Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of internal revenue yea-
terdny wore $ o , T31.G7.
Union Pacific lodpo , No. 17 , A. O. U.
W. , will visit the lodge at Council
Bluffs to-night ,
The OmnlmHomconathlc Medical So
ciety will meet to-night at 8 o'clock at
the Pax ton hotel.
Lizzie Clnrk is sick nntl in destitute
circumstances on the bottoms , between
Lake and Corby streets.
The Gnto City post of the Grand Army
will give a musical and literary enter
tainment and oyster supper at Goodrich
hall this evening.
Railway mull clerks are busv re
arranging and correcting routes in
order that they may conform to tlio re
cent changes in time tables.
Two cases of dress goods passed the
customs house yesterday consigned to
the Kilpatrick-ICoch company. They
cnmo from Bradford , England.
A meeting of the Unity assembly
Gill , Knights of Labor , will bo hold at
its hall , l.'il I Douglas street , to-morrow
night. Good speakers will bo in attend
ance ,
Joe Kips , who was hurt at the Union
Pacific yurtli early yesterday morning ,
was found to bo somewhat horiously
injured , and placed Under the euro of
City Physician Italph.
J. M. Crane Is one of Jim Stephen-
son's hack drivers that does not belicvo
in doing the fair thing by the boss. Ho
played a loser last time , for ho only
took a dollar , and was lined $10 and
The Ladies Missionary society of the
First Congregational church , will hold
u mooting to-morrow afternoon at 'J
o'clock in the church parlors. Dr. Dur-
yea will the society.
Ernest Meyers was behind the bars
ngatn hist night , charged with the UH-
sault that is now becoming a chestnut.
This time a man named Kcllsky is the
complainant. Movers is a South
Thirteenth street saloon keeper.
Two casualties are reported from the
Eureka foundry. Isaac Downs , fore
man , is suffering from a badly burned
foot , and Frank Grnco is laid off with
two of bis fingers burned and bruised ,
and a possibility of losing a portion of
Dr. A. J. Jones , lectured Tues
day evening at the Y. M.
0. A. on Physical Culture.
.After discussing the subjects of secre
tions , excretions , absorption and sev
eral others , ho explained the various
Icinda of _ exorcises and the dangers
often arising from too violent exertion.
I b showed how headache and nervous
ness and dobihty resulted from mental
work without physical exercise , and
concluded with demonstrating how
beauty of complexion and features
resulted from proper exercise and its
consequent good health. The lecture
> < way listened'to with much interest and
made quite an impression on the au
Personal 1'jracrnptis.
It. J. Abbott , of Fremont , is a guest" the
J. C. Alien , of McCoolc , Is stopping at the
E. 10. Ilcctl , of Weeping Water , is at the
John Moscr , of Ashland , is stopping at the
II. II. Wilson , of Lincoln , was at the Mur
ray yesterday.
J. F. Kaufman , of Avoca , registered at the
Paxton lust night.
. E , F. Warner , of Nebraska City , is stop
ping at the Pnxton.
A. E. Hanson and A. E. Hull , of Kearney ,
arc at tlio Millard.
E. II. Andrpws , of Lincoln , was a guest at
the Murray yesterday.
W.V. . Wheeler , of Ponca , is among tbo
guests at the Millnrcl.
II. C. Nutt , Jr. , of Lincoln , registered at
tlio Murray last night.
Members of the Musln Concert company ,
arc registered at the Paxton.
O. F. hidings and Thomas C. Patterson , of
Isortb Platte , wcro at the Murray lastnigtit.
Frank O'Neill leaves for Dnnver to-day to
join his hrothor , whojias six miles of sewers
umlor contract.
Mrs. V. Chapman , anil daughter Belle , of
Bellevue , were guests of Mr. E. W. Sherman ,
of the Paxton , yesterday.
Mrs. Avcry , formerly of Omaha , but now
of Chicago , is lnUio city visiting her sister ,
Mrs. Hyde , on Twelfth and Harnoy.
Mrs. S. A. Baxter loft for Washington yes
terday to attend the inauguration. She will
visit Now York and other eastern cities before -
fore returning.
Afcor Ills Thieving Cabinon.
Jim Stevenson is after the cabmen ! n his
employ who have been stealing from him.
Jim Crane Is the third one arrested and ho ,
like the other two , pleaded guilty and was
flnoil # 17.50. _
Got Ills Koxvnril.
- E. H. Duncan is ono of the class of men
that ? Omaha has no use for. Ho spends his
time in doing the most menial work for ono
of the lowest dives In city , and yesterday ho
received a partial reward for. his surriccs in
a sentence of live days ut hard labor.
Cell Inmate * .
Alice Drake , n dirty and depraved courto-
.san was drunk and in lighting trim Thura
day night and got run in. She was charged
$11.50 for the disturbance she raised.
A. J. iJnleon , a chronio vagrant , will bo
taken care of by County Jailer Miller for the
next thirty days.
Homo .
Gort McCoy , who slipped away from ho
police station a few days ago , whlln working
out a line , was recaptured yesterday after
noon , and the old-timo complaint of being an
liinmto of a house of prostitution registered
against him in addition. Mike Johnson was
also run In on the latter charge. The latter ,
although young , 1ms an unsavory record. *
) Not In Order.
George Wyman , an eighteen-year-old
youth who was arrested Tuesday night on
complaint of Annie Peterson , a 11 f teen -year-
old girl , who lives at 815 Caplto ! avenue ,
mailo what reparation ho could to the in
jured girl yesterday by marrying her. The
wedding took place in Justice Anderson's
court. Young Wyman is now out of Jail ,
and ho and Ins young wife are Jiving to
gether at the homo of the uiothor.
Queer XJA\V.
A few days ago it was noted that the Es-
tabrook block narrowly escaped destruction
through the negligence of Uonton Boll , who
had charge of the heating boilers. Boll was
arrested , but proved conclusively that ho
was not an engineer , and could not bo pun
ished for being unable to perform the duties
of ono. Ho was acquitted , and the occupants
f- - of the block nro wondcrlnjr how they escaped -
u. capod so easily , and who it was that risked
their lives by engaging an Incompetent man.
Tlio KvnnuollslB.
Evangelists Potter and Miller uro conductIng -
Ing revival meetings at tbo First Methodist
church on Davenport street , this week.
Their circuit Included the Tenth street
Methodist and Hanscoin park churches , but
ns these places of worship uro mora obsoura
than the present church , tlio sinners would
not attend Ju such largo numbers , causa.
tic ntly tlio evangelists wont back to the
2 'Irit Methodist. Hnnday and Monday
iilfiliti they were at Trinity Methodist in
Kountzo pluco. Eleven converts were nindo
Huwlny night at the First Methodist , under
the direction of the Itov , T. M , House.
by I line. For bronchial affec
tions , couidm etc. , Urown'n Bronchial Troches
liuvo proved thuir ofllcacy by u test of many
yean. PrJto 33 cent * ,
A Woman Arrcstc ; ! ntid Taken to
KIIOT Comity.
Mrs. P. H. Coolcy , who resides at Twenty-
sixth and Ohio streets , was arrested ycstor-
day on thochargc of forgery. She Is wanted
at Crcighton , Neb. Herself and husband
had a case in the Knox county court ia which
n $500 bond was used. Mrs. Cooley and her
husband were the principals on the bond , and
the former , it is said , attached two other sig
natures of citbcns to the bond as sureties.
On account of thin the sheriff of Knox
county telegraphed SherllT Coburn yesterday
morning to take the wonmn'lnto custody.
The sheriff dispatched ono of his deputies to
Twenty-sixth and Ohio streets , where Mrs.
Cooley was found. The deputy hurried her
Into n hack before she had tlmo to get on her
undergarments , according to her statement.
She had on a wrapper , and objected to being
rushed off without the proper clothing. She
was taken to ICnox county , where she will bo
tried on the charge of forgery.
It Is a Curious Knot
That the body is now more suscoptlbl
tobcncllt from mudieino than at an
other season. Itcnco the importance o
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now , who *
it will do you the most good. It is
really wonderful for purifying and en
riching the blood , creating an impolite ,
and giving a healthy tone to the whole
system. Ho sure to got Hood' Sarsaparilla -
parilla , which is peculiar to itself ,
AVhat Manager Scleo Una Hcoii Doliin
Tor tlio Ijnoal Glut } .
Manager Selce , of the Omaha Base Hall
association , telegraphed President Mc-
Connick yesterday morning that George ,
Proescr , pitcher for last season's Cleveland
team , had signed with Omaha for this season.
Mr. Solco also sent Elmer E. Cleveland's
record as a ball tosscr. Ho first began with
the Cincinnati Unions. In ISStl ho played in
the Southern league , and in ISSr was with
the St , Pauls. Last year ho played both
with New York and Plttsburg. Ho will
piny third base this season with Omaha.
In the pedestrian contest , which com
mences nt the colosscum Monday night , nine
teen entries have been mado. Of this num
ber there will bo at least fifteen starters.
Two are supposed to bo of Omaha. They
are George Kendall and John Horrihau.
The Gate City Athletic club will cuter an
unknown. He will bo backed by members
of the club , who have great conlldenco in
him ,
It's as plain as a pike staff that any
article ot pastcry or food flavored , with
adulterated flavoring cannot uossoss the
wholosomonesa or agreeable flavor of
ono in xvhich a pure fruit .extract like
ono of Van Uuzer's has been used. The
flavoring extracts prepared by Van
Du7cr ft Co. a re from sound fruithighly
concentrated contain more than usual
quantity and are therefore doubly eco
nomic. Their flavor is superb. Gro
cers everywhere sell them.
It Has Received the IJijjsjcst Check
in Itn History.
The arrest of the forger Nelson , by Datee-
tlves Ortnsb.y and Dempsey , is decidedly
more Important than at lirst supposed. Yes-
turday ho was oound over to the district
court in the sum of $1,030 , and should that
bo furnished he will bo arrested on n score or
moro charges of a similar nature. Ho has
been working the states of Iowa , Kansas and
Nebraska for nil they were worth , and his
victims are numbered up among the hun
dreds. His plan was to stop at n leading
hotel in the city ho was about tovork , and
pay the charges day by day in advance. Ho
would then purchase small bills of goods ,
direct them to the hotel , and offer a check in
payment. Ho would always call after bank
ing hours , but as the goods wcro always ac
cepted at the hotel , no immediate suspicion
was aroused. Occasionally ho would play
the straight workingman act , and ask seine
merchant to cash n small chock for wages.
February 11 ho was in Lawrence , Kan. ,
and posed as a contractor , and worked off
ten bogus checks , ono of the victims being
J. N. McFarlaad and the other William
In Topeka , Kan. , ho Is wanted on from
twenty-live to thirty specific charges , and
others too numerous to mention. While
there ho registered as C. C. Nelson. Ho
was also heard from In Nebraska City and
Lincoln , in the latter place alone coming out
? 100 ahead. _
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and- Kansas has just been placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points east i\nd \ south via
Kansas City. Returning , train loaves
Manhattan at 2:23 : p. in. ; ai'riving nt
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:50
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the cast , and from Denver , Sallna ,
Aboline and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
In Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and lirst-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will Jill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
A Clover Capture.
Detectives OrmsDy and Dempsy made a
clever arrest Tuesday night , and for a tlrao
Omaha merchants may rest easier. It was
that of John Nelson , who has been working
the town with bogus checks for the last two
months , but has hitherto eluded capture. Ho
is some hundreds of dollars ahead , and
vlnycd the old-tlmo game of purchasing n
small bU ! of goods and then paying for It In
a forged check and pocketing any change
that might bo coming. Among his victims
nro Max Mc.ver , Frederick , Falconer , and
Norris & \Vllcox.nUhough none of them lost
largo amounts , Tlio oulcors finally located
him In the house of ono Wllcox at the corner
of Twenty-eighth und Cumlng streets ,
and last night paid him a profes
sional visit. While ono of them
guarded the front door the other looked after
the back entrance , but Nelson , becoming
alarmed , made a break for the side door , and
wont over an eight-foot embankment. A
lively clmso ensued , but ho was finally cap
tured , and admitted his guilt , at the same
time offering to settle anything that was
against him. Ho admitted that the boots ho
wore came from Norris & Wllcox's ' , and said
ho had been in Nebraska City. As the police
have been on the look-out for him for some
time the arrest Is an Important ono.
At r. Inter hour , the records of a similar
crime wore looked up , and traces of the
prisoner's handiwork discovered. Ho was
charged with committing thorn and finally
broke upwn and confessed. His work ex
tends over the entlro country , Some of his
moro recent exploits were in Lawrence.
Atclil.ion , Topeka and Lincoln , ono banker of
the former town having detected 140 of them ,
Hon. .Ins. D. Gillln , Judge of the
Eighth Judicial District of Iowa , says :
"It gives mo pleasure to recommend
Chamberlain's Hcmcilicd , bccanso I dose
so from actual experience in the URO of
them in my family. I refer particu
larly to Chamberhun's Cough Remedy ,
which I think unexcelled by any
other. "
Tlic Probnscoa Property.
Th6 lots brought In question by the Pro-
dasco claim nro as follows :
Patrick's Second Addition Lots t , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
13 , H , 15 , and 10 , block 7 ,
Patrick's Addition Lots 1. 3 and 3 , block
2 ; 5 undo , block 1.
Denises'Addition Lots land 2 , block 2 ;
5 , 0 , 7 , S , I ) , block 5.
E. V. Smith's Addition Lots (1 , 7 and 8 ,
block 5 : 3 , 4 and . " , block ( ! ; 1 , 2 , and S , block
0 ; 14 , 15 and 10 , block 10 ; and 1,2 and 3 , block
11 ; 14 , 15 and 10 , block 12 ; 8 , 4 and 5 , block
J ; 0 , 7 anil 8 , block 3.
Godfrey's ' Addition Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5.
north of Seward street and immediately
smith of blocks 20 and 21 , in Smith addition ;
also lots 1(5 ( , 17 , IS , 1'J ' anil 20 , lying immedi
ately south of Seward and cast of the west
section line of section 15.
Parker's Addition Lots 1.2 , 3 and 4 , block
Shinn's Addition Lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , block
1 ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 10 , 11 und 12 , block ( i , and 1 , 2 and
11 , block 7.
Heed's ' First Addition All of blocks 7
and S.
Millard & Caldwcll's Addition Lots 1 , 2 ,
3 and 4 , block .
Also the tracts of land known as lots 11 ,
12. 1 ! ) and 14 In the sw. } $ of the so. } { of sec.
10 , of City of Omaha.
Horbach's Addition Lots.IS , 50 , CO , 01 , 02 ,
03 , 04 and 05 , block .
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnnmst. ,
telephone 12G1 , blank book makers , etc.
Missed the
Fred Lutziugcr was arraigned in the po
lice court on the charge of destroying prop
erty belonging to John Boycr , the saloon
keeper at 2023 Lake street. It appears that
Boycr keeps a number of savaqo dogs about
his saloon , which are a terror to passers by.
Ono of them has assailed Lutzingcr twice ,
and last Sunday , when the brute ran to
wards him as though he would bite him ,
Lutzinger returned to his room and got his
revolver. Unfortunately when ho lircd ho
missed the dog and the ball struck the build
ing. Boycr caused his bartender , Uharlcs
Anderson , to swear out a warrant against
LuUinger for malicious destruction of prop
erly. When the matter was aired in the
court the action of Lut/.ingcr was justified by
the Judge dismissing the case , although he
told L.utzingcr that a policeman was the
proper person to shoot u dog.
lYnodriiiTGrniiito Quarry.
I ani prepared > to furnish Woodruff
granite in paving blocks , door sills and
steps , or blocks of most any dimontion
at cheap ligurcs. Also handle at my
Lincoln yard all classes of cut stone for
any part of the state. Ask for figures.
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Nob.
Following are the marriugo licftnsos issued
yesterday in the county coart by Judge
Shields :
Name and residence. Ago.
Charles Anderson , Omaha. . . 2t
Augusta Hinnanilo , Omaha 23
Walter Thackery , Omaha 2r
Maggie Leonard 2'j
George Wyman , Omaha 18
Anna Peterson , Omaha 15
Moses Fisher , Omaha 23
Margaret Kramer , Omaha 10
Isaac Johnson , Omaha 40
Mary Moore , Omaha 2(5 (
My dear girl I How pretty you look ! So can
you. Ask for the "Belle" Jajio Hading veil
ing by the yard 03 cents upwards at all dry
goods stores.
Dnlilliom ami Kobson.
Professor Dahlbom and Charles Robson ,
the two parties referred to m Ton BKC Tues
day ns having charge of the entertainment
given for the benefit of Immanuel hospital
in Exposition hall on February 22 and 23 ,
said that the arrangement they had with
Hev. Mr. Fogolstrom was of a business char
acter and that the use of the names of liev.
Mr. Harsha and Uov. Mr. Fofrelntrom was
authorised by the latter as fur ns his name
was concerned and by parties cluiiiilnir to
como fram the former gentleman , who was
out of the city.
All day Tuesday Uov. Mr. Fogolstrom
was besieged by persons with whom D.ih 1-
bom had incurred bills and had thorn charged
to him. The reverend gentleman laid the
case before Chief Seavoy and the result was
that Dahlbom was arrested by Captain Green
ut 11:40 : a. in. and will bo piosccutcd on the
charge of obtaining goods under false pre
tenses. Ho is at present behind tlirt bars ,
awaiting trial. Tlio prisoner is n person of
striking and vcnorablo appearance , his gray
locks ate carefully curled and his clean
shaven face reminds ono of the late Henry
Ward Bcechcr.
On tbe Yet within
Top Rmind WASHING .
Rich , Poor , Clean , Dirty , White , Black All need
PEARLINE. Nooneistoopoortouseit. It's the modern
soap Economical Harmless Effective. Reduces the-
labor , time and drudgery of washing and cleaning one-
half ; besides gives better results ; takes out what soap will
not ; and , in doing away with most of the rubbing , saves
the worst of the wear and tear your clothes are ruined ,
more by washing than wearing. Among your friends *
are those who use it they wilfconfirm the above.
. Beware of iuiit ioni , . ' JASlES PYLE
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength \vho1csoinoncss. . Mora uconomlciil
tlmn the ordinary kind * , itnd cannot bo sold In
comuotltlon with tnu multitude ? of low coit ,
bhortwolKhttxlum or phosphate itowdo's. Sold
only In cani. Itoyal Making Powder Co. , 1 )
Wallstrect , Nuw Voik
The Land of
Santa Ab ie : d : Cat-K- Cure
For Sale by
JH-oodman Drug Go.
IVIHB ? ) SK 09.
' T.lOUIS , HOU.S.A. .
, rssltrj of-100 Different El } In of
100 Paeo Illustrated Catalogue Free. Postage VcU ,
Dlierlos M , Jordan
Euccassor to
( Lute of llollevuo Hospital , New Vorkl
Late of tlio Umvorsltr of Now York City anil
Howard Univtualty , Washington , t ) , C.
HAS oi'ncns
To. 31O nnd 311 Bamcra Building
! orncr Fifteenth and Hartley Hts. , Umalia , Nob. ,
wltcro all curulile caso.t are treated
with Jfiu'cess.
Note Dr. Cliarlos Jl. Jordan has been rest.
rut physlclim for Dr. McCoy , In Oinalm , for
lie past year and Is thu physician who liau
lade tliu cures that hav beuif published
eelcly In this paper.
Medical diseases treated sUlf tally. Donf-
IOB8 , Consumption , llronchltls , Aatlimn , iy -
cpsla , KheumatUm and ull Nervous and
klnDlsoasoo. ,
CONBUr/rATION at ofllce or by mall , 11.
Olllcu liournVJto 11 u. in , , Uto-t p.m. , 7 toSp ,
i. , ( Juiulay oillce hours from II a. in. , to 1 p. m.
( JorrespondcncB receives prompt attention.
Manvulseanerf ure treated succeasfiillv by Dr.
ordon tlu-oimn the iimlls.iind it Is tuna poaaibla
> r tlio'o tinablo to make a Journey to obtain
i successfully UWH ! monthly by over 10,000
Jtadiee. Are Sa/e , Kffectualanil I'lecuant
y 91 IHT bor by mail.iir at drueeUtB. Staled
-tfirticulan S postage ttarupt. Address
TDE KviutCA CUBMIOU , Co. , Doruorr , tlactz.
'or tittle diid l > ii until lit/ Goodman 1
jDi'ity t'ott Omaha , Nebraska *
"While other Clothing Houses are still trying to dispose of their winter stock , wo are as usual the first in
the field with New Spring Goods. Tomorrow morning shall have open and ready for inspection , our
complete line of Spring Overcoats. Don't fail to look at them as it will be n treat to you to see the now
styles and n surprise to sco the prices. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO HQUSE HERE OR ELSE
Among the line , wo will show you two styles of Melton Overcoats , one a brown the other a groy shade ,
both very nice ; lined with good serge and front faced to the button holes with silk , at $3.75. Just think o
it ! A genteel Overcoat , silk faced and elegantly made , and good enough for anybody to wear , at § 5.75. You
never saw such a garment offered for less than ? 10.
Another Spring Overcoat to which we direct attention is the one we are oftbring at 87.90. This is made
of a fine , stylish wide wale goods , minlium light color , trimmed and made like any merchant tailor garment ,
with n rich satin sleeve lining ; other houses \villcharge yon from St2 to § 15 for such' a coat.
A third garment which wo take pride to mention is a very fine Melton , of n beautiful light shrnlowhich
we offer at § 13.50. This coat is LINED THROUGHOUT WITH FINE SILK , and in quality , appearance
and make , equal to any custom made garment for which a merchant tailor would charge $35 or $10.
These are only a very few of the styles. Wo can show you dozens of thorn , and every one you will admit
is a beauty and a bargain. Don't delay , but remember that the earliest callers enjoy the advantage of the
widest choice.
Onr hat department is booming and those 95c Derbys are going likj wild fire.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Chicago , Ills. ClarkSt.
Ilia Regular Old-Estaillsicd
h stl'.l ' Treating with the Greatest
" Chronic , Nervous anil Private Diseases ,
Palllcc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache nm ) all the cITecu
leading ; to early decuy and perhaps Consumption ct
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-failing success.
3S YPH ILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Die-
eases permanently cured.
-WKIDNEYnnd UKINARYcomplalntt.Glcet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Qenito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injuiy to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
JfS" No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
tfar Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
JEJ5" Those contemplating Mairiage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Mnle and Female , each
IS cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer.
ing and shame , and add golden j ears to life. / > 3T"Uoolc
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccnts ( sumps ) . Mcdicina
and wtilinps sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 6. Sundays g to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE * , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
PATENTED Auc. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.-
M | /rtf f , . „ . . DR. . OWEN'S EtECTRQ
> r
, - lowing dlieaiei , namely : All
-iCRheumatic Complaints.
j Lumbago . , General and
-J-W"- " Cos-
Debility , -
IMS , Trembling ,
v-jLir , I"B ° f Body. Diieflti
Ciuicd byfejiifej-Indlfcretiimii In Youth , Age , Mar-
riedorSin'ftftV'EloLife. . Infaet alidiM iei | rt lnln (
to lh womh I.IT or R.nltal orpaoi of male or rrroale. TO iKsro\siniK IUUTILS ese IUIH TIIIAL.
ci cfTDin mcni cc
ER. OWEN'S tLtll I Hlb INoULto H I'm rim.
nd fie. roitaxe for FRBB Illuitratfd rampblet , which will b
Dt you la plalu sealed envelope. Uetitlontbli paper , add reef
OOO North Broadway , ST. LOUIS. MO.
Owen' . Electric Belt Attachment.
worn with rue and comfort. Th cur.
made mild or Krone. Thli U the only
electric trufi and belt ever mad . It . . .
Itoplureln from SO In on dayi. ( or full deicrlplton of Dr.
Oittn'i Elcetro-Galnnle Helti , Spinal Appllaneei , Trunri ana
Iniolei itnJ He. tar ran Illuitralrd i.miililet flitch will tx
lent jou In plain leatcd enrelop * . Hold oolr by tbe
aoo North Broadway , ST. LOU10 , Mtt
Cnpitiil . e 100,001
SiirpluB Jim. 1st , 1889 . /W.OOO /
II. W. YATIMJ. 1'ie-ildent.
1. nwjs a. ItKKi ) . Vlco Preslilent.
W. U.S. lliius ; ! : , Cnslner.
DIlllX'TOItS :
H. t' . CUrilllNO ,
Comer IX'tli nnd rnrnara Sts.
A General lUnk ; ns Iluilnuas Tramicto 1.
JUHidoii , ViiKlaiul.
AiiiMlurdiini , Iltilliinil.
rn\n nct a iicnernl bniikhiit business Hecurltlo *
l > ouiilit ami oi ! ! oil commission , Torclun ciclmiuui.
Uoiunierclal anil tritveler1 ! letters of credit.
Onlcm ( or boml nml mocks eiocuteil on rominl *
ilnn In L-onclon und on all Continental Noumea ot
riuro | > o.
Nc'KOllittlons of Hullwiiy , fctnto , Clljr and Corpora
tion Ixinni u ei'eclulty. '
n > l > lllt > le4 thro *
_ ntflMMtleaa tt
iff Eiuuri ; < T IM 1IUMEC l >
OURKb/ltj.ViwlMfHOVICO |
or IIKl.MIBOMiy. Uadefor
. , iiii t
, 'tl > , Kour i.u. Ci/xlxoui Urrcill ot
Eleclllc. VVVltrdlreellUreiiuall c > > full , r tor.
I ' < ' < aZLK > " "Ilk aad Tllvroo. blr lb. Kl clll
Currml ZS * i. MtTlmtlirTLTor iforell ,000locilh.
IIKLT dbu | > ea > erCeiD | > litel. u4 up. K'cnlcairrper.
tnanvotlr euied In three uontbi. Healed Lampliltt le.ilaup.
Itoom 03 Traders' Jlulldluj ; ,
Tn WEAK U 1C M ' '
wtU id valaablfi trtotlao ( ataifd ) oontalnln * fttli
in tor borne cure , free of charge. ,
rrot , it , o. jfoSvusu , uQOcua. coiia ,
anil ninny times will prove to you a great
os . Von should not iloluy cvjn for a ilay
our romint ; to our storo. Wo uro inaklnir
n clt'nnweep of our entire stoat of winter
tiootls. nnd will iinmo you prism ttmt will
nterest you.
2Oto6O DAYS.
This is : i disease wliicli lias borctoforo
Bullied all Medical Science.
Wo have a Henii'ily , unknown to nnj one In tlio
World outaldu of ourCoiupaiiy , iindonu that 1ms
to cure the most obstinate case * . Ton diys In
recent cases does tlio work. UHtlio old chronio
deep boated cases that wo solicit. Wo liavu
cured liunilrodsUio have lieon abandoned 1)1 )
1'liyhlclans , and pronounced Incurable ) , and i
challenge the world to brill'us u case that wo
will not euro In lesstlun bitty duyn.
Mncetlm history of mctilclnd a true upocinc
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
wns discovered , and wo are justltlnd In saylns
It Is thn only Hemeuy in the World ttmt will po--
Itlvely cure , bacnusu the latest .Medical Works ,
published by the bcxt known authorities , buy
Ilieiu wag nuvurii true specific heforo. Our rum-
eily will euro when evorythlnu else 1ms fulled ,
Why wiisto your tlmo and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians time cannot cum you , you that have
trliid evorythlriK dso should como tousnowand
K < t pormuncnt icllef , you never can ( ret It ulse-
where. .Mark what HO nay. in the end you
must take our lomody or NKVKIl reoovir and
you that have been mulcted but a shoit tlmo
should by all means como to us now , not one In
tenof now eases ever pit permanently cured ,
Many Kethelp and think they nro free from the
disease , but m one , two or three yours after it
appears again In a moro horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Evcrvtliing Ulse Fails.
I.ooui 10 and 11 , U. S. National Hunk
Jiiiiltllii ! , ' , Onmlin , Nul ) .
HiTTsllfeai ]
HUNT , iigmmintpo I npecltli' for HyHtuiln , DI//.I-
lens , Coin-nhlous , I'ltii , Nrivoua NciiialciH ,
lleatlnche. Nervous IVoitrntion raused by the
me of tilculicil or tobacco , U'iUnfiilms : * , Mental
lloprusslon , KoftBnlii of tlio llraln. rcsultliiKln
nsunltvandlHiidltiKtoinlsury , decay and death.
I'lonmturt ) Old AK' ' . Ilarieniipns , IXIIIH of 1'ower
.n olthur Hi'x , Inrolnntai-y lnntai and Hpcniiat-
irlui'acauseilby iiv > < r-o.\intloniif thubraln.Nolf'
ibitfto or civcl Indulaoiicc. I.'iifh box contain !
me month'H tro.ttmonl. gl.ftlii box , m six bnxn.i
'or'nt by mall jin-pald on receipt of prl < e.
fo cute uny cast. With each order received by
is forclx boxes , accompaniedulthr < " > . ( X\\owlll )
end the purchaser our written Kiiaranti'n to ru >
'und the money If ttic tieatmcnt iltivx notoifcct
cure , ( iiiarailtcea I'suvd only by ( iooilumn
) ruj'Co. , DritKBl'ts , Hole A tnU , Ml'l ruriuim
itroet Urn ha b
Steck Piano
Kenmrlmblo for powerful sympatliotic
one , pllublo uotlnri and absolute dura-
illity ; KO yunra' record thq best gimrjin-
co of the excellence of these lustra-
. .
I nUnVl"ia nil urlnurv troubles ciimlly. quick-
JUnC I Jyand arelycurod tA
ulus , .Scvcrul canes cured In fawn OayA Hold
l.r.O per box , till druKclalti , or by mall from IM :
ira -Mff Co.U Wlille HI..N.V , 1'ullUitctiluii. .
N. W. Cor. I3th & Dodfto Sta.
rort THE THKATME.NT or Ai.r.
Appliance : for Daformltlcs and Trnssoj.
licit lacllltlcs , Hppnrntufl imd remedies for succot *
fnl treatment of every fnrm of dlieuso roqulrlnj
MedtCHl orStiruicnl Treatment.
Hoard anil attendance ; best ucupltnl accomiuoJa *
tlnn > In tlio nest.
WHITE riiiiCiiictn.Aitson Deformities nnd Ilroces ,
Truifus , Club Foot , Curvufiro nf tlio Hplno , riles ,
TunioM. Cancer. Cntarrh , llroucliltli , InliHlatlon ,
Klcctrlcltjr. I'arHlyfll" . Kpllopay , KMnoy. Hladdor ,
Kye , tear , Hklu nnf Illoodantl ulItiurKlcnl operation. .
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
MAKING A errciAi.TV or
All Hlood DlnomoJ luccosi/illly treutod. Syplllllllo
I'olion ranjored from the syituni without morcury.
Haw ruitoratlvo treatment for Ions of vital I'owor.
l'or on uniblo to visit ua may ho treated Hi home by
rorrcsnondpiicc. All commuiilcatlotiB contlrientlal.
Slodlrlncs or Instrument" cent br mull or ezpreis ,
securely packed , no marks to Indicate content * or
Bender. One personal Interview piuferrcd. Cnllanil
consult us or send history of your casu , nnd wo will
send In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Hpcclal or Nervous Dlicnsos , Impo *
tencr. Syphilis , ulcet nnO Varlcocelo , with inc | llon
Hit. Address
Owa/ut Medical nnd Surgical Institute , or
DK. fl.cMKXA.ISV ,
Cor. 13th and Doilgo Sts. , - OMAHA , NBD.
MK.V mid WOMII.V uccc fullr treated.
SiifTprltiK from Iho rfTcctfi of youtliful follies or India
crulloiH , or lire ) Ironliloil with Wrnkticss , Nervous
Debility , I.OM of .Memory , Despondency , Avuriiloii to
NiclUy , Kidney Trouble * or nny ill cmo of tlio ( Jonl-
to-IIrlniiry UrtiiuiN , tnn lioru llnil n nufe anil spocJy
cure. Chaws reasonable , especially to tliu pour.
Thcro nro many troubled with too iruqiicnl ovacuu.
lions of the bladder , often iKCOinpHiilcd by 11 tllnlit
sninrtlnu or burnlnu aeii'iillon , and woikcnlnuof U" )
s > tcm in nniiinncr tlio patient cuimut account for.
On cxMinlnlnK thu ml miry it ropy soUlincnt
will oftori he found , and HOmuitmeH | intllco4 ] of albu
men will appear or the color lie oi a ililn , mllkbli
IIIKI , MKiiln clianuliiK tun dark or Icirphl aiu | | > uriinco.
Then * are many men who din of this dlillculty , Unor-
ant o ? the cause , which is tbo necon I uta c of i'iu | .
nal weakness. 'Ilio doctor III Kiiar.inlpo perfect ,
run ) In nil KII < | > niton , and a lienltliy restoration or
thoKPiilio nrimiry nrnMii * , CoiiMilititlon fri'ci , Henil
V-et'iit Htiimplor "Voiinir .Man's KrleuJ.or ( iuldu to
Wedlock , " Ireo to nil. A Idresi
Main nnil 1Utb St. , Kansas City , Mo.
fW.Menllon thin paper.
( SticccBsors to John C. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At the old Btand 1407 l'irnam St. ( Mdoraby
tctcgtaim bollclted unil iiroinptly lUtumleil.
'J'elopliono to No. ! i ; ,
ions of Trees !
of 1'rtilt Trees , Small 1'niltf , Orapa
Vines , Ornumcntal Trei-fi and bhrub" , I'.vor-
leeliH , lloHcn , fto. Ioctliervltlllt | ; lill'fo nrt o'rt >
iivnt of 'ft van and Heeds for planting
Timber Claims.
'acuities oil. Write for wliolciaio
and IUt . Addr s ,
D , S , LAKE , Proprietor.
KIIK.\\MU.\II , - - . JOWA.
Physician and Surgeon