Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1889, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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The Plonauroa That Succeed the
Cares of the Day.
Cay I.ndlcn nnd Gallant Itciuix Met
lr the Dance , Around the
Card Tnblo and at
llib A.ttnr.
Crcl > ( ( ) - ) licrty.
The most notable marriage that has , tot
$ cars , tnkcn plnco in catholic social circles
in this city was solemnized on last Wednes
day at the church of the Holy Family ,
Eighteenth nntl Izard strcats , Miss Clnra
CrcliliUm being united to John M. Daugh-
cny. riic ovunthail not boon given grunt pub
licity , .lut the xocial standing of the contract-
In parties , their relatives mill friends , at-
trnctcil to the cozy llttlo church nn attend-
nn co which 111 I oil the auditorium.
The bridal party entered the church n few
minutes before U o'clock. The ushers wuro
George j. Paul and B. Taggcrl. Hurry
Hurhley , 010 of the groomsmen , accom
panied by the bridesmaids , Miss
Katie Orclgtor. and Miss Sudio Nash ,
preceded the bride , who entered
leaning upon her father's ' arm. At the sanct
uary she wns met by the groom , who was at
tended by Charles Ogdun. The party was
provided with seals especially arranged in
the transept of the church immediately out-
Bide of the Hiinctuary , the gates of whicn
were loft open to permit of the passage of
the bride and groom at intervals during the
ceremony to the base of the altar , where
stood the ofllelutinK clergyman , Over this
cntranco was a beautiful floral arch. Tlio
mnrringo as performed b.y Hev. R. A. Slmf-
fol , S.J. , with nil the ceremony of tlio cath
olic ritual , solemn nuptial high inasi being'
sung , Kov. Jc .rph F. Rlggc. S. 1. , prqfcssor of
ch'omlstry In Crclghlon college , and Rev. F.
ICoftpmnns , S. J. , assistant pastor of Holy
Family church , netlng respectively as dea
con and sub-dcncon.
The choir wad augmented for the occasion ,
consisting of Mr. Uniun , Mr. McCreury ,
Jules Lombard , J. P. Williams , Misses
O'Hourke , Hayes , Ebcr , Mrs. Dr. Webb ,
Miss MunchofT presiding at the organ. Far-
uior's mass In b was sung , thu offertory solo
being rendered by Miss O'Hourke ' , while
Jules Lombard sang "O Salutarus. "
The bride wns attired in a cream colored
costume of peau do sole , with front panels of
molro , nnd square train. The veil wns of
tulle , fell in folds over the faeo , and was
fastened with a beautiful diamond crescent ,
which was n gift of the groom. Tlio brides
maids wore crcafli colored toilets with white
After mass , Father Shaffel eloquently set
forth the nature of the marital relation the
parties had contracted , the importance nttftch-
Idg to it , nnd the steps necessary to con
duce to the success of their married life. Ho
concluded by bestowing upon them the
nuptial benediction of the church.
Leaving the church the bride and groom
led , followed by Miss Kate Creighton and Mr.
Ogdun , Miss Sadie Nash and Mr. Burkley ,
the father and mother of the bride and then
the friends.
At the residence of the bride's parents ,
1018 Cass street , a reception lasting tiil5 p. in.
followed the ceremony , during winch tfio bri-
dul parly received the congratulations of
innny friends , whlla at the same time a
bounteous banquet was sprcaO , which wan on
a soalo of richness In keeping with the oc-
Jcnsion , Everything was of the bust and
oven the Ice cream was arranged in tlic most
elaborate manner in the form of fruits ,
llowcrs and other fancy styles. Thu table
was decorated in a very pleasing manner ,
the center being covered with a large mirror
bedecked with HowerSJ while the well trained
crew of Union club waiters attentively
served the wedding guests , while nn orchestra
concealed In nn ante room dispensed -sweet
music to add to the pleasures of the occasion.
A collection of elegant presents hod been
sent in by friends of the young couple , which
showed how highly the young people were
universally held among their friends. Among
these souvenirs was a deed to a house and
lot on Hamilton street , in the northwest part
of the city , valued nt $12,000. which , with a
check for $5,000 , was a gift from the bride's
father , John U. Creighton. Another check
for $3,000 was presented by the bride's uncle ,
John A. Crolghton.
The bride is the eldest daughter of John
D. Creighton , capitalist m this city , and ono
of the beautiful and accomplished young
ladles in the city. She but recently gradu
ated with the highest honors from the Sacred
Heart convent , whore she will long bo con
sidered an exemplar in every manner by the
tnesdamos in chnrgo.
Mr. Daughcrty i the confidential clerk of
John A. Croighton , n young gentleman who
lins always studiously considered the intcr-
csls of his principal , as well as enjoy ed the
esteem of all his friends.
The bridal tour will comprise a month on
the Paclllc cgast. On their return , Mr. and
Mrs. Daughorty will bent home at their new
residence on West Hamilton street.
Furt h-Dreii'iiHs Wedding.
The marriage of Mr. Julius Furtn to Miss
Sophia Drolfuss took place last Sunday evenIng -
Ing , tuo ccrenuny being performed by Rov.
Dr. Benson. Tlio Metropolitan hall , where *
it took place was beautifully decorated with
Jlowcrn. The music , by the Musical Union
orchestra , under tlio directorship of Prof.
Harry Irvln , was delightful. Tlio sunper
was furnished by Messrs. Schlank and
Prince of the Windsor hotel. A very largo
number of relatives nnd friends was present ,
among whom were Mr. and Mrs , Droifuss ,
imrcnts of the bride ; Mr. and Mrs. II. Froh-
lick , Nebraska City ; Mr. nnd Mrs. B.
Meyer , Chicago : Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hcnson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Meyer , Denver ; Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. Levy , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Schliink , Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. Singer. Mr. and Mrs. M. Block ,
Mr. nnd Mr . A. Brown , Mr. nnd Mrs. L.
Rothschild , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Weil , Mr. and
Mrs. S. Koidionbcrg , Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
Roscnstoln , Mr. and Mrs. A. ICalish , Mr. and
Mrs. L. Kopald , Mr. and Mrs J , Lobman ,
Mr , nnd Mrs. S , Lehman , Mr. and Mrs. J.
Sonnobcrg , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Newman , Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. Prince , Mr. unit Mrs.
Hyman , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Kulin , Mr. nnd
Mrs. S. Eisemtin. Council 131uffs ;
Mr. and Mrs. Hubin , Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. Uanbaum , Mr. and Mrs. C.
Shaw , Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnstoln , Mr. and
Mrs. A. Rosenberg , Mr. and Mrs. E. Wed-
ells , Mr. nnd Mrs. 11 , Frey , Mr. and Mrs.
Drumond , Mr. and Mrs. li. Lung , Mr.
and Mrs. S. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcrrltt ,
Mr , and Mrs. Frank , Mr. and Mrs , II. Good
man , Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandies , Mr , and
Mrs. Hubln , Mr. and Mrs. S. Hlatli , Mr. and
Mrs. J. Henoch , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Morris ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer. The Missus Celia
Meyer , Chicago ; Emmu Levy , Nebraska
City ; Henrietta Frohlich , Nebraska City ;
Ilnttio Dreifusg , Annie Hcrz , Annie Slni'er ,
Sarah Drundles , Uosu Horshstoin , Hosa H.v-
man , ElumSobiium , Jessie Sobman , Schlnnk.
Mayor , Jacobs , N , tlernstoln. May , Knhn ,
Kopald. WcdellH , Chicago ; KnIUli. The
Messrs. Ulatt , jr. , Piorguo , Cramer. Kalish ,
Jr. , Howe , Becker , Cincinnati ; Hiclitershol-
mor , Herman Meyer , of Chicago ; H.- Meyer ,
of Cincinnati ; H. Urulfuss. Ottawa , ill. ;
Charles Furth. Julius Drolfuss , L. Otton-
lieimcr , Hy Elsomun , Louis Oppcnhclmer ,
Sol Dewcr. S. Schlcssinger , S. Davidson ,
Steele , S. Frank , H. Horthold , Hlrshsieln ,
Schlunk , K. Elscinun , of Chicago ; J. Ungnn ,
M , Kline , J. KUcmati , U. Brown , H. is ow-
man , F. Harris , Sum Livingston , L. Mayor ,
St. Louis ; J. Kun , F. Hrown , H. Shallcr ,
Kunin , Lltkiu
The bride wns attired In a beautiful dress
of cream Faille Frunealno , entrain , trimmed
witti hico nnd natural Dowers. Tlio happy
couple left for the cast on a wedding trip
over the Wiibash.
In the midst of a largo assemblage of
friends ami relatives on last Wednesday ,
Miss Mary Lake was united in marriage to
Mr , Charles Deucl. The event occurred"
high noon at tlio home o'f the bride's father ,
2207 Dodge. The parlors were beautifully
decorated with sinllux and roses , and lighted
with wax tupcrs. Hidden In a recess in
the hallway was Irvine's orchestra , which
played Mendelssohn's wedding march us the
nappy young couple advanced to bo united In
wedlock , and at thu close of the ceremony
rendered another Joyous air. The ceremony
was in the impressive ritual of the Uulscopal
First special sale of forty plc cs of printed CHINA-INDIA and SHANGHAI
SILKS. For Monday wo olTer n full assorlmont ol colors , Including blncic anil
white , at the remarkable low price of 75c.
Wo guarantee them nil sill ; , full width , and tlio best value over shown In this
city. Make selections early , as the demand for this popular summer fabric in
creases us the season advances.
Our own exclusive patterns and designs of imported India silks , printed and
plain colors , full ll inches wide , at $1.00. Only theclioleocolorsnud htyles shown.
All now , and the most perfect goods made. Plain cream nnd blncic , Shanghai
and India silks , wash fabrics , suitable for dresses and underwear.
Special low prices on warranted blue It and colored silks during this wook.
Our FRENCH CIIALLIKS have arrived , and on Monday wo show a complete
line of Fancies , including black and cream in solid colors , at the lowest price
over made on imported material. See them on our center counter.
SIO shades Knglisb mohairs and brSlHiinUnos , oOSnehes wide , at SI.00 wsrynrd.
This is the popular dress goods for the dusty spring .season.
We are showing a larger assortment of Paris robes and pattern suits than we
Imvo over carried. Our custom of having NO DUPLICATES Is strictly adhered
to , consequently , by purchasing ono of these , you get not only CHOICE COLORS
AND MATERIALS , but EXCLUSIVE STYLES. Prices within the reach of all
$8.f > , ! . ) ( ) , * . , * .oOlo.OO , $10.50 , $20.00 , $ li.oO ! , SM.OO , $ : tt.50. AH con
tain material for full costume.
Roman stripes and French rnyures , the new fancy wools for combinations and
100 styles of French sntcens , our own importation , and exclusive patterns
Every new and novel shade. Fancies and plain colors. Wo show only the best
quality and fast colors. All at one price.
35 Cents.
Zephyr cloth and French ginghams , the handsome cotton wash fabrics in
great variety.
Ladies' Embroidered
Special sale of now goods , comprising all the very latest novelties in embroid
ered and latest styles in prints , H. S. and scalloped borders.
125o 15c , I0c ! , I 50c ,
Worth Worth I Worth Worth | Worth
16c to 20c. 20c to i2 ! c. | SOc to ! > 5c. 37 jc to 45c. | C5cto76c.
Latest styles and latest shades ; lowest prices and best pnulcs.
church , and the sacred words were pro
nounced by Dean Gardner , of Urm-
ity cathedral. The bride was given
away by her father , nnd a beautiful
llttlo lady , never looked more lovely than
she did on that occasion. The bride was at
tired In a heavy white faille silk with moire
drapery , a veil of white tulle , pearl necklace
and natural llowcrs. At the close of the
ceremony everybody kissed the bride
and offered the heartiest congrat
ulations. Elcgrunt refreshments were
served 'and nn informal reception fol
lowed during which the splendid array 01
presents wore inspected and admired.
Att:45 : : p. m. the newly weded pair left on
the Wubash for a mouth's wedding trip.
They go first to St. Louis , and thence by
boat to New Orleans. The greater part of
their time will be spent in the south. On their
return they will visit in Chicago. . Afler
April 1 they will inulto tlioir homo at 2:207 :
Dodge street. Both the bride and irroom
are well and favorably known in Omaha.
The bride Is the daughter of Hon. George H.
Ltdto , ox-judge of the supreme court , and
ono of the oldest attorneys in Omaha. She the reputation of being one of the most
popular .voung ladies in the city. The groom
is a rising young business man , nnd son of
Henry P. Deucl , the veteran ticket aijeiit
now with the Union Pacific. Ho holds the
position of corresponding clerk of the Omaha
National bank , to which ho has risen from
the position of onico boy.
Historic lOveninirs.
The historical evenings at the Academy of
the Sacred Heart nro still continued with
unceasing fidelity. This week the French
reaction was the topic under discussion. .
The young essayists accomplished the dllll-
cult task of sketching in miniature the people
ple of France , the tragic nnd crowded drama
of the revolution and the Napoleonic empire ,
The bourbon dynasty with no dainty balanc
ing between tradition and truth.
The paper on the Franco-Prussian war
was u thoughtful dissertation showing that
event ns a calamity to Franco , and culminat
ing in tlio horrors of the commune. Tlio
causes and the sesults of the vast changes
brought about by the German victories over
Franco were well told In the other essays ,
wliJU ) a glunco at the present storm-tossed
republic showed thu patriotism of the people
in the rapid payment of the enormous war
debt exacted as a condition of peace.
The musio was of a choice character espe
cially the vocal pieces. The majestic and
religious harmony of Gottschalk was well
brought out by a quartette of beautiful and
really cultivated voices.
Tlio following is the programme :
The People of France . Miss McIIugh
The Bourbons . Miss Shelley
The French Revolution . Miss Gregg
Thu First Empire" . . Miss Habcock
The Franco-Prussian War. . . .Miss Guthnmy
The Com inune. , . Miss Lowe
Itecuperatlvo Energy of Franco .
. . . . . . M iss Stephenson
Entree. Gallop Brilliant , Sponholtz . '
. . .Misses C. Greenwood nnd L. Chowlns
Vocal Solo. Out ou the Deep , Lohr .
. Miss McNaugntcn
Instr. Duo. La Vorlto , Hoist. . 1st Piano ;
Miss Dellnnpd Piauo : Miss Kogan ,
Vocal Duo , Drill My Hark , Kuckch. . . .
. Misses Hrown and McHugh.
Instr. Duo , La Hrlndlai , Wollenhaupt , .
. Misses Roberts nnd Dwyer
Vocul Trio. L'Espor.mco , KosMnl .
. Misses Habcock , Gregg and Roberts
Instr , Duo , Kojunlssance Francnlscs ,
Auber . Misses Leo ami McNuughton
Vocul Quartette. Thy Will bo Done ,
Gottsclmlk. Adapted from Gotts-
chalk's Last Hope. . . .Park Place Choir
Air. and -Mr' . 1'jittcr.iou Kocolve.
The past week has been a rather quiet ono
socially , the only really brilliant event being
the reception by Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Patter
son on Tuesday evening nt their beautiful
residence , -M3 Furmun street. The most
exquisite taste wua displayed m the decora
tion of the rooms , and on every siilo in pro
fusion were arranged callu llillca , nitirchcl-
nell rose ; . , chrysanthemum * , smllnx nnd
American beauties , to say nothing of Omaha
beauties , who were present in troops and
whose loveliness was the most admired of
all , The reception hours were from S till 11.
Mrs. Patterson was assisted by Mrs. D. G.
Neiswanper , of Kansas City ; Mrs. W. F.
Allen , of Omaha ; Miss Mattlo Buell , of St.
Joseph , and Miss /.ulomu Childs , of Kansas
City. Most elegant refreshments were
served and the event proved a delightful
ono. Amont ; those present were :
Mr. und Mrs. J. H. Millurd , Mr. and Mrs.
C. K. Raymond , Mr. pud Mrs. Thomas Kil-
patriok , Mr. und Mrs. A. P. Hopkins , Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred .Millurd , Mr , and Mrs.
Frank Hralnard , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. Ken
nedy , Mr. and Mrs. D. S. IJarriRO" , Mr. and
Mrs. O. N. Hamsey , Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Moore , Mr. and Mrs. I. Hodgson , jr. , Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. Judge Paw-
cett , Mr. and Mrs. Dr. D. C. Bryant , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Swinglcy. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Moody. Mr. Robert Cowell , Rev. John Gor-
dan , Rev. W. J. Harslia , Rev. Willard Scott ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chapman , Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Fahs , Frank Irvine , F. B. Lowe. Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. W. Leo , Mr. and Mrs. E.
B. Chapman , Dr. and Mrs. George
Tilden , Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Troxcll ,
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Savage , Mr. nnd
Mrs. James H. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Doud , Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Shiger , Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Clarke , Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Curtis , Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lorimcr , Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Charlton , Mr. and Mrs.Dadis-
man , Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Breckenridge , Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. McConnell , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Squires , Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Neiswnuger , Kansas City , Mr. and Mrs. J.A.
Mnnroe , Mr. and Mrs. John L. Miles , Mr.
and Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Mr. ' and Mrs.
Charles S. Whitney , Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Smith , Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Dundy , jr. , Mrs.
Edgur. Mrs. Cleveland , Mrs. Alcxundcr.Mrs.
Hopkins , Mrs. Hammond. Tlio Misses
Mattlo Bucll , St. ' Joe ; /Culemn Childe , Kan
sas City ; Jessie Millard , Mary Blair , Sallie
McCheane , Lillie Carry , Kate M. Ball , Lar
imer , Askew , Maggie Smith , St. Joe ; May
Fnweett , Florence Swingloy , Traccy.
The Messrs. John S. Collins , Will McCaguc ,
Al S. Patrick , J. O. Patterson , O. A.
lioohmc , N. P. Musselman , C. F. Harrison ,
H. H. Baldridge. Hurry Mcintosh , W. I.
Swope , Silas Cobb , John W. Grifllth' M. J.
Patterson , W. J. Burns , Hurd Thompson F.
N. Clarke , H. E. Guber and R.M. Patterson' .
1'lnkGerman nt the Koiintzo Mansion.
Tlio Kountzo mansion on South Tenth
street the most beautiful homo In Omaha
was ablaze with light and alive with merry
young society people on Tuesday evening.
The cause of this gaiety was a pink gcrman
pivcn by Mrs. ICountze in honor of her
daughter's "guests , Miss May McCreary , of
Pittsburg , Pa. , aiul Miss Nellie Rldcuut , of
San Francisco. All the ladies appeared in
pink and white , and the affair wns In every
way an elegant/mo. Arthur Smith led the
gurman. The favors consisted of penholders
instead of ribbons , u pretty and pleasing In
Six direct and six indirect figures were
danced. On the gentlemen's oxidized silver
favors were engraved their names , and the
initials of the ladles appeared on tlio silver
penholder that found laver with them , Tlio
house was fairly Inlaid with ( lowers , and in
thu llreplnco of the largo room In which the
German was conducted was a banic of pink
roses , and in front of the mirror above the
bank hung u sush of moire pink silk. A
dainty supper made its appearance at 12
o'clock , but carriages were called before 'J.
Among those present were Misses Rideout ,
of San Francisco ; McCreary , of Pittsburg ;
Williams. Richardson , ChambersChambers ,
Hoaglnnd , Burns , Balcombe , Ludlngton ,
Orchard , Underwood , Crosby , Hall , Shears ,
Hrown , Dixon , King , Yntes , Yates , Jordan ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Popnlcton , Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. H. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck ,
Lieutenant Wright ; Messrs. Win. Cro.iry ,
Herbert Rogers , M. C. Hamilton , J. Fubor ,
J. E. Patrick , A. C. Smith , A. Slilveriek ,
Jordan , McCaguo. Koonlg , J. C. Sharp , Win.
Wukcley , McMullon , P. Hlbuiird , P. Gar-
noau , C. B. Borger. Denver ; G , Berger ,
Denver ; Dr. Wllcox.
A Masquerade KurprlHo.
When North Omaha people desire to have
a good time they generally accomplish what
they start out to do. The young people of
that section of the city planned u masquerade
surprise party on Friday night last on Mr ,
Otto Stuben , und It was must successfully
carried out. The attendance was not con-
lined to people In that vicinity. Many friends
of the Stubcns and there ar'o hundreds-
attended from other parts of the city , sev
eral being present from near South Omaha :
Between ono und two hundred people at
tended , the dancing being kept up until long
after midnight. The order to unmask at
midnight brought forth many happy sur
prises. When the party hroko up It was the
unanimous sentiment of all present that a
most pleasant evening liud been spent and
that Mr. und Mrs. Stuben were the best of
Calico Party.
The calico party given by the Metropolitan
club ou Tuesday ovcnlnp was ono of the
most enjoyable events over given by the
club , The ladles especially looked , harming
In their calico suits , each ) ady providing her
self witli a pecktlo to match , The gentlemen
We are prepared tc
show a choice line of
We invite the inspec
tion of our friends and
patrons to an excellent
assortment of
which for actual value ,
considering style.finish
and fit of our garments ,
cannot besurpassed by
any house in the trade.
from $3 , $4 , $5 , $6 ,
$8 , $10 , $11.5O , and up
in different materials ,
from $5 , $7 , $10 , $12 ,
$15 , and upward to
in handsome stripes
and plaids , at $12.OO ,
$16.50 , $18 and $22.
then drew for the ladies. JAmorg those pres
ent \voro : Mr. and Mt . Albert , Calm , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Martin Cahn , Mr. and Mrs. George
Hcyn , Mr , nnd Mrs. MRS Meyer , Mr. and
Mrs. D. Kaufman , Mr.'and Mrs. Adolph
Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Meyer , Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hobinson , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Froyhau
Mr. and Mfs. J. Kahn , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
SI oman , Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Sloman , Mr.
and Mrs. F. Adlor. The Misses Clara Schlcs-
singer , Minnie KoscnfeldClaraKindshopfS.
Soligsohn , Cora liendit , Friedman , Detroit ,
Mich. , Hice , Hradford , Pa. , Lazarus , Tillie
Newman , Etta Newman. The Messrs. Simon
Oberfeidor , Julius Meyer , S. J. Fisher , S.
Schlcssinger , Max Hamburger. Music was
furnished by Prof. Harry Irvine's orchestra ,
and was greatly enjoyed by the dancers. A
line supper was served by Messrs. Schlank
& Prince , of the Windsor hotel.
Younir Married Kolks.
The party given by tlio Young Married
Folks' Social club at Goodrich hall , on Fri
day evening , was wnll attended and a very
enjoyable time was had , The orchestra ,
under the leadership of Prof. Hoffman , was
fine , and hugely enjoyed by those who m-
dulgcd , In the dance.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Holbroclc , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard , Mr. and
Mrs. Foster , Mr. and Mrs. Necdliam , Mr.
and Mrs. Warren , Mr. and Mrs. Wasserman ,
Mr. ami Mrs. Eyler , Mr. and Mrs. VanCourt ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Pcrcival , Mr. nnd Mrs. 15cn
Jobst , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jobst , Mr. and
Mrs. Wolverton , Mr.aijd Mrs. Dr. Koss , Mr.
and Mrs. Sturuis , Air. and Mrs. Ster.isdorf ,
Mr. and Mrs , Kennedy , Mr. and Mrs. Nettle-
ton , Mr. and Mrs. Miimlmn , Mr. and Mrs.
Green , Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom , Mr. and Mrs.
Cullalmn , Mr. nnd Mrs. Canan , Mr. und Mrs.
W. C. Goss , Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurke , Mr. and
Mr3. Schmidt , Mr. ami Mrs. Ward , Mr. and
Mrs. Hrownlco , Mr , and Mrs. Dunmire , Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Shriver , Mr. and Mrs. ICd-
manstor , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis , Mr. und Mrs.
Juynes. Mr. and Mrs. Guth , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hall , Miss Jennie Needhum , und many
ProsKiiii-n Diinec.
The grand annual ball of the Omaha Press
men , Stcreotypcrs and Electrotypers union ,
No. : G , took pluco Thursday evening at Ma
sonic hall. It was welT-attonded , over two
hundred and twenty-five couples taking part ,
and a line tinio was experienced.
To ? much credit cannot bu given to the
gentlemen who had this in charge. The com
mittees comprised the following well-known *
gentlemen :
Muster of ceremonies , M. J. Hucklcy ; as-
b slant master of ceremonies , M. Curlan.
Floor committee , A. J. Charon , , TWI. Castles ,
A. Helntz , George Uapply. J. lluit , F. M.
Marker. Reception committee. E. Jones.
James Hlack , E. Eigan { , James Kcan ,
A. Gregory , F. M , ' Young. Com
mittee of arrangements , S. L. How-
zco , chairman : H. P , Flood , M. J. Kelly ,
J. Uoincr , P. Wallace , ( [ ijlii1 programme con
sisted of twenty-twodunces , nnd was
prompted by Prof. Matthews. The music
was by tlio Musical Unlbp orchestra , under
, the leadership of Prof. Stolahnusor.
Illrtliclay Pnrey.
Last Thursday oveiiTiitf a gay crowd of
young girls gathered at the homo of Miss
Nellie Miller , on North Sixteenth street , to
help her cclob'rato hoij ' .fifteenth birthday.
The llrst pan of the evening was spent with
games und music , after which her father ,
Mr. Jacob Miller , Invited .all over to his
restaurant , where nn clcffiint spread awaited
them. To this the jolly , young misses did
ample justice. The Invited guests wore ;
Jennie Flumgan , May Walsh , Mury Husslo ,
Katie Hurko , Clara und Emma Gentleman ,
IJi'rtlm Haumoy , Maguio Deck , Delia MeDer-
mott , ICatio Cosgrovo , Mnirglo Cosgrovo ,
Nor.i Doiiahoo , Irene Carroll , Nellie Swift ,
Maggie Lynch , Katie Hrady , Maggie Mo-
Dermott , Efllo Miller , May McNnmara. ICatio
Swltt , Nellie Miller , the hostess nnd Mrs.
Callahan , besides Mr , and Mrs. Miller. The
evening was a most pleasant one , and right
royally did Miss Nellie entertain her friends ,
A Happy Event.
Ono of the most enjoyable parties of the
season was given at the resilience of Mrs.
P. P. Murphy , 2(323 ( Dodge street , on Friday
evening , March 1. The West Omaha bund
furnished the music , and dancing was in
dulged lu until a late hour. The following
persona were present : The Misses Muttlo
O'lirlen. ' Lizzie licnson , Annie McAndrows ,
Agnus O'Hricn , Mary O'Hrien , Clara Grif-
feu , Annie Williams , Lizzlo O'Hrien , Katie
Owing 1o the partial failure of the silk crop nnd the strike among the silk op
eratives , who are demanding much higher wages , both for weaving and llnishiiig
lace , the prices lor thcso goods will bo much higher later in the season.
Wo quote only n few of the ninny special inducements wo will offer this week ;
12-inch BLACK CHANTILLV LACE FLOUNCINlJS ( French manufacture ,
all silk and perfect black ) .
81.85 ,
WE ARE finish
and effects ) at
$ , " , .70 , $ .5.00 , $ o.oO. * 0.K ( ) .
45 amUO-ineh ALL SILK DRAPING NETS ( llgured and striped effects ) in
black , cream and delicate evening shades ,
at sfl.SS , reduced from $1.50. $ l.G"i and $2.00.
Finest quality tbrcnd-llnish blnok ohantilly lai-os , in all widths , comi-loto sets ,
with nets to match ; particularly suitable for milllnory , ncclcwear , veiling , etc.
Novelties in point Do Gene , point gau/c , Fedora , oriental , antique , Normandy
and Italian Valenciennes , and other fanny Incos. Lowest prices guaranteed.
French lace-edged veiling , plain and dotted centers ( latest novelties ) ,
from 5o ( ) to $1.51) ) a yard.
HADING and D1RECTOIRE VEILS ( latest novelties ) ,
from $1.2" ) to $ : t.2o each.
GRENADINE and SEWING SILK VEILINGS , in all the latest shades ( low
est jH'iccs in the city , quality considered ) .
Chenlllo Dotted Veils ( all the new shades ) lOc each.
LACES. These will bo arranged in lots at the following prices :
Sic. 12Je. COc ,
Worth from Worth from Wortli from Worth from
lOc to2Jo 15cto20e 2"c to Mo : tOc to 85o.
Our stock of embroideries is now complete. All the latest novelties as rep
i&VEvory lady that has looked through our stock admits that we are showing
the prettiest designs , and making the lowest prices in the city.
SPECIAL SALE 5,000 YARDS HAMBURG EDGINGS. All excellent needle
work. Well finished edges. On the very best muslin :
Sic , loc , 20c ,
Worth Worth Worth Worth Worth
10etol2c. | 15c to 18c. 18c to 22c. 2oc to 80c. IWu to 'I5c.
All remnants of embroideries that have accumulated during the last 3 weeks
will be offered Monday
Weinberger , Ollio Foley , Annie Foley , Ncl *
lie Uowman , Iscllio Sullivan , ICatio Cos-
grove , Dougherty McAndrows , Kouch nnd
E. Key , Mrs. John Hulloclc , Mrs. P. O'Urien ,
Mrs. John Grqvos , Mrs. Andrew Clark ; the
Messrs. Edwin Green , Captain Cormaclc ,
Prank Murphy , William O'Uncn , John
O'Hrien , Harry demons and others.
Oniiitia's Rmhryonlc Actors.
The fortnightly drunvitic recital of the
Shakespeare club at Unity church Friday
evening was a little different from t.ho usual
performance , baing presented in costume
nnd declaimed instead of being simply rend
from the text. Miss Susanne Walker took
the part of Portia , and Miss fda Kdson that
of Nerissa in the Mime , play. Mr. A. G.
Hobinow delivered Wolso.v's ndiou to his
creatnpss , J. H. Hoonoy impersonating
Cromwell. Mr. W. I. Swoopo's representa
tion of the character of Mucbsth was wo 11
received , and mocicst Miss Shellenburg at
tempted the role of the fierce and nt times
masculine Lady Macbeth. In the scene
from ' Othello' " Mr. Swoopo enacted the
jealous Moor , Mr. Hobinow took the part of
the charming Ingo , Mr. Harry Moore that of
Cassio , while the female parts of Ucsdcmona
and Kmilie were taken by Miss Maud Hyde
and Miss Walker.
1'roKcssivo Kuclirc Party.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parks entertained a
few friends at their home , 2513 Caldwcll
street , Monday evonintr , with a progressive
enchcr party , in honor of Mrs , Parks'
twcnty-ilrst birthday. Among those present
were Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Ilonser , Mr. and Mrs.
.1. P. Stout , Mr. anil Mrs. .1. Meiklo , Mr. and
Mrs. O. Jlrownlcc , Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Close , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Irish , Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Amm , Mr. Ualph Tyler , Mrs.
Maynard , Miss Etta Stevens , Miss Mary
Gould nnd Miss Clara Kockwell. The prUes
were won hi1 Mrs. A. Honscr and Mr. uuiph
Tyler. _
An livmlng of Music.
A muslcale for the benclit of the Mission
of the Good Shepherd was held Thursday
evj.iing at the residence of Mr. ID. C. Dun-
bar , 2010 Bin n cy street. The features con
sisted of n plnno solo by Miss Uollonc , song
by a main ( | uurtotto consisting of Messrs.
Snow , Abbott , Van ICurcn nnd Holurook. a
vocal solo by Mrs. H.ildridge , recitation by
Miss Mabel ITondu , tenor bolobyMr. K. W.
brcckenridgo , bass solo by Mr. Jules Lom
bard , duo by Mr , Kraty. and Mrs. Ualdridge ,
alto solo by Miss Clara Uoeder , and oilier
musical features ,
IMmmnm Surprise Party.
About thirty couples , friends of Miss
Nellie Daley , of Clilo igo , gave that young
lady a very pleasant phantom surprise party
hist at her brothur's
Thursday evening res-
donee , John' P. Daloy , Porty-llfth and
Franklin streets , The parlors were taken
possession of by the maskcra for dancing ,
Surprises wore numerous when masks were
rcnnvedatlt o'clock. Progressive euchre
and other games wuro also engagml in ,
Supper was served at 1 o'clock. At300tho ;
happy th rong wished them good night.
"Won nu Omaha HiiHlinnd.
Miss Hattlo Spruguo , of Leavcnworth ,
who has been unending the winter with Mrs ,
George N. Clayton , and who returned to her
home last week , surprises her friends bore
by returning tvs Mrs. Walter Quartz. Mr.
QunrU U a member of the grain Jinn of
Quartz & McNiol , of this city , and is a man
wnll thought of by all who have met him.
Tlio bride won for hcrftclf many friends
during her protracted visit here.
Jllirli Flvo In the PnHor.
Mr , and Mrs , Augustuo Huscho and Mr.
Guiou gave a delightful "high live" card
party at their residence , Eighteenth and Cap
itol avcntio on Friday evening. The scores
were kept by bells and the partners selected
by fuvoi-B. A number of pretty prizes to the
six best players among the players.
Happy lloiii'H.
The Happy Hours club met again In Mil-
sonlo hall , on Wednesday evening and
danced the happy hours away until thu'Tin
was merged Into the -itli , It wns the last
party of the neries and ono of the most en
joyable over Kivcii by the club.
IHIUICH Hiirprlsod ,
A surprise party was tendered Miss Llzzio
Isaacs at her residence on Harnoy street
Thursday evening by her many friends in
honor of her birthday. A very pleasant und
enjoyable time wait hud. games , Binding and
dancing being indulged in ,
Miss lloyd is in Chicago.
Mrs. W. L. Heard is in Denver.
Hichard Kitchen Is convalescing.
Gcngrnl Frederick is at Hot Springs.
C. M. Day and family are in New York.
Mr.Herman ICountze returned homo Thurs
Will Gurlcy loft for Washington , D. C. ,
Mrs. J. .1. Dickey gave a gcrman on Mon
day evening.
Mr. Alfred Marschncr and family arc back
from Europe.
Mrs. General Cowin and daughter are In
Cleveland , O.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Withnell have returned
from California.
Hishop Newman and wife will bo home
again March 12.
Charles Goldsmith and Joe Walsh will wit
ness the inauguration.
Harry Pierce and .family will make their
future home in Taeonui.
Mrs. C. A. IJmcor and daughter Alma have
left for Washington , 1) . C.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alexander have taken
moms at the Hotel Hariccr.
Mr. A. UrandclH nnd sister have returned
from an extended eastern trip.
Miss C. Friedman , of Detroit , is visiting
her sister , Mrs. Morris Sloman.
Dr. E. Sloman and bride have returned
from an extended wcduing trip.
Judge Dunily has recovered Runioicntly to
again take his place on the bench.
The Grecian tableaux were successfully re
peated at the Armory last evening.
Mr. E. H. Smith and Walt Morris took n
trip to Florence yesterday , bicycling.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Uarnnrd will attend
the inauguration of President-elect Harrison.
Mrs. Kichard Smith has returned from u
two months' visit in Wisconsin and Chicago.
On Wednesday evening Mrs. W. V.
Morse gave a party in honor of her daughter
Mr. nnd Mrs. M , Hcllman Imvo returned
from their eastern trip , greatly benciiUed in
Mrs. 1C. H. Mix , Aurora , 111 , , is visiting her
cousin , MM. CJ. N. Clayton , Twenty-fourth
Mrs. D. Harkalow gave n tea party Friday
afternoon in honor ef Mrs. J. Morton , of
Mr. F. A. Nash has returned from his trip
south , and Mrs. Nash is back from her visit
in Idaho.
llev. Thomas C. Hall , formerly of this city
but now of Chicago , wns in Omaha u few
hours Tuesday.
Mr , and Mrs. O , M. Carter entertained a
number of their friends with a card party
Thursday evening.
The West 12nd Kui'hro club mot nt thu rcs-
dcncn of Mr. and Mrs. S. 1' . Morse on
Wednesday evening ,
Mrs. Kuimy-IColIogg-Hachnrt. loft Wednes
day for Wasnington , D. C. , where she will
witness the inaugural ceremonies ,
The homo of Mr. and Mrs , Edward Hay-
day was thu soJiio of a pleasant progressive
cuchcr party on Tuesday evening ,
The Young' Men's Hebrew association
gives a grand masquerade ball at Washing
ton hull on next Wednesday evening.
Mr. M. Hens and sister , of Bradford , Pa. ,
who have been visiting in Umuha with Mr.
K. Kuhn ami family , have returned homo.
Dr. A. S. Hewer visited his brother-in-law ,
Joseph Kulp and family , the lirst of the
week. Tlio doctor is u prominent physician
of Halt Lake City.
Miss Hullo Anderson highly pleased an
audience at thu St. Mary's uvunue church
social Friday evening , by recitlnu a number
of her choice pieces.
Miss Uurtlm J. Sloan gives n phantom parly
Tuesday evening ut her home , 100S South
Thirteenth street. The date is most appro
priate that being Mardl Or as evening.
Miss Nnm .Marshall gave a party to about
thirty of her young friends ou Thursday
evening. The hostess proved her skill as mi
entertainer , and u delightful evening wns
Thu Omuha Amateur Dramatic club holds
Its bucond meeting ut thu residence of Mr.
und Mrs. George next Sunday even
ing , March :1 : , to perfect arrangements for a
new piece In rehearsal ,
The Hunts club Intends giving n grand
ball ut Metropolitan club hull , on Friday
evening , March 8 , This will no doubt be
largely attended , ns thu club always bus been
noted for its viicccHsful parties.
Mr. and MM , Samuel Sloman entertained
their friend * Saturday oveiilug , ut their res
idence on St. Mary's uvuuuu , About 11 ft ecu
couples were present. Cards rtnd muMd
wct-o Indulged in , Among those proscut
wore : Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Unas , Mr. and Mr .
M. Slomnn , MK and Mrs. 1. Now , Mr. nniV
Mrs. A 1'ojack , Mr. nnd Mrs. GcorRO Heyn
and ethers ,
A number of youncj friends tended n SUP *
prise party to Sir. Tom Croft nt his homo ,
Twenty-fourth and Woolworth nvomio , on
Tuesday evening. Thnro were nbout elgh
teen couple present nnd n very pleasant tlmd
wns pnlovcil.
The Metropolitan club Intend * Riving Q
masquerade soon. Extensive preparations
uro itlri'.tdy begun to make this the flnc t
masquerade over given by any social club.
Negotiations are already begun with eastern
parties in regard to costumes.
A few of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Taggart dropped lu upon them hist Friday
evening nt tfieir residence , cornorof Twenty-
llrst niiil Grueo street , * , for n game of pro
gressive euchre. Afior the games lunch was
served , tollowlnic which wan the Awarding
of Hio prlrcs ; Miss Hiunlln and Mr. L , 'P.
Downey rcc.'lvlnir the llrst prl/os ; Mrs. Mar
tin and D. Tuggiirt. receiving the consolation ,
One of the pleasant events of lait wceli
wns n progressive cuchro party given otf
Thursday evening by Mrs. T. A. McShano nt
her residence , corner Twenty-third anil
( 'timing , in honor of her niece. , Miss Coruyn
Jackson , who Is visiting her from Now Lox-
iitKton , Ohio. The prix.n awarded to Miss
Maud Paul wns a tastefully arranged basket
of llowers. Mr. 'U' T. Downey received n
beautiful card case and curds as gentle.
man's pri/e. Miss ICate McSbano and Mr.
C. P. Taguart received the consolation prizes-
Harbors' ball , Cunningham Imll , Monday ,
March t.
Inauguration ball , Masonic hall , Monday ,
March 4 ,
Klks' social party nt their rooms Tuesday
evening , March fi.
Sven Nora lodge masquerade Tuesday ,
March fi , nt Masonic hall.
The Newman silver wedding occurs Ma
evening ut ( icrmnnla hall.
Young Men's Hebrew association masquer
ade ball , Washington hull.
The Omuhu Debuting club meets next
Tuesday evening lu room -4 S , Marker block.
Tfle. ladies of St. Peter's guild will give a
supper at Troiol's hall , SIO'J ' Leavoawortu
street , oa Tuesday evening.
The Cresont social club will give a
masquerade bull on Fourteenth street on
Monday evening. This will bo tlio last ball
of this society until after Lent.
Jfov. A. U. 'I'hain , the now pastor of the
Plymouth Congregational church , is to bo
tendered n reception nttliu church building
in Koiintro place Thursday evening ,
Curds nre out for the mnrriugo of Mr. W.
A. Hostcttcr to Miss Grace D. Cluwnon , to
take pluco at thu residence of Dr. P. Hos
teller , ' .174 Saunders street , Wednesday
evening , March tf.
Mr. mill Mrs. Frank Mulr entertained nt
their lie iio oa Spencer street , on last Thurs-
dav evening at dinner , Mr. und Mrs. H. K.
Guylord nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Paterson -
son , In honor of Mrs. Lizzie Cutting , ol
IJrooklyn , N. Y.
Movements of Member * ) of tlio
Kiitir lliiiulrcil.
Miss Childs , of Kansas City , is the guest
of Miss Julia Onicer , on First avenue.
Mrs. J. M. Lane returned Wednesday from
nu extended visit with friends in southern
jMiasncpiru , 01 Arlington , f eo. , at
tended the Hiuaur dancing party Wednesday
Mrs. J. K. Hnrknoss returned Friday
morning from a two week's visit witli friends
utKock Island , 111.
Mrs. nnd W. P. Wightmun have gone to
Los Angeles , Oal. , where they will remain
for several months.
Mr. S. II. Foster and wife returned Tues
day morning from a few weeks' visit witb.
friends In Wisconsin.
Hev. T. J. Mackey , rector of St. Paul's , ,
bpcnt three days In Omaha the past weolc ,
attending the convention nt All SainU
Mrs. M. E. Smith entertained the Marricil
Ladies' Progressive H. V. club Friday oven-
ing. The club was largely represented , aiid ;
tlio evening passed most enjoyubly.
Senator G. L. Finn , of lied ford , was In the-
city hoveral days last week and loft.Tliur8--
day for Washington , accompanied by Colonel
Leonard Everett , who is a member of Gov
ernor Lurrabco's stall. They will attend the-
Kt. Uov. William Stevens Perry , D.D. ,
bishop of Iowa , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Everett , of this city. Ho will remain ,
until Monday.oillciating at St. Paul's church
tins morning and evening , and consecrating
All Saints' in tlio afternoon , At the morn *
Inir service ho will ordain Mr. J. J. H. Heody
to the deacon ate.
Mrs. Hlainc and Mrs. W. O. Wirt gave an.
enjoyable reception Friday afternoon to n
number of lady friends from ! 1 to ( i o'clock , nt
their home on William avenue. Tliey were
assisted in receiving by Mrs. George Phulps
ami Mrs. F. II. Hill. There was a very
large gathering , and the occasion passed
most pleasantly. Choice refreshments were
served ,
Dalby's military hand gave a grand concert
and bull at Armory hull Thursday evening ,
and tiOViMMl hundred people wore present.
Tlio musical programme consisting of cicht
numbers wa ? well received , lifter whioji
came the duuco programme of twenty num
bers , Tlio Episcopal ladies served a deli
cious supper. The affair was very success
Dr. A. P. Ifnnrhott , one of the lending
physicians of Council Hlutl's , has been hon
ored by the appointment us one of tlia
directors of the homipathic ! department of
the state university , to till the position made
vacant l > y the death of Dr. Stlllmun. The
appointment \ u r.iost lilting one , as Dr.
Hanchett is conceded high rank In his pro
fession , and in all ways worthy of the au-
pointm nt.
The bazaar given at Armory hall Monday ,
Tuesday and Wednesday uvonliirby ( the ladies -
dies of St. Paul's church was u most unique
ami interesting itlT'iir. Hooths representing
each working day of the week were llllod
with articles generally In demand on Midi
day , which were disposed of at reasonable )
prices. Dalbey'n orchestra Inrnlslieil dullgji-
fill music , and a varied programme was pre
sented each cl'imlng. , It was very successful
lioth Ihmnciullv and socially , and u BIIUI , ' lit
tle sum was added to thu general fund of the
Mr. nnd Mrs. S , P. McConnell entertained
a number of their married friends Thursday
evening at progresstve high live. Tim rooms
of their olt'gant homo were tastefully deco
rated for the occasion. Ten tublus wore oc
cupied during tliu evening. Tlio ladies llrst
prize , a cut glass cream pitcher , was won
by Mrs. Charles Cumpbell. Tno second
prize , a cut glass linger bowl , by Mrs ,
Moyern , The gcntluman'H nn > t prize , a cut
glass jicrfumo jar , was won by W , W.
Loomis , the second prize , a glass jar by It ,
{ Y most enjoyable affair was the reception
given yesterday afternoon ami evening by
Mrs. S S. Stevens at her homo on First
avenue. Married Indies wore received dur
ing thu afternoon from U to 0 and the young
people In thu evening from 7 to 10. The
hoRtchs was assisted In receiving by Mrs , E.
H. Merrlam , Mrs , D , Ilanchutt , MIH Camp-
bull McLean und Misses Soper , of Header-
stiii , Ky. , and Carrie Stevens. The occasion
was in honor ol Miss Sopor. Tlio decora
tions were very tastefully arranged and the
refreshments were very line. The uffult
wns a grand social success.
TinItlnj : My Mother Wnro.
Mi'n. .V. / / . llauntr ,
It Is not sot with precious gem ,
'Tin hut u ijuulnt and Mmplu thing ,
Ynt more than jewelled dludcm
1 prize this dear old-fashioned ring.
She laid it in my trembling hand
And bade me wear It evermore ;
There's inuu-ii : In its narrow band ,
The wcdding-rliii , ' my mother woro.
Two names in letters old und dim ,
That I line and nso Imvo worn away ,
Are graven nn Its narrow rim ,
Thu records of n vanished day ,
Those mimes are writ on niurblo now ,
Thu parted twain have met once more.
Tills ring records each solemn vow
The wcddliiK-rliif ; my mother wore.
Dear patient hand that lies at rest !
Dear ring that binds my coul to her.
Ilu this my fuUmi holy vuost
To hen in U God's ' messenger.
My passport to the city fair ,
When this fantastic scene U o'er ,
Dear vmulem of our circle there
The vvcddlug-rlng my inotlier wore.