Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Old Disputes Coming Up Regularly
For an Airing.
Veterans Kccclvo n ItencUt Front tlio
Coffers of Uncle 8am General
nml Personal Cap-
itnl Notes.
LIKCOI.S OonBitj orTns OMAHA. Use , I
LISCOI.S. Feb. 20. I
Tlio case of Shcrwln & Co. vs. T. P. Gibbons
bens , on trial to-dnv before Judge Field and
n Jury , provokes considerable Interest In
conrt circles. It promises to ltwt tlirout-hout
tlio day. In April , 1837 , Gibbons owned ten
lucres of land n little north of Lincoln. Ho
put tbls Innd Into the jaiula of the plaintiff *
for sale on terms. A proposition was mndo
for Its purchase by Mrs. Bond , of Lincoln ,
with whom , In this stage of Uio transaction ,
was associated Mrs. Clnra Hcwlclc-Colby , of
Ueatrice. Tliu ilofcndmit declined the terms
then offered , but ho allowed some variance
In the condition" , by which the llrst payment
should beT > 00 Instead of * 2.T , > 0 , though the
tlnie payments wore so arranged that nt the
cud of thirty da } s the defendant wus to pet the
identical sum Hint ho WHS to luive Had under
the original terms. The transaction , it ap
peared , was rather a largo one , the total pur
chase price for the ten acres being Sl ! > ,000 , of
which about Imll would remain in niort-
cago. The plaintiffs nllCRO that on
those terms they sold the land and
got a f. > 00 deposit from Mrs. Bond
aud Mrs. McClcllcn. It will now
be seen that Mrs , McClcllan became as
sociated with Mrs. Uond In the purchase of
the property In question , and claimed MOO
commission. The defendant denies the nil-
thorlty of the agency thionglt which the sale
was made , and sots up that the deal was not
closed within the tlmo nor to the parties
stipulated to whom it should be sold at the
selling price. It is h.trdlv probable that the
case will bo given to the Jury before night.
In the case of Matthews vi Cropsey. the
jury returned u verdict for the plaintiff for
the .sum of W72 and cost of suit.
It flccms that llofcrco Johnson lined W.-ll.
Smith , Mr. Hurr and Mrs. ll.irr wfthout au
thority. At least Judge Field -so decided.
They did not have to par the $ -5 each im
posed , and in Justice to them it is well testate
state that they wore not put under arrest.
It seems that Mr. Bannnd daughter de-
clinca to answer certain < ] ticstlons In aid of
the execution in favor of the Qulncy Nnliona
bank , under instructions of Attorney Smith ,
and Mr. Johnson Imposed a tlne/unon them
In the sum stated mid ordered them com
mitted until the sum was paid. But it wus
thu opinion of the Judge ID open court that
tlio lefoii'o had gone beyond his province
and HO decided. This explodes some of the
sensational woilc In that already famous
Supreme Court Proceedings.
The following gentlemen were admitted to
practice : Italph W. Uieckcnridge , Thomas
Harnes vs McMurtry. Ko-argument or
dered. County of Hamilton vs llulner &
Kellogfr. Dismissed. Seclcy vs Smith. Con
tinued. Hlchnidson County vs Musslcinan.
Motion for rehearing sustained.
The following causes were argued and
submitted : Chicago , Uurllngton & Quincy
railroad company VH James. Two cases.
Aultman & Co. vs Front. Hamilton vs
Fleming. Jeffrey vs Fleming.
Tlie following cases wore Hied :
George W. Sprook ot al vs Lydta Spain ;
error from -York county.
State of Nebraska c * rel Wilbur F. Bry-
nut vs Ephraui Laurcr ; mandamus.
Andrew Stoubovs Edward C. Neagbijerror
fiom York county.
John M. Thomas vs L. A. Etwcin : error
from Perkins county.
Mnr.V A. Smith vs Fred Poffciilauger ;
error trom York county.
An Open hotter.
OMAHA , Feb. 25 , 18SO. To the Live Stock
Sanitary Commission , Lincoln , Neb.
Gentlemen : I am Informed that it is pro
poned to repeal that portion of chapter 4 , of
the compiled statutes of Nebraska , providing -
ing for a state voteiinarlaii mid defining his
duties and powcis.
As n person interested in standaid bred
ami high bred trotting horses , I wish to pro
test against such repeal. 1 am confident , that
the pecuniary bcnctlts of the law to this slate
have ; exceeded the cost of operating it ,
under the law , live to one at least.
Corn and live stock are the foundation
stones of the wealth of thu state. Mo species
of live stock is increasing In volume aud
value in the state at so rapid u rate as horses.
Some of the uest horses In the union are now
bred and owned in the state.
No man can euro or check hog cholera.
But the contagious and ooidemic diseases to
which horses are subject are undei stood and
the methods of prevention are plain and ef
fective. Tim average market value of the
liorso exceeds that of every other species of
live slock at least Unco to one ; hence , there
must bo a vast increase in its production
nnd valuo. With the law as it
now stands , and nu cfllclcnt service
under it , it Is the safest , most protitablo and
best spedeb of live stock to breed and 'own.
With tin" law repealed , and no other substi
tuted n its place , it will bo tlio most hazard
ous species of live stock to breed and own.
At this stage of the legislative session , If
repealed , nothing can bo substituted in Its
place. In my Judgment the state receives In
bcnellt live times the cost of the commission.
1 respectfully urge thcioforo that the law bo
preserved In its present form. If abuses
have crept Into its ndmititratiou , cure them ,
but do not destroy the law. i hope the com
mission will exert Itself to prevent what
seems to bo a tlucalcned disaster to the
state. Yours very truly ,
A. J.
Syracuse In vestment Company.
The Syracuse Investment company seeks
to do business under the laws of the state-
governing corpoi ations , and has tiled articles
of Incorporation lu tlio ofllcc of the secretary
of state. The company will loan money ,
negotiate loans , buy and sell notes , mort
gages and other securities , and also buy and
sell nnd improve real rstato and transact all
other business of an incidental natuic.
Match 1 is stipulated as Hie date for the
commencement , of business , which will con
tinue for n period of fifty years , unless other-
wlxu ordered by u majority vote of the stock
holders. The company authorizes u capital
stock of f50JOO ( , which Is divided into slmics
of $100 each. Following nro tlio Incorpor-
atois : I'elcr W. Hlsser , Seymour SkllT ,
Dnnvcrhc Drlff , Edwin Andrews , Morris
Dennis and Albeit Joyce.
A. SiilJHtjiullnl llcncflt.
The Soldiers und Sailors' homo of Nebras
ka received its * llrst hcncllt from the United
states govern mont to-tlay. This comes under
the act of congress of August 27th , 18SS ,
granting aid to state and territorial soldiers'
and Bailor1 homes. This uct practically be
queaths $100 per annum each to the disabled
soldier or sailor miniates of the homes , but
it Is mndo payable to the state und is put in
the state fund appropriated for tholr suppoit
nnd maintenance. Governor Thayer to-day
received chock 83,123 for fl.tUO.M , the
amount duo the Nebraska homo to December
OUt of the jeur hist expiring.
Clfy NIMH anil Notot ,
Wlulo In Lincoln lait night doomo Don-
aldson , of Nebraska City , received a tele
gram announcing the sudden death of hit
lister nt North Hcnd , Wls. , and ho left on
the outgoing train to attend tier funeral ser
vices , which will bo held to-morrow at 'J
o'clock ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe W. Smith , of Tnlmaec ,
Otoo county , who have been Jioro visiting
friends during the past few days , returned
lionio to-day *
"No one will mourn In sackcloth and
ashes , " lomurked n rlti/cn to-day , "If the
legislature knocks out the stuto agricultural
farm ami orders Us salo. It ban boon n
money losing institution fiom the first. "
Warden Hopkins added Hvo convicts to his
already largo family yesterday ana to-dav.
They were sentenced at Henklemaii , Dundy
county , for ono your each. They were a portion
tion of n band of horsoiiml cuttlif thiovos.
FroU McDonald , latu of the Ml third hotel ,
Omaha , will arrive hero to-morrow to tulto
a hand In the management of the popular
Capital of this city , The now ilrm com
mence a business Journey togcthiir on the
ila.v following , and their many friends hope
It will proro a prosperous ono.
"Cnn'tout n tiling. " Hootl's Snrsn-
parilla is a Avondcrfut medicine for
creating nn nppotltu , reKtilutuiR diges
tion , nnd pivinjj strength.
The Story of Depravity PrcylnK Upon
When Tim IJnK wont out into Nebraska
last week , ono copy of it carried sorrow Into
n happy home , for It told a father where ho
might Und nn erring daughter , It told bow
nn Incoming train nt the Wobstcr street
depot brought In a white girl , who was met
by only one friend , nnd that n colored man
of unsavory reputation , a runner for a house
of prostitution on Douglas street. Names
could not bo given , but a description was ,
nnd that description answered Its purpose In
n two-fold manner. In the tlrst place it
prevented the girl from being placed In n
house of ill repute , as the sickly , saddle-
colored negro who was her escort was afraid
of the conseqiionccs , nnd she secured a situ
ation In the Kitchen of the Merchants' hotel.
Then it told her father to look for her In
Omaha , and ho did.
Yesterday morning ho came in from Boone
county , In. , nnd at once proceeded to police
hoadnuurters , where bo produced a number
of letters proving beyond a doubt his re
spectability. Ho gnvo the name of Gustavo
Stiamburg , nnd said tlio girl was his daugh
ter Jennie. Ho allowed her to cotno' to
Omaha for employment , und while there slio
bouiuic acquainted with .lonn Dean , tlio
mulatto porter of n brothel. Part of this
coming to his cats , ho brought her homo , but
bho managed to get away again and was re-
turnln'g to Omaha , when the ro ) > ortcr saw
her. nml learned Hint. Dean had sent her $15
for traveling expenses , An ofllccr accom
panied the father to Dean's "pluco of busi
ness1 whcro that worthy said it was n case
of mistaken . Identity , and that It was
n brother of his who had taken her away.
Ho also gave a wrong address as to the pluco
in which slio was working. The police
found ihcso to bo misleading , nnd that Dean
was deliberately lying. The girl was lo
cated at the Merchants , where she said she
was going to remain until she m.irncil Dean ,
being unaware that the law In this state will
not authorize mixed marriages. As slio was
of age , her father could not compel her to
return with him , and nothing could bo done
with the negro. Later lit the day , however ,
a colored woman residing on Twelfth street ,
swore out a warrant against Dean on the
chaige cf assault , und now features were de
veloped. It was learned that he had a wife
nnd thrco chllilion of his own color , boarding
with "Aunty" Fanny Hall , and that whqn
anything disturbed his peace of mind ho. ro
taliutod by abusing them. Ho accordingly
celebrated his rcleaso from the police sta
tion by administering the usual c.istigaliou
but lo suuli nn extent that bis landlady
swore out the warrant. Ho Is behind tlio
bars on that charge , and will probably 10-
maln there. In the meantime Strauiburg
will have this additional opportunity of
showing his daughter the utter woithless
ness of the black wretch who was endeavoring -
ing to lead her astray.
TlioJHest l-ia'.U Plans of Mlco mid
Gang aft aglcc. " Not so Hosteller's Sloin-
nch Bitters. It goes right to the spot it is
designed to bcnclluallv affect , and thcro is
no tardiness In Its uctiou. But whlloitia-
lioves constipation In common with dysncp-
sia and liver complaint associate evils
the griping and abdominal dlsturoanco pro
duced by drastic purgatives never precede
its operation. Its thoroughness is unmarred
by violence , the chief characteristic of most
laxatives , and one that is highly prejudicial
to both bowels and stomach. It is only by
invigorating the intestinal canal , nnd thus
iltttng it to perform its oftlco as a natural
sluice for the effete matter of the system ,
that its rcgularit&can be perpetuated. To
weaken by drenching is to insure its relapse -
lapse into disorder. Tills the Bitlers never
docs. Chills and fever , nervousness , kidney
complaints yield to the Hitters , and appetite
nnd sleep are improved by it ,
And Kcv. 15. A. Fo clHtrom lind Sonic
Bills to Pay. *
On Washington's birthdnv and Saturday
night a higcly advertised entertainment was
given In Exposition hall. It was entitled
"Tho Life of Joseph , " and was illustrated
by "twelve living tableaux. " There were
also several other features of a musical na
ture. The entertainment was advertised to
be given for the benclit of Itnmanucl hos
pital , the manager of which is the Ilov. Mr.
Fopclstrora , late pastor of the Swedish
Lutheran church. The entertainment , linan
daily , was a failure , and the failure has reacted
acted injuriously upon almost everybody con
nected with it.
The Rev. Mr. Fogolstrom was seen and
questioned about the matter and expressed
regret nt having had anything to do with it.
He stated that on the 'Jtli of this month , two
parties claiming to como from Gnlosburg ,
III. , namely , Charles Hobson and Prof.
Dahlboin , had como to him and shown him a
programme containing the tableaux referred
to and requested his permission for the pro
duction of the same for the benefit of the
hospital. The programme seemed uuob- ,
Jcctionablo nnd as Mr. Foirelstroui is deeply '
interested in his new institution , ho thought
that any money ho might receive in this way
would help him along in his laudable under
taking. A contract xvas drawn up and
signed by Messrs. Hobson and Dablbom
guaranteeing one-half of the proceeds , after
all cxpciihcs should bo paid , to the hospital.
Mr , Fogclstrom was under the impression ,
and this impression , it seems , was cncour-
ngcd by the articles of agreement , that ho
bad nothing to do but allow the use of the
numo ot Immanucl hospital und receive 50
per cent of the not proceeds. Ho had some
doubt , however , in entering into the agree
ment , and steadfastly refused in every way
to allow his name in connection with the en
The entertainment was extensively ndver-
libed and billed in thu name of Mr. Fogol
strom us well as that of Kev. Mr. Harsha ,
who also had never authorised the use of Ins
name and who , in fact , had never been con
sulted in the mutter.
A few nights before the perform-
mice took place the projectors of it
so Mr. Fogolstrom and gave hmi to
understand tliat Mr. Minor , manager of
Exposition hall , would not allow the use of
latter for the bcnellt of the hospital unless
Me. Fogclstrom's numo was connected with
U. This rather. Htrpiigtlusncd Mr. Fogol-
slrom's suspicions of hisjnanngcnai friends ,
yet , under the circumstances ho roltictently
uppoudcd hih numo to the contract for the use
of the hull , which provided for thu payment
of $40 u night , and this was to bo taken out
of each night's receipts. In the meantime ,
Mr. Fogolstrom made Inquiries In regard to
the gentlemen who Dad charge of the enter
tainment. and found that some of them bad
been conducting themselves In a
warrant the belief that the entertainment
would prove a flMle. Ho therefore saw
Chief Seuvoy , who advised him that nothing
could be done except allow the cnteituiu-
mont to go on and await results. Mr. Fogcl-
utrom , in thu meantime , was compelled to go
away to a conference in the center of the
state and loft hero to represent him Messrs.
A.Johnson and P. K. Flodtnan. The night
of the performance arrived pud uy this time
Mr. Fogolstroin had made up his mind to
taltu Hutllciunt to pay hlmsolf from the box-
ollico receipts for tickets sold , but found
that pluco In charpa of an express driver in
whoso house Prof , Dnhlbom had been board
ing. The professor icsolutcly refused Mr.
FogoUtroin permission to enter the ofilco nnd
continued to have his man soil tickets.
When the performance cnmo to a close ,
the box man was nowhere to bo
found. It was suspected that ho had
secured hlmsolf with sulHcient money to pay
the boaid bill which it was said Prof. Dalhboui
had Incurred. Saturday night tlio same
state of yITiUrs existed , although In the mean
time. Mr , FogcUtrom tried to soil tickets to
friends of his throughout the city tor the
put pose of In sonio iminnor getting himself
out of the dintuulty In which "ho had boon
placed , Mr. Fogolstrom's two friends men
tioned ubovo , Itoiit tally , however , of the re
ceipts of both nights , and found the total to
have been fill besides Hrj.SO in complimen
tary tickets , Il4.r > 0 of which worn given
by Robson. The total expanse * of Mr ,
Fogolstrom Including tha hall aud extra work
wuro f 103 , which amount \\na charged to Mr.
Fogolstrom. That gentleman sold { 9.75
worth of tickets himself , which still loft , him
In tlio Irolo frj.ii.5. Of this amount , however ,
Mr. Minor , of the Uall , cut oil t JJH ) , leaving
Mr , rogclstrom-flO.TSout by the enterprise
nnd without receiving ono cent for the hoa
pitnl. These are Mr. FoRclstrom's expend !
turcs , but It seems that Mr. Schmidt , cos
turner , furnished MO worth of material ti
Air. Dahlbom , for which ho has yet to ro
celvo pay , nnd the printer for his pasters
tickets nnd dodgers Is still to bo satisfied
Tuesday the costutnor had n warrant Issuei
for the arrest of Dahlbom , bnt tip to noon yes
tcrduy the arrest had not been made.
'VVoQilritflTGrnnlto Quarry.
I am prepared to furnish Wooilruf
granite * in pnvinp blocks , door silts tun
steps , or blocks of mrM any dltnentioi
nt chcnp figures. Also handle nt inj
Lincoln yard nil classes of cut stone foi
tiny part of the stato. Ask for figures. .
Thomas Price , Lincoln , Noh.
"If a woman is pretty
To mo 'tis no matter ,
Be she blonde or brunette.
So she lets mo look at her. "
An unhealthy woman israroly.if over ,
beautiful. Tlio peculiar diseases tc
which so many of thesox are subjccttm
prolillu causes of pale , sallow fncos. .
blotched with unsightly pimples , dull
lustorlcss eyes nml emaciated forms ,
Women t > o nlllictod , can bo permanently
cured by using Dr. Plorco's ' Favorite
Prescription ; and with the restoration
of health comes that beauty whichcom-
bincd with good qualities of head and
heart , makes women nnpels of loveli
ness. "Favorite Prescription" is the
only medicine for women , sold by drug
gists , nndur a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers , that it will give
satisfaction in every case , or money will
bo refunded. This guarantee has been
printed on the bottle wrappers and
faithfully carried out for many years.
Ho WnutH to bo nt the Head or the
Hallway Mall Service.
Word was received hero Monday that
Paul Vandorvoort had been appointed gen
eral superintendent of the railway mall ser
vice. The nnnouncoinont caused a great
deal of surprise to all Interested not because It
was assured that the appointment had really
been made , but that the usufruct chief clerk
should aspire to such a position.
The ofllcc of general superintendent of the
mull service is an appointive one , the appoint
ing power residing in tno postmaster gen
eral. The incumbent of the latter ollico will
retire on the 4lh of next month and will bo
succeeded by u member of President Harri
son's cabinet. With the latter gentleman
will rest the duty of appointing thn new general -
oral superintendent , who will undoubtedly
bo n republican. For the reason
that the postmaster general has not yet
taken his position , the rumor \7andervoorts
appointment may well be doubted. A re
port , probably more in accordance with the
fuels , is that the ofilco has been tendered
him In the event of his being nble to secure
u certain backing in this state , as well as in
other parts of the country. Yandcrvoprt is
certainly working in this direction. Ho is
now circulating u petition In Lincoln which
is intended as an indorsement of his aspira
tion to the oltlco mentioned. It is staled
Hint several of Uio members of Uio legisla
ture signed the document in thu hope- the
big political mendicant might secure the
place ; a number signed it in u merely
machine style , while quite a number
refused nbsolutely lo utlach their stgnutres.
One of the features of the case is the story
that Vandervoort's claim is being backed by
Senator Mandcrson. Ills said that the un
derstanding was arrived at during the last
department encampment at Kearney of the
G. A. K. The senator , Vandervoort himself ,
and a number of , strikers were present
when the deal was made. The rumor comes
from the cast , where in fact , for some time
it has been known that Vandervoort wanted
the ofllco in question.
In conversation with a reporter , Chief
Clerk Murphy , of the railway mall service
of this district , said thai the report had como
here from Chicago by moans of men on the
fast mall train , who , he said , frequently
cauio in contact V'th ' people who early ascer
tained everything that was about to trans
pire. .
A prominent eitben who had heard of
Yanderbum's aspirations said it was u dis
grace to the republican paity to think of
nguln putting so great a barnacle m a posi
tion of so much importance. Tlio present in
cumbent Is a Mr. Huncroft. His chief clerk ,
a man named Grant , as also a Mr. Jameson ,
who preceded Mr. Bancroft , are the other
candidates for the position.
The soft glow of the tea rose is ac
quired by ladies who use Po/woni's Com
plexion powder. Try it.
Ins truincnts Placed on Accord Dur
ing Yesterday , .
W L Selby et al to J W Taylor , 10 lu s e
n w ta-15-13 ( corrected trom yesterday ) ,
wd . ; . ! $ . > < 5,003
William Coburn , sheriff , to J W Uedford ,
lot labile 11. Hertford Place , wd . , . EDO
Thomas llrennan to L Swift , lot 18 , bit J ,
Bedford I'lnce. w d . GOO
J Numecand wife to A P Spltko. lot 19 ,
blk4. ICountre's 3d add. w d . 4,000
F A Smith and wife to N K Kurtz , lots 8
and , bile 1H , Curtilage , wd . 3.0CO
S S Curtis Rndwlfo to 1 l < Collier , lot 0 ,
blkO , llelvlderc.v d . COO
A J Morton to I'J Sackett , lot 11. bile 4 ,
Omalm View , w d . , . , . BOO
PJ Corrlgan.Tr , to IJ J Corrlpnn , lots 1 to
4 Inclusive , bit U , Corrlgan Place , w d. . . 1,35
J II Collmnn to J W Tnjlor , lots U ana
! . ' > , blk 1. and luta 8 and 'J , blk 4 , Man-
mouth Park , w d . 9,000
J T Paulson nnd wlfo to OV Ourlgan , lot
4 , bit 4 , William HnKeclorn's add , w d. . . 450
II Johnson , puardlnn , to O J Pickard , lot
K ) , blK 17. Oicliard Hill , guardian's deed 1,000
William O AllirlRht nnd wlfo to H I ,
Squires , lot II , blk 3 , Matthew's bub ,
wd . , . 600
A K Kill y ct al to T I Underwood , lots 7 ,
10 aud 12 , blkll ; Und lot 10 , bib S3 , Carth-
nge add , w d . 2,203
J P Williams nud wife to A T Smith , lot
IB , Palrmount place , wd . 3,500
J H Freedman ot al to Thomas liryan , lot
Ui , Kalrmount placo. w d . 3.590
A I.llioncron and wife to 1 S llascall , lot
: i. blkll ) . 8 K Hogers'ndd.Wd . 1,000
I S Hascall toP I , Llllcncron , lots , bllr 10 ,
8 I ! Rogers' add w d . 1,000
Win O AlbrlRhtand ulfo to U Miller , lot
18 , blk 31 , Albright's choice to Hontli
Omaha , w d . 75
Union htock Vords company to O H Mes-
ciendorr.lot ! y. blk 4 , 2d add to South
Omiilm , w d . CO ]
W A L Gibbon to C F Illckmun , lot 44 ,
Harlem bane , w d . COO
A Kmest and wife to M K James , n H of
lot , blkO , K'ountzo's : ) clii < lcl wd . 1,600
J W firlllltti , trustee' to M P Jensen , lot
is. blk , ilarner place , wd . JJOO
P II Taylor and wlfo to O W Gium , ua lots
In llrfclitnn lloarh. w d . 18,000
J K Htevens to K I. Mnulsby , lot 1 , Btev-
eiiH' sill ) , wd . . . . , . 4,000
Twenty-three transfers aggregating . .832HU !
nuiliiing I'ormits.
Tlio following building permits ware issued
yesterday :
K II Cooper , two story addition to dwell-
Ing.'llr.mllton and rorty-aecond street. . ' 1500
Jacob /linmermsn. onstory frumucot-
tiige , Iake and Thirty-second . 300
C Miidbore , one and one half story frame
dwelling , Sixteenth and Ogden . GOO
Anton Tumor , one-btory frame cottage ,
Twentieth and Castollar . 200
II J 1'ruyn. two one uud onu-lialC xtory
frame dwellings , lainl mul 1'weutleth , 2,000
Kivo penults . , . . . . , . * 4'MXI
Tho'moit.soiontillcconipound for the
euro of cougha , colds nnd till throat and
lung troubles is Dr. Iligolow's Positive
Cure , It is pleasant , prompt nnd safe.
60 cents und $1. Goodman Co.
Followlng uro thuitnarriago licu'iisas is.
suodyoUcrd'ay in the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name aud Residence. Age ,
Lafayette Cohum , Omaha . 20
Elton Gardner , Omaha . . . , . . . , . 21
A. J. Paustmn , Seward , Nub . 2J
Ida Werner , Omaha . ' )
Lowls S. floshor , Omaha . , . 31
Kllon Larson , Omaha . 10
John M. Daughorty , Omaha . 20
Clara Crelahton , Omaha , . , . , . 2.S
EliuerS. Clarke , Omaha. , . . . ' . . 27
Virginia May no , Otnalm . , , . , . . ,21
Frank O , Wagner , Omaha . 21
Annlu Gorgon , Omaha , . . . . . . , . . . , , , , . . , .20
That hacking coug huan bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Guru. Wo guunvntoe
it. For sale by Goodman lru Co.
MONoroi/r / WINS.
Hajtc.s oii < IjQtthin to IHitmh to tic A.U-
fvn'nccd Mnrcli O.
In thd contest between the Chicago sharks
nnd the westcri roads ori the grain trafllc
thy latter hnvo weakened and soon thd old
stole of ffnlr , will prevail. It was thought
that Chicago had lost Its grip on the western
product nnd tnat the western railroad's
would not b&&trumental ' in restoring the
patronage , beT such is not the case.
Yesterday mornlns the Fremont , Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley announced that on March
0 the rate qn Rraln would be advanced 3
cents per tort to Duluth making it the same
as the rate to Chicago from the grain bolt In
Nebraska. AUjiresent the rnto to Uuluth is
23 cents and to Chicago 25 cents. It Is stated
that the advance In rates was broueht about
by pressure upon the Klkhorn men by the
ofllclals of the Chicago & Northwestern
proper. It is also stated that the Uurlingtou
will put in n tariff to Duluth to correspond
wllh tlitit of the Ellthorn on the same date.
A prominent grain merchant when informed
of the action of the roads said the change
was nn outrage. _
Shops fitt * Iilncoln.
Ths Burlington Is making arrangements
for nn extension of Its slions nt Lincoln. The
plans have been drawn but to what extent
they will bo carried out could not bo ascer
tained. It is stated , however , that they will
bti constructed on n largo scale In the near
future nnd that n foundry and car construc
tion department will most likely bo added.
Dally VostUmlo Trains
Assistant General Manager Dickinson nnd
1C. Buckingham , chief car uccountunt of the
Union Pacific left for Denver Monday night.
It is stated that they have gone tbcro to com
plete arrangements for through service and
connection with the Southern Pacillc nnd
that in iho near fulure solid through trains
will bo run between Omaha nnd San Fran
cisco bv tbo Union nnd Southern Piicittc ,
When this Is completed the vestibule service
will bo dally. It Is nlso stated that daily
vestibule service on these two roads between
the Mlssourf river and the coast will bo in
augurated about April 1. After completing
their labors at1 Denver , Messrs. Dickinson
and Buckingham will Inspect the Kansas di
vision of that road.
ItcsolutloiiH Adopted.
The local members of the Kansas nnd Ne
braska Passenger association met In General
Passenger Agent Buchanan's ofllco yesterday ,
and passed rcsoluilsns of regret upon Uio ro-
tliotnent of J. S. Tcbbetts , a member of the
organization , from Ihe passenger arena. Mr ,
Tibbets will next Friday step down from Ihe
posiiton of general passenger agent of the
Union Pncille , and assume the position of
assistant general freight agent of that road.
The resolutions wore high sounding aud
Freight Train Wrcokctl.
Another train wreck occurred on the
Union Pacific Monday night. As freight train
No. 23 was approaching Gardner , Neb , , cast
bound , an axloof ono of the curs broke , re
sulting in thico box cars , loaded with
freight , Jumping the track and toppling over.
The cars were almost totally wrecked and
tnoconlents were sonie\\ hat damaged. No
other injury resulted. The accident dcinjed
thu train east bound thrco hours.
Railroad Notes.
Tbo gas meter faded to work at the Union
Pacillcdcpot Monday night and shortly aftrr 7
o'clock without a moments warning llicllghls
wcr.t out and" the mammoth structure was
enshrouded in darkness. The disti ict in the
vicinity was scoiared for lamps und after
about an hour's work the building was again
illuminated ' 'by lamu light.
Engines 777 nnd 931 have emerged from the
shops after.baving received a thorough over
hauling. The latter is convcited into a road
engine but was fbrmerly used in the yaids
for switching purposes.
Those vrjio'take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic never haS'c dyspcpsiacostivoncss ,
bad _ breath } piles , pimplcsngue and ma
laria , pooi1 appetite , low spirits , head
ache or ludney.troubles. Price 50ccnts.
Goodman Drug Co.
Arrangements l''or the Race Com
pleted nnd to Open April 1.
Preliminaries of the great cowboy-horse-
bicycle race were effected last nlgiit and it
will come oft at the Colosseum , commencing
April I and continuing one wccic. Last
night John S. Prince , on behalf of the bi
cycle contestants , and Bonn is Cunningham
and E. Booth , representing Buffalo Bill's
staff of cowboys , mot at tbo Paxton ,
and nfter a series of wrangling over
provisos the agreement was reached , the
race to be for n purse of $2,000 81,000 being
put up by the bicycle riders nnd n similar
amount by the opposlto side. The following
agreement was catered into in addition to
the above : The cowboys to bo two In num
ber , and in case of a rldor being incapaci
tated a substitute to bo allowed. Twenty
tiorsos to be allowed , but in case any plays
out , none to bo taken from the outside ,
the race to be continued by tha remainder.
Tno race to commence at 2 :30 : p. in. each
day and continue eitUt ; hours , ending at
10:30 : p.m. The ulcyclo riders are three m
number , to relieve each other every hour ,
the same privilege being given the cowboys.
Aside from tha purse the race will bo for
05 and 33 per cent of the gate receipts.
Ceorgo Canliold is chosen llnal stakeholder
and the referee to be chosen the day or com
mencement. Four Judges will also preside
to maninulaWthe raco. The first deposit of
W500 a side to bo deposited to-day , and tlio
Inal amount the Saturday before the race.
This promises to bo ono of the leading sport-
ng events of the season.
For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills
Colonel Hall's Promotion.
The telegraph yesterdn'y brought the
lows from Washington that it is rumored
that Colonel Robert H. Hall , inspector of the
department of the Platte , will succeed Col
onel Lazello in charge of the war records
ofllco at Washington. On the subject , Colo-
icl Hall , .vho was seen , yesterday , said
10 bad no Information. Ho heard of the
rumor previously , the same having been
given currency In the columns of n
Now York paper. The colonel's associates
are greatly pleased over his piospccts of sue-
cecdiug Colonel Lazollu and speak of him as
n every way qualified for the position.
tlio duties of the ofllce consist m suporvls-
ng the publication of the recoideof both
ho union and confederate armies
luring the war of Iho re-
mllion. Thus far twcnty-ono volumes
mvo appeared. Colonel La/cllo , who 1ms
iad charge until recently retires fiom the
ofllce because of his promotion to u colonelcy
Colonel Hall was the recipient yesterday o
nn excellent photograph of old Wnshnhta , the
white man's friend , The old worrlorvn
lopged out In pltimo. nfitl robe , nnd pipe , nni
looked as happy as If ho had never kuowi
the troubles of his race.
Chaplnln Hlaln has called ncrmvontlon of
chaplains to bo hold lu this city May 11. I
is said the Catherine will bo well attended I
the war department approves of the applies
tloas for Icavo of absence ,
An Absolute Cure.
MKN'T Is only put up In largo two ounce tli
boxes , and U nn absolute cure for old sores
burns , wounds and chapped hands , nnd nl
skin eruptions. Will positively euro nl
kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL All
lETINi : OINTMENT. Sold by Goodmni
Drug Co , nt S3 cents per box by mall &
Uuntltijr ii | > a Fortune In hong-Sot tied
Oin.ilia Lois.
A lengthy document , investing D. U. Pro-
bnscoof Kansas City with power ot attor
uey to look nfter nnd settle up nn old estate
In this city , has been lllcd with the recorder
of deeds. It Is alleged that the property ii
question was owned by William VII
Probasco , now deceased , aud liii
heirs , about twenty-five In number
nrc urging n ccttlemcnt. The most of then
live m lown. one or two in Dakota nnd the
balance In Missouri. The land described in
cludes about two hundred lots , located pro
miscuousl.y in Hotbach's , Mlllard & Cald
well's , Hhlnn's , Godfrey's. Deuiso' , Pat
rick's and K. V. Smith's ' additions. They are
nil north OT Ciunlng street nnd extend from
the river is the bluffs.
From the records nnd recollections of real
rstnto men of the city It appears that a
greater irartlon of the property lu quesllon
was a part of 100 acres pre-empted from the
government b O. C. Monell , who platted It
us North Omaha addition No. 1 , and sold lots
under the tllle. Mr. Probasco was one of
the purchasers , and bought n lame number
of the lots , paying nn average of 7. > cents u
piece for them. This wus in September , IbOO.
A > car or so afterwards the government , lor
some reason , canceled Monell's tlllc. nnd
the property wus then pre-empted by Itobert
Shields. A few of these persons who hold
lots under deeds from Mancll , including
Byron Heed , succeeded in clTectliig u compromise -
promise with Shields , although the talcs
they held were clearly Invalid.
The records show in the matter of the
Probasco lots a irausfer from Monell nnd
wife to Probasco ; from Probasco to C. II.
Tyler and wife , nnd from them to Cyntiila
Ann Probasco , wife of William II. , and the
property now stands in her name , as fur as
the Monell deeds nro concetncd. Unless
Mrs. Probasco is dead , the power of attoinoy
given D. U. Probasco would evidently bo in
valid under the law. It has never been as
sorted before that persons owniuir pieces of
this property under deeds from Monell alone ,
wcie entitled to hold the land.
In addition to these lots Probasco oluimcd
lo own property on North Nicholas street
under deeds from the Old Omaha City com-
[ > any , but it has been proven that the com
pany never had a title to the property sold ,
ns the real estate men say , Probasco's title
must abe bo invalid.
Undue exposure to cold winds , rain ,
bright light or malaria , may bring on
inllammalion and soreness of the c.\es.
Dr. .1. II. McLean's Strengthening Kyo
Salvo will bubdue the inlhuumation ,
cool and booth the ncr\cs , and
strengthen weak and failing eyesight ,
li-r ) cents a box.
To the AHyliim.
Mrs. Rosa Casper , nn insane woman was
taken from the county Jail yesterday by Joe
Miller and a woman from the Woniens'
Christian Association's homo. The insane
woman was conveyed to the asylum.
Hon. .Tas. D. Giifln , Judge of the
Eighth Judicial District of Iowa , says :
"It gives me pleasure to recommend
Chambcrlaiirs Remedies , because I do
BO from actual experience in the use. of
them in ray family. I refer particu
larly lo Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
which I think unexcelled by any
other. "
Colonists ior Nebraska.
BI.OOMIXGTON- . , Feb. 20. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Bnn.1 Thcro was quite an
exodus of McLean county farmers yester
day , their destination oelnc Nebraska. The
party consisted of six families , numoering In
all forty-five people. The train consisted of
one passenger coach and six freight car loads
of live stock , farm implements and house
hold goods. The colony , which goes from
Lexington , will locate near St. Edwards ,
Boone county , Nob. They are all well-to-do
people and prosperous farmers.
I'ardoncd l > y tlio Governor.
MINNKAFOMS , Feb. 20. Hal Reid , son of a
prominent physician of this city , who was
sc-iitciiced a year ago to the penitentiary lor
fifteen years for a criminal assault on Maud
Compson , has been pardoned. His friends
have been working steadily fora pardon over
since his conviction , and It is asserted that
some new evidence , going to show that the
estimony of the girl and her friends was en
tirely false , influenced tha governor in his
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shiloh'a Vltalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. For bale | by
Uoodman Drug Co.
United States Court.
Ones upon a time , and it was the Gthda
of Marcll , one j car ago , Burryman , Pallor-
son & Co. , merchants at Central City , bought
a supply of twine from Soiborang & Co. ,
who do business at Akron , O. , the i.aluo of
which is placed at W.010. SoibcrliiiK & Co.
in a petition tiled allege that no part of this
bill nns been paid. They pray for judge
ment for the amount with interest from
October 1.
- - .
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnnm Rt. ,
telephone I'M I , blank book makers , etc.
Illppnlyto's Dfittli Doubted.
New YORK , Feb. 2U The steamer ICon-
galf , which has arrived from Gonavivcs ,
contradicts the reports of the routing of Hip-
polyte's army ut Gonavivcs and HIppolj le'a '
The Pension HillH
WA ° IIIXOTOK , Feb. 80. The seualo com-
iiiillco on pensions has ordered all thu house
bills on Us docket to bo'reported to the sen
ate. Thcro are twenty-two of those bills.
Dwd lij- the United Rtatc * Oovcrnmeiit Hndireil liy the lirndu of Hie Otcat t'lilvtrsitli-a
aim Public Peed Analyst * , as the MronceM. I'urcM nnd must Healthful I > r I'rl-e't.
Uaklug I'onder does not roiitaln Ammonia , I.lmeor Alum lr ) 1'rlcc'n Prllciuim Mavorini ; lix-
tracts. Vanilla , I.emou.Oraugc , Almond , Roscclc.daiiutcoiiLlu 1'ui onuuiiUlUorCl.ciuUHli.
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , Nuw Yorli , cnicaco. Ot. Loulo.
. . .
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by Hip IccMixturo In 1 , foi
l.durimonnl nud Cliarltablu purport's and Iti
franchise inn lo n tmt-t of tlio pieopnt State Con
stltution , lu ls7s , by un o\cr\\ helming populixi
voto.UN MAMMOTH DltAWINnStakoplnroSaml
AnnniillrMnnnnnil l > ec ml > crl nnd ItstJHANl
yiNOI.H Nf.MIliit : nitAWINOS tnko pUrclr
each of the other ton months of the ynr. niu
nro nil drawn lu public , nt the Academy o
Music , NowOitaans. I.a.
I'or Iiitegrlh of Its Drimhiu'S nntl I'roiiiw1
I'aj mont of l'rl/ps ,
"Wo do heieliy certify that we supervise- !
nrrmtcementRfornll iho Monthly mid soml-An
nual Prawlmti or The l.ouUlana State l.otterv
Company , and lu poison innnngn nnd contto
tna nrnnliiKs tlicm i'lve , nnd tlmt tne tnc
arc conductm ! lth honesty , falruos' . nud lu
good faith towiud all part la * , nurtwonuthortra
the company to use this ceitlllfnto , with tue-
utilities of oim Mljjuntures nltacUod , In Us mlvor
tKomeiits. "
Wo. tlKMindorilBtiod Hanks ami Hankers , will
pay all Prlass drawn In 'Iho Louisiana state
Iiottorlct wlilch nmy bo presented ntottr coun
ter * . ,
It. M. WALMSl.KV , Pro * . Louisiana Nat. llanfc.
I'UUtltK r.ANAt'X , Pros. State Nafl Hank.
A. ItAliDWIN. Pros , Now Orleans Nat'l Itauk.
CAHI. KOHN , Pit" , I'nlou National llaulc.
At tlio Aciulemy oT Music , Now Or-
IcaiiR , Tuomlny , Alnrcli 111 ,
IHSt ) .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths. $2 ; Twen
tieths , SI.
i iMiix.n orattKunns
i i'iii/.r. or ino.ooois. . .
i PHI/I : or wvxwis .
i IMU/.I : or 25,0(11) ( ) is. . 25.000
a PHI/.IS : or Hwonro. 20.01W
r > PHI/.IIS or riwmo ( )
W 1MII/KS OK l.fllMiira.
100 i > itr/.r.s or wflmo.
2WI 1'Hiy.IN or liOOiuo. IW.OOfl
WO I'lliy.KS Ol' llOnro.
\l'l'IIO\l5t\rlN (
100 Prbesof JVMnns. . . . jw.noo
1UO Pibesot ncOaro itu.noo
100 Prices of ' .1W are . . . 20.000
TI.IIMINAIi I'lll/K * .
! Wi Prbcs of HOD are . . { ' " . 'KM
two Prizes or lOOaio ici.0 0
; i.lil ) 1'rlzcs , amountlnc : to * l.tvn.8.H )
NOT P. Tlrkpls PrawliiR Capital I'rlios ire not en *
tltloil lo ti-ruiliml prltui.
twl-uuc'ti'ii It Tis , or niiy fiirllior Information
( Icalrcit , wrllo li'Klbly to thu inulurrlKiiLMl , rloarlv
HtatlniryotirraMilome , wllli state , < ' < nnty , i-trpptnnd
is'niniicr. Sloro inpld return mall ilfllrury nllllicni.
snrrit li > your oncloMiu an i-nclo lnit licarlmr your
lull ailclre * " .
Scml liM'Ali NOPKS , Ilxprcss Moncr OrJi'is , or
N'ew Vork Ktttiiuitfi ! In untlnury loltpr. Ctirrouo by
Kxnmss int our uxicn5o ) niltiri * ! 1 ! ! .
Or M. A. DAUI'IIIN. . ) lt Orleans , La.
Washington , I ) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
Nmv Orleans , Ia.
1 ? TTUTT71TVn3T 11 > That the paymflnl of
l\ > U > 111 11 iirlioii In Ol/AltANl'KKIl
IIY KJUH NATlONAIi IM.VKS of Ncvr ( ) rlcnn , and
tlio tlckots arc BlKiieil by the President of nn Institu
tion wliosu ilinrlcrcil iluhts nip n-coiinl/cil In tbo
lilKbeit courts : therutoro , beware of alllniltatlons or
Biionyiniius srbcoica. "
ONK DOI.I.AIl Is the prioocif the < imnllo t pirt or
fraction of a ticket K-SIIKI ) IIV US In nny drawing.
Anything in our name offoreil for lett tliun a dollar ,
Ii a swindle. *
Our little girl when but tin oe weeks oldbroke
out with eczema. We tiled the ptcscrlption
f i om so vornl good doctors , but vrlt liout iiuy
special benefit. We tried H. S. S. , nnd by the
time one bottle -\\as \ Rene , her heart began to
heal , nud by the time she had taken Hlx bottles
she was entirely ciued. Now she has a full aud
heavv head of hair a robust , healthy child. 1
feel It but myduty to rr.ukv this statement.
II. T S\\01ti : . Will Hill. Mo.
I3ry Scnd for our Hooks on Hlooil and Skin
Diseases mid Advice to Sutreters , mailed nee.
Tun SWIFT Si'ECificCo. , Duu\er : ) . Atlanta Cia.
MKN and WOMEN successfully treated.
KufToriMK from thu uflcctn of youthliil follies ortmllt
ire lions , or uro troubled with \VciikncR5 , Nervous
l > ol > lllty , IVm of Memory , DonponJunry , Aversion to"
bocfcty , Ktdnoy Troubles or any tltsua o of thn donl *
UI rfnury Oor n % ( an hero tint ! a sutc nml spcmly
i ure Clutreos reasonable1 , especially to the ixior.
There nro many troubled with ton frouucnt cvacuit
tlous of Ihe liluililpr , otlt'ii iiicoiuiMnlcd hy a sllitht
Bmnrttni.-or hurnlui.'sc'ns.illon , nml weakciilnuot iho
lystciu lu .ininnut'r thu patient nuiiiut nuouiit tor.
On cxiiiiilnliu the uilnary Uopoilw a ropy eillnii > nt
will olti'u hu tunnel , and nmncilmc * intrudes of albu
men will auncnr or tlio color ho oi a Ihln , mllklali
inuMiualn clinnitlni ; Inn itnrk or torpid apnonranio.
1'hcru are many muu who fllu of I Ills Ollllculty. tenor-
ant or the tauso. which 13 thonccouil alatfoof AOIIII *
nnl weakness. The doctor will Kiiunintecaperloct
urulnall nuch lanci. aud a healthy restoration ot
: ho gt'iilto urlnitr ) orutiu * . < < on ult'Uloii fiee.
. ' cent Mump lor "Vounu Mitu'i I ilundor Uuldu to
WoillotK , " tree to all , A lilre-w
Mum and llilli St. , Kansas City , Mo.
-Menlluntlili piper.
oiiHiiK of 1'rnlt Trues , Smull IVultN ( Irapo
Vines , Ornamental Treis and Shrubs 15ver-
Kroenrf , Kosea , etc. , togither with a huge asHort *
uont of Ttees ami Bui'di for plnntln
Timber Claims.
1'acllltic.i uimiiii.v toil. Wrllo fur
and ifliill IHts. AiMr. BJ ,
: \ \DO.\li - MJItSIJUI ! ; , ,
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor ,
SHKNANDt ) VII , - - - IOWA.
Cnpll-il WOO.OOO
Surplus Jim. 1st , IBS' ! . , . , . . . . . CL'KIO , (
II. W , V.m.i. I'laitdent
l.hUlh.S. UhKK , V1CO I . . .
W. U.S. llrmn. * . fighter.
A. K. Tour U.IN.V.V. . MIIIIKK ,
JOHN S.I OI.I.INii. .1. N. II. 1'A'llllliK ,
( . 'xjuior 1''tli and I'uriiain Bt .
A ( Iliiik ; u llusliioa Ttau ; u'le 1.
"lOT-rimr from u.a
i Vt/PAK
WEAIOlSlirilH ctfcou of yn > itlirui
y. Ifl r\aa crrow.oarlydeoay ,
* * ' " " l t manhoocl. oto.
I will sead a valuabV > Uo tl o ( ecl l ) conUlaluir f uU
Ortio , mra for liomq euro , rriv > ol ohntro ,
Z.a rrM i'rof , f , 0. VUWLKU , U.QODVO. COUM.
ch0ag0f | IM8 ( loiarkst ,
Ibe Regular Old-Establlshe *
It itKI Treating with ( ha Qmtttt
tonic , Hemns aufl Private Disease
ftitlne Memory , Exhiuttlng Drain * , T rrfbl
Drcami , Hekd and Back Ache ml all In * eflTccU
lexlina to early decuy an J ptthan $ Consumption of
Insanity , treated Kltnlllkilly by new method * wit *
neverritina miceest. ,
* - SYPHILIS ami all bad Dlood t J Bkln Dl -
case * permanently cured.
* B-KlDNKY ndURINARYcompt.lnt , aie t ,
Gonorrhoea , Strletu re , Varlcocete ami all dbuter
of I he Qenlto > Urn ! > ry OrRant cured rrominljr without
Iryuty In Stomach , Kittneyt or Olker Org M.
A3 * No experiment * . Ace and experience Intr
riorum. Consultation free mt sacred.
M Seml 4 cents postage for Celebrated Work * 09
Chronic , Nervoui and Delicate DittjRtf.
a-Tho e conl4mpl tii > i ; Muriice lend Tor Or ,
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 15 cent * ( sUmpj ) . Coniult the cJ !
Doctor. A friendly letter or callnuy save future siiflcr.
ing and illume , and add golden year * to lif . 49M10OK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " joccnU ( ttamp ) . Medicine
nml witlings sent everywhere , secure front exposure *
Itouri , 8 la 8. Sunday * 9 to u. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. .
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAOO , ILL *
A Sure Cure
2Oto60 DAYS.
This la a clisouso which lias heretofore
Unlllod nil Medical Soicnco.
Wolmxo a Keiiifdy , unknonn to nnvnno In the
World outside of our Company , and ono thntlms
to cm o the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cniesdoes tliuwork. It is tlio oldchronlo
deep hentod oases tliat wo solicit.Vo > lltiva
ciued hunitiotlslio hn\o been abandoned by
Physloluus. and pronounced iuciirable , nnd wo
challeiiKO the world to bilnp ; us u co-so that wo
will not euro In less than slvty ilnrn.
Since the hlstoiv of monlclno a true speclllo
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found until our
was discovered , anil wo nro Justified In Faying
It Is thu only Itoiueiiy in tlio World tnat will pos-
Itlvclv tunbnuuisp the latest Medical Works ,
publlsticil Ijy the best Icncmn authorltlos , any
tin-re was nuver a true speclllo before. Our rom-
eilvwlllcutolicn uverytliliiK else has failed.
Why \\asto jour tliuo and money with patent
'iiH'illcInes that ne\er had vlrtuo , or ilortnr vrltll
physicians that cannot cure you , you that have
tried everything else .should i oui to HB now ami
Ki < t veiinancnt relief , you never cun K t It olso-
\\heri > . Jlnrk what no nay , In the end you
must t.iko our loinoily or NUVIill iccovor and
jouthitthuvo been ullllitod but a short
should hy nil means como to us now , not ono In
ten of new cases over cot permanently cured.
Many cct help and think they me free from tha
disease , liut in one , tw o or tnieo vears after It
appears again lu a moiu horilblc foim.
This is a blood Purilicinnd will Cure
any Skin or Dlood Di&csiso whoii
livcrvthint' Mac Fails.
Room 10 and 11 , U. S. National Bank
_ Hiilldin , Oumlin , Neb. _
N. W. Cor. 13th Si DodRQ St8.
AppHaneas for Daformlites and Trtujoi.
Beit laclllUos , appir tus and rumcdlrs foraneoeu
ful trantmunt or ovary form or dlaoaia roqulrldi
Mudlcai or Surgical Trentmcnt.
Doard and attondancei hcst bogpltal
tlons In the west.
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Tumors. Cancor. Cutarrh. Ilronohltla , Inhnlatlon ,
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Kfe , K r , Hkln nnJ Blood , and all Surgical optrntlODi ,
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
I100K ON D18EA8B3 or WOMKK Vll > .
All Illood Dlsoaios Buccessfully trentod. SypUtlltla
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Mow restoratlre trentmont for los.1 of Vital I'onor.
Persons uimblo to visit us may bu truatod at homo l )
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consult ui or scutl hlitory of your can ) , and wo will
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Upon Private , Spcclnl or Nervous Dlieaiot , Impo.
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nil. ItlcMEIVAIUY ,
Cor. 13th and DodgoSU. , - - OMAITA , NEB ,
Guaranteed by using
National Automatic
Gas-Saving Governor *
Secures a ptn.ul valid uniform ueftrre of II1
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ccmm'iHfUt | iii'tfiiLt lomliiiHtlun of the K se * .
usutliiK " pure anil healthful utiuoaptiere , auu
olnlutliiK'tlie Hooty di > posll of uiiconHiimed
ailiini upon fiescoed wnlli , pililtlnKS and
I'luventii the dlsugrcoAbie whUtllntf. blowing
and MiioWniH of liiuii--rJ. and uvolda III" fre-
iiiHiit ilaiiK'T ' und iiensii | of broken nlol > en.
'Jim ( lovi'inor roxltt Iho coiitumer l'tA/Tt-
OAU.V NOTIII.SU , as tiltftavhiK In can titlU
wliero full caimlty < > C meter 1 iiMiid ) will ra
mie cost of ( hnornor In e\ory litre' ) on four
nontlis' mrvlce and In large liulhllnHH ovurir
Mlxtviiay.i , ilnih riiiinnlnt , ' 1'ltOM : . ' 0) to/xi l'Ui {
CHS1' ) ' , annual dividends on the invoHtmcnt.
> Vo lll ; illn'Iioiirii ( ( ! .H.nlntr
In mi ) ' inrtrr upon ( lit ) basis of onolmlf
llir vnluu of inunllily .Si\IiiK : \ < .
Pi.u.llcil tui.N ( made ut our oillcI'libllolo *
Vlloil ,
AtunUs ilUlrlbiitod in all cities.
H. I. . Corner Kill ) HIM ! I'uriuiiii His. ,
\Bucottsfully \ Ubix ] monthly by over 10,000
c ; Jljidles AnnS'o/t ; . Effectual antll'lemant
' .V 81 i > erl > oiIiyniallorutilruKtIttg. AVe < xl
- /'ur difeiri S pofttagn Btampa. Atl'lrma
TUB towuu. UucMici.1 , Oa , UUTROIT , Muisfc
Jfoi' < ile anil l ii iiKill hit fJoo < hn < in
J ) > 'iil ( Co , , Oiiiitlut , Ni'brttxlM ,
Physician and Surgeon