Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1889, Image 1

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    I T AIJUI V" TVprT Dlijlr *
Plptott Confcssos the Pnrnoll Letters
Were Forgeries.
After Telling ttic Truth Ho Disappears
to I'rcvcnt llchiK Arrested oil n ,
AVnrrnnt Sirorn out
Tlin London Times Knnolcctl Out
LONDONFeb. . 30. The Parnell commis
sion i-osumcd Its sitting this morning. After
the opening of court Russell nroso ami Btixtcd
that Saturday Richard Pigott went to the
residence ot Henry Labouchcro and nlgncd n
confession stating that tholcttcrs upon which
tftc Times based Its charges against the Irish
members of the house of commons wore for
geries. Sir Chnrlcs Uussoll applied
for a warrant for ' the arrest
of Pigott. Presiding Justice Hanncn
Raid warrant would bo ready In an hour.
Attorney General Webster for the Times
said no other witness was ready and that ho
would have to consider what , course to pur-
BUG. Ho woulil nlso have to decide whether
or not ho would resume any part of the case.
When Pigott was called to again take the
fitantl ho did not appear. After the court had
waited Bouic time , counsel for the Times
stated to the Judge that Pigott had left the
hotel at which ho was stopping and that
counsel wore ignorant of Ills whereabouts.
This caused n sensation in the court room.
The court took n recess of half nn hour , ut
the expiration of which time , If Pigott , does
not appear , his papers at the hotel will
probably bo seized. Attorney General Wub-
Bter said that yesterday morning Shannon ,
the , Dublin solicitor who Ms assisting the
Times , received u letter from Pigott , and ho
would call Shannon to prove it.
* Sir Charles Uusscll said ho regretted that
liO'had not heard of the letter earlier. Ho
desired to put in evidence a letter from
Egnn to Lnbouchcre.
Attorney .General Webster objected to the
introduction of the letter.
Russell said that owing to the attorney
geccral's objection he would not read the let
ter , but as the letter with other documents
bore upon Pigott's disappearance , he
claimed that in the interest of Justice ho
should make the statement.
.Justice Uunncn said that evidence must bo
called in support of the statement.
Sir Charles acqucsccd in the decision. Ho
added that the letters and documents showed
the means by which ho had lixed upon
Pigott as the forger. Pigott confessed
to Lewis , Parncll's solicitor , that h6 was
the forger. Labouehcro and Parnell , who
were present when this confession was matte ,
would corroborate this statement. Saturday
Pigott , without Invitation , culled upon La-
bouuhoro and stated that ho de.sirod to make
a confession. Labouchcro declined to listen
to him unless witnesses wcro present , where
upon Gcorgo Augustus Sala was summoned ,
and Pigott made the confession referred teat
at the opening of court. Russell said that
whatever course was adopted by Attorney
General Webster , ho should pursue his own
coursoand should insist that the whole matter
bo investigated because it was deliberately
charged that behind Pigottuid Houston
there had been n foul conspiracy. Ho asked
that the court impound the documents which
arrived ut' ' Andorton'-s addressed to'Pigott in
cure of Houston. Sir Charles added that
Pigott hadmado : his escape aided by u body
guard'consisting of Irish constables and two
Scotland Yard detectives.
Lubouchoro , Sir diaries said , had received
a letter from Egan in July , IbSS , in consequence
quence of which a number of documents
were handed to Labouchere. Sir diaries
'asked permission to call witnesses to testify
to the Information'which the court ought to
Russell further asald that Pigott , in the
presence of George Augustus Sala , signed a
confession that the documents ho had pro
duced were forgeries and that ho was the
forger. This confession was souj. to Lewis ,
who yesterday returned it to Pigott , saying
Pnrnoll refused to liavo anything to do
with it.
Shannon was then called as n witness. Ho
, tostiiled that Sunday night Pigott gavq him
a written statement denying the statement
inado to Labouchcro that ho forged all
the letters. Pigott said ho believed the
Jlrst batch were genuine. In the second
batch two of Parncll's letters were forged by
himself and Casey. The third batch , con
sisting of letters from IJavitt and O'ICclly ,
.wero also forged by himself and Casey.
Plgolt added in his statement that having
nqw stated the truth and confessed before
the world , the Times should deal leniently
with him ,
Pigott said that when making the state
ment to Labouchere ho was afraid of prose
cution for forgery. Lnbouchero promised
that ho would not bo prosecuted if hn made
the statement. Ho also said that although
ho would not give mo 3,000 , ho pledged his
weld of honor that tha Parnclhtcs would
give Pigott's children 3,000 , and promised
to sec It expended foj- their benefit. Pigott
added that ho had been In difficulties and
great distress for the last twenty years , and
to support himself and family ho had been
guilty of many acts that were most disgrace
ful.Upon cross-examination Shannon said
ha hud taken no stons to prevent Pigott
from bolting. Ho expected him to appear in
Pigott In his confession to Labonchcre
Saturday , said that ho forged all the letters
secured by the Times which purported to bo
written by Egan , Parnoll. IJavitt and
OUCully. Ho nlso admitted ho had been guilty
of perjury in his evidence given before the
Kussell demanded that the court summon
the constable * and detectives who were with
Pigott , that they might explain how ho suc
ceeded in getting away.
Houston testified that Pigott had not taken
Ills lugguso with him. Ho produced luUer *
left for Pigott ut Anderson's , but. they con
tained nothing of Importunes.
Bourne. ) was called , and produced a letter
from Pigott in which hu said that , according
to agreement , his immu was to bo concealed ,
and that If called to testify ho would refuse ,
as ho was sura his testimony would bo dis
credited on cross-examination. [ Laughter , ]
Ho wanted to make an aQidavlt and Icavo
the country. Soamcs replied that the
'ngrcuniont ' of sccrosy md been removed
by Pigott's visits to Lubouchero ,
'and hu must make full disclosures. The
Times would sea him unharmed if ho made
his eusu good. Pigott replied that ho had
not agreed to testify , and if 'ho ' did tils oppo
nents would bring evidence to neutralize til *
testimony and endanger his life. Ho declared
Houston responsible for * his ( Pigott's ) nego
tiations with Labouchoro.
Soamcs tcaiillcd that ho did not tell coun
sel that Pigott was the courier of the letters
before the rommlsslon had been appointed ,
though ho had , no doubt , toldyWulter where
they e.imo from.
Khannou saw Pigott at noon yesterday.
Pigntt wrote on Saturday asking for money ,
but witness dl.l not send him any. When
witness had concluded his testimony Sir
Charles ntntcd that ho would prove by a
Glasj nv aifunt that Plcott had committed a
Berli' of forgoi-lcs , The court , however ,
would not allow the evidence to bo presented ,
At the request of Attorney General Webster ,
adjournment was taken until to-morrow ,
when he i > r jruUod to iuiiiounco the course to
bo mu-huo.l by ttiu Times.
Pa f , Mafuiiv , Houston's colleague , who
litul been summoned to testify for the Time *
before the P.tuuell commission , died sud
denly in London to-day. It is roportud that
lie hud n Blrohd of upoplexy upon hearing
.that Plcott had lied.
The i-oiiHtublcs who protected Pigott at the
hotel Kny that they lust saw him yesterday
afternoon , He fore the commission adjourned
Kir C.iurle * Russell intimated that however
repugnant it might bo to the feelings or
Purncll , ( hut gentleman Intended to apply
for a warrant for the arrest of Plgott for
perjury. Great excitement prevailed In the
court room.
Soames , solicitor for the Times , emphat
ically denies doing anything directly or In
directly to assist Pigott to mnko his escape.
The magistrate In the Bow street Police
court , nl the Instance of Pnrnell and Lewis ,
this afternoon Issued a warrant lor the ar
rest of Pigott on the charge of perjury and
forgery , but up to 10 o'clock to-night the po
lice had not yet found any trace of him.
The latter had posted to his house
keeper in Dublin n blank check with which
to obtain a balance at his banker's.
Piirott has four sons , the youngest of
whom Is six years of age. His wife died
eighteen months ago. It is surmised
that the black box mentioned In
Pigott's telegram to his house
keeper contained his correspondence
with Houston , which , it is reported , Pigott
told Labouchoro on Saturday ho hud pre
served. It is believed that Pigott has dis
guised himself and either lied to Antwerp or
Prof. Mngulrc'B death appears to bo some-
xvluit of a mystery. His Illness was marked
by vomiting blood and other peculiar symp
toms. The physician who attended him has
notyctglvnn n death certificate. The police
uro inquiring into the case.
tins Good News ,
LINCOLN , Nrb. , Feb. 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiB. ; ] Patrick Egan received
the following cablegrams to-day ;
LOXKO.V , Fob. 30.To Patrick Egan :
Dirty Dick's sworn confession was rend in
open court this morning by Sir Charles Rus
sell and created a great sensation. Congrat
ulations. Cii.Mii.cs S. PAUXKI.I , .
LO.VHON , Feb. 2rt. To Patrick Egan :
Pigott has confessed and skipped out. The
general belief is that the Times and govern
ment have helped him to escape.
MiuiiAEt , DAVITT.
Ciiic.\io , Feb. 30.- The following was re
ceived here this morning :
"LONDON , Fob. 30 , 188'J. ' Alexander Sulli
van , Chicago : Pigott has bolted. It is the
general belief hero that the Times and the
government have paid him to clear out.
Supposed to He Hiding Ills Slininc In
ICojij/rfi/hl / 1SW lii ; JiimM fJoitlou liftmctt. ]
P.MIIS , Fob. 30.-New | York Herald
Cable Special to THE DUE. ] Twenty or
thirty of Piuott's acquaintances wcro nt
Garo du Nerd when the train from London
arrived. Of course there was no sign of Pi
' What do you think has become of him ? "
was asked of n person who formerly knew
"Pigott has gene to Louisanno In ,
Switzerland , " was the reply ,
"What makes you think so ? "
"Because he likes peace , and because ho is
perfectly at homo there. Ho used to go
there very often. "
The Herald correspondents at Calais and
Dover telegraphed at 1 o'clock this morning
that it might bo considered as certain that
Pigott had not landed ut either Boulogne or
True Story ol How the Conspiracy
wtiH Discovered.
LONDON. Feb. 2(1. ( From a gentleman high
in authority in the prosecution of the Parnell-
Timcs case , a represent ativo of the Associ
nted press to-day heard the true story of how
the conspiracy against Parnell was detected ,
It constitutes one of the most romantic nar
ratives In the history of politics. Without
the evidence by which the conspiracy was
exploded , the Times would undoubtedly huvo
won its cose , notwithstanding the spuriousness -
ness of the letters. Up to July of last year
Parnell , his counsel' and colleagues wcro
wholly at sea , and every effort to discover
the forger and get at the bottom of the case
had proved futile At this time evidence
was sent from the United States by a young
Catholic priest , Kcv. Father Dorney , of Chicago
cage , to whom it hid been entrusted by
Patrick Egan and Alexander Sullivan , its
compilers : Its value was inestimable , and
and no ono was aware of its existence save
Ego ! ! , Sullivan and Father Doriioy , until it
was delivered to Parnell ' in person.
The discovery that' Pigott was the forger
was made by Egan in Lincoln , Neb. , while
Parnell , his detectives and exports , were
vainly trying to llnd a clue in great Uritain.
Egan was sorely pcrulcxcd by the forged let
ters , fnu similes of which ho got in the Lon
don Times. The signature to those attributad
to him was remarkably good. ExpresHions
and odd abbreviations peculiar to him wore
in the text. Ho considered everybody possi
ble who could have been the forger , but
could not arrive uttt conclusion. Ho remem
bered that Pigott had been implicated in for
geries many years before , but the Idon that
ho might bo concerned in these seemed ab
surd. In scrutinizing the forged f u similes ,
however , he Ilnully discovered that , one
signed with his own name was written
avowedly at a certain address in Purli , and
the recollection Hashed upon him that Pigott
was the only man to whom he had ever given
It. Pigott had written him asking for u con-
Jldontial addresj to which he might scud im
portant information , and Egan , concluding
to learn what It woo , secured this address ,
which proved the key to the forgeries.
Egan , who is methodical in habit , had
saved his correspondence for years. Ho
searched his volumes of letters 'until ho
found Pigott's , Uy comparing them with
thu handwriting oa the forged letters ho
saw he had the forger. He submitted the
letters written D.v Pigott to experts , together
with fao simllos of the forged letters. They
immediately detected characteristic peculi
arities which wcro confirmed under micro
scope. Egan had Pigott's letters and the
forgeries photographed and started for Chicago
cage , where ho placed all the papers before
his friend , Alexander Sullivan , who Is nlso a
solicitor. A brief was drawn up by him and
Sullivan in the hitter's olllco In Chicago. It
related to the chief incidents In Pigott's ca
reer , and showed that ho hud been u forger
before , years before , when Plgolt tried to
soil the Irishman ( ncwaiiMU--to : | Parnoll and
Egan , ho furnished an inventory , apparently
authenticated by well known Dublin account
ants , showing tno value of the property.
Epun proved that the inventory was fulso ,
and that Pigott had forged the accountant's
signature to it.
Pigott was also , caught In another similar
transaction. In the olllee of his paper was a
man who contributed to the Boston Pilot
under the nom-de-plumo of Leo. After his
death relative discovered that Patrick
Donohuo , then editor of the Pilot , had re
mitted to Leo a drult which his family never
received , and that Pigott hud opened the
letter , takun the draft Intended for Leo ,
forged ht endorsement and drawn the
money. Pigott was compelled to disgorge.
These facts Egan committed to writing.
He had meanwhile utcurtamcd the process
by which Pigott made the spurious letters.
Ho found among his papurs some letters
written by him In which entire sentences ap
peared that wcro also in the forged letters.
Pigott had traced those sentence ! ) carefully ,
'word for word. Then ho Interpolated or added
other sentences or phrases completely
changing the meaning of the whole letter
while preserving the integrity of the per
tions. Dates wcro also changed to make
criminal interpretation applicable to illegal
events. Egun ulso found letters written by
Parnoll which had been similarly used.
Photographs of all thcso and 1'lgott'a begIn -
In ( Mind blueknmlliiii ; lottera were enclosed
with the originals In u package w'th ' a mem
orandum recalling- Purnull all circum
stances attending the writing or reception
of each.
This was the precious pk'co of luggage the
.vounir priest convoyed to Parnell , Until It
ciuiio the Times case was as Invulncrublo cs
fraudulent. No hint of the contents of the
contents of the package over became public
until Partial ) himself , in an interview ho hud
with Pigott In thu presence of Labouchere
mid Luwis , asked Pigott certain
questions which disclosed to the cul
prit that ovidouuo hud been secured
him , Pigott citticr reported his
fears to the Times or was watched by Its de
tectives and traced into Parncll's presence.
Then ho had to partially confess to his em
ployers , and the attorney coneral and Ills
colleagues then compelled lo Caron to tes
tify ntul bo as malignant as possible , swear
ing that Parnell declared ho favored an
armed revolution and that Alexander Sulli
van got him ( Lo Carou ) into the secret revo
lutionary organization. This was for the
purpose of breaking the force of Parnejl's '
Information about Pigott's ' antecedents. 13ut
Picott hud no suspicion of the over
whelming completeness of the knowledge
conveyed In the package to Parnell nnd
did not realize until ho got Into Sir Charles
Russell's clutches that no calumny could Im
pair the fatal effect Upon him and on the
Times' c.iso of what Parnell know. Had
Egan not made the discovery , the truth of
the letter could only hnvo boon denied , but
their falsehood could not have been demon
strated. That situation would have been n
Times victory , mid a victory for the Times
would bo the ruin of Purncll , the homo rule
party aud the mdclluite discredit of the lib
Pnrnoll's Llbol Suit ,
Emxni'na , Feb. 30. The case of Parnoll
against Walter , of the London Times , for
libel , which was dismissed by a single judge
on llrst hearing on the ground that no arrest-
mcnts against Walter as nn Individual would
bo valid , came up to-day before the Judges of
the llrst division on u rehearing demanded by
Pr.rnell's counsel. Tiio court , by consent ,
dismissed the action with costs.
Siuitidcrson Makes Sonic I'rutnl Ref
erence * to the 1'arnclliles.
LONDON , Feb. SO. In the commons this
evening Healy nsttcd whether Homo Secre
tary Matthews had ordered the arrest of
Pigott , and , If not , why ho had allowed Pi-
gott to escape. Matthews replied that a
warrant had been Issued against Pigott.
Hcaly then asked whether the government
had taken measures to prevent Pigott's escape -
capo by telegraphing a warning to the police
authorities of the various seaport towns of
the kingdom. Pigott , ho said , was a valua
ble person. Had any attempts been made to
capture him ! Matthews admitted
that as yet ho had taken no
steps in the matter. Knowledge of
Pigott's ' disappearance had reached him
within the past hour. Ho prcfmlsed that the
government would do its utmost to capture
the fugitive.
Major Saundcrson ( conservative ) resumed
debate on the address in reply to the queen's
speech. Referring to Morley's remarks last
night , he charged that gentleman with ig
noring the fact that crime in Ireland has
lessoned since the enforcement of the crimps
act. The freedom of speech which the Par-
nellitcs wanted was not allowed because
they advocated law-breaking , which led to
murder. Parliament hud sometimes acceded
to the claims of the Parncllltus , but the
house had seen the unwisdom of It. The
cry was now got up to attract the people.
[ Parncllito shouts of "Pigott , " "Pigott. " |
Well , Pigott had amply qualified himself to
bo a member of the lirst homo rule ministry.
That cry might for a moment bo substituted
for another. "O'Uncn's clothes. " [ Laugh-
tor. ] The Irish members ought not to make
such asses of themselves , bringing down
everlasting ridicule on their country. Ho
could not lind a reason why the Parnell ites
should not be sent to Jail , nor why , when
once there , they should ever bo lot out.
Dillon thought that Saumlerson's remarks ,
were mere interludes in oucra bouffo ; stale
jokes unworthy the utteutiou of the house.
The question of Ireland could not be sot
aside by jest. He emphatically repudiated
as a calumny any suggcbtion that ho or his
colleagues worked for an increase of crime.
The decrease of crime was not due to the
coercion act , but to "tho.onormous conces
sions made for tenants through the plan of
campaign. It was also duo to the
knowledge of the increased sympathy of
the English people. The declarations of
Gladstone aud his followers had more effect
in stopping crime than all the coercion acts
over passed. Regarding the question of
prison garb , they objected to wearing the
livery of crime and associating with forgers
and thieves. [ Shouts of "Here , " "Hero. " ]
Possibly , judging from recent events , cer
tain members of the opposition did not en
tertain the same objection. fParnellito
cheers. | He proceeded to criticise Balfour's
statement regarding the treatment of pris
oners , contending that there 'wero manifest
contradictions in the statements , malting the
whole unworthy of credence.
Anarchist Noobc Bays Ho HUB No
Talcs to Tell.
CHICAGO , Feb. 37. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HUB. ] The confession or statement of
Anarchist Ncebe lias been received hero.
The communication , which was written by
Neebo uimsclf at the penitentiary Sunday
afternoon , reached his brother , Louis Neebo ,
this morning. The confession was made on
the intimation of Governor Flfcr that such
an acton Noobo's part would boa pcrequlsito
to considering the application for pardon ,
which Ncebo's friends Intend presenting to
the covernor. The confession itself was
kept carefully in Louis Ncobo'a inside pocket
all day , and lie would not even hint at its
tenor. Ha was in consultation part of the
day with Captain W. P. Hlack , and in the lat-
tcr's ofllco ho was seen. "I cannot talk
about the matter now , " said ho. "I have re
ceived a letter.or communication , from Oscar ,
but it is not yet in a shape to be given to the
public. " "There's nothing yet to talk of for
the public , " sold Captain llluck. "I know
something of it but I. can't talk. "
Judge Grinncll had not heard that any
such confession had arrived. "I have not
been approached by any ono , " said ho. "I
was asked by n reporter some tlmo stnijo
what I would do in case such a confession
was made. I replied I could not toll what I
might do till I paw the confession. I haven't
seen it , and that is the status of the caso. "
' I haven't seen nor heard of any coufos-
sion by Ncebe , " said Judge G.ary , "nnd I
flon't ' believe ho'll make any. " Just what the
confession may contain was keeping people
conjecturing this afternoon. It. was rumored
that tho'storywould implicate several promi
nent citizens who were thought to bo far
above any connection with the anarchist
movement. On the other hand , men who
ought to know pretty well the extent of
Noubo's knowlora said the confession could
reveal very littlej if anything more than was
developed at the anarchist trial.
A special dispatch from Jolict , says :
"Ncebe has made no confession , for the
simple reason , as ho puts it , that there is
no tli infer him to confess. He sent a long
communication to his brother Louis , lust
night , but It contained nothing now relating
to the anarchists. Neabo said , that if ho
Wcro offered his freedom to-morrow for a
confession , ho would have to state honestly
thai there was absolutely noflilng ho could
tell moro than Is already known. The re
port that ho was preparing a full confession
of the formation , workings and plans of the
anarchists , for Judge Gary was not true ,
Ho bases his claims for executive clemency
entirely upon the alleged facts that ho never
did anything In the way of threatening
human life , and that ho was not In any way
responsible for the Haymarkct tragedy.
Wiiidoin Goti tlioTroaoury ,
HAI.TIMOICB , Fob. CO. Hon. William Win-
dom , ex-seerotary of the treasury , spent to
night In Uultlmoro as the guest of John S.
Oilman. To-night bo won closeted
for Homo Rours with Stephen
H. Elkin , Henry O , Davis and others.
After the conference ono of the gentlemen an
nounced to a reporter that Windom hud boon
tendered and had accepted the position of
secretary of the treasury iu General Harri
son's cnbinot. He will go to Wellington to
morrow morning.
Died in
l * ) buJtimc3 Uunl-iu
FI.OKKNTE , Fob. 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : HEU. ) Mrs , Catherine
Walsh , daughter of General Dix , of Now
York , died hero this morning.
Flower the Negro Shot Yostord ay
nt JKdarnoy..Dlos.
The Superintendent of the Hall
County 1'oor Knrm V'ouml In
n Cellar With His
Dower Is Dead.
KrAiiitcv , Nob. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BEB.J Considerable oxcitq-
raotit prevailed on the streets to-day about
the shooting wlhch took place fast evening
at Kelley's hotel. The wounded man lay In
a stupor all day mid died nt 5:30 : this ovcnlnp.
J. W. Grinith , who did the shooting , has
been in jull all day nnd refuses to say any
thing about the matter. Hu Is n cleric in C.
E. Hanson's land ofllco , nnd is n highly re
spected young man ,
A post mortem examination will bo held
to-night , and the Inquest to-morrow.
It lias since transpired that the negro was
atone time n member ot the OHvo gang -of
horse thieves that-infested central Nebraska ,
and was considered -tough character.
Tcnohors of the Northwest.
Ewixo , Neb. , Fcb.'SOJ-fSpeclal to THE
I3ci.l : The gathering "or teachers nt this
place from Holt and Antclopo counties , as
well as n few prominent Instructors from
other parts of the state , the 2.2d and 23d in
stants , was n gratifying success. The evenIng -
Ing of the 22d Prof. E. M. Thompson , of In
dependence , 14 , , gave n lecture to a full
house on the subject "Building. " It ovlnced
deep thought and a master mind. The work
of Saturday consisted in discussion of vari
ous topics relating to the good of the public
schools. Superintendent S. A. Uoyd , of An
tclopo county , road an excellent paper , "Can
Our Country Schools bd Graded I" This was
followed by remarks' from Superintendent C.
A. Manvlllo , of Holt county ; also Prof. P.
W. Grinstead. principal of the Norfolk pub
lic schools. The latter nlso read a peed pa
per on "Tho School , the Home , the Nation. "
Seventy-live teachers wcro prcscnt.provmg
that the teachers of horthwest Nebraska are
alive to all matters pertaining to education.
Mucli credit is duo Principal W. 11.
Jackson in planning the work of this insti
tute and for the able manner In which ho nnd
his earnest corps of teachers /conducting
the school here. ,
FIIEMONT , Neb , , Febt 2jV [ Special to THE
Bnn. ] Suit has been > begun in the district
court by Miss Minnie RynoUl and- her sister ,
Mrs. Frank Hoagland , against the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missourc. valley railroad for
550,000 damages. Thesehladics were in a
wreck on the Elkhorn. road which occurred
n short distance east of BVemont on the
night of November 4. Their injuries were
quite severe , and thoyhavo been laid up In
consequence of thonr daring the winter.
They have employed ; a-Xork attorney to
proscc.Ue their case. i
Killed py' Hist Brother.
Aunox , Nob. , Fpt' . 20C" Fred Spiegel , son
of Andrew SpicgoUj'f Oakland , precinct , this
county , was shot nnc instantly killed by .his
younger brother , 'it seems they were out
near the barn ' "withjinA old musket loaded
with buckshot , which tfyfcy" .thought was un
loaded , and the youngo * brother , aged ten ,
pointed it at.Frcd.uifd pulled the trigger , the
whole charge -talcing ctfect in the left side ,
killing him instantly. The coroner went out
but did not find occasion to hold an inquest ,
as it was purely accidental.
Confessed to < > r9iid Jjarceny.
GUANO ISLAND , Nob. , Feb. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bpb. ] - Sheriff Wedgwood
arrived hero last night having in custody
William Rutherford , charged with burning
a barn and stealing horses belonging to
Stephen Jones , of Wood River , an account of
which was reported last week. Rutherford
worked for Jones .last' summer under the
name of William Hon'dricks. Ho pleads
guilty to the charge of grand larceny , but
denies all knowledge of'tho barn burning ,
which probably saved trouble , as the feeling
Is very bitter , and threats of lynching were
mado. . _
' nctlfiist For Fifteen Year * .
NIJMOII , Neb. , Feb. 20. [ Special to Tun
BBC. | Christian Jurging , husband of Mrs.
.lurging , owner nnd for/nor proprietress of
the Atlantic hotel of this city , died Sunday
last , aged sixty-seven years. Mr. Jurcing
had been u sufferer for n number of years
and confined to his bed for fifteen years. Ho
had resided in this city slnco 1SSO , removing
hero from Fremont. ' The funeral service
was held ut the Episcopal church yesterday ,
the Rov.PF : Moore otliciating.
The Itliielidom Uliol Suits.
NinucASKA CITV , Nqb. , Fob. , 2(1. ( [ Special
Telegram to Tun I3Rir-Tho ) celebrated libel
suits of Prof. Hluchdorn were partly settled
in the county court to"day , by the discharge
ofSchafcr , ono of tno .defend ants , the evl-
dcnco adduced not being suflicient to prove
that lie wrote the artiojo that bore his name. '
The charge against Hentler , the publisher ,
will bo concluded to-morrow. The defense
is making nn effort to prove all the charges
published against Uluehdorn.
Brutally Bcn en and Ilouhcd.
GIUND ISI.AXI > ; Neb. , Fob. 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tiin Heir. ] A. 1C. Dunklo , su
perintendent of the poor farm , was found
about 3 o'clock this mJJrnlng in the old collar
near the Union Pacific track in this city , by
ttie railroad watchman. His left leg was
broken in two places , and was bruised and
beaten. Ho said ho" ' was attacked by two
men who bent nnd rolibcd him and then
throw him in to- the cellar in an unconscious
condition. |
Old SettleM-'OrunnizB.
FREMONT , Nob. , Fcbvisfi. [ Special to Tin :
BcB.l About slxty r/'tho old settlers of
Dodge county met In jtais city and organized
the Doduo County Old.Settlers' . association.
A temporary organisation' was made by the
election of W. H. Elyaat president , nnd J. J.
Hawthorn as secretory. All. persons having
C3IHO to Nebraska prior to its admission into
the union us u state inilb'&i ; are eliglula as
members. . |
Vlfiltud. Horn.
Puuu , Neb , , Fob' . ! W. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Bnu.j The tlanninlttco on universi
ties and normal sclio < ) l8i > tOjjether with Su
perintendent Lane and J7AV. Lane , inombora
of the normal school litoard , visited the In
stitution ut this pluca today and Investigated
the work being doh/i , JV reception' was
given to them this afternoon.
A Depot lilaze ,
KBAHNEV , Neb. , "Pob , ,20 , [ Special Tclo-
groui to TJIB UEB-.J ft.Q Uuon | Pacific
depot caught 11 ro Kjls evening from a side
lump which 'fell down1 mid started a big
blaze before It was discovered. By prompt
and cool headed work ' ° < the night men em
ployed ut the depot , . tbo lira was put out and
the dnuiago was slight ,
Horse ' 1'liluvc * ' Itott Van .Wyalc.
NKUUASKA Ctrv , lKeb. , Fob. J0. [ Special
to TUB nun. ] Thieves stole tiq line horses
from Van Wyck'afStables last nlglit. Two
men were nrroatod at .Syracuse to-day and
the horses recovered.
Ilolil Up Ijy
miBKA CiTVi NcK , Fcb , 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tut | iuu.j il. BavliBler , ProJ
Bostrun and M. Spcchart , thrco citizens ,
wcro waylaid last night by highwaymen and
ebbed nt the point of pistols. Robberies of
this kind are of almost nightly occurrence.
Several young men of this city arc suspected
of being the robbers.
For Mnlllnc Ul\cotlonnllo | Matter.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Fob , CO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BUE.I A young farmer was
brought to Hastings this morning under ar
rest by United States Marshal Stewart for
sending objcctlonnblo matter through tbo
malls , Acting under the advice of n banker ,
the farmer wrote on a postal card to nn Im
plement house holding his note : "Go toll . "
Died of Kxpnaurc.
LoutCtTr , Feb. , Fob , 20. [ Special to Tim
Ur.n.1 Contain Hunting , who was so badly
frozen , ns mentioned In u special to Tnu Bic
February ! , died yesterday morning. His
ago was seventy-eight ; II Is rumored that
the widow will Institute proceedings to col
lect damages from the parties of whom ho
had purchased whisky.
Board or Trade Organized.
SIDNEY , Neb. , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEE.I A meeting composed of all the
loadiuc business men of the city met in the
court house this evening and organized the
Sidney board of trade. A constitution nnd
by-laws were adopted nnd signed by nearly
all present , after which ofllcors were elected.
A Mill lliuuctl.
GoTHExnuiui , Nob. , Feb. 2iX [ Special Tel
cgram to Tnc BEE. ] At 2 o'cloett this morn
ing lire was discovered In the engine room of
the Gothenburg mill , nnd In less than two
hours it was all in ruins ; loss. ? 3i,000 ) ; insur
ance , 59,000. The cause of tno lire Is un
Tlio .Truco Between nismnrcU nnd
Count Von Waldcrsce.
BEKUN , Fcb. 20. [ Special Cablegram to
THE HUB. ] Notwithstanding yesterday
evening's ' dinner of conciliation nt which
Prince Bismarck , under the eyool Emperor
William , hob-nobbed witli Count Von Wul-
dorsee , n credible report makes the truce be
tween them of short duration. Tno restora
tion of the health of the chancellor has
caused the rumors of his retirement to cease.
His new courtesies toward Count Von Wal-
derscc do not alter the fact that he is jealous
ot the count's influence over the emperor.
The count enjoys the closest Inti
macy with , nnd the highest personal con
fidence of Emperor William. Ho is
often seen walking with the emperor , and is
constantly consulted both on military ques
tions , as chief of start of army , and on per
sonal affairs as a friend. The chancellor has
the unabated political confidence of the em
peror , and no differences of opinion have
risen between thorn threatening a breach , but
nevertheless the Bismarck circle , reflecting
the feeling of their chief , feel that Count
von Wuldursco stands between the chan
cellor and the emperor. It was not without
trouble that Emperor William obtained the
present nccord between the chiefs
of the diplomatic and army services , and its
solidity is in fact doubtful. Among its im
mediate results will be the sacrifice of
Ho ffiedieger Stocckcr to the chancellor's en
mity. His dismissal from his court charge
is certain to follow an .unfavorable sentence
by 'the" Prussian oberkirchcnrath , because of
his want of truth In tlio ease of Pastor
Witte. His successor is. already 'named ' in
Pastor Dryander , who has recently been
acting ns scclinsorgcr , or spiritual guide to
the empress. Iu the synod of the Berlin
district Dr. Dryander declared in favor of
the complete absorption of the social Christ
ian movement , with which Stoccicer is iden
tified , into the normal activities of the
church. The retirement of Dr. Stoeclcer is a
minor but memorable instance of how
Prince Bismarck contrives to make nn
enemy disappear. At the coming sitting
of the bumlesrath the government will
introduce a bill for an extra credit of 3J,000-
000 marks for the navy. The bill also pro
vides for the separation of the naval execu
tive , including the supreme command , from
the administrative department , the latter
forming a board especially constituted.
The marriage of Prince Alexander , of But-
tenbcrg , to Marie Loislngor gratifies both Uio
emperor nnd the chancellor. The news did
not come as n surprise , it having been known
for n month past through Vienna sources
that the prince was pacing marked attention
to tne actress. Care was taken that the af
fair should reach Queen Victoria , who aban
doned Prince Alexander , when she found
him impervious to family reasons.
A D AKOTA Tll A.U 1C I ) Y.
A Alan Shoots Ills Win : nnd Blows
His Own AVortlilCHs Head On1.
DICKINSON. Dak. , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bun. ] Oncof iho most - sensational
tional tragedies ever occurring in this sec
tion of Dakota tootc place about 'J o'clock this
morning ; in which two persons lost their
lives and ilvo others narrowly es
caped. John Holler , a German , lived
with his family , a wife and
five children , on a claim twb miles from
hero. His wife hud been having some
trouble uud he threatened her life. His wife
left him to-day and went to u neighbor's for
safety , and In a short time her husband fol
lowed her , taking with him a Winchester
rillc. After first driving tlio people from
the house whcro she hud taken refuge by
threats of murdering them nil , ho entered
the house and dragged his de
fenseless wife from her hiding
place nnd deliberately murdered tier
by firing two shots , ono of which took cftcot
in ttio left broust and the other in the nbdo-
men. Ho then went outside and placed tlio
iniu/.lo of the gun against his lett temple and
llrccl , blowing tlio whole top oi his
luiad off. It is said that ho killed
a fo riser wife some years ago In
the east , and lie was accused of ourning a
house near here three yuars ago to obtain
the insurance. His Intention wits to cremate
his Ilvo small children , but fortunately they
escaped a horrible death , lieforo leaving
his house to hunt down his wife , hu locked
the Ilvo children In the building and delib
erately sot llro to It , as well u * to his grain
stuck , buy and barn , in which ho had a lot of
/arm machinery stored , and the whole in now
a-moldoring mass of rulns.t After he loft the
burning building tlio children escaped by
breaking u window , climbing out and a renew
now being cared for by friends.
ClRvcIand'x I'roolumntlon.
WAMIINUTO.V , Fob. 2rt. The president has
issued the following proclamation :
Whereas , public interests require that the
senate should bo convened ut 12 o'clock on
the -Hh duy of March next , to receive such
communications us may bo made by the exe
cutive 5 now ; therefore , 1 , Graver Cleve
land. president of the United States , do
hereby proclaim and declare that nn extra
ordinary occasion requires that the senate
of the United States convene on thuUli da.v
of March next , at 1'J o'clock noon , of which
all parsons who shall nt that time bu entitled
to act as members of that body are hereby
required to take notice ,
lCui > iirt'jlit fwa ini Jmnet OnnlunJuuett. . ]
NICK , Feb. 20. [ Now York Herald Cable-
Special to , THU BBC. ] Surah Bcrnhurdt
closed her series of representation * in NIce
to-night , with "La Duma Aux Camcllus. "
There was again a crowded house , and with
thu high prices charged she will net u good
sum. Last night she had a very swell
audience in Cannes , for '
lloitqc ,
WASHIXCITON , Fob. 20. Very few members -
bers were present when the house- convened
this morning.
The bill for opening to settlement a portion
tion of the Sioux reservation in Dakota ,
with senate amendment ! ) , having boon laid
before the house , the amendments wcro non-
concurred in and n conference ordered. .
The hour of 11 o'clock having arrived , and
lifter the usual dilatory tactic * having boon
exhausted , Mr. Randall-reported the sundry
civil bill from the committee on appropria
tions with senate amendments.
The recommendations of tlio committee on
appropriations relative to the setmto amoiid-
incuts were agreed to. A conference was or
dered and conferees appointed ,
No effort wes mad to call up the contested
election case , mid the house went Into com-
mlttco of the whole on the deficiency nppro-
pi latlon bill.
Mr. Bayers of Texas read n letter which
Mr , Scott of Pennsylvania received from
Colonel Lament , stating that when ho no-
ceptcd the position of private secretary to the
president ho had full knowledge of the pay
attaching to it. Ho preferred not to bo the
bcncllciarry of retractive legislation , nnd ho
therefore asked the commlttu to recede from
Its amendment appropriating $ < ! , OOJ for his
benefit. Mr. Bayers asked leave to strike
out the amendment , but Mr. Hayes of Iowa
An amendment was adopted directing the
attorney general report to the Fifty-first con
gress the legal status of the 2 per cent claims
of Illinois and Indiana.
The committee then rose nnd the bill was
passed , tlio Lament amendment being elimi
The conference report on the pension ap
propriation bill was presented and agreed to.
The house then went into committee of ttie
whole on the Indian appropriation bill.
Mr. Kennedy ot Ohio referred to a speech
on southern elections made by him In July
last , nnd the reference made to him by Mr.
Crisp a few days ago. Ho proceeded to
bharply criticlso Mr. Crisp , and said that
the people of the I'nited States had been in
sulted and outrftifid by the selco'ion for
chairman of the committee on elect ! ms of a
man whoso election was challenged by every
sense of decency and honor. That committee -
too had been appointed for a purpos.1. With
undue haste it had reported the case of John
G. Carlisle to the house. The gentleman
Irom Georgia did not treat Carlisle with the
sumo precision and exactness with which ho
treated tlio Elliott-Smalls caso. Tlio latter
case had been brought into the house cloven
months after the Carlisle case had
liceil considered. Ho wished to show
that the democratic party never had done ,
nnd never would do , Justice to the black
man. Kennedy then spoke severely of
Speaker Carlisle , and said that that gentle
man would go out to private life condemned
oy political associates uud despised by politi
cal enemies. He ( Kennedy ) loft him to him
self , his country ami the peonlc of Kentucky.
( Hisses on the democratic side. ) Mr. Ken
nedy also spoke severely of the remarks
made by Mr. Crisp concerning himself , and
after speaking in general of southern elec
tion affairs , referred to a recent speech made
by Governor Lee. of Virginia , in which that
gentleman declared that the country wanted
u white man's government. Ho also quoted
General Rosscr's declaration that a southern
gentleman could "whip a Yank" every timo.
If Lee and Bcaurcgard and Uosser had been
hung , as they should huvo beou _ after the
war was over , tliov would not now bo teach
ing rebellion and treason to the young men
of the gouth. General Bradley Johnson had
suid that the government was controlled by
confederates. Mr. Kennedy thanked God
that that control was passing away , and that
, thc confederates would be compelled to take
back seats. He congratulated the country
that the otherslilo of the ch'iimbor Would bo
free from the dictations to which it had neon-
subjected dictations which had been humil
iating not only to tlio house , but to the entire
Mr. Crisp ol Georgia , spoke severely of
Mr. Kennedy's defamatory remarks about
AJr. Carlisle and himself. Ho said that the
docket framed by the committee for the
trial of the Curljslo-Thoebo case
had met the approval of every
republican member of tlio committee ,
when Mr. Kennedy assumed that a high po
sition of honesty , and the inquiry was nat
ural whether there was anything in hischar-
ucter-or past life which would lead the pub
lic to accept his statement. Mr. Crisp then
referred to the proceedings In the Ohio state
senate when Mr. Kennedy presided as lieu
tenant governor , stating that witli but sov-
cntccn of the thirty-six members present ,
Mr. Kennedy hud entertained a motion to
turn out four democrats ami seat four repub
licans , nnd refused to permit the democratic
members of the senate upon their return to
place on tha journal u protest against the in-
justirp and iniquity of such a ruling. By
this circumstance the house cuuld determine
what value should be placed on thu opinion
of the gentleman from Ohio on a question of
Mr. Turner of Georgia also attacked Mr.
Kennedy In suvero terms. The latter having
nlso referred incidentally to the manage
ment of thn committee on elections under
Mr. Turner's chairmanship , Turner referred
to the cusc of Congressman ft'imcls as an
oxumplo of whether or nut his ( Turner's )
administration of the committee had been
Alter some furthofiilisciisiion the reading
ot tlio bill by sections was entered upon ,
but in n few moments the committee rose
and the house took a recess until evening.
There was a snmll attendance of members
when the house met this evening for further
consideration of the Indian appropriation
Mr. Peel altered an amendment appropriat
ing itl2,00 ) , > ) for payment to the Seminole
blind of Indians for land in tha Jnilian Terri
tory ceiled by that band to the United States.
Pending u vote the house adjourned ,
WASIIIXOTW , Feb. UiJ. in the senate to
day tlie committee on public lands reported
buck the senate bill , vetoed by the ) resident ,
for the ruliof nf William 11. Whuutori and
Charles H. Chamberlain , with n recom
mendation thai tlin bill nass. Mr. Dolph
made an explanation , claiming that tlio pres
ident's objections wcro umdc under misap
prehensions. The bill is to reimburse
parties , formerly register mid receiver of tlio
land olllco In California , for clerk hire paid
by them. The vote resulted , jeusJ5 , nays
b. Two-thirds having voted in tlio aOlrma-
live , the bill pasted. '
The t-dsolution offered yesterday by Mr.
Sabin , calling on the secretary of tlio interior
for.H statement of Ins notion toward discon
tinuing certain United States laud oflleos ,
was taken up and agreed to , * v- "
The I'IOUHU amendment to thu sanata bill
granting a pension of $ lK ! ) pur month in the
widow of Mujor General ICilpatriek was
agreed to , The amendment reduces vho rate
to JT.- .
The sonata then resumed consideration of
the army appropriation bill.
Mr , Stowurt oflVrrd an uincmlmrnt , which
wax iigrecd to , appropriating flbi'.TA ) for the
purchase of tliren pjicumutm dynamite guns ,
flftceii-lni.'h culibro , with neci'Sftury ma
chinery , ammunition mid cnrriuL'ns lo bo
placed and mounted for use on the Pacific
const ,
A number of other amendments of minor
importance were agreed to ami tire bill then
'j'hu senate then proceeded to considera
tion of bills on tha calendar unoUJi'ctcd ' to.
After iho disposition of buvcral unimport
ant measures thu senntn went into executive
session and boon adjourned.
Shot TJiroiiKli flii Fnwliond.
RAWUNS , Wyo. , Keo. 2 > , ( Special Tele
gram to Tim HRK. | Jack Cooper was IciUM
to-day by a mm : named Westplmul , Th.e
trouble leading to iho killing occurred some
days ugo , and was renewed when thu men
met to-day. Cooper drew his pistol nnd
began Hrlng , Wuatphaul run over to whcra
his Winchester was ? and roturneu lire.
Cooper , who was behind bin horse , stooped to
gut a belter shot , when \VcstphuuI draw n
bead on him and Hhot him through llio fore
head. About four.VOUCH ago Conner killed
the forcuiuu of the Pick cattle outfit.
Mr. nncl Mrs. Harrison Invited to
Dinner Friday Evening.
People CntlltiK From Knrmid Ncnr
to ray Tholr ItcnpoutH Anibl-
tlotiM 1'iuil Vumlcrvoort
Interviewed ,
axBunnAU Tun OMAHA HUB , I
* '
WASHINGTON , D. C . Fob.'sO. I
Gcner.ll Harrison has been holding n gen
eral reception this evening , and nearly all tlift
loaders of the republican party have culloip
From the time of his nrrlval at n o'clookor ,
thereabouts , ho was "closed for repairs , " asi
ono might say , for when ho wont out upon
thn platform of the car at Baltimore to tut-
drcss his follow citizens ho got u largo sized
cinder in his eye , and It has been troubling
him n good deal over slnco. All the family
have been digging nwuy nt it without sue *
ccsi , and If there Is no relief In the mornlngj
n doctor is to bo called. Tlio finally arc daj-
llghtcd with Ihofoums , which were arranged
for their reception , mid Mrs. Harrison said
that she feared she would bo sorry to uiova
on next Monday. They wcro not only newly
"decorated , but were filled with tup
most beautiful llowcra. Mr , Elliot Fi
Shepherd , sent a largo basket of roses to
each of the ladles In the party , Mrs. Hnrrjj
son , Mrs. MeKec , Mrs. Harrison , Jr. , unS
Mrs. Saundcrs , her mother , Mr. and Mrs * .
Adams , of Chicago , loft u bcautiiul cluster
upon the center table. Mr. and Mrs. Bluino ,
Mrs. Hiscock , Mr. Rosalie , tlio proprietor of
the hotel , Congressman Balden and wife , of
Rochester , and several others remembered
them In n similar manner , until the room ,
looked ns if it had been'ndorncd for n bull' .
There wore n good many cards piled upon the
table , while General Harrison was resting
from the Journey , but nouo of them were
curried In to him. Sergeant Dlnsmoru , un <
old attache ot thu white house in rcpub.-
lican times , and General Arthur's fuvorit i
attendant , appeared us if by magic to tnka
charge of tilings , and sccmod to be pleased
witli his duty. He passed the time of
day with callers , uud told them all
that tlio general must bo excused until even
ing , but when a large , creel man with snow
white board nnd hair , we.irmg a rumpled
chinchilla overcoat and a silk hat rubbad the !
wrong way , made his appearance about half
past U , ho was udnnttud at once. There had
been a little pruludo at the desk in the ollleo.
The man witli the white ucurd and hair had
not learned the ropes , and had gouo there
first as he would huvo done hud he been
seoiciug un ordinary guest. Ho drew front
tils pocket a card case and took out three
cards , which Ho handed to the clerk. On
two of them was inscribed the name of Mr.
James G. Blninu , on thu third was Mrs.
James G Bliiiuo. As ho Handed the cards to
the clerkho asked that they bo sent to Mr. and
Mrs. Harrison. The clerk looked him In the
eyes and said : "It is hardly necessary for
you to fioml In your card , senator."Well,1 *
ho replied. ' hesitatingly , .with tlio roior
mounting to his cheeks , "it is the customary
and proper thlngi ? ' When-tho boll boy dis > -
lippeured through the corridor , Mr. Blaine
stepped back into n dark corner and amused
himself looking over the literature on tha
news Htull. A couple of minutes afterwards
Mr. Russell B. Harrison appeared and grout *
ing Mr. liluiuo cordially , invited him up
stairs , where ho was received by general aiid
Mrs. Harrison , and remained with the
former for nearly three quarters of on hour.
No other callers wcro received until about
5:110 : o'clock , whan Mr , Sloan li. Fassctt , the
secretary of thu national republican commit
tee , was admitted to an interview , and re
mained for half uu hour or more. Mr. Fas-
sett is the next friend ami political lieutenant
of Mr. Platt , and for tljat reason tlio inter
view may bo considered of moro than usual
Later General Pbwell Clayton , of Arkan
sas , was received , and ns lie cama from the
unrlor of tne next president his face showed
signs of weeping.
The family Hat down to dinner about (1:30 ( :
o'clock. It was n very elaborate atluir , the
menu being something better than { that
served to the ordinary guests of the
hotel , and there was a good deal of formal
ity , but only the family appeared at the
table. Before tlio dinner was over Goiicr.ili
Harrison took his hat mid started out with
Mr. McKua for a long wullc , being gone moro
than an hour. Afier his return until nearly "
midnight ho was constantly receiving call
ers , and the parlors were full of public : moo
and their ladios. Among other cullers was
a Now York gentleman , with an enormous '
. Siberian bloodhound , u dug us lurgo as a calf ,
whoso collar was decorated with u minnturo
United States flag like the badges worn by
tlio republican cluhs during the campaign.
As ho lay stretched upon the floor"somo
one remarked that the animal was a good ,
illustration of the protective policy.
"Yes , " replied the prosldeiit-clrct , "he
looks very much Ilka un over-fed monopo
list. "
Mr. Russell Harrison brought down the
babies to sco the dog , and they were do.
lighted with him.
General and Mrs. Harrison will to-morrow ,
call ut the white housu to pay their respects
to President and Mrs. Cleveland , according
tut no usual ceremony , ami the call will be
returned some time during tha s.imo day. It
is understood that Mrs. Cleveland wilt ten
der .some sort of hospitality to Mrs. Harri
son before slio leaves tha white houao , but
the Harrison family will not accept any other
formal engagements. The general said to
night Unit hu was not talking politics , but ho
iiiudo several appointments of importance for
Mr. Prudon , executive secretary of Prcsl.
dent Cleveland , called this evening and
formally extended tha courtesies of tho.
white house. Mrs. Harrison will dacido to
morrow what duy will still her host to call.
President and Mrs. Cleveland have In
vited their successors to dlno with them on
Friday evening.
General Hurrihon wan very much grieved
this evening lo leurn of the adverse iom.
meat upon his excessively secret entrance
into W.ibliiiigion. Ho uiithori/.ed the stale-
mcnt that ha was vury sorry II happened and
that it was without hU request or authority ,
Ho was in thu liuudb of the inaugural coio
mitten and thu committee decided to take
him from tlio tralr. huforo It arrived' nt the
railway station.
From PIttsburg to Altoona the train
bearing Prcsidunt-clect Harrison and
family prucccdod without ai'cident. There
was no demonstration of any kind ut Pitts.
burg , At JctinetUi no stop could bo per
mitted. While ut Pittsburg a telcruin
was received from the committee of the
Pennsylvania legislature appointed to ask
the prviiiilpnt-oluft to visit the hull of
the house a ) roprcscntutlvw and meat
the legislators while in Hurrlsburg.
Russell Harrison , when ho heard of
the ivqncst of tin ) legislature , said that the
schedule of thu train would not permit of
any such stop at llarrisburg as the resolution
contemplated. Tim train run slowly through
thu Altooun yards without stopping , leaving
here nt 11:55 : u. m. At Bollwood and various
small towns along the route crowds nf pee *
pla had gathered to watch the train nt it
ibpcd by , Harrison and family sat
down tobriiikfust , : at 0 o'clock. The train
rqaehed Hnrrisburg promptly on tluio , the
CUM rolling into the depot nt 10.'M in the
presence of u lurgo assemblage.
There was a great crush nt the PcnnsyU
van la depot when the presidential train
reached Hurrlsburg. Among the drat por-
bens to board the train were the members of
the committee appointed by the legislature to
irxtuud to General Harrison un invitation to
visit the general assembly and uirord the
statesmen an opportunity to pay their r < j