hall.
Lunch served day or night. Dance
every Saturday and Sunday.
Following aretho marriage licenses issued
yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
j John A , Kline , Albright , Neb . 2(1
( Solla Otkutcr , Albright , Neb . 17
I Fred G. Hrown , Calnoun , In . 23
1 Hannah Johnson , Urookticld , Mo . 2a
< Charles ICunath , Omaha . 38
1 Mary Speck , Omaha . 2fi
J Charles Light , Omaha . 24
( Flora llrown , Omaha . 1(1 (
Fast Time to Chicago.
The Burlington No. 2 , a solid vesti
bule express , with dining car , free re
clining chair car and Pullman palace
cars of the most elegant design , sup
plied with free libraries , hot ami cold
water in the lavatories , etc. , now loaves
Omaha daily at 8:60 p. in. , arriving at
Chicago at 8 a. in. This is the best
train from Omaha to the oust. It makes
but few stops , and there nro no tedious
waits for connections , thus insuring its
being on timo. Ticket ollico 1223 Far-
mini street.
E. J. Davis , safe moving , etc. ; ofllco
410 S. loth St. , Shcely block. Telephone
1153. 1JL
_ _ _ _ _ _
Genuine Rock Springs coal at $0.50in
fitovo B\7.o. \ Jell W. Bedford , 14th and
The Motor People ) Ility Imnd.
A warranty deed convoying lots ono and
two in block lO''X to the Omaha Motor Hall
way company was lllod yesterday with
Register of Deeds Megcatb. The transfer
was made by Charles C , nnd Maria 1 ,
Housol. The consideration was 810OOU.
I Reduced IlntcH to Washington , I ) . O.
; Pobrmiry 27 toMnroh 2 inclusive , the
C. M. ft St. P. Ry. will soil round trip
tickets Omaha to Washington , D. O. ,
] ' good to return until March 11 , tit half
> rates. Cloao ronnectlons with fust
* trains nt Chicago. Ttcicot ollico 1501
v Parntim Bt , Darker block. J. II. Green ,
* city ticket ugont.
* Auulleni.
i Fine flat , 3rd story , ever Hanson's
? grocery , cor. 10th nnd Webster , No.
} 701. Furniture , carpets , stoves and
i ! bedding , Monday , March 4. 10 a. m.
I A. W. COWAN , Auctioneer.
f The Crescent Social * clubs give a
ball at Ilurtiunn's hull Mon
any , March .
I Ilullttlng I'ornutH.
The approach of sprint ; is horalilod by nn
Improvement In the building trade , and the
returns for the month of February nit ) nheael
sf the previous mouth. Permits Imvo bcuu
granted for the erection of buildings to the
amount of t-I1WO , nnd number 70.
Tlio following building poruilta were issued
fp.stt'rdiw :
iVIlllttin liinoraon. one and one-half story
houbo , North Bprlug iirvnua t 1,000
IVllilam Kinunioii. onu And one-Half story
tidiibe. North fprlng nvcuuo 1,000
William Umernou , one and one-Halt story
house , Noitli BprlnuaYenne. . . 1,000
A. O. Hunt , oiiouiory ( rumo nddltlon to
fotluge , l' rk IMttco 100
' ' . Four permits- . . . . ' . . . , . . . . . . , . „ . . ! 'J.100
. i i i
"How tlio Yankees kept America * "
IIAYD13N linos.
Kinhrnlilcrf nnd I-noo 8nlo Moncln
Having just received a splendid llr
of absolutely now styles in ombroldo
les , wo propose to make the tlncst cli
play ever attempted in this city. Th
is no doubt talking with great assu
once , but the preparations have boo
great , and your opinion will be sougl
with great interest. The main contt
nislo will bo entirely devoted to th
display. Kvery article will be mnvkc
in plain figures , nnd the prices will I
lower than ever before for fine goods
The lace stock Is largo and full of bai
gains , Tlio flnost imported machin
mndo linen torchons , Co per doz. ynri
nnd rise 2c each number. Tlio whol
line less than half rcguln
) iiicos. ; The magnitude and in
Iiortanco of this sale makes :
worthy of inspection if you do not wis
to buy at present. The display of pluslu
on Monday will surpass all former oiTnrti
47 shades to select from at ! Ue ) and 0.1
yd , worth ( ic ! ! to $1.00. Special retltit
lions in silks. Every yard warranted t
give satisfaction ; prices 75c , 8Sc. { ) ( ) <
Sloe and $1.00 , worth from $1.00 to $ ! . < !
Surahs atISc , worth OSc ; ntS'ic ' , wort
75c ; at Goc , wortli Sl.M ( ) . Satin rhntl
amas at 75c , worth $1.20 ; falllo Frai :
caiso 7oc , worth $1,2.3. The stock c
black dress goods was never so con
pleto and the prices nro so incrcdibl
low. The late sale on fancy dress good
has 1)oen wonderfully successful. Man
novelties nro added this week in stripe.-
checks , cords and new weaves that inns
bo soon. They are too exquisite for dc
scription. Oif Monday also comes th
opening sale on ladies'and children' '
suits , spring jackets , beaded wraps , jerseys
soys , new blouses , fancy spring shawl
and infants'cloaks. Come and sco th
now styles in wall paper.
Wo will continue our big snk > 01
shoos this week , making the IOWCM
prices wo have over made , in order t
ninku room for our largo stock of sprinj
styles coming.
Don't miss this sale for wo will giv
you value for every dollar you invest.
Dry Goods.
They Were "Worth Repenting.
The Grecian tableaux , which were prt
scnted so acceptably by eight of Omaha'
most charming young ladies at tno Firs
Congregational" church recently , were re
peatcd by request at the Armory last night.
A larger audience oven than the ono thu
crowded into the church chapel nt the lira
presentation , greeted the young ladles bis
night , and under the improved scenic mil
lighting arrangements the tableaux wer
presented in an oven more acceptable man
ncr than at the lirdt entertainment.
There was no change in the programme
and the tableaux wcro.given the sumo us ul
the previous exhibition ! if tlio lack of natura
nervousness evident at the first evening' !
entertainment is cxcepted.
A Curd.
We , the employers of N. B. Falconer ,
respectfully tender our thanks for hi ;
generous resolution to close on Satur
days nt ( ! p. in. , and feel the move grate
ful when we ctnsidor this sacrifice came
voluntarily and without any solicitatior
on our part.
\Vo hope ho may ncvor have cause tc
regret the move ho has p kindly in
augurated in our behalf.
The A. O. II. society are very active
in their preparations for tho"17th o :
March celebration , an important meet
ing for that purpose will be held at thoii
2 o'clock.
hull to-morrow evening at
" \VnotlriiirGr.i ill to Quarry.
I n'm prepared to furnish Woodrufl
granite in paving blocks , door sills and
steps , or blocks of most any dimcntion
at cheap figures. Also handle at mj
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any part of the state. Ask for figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
The Tailors' Strike.
The tailors' strike continues without any
proffers of arbitration being made from
cither side. Eiclity-scvon lourncymcn are
out and oxpiwss the determination to cither
receive the wages they ask or to leave Omaha.
Roll Jordan Roll.
The genuine Fisk Juvenile Singers ,
eight in number , will sing this and
many other melodies in true plantation
style at the First Congregational
ishurch next Tuesday evening.
A splendid entertainment for a
ivorthy cause. _
FRANCE On Thursday morning , February
83 , 18SU , Anne Mill , widow of the late
.lames Franco , a native of Urcchln , Scot
land , in the 74th year of her ago.
Funeral from residence of her son-in-law ,
D. 11. Trnill , 825 Park avenue , on Sunday , 3d
list. , at 2 p. m. Friends are invited.
COXIER At her residence , 005 Leaven-
worth street , nt 0 o'clock lastovcnlng , Mrs.
Mary S. Lozier , wife of Ira S. Lozier.
Funeral Monday , Murch , at 10 u. in. , to
laurel Hill cemetery. _
1'A.Vli R'Y.
Via Omaha anil Council niuTn.
Short line to Chicago and the oast.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago.
The route of the lirst "Golden Gate
Special. "
IJost line to Washington for the inau
guration of President Harrison.
Only direct route to the G. A. R. on-
iampment at Mil waiilcuo.
Everything lirst-class.
First class people patronize first class
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
icll tickets over the Chicago , Milwau-
too and St. Paul railway.
Tlckot ollico 1501 Fnnmin street. F.
V. Nash , General Agent.
"How the Yankees kent America. "
Ilotul SnltoH.
Just received , Nebraska Furniture
iompuny , 000 , 008 North 10th street.
Cheapest moat market , 18lh & Nicho-
ns , Harris & Fshorblk. ? , George Kurz.
Canon City conl. $7 per ton.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , 214 South 13th St.
Police and Flro Slnttorw.
At the meeting of the board of uro and
ollco commissioners last night Oillcor .1. D ,
lurphy was expelled from the force for bo-
ig drunk on his bent.
Mounted OnicerJ , D. Graves was granted
ftcon clays leave of ubcnco , nnd Fireman
i. Cruger was granted ton days.
The resignation of W. S. Kodlleld , a mom-
> er of the hook und ladder companies , was
cec | > ted.
Thomas Hayes. John Doyle nnd George
rovnl , who have been tilling the positions of
uards of thu viaducts , made application to
o appointed patrolmen on the regular force
ho applications were , placed on lllo.
'Jlio board then adjourned ,
Addition and NortliUolil.
All who own contracts for acre lots in *
ho above , knowing them to bo do-
ui ted , will call nt No. 1421 Grntton'a
L'tu obtato ollico Douglas st. at 2 p. in.
nil guttle for same. H > { .nore tlrao is
ranted arrangements can bo arranged ,
not attended to by the first of Anril
11 will bo oloisod according to law.
Jitml wood chamber , suits , 8181001 Nor
raska l-urnlturo company , GOO , ' 008
forth 10th street , * . . ,
Great sale Monday and nil next wcc
of now spring dry goods at way clew
prices. A largolincof nowChlnasilk
all the now Colors , your choice 60c
yard. Now line plushes , handsome lin
of colors , 40c a yard. CO pieces sum
silks , all now colors , Monday .VJc a van
GOO pieces new dress goods , the nobbio !
line ever opened in Omaha ; 75 nleci
30-ln Henriettas 25c , all new shades ; (
jiieccs 80-in all wool serges , bcautifi
line of colors , our price no.xt weak is 6 (
a yard. 1 case 42-ln brUUantlnci
handsamo colors , excellent quallti
cheap at 51 , our price next week "fie
yard. Monday only , 100 dozen knottc
fringe towels , fancy borders , 12J
each , also ono case largo si/o whii
Mnrsailles bed spreads worth $2.60 cac
Monday $1.60 each ; 10 pieces bloache
table dnmnsk , full2yardsvidaMouda ; \
880yard , worth $1.50. Great corset siu
next week ; 1 case Dr. Warner's ' sati
corsets 75c pair ; 1 case French wove
eorsotsfl8c pair ; 200 Persian shawls Moi
day , just for fun , $1 each ; line soorsucl
ors , 8c yard , worth 12J ; standard shin
ing prints , -ISc yard ; now satinos , 1C
yard ; line imported satlnes , 2oo ynrt'
! il-ln bleached muslin , bettor than Ions
dale , 1J ! yards for $1 ; hickory choc
shirtings , / > c yard , only i price ; ne'
carpets , finest line of now patterns eve
brought to Omaha. Como in sure no.x
Properly fitted glasses are now recop
nixed as the only treatment needed fo
nine-tonths of those who BtilVor froi
weak , painful or defective vision. N
M. Uuddy , practical optician , 211 ! :
loth' St. , fits nnd grinds lenses for ai
defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 $
charge for examination of the oycs.
An Old Trick Reproduced Tor tin
Jicncllt ot'the Pacific Const.
William L. Lewis , who was known n
"Doc" in this city four years r.go , and wh (
decamped from Omaha owing about $ S,0K (
has repeated the net in Loa Angeles , Ca !
Ho wns engaged In the livery business on th
coast and tried to be a swell. He got hit
debt heavily , and has left his creditors litho
the lurch.
Lewis left Omaha the latter part of 1SS4
under peculiar circumstances , taking will
him his wife nnd a pretty daughter , ugei
about twenty. Ho conducted a livery stub- ] -
on St. Mary's avenue. All went smooth ! ;
for the llrst. few years , until Lewis took t <
gambling. lie became very dissolute am
is said to have gambled heavily , until dur
ing the last few months of. his stay in till
city lie became known as u profession : !
gambler. His wife mid daughter were vcrj
much grieved over tlio course of the fathe.
und husband , nnd during bis excesses wen
nearly heart broken
Ho was jlnally hoard from mid located n
Los Angeles. It said that he was livnif
a reformed life. How ho managed to "go
into" his creditors so heavily is n mystery.
His creditors In Loa Angeles iiro-mournint
his departure now as much'us Omaha peoph
did four years ago.
' ' ' .
IMoN'amnrn'H I'ricos.
Below will bo found ; i few of the
prices wo are making at our strictly
lirst-cluss meat market , cor. 17 th am
Cuming street. Best cuts of sirloin am
porterhouse steak , lOc per lb ; rount
steak , 8 pounds for 2oc ; chuck steak ,
pounds for 2 > c\ \ good roists ; , Co poi
pound ; choice roasts , So per pound
extra line , lOc ; boiling beef , 3clc , < n
and ( ic per pound ; corned beef , from 4 (
toOc per pound.
All of the choicest kinds of steer bee ]
can bo found at this market. No. ]
sugar cured hams , lie , or sliced for lot
per pound ; picnic hams , Oc ; bacon , lie :
pork , lOc ; veal and poultry at market
Fresh country butter and. cggs'al-
ways on hand at McNamara's market ,
2or , 17th and Cuming st.
Look out for notice of largo house sale
; o como oil Thursday. Parties who arc
joing to sell out this spring should see
is and inako dates as soon as possible as
iVo shall bo very busy from now on.
Dmalm Auction and Storage company ,
Scntcncoil to Ijt'avcnworth.
A special car will depart on the Missouri
with rather "distin
5acilic this morning a
guished" party on board. It will contain ten
irisoners that have bsen sentenced to tlio
nilitary prison ut Fort Lsavonworth from
i'ort Omaha for various offenses. Two of
he furloughed individu ils are sentenced to
. term of live year * onch for desertion. The
irisoners will bo under the supervision of
ive guards on route.
rhc Great London Editor Relates IllH
Experience at School.
The expediency of whipping girls is
.11 odd subject for the Times to discuss
n its columns , says the London Truth.
L'ho great advocate for whipping chil-
iron was Solomon , and to judge by Ro-
loboam it proved a dismal failure. I
, m opposed to giving scoolmasters the
ight to inllict corporal punishment ,
localise many of them are totally un-
itted to be entrusted with such powers ,
'ho punishment would everywhere
ilTor for the Riimo olTonso , for while
no schoolmaster would whip hard an
ther would whip soft. Moreover , ono
light bo a man with a good temper
nd another with a bad tamper and ono
light Hog where another would chide ,
'ho whole thing is brutalizing and
robnbly docs moro harm than good to
ho recipient.
1 wns tit a private school. The mas-
3r was an unmitigated rulllmi. If wo
id anything wrong during school hours
' < i were told by an usher to Bland on a
> rm. The master sulforod from luiu-
ngo. Periodically ho used to crawl
ute the room on all fours , rear up when
0 came close to a bov standing on a
jrin , nnd proceed to boat him
ivngoly with a cano I bo-
eve that ho thought the
xorciso was srood for hia lumbago ,
'hen ' I wont to Eton. Dr. Hawtry was
lie ho ml muster. IIo was an anua-
lo and kindly man and a line gontlo-
uin. IIo probably Hogged about twenty
oys every day on nn average. Ho did
, with exquisite politeness , and except
n rare occasions the whole thing was a
irco. Four cuts were the ordinary ap-
licntion , and ton cuts were never cx-
3edod. The proc3odings took place in
ublio , and any boy who had a taste for
10 thing might bo a spectator. If the
ictim llinched , there was a howl of ox-
3ration. Far from objoctlng'to this ,
10 doctor approved of it. I remember
ice that a boy foil on his knees and
nplorcd him to spuro him. " 1 shall
ot condescend ioa Hog you , but I leave
3ti to your young friends , " finid the
jctor. I happened to bo ono of the
nmg friends , and I remember aiding
1 kicking the boy round the quad-
mglo for about Half an hour.
hreo Hluh-Urcd Stallions 1'or Servlco
the world's
Two-year-old lowering
icord 2:20J : , at Council IJlutTs , In. by
asco , son _ of Herald , biro of Maud S ,
n of George Wilkes , with 05 in the
ISO list nnd bettor ,
n of Black Wilkes , dam Almont , with
in the 230 list and hotter , will innko
10 season at Spring Valley Stock Form ,
mahavNob.Writo fqr circulars , and
rina. - . . N. I. D. o , o > ON , .
' . ' - * = .
"How the YnuUoos UoptiAmorlca.1' ' .
Special Sntn omAccCiirlnlns , Onrtn
Scrim mad Slnulcft.
Three-yard lonjr lace curtnins (
Monday 2.3c , 874cf-t"C , Wa and 02jo cac
Wo liavo some i handsome curtains
31.85 , 31.60. $ l.fl5Sl. 75 and $2 a pat
Two special numbcrson Monday at $ .1.1
and $1 a pair.Vifth thes6 two numbo
wo will furnish tt polo and brass trin
mings free. Finar curtains in propo
tion. Nottingham lace curtain not 1
the yard at lUc , l ic and 16c yd. \ \
have the largest stock and best nssor
mont in scrim in this city. Lace stripe
scrim 6c , 7c. 80 , lOc , 12Jc , 15c nnd 18c yi
colored scrim 10 , 121 , 15 nnd lOc yi
Persian draperies 10 and 15cydBentrl ; (
draperies at 10 , 12 } and 15c yd ; Chluo <
draories ] , very handsome pattoni :
ramie and raw silk draperies in gron
variety ; curtain poles and trimming
curtain chains and loops ; the hitoi
styles out in curtain hooks and pin
window shade fixtures -tho best in tl :
market ; window shades plain or wit
fringe or fancy dados at ! Jj , 40 , fiO , < iO , t
and 7oc each , with fixtures comploti
.lust opened , the largest stock of wa
paper you will find in this citv , an
among the lot you will find the prott
cst patterns which are in the market.
A Great OfTer.
Wobcr piano , line tone , $1 < > 0.
Stolnway piano , modern style , $200.
Chickoring piano , $12-3.
Fine Fisher upright piano , $200.
$160 organ for only $75.
These inslrumunts are in perfcc
order and fully warranted for 10 yoari
Terms to suit purchaser. At Moil
berg's , loll and 151(5 ( Dodge st' .
Music For tie ! Million
At Moinborg's , 1514 and 1510 Dodge si
Contpnctoi-H' BtfCtlnc.
The annual mooting of the Omah
Contractors' association for tlio purpos
of electing officers for the year 18S !
will bo held at room 010 Pnxton bloc !
at 2 p. in. Monday , March 4. A full ai
tendance is requested by the president
Fast Wlioelinir and llecord Hrcnkin
Is Indulged In.
The 100 mile race at the Colosseum la <
night attracted a great audience. The coi
test was between C. W. Ashlneer and K
Heading , the soldier from Fort Omaha. Th
contest opened nt-t:30 In the afternoon , nn
for the lirst hour the fustot ono hour ridiii ]
that has taken nlaco in the uuilding oc
currcd , being 1S , ' < miles. Heading led fo
several milca nt the start , when Asliingo
made n spurt ami placed the frcntlenian froi :
tlio fort in the background. The rac
from beginning to oud was u closely con
tested one. After the first hour's worl
Heading showed signs of fatigue , but finull ;
recovered and heliL' up his wheel in closi
proximity to his contestant , and on manor
ous occasions spurted and took the lead. Th' '
score indicated that , the contestants wen
evenly matched. The race concluded a
10b : : and Heading was declared the winner
making the 11)0 ) miles in 0:03. :
When in the llftli lap of the ninty-nintl
mile Kyiidmg spurUxt and took the lead , UK
audience , and particularly that portion hail
Ing from Fort. Omaha , went wilJ. In the
seventh lap of the last mlle Ashinger re
gained the lead and the succeeding two lnn
were covered by rapid wheeling. In Hearing
the scoring point In the eight lap Ucadini :
took the lead after a tlesperatu struggle un <
came in about lialf'a lap ahead. Ashiiigei
slackened , and when the the r.ico was con
eluded , a crowd gathered urouinl him. He
protested against the result , stating tlia' '
when the gong was'soundod in the ninth lai :
he thought that theinica was ended und die !
notmnko nny regain his ,
ath'erwiso.ho . wos'Unafidont ' ho. would hhvj
won. as the contestants were almost aureasl
ivhen the ilrst signal was given. Howcvei
the last half mile was tmido in I minute ami
J."i seconds , which is by fur tlio fastest tune
2vor made in Omalm. It wns thought that n
row would ensue when Ashinger slaclced up
Imt trouble was averted. Another contesl
will bo had.
During the bicycle race a ono mile pedestrian
race was had with the following eatrius : II ,
D. Messio , W. A. Gregg , George W Ken-
loll , John Hourihan , Thomas Hynes and
Dave IJe-nnctt. In tlio seventh lap Mossio
Iropped out and Uennctt easily won in r > : il ,
tfith ICcndcIl second and Gregg third , lien-
ictt is the Canadian unknown who will be
imong the cuntcstauts in the coming six da '
icdestrian race at the colosseum.
A Ghallanai * .
OMAHA , March 2. To tlw Sporting Editor
if Tin : lice : Seeing that there are so many
'ast bicjclo riders at present in Omaha
ho fastest no eloubt in the world I would
iko to match my unknown against some of
ho champions In a live-mile racn for ? 50J n
ildo , the btakes to ba increased if elesired.
The race must take place within ten days
rom the day articles are signed. My man
, nd money wait at the Eden Musao. This
iffcr is open for u , few days only. First
omo first served. Respectfully ,
WlM. L.VWI.KIl ,
Manager Eden Musee.
Furniture , carpets , etc. , gold on in-
ttillmonts. Nebraska Furliituro coin-
any , 00(5 ( , OOS North 10th street.
* -
A Good \Vomans Ignorance.
Philadelphia Record : Anxious
lothor "My son , why is it that you
: on't accept any of these nice olfors
nido youV Hero you Imvo a chance to
jam printing , or yon cati go to sea , oren
on can join Mr. Cowboy , who Is going
ack West , and learn all about that
lighty region , or you can take that
) h in the postolllco. Whyyou won't
von join the militia when wskcd. "
Ambitious Son "Mother , you little
now what you are saying. Ilavo I not
) ld you elton I aspired to greater
lings ? I hope to hold a high position
t Washington some time perhaps in
10 cabinet. "
"Well , I don't see - "
"Of course you don't , for you never
wd the pajiorrf. If I learn printing ,
11 bo unfitted for tlio position of public
i inter ; if I go to son , I'll never bo so-
icted for secretary of the navy ; if I go
est and learn all about that vast ro-
lon , I'll bo unlltttod for the position of
jcrotary of the interior ; if I becomoa
) ldior 1 won't do for secretary of war ,
nd if I learn anything about poblollices
will knock mo out of all hopes for the
jstmaster generalship. "
Prohibitlou and I'crjnry.
Philadelphia Record : Senator Hoar
' Massachusetts , thinks that the mom1
3rs of the Miuiuaehusotts IcciHlaturo
ho are opposed tuin-ohibitionand voted
i submit a prohibitory amendment to auto
ute of the people , are guilty of a viola-
on of their oaths. IIo says :
"Tho two-thirda vote , the delay fore
\-o \ Bucccsnivo years , the publication ,
10 yeas and ntvys , all of which must
rocoda the right' of the general court ,
i submit this proposition to the people ,
idicalo a constitutional purpose which
rory member is bound by his oath to
ispoct and obey , and of which a sub-
luslou to the people withput regard to
10 mombor'm own judgment is u clear
id gross violation. "
Tire provisions of the constitution of
assncnusotts with reference to amend-
outs are similar to the provisions of
10 Pennsylvania constitution : and the
odlcamoatof the republican logisla-
rs who nro against prohibition in
ussachusolts is precisely the prodica-
ont of the republican opponotu of pro-
bltion in our legislature. Tlioy huvo
trjurod themselves in order to sccuro
poetical advantage and in order to cs-
po. a logislatl.vo duty.
Bad. habits . 'aro . Ukq. warts they.
'OW oaua. : A souvenir goou with this ,
InterestingEvonta of Last Wo <
Carried. Out Under Oovor.
The i'cilcH trlnti , I'ony nnel llloyc
Itncca Which Arc Soon t
Xnko IMnco ni tlio Colon-
Bouiii Other NutcH.
ImBt Woclc.
The last week In February wns a ri\iiot o
anil the few events which took plnco we
Minlor cover us the recent notion of tlio poll
1ms loft it Impossible to decide Just what
legitimate nnd wlmt Is not. Those Interest' '
lu straight sports nro not of ix class tlmt wl
to bo drawn Into the police court on n trivl
charge. There wns ono quiet glove conic
lust week , which two MO pound ntnntou
had to themselves , Ono hailed from totn )
and the other from this city. It was gai
throughout , the Detroit man having n lltt
the best of It for sixteen rounds and tin
getting knocked out in the seventeenth , II
Unmlm rival had taken the precaution
procure n week's leave of absence from li
ofilcc , suid by the time ho returns to duty tl
marks of the affair will have woi
olT. It was n week of testli
tie ! staying powers of n numb
of pups us well , nnd there were three null
meetings since Sunday last. They were u
nmtinecs , nnd , in eacn case , the dogs wo ;
game. No money changed hands , and not
of the dogs were hurt , but there was Ju
enough excitement about it to lead to tl
arrangement for two meetings within tl
uextten days. Ono is for two thirty-Hire
pound dogs , nnd the oilier for u couple i
twenty-six pounder * . The spring weaUu
also put now lifo into the Omaha can
cocks mid their owners , and three mains t
a small scale were held unrinu the week. 0
Thursday n red * black-breast met an Icisl
tiro.y nt four and a half pounds , and Irelan
cixmo out on tot.1 ) A dark-roil , C'.vned I
Florence , also met with misfortune In tli
slmpo of n Si Ivor-Grey , which broiwl
the sheckols to Omaha. Tli
light of the week , hownver , was on Sunda ;
between a six pound 1'ylo and a six-pouii
Kentucky red. It was game tliroughou
and , for a wonder , resulted in a draw. lot !
birds were maimed but only Hliirhily , tli
I'ylo drawing lirst blood In the fourth rouni
and driving Its gait through the neck of tli
red. At first it w. s thought the light wn
all over , but it wasn't , nnd in the sixth roun
the I'ylo had a lex disabled. Hotli biro
were evidently willing to imiko it a lltmli
but the owners wouldn't have It that wa ;
and bets were declared off.
John nnd Jake.
Speaking of the proposed llsfht bet wee
Kilrain ami Sulliv.ui , n , local pugilist sal
yesterday that ns far as the light is conccrnc
ho thought it would be for blood , but tlui
the posting of any money by thu backers o
either man would simply be n fake. "
think , " salit he. "tlmt the men who claim t
bo backing Sullivan nro afraid to pii
up tneir moue.v lest the'big fellow' shoul
go on one of his poriod4ual nprocs , iinel thu
Fox , who Is really boliind thmo mon clain ;
ing to bo Kilr.iiu'a backs , is doubtful o
Jake's ability to defeat Sullivan. In in
opinion , the light will ue for the jriito receipt
only , Imb it will bo a rattling bout just tli
same , us there is bad blood between the moi
that is bound to come out. "
Goinir it on Foot.
To-morrow evening the six-day pedcstriai
race will begin nt the colossoum with the fol
lowing entries : ,
Richard F. Fox , W. Kendall , an "Un
known , " by the Gate City Athletic clnl
John Ilourihan , an "Unknown , " by C. A
Dislnnaii , all of Omaha , and C.V. . Ashiuger
pf .Ohio ; Mike Gill , of O.ikota ; W. A. Craig
Kansas City ; Chris Hcnsen , a soldier froii
Fort Omaha ; . ' ! ' . P. Coohran and an "Un
Known" Iron : Toronto ; Thomas Hines , ol
Nortti Platte ; E. A. LoBko and \V. W. John ,
son. of Lincoln ; J. .T. Kngledrum , of Chicago ,
and II. W. Johnson , ( if Syracuse , Noli. tS'4l&
The race will Do four hours a day.go-as-yoU' '
please , the winner to take -15 per cent of 1ml
the gross receipts ; second , 25 pur cent ; third
15 pur cent , fourth II ) per cent and lifth 5 pet
sent. A saw dust track , eighteen feat wide ,
lias been laid inside of the bicycle track and
ivill bo used for this race. There tire some
? ooa men in the race , and it will doublles !
prove interesting.
Hoof Against Wliee ! .
The llual arrangements for the much talked
jf race between two cowboys and three
jicycllsts , wore in ule at the Paxton lasi
: venintr , Jack Prince representing the
cyclists , Dennis Cunningham and Evylyn
Jooth the cowboys. The race is to ha for
> 1,000 n side , nnd the conditions are tint the
iawboys shall bo allowed twenty horses ,
vhlcii shall be the same throughout the race ,
ho riders being pormltte.1 toclmngo as often
is they see tit. Ohaajes in the riders will
10 made every hour , the satno being the case
vitli the 'cyclists. The r.ic j will liaiiuiianuu
it2IJOin : the afternoon of April ISth , and
vill bo continued six days , the men riding
light hours a day.
Hit 'Kin on the Wing.
John J. llorilhi luw arr.irigod for a grand
hooting tournament to take placa in this
Ity upon the 10th , ITtli , ISth a-id 19th of
ijiril. Among the notai trigger-pallors
rom abroad who have siitmlljd thsir intjii -
ion to outer are Jake and Frank Grabill ,
ludd , Turner , Hughes , Huble , Handle , Hill
nil Williams. The minutius of the contests
ave not yet boon doaidoJ uon ; , nor liavo
11 the purses been named. Max Meyer &
! ro. , however , have already offered a gold
ndgo , tocoit Si > J , to the winner , with the
iielurstiimliiit' that it shall not become his
orsonal property until ono year after the
latch , iiiid during ttiat timu , in order to
aid it , he must moot and defeat nil clial-
ingers , provided that he shall not bo eilml-
ingod oftcnur than once every sixty days ,
esidus the entries from ahro.ul many local
lootlsts will enter , and tlmt these may
ave ample practice prior to the match ,
nrdln has secured 5.0JO live pigeons , „ ' , ( ) , ) ! )
urrowB , and thousands of clay pigeons and
lue rocits.
Triy , fllitnclm anil Svvcolhenrt.
April promises to bo a great mouih for
mrtlng events. Hesldos the cowboy and
cyclists' race and the shooting tourney ,
icre will bo a bench show of blooded dog.s
lion the Kill , 10th , mil , 18th und 10th ,
hreo hundred entries and more , principally
om Nebraska , Kansas , Missouri mid Iowa ,
wo already been made , and W. O. Ingram ,
unager of the affair , says that ho oxiccw |
10 number to roach GUI ) bofora the day of
nnl entry. The entrance fee has been placed
,91 for each dot' , and entrances can bomado
tnor through W. U , Ingram or J. J. Jlurdin.
aluablo prizes of money , cups and cards
ill bo bestowed upon winners , und , In uddl-
an to these , C. S. Uaymoiid will present to
o best prize-winning kennel u gold-lined
Ivor pitcher , valued at ? 15U.
The Oiniihii .Nino.
The Omaha base ball club for the np-
Duelling season in complete , except ono
tcher , und In all probability Clark will bo
-ncd to tilt this position , although ho is
ill holding off for * IOO n month.
The players so fur signed ore Clark and
agio , backstops ; Prooior and Willis , pitch-
u , and Andows , Canovun , Cleveland , Cam-
na , Luyton , Strauss nnd Messitt In the
t nnd Inileld , though the exact positions
which they will play has not us yet been
elded upon by the inanusjemont.
Proeser , who was signed this weak ,
ichcd for the Cleveland * last year. In u
logrnm to J , J. Hnrdln. Manager Seloj ox.
esses the opinion that in Pronsor the club
a secured u great acquisition. Ho saya
atholsnotonlvaflnopltcher , but an ex-
llent batter und base runner.
The directors are of the opinion that in the
.tin signed for this year they liavo a fur
tier club than the ono tlmt played for
imlm last .veur. "Kvoii If wo haven't got
ivctt , " said ono of them this morning.
No'nn of the players. huvo yet como to
nahu , but they are all expected to bo on
ud about the tb , when they will go a-
mediately into practice. The schedule com
inittco linn not met yet , but It in expected th
season will open on the 20th of April.
Til O ( Mill.
The following challenge 1ms been sent t
Tin : HKP. :
To the Oinahn Oonnnti Hlllo Club Gontla
men i With n view wholly to extending oui
nciiualntnnco und promoting an interest li
rllle shooting , n few of the members of the
Omaha Klllo club nnd a like number of tin
Council lllnff * Hltlo club , in all , say from toi
to llftccn men , hereby nmUo you a prnposl
( Ion to n llko number of your club , for i
friendly match on your grounds In the fut
tire , the time to bo tlxoil by yoa. The match
to bo nt national tnrgotyOJyards , off-hand ,
ton shots for each man. or TUB OMIHA AND COUNCIL
Ut.vtTD Utci.u : > .
Tlio South Omaha Gun club will have t
match at thi-lr grounds this morning.
The Oninlin Gun oiub will shoot over Its
now range on tlio Iowa side for the llrat time
next Saturday.
Kuapp'A now thirty-two pound VIctoi
wheel tins nrrlved nnd will bo used by it. <
owner in the Chicago race.
Tho' Omalm Gun club will change its
grounds from the present location to n range
on the east side of the river , along the motor
Thcro will bo n sweepstake shoot nt Pick-
iml's , west of town on the .Missouri Pncillc ,
all day to-morrow. Tlio contests will bo
sweepstakes , open to all , nt.llvo birds.
Lou i so Armalndo nnd the fourteen other
feinnlo bicyclists who recently rode In n six
eluv race will arrive in the city Tuesday or
Wednesday and on the ISth will begin a six-
day , eight hours u clay r.icc nt the Coliseum.
There will bo a fox , wolf and Jack-rabbit
chase with hounds'at the Coliseum on the
SOtli. Four or llvo foxes , u half dozen wolves
and u dozen Jnc-k-rabbits liavo been ordered
for the occasion , The noun-Is will bo muz
On Wednesday the llual shoot between the
Omnhn and Council Uluffs rillo teams for the
MO trophy for which they Imvo boon contest
ing , Kadi club 1ms won ono match und the
result of the shoot Wednesday will decide
who shall bo awarded the trophy.
Elinor 10. Cleveland , who will play third
base for Omaha this year , 11 rut began with
the Cincinnati Unions. In ISStJ ho played In
the Southern league , and in 1SS7 was with
the St. Pauls. Last year he iiluycd both with
New York anil Plttsburg.
Prince , Knapp , Morgan , Ashlngcr nnd
Heading uro the Omalm men who will start
in the great international bicycle race that
will begin in Chicago on the lirst Monday In
May. J. J. Hnrdln will manage the tourmi >
Senator Morgan returned from Chicago
Wednesday. Ho went there for.I..I. lla'r-
din , on business in connection with the bicy
cle tournament. Ho says that nt least -JiK )
starters will break away ut the tap of the
There is a number of athletes and trainers
from the east in the city nftor the appoint
ment of instructor and trainer to the Onto
City Athletic club. The place is wortli about
S15U n mouth. The appointment will soon be
Sportsmen nro making preparations for
the duclc and goose shooting , which , unless
an extraordinary cold spell sets hi , will
begin in a week or ten days. In lact , the
birds Imvo already begun to arrive. George
Hale , of Chauman , having brought in twen
ty-two geuse and thirty-eight ducks ycster-
Knapp , who is in Dative.- , writes J. J.
Hal-din , his backer , that hu would llko to
enttir n cycling tournament to open at the
Arkansas Hot Springs on the 17th ol April.
Among tlio prominent entries is Nlelson C.
Koivo , an t Knnpp is of the opinion that
there will bo big money in the race. Hardin
is not in favor of allowing him to enter ,
however , preferring to keep L'im ' in condition
for the Chicago race.
Onmtm sanitarium.
The Otmihii Sunitnriuin for ladies
nnel gentlemen , 111 Ne > rth loth st. , lius
been rolittcd and reopened. It is heated
by steam and its nrmilnrium comprises
all the most approved apparatus used
in the noted sanitariums of the oast.
Turkish , electrothermal , Russian ,
Konmn. shampoo baths and massage
are administered by skilled attendants.
Hours for ladies every wculc day from 9
a. in. to 2 p. in. Hours for gonilemcn ,
every week day from 2 n. in. to 4 a. in.
Sundays , 8 a. in. to 2 p. in. All chronic
diseases treated at reasonable cash
JMortsnuo Company.
The Omaha Mortgage company Illcd arti
cles of incorporation with tlio county clerk.
The capital stock of the new concern is
? 100)00 , ( ) , The incorporators nro Thomas
Hreimaii , KrnostU , Squires , Henry C. Hoyn-
ton , Max Meyer , ttrustus A. Henson , John
A. . Wakelield , Jacob Sims and John G.
Tlio Imttnr Iiopo the Scout niul tlio
Former Kscnpc.
To the Young Men's ChrUttnn association
belongs the credit of having introduced Into
Omnlia the old KngllMi game of bare and
Yesterday nftornoon nt 4 o'clock It. Y.
Cook , J. H. Lnthrop , T. O. Crolgh and 1P. .
Criuncr , clad In running costumes of varied
colors , left the Y. M. C. A. building on n run
nnd turning 1111 Uoughis street , were soon lost
to view as far ns the large crowd that had
gathered in front of the building was con *
Ton minutes Inter Harry F. McCortulclc
and J. Hobblns. ns lenders of the hound * , nnd
Chirk Kcdick , Morris Itcall , W. Cox. A. 1) .
! ! "Kbcs. C. M. Hnyncs , Frank Mitchell ,
Joseph Morsmaii , O. (1 - Vnlhio , K. G. Urn'
brorm K. T. Stlger , II. K. Ninon , .Inch
Cully. Hurry Finn , .1. 11. Cnldwcll and J.
Kubblns followed In tnclr wnlco. The hares
began dropping paper slips ns a trail nt the
corner of Twentieth und Douglas and from
that point the chase began In earnest ,
Tlio hares Immediately struck out in a
southerly direction , nnd winding amongst
streets and woods succeeded In throwing the
hounds completely off the trail an hour nnd
u half after the start was made. The hounds
gave It up and returned to the gymnasium
arcl the hares , all unconscious tlmt they
were not pursued , came panting down Six
teenth street to the hall nt 11:15 : , completely
tuckered nftor n run of ton miles or more.
"How the YauUues kept America. "
I Ono Week , Commencing Monday , Mar. 4
I tf7 (7rrtiil ) Ojiciifnumiiiijimitfim Xivlit ,
cy 9 ThoOriginal nnd World I'amous
Pri'ScntinKtlirlrnrnnd Kulry Spoctnclo
llnlnt.liiclnir Now Srcncry , Muslf , ( " ( iitiiiiit' 9. l.V-
jdorK-iMiii 'rnu roriniilloiK is. HI llciuin
rntilvuiix 10. lUI'n ' llunilriMl IVopln nil I In )
i Willie Iliiiiilrtul Mil ) . lircnliT , ( Jriuulor than
S 'over. ' Tim llcautli'iiiiulnniicrniir Fnlr ; Intnl.
i lli'KUlar prU'O.i. Scuts on sio Siimnliiy inornliiK
Bo-As-yoo-Please Race
6-Daj - - -
Commences March 4th.
At li.JOT and omls nt 10.30 p. m every night. A < I
iuta > l < m ' > c ; reserved scatsi ! > c extiu.
WEEK 05' SHOXI > AV. .11 A It. .Illi.
Ileht SinsB'low lu thu City.
IntlioCoinoely of
ZAflZIC1 tlic Magician ,
HELEKE the Fire Queen ,
Ami ninny othoriitti-iu'lloiis.
Inr Mr. Kdwnnl W. llodKklns , will tia nt tin
JIliliinl House. Miniilny unel Tnpntay. Jlixrcli
4tluiud Gtli , vlth Riunpk-H of our
inporations ( for Sprin ] and Summer ,
nd will ba prepared to take measures nnd
order * for nny style iriirmentgcntluincu
may wish to order.
A. SMITH & CO. ,
Importing Tailors. Boston. Moss.
. ALEXANDKK , Vice 1'rcs. ,
ratlttit ,
H. It. HYDE , l ;
1OH THE yJH G DEC. 31 1ST , 1SSS.
AMOUNT OK LKDC.KK ASSISTS , JANUA UY IHT , 188S . $7n,2)7W5.'lfl , ! ) !
1 nturcst , lle-iitM.etc
. _ . .
Donth iind Mntm-ril Undowmemts.
Dividend Claims bv , Knrri'iidi'r ValuesAnnuities unit dltcoiiiitoo'1 undowniunti. . 4i ! ' > , : ) ll.7H
Total I'aid ) ) 1'uliKH-hoMws ? , / / , * . > , . ; V..J J
Dividend on Capital " ' ? . ' , " . !
. . . .
. yi.M.VM. > 7
. 1 oHtti o iina r.xcjinngo
CominlKHlons ( iGiiunil Hxpenseu , , State , Uomityand C'lty Taxou " .l.V.'U.U IOKJMC.n !
Net Ledger Axsitf , Jhccmhcr si , mss $ tm,4J7OJO.o\ \
MovtKaKOs . ; $ 23W,78II,0 ( _
llondsand ; ;
Kcal Kstiiti * . IiicliuuilK thu IC'inltnlilo IliilhlliiKu and piircliasit' iiiiiler
United States I
JxwiiH H.-ciirod by
Hi-ul Hstuteoiltili !
Cashinltanks imdlntrnnilKiilnce.'recijlvoel und Invustucl ) " . " . " „ " , & ' , ; iiuiirii : < 7
Account of I'lvmliiins W1wVi J 8il"7OM.'jl !
Due trom AjentH ( on
Market vnuiu of Stocks and IlondH over book vnlno
Premiums , deferred and Jn transit , " , < i7fi. l"l.tJ <
'Mai Axxets , December 31 , ISM < ? US,041,033.06
Ihcrtliu cfittfil. that after n jiersonnl rnimtiintlnu f tlittcciirltle * fiiiiJiiccoiiiiln
ifacrllictl m Hit * * l < iteincnt , I Jilvt the mime to lie t run ami rnrrcel nn ktntcit.
fAalillitirx , includlny Icyal reserve on all cxhtlny I'olicies (4 ( i > ci'
cent Standard ) . . . . . * 7./S.SS07,8j }
Total Undivided. Surplus , oivr 4 per cent Hcxerec $ xojo.lJW.ll.
contrlbuto-l ( nt computed ) by rollciex In KJnoral rlass IH t ttwiva.l
or Of which the | proportion iMi."tlon contribute. . ! ( in cuuiiiitud ( ) by ] 'olK-lu < i In Tontlno clubs , IK f IIHBUHW :
' " Hlmee Mlculatlnniif the ntcrce iiml urjiliM.
1SKO ' II' / Vrf'V / ' I
J. U. VAN Clfill , ! " ' "irtM.
j AKSuraiuv written in 1SSS $1M,033S31
Total OitMandlny Assurance , 54QSiatlg6
Increase of income. ' , ' , ' " ' { % 7iB'gt
Increase of Surplus ( Font' per cent basts ) ffGOO,4C6
Increase of Axicta Mc , < ! 4oJt
Northwestern Deparlment , Equitable Building , I03 Dearborn-st , , Chicago ,
CRAINE , CURRAN & CO. , General Managers.
OM AfHts'nn'
JIKXUY aillWNKlt'i ,
Jf. L. KDH'AKDS , ( 'Ht'iler , W. II. ItAllUOUK , Accoiitdnl.
Oprroapondonco with Bticcossful agontsor these contompltitiny ontorlng
the profession fromiIlllnoia , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lowti , Nobraaka '
Northern Michigan , Dakota , and Utah. Address nbovo.
C. iS. HTKUltlNH , If. l > . NlM&l' , General AyeM * . . . . .