THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MARCH 2 , 3880. SMITH SHARES THE GUILT. A Bold Accusation Agalnot the Eng lish Loaclor. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL A LIAR X. I * . O'Connor's Paper Makei n.S v- njjo Attack : on the Government Tlic I'nrncll CominlH- Hlun nt Work. StIU LoxnojJ , Mnrch 1. The fitnr ( T. P. O'Con nor's paper ) , in n rampant attack on the gov ernment fo-dny , ncouscs Uight Hon. W. II. Bin I tli , government lender in the commons , with sharing 1'lgott's gull I , nnil demands his Impeachment. Iho pni > or brands Attorney General Webster M an Impudent and shame- lofts llnr , nnd advocates the criminal prose cution of Houston. 1'ho L'nrnoll commission rcassnmblcd this morning. The excitement manifested for several day past In consequence ! upon the collapse of PlKott on cross-exnminatlon and hia'fliyht had subsided , and the proceedings \vcre conducted quietly. The court lofusod o nllow Houston , secretary of the Iilsh Loyal nnd Patriotic union , to mnlto n por- sonhl statement or to hand to the court a written document on the ground that the tlmo was Inconvenient. Messrs. O'Kellv , D.ivllt and Campbell , Paruell's secretary , swore they did not write the letters as cribed to them by I'igott. .lustin McCarthy denied that ho had an Interview with I'igott. Lewis , solicitor for Pnrnoll , tcstiliod that ho told 1'igott that tliu letters , not belntr no- gotlablc , ho could not bo prosecuted for for gery , but was liable to piosccutlon for ob tain \i\is \ \ money under false pretenses. Wit ness declared ho had not promised Plgott a farthing. Labouchero testified that ho had never of fered Pigolt 1OCO If ho would swear that the letters were forged , ns sworn to by Plgott. Ho said that before the commission opened somebody named O'Hrlen had offered him ap.icket , of letters which were said to have been written by Egan nnd Pnrnell lie did not know O'Hrien. Sonnies , solicitor for the Times , produced the documents on which 1'igott's evidence was based. Ha said every statement Pigott bad nmdo liad been submitted to the court. Lewis wna recalled. He .testified that he xvns convinced that Pigott' was the forger before ho over saw him. Houston announced Ills readiness to sub mit to cam-examination nnd topivo security for his continued attendance before the com mission. Attorney General Webster urged thut Houston bo immediately cross-exam ined , BO us to enable- the commission to have all the ( nets befoiu them. Attorney General Webster occupied the remainder of the day with reading extracts from the Irish World and Freeman's Jour- rml regarding Davitt. Sir Chniles Kusioll finally protested that the attorney general's only object was to hnvo the passages pub lished in order to arouse prejudices against the Pnrncllltes. The commission then adjourned. MisHlnnarlcs Mulct : Htm Tired. \VARIIIXOTON , March I. Secretary Vllas has sent to the senate a report trom Gover nor Swinoford , of Alaska , upon the reported outrages upon women In Alaska. His views upon this subject have been published. Con cerning missionary work in Alaska , the gov ernor said : "I can but express an earnest hope thnt cither the government or board of homo mis sions may bo nblo very soon to find a Held far remote from Alaska in which the pecu liar talcntH anil altogether Questionable methods of IJov. Dr. Sheldon Jackson can bo more profitably employed. " Governor Swinoford says that two or three Of the missionaries arc responsible for the. vile slanders upon the white people of Alaska Which have boon sent broadcast through the country , nnd ho recommends that the Presby terian board of homo missions make a thorough investigation of the mismanage ments of its Alaska stations. Another Burlington IJomlJ , CHICAGO , March 1. At a meeting of the nortlnvestorn division of the western freight association to-day the Uurllngtou & North ern road exploded a bomb by giving notice of its Intcation to reduce the rate on Hour from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago to 10 cents per 100 pounds. The present rate is ! ) cents. The reason given for this action is mat the "Soo , " by its cut rate , is securing 011 the flour tralllc from Minneapolis to the seaboard. The loss of this business is more seriously felt by the Burlington & Northern than by the other Chicago lines , which are not so dependent on through tralllc for their revenues , and it has finally decided to msat the rate of the "Soo. " Tha runrcsoatallves of the other Chicago and St. Paul roads ex press regret ut the action of the Hurliagton & Northern. They say thnt they will bo forced to moot the reduction , and that the immediate effect will bo to pull down the grain rate to the sarno basis. Dnkotnns Halifylnur. WATHIITOWX , Dak. , March -Special [ to Tnu HKB. ] At the ratification mooting on Tuesday evening to indorse the admission of Soutli Dakota , the Grand opera house was filled with nn enthusiastic audlonco. Mayor Oosley presided , and speeches were made by Hon. C. G. Williams , W. II. Donalds'on , W. K. Scarrltt , Hov. Clench , W. E. Thomas , I ) . C. Thomas , W. M. Shoafo. Kov. A. H. Harrington , W. M. Pierce and Hov. Parker , of tills city , and J. C. Adams , of Webster. The refrain thnt ran through all of the speeches was statehood for Soutli Dakota , the cupltol for Watcrlown , nnd the governor ship for Hon. A. C. Mollotto. The audience was In good humor , nnd applauded anything and everything that was said or done. Some of the national airs were well rendered by the Glee club. Public Dclit BtntiMiiont. WASiiixflTON- , March 1 The following Is the public debt Mtatomont : Interest bearing debt , principal , ? 9"i- ! ! ) 73. ; Interest , $ S2l-lS."i ( ! : total , b'J.Jly."il,3l7. Debt on whloh Ipteicst ceased slnco matur ity , prlnolpal and Interest , $3,303,007 ; debt bcnilnu' interest , f7111-1 Ifi.GJ.'j total debt ; prlnolpal. (1.071,199,000 ; interest. ? S,8T2ao7 , , , totnl , * l.G7yUT4o07. Total debt loss uv.iila- bio casli Items. $ l,17ilib.r : ) , 170. Net cash in the treasury , $ ISoyilir > 3. Debt less cash in treasury March 1 , IbM ) , $ lt12 'Jb'.l,813. Debt less cash In treasury February 1 , 1S31 > , $ ll''l,8l\07i. : Increase of debt during the month , f < ! , . | -llitt-l.r ) . Decrease of debt slnco June HO , IbSS ,'iS. Total cash in treasury , ns shown by the treasurer's gen eral account , fuOT.aJT.DiW. AircRtod on Buspiolim. Luioxnnt , Pa. , Mnrch 1. Chief of Police Harris , of Johnstown , Pa. , urrostod Collins Hamilton nt the homo of his aunt on the mountain , four mile ? oaat of here , curly tills morning , on suspicion of having been onn of the persons who murdered Herman Umber- cor , Wednesday night , near Janneratown , Pa. Tliu ofllcors have discovered several articles coini * to chow thnt the prisoner is ono of the murderers , Ho was handcuffed and tuuon to Jennorstown where ho will bo given a hearing to-night. Tim Clovnlnml Dcfitlcntlon. KKW YOKIC , Mnrch 1. At the olHco of the A. A , Cleveland Scod company this morning nothing could bo discovered regarding the rumoro'l defalcation of Its president , Artlo IJ. Cleveland , The last heard of Cleveland was about three weeks ngo , when ho telegraphed from o western city. The books of the concern - corn are being Investigated. Itonflolit lias No Case. Cmc.uto , March 1 , The grand Jury which ycatcnluy and to-Ony has been Investigating the libel suits of Inspector liontiold , Captain Schaack nnd Detective Lavcnaticn neainat the Chicago Times , has Ihilshcd jts Investi gation and found "no bill. " Htrkko A nliiHt n lluiluuilon. CIIATTA.NOOOA , Tonn , , March 1. Two thousand employes at the furnaces of the Tennus&eo Coal and Iron company , of South Plttsburg , struck tat * morning in con&o- quonco of a roductluu of 10 par cout m thulr SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. ; Advprtiecmtntinnder this hrnd 10 cents pot line for tno first insertion , " cents for oacli sub sequent Insertion , and tlJin per linn per month. No advertisement taken for loss than 25 cents tliu ilrst Insertion , Seven words will bo counted to the line : they must run consecutively nnd must bo paid In ADVANCE. AH advtrll'O- inents must be Imnde'liu before 12 : K ) o'clock p. m. . and under no circumstance * will they be ' taken or discontinued by tolcptionc. I artlo * advertising la these columns nnd li.iv- IIIK their answers addressed In care of TIIK HKK will plrnso ask for * check ti onnblo them to get their letters , HH none will b delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to ndver- tl'omenls should bo i'iiclo onlln en\ elopes All ml vert lseme.nts In these comratis nro pub- llMicd In bnth tnornlnrr nnd evening editions or TnK KKK , Iho circulation of which nKuregiUt's mor tlmn laUW papers dally , nnn Rtvos tinml - < i-rtlsers the ncnetlt , not only ot tha cltyclrm- Intlnnof TIIK HKI : . lint nlno of Council lllnir < , Lincoln nnd oUicr cities nnd towns tnroughout this Bcctlcm oC the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thoie toliimni will bo taken on tha nbovo conditions , nt llio follow IIIR busi ness houses , who nrom thorlzi'dnRentsroniiK ) lr.K special notlii * * , l nd will ciuolo the BIUII * rntui as can be had nt tliu malu olllco , " 'on"N w7Tri'.i7l i'tmnnaclst7fcaJ South Tenth Street. II\HK& EiiDY. Stationers and I'tlntcrs , 113 Honth Pth Street S Tl > AHN'S\VO IITII , Phnrmnclst. 2115 Cnm ins Street. J. Ilt'OlUIS , Pharmacist , 021 North ICth . Street , 1 KO. W. PAHU , Pharmacist. 1809 St. Mnry's Avenue SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD Position by gentlemen stnt'o- graphor nnd typewriter Address S in Ilco. pyi4 * \\rANTED-Pohltlon In dry goods house In country , by young man , li yours experi ence , ana reference. Address S Is Ileo olllco , SITUATION wanted by nn Eugllsh woman capable ot entire charge ot fount ; children nr light house work ; best of reference. Miss. Harden , Dotlnnco. Iowa. 261-1 * " \\7ANTKO Situation by German as cutter ; ' T jis years' experience. Address H 12 , lloo. GOT U * Uy n youiiK man a sltuntton In a clothing oatiibllshiucnt ; thoiotiRhly ex- perionccil , cnn Klvo best of references ; speaks Perm an and KiiKllsh. Addroas 3 14. Ileo. fiM-lt WANTIIO A situation n olllce , by yoimi ; man ; good , rapid penman : have oxpcit- cnco In lutnlturo business. Address 111 ] N ISlli st. KO-1 * \\rANTIin Position ny n yonnc man In TI olllco : Roodpcnmnn , Roodnnblts ; canKlvo boat of references. Addrass It , Kxcelslor olllco. 5Ti8 St WANTKD Situation , by a compatent cutter of 15 years' experience. Hefer to 0. A. I.lndn.ucbt. Inqulro nt U South Hthst. | C3J-1 * ACOMPP/rUNTnnd experienced bookkeeper of twenty yenrs'experience , wltn II.IJOJ to BU)0 ) to Invest or loan employer ( well seen led I. desires a position wlioro hu cnn make himself ucofnl ns bookkeeper or accountant. Address loclcboxOtO , OmahaJ eb. 4jS--'J SITUATION wnnted. First class Rnrdener and lloilat , ( lerman , single ; grower of roses , cut llowers and itencral plants ; years' oxper- lcnc In llowers , Trulls nnd voRClnbles ; business privuto or commercial after April 1. Address Tlu Mokler , 1IH Ilolladuy at. , Denver , Colo. WANTED MALE HELP. " \\7ANTED .1 reliable yomiR men for steady TI work at fin n weuk ; t-l security required. Itoom 17 , "M N. inth , Horn II to 5. 712-Ut \\rANTIJD Immediately nt 111 ! ) ] * arnam St. . ' n good tailor for bnsbelman work. G'Jl-2 T\7AN'ir.D llonost. Industrious young mnn V with J"i < ' , ns partner in n pnylm ; bootblack stand making about $110 u month ; 314H S 15. TJOYS-Am. Dibt. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. CJAMISMAN Wanted A ROOCI notion sales- O man who uiuloistiuuls the business tnor- ouchly. Must have Rood reterencos. Inquire nt Henry r.lscmnn A : Co.'s , Council UlulTs. la. , G73-1 WANTKD \\lt\dow tnmmer and card \\ritflrcanget ft good position. Inquire nt Henry Elsumau & Co.'u , Council IHulls. la. 07fi-l WANTBD A good business mau to take the management of an ollico In Now York city , one tor Detroit nnd another for Cincinnati : must Invest $ ; , MJO : salary H/tUD per year. Address Oooige S. Cllne , Wagner block , Des lolnes. In. AOKNTS wanted on salary. J7" per month nnd expenses paid , nny active man or sell our goods by aample and live nt home. Salary paid promptly und expenses In advance. Full particulars and sample case free. Wo mean Jnsjt wnat we say. Address btiindurd Silverware.Colloston , ! Mass. 2PO W ANTIIO Agcnt.-rfor our new patent lire- pioof featoi. fll70 XbxlSxlH , weight fiOJ Ibs. , retail price JJ > , others In proportion. Highest award ( slUcr ineilal ) Centennial Exposition : rare chance ; pcimanent business. Our prices lowest.Vo are not In the sate pool , lixcluiivfl tenitory given. Alplnu Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. IMM " \\t AKTRO A good man to go on the road ; T > must bo wide awaku. tnll of energy , give security for money collected and deposit jiOfor samples. Cnll on ( Jeorgo B. Cllne. Itoom HI , First National bank building , Omaha , Nob. 137 AGKNTS wanted In every town nnd city In the west for the Harden Hand Ornnado Mro Kxtlnguluhor , Apply to F. R , Crandall.UlO Bouth ICth st. 87'J WANTED Agents in every citv and town in the west to Mill the Toy Calliope , the great- PM , st'llor on earth ; .soud 'M cts for sample. F O. Crandull , 1110 South loth ut. bTU SALKSMKN' We wish a few men to soil our goods by sample to the wholesale nnd retail trade. Largostmanufactuiersln our lino. In- ) close 2-contstamp. Wages Slpordny. Peiman- cnt position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages , advoitlslng , etc. Centannlal ? lan'f'gCo. , Clnclnnutl. O. TOVmIVt WANTI5I ) Agents for Mllward's oalyx-oyod self-threading needle ; preserve. ' falling sight ; a help to good sight ; perfect bon.mza for ciinvnsber.s ; sumplo parkuuo lOc. Sena for rlrcnlurs toheadiiuartuis. Htaynor &Co , Pro- I , ' _ HELP. _ olININR.IUXM ) gills. : ! laundry girls , 1 yard "boy f < r restaurant , 2il girls for general house woik. II. II. Wiindfll. S. E. Cor. Utli and Douglas - las , 2d lloor , loom H. 70S I ATI/A NTIID Competent gh 1 for general house- . > J _ woi k ; gooilwige-i. _ _ JS o.SI _ I S. liOth. U8'-4 ' ! * \VANTIJD VoimB girl fiir light housework T > und to assist lu takiujf cam of ciildiien ; lODHonth Iblhst. W8-t | WANTED Comnrtant girl for family of 2 In Wjomlng. } Jilauudri' ; rt for Cnrioll , la. , one to co IIOIIKI nights ; glrln for Plattsmouth , Hewnnl nnd Council IliuirH ; 2 girls in sumo family , Mi2htrnng , compi-tont girls , 3.each ) : nurse glrUdlnlnx loom girls , n'O. Lots or good places every iluv for gi'11''ral housuwoik. Mrs , lni-gaLail > { S. istji. UM U \\rANTKD-Dlnlnijroom girl , California ho Y > tel , llth and Donglna. ii.17 \\TANTED A girl for ceneuilhouso work , IT In.small fnmlly. ApplyitH5 Cupltol avenue. 65I- " \VANTEI-A , Klrl. ( lorman proforrea ; must T > mieiikgood laigllsh ; ; t in family ; nothll- arcd. Apply 1 10 WIrt St. , KonnUo Placo. 6 ( 1 1 _ \\rANTED-VouiiKglilti ) awlst with light i > housework. tfUS , 2itli ave , cor. Leavou- worth. aVl 2nj \\7ANTUi ) VouHK.Hermnn girl for central l T honsoMork , snmll family , 21U N. lOlh.AM AM 1 \VANTKD agents , Ilellabla women to Boll the "Original Hygelii" Combination Hlionldeilinicn Corset licit money making artli'lo In the country. Batlifadlon gnaraiitei'iC Apply for trriim niul territory \\rsternCor- - net Co. 8t. IxiUli ) . Mo , fij-MUr D R ESS IVl A K IN. \ VANTIDKngagoiui'utHo ! do dresumVicTng T > lu families. Mlai MurdsV-Ml" Loavonwoilh DllESSMAKlNU In families , ISll Nnt JU' man _ DltEsaMAKINO.cultliW ic nitln , 'i'117 Douglas SlPinltt 8H QRTiJAN D _ AftDT Y PEW RI.TIJO. VALENTINE'S B&orthixmTnnd TypoHillinij InstHitto , now Paxton bulliUuir , Omaha. The only exelnslvo thortband chool tn the ttato. Over one hundred graduate * In good Mutations , The school Is under the maiing * . mentofC. 0. Valentine , ofllcial stenographer of the ilrd juillclal ( llatrict of Nebraika. and Prof. I ) . II. lloylti , an * xierlenreJ teacher n > l ver batim repoiter. Day and orenliiit HRxsloni , Btu- denu cau eutvr at any tltn , ti nU for circular * . S5S m 17 QTANDA1ID Shorthand School. llT'sheeley O blocic , lunches niumluid ) utums rtnunscs U ialcitou typowdtnra. ClrcuUM fret , fti WUSCELLAN EOUS WANT W ANTKD-3'ashlng and Ironing. 31S NSlth. - to build ann furnish WANTRD-Carpentcr house , tor cashandlflne residence lot. Address H 09 liee olllee. 44J-3 WANTED An expert accountant for the pnrposo ot examining county it-cords ; best of references nro required. Applications must bo In by Mnrcn'Jnd. 1SS3. Address W. E. Krnuse. West Point. Neb. 4F7 1 " \\rANTED 10.00J vomon to use "Wlleox's V > Fancy Compound Pills. ' Perfectly safe nnd always eflcctunl. Hetnl for 4e "Woman's Safe Onard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Philadel phia. 111 Al'J'hi ) WANTED--TO RENT. " \\fANTHI ) To rent n blacksmith shop In Rood lorntton. Address Lock llox IMS , I'lattsii'onth. Neb. CI7S EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN Employment Onico. Mrs. llroira , Jll'i H nth. Itcferenco Omaha National bank FOR RENT-HOUSES. filOK HUNT S-rooin house , With Illro bnrn , JL1 2M nnd Webster sts. 0. llnrrlsou , Mer- cnuls" Nat. Itank. 7U7 a TTOIl HUXT-NewT-room lint , cor. ICth nnd JL1 Jones. A. C. 1'onell. 1M1 Fnrjum. BVi-n IilOU HKXT Nine room honsn , nil modern 1 convenlcmi-os ; part of furnlturo for sale ; three rooms rrnto \\hlcn I pnys rent ; I'nrnam St. Afldrcsa S II' ' . lloo. lit'fl-3t ' SAM ! Nine-room house , bnrn nnd lot FOIt Miinscom 1'lnee ; also 2 honsen nnd lots In Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. [ TlOlt HKNT-0-room house ai2 ! Cnldwull St. : F L ? rent ; rensounblt1. Apply 1S)7 ) Izard st. 4ir.-7 ? TJ10H HUNT 10-room moiicrn honso near hlcth J ? school cheap. Also fl-room cottage , 2'd anil Howard. G. E. Thompson , 212 Shei-ly block , 16th and Howard. 4flJ T71OH HENT 7 room collage on Harnoy st Just Jt ; west of aith st , * i" > . 3 room flat N 1 .tn st , J12. 4-room cottage. S. 12th st , $12.50. 10-room house on S. 10th st with all moiloin conveniences , will rent reasonable to party making good loise. Apply to Green & \\ll- llnnis. First National bank building. KB "filOH HUNT Nice collage , well localod , $20 JJ per month. Hicks , room 40. llarker block. . 630 2 EOH HENT Several nlco houses. Hicks , room 40 , llarker block. 6302 EOlt KENT Ily March 1 , fi-room house In good repairs on Lake st , rent cheap , mid 3- loom cottage In Arbor place. Sheoly's Station , $7.60 per month. Inquire b2d 8 ISth at , or 1123 Douglas st , room 2. 4110 NEW , flrst-clasi finished. 0-room tlata with bathroom , gas , water and sewer ; s : stores , corner , sultamo for drug ntore ; 1 basement Ritltable for barber shop , corner 2th and Loav- ciiAorthsts. Inqmre at premises. 2Ja-m8 * rpEN-HOOM house on 18th near Lenvonworth -1 st ; modern conveniences : will rent to good reliable tenant at Sio.por month. G. .1. Sterns- doril , rooms 317-318 First Nat. llank building. ( T room house , 114 per month , 8. E.cor llth nnd O Vlntou. Inqulro next door. 307 TjTuilNISHKD house for rent In Park Terrace , JJ opposlto Hanscom Park , nil modernn con- \eultfiicos. Euqitlre , Leo & Nlchol , 20tli and Leavenworth. 03J EOH RENT Nlco B-room honso , cast front , half block of cable cars. 112 S. aith st. 751 in 4t 8 ROOM house near high school. Itont W. In qulro J. F. Ilarton , 2(110 ( Capitol avo. 0 8ml 8-room house , gas , city water. JJ bath room , hot and cold water , on paved streets with street cnr , near n good school , only $ , > ' > per month. The house Is now. Apply at once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. | | K5 ! Foil KENT When you wish to rent u house , store or olllcn call on us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block G20 "TjAOlt HENT 0-room modern Improved housi * -L A 1 locality. Kent modorato. Apply M. El gutter , 1001 Farnam st. 521) ) F OU itENT-Cottagos. 6 rooms , 2720 Charles st and 1621 So 5th st. Inqulro U 212 , Shooley block. 5.X ) FOH ItENT Cheap , 3 and 5 room house. 1 > 10 S21st st between Center and Dorcas. 4Hmlt "Clou HENT U-room brick , 114 S2oth st ; mod- ' -L1 ern conveniences ; near cable lino. .1. Wr Grlmth , U. P. headquarterg. R6J F" ( KENT 7-roora flat at 6U8 S. 13th. Inqulro J. L. Hraudola & Sons. 847 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. TJ0031J7 , 800 S 2'nd. 880-3t NICELY furnished front ; rooms , single or in suite. 1110 Dodge at. I. N. Quill. 077-7 * FOH KENT Xicely furnished room to ono or two gentlemen. 1711) ) Dn\cnport. 637-2 * 718 Dodge ; rooms and llist-class home bonrd. 702-7 KENT Two woll-fnrnlshod rooms , sin gle or on DUltc , steam heated , 1013 Douglas. T710H IlENT-NIccly furnished rooms , at liK3 J ? Farnam st. 70)-3 * FOIl KENT rurnished room , second floor , front , with lurgo alcove ; all modern con- \onlence8. 115 B. auth street. 07021 ROOM and board , at very reasonable lates ; the best table In the dty for the money ; location Inquire 113 N luth f-t. . ono blocic N of Mlllard hotel. U73-1 * FOlt HUNT Very large tnrnlshed room and alcove , south front ; nas electrii : bolls.npealc- lug tubus , grates , etc. ; suitable for two or three persons ; 2M Faruam , C5J PHIVATE family have several choice fnr- nbhcd rooms for rent Oil N. 30th ST. 007 C * TI1WO nicely furnished rooms for light house- X kutiklug. Inquire IbO'.l Webster Ht. C-"J * PLKASANTirooms in most ileslrablo part of city , 7 blocks from P. O. on cable line. Kent reasonable. 'Mia Davenport st. l.T.-1 ; ! " \T1CKIA' furnished room 2105 B ouglus st , IN C4IBT IJIUUNLSHIU ) rooms by day , week or month. -L t-t. Clalr Hotel , cor. 1.1th nnd Dodgu. ua FUIINISHED rooms , single or on hiilto. with or without l-oard. modern conveniences , prlvalo family. 20J1 Calltomla. Ola Ij EOOJIS Furnished or nnfninUhcd , single or en suite ; modern convenience * , 2 ± i7 Dodge , TJ OU ItENT Furnished room with board , ap- J-1 ply 1G1A Chicago st. wi I Poll KENT A furnished loom lit private family. 611 Pleasant street. 600 1 * FRONT room for gentlemen. 323 N 17tn st. < Nm _ TjnJIlNISHKD rooms , with first class board , JJ 2J1J Douglas at. _ sF)7-'JJ NICK furnished rooms & board , 1703 Douglas. 4'M SUITfef 2 furnished rooms , modern coin on- loneoi , : i blocks from P. O. , pilvuto family , A. Hospo , Jr. , loll Douglas st. 44) ) AVENUE llooms-At 1813and lOini'apltpl ave " blocks from r O , newly furnished private boarding houso.ploasant roomsall conveniences 775 S * OMALL Itoom , nt 130. Douglas st. 3rd floor. ( Ml "VT1CE iroonis.n fromMto JlSamonth Peahody , JlltlmndJones atreots. UiOmll ; JAIK ! E front room , nlicly furnished , sullablo forl'gcntlenicu , IvJl Farnam. 715 I/lUItNISIIKI > or unfui-nlihuil room , with gaa JL1 and bath , ooanl if desired , 61U ri. 20th st , , opposite All Balnts' churcn. 7J7 IjAOll HKNT-Finnlblied front roojj 1818Dodge , -I.1 407m34t FO't HKNT-Furnlshoil rooms lu ( Jrucntg blk , cor. 1 Ith und Dodge sts. Inquire of Qoo. It. Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. ) UKNT Nicely fnrnLshail room , with board If doslrod , gaa , heat anil bath-room , Itlff Dndi'oat. Sill rooms , 11,1 a 20th bt.nuar Dodgo. f ) NlCni.V rurnlsheil rooms , steam heat , gas. i bath , etc. , on same lloor , $10 per mouth. 207 f. 21th. no lint. tJO VUGKLVfnrnUhod rooms , ana front nn X > hack parlori um Douglas t. Bit NICI'.l.V furilUhdd roonu with board i all toinonleni'os. 1J10 Caplto avo. 207 LKASAUffuruUhod rooms 1017 Cupltol ave. * IvJ-ml5 FOR R EN _ TR O O M 8 UN I * U R N18 H ED FOU HUNT 0 rooms , hant and heft water ; HO ; email family ; cor 16th uud Pad lie. U-.6-3J 3UNFUUNISIIKD rooms , COJ N , Uth at. 6101 ItOOMS-StiltahU for houioitojpla/ pried 110. H12 , PUrcast , IttJ FOR nENT-STOflpS AND OFFICES. MENT A goofllimco nt 15B Fnrnam. O. F. Davis CoJl \ 7Q3 a 17011 KENT S * torpa 7 room dot , 0 room JL ! house 17th , near Nlrlfnlas. Inquire ) Schles- Inger llros. , ( ill South 10th it. KW-mj- , ID USIN KS9. buslness vo new lirirk'blocks JL ) on Leavcnwortn sltoet , cast of 20lh , that are paylnit 10 per cent : * t > K lotv rental. Got prices of M. A. UptonCtinipany , lOlh and Far nam. , , 013 ) It UENT-Sloro fllSj South lOlh. Inqulro ill Soutli IQlli st. . . ) c.ll-0 OU UENT-.T-storyiirlck * toro building on main business St. , well located and es pecially adapted for tttlAll or light wholesale business. 1 licks , room V ) , llarker block . * - i * FOR HHNT 3 floors S.'xW oneh.ln brick build- mir , with elevator , close to express ollleo. chenp rent. Just the thine for \ \ holesnlliiR , Rood location , apply Goo. lleyn , IWi Fnrnnin st. _ an 1310 It ItKNT-Two storey 521. nnd 63J North JL1 Ifith at. inqnira nt Uio building. Henry sijiort. _ KU 710K KRNT Omco sulto * i'i n month. 2 slnplo JL1 omrc$15ench , all frontltiR Pithst. IIusli- nmn block , n. o. cor. IBth and Douglas , W. M , llushmnr , nil Lcixvonworth. - > Vi FOR UKNT A few olDoo rooms left for Also n wi-11 lighted room on Bocond floor , 40x0.1. in HaniKa building. lot _ FOR RRNT MISCELLfrfu'EOUS. ITIORHKNT Welllmprovi'd farm ofPO acres J near city. Schloshluei llros. , till South 10th. 63T-U137 _ IADIKH nnd Rontlemen cnn rent mnsquorndo Jsnlts by cnlhnt ; nt SIO N. lath , upstairs. "I710U HKNT Ilnsement , suitable for a plnin- -L1 ijcr or barber , cor. Kith nnd .Jackson sti. OX ) T71OH RENT -A warehouse with hlKh bnso- X1 nicnt , lentr.iHy located on ( dependent track from which cars cnn bo unloaded nnd loaded Into nnd from bulhlini ; . Immediate possession. Snm J. Howoll. 17 H. Uth st. Omnna. MTi Foil llENT-Uood basement , Sixao. 1515 Douglas st. 403 _ RENTAL AGENCIES. /"UMPIlKUj & TAUIOT , room 321. Ilningo Obulldlntf. Cin ml _ KO. J. PAUli , 11X19 i'nrnam St. , houses , stores , otc , .for ront. t > ! 3 \A7I1 Klvo spoclnt attention to renting and colT - T T loctlng ronta , list wltU us. II. U. Cole , room 0 Continental block. KM YOU wnnt your houses routed place them IF Honawa & Co 15th , opposite postotllce. 641 MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA Steam Dye Works 1M1 Howard st. Dyeing , cleaning , otc. I > ace curtains cleaned. C. T. Paulson prop. , telephone 1147. fil2-m'i" > s : , Vnllcn & Co. , undertakers and einbultuere , 1721 Cuming st. Tel. low. Co 1 11127 iinn banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel- - lenbeck , 323 S. 10th st. 042 IF YOU wnnt to buy. sell , rent or exchange. cnll on or vlthcss , 0. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 nnd 31B First National bank building. l i'J PERSONAL. TUANCB MKDIUM-Mmo. Sandall. the young Swede , tells fall namosof callers and the full name of your future husband or wife. with Oate o marriage , nnd tells whether the ono you love is true or-fulse. Not a fortune teller , but a young spjlclt medium. Mndama goes Into n perfectly dfhd trance. Will bring back the parted husbandor lover , no matter If they bo 10.00J miles uw | < y. Will guarantee to settle family qnnrrelsJQl'arlors up statr-i , 40S N. lUh St. . third Ml St _ TF YOU Intend to mnrry.or only desire amuse- JLment Join our clulv , Address with stnmp Western Correipondonco Club , Council Illulls , la. TOO milt _ _ " STEIlNSDOHFt , Heal T.stnto"nnd anKO Ilroker , has removed to Itooins 317 nnd ais. First National bank building. FOR SALE-MIStJELLANEOUS. TJlcnrSAljEI'Tiio"sffigto drlerro" " J weight 1,100 Ibs. chestnut sorrul , good style , sound and gentle , S. T. Frond ) , Council ItlutTs , la. 711-ltt OR SAfjfi or cxchn : ge Two pool tables. Address W. P. Jolmson , Milford. Sewnrd . Neb. ' * -J p. - . | / - " - TjlOU SAM : 10 head line fresh milk cows , nt J ? Military Bridge bam , Uumlug st. E. S. Jester. 603-2 ? FOlt SAIJJ A fine Tennessee marble top bideboard , { 25 , at KI5 Ucorgla live. 7U1-J HAVE a 01-foot square ouildlng , toimcrly used as n horse collar factory , on baunders and Frunklln sts. , on leased ground , together wltn about bOO feet of good shelving , nil of which can bo bought at your own figures. G. J. StcrnsdorlT , 317 and 318 First National Hank liullalng. Teiepaono 4G4. CDO-1 AIi A HOI' , heavy government wagon , almost new. cnn bo bought nt your own price. G. .1. Sternidorir , rooms 317 and 81B First Nntlonal Uank. Telephone 4f4. ! UM A11AIU1AIN Thirteen luimlred dollars worth of furnlturo for live hundred nnd Of ty dollars and lenso of modern house on Cup- Hoi avonuo. Must sell on account of poor health J. H. Parrottc , 1UOO Chicago st. 3J7-0 FOH SAIjR-Car load of young sound horses. 1510 California st. K. t > . Wood. 321 TJ10U SALE On terms tb suit , the neat cottage , J3 220 Charles st. Telephone B27 , or W. T. Spa- man , Omaha's largest viuloty buggioB , wagons , &c , , east side 10th st. north of Nicholas st. 4M WANTED TO BUY. WE have a customer for good corner lot In Pl.tlnvlew addition. 11. E. Cole , room U , Continental blocic. 041-4 W ANTKD to buy Saloon fixtures , counter , Ice box , & .c. Address S 17 Dee. USl-'j ; WANTKD to buy 1 have customers for houses and lots worth from 11,600 to Sf.OOO. property owners w'luhlng to sell will consult their Interest by listing their property with me. 1 can Und yon a purchaser. C. II. Heller , room C , 8. W.cor.JBthantl Douglas ftta WANTKD To buy good commercial paper. H. C. Patterson JIB 8 llth st. ifiu \\ANTED to buy aS room house and lot > south ot U. 1' . depot , must bo cneap. C. E. Holler , room r s.v. . cor. inth and Douglas. (131-0 LJP1 CIAL Hargalns wanted In choice Omaha kJlmproved buslne s. residence or vacant nropeity. Send inn list. I hnvo customers for bargains. K. F. Illnger , ll'J N. 15th. G 0 IJ WANTED Furnltnri * , carpats , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc tion i Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. 619 STORAGE. STUHAOE-At low rates at mi larnam St. , Omaha Ancllon At Storage Co. W7 rilKAailAQK. storagorlowest rates , W/M. Jlliisliman. . 1111 Loavonworth. Gl MIANCH & CO. , stora'go , 1211 Howard. CLAIRVOYANT pvll. NANNIK V. Warrmi , clairvoyant. Modi- X/cnl und business memtim , i'ennle dljeasor ) a specialty. ll'J ' N IBth St. , rooms a and 'J , fill ABSTRACTflrOF TITLE. ] \riILANDauarantoa-sr ) Trust Co. , IVK Fur- lii-nani , ConiDioto abitrapts furnished & titles to realestato examlnedfrfected& guaranteed 610 AllfaTIlACTS-Llnahilfi& Mahoney , room WJ. Paxtou block. 615 QMAHA Abstract coiinmy. i ill Karmtmst. Most completu and carefully propated sot of abstract boots nnd plum of alt real property in the city of Omaha abdlougla county. _ 470 MONEY TO LOAIN. _ MONEV to loniuuloVjCt rates of InteroM on real estate in Oinutm and Houth Oimilni. Titles ana property oxaufnuil by us and loans made at once. C'Ash on Wind , Hates , Hinlth 4 : Co. loom 201 Itamgu bloUitr. Iiy4 TVfONKV to loan oil fitrnlture , pianos , horsoa. I'Lwiigons. etc. City Loan Co. . 118 S llth st , opposlto IIUard hotel. ' 17(1 ( DON'T borrowfnoney on fiirnlturo , borne * , wagons , etc. , or collaterals until yon sou C. H.Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. Cbb MONEV to loan ou Improved real estate by Northwestern Mutual Llfo insurance Ca Ixiwest rates ) no commissions. AddrehS How- aril Kennedy , apodal loan agent , OmaUn , Neb , MONKV to Ix > au on chattel security , fair rate of interest , j. H , Parrolto , luoa Chicago st. | 435 H BUILDINd lonna a snecialty. W. M. HarrH room 20 , Frenzcr blodc. opi > 0iUe I * . O. ODKLI. 111103. & Co. , No. 31K Bo. Ittlh at. . Chamber of ( > > mmerce building , loan monuy at 0 , Uii , 7 , 7H and 8 per cant , uccordlntr to loca tion of proporty. Uusuruassed facilities for placing large loans on Inside buslneaj property. A special fund of several thousuud dollars to loan on unimproved lotJ , % H ' MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on business property , t\WO to JW.WW , T\nted. Provident Trust Company , room TO , First National Hank building. 103 First class Inslilo loans. Lowest lates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co , H I aturker blk. ISthjxnd Farnam. 630 DO yon want to borrow money ? If so , o. J. Storn'dorff , rooms ,117 and 3IP , First National bank bulldlnir , will loan you any amount from M.OUO to I'lO.RW , on Im proved or unimproved Omaha proporty. low- fst rotes ot Interest. No imnoceMary delay. Improved central business property loans a specialty. Teleplwne I'lL ' _ fas DO VOlf want money ? Loans made on house hold furniture , pianos , horses , etc. , without delay or removal. Persons wishing a loan of this kind will do well to call at our otllce before dealing eisowhero ; bnslaess stilctly contldon- ti il. A. E. Oremiwood & Co. , lloorn l , Cnnnlng- 1mm block , ISth aiidJiM-ksoiiBts. _ f > 'iJ MONI5\"toloanon furnttute , hor.sos , wagons etc. , or on any approved security. J W , llobblns , U. 203 , Shooly bis. , ir.lh and Howard. 6'i.S KOPLK'S Financial Kxchango-Tho fnlroit , , most liberal money nxclmngu In tno city ; loans made without delay or publicity , In any amount largo or sin.ill , nt the lowest rates of lnleri > * t , on any nvailabla security ; loans maybep-ud nt miy tlmo or renewed at original rates. O. llouscaron. mgr , lloom riiHj , llarkcr blk. 16th and Farnam. fA > DlT YOU want to borrow money ? Head this : U w 111 savuyoa Ulna. It will save jou money. ITou can borrow from II. r. Musters , ( incpossor to W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthncll bld'g. llth and Harnoy sts. tin , S.M , r.i. * ioi. * Juo. * : oo , * iooo , , no.on in fact , any sum you wnnt on furniture. pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier terms and at lox\cr rates than any other ollico In the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If nn Instalment Is duo on your property nnd yon cannot meet It , call and see me. I wil pay It for you. If yon have n loan In any other oilicc , cnll and got my rates. 1 will take It up and carry It for yon , 1 iniko loans for ono to six months , and you cnn pay a p art at any time , reducing both prin ipal and Interest. All loans renewed at original rates , and no charge for papers. , , , , All business strictly confidential. Call and BOO mo. . . . Don t forgot the number. Itoom 4 , WItunoll b'.ock. fiKl MONEV to loan on choice Omaha propeitv. No delay , lowest rates. E. F. Itlngor , II ! ) N. 15th. 05U U mo T.OANA special fund ot 110.000 In sums JL from * 'iOO up , cm unimproved lots lu Omaha If not situated too fur out.OJoll Urothor.sA Co , ! I12 S. 10th st. 028 loans at low rates , nnd no FIHSTmortgaito , 210 , First National bank. 6.V1 \TEIMtASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a IN loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , fine Jewelry or securities of any kind without publicity , at reasonable rato3. lioom 7 , liowley block , South Omaha. Itooins OlS-M'l ' Paxton blK. , Omaha , Neb. 6.V ) Cl ) to KO.OJO at 0. W and 7 per cent , no M id- "Vllericn. money direct from the r.astorn En- vestor. W. 11. Jtelkle , First Nat'l llnnk building. 407 MONEV lioans negotiated nt low rates with out delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloiuau , cor. IStii and Farnam. 603 MONEV to loan on Improved property at first hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined frotf of chnrgo to bori owcrs. Lombard Investment company , ; > 00 S. 12th st. 60t fONEY to loan. Harris. H. E. 4 Loan Co. , Lroom 111 , First Nat. Dank. CIO " \fONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. real estate .Li-Land loan agents , 1505 Fnrnam st. 6U7 MONEV to Loan We are ready tor applica tions for loans In amounts from iKJX ) to f 10.- 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full information ns to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us , or write. The McCaguo Investment Co. 130 T CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel J-secnritles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 Darker blk. fflj > UILIINU loans. D. V. snoles , 210 , First > Nat'l Uack. 30'J ' . nnd PEOPLE'S Financial Exohango-l.arge JL Hinall loans for long and short tnno , at low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If. you want fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. llouscarou , JIgr. , roomWii , Barker blk. , 15th and Fnrnam. OC5 6PEK CENT money to loan Cnsh on hand. W. M. Harris , room 20 , trenzer block , op p. p. o. _ _ 3.'J E. COLE , loan agent. 247 SEESholos. 210 First Nat'l bantc bflforo mak- ingyour loans. 550 MONEY to loan : cash on hand : no d olny. J. W. Squlro. 1219 Farnnm St. , Firs : National bnnk building. 557 Mortgage & Trust Co. , PHILADELPHIA direct to borrowers. JIuko building loans , largo or Biuail : perfect titled : accept loana In their western olllce. Goo. W. P. Coates , representative , 13 Hoard Trade. . 551 MONK V loaned for : JO , M or IK ) days , on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est : business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 Fnrnam st. 5dl M ONIIV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. II , 11 Colo.H C.Contlnental blocic. DffiJ ? 'iOOOX ) tn loan at 0 per cent. Linalmn It Jla- Jhoney , Itoom 600. Paxton block. too LOANS made nn real estate and moitgages bought. Lewis S. lleod & Co. , Iffil Farnam. GG3 MONKV to loan In large sums nt the lowest rates ; no delay. It. C. Patterson , 318 B. 15th. TT E. COLG , loan agent. BUILDING loans. Llnahau & Mahonoy. Mil BUSINESS CHANCES. "I/1OKSALK Anestabllsliodcommlsslon.pack- JLJ Ing butter nnd egg business , with cold stor age conuccteii. Address luck uox 260 , Omaha. C'JO-Jt WANTKD To sell ; barber shop and bath honso , nn account of health ; goo'l trade. V.I. . Hose , Holyoke , Col. 70I-1J fjlOH HALU A new , clean stock of buotH and J-1 aliot'i. in a live town of NobriisKa ; ntocE about } JOOi > ; work enough for two men on cus tom work ; good location ; lent 110. Address KOI , Ileo ollko. G'W A FINEflaloon business In the best part of Nebraska for sale ; brick building foriont ; wl give immediate possession ; any ono with loss than 81,000 need not apply. Address K I > , Iteo. 1J 4t ACONFHCTIONAHY and cigar stand Tor sale , cheap ; good location , llul N 17th , cor ner 17th and Nicholas , 011-3 * T710U SALE ono of the be&t located machine JL brick yards tn tno pity ; will bell cheap if sold at OIKO. Good i canons tor sailing. Address - dress "B. 0 , " Ileo olflco. (30-3 * DUUG Store , about $1,000 , In one of Iho best towns In Nebraska , population 1,20 ( ) , terms cash ; going into jobbing. Address U 61 , lieu olllco. 441 It MEAT market for sale ; Lost paying stand In Omaha. Address " 1168 , " lieu olllco. 400-11121 * A NEW roller mill for sale Inn good whuat -/V bolt , and gooil markut for floor. For terms address F. J. Andreas , Gordun , Nub , p OH BAI.K A well established grocery bust- K ness tn this city , Inqulro 13. M , Steelu Co. , 13th and llarni'y. 71 mlj _ ? OR EXCHANGE. C LEAK hind , lots and stock for good house and lot , Omaha ; must bo unexceptionable neighborhood , Ailureti2l , Hoe. 7iU F Oil EXCHANOK-2 good lots on Wust Far- num st. for Denver property Tlio O. F , Davis Co. , Ifri'i Faruam. 710 C _ \\HIAT have you to ollar In exchange for a i ? Jli'.u.o ruHidonctt In u good county sent. and I.OOJ acres of land , all clear. Wnstein Laud unit Loan Exchange , ill H. Sixteenth. KJ.I-U FH lXCIIAN(115-Wulmvo ! ( for excnango a fU,000 slock ot merchandise. Want goo Omaliu property. Vacant lot opposite Kountze Placo. and A neat frrnom couitgu for a vacant lot in the northwest part of tno f.ty. Vacant lots lightly incnmbered. F.aay terms. On the cnr Hue. For good lund. II. i' . Cole , room fl , Continental blocic , _ m-i 'ffioijT25icTt ; Nli-C40 acres of land In Chey. J2 enno Co. , Neb , What have you to olt rJ. . T. EnnlfhttrtU. llraUahnw. Neb. 406-1 * _ mo KXOHANtilnousoi anil lots , farni J-lamlsy nierchanilUa , hem 8 , cuttlu , wagons , vtc. Call or write U. E. Keller , room 6 , dW. tor , 18th and Duiiulaa. 8 n UXCH ANOli 2W acres unlmiiroved land' mile from Thiimmoll/Merrlck cotiutyd Nbb , , to trail * for stock morchaudUo. AilUreji llox to ? , Wntrftl CUy. Neor. W7-1 FOR EXCHANGE. 17UMI KXClIANd h-Ton cholc clear tarnn IS -L. to ! W mller north of Ihs city for resldenc * nnd business block * , will pay some cash. Instdo property , rented ( fw , for varntit lots on west llnrncy , Dodge or Davenport or cross Clear lota on Hamilton nt , nenr aith to et- rhange for rcsldento on cnpltol hill : will ns- sumo mortgage or pay cash. Onoof the best brlcK residence blocks In the city , rented for Wl i. 1'rlce * mVM. ( Can take about l In otncr good property. I i roomed house , 3 lota , gooa bnrn , all mod- prn Improvements , located In lltirllimtoii. Price. Jt'i.WO. Will oxchnngo for a good proper ty in Omaha and pay * 12wo tollVOiO cash. 21otssocor. 2Uth and Donclai to exchange for honso and lot or cleitr land or merchandise. . M choice lots 4 blocks north of Druid hill depot. only 10 mlnutos tide from Webster Mt , no cash If yon will build. A. ( I anil T room houses built to suit and only I10J to II VI cash , bal. < I1 to WO pormo. Thpso lots nro only a few blocks from the now chair f.ictoiy. 6 acre tracts M Do Holt Place. Just west of Omaha Heights , only ! M minutes ride from Webster st. depot , will e-ci'hango for city pro- porty. B. FIllnger. . Ill ) N 15th. _ ittfl-1 * 1TIO11 EXCIIANO -Eighty I ! acres of the nnost JJ timber land In Wisconsin , clear of Incnm- brance. What have you to oiler ? H. .1. Sterns. dorlT , rooms 317 * U1S Tint National bank building. W oifrilADE Council lllnlTs and Omaha real cstale for farms , hortcs. caltlo or merchan- ill 5i. lion lots between Omaha ami Council lllutrs. C. U. Mayue. 13th and Hnrney. fd7 in 1 _ _ 1T10II KXCHANlJE-ror desirable resldonco JC nropeity In Omaha , any or nil of following ! 40 choice Inside residence lots lu Hi stings. KXJlots in Lincoln. WO acres flue farming land , Lancaster county. line residence property. Lincoln. ( loodrontiil propiuty , Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , cot uur. Loj AnpeliM. A neat residence property In Ilnnscom Place. ANo. some good mortgage notes. Address , clvliig location nnd prlco of prop erty. J. E. if. care llanm Iron Co. , 1317 l.onyon. "il ttorth. _ _ _ _ _ TJIOlt F.XCHANOK-Dakota. Hand county. JU What hao you to oifor for n good farm here , slightly encnmberiMl ? Dakota lands are rising in value , and Its dostlny cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop erty and assume some inrnmbranco. ( J. .1. Steinsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank building. _ M FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FINE quarter section , Sherman county. Lots in thriving Iowa city ; nl .o In Omaha. Ken tucky bred saddle horse , nil the units. Snlon- did r.unlly m.ire , carriage , ctr. Wliat Imvo j on to oiler ? Addtcss S20 , Htm olllco. 700 Toob buy 2 houses and lot , G7xS2 3. E. cor. llth and Vinton. OSJ-mll , for sale Lots 21 nnd 22 , block fi. Paddock Place , tr.ick already in. JI.IHM It sold uy Mnroh lOlh ; after that date JB.UW. 31. A. Upton Company , ICth nnd F.xrnam. 078-10 T IlAATlthu Impiovunioutoii twotlmberclnlms X nnd one homestead 1 can lot go for price of Improvement , llcason , RoinR to my mother-In- law's. Land Is good. 1'Uto , 8100 tor all. Ad dress "S. 7 , " lloo olllco. r-19-2 * , ESTATU forsalo-A Ono lot on 20th KKAI street , on the cable lino. And two -rooni cottnges. SI.IXK ) . Terms easy. This Is n bnrguln. H. K. Cole , room 0. Continental block. CJM FOIt SAUbtory ; nnd n-hult 0-rooin huuse , sewer , gns nnd city water , with good barn , all In good shape ; very convenient cable nnd three horse car lines. Terms very easy. H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 014-4 LOOK HiilK-I.ot fiOx40. ! 20th fctreat , just south of I.onvonwoith , paved street , stroo cars. Two-story H-room house ; good cellar and cistern : owner going west on March llth , and If not sold by that tune will bo taken out of thomarket : 87fRi ) ) : cheap. M. A , Upton Com pany , Kith and rarnam. 0 < i ! I will soil tli o following described property on Wednesday. Jlnrch 20,10 n.m.atpubllc auction to the highest bidder forcabti on approved security. A new ono story frnmo itore building 100x24. with basement and living rooms. A now stock or nbont sOOO.OJ worth of gen eral merchandise uud about * ; 00.00oith of new furniture. Tor particulars call on or address J. H. Skuhl , Charter Oak , Crawford Co. , In. WM3 HASTINGS. Nebraska 100acios land adjoin ing the city for sale by A. Volth , Hastings , Neb. BiMn'.i.-it , YjlOH SA liK or Trado-The ery finest re'ldeucu JLJ in Osceola. population 4.0UU , county Heat of ClarK county , Iowa. II ! room brick house , steam heat , andevervconvenience ; one ncro of land. Cost 815.000. Mortgage 83.UOJ for ave yearn at 7 per cent annually. Will sell or trade equity. M. A. Upton , Company , Investment bankers , Omaha , Neb. 037 SAIlJ-Iots IS , CO and 27 , 4 < xl50. lot 21. FOB 50x150. In block 13 , on Harncy st , also lots 4 and 21 In block 1 , East Bldo addition to Omaha. For particulars Inquire of T. J. Ucrmlnghntn , ( iolena , HI. 4iDmJl OH SALK-r-ot 11) , in block 13. 50x150. on Hnrneyst. For particulars luqnlro of Win Sinlger , Galena , 111. 193 m5 ! cash , balance tj ponnonth. will buy now $100 house oa 27tn st. near L.ika st. Price. l2 , 00. C. E. lleltei , room 5 , s. w. cor. Fith and Douglas. 471) ) ml WAKE up nnd take advantage 01 some of the bargains 1 have to oiler. Are you lookIng - Ing for a nice little homo ? If so , 1 have a splendid four-room house in 8te\ens Place , ac tually w orth $2,00) ) that can be bought for $1,600 , Vt cash , bal to suit , Tlio house Is tlnlEhcd In hard pine , has a goon well , collar , cistern , barn , etc. Largo corner lot facing south and cast. It will pay yon to Investigate this. Geo. J. Storns- rtorll , rooms 317 nnd . ' 118 First National bank building. Telephone 4(11. ( ftil WORTHY of your attention. Now being completed on 2Jth si , north of Leaven- worthst , two houses convenient to business , \ei-yroomy , grata , mantel , furnace , tras , | ; r.jn , tollel , 2 waler closets , stationary W-UHH tubs , hot and cold Water , five bedrooms , 10 closets ; only fi'.ft'O , on tunns to suit. Telephone 227 or W. T , Heamau , Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , carriages , etc. , cast side 10th st , north of Nicholas st. 412 FOH SAI.E-Lots 11 , 15 and Ifl. blocK 11 , West Side addition. These lots are 51x12) each , lay very pretty , nnd the three can bo bought for 81,000. They are actually worth twice that amount G. 3. SternsdorIT , Rooms J17 and 31U , First National bank building. .T > S FOR BALK Ot ! acres , Hamilton Co. . Nob. land , t'J per acre , ouo-thlrd cash , balance at flpercont. Address W. J. Wlldman.Denvor.Col. 575 TjlOR UALK Ortrodo , 8 not ? 8-room houses ; Jfiom llrst hands. Koom420 Ramgo block. 42\J in 221 " 171011 SALE 7 roomed house and full lot , good JL ? surroundings , on a streetcar lino. Will take in exchange Nebraska or Knims farm property with some Incumbranco , or vacant lot In Omaha or South Omaha , Call and Investi gate now. C. F. Harrison , 403 und 401 Mer chants' National bank 7Vi G ROVER STEVENS , 1IUI Farnam , has a num ber of bargains In houses und lots In nil parts of the city. If you want to buy , sell or trado.glvo mo a call. 375 rnilACICAGK-On the IT. P. R. H. 102x131 , JL within the mile line. This Is the best bar gain In Omaha ; i'W > . Graver Stevens , 1521 Fauiam. 3.0 TJIOR SALE Cheap-Not for trmlo : 643,70 acres J- land ( Sec 6-12-0) ) two miles from Mnrqnotte. Hamilton county Nobrastca. Frame huuno.stu- bio , iluO acies nniler good barb-wire fence , round cedar posts , two stays ; living water. 111- foot channel ; 2 wellH , IlW-balrel tank , corral , self-feeder ; a natural stock ranch ; in a line corn belt. Price ( about JI1.50 per acre ) W.2.V ) Cash down . . . . ! l,00) ) 2 and ! 4 years'tlmo i ! per cent . , , . Sim Go and IOOK over land Address ownul' . F. K. AlKliis. rxB Larimer m Denvor. Col. fittl TjlOR HALI5 Some line revenue paying prop. Jirty im the best streets of the city tJj.UOJ , J15.000 , J30.UUO , 8MOJJ. Several bargains In unimproved business lots. lots.Choice Choice propel ty , easy terms , in all partu of thu city. " H , Darker block. C04 a DO you want to buy , hell nrnxchango any kind of merchandise or real emuloc if MI , list it with me , describe what you want , and 1 will make the deul for you. 15 , F. Riugor , 111) ) N. 13th. mi U TJUlll BAIiKi llargaln Fine lot and residence J1 on South llthslrout. l/Jt ( iOxlHat grade , 25- foot alley on south Kldu and IB-footalluy In rear ; nlcii Rhado trees In front. New c-room house ; haul wood and ell finish ; nli-o homo ; large lot und wry cheap nt 80,000. M. A. Upton company , 10th ami Farnam. IKU Fill HALK-'JI acres , corner Thirteenth and North HI reels. Donlr.ihla for platting C , Good , Gooil block , De.1 Moltiei , la , lllB-iiK'7' $ n,760 , ? , HVI cash , 'i.dOJ o years a per cent , buys J story 8-room houso. f urn ico. Imth , etc. , lot WxlUDfeot , No. 2-MJ Poppluton ave. , llnnscom Place ; must go by March lat , party going away , D. V. Sholes. BIO let Nat'l bank. fll F.ST OMAIIA-Two elegant lot * at a bar. gain. UrovitrStevens , 1U1 luniam , ! )7fl ) ALL on 11 , li. Oul ? , northeast corner of nth and Douglas 818. , Omaha , for Edtvln K. Al < nip Ac Co.'s catalogues of lands of California. _ 230 A prl 11U BALE or Exchange-Improve 1 stock - ' farm of tXJJucre * In eastern Nebruslca , near market ; also nvw IJ room IIOIUB wltn nil con- yenliiuces , In doilrablu reuldence portion of pulHlm. Andrew llovlns. Attorney , 4fJ ! and 4fJ I'axtou blockmalia , Neb. 370 number ot good iuts m rarluti * addltlous that muse be Hold at piuu and cau be bought at prlcm that will wHyou , O. J.StsrmiiJorir. roonu all aud3H First National Uauk bulldlu . iijj FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE , FOH 8A1.K I.ot T. block A , Uodford Price ITTfl ; terms easy. I-ot.sti. in , 11 nnd la , block 4 , Bedford plaoo , 1'rlco tVttvnch : terms oa r. Lot Ablock \ llnnifom placo. I'rlce M,50i ) . IK ) ! 7 block 2 , Ilnnscom placo. Price H.UU lx > t 11 block 1 , Plnlnvlew , Pi Ice JI.'Ai. Lot 33 , Stmnysldo. Price , K.IW. lrf > t 17. Sunnygldp. Price } 2. < U Lots 2S and S ) . Snnnyslde. Pi lc f.1,011) ) , Lots In HIIMldo rc.'crvo , opposite Yates flna rf > sldcnct\fromriivXtoMN ) , special lndnca < incuts to pftitlns wishing to build In this nddt < lion. , Lot I Mock HO , city. S. li cor. 17th nnd Far natnsK Prlco f 7XA > Hi. Lots I and S block x'.M , city , 8. W. cor. llth and MiKonsK , prlroUVXM. , .ol , l block 2I2 , , city , prlrn } 2W. llnlhllngs on this lot runt for about 112J per month. Lot 1 Muck ai , city , price JI6.1KO. liullilluRa rent for WO per month. Lot 4 block 3ISU , rlty , P. K. for. 20th nnd Cnmtni ; sts. , price fc bxl llulldluiis rent for about tli'i per month. Lot ft block 2 , Potter's addition. ll.aVX Lots 12 nnd 1 1 , block I. llcumin' * M nddlllon tiK'oimrll llluir.s , double coiner on llrondwny , Tirlcn t i , ] ( . Lot 11 block 2 , notion's 2d ndilltlon to Coun cil Illunt. corner nn llumdw ay , price jl,2V ) . Lot 12 block n. Benson's 2d nddlllon tn Coun cil llluiK coiner on Broadway , WxlTH foot , , . . Lot 1 block IS , Terry's Addition to Council Bluffs , corner on Bronnwav. J1.25J. South Omaha- Lots 9 nnd 10 block 2 .letter's ndd'nt five- houses renting for J70 per month. Piico , fU . Lot H block 2.1etter'Hndd'n ; four houses rentIng - Ing for ? ti ) per month , Price , flUU. Lot 4 block 0. First nild'n to South Oinnlin , Price , Hr,7.1 ; one-third cash. Lot 11 block 7 , First mld'n to South Onmlm. Priro , $1,575 : one-third cash. Lot 2 block ( V > , South Omaha. Price , 11,000 ; cuHh , iiW. Lotol and'Jbldck t Potter .V Cobb'n 2d adrt'n to South Omnlm. Pi ice , Jl..lV ) . This Is n coiner on24thst , H7xliifeet ) , and one-half the prlc niked for single lusldolots one block north. Business lots on N. Q , 21th , 25th , 20th nnd 27th stiuots. Cnll for prices. lKt'J block 7. First ndd'n to South Omaha , Price , * Jnoa : H cash Potter & . Cobb , Iftth ami Fiirnnm Rts. : 1I10R SALE Or exchange for Omiilin jirop- JL ? orty , N ) acres , nultnbln for plattluic will mnka juOlots.all clear ; big money lu It for Homo ono who can push this ; locatoil just outsldo tha rlty limits ot Council BliKN. Inquire ( loo. J. Stoinsdoril , rooms 317 und 31 * , 1 < 11 it Nntlonal bank building 573 THE REALTY MARKET. Instruments placed on record during yostor- day. WFMolcher to F Sonnenschlon. lot 23 , blk 5 , .Monmmoutli paik , w d . . . { 2,500 Union Pacific R'y Co to Oinnlia \ Repub lican Vnlloy Ify Co. lots 1 to 5 In blk60 , Phute Valley , w d 055 Union Pacific R'y Co to Omaha & Hep ub- llcnn Valley H'y Co , n &mjll tract in Pintle Valley , w d 03 LShroeder , tiusloo. to O Finger , n (5 ( of lots 13 and 14 , blK 4 , ClOM'Inud place , wd 1,150 P A Gavin and wlfo to D H Souver , lots 1 nnd2 , Ilkii , Wnlnut Hill , wd S H II IIiiLo nnd wlfo to H P Drexel , lot2 , blkl2 , Hunscom plncu D H Seavoi to M E Gavin , lots 1 and 2 , blk ( I. Walnut Hill , w d 2 H O'lveefo nnd wlfo to E A Corliss , undi vided 'i of lots 3 and I , blk 11 , Wilcox'3 nil , w d . . . CO ) F , M Prugh anil husband to A G Andrews , lot U , blk 12 , Monmouth pnik. w d 750 A U Anderson and hnsbuudto M B Ilom- i inond , lot 8 , blk 2 , Monmontli park , wd 1,000 11 Reed and wife to.l U Early , lota 1 , 2 nnd 3 , blkUUSli , Omaha , q c d S 3 Alnscowto C ICurnscholt , } > of lot 20 , blk ; i , Llpton plni-o. w d 800 M S l.lndsuv nnd wife to O Ellison , o > , i lotfi , Lindsay's ndd , wd 3,000 N Bnlubrldgo and wife to .M Wldooy , u > } , sw 20-1510. wd . . . . . . . 1,009 M Wlilnoynnd husbnnd to N Bnlnbrldge , w1 , lot I and nil lot 5 , blk 1 , Waterloo , wd . . Kb M Lench to A Loach , n o s o lli-in-ll , wd. . 400 Thoinpson A Mllf ) to M It radon , lot 7 , blK4,1st ndd to Few lor plncu , wd . . . C25 E Phelun to M R Pnnon , lot 8 , blk 4 , 1st ndd to Fowler plnce , wd 025 A P Tnkoy et nl to R I , Salle , lots 8 nnd U , lilk 15 , Clifton Hill , wd l,20i ) B .1 otter nnd w If < to .1 Krojot , lot 7 , blk 0 , Jettor'aadd to South Omaha , wd TO ) Win G Albright and wile to TO .VT.Ii'lf- r los , lots 1. 2,3,15 nntl 10. blk 4 , Jotter'u ndd to houth Omaha , wd 1,000 J i : Troll nnd w If o lo K J .Marsh , Iot7 , blk li ( , Highland place 1,509 E J Maron to M Troll , lot 7 , blk 10 , High land iilncc , wd 1,503 K EEMcJlmsoy toJ .McJiusey , lot 0 , blk n.ILnwnllold , nnd und ij lots 1 , 2,4 nnd B , blit 1. Blntno pluce , wd Z D W Knight and wife to Ftomont , Elk- hoi u & Missouri Valley Hallway com- pnny. land in ntf nw 28-10-12 , right of wnrilced 109 It M Twaddle to Frpinont , Elkhorn A : Mis- bourl Valley Hallway company , land lu sw-27 nnd ( , 2.--1M2 , light of wny deed. 1 J .1 Lynch to P R lloldcu. lot 10 , bile 1 , lianuunpaik ) , q cd 1 Win G Albright and w Ifo to O T Let t wich , lot 1H. Illc22 , Albrlght'H choice to South Omnha , w d 350 C K Mnynonnd wlfo to II H Haven , lot 23. blk 4 , Mayne's iidil , w d 1 H H Riuen ana wlfo to J Dldman , lot S ) , block 4. Jlayno's add , w U 500 H A Kostornnd wife to A P Johnston , lot n. blkl , Kostor'.s add , wd . . . . 700 A P Wood , trustee , to J F llopklns'allblk 14. Bowling Green , w d 1,750 Thirty-two transfers , aggregating . . . . $29,3dl ltuil < : in < ; I'ornilts. The following building porailta were issued ypstcrdny : F A 'J'ompkiiiB , one-story frame addition. StnPouth Twenty-eighth 8 IOC A .1 Itabwell , two-stoiy frame dwelling , Twenty-ninth nnd Jackson 4,090 Gee A ustrom , ono story fruine barn , Johnston , near PlenHant street 100 Andrew Wedoll , ono and ono-liulf srory frame aw oiling , Lincoln street COO A E Slinw , ono and one-half story frumo dw oiling. Fort Omaha avenue and Spring urn-el 1,000 A 11 Atwood , two-Btory frame dwelling , Omaha Heights 1,900 A II Atwood , ono and one-half story fiauio dwelling. Spring street 1,050 Hunnah J Fox , two story frame dwell ing , Spring avenue , , . . 1,000 Hannah J Fox , 01111 and one-half story finmodvtoiling , Centre and llnnbaiigh 1,001 Nine permits. .812,700 EPIDEMICS OF DISASTER. Some CurloiiH Observations of n Chl- uugo IiiHiirunco Man. While chatting witJi an insuranca tnnn thld morning , wtya a writer in the Cliicngo .fotiriml. our convorsiitloa ( h'iftc'd into the subject of "nows cpi- doniic's,1' that is to say , Instances where ovontssuch us mui'dorti , fires , suiciilcs , nnd HO forth crowded onu upon the otlior ir rapid sequence , anil , uitor suddenly ceasing for fiomo tinio , bronlc out again. "Tlint is true onoiigh , " said my i-islc- tnlcing frleiul , "mid our company was confronted the other day witli u chain of cireuniHtnncos that /joes / to provo the truth of what I have boon saying , On looking over our account of losses , sorno ono in the olllco discovered that for nearly two years wo had not paid a slnglo los for flro In ti hut and cup concern. The peculiar circuin- stance was duly noted and marveled at , and the very next day there was a flro in a iiulTalo wholesale house. The llamos started in the hat anil cap depart ment and wore principally confined to it. The loss was trilling , but it aup- Cliod the dollcioney our olorlc had rought to our notice. It sooinod after that that every hut and cap store In the country on which wo carried a risk had to catch fire , There waa abla/.o in that sort of store almost every other day for nearly throe weeks , and long before the last one was chronicled wo hud coino to look upon the observant cleric aa a veritable - table Jonah , The epidemic of hat and cup llros geoms to have died out , however - over , nnd there isn't an employe of the company , from president down to the olllco boywho dares to make an observa tion on the particular kind of fires that btrlke us most frequently , YOB , the ob servant cleric retains his place , but bo's gone out of the business of compiling impromptu statistics. " Involution ol'Soulnl Hours. Philadelphia Record ! Mrs. Society ( a few years hence ) "Sot the alarm clock , dear , mid coino to bod. " Miss Society "Sot It at what tlmo , mother ? " "At 4 a. tn. , of colirso. Morcyt Jlava you forgqttori that this IB the night ot Mrs. Tiptdu'd party , and wo promised to arrive early' ? " A brass band the "nolld gold" rloi found in a prlzo package ,