Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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DMly ( Morning Editionincluding ) Bunnir
HKK , One Year IO Of
TnrHlx Montrm. . . . , f B tt
l-ior Three Months . 8 W
TIIK OMttiA Bt'NUAr HEF mailed to any
lulilrtfli , Ono Year . < w
'Wr.F.KL.Y BB . One Year J it
OMAHA OmrKNo < . 14nud9IJl.'AiisAMSTiiKKT. (
CinoA'ioOrKicr , M ? IHMI.DIMI.
NKW VOIIK Orncn , Hoe > 14 AM ) KiTjiimj.SH
Alt communications relating to nowa and edi
torial matter should bo addre aedtoth button
. should no
All bitilnesi loiters unit remittances
furtdrewed to TUB Hr.n I'Uiit.isiiiNU ( JoMi'AMr ,
'OMAHA. Draft1 * , and imstoniceorat-ra to
Itio made payable to the order of the company.
VliG Bee Rublishing Company , Proprietors ,
E. ROSEWATER , Kdttor.
-ran DAIIA
Sworn Statement ofOirotilntlon.
State of .NubtosVa. I- ,
County of IJotiKlas , f " " *
Ocoru'Q II. Tzuclinck. ficcreturyof the lice I'ub-
llnlilnit compitny , docs colonmly swear tlmt the
nctualclrculatlon of Tut ; DAILV llr.n for the
"week cndinK Februury KJ. 18W , wivs at follows :
Runday , 1'eb. IT ] 8Tfli"i
Monday , Feb. 18 H'.3u '
Tuesday , rob. 19 JWW. !
Vwlncsdny. Fob. a ) 18.9iK )
Tluir dav , Feb.I IHiTD
Friclav. Feb.'J J .SK
Battirday. Fob. II. . . . , .I8.t .
Average 18.011
or.oitou n. T/SCHIICIC.
, Sworn to before me ajid subscribed to In my
1 Tiroscncu tliU Kid day of February , A. I ) . I88 .
Seal. cn N. V. FKIU Notary 1'ubllc.
Blate of Nebraska , IH ,
Oonnty of DoiiKias. f
Oe-orgo U. Tucliuck , bnlns duly sworn , do-
poiea nnd says tlmt he Is secretary ot the- Hoe
Publishing company , tlmt tha actual uvuraKO
dally circulation of Tin : DULV HKI : for tlio
month of February , 1WJ8 , was IJ.WCJ copies ;
for March , IBfW , r.i.tW'.l coiilos ; for Aiirll ,
1888 , 18,744 copies ; for Jlay. WSS. 18.1SI
conies ; for June , 18S ! , lisn ! copies ; for
July. 1688. 18ua ; copies ; for Anitust , lN i.
3MSIcopies ; for September , 18&\ , ir l ronlort ;
Tor October. 188 ? . 1C.OS1 coiilo ? ; for November -
ber , isa . l , ucfl coiilcs ; for December , 18S8 , 18'il
'copies ; for January , IBS'J. 18,574 copies. '
ni-iiuni. . ? it . 'l'/SCHUOIC
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my
presence tills 18th day of February. A. It. im't. '
N. P. FEIIi Notnrr 1'ubllc.
PIG-POISONING at a blir salary Is whut
'might bo culled a sinecure. But what
of Uio poor pljfs ?
IV TltKKK is a railroad lobblst in No-
ibraslcn who isn't a candidate for oflice
just now , ho is in the pen.
MANTof the horses used on the streets
of Council BlulTs have the appetiriince'
'of being fed on a poor quality of barbed
OF course the rate in grain to Duluth
was raised as soon as the tide began to
.sot that way. Such is the manner of
TilK habit of sending obscene letters
Sthrough the mails is getting the senders
. .into trouble. . This is the only redeem
ing feature of the habit.
IF HOTH parties to the tailors strike
* wove unjdous to come to an agreement ,
-an amicable settlement could be affected
in less thun half an hour.
' thothreshold - ofhis quiet In-
homo to the-clty \Vashing- -
'ton , General Harrison'a. journey was
,1 >
r 3KTTK1 : take the six thousand dollars
Lament , Modesty is very pretty in
* &Tscliool girl , but in a business way it
Jwas never known to butter many
PKHHAl'S there are other defects at
tlio county hospital than the question
of the arches , which would stand in
vestigation at the hands of the special
II\JIAY cost the state ever four thous
and dollars for having got rid pf the ox-
IToiiorablo Mr. Morrissoy. The bill is
'high ' , very high ; but at any price , the
iBtato is ahead.
is impossible , " to a man
Vandorvoort , whoso solf-assu ranee
would make Washington monument
troinblb , should the oil room lobbyist
"tackle the shaft.
Wrrn a record of fourteen graduates
In llftoon years from tlio agricultural
college , no ono can have the hardihood
'to.say that the institution has been any
thing but an expensive and useless
burden to the stato.
ajraln put up his lightning rod , and
this time ho seems to bo expecting a
thunderbolt. Ono by ono the railroad
lobbist bobs up with a boomlot for a
whack at the public crib.
DAVK Misiiuisu's bill for legal sor- .
Ticos in the Douglas county contest
cases stamps him nt once UB a great
lawyer and financier. But in jn-itico to
him bo it said Unit ho is the llrst man
to put this htamp on his capabilities.
THIS Chicago J/craW , which believes
Itself to bo a great family journal , tolls
corrosfjondunt.that it never hoard o !
uch a game ns "sinch. " Among the
cowboys such ignorance would bo looked
upon with pitying wondori "Sinch" is
nothing more nor less than "high-live. "
WASHINGTON hotel viow-
the situation with mercenary
* - gllttor in thotr several eyes. The only
H way the citizens can gut the better of
them is to stay nt homo und saw wood ,
Bocuro In the assurance that General
Harrison will bo inaugurated just the
TO-DAY a private communication , ro-
ccivod by Morrissey as a private citizen -
zen , will bo miulo public before a legis
lative committee. The oxposu may in
jure the author of the letter , but it will
nut stamp the recipient as a gentleman.
However , Morrissey wearing such a
etump would biiggcst a package of rank
oleomargarine sporting a butter label.
Scavoy's rcj/ulutions govern-
'Inp the police station nro altogothcr too
strict in some particulars. For in-
jstauco , no reporter is nil \voel to use tlio
telephone , nor can any nowspupor odlco
communScuto ever the wire to the police
.reporter. At a Into hour in the morn-
iinutho ability to Bonel n niossugo speed
ily limy mean n grout elotil to u morning *
rnpornnd its rouelors. Ropor'tora nnd
Jaolelog lawyers elo not , us the rogula-
lions pre-suppaia , bulong on the eamo
"iovol ,
The rpsoltition introduced in thi
house by Mr. O'Brien , authorizing Hit
com mlttco on accounts nnd expend !
turcs to pny over forty-throe hundrot
dollars vin settlement of , claims growlnf
out of th6 contest cnse.9 in the house
from Douglas county , will 'need to bt
materially modi ( led. The sum It pro
poses to take out of the public tronsurj
can bo reduced neatly , H not quite , ono
half , without doing injustice to any
body. Granting that there ; Is procodonl
/or paying nil the claims embraced hi
this resolution , by the state , It must be
apparent to everybody , save ) perhaps ,
those who are after the money , that n
portion of the charges are far boyont'
what is reasonable. This Is conspicu
ously true of the amounts it is proposal
to pay the attorneys. None of these
lawyers could have devoted more thud
sixty days to the preparation of the case
for which ho was rotuined , and voi'i
likely did not give to exceed thirty ,
while one of them , the attorney for the
contcstcus , wcro at the bamo time
drawing a salary at the rate o
twenty-live hundred dollars a yoiu
ns prosecuting attorney of Douglas
county , yet It is proposed to pay these
attorneys nn amount that some of them
would doubtless regard ns a very satis
factory Income for half a year's work.
On the score of professional ability the
proposal to pay any ono of these attor
neys at the rate of thirty dollars 01
more a day for the probable actual time
given to the contest case cannot bo jus-
tilled , and the fact that they are work
ing politicians should have no weight. .
The provision for attorney's foes shoulu
bo reduced to at most lit teen hundred
dollars. It is probable that the sten
ographer's fees might also bo pared
down , while the claim of contestants
for attendance is nt least questionable.
But the clearly unreasonable and un
warrantable demand is that for attor
ney's foes , which , if cut down one-half ,
will still amply pay for the service ren
The trial of Governor Larrabeo on
the charge of criminal libel terminated
yesterday in nn acquittal. No other
result was expected by those who had
taken an intelligent view ot the mat
ter , and it followed of course from the
position of the court that the pamphlet
on which the charge was based was a
privileged communication and there
was no proof of malice on the part of
the governor in issuing it. The trial
has attracted widespread attention as
the first instance of a governor of a
stale being indicted and brought into
court to answer a charge of this nature ,
and the result will bo universally re
garded as a proper conclusion ofso ex
ceptional a proceeding.
The opinion has boon qulto generally
expressed that Governor Larrabeo
would have boon justified in refusing
to answer to the indictment , protecting
himself behind the authority and privi
leges of his olllce , but it is now appar
ent that ho chose the wiser course.
That ho would have boon sustained by
the courts had ho refused to stand
trial , as President Jefferson , was
sustained when ho refused to bo
a witness in the Aaron Burr
trial , is more than probable , bul , for the
purpose of a complete vindication ; with
the effect of silencing all clamor , the
governor acted judiciously in allowing
the case to pursue the regular course.
His enemies , and those who wcro in
sympathy with the prosecutioncan now
have nothing more to say , whereas
under ether circumstances they would
undoubtedly have maintained a vigor
ous clamor. It has boon suggested that
the woman who brought the charge was
Insticated thereto by strong onomics of
the governor , but , however this may bo ,
the effort to publicly damage film has
been signally defeated.
The cose makes a precedent. The
executive of a state may bo arraigned
snn chargoof criminal libel , so that any
jno who can satisfy a grand jury that a
jovornor has uttered or caused to bo
published regarding him something
which he doomed libclous may secure
\H indictment nnd bring the executive
into the courts to answer to the charge.
State executives who are worried to the
point of exasperation by importunate
politicians will need to bo careful of
their speech , and they may find it
expedient also to guard their ut-
iorancos respecting public olllcials
.vhoso . conduct may in Vita severe criti-
3ism. It is couneivablo that a governor
who did not all the time exercise a pru-
lent restraint upon his freedom , of
ipoooh might got himself into endless
roublo. But it is probable the lowir
iroccdoiit will stand alone for .a very
ongtime , Ono such in a century of
rovoriunont does not suggest that there
san imperative necessity for inore o-
uroly guarding state executives
igalnst the possibility of a like unnoy-
Every friend of Ireland's cause and
) f its most distinguished champion , Par-
mil , will read with unmixed gratilica-
lou the latest developments in the in-
ofttigation instigated by the London
/Tints , the result of which must inevil-
ibly bo the complete vindication ot the
real Iriali loader. Rarely in history
vasauy man championing a gruatcnuso
nado the victim of a more diabolical
ionsplrncy than Ihnt organized against
Darnell , to which the leading MOWS-
rnpor of England bacaino i ready party ,
mt one by ono the links in thu vhain
lave boon broken , until nothing now
omalns of the most cnrofully-plnnnud
ichomo to dobtroy the prestige nnd
ihnraotor of ono of Ireland's 'j/roatobt
ind most devoted KOIIS. Tho'exposure
if the infamous LuCuron , whono stato-
ncnU have been discredited the world
ivor , Is now followed by the coufossloa
wd ( light"of the arch-conspirator ,
Richard Pigott. This man appears to
lave been the "head and front of the
iffonding , " from whom the llmca re
vived the information and the letters
ipon which it based its charges , and
ipon whom ifc chiefly depended to
naintain its case. No baser
coundrol over undertook the task of
Iragging down an honorable man uiui
njurlng a just cause.
The confasdlunnf Pigott that ho forged
ill the loiters secured by the VYmr.i ami
illegod to have baou written
and othofa prominent In the Irlsl
cause , nnd his hasty Ilight , presumably
with the'aid of these upon whom ho hni
practiced the deception , must bring t (
a sudden termination the investlga
tlon oo far ns famuli Is concerned
though it would seem to be the duty o !
the commission to allow the unques
tionable fact to bo shown that behind
Pigott and others engaged with hlir
there was a foul conspiracy. Justice
will not bo fully satisfied unless there
shall bo some punlshmont indicted foi
this most base and wretched business
and an effort should bo made to ascer
tain who that can bo hold responsible
were behind the miserable criminals
that have lied from the outraged law
for there is reasonable ground of bollol
that they had powerful alders and
n bo tiers. But the commission was cro
alod for a definite purpose , nnd It
may determine not to go outside
of this , in which case the desire o
Parnoll's counsel to extend the investi
gation will not bo complied with. In
this case , however , It is highly probable
that parliament will bo asked to extoiu
the authority of the commission , so tha
the conspiracy may bo probed to the
bottom , and It Is hardly possible that
suclii ] ; demand would bo denied.
Unprejudiced men have novel
doubted the vindication of Parnell.
All such accepted in full faith his tin-
qualified statement that he was not the
riitthor of tlio published letters alleged
to bo his. His vindication will make
him stronger than ever In the confidence
and respect of Irishmen and of the
world , and should strengthen among
Englishman the cause ho champions.
The investigation has placed on him nc
stain of disloyally or of dishonor , bul
had only more fully shown him as the
wise , courageous , tireless and patriotic
leader of his countrymen In a cause the
justice of which only the supporters ol
despotic power deny.
CHICAGO has become unduly alarmed
over the prospects of losing Us hold on
the grain market of the west. That
city lias ceased to bo the great wheat
center , since Minneapolis stepped into
the arena , and of late a complaint has
gone forth that the corn , which Chicago
claims legitimately to belong to it , is
being diverted to Duluth , For the past
few days largo shipments of corn from
Nebraska to Dululh have taken place ,
inlhionccd by tho-low transportation
rate and the special inducements offered
by the elevator men at that point. The
diversion has caused considerable
anxiety to these railroads which could
not meet the competition to Duluth , and
to the grain men at Chicago , who were
losing business. The news , however ,
conies to hand that the grain rates to
Duluth will bo advanced next week ,
making it the same as the rate to Chicago
cage from the grain bolt c" Nebraska.
This might have been expected. The
pressure brought to Dear by Chicago
lias been sufficient to readjust the rates
to their former basis. It is likely ,
moreover , that Duluth has purchased
as much corn as its elevators can at
present accommodate , and the demand
has consequently fallen off. Shipping
corn to Duluth is an experiment , and
the result of it will bo awaited with in
terest. It is highly probable that the
demand for corn IK Duluth will increase
as its elevator capacity is enlarged , and
that city may one day become a danger
ous rival to Chicago.
Axn now it is said that there is a pro
ject on foot to build a short line between
Denver and Salt Lake under the patron
age of the Union Pacific , in order to
head oft' its ambitious rivals. As usual ,
the rumor is made up of whole cloth.
Eastern investors are not anxious to
sink their money in building' parallel
lines just now. Besides , the route said
to bo marked out is most expensive to
build , owing to the heavy grades and
the work necessary to bo done in order
to pierce the heart ot the Rockies. The
filing of articles of incorporation with
the auditor of the state and the forma
tion of a company with a fabulous cap
ital all on naper by no means build
railroads. If a quarter of all the roads
projected across the Rocky mountains
in the last ton years wore built , the
whole country we.t of the Missouri
river would bo gridlroned with steel
tracks and the mountains would bo
honeycombed with tunnels. The incor
poration of a railroad company can be
dice ted by the expenditure of five del
lars. It often sarvcs its purpose by
keeping a rival from intruding on its
proposed right of way. It creates a
buoyant feeling among the counties and
towns expectant of the benefits to bo derived -
rived from the building of the railroad.
It''booms"corner lots , and somohowhas
a tendency to put money in the pockets
o the projectors and their friends.
El'TOK'i'S are bning made by repre
sentatives of the street railway compa
nies of Omaha to induce the Douglas
county delegation to adopt radical
changes in the clause of the charter
providing for the paving of such rail-
cotnpanitis' right-of-way. The now
charter us now Hubmiltcd to the legisla
ture does not materially dilVor on this
question from Uio clause in the present
charter. The new section provides
that ' 'street railway companies shall
maintain and pave all the space between
their dilluront rails and Iracks'anu also
a space outside of onch ouUldc. track of
at least twelve inches in width and the
tracks shall include not only the main
tracks but also all side tracks , crossings
and turnouts constructed for the use of
such street railways. " Such also Is the
law in foroo in our city , and the rights
of way of the various street rail
way companies huvu boon paved
.n ' obediences to these rules.
J'lioro is no reason why the street rail
way companies should sank to modify
this provision at the expanse of the
city and tnxjmyorH. Tlio now charter
originally called for the paving of a
Hpaoo ouUido of the outer rail of at
least eighteen inches. This was
ohangiul to twelve inches at the Bollcl-
Lutlcn of thohlreol railway companies.
They should , therefore , bo satisfied
with thu liberal concession , nnd not
| ) la.v \vJiolu-hog-or-noito ,
THIS logiuUvturo may paiia laws pro
viding for the registration ilml the 11-
( ciiningof plumbers. A bill ifi pending
u UIQ liouso requiring a three years'
apprenticeship ) 'flrdt a registration foi
journeymen plujnr3 } and apprentices
The passage of i upji a measure may be
necessary ns a tsaiiHary precaution ,
The health ot cltios to-day hangs in parl
in the hands of the plumbers , Defective
work on their par fduo cither to incompetence
potonco or wiltAt 'carelessness bring
on the inalignan niKl insidious diseases
malaria and tvpnpjil' fever , rtlphthorii
and oven cholera. T Per that reason
stringent laws should bo enacted to pro
hibit incompetent Ktid dishonest mor
from engaging iti'jtjja plumbing trade
just ns laws regulate the business ol
physicians and 'dl-ugglsts in the state
Such a measure causes no hardship te
the plumbing trade. On the contrary
it elevates the profession and protect :
it from the competition nnd imposition
of Incompetent men. In case the legis
lature fails to see the merits of the bill
the city by ordinance can in a moasun
apply the remedy.
THU blatherskite General Rossor
who , it will bo romomborcd , made nn
Indecent attack upon General Sheridan
about a year ago in a published letter ,
is again attracting unmerited attention
by reason of a braggart speech made by
him at a dinner of confederate army
and navy veterans in Baltimore last
week. Ono among his blustering dec
larations was''that a southern gentle
man can whip a Puritanical Yankee
every time , " tlio w.holo being vocifer
ously applauded by his auditors , among
whom were a number ot prominonl
southerners. It would bo charitable te
suppose that all of them were under the
inlluonco of some sort of intoxicating
beverage , but in any ovout the circum
stances showed the fooling that still
prevails among the survivors of the
rebellion. As to Rossor , ho is the last
man who should boast of southern
prowess , remembering how thoroughly
ho was thrashed by Sheridan , with n
numerically inferior force , in the Shen-
audoah valley.
ATTKNTIOX is directed to the rapid
absorption of the public lands of Ne
braska. The statement laid before Mr.
Cleveland showing the area of the un
disposed public lands in the various dis
tricts of the state , would indicate that
the day is not far distant when every
acre still opou to settlement will betaken
taken up. In the ten land districts , the
report shows that there is loss than a
million acres undisposed of. While it
is true that much of this hui'l.lins boon
patented to bona fide settlers , never
theless tens of thousands of acres of the
richest sections of cho public domain
have fallen into tliq liands of specula
tors and syndicates , , . It behooves the
proper authorities in charge'of the ro-
.spoctivo land ofr)6cs ) to prevent as far as
it is in their power,4his wholesale ab
sorption of government lands for specu
lative purposes' ' TJio land that is yel
open should by alt moans , bo reserved
for actual sotllorBU
EVKN- Now typxlijo plucks up heart
over the prospegts.'ofjstatohood. and the
legislature prqpqgea to educate its half-
breed population , w-a sense of the re
sponsibilities of cit'i-/.enSliip. A terri
torial university. , a school of .mines , an
insane asylum and an agricultural col
lege are projected ! If Now Mexico will
call on Nebraska , ' an Agricultural college -
lego of fifteen years' standing can bo
purchased , with Billings thrown in , dirt
cheap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AlAj is not well in Southern Califor
nia. The real estate boom has flattened
out in Los Aneoles , public nnd private
improvements have been discouraged ,
and several thousand unemployed work
ing men arc walking the streets of that
city. This is certainly an unfortunate
tates of affairs , and should warn work
ing men of the cast not to venture into
southern California for the present at
EMPLOYES in the legislature are sit
ting on the anxious seat. Nobody can
tell where the cyclone will strike.
The Tliiiiulcrers Want Ala.
Clitcaua Tribune.
Wanted To borrow a supply of thunder.
Our stock is runulng'low. London Times.
Facts AualiiHt Theories.
Halltinure American.
The facts of high license are increased rev
enues , fewer saloons , fewer criminals , fewer
arrests , aUd the placing t > f the liquor trufllc
In responsible hands.
Horse SciiHrt nnd Gulr.
/ forItilatiil / Union.
A lot of Boston aldermen are coining to
Shicupo and other western cities to inspect
the electric light system. If the west has to
? o cast for culture the east has to come west
for horse sense.
Strange They ICncw.
StuitxCttu Journal.
It was a remarkable scone in tlio Dakota
cglsluturo when the members Joined in nliig-
Inff "Pr-jiso God , from whom all blcsslngsi
low. " The most remarkable thing about it is
that the members know how.
Still In
All uncertainty In regard to the new presi
dent's cabinet will jliq dispelled next week
nit there will boi.nQi permanently settled
condition of the pujljcmind ; until Shortstop
\Vurd \ decides where Tie will ploy this sea-
ion. . * . , ,
- uv * -
The Kentucky Ideal ,
Henry AVattcrsiiiJ'Siributo ' to the memory
) f Samuel J. Tildcn , on thu occasion of the
atter's birthday , vWns eminently charactor-
stlc of the brillt t'S"ci'tucUy editor , who
vasn close perso nfclond of the subject.
The public muj-jjliji 'said to bo pretty
horoughly familiar tilth tha stiitcmnnliko
[ imlUlos of the Biigpof Orainercy park , which
ilr Wattcrson 30 f&mytitly ( described , but
llins been reserved tsittl now for the pco-
ilo to bo told tha.t yt , Tilden sipped his
vhlsky and water on occasion with a pleased
omposura redolent of idlicurslvii talk. In
Ills respect ho , gutls'lk'd the Kentucky Ideal
if a t'cr.tlcuiiau and u tate < iiiiau.
. . . - '
Nebi'iiMku Ipttln | { .
Since last July \Vayrio has shipped 200
ars of fat stock.
Kidney Masons nro'olng to erect a hall
lug Bcaiou to cost $15,1)1)0. )
A stock company has been formed at Day-
( in to build an op era lieu e.
The citizens of tjrcsham will vote on the
n cat Ion of buil'ling ' u $ . ' , ui ) [ ) school housu In
The subscription ? for organizing a driving
uric association ut Nebraska City amounts
o n.TSO.
The A. O. U.V , lodgoat Vnlentiucj will bo
reorganized this week with a largo numbo
of now members. '
Amos Hyanwho vrm injured while at wor
for the H. ft M. at Orleans , has , sued th
company for SIO.OOO damages.
A Miss Uurnett , llvlnp near Hlndcn , robbci
her father of 90 nnd tied , hut the old mm
KIIVO chase and captured her uml the mono ;
on n train bound for the west.
It Is said that If a person should stand a
tlio corner of South Sioux Glty'B princlna
streets nnd shoot every man and every do
tlmt ho could see , ho would have ten dogs t
every man.
A building boom 14 In sight nt Sanborn.
Mnploton wants a butter nnd cheese fac
A Presbyterian church will bo built n
Jefferson in the spring.
A movement Is on foot nt Sanborn to ot
ganlzo an anti-monopoly society.
The necessary $10,000 has been subscrlbei
In Montlccllo to secure n condensed lull ;
f no tory.
Mrs. Dclbrldgc , of Manilla , was foun
dead in bed the ether morning , lying on
lounge in a room without any lire.
A "Younp Men's Legion of Honor" ha
been organized In the public school nt Independence
pondenco , which Is to mduco boys not to us
A prominent citizen at Osaco City , hcnrln
tlmt there were tramps in town , nnile
down his windows and went to bed leavln
the front door unlocked.
The Harlnn Uopubllcnn says : It Is abou
time our law-abiding citizens nwolto to th' '
fact that the ruin llcnd Is us live and uctlv
as ever in this community ,
A moss meeting of the farmers of Sni
county will bo held In the opera liouso ii
Sac City to consider the question of procur
Ing need Krnln , nnd to discuss other mutter
of Importance and interest ,
A Lyons girl refused to dance with a couple
plo of young fellows who were under the In
llucnco of Ihiuor. and in revenge they burnci
n sot of furs which she had worn to the ball
Elegant lodpo rooms have been fltted upb :
the Knights of Pythias of JolTccson ,
Uoyond the Hookies.
There Is m scarcity of houses to rent a
Portland , Ore.
There are no now cases of smallpox nt
Carson , Neb. , and all p.itlcnts nro recover
Some blackberry vines near Santa Cruz
Cul. , presented the unusual sight of buds ,
blossoms , green and ripe fruit , last week.
Another paper was carried to tlio Journal
istio boncyard last weelc. This time It was
the Spotted Cayusc , a Sunday paper o
Scuttle , Wash.
Prospero Cartara and his wife , Frencl :
Canadians , were arrested at Port Town
send , W. T. , with sixteen pounds of opium
concealed in the woman's bustle.
For months past the Douglas county , Ne
vada , jail has not held a prisonerUs dooi
stands open , a shady rosting-plnco for the
panting blllygoat by day and by night a liar
bor of sweet repose for tlio homeless tramp
A bill has passed the Nevada assembly re
quiring saloons und gambling houses to close
nt 1'J midnight , and open nt ( I In the morning ,
The same bill was Introduced iu the senate
but will probably bo beaten.
Major Norman H. Camp , assaynr at the
lioise City United States Assay oflico durinu
President Arthur's administration , was al
iened to bo u defaulter , was prosecuted , con
victed and sent to Jail as a felon. President
Cleveland pardoned him. Suit was brought
la Washington , where Cnuip's family had
pone to live , nnd where ho Joined them
after his pardon , to recover the shortage
from Camp and his bondsmen. But the gov
ernment failed to reeoverbccnuse It couldn't
show whether the money had been taken
under Camp's or a previous bond.
The pro-lottery men in Nevada are said to
be preparing to contest the result whereby
the lottery scheme wni beaten at the polls.
The proposition was defeated by about 500
majority. It 'is now claimed that 600 ballots
that were cast against the lottery in Washoe.
Elko und perhaps other counties were about
two Inches short of the regulation length ,
though perfect as to the muko-up of the bal
lot. The opponents of the lottery claim that
these short ballots were supplied by the
friends of the lotteryt on purpose to base a
fight in the courts in case the lottery proposi
tion was defeated uy the use of these snort
ballots. A contest on such a technicality al
ready threatens much ill feeling.
All lovers of the delicacies of the
table use AngosturaBittors to sccuro a
good digestion , but the genuine only
manufactured by Dr. Slegert fc Sons
at all druggists.
The Niobrara Country.
CitAWFOUi ) . Neb. , Fob. 17. [ Correspond-
rnco of Tun BKK.J Leaving the railroad at
Alliance , the present terminus of the B. &
M. , I started in a northerly direction across
Box Butte , ono of the linest counties in the
state 'of Nebraska. At noon I reached the
Niobrara river , but the oldest inhabitant
there did not know it by that name , it is
called "Kunnliif : Water. " Its source is a
suring but a short distance west , and we see
in it hero but little to suggest the immense
body of water that it pours Into the Mis
souri 400 miles cast
On the north side of this stream begins the
ascent to Pine ridge , a strip of rough land
horse-shoe shaped , extending about ono hun
dred miles to the northeast and the same dis
tance to the northwest. It is spnrccly cov
ered with pine and although the surface is
Very rough the soil is llrst class und being
rapidly taken up for farming.
The B. & M. is now building a tunnel
through this ridge nnd has now nearly one
thousand men und teams ut work upon it.
From the summit our attention is called to
Crow Butte , which is on the north edge of
the ridge nnd towers above all other points.
Tlio descent from the ridge is down a rough
nnd rocky roud called "Devil's neck. " lit-
tlngly named , for it leads into Crawford , one
of the rouehest places in the west to-day. It
is located on the White river , adjoining Fort *
Hobinson. and where the B. & M. will inter
sect the FremontIClkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad. All the roughest , element of the
country is ttiora congregnteduna , tlio saloons
have never been shut since their doors were
llrst opened. It Is In u good farming district
nnd has many substantial citizens ; thorough
ness will gradually bo overshadowed and
finally eradicated , nnd wo predict
a future for Crawford that is In store for
few ether western towns. It was at this
point that Mrs. Langtry was mot by the
English superintendent of the Anglo-Amer
ican Cattle company , and escorted to their
ranch forty miles to the northwest In a tally
lie especinllv Imported for the occasion. This
Dflk'cr received n salary of i4,000 n year for
Ills services as manager of the caltlo com
pany above named , in which James Gordon
lionnctt Is one of tlio heaviest stockholders ,
t am told that thu business has not been
[ irolltiiblo and that It is to bo closed out the
Doming season. Possibly they see thu hand
writing on the wall and moveto uiako way
Tor the army of settlers that nro to inhabit
that country almost Immediately. The route
ivas directly across their range , which Is In
Hot CrcoK valley , Just over the line In Da
cota. I huvo never seen a rnoro beautiful
. alley or a liner tract of land than that which
s tributary to It , nnd hero Is the object of
.his letter. I want to advise those who are
ooklng for homes on government land to
Irst ECO this. I huvo often boon asked tlio
lucstlon , Where is there a good place for u
nan to locatu with his family i I huvo never
mswered it boforo. Now I do with enthusi-
ism. Then ) Is ono disadvantage : The land
s unsurvoyed , and cannot bo entered at the
Jnltcd States land oftlcc. Hut the occupant
> y continuous rcsidcncu and Improvements
ms n "squutter's right" and there is no bot-
er title. When Fort Hobinson was located
hero was 0110 lone squatter In the way.hdld- .
ng down his claim of 1IX ) acres with a faoil
louse and u well. Ho nsioil and ob-
uined 8S.OOO for simply moving olf.
think that u survey will soon bo ordered
nid tlmt In the meantimeiliero will bo 1,000
armors Invade that territory within nix
iionths , I became acquainted with two very
iitolligent gentlemen m Hot Creole valley
/ho 11 vii bul six miles mart and who would ,
10 doubt , uuswcr any inquiries of homo
ackers. Their numes and addresses are L.
. .owo , Mutthows Fall , Uivcr county , DuUotu ,
nd U , Anderson , Moutrosc , Sioux county ,
Nebraska ,
I continued my Journey along Cheyenne
Iver across southwest. Dakota into \\.yn-
ling. Thence returning along the basu of
uo Black Hills , wo procaoilcd northeast
award Ddadwood. At Hunld City I ox-
rossud my astonishment ut IU size and
ruspuroua appearance and asked for I ho
auso , The reply wa mining Iu the hills
nnd forming- tbo rnlloys. Judge of m-
surprise to nnd successful farming carrlei
Otnip to the very entmnco to the Blacl
Hills ns well , as in the valleys pcriotratini
them. Land is worth from ? 10 to t-'O poi
acre * . I wai shown Ihfl booki ot an ngrlcul
tural Implement dealer nt Whltowood and
learned that over two hundred qolfblndon
nnd four hundred mowing machines had boot
sold nt this point nlono. The development
of the farming Industry In tliU vicinity wt\
the greatest surprise I experienced on uij
A Slnto fur Chairmanships ot House
There te a good deal of speculation arouuil
the house as to whom will get the chairman
ships of the prominent committees In the
Fifty-first congress. It Is the almost unanl
moils belief hero that President Harrlsor
will call an extra session of congress tc
moot either In April or October , nnet specula
tion ns to the chairmen of the committees is
M legitimate tills time ns speculation on the
cabinet. In the opinion of the best Informed
republican members-elect , the most promi
nent chairmanships of the Fifty-tint con-
grcs will Bland In about the following orders
Approuriations. Cannon , of Illinois ; ways
nnd means , McIClnloy , of Ohio , if ho Is not
speaker , but since ho will probably bo
speaker , It will bo Keed , of Mnlno ; elections ,
Iloult , of Tennessee ; Judiciary , Krrn 13.
Taylor , of Ohio ! banking mid currency ,
Dingley , of Maine ; coinage , weights and
measures , Vnndever , of California ; com
merce , O'Ncll ' , of Pennsylvania ; rivers
nnd harbors , Henderson , of Illinois ;
agriculture , Funston , of Kansas ; for
eign nffuirs , Cutchcoii , of Michi
gan ; naval affairs , Houtelle , of Mnlno ; post-
ofllcos and post roads , Uinghnm , of Pennsyl
vania ; public lands , Puyson , of Illinois ;
Indian affairs , LnFollettc , of Wisconsin ;
territories , Halter , of No\v York ; public
buildings und ( 'rounds , Lchlbuch , of Now
Jersey ; Puclllc railroads. Holmes , of Iowa ;
education , O'Doiinell , of Michigan ; labor ,
Huchnmin , of New Jersey ; Invalid pensions ,
Merrill , of Kansas private laud claims ,
Dorsoy , of Nebraska ; military affairs ,
Hrowno , of Indiana ; patents , Spooncr , of
Hhodo Island ; claims , Howdcn , of Virginia ,
and District of Columbia , Grout , of Ver
It is expected that the republican mem
bers of the committee on ways"nnd means
and of appropriations who will not bo given
chairmanships will be retained iu their pres
ent positions. There is a general impression
among republicans that Holman , of liullunu ,
who is now chairman of public lands , will
ho placed upon n committee where ho will
have no influence In the executive depart
ment , ns ho has used bis committed position
for political Inllucnco to great advantage ,
and has succeeded in keeping In the depart
ment ns many friends during republican ad
ministration as most of the republican mem
It is improbable that canvasses for the
spenltcrship were ever conducted with so
much peed nature as those now progressing
in the housoof representatives. Euoh of the
live or six candidates for the spcakershlp of
the Fifty-first congress is n good friend to
the others. Frequently four or live of thorn
are huddled together on the floor ot the
house , telling stories or giving funny
incidents of their present canvass. Everyone
ono of them wants un extra session of con
gress. They would , of course , like to have
their campaign shortened , but their out
spoken desire for an extra session cannot bo
laid iiltopethcr to selllshness. Eacli of the
candidates is a well equipped statesman , and
each gives the strongest reasons possible to
show why an extra session should bo called.
The custom has prevailed for many years
of opening headquarters at the popular
hotels where the candidates for speaker have
received and entertained their friends. They
have run sideboards , and in some instances
have fared their friends sumptuously. It is
not probable that any of the present aspir
ants for the speakership will open up regular
headquarters. There is a kind of rambling ,
indefinite or general undorstunding among
them that since they are all well known uml
are runnninir on the sumo platform extraor
dinary effort and expense is unnecessary. It
is probable , however , that 'as' tlio time approaches
preaches for the convening ot congress the
interest , in the speakership will very mater
ially increase on the part of the candidates.
Senator Stewart , of Nevada , does not believe -
lievo In the theory that a Ohlnainan can pro
gress , although ho may bo Americanized in
most particulars. The other day ho was
telling some of his strange experiences with
the sons of the Celestial empire , when he
said :
"When we got our first Chinaman to cook ,
he didn't know a blessed thing about the
kitchen , and it became necessary for Mrs.
Stewart to go down and show him how to do
everything. When you demonstrate In an
ocular way how n thing should be done John
never forgets. He is very impressionable.
Mrs. Stewart showed him how to make bis
cuits. When she rolled tlio dough she took
u cutter und began to cut out the biscuits.
When the whole roll was done there was u
little triangular piece left , and of this
she made a half moon , which is cus
tomary. I didn't know anything about it at
the time , but at the end of three or four
months I discovered that every day when
our biscuits were served there was a half
moon among tbo lot. At the end of a year I
made inquiry about the matter of Mrs. Stew
art , and she went into the kitchen und
wntchod the Chlnomim each lltno'ho out hi *
biscuits , nml slio discovered that ho nltirtiys
nmdo n half moon , and' would spoil four or
live biscuits to do so. Ho thqiigiit'lt was ai
necessary as the salt or'tho sliorteninij. "
Gorton , the Alleged Train Kobber ,
"Wnlvcs Ijxniiilnntlon.
KANSAS CITV , Fob. 2ft. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Unn. ] H. L. Gorton alia *
"Jock Gorton , " the alleged train and stafra
robber , was taken before UnltoJ States
Commissioner Wyno this morning for a pre
liminary examination on the charge of
robbing of n stage coach In Sonoma county ,
California. The commissioner's ' ofllco was
crowded with postofllco Inspectors , United
States detectives nnd sheriffs from Califor
nia , Kansas nnd Missouri , who had all had a
hand in tracing him. When the case was
called , Gorton's father , a venerable lootdiiR
old limn with a snow white board , nnd ether
relatives and his attorney wcro present. The
witnesses and spectators were dumbfounded
when Gorton's lawyer after a consultation
with his client waived examination. The
commissioner llxod his bond at $1,000 , and ns
soon as possible Gorton will bo taken to
California by the United States marshal , to
nnswer the charifo before the district court
having Jurisdiction over Sonoma county.
Gorton assorts his Innocence , and nlso dcnloi
the charge that ho and his brother robbed
the Central Pacific train at Clipper Gap.
Surprised thu I'olltlclnn ,
DTorcia , Kan. , Feb. 20. ( Special Tele
gram to THU Unn.J Governor Humphrey
surprised the politicians to-day by making i\
clean sweep In the management of the state
penitentiary and the state reformatory. Ho
appointed ex-Senator George H. Case , of
Manknto , as warden , to succeed G. M. Smith ,
and \V. H.McHridc , Win. Martindalo and I ) .
H. Cornell , directors. J. V. Admire , J. P.
McDowell and T. A. MoNeal were appointed
directors of the state reformatory.
To Solve tlio Unco I'roltlom.
UAI.TIMOIIK , Fob. 20. A member of promi
nent colored men from Maryland , Virginia
nnd the District of Columbia mot In this city
to-day und issued a cell for a conference of
colored republicans , to bo held at Washington
on March 15. They hope to have representa
tives from every southern state , and say that
the object of the conference is to urge upon
the coming administration the necessity for
the adoption of a conservative policy In the
treatment of the race problem.
Preparing For Drninntlo Honors.
KANSAS Citr , Fob. ) . ISpecml Telegram
to Tin : L5EU.1 Mr. Andy J. Snider received
n dispatch this afternoon from his sou
Chester , who married Governor Oglesby'a
daughter recently , to the effect that the
diamonds which had been stolen Irom Uio
bride at San Diego. Cnl. , last week hud been
recovered. The thief was a hotel clerk , in
whoso charge the diamonds had been placed ,
und ho was captured. The stolen diamonds
were valued at $ : JOUOO , ,
An Unfaithful Pair.
WATEIITOWN , Dak. , Fob. 2 ( ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] II. W. Scott , an ex-
marshal and ox-street commissioner and a
married man , before Pierce to-day was hold
to bail in the sum of $ lK ( ) to answer to the
charge of adultery , the alleged offense hav
ing been committed with n married woman
by the name of Knowlton.
The Bell Telephone Cases.
BOSTON , Feb. 20. In the United States
circuit court to-day Alexander Graham Quit
filed a plea and answer to tlio suit brought
against him and the American Bell Telephone -
phone company by the United States to
annul a patent allcgcO to have bocn procured
by him by fraud. The plou Is a denial of
fraud , and the argument used against
further trial is that the matter has already
been through tlio courts and decided.
1110 Death Uecord.
riici.n , III. , Fob. ! W. Konrosetitixtivo
John J. Tcofy died at his home in Brown
county at 10:01) : this morning.
WASHINGTON , Fob. Ul ! . John S. I.eo , of
Pcorla , 111. , a prominent democrat nnd cx-
inoiubur of the legislature , died suddenly iu
this city to-day.
IVPH nnd Stnyiipr Arraigned.
NEW YoiiK , Fob. 20. Ives and Stngnor , in
the court of general sessions to-day , pleaded
not guilty to the charge of grand larceny ,
with the option of withdrawing the plea
within a week. Woodruff did not plead with
Ives and Stayncr.
Affair * at Panama.
PANAMA , ( via Galveston ) Feb. 20. Thou
sands of laborers have lull thu isthmus dur
ing the past week und work on tlio canal is
ihnost stopped. No disorders have occurred
ind business is tit a standstill. HIIIU'H Successor.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 26. The president to-
lay appointed Brigadier General Orlando It.
Wilcox ( retired ) governor of the soldiers'
loino ut Washington , vice General Hunt , dc-
Eczema or S ; I
63nly ) Ijnil wllli l < c/.Miia. Hair
Scalp covered with
I'liysiclnns lull , Unreel ! > y elm On-
ticnra ItotncdlcH. llnlr rrstoreel.
Not n plniplo on lit MI now.
J cannot say unoutdi in pralso of ihe Cim-
CUIIA KRMHDIKH. My boy. when ono your or
age , was fco bad with eczema Unit ho lo.nt all of
his hair. Ills scalp was covered with eriip
tlourf. which thu doctor sulcl was hcald head , and
that lilx hair won Id novcr grow again. Dchpalr-
Ingof a euro from iiujrolclnus , I Ijofjnn tli un
of the ( 'uncir'U KEMIMWJS , and , I um happy to
say , with the most perfect success. Ilblnili'ls
now pplemllO , nnd there Is not a plmplo on him.
1 recommimd the Curiumix HKHKIMUS to
mothers as the most spfedy , economical , und
Biini euro for all skin dlseauvs of infants uml
chlldron , and fool that every meitlwr who IUIN an
allllctcd child will thanK mu for eo doing.
Mns , .M. i : , WOOU&t'M , KOI way , Me.
T-.VO 1,1 Hie Hey * < jurud.
I am truly thankful thoio IH mull a nicillclno
US till ) O'L'TM/'IJIC V IIKIIKIIIKS. I llaVll tWO llttltl
buyt * whe > Ituvu been allllcted with uc'/.i-nitt and
wall head , wlile-h dually titled In thi-lr oj i-s. I
tried several need doctors it ml plrrity ot medi
cines , without teller , 1 .proe'inod n liotllo of
your ( 'I/TIUKIIA UISOI : < VKNT aim a bo of 1'i'Ti-
UIIMA unit commenced using thvni , and um
happy to MI ) ' tlmt bufuro tin ) lir.-it bolt lewis
used their eyes worn nearly well , and v.lion
the Boroml bottle was halt used they \\uto en-
tlroly cured.
Mus. HIJBA.N M. noilHQN. Milfunl , Mo.
Itaxuuiu 01 loaiM Ciiroil.
I am a farmer , Hlxty-om year * , of aijc , and
liavu snireted from babyhood with ivlntt 1 h'iiird
commonly called "lionoycomb e-c/pnia" on my
liiindj , A few months ago I purchased from
> ny driigBNti , MVHJH. Sunders As l.uii-snc , jour
CUTiceriiA lti : imnis : , and nai-il them ucconllm ;
to dlioctlons. A euro was spjoillly mid Oior-
oniilily I'ffectod , and I inaku this nt.iteniinit taut
luC'.visu lUlooteil limy bo bcnulltud ,
{ ( siWtOttil , Tex ,
tUM ) > : r.s
n , the great f kin cure , instantly allays
the moot agonizing Itdilng , bui-nlnu. and In- J
Humiliation , cleiirilio kln mid KMI ! > or cnixtn '
und hcales , uu'l ' roatm-ta thu hair. ( 'i'Tici n i
Sotr.tliuKrcutetit "t skin boutitlilor * , UlmlN-
peniublc Iu trfiitlnu * kl' ' " iw * l * kaby
humors. It uroiluiu-s the whitest , i-loui't-st nktn
and Hottest hnnd * . fint ) from I'lmple , spot or
blumUh , UirncuitA ItLSOi.vii.M1 , tlio MB w blood
purliler , rli-unios ( lie blood cf lmi"irlll < 't and
poisonous elumeiiU. nnd thui rvniorr-i thu
llonco i lid uimue'iiA UKMKIIU - > uro
I'MisTblark-liulH , chapped , rouli.ioil : anU
oilyalclii rnvvKule'l ' by UutiCL'iu tfOAU.
Kc/.uma In UP wornr stages. A raw
ROI-O from hcnel to feet , lluir uono.
Onctort nun he.spitnU fall. 1'rinel
nvcith ng. Cm-oil hyilie Ciitloura
ItdiiiMlicH Tor $ ( > .
I am cured or a luntlmunio disease , ov.ema , In
IthWniMt blajju. I tried illfluriuii ilo'tora nnd
been tbrongh the hoipltul , lint nil to no pin pose ,
Tlui dlbc.'iHe rovcrcd : nyvliolo body fiomtho
lop n ( my bond lo 11m t-ok'Hof my feet , My half
all riimuont , luavlnu me u coniiilctu raw HOI-J ,
Aficr lrylncveryililiij ; ( , I liuurd of your Curi-
( 'i'MA HKMIIHIN : , nnd utter iiolng thrco buttles ot
JtrHiii.vKNr , with c'rriruiM ami
ii1 , 1 Uml myiiulf CIII-IM ! ut the co-.t
ufuliiilitll , I would not be without tlui t'UTi-
emu IIHMKium In my lionsc , 111 I Und Ih.'in
iirtiifnl In iminy ras ' < , and I think they uro tbo
only .skin nnd blood meillclne- .
ISAAO II. ( iliUMAN , Wiirt < boio , N. Y.
Two yours ago I Wisattiii'lad\\lllicr/.tfinn. I
riinnot toll you nliat I Milli.-rcd. f daiu not
fchavc ; I had ulway.s Mm\e < l bol'mv. 1 was tan
incut foiloin lectnrle you over HIIW , ( bailee
Kennedy , orthlx place , hliowed iiu-yonr-iaini'li- '
let on Hkln diseases , and uiiunu : tkuiu I found
Iliiiilifici-liillon Biill.ilile to my c.l-o. I bought.
IhuCurii.TiiA KK.MIIIIIJ : : , and tookllUMiiai-i'tird-
Inxtci directions , and FOOII found myself Im
proving , J took suvon bottlin , with the Ciri- :
ci.'iu nnd BUM * , and the rcniilt I * a perimincnt
ciirp. 1 thought I would \vnil and t.cci if It
v on Id ronii' buck , but It lin < proved all ynu/alil
it would do. I fool IKi'tliankluir you , but nonU
canrot do II ; so 1 will * ay , 0 id Ulcsn you and
yours. . TllOrt. I. . fllUV.
l.e.ivcilinvii , Morgan Co. , Ohio ,
Null UliciiiM < l Yen 4/uruiI.
I have Millercd greatly ullli err.emu or alt
rliQiini for four years , with MUM ullovoriuy
body , I iiroriirud thrtiu bottle * I'LTIOUIIA Iti- :
HOf.VKNT , ono box of e'lmciriM , mil a calai.ot
Curici'iiA ' Pott1 , ami they have liualo I myuiroi
unlltely. 1 think it the licut modleinu I lutu
overused , and I fuel very thankful to yon for
Ihucood U luiHdiinenie ,
MUM.u.r.x. . McnniHUi. ,
Klrtlun I , G'arorm : | Cu , N. II.
evtry i > ccle.s of tortnriiit ; , humiliating , Itching ,
burnlii1' . rtraly , nnit plni | > ly ilUeabes of OIK n'iln ' ,
H'-tilp , and blr.o'lkli ' , lim of hair , and all
liumors , lilotiho-i , unuitlons , .so run. hc.ih" , uud
crust"holher slmplo , scrofulous or cont.v
I'loii'i , when phy-lcluun uml all ether ivmodiua
tall.Hold cverywhore , I'rlce , Cirncuiu , Vie : Ho\i' ,
i'jc ; ltHHVH.\r. | : fl. I'lon.-ired by tha I'orren
Dlll'd AM ) ClIf.MlUH , Cltlll'dlUTKIN , llOKtOll ,
l fur "I low to Cure .Mklu | ) lsimsn , "OI
, VMIUiiiiratloiid , and lou tosumrnluhi , ,
D ABVICl Hkln And Hctilp pfesoivU ami
Oliul u tied UyC'iillciiraMoaiAI'Sulutiil | ; ' | iui