Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Jldllr ( Morning Edition ) Including StiNiixr
in-p. Ono Vear . 110 0
ForPlxMonthH . B o
J'or Three Months . . . .26
TUB OMAHA HrmiAV HBK , mailed to any
nctilrriii , One Vctir . go
VI.KKI.Y UEK , Ono Year.
OMAHA OrncK.Nos.lil4 and Oin
All communications rolatlns tonow.s nmlral
torlnl matter ahould tie addressed to the lliiITOl
ntlSINKSSWnTlL should bi
All business letters anil remittances
ndjiesjod to TUB llm 1'uiii.isniNU COMPANY
OMAHA. tlrnfti. checks nnd postnlllcd orders ti
bo mnilo ptyablo to tliu order of the company.
VliB EEC PaMiSuinECipaiiy , Proprietors ,
K. ROSKWATEK , Editor.
Sworn Stntcnicnt of Circulation ,
BtiUonf Nebraska , I , ,
Conntjr of Douglas , ( "
( leorKO II. Tzschuck , F > t > cictnry of the Ilco Pub
llshlng company , dors solemnly swear that the
acHiftrclrctilntlon. ot Tun lUtLV llr.K for tin
work niillng Kobrnm y 2.1. IHsit. wagus follows
Fumlay. rol' . 17 . Wrm
Momlny , I'oli. 1H . HVIJ
TttCHilnv. I'd ) . Ill . JH.M !
\\cdnrarlnr. Foil. 20 . 18.0'
TlilirMlnv. Feb. SI . JW
1 nclny. IVli. 24 . Mi
fcaturdny. l'ob. : . " ) . . ! . > .
Avcrnso . 13.UI
Bnorn to before mo and sulncrlbt-il to In mj
presence tlita ) d lUyot rolirunry. A. 1) . IKS I.
heal. N. 1' . FRIL. Noturr 1'ublle.
Btntu of Nebraska. I _ ,
County of Douglas. f "
UiurRQ II. Tzsclmck. bntnc duly sworn , rti
POMCS nnil Bays time ho ti socrotaty ol the Ilee
Publishing companv , mat thu tictunl tuornse
tlnllv cliculation of Tin ; IHit.v IIKB for the
month of Tebruniv. 1 W , was 1B. . coploi
for JIarch , ISM. iafi.yj copies ; for April
18C8. ix.711 copies : for Miiy. iws.
copies : for Juno , I8H8 , 11,21.1 copies ; foi
July. l&'C. JIJ.O.M copies : for August , 1883
1P.1M copies ; for 8optonib r. tsv , isni conies
for October , 18 , HUH copies ; for Novenv
ber. It-m. lhW-G copies ; for December , IbBS , K , ' i
copies ; for Jniuiaiy , IKto. lt > .fiH topics.
cir.oucii : n. T/SCIIUCK.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In mj
pmcncu tills 18th day of ralirunry. A. I ) . 1 9.
N. 1' . IT.1I , Notary 1'ubllc.
Tin : spring fever 1ms struck the leg'
isluttvo sinecures.
Tim Nebraska legislature threatens
to regulate ovorj thing in sight but the
TliK proposed wngon bridge at Siouj
City will wipe out the few remaining
traces of prohibition in that enterpris
ing town.
If General Harrison could .got some
body to untie the factional knot , ho
would have no diniculty in unraveling
the tangled situation of Now York.
CONGUKSS favors commercial union
with Canada. The chiinoea are that
Hail Columbia will receive a voluptuous
cold shoulder if she crosses the border.
ARIZONA proclaims train robbing n
capital olTonse. The onterurising hold
ups of that region are too familiar with
the Mexican line to be caught with a
ISN'T it about time that the legisla
ture got down to consider the appro
priation bills ? The longer they are left
on the book the larger the appropria
tions are liable to grow.
ONLY n two-thirds ice crop has been
harvested in Omaha , and the ice man's
price list has entered a go-as-you-ploaso
running match with the thurmomoter
for the rest of the season.
TIIK bids for the now poatofllco slto
are nil in the hands of Postmaster
Gallagher , and the bidders are anx
iously awaiting the outcome of what ap
pears to bo a jug-handle arrangement.
GliKAT excitement is reported from
southern California over the discovery
of rich gold fields. It is wonderful in
deed to what ends these Californians
will resort in order to Inflate their
collapsed "boom. "
EUWIN B. LINTON , the agent of the
treasury department , 1ms suggested that
a meeting ot property owners bo held
to-morrow evening to discuss the pro
posed sites for the now postofllco build
ing. It is understood the meeting will
bo held in the board of trade hall.
HILT. STOUT'S bill for extras , amount
ing to $10,000 , would furnish an inter
esting chapter of capltol history if
properly itemized. It is hardly possible
that ho otntttod the cost of the putty
used on yawning crovicoa of the south
ivlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIIK. buoyancy of a pair of dainty num
ber fourteen gaiters recently saved a
Delaware woman from drowning. Jf she
could bo Induced to loan her saviors to
Secretary Bayard , the damp , dismal sea
M oblivion would lose its surrounding
AN American bridge builder has
"fceon devoured by a shark in Australian
waters. The fact is chronicled with
mingled feelings of shame and sorrow
that n man who had run the gantlet of
the nallvo article should fall an easy
prey to a measly foreigner.
Tine legislature sinecures are doomed.
The house committee lias discovered
that Borty alleged employes can bo fired
bodily from the capltol without allcut-
tug thu progress of business in the
slightest degree. The reform comes
late in the day , but it will save the
treasury several hundred dollars.
TUB moldy plea of poverty which
the Union Pacific makes whenever
liskcd to redeem its pledges to this corn-
Inunity is a painful spommon of Bos
ton inn simplicity. During January ,
the dullest month of the year , the com
pany harvested nn increabo in the sur
plus ol ? 172,000 , compared with January ,
Jusvaa Grover Cleveland is about to
Btop down Secretary Whitney hnu
awarded the contract to Nels Patriuk
for tliroo ot iiis patent torpedoes which
1.1 r. Miller had expected to plant some
J'oara ago , n little after Tilden was to
Uxko his seat in the white houso. I/
there are millions In this nub-marine
monster , Omaha will in duo time secure
her eharo of the wealth , besides gaining
a good deal of international population
' 01 * QUO of Jior oldqst oitlzoiid.
There being no lo'ngor a quo&tioi
that Mr. Blalno will bo secretary estate
state under the next administration
future negotiations between the govern
inentof the Dnltod States and the gov
eminent of Gcrminy regarding tlv
Snmonn issue will bo carried on undo
the direction of Blnino and Hlsmarck
It is therefore n matter of interest t
recall the views of the former regard
ing American policy with respect to tin
islands of the Pacific. A confcronci
having already boon agreed upon bo
twuon the two governments , in contln
nation of that hold in Washington it
1887 , to meet in Berlin , that arrange
ment will doubtless bo carried out b ;
the now Kdmlnistration , to which tht
present administration has deferred tin
duty of appointing a representative o
this government. That rcprosontntivi
will receive instructions from Mr
lUaine , and there can be no doubt tha
they will bo in part to llrmly redis
every cITort or scheme of Germany ti
obtain control of the Samoan islands.
The grounder this belief is
found in the position of Mr. Blniiu
when ho was secretary of stat <
in the Garllcld administration rehitiv *
to the Hawaiian islands. He then main
taincd that the policy of the Unitoi
States with respect to the Pncilli
ocean was essentially the same as the
policy that had been pursued with rev
spcct to the Atlantic , and has occn re
ported recently to have expressed him
self regarding the Samoan question ir
terms showing that ho has not changed
from his attitude of eight years ago
Assuming that General Harrison is in
sympathy with this view , and there is
no reason to doubt it , Bismarck will
tlnd in the next American secretary ol
state a determined opponent of any effort
fort Germany may maio to interfere
with the independence and authority ol
Meanwhile indications of Bismarck' !
purpose to severely punish the Samoanf
for what they have done in defense ol
their territory againstGcrmnn invasion ,
and perhaps incidentally to strengthen
German power in the islands , are nol
wanting. The tone of the seml-oHlcinl
German organs , and the intelligence
received from other sources , permit little -
tlo doubt that the Gorman government
contemplates , if it has not alreadj
taken measures to carry out summarj
action in dealing with the Samoans ,
ostensibly by way of punishment , but
really to gain a more extended and se
cure foothold. The killing of a few
marines is not an affair about whicli
Bismarck would bo deeply concerned on
the score of vengeance alone , but in
this case it can bo made o convenient
pretext for putting into ollect a policy
pretty plainly defined by the whole
course of Germany in Samoa.
It will bo the task of the next secre
tary of state to thwart this policy , and
the Samoan issue will dpubtloss bo the
first international question to which the
next administration will address its at
tention. There need be no apprehen
sion that the interests and rights of the
United States will not bo wisely and
llrmly maintained.
It has been , remarked that" Mr.
William Springer's temperament is as
elastic as his political conscience. Hav
ing become somewhat identified with
the business of creating nc'w stntos , by
virtue of his position ns chairman of
the house committee on territories , and
knowing that his opportunity for
further usefulness in this line is about
at an end , Mr. Springer appears to have
determined to improve the last chance
to associate his name with measures to
admit all the territories except Utah ,
and it is somewhat surprising that ho
did not include that territory in his bill
introduced a few days ago providing
for the admission next year of Arizona ,
Idaho and Wyoming ,
If it was not a political reason and
that is the most potent of all reasons
with Mr. Springer that led him to
introduce this indefensible measure , it
is impossible to conceive upon what
grounds ho could justify it. It is not
possible that any one of these territories
will have a sufficient population a year
hence to entitle it to statehood , while as
to Ariona and Idaho , it is not
probable that they will bo olk'iblo live
years from now. These two territories
have ti present population of between
fifty and sixty thousand each , Ari-/ona
being a little in the lead , or about one-
third the ratio of voprosontation in con-
grohs , and their growth in slow. Under
the most favorable conditions that can
bo thought probable , neitho'1 of thorn is
likely to have to exceed seventy-five
thousand population at the next census ,
and the apportionment for roprosontn-
tion under that census will doubtless bo
not less than two hundred thousand.
Wyoming presents a somewhat.bettor
case , but unless she should have n most
remarkable and unexpected increase
her population at the next census will
not exceed one hundred and twenty
thousand , or eighty thousand less than
the probable new ratio of roprosonta-
tion. The absurdity of proposing to
create states of these territories a year
hence is obvious.
The lesson presented by Nevada is
one that is pretty certain to dolor con
gress from any future blunder In mak
ing stales out of territories that have
not sufficient population to entitle
them to statohooil , and are lackIng -
Ing in the conditions to at-
truut population. If this Josson bo
heeded the next generation may find
Arizona still a territory , for hop coa
litions are not very much superior to
those of Nevada , and it is not likely
Lluit Idaho can present a fair claim to
statehood within the next ton years.
The outlook for Wyoming is more
promising , and her admission before
the close of Harrison's administration
is not unlikely. Of course nothing will
to done by the present congress with
Mr. Springer's bill , or with that of the
N'ow Mexico dolugato for the admission
) f that territory with its mongrel popu-
ation , and thu next congress can bo
lufoly trusted not to revive them.
TIIK British governr ont has ap-
lolnted Sir Julian Pauncofoot to suo-
iooil Sackvll fl-Ww-t as minister to the
Jnitcd States.- When .it was stilted
otne tlmo ago Unit Pnuncnfpat
Hkoly to bo appointed it was also sal <
that the understood intention of th
government was adversely commentoi
on in English diplomatic circles , owini
to the fact that Sir Julian had alwny
been merely an attache of the Brltisl
forcigtrofllcc , with no actual oxporlonci
in diplomacy , though possessing a vor ;
thorough knowledge of intornatiotm
law. Objection was also mido on tin
ground that his appointment would b
an innovation on the system o
appointing foreign ministers , sine
it would promote him ovc
men older and higher in th
diplomatic service. In view of all thl
the selection of Pauncofoot cannot b <
regarded as altogether complimentary
to the United States , though this is i
inaltor about which we can afford to bi
entirely indUTercnt. If thu now ropro
scntativonf Her Majesty's government
is a gentleman and will attend strictly
to his own business , ho is cort-iin to hi
more acceptable than his morally blcm
ishcd and indiscreet predecessor.
TIIK Omaha police force appears tob
divided into silent factions concerning
the pension bill now before the logisla
turo. Tno members fail to npprociaU
and applaud the generous efforts of th
commission to husband n surplus for oh'i
age , and provide means to alleviate tin
wounds contracted in line of duty , Ni
objection would bo imulo If the city i > ro
vided the fund , but "tho llncst" canno
comprehend the benevolent features ol
n system for which they furnish tin
means , nor the unselfish efforts of tin
mon who will handle the funds. Disci'
plino and a desire to hold the job arc
gradually smothering the opposition.
SHNATOII LTAMS' bill to divide this
city Into three districts and limit the
number of justices of the peace tt
two from each district , or in all si )
justices , should receive the active sup
port of every member of the Douglai
delegation. Six justices are ample foi
nil legitimate litigation. By reduc
ing the number the income of eacl
will be largo enough to secure t <
our citizens the services of lawyers wh <
enjoy the respect and confidence of tlu
community. As it is now the justiet
mills are so numerous as to innko it un
profitable for men of standing , unless
they are so generally and favorably
known as to draw patronage from al
parts of the city.
Tin : imported lung-tester is liable tc
overdo the thing in this salubrious cli'
mate when ho tries to inflate the circu
lation balloon. A sudden gain of thous
ands of daily subscribers in midwinter
when there is no campaign to fight , nc
sensational event to create an undue
demand for papers , and no material in
crease in population or unusual uctivit.v
in any direction , is a dead giveaway.
Nobody with a thimbleful of brains has
any faith in such startling gains , and at
best the only rational conclusion is that
the publishers have generously scat
tered several thousand papers a day on
probation whore they expect now sub
TIIK employment of a stenographer
lor the city clerk's office is additional
proof that reform and economy are the
wedded watchwords of the council. The
now position fills n long felt want. The
over burdened city clerk and careworn
deputies will bo relieved of the onerous
duties which confined them within
doors for throe or four hours each day.
Tt will enable them to woo the bloom
of youth with outdoor life , and culti
vate a profound indifference to the
wants of inquisitive visitors. The
short hand method of reaching tlu city
treasury will also be improved and sim
plified by the new clerk.
TIIK destruction of the now reduction
works at Dead wood by lire is a serious
blow to the mining interests of the
Black Hills. The plant had boon in
operation but a few months , and was
constructed of the most inflammable
material. The lesson of the lire is a
rostly ono , but it cannot fall of geol re
sults , The work will doubtless bo re
constructed on a broa lor and more so-
uuro foundation , and of material
reasonably fire-proof.
Tun bill requiring a throe-fifths voce
to change the location of a county seat
is a good ono and should bo passed by
the legislature. County seat fights
have done inoro than any other agoney
to retard the growth and settlement of
the western half of the state. Ani
mosities have boon engendered between
communities that years can scarcely
wlpo out. Any mnnsuro tending to reduce -
duce and control this evil is entitled to
hearty support.
Tun plumbers and gaslltters are mak
ing an early and systematic attack on
the pavements of the city. The same
recklessness and indifference to the
rights of taxpayers are displayed , and
the board of public works apparently
pays no more attention to it than in
years past. Unless there is some vitality
injected into the board , the result will
bo a great increase in the number of
sunken tranches and ruined pavements ,
inortom eulogies are appropriately do-
llvorod through the mugwump press ,
[ f ono snuaro toed wheel horse of
democracy can bo found in all the land
ivho slncoroly regrets the departure of
Zilovoland from the white house , ho can
looure a permanent and profitable en
gagement in a circuit of dirao museums.
TIIK Sioux reservation in Dakota is to
DO divided on thonewstnto lines , but
tot ono acre will bo added to the public
lomain. The cream of the territory
vlll romaln a barrier to settlement and
progress for another year at least.
TIIK annual freshet of extensions is
vfinln threatened by the Union Pacific ,
loporl has it that mythical surveying
jorps are being planted whore they will
lot bo soon and plans of great improve-
nonts hurled at anxious committees ,
Hie story is old enough for the retired
Evr.liY ono has heard of the cool an-
lacity of Colonel Sellers and his eye
fush for which ho claimed that there
yore "millions in it. " But the famous
olonol could not hold -candle to the
nipudencQ of "Prof , " Billings , \yho has
just rcquosrciTtho legislature to appropriate
priato Bomtf imoon thousand dollars t
put up nn o pqnmontal depot whore th
two million hogs of Nebraska might b
brought to 'bo ' innoculntod with to
thousand gallons of cholera virus
"Prof. " BllHngs likewise believes thor
is millions in it.
The dlscloiuioa In tlio Purnoll Invcstlg ;
tlon l.nvo boon1 the iill-cujfrossmg topic o
interest in the late English news , and tli
vindication of Jio ) great Irish lender 1ms bcc
received on thl side of the Atlantic will
every cvldcnod 6f gratltlcntlon. The rcaul
is not merely n ilgiml triumph for Pnrnoll
but It is also n most important gain to tin
cause ho champion * . In strengthening nni
elevating the lender in the cont'dence ' nml re
spcct ot tuo world the cuuso grows will
him , and everywhere , oven In Knglmul , It I ;
stronger to day tlinn ever bufore. The hu
mllhiUon of the gieat tory organ , which Ion
Itself to the forgers and perjurers Is neccs
sarily shiireil by till who sympathised will
It , and the entire tor.y government Is com
promised ns n p.irly to this whole dugrncofu
and dishonorable business. It would scon
impossible Unit the papular scaso of fulrncs1
among Qngliahmuu citu lull to revolt ngulns *
such nn obvious conspiracy nml to rcpudlati
nil who are in any measure connected will
It , The tendency of the exposure of the con
splr.iey , which cannot be concealed
cealod or explained nwaj , mus
bo to incro.iso the dlssatUfnc
tlon tlint hus been growing Inside the con
sorvatlvo party , and which Is beginning ti
iniiUo Itself manifest. AVlt.h liiilfourism urn
Parncll persecution to defend , the lory pov
eminent 1ms n task of grcnt and augment ! ! ! !
difficulties , nnd there is ivusou to believe
that It will not so easily In the future ns Ii
the past hold its forces together. Could i
general election bo held nt once there ii
Imrdly n doubt that on thn new register Mr
Gladstone would get a majority , and a con
tiauancQ of the tory policy will render suel
n result nioio ceitiiln in the future. Tin
tories may , with n view to saving thomselve !
from impending doom , offer some kind o
Irish solf-govcrnmont , hut this would hardlj
save them. It would ho a confession of Un
wrong they have so long maintained whlcl
might rather hasten thun lotum iliolr down
# *
The complete success of the French rcpub
Hcnns in orpunUing a now ministry hus dis
appointed and lulllcil their enemies. Tlu
new ministry promisor to bo able to conduct
the government until the close ot the , \ ear.
As a combination of opportunists nnd
cuta the ministry will doubtless be nblo tc
cirry : with it a majority of both these wings
of the republican party In the chamber.
Uut should it fnil in the conllict ol
faction the republic would nppaiently bo
at the end of its icsources. Tir.ird , the
head of the now government , is an able mini ,
nnd us a moderate republican Is obnoxious to
the extreme radicals , especially bv reason of
his share in overthrown ! ! : tlio F.oiuet min
istry. Uul the radicals will probablysmother
their animosityinl the prudent consideration
that the now ministry is all that stands be
tween them and , the dissolution of the cham
ber. In Its complete organization the new
French cabinet means pa.ico with other na
tions and an one'rgetio resistance to Boulnn-
gor and nil other enemies of the republic.
The successful npcomplishmant of this pa
triotic aud statpsmanliUo programme , in the
midsl of the political faclions which are con-
lending for the masteri in BYntico , will bo
ntlcndcd with great difllcultv. But the re
public has by up lucans reached so desperate
a condition as tp become a prey to Bouhmg-
ism or any other form of porjonal govern
ment. If n final struggle should bii neceisarV
there would bo manifested by its nupporters
an energy and resources that would confound
all enemies.
* *
The outcome of the queer colony founding
expedition of Atchlnofl lo Abyssinia shows
Iho wisdom of the St. Petersburg authori
ties in disclaiming at the start all rospjnsi-
billly for it. Perhaps , however , had they
done so loss omph itically the remedy ap
plied by the French for the adventurer's
invasion of their territory on the Hed sea
might linvo bedn less vigorous. Bombard
ment is rather un oxtreuia moi-iuro to resort
to for the ndnionltion of an intruder ; but as
the Uussian government absolutely washed
its hands of the affair , no doubt it was very
glad to SCG the expedition como to griff. The
Cossack adventurer is a fanatic who , with
his followers , seems to have been carried
away with the idea of bringing the ecclesi
astical establishment of ICing John over into
the Greek church , to which it is allied.
Coupled with this had bo-'n the desire lo
found a colony. Had AtcliluolT chosen lo
comply with the French roguiattoiM , no
' '
doubt his sctllonicnt nt Sagallo wo'u'ld have
been sanctioned , or at loasl not Interfunid
with. But that would hava boon to sscriflcQ
his own ambitious aspirations. Perhaps ho
thought that the Frencn woul.l not dnro to
lira on the Kmslnn fl it : which ho raised , or
that if tlioy did ho would find vindicators ut
St. Petersburg. But the old-tuna bacrcd-
ness of the national ensign is In these prac
tical dnvb subject lo considerations of the
right to raise it. Ku.ssin , at all events , hud
not the slightest Intention of allowing her
friendship for Franca to bo Jeoparded by
performances lilco AtchinofTs , ami ho and
his followers will bo fortunate if she inter
feres even far enough to effect their per
sonal safety.
Prince Alexander of Battonborff has evi-
denlly made up his mind lliut the royalty
business Is ut un end so fur as ho Is con
cerned. Ho 1ms boon a king , and has suc
cessfully commanded a national nrniy In the
Hold. His success made him enemies , und
through the intrigues of the Russian court
ho was crowded oft the Bulgarian tbrouo ,
which Is now filled by a mild mannered
young gentlomun , dl&tlnguUhcd for his
ImndBomo patrimony and his lasto in Jew
elry. As un ox-Uiiig , Alexander sllll had a
position in the elite directory of Burnnoan
royalty , and prosgnUy appeared us suitor for
the hand of his alstur-in.huv'H niece , Em
peror Frodorick'i iugntor , Victoria. Papa
and mamma were favorably disposed , mid nil
went well ns n malriu o boll , when grim old
Ulsiimrck , fllllngnw part of cruel undo ,
jtoppud in and fotvnjlu the banns. At lust
the disconsolate Alexander has sought com-
foil in the resources of private life , und has
l > eon quietly married to un opera singer. Wo
think the princn of Buttonborg and ox-king
} f Bulgaria ttosonww the highest congratula
tions , uud that as Iho years roll on ho Is
llcoly to look over Jwlth o Binllo of content-
ncnt to England , wflero his unlucky brother
Hunry , the victim"bf a royal mutch , is trot-
.Ing about at his ru6thor-in-law'fl heels , es-
laying with inward dread un occasional
itoepleohaso with Sir Henry Ponsonby nnd
> thor titled Englishmen , or suffering the
! > orpctual snubs of 'his brothor-In-law , the
? rlnco of Wales.
The departure of J,4$0 Irish emigrants
'rum Queenstown for the Argentina Hepub-
lo shows .that the supply of Immigrants for
lint country may not hereafter bo drawn
ixcluslvcly from the shores of thu Modltcr-
ancan. The republic's Immigration policy
s very liberal. The Argentine congress at
ts last session voted that the i-ost of passage
rod Europe should bo advanced to 50,000
igriculiurUtf and artisans , The number of
tnmlgrnnts received la 18ST was 137-JW ,
.gainst OJ , 110 la 18SO , and in .eleven months
of 1JS3 the number was 133,707. The goi
ornmont ot Chill hns authorized Us immlgrj
tlon ngcnts nbroad to give frco passage to al
who desire to como to that country , and it 1
provided that the Immigrants shrill bo fci
nnd lodged for fifteen dnys nftor their at
rival. In thus promoting Immigration Chll
will spend foOO.OJO. While the govcrnmcn
holds out such Inducements , thousands o
Chilians have recently cmlgrat cd to the A
gontlno Republic.
There 1ms been nnothor revolution Ii
Uganda , and another son of the Into Mtcsn I
for the tlmo on the throne , so to speak. 1C I
wewn , who supplanted his brother Mwnngi
by the help of the Arabs , tried to poison hli
hated HUpportors , nnd fulling in thnt conxct
three of the leaders to n private audience
when they w'ero sobed by soldiers ; the kliij
spenrcd two ot them , the third broke loosi
nnd fired at the Icing , who ran nway Then
the Arabs ox.ilted the brother ICulema , and
ICiwowu it trying to got the Christian chlof
to help him to power ngaln , It U intorestltii :
to learn thai ihero nro chnstlnii chiefs left it
Uganda. All this cornea l y missionary letter ;
from Zanzibar received In London. It Is fur
Iher reported from Luke Tanganyika that bo
twcon Ihoro und Tippu Tib's governmenl
slaughter and enslavement of natives 1 ;
going on , nnd that rumors come from the
Nyungwo district tbnt Stanley is there , col
Icctnig men to mnko "big war" on the tribe ?
to the northwurd. This about Stanley Is
simply Impossible.
Agrees With Drmlomonn.
Chtcauo Tillmnc.
O , most lame nnd impotent conclusion I
Wo concur in the above. London Times.
Virtue llrwnrdril.
Kansas ( / ' ! / ) / Join mil.
If General Noble Is appointed secretary of
the interior how glad St. Louis will be Hint
she elected those republican congressmen. It
pays to do right.
Cult at Vale- .
St.Vmf OM > c.
At Vulo college some $150,000 Is to bo expended -
ponded on n now gymnasium. The scholas
tic nits of boating ami base ball nro not to
sulTer , however. Less time will bo wasted
on books and head work.
What Letter ISiixrs Arc For.
Dynamite has been found in a loiter box of
one of the cities of Franco. The informa
tion is pivcn for the benefit of a class of
people that think n loiter box Is a receptacle
for everything except that for which it Is
For Bhnnio , nir. Coinstock.
Ifcw I'nik lift aid.
It is probable that the only person in whoso
mind linrnrc 'naughts were stirred by the
statute of Hermes ut the German hospital
fair , wus Mr. Anthony Comstock. But Mr.
Coinstock should not Intrude his purlent
imagination into u place wheio there are
reputable and puio-mlndcJ joung women.
No True Journalist.
CMeaijo Hrrnlil.
The editor of the Congressional Record
doesn't know how to run n newspaper. Ho
omits the best pieces of news of the week
the scrimmage between Chandler ana
Blackburn. What the Kec'ord needs is un
cnlcrprisiiig editor und well-conducted
sporting department , making a specialty of
congressional pugilism.
John Burroughs , the author , has at his
homo at West Park , on the Hudson , n largo
vineyard where ho grows tons of grapes
every year.
Lord Salisbury's wedding present to his
third son. who was married recently to Lord
Durham's ' sister , was a complete law library ,
valued ut ? 1SCOO.
A Boston newspaper asserts thnt Dr. Oli
ver Wendell Holmes und Jumes Hussel
Lowell will never again produce anything in
literature worthy of a place bcsido their best
The state senate of Delaware is n body of
nine men , whoso principal occupation , ac
cording lo a correspondent is to sit uround ,
loll slories nnd wait for the house to do
The only negro in the next national hous
of ropicscntativcs will bo H. P. Cheatham
from the Second North Carolina district. Ho
is thirty two years old and is a prnmlnen
man in his community.
Sidney Burtlett , a prominent and still uc
live member of Iho I3osion bar , rcccnllycole
bralcd his ninetieth biithday. Although ten
years the senior of Gladstone , ho is daily
arguing complicated cases witli the same lu
uidlty us In former years.
Nearly nil of the "nickcl-in-tho-slot mu-
chmc.s" have hud their origin in the mind of
ono man. Porcivul Evoritt , nn English on
ginccr , llrst struck the idea at the root of
these devices. Ho now duvolci all his lime
to Iho propagation of automatic coin appar
Sir John Mcdonuld , Canadian premier , Is
becoming alarmed nt the giowth of the an
ncxation sentiment nmong his people. To
counteract it ho proposes , so It is reported , to
submit to parliament u series of measures
crcatinc the dominion into nn independent
kingdom , with ono of the English royal fain
ily ns reigning head.
Senator Allison belongs to the widower
conllngcnl of the senate , Ho is n comely man ,
dlgniiicd , no great talker und not fund of dis
play. At hia modest homo on Vermont uve-
ntio lie occasionally gives men's dinners.
Womenkind ho shuns , Ho is circumspect tea
a degree , and the woman does not live to
v , lie in ho has said a loving word since hia
wifo'8 death.
_ _
An Illinois Village ) Konroliod.
WKXDXV , 111. , March 1 , Tha business portion
tion of the vlilago of Lostant , 111 , , was de
stroyed by fire yesterday. Fouiteen stnios
tveio burned. The losses amount to 43,000 ,
and the insurance is very light.
Train Kobhern Must linns.
PIHUNIX , Ariz , , March 1. Tlio bill making
tram robbery n capital crime , which passed
jotli houses of the legislature , was signed by
; hc governor ycstoulay.
Tlio I'ppubllcnn Club Convention ,
lUi/riMoni ; , March 1. At Iho convention
if Ihu national league of republican clubs
.his morning the committee on credentials
upotlod that twenty-two Stilton , ono teirl-
, ory and the District of Columbia xvcro rep
esented In the convention by 147 delegates.
Tested liy tlmo. For bronchial nffec-
Ions , coughs etc. , Brown's Htonchial Troches
nivo proved their ofllcacy by a test of many
rears. Price -5 cents ,
( \ New linva I'o.stinnsler.
WASIII.VUTO.V , March 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THU BEB.J 0. J. G'arUon hus been
.ppolntcd . postmaster at Hepburn , Page
ounty , la. , vice A J , Heady , resigned. _
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When nby vu alek , ye gave her Ciitorta.
Wlica B > I waa a Culld , sio cried for CastorU ,
Wbon Ua bccAine Mica , the clung to Cartorb ,
Tlioco is talk of orgnnl/Inc n Y. M , C. A
nt Iloklrcgc.
There nro nvo cnndidntcs for thcTabh
IlocU postofllco.
Mvron Pnjnc , ntnorchant nt Surprise , lm
ninilo n voUmtury assignment.
The now hull of Uawllns O. A. K. postol
Hcatrlco will bo rtodicatcil March 15.
A creamery Is to bo croctcil nt Hustings
having a capacity of 1.500 pounds of butter r
ilny ,
The (5. A. I { . post at Arnpahoo has chosen
I. II. Detnpiy ns its cnmlldnto for the post
A roller mill to cost $25OiX ) Is to bo crcctcil
nt Alllnnco by Uravcr & Shntipp , of
Aicnilia ,
Tlio contract for connlritotinK the now
foundry building nt York has been lot , the
.Indlto Crawford , of West Point , distril. ;
tiled StiQ.OOO in unnnllics among the Omaha
Indians Wednosdny.
The liurnlniT of the mill i\t Gothenburg hns
aroused the eltircns of that place to the nec
essity of bettor llro piotection.
. .1.V. . KerRiison , of Mlnilcn , lias been ot-
fcrcd W.IKK ) for his iroltimr stullion Hnttnl-
Ion , but refused to sell the horso.
A number of lloono county farm cis hnvo
combined lo defeal Iho collection of notes
Kiven by tlictivto nn Insurance company.
A sull for J10.00J diimaRos hns been beRUn
by Neil Stooltor , of Albion , nprnlnsttho Union
Paeille for Injuries sustuined and the killing
of his team.
Hctit-y CoiiRtoln , a York youth who has n
fondness for wntehcs , and had appropriated
a number which did not belong to him , has
been sent to the reform school.
Tlio Talrbnry militia companv expect to
attend the Washington contonnlnl nt New
York City , the citizens of the town bearing
the expenses of the trip.
Kv-Seimtor Tlpton 1ms resigned the ro-
colvcrstitpof tno United States land onicu nt
HloomliiRton , nnd asks that his leslKiiution
bo iininedlutolv accepted.
AiiRUst Haber. living eight miles from Al
bion , IIUIIR himself to n windmill Tliursdav
afternoon. Ho was sKty-two years old and
was despondent on account of poor crops un d
rrcit Palmer , of Telcamah , lost his wife's
sowing machine last full in \vngon with P.
R Parker , that Cleveland would bo elected ,
and now Airs. Pulmcr hus broupht sail
against Parker to recover ihc machine.
A prairie lire in Howard county burned
tlio stalilo of I > nest liroekn , n farmer living
near HI. Llbory , tocethor with three head of
horses , ono cow , lf > 0 bushels of corn , some
fanning iinplcmcnls , and nil of his chickens.
Hrouku was awa.v from homo at the tlmo.
This Columbus school board has decided to
Iniroiinco the synthetic niclhod iu the schools
of the city. Miss Swanson , of Muscutine ,
la. , is liero Riving Ino teachers instructions
in the method. J. F. Kiliun , nn eminent
German scholar , has been employed to teach
German nnd Latin in the high school in place
of Mr. Fleischer , who resigned on uccount of
ncyoiul tlio Koclcles.
The faro games of San Jose , Cal. , have
been closed.
Peter MasRrovo , the noted Car foil foot-
ruuer , died llieic of pneumonia after a brief
Citizens of llozcman are kicking nbout the
Norlhcrn Paeille nnd claim thai corporalion
is working against their town in the interest
of Livingstone.
The lumber trusl of Puget Sound has or-
dcied n shut-down fcr eight days. The pro
duction of 800,000 feet per day ts thus cur
tailed und 1,500 men aie idle.
Henry Brnnapb , eleven years old , was
fatally wounded by n laborer named Herman
Meyers at Fresno , Cal. The boy was steal
ing eggs and Meyers shot him.
D. H. Cave , nged sixty-two , was trying to
handle n 000 pound box of trees nt Pomona
when the box dropped four feet onto his
head , crushing it like an cgc : shell. Ho died
In an hour. Ho was an old soldier.
While James Curran , ' the foreman , and
visitors Michael Urady and Albert Hoyle
were being let down in Iho Clark Fraction
inino , at liutto , n patt of the machinery was
mismanaged and the cage containing the
men was let fall 150 feet , severely injuring all
of them.
A pclition is In circulnlion on Wood river ,
Idaho , for sipnaluro by "democratic citizens
nnd taxpayers of counly , " addressed
"to tlio president of the United States , " ask
ing that Governor Stevenson bo suspended
from ofllec pending tno icsult of Iho legal
proceedings in the county division mailer.
The Unilcd Slates fish commissioners have
just planted 'J.OOO.OOO white flsh in Ciuur
d' Alone lake and 1,000,000 In Pen d' Oroille
lake. The llsh car hus left Portland , Oro. ,
for Redding , whore it will receive 1,000 , OOp
salmon fry from the McCloud river hatchery ,
which will be planted in the Umpqua and
Kogue rivers in southern Oiegon.
Pnuiiccfbnt ( Ins Xtcou Appointed.
LONIIOX , March 1 , TUo statement that
Sir Julian Pauncofoot has bson appointed
British minister lo the United States is of-
liolall.y continued.
Iowa CollPKO Orators.
Mot'ST VKUXOV , la. , March 1. ISpecial
rolegrnm toTlii : Hun. ] Tlio following slu-
ilonls were Iho prize-winners nt the orulori-
sal Boniest lust night : First , O , U. Palrick ,
Parsons college. Fairllcld ; second , C. O.
Stni'kcy , Ames ; third , E. ij. Ames , Diakc
university , Dos Molncs.
An Important Cnso on Trial lu tha
District Court.
An ITnfottmlcil Humor In Connection
\Vltli tlio Kniisom Ynlurd Toiler
Hill Oonernl ntul Per-
Rdlinl ( lOBSlp.
LINCOLN BUHKAC or TUB Uviini Une , 1
Li.Ncoi.jf , March 1. i
M. L , Foster vs. the Missouri Pacific rail
road company has boon on trial In the dis
trict coin t amco yesterday , It Is to recover
compensation for three acres of land cut out
of twenty acres cast of the Antelope , nml for
compensation for damage done to the ro-
malning seventeen acres. The case Is being
fouchl with grent energy , Messrs. Lnmb ,
KiekoLs nnd Wilson iipponrlng for the plain *
IIT , and B. ] ' . Wnirgouer , of At chison , Kniu ,
and Mr. A. H. Tulliot for the road. Tim
hind wus taken for rlght-of-'vny , when the
road came mlo Lincoln , in the ycnr IbSV
Theio hns been consldorublo litigation nnd
Iho seeming cross-purposes of state and
federal Jurisdiction i-omo Into play When
the suil was eonnncnt'od itwns removed to
the Jederul court , to which the plaintiff ox
ccplcdmul took the mnllurlnto the supreme
court of the state , \\hk-li tribunal stripping of some of its facilities , by
mandate , scnl the cuso back tn this court lot
trial on the question of dmnuges. In tha
nicnnllino there I mil been u long trial in
the circuit court of the United States , nt n
term hold in Lincoln , nnd vnrdlcl nnd judg
ment hud for the plaintiff , This judgment
the defendant paid Into court , having nlso
previously paid into the county court of Lan
caster county the amount for which tha
Innd was condemned , but the plaintiff by
writ of error carried the cause into tha
supreme lotirt of the United States. Thus
stands the mailer us the cose comes on for
Uiul here. The plnintilT chums nt least $1XK )
to f 1,200 for each tier o of land taken , damnga
lo the remnlmli-r and interest , in all ibout
FH ,000. , The defendant does not seem to con
sider that the land , for the purposes for
which It was used nt the time of talcing , and
without reference to Its prospective value us
i suburb of Lincoln , was worth more than
'rom ? L'UO to SsOO per acre , und as to damage
0 the remaining seventeen acres rcgurds the
building of the road us cnhnnciug its value
ather than otherwise. The trial Is not
ikcly to bo ended before some tiuio lo-mor-
row , this iiitcrnoon having just begun to iu-
reduce testimony.
nilsri'ptcseiilntlnns Rebuked.
It has been currently rumored nt the capl-
01 nml on tlie streets of Lincoln that Han
som's valued policy bill , so bitlorly fought by
ho insurance lobby , and which recently
> asscd both houses of the general assembly ,
vould bo vetoed by the governor. The
rumors hnvo been so emphatic that Tint Bun
rcpiesontativo sought to know the truth
about the matter to.duy , und finds that they
uro without shadow of foundation. It is
clearly apparent thnt these stones huvo been
put in circulation by enemies or the gov
ernor without regard for truth or
decency. TUB governor has not
expressed himself on the question ,
for or against the bill , to any ono , but ho
pointedly stales lliut he will not bo uninind
fill of the majority vole Iho bill received
when it wus put upon ita Until pnssago ,
wken the Uuio comes for his .signature wbieli
shall make Iho bill a law. The governor's
friends uro Indignant over the unkind
thrusts he hus been mibjccted to , and llic.v
have not been slow to express themselves
regarding the matter. It Is enough to know
that the vnlued policy bill will not bo
grossly mutilated when it passes from tha
governor's hands.
City News nuU Notes.
The funeral of Harry U. Corloy , who died
last Tuesday , will take place Saturday at
y o'clock. Tlio services weropostponed from
yesterday on account ot the inability of hia
fnthcr to reach him. Ho has been In ICimball
county , some distance from railroads , organ
izing schools , and Iho telegram failed to
reach him In limo for his prompt return. In
the death of Hurry , the sophomore class ol
tlio stale university loses ono of its brightest
The committee of the house appointed to
Investigate Billings and his methods , to put
it shuiply , is nbout ready to icport. One ol
its members said to THE BKE representative
to-day : "That man Billings is certainly n
liuinbug , if not n rank fraud. Il will bo tlio
united scnso of the commtlco that ho shall
? o. But 1 thin It that the experiment station
is all right , and , independent of Its present
iiead , I think it will bo sustained. "
Judge Kclliges nnd Attorney Williams , ol
/Vuburn / , registered ut the Capilnl last night.
Mr. Williams is a brother of Jim Williams ,
.bo victim of young Skillman , and ho Rives it
jut cold that thoio nro Iwo sides to the story
3t that unfoilumtto tragedy. "Public sent !
iienl , " ho suys , "Is bound to change when
ill the fuels nro known to the public. "
Mr. Fred McDonald , now of the Capital
lotol , left to-day for Philadelphia , Pu. . .
vhcro ho goes to Join his family , whom u
hero on n visit. Ho will bo gene aforliiight ,
md on his return will be accompanied by his
vifo and children. Messrs. Uoggcn and Me
Jon aid propose lo thoroughly icnovutolho
Japital , anil , If possible , will mnko II uneven
not o popular lioslolry than over ,
iezema or SaSt Rheum I
Bali } ' 1m ( I with ICozoma. Hair gone
hcnlp oovcroil with Eruptions
I'liysiclaiiH tnll , Cured > > y > hi > Cu
ticiira itouiodli'fl. Ilnir i-rstored
Not a plinplo on him now.
I cannot say enough in pralsoof thoCtm
CUIIA ItBMKDiKS. My boy , when ono j .u o
uge , was ho lwd with oczcinn that ho lost nil n
hlslmtr. 111 * scalp was covered with ornp
tlotis , ulilcli tliiKloUoi Bald washcalil bead , nni
thut his Imlrvnii 111 noviir grmvugnln. Despair
Ing of n rnio Iroin physicians , I begun thn us
of thu CUTIRUUA HKMI whs , mid , I am happy to
unj. with the mo-it perfect success. IIlHhalrl
lionHpleudli ) , unit them Is uotii plniplo on him
I recommend thu ( . iincuiiA ItKMKiniss to
mothers as tliu most speedy , economical , nm
biiro cure for nil nkln diseases of Infants am
tliUdion. nnd fe ( > l tlmtuvory mother who hus ai
mulcted chllil will tlmnlciue for so doing.
Jilts. M. K. WOODSUM , Noiwny , Mo.
Two Utllc ISoyt * Cured.
I am truly thankful there Is such u medicine
ftH tllll ClITICUIIA IlKMl'IHKS. J linVO UVO littll
boy.s who liavo bofn nllllctcd with cc/cniu nni !
suill la-ail , which IlnnllV K-tllod In their vi'S. I
trlid mveral peed doUois nnd plenty o ( meill
tlnuu , without teller. I proem ml a bottle of
your C'UTICUIIA Id.foi.vfc.vj mm a box of CUTI
CUIIA and commenced using thun , and am
huppy to say thnt bufore the llrat bottle was
mod their ejau um < ni'.irly well , mid when
tlio second bottle was half unod they were en
tirely cniul.
Hits. 8U8AN M. DOIISON , MUfnril.Mo.
JKczciiiii ( il leant ( /'uroil.
I am a farmer , Mxty-one yours of lit' " , anil
have suffered ftom bnbyhooil wltuwJiut I hennl
commonly mlkd "lioiiuycotnb eczema" on my
hands. A few months ngo I piircnusod fiom
my druggist * , Mcssrj. Pninlor ! ) & J.owsne , jour
C'urjciiiiA ItKMKiilu * , win used thum accoullni ;
to till net lonu. A cure wa Hpooillly nnd thor-
oiichly tilfoctoJ , und I in.ikd this bt.itemont laat
otbbriJlkcHis8UT ( ilcil muy bo nenullted.
Itofc-ronca : Me-urrf. KVMDEII.S A.
C'UTIRUIU , the great skin cure , Initantl.v allay *
the most iigoiiUIng Ili-hlint , liurnlug , ami In-
ilaramntlon , clear * the ukin uml tcilp of cpuitu
nnil bi-ak-3. unil rustorcu the hair. OIIIIUIIIA
itiAr. thegreutest of Klein I'eautlllor.i ' , la ludU-
itnsnbltf In tieatini ; Kln ulieaiea nml baby
juniors. It product-it the whitest , cleari-st skin
mil toftebt liundH , free from plmplo , a yet or
jleiuUti , CUTIUUIIA IIKSIILVKNT , tlientvir lilqoil
mrlller. rleansix the blood or ImpurUlai and
luU'iuouii e'.v'n ntM , und thus remove ) tlio i
UIUK. llonco the OUTluunA IttsufculKS curt )
.I-H , blick-llMil | , cliappoil , l
lyhUlu pruveuleJ by ( Juuvtuu hiMi' ,
Kc/.iinn ! lu IIH worst htnjj'-'H. A raw
HOI-O from lioail to Teat , llnlr aoni- .
DIJOIOInnii liospitnU ( all. Tried
i-ve.-ili ii < ; . Ciiriiil by tlio Cnilcura
JCoiniiilicn for $ U.
1 nm cured of a loathsome disease , oszcmn , lu
HH worst sta-jo I tiled ( UlTcrmit doctora anil
been through the hospital , but nil to nu purpoic.
'Jhuillsonio covered my wliolo body fiom tlio
top of my head lo the poles of my feet. My hnlr
all came out , leaving mo a complete rniv Boro.
After trylns evi-rytliliiK. I hoard of jour Ciiri-
ct'MA lti-.Miiiin-i : , auilaftcriiiliis tlueobuttleaoC
CinicuiiA Ki.KOhVKNr , with Ctrricuiu and
CLIICIIIIA KOVI- , mini nij.iclf cnieil ut the to.-st
of about ? ! . 1 would not bu without Ihu Cm i *
CUIIA Iti.MCDifM In my houae , as I llrul thrni
useful In many caitex , und I think they uro thu
only bkln unit blood innilli Ine ,
ISAAC II. ( Milt MAN. Wurtuboro. N. V.
lU'V.cnui ii Yciirx C'ltroil.
Two yearn iifjo 1 won iittntkeil with uiY.onm. I
cannot loll you wliut I millered I dare not
sliavi1 ; I bad ulunyn ulniva I liofore. In us the
most forlorn spectacle jtm ovur saw , Charlei
Kennedy , otthlx , slionoil muyuiirpuinph.
let on ftklinllsMixuD. nnd lunong thum I foiiml
tliodiscilptloii Hiiltnblu ( o in > 0.110 , I bought
the Ctrn CUIIA | [ itiKiui:3 , and toolc them accord.
Ing to illrfctlotis , and HOOII found myself Im-
provjiiK , I took union bottles , with tlio ( 'UTi-
CUIIA anil So ir , and thn re.mlt H u j/vnuanent
cure , I thought I wnnlilult und tco ; If It
\\onlil tome back , but it hm proved nil yonnnlil
It would do , I feel lUu tlmnklns yon , lint vuirila
cannot ilo II ; 1,0 I will nay , nud you and
yotiM. THOrt. I < . OltAV.
( .imrcrtjnii. Moigan Co. , Ohio.
Salt Ulicnin iVeur Curoil.
I huvu Hiitferod | really \\Ith eczema or nail
rlieiim for four yfui5 , with sorsa nil overuiy
body. I procured three bullies ( . 'irnueiu UK-
8Oi.\r.M , ono box of CunouiiA , mil a cake of
Ci'TiCUit v So ir , nnd they have healed my xorcs
entirely , I think U the best mt , < HUnu I huva
over usi'd , and I frel very thankful to you for
the [ 'ood It Jin. * duuRiut.
Klrlilund , Carietun Co. , N. U.
01 ory sii-jcle.i of torturing , Ii umlllatlnt ; . ItcJilnif ,
burnlni : , Ncnly , ana pimply illiitaf-os of tha "kin ,
scalp , nnd lilood , wlfli lob ) of hnlr. nnd nil
minors , b'.ntcho i , eruptloim , aoran , ocale. ) , ud
crut.j , whathrr almplo , ecrofulniu or contn-
nloiu , wmm phyblelaiut uml all other roinodlea
bold uvoijwUore. 1'rlw , Cuiict'iM ' , We ;
-Jc ; lU.HOi.VKir. il. I'repureii by the I'
for "llov to Oure Hkln Diseases , "
> , r > 01IUutra'loiw , anil UK ) to.stamonUls ,
' ' ' ! ! 'i'l ' o.ilp n vsorvefl nii'l lieiiuU.
Ued byCuvlcural30 ; ) , AL. . ) lutily [ juu