THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. FEBKTJAKY 2J. ( 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA , No advert iHCttirntB will bo in ken Tor those columns nftor lli'IO p. in. TCMIIR Cnuli In ntlvnnec. Advcrtteermnts under this head lOcentgper line for trio first Insertion , 7 cents for enelt sub- tequint InNcrtlon , nnd tlJjOpprllne per month. No advertisement taken for less than 2.1 emit the nnt Insertion , Seven words will Ix ) counted totho lines they trinst run counccutivfly nnd inlmt 1)0 paid In ADVANCI- All adUTtL-o- mcntsmust bo handed in before 12 : f > o'clock p. in. , nnd under no ilrcumsUinces will they be toion or discontinued liy toleplionc , I artlos ndvertlslriK In these columns nnd hav- ln thnlranswers addressed In enroot TUB HBB will ideaso a-k for n check to enable thorn tofjet their li'ttem , us none will be delivered except on presentation of rheek. All nnawcrs to nilvcr- tlscniBnti should be oncln'rajln envelopes All mlvortlii'mon's In thosn columns nro pnb- Hshod In both morntiiffimd evening editions ot Tin : Mm , the circulation or which angri-Katca jnoro thnn ISOTW papers dally , and stvos HIM ml. rortlflcifltho wmellt. notonlyof lUo cltyrirru- lotion ntTiiK Hr.r , tint also ot Council lllulK l.lnrolti nnd other cities and towns throughout this section of tHe country < BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo f > ken on the nbrnn conditions , nt iho following bus | . ness houses , who tire ai thoiircd agents for I nc UBK special notices , nnd will quote ttio sumo rntcs us bo had nt the main olllce. _ "TOIIN TV. 11UL1- , Pharmacist , b20 South Tenth O Direct. _ _ It ASK .t RDI ) V. Stntioners nnd Printorn , Iin South lUh Street. _ _ 7l i'AUNSWOlTil7i'iiarmacK21iri ! Cum- Street. ing _ _ _ . s , Pharmacia , < ll ! North ICth . Street. _ _ ' G KO , W. PAUH.'i'harmaclst , 1800 St. Mary's Avomto , SITUATIONS WANTED. \A/ A IN I i.l * Mtuiition ijymii'xpailuiicauun' < t. TT nasR mini , either In thu hotinu or on the road , llefcrenccs. Adi oss S - ' . lies olllce. \\7ANTKI ) Situation by a printer , 20 years old , mnrrifd. 8 yours oxpurlenceutthu linslnoss , country ollico preferred. Address II O. DaMs. Hod Oak , la. SO.I 2U * . _ \\rANTii : ) Himliicss man , good Manning ' ( own Dlllco ) to represent n New York linn , KusliiesH sultnblo. for insuianci' , real estnto DxentH and young lawyers seeking steady ro- muncratloii. TOUIH lllicrnl. Apply Hugh II. Me- CllUoch , ! > 0 Kth ( .t.N. Y. Cll > 151-25 ? COjl'CTnNT and X | iriou < cil boohkoeper of twenty yi-nrs * oxpi'KiMiro , with II.AtM to 82KO ( to Invest or loan employer ( well ueciiiod ) , ( ICMirns a position wlieru ) m can make himself iitofiil us nookkucper or accountant. Address loct box OKI , Oiniilin , Nob. 15S-2J SITUATION wanted. First dims gardener midlloilst , German , single ; grower of roses , cut llowers nnd general ulaiitn ; 22 years' exper ience in tlowers , fruits and vegetables ; business prlMile or commercial utter April ! . Address Til. Mokler , 111 ! Holladuy St. , Denver. Colo. : WH ,11 * WANTED MALE HELP. IJAHTNKIt wanted 111 one of the best paying businesses in Omalin. Must be .sober nnd ImliistHoiiH nnd have not lets tlian $ . ' , UOU to put in the business. For full piiitlcnlars address A. ir , , care C. O. Schenck , D37 Pnxton block , Omnlm. . 1U5 27 ? \VANTEI-CoatmaKor , to go to Pawnee City. i K. A. Coburn , merchant tailor. Pawnee City. Neb. nn > ait J First-class custom cutter from thu oust would like a situation , under stands buying and soiling woolens. Good rof- AddreSH M , Lincoln Neb. INI 27 * \ \ T7ANTii : > Haider. Apply nt loHidencc. li8 ; T T N. 2bth ne. . Tuesday f i om M to 12 a. m. 4C-25t ( ! "IS'ANTni ) 2 honest young mtn for steady T > woik at flfl a week. Kl secuiityieiiulrBd. 1B1C noilue. 10 to 5 p. m. lKl-20t _ _ " \\7ANTii : ) Cm pet cutter nnd layer and chnde > T maker , lioimlson ! ! ros. l.V ! 35 rp\ViNTP-l'lYU : men. 1 teamsters , luiock 1 mi-iifor Wyoming , good wages , will Milp Wednnsday. 'linn portatlon fuinlshod. Con tractor at Ilututilmon & W end , 1521 Uodgo st. Hti LM \\'A.NTii : ) Agents. Wo want llrst class men v ho are ulreudy traveling Hnlesmou , to carry our lubricating oil Mimplo as a Mue line. T. U. Tlmmlns Jc Co. . Clnreluiid. O. 115 28 WANTED 1'lvo traveling salesmen ; salary und uxpcnscii ; no oxnerlcnco nocussary. Address , with stamp , L. II. Him Sc Co. . La , Croasc. 'Wls. _ 37g-27 ; _ "VI ANTHD Plvo vldo-awnko B.ilesmeu ; f > steady work : room 210 , First National bank building , _ jKO-21) ) _ A onNl'S wanted on salary. $ T5 jier "month ji. nnd expenses pnld , any nctlve man or womau'to sell our goods by .sample nnd llvo at homo , Sulnrv paid promptly and expenses in Full partfculnis and sample case Ireo. Wo moan Just wnat wo say. Address Standard fallvcrwaro Co , lloston , ; Mass. 200 W 'ANTED Cnrponter to do the work on sev eral houses to bo built and take house and lot ns puit pavmout , A. W. McLaughlln , Hoom B18 Pnxton'bldg. 216 1 WANTED Agents for our new patent tiro- proof sates , slzo 28x18x18 , weight fiOOlbs , , retail price KK > , others in proportion , Highest nwnrd ( silver medal ) Centennial Exposition ; rare chance ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. Wo nro not in the safe pool. Exclusive territory given. Alpine Sato Co , , Cincinnati , 0 , 522 I\-ANTED ) A good mnn to K ° on the road ; V must bo wldo nwuka , full of energy , give security for money collected nnd deposit J.'ofor samples. Call on George 8. Cllno. Hoom ill. 1'lrst National bank building , Omaha , Neb. 117 "VTCJA NTED A stenographer who has some f T knowledge of booKkcoplng. Must bo n coud penman. Address , with references , P. o , drawer47. _ Ub5 WANTEDFirstclass coat miiKor. Applv at ouco to H. L. Cohen , South Omaha. Neb. IBM A GENUS wanted in c\ cry town and citv In the \\Cfct fortho Harden Hand Grauado Mio 'Uxtlnuulbher , Apply to F. 0. Ciandall.illO South 15th ht. 871) ) 'VITANTED Agents In every city nnd town lii TV the west to null thoToy Calliope , the great est seller on earth : hand 20 ots for sample. P G. CnitiUnU , ! I10 South 15th st. b7U \\rANTEO-603 men for Washington tcrri- tory ; good wage , steady worn , long joo. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. ' ' ' " " \\ewishn few men to sell our . . Roods by namplo to the wholesale and retail tiiule. Largest manufacturers in our Hue. En close 2-cent stamp. Wages $ ; per day. Perman ent position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages. nd\ortlslng , etc. Centennial Mun'f'g Co , , Cincinnati. . 70 Vm I lit WANTUD Agents for MIlw aril's calyx-oyod self-turoudlng noodle , preserves falling tight ; a help to good fight ; perfect bonanza for rniunssers ; sample pntkugo lOc , Bonn for circulars to headijuartors , Stnyner A. Co. Pro- yldencu. II. 1. ; liflCm' . " BOYS-Am. lUt. Td. Co. , 1TOI Douglas. D21 _ _ _ WANTED TIViTme > raml women to engage In an easy , paylui ; Imslnus * at nome , Can work diiytlniH or evening and make 50o to $2 per hour ; slue thlni ; ; Cample und complotn In- Mitictloni * bent for 10J. Aiidrv-j , World Supply Co. . Hllllaud , Vt. 41l-l'28 ! ! " \\rANTED-Competent gill to do general T T housework ; good wages. Apply No 211 South J'th. ' _ 487 27 * _ _ \S7ANTEI ) Good girl forlioneral lioutework , T > Mil ) . 1'ostcr. s w tor. I'tli and Pnclllc nts , \\"ANTED-Good gill for general housework , V > wages tt. Apply toMrs. Weir. Jill North SCtli Et , between Cnarh's nun Sennrd.o lli82t ( ' \\TA NTKD Lndy agents In orory town in No- > > bniska for bn jcr's Adjustable Ladles' Curt lloldarand otht-rnew rapid soiling uttl- cles. Samples Me to 25c. Addre wlth hiannis I. II. BtryKer. ( Inmlia P. O. 4 > ' .i21 " \ \ Girl fur general housework. Ap ply ut once ; tn N. nth bt. I.SI-IT " \\fANTED dir" " to cook and do genernl I T housotvork. Mrs , J , C. Jones , I'j3i t Hfor a , \\rANTEO-Glrl for general liqiismvork t T smtill family , lM. ! . California st , cor tu. 1'3Q " " " ' " ' "jUl-ai" ' _ _ _ _ _ _ - " \\rANTKD Heliablo German mine glr ) , 12 to > Uycnrs of ngo. Mrs. It. C. Patterson. 2.UJ ramam. 3j r iiiir.'Isiuth. . vJ 078 DRESSMAKINO. In families. Miss hturdy.MJl ) LenvonwortU 408 111 21' DUESSMAKINO III fumllles , 1211 N 17th. 413 111 8 "TlUES8MAKINGciittln & ; lIttliig.1117 Douglas J ' 21 ml5T ' ' ' 'MISCELLANEgUB'WANTST \ \ 7ANTED-Ona No2 " second-hand Homing" t m typowrlter. Addrnsa box aua , Asfi. laud , Ni'U , _ 0 | 'a > \\7ANTKD-Cunictiterto build nun furnUh f I iiiateiinl for large bouse , ror cash odd linn residence lot. Address U U ) jiso plUce. WANTED An expert accountant for the purpose of examining routuy records ! best of references nro required. Applications ; must bo In by March 2nd , ISSD. Address W. K. Kratise , West Point , Neb. 437 1 \\7ANTED-Storksof merchandise for farm T r or city property. Will pny some cash. Western Land and Lonn Exchange , 1178. ICth st. 174-27 " \\7ANTED-10W women to use "WllcoT's T > Paticy Compound Pills. ' perfectly safe nnd always cITecttmi , Send for lc "Woman's fafe Guard. " Wtlcox Medical Co. , Philadel phia. . Ill AI9 'to BOARDING. irmiST-CLASS home board. 018 S IPtli st. x1 nsi-nrJOt SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ VALENTINE'S Shorthand nnd Typnwilting institute , now Pnxton building , Omnhn. The only exclusive shorthand school in the state. Over one hundred graduates in good Mtu.itloiis. 'Iho'chool IM under the manage ment of 0. n. Ynlenttne , official stenographer of the aid judicial rilntrlct of Nebrnska , nnii 1'rof. II. II. lloyles , an experienced teacher nud ver- biitlm reporter. Day nnd ovenlm ? spsslnns. Stu dents cnn enter nt nny time. Send for circulars. 'ivsml" QTANDAItDShorthnnd" . 412 Shooloy O block , teaches mnndnul sytitoms and uses llomlngton typewriters. Clrculnrs free. 7J9 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. O M'AIIA Emp llvrcnii , 110 N. 16th sT. Estab lished 8 years. .Most reliable in cltv.CIS CIS r.'j' ' "VI Ell Employment OIHce-317 N. Ifith st. ANAD1AN Employment Olllce. Mrs. llreirn. a I14V , S Hulerouco Oinnhn Nntlouilh.tnk 013 m It FOR RENT'-HOUSES. ' ' ' .tones , A. ( \ Powell , 1201 Faruam. HUNT 10-rooni monern hoilso near hlch -school cheap. ( J. II. Thompson , 212 Sheely block , 15lh nnd Howard. 101 ITIOlt IlKNT-Ily March 1. il-room house In X1 good repairs on Lake st , rent thmp , audit- loom cottage In Arbor place , bheely's btatlou , $7.00 per month , liuiuliti Kid S 18th at , or 112 ; ) Iloiiglns st , room 2. 1U3 TjlOiniBNT A tliriving hotel nnd snloon lim- X1 llrst class location , 11 room" , ! U Htalls , corf rail , etc. An excellent opportunity for n good business man , Address ll , N. , Nobrnskn city. Neb. 502 27t TjlOIl KKNT Cheapest house in city ; lilioom X1 modem house , all com ententes , 21st and Locust wts , Kountzo Place , only $10 per month. .1. A. Llnalian , room fiO'l ' Paxtnn block. 17R-2.1) ) 8Niw : , llrst-clnss llnlshed. C-room llnt.s with bithroom , gas , wiiter and Bower ; 2 stores , tornor. suitable for drug store ; I basement suitable for barbershop , corner 21thnnd Leav- onworthsts. Intiuiront premises. 2JS-m8 : * EOH ItHNT Nice 1-room house ; hard and soft water : cor Hth nnd Webster. Apply 71 IN Hth st. ISO-WJ J1O11 KENT House 211U California st. Apply ' nt n w corner of 22d und Divennoit. TTVJK UKNT 6-ioom house 2512 Cnldwell St. ; X' runt rcasonnble. Apply 1TO7 Izardst. lu-2 ? ? ITOK ItnNT 8-room house , cor. C2d and Web X1 Hter sta. JK per mouth. C. K. Ilurrlson.Mer chants' Nnt'l bant. as" 2i FOR HKNTA flve-room house. South 17th st , two doors south of Jackson. Knmilro nt GUJ S Kith st. 358 2- "fTtOH KKNT-Dcslrable cottage. T , rooms , 252J X1 Charles st. Iniulro ( nt 101'J ' Capitol nvi-nue. 33-2ij ! ( "T710H HUNT Now 7 room house , all modern X' ponvenlonces , centrally located , will rent very reasonable to tenant making good lenso. fi-room cottage S 17th st , 815. 8-room house , aB'i Howard st. 3 room lint HJJ N 17th , suitable for light housekeeping. SI2. Apply to Green it Williams First Nat. brink bldg. Oil rpKN-HOOM house on 18th near Lenvenworth J st ; modern conveniences : will rent to good reliable tenant at ? | fl per mouth. O .1. Stems- Uorir , rooms II17-3I8 Hist Nat. llank building. 312 fT loom house , 814 pnr month , S. E. cor llth uud J Ylntou. Inquire ne t door. ; W7 OOI > houses , centrally located , are In demand Gi : mand at J , 11. 1'arrotte , IGOtl Chicago. Itfi ) 2J " | J1UiNISHRDhotisa ! for rent in Park 'Jenace. X1 opposite Ilnnscom Pork , nil modernn con- \enl"iicos. Enmilii ; , Leo & NIchol , 23th and Lea\enworth. 1132 TT1OII HENT Nlco 5-room house , cast front , X1 naif block of cable cais. 112 S. 28th st. 751 m 1 ? KOO.M house near high school. Kent J , ) ' . ) . In- qulro J. F. llarton. 2018 Capitolavo. fllbmt * BEAUTIFUL 8-room house , , city water , b.ith room , hot nnd cold water , on paved streets with street car , near a good school , only W > par month. The house is now. Apply nt once. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. _ KJ5 T710U HENT When you wish to rent u houso. X' store or olllcfl call on us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block Ki ) Poll KENT House andbarn.IIansrom place. Harris , room 111 FlMt Nat'l bk blilg. POH KENT 0-room modern improved housft A 1 locality , llent moderate. Apply SI. 131 glitter , 1001 Farnam at. " - OH KENT Cottages , 5 rooms. 2720 Charles st und 1621 So 5th st. Inquire U 21. , Sheoley block. 6JO FOR HKNT Cheap , 3 and 5 room house , 15.T ) S 21st st between Center and Dorcas. IfcOinU TTIOK RENT-0-room bricS , 1H S 25th st ; mod- X' crn conveniences : near coble line. J. W , Orlfllth. U. I' , headqimiterg. 583 FOH IinNT 7-room llat at 508 S. 13th. Inquire J.L. Urandcls Jc Sons. 817 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. TjlUltNISHBD rooms , lOl'J Chicago. 101 28 TilOlt UKNT-Furnished fiontroox/i 1810 Dodge. X1 I'dn'-'lt HENT rurnlslied room with boaul. np- ply 1015 Chicago st. wa \ HENT A furnished loom in private fumlly. Dl ) Pionsnnt street. MW l * "IJ1UONT room for gentlemen. IKI N 17tn si X1 4snif : ITlOlt KENT ' 1 \\uilrurnUhed room" , sin- X1 gle or ensulte , heated. 10IJ Douglas. 4U1 21 * Tjll'IlNISHKl ) rooms , with llrst class boaid , X' 2JKI Douglas st. 457-yj lilOU ifdNT Wnrm furnished rooms , with X1 boaro , double or single , JVUO perwneK ; sti inly private. 2011 Hartley at. h ; 2 > S TlCEluinished rooms .V board , 170S Douglas. 1VJ SUIT of 2 furnished looms , moduin coin on- ientes , il lilocks from P. o. , piivuto family. A. llospe , Jr. , 15II1 Douglas st. 4J TJUIVATR family hav vorv dcslrablo fur- 4 ulsliod rooms for rent , fill N 20th st. st.42J25J AVENUE Hooms At 1UU and 1015Cnnltol live 2 blocks from P O. newly furnished private boarding housuile.isint rooms.all couveuleiicos 775 2 R OOMS to rnut COI S 13th bt. , 2nd Iloor. 207-20 * iMALL Hoom , ut U'JJ Douglas st. 3rd Iloor. 8s ! ) 311 HENT Large furnished from loom , - " - Dodgil st. 10J T71UHNIS1IED looms for rent. All modern X' Improv ouients , bath furnace , etc. , 2211 rarunm. nil ED rooms wlthbonid. In good loco- tlou , modoru couvenioucri s , 2J20 Leaven'th , "VT1CE lrooinsofroni tol'amonthPeubody , J-i llthaud Jones streets. UTOiull ; T7AOH HENT UK-guilt hiilte of furnlHhcd X' rooms , siiitablu for man and wife or thrco gentlemen , with all conveniences nnd board , in private fumlly. Terms n-abomilile. Enquire nt No. 10Vi j'otrk ine.or tcleplione rwi. 3'jc2v HANDSOMELY furnished southeast back parlor , with or without Joining Iml-iooiii ; ull modem Improvements and tile bett accom modations ; 22uj Farnnui , IxlS 27 * EAHGiffront loom , nliely furnished.siiltabio for 2 gentlemen , It&l 1'arnam. 715 IjlUHNISHEI ) or unfurnished room , with gas X1 and bath , board if desired , aid ti. 20th st. , opposite All Saints' cluircn , "j ; 171UKNI8HEI ) rooms , single or en suit , bath X1 and stenm ; for gents only. 1519 Howard , . 1)LEABANT , nicely tnrnUhed rooms Inmost desirable putt of cltv , T bloctts from P.O. , HUNT Nicely furnished room , with ' board It desired , gas , heat and bath-room , 1707 Dodrest. Ui\ \ 113 8 20th st.uear Dodga. ATAnORsonthroom ! nlso small room nlcoty furidshed , lovely location and every modern convenience. 2107 DotiRlM. OOP 2 NCBtiY | furnished rooms , Ktcnm heat , g * . baGi , etc. , on snmo Iloor , (10 per mouth. U7 S..lthnoliat , 400 TvTlCELYfurnlshed rooms , also front nn -1-N bnclc parlor ; 1CO Douglas Bt. 811 NICELY furnished rooms with board : all comenlonroi , UMO Cnplto nvc. X'07 PLEASAN T furnished rooms 1017 Capitol nve. 1911115 * 3HOOMS Stilt able for Uoussieopln ! } prlco * IO. HU , Pierce st. i 2 FOR RENT-STORES AND FOIl IIHNTSlloors 22x0 each.ln brick build- lm ; , with clovator , clo a to prpress olllco , cheap rent , just the tlilnu for whole allnff , oed location , apply Gco. lleyn , 11011'nrnain st. Olt UIINT T o stores. SJI. and f.23 . North ifitb at , lniuiro ] nt the building. Henry ( Jstlioll. Ml TJ1OH HUNT Office suite fii a montli , 2 single X1 olllres JUi each , all frontlne irth st , llush- man block , n , e. cor. 18th and lionglas. W. M. Ilushmnn , l.'lirLcavenworth. 5,8 FOH HKN'T A few ofllcu room < ) loft for rental. Also u woh llirhtod room on second Iloor. IQxiH. In llamgo buildlii . Ifil FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. ( Jjairniibo made per month by taking com Ppletc furnished Hat near P. O. rurnltnro for Mile cheap in mnnll payments ; wilt take good saddle horse In pniaunt. Addless KM. lleo olllce n50- > " 171OU HKNT-Ilnsement , suitable for n plum- X' ber or barber , cor. 13th nnd Jackson sts. tti ) "IT\OH \ IlKNT-A warehouse with hitfh baso- J , mcnt , coutrnlly located on ( dependent track from which cars ran bo unloaded and loaded into and from building , Immediate possession. Smn J. Honoll , 217 S. Iltli st , Omana. an TT < OU ItllNT-Uood basement , SJxOO. 151J X1 DoiiElasst. 41 RENTAL AGENCIES- OWNKKSof honsos , stores. Hats or business blocks who wish the pamu rented and prop- eily cared for should Hit \\ltli us. 1'nrtles wish ing to rent will nnd our list complete. A. P. Tukcy. lllll'B block. Ifith and Douglas. H87 OAMP1IULL i TALHOT , room 321. llningo building. C4lml ! G EO. , r. PAUL , 1U9 ( ! ifarnam st. , houses , stores , etc. .for rent. KI8 Wi : give special attention to rentln ? and col lecting routs , list with us. II. K. Cole , room 0 Continental block. KfJ -rPYOtr want your houses rented place thorn J.wlt" llcnnwa At Co 15th , opposite postolllcc. u4l rpIIIJ renting season Is hero ; bring on your X houses ; I have the customers. J , II. Par- rottc , 1CM Chicago. 4i > 3 f 28 JV11SCELLANEOUS. PAIIT1KS hnvlnga few hundren dollars to In Vest will do well to tnll at our olllce. runn ers' Land Co. , rooms 20 nnd 21 , Harder block , Omaha , Neb. 4IU-25 * T HAVE moved my custom shoo snop nnd J tailor shop from 1201 Faruntn to 1101 Paxton hotel casement. Frank Shultz. SKCltSSt WKLLS dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned nnd repaired. ' r. W. Uiosjoan , 2710 Burt t. 15727 * /AlCliAHOSIA Guide llook nnd Map. contaln- V-flhg full information as to the now territory. Mailed to anyiuhhoM on receipt ot 50 cents. Tyler .V Co. , publishers , 524 Wyaudotto street , Kansas City , Mo. 14727t ELKCTIUC" telegraph school ; rooms K8 & 579 I'nxton blk. , cor. lUth 6 ; Fainnm sts. : send for circular. U93-28 * LEGAL papers cnrefully drawn nnd ncirnowl- edged byl..l. Stcrnsdorfl. looms 317 and Fiist National bank building. er lin banjo taught as an art by Goo. P. Gel- lenbeck , 03,5 S. 10th st. 512 IK YOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange , call on or iddreis , (1. J. Stornstiorir , rooms 317 and U18 Flisc National bank building. 052 PERSONAL. PnitSONAL Jennie A. Letter leceivcd too late. One In 1' . O. for you this forenoon. It. 41. 607-20 * PERSONAL M. A. II. Want to hco you. Was there "nt 8 sharp" Friday evening. Drop me n Hue please , it 4 J IJee. 481-25t ATHANCn MKDIinr.-Mme , Sandnll , the youngSwcde , tells full names of cullers turn the full name of your future husband or wife , with date of marriage , and tolls whether the one you love is true or false. Not a fortune teller , but n young spirit medium. Madame KOOS Into a perfectly dead trance , VVlti bring back thu parted husband or lover , no matter if they bo 10,000 miles away ; will guarantee to settle failmy quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408 North Sixteenth street , third Iloor UO'J ' 25 * IP YOU Intend to marry or onlydeslro amuse ment Join our club Address with stamp Western Correspondence Club , Council Hinds , la. l'5a.mllt ' /"t 3. STKHNSDOHF1" , Kent Estate and VJ.E'Ccliaiigo llrokor , hu ; remove1 ! to llooms 317 and 31P , First National bank building U52 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Ir-OIt SAL"n-Goo"d Mosler7 Ialimh"n ! llreproof safe , Ux21xM Indies Inside meas urement. Will trade tor watches or jewelry. Address box 00 ? , Hastings , Neb. DOO 28 * A 1IAHGAIN Thirteen -hundred dollars worth of furniture for llvo hundred and lifty dollars and le.ise of modern house ou Cap itol avenue. Must sell on account of poor health J. H. I'urrotto , 1608 Chicago St. 327-0 TT1OU HALK 50 to 100 snares oil stocks ; wells X' in Carbon county , Wyoming. Omaha Com- pnnj- . Address H 60 , IJoo. MS-23I "ITlOIt SALU-Car load of young sound horses. X1 1510 California ht. E. . Wood. 321 "ITIOIl SALE On terms to suit , the neat cottage , X1 2h2 < l Charles st. Tnlephoner.7. or W. T. & a- man , Omaha's largest varlotybugirleH , wagons. &c. , east side lOtb st. north of Nicholas st.4r > .i V/ANTED TO BUY. \\A.VTID ! A good stockof gonoialmerchnn- t dlse or dry nnd shoes that will invoice from ( tOM to JI5.UJU in exchange for good f.u m : will pay 2ii per cent cash if de sired. Address S 1 lleo olilco. W'MS \ \\/"ANTio : To buy clear Omaha property. TI Per g.ile or trade t o stocks of general merchandise , horses , buggies , harness , etc Farmer , ) ' Land Co. . rooms 20 and 21 , HnrKer block , Oiiinhu , Neb ? ill5-25t 'IST buy good commercial paper , T II. C. Patterson , ,11s S 15th st. asi PANTED To buy house and lot worth $ i,500. 1st payment clear. Lot worth JL600 , C. F. Hiirrl.soii , MeiLhanU' Nat'l bank , 387 20 WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd household goods ot ull kinds. Omaha Auc tion \-Storage Co. , 1121 1'arnam. 519 \\f ANTED ToTJuy godtTromjiiorciul paper , H. ( ! . I'attcrsim .I1SS Ifitli st. ! K1) STORACE. iTOHAGE-At low rates ut 1U1 I-arnam ht. , Omaha Auction A : bturagt ) Co. 617 rpIlACKAGE. Btpragu , lowest Mtsa. Bushman , Ull Lea\onworth. "OHANCH & CO.oetoraso. 1211 Howard. CLAIRVOYANT \rits , LE.VOHMAN ciin bo consulted on all I'luiiiilr.sot llfo tnrough the magic mirror. Satisfaction guaranteed , 4lt > NlCth st. Upstairs 10. 28' Dll. NANNIfl Y. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi , nil und business medium , 1'enialJ dlseason n specialty. Ill ) N Itlth St. , rooms.-nndTH. 614 " " " ABSTRACTS OF TITLE.T" MIDLAND Onnmntoa * Trust Oo. isdj Far- iiam , Complete u In tracts f uraluhud & titles to real oatuto examlnaJ.porfoctod ic guaranteed ] Sia TTHJK HALE Tyler hystem rif'nbstrnctj fpr X' Juuvrson county , NeDruska. Platted and transcribed to ] bbl by F. W. Voswlnkel. Pair- bury , Nob. . 40i-23t IlSTItACTS-LlnahauA : Mahoiiey , room Mi. Paxton block. M5 OMAHA Ab-.tractcomp.iuy , i.MD Parnam st. Most complete und carefully prepared set of abstract booics and pints of all real property in the city ot Omaha uud Dougla * county. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to Loan on chattel security , f air rat o of interest. J. II , I'nrrotte , 1000 Chicago st. Xi * SKK Sholea. 210 I'll at Nat'l bank bHforo male- ingyoiir loaun. l M UILD1NG loans a snecialty , W , > | 4 ilarria , 10011130,1'icuzer bloclc o ; > pt > jiu p , 0. , O Illlt-Cholco loans wanted In thli addition , Kimboll. champ , S : llynn. _ , f aavaa ODKLL Ov. No. 312 Ho , 10th St. , Chamber of Commerce ImlUIlnc. loan money fit 0 , O'-S. ' 7 , 7li and 8 t > W cent , nccordlne to loca tion of property , uhsurimgsed facilities for placing large loans oft'Jltslde ' business property. A special fund of ; everal thousand dollnrs to loan on nnlmproveii lars. zn MONEY to lonn on.jtiirnlt re , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. CltyvLonn Co.llSS nth st , opposite .Mlllard hotcn 170 LOANS on buslnotfjiroperty , t % OOU to J.W.tW , wanted. Provident 'Trust Company , room OXs , First Nnftoiial liyKH building , 10J \\rASTED-nrst fjass inside loans. Ixiwost lutes. Cnllanffsoo us Mutual Invest ment Co , 111 llarkcrOilk , 15th and Parnnm , < VX ) WALNtH' IIsil-Choice loans wanted In thU addition , Kimball , Champ XItyan. . AiirTlAHK-Clioico loans wantnd iu thls addition. Klmbail , aiaiiip V Itynn. _ o MONUY to loin on Improved real estate by Northwestern Mutual l.lfo Insurance Co. Lowest rntos ; no commissions. Address How ard Kennedy , loan agent , Oinahu , Neb , b27 DO you want to borrow money ? If .so , O. J. Stornsdortr , rooms al7 and 3If , I'lr.n National bank hulldluir. will loan you any amount from S1.0W to IW.OJO. on Im proved or unimproved Omaha property. Ixiw- est rates of Intcroot. No unnecessary delay. Improved central business property loans a specialty. Tclephono 401. J5 DO YOU want money ? Loans mada on liousn- hold furniture , pianos , her < i > s , etc. , without delay or remoMil , Persons wlshlmj a loin of this kind will do weii local ) at our otllco before deiilltm elsowhcro ; bnslnes'j ' strictly conllden- Hal A. K. < lr < ) enwood A Co. , Iloom I , Cunning ham block , loth nnd Jackson Kts. fMi ) MONRV advanced for flrst-class estate mortgages. Call onI. II. Kuony & Co.Hoom ! ! OJ. 1'lrst National bank uulldlna. CM I'Sii * MONKYto loan on furniture , horses , wnpons , etc. , or on nuy npproved security. .1 W Itobblna , U.SOO , Slieoly blic. , 15th and Howard. 633 PEOPLE'S Financial Hxclmnse The fairest , X quietest , most liberal money nxclmntta In tnoclty : loans made without delay orpubllclty , In any amount largo or small , at the lowest rates of Interest , on any available security ; loans may bo pild nt any time or renewed at original ratos. O. liousc.uvn , mgr , Uoont M'A , llarkerblk , 15th and 1'urnnm. 665 DO YOU want to borrow money ? Head this : It will savoyoii tlnio. It will save you monejr. i'ou can borrow ftom 11. I' . Masters , successor to W. It. Croft , mom 4 , Witlmell bld'p , nth und Ilnrnoy sti. nu , $20 , $ vi , t\o\ \ $ - ' ) , ivo ) , ti.uoo. * " > , oua , $ iooj ) . In fact , nny sum you want on furniture , pianos , heroes , mules , wagons , etc. , on oasler terms nnd at lower rates than any other olllco In the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If an instalment Is duo on your property nnd you cannot moot It. call nnd xoe me. 1 w 11 liny it for yon. If you have n lonn In any oilier onice , call nnd get my rates. 1 will take It up nnd uirry It for yon. 1 maku loans for ona to six months , and you can pay a pint nt nny time , mincing both prin cipal nnd interest. All loans renewed nt original rates , nnd no charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Cnll and see me. Don t forgot the number. Hoom t , AVlthuell block. C53 DUNDER I'laco-C olce loans wanted in this addition. Klinbttll , champ & Ityan. . JW5-23 mo LOAN--A specfat * fund of J10.00U In sums X from * 500up , on itlilfnprovod lots In Oimihn if not situated too tar , out.0dell Hrotnors. & Co. 1112 S. inth st. U23 FIIlSTmortcatro loans nt low rates , nnd no delay. U. V. Saolufli 210 , first National bank. KH > MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha property , also < xn farms. C. P. Hnriison , 10.1 nnd 1U4 Jlerchauts National bank. 755 LINCOLN I'lico Otiolco loans wanted in this addition. Klmball ; Champ \ Ityan. 295-28 \rKDUASIvA Jtort'T/oan ' Co. will make you a 1.1 lonn on household goods , horses. wagons , land contracts , flne Jewelry ornnturltiosof nuy kind without publicity , at reasonable mien. , Uoom 7 , llowley block. South Omaha , llooms 51S-G1 ! ! Paxton blK. , Omiha , Neb. f > 53 Al.fOO to J50.000 nt 0. 01' nnd7 per cent , no Jlid- Midlemen. money direct from the i astern En- vestorV. . U. Melkle. First Nnt'l Hank building. 407 MONKY Loans negotiated nt low rates with out delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes. 3. A. Sloraan , cor. 13th and Knrnam. r > 03 MONEY to loan on improved propertyat first hands. No application sent away for np- ptbval. Security and titles otumined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , HOT S. Uth st. 651 M ONEVtoHian. Harris , It. E. * Loan Co. , room 411 , First Nat. Hank. ( il ! ) MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. 607 M ON E Y to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans in amounts from J3TO to ? 10- 000 on improved Omnhn or Douglas county renl estate. Full information as to rat s. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased by us. Call noon us , or wrlto. The McCague Investment Co. 1:10 : Tf CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel Xsecurities nt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 Barker blk. 705 DON'T borrow money on furmfuie , HOMOS wagons , etc , , until yon have soeu C. It. .In cobs , room 110 , First National bank building Cor. 1'Jthand Faruam 'Ml > UIL1 > ING loans. D. V. Bliolos , 210 , First > Nnt'l Bunk. i3 ; PEOPLE'S Financial Erchaugo Largo nnd X small loans for long and short time , at low est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Dou't fail to call If you want fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. Hoiiscnron , Mgr. , room 50 ! , Barker blk. , 15th and 1'arnam. { IUOGS Place Choice loans wanted in this > addition. Klmbull , Champ i : llyau. CPEU CKNT money to loan Cnsh on hand. W. 11. Harris , room 20 , treuzer block , op p. P. O. | M ) 1C COLE , loan agent. H SI7 MONEY to loan ; cash on hnnd ; no delay. J. W. Smiiro. 1213 Furnam st. , First National bank building. 657 "PHILADELPHIA Mortgage A ; Trust Co. , X chenp eauorn money direct to borrowers. Make building loans , largo or small : pel feet titles ; accept loans iu.their western olllce. Goo , W , P. Coates , representative , W Board Trade. Bil MONKY loaned for 30.03 or 00 days , on nny kind of chattel socurltv , reasonable Inter est ; business conlldentlal. J. J. Wilkinson , 1117 Farnam st. 501 M ONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. II. E. IJjle.U O.Contlnentnl block. af5flO,000 to loan ut il per cent. Llnaliau & Ma- Phoney , Hoom & ) J. PUicton block. WW KOUNTX.E Placenolco loans wanted in this addition. ICimball. Champ A ; Uyaii , United States Nnt. Bant Building , 1205 Farnam 1 T , OANS mudoimjefliJestato ( aim mortgages XJbought. Lewis 8. V ed & Co. , 1521 Farnnm. _ Jig Br a MONEY to loan In iftAa sums at tha rates : no delay. i-C. Patterson 31HI S. l&th. , P Ufe E. COLE , loaii tjfiuit. la 217 TDUlEDlNG loans. 1 ilnaliau & Mahonuy. BUSINE jfjCHArJCES. DHUO Stoie , nb6n"l"31,03) ) , In one of the beet towns in NebraakU ) population 1,200 , terms cash ; going into jobbing. Address H U2 , lleo olllco. 411 Jt T710K SALE A new , clean atomic of boots nnd X1 shoes In n live toirtl of NebriuKii ; block' about M.OOJ : work enough for two men on ma- lom work ; good locution ; rent Jlfl. Address H6I. Hoe olllco. j a . * . " Fult SALE A gilt edge grocery ; locution No. I. uusluesj llourlBhlng unu increasing , btrictly liist elms customers , tales about half cu h , uropiietor will swear no bad oebts nnd Will show books. Declining health cuubo ot rule ; purt tlmo If desired ; no trade. Enquire ot 1'c-aron. Cola .V Hobertson , ale so 15th at. 11U /TJOODopealngs for lumber , coal uiurfin'plo'- VJ inentk , and geufral merchandise , stern lu county seat town ; : u miles to nearest lumber. yard. Addro a U M , Omalm llee. aTB-at * T\o YOU want nrst class investment ? X/lwuen well pajlug bank In u thriving llttlo town about HO miles from Omaha iloliu u good Inislmiis , Ouly a small capital ruquliod. Don't delay Utit invcEilrata at own. George J. Sterns. dorir , roomsU | , uud iiid 1'irtt Nat. bank b'ld'g. UJIO.OOO stock of drills for fnrm , Rood feed nnd Phay business : mast have one-third cash. llutchlnsou & Wtad , 1621 Dodge sU 431-M _ _ FOIl SALK llakcry ana stock of confection ery In n thriving Nebraska town. vojitilntlon 5,000 ; terms onsy ; Koodtrado. Address Hfi.f.Hoo. "II1OH SAhK A nice clean stock of hardware , X1 stovesHncl tinware In a growing eastern No brnskatown ; stock mid building will Invoice nuuut 2GO ) ; the business 1ms paid a profit of about jlroi in oiRluoen months und will bear thotlo o < tlnrostiKatIon ; coed reasons tor sell- In : the only tin shop In the plaro eonnecled with H. Address "llargnln , " care Omaha Hnrd- Ware Co. . pninlin. Neb. _ 414 'Si _ MEAT market for into ; best pnyltiK stntul In Omaha , Address "It M , " Heo olllce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ pAHTNEH Wanfo"d A architect X mill eminent designer wants n partner with some cnpltal. HP must bo able to brliifr In \ > oik andhnvo Intluoncowlth the lending cap italists and onterprlslnu tlrms ! no bulldlm ; knowledge orotlier work ro < iulrel. Address 1157 , lleo onico. _ ft-8-27 FOH SAMS Vlrst class stock of staple nnd fancy crocerles , HKtnrcs , etc. : Rood busl. ness , Una location , runt low , Address It 17 Dec , ANEW roller mill for sale Inn Rood wheat bolt , and Rood nnrket for Iloor. rort rms adtlrcss V J. Andreas , Gordon. Nob. "ViinIS * | j"KH SA LE StocK or nnnlwnro and sto\os , JL ? tltineis1 tools and store tlxture * In Omaha. Will Invoice nbotit M , VH , lit n bargain. (3 nod stand for business. Apply at 1103 mid 1110 llnr- uoy street. Oiimlia. Neb. _ -Ml "i _ TOH 8ALE TjicTAtioy coal mine , located at X1 Alley. Marlon Co. . l.i. , with M' > ncr of thu best coal lands in Iowa. 7-foot Vein of coal , llx- lures and machinery Hist class In every respect , railroad switch connected with works , will bo sold at 11 bargain IfUKen wlthlu 15 dnjs. 1'or particulars address M , J. Ward , or . .1.V. . Gono-uT , cnro of Stnto Savings bank , Dos Molnes , In. 1IM 23 IjlOU SALE A well established Krocery bust- X' ness In this city , imiulro D. M. Steele & Co. . iith : nnd llnrney. 714 mlj _ $ l,70ii , hnlfcasli will buy 1GU ncro tarm. im- pro\ed , l'i miles from Long 1'lne , Nub.BOod notice , best water. t 1.5JO cash for 2 four room houses renting for fin per month. 3 resident and ; i business lota all In Lomcl'luc , KOUInhnbltants , il churehos , brlcK school house- , waterworks , railroad divi sion , uood fiirinlmt country. Vury cheap , must bu sold , Louir 1'lno Kxcliaug Uniik , Iion 1'lno Neb. _ _ 4aU'J7 FOR EXCHANGE. TTIOU I3A'CIIANGi- : ncrcs of land In Choy- X ennc Co. . N b. What havojou to ollorJ. . T. ruglehardt , llrndshaw. Nub. lltt-l farms building lot.s ; will jiay dish dlllciencc. Western Jund mid Loan Jlxchunge , 117 S. IBth St. 174-27 710U KXCIlANGi ; Good resldcnr-os forfann - lands or viicant city propuity. Western and and Loan Exchange , 117 S. 10th st. 471-27 TO Til A Dr. Some clear lots for residence In wcstoraonthwost pint of city : luilols ml- Joining Uunduo place ou Oodge st. , for city or faim iiioporty ; 480 nciea good land In Hock county , near rillrond for city property ; ii-room hous on I'ath and ( Irant sts. for ot nor property ; clear housu nnd lot In West Omaha for inilUlliiR lots ; KW acres near Omnlm for good city prop erty ; 40) ) acres near Council Ululfs for Om.ilm propcitv. All kinds of property to trade. Urover Stevens , 1" 21 Vnruam st. 417-28 IJHATwill yon gl o for lot 0. block 73 , in T Hoiison , containing one aero ? H 23.Ilee. . 470-27 WHAT will you give for the nw section iti , township 31 , range 11 , west , in Holt Co. , NOD. , containing 1TO ucies , ! ' miles from Stuart , 130 ncics under cultivation , good stcry nnd hnlf house , barn for H head of hoises ? , gialuery , corn crib , oichard , nnd all necessary improvements for lirst clnas farm : iuciim- brance f 1,100. about $150 Inteicst , nsul taxes to bo paid. What will you give cash for it ? 1121 , Bee. 470-27 TO Exchange for goods. A'aluablo lauds. Im proved and neai railroad towns ; short-run fiom Omaha , that I will trade for good block of clothing or general meichandise. The lands nre good nnd the goods must bo a peed clean stock. A rare opportunity open only lor a short time. Address E. Y. Clnik , Genoa , Nob.H27 H--27 ? : rpO EXCHANGE Houses nnd lots , farm Xlands , meichaudlse. horses , cattle , wagons , etc. Call or write C. E. Itelter , loom 5 , SW. cor. inth and Douglas. 34t ) T7IOHEXCHANGE240 acres unimproved land' X' > j mlle fioni Thummoll , Morrlck countyd Nob. , to trade for stock morcnandlbo. Address Box .0 : . ' , City , Near. 9J7-1 ONE section (010 ( acres ) of heavy timber land in Iturko county , North Carolina , clear ot incumbranco ; gooa tttlo. What ha vo you to oiler ? O. .1. SternsdorlT. rooms 'Jt7 and 'ili * . First National bank building. Telephone * 451. bfij TEAVENWORTH Street. 1 nave a very do- XJ sirabld piece of business property on this street that can bo traded for good farming .land not too far from Omaha and part cash. It is well rented and w 111 pay you to investigate. G. J. StornsdorlT , rooms 1)17 ) & 318 First National Hank Uulldiug. Telephone , I'll. 805 rMPHOYED and unimproved property in the Xgrowing town of Crastou. la , to trade for Omaha leal estate. G..I. Stornsdorfl1. rooms 017 and ; iI8 , First National bank building. Tel ephone 104. 6" ADAMS county , Iowa ; eignty (80) ( ) ncres choice land near railroad ; all fenced und under cultivation ; clour of Incum branco ; w nnt Omahn property ; house and lot preferred. G. .1. Sternsdorll , rooms 317 and : )18 ) First National bank building. Telephone 401. ba > SEVEHAL merchandise stocks to trade for good Omaha property or clear farm lands. O. J. Sternsdorll , rooms U1T A.U13 First National bunk building. G52 FOIl EXCHANGE Eighty acres of the finest timber land in Wisconsin , clear of inciim- brance. What have you to n'.forG. / . J. Storns- dorll. rooms 317 Si 'JltS. Pirst National bank building. 019 GOOD farms , clear or lightly incumbered , for merchandise , live stock or city property. H. E. Cole , Hoom tf. Continental block. n J TTTOIt THADE Council Hlulfs nnd Omaha real X1 estate for farm" , horses , cattle or merchan dise. Host lots between Omaha und Council lllults. ( J. E. Mayno , 15th and Hnrnev. filT m 1 FOH EXCHANGE-For deslrablo residence property in Omatia. any or ull of following ; 40cholco inside residence lota in Itastlnga. ] ( lots In Lincoln. r.MacriM line farming land , Lancaster county. Pine residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholco fancy rosldonce. coinar , Los Angolos. A neat residence property in Hunsconi Plitco. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address. Hiving location and prlco of prop erty , J. E. U. , care Uauiu lion Co. , 1217 Leavoii- worth. 071 \\7HENyouhave anything for exchange ca > on or write iw , H. E. Cols , Uoom 0 , Contl. nontal block. 572 T71OU EXCHANOE-DaKota. Hand county. X What have you to oiler for u good farm hero , slightly encumbered/ Dakota lands nru rising In vnluo , and Us destiny cannot bo dis puted , Will take vacant lot or improved prop erty ana assume some incunibraiica. G. .1. Hternsdorlf , rooms HIT and ai8 , Plrat National bank building. M > FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Ii'OU HAliK Lots In , M-vimilZ ! , 4 Xl5ll. lot 2i. riOx50 ! , In block 1,1 , on Hnrney KV , lots 4 and .1 in block I , Hast Sulo nddltlon to Omaha. For particulars inquire of T , J. Uermlnghnui , ( Iplcna. 111. 4Jlliii21 OMF-Sl-EAI ) uud timber claim. An old lady will rollmiulsh her homestead and timber claim of ITJO acres of lund , birth adjoin ing , for ? 120 cnhli , or will trade for n small housi nnd lot , or small furnished house in Omana. Address at once , II 71 bee , 49)-25t ) SPECIAL Hanrnlns-Eust front on Vligiiila A\O. near Woolnorth for iMOO , below price : U-rooin house with nil modern conveniences mm a full lot on Park HVV. , only J7.00J ; toinor lot nnd lurgo house near Park uve. and Leaven- worth , only W , ( * i ; u Pico cottage ! on Davimport near With Bt. , only Slw . l huvo xomo of the bi fit bargains in Omaha. Grover Stevens , 1521 I'ur- iiam st , , tulephono 1125. 4I7-2U lyiArtv Terms Houses nnd lots for ; very small .1-1 casli payments und on easy terms. t Gioior Stovciu , lf,2l Furnam , 4I7-2H IlbTyour bargains with tno and I can Mil J them. Giover Elevens , JW1 i'uruum.4J720 4J7-20 TTtJIt SALE Lot OJxI55. nast and south cor- X'nor. near the Milton Jto 'cr < i property ou West Palnum ; ii.ryx ) ; for a short time. J. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nut. bank. 3J7-2U 17MH SALE House and lot , s e cor , llr kluo X1 and 27th sts , * IIOJ ; iS50J cuah. A grout bar gain. C. r. HurrUon , Men hauta' Nut'l 3S7 2-1 qjVOASH and tr monthly , including intoreit , tplniya nlco it-roam noiisu nul lot , well located. II , IL Cole , room 0 , Continental MOCK , 211 POIt'BALB-Lot 1'7 In block "l ! , WxlV ) , on Harn ynt , 1'i.r particulars liKjuii-oot Win r , Galena , 111 , Itn in 15 $10J cash , balance j.n permonth. will buy i\w 7-rpoiu houiuon''itii st. iiour Litkn st. Prlco , f ' , ioo. c. K , Heltei , roiMu > , B. w. cor , loth and SATiR Or ftc-hnniro for Omixhnprop- tty , K ) acres , nultnbln for putting : will make UMloM.nllcIo/ir ; big money In it for someone ono who can push this ; located ] ustoutMd tha city limits of Council Uluifs. Inquire ( led. .L StciDsdorir , rooms 817 and 31s , rtrjt bank building. fi".l _ IjlOH SALK -Ixjts II , 15 and 10 , block II , West X' Side addition. Tneso lots nro 61x123 each. lay very pretty , nnd the three can bo bought forft.nM. They are nctunlly worth tw leu tlist amount. G. .1. StornsdorlT , Uooms 317 nnd 318 , First Nat lonnl bank building. _ : i\s IJIOIt SAliK-Two llnrly Improved fnrms in X' llooiio county , Nebraska. Enmilro of Western Land nud" Loan Exclmnge , U.S. Iflth St. 471-27 bnrKrtlns In building lots , reiitrnlly locnted. Western Land nnd Loan Exchange , 117 S. ItltSi st. 171-27 171OH SAI.r--I.ot 7 , block A , lledford ndd. X' Price $7 < V ) ; terms c'aoy. Lots u , 10.11 mid 12 , block 4 , lledford plnce. Price fVO eaoh ; terms easy. Lot fiblock a. Hanscom place. Prlco M,500. Lot 7 block 2 , Ilnnscom plnce. Prlco M.WJ. Lot 11 block 1. Tlnlnvlew , PrlroSl.m ' lt 35 , Sunnysldo. Price , J2.15H , Ix > t 17. Sumij side. Prlco W.tiH ) . Lots 28 nnd _ ! . Sunnysldo. Trice JVVM. 1.01s in lltllsldti reserve , opposite Yutns' duo residence , from KMOto * .UHU , Special Induce ments to pattlns wUhlng to build In this addi tion. tion.Lot ! block 110 , city , S. E. cor. 17th and Vnr- nam sts. Price f 72.MI. Lots 1 and. block SW. city , S. W. cor. llth and Mason sts. , price HUMO. ! Lot ,1 block 2I2'4 , city , prloo : , W. Hulldlngs on this lot rent for nbouti2J ! per mouth. Lot I block 21 , city , price Jlft.OlO. HulIdliiffS rent for ftnppr month. Lot 4 block 212'f. city , S. K. cor. 0th nnd Cutnlnv IK. price KSJM. llulldtussiout for nbout * I25 pur month. 1M block 2 , Potter's nddltlon. Jl.TA Lots 12 nnd II. block I. llensiiti's 2d addition to Council Illuirs. double corner on llronduny. price.1,100. , . Lot H block 2 , Ilonson's 2d nddltlon to Coun cil Illulls. corner on llrondwny , pilco J-1.2K ) . Lot 12 block 0. Ili'iison's 2d nddltlon to Coun cil Illuns , corner on Uroadwny , 60x174 foci , Lot l' block 15 , Terry's addition to Council niutrs , corner on Hroiutwav , tl'St ) . South Omnlm * Lots n and 10 block 2 .letter's add'n : flvo houses ientlURfor$70liormonth. Price , * C..lHtO. Lot II block2.lctter'sndd'n : four houses rent- liiK forflO pcrmnnlh. Prloe.HUU. Lot I block C. 1' ndd'n to South Omuhn. Price , f 1,575 ; ono-thlrdcnsh. Lot 11 block 7. First add'n to South Omnlm. Price , * ! .r.7B : ono-tliliilc.i9ii. Lot 2 block (15 ( , South Omnhn. Price , H.BCO ; cash. S'tvi. Lots 1 nnd 2 block I Potter .V Cobb's Srt ndd'u to South Omnlm. PilceSI,3'fl. This IK a toiner on2lthst. 7xliO , foot , nnd one-half the prlco usked for .single insldo lots ono block north. lluslness lots on N. Q , 21th , 2,1th , 2ith ) und 27th streets. Cnll for prices , 1/jfJ block 7 , 1'lrst ndd'n to South Omnhn. Price , tifm ; H cash . . . . 1'otter & Cabb , ICth nud Fnrnnm sts , T71OH SALE Hy M. A. I'pton Company , X' Investment Ilankors and General Heal llstato Dealers. Houthcnst corner 10th and Parniun. Cut this Out for 1'uture Hefeieuco. Host residence bite , 10uxl5Ti , south nnd east front , corner lOthand Dodgn streets. No liner residemo slto In Omatia ; J..fiOJ buys it. lllg bargain ; take it quick. . Nice Home. Here Is a good home nt a very ioa enable prlco : South front , 5.1 foot lot on Miiple street , just east of rinundcrs nnd south ot ICouutzu place ; now 8-room house , good barn , only SI.&JU. Terms to suit Hunt This Up. Lotl. block HI , city. Lot 4. block 11 , city , Lot8 , block , 113 , city. Get our pilcos on these. Money to Loan. Wo make loans on impioved property at low cfat rates. Sold : Two ot the bargains ollerod last week by us have been sold. , You Tool away your dnv of gr.ico when you do not secure some of the baignlns wo oiler. 'Jheynro HKO the circus Hero to day. but gone to-morrow. Trackage 112 feet trackage on Iltli btreet. Just north of Nicholas for il.liOU. Nicholas stieet is , and llth stieet will be paved this year. HlU money in this line trackage piopertv. L'legaut Heiiuenco. Does anyone want one of the best built nnd finely llnlshed houses nnd barns In the city/ House ot oloen rooms. IJnrn cost over Jl.Ouo. House has every convenience. Kiist front lot. y mile from court house. Aitillclal stone drive ways nnd walks. A complete and elegant home. Pour mantels nud mates that cost over $ < > W ) Imoro ; cmciits cost $10.000. Lot la w 01 tu SO.OJO , 10 iicros J mile west of Armour'.s , South Omnhn. The llnest 10 ncres in that locality Will make l.iO . cottage lots 21x108 that will sell leadlly at J2.JO nud foOJ. Will offer this for a few days at n bargain. South Omaha. Throe beautiful east front lots , 40x150 each. Just north of Summit Park , for 81,60) ) , worth double that amount. Speak quick if you want this snap. Windsor Place. This year will see good transportation facili ties to Windsor Plnco. Wo can sell a line homo in this olognnt nriditlon for 25 per cent less than It can be bought for nttor May 1st. t look at llils ! 1-room house , cemented cellar , brlCK founda tion , cistern , full lot In Omaha View , all for 81,100 S.JOO cush , balance SI1.UJ per mouth. Arcndo Plnce. " 3t East fiont lot on 'Wth street , just south of Lenvonworth , for il.t-00. Hillside No. 1. A flue double corner ou 3)th nnd Chicago sts , Just east of Yntos' mansion , for S7.2JU. Kilby Place. Lut 50x155 on 31th St. , Just north of Dodge , J1.700 J100 cash , balance in 1,2 and 3 years It house is built to cost not less than Jl.030. Sllsslngit. Oh I yon are missing it by not purchasing be fore the spring tide sets in. Uxi)2. : ) ,0 South front on Sowart street , In Shlnu's 3rd nddition , Jl.lWO.Cortlaud Cortlaud Placo. A fine homo with every convenience ; largo lot , $9,000 ; $1,000 cash , balance 7 per cent. South 15th Street. Lot Mxl" ; peed ( I room house ; llneiosldonco street : barn ; $1,000. Lot Is worth the money. South Ifith hireot. We will sell a corner on IBth nnd Cnstollar , fiflxllQ. for leas than any Inside lot can bo bought for. Sherman Avenue. 102 feet , n corner on lllancy st. , for 85,800. or tno corner lot for f iuoa , Ilnnscom Place. Cable line to Plnco this year. Wo have some of the best residences and situs thoic. rarnnm Street. Money can bo doubled in two years by buying property of us on Farnam street between 20th and 22d. WP Never Suld a Lot yet that the purchaser has not innde more than regular Interest on his Investment. 'Unit is because wo deal in nothing but llist-class prop erties. Morsman Park. A beautiful east fiont lot , giadcd , for $3,2,7) ) , woith JJIOJ. ( 1(1 ( feet cast front on 37th ( paved street ) between - tween llogers' nnd Withneil'sofegantiesldBiices and J'niium street for fl.OOO. Wo havn the largest list and best bargains in the city. M. A. Upton Company. Telephone 831. 131 FOH BALK 81 i acres , Hamilton Co. , Neb land , $ 'J per ncro , oao-thlrd cash , balance nt ( Ipercent. Address W. J Wlldnmnl)3nver.Col. Siil OOUTH OMAHA-I have a number of good OlotH In various additions that must be sold at once nud ( an b bought nt prices that will mill you. G , ,1 , Sternsdorll , rooms 317 und 314 First National bank bulldliiif. ii52 BUSINESS proportyrcapltol avo. lot 0 , bloolc 70 , bet. Dennett block und liith st. Take Eomo tradB Keua olfor to owner , John W. Tay lor , 5 liuclld ave , Cleveland , O. 4WFJ-lt ) ( J 3. > JIAKKS first payment on nice U-room 3)noiise. [ ; oed locution. U K. Cole room ( I , Continental block. M FOll BALE Impiovedcloar farii of 110 acres lu Mower county , Minnesota. JtJ pit a CM. Owner daslrluit to movu In Omalin : will ox- chamjo tor . homo hou > . ( J. F. llurrlsou , Mer > chains' Nat'l bjiak. US CASH tnlks. Will sell ounlty of HiO acres 1m- proved fnim. in Koyu I'ulmcomity. Ne. bruska , good location , for 3JOO in rasli. U'ltlu perfect. Only light Ini-umbrance at 7 percent. It 71 Itee olllco to day , 4c4J-25t "TOOK HAl/K-Dr trade , H now 8-room houses ; X1 from llrst Jmiids. Koom 420 H.ungo Ulock. 4.'J m EJt 3IIOViit : 8TBVKNS. 1521 1'nrnain , has n until- ber ot bargains In nonsuit und lota In till parts of tile city , Ifj-yu wutittu buy , Bull or Irailo.glvu inou call. _ 37fl rpIlAUKAGK-tu the U. I1. It. Jl. Hr.'xiL'l , X wlthlu thu mil" line , Tills H the best bar gain In Omaha ; ft-VW. Graver btoycns , uwi I'arnani. U7 _ * 17HM 8A LUChunp-Not for trAdT ; M'J.70 acres X1 land ( Boo 5-12-C ) tno inlltis from Mariinotte. HaialiUJii county Nebrasta. I'ramo houne.Btit- ble , : i > u uuiea under uood bnrb-wlru fi'iice ' , round cedar nontH , two stays ; living water , ,11- foot tmmiel2olls ) ; , IfiO-bairel tank , corral , belf-fe der ; a natural atoclc r.tucti ; in a line corn belt. Price ( about tll.OO per aae ) . . . . . . . . . , f ,2.V ) Cashdoun . . . . . . . ; iU ) ) ' umHi years' time il per cent . . . . . . , , . , y.'VJ Go and IOOK over land. Address owner. P , If , Aticlns , 1501 Larimer xt Dimvor , Ct > l. (70 1 ( \ fxcrrs \ , only Hi inllos from town , school L\\J und church , lucumbrnnca tlOi nt 7 per cent , will trade equity fora good small IIOIMU and lot iiiOmahu. Kuulty Jl.yjX Addrosaut once It 72 Hoe. _ . . \ \ TKST OMAIf A-Tn-o ologunt lots TI G rovssr Stevens , 1121 . 370 FOU SAIiR I hixre W ntTM of froort land At IhtsotK , between lllnlr nnd Oinnlin , which I am golnc to sell for best prlco 1 can rot boforn \ fiIng for my home in OH City , Pft. Who wnnU it ? Apply A. Jlrsko. cnre ilog s A HIM. iWBSI ' " $ R.750 , fc'.WO ca h , H , ! JO fi yonrs 0 per cent , buys J- tory 8 room house , furnace , l ) th. o o. , lot Mix UX ) feet , No , 2j1 | Poppleton nve. , Hanscom Plnco : must go by March lat , party going nway. U _ V Sholcn. alp lstjs'at'1 bant. _ ail A SUCTION of goodTiuproved land In Kcyn Palm county , one ot the best counties tu North Nebraska , Incumbered to Jl.COO , will bo traded nt once , thn equity thereof for a good clean stock of drj goods , prlco l > per ncio. Ad dress U 72 lloo. - 7 roomed house and full lot , good surroundings , on n street car line. Will take In exchange Nebraska or Kaimsj fnrm property w Ith some Inrumbraupp , \nonut lot in Omaha or South Otniho. Call nnd tnvoiiu gale now. C , P. Harrison , 1UJ nnd 401 Mer chants' National bank _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 753 TflOHSALlI-AnlcolfttTohomo oilS. Ifitli St. , X1 lont.vluliig l nioiiis , all in good ropalr , well , IMorn , cellar , him. .Vc This property ctu IM sold ou a small payment down , bilnuco $11 per mouth. Why pv runt whan n golden opportu nity llko tills strtros you lu thi ) face ? G. ,1. nsdorir , rooms .117 nud Ills , ptrst Natlonnl bank bill id lug. _ ; r > 7 AHAIUlAlS-ntlxllOon mtn st south of tha viaduct , with small house Mid barn. lltU property in the mnrKot for nshoit time only nt thouxtreiiinlow prlco of ? l.r > X ) . This Is * JtXM los tr.nn Itsnctual value. (1. J. Sturnsdorir , 1001113,117 aiidJIS First Nntlonr.l bank building. tlo2 _ _ SALE Atn sncrillce7l5lKM2 Tft east anil north front , corner ( nth nnd Hownid Bts , , one block from linger' ? . Coo's nud Klrkendall'.s tine tosldencos , Ju t thlnic of it , IfitlxlM ft , nud a conior , too , nnd onh f I.50J. Lot In Snundcrs , \ Illninhaugli's ndd. Price $ ftM. No cash payment nud bnl to suit to anyone ono who will build. New 7-room house , well nnd cljtorn , on 27th fit. near cnr lino. Pi Ice * . ' , MO. will take clu.xf lot ns tlrj < t p.nment. balnnro to suit. II ft buMiiubs property with two good 2-story store buildings , renting for UTOiiu yenr ; this la n Inrmilu at Jl.MHl C IX Heller , room o , . w. tor. 15th and Dojijzlas sts. _ _ _ .2ti" WOUTIIY of jour nltentlon. Now bcliig completed nn 2ilh si , north of Loiivun- worthst , two houses convenient to business , \ot-y roomy , grnto , mantel , furnace , gns. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot nnd cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets ; only $ \5'0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or W , T. Seaman , Omaha's largest variety of wng- < ins , LHrrtnge1 * , etc. , inst side ICth st , north of Nicholas st. _ _ _ l.'W _ > fn ncics school Innd for Terms rea. > iV'.vonnblo. Address H. K T , loom 14 , llnr- KIT block. 1RU-27J /lALLou 11. 13. Cole , nortliwvit corner of 15th V'aud Douglas sts. . Omaha , for IM lnlC. Al- sli iCo.'s catalogues of lands of California. _ SM April 111 * FOH SALE or P.xchanirn Imiiioved stock faun of WJ ncros in eastern Nebraska , market ; also new 1- room house with nil niu- venlonct's. In desirable residence portion of Omnlm. Audiow Iltivlus , Attorney , 12i and 4JI 1'nMonblock. Omaha , Nob. 270 Notice to Stockholciorn. Tlifniinunl meetlnuf the Htockholders.of The llto Publishing CD. , will bo held nt their olllce. on Monday , Man ll Ith , ItvM' ' , at 5 o'oliv k p. m , for thepuiposoof I'lectliigaboaid ot dlii'i'toi'H and such other husluosn as may come before the Hireling , llyoidi-rof thopii'sldcut. ' fiMIOt GP.O II. TXSCHUCK.Soc'y. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND 4 PACIFIC. Leave. I Arrive. A No. 2 .nOJ : . m.A No. 1. . .7:00 u. m. O No. i ! . . , (1:00 ( : u. in. 0 No 5. . ,5:50 : p. m. A No. 1 . . .0:10 : a. in.'A ' :4fliin. : . CHICAGO. HUHLINOTON & WINCY. A No. 1 . Uitua. in.A | No. 5 . . . ,73)n. ) in. A * No. H , . . .nUli : , 111. A N ( ) . 7. . .fi-.IO p. m. A No. 0 . . ( ii.VJp. m.iA No. . ) . . .11:50 : p. m. CHICAGO & NOKTIIW1WTKHN. A No. fl . , .U4'la. ; m.'A ' No. 3. . . 7:10 n. m. A No. I . .0:00 : p. m.'D ' No , 1 7IMn. ; m. H No. 2 , .bIOp. : in A No. .1 0:11 : p. m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKii&ST : : I'Al'L. A No. 2 . . . ' 1:10 : a. m. A Iio. I. 0:50n. : m. A No. 4 . .7:00-1. : in. A No. 3 . .7:10 p. in. KANSAS CITY. SI' , t.IOSKPH te COUNCIL A No. 2 . . .0:25 : a. n'l. A 'No. 3 , .0SOn. ; m. A No. I , . .11:21 : p. in. A No. 1 . . . OM p. Ill , SIOI'X Cl 1 V & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7 : 1 n. in.lA No. n 8:55 n.rn. A No. 12. .7:01 : 1) . mjA No. II , . . , { IUO p. m. OMAHA ll hT. LOUIS. A No. 8 .4r. : p. m.A No , 7 . . 13:00 : in. A dally ; It dally except Saturday ; U except Sunday ; D except Monday ; ' fast mall. The tlmo given above is for Transfer , there being from iho to ten minutes between Trails- for and local depots. THAINS. WCKIviml. . Ilimnln ? between Council Blulfs nnd Al bright. In Addition to the sutlons mentioned , tram * stop at Twentieth nnd T'tvoiuy-fourtU . and at tno Siinim It in Omulio.