Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Very Dull nnd Narrow Day In the
Wheat Pit.
Mcno Up All Around In Pro-
\lnlonH A Hotter T'enlltia In
Cattlu-llnKH Ill-ink
niul Loucr.
CiucAflo , March t. ( Special Tclecrnm to
Tin : Unt.l This hai been a very dull tiny in
nlicnt. This market tins been narrow , niul
lluctuatloni wcia restricted to limits of only
He. The average or prices was higher than
ycstcrtlny , nnd July dlsplitAcd relatively
prcntcr sticngth. This was duo probably to
thn fnct that It Is ruining very generally
throughout thu western winter wheat dis
trict. MolsUro Is needed by the uhcat
planted , but ut the right time. Spring tain
on the lot day of AJnrcli is crowding things n
little. This moist premonition of the breaking -
ing up of the country roads is also starting
corn shorts to covering on the theory that
the Intel lor movement will fall off soon , iirnl
the stieam of corn start down the Mississippi
river earlier than usual. Cables ranged
from llrm to strong. Nothing definite as
to thu extent of the reduction in thu foreign
Modes of wheat and Hour is at ham ! , beyond
the fact Hint Lixcrnool stocks arc 750,000
bushels less than thci were n mouth ugo ,
but the advices from London niuthaltiio
Hupplics there and at all points in the United
Kingdom and on the continent aie melting
n\\av rapidly and tlmt values arc ( middling.
Tlie local Inspection sheet .slums tiiatu good
deal of wheat is arming. It also shows
that "mixers" nio very luiril at work. Any
where from 20 to 1)5 ) cars of No. 2 wheat is
being moved daily from private bins to pub
lic warehouses , in spite of this , however ,
the visible stocks are decreasing lapidly , and
a further decrease this \\eek of nearly
1,000,000 bushels Is forecasted in certain
quarters Mav wheat was $1.07 } < fti < ! 1.07 % at
the opening. It sold down to $1.07 % up
to $1.07 > t. back to * 1.07 % and up to * 1.07 ; < ,
easing off once nioic toward the close. The
last quotation was $1 075f. July opened at
93-Jfc , ranged at M QUi c , and closed at
Uc. The local crowd is still \cry bearish
on ttio market , nnd they hammer at it on the
slightest provocation. They do not go their
length , however , and ever stand re.idy to
"pick up their feet and run. " The belief Is
still strong that the bull leaders are very
willing to sellout , and it is noticed that Lyon
mid the rest of the stalwarts have \\ to
Bell on the ralllos. At the close KgRleston
gave up Ljon'a name on quitoa jag of wheat ,
possibly 200,000 or 300,000 bushels , ho
bad been selling through the morn
ing. In spite of this covert
Belling the market held remarkably strong
and the bulls insist that , the legitimate situa
tion in dailv strenethcnine. It cannot bo
urged , though , that the legitimate situation
keeps May out of line with thu other de
liveries and other markets. Manipulation or
fears or expectations of manipulation Is
doing that.
There was less activity at the opening of
to day's corn market , but n fait ly linn un
dertone waobservable. . The dellvciics
wcio not heavy nnd went for the most part
Into the hands of the shippers. The proper
tlon of No. " in the receipts was about 10 per
cent of thu w hole , but the damp weather dis
couraged the hopcof anvinimcdiatn improve
ment in its condition , which , however , would
not have much affect should the lower grades
in the meantime advance to the priio repre
senting the actual difference in the con
sumptive value. On an attempt towauls the
end of the session by some shorts to cover
their contracts , the offerings wcio so light
tlmt they created somu alarm in the mlnr.s
of othcis , and lively bidding took place ,
which quickly lllled up the hitherto descried.
trading arena , nnd business from that time
to thu close was more active than has been
witnessed in the corn pit for months. May ,
after lluctuatiiifr during thj creator part of
ttio day between SHs aim & > % c , at this Junc
ture advanced to 'M c aim closed ut X@
In common with the other branches of
produce tlio trade in oats was dull , with
light trading nt a narrow range. The feel
ing' was b.uely steady , with the receipts
larger than expected and an absence of a de
sire to operate. The transactions on future
account were confined to Maj and June , with
the former at B7 @S7Ji'c. and Juno at about
J c discount. There were no deliveries of
consequence on March contracts. No. 2
regular sold at ' > 3c. ,
In provisions the day's movement was
somewhat uninteresting. Trading opened
with the bear clc.nunt more or loss aggies-
sivc , being encouraged bvthe continued good
receipts of hoRs , and for a short time the
feeling was n little heavy. As the session
advanced , however , tiade improved in tone ,
and as offerings were disappointingly small ,
the weakness shown early was more than ro
covered. Prices , In fact , moved uu all
around. The advance made was well sup
ported , and the closings were generally bet
ter than ycstei day's last llguics. In poik
the appreciation established was -'Kl'Sc ! , and
In short ribs " } jc. Lard closed unchanged.
CHICAGO , March 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tins HUB. ] Co n.E There wai a better
feeling In the market today. The supplies
\\cro fairly large , but there was n good de
mand , especially for good cattle. Some
choice heavy steers averaging 1CSO Ihs sold
us high as 54.75 , tint they wcro the finest cat
tle that have been heio since Christmas.
Poor to pretty good cattle sold at f3 10 ( < ? 3 SO ,
nnd there weio not many cattle good enough
to reach ? 4 00. The general market was not
much different , but choice heavy cattle in
Bomo enact , sold 103 higher. Choice to rxtra
beovcM , flCOji4.7."i ( : medium to good stccis ,
HIM ) to IMX ) Ibs , * 3ilX-Ul ! ( ; 1200 to 1330 Ibs
t3..Wl ! 70 , MO to 1200 ! Ibs , M.00if ( ; ! 40 , stock-
crsand feed eis , $ . ' . ! 5ai5 { : ; cows , bulls and
mixcil , $ 1 M ( < W 10. bullf. $ „ ' 1532 45.
Hoes Hnslncss was brisk , with a down-
tuin of TiQIOo , goodpaekois selling aiound
about M 4U nt the close , nnd the bulk of cat ly
sales woio at ? 4,4r > , n few lots of fiine'y
lieiwy soiling around about $4.50 at the close ,
Light soils sold largely ut 1 1.55 tufl oO , with
light-light at t-1.70.
l "l.\ANOIA.Li.
New YOIIK , March 1. [ Special Telegram
to TIIU JlKC.1 STOCKS Tlio opening of the
Block market this morning was without
sncclal featuies , Plrst gener
ally a fraction higher than last night's clos
ing. Loniton prices wore eouiiiw hat belter
and cnules brought n few buying aiders In
Bt. Paul nnd Northern Pacillo preferred.
There wasnoviui to speculation , however ,
and the bears soon proved that they still have
the umlctng of quotations. This , togolhrr
With the desire to realise profits on stock
bought yesterday , caused n decline , In which
Atchison , Chicago , Uurlin-jton & Quiucy unit
Heading ileldodj per cent. Milwaukee ,
Lolio Krlo & Western preferred , and Man
hattan , however , were exceptions , and ad
vanced 2 and ] J per cent respectively. The
dealings In the former wcro limited , and
the buying w us by the Insiders based 0:1 the
Increase In the next dividend. There was n
bettor feeling developed toward 11 o'clock ,
and thu market was extremely dull but firm ,
though generally nt slight fractions below
the opening prices. A conservative trader
expressed hU views In this way ; "Tho mar
ket Is a lUf.lcult one to guess. If the outside
public can bo convinced that there will bo no
unfavorable granger legislation , wu shall
bavo broader and bettor speculation , It Is
this fear which is keeping hundiods from
taking hold. The disunion Is bullish. All
tlmt it needed Is encouragement , Without
omo assurance of thlsnaturejihe market will
probably lag , and the result will probably
bo lower prlres , " Lake Suoru continues to
bo wall spoken of , and its friends ay it Is
doing a larger business ut present than ever
before In Its history. Thn commission people
linvo not changed their minds , and toil their
cQatdincrs to take advantage of tile temper
ary rcactlontto buy on. They prefer low
priced specialties to hiphpr priced shares.
Stocks \\rrc moro plentiful In the loiin crowd ,
except SU Paul , which continued to loan
lint. Money li easy nt 2 per cent. The bond
innrket is quite flrm , but tlie transactions nrc
only moderate At noon the market was in-
native , but linn , nnd was strong throughout
the afternoon. Uho liansaetions , however ,
wcro con lined mostly to spot , laities Oregon
Navigation. Chicago ft. Distort ! Illinois and
Manhattan Miouing nn advance of l1 , 1 nnd
214 per cent respectively. Atchlson nnd
Western Union wcro naturally strong , and
both gained 1 | ) er cent. Tlio buying of the
former was said to bo for Boston account ,
where the stoclt loaned nt a premium for use.
The buying of the general list was mostly by
tlio professional tiadcri , the Chicago houses
being prominent In St. Paul transactions.
New Kngland Is almost the only stock that
does not show Improvement. Tlio total sales
for the day aggregated SO * > , OUO shares , In
cluding St. 1'aul , 15,000 ; Northwestern ,
13,000 , Western Union , llt'00j Oregon Trans-
LOtitlncntnl , 13,000 , New iiiigliind , O.SOOJ
Heading , 1000.- ) Union Pacific , D.OOO.
The following weie the c'oilnsr quotations !
IT.H. 4i regular l-'K'Ji.Vorthern IVvlllc. . 27
V.S. Iscoiuxm * U' ' dopcofrrroil iw"
r.y.4'sreKillur ' 1I7'C. ( * N. W . . IWl'i
U.f. I > { scoupnn3 in7' < ! tlnproferre < l. . 14" '
I'AclllcMnt W Ul i.N. Y. ( Vntrul . . li'J
( Vntrnl 1'arlllo . : ) ) > I' . . It , .V II . , . . HI
riilcapo A Alton . HI Hock Isliinil . . WjU
' '
A-Qilluoy . . . 10I'4 Vlo prutcrreil. . . . IH'
1) ) . , L. .V W . II1H St.l'iiul cfcOmilii . i"i
IlllnnU Central. H'l'ji tloprnfcrrcil . . . tit
l.ll..V\V mvUnlonl'acillc'i
KittiMS .V Texas 11' . I , .VI' . . II
I.nkvShoro . MI'i ' ( lo preferroil . aiU
MlLlilRKnlVntral B.i'iWestern , l.'nlun tO-U
MN ontll'acitlc " . - |
Mover ox CALL Casy , nt 2(5T ( per cent.
PIIIMB MEiicANriLC I'Ai'Bit UiJI par cent.
STUIIIIVO ExciUNfiK Oiill and steady ;
sKli-dai ; rtotnaud , Sl.b .
CIIICAOO. March hvheat about steady ,
cash , ? 1 QApul \ \ , 81.0(1 ( ' „ ' ; May , $1.07J (
Corn [ ' 'inner , cash , 3440 ; April , 'Jo c ,
May , : ' 1-Hic.
Oats Steady ; cash , 27 , ' ; c ; May , 274'c.
July , 'J(5le. (
Hie I5 fc.
Hurley Nothing ilolnc.
Prime Timothj $1.44
Flax Casli on track , f 1.43.
Pork-Stcadj ; cash , 1.15 ; May , ill 30 ;
July , ? ll.r > 0.
Lard Htcany ; cash , 10.70 ; May , $080 ;
July , to b7Jf.
flour Kirm nnd unchanged ; winter wheat ,
J2.f > 0 ( < 31. > 0 ; spring wheat , 81.53QJ1.C5 : rje ,
$ -4.7.tU ( 15.
IJullt Meats Shoulders , 8525(33 37Jf ;
short clear , $0.12 > ( aO 25 ; short ribs , fo a5
din ic.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 19@2So ; dairy ,
14 24c.
Cheese Steady full cream cheddais ,
; flats , 10XCllc ; Voung Americas ,
Li'gs Steady fresh , 13@ltc.
Hides Steady : Heavy green salted. S c ;
liglit green silted , fii loifc ; green , 4jJ43iIc ( ;
salted bull , 4' ( ( i'4J c ; green bull , : i ) c ; giecn
salted calf , ( i' e ; dry flint , 7 } < j@Sc ; jrcen
salted kip , 4c ; dry calf , 7@Se , diy salted
hides. 7e.
Tallow Weaker ; No. 1. solid packed , 4K@
4-tfe ; No. ' . ' , 4c ; cake , fie.
Keccmts. ShimncnU.
Flour , bbls . 8.000 7,000
Wheat bu . 3-1,000 11,1100 . Ui.OJO 105.000
Oats , bu . 12J.OOO O'J.OOO
Now i'nrk. M'arch 1. Wheat Receipts ,
2,100 ; shipments , none ; spot , dull ; No 2
red , ! l75f./lii1'fc in elevator , U'J > 4ig9 ( < .i } c
afloat , Ub > * 1.00 , , f o. b. ; No.Ureu , ' .H (
035 c ; options dull and © / ' u
limner ; March. 97c.
Corn Keeoipls , 4',000 ) ; exports. J7OJO ;
market dull , easy for spot , No. 2 , 44e in ele
vator , 4ri' ' c atloat ; No. 2 white , 47c ; No.
3. 4114fil2) | ! < ici ' " .graded mixed , 41@44c ; options -
tions Ifrm and quiet.
Oats Receipts , 12,000 : exports , 30 ; spot
dull ; white , weaker : options dull nnd steady ;
March , M e ; Ma31Jfc ; spot No. 2 , white ,
32'.i ' ( ! 3Jc ; mixed western , 2y@3Jc ; while , 34
Coffee Options opened steady nnd closed
llrm , and 15 to 20 points up ; sale" , iW.S.V )
bass ; March , flfl.WQKJfiO : April , fl.4r. ( ! @
1050 ; May , 810 30@10 5r ; spot Hio , strong
and higher ; fair cargoes , $ lb 50.
Petroleum Steady nnd quiet ; United ,
closed at 01c.
Kggs Dull and weak ; western , 14@
Pork Steadj ; new , $12 SO12.7S.
Lnrd- Quiet and steady ; western steam ,
S7.12K ; March , 7.12.
Outter Steady ; western , 13S30c. (
Checsu Quiet ; wostcin , lOCigll' c.
tilverpool , Mirch 1. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB llEKj 11:30 : p. m. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess , eastern ,
C3s Ud easy ; do , western , 55s , easy.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and Match ,
31s 'Jd , dull ; April and May , 35s dull.
Wheat In fair iicmand ; now No.
2 winler , 7s Sd. Him ; do spring , Si , llrm.
Flour In fair demand : spot , Is Id ; easy ;
March , 4s , steady April , 3s llj d , steady.
KmiHnsClt > . Maich 1. Wheat Steady :
No. 3 red , cash , Die bid ; April , ! Wn- bid ; No 2
soft , cash , 9.1HO bid ; May , 04 > , 'o bid.
Corn Steady ; No 2 cash , 2. ) > foasKcdMay ; ,
25cK bid : No. 2 white , no bids nor offerings.
Oats No 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings
Maj , 23c asked
Minneapolis , March 1. Wheat Sample
wheat stcadj ; receipts , 10s cars ; shipments ,
00 c.ns. ClosingNo. . 1 hard , March , SI. IS ;
May , 81.20 ; on track , 81.17 ; No. 1 1101 th
em , Maieh , $1 OS ; May. 81.07 % ; on track ,
81.01) ) ; No 2 northern , March , 'JOe ; May , 'J'Jc ;
on track , OSQ'JCc.
SI. houK March 1. Wheat Higher ;
cash , flOc , May , Ito&c.
Corn Kitm ; cash , 2S @ 2S c ; May ,
31 'AC.
Oats Finn ; cash , 25c ; May , 27 > c.
Poik Quiet at 81 LOT ® 1 1.75.
Lard ( Julet at $0 00.
Whisky Steady at ? 1.03.
Hutto ( Juietund unchanged ; creamery ,
24@J7o ; dairy , 20-- .
Cincinnati , March 1. Wheat Dull ; No.
2 red , Uc. !
Coin Quiet ; No 2 , mixed , 3Je.
Oats - Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 2ic. (
WhlikA Steady nt 81.0.J.
9Iil\vnuk ( > c , March 1. Wheat l-'irni ;
casb.'JIJA1 ; May. IKlJfc.
Corn rirm ; No . ) , ll@llVfo.
Oats Easier ; tio. 2 white , 27' (22Sc. (
H\e liaslcr. No. 1tljc. 1 .
Harl-iy Stead v ; No. 2 , 50c.
Provisiunb-Sicady ; pork , * 11.12 > i for
MVK srouu.
Cmrtr.o , March l.--Cattle--ncrelpts,7SOO ;
market stronger ; beeves , f4.2.M 1.7ft ; steers ,
? , JOOiM,10 ( ; stockers nnd feeder's , 8.15@
U.W : ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.00,11.1.10.
Hogs ilccolpts 2U.OOO ; mantel slow ,
but 5o lower ; mixed , M.lO < 34.Gfl ; heavy , 84 35
te-4 55 ; light , $4 13 1 70 ; pigs , f.50@4.bO. )
Sheep Hecclpts , 7KW ( ; market sirong ;
natlvuM , | 3 50itS 10 ; wcslern coin-fed , 8I.4UM
4.UO ; lambs , 84.lK ( a(1.50. (
Ony. Alarch 1. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,100 ; shipments , 393 ; bcuf
anil shipping steers Iricgulnr , and 5 ( 200
higher ; good to choice coin fed , fl.00 ( < { | . ? 0 ;
common to medium , S2.bO'l.75 ( ; stoekurs
and feeding steers , sleady , $ l.t50CiJJ 20 ; tows ,
steady ; fl.25Q2.75.
Hoes Heceipts , 700 ; shipments , 3i3 ;
market opened steady , weakened and closed
lower ; light weights weaker , asset ted heavy
preferred ; common to choice f l.lS'iil.a" ) ,
Hlniix City , March 1. Cattle liecclpts ,
400 ; shipments , 100 ; steady and unchanged ;
stockern , $2.00 ( SN.75 ; fat steers , $ J.OO < J350 ;
feeders , fJ20@2.SX > j stackers and fat cows ,
fl.50ii2 ( C0canner ; and bulls , 81.0031.75 ,
Ho 4 Keceipts , 2S.'jO ; market 5c lower ;
light and mixed , 84.15 ® .20 ; heavy , 84.20 ®
.Nuliixial Stock Ynnls , East St.
LciiiU. March 1. Cattle Uccelpts. 500 ;
shlpmenU , 000 ; market shade higher ; choice
heavy nnd native steers , 8JbOg430 ( ; fair to
pood. f3V ( > < 3J.lXj ) stackers and fuedbrs , tl..K )
< ii.W ; ranjrcis , corn-fed , I2.75SU.45 ; grass-
fed , 8I.SO 3 t > 0.
Hogs Keculpts , 4,100 ; shipments , 2,700 ;
market easy ; cliolco heavy nnd butchers1
salectlonii. Sia5rf455 ; packing , 84. 5(34 ( & 5 ;
light grades , H.45 4 CO.
Friday , March 1 , .
There was a decidedly Improved feeling in
0)0 ) trade to-day. Although the receipts
wcro nearly double what they wcro yester
day , the market on dressed beef and shipping
steers opened earlier than usual nnd was
more active. Perhaps the prices paid were
not on an nvcragc any higher , but the buyers
did not discriminate so closely and it did not
require quite so good cattle us yesterday to
bring the prices. The quality of the cattle
was fulr , but there was nothing very good.
The stcen sold mostly at SJ.WwU 69. The
market on butchers' stock was JVielOo higher
and active nt thu advance , although thu of
ferings were thu heaviest for several da\s.
Kvrrythlng that was In any way desirable
sold readily , and the yards wcro practically
ilearcd early in the dnv. The prices paid for
cowa ranged from $2UO to 8-.OJ , but 5 good
many sold nt 8-J 40Q.J 00. Quito a good many
bulls changed hands , but mostly in V'1 '
small lots nnd nt prices ranging fiom 52 vO@
2 45 There was comparatively nothing do
ing In the feeder trade , both rerojpts and de
mand being light. Good veal calves continue
to sell readily nt $3.50.
The market on an average would not show
much , If any , over 5c oft from jcstcrday's
prices , although light may hnvo suffered n
llttk1 moro decline. The market was slow
like ycsterdiij and from the same causc--tho
failure of bin cis and sellers to rome together
on prices. In the end , however , the hogs
were all sold , but It was noon before a clear
ance was made. About all 'the mixed nnd
heavy hoes sold at § 1.25 , while $4.'JTK ( - < 35
bought the light weights. On jestordiiy the
heavy and mixed hogs sold at1 2. > @l 00 and
the liRht nl il.'L'UfOtl 10. The apparent cause
for the lower prices was the reported decline.
in oilier markets.
The supply of sheep wis liberal nnd the
mm ket active at steady prices.
Cittiu . 1,200
Hoes . : i.IJO !
Sheep . 1,1(00 (
I'rnvulllnj ;
Tlio following Is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Pi imo steers , 1100 to l'.0 ( ) lbs..UO ( " > 'i 01
Prime steers , 1 100 to l.WJ Ibs. . ,1 OJ ( it 1 5J
Native feeders . 2 SO ( .l 10
Common to good caws . 1 fi ) ( u2 10
Choice to fntiej cows . 25) )
Fair to choii-e mills . 1 7r C"- !
Pair lo choice light hogs . 4 'ill C H-3" >
Fair lo choice heavy hogs . 420 ( Jf4 2"
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 42) ) ( il25
Fair to choice western sheep. . J 75 C' - " >
Pair to choice Nebraskas . 4.50 ( 4 111
Silt IIS
No. A\ . 1'r. No. AV. Pr.
; i I'mU7 ' . .iiv ) nr.
i a i
21 ii'ii
11s 11.20
11S.I in ? ;
S.I 1211 I
U )
1 i.'ii
.1n ii is
.1n UhS 340
n 1150
ID .1.118
1 ma 2.1
1 1171 2.10
nir ,
II.M 2.W
. .1024 SUi
.111) ) 2. VI
1111 2..1.1
1 40 2.1(1 (
lli'O 2.t7J !
111) ) 2.K
1)13 ) 2. <
Pllk. IT.
HiU il.r
210 4.21
4.2,1 ,
4.2 >
W 4.i
40 4.2.- ,
4tl 4.27"
4tlK ) 4.--.H
40W 4.27'i
W 1.27'i
40 4'10
M ) 4:11 :
N ) 4..0
Ml - - 4. ill
Ill 10 l.'t-i ! '
IllWi 4 IT ,
70No Sllhtl' .
No Av. Tr.
2U wutcrns stocters , mixed 7U JI2U
101 corn fuil . .Ul 4.2-i'S
The Montli'H Itecorrt.
Showing tlio number of cattle , hogs nnd
sheep purchased by the ditTuicnt buyers
during thu month of February , Ibb'J :
c m i c.
Swift & Co ! ) ,80J
George 11. Hammond & Co 5,150
Tlio Arinour-Cud.ihy coiiipiny 3,051
Steven , Ilumllton &Co 1-IOb
Omaha Packing Co 1 ! )
Shippers nnd feeders 7,555
Local butchers : . . . . 7J
Total 27,151
ticorga H. Hammond fi Co 12,830
Onmhii Packingconipanv 2),5Vi )
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . , ( . ! ,7il ;
S\\ift. < cCo 13,5'Jl ' )
Klng4ii& Co 703
Masher & Co U1
J. T. McNuiight 375
Shippers bill
Local butJhcrb 135
Total 8-M75
Inci east ) f loin Junuaiy 3,397
Swift it Co . 5,015
G. H , Hammond & Co 1,3.12
Aimour-Cudahy Packing comp my. . . . 1,075
A. M. Snootier 1,2.21
J. L. Hill -131
Leo Kothsciillu , 850
Steven Hamilton'\ 212
Stcwait , Ib'J
M. Williams 101
Ho * , nolds & Co DO
Total 10,052
LIvi ) Block Note * .
Hog market 5o loner ,
A moro artivcfinttlu market.
Hutchcrs' stock sell O'VJlOc higher.
A fulr demand for slierp ut steady prices ,
Mr. MuKlnnon , of lllcicman , Neb , , soUKiJo
The regular monthly mcctiiie of the Kx-
change will bo held on Monday , March 4.
Charles Ha-an , u mcinburof the Koscnbaum
Live Siock Commission Co , , Chicago , was at
the iarris.
George H. Green , of the firm of Savage &
Gi ecu , who has been confined to Ins house
for three months with n partial paralysis of
the loucr pait of the body , IMH boon pro
nounced out of danger und In u fair way of
speedily recovering ,
Tlio month of Mured opens with hoes sell-
Uig25i.tOo ( lower than on the 1st ol Febru
ary , At the commeiicemont of lust month
thii bulk of the hogs were selling ut M.55 (
4 00 , and very few sales wcro niudo under
H 55 , whllo the top was $1.0.1.
Scot Harold , u ho has been with tno llvo
stock commission company of Hyora , Putter-
bon , * c Co. for the past two jears. has been
appointed hog salesman for that firm , His
promotion Is well deserved mid In addition to
his expcrioiico li thu yards hora ho has boun
a hog buyer for beverul years previous to
coming here.
Word has just been received of the death
of L. T. Martin , of Martin Brothers , coinuiU-
sion merchant * ) , of Chicago , Mr. Murtltiviu
ufTcrliiff with cancer o/jtlio ( stomach nnd
wont to 1'jitndeim , Onl.i Ai\v months ago ,
uliorc he died la t n-'lit. ! ( Hens thcfathdr
6f J. G Martin , of this place , The remains
Will bo taken to Chicago rot ntcniiont.
Fruits , I'inilticp , I2tc.
HUTTF.itCreamery Fancy print , a fii Cx1
choice print , 30 < ftU2c ; funcA solid packed , IS
OMIV ; choice soliif pucKcil , 15 [ < fl"e. Dairy
lincroll , ITCiMPc , cholcjj 15jjlCc ( ; good , 12
(3He ( , low grades , UKiZlIc ,
Cm t B Full cream Cheddars , choice , 120
12tfc ; full cream Hats , two In hoop. 12 > < , ( i
lite ; full cream Y. A. climrp , IS'sC' U'e ' ; olt
grades nnd skims , ugfli' ; llmburger , l" @
1'Jjfc ; brick nnd Swiss , 14&I.V.
Eo Strictly fresh , 1105120 ; cold stor-
nge , SOJlOc.
Lic Pot I.THV Chickens , per doz , M * > 0 ©
3.75 ; ducks , per do ? , 1 ittfgM.fiO ; peese , per
doJS r > 0iJ'J ' 00 ; turkeys , potll > , UjB10c (
UliKssF.n Pol I.TIU Chickens , per lb , ! ) ( i ?
Mr ; turkeys , per lb , llOMilc , geese , per lb ,
llG l-'c. diii-ks , per lb , lliit u.
VBII - Heavy prassers , 1C ( ) to ' . ' 00 Ibs , r ®
7 o ; inferior calves , W ) to ( U ) Ibs , r > ( < t(5c ( ; me
dium to gooil , 70 to 8' ) Ihs , biiOo ( ; choice to
fancy. 100 to l.TO llw , U@10c.
Vi ( : Potatoes , Colorado and Utnh ,
70@7" > c , Wyoming , TiOQoV ; Nebrasku ntiil
Iowa choice laige , JCi lUi. * , cdinaion , StOijf We ,
sweet potatoes , Jerse\s , per bbl , fJ.2."iji.50 : ;
beets , per bu , MC'lJOi * ! eanots , ! ( , ViiiUi ) ! ,
cabbage , California , per lb , 2'jU. parsnips ,
oOiiiGV ; onions , red choice , Wi.Vie ) ( , silver
skin , ( XKiitrioi turuls. | COC'i-V1 , iiltabugus , ! H
( ( TIOicaultllowcr. . fhoii-c larpo , per do$1 25
( it 1 50 , good , $1 ( K@l ) 25 ; raditho , H5ii IDe ;
lettuce , 'JottMOieiicnmbois , Sl.fiO ; stilng
beins , per bofl 758J.2. ( > , celery , 2i'lJc ( ;
spinach , $1 f > OC < l 75 per bbl.
GVMI : Mallard , per do.1liO ? : l 50 ; red
head. per dor , 42 MXjJI 0(1 ( ; teal , per do1 1 SO
( itj Oil ; coniiiion small , per do10lal5) ) ) ;
rabblis , uor doT.VuiSLOO ; jaclc uibblts , par
do ? , { ! ! 00 iM 50 ; .iiulrrols , periKiz , 75tt5l ( 00 ,
nils Miipe , 25
Ai'i'M s POP bbl , fancy Now York and
Mlfhigui , $ J.50 ; Hioico , ? 2 O.ln22-i ; ohoico
Missouri , $1 17i ( < i2M ( : good. SI M1.T5. )
Polll H.S Kill ITS MlllllIM glllpCS , KO 'S , I'J
to 51 Ibs , ! OLpur lb ; bananas , per bunch. $1.50
( U.'i ( XI ; Icinoii- " , fancy now , lion to * iO s , $ 1 75
( a-l 50 ; choice old. : ! ( ( ) s , SJ 50it ( ) 00 ; oranges ,
Los Angeles , ? J7fi@JOl ( ; Hlvei sides. 5-1 i.1iB (
1.00 ; Navels , $5.00@55I ; Kanelilto , * J OOfig
! l 21.
CIUMII nun Hell & Hugle , tlioice , ST.50
( H > 7 75 ; Hell is CliPiry , choke , Sll rOC < ? 0 75
NUT- ) Walnut50iTkV ( ; pennuta , < ( ! } IOe ;
chestnuts , 4 ( . 5c ; coco.nuits , per 100 , $5 0 ( ' @
liOO ; ha/elnuts , : ' ( it4 ( : : hickoryiiuts , small ,
$ I.2H'M.50 ; huge , ( Ki ) ( 75c ; pecans , plain , C@
be ; polished , 12f ! lc ! ; : almondISe : lllberts ,
llo ; Hra/ils , lc. ( )
Hmrx Green salted. No 1 , ,1c No. 2 , 3@
3'4e ' : calf , 5 ( < (5i e ; dry Hint , Sfcibc.
lli'AXi Navies , hand picked , per bu , ? 2 10
GI2 20 ; good clean country. $ l.75 ( < (2(0 ( , olT
or poor stock , $1.00@l.5'J ' ; Califoi nia. * J.OO@
CIDCII Mu'higan. per bbl , $4 M ) < 35 00 ; New
York , per bbl , ? 5 003.550 ; half bbl. * J.i5 ®
FEATIIKKS Pcrlbiriniclivogccsc ] white.
85 ( < i40c ; mixed with gray , t5iuli ! ( < ' ; damp and
musty , 10 ( < t20c ; prime live domestic duck , 20
( $ . ! 5o ; wild duck , 1.12)c. )
SAIPH \rr-Per bbl , 30galcholceS4.00 ;
per half bbl , $2 21.
POPCCWN Per lb , rice , IKdSe ; common ,
HiiM-v 1-lb frames , choice white , 15@10c ;
dark , l.iiiDMc : strained. 10 < gl2o.
Ji.i i.ns 4W4) o per lb ; prescivcs , 10@l2c
per lb
LMII > ij ciu DO-lb pkgs
S MI.VI 0 > Jip7c ( i r lb.
Koxiscd pi ices are as follows :
} 3uniMt Sttirlt A , iuaniless , 2Jc ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 17J e ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
1'Jc : junciican , seamless , 17i' ; burlaps , I to 5
bu , ll@lle ; gunnies , single , He ; gunnies ,
double , 2Jr ; wool sick , le.
T\M.M.s Flax , 2'J@Ue' cotton , 104illCc ( ;
Jute , JM- .
IJun.i ) Flit ITS Figs , in boxes , per lb , 14@
Kie ; diitrs , in bo\es , 7 ( < < > 10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per IKJX , ? J50 ( < f J.70 ; Malaga
loose la'.sins , $ JiO@i ! 50 ; new Valencia rais
ins , nov lb , be ; C iliforiiU loosn mubcatcls ,
] ) er bo v , $1.5'Jg2 ' 10 ; Callfoinia London * ) ,
Ib. , SJ40 ; pitted cherries , nor lb , ISc ; Cali
fornia pitied plums , iieV ib , 12(3)llc ( ) ! ; dried
blackberries , ugr lb , 0'C c ; di icd raspberries ,
per lb , 2.iVJ4c ( ; evaporated apii'.es , 5 ( < Sc ;
Califoi ala unpared evaporated pcaehes , 12@
14c ; evaponited Califoi nia apricots , l c : cur
rants , fi' ' fiflj e ; Turkish prunes , 5@5'rfc ' ;
citron , 22 ( < t24o ; orange pool , 15c ; lemon peel ,
17c ; California French prunes , Uc.
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , f.1.00 ; do , in
half bbls , $ : i 00 ; small , in bbls , ; 00) ) ; do , in
half bbls , * . ) 50 ; ghcikins , in bbls , $7.00do ; ,
in half bbls , "M.OO
KOASTCII Coi'FEnsGorman , 23'io ; M
Laug'ilin's ' XXXX , 23e ; Anosa , t ! t'fc.
Corcui : Green Mocha , 21iU'jJc ; Itio , good ,
IS&BlUc : Maiulahling , 2iW2 ( ( c ; roasting Uio ,
17 ( < il8i5 ) ; O. G. Java , 24@3ic ; Java interior ,
2-Vfiile ; Hio. fancy , 2lit ( ! c ; Santos and
Maraeaibo , 17 ( < M'c. )
Si inn Granulitcd,7@7 e ; cont. A , CT < e ;
white extra C , ( Pfe ; extra C ( > % < : velloiv
C , O'.fe ; powdered , % ( < i c ; cubes , 7 i(0se.
HKISAClioito \ . \ollow , aOCfiiij c ; dark
colored , liiritNc.
Toiiu-co-Plug , 20' < 735c ; smoking , 10 09.
SVI.T l. 5 , il.llperbbl. (
UOI-B r-io , i tuc.
MATH : Si out Uricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12@llic per lb ; pure maple
syrup , fl 00 per gal.
M tn i. S ici i' 34@4'5c ' per gal.
WICUTIMI Pii'Fii Manilla , O' ' c per lb ;
straw , lfiilJiCc ( per lb.
Ti\s Young Hyson , common to fair. 1S5
25c , Young Hj son , good to fanofiO ( J.)1c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 2J ( ? < J5e ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , -10(3 ( ! "ic ; Japan , com
mon to medium. 15n20o ; Japan , choice to
fancy , . ' ! Uri4l5o ; Oolong , lommon to good , 25
GMOo : Oolong , choice to fancy , 5ijt70c ) ( ; Im-
pc-nalt common to medium , 25' 31c ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 ( 50c.
C'U\CKI its -i5W7c per lb ; assorted cakes , 8
( (12.1o per lb , as per list.
CtMii Mixed , lKw ) 12Ko ; stick , O OMlc ;
rock candy , Itlj.ticl.lifancy ; candy , 7fe2i3C.
HOII.IMI IlrimiM , fillu.
M vtKiuii. Family , ? 13 ( X % 1 1.00.
Con KISH ) i'-Jt7J c.
SIAUCII U ; > ijC per lb.
Dry Goods.
COTTOV PIANVPI.S lOper cent trade dis
count Unbleached L L , 5Ke ; C C , OH" ? S
S , 7 re ; i : i : . b'/e ; G G , HJfu ; X X , lO c : O
O. ll > < : e ; N N. r c ; A A. 14c ; I ) I ) , lii' c ;
TT. Iflltfc ; YY , Ibe ; H H. lOe. Hle-u-fied ,
20 , b'e ' ; M ) . 12U.c ; M ) , ji : xu. Urown und slate ,
50 , Oo70 ; , 12i e ; W. Kic.
CAiti-ijT \ Vni'Hibb , white , 19o ; colored ,
IJATTS- Standard , be ; Gem , 10j ; Hcnuty ,
IJ' ' e ; Hoone , 14c ; B. cased , * * ) 50.
Piu.ST-i Solid colors Atlantic , ( Jo ; Slater ,
Oc ; Herlin oil , t ) > e ; Gainer oil , VtQijio.
Pnr.TS Pink and robes Allen , fie ; Hiv-
01 point , fiVfe ; Steel Ulver O'.c : Ulchuiond ,
0 > fe ; PaciJle. 7e.
I'jtiNTs Uicss Chnitcr Oak , 5'fc ' : Ham-
npo. 4c ; Lodl , 5fc } ; Allen , t'o : Klchmond ,
do ; Windsor , ( ij c ; Ldilystone , C'jc ' ; Pacille ,
O c. i r
Pums ISDino Ui.ui : St. Le or , fij os Ar
nold , ( > Kc ; American i 3 fo : Arnold C , long
cloth , lie ; Arnold H , long cloth , KUio : Ar
nold Gold Seal , 10c > f ; , btoifel A , ] 2u ; Wind
sor. Gold Ticket , lOJjc. * ,
GINOIIMsPlunketts checks , "itfc ; Whitr
icnton , 7 o ; Yoik , 7Ke > ; Normandl dn ss ,
8Ku ; Kenfrew dress , t > > .JGtl2Hei Whlttenton ,
8 > fe ; Calcutta , 8 } e. / i ,
CAMintics-Slatur , So ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5e.
half bleached , fai Vjrult of Loom ,
Greene G , (1 ( ; Hope , 7'jlCing , Phillip cam
bric , 10 ; Loiiftdulo ciununr , 10 ; Lonsdale , bj ;
New York mills. 10KPopperoll , 42 in , 10J ;
Pejiperoll , 4(1 ( in , HH5i Pupperell , 0-4. 16 } ;
I'ejipeioll , 8-4 , 21 ; Peppercll , 0 4 , 23 : Pepper-
oil. 10-1. 25 ; Canton , 4-4,8 ' : Canton. 4-4 , 'JJJ ;
Triumph , 0 ; Wamsuttii , H : Vallov. 5.
HIIOWN SIIFUTINO Atlantic A. 4-4 , 7K ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7 ; Atlantio D , 4-4 , , ' - < ; Allan-
tie P , 4-4 , II ; AuroraLL , 4-4 , II ; Aurora C , 4-4 ,
4Jf ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , ( \ % ; Hoosler LL , 4-4 ,
0 ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7' ' . ; Lawrence LL , 1-4 ,
0 ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , l4 \ ; Popperoll U. 4-
Pepperell K , 40 inch , T.K ? Pepporoll , 8-4 , IS ;
Pepperoll. 9-1,21 ; Pcpporell. 10-4 , 23 ; Utira C ,
4-4 , 41f ; Wuchunott. 4-4 , "If : Aurora U , 4-1 ,
7 ; Aurora , H , 4-4 , Wt.
Fi.AN.Nhi.xpi.Aii > _ Hiifisnion , 20 j ; Gosh en ,
JllP.X.SiasaK.23c. ; . '
DLOK West 1'piotfj lu , b oz ,
Point , 20 In. 10 o ? , 12'4c ; West Point , 30 In ,
13 oz , 15e ; West Point. 40 In , 11 or Ific.
ConiEre Jitv : AmlTOscocrlii ! , < 'io ; Konr-
saree , 74c ; Kodqxnt , Oic , Concstoga , It'te.
Tirhs York , 8u io , 12' ' o ; York. 3J in ,
llt' ' c ; Switt Itlvor , V ; Thorndiko OO ,
rc : ThorndlLe , EK. Skc : Thorndlkc. 1'JO ,
it'sC. ' Thorndlke , XX. 15e , Cordis , No 5 ,
HKci Coulls , No. 4 , Htiffo
UhMMs Amoskeai ? . U or. 10 1" Kvoictt ,
7iMliic ! ; York. 7 oz , 1 ; > < ! ; llnimakcr ,
Skc , .iaffrey , XX , ll'si" ' .laffrov , XXX ,
I''UcjHeivorCrei'k , AA , I''c. Heaver Creek ,
HU. lie ; Henver Creek , Ct10c. .
KKNTIIKV . .hs Mumorlnl. 15e ; Dakota ,
8c ; Durham , 27'jc ; Hercules , iv ; Leum-
Ington , 22 > 4i ; Cottswold , 27le , Melville. J5c.
CIUSH stcvenV H , f > ljO Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7'9c , Stevens' A ,
blrached , S' c ; Stevens' P , s' c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , HV' ; Stevens' X , ! IHc : Stincns' N ,
bleached , 10 > ic. Stevens' SUt , ll > c.
DiMnvsiojts 2\4 to 2x12 , 12 ( $
10 ft , $ lli ( Xi ; 18 ft , fir.OO ; 20 ft , $1S.OO ; 22 iitui
21 ft , t'l.lM ; 4x4 , 8x8 , 12rttl ( ) ft , * I7.00 : 1S ( . }
2J ft , Sis 00. 22M24 ' ft , J-31 IK ) ; fencing , No. 1 ,
M(5.r.OMSOO. ( ( N'o 2 , $14.00r < t > KI 00 ; lltushnig ,
1st nna Stl clear , $470C@50K1 ( ; ad clear ,
SI't.CXrt ) Id OJ ; H select , J37 UO&taS.OO ; lloorlne ,
1st com OlnV P. WIIX ) ; 2d com. , Ml OU ,
Hd com , WiHX ) ; IJ , 520 IX ) ; common Y P. ,
$1700 ; 1st and 2d clear Y.I' , 4 and (5 ( in t20.lX )
Posts , white cedar , 12o ; red cedai1 , 10e ; split
oak , Oc , sawed oak , IHJ shingles , XX clear ,
SI 20 ; cxtin A , ? 28 > j miinilartlA , SibO ; lath ,
? : 40 ; ship lap No. 1 , ? 1S ; No. 2 , $1(1.50 ( ; No.
I , O (5 , "MSI ; siding. 1st common , fli ; 3d ,
$111 ; 3d , 15 ; fence , 512 5J ; stock boards. A ,
frU. U , 511 ; C , $ .1(1 ( ; D , SJ3 ; boards , No 1 ,
common , $111 ; Xo 2 , $17. No. .1 , $15. No4-lH ;
partition , No. 1 , W P. < in. $ M.OJ ; No 2 ,
Ii7 00 ; ceiling , clour < \ , Y. P , $ JO ( M ; clear ,
'H Norway. $1(100 ( ; seconds $ II50O. ; G.
baits , 2rf in . ( i'Jt ; O. (5 baits , > 4xJ in . ! ! 5c ;
a In. well tubing , I ) & M , bev. , S2J.OO ;
pickets , D. & H , $ i , ' 00
iiiul Chcnilcnl * ) .
Anus Sulnhuilc , l"4o ; Citric , .Vc , Oxalic ,
Me. tarUrlc , 41u. Am carb.Uc ; alum , 2 !
( Sk-s anowroot , 3lV , bilsim rapalba , (7 ( > if >
7 , n. ' . botav , 1M ( ) to ; calomel , bOc ; cn&lor oil ,
-l.)5iil ( ) ( 10 ; cream laitir , lie ; corrosive sub ,
& ( ) cchlonjfoim , IGffMOu ; o\t. logwood , 13c ;
gljcerine. 2lc ; gum arabic. IWc ; gum
camphor , 8lu. gum opium , ; i2.1 ) ; morphia
sulph , f i n i ( ? 2.j !
Oli.s-lleigamot , * 2.SOfi.OO : : lemon , ? ) ;
po ppci mint , ? : ! 00@ Jf-0 ; wintergreen , f.NO ;
oliv , * 1.00 ; iiuliilne , 31Qlbc ; strychnia ,
Molnl und TinncrV Slock.
Hlock tin , small pig . 5 28
Hlock tln.bai . 211
Cepper , planished boiler sizes . . . . . ' ! 4
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copjicr , sheathing . 30
Copper , nitts . HO
Copper , Hats . Ul
Gal. sheet Iron , Junluta , 50 , 10
und 5 per per cent discount.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . . . .
Pat. planished iron. 24 to 27 li . . .
lloollng , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets. . . . 0 00
Hooting , IX , 14\20 , 112 sheets . T.f.O
Hoofing , 1C , 20x2 , 1 12 sheets . . . . 11 .00
Hoofing. IX. 20x2s , 112 sheets . 14 50
Sheet iron No. 21 . 3 40
Sheet iron No. 27 . 3.50
Solder .
Tin plate , best cnarcoal
1C , lilxll , 2A1 sheets . 0 50
IX , 10x14 , 25 sheets . S 25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14 , 2'rshPCts . 0.25
Steel nails , per keg. . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . 2.75
Provisions i
Basement First National Bank ,
iIU5 South lIUIi Street , - Omnlm.
ESTABLISHED 1861 ( 186 So.
chcago | , Ills. ICIarkSt.
llie Regular Old-Established
Is sll'l Treating with thoGreatost
Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Heed and Back Ache nnd all the
leidinj * to early decay anil ] ) erh : > p Consumption of
Insanity , treated scientifically ly new methods with
never-failing sneers- .
a SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dia-
eases permanently cured.
* a-KIDNEYand URINARYcomplalnts , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and a'l ducatcs
of the QenitO'Urinary Oigans cured promptly wtnout
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Orpins
* S" No experiments. Age andexprrlence Im.
portent. Consultation free and sacred.
.03- bend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous end Delicate niscasti
43- Those contemplating Mainage send for Dr.
Clarke's rclebraied guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , Loth 3 * . cents ( stamps ) Consult Ihe old
Doctor. A friendly letter ercillmay save future ufl > r.
inn and shame , ami idd poldeh > ears to life. A/rllock
"Life'a ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Mediclno
end xviitinRt sent everj where , secure from exposure.
Houn,8lo8 bunda9lni3 Address
F. D. CLARKE , IV9. D.t
100 So. Clrk St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Bampl for trial of IS different Htylc l > y nnll.OD
Tociii t of IO Ci-iilw ( u btaiupa. Ault lororil ha 0.
IVISON , BL1KEM6N & CO , , 7rttT iy'
Cointr lUth nml I'nnmm Slrcetn , Chamber of
CommurLU llulldln , ' .
Cuiliil ] ( Slock $100,000
Liability of StockholderS0,000 ! )
Hvo percent pnlil on ilPiumltn. Inuni mnilaon rent
otntu uml | > unonitl nucurll/i notvi , warruiita , utoilcl
and bonds jiurcliuvui
JOHN I. MIM'b. I'rohlfnt.
DIC.VlKIt I. 'lllOMAb.CaMilfr
110\1U ) OP DIItKG'lOItS.
Jolin 1 Mllei , K run u llonon ,
Minimi C.HiR'r , .Inlin II. I'v.nn ,
Andruw Knunnntcr , Murrln Korrlxm ,
W.A.I. . dllib.m. ( ioci K llurkur ,
( lov Ah In Muinlcri , liditcr L.'liiuniH , ,
Normnn A Knlin ,
K. II. colmiou , Julin ltu < li ,
( it'O. C. llnbtilc.
S , W , Comer Farnani and istli Sis ,
I'uld In Caillal | , $500,000
O. II. I1AHKJ5U , I'mident.
K. 1. . llliitIl\VKII : ! , Vicii I'rtMlilont.
F. I ) . JOIINSO.V , Cailiter.
W. H. ItntTOU , AbuUtant C'anhler.
. IlAIIKI'll , J. II ,
K. U lHniiiimu.ii , ( II tf.ltlT ,
I , , n. WILLIAMS , .1. L. MILLS ,
B. U..IOII.SSON , h. Vf. Uiior ,
AILKNT , Hix-ion ,
Accounts of Ilitnucirj. Jlt-rcllaiitfrainl Iiu'
uala received on the mojUftvortil/ldtcrmj ,
Implomonts. _
Dealer to Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons
Cnrrli\kc nnd Ixiaulro .lonr * Mroel , between 1'tli nnd
_ Iwh Omnlm Nclinnkn
Agriciilt1 InipleniGiits , Wagons , Carriages
H > ; iilc , ftc. Wlinlo'iUOnmlin , .Vcbia'kn
\Miulo i\lc PuiUuln
Agriciillnral Iiiiplcinciils , Wagoi s& Buggies
101. JUl , 10' ) nml I7 Jonc < troot , Omnlin ,
M01.1XE , * nLlirRX t > 7dljnA RI ) CO ,
Mnnnlneturcri and JoMicri In
V/agons / , Buggies , Ra' < cs , Flows Etc ,
Cor 1'lh nnd I'aflHctrcots llmnlm _
_ Artists' Mntorlnls. _ _
t HOM'E , Jr ,
Arlisls' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
l' > n Dniittlmnlrei't. Onmlin cb n l i.
Doots nncl Shoos.
ir. r Moit u .v ro. ,
Jobbers of Boots tinl Shoes ,
llol 1101. 11U' > llotmlK Kroot OmMm MnnurirtnrT ,
Mnnmpr urc t , lluolun
Conl , Coke nncl Llmo.
Jobbers ot Hard and Ml Coal ,
.w-mil'i Iith trcct,0iiiiilm , Nct > rn"lfi
rrEL co. ,
Sln'Dic s of Coal a d Coke ,
'UNiulli Itil M .Onnili I , Nib.
Crockery nnd Clnsswnro.
Iniliorti-rs nml JollcMof
Croctoy , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
1 Ic. Jill 1-iiriiKm trcit , now I'nxton linlldliin
, _ Jimission nncl Storngo.
11I1WELL .fc H1DDELL ,
Storajc and Coiniuissioii Merc hauls ,
? I > cclalti ( Hiittcr , PBC , CMO | P , imnllrr , mine
11U How iril area , Uiintlin , .Nub.
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Successors to.McSlmno , V i-clirocdcr. )
Omnlm , Ncbrnvka
_ Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E. SMITH , t CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisnine Goods and Notions
lift ! nn J 1101 ilouplns , cor. lllli street , Unmhii , Ncti.
Importers end Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
cnts' rurnlsblni : Koiuli Coiner lllh nnd llnrncr
I" inIn , Oiu ilia , .Nebrn ki
o.Y , V CO. ,
luiporti mini ! Jobber' at
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
" i 15th trcct.
Wliolesale Dealers in Fnriiitiire
tnrinun ftreot , Cnmlm , .Ncbr.nkn.
Fnrnitnrc ,
Ciuulia , rs
Grocorlos. _
" '
Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions.
Tft'i. 707. rojnnd'llSuutli 10th 8t.OninlinXcb.
, 1JRADYA- . ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13tb nmlcnven orlh Directs , Omnlm , Nebraska.
II' . .7. Jin
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sieel ,
Sprlncs , ftngon clock , h irdwnro , luintinr , tic. 12(0 (
ami 1-11 Ihirnoy treol , Om iliu.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Jlctils , thprt Iron , etc Accnt * for Hone sculps pmuliruml I. ) man b irbvil wire ,
Build rs' ' Halware and 'Scale Repair Snor ,
loois niul Hull iln "ci.lcs. ] < 05 Douitlns
btii'i't , Uni.-ilni , .Null
_ Hats , Caps , Etc.
W. / . . PARRO'lTE A CO.
Wliolesalo Hats , Cap1 ! and Stray- , Goods ,
1W7 JliillHT itrout , Omiihii , Ni.bra l < ii.
Y/liolesalG / Lumoer , Etc ,
Imported nnd American Portland cement htnto
iikunt fir MHwiinktu lirdmiilluccMiicnlund
yulucy whllulluic.
CHAS u. Lin ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpels ami pjrquot Moorlns "Hi nud Dou'los
Hritl , Omnlm , .Nob. _
AllKiiiflsofBiiilflingMaterial at Wholesale ,
Ifcthi-trtPtHiid Union 1'nclHc'lrm ltOmnlia ,
LOUIS itRAvronn ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
tioort , \ards-rurncr 7th nnd Uouxlut. Corner
] Ulh und llJU u ;
ntnn w. ( IRA r.
Lnniler , lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner tth nnd l > oueln M , Oiuiiiiii.
( ' . .V. DIKTH.
Dsaler in All Kinds of Luinlier ,
Uth und California htrculs , Omiilia , .Nibrnsln
IVtllllnory and Nations.
Impores ! : & Jobhers in Millinery & Notions
.IHS1'Jand ' 513toutillllh itrcct.
Wholesale Notions aid FurnishiiiE Goods ,
4'J.mid IQJhuulli ICth tlrc-it. Onmlia.
xi'A nn , t sun xii nul ,
Notion ? and Gents' ' Furnishing Goods ,
lltailnriiejr drcct Omuhn.
_ Oils. _ _ _
Wholesale Refine ! and Lubricating Oiis ,
Ailo urtiuc , olc , Dnmlia , A , 11. Illthop ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nlro ilork of prlntlim. wrapping and writing
paper , bpec ul iiui'iill'in ' Kifin lotar loul urdvri ,
Storage , ForwnrdlnR & Commission.
AiiMsi'Roxa , pjri'i'is Aro. . ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
Urmic liuiuo of Itin Co.
llcnncf MuftT llunilus at
vflJiilt.ulennJ rulill. IMS , III > . HI. lmM > trv < .t ,
_ Omalia. 'lulupliunu .So. , VJ. _
_ Toys. _
" " "
/ / , "n A itur A uo ,
Jntbvn cf
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
House ( urnlthlu/ cool , clill Iran's cnrrlait * . * .c.
nr v ,
Boots nnd Shoos.
'com to llc I.Jon < > ii A Co.
WfifllBsalB Mannfactorcrs of B30ts& Slices
j ctnti ror Ito.ton ItuMirr Slioc Co , 1UU. 1101 uJ 1IM
llnrnvjr lirrt , Umnlin , Ntbrtitn.
! > roil % A U.Kli ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
H51 Notlh FlRhlocnlh Mrcet.Omnhn.Kab.
Maira'aclnrersofGalTaiizcd Iron Cornice
\ \ Inflow cap * Mul niclBlIc Vy1 clils John Kprnctcr ,
r 1 * ami Uu'M.ilh Ultli snoot.
CO. ,
Manofactiireis of Overalls ,
Jcnii" , I'nnli , li . , Htp. 1IDJ 1101 Douiilaa Street ,
Umnlin , .Neb.
Olflco Fixtures.
Miinufncturpis of
BanX , Office and Saloon Fixlnres ,
Honk l'n i'r , llnlK I l l\ire , Wall
( o * . itrllllnn * ItrtlllnK1 C Minli rii. Ili rninl \ \ Ino
( onion. Mlrnirn , PI I n < lor ; niul i > mn > , ITU ami U.O
botilti nth St , Umnlin Tclfpluum IKI
_ _ _
, /0/r.Y \\'ILKIVC \ \
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
2si9 lilt n M 1"11 D < niK'n Mrcct , lm ) lii , .Noli.
Ruhbor Goods.
Manufacturers a-fl Dcalcis in Rubber Goods
Oil clothlnq Hint leather lioltlnit 1118 I nrniun street
Sash , Doors , Etc.
. A : ' .t CO. ,
\Vlifie | nl ( * nianufnctuieri of
Sasli , Doois , Bliuds and Mouldings ,
Ilriiuh olllce , itli niul Innl Urcot Omnlm. Neb.
iiofiy MAxr&icTrWya co ,
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulillnc * , Miilr work iiml Inlrrlor hnnl wnoil flnloh.
N. 1J corner bill nml I pHT n ( rlhiitrioH ,
Onuilm , r\i b.
_ Stonm Fttlngs , Pumps , Eto. _ _
A. L.STRAXa A Co ! ,
Pnmps , Pines and Engines ,
Etrnrn , " lor. rnllwnT nml mining rmipllei. CIO.
tCOl 2 nilW Irartmni Hreul , Uumlia.
u. s. WIND jaroixti A pimi * co. ,
Steam and Wale '
: iniUIr : > 7 wind mllln 918 nnd HI Jones St , Omahl.
( ! . K Hnis , noting nmiiHKor.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
bbcct Iron work , < trnm pump , > n mills. U1.V15I5
I.iuxcnnorlh n'.rci I , Omnlm
Iron Works.
Cnrlcr & t-on , I'roji'B VHiuifnclnrori of nil klnili
Steaiii Boilers , Tanis and Sneet Iron Wort
Worku Health 3)1 ) li nml I ) A M. cro > * lng.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort
Knpliiop , iirisi work , ironenil fotindrj , ninelilno and
blackauiltli work. Oltico untl nuriH , U. 1 * . lly.
and Kth ! trcet , Onintm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mil" window gunrds , llnvrer itaniln. wire ln ( ,
etc.Zi Nurtli lull ftiifl.Oimitm.
Mani'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif
Vault ? , jail noik. Iron sliutlcra niul IIro L-xcnpos
O. Amlii'Cn , prop r. Cur. 14th nnd Jackson Hit.
Iron-nd Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
nnd screens , for 1 nnk , olllco" , stores , n tMflncm , etc.
Improietl iwnlniz- . , locksmith itmclilncrr nnd
LluckMiilIli works. lUl oiith litu&L.
PALMER , niCIlMAN , t CO. ,
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllco-ltoom 24 , nnpixlti ) lltilmiiKC llnlMIng , Union
tluck VnrilH , hcmtli Uinntm , Nob.
OfOmaiia , Limiled ,
John K. llojil , biipi rlntc nil cut.
CounoiS Oi'iifs
And Chicago ,
r ta' io
eli >
' " ' 1 < I'IcnRo. ' ro IU tlino train. A , | , , r , , f uA *
LOACH KM. which are th flnuiit Hint liiinmn nrtand
InKPnultyrniirniite. Itn I'XI.AUKrir.KKl'I.NGCAUa
'Oi-liinlpf ' wliUhr n not | . fmiii.l Al
( ouncllHlim , . thu tralnx of Ilia Union I'acirlo JlMl'
vror con" ' " . In u-ilon depot with lho o of the Cl | .
f ? ? ° n * 'Vo J" " ; t rn Itr. In Clilcni/a tlni train ? of
Ballern " ' ? e coiin-ctloii Hltli fhuiuof nllotUif
f.'J'.r'J'J ' 'M" ' , r ° iurltV.V. . li"H"nan ( lli. Cincinnati.
} l BarA Milli , Iliitritlii. I'lllitiurK. Tiinuito , .Muntroal !
oiton , Nuit Vork. rlillailelnUiB
, llnllliuure. Wn U
intilon , nnd til point. In lUd ft.nt , Ak "or ticket. !
* lum' A"
i > . 1 1 U ( . u i rr. . p. . .
( .en I * " " " > -ICAno ILMO.n'l ! , Agent
" . H. IIAI'.roCK , rinn'l Waatorn ILM Agent.
I ) K lllMIIAI.1 * Ticket jeni. (
" I' . WKBT. Citr f'4 * n
SL. Om lm. N b.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y.
The Best ltout from Omulm nnd Council
ilium , to
ClilrAb'o , - AND - Milwaukee
St. Paul , Mlnncn | ) < > Ug , Cedar Ifnpldj ,
Hock Islnnd. Frccporf , Itockfont ,
C'llutoii , DuTt'iipoit ,
Juiu'brllle ,
ItcloltVInonn , La Crosse ,
Andallotntr lmy rlant poinU Bait , Norltieait ami
Tor IhrouKh tlik li , call c.n tb * ticket event at 1601
rarnani tlrvnt. In lUiknr lllock , or at Uuluu f aciao
. 'ulluanHcti ! > r and lb fln t lilulnif ( la tb
world ro run oi. lb nikla lln ut tU CLk'Sfo. Mil.
wikcn A. BU l'ut lUllmir. ml vrvri atlvullunU ptik
, . . . . .
19 im > ieiiKBri Itv ci > iin n JB < uipli/u < ctUi,0raDwifJ
. . .
11 Mll.l.KII.IJontrivl Utuftifor.
J. K. 'I UCKKtl , AnUUnt uotrM Vtnaiar
, fA.J.AHoOAiaNlJH , H iftl r ao <
Jf lfclfeyiSJ111 * ' -4"1"1 ai" " l ' ' <
J.T.lLAUlf , ( j a