Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Sottloe to a Still Lower
Onls Inhibit Continued Wcnkncns
1'iovlflloiiR Komcvvlint IrrcRtilnr
Cattle Moderately Active and
S Prices Unclinnccd.
CIIIOAOO , Feb. 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tun 1U.B. I When there nro no scares nor
pegs In the market , wheat scorns to settle
naturally In the direction of lower levels.
Hut the local trailing crowd Is about as
easily frightened nt shadows as It Is at sub-
Dtanco , and runs to cover quickly. Traders
talto quick counsel of tlielr fears. Kalrbank
states that he has more wheat than ho ever
had , and that his confidence ! prows stronger
os nil holdings Increase. This may bo Falrj
bank's position , hut ho has been abandoned
by four-Jinim of the "lailcrs" and "trum
peters , " und his figure looms again into con-
splculty by reason of Its apparent Isolation.
The Kcnorul speculative sentiment Is un
questionably bearish , but It Is not particu
larly audacious. The short Interest seems
to bo Increasing , howc\o. ' , and there is
rather heavier selling on hard spots for bear
account than has been witnessed for a coutilo
of weeks. The scalpers have been run In
two or thrro times without especial
dlfllculty , but this ically cuts very little
figure In the development of n decline of
sentiment , The prevailing opinion seems to
bo that however the legitimate situation ,
based on the actual consumptive inroad into
the stocks of wheat may bo strengthening
day by day , Chicago Is out of line and Is
quite as likely to go down as the markets else-
whcro are likely to advance. It is only
natural that Chicago , In its position as the
heaviest market in the country , should at
tract the lire of the whole world , and this is
nrcciscly what Is being witnessed now. The
influential news received to-day was from
the oilier side. The intelligence of a little
corner In wheat and flour in Paris caused
considerable excitement , but as these
who were most active in its cir
culation were found selling on
the resulting bulge , the conclusion was
jumped to that the 'news was of smaller
importance than the boomers tried to make it
appear. A tendency to magnify bull Items
seems to have developed to an alarming extent -
tent recently. Of a different sort was the
news from the United Kingdom thattho
stocks of flour are decreasing rapidly. This
comes well authenticated und baa a substan
tial basis , as is shown by the inquiry for
flour for English account. H may bo true
that Ronio of-tho ( lour being exported is "con
signed Hour , " but the proportion of such
flour , with relation to the whole , is not largo.
May was quoted at $1.07 % at the opening. It
ranged at ? 1.071.03 the first ilvo minutes ,
and from ? 1.0b sold down to ? 1.0i ( . It then
worked b ick He or such a matter , and on * to
-Jl.O'iJf. The Paris news caused a jump to
tl 03 . The subsequent course of values was
downward , though thuro was one rally to
$1.09. The Uvo points around which prices
paused the longest dm ing the session wcro
Or l.orj4' early , and $1.05 % later. Towards -
wards the last May got down to $1.07 , which
was the closet. July opened at Olc , ranged at
03 @ .WJcanil cjosed at lU c. The volume
of trade was larger in Mav than in July , the
former month having iu part recovered from
its late unpopularity , though May operators
still refuse to do business in that dolivory.
As compared with yesterday May shows u
loss of lVo and July % c.
The corn market opened fairly active , and
there was no pronounced desire to sell. The
sentiment appears to be gathering moro to
the buying side among the local opcintors ,
and at l& c for May thuro was u preponder
ance of buyers. The improvement in the in
spection has not so far had n depressing of-
lect. No. 2 remaining fairly steady , while
the lower grades continue in active demand
for present wants at improving prices.
The amount of business passing
was. however , quite smali , the very
slight fluctuations possessing no
attraction for the general class of specula
tors , who nro at present finding more con
genial surroundings in the wheat and pro
vision pits. This is the third day that corn
lias closed virtually at the same price , which
is a rather rare instance of undivided
Oats exhibited continued weakness , with
May again touching 27c , or the lowest price
of the week. The offerings in a speculative
way were only moderate , yet with the ab
sence of buying oidcrs the market was dull
nt a decline of J @Kc from yesterday's
close. At the inside price there was a coed
demand from the shorts , with a subsequent
partial recovery. There was some desire
apparent to change May coiitracts into Juno
at i@Ko difference in favor of the former ,
while March was Inactive.
The provision trade was somewhat irregu
lar. Another heavy run of hogs occasioned
a tvcak opcvlng , and the llrst sales made
were nt prices showing declines from yes
terday's ' closings of 7J con pork and UJ c on
lard and short ribs. Later , however , the
market gained in strength and improved in
tone. The speculative ofTerings proved to
bo much smaller than was generally ex
pected and ns sellers found ready buyers for
the property ottered , poik uxpei fenced an
advance of 17 jO and laid and short ribs of
fie. The highest prices quoted also prevailed
before the noon hour. After 13 o'clock the
demand subsided and trade fell back until
the Improvement In laid and short ribs was
entirely lost. In porlc the reaction wiped
out lOo of the morning's advance. 13nsed on
yesterday's final quotations , lard closed fie
lower , pork unchanged and short ribs un
changed to'J o lower.
CHICAGO srooii
CHICAGO , Fob. 27. | Special Telegram to
THIS UBIS.J CATTJ.E The market to-day
was only moderately active , and prices were
about the bamo ns on yesterday. Some good
to choice 155u@10SO Ib. fat cattle sold for the
lioston butcher trndo nt M.OOJjl.25. ) The
bulk of fair to good fat cattle , however , sold
nt f'J.4t'(3a ' ( 60 , with plenty of common beef
steers nt J3.00@3C5. The receipts of cattle
in the west wcro small to-day and that fact
was something of u stimulus to the trade hero.
The general market , however , showed no
quotable change. There has been very little
alteration llim wouk. Choice to extra
foooves , $ l.04.4l ( ) ; medium to good
atoers. 1U5U to 1500 ibs. , * .I.r.r@3.M ) : 1200
to 1850 Ibs. , f..303.CV. OW to I''UO Ibs. . JJ.OO
( a.'J.IU ; stackers and feeders , CJ.lGGd3.US ;
cows , bulls and mixed , * 1.756JU5 ; bulk.
h lluslncss ran smooth and even
to-day at the decline of lOc noted yesterday ,
the bulk of mixed , packcrs'and heavv soiling
at 14.60 , with light mixed making fl.55.
There was a brisk demand on shipping ue-
count und packers boupht liberally , Doth
paying about fl.50. Light sorts sold at M 55
NEW Yonic , Fob. 27.-T Telegram
to TUB IlKB.1 STOCKS The stook market
Uiis morning opened very tame. The foreign
advices weio not very encouraging to
holders , though prices wcro only fiactlonally
lower than on last nlght'a closing. Chicago
Gas Trusts were again in uscondancy and an
advance of % per cent was scored. Manhat
tan elevator was rather nt'tlvo and rose \i
wcr cent. . There was some selling of St.
Paul common , thought to bo for the profes
sional account , but prices .Yielded but 8 per
rent. After the first half hour's tnjdlng
thcic was bomo improvement to the to no of
the general dealing und fractional improve
ments occurred throughout the list. Coalers ,
however , wcro weak on the rumor that n gen
eral reduction in anthracite coal prices would
bo roudo nt to morrow's meeting. Lncka-
wanna yielded J { , Jersey Central , , mid
Reading % per cent , The commission houses
were doing very little , and say they do not
look for any npcclal activity until after the
inauguration ; then they anticipate Increased
ontiidc orders and consequent higher prices
The bear * , however , contend that the lack o
outside speculation , together with th
gloomy outlook for all the western railroads
is a sure sign of lower prices , Union 1'ucifl
was the subject of much favorable comment
The handsome showing of the company fo
last month has gained it many friend1
Points to buy specialties , such ni Ohio mv
Mississippi , Chicago Gas Trusts and Tor
Worth & Denver arc freely given oul
Stocks were quiet in the loan croxvd nn <
loaned at nbout 2 per cent except for SI
Paul , which commanded a small premium fo
use. Money continues in plentiful supply a
\H to 2 per cent. At iioon the market wa
exceedingly narrow with a steady tone mn
generally at nbout the opening figures. Atcli
Ison was a feature during the aftcrnoor
The bears made a furious attack on thl
stock , and it yielded I ' < per cent. Nc\
liiiglnnd was also quite ueak and declined :
like amount. The Uoston houses suppllci
about nil the selling orders. The whole Us
closes heavy. The coalers , while not ver ,
active , were quiet and WCUK , LncKawanna
Jersey Centiul and Heading showing J < i
Northwestern , ; St. Paul , K ; Canadi
Southern , „ ' , and Missouri Pacific } pe
cent. Manhattan gained 1 , Oregon Trans
continental and Richmond Terminal V { pe
cent. Villardsaie comparatively firm. Th
total laics for the day amounted to 1S'I,00 '
shares , Including Heading , 20,000 ; St. Paul
12,000 ; Lacknwanna , 10.00 , ) ; Missouri Pfl
cillc , 5,500 ; Jersey Central , 4.00J ; Northen
Pacific , preferred , 3,500 ; Now England
11,000 , and Noithwt'stcrn , : ! , M)0. )
The following wore the c'osln ? quotations ;
MONBV ov GAU. Easy , at 2 < 7j2 | > ( f per cent
PniMB MiinavNrii.B PAPB IQ'l par cent
STBIIMNO EVCIUNOE Dull anil stoaitv
sixty-day bills , fl.bO ) : ncnianil ,
CIIIUAOO , Feb. 'J" . \ \ heat Steady
cash , $1.0.1J ; March , * 1.04Jf ( ; iMny , Jl.0.1) ) .
Corn Stonily ; cash , ntj c ; March , 34 j |
Mny , o7)Uc.
Oats Firm ; cash , 2oe ! ; May , 27jj'c ( ,
Hyo MavMXc. .
IJarloy NothliiK doltip.
Prime Timotlu 31.40.
Flax $ l.nO.
Whisky $1.03.
Pork-Steady : caslintul March , 811. 15 ; May ,
Lard Firm ; cash , $0.73 ; March , $0.75 ;
May. $0.85.
Flour Finn and unchanged ; winter wheat ,
W-flOCBriSO ; spring wheat , $1.55 1.05. rye ,
Hulk Meats Shoulders , fo 15@.37 ! !
short clear , $0.121 025 ; short ribs , fO.OC
® 0 03.
Uutter Steady ; creamery , 10S28o ; dairy ,
14 ( < ? 24e.
Chuoso Steady ; full cream cheddais ,
© lie ; Hats , ll'/c ; V ouni ; Americas ,
S Steady ; fresh , 13@llc.
Hides Steady and unchanged ; heavy
Kreon salted , CK i liRht green salted ,
5(33Kc } ( ; Rrccn , ) ( i ' 4Ke ; salted bull , 4jiC
Rrcon bull , y fu ; green salted ealf ,
dry flint , 7 } 5jto ; ( , 'rcon salted Uip ,
4e ; dry calf , 7(3Sc ( ; dry salted hides , 7c.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4 ? e ;
No. 2 , 4u ; cake , Ou.
flccoipts. ISblomonts.
Flour , bbls . 10.000 12,000
Wheat bu . HO.OOO 7,000
Corn.DU . 192,000 90,000
Oats , bu . 150,000 48,000
Now Vorlc. Feb. 27. Wheat Spot ,
weaker ; No. 2 red. 072f 9SJ/c in elevator ,
9'.l ( < W ; < u afloat , ! ) S'.fc < 3$1.00 f. o. b ; No. .T
rcu , yya'i3Kc ( ! options dull and weak and %
@ % c lower ; February , closing 'jrj e.
Corn Itoceipts , 3,000 ; exports , 127,000 ;
spot dull but Him , and } 4@1c higher ; No. 2 ,
4W@45c ! in elevator , 44 Ji ino ntloat ; No. 2
white , 403 @ 47e ; uiipradod. mixed , 43 > 4(5 ( (
43KC ? options llrmer and modcratclv active.
Oats Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , 200 ; spot
easier nnd quirt ; options steady and quiet ;
February , 0 c : March. 30J c ; Mav , 31 c ;
spot No. 2 , white , by@Uiomixed \ west
ern , 28@3Jc.
Coffee Options Steady. Sales , 30,750 bags ;
March , April und May. $1030@U5.40 ; spot
Rio , linn ; fair carcoes , $18.12 .
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United ,
closed nt lc.
Eggs Quiet and easier ; western , 14X ©
15c.Pork - Quiet and steady ; now , ? 12 50 ®
Lard Easier nnd quiet ; western steam ,
f7.20 ; March , $7 19.
Uutter Steaav ; western ,
Checso Dull ; western ,
lilvorpool. Fob. 27. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Ur.E.J 3:30 : p. in. close. Pork
Holders oiTor freely ; prime mess , eastern ,
U3s Od , easy ; do , western , 53s , easy.
Lard Holders offer spot moderately nnd
futures spaiingly ; spot und February , ilos ,
steady Mnich und April , 353 3d , steady.
Wheat Holders offer moderately ; new No.
2 winter , 7s Sd , Jinn ; do spiing , 8s , linn.
Flour Holders offer moderately ut Us 3d ,
Corn Holders offer freely ; spot , 4sytA ,
sternly ; February , 4 IJtfd , tuil ; March , 4s.
dull : April , 3s l d.ilull.
St. Iioiil-i , Fob. 'J7. Wheat Lower ;
cash , ! WK ; May , ! ) Sc.
Corn-Firmer ) cash , 2S@'S c ; May ,
Oats Higher ; cash , 24Kej May , ' 4c.
Pork Steady ntll.7j.
Lard -Quiet at $0.02 > f.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 24@27c ;
dairy , 14S'Jiie. (
MiiincnjuillH. Fob. 27. Whcat Dull and
n shade easier ; receipts , 170 ears ; shipments ,
99 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , February , $1.1S ;
May , * 1. ) J { ; on truck , fl.ltJ5t.l7 ( ; No. 1
northern , February , $1.00 , ' ; May , ? 1 OCyt\ \
on track , $1.00Sil.07 ( ; No. 2 noithcrn , Febru
ary , ' . "Se ; May , * 1.00on ; track , OS@'J9c.
Clnolmmtl. Feb. 27. Wheat Dull and
nominal ; No. 2 red , 9-'e.
Corn Uurely steady ; No 2 , nflxed , 32 > c.
Outs Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 20c.
Whisky Firm at $ t.0i.
Ktllwaukoe , Fob. 27. Wheat Easier ;
cash , O o ; Mny , UOVe.
Com Steady ; No. 3 , 80@30Kc.
Oats-Dull ; No , 2 white , 27k@2Sc.
Rye-Firm : No. 1 , 45c.
UarJoy firm ; No. 2 , < 50c.
ProviHigns Finn ; pork , S11.15.
ItaiihiiH City. Fob. 27. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , cash , 03 < s nsitod ; Mny , 01 bid ; No. 2
soft , cash , no bids nor offerings.
Corn -Steady ; cash 23J/0 bid ; May , 25o
bid : No. a white , May , 27 c.
Oats-No , a , cash , iiO o bid ; May , 23 0
bia. _
1,1 VK sroua.
ClilcdUH , Fob 27 1'no Drovera' Jour
nal lotiorutns follows :
Cuttle Receipts , 10,000 , ; market steady ;
beeves , $4.00$4.40 ; steers , fLOOQCIbO ;
stoukors and feudors , $ J.153.35 ( ; cows , bulls
and mixed , (1.7u fl.l5.
Hogs Itoceipts , ill , 000 ; market steady ;
mixed , $4.45 4 Gi ; lieiivy , $1.40 ( 4.75 ; llglit ,
M.40illAI ( ; nklpa , 51,00@t.W.
Sheeji Hccoipts 7,000 ; market steady ; no-
tlvos , , ji60' : < ] 510 ; westerns , corn-fed , $1.25
fi4.bO ! ; Texans , $ J.2a@ 1.25 ; lambs , $4.75Gil
National Stock Ynriln , Kast St.
Louis. Feb. 27. Cnttio Receipts , 1,700 ;
Bhlpinunts , 200 ; inurkot active and strong ;
L'hoico heavy nutlvo Htcorit , fl.SOC I.30 ; ( air to
( 'ood , $3 GOijy.OO ( ; . fitockoi s und foedurs , $1,90
ftUOO ; rongera , coni-fed , fj tOQS.lO ; gruss-
ted. $1.90fa''J.0. '
IIon' Receipts , 0,100 ; shipments , 000 ;
market steady at a dc'clina ; choLu heavy und
butchers' selections , $4 ! i5'if4 65 ; puckinir ,
F4.W ! 1.50i light grades. $1 4 4.00.
Sioux CitjFob. . 2r.- > Cut tlo Receipts ,
160 ; shipments , 100 ; marknt steady und uil-
ilmngcd ; stockcrs. $2.00 . .75ia ; ntccra ,
p-J.OlK'13.50 ; feodoru , * a.yO , ' .90 ; gtockma and
'at co\vs , fl.505i2.CUcaiinurH und bulls , j1.0j ?
{ { 1.75.
Hogn-ReceipU , 2,300 ; market 10@15c
ewer ; llKht und mixed , tJ.SOQSi.'JS : heavy ,
City , Feb. 27 , Cattlo-Re-
coliits , Snoo : shipments , 1,800 ; market active
and strong for dressed beef ; shipping nm
feeding steers steady ; peed to choice corn
fed , $ -l.OOrj4.20 ; common to medium , $2.80(3 (
3.8."i ; stackers anil feeding steers , ll.00.i (
3.'JOcows. I1.23Q2.70
Hens Receipts. 10,300 ; shipments , s47
market weak and lower : common to choice
' Ontllo.
Wednesday , Feb. 27 , ISS'J.
Iho market on beef cattle was lower , in
fact fully lOc lower than jc tcrday. The
trade was slow all the morning1 , but in the
aiternoon itiis more active , and the bull
of the offerings wcro taken , The quality o
the cnttlo was better than yesterday , nm
there was ono bunch hero good enough to
bringlSO. The bulk of the steers sold a
$ J.O.X'fc'I.f > 0. Uutchcrs' stock was in llph
supply , and , with the demand good , the
prices paid were steady. Cows sold nt $2.10
M2 ( Viuiid wcro all bouijlit up early in the
imv. There was n good deal of Inquiry for
feeders nnd plenty of buyers In the jnrds
but they did not take hold very freely. The
prices paid for feeders wore about the same
as yesterday. Hcfore the close of the mnrkc
cattle of all kinds were pretty well clennci
1 1 111 : R.
The market on hoes was SfllOc lower than
yesterday , but. nctlvo nt the 'decline. Over
ninety loads were on sale in the morning , nl
of which were sold curly , and cloven loads
which arrived Ir. the afternoon weio takei
tit about steady prices. The most popular
price for both heavy and light hoes w us S4.3J
but u few trades were miidu nt SI JW , und I
few mixed hogs went nt fl.Sii
The market on sheep continues about
stoa ly , with n very fair demand. Everything
received sold readily.
C-'ittlo . 1,701
Heirs . 0,000
Sheep . SOO
Horses . , . SI
Prevail I n .
The following is a table of prices pnld in
this market for the graJca of stock men
I'rinio steers , 1300 to 1.100 Ibs. . . ? . ) 40 ( < n.OO
Prilno stceri , 11UO to 1300 Ibs. . ! i 0 ) ( (03. ? ' )
Native feeders . a M ) ( , 3 10
Common to good cows . 1 5D ( .230
Choice to fancy cows y.4t ) ( a > 100
r.ilr to choice nulls 1.7.1 552 far.
rair to choice lijjht hogs 4 : ) , ) ( iMSi \
Talr to choice heavy hogs 4'o ( i4 33
Tailto choice mixed lions . , . . 4 'M ( JI HO
Pailto choice westcin sheep. . 51.75 © 11" '
ralr to i-hoice Nuurasitas 4.50 Q 4.10
Hcprcnoiit.itivd Suln9.
No Av. Vr. No. Av. I'r.
B throvvouts Kl } ' .50 fc4 Xeb natvu W )
H Neil nutvs..7J J.IH ) ! J2i ) Neb uatVd.,81 4,10
* Live Stock
Beef cnttlo RO still lower.
Hog market fl@IOc lower.
Considerable Inquiry for feeders.
Sheep in demand nt steady prices ,
About all the stock here changed hands , n
" Butchers' stock sells ut nbout steady prices.
S. S. Hndloy. the feeder and mill owner of
Cedar Kaplds , Neb. , marketed u bunch of
1,45Mb steers at * .i.bO.
The hog market has taken quite a drop
luring thu two days past. On Monday the
logs sold nt $4.40 ( ! 4 50 , but the prices were
.ho result of extremely light receipts. On
Wednesday of last week the hogs sold ut
8l.25@4.42)iJ. with the bulk nt $4..Vi
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
Uunr.ii Creamery Fancy print , 24rti > 2 < 5o :
choice print , 20@22o ; fancy solid packed , 18
rt > l'Jcj choice solid packed , 15@17c. Dairy
frinc.v roll , 17@l'Jo ; choice. irxifilOo ; good , 12
@ 14c , low grudes , lO Zlllc.
CIIHKSE Full cream chcddurs. choice , 12 ®
I2) ) c ; full cream Huts , two In Loop , 12 > < C' $
13c ; full cream Y. A. choice , 12J @ 13c ; off
grudes and skims , C@'Jc ; llmbtirger , 12@
12Ko ; brick and Swi s , 140l.V.
Keas Strialy fresh , ll@12c ; cold stor-
nge , 8@10c.
LIVB I'OULTHV Chickens , per doz , fj.50@
8.75 ; ducks , per doz$3.25@.l.r > 0j gcoso , pur
doz , t8.CO < gU.UO ; turkeys , per Ib , @ 10c.
Uiussrii : : Poui.ritr Cliickons , par Ib , 0@
lie ; turkeys , per Ib , HC13o : geese , per Ib ,
Il@l2c ; ducks , per Ib , 11 1 Ilo.
VJAL : Heavy grassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 70
7 u ; inferior culvcs , 60 to CO Ibs , SQGoj me
dium to good , 70 to 81 Ibs , S@'Jc ; choice to
fancy. 100 to 130 Ibs , ' .I010c.
VnaETABi.ES Potatoes.Colorndo and Utah.
' 0@75oj Wyoming , W5.o ) ; Nobnukiv iinii
Iowa choice laigo , U.r4Uo ; commoii , 30t35o ;
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , $ J.25 ( 3,6'J ;
beets , per bu. fi Mo ; carrots , 35(440c ( ;
cabbage , California , per Ib , 2 } < fc ; parsnips ,
> OiiiJOo ( ; onions , led choice , bO < ftnr > o ; silver
8kin , 00@76c ; turnips. JO@j.'Su ' ; rutabagas , !
( u)40u ) ; cuullllower , cholco largo , per doz , 1.25
! $ l.ftj ( ; good , fl.00@1.25 ; radlihcs , ! tt@40c ;
ettuco , ' . ' 5(3300 ( ; cucumbers , (1.50 ; string
bcnnn , per box , il.78T8i.25j celery , 23@Woi
spinach , l,50Cl.7ft per bbl.
UAME Mullurd , | ier doz , W.00fi3.50 ( : red-
icad , per do ? , f J 60@3.00 ; teal , | wr doz. 81.50
< 8-J,00 ; tommoii sinall , per doz , tl.Ou l.M ) ;
rabbi's ' , ocr doz , 75ci$1.00 ? ; Jack rabbits , par
doz , * 3 003 SO ; Bijulrrels , pcrdoz.75c@1.00 ;
ackfiiiipe , * l.OOW1.2 : . .
AJTJ.BS--Por bbl , funoy New York nnd
Michigan , ? 2.f > 0 : choieo , $2.0 ) GJ2.2 ; cholco
Missouri , 61.7fl 2.00 ; good. * 1.50@1.75.
Foiiiiiux FUUITII Malaga gru | es , kegs , 40
of ) . " ) Ibs , lOoperlb ; baiuinas , per bunch.l..r > 0
Q3 tti ; lemons , fancy o\v , 300 to 50 s , | 3.75
@ 4 CO ; choice old. * ! U s. fi 50 ( 3.00 ; oruugus ,
Los. Anteles , { % 7&0 ) ( ! ; Uivcrsides , fJ,75S (
4.00 ; Navels , W.00@554f Uanchlto , W OOQ
3.3.V '
CiuvnEimms Hell it Hiigli1 , choice , f7.oC
@ 7. " > ; Uell & Cherry , choice , $0 50QO 7r > .
NCTS Walnuts. WgrtOc'i itcnnnts , S lOci
chestnuts , 4iSc ; coco AMts , jicr 100 , $0.00(3
C.OO : hnrclnuts , 3(34e ( : 'Mekoryntits , small ,
* 1.25f1.50 ; large , dO@i5e ; pecans , plain , 0(3 (
t > c ; | Klishcd , 12@13c ; nlnionds , iSc. : filberts ,
14c ; Urnzlls , lOo.
HIDES Green salted. No 1 , 50' , No. 2 , 3 3
3'/e : calf , fi5U'c ; dry Hint. 5We ,
lieNS Navk-s , hand plckcifT per bu , S2.1C
GT220 ; peed clcmi country , ? f.7f > ( i2.00 : Ofl
or poor stock , ll.UOQjl.fiO ; California , $2.00 ( < i
210.Cmnu Michigan , per bbl , M.fiOQS 00 : Now
York , per bbl , f5.00.t5.f)0i ( half bbl , ? -.75 ! (
3 00.
00.FE mt BUS Per Ib.primo . live gccse w hltc ,
3.X'440c ' ; mixed with gray , i.5 ( < I30c ! damp nml
musty , UX'T20c ; prime live ilouicstiu duck , 2C
( . ? 'r.c ; wild duck , 130420C.
SKI nn KKIVT Per bbl , 30galchoice$4.00 ;
per half bbl , 13 25.
Pot-am * Per Ib , rice , lK@So ; common ,
HO.SET Mb frames , choice white , 15@lCci
dark , 18(714c' ( strained. 10il''o.
JBI.MIS 4@4 c porlb ; preserves , 10@12c
perlb ,
L11111 7X1 ! in. 5t-lb ) pkgs.
MINCI : iNliur OJirl7c ( per Ib.
Grocers' lilst.
Hcvlsed prices nro as follows :
UMHIINO Sturk A , seamless , 2ic ; Amos-
hcag , seamless , 17) o ; Lewiston A , senmless ,
lUc ; American , seamless , 17e , burlaps , 4 to A
bu , HOP 11 o ; gunnies , single , He ; ytinnies ,
double , 2.Jc ! wool s.u'k , 42c.
TWINES Dux , ! 2 < ( ) ; cotton , lO' ' rtllOc ;
Jute , e.
Uitll'l ) Put ITS Kips , in boxes , per Ib , 14 ®
lilc ; dates , in boxes , ToUOc , London Malaga
layer r.ilslns , per box , $350 { ) 'I.7 ( ) ; Malaga
loose raisins , $ -J.0@J.r ; ! > 0 ; new Valencia rais
ins , perlb , 80 ; California loosn muscatels ,
per box , $150 10 ; Ciilifouiiii Loiulous ,
IbSS , ? . > ,4l ) ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISe ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib.12C < ? llo ! ; dried
blackberries , pur Ib , tkj7e ; dried raspberries ,
per Ib , tfKffiMe ; evaporated apples , CitSe ( ;
California unpari'd evaporated peaches , 12(8 (
14c ; evaporated Cnlifoinia nprieots , 17o ; currants -
rants , K\t < jiXvTurUisli \ prunes , fi@ri'ie ' ;
citron , 220i'4o ; orange peel , ; lemon peel ,
17c ; California French prunes , 12c.
PICKU.-I Medium , in bbls , $ . " . .00 ; do , in
half bbls , $ ' . ) IX ) ; small , in bbls , JOO'J ; do , in
half bDls , Str > 0 ; gherkins , in bols , $7.00fido : ,
in half bbls , $1.00.
HOAMID : Con F.r.s Gorman , 23'.jCMo ' -
' XXXX Ariosa 'J-IUc.
Laushlin'a , 2-lUe ; , -
COIH.I : Green iNloeha , J.lfSlKlo ; Hlo , tcood ,
lSicr.ic : Maiutnl'ling. 2itSu ( ! ( ! ; roasting Hlo ,
ITwlSo ; O. O. .lava , ! MA'Jiu ( ; .l.ivn inferior ,
'Ji@'u ' ; Hlo. fancy , 21i ' "c ; Santos and
Maracalbo , 17il L .
St out Granulated,7 ( < i71fc ; conf. A , 0T < c ;
white extra C , O'fe ' ; oxtr.i U. ? % ts : vclloiv
C , ( i ) * ! ; powdered , 7Ji@i cubes , " ( rfsc.
13is A\ Choice yellow , 'MnJ 4c ; dark
colored , iiif : ( I4c.
Toiucto Plug , SCfiiajc ; smoltinf , IC tOO.
SALT ? 1.15 ! ( < 81.40 per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , HJ-jir.
MAIM.C SLOAII Uneks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny cukes , 12 ( ; 13o per Ib ; puiu maple
syrup , $1.00 per K-tl.
Mu'i.i : Si nil' 3li41c ( per mil.
Wiuri'tvo I'vi'int Manilla , UUc per Ib :
s'ravv , IJ' ' lXc Per ID.
Tr.ts Voting Hyson , common to fair , 1S ( < ?
2flc ; Young Hi son , good to fancy , aogr.Se ;
to 'J. ' ilc Gunpowder
Gunpowder , common good , ;
powder , choice to fancy , 40S0.1c ( ; , com
mon to medium , M&S-JOc ; , Japan , choice to
fancy , 5IOfi4l.1t : ; Oolong , uqininon to good. 25
@ 10o ; Oolong , choice to f.jncv , GU rou ; im- , couiinuti to mediumxTjl(3ljc ; Imperial ,
food to fancy , lOCjj.lOe. .
CnvcKnitsli'irJc jicr Ib ; assorted cakes , 8
021c per Ib , ns per list. , , . .
C\MV MNsd , rtJ i/lSJSic ; stick , OJ c'tllc ' ;
rock candy , Ki Uu ; fancy candy , 7 ( < iiSc.
HOI.IANI ) HlJtltlNO ' . 'OC ,
MACKtntiii Family , $13.00@U.OO. !
COD Fisii iil-/7 ( > ifc. ,
STMttn 4 ( < i7 e per Ib.
Dry Gootls.
COTTOV PIAVNTI 10 per cent trade dis
count. Unbleached L L , fil e ; C C , OX" ! S
S , 7Jc ; E 13. S > , V ; G G , ! % c ; X X , 10 > c : O
O. ll } < ! c ; N N , l-i c ; A A. lie ; D D , K.J < te ;
T T. lii c ; Y Y , l c ; , BH. llc. ) Bleached ,
20,8) ) c ; Ul. 12j2c ; 0,13 } c. 13iown nml slate ,
50 , ! lc7D ; , 12V c : OJ , Kic.
Cuti'CT WiiiBibb , white , 19s ; colored ,
13 VTTS-Standard , So ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
\ 1icHoone \ \ , lie ; U. cased , (41.50.
1'iiiNTs Solid colorH Atlantic , ( ! e ; Slater ,
Oc ; Ueilin oil , 0' < e ; Garner oil , t7c. !
I'ltiXTs Pink and robes Allen , 6c ; Hiv-
crpoint , r.J c ; Steel Hivcrju ( ! ; Hichmond ,
Gj < fc ; Pacitic , 7c.
PKINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' ' c : Hain-
0410 , 4c ; Lodi , . " .Vc ; Allen , tic : Hichmond ,
Oc ; Windsor , C ) c ; Edd stone , O ej Pacitic ,
Ur.un St. Legcr , 5J c ; Ar
nold , GJ c ; American , OJ Je : Arnold C , long
cloth , Do ; AinoldlJ , long cloth , 10' , e : Ar
nold Gold Seal , W \ Stcifel A. 12c ; Windsor
ser , Gold Ticket , lo e.
GixaiiAM-s Plunkett checks , "i c : Whit-
tcnton , 7 ijcYoik ; , 7) o ; Norniandi ditss ,
8 c : Henfrewdrcss , bK@12 > , ; c ; Whittcnton ,
sic ; Calcutta , S > ; c.
CAMIIIIICS Sinter , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
BI.IU-IIII : > HIIIITISO : Ellcrton , " : House
keeper , SKi T ° w Candidate , 8'4 ' ; Ucrkeley
cambtic , No. GO , ll ) ; Best Yut. 4-4 , H& :
Buttcrclotii , OO , 4'f ; C.ibot , 7 ; Farwcll ,
lialf bleached , h } ; Fruit of l oem , 8 ;
Sreeno G , ( i ; Hope , 7J ; King Phillip cam-
Ijric , 10 ; Lonsdalocnmbrii1 , 10 : Lonsdale , 8'j ;
Now York mills , 10' ' : Pepjierell , 42 in , 10' ;
Pcppcrcll , 4ii in , 11"Pepperell " ; , 0-1 , lfi ;
Pcpperoll , S-4 , 21 ; Pe'pporoil ! ) , 2J ; Pepper-
ell. 10-1 , 2' ; Canton , 4-1 , 8 : Canton. 4-1 , SIH ?
Triumph , 0 ; Wmnsutta , 1' ' ; Valley , 5.
BKONVV SIII.CTINO Atlantic A. 4-4 , 7 > r , ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7 ; Atlantic D , 1-4 , ( ! ' < ; Atlan
tic P , 1-4 , 0 ; AuroraLL , 4-1 , 0 ; Aurora C , 4-4 ,
1 % ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , tl > : Booster LL , 4-4 ,
i ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7J ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 ,
fi ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , r > ; Pepperell H. 4-4J ( ,
Pcppercll IS , 40 inch , 7j < f ; Pepperell , h-4 , Ib ;
Pepperell , 9-1 , 21 ; Ilepcrcll ] , 10-1 , 2J ; Utira C ,
4-4 , lJf ; ; Wncliutett , 1-4 , 7j < : Auiora H , 1-4 ,
7 ; Aurora , B1 1y \ \ .
FIANNKI.S , PJ\II Itaftsmen , 20c ; Goshcn ,
3JKc ; Clear Lake , 30 > c ; Iron Mountain ,
'iNXKi.a , Wiitrn H No. 2. % , 22Ko ;
G II No. 1 , % , ! iO > < o ; B II No. 2 , 2J > < c ; B H
No. 1 , % , ! ! 0c : Queclico No. 1 , % , 12c ; Quc-
chco No. 2 , % , ; t7Ko ; Queclico. No. 8 , % ,
.i2 c ; Anawan , 32 0 ; Windsor , 2J > ic.
FI\N.MI.S : , j < io-C : , 24 Inch , ir.Uc ; II 24
inch , 21' c ; G G , " 1 inch 20c ; H A F , X ,
. ' .c , , T H V , /j. "ic- , \j. 4'n , .
JJL-CK West Point. 29 In. 8 07 , lOltfu ; INest
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , l2Kc ; West Point , ! i'J ' In ,
0 : Coidis , No. I ,
UIJMVIS Amoskeag , Uoz , lOKc ; Everett ,
707 , lli ! Jo ; York. 7 o13 o ; iluymakcr ,
SKo ; Jaffrov , XX , 11) ) 0 ; Jaffrey , XXX ,
12KoBcaver ; Creek , AA , 12c ; Ucuvcr Creole ,
BU , Ilo ; Beaver CiccV.'CO ' , lOc.
KV Jn\X8 Mtiinorlul , 15o ; Dakota ,
8c ; Durham , 271-jc ; Hercules , Ibc ; Lcum-
iKton.yjjfc ; Cottswold ! 27 o ; Melville. USu.
Cinsn Stevens' tJ. ,6 0 ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens'A , 7Ke , Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8J o ; StoveuV'P ' , S'c ; Stevens' P ,
blcaclied , ' .IjtfuStevens' ; N , O c : StovenH1 N ,
bleached , lO c ; Stevens' SHt , 11c. .
DIMKNHIONS AND TiMiiitii 2x4 to 2x12,12@
10 ft , t.10.00 ; 18 ft. $17.00 : 20 ft , J18.00 ; 'ii and
44 ft , SJI.OO ; 4x4. 8x812@10 ft , ? 17.005 18 ( <
3J ft , $18.00 ; 224 ! ftt 2l.i)0 ) : fencing , No. 1 ,
f.SO@ | ( ) 18.00 ; No. 2 , $14.00rel.00 ( ( ! ; lliushllli , ' ,
1st ana 2a clear. 47K,10 ( ! 00 ; 3d clear ,
H3.00 ( 40X ( ) ; U select. Sir.OOW83.00 ; Hearing ,
1st com. 0 in W. P. . f,00 ; 2d com. , 11.00 ;
id com. , $40.00 ; 1) , FX ) 00 ; common Y. P. ,
M7.00 ; 1st and 2d clear Y. P.-1 undo In , $20.00
2.40 ; ship lup No. 1 , $18 ; No. 2 , $10.50 ; No ,
, O. G. . * 19 ; siding. 1st common , $ JJ ; 2d ,
19 ; Ha , $15 ; fence , $12.50 ; stock boards , A ,
Mil ; 11,1(1 ( ; C. 3U ; D , $ il ; boards. No. 1 ,
ouimon , $10 ; No. 2 , $17 ; No.a$15 ; No.4$13 ;
wrtltion , No. 1 , W , P. jtf in , $ I.OO ; No. 2 ,
J7.00 ; ceiling , clear % , Y. P. , $20,00 ; clear ,
„ Norwuv , $1000 ; gecondB , $ I4M ) ; O. O.
rntts , XX In. . OOu ; O. G. butts , > x3 In. . 35o ;
in. well tubing , U. & M. , bev. , 122.00 ;
ilcKcts , D. At H. , $ > J.OO.
AciDS Sulphurlco \ \ Citric , OSe , Oxalic.
Ifio ; tartnrlc , 45c ; Am. carb. , 1'Jo ; alum , 2 ! < C
3Io ; anowroot , 3Jo ; balsam cupalba , l5M !
i5o ; borav , lO Ukjj calomel. SOo ; castor oil ,
$1.05G $ 110 ; cream tartar , 3io ; corrosive sub. ,
> ( ) ci chloroform , 45@50o ; oxt. logwood , 12c ;
-lycoriuu. 'Jlc ; gum niablc , UJo ; gum
: amphor , 35c ; gum opium , : $ J,20 ; morphia
mlnli. , $ J.O'J ( J.fc3.
OiLS-llcrBomot , < 3.80@300 ; lemon , | 2.00j
porpcrmint , $3.00(33.r-0 ( | wtntcrgrccn , $240) )
olive , $1.00 ; quinine , 33@48c ; strychnia ,
Mctnl ntul Tinner.'Stock.
Ulock tin , small pie $ 25 ,
Copper , planished boiler sUcs . . . ! M
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sKcathlng 30
Copper , nltts 30
Copper , flats 81
Gal. sheet iron , Junlata , uO , 10
nnd 5 per percent discount.
Pnt. planished Iron , 24 to 27 A. . . . 10' , ,
Pat. planished iron , 21 to 27 11 . . . > ;
Hooflng , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets. . . . O.tx
Hooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets 7..M
Hooting. 1C , 20x28 , 112 sheets 11.00
Hoollng , IX , Ox2S ) , 112 sheets 14. M
Sheet iron No. 21 3.4
Sheet iron No. 27
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10\14 , 225 sheets. fi 50
IX , 10x14, sheets. . . . 8.Vo !
Tin pinto , coke
1C. 10x14 , 3J3 sheets. . . .
Steel nails , per keg 1
Steel wire nails , per Ucg 5 ; 7.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank.
! 1O5 South 1.5th Street , - Omaha.
AVeslw ml.
Itunnln ? bstween Council Bluffs and Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentlonuil ,
trains stop at Twentieth anil Tiventy-fouith
streets , and at tne Summit iu Onmlm.
East ward
Ix'ii\e. I Airhp.
A No. 2 .0:0) : ) p. m.'A ' No.l. 7:00 : n. m ,
U No. U . . .0Xii. : ( ) m.ltJi No 5. 5:50 : p. in.
A No. 4. . .U:10a. : in. A No. 3. . d : 41 p. in.
A No.4 .11:40 : a. 1U.1A . No. 5 . ,7:3) : ) a. in ,
A No. B . .5:1.1 : p. m. A'No. 7. . .nl ; ) p in.
A No .l , ) . ( l.1'Jji. : III.IA No.It. , n:50p. : in.
A No. 0 11:40 : a. m. A No. 3. 7:10 a. in.
AU No.4 , .RUp. : ) in. No. 1 . 7lKn. ) in.
AA No. 2 . . . , hlii : ( ) . in. No. 6. . .icllp. in ,
A No. 2 0:111 : a. 111.A No , 1. 0:5(1 : ( m. m.
A No.4 7:0)p.m.A : ) No. a 7:1(1 ( j ) . m.
.NSAS C1TV , 81' . .IDSIU'JI & COI'NCI1 (
No. 2. . . .01 : a. in. A No. 3 , (1:30a. ( : m.
No.4 . . . .0:20 : p. m.lA No.l .0:1.1 : p. in.
sioux ciiv & I'Acrnc.
No. 10 , . ,7:0.1 a. III.IA No. n , . ,8V. : a. in.
No. 12 , . . .7UJn. : in. A No. II . . . 'J.OO p. in.
\ No.8 . .4ti : p. in. A No. 7 . 12:00 : ni.
dully : . II itally oxiept Saturday ; ( J exiept
iiiilRy : OuxicptMoniluy ; fast until
Tlio tliuu Khi'it unove Is for TrnnHfur. there
being f i < > m lite to tun minutes hetVMen'J'ianii-
fer and Joeal depots.
12 Uoaruuru Su , ( 'nicaio ; mtrlou froei il
oi bu mo j qulollr "nil l
I Weakaeti of Body and Hindi Efftcti
> of trron or Eiceueiln Older Younr.
Uobu > l , Vofcle niMllllllinllr Uc.torrd. lion In Knltrr * nTJ
hir iiktanKik.iMipvriol n.nuiiiMi A i'jniior nour. u.-.III.i llOUt. TllHI > ltM-II. . ( IU la ar.
Ilia IMII/J / Iran 41 him. . Trrrllorili , , l lurrlin t amrl !
. . . . . , , . lUwi.MI ' - - - -
t..a.riClho . tinlaBitlon , , tad | irMf nklltd
sdoM eo.Burutn.i .r ,
> nd 1 umure currd , U& ycara *
ipcrlrun. > Kalfu lluuli
GANGER ; 'rtr. ' 1 H. ' "
* I I I 11 I jl
ARrlculUinil Implements. _
ciwuciitLL PAUKIM ,
Dealerii ! Agriciiltnial Implements , Wagons
Ciurlnpcs nnil IniiiKlo' . Jon.p street , between Jtli nnJ
IQili , Onmlm , Nel > rsk _
LI NINO mi .t .ir/rrtfli / rr ca !
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wapns , Carriages
nciile , cle. Wliolc nlo. Onmlm ,
ix , onJKNDonr TtTJM "itrix co.
, \Miolo nIo lK'alrr < In
Agricultural Implements , WagonsS Buggies
.ill. i l , t < Ti nnil 1U7 Jimp * Mri'ct. Omnhi.
MOLI NjMiLmniNA K ioui > Ali D co ,
Itnnnfnctnrcrs ami Jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rafts , Hews Etc ,
Cor Ptli nml I'ntlHc Mrcol . Oiniilin. _
ArtlBtsMntorlnls ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1.11 Diiiiiilm Mreet.Oriinlm. Nebrn'kn. _
Boots nml Shoos.
ir. r. MonsKA co. ,
Jobbers of Boots end Shoes ,
1101. 11(11 ( , mo Donning > tn > i > l , OmiiliR. Mnnnlnclof ,
i-mimicr MriHl , MOMUM
Con ! , Coke nncl Llmo.
OMAHA COAL , COK77 " , v JnfCO. . ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
aufcoulh lltliMriet.Omiihn , Xobr.i-kn.
mt. co. ,
iptC s of Coal a d Cok
511 Smlli nth St. , Omalm. Xrb.
_ _ Cro Tipry nnd Classwnroii
I HKIXSI 0. 1 Tt'7/ A L. I I'M. I .V ,
Importers anil Jobber" of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
itc. : 1U4 fnnmni slroct. lu-w I'jxlon bullillng.
lLL , v
! Storao and Commission Merchants ,
' Bi" "
ononon scimoKjiu A ro. ,
ProfiDce Commission and Cold Storage ,
( Succcsiors to McSlmno k SchroeJcr. )
Oiunlia , Nubnifkii.
Dry Goods and Notions.
.u. n. SMITH .t co. ,
Dry Goods , Fiirnisniiig Goods and Notions ,
llf. ( nml 1104 Douulns. cor. lltli street , Omnlin , Neb.
Iinporlers end Jokers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gents' furnlshlru Rnodn. Corner Illh nnil Ilarncy
sln.uls , Oinnlin , Ntbm'kn.
A co. ,
Importers nnit Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South litli itrect.
m\rnY \ & STOXE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Karnnm Micct , Omnlin. Ncbnipkii.
Furniture ,
Cnmhii , N
Crocorlos. _
Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions.
: a-j , 'Xfi , nnnml 711 Soulli lOlli St. , Omnlin. Neb.
Mc"OrtD , HIIADY A CO. ,
Wliolesale Grocers'
15th nml I/curcnirorth street ! , Onmlm , Ncbinskn ,
_ _ _ " Hardware
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Heel ,
"prln-i1" . wagon htoek , Imrilnnrc , liinihcr , tie. 13fJ
nml l.'ll Hartley Mruiit , Om.ilm.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Micct Iron. etc. Aucntn for TInwo
Mltuiit powder mid Lyinun b irttcil wlrct
.v TA
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tools nnd Hull ilo scnlos , 110J Uonyliu
street , Unmliii , Nub.
_ _ _ _ " Hats , Caps , Etc. '
"w. L. PAitnoTrh A co.
Wholesale Hats , Caps aid Straw Goods ,
11W IhiTlicy f ( root , Unmliii. .Vc-braskn.
Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc ,
Imported nnil American rortlaml rcinrnt. Ftitta
iiluiit let Mllwnukcc liyilrniillc cement : md
ynlney wliitolluic.
CUAS n. j.ufi ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier ,
Wood cnrpcta nncl p irauot Hooting , iitli und Douglat
ftreeth , Omnlin , jToti.
AllKindsofBnildingMaterial at Wholesale ,
Iflh btrei't nnil Union 1'ucHle'l rnclt.OinaliH ,
Dealer in Liimher , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Doors , Etc , Yards Corner 7th nnd Duuclui. Corner
IMh and DOUGHS :
rani ) ir. a HAY.
Lumtcr , Lime Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner till nnd DoiiKlns Kti , Onmlm ,
c. N.
Dealer in All Kiiifls of Liimher ,
nth und Cttllfornln btrcctM , Onmlm , .N'cbraika ,
Imporlcrs & Jolieers in Millinery & Notions
JOS.JIUund.'UrJoutli lltli street.
Wholesale Notions aid Furnishing Goods ,
4UI und 106 boutli 10th urcct , Omulm ,
Notions and GcnU1 Fumishinf Goods ,
110.1 ll.irnejr xroct , Onmlm.
Olla. _ _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
ente , etc , OniMm. A , 11. lllshop , ilunnpcr.
Paper ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry nnlre nock of | > rlntlnc , wmppliiif nnd writing
paper , bpeciulalttnllun Kiveu lutarlonl ordun.
Storage , Forwardlns & Coinml8 lo"ru
' ' "
'AHMSTHOXO , wmx A co. ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
lirauc hou o nt tltit IJenncy lltiuvr Co. lhifile nt
nhuliKAlcuml rcUll. Ufl , 1UJ. III. linranrmt.
Oinuiiu. Tiiljplirirni Vo. 7i > i ,
_ _ Toys.
* " " " "
/ / . iiAUitv , icd. ,
Jobber * < jf
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Gooils ,
llttuitf furnU'ilru tooJ , clilllrcn'n inrrla vj , tVC.
Boots nncl Shoos. .
Puce ' or to Heed , Jonci A. Co.
Wholesale Mannfactorers of Boots & Slices
Agents for llo'ton Hubbrr Jhon Co , IhU 1101 n41IW
lUrner Mrect , Onmhn , Nehr ki .
STO11Z A ll.KIl ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
t North KlRhlecntti ftrcet , Onulu , Xeb.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window esp and nicUtlc ikjl crils Jo'm KpeneKr ,
pmprlctor 1N ( and llufnuth IWIi slreet.
Mannfactureis of Overalls ,
Je n , 1'ants , Shlrt . Rtr. 110 } 1101 Douflns Street ,
Oinahn , S b.
Offlco Fixtures.
S/.1O/OAS /
M , Oilice and Saloon Fixinres ,
Jlnntles. kldi > tionnti > . HnoX Cn e , Drnit I'llliirp" , Wull
CH'PJ , Partitions. IUIIInu 0ntnturs. llpi-rnnd Ulnn
( oolrr . Mirrors , Kir Inrlorj nnd nnlec , ltUnuili : ; rj
htmtli lUli t-l , Oinn'ia 'IVIeplii'iio ll. ' . _
Popor Boxes
.v 7 , .
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos 111 ; n Id I.IUI Doncln street , Omnhn , Neb.
Rubber Coocle.
OMAHA ni'itnmt c'of
Manufacturers a-d Dealers in Rulilicr Goods
Ull cotilnc ! nnil lonlltor I riling. 1UB rnnium slroct
_ _ Snsh , Doors , Etc. "
M. A. n/Mt/ioir A ca ,
Wliolcnnlc inmiufncturvM itf
Sasli , Doois , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Hrniuli iilllro , l.'tli nnd lianl utrcot Omulm , Neb.
Mantifactiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouHIInc' , stulr work nnd Interior hant wood flnlfh.
N K cornvrBili nnd Ictvenwrnh streets ,
Onmlm , Neb.
_ Steam Fittings , Pumps ,
Fnnip ? , Pipes and Engines ,
Stenm , iratrr , inllmiT nnd mlnlnK supplies , cto.
VM , IC.'nndf.'t ( nrnnin street , Omnhn ,
u. s. WIND KNOINE , t ruMr co. ,
Steam and Wate : Supplies ,
II hdoy nlnd mill' . ! I1S nnd ! 2J Jones it , Omnhs.
( i.K lln
co ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Shcitlron work , slcnm pumps , SHIT mills. 1213-1215
l.em envoi th strt et , Onnilm.
Jron Works.
C rtcr ft Foil , 1'rop's .Mnnufnttiirri of all kinds
Slcaiii Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Wort
Work * Soulli Alth nnil II A M. cru lan.
PAX'WX A vum.ixa uiox iro/wcs ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Worfc
Unglnc , brim work , Knnernl foumlrjr. Him hln nnil f
blaiKBUtltti work tnico unil worX , I' . I * Hf.
nntl lltli bticut , Oiualia.
OMAHA fnii7rA irtof wonK's ,
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iro.i Railings
Desk ralld. nlndnw Kunrild. llnwcr stnniH. nlre BlKD9.
etc. lil.Nunh nth utriotUinalin.
Mauf'rs ' of Fife and Burglar ProtfEaffis ,
Vault" . Jnll work. Iron ilniltor' nnd flre cirapes.
( J. An dree n , prop r. Cor. lull nmUnikson His.
CHAMPION rnox A irnewonns. .
Iron'nil Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and screens , for 1 ank , oniies , stores , ri'"l onces etc.
Imurorcd nr.iilnffti. lotL&mlth luHthlntry nud
blacksmith ivorkUlfonlli Kill fl.
PALM11H , lilCIlMAN A CO. ,
Live Slock Commission Morctiaiits ,
OH ce lloom ! . Opposite Kxtlmivn llullillng , Union
Muck \urdi - _ , hoiuli Omnlin , Kcl ) .
s co ,
OfOuiana , Limi'ed ,
'John K. Iliijil , jiiiierlntcndcnt.
And Oiiioego ,
. Molnnj. ilnrshaltown
vcllnt0" ' Llilcmrn
h0' . Wash.
ArionirBfowortbn numornui point * of KUperlorltT
UHi0'ri' ? rutl""J"l ; ? " ' . < ? f th" " , ' ' "etwMii omfliB
lu tllr" " Irnlin .
i'fH iiif2BO\.llL0 n ilpf i.f I AV
OACIIKS. which nro tlie flnpst tlnit li'inmn artnnd
'u ' Cn ' 1"1' " * l'AI. . JBHrICKI1lNtjCAUa
can not ho fnin.l I'ln-nhnrn At
' " ' ' " " ? ; * " ! " ! ' " " ' the I'tti'.iln nail.
ffnrconmrt Inonlou iiopot wlt'i HIMKI of ihu ul | .
* BO A NortliwMtera Ity ! In ClilcoKo thu Iralni o (
' ' " " " co"nt-ollc" ll" " " "I all oluSf
aitern lnci
, . , ' " - ' " ' . .U',11.fnlupbun. . Inrtlinapolli. Cincinnati
: Ink-urn .
Kalli. lluITalu. nitalinrit , 'iiininto. Alontrciil
0-ton. NUTVnrk. . I'lillnrtnluljin , Hallltuoro WMab !
uton. Qua all point ! in the lnst. A k for tlcliou % !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Koute from Omalin and Council
Bluffs to
council , uumu
CUIcnfjo , - AND
St. rnul , Minneapolis , Ccdnr
Jtock Island. Frecport , Horkfitnl ,
Clinton , Duhuqtte , Diirenuoi t ,
El ln , Kadison , JuncMlllc ,
ItoloK , Wlnona , La Crosse , .
And Mil otlur Important oulnti Eait , Northuajt
ror IhrotiKh tUkeU.calUm IU tltkot tfcnt at 1M1
farnaiu Hreut. lu Ual f illvck , or at Uiilvu 1'ailflo
I' 8le i ) r nd thtflneit Dlnlnii Can la to *
worM reriiuoii ill * main lint at tUul.-Mi.tvn. Mil-
WKkcu .VKt. 1'aul lUUwmj. ml inert ilUulhinli ial4
' " 11. .PV.'iWf MIIlKili.onrrAl ' 'f cou ' ' * UtuiEui. "inplo/ei ut tuc .as > aajr.
t. r. TL'UUl'.ll. Ai.l.taDt g.naral Manner
. k & > - <
.kiJ Ko < J , 11 , TC ,