Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Collections of intornnl rovcnuo yos-
tordny were $11,077.02.
Jerry Lcnry. the operator of flrd find
police alarms nt hcnuqunrtcra , is on the
bick list.
A stolen sat ; hol and a pocketbook
picked up on the street nrc nwnlting
owners in Chief Scavcy's ofllco.
It cost Charles Skinner $12.50 to
throw n. brick at n bill poster named
Daw-son , and he paid it to .Judge Ucrka.
"William S. Hod fluid , a flrotntin , who
is a member of hook mid ladder com
pany No. - , has hnndcd in his resigna
tion * , to tnlto effect March 1.
The brandy and cigars confiscated by
the Internal revenue ofllces wore hold
nt noon yesterday , .ludgo Iloltnos toolc
the cigars and Lou ! a Hoohmor the
Frank Hock , the man who lost his
finger in the Sunday afternoon fight ,
lias been hold under bonds to annualns
prosecuting witness in case Finun is
D. S. llutehor , a driver working for
John StovoiiBon , was arrested yesterday
for not making a fair dlvido of UU faros
with his employer. IIo was charged
with getting $ l.Uo the best of it.
A warrant has boon issued for the
arrest of G. C. Hoboy , of Crawford ,
Nob. , charged with sending obscene
matter through the mails. Ttio prose
cution is in the hands of the postolllco
C'urpcls wore imported to Omaha
from Hradford , England , yesterday ,
and wore consigned to S. A. Orchard.
Three cases of dry goods from Glacgow
wore alfco i-ccoivod by the Klpiitriulc-
Koch company.
The stock of drugs bcli'iiging to .1.
W. MoMonnmy , at 1 "ill ! Du.lj'o street ,
was sold yesterday to Atu.xunder L.
Pollock , for the sum of * ' > , 'JO ! . A bill
ofwlo of the property was filed with
the county clerk.
George Wilbor , a barber , was found
in possession of an overcoat that
lie had bought cheap from a man who
was unknown to him. The coat was
claimed by the rightful owner , mid
George was fined 920 and costs.
The gnlnito between the horse oar
tracks on Farnain street is becoming so
rounded that the horses attached to the
cars slip upon it very builJy. Yesterday a
number of men wcro engaged in scatter
ing gravel between the rails in order to
save tin horses from falling.
Private Burns , of the Second infant
ry , escaped again from the guard house
nt Fort Omaha yostorday. It is the
third tinio within a few months that ho
has made n. break for liberty and this
tinio all traces of him scorn to bo lost.
Picket" , however , uro looking out for
him at the depots.
Porsonul I'.iragrapht.
D. 13. Kerry , of Crete , Is nt the Paxton.
Jolm Stout , of Lincoln , U at the Milhivd.
A. C. Colton , of Beatrice , is stopping at the
Li. Wessol , jr. , of Lincoln , is a Kucst at the
Stove O'Day , of Ncllgli , Neb. , is a Kucat nt
the Murray.
Snm D. Lclnnd , of Lincoln , is stopping at
the Murray.
F. E. Kotchum , of Ftcuiont. is stopping at
the Millnrd.
J. U. Davis , of Wnlino , is among the guests
nt the Milliird.
Goo. W. WainOcrlght , of Blair , registered
nt the Millanl.
U. N. Withiioll and wife have returned
from California.
V. Allyn , of Broken Bow , registered at the
Paxton last night.
1C. E. Valentine , of West Point , was at the
Millnrd last night.
H. M , KoU.yor , of Clark , Jfeb. , was at the
Mlllard ycstorduy.
W. A. Warner , of Lincoln , is among the
guests at the Murray.
H. G. Bronsou , of Wahoo , icgistcrcd nt
the Mlllard last night.
J. J. Stubb , of Oakland , Neb. , registered
at the Pnxton yesterday.
U. J. Kilpatrick and wife wcro among the
guests nt the Paxton last night.
Gcorgo E. Donnington , of Falls City ,
Neb. , registered nt the Millard last night.
Judge M. 11 Hopewell , of Tckama , is
back again nnd has registered at the Millurd.
Mr. John W. Vogel , manager of McNlsh ,
Rnmzu & Arno's rolincd minstrels , is la the
Signal Ofllcor Welsh , In charge of the
O i nub a weather bureau , Is coullncd to his
hnmo through illness.
C. Ira Tnttlo , Ira Johnson and George
Ilackctt , wore in from Kearney yesterday
and registered nt the Millurd.
Mrs. Iloo Elliott has returned from Sioux
City , where she 1ms boon visiting for seine
weoUs. Mr. and Mrs. Ulllott hnvo taken a
house on North Twunty-lUtU street.
Alvin Sarlin , accused of stealing ? 55 from
the house where ho was hoarding on Paul
street , wns tried ana acquitted in the district
court yesterday.
Alike Gels tlie Pin.
The ease of Mike Fitzgerald versus Jim
Douglas for the possession of a K. of L. pin
consumed half a tluy In Justice Ivroegcr's
court , nnd resulted In Fitzgerald carrying off
the trinket. _
Wr. Walters 111.
Frank Walters , n well-known politician , Is
dangerously ill at his homo SU3 South Nine
teenth street. IIo IB allllctcd with consump
tion. His recovery Is doubtful. Ills condi
tion ycstciday was discouraging to his
rtur Committee.
The following attorneys have been ap
pointed a bar committee to examine appli
cants for admission : T. J. Mrdioney , chair
man ; U. D. Gregory , Simeon Bloom , K. M.
Unrtlott , Jmnes W. Hamilton , J. W. Edgor-
ton and Jolm Vf. Care.
Still Under Guard ,
Lawson Co well and wife , who were hold
last Thursday oy United States Commis
sioner Amlci'bon , on the charge of robbing
the jiinlls ut Tlelsoy , nro still under guard ,
They sent after friends out there to came
hero and le'n tholr bonds but their friends
linvo not yet put In an appearance ,
A Moi-nlnc Hlnze ,
Thoflro department had a run to Nineteenth
street , near Charles , at 0:35 : n. in. yesterday ,
wheio a'building owned by Horace Clement ,
of No. 1 engine/ company , and occupied , by a
dressmaker named Mrs. Cnry , was In flames ,
About $50 dauiugo was done , to the house
und a number of half ilnlahcU dresses ruiuoJ.
Policemen on I Me Vtiiducls.
The police nnd tire commission IIP.B In
structed the chief of detail four
police oAlcera from the metropolitan force to
guard the Eleventh and Sixteenth street
viaducts on nnd after March 1. Heretofore ,
special watchmen huvo been employed , hut
as It wan decided Unit thcso should be paid
out of the police fund it was decided to tml > -
etltulo olllceis from the force.
The Club Won.
At two o'clock ycatordny Officer Boyle
turcstcd a vicious looking colorca man for
exposing his person on Farnain street near
Eleventh. As the patrol wugoa diet net
ccmo to tnnu promptly , a crowd soon gath
ered nud the prisoner began to work on
their foollugs by a speech that only u colored -
orod man could make. When lo thnuaht ho
hnd them in a proper stuto of mjril hg imido
n break for liberty , ut the same time dr.iw-
Inpa.n ugly looking knife , nnd attotnptlug t
stab the ofllcor , The I Irs } , attempt was n
failure , nnd ho tried It several titans only in
bo clubbed into submission until at Inti
Qftleor llovlo bncamo tiroJ. of waiting for the
patrol , and nicreliod the cian r.p to tao
How They nro Now Ilnmlo.l In One
llnriiinnlotis Ortfnnl7.nlIon.
Tun Hun of Sunday contained telegrams
telling of the consolidation of the "cnmn"
nnd nest nystcuis of the Sons of Veterans ,
The difference between thcso organizations
ns ascertained Sunday from M. P. O'Hrion ,
heretofore has hcontu follows : The "camp"
system , of which General Gcorgo B. Abbott ,
of Chicago , li commaniler-ln-chief , Is known
ni the Som of Veterans of the United SUtcs
of America ana Is hy far the more numerous ,
having 70,000 members. This Is n strictly
military organization and m o Ulcered like the
United Slates army , each state being called
n division nnd having regimental oftlcors.
Each local subdivision Is called n camp and
h ofllcorcd the same as n company of In fun-
try. The members call one another
"brother. " The -'post" system Sons of
Veterans , simply that over which Gcorgo
W. Murks presides , is fashinhod nftcr the U.
A. U. It has a commntidor-in-chlof , senior
vice commander nnd Junior vice commander.
The othur olMeors have military titles. They
also have n council of administration. Each
state Is called a department nnd has depart
ment ofllccrs with the same titles as
the national ofllcers. Local sub
divisions nro called posts , and uro
ofllccrcd as follows1 Past commander , senior
and junior vice past commander , chaplain ,
quartermaster , quartermaster's sergeant ,
udjnitnnt , scrscitit-niajor , burgeon , olllcor-
of-tho-diiy , oniccr-of-thu-gu.ird , Inside gnnrd
nii'J ' sentinel. They wear the same insignia
of rank as thntof oDIcers of the G. A. H. ,
anil they call themsclvoj "comrades. " This
organization numbers about nine or ten
The post system has never been nblo to gst
a foot-hold lu the west , lu fact , not further
west than Ohio. They attempted to organ-
l/o Nebraska , Iowa and Minnesota , but be
fore It became permanent , their members ,
wont ever to the camp system. In Nebraska
the post system died in Ib8l , and since then
the camp system has prevailed At present
the Nebraska division numbers about one
thousand. It has llfty-eight canms and is
olllcercd as follows : Colonel , A. M. Appel-
get , Tccumsoh ; lieutenant colonel , Moses P.
O'ltrlon ' , Omaha ; major , L. S. Ellsworth ,
Holdrcgo : surgeon , Samuel T. Haldrcdirc ,
M , D. , Omalm ; Adjutant , William Grimes ,
Tccumseh ; chief mustering oillccr , William
B. MeArthur , Lincoln.
It is believed that the action of the joint
committee in consolidating the two orders
will ho unanimously approved by the next
encampment of this division , and also by the
next national umcampmcnt.
Thcic Is one cnmp in Omaha. It is known
as General Gcorgo Crook , Camn No. 1. It
1ms forty members , and is oflleered ni fol
lows : Captain , E. 1) . Gideon ; liouton-
nnt , Gcorgo Pcabody ; second lieutenant ,
Otto Nciderwclsscr ; llrst sergeant. Frank
J. Contes ; quuitormastcr's ' sergeant , Edward
G. Jones ; sergeant of the guard , A. W.
Stuart ; chaplain , Moses P. O'Brien ; sur
geon , S. T. BaldrcilRe. They also have u
camp council.
This camp was organised about two years
ago , and is growing rapidly and will soon bo
the best camp In the west. They arc now
preparing for a grand camp-firo to he given
next mouth. They are also nt work on the
proper observance oC Memorial day. -
One of the causes for consideration of the
two orders was the action of the last national
encampment of the G. A. U. , recognising the
camp system Sons of Veterans , U. S. A.
It is expected that South Omaha will have
ncamp within the next month , as tin effort is
already being made to that end.
Lost. "I don't know whore , I can't
tell when , I don't too how something
of great value to mo , and for the return
of which 1 shall bo truly thankful , via. :
n , good appetite. "
Found. "Health and bti-ongth , pui-o
blood , un appetite like a wolf , regular
digestioniill by taking that popular and
peculiar modicum , Hood's Sursaparillu.
I want everybody to try it this season. "
It is sold by all druggists. One hun
dred doses one dollar.
The Young Gentleman Una tlic Honor
of Monopolizing the Crcclic.
Blue-eyed , rosy-cheeked Theodore Miller ,
n bright youngster fora two-year-olO , was
playing about the play-room at the Creche
yesterday watched by the matron , Mrs.
Chedlster , who occasionally took a hand In
the piny herself , und seemed to enjoy It as
much as the baby.
Theodore has the boner of being the first
baby entered at the Creche. His mother is
compelled to bo absent from homo during
the dav and says that she thinks the now in
stitution will prove u perfect boon to h or ,
because , heretofore , she had been compel led
to leave her baby in incompetent hands , and
ns a consequence worried about him all day.
Now she knows ho will bo taken cure of.
Thirteen other babies are expected to bo
entered by nnd to-morrow , accommo
dations for that number having been
Tuo society has decided that babies from
one to eight years of ago will bo received ,
The charges will bo 10 cents a day for each
child , except where there are two from the
sumo family , when 15 cents will bo levied ,
and if three are entered by the same parents
the rate will bo 20 cents. Worthy mothers
in destitute circumstances can have their
little ones cared for without charge and will
bo assisted in obtaining employment.
Thooppiesscd subjects of European gov
ernments turn to this country for free homos ,
free laws , and for the trco use of Salvation
Oil for their pains.
It la the slight cold frequently contracted
that undermines the system. Use Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup In the beginning stages and bo
Tlie IMuiuhliiK mil.
Tin : 15 ni : is in receipt of a communication
trom Mr. Hobcrt D. Duncan , In which ho as
sumes whatever bluinu is duo for the bill In
troduced by U. S. Berlin. He drew up the
bill himself , and fulling to got n meeting of
the muster plumbers , Kent it down on the
rccommpiidntioii of individual members. He
thinks the bill a good sanitary measure , nud
thinks It should be passed.
It provides that all muster plumbers shall
nuvo served an apprenticeship of three years ,
though this provision is not to bo retroactive.
The writer has some pertinent remarks to
make on the evils of employing inexperienced
or theoretical plumbors.
A second provision requires the registra
tion of Journeymen plumbers and their up-
prontlcus. The idea , says Mr. Duncan , is to
shut down on t ho practice of sciidlin ; out boys
to do pluinulng work ,
The objectors , lie says , arc theoretical
plumbers , und not men of practical experi
It's ns plain as a pilco stuff that any
article of pustery or food llavored witli
adulterated flavoring cannot possess the
wholosomoncsi or agreeable flavor of
ono in which u pure fruit extract like
one of Van Du/.or's has boon used. The
flavoring extracts prepared by Van
Duxor & Co. r. re from wound fruit , highly
concentrated contain more than usual
quantity und arc therefore doubly eco
nomic. Their llavor is bupoib , Cro- !
corj uvcrywhtii-c sell thorn.
"Unknown , " iliiiiil-Bnll
Th'jro wan a hand-ball match at Hurt's
court SuuJay afternoon bctwMii an "un
known" from Now York and KilfroUon , on
one sMo , nnd Durns und Lcnry on the other ,
The ilrht trnmn resulted In u victory for the
' 'Unknown" nml Kilgallon by a scorcjof ! U to
IT. Burns and Loary won Urn second by 21
points to 1'J for their opi > oiiciiU. Another
match was played yesterday afternoon be
tween t ho same parties ,
A challenge has been icrcivcd by Jtho
Onmhu playprs from the Kmisns City le-im
to piny n match , best three out of live , for
$101' , The chalicnt'o will probably bo ac-
The "Unkiiqwii1" Jiieut loncd above Is u very
superior player , but refuses to give his name.
Hf-sollilioiiH of COM dole rice ,
H. W.'Gray , In behalf of the employes on
the building In which Mr. Jilulco was killed
sends HID following resolutions ;
Whnrcas , In the Inscrutlbli wr.ys of nn all-
wi w Providence , our superintendent has
been removed from us , wo , ubsodutcd with
htw , desirli-.g to express onr deep sympathy
with his wife nnd family in their nflllction ,
do unlto In this expression of our warm re
gard for him , nnd dcplbrc deeply his death.
Wprds nro inadequate to express our sorrow
row , nnd language cannot console in this sad
bereavement , bnt wo cunnotrcfraln from ex
pression nnd so convey this our sympathy , ns
best wo can. Muy ho "who dooth nil thlnes
well" linvo ever In his keeping the wife nnd
children left behind , und raise up ninny nnd
warm friends who will cnro for the widow
and futhorless ; nnd bo It
Kesolvecl , That n copy of the nbovo resolu
tions bo forwarded to his family nnd near
relatives , a nil that they bo inserted in the
Boston Herald nnd American Architect.
lion. .Tas. D. Giflln , Judge of the
Eighth Judicial District of Iowa , says :
"It gives mo pleasure to recommend
Chamberlain's Itomedioj , because I dose
so from actunl experience in the tiso of
them inmy family. I refer particu
larly to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
which I think uno.xuolled by any
other. "
* wiijii WIN on
The HtrlklhK Tftl7or7 AVIll Kljjlit UiHll
Hprlnt ; .
Ata meeting hfcltl yesterday the local tailor
decided that they would contltuio the strike
until the spring season opened , nuit that If
then there should ho no .Indication of the
merchant tailors canting to terms , they would
seek green liehln and pastures now. They
emphatically declare Unit they will not re
turn to worlt under the new rate of wages ,
but that , in preference , would move to other
cities where bettor wages nro paid.
All the union men in the shops of Ilclln &
& Thompson , Guekcrt & McDonald , Ed B.
Williams nml F. J , Himgo , the merchants
who issued the now bill , llnlslicd lip the jobs
they wcro on when the stri'to ' botran yester
day , und will work no more until the rtilllcul-
tles shall bo settled. Eighty-seven men nro
out of employment.
A rumor to the effect that the Union men
In nil the shops would walk out to-day is
without foundation , as all the other shops
continue paving the old bill.
The merchants nro taking things coolly
enough and scorn to bo totally unconcerned.
Tho.v huvo hut little work on hund , which
they uro nblo to handle.
Botli the journeyman and the merchants
continue obstinate- und it is Impossible
to toll how the nITuir will terminate. Thus
fur but few striitiuo tailors have come
to town , ami soinoof the strikers say they
do not expect many. The latter has a com
mittee of four men nt each depot on the
arrival of every train and tliov claim that nil
now comers will In this way ba received and
given a statement of the causes of the
strike. They nlso suy that there is not
much danger of good tailors coming west.
These sire supposed to bo members of tlio
international and all getting good wages.
Besides they do not into to pay cur fare.
The local tailors' union has no connection
with the international , but members say it is
BUlllcicntly strong to support the strikers
until the date above mentioned ,
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamst. ,
telephone 12GI , blank book makers , etc.
The Committee Will Visit the Build-
in i : ToOIilny.
Henry Voss.Tohn , J. Coots and Mr. Lawrio ,
the special committee , will nuke 11 visit to
the new county hospital to-day. There
are no new developments in the sensation ,
except that Vosa claims to have been mis
represented. Yesterday ho was seen by a
Bin : reporter and said : "I was not engaged
to take a hand in this affair "by
Myers. Commissioner Mount first spoke
to mo about it nmt at his request I consented
to act. There is no truth , either , in the re
port that Myers and myself ever told Brown
anything about what kind of arches and ceil
ings the specifications call for. I know ab
solutely nothing with reference to that fea
ture of the controversy. "
Mr. Voss hud n letter from Myers , but no
says there was not a word in it to the effect
that brick , iron , or other material should bo
used in the disputed work.
Fine piano tuning at A. ITospo's.
o -
Burial of un Old Settler.
Yesterday , the funeral of Mrs Anna
Mngduluna Frcnzer took pluco from the resi
dence of her daughter , Mrs. Peck , on North
Nineteenth street , and was largely attended
by friends of the family. Mrs. Fronzcr was
eighty-seven years of ujro , and was the
mother of Peter Frcnzer , popnetor : of the
block of that name , und Joseph Frcn/cr , an
employe of the Union Pacific. She had been
uiresidontof Omaha for thirty-four years ,
whore her family is well known nnd ro-
ppctcd. The remains wcro borne to St.
Mary's church , ut Douglas and Sixteenth
stiects , where requiem mnss wns sung by
Hcv. Father Glauber. Tlio body wus en
cased in u beautiful cloth-draped casket on
which was u silver shield bearing the name ,
nee nnd duto of death of the deceased. The
pull bearers were : John WIedorkehr , Peter
Bugon , A. Spelleberg , Peter Alias , Bernard
Kolster and Peter Ganslor , The remains
were interred in the Gorman Catholic ceme
tery. _ _
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just been placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. in. ,
and runs through without cjiango to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado wcbt-
bound , and for Topolm , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points east and south via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 22 : > p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice at ( iU3 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha nt 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Blull's 11-10 : p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
and the east , and from Denver , Saliim ,
Abeline and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in KniibUH and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have flrst-
uluss equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaolics of the
latest pattern. The now train will fill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
_ _
Low May , chairman of the Nebraska fish
commission , Came Into town yester
day from Lincoln , where ho
conferred with certain members of
the legislature with regard to the a ) > -
proprlntton for the commission for the next
two yours. Ho states that the amount
asked for is 110,000 , which Is but u slight in
crease upon that allowed by the lust legisla
ture , mid with this sum he hopes to bo able
to make the commission do more work than
ever before In the same time.
Those who take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonio never havodyspopslacostivonoss ,
bad breath , piles , pimilosiiguo and ma
laria , poor appetite , low spirits , houd-
ncho or kidney troubles , Price CO cents.
Goodman Drug Co ,
I ) I HI ) ,
Cos'OVEii In this city , Ilazol , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thorndories B. nnd A. Y.
Conover , February S5 , at their residence ,
-'Ol Ohio street.
Fuiicial to-day at 2 [ o'clock p.m. rfdends
Children Cry for Pitcher' ' Castoria.
When Rabf vex Melt , we gare her Castoria.
When lie woj a Child , she cried for Caetoria ,
When ( he brcamo llln , &ho clung to Castoria ,
\\1-Tu \ f&olud CUfclrcB , she paw liiici Castoria ,
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strenrUi \vliolcsomoncss. . More economical
than the ordinary kinds , nml cannot Im sola In
competition with tnn multitudes of low cost ,
shortwelKht alum or plitmplmto. powilors. Sold
only In rnns. Uoyni Unking iWder Co. . UW
Wall street. No\v \ Vorfc
tJk < -
< *
. " 1
.OharSesiil , , Jordan
Successor to
( LatooflJclIovuo Hospltal.NowYork )
( I ate of the University of Now York City and
Kuwaiti UulYeislty , WasliliiBton , D , 0.
No. 31O and 311 Rarasro Building
Corner Fifteenth and Hartley sts. , Omaha , Neb. ,
where all curable cases are treated
wlMi success.
Note Dr. Charles M. Jordan has been icsl-
Oent physician for Ir. McCoy , In Oiuiiha , for
the past year anil Is tlio physician who has
made tno cures that have been published
w eekly In this paper.
Medical diseases treated skilfully. Doaf-
nose , Consumption. Ilronchltls , Asthma , Dj-s-
jiepsla , Itheumatlsm and till Nervous and
CONSULTATION nt office or l > y mall , tl.
Olllco hours U to 11 u. m. , 2 to4 p.m. , 7 to 8p.
m. , Sunday olllce hours from u a. in. , to 1 p. m.
Corioipoudence receives prompt attention.
Mauv diseases are treated successftiHv by Dr.
Jordon throuirn the malls.and It Is tlnis possible
for those unable to make a journey to obtain
The Laod of Discoveries !
circular , MlMiltr2a !
Santa A b le : d : fa tF Ci : xe
For Sale by
O-oodman Drug Co.
( Successor * to John C. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At the old blond 1OT Tanuim St. Orders by
telenropn solicited and promptly utten Jed.
Telephone to No. 23.
IVOKCI-S-A. UUJDIttOlt , . .
D III Uanrjora tit , ( 'incajo ; miyic * fruoi 21 rour
kui UU a4i.u ijuliniJuJ lujalijr irauuctui
While other Clothing Houses nrc still trying to dispose of their winter stock , wo nro ng usual the first in
the field with Now Spring Goods. Tomorrow morning shall have open ami ready for inspection , our
complete line o Spring Overcoats. Don't fail to look nl them as it will ho a treat to j'ou to see the now
styles and n surprise to see the prices. THERE TS ABSOLUTELY NO HOUSE HERE OR KLSE-
Among thp line , wo will show you two styles oE Melton Overcoats , one a brown the other a grey shade ,
Loth very nice ; lined with good sin-go and front-faced to the button holes with silk , at $5.75. .lust think oC
it ! A genteel Overcoat , silk faced and elegantly made , and good enough for anybody to wear , nl $5.75. You
never saw such n garment oll'ered for less than $10.
Another Spring Overcoat to which we direct attention is the onev < i arc ollbring nl $ T.)0. ! ) This is made
of n tine , stylish wide wale goods , medium light color , trimmed and made like any merchant tailor garment' ,
with a rich satin sleeve lining ; other houses will charge you from 812 to $1 " ) for such a coat.
A third garment which wo lake pride to mention is n very fine Melton , of a beautiful light shadewhich
we offer at § 13.50. This coat is LIN HI ) THROUGHOUT WITH FINE SILK , and in quality , nppenrsinco
and make , equal to any custom made garment for which u merchant tailor would'charge $35 o$10. : .
Those are only a very few of the styles. We can show you dozens of them , and every one you will admit
is a beauty and a bargain. Don't delay , but remember that the earliest oilier.- * enjoy the advantage of the
widest choice.
Our hat department is booming and those f)5c ) Dorljyg are going lik1 wild lire.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Only Gcniilnn System omicmory Training.
Vour Ucinlin Jji'ariu'il in one reading.
nilnil uiunlrrlng curort.
Every child and ndult crenlly benrflttoil.
Gruat Inducements to Corrcspondenco Classo.
rroFiwcttts. with opinions of Ur. Win. A. Hnni-
miiViiI , the worlil-Iahinl Specialist In Mln.l lea . .
ic inrrpcMin. I. ill. Jtucktrv , D.U. . editor < ( tlio AnHnn
& ' - , tlio hciratlBt.
faeoeaif J .7 II Iclmrrt 1'roi-tor
JloiiN Imlie ftlblnnV J udnh 1' . Jlenjamiu , ami
, 237 Finh Avc. , N. Y.
MEN and WOMH.V siiceci fulT ! treiiteil.
Suffering from tlio oirocls of youthful follies or Imlts
eratloni , or nro trouhloil wltli WonkncM * . Norvnu *
Jt'hlllly , txjsi of . Memory , lc-pomleney. ) Aversion to
-ooletj , Kltlney Tioahlos or nn > dlseife of Ino dcnl
to-Urinary Oririinn. inn hero Hnd u H r nnd speedy
cure. ClinrKcs reusonablc , e iieclnll ) to the roar.
Tlicrcnre many troubled with too fiequi'iit cvaciin
tlousof the blnilclcr , often arcamnnnlid liy n sIlBht ,
sniurtlni ; or buriilnu suiiHiitlon , und wcabcnmit of the
njstem In niniiiinertlie imtlrnt raniiot iiceoiint for
On exiimlnlnit the niliinry deposits n ropy sediment
vill often bo found , und fOMicilnics particles of nlbu
neil \v III appear or the culor boot a tliln , mllkM
HIP , tuinln chnnKlne ton diirk or torpid uppearaiKe
I'liori'aril nianviiiiMinhodlcof this illtlUulty , Ijjnor-
> nt of the I'uusc. which is thoHunind stnire ol soinl
lal nc-ikiiovs. Ilia doctor will n ariintp nperfost
cure In all such di-.cs. nnd n healtliy reMoratlon ol
tlioccnltiiiirlnitiy orc'i'is. CoiiMiitnUori fno. i-enil
. ' rent Hlainp lot "Voun't Man' I rlciid.or Uulilu to
Wedlock , " Ireo to a'l ' , Aldress
Main nnd 1iHh St. , Kansas City , Mo.
ention this paper.
PATENTED Aun.48. 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889.
rt' guaranteed to cure the fol *
j vC-lowlDg dlieaita. camel ? ! All
OXKlitiimotio Coroplainti ,
BHiLumbaco , General and
N rvou Debility. Ooi-
, Ilvcntn.Kidny Jjiipases
Mervoutneai , Trembling ,
BCIUJ ! Ezbaustion.Wut-
. . . ' "B " ' Body , Dii > ei
6tt ed byiHi/v' Indlcrttlon i in Youth , Age , Kar-
rieiorSiniTffflWNgleLiic. ) ; lnr nlialiMiM.ruinli |
to tna womb tJl or renltal orpan * of male or female.
HIV A PiiR or < T.
Btnd be. pottage for r Illuitrated jamplilet , tthlcb nlll tx
lent you lnpliilD _ iHliNl cniclope. _ MfWlon thli p _ p r. ddreii
3OO North Broadway , BT. LOU1B. MO
Owen'a Electrio Belt Attachment.1 ,
worn wflb ca e and comfort. The cur-j
made lulld or atrong. TMi la tlie cinly1
cleetrld trun and ! > ett trer made , It
Kiipluraln from in lu 1)0 ) < t ji. l-or full dtjctlptlonof lr.
OirtD'i KlMtro-CalTacIc lletti , Hplnal JlpptlalieM.TrtlHMauJ
Inaolei iced tin. for ran Illuilralcd lumplilrt lilrti olll It
cut rou la plala aealtd envelope. Hold only by tie
300 North Uroadwaj. UT LOUifl.MO.
Itonmrkablo for powerful sympathetic
.ono , pliable notion : ind absolute dura-
jility ; , ' { ( ) .yciira' record tlio best gimnui-
.00 of the oxcolloncg of thobo instrn-
Millinns ill TIPPS' '
IllllllUilO UI I luUu i
" onslstliiK of Trult Trees. Small rrults , Orapo
k'lnoH. Ornamental Trei-H mid HirubH. I.UT-
5roen , HOBBH , etc , tOKctlier with a largo absort-
inent of Trees uu-1 Seeds for planting
Timber Claims.
rncllllk'S unmiruasfoil. Wrlto for wholesale
and retail HstH , Address.
D. S. LAKE , Proprietor.
5ItI3SA.NUO.lll , . - - 1O\VA.
from thi
olfjcta of youthful
erron , early decay ,
lot manhood , eta ,
JaatjV treatlao ( ecakd ) oontalclng full
/inMCVtHrtullurlnarvtrouhleu eaHllv. quirk'
\IUNC I ly andfciifelycured ijyOOUTUltAt'up-
iille * . Several CUHB * cured 111 iw fil dftyn. Kohl
1. 0 per box , all dnit'Bl t , or by mull from oc.
IM > lfj { Co. , IKVhllt \ ) tit. N.V. iulldli ctluuu.
qrn , fniinijH ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So.
bllie U1TCSI } chlcngo , Ills. I Clarkat ,
Ibo Regular Old-Established
I ) sllil Ticallng with the Greatest
Clironic , teens and Private Diseases ,
Ufa- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the eflectl
Icadina to early decuy and pcihaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
tiever > fjihng success.
JS3 > - SYPHILISand all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
B-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele ami all disrates
of the Gcnlto-Urinaiy Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , KiJneys or other Organs.
ff'S" No experiments. Age and experience im
portant. Consultation free ami sacred.
flB'Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous anil Delicate Diseases.
JCIP Those contemplating Mairiace end for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , Iwlli is cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay save futiiremtTer-
Inj ? and shame , iand add col Jen > ears to life.
"Life's Secret " ) . Medicina
( ) Errors , jocents ( stamps
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , Bio 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , rYJ. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL ,
20to60 DAYS.
This ia a iliscaso which htw horctoforo
Utilllcd all Medical Science.
Wo have a Hcnu'dy , unknown to mijoiio In tlio
World otitsldeof ourConipiiny , aiidoiiu that has
tocurethomo t obstln.tte cn--ua. Ten clays In
recent cases does the work. It Is the old chronic
deep seated ruses that \\a solicit.Vo have
cured hitnilicils Mho have been abandoned by
rhyslcluiis. and pronotincod Inciiiablu , ami \ > o
chnllengij tlio world to brills us u case that wu
will not euro lu less than slsty days.
Klnco the history of iiiudlcino n true specific
for Syphilis lnw been sought lor but never
found until our
wns dl.scovf red , and wo are dn-itllled In saying
It Is HID only Henieily in the World tnat.lll pos
itively run1 , b auso tin ) lutost .Medltiil Works ,
published by the b st Known nutlioritlcs. hay
tnero UIIB never n true spccHIc before. Our r"tn-
edv will euro wlifii e\erjtliini { else has failed.
\\liywiistoyoiirtlniB and money with patent
im-dlcliies tnat never lnullrtiui , or doctor uilli
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything clso Hhonld como tousjiownnd
BC t ncrniiuiGiit icllof. you never cairKet It ulse-
where. .Mink what w say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NUVIMI recover and
you that have been a Dilated but u short tlino
should by all in cans comu to ns now , not on 9 In
tenof now ( asi-s ever Kit peimanontly cured ,
Many isi > t help and think tlioy nru fieo fioni the
disease , but iiiono , two or tliroo yearn after it
ajpears ariiln In u more horrlblo form.
This is H lilootl Purl/ior / and will Cure
liny Skin or liloml Disease when
Kverythinjf Klse L'ails.
Kuiini lOanil 11 , I' . 8. Xnliomil It.tnk
OniiiliiiNi' ) ) .
* V LIN EN f
Aclt Your Retailer for the
$3 SHOE.
Accordluu to Tonr Needs.
fKfnrlilnir , ( nnJ Itl-.uiUljiiU
In ? perlutlyca'.y iho llrnt time it
' J ( will Mtlify lha most
> ' { - .BJ HHOK J < ulualutcly ila
< 5ivlV , ujily l.oo of ; ti [ .rlcci nlilcli
Jlcani tl httocfur llo )
J. HI BANS it CO. , IloBton.
I'nl I line * "I tliu nbuvo * ltov ! ur mile br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. MHIer
Physician and Surgeon , - NliUHASKA.
and many times \\111 proro to you n great
os . Vou should not dola > - uven forailny
our comliiK to our atoro.'o nra innkluc :
I n clean sweep of our entlrii stock ot ivlntor
coods. and will n.imo you prlcoj that will
utcrcst you.
N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodiro Sts.
Appllanca : for Deformities and Trussoi.
licit Incllltloi. app > ratu > nnd r < Miivdlc fur miccaii
ful treatment of mrrf form of dlaouiu iii'iulrluf
Medical or Surulcal Treatmtnt.
lioird and nt'.oniluuco ; boat buipllal accoaimodt *
tlnn * In llio wost.
WIIITC iron cutci'LAus ' on neformltleiatid llracof ,
Trussas , ( * lub Ktiat. Curvuturu of Urn hnlnu , 1'lloJ ,
Tnraori , Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltt.i , InlMlntlon ,
ICIvctrlcltjr. 1'nrnlriils , Kplloptr , Kl'lnny. IlliiJilor ,
Kye , Knr , HKIn and Illood.anJ ttllBurulcil oporilloni.
Disoaoos of Women a SpGclalty.
All Illood liioii ) o lucceiifully tro.itoJ. SyphllUla
I'uiKon raniorod fruin tha y tyn : nrUliontiuurciiry.
New runtoratlvu truatnicnt lor lo s ( it Vlul l'wrr.
I'crnoiis unitblu to Tlilt ui bu Irimtud ut IIOIMO by
rorrLnondenr . All coraiminlcUloua ( ualiduiitlnl.
Medicines or Instrument ! wml by innll or niiirosi ,
necnroly iiHcki-d , no nmrki tn Indkiilo ronlenU or
ni-ndcT. Ono iiuisniiHl InUTvlow prufcrnd C'nlluml
rciiisultu.i or send liblory of jour tusu , und wo will
cml lu plain wrapper , our
Upon 1'rlvnlo. Hiicclnl or Nervuus luinic ) < , Impn *
tHKir , Sypljl | | > , Gleet aud Varlcuculu , wllli iiieillon |
lilt. AU.UCJ3
AU.UCJ3Medical and Sinylciil Jnstilute , Of
mi. nacMB\Aiay ; ,
Cor , 13th and Uodgti bU. , - - OMAHA , NUI ) ,
7)ii. H ( J. WrsT'n NKIIVH ANII lliui.v TKKAT-
vrNigiiuuiiriinteail spaclllo for HiHterln , Il/.rl-
losii. t'DiiviiMons , fits , NrnuliB 'ciiinlcla ,
lluadHChf , NUIVOIIH I'loiir.Ulon citUKvil by tlio
iKunfnlrolinlnr tobarcoVakufnliiiMs \ , Mulital
) i > | ir'saloii , Hofii > nlHK r tlm llri.ln. i.MiiltliiKln
iisunltvand I ai1liiito misery , iliii'uy.iiiddpath.
I'tciniitiiroOlil Awi1 , HiiironiiiOiH. Luhs of I'ownr
n olth'.THUX , Iinuluntsiry \ , < aat * uivlKputmat-
nrhii'.tratiNoil by ovur-u\ei lloiinf the liiuln.Knlf *
[ iliusc or ovfrlililiilti'iitt ) . liarh box contain *
jnnmnnth'H tn-utincnt. rl.OJn box.or KUboxua
'or"i. ' iiiont by inalliivopald on receipt'if pi ko.
I'o rure any U 1th fftch oiA'i- received by
is fnrhlx boxes , ucioinpuillMl Fillf > , U > , u will
Ki-iiil tlm purchaser our wrlttfiiKiiaraiilmi to re-
filinl thomon y If the ttcHl infill does not eifi'ct
[ iire. tiiiniaiiteus lusiied only by ( looiliiniu
HiutrCo. , i > riitiliit ; ; , Solo Atieait , lll'J ' 1'nrniim
utruit Om 1m 1)
.llllliM Ibrs"
lidl.rrbtlaci tV
CltCI HiBtlIiSllSH > ltO f
tll <
f , H , > "iula , ( oklUyvm I
rcilr lkr u > icii rftk i irli , mter.
llr.lll , i < 1ler u. t.lrr > clk. httlilt
? * * * < 1 1 ftiopt.l lie.iuu