Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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JCclheredby wirrlor In Any Pnrt of hoCltyu
Twenty Cents Per Week.
11 , W. TII.TON. .
nt'Mstss QtncE NO. $ .
Nionr ffofrcn , No.3.
N. Y4 Plumbing company.
Conlnnd wood. E.E.Mnyno , 010 B'wny.
Ono yng wns the only victim In police
cout-t yesterday. lie wag discharged.
Mnrrlngo licenses wore Issued ycstcr-
dny to Henry Hoirrnr and Eniiim Kivdol ,
htulHobcrt Lewis arid .Tonulu Plunkott ,
nil of this city.
The Picanitinlos will sing again to
night In costume the same melodies.
Admission 10 cents to foiwnir tflvon by
the Episcopal ladies nt Armory Imll.
The-llrm of Moore & Klplitigdr has
dissolved DartnorHhip , the junior mem
ber retiring. The business will bo
continued at the old stand by Mr.
The cnso of Henry Johnson , the coon
Hmrgcd with pilfering- the county
jail , was not called by Squire Ilondrioks
yesterday , and will probably come up
The remains of Mrs. Mnry M. Look ,
who died Monday night at her homo in
the southern part of the city , will bo
.forwarded . this morning1 to Corning ,
where they will bo Interred.
Mrs. Anna M. Tyng , of Minnesota ,
Btato lecturer of I. O. O. T. and D. G.
, ( J. T. , will deliver a temperance ad
dress at the Overtoil mission , to
night and to-morrow night. Admission
A meeting of the stockholders of the
American District Telegraph company
was hold at 10l : : ! ( yesterday morning at
the Bcehtolo houbo parlors , and the fol
lowing directors were elected for the
ensuing. year : George Motcalf , M. F.
Kohror , Sol II. Foster , F. J. Day , A.
Louie , . 7. N. Baldwin and G. A. Holmes.
Sheriff Dolaslunutt , of Mills county ,
was in the city yesterday. JIo was
looking for tw'o residents of Mills
county named Odon and Bailey , who
are wanted for an attempt at highway
1 rdbbory. They wore not found ,
although they were seen in this citv a
few days ago. It is thought that they
nro living on the island a few miles
dpwn the river , and that place will bo
, raided in a few days.
The papoi-h wore Hied yesterday with
the county recorder by which Mr.
" . .Carles P. Bnislnn trannforred to Messrs.
, Wm. K Ilaskoll , Chas. M. Palmer , Ed-
' wnrd' K. Wodolstacdt , Nicolay Greastad ,
Edward B. Zior and Ncls II. Giertson ,
i nn 'undivided ' six-hcvonths interest in
the west half of the northwest quarter
( jf section eleven , township sovonty-
four , range forty-four. Each of the
purchasers paid $ ,783.70 for his one-
seventh interest in the property. It is
the tract purchased a short time ngo by
Mr. Braslan from the real estate firm of
Baldwin &
Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.
S. B. Wttdsvvorth &Co. , 'i ( > Main street.
i i -
" ' 1'icldod , tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
b'ilts' , 3J5 Broadway. _
All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co.
< * a { Solid all orders for bottled beer to L.
M. Finkolstoin , Omaha.
t - . , .
Dr. C. C. Huston , dentist , Opera house
" block >
. For Sale at a Rnrcain.
Hotel property in Council BlulTs , con-
trhlljUocated. doiair good business. 11.
P. OHIccr , solo agent , No. 11 ! N. Main
St. , Council Bluffs.
The London "Tailor's" ' is the place to
got your clothes ituttlo. 037 Broadway.
t i <
Harmony Chapter No. 25 , O. E. S. ,
will hold a special meeting Thursday
night , Foburary 128 , for the purpose of
initiation. By order \V. M.
1'crxonnl i'ar
A. P. Cramer , of Avoca , visited the
Bluffs yesterday. .
John Mnloncy is seriously ill with in
flammatory rheumatism.
Deputy United States Marshal Dun
can , of Creston , was in the city yester-
4 Colonel James Ettinger loft ycstor-
, /day afternoon for Washington to take
'pavtin the inauguration.
t " "Billy Hogan and Dan Ilelweg , of Lin
coln' , came up Monday evening to see
" 'thru ' "Lady Minstrels , " and failed , to
y inake conncctioiib for yesterday's return
t W. M. Winter , of Juniata , Nob. , is
" Visiting liis son Harry , of the Now Og-
i ueu < Air. Winter is just returning
, ( rojn Chicago , whore ho went to have a
cancer removed from his lip.
i Joel Eaton , manager of the gas com
pany , returned yestorUay morning from
a-six week's trip through southern Cal
ifornia. Ho reports a most enjoyable
trip ; and returns greatly refreshed.
Charles P. Brnslan returned yester
day morning from Minneapolis. He
will remain in the Bluffs the greater
part of the time during the next four
mouths to look after his heavy real es-
, .
tlr. . A. P. Hanchctt , of Council Bluffs ,
has been honored by the appointment
os , , one of the board of directors of the
homb'opathte department of the Iowa
State University , to till the position
miulp vacant by the death of Dr. Still-
S ,13 , Wadsv.'orth & Co. loan money.
Try our XXX bottled boor. Special
'rutob on nil ordurn from Iowa.
Ndtice thebuauttful | llnish given ool-
luiyficulTu and slurU by Casua o Lauu-
MOney loaned on futnituro , pianos ,
didnftmus , horses , buggies or anything
of Tfaluo at low ratcbof intorect. No
'pUliltulty ; lair and honorable dealing.
A /'A. / Clark & Co. , otllco cor. Broailway
"aud'Main , over American express.
- , *
tfif - -
* o , 3fiTlpton' real estate , G27 B'dwny.
"having billiard
halls and restaurants will do well to
take tifl ] exclusive sale of my tompor-
* 's'J'Hu\o ' ' ' ! our wagon call for your tolled
CuwsuJo Laundry Co.
loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co. 'a
Mo < ln bllicc on furnitnro , pianos , horses ,
wh 'Oife , poreonal property of all kinds ,
mid all otlnu * articles of value without
romoval. Alt buslucus strictly corill-
Jb Norton for hardware ,
cutlery , 7t7 ! and 2316 IVvvay.
. .moved my olllce to Onmlm , nt
whjch all ordora will bo w'olyr.d and
I com wlitdi all deliveries will bo ir.udo
bV'wAftti. I" . M. FINKKMTUX.
9ilri iTi _ , , -
' " 't ' tttlHg stoves at cosl to oloso out.
The Political Pot in the Bluffs Liable
to Slop Over.
How Testimony la OlitnincitRftlnst
SnlooiiH A Union of Gun Clubs
A Now Hohcino Kor tlio
PofHllilo Cnmllilnts ,
Harry ISirlnnbino's iiamo Is being
quilo frct'lyuscd In connection with tlio
place of alderman /rom the Fourth
ward on the republican ticket. Ho has
many intends who would gladly Im
prove the opportunity of voting for him
if ho consents to fro on the ticket.
L. B. Cousins Is talked of as a pros
pective republican alderman from the
Third ward. Captain Cousins is so well
known that his name would give
strength to any ticket. Tie came very
near defeating the present marshal , nnd
there nro few names which could bo
found on so many ballots , of all parties ,
If ho is Riven and accepts the nomina
tion as talked.
William Arndt , who has boon urged
sostronglv to allow his name to bo
iibcd as alderinnnic candidate from the
Third wnr l , is said , to be out of the
race entirely , absolutely refusing to
allow his friends to make any move in
that direction.
F. II. Illll , the well known member ol
the Empkio Hm-dwaro company , is
being urged to go on the republican
ticket as alderman from the Fourth
Alex Wood , A. T. Fllckingor and
others are being named ns probable
candidates on the republican ticket for
alderman at largo.
A. Juinociratic Hci'orin.
Last night there wns a strange donou-
inentintho democratic camps. The re
has of late been borne talk about the ox-
travaganoo of the present city govern
ment , and especially in regard to the
salaries of city olllcers , which have been
In each of the ward caucuses there
was sprung upon the unsusceptiblos a
resolution intended as a cut onthe sal
aries of democratic ollieials. For such
a cry for reform and retrenchment to
como from the ranks of the jjarly itself ,
and be directed to tlio ollieials of the
same party , came as a surprise to many.
Tlio resolution was the .same in each
ward and read as follows :
Whereas , There is considerable dis
satisfaction prevalent among the people
owing to the passage of a city ordinance
by the city council increasing the sal
aries of the mayor , city attorney and the
several city olliccrs ; therefore bo it
Resolved , Hy the democracy of the
ward , that they nro in favor of the
ropOal of the ordinance increasing tlio
salaries of the several city ollieials.
In the First ward the resolution was
received rather noisily , but as it dawned
upon the assembled disciples of democ
racy what it really meant , there wns a
cold , clammy silcnco fell upon them ,
and they waited. Finally it wns moved
to lay it oivthe table , and the motion
In the Second ward the resolution was
not presented , and the meeting ad
journed without hearing of that dissat
isfied kick.
In the Third ward the resolution was
introduced by , T. J. Trainoy , who de
manded its adoption. W. J. Connor
moved that it be changed to include
only the mayor's balary , and then seconded
ended the motion to adopt it. J. M.
Shea movedt lay it on the table , when
a motion to "adjourn was introduced nnd
carried amid great confusion. The
lights wore at once put out , and the
crowd groped its way through the dark
ness to the lighted street.
In the Fourth ward it shared the
same fatoand wns carefully stored away
in a corner.
Kcimbllcnii < ily Convention.
The republicans of the city of Coun
cil BlutTb will meet in delegate conven
tion on Thursday , February 28 , at 7:30 :
o'clock p. m. at the court house for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
The primaries for tlio election of dele
gates to suid convention will bo hold on
Wednesday evening , February 27 , at
7:30 : o clock at the following named
places :
First Ward At John Hammer's of
fice , upper Broadway , and select seven
Second Ward At the city building ,
and select eight delegates.
Third Ward At. the court house , and
nominate one alderman and select eight
Fourth Ward At court house , and
nominate one alderman and select ten
delegates. J. F. Kv.\xs ,
How Evidence In Obtained.
' 'They nro wholly and unqualifiedly
'aUo , " said Captain A. Ovorton ycstor-
luy , referring to the charges appearing
n yesterday's Hornid , to the effect that
10 had bribed the witnesses in the con
tempt case against Henry Wagner.
"So far as I am concerned , " continued
.he . speaker , "I have never bribed a
witnobs on the stand , and Mr. Dolong
can tell you hinibolf what he has done.
i do not deny that I am spending money
o close up the saloons , but it is going
through legitimate channels. i am
laying several persons for securing
evidence , but none of these parties ever
goon tlio witness stand. >
It IB their business to go around the
various saloons and BOO who is drinking
hero , and these drinkers are the ones
vho are subpuunacd to give their tehtl-
uony in court. Wo have evidence
igainst nearly all of the saloons , and
his is all in the hands of our attorney ,
Mr. Sims. But BO far as the Herald's
charges of bribery are coneornrd. there
s not the slightest foundation forthom.
Tim witncbs Sales , whom they sintrlo
mt in particular as having received $00
or his testimony , I am not acquainted
vith , and am not aware that I over saw
im , The charges are us untruu as they
ire ridiculous , and are undoubtedly
nadu as a bluff to deter other witnc&sefl
rom testifying. "
A mutual Aim.
The momborb of the Omaha gun club
mvo signified a desire to unite with
.ho Manawn gun club , of this city , in
ho erection of n olub-houM > in the west
ern part of the city , It Is also the in-
cntiou to lay out grounds and a I'auco
vhero weekly shoots may bo hold. The
den is to have the location near the
olontrlo motor line , probably in ICviins1
addition , where it would bo easy of ac
cess for both clubs.
"The question has not boon submitted
0 our club yet , " said Billy Ilardln yes
terday , but it will provo n go without
1 doubt. You see the Mnnnwa grounds
mi qulto u little outof tlio.way , and the
locution ollerd superior ad-
vnntngds. The Omnlm follows want to
como over to this frido , nnd if their plan
is carried out wq will have a mighty
flno club-houso there buforo the end of
this season. "
If the Bchomo is carried through tea
a succosslul termination it will do much
to encourage the members of both clubs ,
and will doubtless lead to the arranging
of several club matches , us well as nidi- '
yidunl prize shoots in the near future.
The few of the Council Bluffs members
who have been scon nro greatly In fnvor
of the plan , nnd the matter will bo
brought up nt the next mooting.
A School nonrd Scheme ,
"I didn't know until I read THK BKB
yesterday that the school board wns di
viding up the appointments of teachers
us they would divide up the profits of n
syndicate , " remarked one of the read
ers. "If that's the way the teachers
are to bo appointed. I don't see why the
board don't go a little further. Sup
pose they take the school , fund for the
year , say $ * iO,000 , and divide it up into
six equal parts , there being six mem
bers with equal authority , and ono hav
ing as much of a right to say whcro tlio
money should go as another has. That
would make $10,000 nplocc , and then
each member could expend it us seems
best to him. Of course each member is
elected by the people , and is responsible
to the people. Why not let each ono
handle his share of the fund then ?
There's just as much sense to that us
there is to dividing up the Innnbcr of
appointments for teachers , and letting
each member elect a certain number. '
Certain changes have boon made ir
the location of some of the members o
the lire department , and politics is bait"
to be nt the bottom of the move. The
center of operations is No. 4 fire house
which is located in the fourth ward. I
is claimed that the firemen who nro not
ardent supporters of Alderman Lacy
have boon removed to No. 3 hose house ,
which is iu the second ward , and their
phiocs filled by No. 4 by rcdhot Lucy
men. The men wno were removed are
unable to say why thcchango was made.
Tlio chairman of the llro committee
could afford no in formation on the sub
ject. The assistant chief stated that ho
did not inaico the change and did not
know why it wns done , but suggested
that it might have been done in order
to have a carpenter nt No. 3 house to
repair the damage done to his stall by
" " the fractious lire horse
"Jerry , re
cently stationed thoro.
The theory that it was u political
move is tlio one generally accepted , and
there are none who ridicule that idea.
It seems to bo generally conceded that
the Lacy supporters will make a hard
light if ifeccssary , and are leaving no
stones unturned. It is staled that
several Inburors , who have always re
sided in other parts of the city , have
quietly moved to the third ward , and
that certain admiring friends pro now
naying their board. The story is given
for what it is worth.
Copy Ones Astray.
Through an uufortunate accident , late
copy from Council Bluffs containing the
account of the democratic primaries ,
reached the oflicc too late for use.
J. J. King was in Scnbnor on Monday of
list week attending a law suit , nnd took
with him tlitf lollowini ; persons as witnesses :
Frank Harmcl , Will Sliepard and Mrs. J. J.
[ Chip. wr. ft. Dicrs , Jalto Hnrincl , and
C. Hill were also called down on the saint1
cnso. Tlio case will have another hearing
on tlio USth. as on tlio ilr&t licaiini the jury
was divided , bolng four for and two ugaiust
Mr. King.
There were eight cars of cattle shipped
from here on Tuesday.
Corn comns in slowly this week on account
of cold weather.
Mrs. Lunn Shcpard icturned home on
Wednesday from nor visit to North 13cnd.
Mr. A. Wilbur moved over to his place
near North Bond on Monday of lust week.
Mr. U. U. Swfillum and family expect to
; o cast on a visit soon.
The Literary met on Saturday , and after
istcnmg to a well rendered programme , dis
cussed at some length the question , "Re
solved , That railroads are a detriment to
this country. " The judges' decision on the
merits of the question were three negatives ,
md on the merits of the debate
wo affirmatives and ono nega-
ive. The ( juestinn for next
Saturday is "Hesolved , That the soldier de
serves moro credit than the statesman. "
MissLefllor came down on Friday from
West Point oa a visit to Mr. John Shoiwrd's.
3ho returned homo on Sunday.
M. J. Kennedy , section foreman and his
nen were called out on the work train on
Saturday to throw off ties ulong the line.
Hon. Henry Spriek and Mr. A. D. Lewis
pout the tlrst three days of last week noting
ho doings at the state capital.
Several cases of sickness arc reported
among the children of this pluuo. Cases of
Idleness were in the families of Fred Hrund ,
James Cook and A. 1) . Lewis. Tr. 13rown
reports several cases In Dodgu county , Tlio
liscase scorns to bo epidemic. The promi-
icnt symptoms is the swelling of the face
larticularly the oycs.
Owing to the cold weather the dance nt the
mil was not attended by many of the merry
ones Friday night , but these present enjoyed
hemsclves immensely , particularly the
Two old rcsidcnco of Washington county
mvo lately died. 1'etor H. IJonner , who was
ounty clerk for eiirht years' , was buried
Sunday. Alex. Heed was buried Monday.
klr. Heed was county treasurer of Wushing-
iiKton county for twelve years. Homier
and Heed were both in ofllco at the sumo
line , *
Mrs. Helen Oougar lectured In the Moth-
dist Episcopal church hero Saturday evening
n prohibition and high license , but she got
( T her subject , and remarks were simply < 11-
ectod uguinst the republican party and Tim
) M MIA Liii : : . Slid stated that Harrison was
sleeted by the combined inlluonuo of the PU-
0011 clement. She made an attack on
i'jiu OMIIAII lien , claiming it was
> ought up by Her. A few prohibitionists
ricd to ruiso a cheer at this Rtngo , but it was
uuh au old "chestnut" that it failed. She
md u good audience , consisting principally
if women and children. After lecturing
wo and a halt hours , part of the audience
ot up nnd loft.
The sudden change In the wenthor last
'liursday caused a great mnny colds.
The Commercial hotel is doing a largo bus-
ness , under the management of Mr. Mayle.
The supper given by the ladies of the
tlothodist Episcopal church on Tuesday of
ast week , was a success Jlnuncinlly.
The Uliilr Drauiatlo company will play
Nevada" at Missouri Valley anil t Arling.
on noon.
E. P , Swain took In Papilllon and Omaha
ast Tuesday.
H. Inheldcr of Cedar Crcoit , .Neb. , was in
town Thursday morning.
A. M. Murdouk and I. L. Freonmn took in
) mahii by gaslight lust Saturday night.
lD. . IJall a student of > the Omaha Com-
inrcial college , spoilt Sunday In town with
is cousin , U. L. Strain.
Mlos Mary Sfhaal who is attending the
Ouniha Dusinuss college , Is visiting with her
Kirunts this week.
Mr. Wm. Marshall of Humbolt , Neb , , is
pending a week with his sou. J.V. .
Jauus Mclutca ot Gretua , was In town
'hurmluy morning looking after a fci5U note
onio party had forged liln nainnto nnd Hold.
Vt this writing tlio nauiu of thu forger
a unknown ,
The pOHtonlco. hits been removed fiom the
Doll Itogora miUitlng on the noitli suler
of Main street to the F'crfcin ' * building on
the corner of Main nnd Jfooojid streets.
Sprlngllbld , not wiHko"oUicr town * near
Onmlia , has the best site lor the locntlon ot
Fort Omaha , nnd some ot ! our citizens nro
going to Walt upon the nuUicrtitlcs and show
up the mt ny advantages no ! * 8sed over the
other towns. 1JJ. ,
George nnd Fred Hurg left lot Saturday
night with n carload ofiilioracs , cows and
farming Itniillmonts for Hof'Sprlnps , Dak , ,
wlioro they will try homcsteadlng for
awhile , . > i
H Costs Five Slillllticfl ' , ' ( \ OlnBS nnrt
ConsuiniitlvcsiOrifik IN
A London cbrrospondfliit'of the Drug
gists' Bulletin writes ! ' "On turning
down Oxford street , my attention was
attracted by n huge sign on the opposite
side of the street and also by the num
ber of people Hocking into the building.
The sign rend ns follows : 'Wlmloid.
Infallible cure for consumption. Dis
pensing hours 8 to 10 n. m. , and 8 to 5 p.
m. Entering the building I was nt a
loss xvlin to make of the matter , ns nil I
could see wns the crowd nnd u Inrgo
tnuk in the center of the room. This
tank was some 70 foot long , 30 feet
wide , and as I learned afterward , about
I0 ! feet deep , having been constructed
at u great expense. While waiting pa
tiently for developments I found that
the liquor was being lowered or lot out
by some moans. Soon n smooth , black
surface appeared to view , nnd us the
water continued to recede J became
aware that a captive whale was on ex
hibition. Surprised nt not having to
pay an admission fee , I wns soon mndo
aware of the reason. A framework
hudv been constructed , on which
the animal rested , nnd woon an export
milkmnn wns cngngcd iu extracting for
the consumptiveswhnloid , or whale's
milk , which was greedily absorbed at 5
shillings porglnss. Tills plan seems to
bo identical with 'that of the milkmen
in Naples , who load a cow to tlio door
and deliver the lluid in the prcsoncco
the consumer , so that the latter can bo
satisfied that no illegal dilution is in
dulged in. I hardly recovered from my
surprise at this unique idea of getting
nature's own emulsions , when I wan to
encounter a severe shock. Joining the
throng who wore leaving , I found my-
solfting further down the street toward
Southampton row. The place of at
traction proved to bo , however , a
smaller building , also labelled in a
mysterious manner : 'Codloids. Au
thorized agency protected by letters
patent. " " Supplied to subscribers only.
Speeitic for rheumatism and consump
tion. ' Now , what do you suppose cod-
loids proved to bo ? Why , eggs of the
codlisn , and wonderfully largo ones ,
too. They wore retailed at 2 shillings
per egg , and eaten raw with a little
sodium chloride , which in plain Kng-
lish means salt. . I retired thnt night
with the conviction thnt our native
thernpoutics and pharmacy wore in a
very primitive ; condition , and had been
obscured ' . ' ' '
by a largc-sizqd 'filoudoid.
Itoljber or Jixnccnii < Iliig.
"Chorchps ; la fominoI"Jacques Meyer ,
the financier who ran awa.wcfrom Paris
in November last , leaving behind a do-
licit of something like 40,000 , or
( i,000,000 frnnosj has just < been arrested
in Brussels , mainly thrp'ugll the unin
tentional instrumentality of his old
llamo , Marguerite Ugaldov the actress ,
says a Paris uc&patch to London * Tele
graph. Poor Jacques had been vi&itiug
a deceit capitals for chtngo-of : air hinco
his hasty departure from tl $ metropolis
of pleasure , which has been'tho ruin of
so many promising but itoo' ambitious
young men like M. Meyer. The refugee
iirst went to Jersey , then , to Gucrn&oy ,
where ho was described tfyitho landlord
of the hotel as luiviug nl-beatiful wo.innn
an out-and-out Paritjionnc with him.
Prom Guernsey "Jules Michel , " ns ho
called himself , went to Liycrpool , and
eventually to London. After that ho
was dogged by a detective to sunny
Italy. lie paid Hying visits to Genoa ,
Florence , Turin , and next entered
Swiss and German territory , wlioro the
limior to § { . sight of him. Sharp M.
Goron , of the Suroto , however , hoard
that Jacques's ' fair friend Marguerite
IJglado wns engaged to play Boulotto
in ' 'Barbe-Bleuo" at the Calories Saint-
Hubert , in BrusfcclSjSohosent twoplain-
clothps men to "prospect nroiui" tlio at
tractive actress. The detectives played
their part so well that they somehow or
other found a letter from Mo.yor to Mile.
Ugnlde , giving her an appointment at
La Huppe. Out to the trystiug-place
went the policemen and captured their
quarry \yithout any tronBlo. Meyer
nearly fainted when the grim detec
tives appeared. He had only , 32 in
his possession out of a sum of 1200 which
hud lately been sent him from Paris.
lie was taking lessons in Russian at
Brussels , in order to be able to accom
pany his amie to St. Petersburg.
A Forcible Objection.
America : Mi&s Beacon ( of Boston )
' You western girls are dreadfully
slangy. Do you know I heard n Chicago
Sfirl say the other day that she would
get there with both feet. ' "
Miss Dearborn "Yes ; wo nro some
what given to that sort of thing. Is it
true that Boston girls are ; ih ns defi
cient of beauty as they are said to be'1" ;
Miss Beacon l > Wo may not bo hand
some , but in the matter of culture wo
irrivo at our destination with both of
Dur pedal extremities.
Tallow , Pelts , Wool &Fursi
market prices. I'rompt returns. KiO
uiul K i Main Bt. . Council HlulTn. Ioa. .
Meets , DeslgneK aM.SflperMcnilentt
of Conslrnctioa , -
\lr. \ IIcrHiiKliof was Hej'pn. ' . ' yoara
Fisher & Lonry , and h.u
designed iniiiiy of lhe.liiMt ) blocks
in Oniahii mill CouuclLJJlurrs.
Plans anil SpeciflcatioiisPrepaKil } ; anJ
Estimates made on Aplicatioii ,
Studio , llooni ii OpcMJIpuse Jiluck
Fuel Merchants , Watch TheSlGNS
,3l Soufh.MalnST.
5V .B.GARD IN E R.- '
. , Poorl _ . .
W ®
. ,
& ro
MM I Will
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
ot interest.
Fine farms close to Bluffs to exchange
for city property.
Western laiut to exchange for city
Big bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good fresh stock crrocerios to exchange -
change for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $775Jo $4,000.
Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coch-
ran's and most all additions to city.
Fine acre property for sale from $100
tOoOO less than present worth.
No. 10 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
WANTKD ( Jlrl for general housework lit tl.'S
Tlilnl street.
TTlOlt HUNT Two nicely furnhncd rooms for
JL1 iiianiinilwlloortwogontlomcn.wltli usoof
b.iths. Ho.itucl by furnace. 'HI South Seventh
street , Ameiit block.
WANTED The people to try the City Stcixm
Laundry , : u North Main.
FOR KRNT Cheap , two handsome , new , six-
room cotta e-i , ninth of tiansfor. Council
Itlnirs. Jiujuho Ill.uid Itlshtor , Mil avc. mid
iilst St.
FOll HUNT Tlio thiee story erick htoro room
No. 407 llroiul ay. The location is one of
the best In tlio . 'Ilia
city. building lias Tieon oc
cupied toy the last twenty yews byt M Illor & Co. ,
liaidwarc , nnd would be a very ileslruble loca
tion for H lianlware business on that Account.
John lleunett.
or MY OWN imiissiNn
Iowa Cattle , F&d on Iowa Corn ,
Ami will meet any honest cnmpetltto i on price *
lor rlrst-iJInss JIo its.
12O Bromlwny. - - Telephone 2O1.
Corner Main nml Hroaduny ,
Dealers In foreign ; .ml domestic cxclmnco.
Collections made and intoiestimld oa tinio de
Novel , pleasing and practical. For the
parlor , the church , , the Chautmuiim circle ,
circle , the society hall. The only monthly of
its kind In tie ) United Status. Only $1 a
year. Samples , 10 cents.
KASTnu EMIII.'EM SERVICE Very unique. No
rehearsals needed. Only 60 cents for a sup
ply for uny school , of any Rizc. Address
Council HluffB , Iowa , J 1C. llarltncss , Mana
ger. Puhlisheis of "Olil District School , "
' , QuU Social,11 "EvenhiK With Art , " etc.
What a Shirt
If you had Uken It to tlio City btcum laundry
t wouldn't look so ,
31 .Main . trcef ? Telephone 141.
and Naturalist.
J Permanently located at No. Ii North Sixth Street , opposite pout-
5rol { I olllce. on uuitiirllno. Council Itluirn , Iowa.
Illrda anil animals mounted naturally out1. In the best mvthcd of
\VairantedtopieheiV8foryearK. I'ortlj ! ! ! birds supplied
jii hhort notice. IHghcHt price paid for owls and huwkH of all kind * . I'n'sons sending onlcri
insured of perfect sutlufaetlon , hur dressing a bjieclalty , Write for particulars ,
Anil set' her Cue linn of Hair OooiN , FIXKST IIA IK
OHN'AMU.YJ'S In the city.VI \ ( , ' " , Hoards , otc , ,
for Item or Salo.
ilLUTII AM > C'OVI.IJ A.\l < '
\0. 'JO .1IAI.ST. . . ;
rjj.ui. limT.ivi.-ritoiii'i jirruxrio.v.
An old established Boot and Snoe business
in Oounoil Bhiffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years "in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. O. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate-
JN" . P. DODG-E , Executor.
25 TO 300
Specification * and estlmate < turnlfdird for rompli'to stoaiu plant' ) . Itceiilatlon. Durfcblllty ( luir
antced. ( .au bhow letter * from nsws .viiuru I'ncl Ucounniy in njual with CoilHs Noit-Coiulon-jln ; ; .
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send forCatalogue. . No. 81O Peui-1 Street , Council Bluffs.
. H is tlio most durable Piano ir.aile.
'J. Jt impiovci under use. .
It. It iui'i moro voluma of tone than any other instrument.
4. Jt BtnnilH in tiinu longer thiui uny other Pliiiio.
5. Jt is the only Piano with the new patent harp stop.
U is t ho only Piano with the nctv metal Jcoy support
T , It is unequalled in oction.
6. It IcaOa all nthord uinonir the host ji joplo.
i ) . It is the liiiiiilsonieaL Piano imuli\
10. And siioit important of all Ii Is sold n
! t7 , < > oo or
ivo. 1 0:1 : .IIAI.V sTitr.iiT , < , oi/.vcir. ui > ii'iss ; , IA.
Dl/l M Dl M C Hydraulic and Smiitiiry lOiiffliiuar. fjans ) , Kstiinaton
, Dmi\IINDllNL Sc | , < ; lllcatloiiH. Supurvinlon of Public U'orU. Hi-own
Hiiilding , Council liluffs , I own.
I\I QP H I I R7 Jusllt ° ° ' l' ' > c i'011-1. Ollico over . 'Vinerli'iin li. No. 410
JJromlwny , Council Hlulfs , Town.
CTniVIC P. Cm/IQ / Atloni .vii-ut-r.iiw. J'ractlc/j iu tlio State anil " Kod-
OlUINt ( X OllVIO nrnl Court * . Knoins 7 and 6 Sliuptirt-Heno Hloolc ,
C'ouijcil HlnlTu. Iowa.
DIIDl/C J ? . CIMI C"V Attoriioyb-at-Luw. * Jloom Ki , Shugurt Illoclc.
DUniSL 6L rllNLLT uoundi mmra.
Maiiufautui'ori * and \Violcsulu )
Orders Promptly t'lllud nud Uullvcrcd.
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.