Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The House ConcludoB to Dlsohargo
Forty Olorka.
Xlio Scnnto Jndclltiltcly Postpones
lilll to Prohibit the Voting
ing of lloiul * to Aid Unll-
roiul Count motion.
The House KtnitlnycB Squabble.
L.IXCOI.X , Neb. , Alnrch 1 , ( Special to THE
Bin.J : A Hvoly squabble took plnco to-dny
over the report of the Hampton oonimlttco
to the effect tlmt the iiouso was employing
forty persons who wcro rendering no ade
quate service to { .ho state , utul recommending
that the nbovo mimed number ba discharged.
'Among the number to bo discharged wcro
seven engrossing clerics , all to bo selected by
lot from the Lancaster county contingent.
Majors moved Hint the report of the com
mittee ho adopted , and after several fili
bustering motions had been voted down , the
report was adopted.
Majors ashed if the adoption of the report
discharged the employes. The speaker said
It would not.
Trucsdcll then moved that the committee
directed to dlschargo the employes ,
Hull moved that linker and Majors bo ap
pointed to discharge the suporsurvlceablo
Uakcr declined In n sarcastic speech , In
which It could plainly bo seen that ho was
talking against time.
Olmstcad raised point after point of order ,
and then moved to Instruct the committee to
discharge all relatives of members.
The inicfition was dually reached ou the
Trucsdell motion as amended , when Culcl
well , Hall , McUrido and Soveriu , from Lan
caster , demanded n call of the house.
A largo number of members wcro lound to
be absunt mid they wcro bent for. The house
now degenerated Into a good nnturcd mob ,
No semblance of order was maintained , and
both parties became defiant. Motion after
motion to dispense with further proceeding1 *
under the call were mndo and voted upon
At 13iIO ! the pages and Indies wcro excused
Members slipped out and wont up Into the
gallery to enjoy the fun. At length n motion
instructing the sargciint-ut-nrais to clour the
gallery was carried , and Cndy , Wcstover and
Winters wcro brought down to nnswer for
Cndy said ho had been interviewing the
"superintendent of cuspidors" us to the
actual number of employes required , so he
could vote undcrstandiugly , and was ex
Winters said hohnd only gone up there to
getaway from the mob , and ho was sot free
with n hurrah.
The Douglas county delegation went off by
themselves in a corner , aud Gnldwell called
the attention of the chair to
the fact , that from appearances
they wuro about to commence a game
of "penny ante , " and the crowd rapidly dls
At length the blockade was broken and
Fielugrovo was observed eating pie , whlcli
was the signal for a rush to tbo luncli
Pics , cake and sandwiches soon became
plentiful , and each motion to adjourn was
voted down with a thundering cheer.
Olmstcad discovered that the pending mat
ter woula come up again when the house
met , and could not bo avoided. The motion
was lost , and the fun continued.
The speaker announced that all the mem
bers wuro present except Mr. Hnyner , and at
3:15 : Mr. Caldwall moved that further pro
ceedings under the cull bo dispensed with ,
which carried.
Towio now moved that the wliolo matter
bojuid on the table , which the speaker de
clared carried by a vote of 43 to Si.
Majors disputed the count and a roll call
was tlnally reached , wnlch resulted as fol
lows :
yeas Baker , Ballard , Bookman , Berlin ,
Bohacok , Brink , paldwoil , Christy of Clay ,
Christy of Dodge , 'Colcmaii 'of Antelope ,
Colcman of Polk , Cruzcn , Dompstcr , Dickin
son , Dllor. : Fioldgrovo , 'dilchrist , Halm ,
Hall , Homo , Lco.'Ley , McBride , McNickle ,
JVIceKor. O'Brien , Oltnstead , O'Sullivnn ,
Sutcbull , Scovillo , Soverin , Shcplmrd , Snyder -
der , Spect , Sweet , Towlo , Wcstover , Why-
man , Winter , Mr. Speaker 38.
Ntiys-Abrahamson , Balloy , Berry , Bis-
bee , Bortis , Braucht , Cady , Cameron , Cor-
bin , dishing , Delaney , Dcnman , Dunn , El
liott , Everett. Farley , Fenton , Fuller , Gard
ner , Gates , Gilbert , Hampton , Hanna , ! Hnu
thorn , Harding , Hill of Butler , Hill ot Gage ,
Hooper , Hungato , Hunter , Johnson , Kelper ,
Larson , Lash , Ley , Majors , Mattes , Jr. . Mc
Millan , Novo , Potter , Uhodcs , Uobb , Seed ,
Shephard , Stirk , Swartsloy , Truesdell ,
Weber , Woller , Wells. White , Whitehead ,
Whitford , WIlcox , Williams , Yutzy U
Cady moved a substitute , "That the com-
mittco bo directed to dlschargo the employes
according to their recommendation , " and
with duo regard to their cfllciency and char
acter , and without reference to locality ,
which carried by n vote of 71 to 17.
Caldwell and Hall of Lancaster declined to
vote. The members who voted against dis
charging any of the forty unnecessary em
ployes ivoro as follows :
Bukor , Brink , Chnstyof Dodge , Christy ot
Clay , Floldgrovo , Hampton , Hanna , Home ,
McBride , O'Brien , O'Sullivnn , Scoville ,
Towlo , AlcNlcklo , Meeker , Wcstovor and Air.
Speaker. „
Hampton and Hanna voted ' "no" because
they were members of the committee on
whom the disagreeable duty of discharging
the employes would devolve. And thus the
long light ended by the triumph of the cle
ment pledged to economy and reform.
Haniptoii'H flcnurr.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March I. [ Special to THE
Bni : . ] The report of the committee to whom
was referred the matter of determining the
number of employes necessary for the proper
transaction of business In the house , after
enumerating the employes In each depart
ment , concludes as follows :
. "Yotir committee , from Investigation of
the subject , have arrived at tlio conclusion
that the force of employes can bo safely re
duced at least forty in number , which would
still leave 144 on-thu pay roll of the house ,
nnd from the fact that forty-night of those
employes nppoar to bo from Lancaster
county , wo recommend that the discharged
employes bo made principally from Lancas
ter iwunty.
"Your committee do further recommend
that the following reductions in ofllccs aud
positions bo nmdo :
"Clerks of committees , 11 ; engrossing
clerks , 7 ; Janitors , 0 ; custodians , 7 ; bill
elorliH , ! > ; ulorlr of secretary of state , 1 ;
proof reader , 1 ; copy holder , 1 ; watchman ,
1 ; timekeeper , 1 ; bookkeeper. 1 : inoasomior
to governor , 1 ; total , 40.
"Your committee has refrained from mak
ing anv further Npucillu dimnUsals until re-
clelvng further orders from the house , for
the reasons above assigned.
"In examining the nay roll of the house for
the session of l ST wtl find that during the
sixty-two days' session , commencing with
January 4 , and ending March SI , Home com.
mittco dorks received p.iy for u high ni 150
nnd 167 days. To avoid a like louurrouco
durjng this session wy recommend the adop
tion of the following resolution :
"Ucsolved , That the chief elork is hereby
requested to furnish this heuso with n copy
of the pn.v roll of the employes of this house
as fur paid , showing the number of days
paid , amount nnd to what date paid. Aud
that the chief clerk Is hereby instructed ,
after this dote , before completing each pay
roll for the clerks uud employes , to submk to
this house n statement of all extra time tiny
clerk or employe is entitled to under the resolution
elution of January 10 , and such extra tluio
shall not bo credited on the pay roll unless
approved and ordered by this house. "
Gut It On ihn I.Ut.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March I. | 8 | > cciit to TUB
BEU.--Tho ] senate has nut on IU little Hit
the bill of Senator Paulson to legalize u deed
that has gone unquestioned ten years and Is
properly made and recorded , except for thu
absence of the attesting witness or the seal
of the ncknowlodglny pfllccr , Two similar
bllli Irnvo already been , smothered in the
house , nnd a third' has mofan untimely fatu
in tile senate. Like measures have been be
fore former legislatures , but BO far none of
them tiavo otkcunod their onumios :
This propoxiUca U the oaturowtu of the
noted Oaslin-O'Brlcn ' suit , which lias had
various up * anil downs In the courts. It In
volves the title to sixty-two acres of land be
tween Hanscom park in Omaha and , the
county poor farm , said to bo worth over
? . " 00,000. The defendant In the caio Is
George M. O'Brien , Jr. , now a member of
the house , who succeeded in killing the bill
two yoara ago. Judge Gnslln , now of the
Kouthwostern part of the ntato , has n claim
to a port of the land , but It Is imperfect. It ,
rests on n dceil made many years ago in
Ohio that lacko the signatures of witnesses
and the ( teal of n notary before whom the
paper was acknowledged.
The Pauls en bill , while general In Its ap
plication , is Intended to fit thlt particular
case. The senate Judiciary committee rec
ommended its Indctlnlte postponement , but ,
out bf fraternal eourto.iy , It was put oil the
general file at Senator Paulson's request.
Uoprcscnttitlvo O'Brien has his knlfo un-
Hhcathed , and the bill has a dangerous rend
to travel.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 1. [ Special to Titn
Bnu.l The senate , In committee of the
whole , has approved the Jowett alien land
bill. It prohibits non-resident aliens and cor
porations not Incorporated in Nebraska from
acquiring or holding real estate In this state ,
but , as amended , exempts property in cities
.tnd towns. The bill nllows non-resident
aliens now owning land to inalto a bonn lido
ttiilc during their life. The important modi
fication of thoexlstlng law is contained in the
following section :
"This act shall not , nor shall anything in
the statutes of Nebraska prevent the hold
ers , whether non-resident aliens or corpora1
lions not organized under the laws of th
state of Nebraska , nf liens upon real cstat
or any Interest therein , whether borotofon
or hereafter acquired , from holding or takln
n valid title to the real estate subject to sue
liens , nor shall it prevent any such alien o
corporation from enforcing any lion or Judg'
ment for any debt or liability now existing
or which may hereafter bo created , nor frorr
becoming a purchaser at any sale made foi
the purpose of collcctingoreuforcinKthocol
lection of such debt or judgment. Provided
however , that all lands so acquired shall be
sold within ten years after the title thereto
shall be perfected In such non resident alter
or foroliru corporation , and in default of sucl
solo williin such time , such real estate slial
revert and escheat to the state of Nebraska
as provided in this act. "
A lively debate followed on Taggart's bill
prohibiting any county , precinct , township or
city from voting bonds in aid of the construe
tion of railroads.
Senator Church IIowo argued tha
without the voting of such aid many rail
road extensions would not bo made. Ho
cited the case of Hastings.
Senator Norval said that was ascare-crovvv
and cited the case of the Atchison , Topeka &
Santa Fo in Kansas , which raised the same
cry , but did build through some counties
without aid.
Scuutor Hansom argued that n railroad
would not build to any town , no matter how
largo the bonus , .unless the traflic of thai
town promised to prove prolitablo. Ho bo
liovcd that railroads would make extensions
regardless of bonuses , and asserted that such
bonds never reach the railroad companies.
They go into the pockets of construction com
panies , officers and other schemers who form
n ring within n ring. Otoo county is bonded
for three generations ; men ore paying bonds
for railroads that do not come within ton
miles of their homes , and the legisla
ture should save the western coun
ties from such a fate. Ho denied
the right of one-half of the people
to mortgage the property of the other half ,
and ho cited an Instance in his county in
which 402 men voted $100,000 of bonds.
Senator Howe said ho had long wondered
how Uiinsom happened to got into the sen
ate , but he now understood. The gentleman
from Otoe had explained that his people did
not know what they wore voting on. What
was the condition of Nebraska City , with
one roadi It slumbered for twenty-live
years , and half the business places on its
main street were tenanted by rats. When
the Missouri P.iciiio came and gave com
petitive rates the city revived , and has boon
prosperous ever since. To-day the gentle
man from NebrasKa City says to the coun
ties of western Nebraska , Stand still go to
Senator Lindsay explained how railroads
sent out sharp politicians to corrupt voters
and work up a sentiment for voting bonds.
Ho quoted the statement of a man con
nected with the Uoclc Island to the
effect that railroads seldom realized
20 per cent on the Jbonds voted in their aid.
Tne remainder was used in carrying the
election or stuck to the lingers through
which it passed.
Senator Howe said ho represented n rail
road and everybody understood that , but ho
worn no collar and was earnestly for the
people. The railroads grab at everything in
sight , but they are no exception to the gen
eral rule. .Wo know that railroads have
wheels within wheels , nnd tbo day is coining
when stockholders will demand accounting
from their construction companies. Judge
Grcsham has Just established a precedent
that , will boar print. A land company had
been pocketing bonuses given for establish
ing town sites , and the court held that such
bonuses must bo turned over to the treasury
of the railroad company. This bill is a
scheme of the B. &M. to prevent other rail
roads from entering their field. When Adams
county voted bond tos the Missouri Pacific ,
who was back of the move to prevent the
issue of the bonds ? Why , the B. & M. The
same tiling was done at Crete and other
Senator Hansom asked how much influence
Howe expected to wield as the mouthpiece
of the Missouri Pacific. The gentleman from
Ncmaha raises his hand and says ho is rep
resenting u railroad here the same hand
that took § 125,000 from Adams county , not
one cent of which over reached the coffers of
the railroad. Take ttio case of Brownvlllo ,
the only town in Ncmaha of any cense
quence. Years ago It voted a lot of bonds ,
nnd as soon ns the money was realized the
rails were taken up. The railroad bank
rupted that town , nnd the people are still
paying those bowls. When the Missouri Pa
cific built north from Atchison , Jay Gould
piomliicd to go to Nebraska City , but bis
subordinates tnaclo a corrupt bargain with
Dunbar and diverted the road. Afterwards ,
to got the road , the citizens of Nebraska City
gave iiVi.OOO out of their private pockets and
voted 10,000 of bonds , every cent of which
went to the olllccrs nianlnulntlngtho scheme.
Senator Tagirart made a gallant light for
his bill , which provoked the sharpest contest
of the session. HoTorrlng to the bonds
voted by his cnunty.Adams ( ) to the Missouri
Pacific , ho said a largo part of the county
was almost unanimous against the proposi
tion. The road would not materially benefit
them , and the bill was intended to prevent
such injustice.
Senator Nesbitt argued nt length that the
bill would dlscourago railroad building In
western Nobniblm and was unfair to that
section ,
The committee recommended the indefinite )
postponement of the bill , and when the re
port of the committee came before thn scnato
the friends of the bill made a desperate light
to save It. Several of their motions worn de
feated by a vote of IS to 15 , nml the bill was
finally killed after the morning session had
extended until half-past I o'clock.
The llnal vote for indefinitely postponing
the bill was as follows :
Ayes Bcardsloy , Connor , Cornell , Funck ,
Howe , ijams , Jewett , ICoekloy , Manning ,
Nit > bitt , Paulson , Pnxton , Huymond , Itobin-
8on. Kodio , Shanner , Sutherland and Wol-
bach 18.
Nays Burton , Dorn , Gnllogly , Hoover ,
Hurd , Lindsay , LlnnMnhor , Norvul.Pickctt ,
Polk , Pope , Hansom , Taggart and Wethorald
A great many bills were reported from
committee' ! ) , nnd the following wuro Indefi
nitely postponed :
Norval's ' bill , providing the manner of
summoning and drawing Jurora.
Popo'g bill , for the publication of the pro
ceedings of county commissioners and su
Manning's bill , Increasing the foes of
county uml pollen Judges and justices.
Punch's registration bill and the house bill
appropriating fiO.OOO for a boiler house at
the Lincoln insane asylum , were recom
mended fur passage ,
Senator Pmilscn , from the committee on
manufacture * and commcroe , reported the
following bills , which wore nut on the gen
eral Ilia without recommendation :
lianboin'ii bill for the Inspection of tneat on
tha hoof.
"Jams' bill for the regulation of pools and
Mini house bill to prohibit lumber and peal
dealers from pooling or combining to raise
prices. ' '
Norval's bill for the suppression of bucket.
stops , . ' .
buuator Ijaaii' bhl limiting Justices ot tbo.
peace In metropolitan , rltins to six was put
on. the Koncnil fllo without recommendation ;
also tlio Nollgli normal school bill.
Tha Knymoml banking bill came back
from the committee with Its disjointed pieces
put together In intelligible order , and the
co mm It too of the whole rcndoptcd Its amend
An amendment excepting snvlngs bajiks
from the clause , nnd grading capital stock
according to population , was defeated anil
the bill approved.
Tha following bills were recommended for
passage :
Authorizing the governor on July 4 of each
year to pardon two long term convicts recom
mended by certain oftlccrs. Making It unlaw
ful to contract In notes , bills of exchange , '
bonds or mortgages for the payment of at
torneys' fees , nnd declaring such contract
null and void. Providing that action to re
cover on mi insurance policy may begin nt
any tlmo within live years niter loss. Pro
viding for the incorporation of towns lying
In two counties. Fixing penalties for killing
dogs or defacing marks of identification.
Prohibiting the Huprcmo court from com
muting death sentences.
The following bills were Indefinitely post
poned :
Limiting employes of each house to fifty-
eight. Prohibiting Insurance companies
from having moro than one agent each Iu a
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 1. [ Special to Tun
BEK.J A number of Important bills wcro
made special orders at follows :
Stout's claim for $4OOJ ! ) for extras in con
nection with the capital building , 5:80 ! : p. m.
to-day , and all other claims for Tuesday and
Thursday evening of next week. All insur
ance bills forU p. m. Wednesday ; all appro
priation bills for Tuesday , to continue from
day today until disposed of.
The speaker announced that ho had signed
scnato fllo No. y , the valued policy Insur
ance bill.
McBridcs's bill to compel railroads to fur
nish cards to shippers on forty-eight hours'
notice was placed on the general flic.
A bill by Potter provldinc that all railroad
tickets shall bo good until used , or the money
refunded , was indefinitely postponed.
The Hamilton committee , to Investigate
the numbnr of house employes , handed in
their report. Thn committee found an ex
cess of forty employes , nnd recommended
that number bo discharged. On motion of
Majors the report was adopted after some
tlmn spent in filibustering.
The house took up , ns special orders ,
Olmstead's ' bill , providing for n modified
Australian ballot , and Baker's bill , provid
ing for a general registration law tor vil
lages nnd cities of 1,000 inhabitants and
' The registration bill was flrat considered.
The bill is n very long measure ) nnd is an
embodiment of the very best laws on the
subject now in force in other states.
The house bill was considered section by
section and ordered to u third reading with
out any material changes. Tne modified
Australian ballot system was discussed at
length but Until action was not reached.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March I. ( Suaclul to Titn
Bcn.J Detective Tom Ormsby , of Omaha ,
arrived to-day to urge the house to adopt the
police relief fund bill.
Senator Wolbaoh had a visitor in the per
son of Sheriff ; Wedgevvood , of Grand Island.
Farmer Walker , who has figured largely
in the discussion of Billings' hog cholera
exploits , is at the capital and loudly pro
claiming his faith in the theory of inocula
The Omulm charter bill has not yet come
before ttio scnato committee.
Representative Whitehead , of Custor ,
made a strong light against the bill provid
ing that It shall hereafter require a throo-
llfths majority to re-locate a county seat. Ho
thought the same law under' which the older
counties wcro organized ought to bo good
Cnough for the newer counties. Custor
county people wanted the right to settle sueli
questions by a majority vote.
Dick Berlin of Douglas has grown weary
of anixing his signature to the petitions of
ofllcc-scckers and has put up a sign on his
desk which reads : "Positively no petitions
signed hero. "
The house is In no mood to allow the whole
bill of expenses in the Douglas county con
test cases. The attorney fees will be' cut in
Uvo in the middle and various items will bo
omitted entirely. A $500 attorney ffeo is
looked on by the average legislator Jis good
pay for full three months' work. *
Twenty bills were quietly laid In their
little graves yesterday to rest for two years
at least. If this work could bo kept up the
illo would soon bo cleared.
The bill increasing compensation for
burying old soldiers from $30 to $35-was
Among the bills recommended for passage
yesterday was one of special interest'to the
people of Burt county , it provides that
the board of supervisors may levy n special
tax : to Keep dltcncs in repair , but contains a
provision that no moro than $30 shall DO used
in removing any one obstruction.
Another Railroad Problem Solvoil.
CHICAGO , March 1. A meeting of repres
entatives of the roads , which are in the terri
tory of the Central Trafllo association , but
arc not members thereof , was held at Chair
man Blanchard's ofllco to-day. The object of
the conference was to provall upon the Inde
pendent lines to agree upon a course of action
that would put a stop to the manipulation of
through rates at such junction points ns
Peorla , St. Louis , etc. All the roads repres
ented agreed to the establishment of inspec
tion bureaus at various points , and to submit
to the examination of way bills by the
authorized inspectors of the association.
Indiana , Illinois and Iowa wore not repres
VlnoH Declared IiiHfino.
CHICAGO , March 1. Thomas R. Vines , the
clerk who had Uimsolf shipped in a trunk to
St. Louis with $4,0tiv stolen from his employ
ers , was declared Insane by n Jury this after
noon. Dr. Foncror testified that lens than
a year ago Vines' uoso was injured in a
spurring match , and that insanity v/as
caused by worrying over the injury. After
lie had properly dressed the organ Vines
called twlca and insisted on having his nose
reset each tlmo. Dr , Clovlngnr , an insanity
export , also testified that Vines was insane.
The court ordered Vines sent to the ICunkn-
kco asylum and kept there until cured.
Thd Nntiintllzitlon BUI ,
WASHINGTON , March 1. Uoproscntatlva
Sonoy , on behalf of himself nnd Collins &
Buckulow , to-day submitted from the com
mittee on judiciary the minority report on the
naturalization bill Introduced by Representa
tive Oatos. The report cites the provisions
of the present laws on the subject , and says
that there is no necessity for making any
chance. The report proceeds to discuss the
bill , and says that , obviously Its Intent Is to
discourage the Immigration of aliens into
this country , mid the minority thinks there
cm bo no doubt that If the bill bo enacted
Into law it will operateIn many cases us u
denial of citizenship to aliens.
HtoitniKtil | > ArrlvixlH.
At Liverpool The Michigan , from Bos
ton ,
At Now York The Danmirk , from Lon
don ; the Amsterdam , from Rotterdam , and
the Truvo , from Mromon.
At Glasgow The Norwegian , from Phila a
Ttio Corn I'ulnoo Train.
CHICAGO , March 1. The Iowa corn palace
trulu , on its way to Washington , arrived hero
from Sioux City this morning. It has stood
all day in the depot and boon constantly sur
rounded by crowds of people. The trulu
loaves ut 11 o'clock to-nlfht for Washington.
A. Darn IJiirnod.
STKOUOUKO . Nob. , March 1. [ Special , to [
Tun BEE.J Thttrsdny evening at U o'eloclt a
ilro was discovered in u small tmru a block
and a half , from the nearest hydrant , and ex
tinguished before the building fell. The
contents of the barn , consisting of one horse
and one doubia harness , with feed , were to
tally destroyed.
Comedian Kohuid Rood says he is
folill qf perusing tioVuls wlidn at sou , bo-
ouuso there lip pun rplf andread. .
An Unknown' ' Man Ground tlndor
itbo Whools.
V > ! .
Nothing Foiiiul to Identify tlio Victiii
"Who ( Jq' Supposed to Uo
n.AVtttor Works
' , ' ' liinployo.
Anotli'r'r'Katnl ' ' Accident.
Last night the mangled remains of what
once had been a nrna were picked up along
the Missouri Piicitlc tracks near the Inter
section of Fifteenth and Grace streets , II
was midnight , and no ono could toll how the
accident occurred further than that en
glno 297 , with seven loaded car * and u ca
boose , hud passed over him. The coroner
was summoned , and nt onre went to the
scene , where ttio night crow of n switch
engine helped to pick up the scattered portions
tions of the body. Not even in the glara ol
the headlight of the engine could the ago ol
the victim bo told or his appearance bo described -
scribed , and the body was removed to the
morgue. It Is thought ho was un employe of
the waterworks at Florence , as an envelope
was found In QUO of the pockets
bearing that address. A receipt fern
n registered letter to the Natlonn !
Bank of New Orleans was also found , nnd
no doubt represented an investment In the
Louisiana state lottery. It was dated Feb
ruary UO , and is the only thing by which the
body can bo recognized. An Inquest will beheld
held this morning nt 10 o'clock. '
WorkliiRinon nml Women Meet In
Tlirlt Own Iiitcints. .
Friends of the Knights of Labor mot In the
Grand Army hull hist night , to talk on tha
labor question. They were all workingmen
and were not talking anarchistic or social
istic sentiments , but plain every day facts
that would benollt themselves nnd their fam
ilies. The front row of seats was reserved
for the ladies interested iu the order , and
they were all filled. The chair was taken by
Darcy B. Howell , who in u few words Intro
duced Louis Ihn. Ho spoke of tbo events
that the French revolution , nnd drew
from them practical lessons for to-day. Then
Mr.Lynch too the lloornndspokoof tno work
being done by the Knights of Labor. They
not only looked after iho interests of the
skilled mechanics , but of those whoso misfor
tune it was never to learn a , tr.ide , but
who were workingmen all the same
and earned their living by the
sweat of their brow. It was not
so much the capitalists the order had to con
tend with , as disscn lions among the ranks of-
the workingmen themselves. He advised
those present , to listen to the voice of friends ,
rather than enemies , nnd to stand united as
workiugmen. To accomplish anything they
must use what political influence they had
and work at the primaries as well ns at the
polls. The workingmen of America had tlio
controlling Influence in the land , and If they
would but stand together that influence
would be felt itifaiiimprovcd condition of af
fairs among workinguien. If a worldngman
ran for ollico stand by him , irrespective of
party. -r
Mrs. Fitch coincided with the remarks
made. They should bo true to each other
If they wished " , jto gain anything. Be
fore asking" | afor shorter hours ,
they should .Cjdbcato the worfdneninn
to use of the haurksavcd , so that they would
not spend them in the barooms that cat up
so large a | w > rtiou 9 ? their wages. She was
glad that workingiiien were beginning to see
that strikes as n vulo were failures , for in
many cases the effects nf n strike wore felt
most keenly by (1 the women and children at
home. She askedthat , the women's unions
should not bo forgotten , and cited the New
York sewing girls , who were grinding out
their lives making fjhirts at DOe per dozen.
She advised tljose present to bring their
wives , sisters and ( Jpughters into the assem
blies that they tji'euisolves advocated.
Mr. McGreifOf. though. not n Knight , of
Labor , but a labplf jujion man , Indorsed tlio
remarks , and wanted' to see all classes of
workingmen pulling together. Ho thought
they should lay aside party and work for
their own men at the bolls , and advised them ,
to drop thu title % 'workingmau , " when they
had n candidate , nnd christen him cither u
democrat or republican , as occasion might require
quire ,
Mr. ICilgour of Council Bluffs spoke in the
same strum ; and told of forty-seven years'
oxpericnco as a workingmnn. Ho drew a
word picture of the poverty at present exist
ing , not only in larger cities , but in the vicin
ity of Omaha , and warned them to stand
The meeting then came to a closo.
Ho Docs Not Approve < > 1" Pillow F ;
On tlio Stie. ! !
A sparring contest was booked for the
"aftorplcco" at the People's ' theater last
night. It was to have bcmi participated in
by two wall known pugilists , ono of whom is
quite a rcputnblo young mmi with u family
In this city. The contest did not take placo.
The policeor rather Duff Green , put a stop
to it before the pugilists had tlmo to go upon
the stage , or oven color the theater. The
management of the house , it Is said , pro
tested that It was not n prize light , or any
thing else but a "turn" In the performance ,
the same ns any other uct. Ho put it on to
draw a houso. The pugilists , when it was
learned that they could not "contest , " were
coing upon the stage to make an apology to
tlio audience nnd explain why they could not
light , when they were tolil that they would
bo run In as vugs if they made any kind of
nn appearance. They madu their escape ,
through , the rear end of the theater. John
Sollon , of the theittor , is very Indignant ,
claiming that ho pays a llconso to run a va
riety show , and no long as ho does not con
duct an Indecent or n disorderly house ho
thinks ho should bo allowed to say what
kind of acts should go on his stage.
The dual attraction of Katie Putnam and
Hilly Emerson drew u largo uudlonco at the
Grand opera house lust night. Both uro well
known here , although Miss Putnam has not ?
made her appearance frequently enough to
sustain the reputation which she formerly
achieved in this city.
Nearly all of the lady's characters are of
the mad-cap order , and in them she displays
nn ubandon which savors rather ot nnturo
than of art ,
In the lighter scone's her playfulness lias
the apontnnlety of youth , nnd Is always
worthy of npprcdliAion. Her success last
night in "KrmaJ ? the Elf , " 11 now piece to
Omaha , was decided. She was frequently
brought bolero tlrtj em-tain. Her company
fuinlshod very Kop'tl'suoport. '
Hilly Emerson , and It-Is many years slnco
ttio name was II rW noted on a programme.
appeared in almost Inimitable will to face
sketches nnd sontfs , rind could not get away
from the nudicnco.Toihulf an hour ,
ilelTorion Kmuira to the Front.
Jefferson squure'stdl seouis to bo hoodood ,
and last night waartho sccno of a somewhat
mysterious stab lK affray. About 13 >
o'clock L , E. Ovt&jton and Ucorgo Jowett .
were passing aloi/ Sixteenth street , and
when Just in " 'frbnt of It , 'ft man )
sprung from thbi shade and stabbed
Overtoil in the NiK1 shoulder , inflicting
painful and soridtls1 wound. The would-bo
assassin withdrow'tho Icnifo and started to >
run , but slipped and Tel I , the knife cutting n
deep gash across lib own fuco and cutting .
his our la two. On bolng-'ptekod up ho guva
the name of Gilbert Boyd , but refused to say
anything further , As both men were blooding - .
ing freely they were taken to the
police station , and Overtoil for the
llrst tlmo saw his assailant. :
Ho said ho was an .entire stranger to him ,
and lie had not the slightest Idea as to why
such uu attack was mado. Both men wcro
ilucod in care of n physician , and their wants
attended to at headquarters. Both uro
dressed well and have the uppeurauco of re
spectability. .
Hurrisnn'a iVr.onul Kscort.
INUIANAI'OLIB , March 1. Ono hundred and
sixty survivors of the Seventieth Indiana
regiment , which was commanded by General
Harrison , left this' afternoon for Washing
ton. On inauguration daV .Uwy will act Us u
personal escort to President Harrison. . .
Ortlic Connecticut ntntnnl Itlfo Insiir-
nncq Coinp.iny.
To the Members : Excepting n loss , which
was fully made known Immediately un dis
covery , the year IbSS has been ono of grcnt
prosperity. In every direction the company
experiences n steady Increase of slzo mid
strength , with n decreasing ratio of ex
penses ; so that , while It becomes thereby in
creasingly attractive to new Insurers , It Is
also increasingly valuable to Its older mem
bers , Us new business bolntr secured on such
terms ns to make It an advantage and not nn
expense to them.
In 1833 the company received :
For premiums . SI , l30,33Ti 02
For interest nnd
rents . 2U57,1I > 0.01
Total receipts . . . . $ r-123,473.00 ,
During the year It luld out :
For claims by death
nnd matured endow
ments . f1,0'.io,750i '
Surplus returned to
policy holders . lIGOiGr.77 :
Lapsed and surrend
ered policies . r > i9 , ! > 23.ri3
Total paid tiollcy holders . fjyS3,3J9.33 ,
Commissions to agents , salaries ,
medical examiners' fens , print
ing , advertising , legal , real es
tate mid nil other expenses of
management . 001,883.31 ,
Taxes . 'JtSt-l7 ( | : ) ;
Prollt and loss . : J3I,5'J7.W )
Total nxpcndituro
Leaving n balance of $ ? ila3l..TJ to bo cur
ried to increase nut or ledger assuts.
MOUTM.rv. .
The ( Icuth losses for iho year were some
what above our uvorugo experience , but were
so far Inside the mortality to bo expected by
the table and provided for by our nromiums
as to leave u suvlng of about f ISO.OOU. For
two yours thu death rnto has been nbovo our
average. But even nt Its highest it bus bean
fur below the mortality table , proving at once
the careful selection of our business and thu
abundant safety of the table on which our
operations nro bused.
Our losses have been paid with equal re
gard to the prompt satisfaction of every just
claim nnd to the protection of the honest
members against every unjust clnlui.
Wo still follow the principle that when n
comp.iny has reached any considerable size ,
not only is it bettor for both old and now
members that now business should bo taken
only at such n prlco as does not reduce the
dividends on the old. but that theroshould bo
n general tendency to a reduction In the PX-
ponso ratio to offset the sknvly increasing
difficulty of earning largo dividends.
Whatever is got iu violation of this
principle is a. source of ultimata
weakness nnd not of strength , whatever
its magnitude. It Is u great satisfaction to
the management that the company has been
able to Increase its uuslnoss nta reduced rate
of expense. Its now business is , therefore ,
peculiarly valuable. Tlio expense ratio for
1838 was only S.'JiJ per cont. a ratio less than
that of any other company.
The Income from investments during the
year , while yielding a good margin for sur
plus , Indicates the dilllculty of llndmg quito
as ready and satisfactory employment for
money as in the previous year.
rilOFlTS ON" 3AI.KS.
In 1SS3 wo sold for $775,7 < i2.44 real estate
which cost us $ i5S9OTO.U3 , a net profit of SSG-
This brings real estate sales to January I ,
ISSO , up ton grand toUl of $ r , IBS , 720.10 of
property which cost us S,330,4oS.87 ( , , a net
profit of 53530" ! , : .
Of the twenty-eight parcels sold during
the year twenty-six sold at a , profit of SSS-
17.Y20 , und two sold at a loss of Si.OS3.Oo
balance , SSG,0'J2.15. ,
On bonds oold and paid at maturity during
the year there was a net profit of $15,073 ;
on sundry items there was a loss of $ J,21li 74 ,
giving u total ineomo from profit and loss \
terns of $123,020.41.
For the first tlmo in its history of forty- C
hrooyear.s the company has to record u loss t
by the default of one of its linancial correspondents - '
respondents , u class of men through whom 1
most of its loans are placed according to the
general business custom of such invest
ments , and who nro selected with exceptional
carofortho character and ability requisite for
the most impoitant and conlldential relations
which they hold ; men who , ovccpt in this in
stance , bavo served this company with rare
fidelity and success in uU these years , to
whoso wisdom nnd faithful service much
of thd success of this company has been duo.
The amount chargeable from prollt and
loss to this cause proves to be $133.445.01 ; deducting -
ducting the income from prollt and loss
above stated , the balance charged to profit
and loss is $ ] 51,5'.37.UO. , No credit is taken
for the value of property restored to us , nor
will there bo until it is realized by salt1.
During the tlmo this money was being ab
stracted this correspondent handled correctly
over $17,000,000 , and possessed not rnlyour ,
own conlidonco but that of the business men
of ' his own city nnd stnto in u ' . " " / marked ;
degree. ' Ills litness wtis unqualifiedly in
dorsed by the mostcompotint uisn who know )
him intimately.
To rightly appreciate the effect of this loss
upon tlio standing of the company and the
safety of its contracts it should bo considered
in its proportions and not simply in its ngirro-
guto. That is small to one concern winch Is
largo to another. A bank with $1,0011,00. ) of
resources , of which $100,000 was surplus ,
could meet n loss of $10,000 without thought
of injury to its credit. iJut less tlmn wiiat
S10.0JO is to such a bank , < 1S4OOJ is to n com
pany with ? r > 7,500,000 , of resources , and with
? r,5i5OUO ! surplus remaining after the loss. .
It will not affect the company's dividend ,
The conditions which , apart from our en
tire conlldcnco in the mun , made this loss
and its concealment possible , wcro peculiar
to the times in IndlunuDolls following the
financial depression of the lust decade , and
tbo methods bv which it was effected were
skillfully framed out of those conditions. No
such condition exists elsewhere , nor has
since that pcrioil , it Is probably needless to
say that whatever lessons as to the methods
thuru are In this matter will bo properly ap
plied. .
I1ONDS. 1)1
During the year wo have sold in order to re
nave the premiums and have had paid off , reL
bonds that had cost us $1 Ii,2i7.5 ! ( ) . Wo have
nurehusod bonds cosllmr ? l,402,040.2o , mak ut
ing our holding at eon on January 1 , 1831) ) , til
y,340r 75.94 , The excellent character of h ;
those bonds will appear from an Inspection ill
Df the Itemized schedule. tli
n mi , LOANS. or
Wo have loaned during the year upon real <
astato iiecunty $0,7114,170.4(1 ( ; loaim have been hi
nald off to the amount of $ r,00asri.K ) , leaving
invented SilOJO,44J.03. Seth
ing the amount no , ,
LJoncornlng these wo can only say that they th
ire made with constantly increasing care , in tli
inly those localities where values tire of the at
most permanent character
The company hml in force December .11 ,
1633 , : iiiO ( ( policies , Insuring $151 , 01,01:1. : Us
issets on that day wcro i7,4tol ; lll.'i ! ) ; its Hit-
illltlcs by the highest legal standard of soiv- Iu
moy were $ . 'jl.b'Jo.fiW.01 , leaving a clear sur-
iltiii of tv,50o,07U.Vl. Our own standard of
uservo on business written slnco April , ISSi , wi
s higher than any legal standard or that of fo
uiy other company , and mqulros us to carry til
in additional rusurroof $ aWJ70 } ; leaving iho ill
mrplus by our own Btuiiduni , $3,2U,7uy.u'.i ,
The premiums and rmorvus of lliu com- Jo
any urn grounded upon the most i-onsurvu- ru
.ivo busis , which have been approved by jv
jxporlmiee again and acaln ; its contracts are ot
f the simplest , moat Irgltlmulo character ,
levold of speculative featuresjlts business is all 11
lolocted with greuf care ; it economy of
niimtgoinont is unrivaled ; In actual cost 1)0 )
f Insurance furnmhud it * record is believed
a bo nt least unsurpassed ; its growth is
.vhoily heulthful , bi-lng worth moro tluiit It
jostH to those already insured ; its itMots nru
lot to bo extolled for solidity und produo-
.Iveneas ; its surplus Is ample to provide for
svery udvorto contingency.
In Ita forty-threo ycura of business this
ompany has received ;
or Premiums S 155.42I.03W7
Interest and rents 6S,42H,71I.H , ! !
Balance prolll und loss , . . . ( Wi.iio.-iD .
$ 2147033,011,70 ,
disbursed :
'or Death claims and endow
ment * , 103,850.777.00
Surplus returned 411,220,520.60 ,
Lapsed and surrendered pol
icies , . . , , 19,032,1S0.45
Expenses , 18,005,501.57
Taxes 0,4/0,035 17
Bolqnco , not assets. . , , . . . .
$ lMll ! 3,4&5.15 has been already returned to
policy holders or their boncllclnrles by pay
mciU of dentil clalms.ondowments , dividends
nnil for lapsed ntiil nurrondored policies ;
$ M,832W)9.S7 ) Is hold ns not assets to protect
existing policies ; that Is to say , wo have re
turned to policy holders or still hold for their
protection $ ll,015,3S3.0) ! ) ) ) , or 3liV.IlHS.i | ( )
more thuontiropremiums received from
them. Wo submit this as no slight ovldcnco
of n financial management of which wo need
not bo nshnmcd ,
Thcso remarkable results have been ac
complished nt nil nvor.ago expense ratio of
8.4 per cent of the income.
upon these facts wo stand , nnd to all who
deslro the protection of their families wo of
fer experience , equity , simplicity , economy
and strength. Respectfully submitted ,
JUHIII L. GKKKXK , President.
But Hello Starr Kutorrd .V Mtmlcivr
UrouKlit lo .Mistier.
Writing of the recent nssfisslniitioii
of Uollo Starr , u Fort , Smith correspond
ent of the Now York World wiys :
Tlio World coiTo.spoiidoiit , in com
pany with her lumhiuiil , Hill July , nllns
Jim StuiT , visited Hollo's house nftoi-
the iniirdot' . Upon leiiviiip the main
mid the i\th ) ! becomes gr.-uluiilly nar
rower and tnoro intriciUe. and finally
stops at the baseof a stoop hill. HOI-BO'S
were then abandoned and a hand-to-
hfiiid tussle followed with brlors. sup-
liiijrs and u dense undergrowth of
Hetweoii this hill and tlio ciibln is
a deoi ) cave , forty feet down straight on
all sides , where ono of the most extraor
dinary nnd heinous crimes over eoin-
mittod in the territory took place in
April , 183 , while Hello was on a trip to
Texas. On this spot Martin Joseph ,
alias "Bully Josoy , " a Cluckusaw
Indian-negro with a , villainous reputa
tion , ably sustained by every align
ment of his body , assaulted and mur
dered a white woman named Sluphons.
Some days before the murder Josoy
induced the woman's husband to | * o
into the brush with htm. Hardly
had they plunged into the
dense thicket when Josoy
murdered Stephens in cold blood , leav
ing his body uncarod for on the ground.
The llend incarnate then returned to
Stephiuis' house and told Mrs. Steph
ens her husband was sick iu tlio moun
tain and wanted her assistance. Tlio
good woman suspected no wrong , put
her baby to sleep , took some simple
household remedies in her hands and
accompanied tlio si'oundrol to this se
cluded spot , where ho murdorud her
and threw the poor woman's dead body
Into this cavo.
The baby starved to death in its
cradle and was found by some Texas
travelers nearly a month later. In a
year or so Hello returned from Texas ,
and , learning of tlio ghastly murder ,
she organized a scarehing party to look
for the remains and fasten the guilt
where it belonged. Stephens body
was found first , and finally the searching
party , headed by Hello herself , tame to
the cave. A rough windlass was con
structed and a man lowered into a snot
where no human eye had over pene
trated , Suddenly those above him
heard him shout us if in great
terror _ , beseeching thorn to haul
him up auiekly , and once on terra
lirma the poor fellow was speech
less with fright. Ho finally managed
to tell thorn the cave was filled , bottom
and sides , with rattlesnakes ; that ho
had been on the very edge of n nest of
thousands of them ; that they had rattled
tled and hissed in his vory'ears , and
that all the rewards in Christendom
would never induce him to enter the I
place again. Naturally enough , his
companions shuddered at this descrip
tion , and not a man among them would
have gone into the cave if his lifo de
pended on it.
Belle was the first to act.
She fastened the rope around hoi-
waist nnJ in reply to the astonished
look of the party this intrepid woman
announced her determination to enter
the cave und" find the body if it was '
Lhcro. She took two loaded pistols and
torch , with which she proposed to
frighten the snakes into their holes , HI
riien she slipped over the edge of the en
bank and disappeared , waving her orMl
lorch and firing1 the pistols in every Ml :
lirection , frightening her unwelcome
liosts into their cracks and crevices.
She afterwards said the place liter ,
illy swarmed with snakes , big and llttle-
md she admitted having been frigh- an
oncd , but her nrldo at having outdone nu ;
ho men spurred her to the very bottom , Cetin
vliero Mrs. Stevons's skeleton lay tin nn
lackencd with snakes. Having Kin
rlKhlencd them olT she picked up an tin
trmful of bones all that was left of Us nil
losey's victim and groped her way to
ho 'surface. With these bones and
ithor evidence of .Tosoy's gujlt , Belle
vent lo Fort Smith , procured a writ fdV
lis arrest and led the deputy marshals
o the murderer's dug out , where ho
iras arrested. Ho was hanged at Fort
Smith July , 1881.
Belle boasted that this was the first
.ml last time she over aided in bring-
ng an olTonder to justice , but the hide- v
us atrocity of the crime , added to the rm :
act that it occurred pear her homo and Lo'
omo suspiuion was attached to Hello H.
orsolf , led her to lay aside her hatred H.I'll
31- the law and order and consign Uully A.OA
Obey to the gallows.
Wo : i I 111 Helmut u Mirror.
An astonishing find was made lo-day At
y a carpenter employed to repair the
ig mirror in L'alboy Mauley's bar-
Don ! on South Sixtli street , says a St.
iouis dispatch. The room lias been
sed as a saloon for thirty yoara , and I
ID mirror has boon an ornament as far Hal
ack as thu moniorrof thu oldest in hub- tlol
ant runneth. While prying behind i
no glass the carpenter raked out
nough money to fill a hat. It was in i i
old and greenbacks , and some of it i
ad boon utili/.od by a colony of mice
inests. . Manloy took possession of
101) )
ie treasure and refused to say what ! iK )
10 tnlal amount is , but the finder put it MO
t82'r)0 ( ) . No ono knows how the money 10) )
ot behind the mirror. HXI
- -
A Gri-ut Invention.
Philadelphia Ilocoi-il : Peddler I tM
sft 0110 of our now patent founUilii
uns with you yesterday to try. II
Lawyer ( wriliiiir ) ( Joos llrsl-rato ; lltll' Nc '
m . rr/ . . . . _ . , . .
oudor 1 never thought of trying u
imitiiiii pen boforo. Hoe thid iinpiir- n lull
int Uijjul ( looiiniuntVVroto every Nun
no of it with , | ! pun. How much lull
oniswloin oricltots ! The docunioiit In
aluoil. Look ut thlH horrlhlu blot I
ist dropped. Grout Scott ! there's uu- OrJ U
.luii1 , b ! | as n mill-pond.
1'iuldlor ( coinpluuontly ) Oh , Unit's
rlj'ht. Thnt inoroly shown tlti > t the Adi
nn nouds ruIlIIIn- , ' .
tliu I
lion i
tbeio I.lttlM Villa.
They also relieve DI9 f Ml I
Any '
trcaa f mm
Indigestion and To
Hearty Kaf..c % . s 'Ki
ted remedy iff iM
new , Nausea , Krowsl I
uess , Unit Taste In tlic
MoutUCoatcdToDeue' '
Pain In the Bide , TOH
riD UVKR , < Sc. They regulate the BovreiiJ
and pro rent Constipation und VJlei. Tit ! Ilo , '
am&llcwt and easiest to tako. Only ono pill '
doso. 40 In a vi&I. I/uraly Vegetable. 1'rl 'Kit
15 centt. . Mlllc.
OAKTEK UEDIOIHE GO. , Pnp'i i , Q v 7c'rr ) J ILOJ
Is tint Impurity of the blood vrhleh produce *
unsightly lumps or nwclllnci In the neck ;
which causes running sores on tha arms ,
legs , or feet ; which dcrclops ulcers Iu Ilia
eyes , cars , or nose , often causing bllndncM or
dc.ifncM ; which Is the origin of pimples , cancerous
cereus growths , or "humorsj" whichfasten *
Ing upon the Itmgicauses comumptlon and
dcAth. U Is the most ancient ot all discuses ,
and very few persons are entirely frco from IU
How Can
It Bo
Ily taking Hood's Snrs.ipiullta , tthlch , by
the rcnmkablo cures It has accomplished ,
has proven Itself to lie n potent nnd peculiar
incdlcliio for. this disease. If you suffer ft 0111
scrofula , try llood'a Saranpnrllla.
"Kvery spring mylfo nnd children hnvo
been troubled with scrofula , my little boy ,
three years old , being n terrible sufferer ,
1/nt spring ho was one mass of sores from to foot , Wo all took Hood's Sarsanarlll : ! ,
and nil have been cured ot the scrofria. My
little boy Is entirely free from sores , anil nil
four of my children look bright and healthy , "
W. H. ATiir.iiTON , IMisalo City , N. J.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
KaUtiyallilrugRliti. $ l ; ltfor U. Trcparpilonly
by V. 1. HOOD A CO. , Apolhecatto , I-OKcllMas .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
TlicLaod of
3antaAbiadeCatR Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Company.
Louisiana Stats Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by the legislature In IN1 ! * , for
liluciitionnl nnd Ch'arltuhlo purposes , anil Iti
I'linchlso ma-lu apart of tlio prc.sontStnto Con-
tltiittoii , In ItiTI ) , by an ovunvholmliiK popul.ii
Its MAMMOTH IWAWINOS tnlco plucc Scmil-
nnunlly Unnit and Decninncr ) nnd ItsJKANI )
tch of the other ten months of the yonr. anil
ro all dra\Mi In public , at the Actulumy ol
nslc , Now Orlt'iuis , rn.
orJiilegrilrofifs Drawings , nml Prompt
I'ayiiio'it of Prizes.
Arrrstnii AS roi.i.ows :
"IVo do hi'roby certify tlmt wo suporvhat.
raiiKemcnts for nil Die .Monthly nmt Ramt-An
ml Drawings of. Tin ) Louisiana Stuto Lottery
inpany , ami In person manii o nml control
10 DrawliiKS themselves nnd tno mima
o rondiictod with honesty , fulrnt'iii. mul In
ioil faith lowanl nil partius , and wo nuthomo
10 company to usa this cortlllcntovlth fuo-
mllea of ona jlgnaturos attached , In its advor
iements "
Wo. thniimlcr Iiiiod Il.inkn uml IlunkciM , will
y all I'rlros ilr.iwn In The Louisiana rftato
lUorles which may ho piosento.1 ut our conn-
r.s.M. . WAMISLKV , I'res , Louisiana Nat , Itank.
nilllH LA.VAUX. I'res. Htato Not'l llnnk.
IIALMVIN. 1'ro.s. Nmv Orleans Nat'l llunk.
UIL KOIIN , 1'res. Union National Hunk.
llo : AotKlniny nf IMiiHlu , Nnw Or-
IRIUIK , 'Jiii'Nilny , March 1- ,
APITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100.COO Tickets a' , Twenty Dsllara cash.
lvos , $10 ; Quartarj , $5 ; Tenths , $2j Tvran-
ithJ , $1.
I'HIX.K Ol' J.T01.01I Is . M00.fin
riti/.i ; ol- '
fiii/.i : oi- '
I'Ki/.K OK.
I'ltm-'S ( ) ! ' HMD I nro JW.OOU
I'lil/.Ksoi' f-.iioi urn SHUUI
I'ltl/.KS OH' l.WJiuo . 8.-.OJI
I'ltl/lIS Ol' MKIuro ,
I'ltlXIM 01Kin nro G'.OW '
I'ltl/IW Ol' ! MO urn 100,001
I'rlrcs of fiMI tire . J.VV 0
rrln-sof ; Mme ) . : w , JO
1'rlzo.or IMJaro . WUJU )
TI.IIMINAI , rur/iH. :
I'rl/.uaof lOJiuo . VJ,9 0
I'rUoi. Binnnntint ; to . ? l , < ei , xi
cmTli1411 : Drnwlii/muftl'r C'miltu uio not en *
! 111 liTlllllllI ITl/01.
I/Tun L'l. I'll IU rx-i , nr liny further information
IIM.I , wrlto li'tribly to thn mniurtlunv'l , cli'itlr
Ihu ynur ri'ililun'ii ' , nlth Htnto.l'iiiiniy , t < tn < i < liuiij
uilmr. Moro niplil rnliini mull ili'llvcry will lit ) ui-
yuur t'iicli ( > liu uu c.'icloiliw buitrinic youi
u lilrnm.
nllMiTAIi NOTKH. Kipron Moncir Or.lon.or
York K * < liniiai limrilliiury lullur , Oiiriuiioy bjr
iresi ( ut our tupi'im1 ! it.iilii'ustMl.
'M' A' " '
, A. IMUI'IIIN , ' ' A'"NU Jo'riSan. , IM.
\Vurlilnyliin , D.C ,
dress Registered Loiters to -
NowOiloano , La.
' ' ' '
I'OIJU NATIONAL ll. NKH < ir 'Niiw'orlV-mii.'ii'nii
llfkulu uro aljjiiol by lliu 1'ivaldnnt uf un Ir.tlllu-
WH U iliuriunrl lUliu uru rixnimltuil In Ilia
item tourta ] lli'jru.'dru , l > awuruoriiriiiiltiitlunof
lyiuuuiitdioiiioi. "
S'r ! KOI.IAll In tlio tirlroof Ilia mimllpit part or
tlun of u IK'Hot tnnUKIi IIY liS In iiuy dritwIiiK ,
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nwllille , *
llouin 03 Tradorj' JJullUInc ,
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/am ] all urinary troubliui canlly , iiulck.
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. fjuVvrulcuaescnrfdin Hovcndayx. Soil
' per box , ull drimKlntn , iirliy.iniill from loo- )
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