Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' ' *
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Jlfllmed hy carrier In Any 1'nrt ot hodtyn
Twenty Onts I'erVock. .
II. W , T1I/10N . . . .MANAOEIU
( > mtK NO. 43.
NlOlIT I'l'lTOII. NI. .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Coiilntul wood. K.K.Muyno , 010 H'wny.
Tlio Wilson cnso has Hiillloci no mores
filtli for several days. The respite is
appreciated by many.
The last of the serioH of parties trlvcn
this stsaMMi at tlio Hoyal Arcanum nar-
lors by tbo I'all Mall club will bo jjiven
next .Monday even In } , ' .
The funeral of the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ( iranvillo Kemp took place
yesterday afternoon. The remains
wore interred in Kairviow.
A meeting will bo bold at St. Ilcr-
nard's hofljiltal tit I o'clock this after
noon , at which all Indies interested in
tbo bn/imr are rcquustatl to bo present.
In ono of the school rooms tbo cbil-
ilron nro bciiitftntitflit to sin ; , ' "Grand-
fnllicr'fi Clock. " Tbo cause of this pe
culiar punishment of tlio children is not
hn ( mil.
Madaino O. Ksporan/.a Luis , a gifted
and eloquent speaker , will lecture this
ovonliiK at the Kroadway M. K. church
on "The Negro ; Ills I'tist , Prcbont and
Future. ' '
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day to Christian Knsclitian anil Annie
Pr'esse. and John P. II. Soovors and
\Vllholnilim A. F. Wcddinyllnx , till of
this city.
Duncan Clark and his "Lady Mins
trels" bold forth nt Dohany's last evening -
ing , and presented to a fair sized au
dience , composed entirely of thu
Htcrner BOX , by far the "rockiest" bhow
of the .season ,
The next term of tlio superior court
wilj convene next Monday. It is not
yet known how many cases will appear
on tbo docket , as the clerk is now at
work preparing the list , and a new
docket will bo printed.
rity Attorney Holmes smiled proudly
vcsto'rday. Tbo sealed verdict of the
jury in the case of Fair against the city
was torn open , and found to be in favor
of the city. Attorney Holmes has boon
very successful in these city cases and
has a right to feel proud.
The Third wjird democracy will cau
cus this evening nt tlio W. II. White
building on South Main street , instead
of at l.acy's hall , as previously an
nounced. The change is made on ac
count of the lack of heating facilities at
the latter place.
It is Mild that pone : unknown marks
men have been using the tombstones in
the coinotcry for targets. Tt seenib
hardly possible that such desecration
could go on without being discovered
by tbo por&oiiH who servo as guardians
of the city of the dead.
Eight cars and ono motor arc now 111
course of construction for the Manawa
motor line , and will arrive hereabout
April 1. The cars will be twenty-six
foot long , about ton feet longer than the
electric motor cars , and will have double
trucks under them.
The "Irishfail Dramatic company , " n
local amateur organization , is about
readg to put the ratling four act Irish
drama , "Peep o' Day , ' ' on tbo boards at
Dohany's. It will present the ply Fri
day and Saturday evenings , and probt.
ably at a matinee Saturday afternoon
for the bcnoflt of St. Horn ard's hospital.
As the 7:45 : dummy left the Broadway
depot Sunday morning , a bullotcrashcd
through the glass -of the rear door ,
scattering broken glass over the in
terior of tbo car. There wcro but two
passengers in the car at tlio time ,
Messrs. Urook and Cory Reed , and al
though they rushed to the rear plat
form at once , they could see no one.
The Globe in its eagerness to stab its
morning contemporary made a bitter
personal attack on Judge Hubhnrd last
evening. The attack will not injure
the judge. When it becomes necessary
to picture former weaknesses of a man ,
and to poke fun at his bravo attempts
to bo a better citizen and a nobler innn ,
: \ caiibo shows lamentable weakness.
Lust evening was the opening night
of tbo bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid
society , of St. Paul's church , at Armory
hall. There was n very fair attend
ance for the first night , and a largo
number of articles wcro disposed of.
This evening there is a varied pro
gramme to bo presented , and to-morrow
the ladies will servo a supper at the
hajl , given by the band.
In the future the board will occupy
quarters in the county court bouse.
The largo library room on the second
lloor has been occupied for that pur
pose , tyid the furniture of the board of
trade rooms was removed to the new
location yesterday. The new quarters
are centrally located , and will prove
more convenient in many respects than
Cue rooms in the Brown building.
Those excavations on Lower Broad
way have been llllod up and the paving
replaced temporarily. They wore
opened for the puproso of putting In
hydrants and water connections , but
the weather lias boon too cold to make
the connections properly , and the work
will not bo done until spring. This will
do away with any more accidents caused
by driving into tliom In the darkness.
In police court yesterday morning
Maud Enton , Mattto Mason and Etta
Beldlng , Pierce street oyju'ians , wore
lined ? 10.iO ( each for vagrancy. They
were not possessed of the necessary
wherewithal , and are boarding it out at
the rntu of $1.60 per day. L. S. Brown
was sent to the county jail for ten days
for vagrancy. Charlofl Nicholson
pleaded guilty and paid 49.00 for an as
sault on K. B. "Wostcott.
Week day booths open ready to soil
our wares to-night at Masonic temple.
TCooms to rent in the Merriam block.
S. \Vad6worth &Co..ii30 Main street.
Pickled tripe and pigs' feet nt Tib-
bltts' , 815 Broadway.
Jerome McCllntock returned yester
day morning from a short businchs trip
to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wightmnn left
yesterday for a three months' tour
through California.
, T , N , Baldwin , esq , , is confined to his
homo on Sixth street with n Eovero at
tack of rhcuinatlin.
W. O. Wirt leaves thl evening for
Washington territory in the interests
of the United States Mnuonlo ac ochv-
J. F , Peterson and family leave this
morning for Europe , to visit at his old
homo , They will bo absent about a
Forrest Smith nnd J. E. F. McGco loft
last evening , over tbo Sioux City road ,
for Pierre , Dak. , on a business trip.
They will bo nbbont about n weolc.
All grades Imrd coul.aH. Fuel Co.
Bond till orders for buttled beer to L ,
M. Fipkolst'iin , Onmlia.
Xlaating&tovti * at cost to close out.
Odoll fc Bryant. - . .
How the School Teachers Are
Ohoeon In the Bluffs.
A Holtl Thief Stout * n Cunt Prom tlic
JnllTho tfnlnti Wanted
llio Political 1'ot
One MHII I'nwcr.
"My boy has had nine teachers since
th6 1st of February , " remarked a dotIng -
Ing parent yesterday. "It seems to mo
that is changing n Httlo too often for
the good of the scholars or of the
schools. "
"What explanation is given for mak
ing so many changes ? "
"Itscoms that they have been trying
to change around the rooms bo as not to
have any of the rooms crowded with
scholars , and this has necessitated
some change In teachers. Then some
of the teachers cannot get along well ,
and have to bo changed to some ether
room on that account. It is simply
awful , though. I don't wonder that the
children can't got along very well
under such a system. You know the
ilrst tlnv of school and the last day of
school are almost always rather rough
and tu in bio ones , and the way they tire
changing teachers now it seems that it
is most always the Ilrst day or the last
day for some teacher. ' '
Further Inquiry among other sources
of information indicate that there is
homo cause for the parent's complaint.
The school board bos for n long time
been following a peculiar policy in re
gard to the appointment of teachers.
Ktich member of the board is entitled
to nominate a certain number of leaoh-
ors : Of course , thus to nominate means
to elect , for no member dares to vote
agaiiiht those teachers named by an
other member , lest re von go bo taken
by voting against those whom ho has
The practical result is that each mem
ber of the board has the absolute selec
tion of n certain number of teachers.
While the formality of a general elec
tion is gone through , yet practi
cally the teachers tire elected by ono
person. The outcome cannot but bo pe
culiar. Old , tried teachers , who do
not happen to bo on the list of some one
member of the board nre loftotTcntiroly.
One of the oldest and best teachers of
the force was thus omitted.She was
given no reason for notbeingre-clccted.
She was too proud to ask for an expla
nation. She applied for n position in
the Omaha schools , and tlio reply came.
"We would gladly give you a position ,
if you will give us a satisfactory reason
wliy the Council Blulls board did not
re-elect you. " She could only say. that
she know of no reason.
Sometime later she asked a member
of the board the reason.
"Have I not always filled my position
to satisfactionV"
"Yes , so far as I know. I never
heard any fault found. "
"Wore a majority of the board against
my reappointmentr"
"No. The majority would have voted
for you. "
"Then why was I not reappointed ? "
"Simply because thsro was no mom-
bco who had your name on his list , and
you wcro therefore not nominated. "
Probably each ono thought that
sotno one olyu would name her , and
they did not want to crowd off any of
their personal favorites to make room
for her. Suppose there are sixty
teachers to bo elected. Each member
selects ten names. Three of the six
members are bent on naming personal
favorites , without regard to their fit
ness. This loaves sixty old teachers
for the other three to select. If they
select ten each thcro must of necessity
bo thirty old teachers loft out in the
cold , and thirty untried and incapable
ones put in their places. It is there
fore apparent that n minority of the
board can practically ruin tlio public
school system oy forcing in teachers
who are incapable.
An attempt was made last spring to
get n reform in this respect. After a
brief wrcstlo those of the board who
favored having teachers elected by a
majority of the board yielded and the
old abuses wcro resumed.
Dr. C. C. Ilnzen , dentist , Opera house
l''or Sale at a Burundi.
Hotel property in Council BlufT.s , cen
trally located , dome good buoincsi. li.
P. Ollleur , sole agent , No. 1'2 N. Main
St. , Council Bluffs.
Stealing l''roin n Jnll ,
Henry Jobnfona burly dcscondent of
Ham , who has figured in police court
several times as the proprietor of a
holc-in-tbc-wall on "The Row , " was
arrested Sunday by Sheriff O'Neill for
larceny. About two weeks ago ti cloatc
was stolen from the main hallway of the
county jail , but there was no clue to the
thief. The shorilV said nothing'about
it. but rc olved to keep closs watch for
the next appearance of the sneak thief.
About 7 o'clock Saturday oveniiifj the
door again opened and a darkey slipped
in and picked up a coat , which ho
started away with. Ho was soon by a
BOH of the sficrilT , who gave the alarm ,
and his father started in pursuit. The
fugitive dropped the coat a few rods
from the jail , and was BOOH lost to view
on Main Btrcot , where he dodged out of
sight behind tbo Cccston houbo. The
shorlll was well satisfied as to his iden
tity and aiTCsled him the next day at
his houpo on Washington avomioj as
tibovo stated. lie denied the theft , but
was identified by the boy who saw him
take the coat. An information was
filed before Squire Hundricks , who will
try the case to-day , j
The London "Tailor V is the place to
get your clothes Jimdo. (137 ( Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Try our XXX bottled beer. Special
rales on all orders from Iowa.
L. M.
to Simmer.
Notwithstanding the apparent apathy
in local political circles for the past few
weeks regarding the coming election it
is very curtain that the election will
not bo a very quiet affair , and that a
vast amount of hard work will be done
between tbo present tlmo and 0 o'clock
Monday night. Several plans are al
ready laid nnd it scorns that the work
is not to bo done in the caucuses nnd
conventions , but on the streets nnd nt
the polls instead. As nearly as can be
ascertained at present the hardest fight
will ho intido by the Lnoy and anti-Lacy
factions , nnd the indications are that
money wl.ll bo used freely on both sides.
It in thought certain that the republi
cans will nominate William Arnd for
councilman in tbo Third ward. A portion
tion of tbo democracy will nttempt to
nominate Lacy for re-election from this
ward , but tlio result is regarded nb un
certain , ns tbo effort will meet will
strong opposition. The fact that there
is a scarcity of democratic timber in
the unrd is" regarded ns favorable tc
Lucy's nomination. Should Lacy fni
to secure the nomination in the Thin
it is understood Hint ho will attempt to
secure the nomination for nldorinan-at
Inrgc over Knephor.
Should ho succeed In securing the
nomination nt * large , the plan foi
"downing" the ambitious alderman i
outlined as follows : Alex. Wood , who
IB the favorite ot the republicans foi
alderman-at-largc , will bo induced to
resign in favor of Knenlicr , who wil
poll the republican vote , as well ns n
large following of democracy , against
Lacy. The effort to freeze out Lacy
seems to bo well organized , and if ho
succeeds in defeating his onemics. it
will bo a result over which he will have
great reason for rejoicing. Thcro
seems to bo no choice ns yet in
either party in the Fourth ward.
Candidates are scarcer than hen's
teoth.mid the voters will go Into caucus
considerably in the dark. If thcro is
any scheme now on foot to bo sprung at
llio caucus , it has been kept icmarka-
bly quiet , as not the slightest whisper
has yet pone abroad. The democrats
this evening and the republicans to
morrow evening. Both conventions will
bo held to-morrow oveninir.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and slnrU by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Money loaned on fmnituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllcc cor. Broadway
and Miiin , over American express.
Beautiful fancy work.
Homo made candy.
At Masonic temple to-night.
The Doings of Court.
The trial ot cases on the law calendar
was resumed yesterday morning in the
district court. The court opened the
verdict in the case of Fair vs city of
Council Bluffs , nnd announced that it
was in favor of the city , as was nntici-
Ho also announced the verdict in the
cnso of Smith Vs Maerno in favor of the
The case of Pace & Smith vs Maxwell
was continued until Thursday. This
case comes up for n now trial. It in
volves $5,000 which was paid on n sheep
deal. The other trial resulted in n ver
dict for the plaintills. The attorneys
nro J. N. Baldwin nnd G. A. Holmes for
the plaintiffs , and Stone & Sims for de
The case of Traverse vs Anderson
was dismissed. Tins was a suit for $2,500
damages for slapping n man's face , nnd
had been on the docket for thrco years.
The case was twice decided in justice
court in favor of the defendant , and tbo
district court taxed up costs to the
The court ordered the release of the
prisoner Ed. Vajidorpool , held on the
chnrire of comiilicity in the larceny case
for which Ed. Byrd was committed , as
there was not 'sullieiont evidence to
warrant his further detention. Vnn-
derpool has been in jail for several
On motion of Colonel Dailoy , Charles
GrUHth , who is awaiting n new trial on
the charge of embe/.zlomcnt , was ad
mitted to bail in the sum of $800 , and
the other two charges of forgery and
uttering and publishing a forged in
strument were held in abovanco.
The county attorney stated that ho
was unable to find the indictments in
several cases , and the clerk was in
structed to keep all indictments under
lock and key in the future , as the al-
Lorncys wore "not entitled to the or
iginal indictment , but simply a copy
The case of H. B. Peclfenpaugh , ad
ministrator , vs. Thomns Leonard was
; hcn taken up , and was not completed
when court adjourned last evening.
This case was on the equity docket , but
ivus transferred to the law calendar.
J. G. Tipton' real c&tate , 527 B'dway.
Parties having temperance billiard
mils nnd restaurants will do well to
take the exclusive sale of my tcmper-
iinco beer. L. M. FiNKii.vnix. : :
Take tea at tbo Masonic temple to
night only 23 cants , from 5 o'clock , by
.tidies of St. Paul's church.
Invite thu S. tint 4 Here.
The church of Latter D.iy Saints has
ihobcn live delegates : C. A. Beobe , B.
K. Dodson , R. M. McKinfcio , II. N. Hnn-
som , and W. A. Peak , to represent it at
.ho general conference to be hold at
St. Joseph next month. This gathccr-
.ng will bo a notable ono , their being
'rom 800 to 1,000 delegates from all
nirts of this country , and representa
tives from ether countries as well.
There are largo numbers' of visitors
ilso. The conference generally is in
session a week or ten days.
Why not have the next conference in
this city V
St. Joseph offered inducements for its
ncoting there , which resulted in that
city being selected for this year's con-
orcnce. Council H lull's could easily
offer like inducomQtits for tbo next
conference. The delegates from hero
vould present such a proposition , and
irga its acceptance. Last year St.
loscph sent a representative from its
> onrd of trade to secure the meeting
of the conference there. Council
51iilT.s bhould take some notion to secure
t for 1800.
Have our wagon call for your Eoilcd
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's it Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and nil other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
A beautiful picture , the work and gift
of Mrs. Dr. Boivor , will bo disposed of
luring tbo entertainment nt Masonic
temple , given by the Episcopalians.
Bartlett & Norton for hardware ,
stoves and cutlery , 787 and 2H5 ! B'way.
I have moved my olllco to Omiihn , nt
which nil orders will bo received nnd
rom which all deliveries will bo mndo
by wiigon. L. M. FlNKKLSTKlN.
On to
The Dodge Light Guards will not go
.o Washington In n Pullman palace
sleeper , owing to n scarcity of funds.
When the members of the C'ommevcinl
club found that the company intended
.o travel in n Barkalow Bros' , cars ,
hey pronounced it an outrage and ro-
lection on the city they represented ,
and on ascertaining the cause , nt once
set out to raise $250 , the extra amount
icccdsary to secure n Pullman. They
nUod half the amount nnd gnvo up in
icspnir. So it is bottled that tlio boys gen
n what some of the kickers tire pleased
o call a cattle car , but what
H really a comfortably arranged tiirl
nice appearing car. The Pullman com-
mny now has charge of the Barkalow
Bros. ' car , nnd ha.4 'improved It PO thn
it is much the same us' the palnco
sleeper , with the oxcoptlon of llio up
bolstering. The "bdys nro not ns btitllj
off as some woulli have the public be
lieve , nnd will doubtless have the picas ]
nntcst kind of a
Only 10 cents to hcnr the pleninnnios
sing negro melodies in plantation cos
tume accompanied by banjos and guitars
to-night at Masonic , temple , Feb. SlOth.
The ax-crape < chooll > oj celebrated Wash
ington's birthday with grateful rciiicm-
Tlio wliooplnc COUR'I ' anil scarlet rash scorn
to l o quite prevalent nbout town among the
little folks.
The qucstionof prohibition vs. hl h llccnto
nt the .iHlupp.i school house Friday evening
wns dicidcd In favor of lilRli license.
Mr. nml Mrs. O. G. Pojton spent Sunday
with her sister In Fremont nnd witnessed
the ilcil lent Ion of tlioV. . C. T. U. temple.
Dr.V. . ,1. Smith , who bus nursed the slelc
of this vicinity for miles iirouml during the
lust decade , experts to spend tlio summer in
Utah ns n specialist.
Oliver S Ohlscn , a merchant tailor ot
Mollnc , 111. , is visiting hit ni.uiy friends In
Hooper , nnd nKo taking orders for suits In
several adjoining towns. .
II. Holers , or Ailmnh , will tnkc clmrjc of
the SiiUoii farm with Ills four or live boys.
nnd ns ninny RlrU , nbout the 1st of April ,
and run nbnut live teams.
Jerry Dcnslow anil wife , T. W Lvinnn ,
Curl nml Theodora KtocKornnd led Uelilnij , '
went to Fremont on the UJd to attornl the
opening of the Masonic temple.
Our honorable school board has bad to ex
ercise considerables limitless In executing
their law nnd its penalty upon tanly puNls
at the public schools. Hut after eliminating
a very few tne rule works HUe a clock.
Miss Fnnnlo K. Sutton , thn nfTablo and re-
ilneil sister of A. i' . , who 1ms been primary
tc.ielicr In the Presbyterian Sunilav school ,
nnd her frantic mother will probably accom
pany her brother wherever he goes. They
expect to move nbout April 1.
Mr. A. Y. Sutton , ono of the wealthiest
men of Hooper , has sold ills lauded estate
contiguous to the town of nearly 400 acres.
He was the original owner of the town site ,
which he sold to the railroad company. Mr.
Sutton is not only a successful farmer but an
intelligent gentleman who , witli his family ,
will be much missed in social and church
liabouclicrc's Theory of the Heath of
I'rlnca Itutlolph.
Henry Labouohoro , in n dispatch to
the New York World , says : "Wo hnvo
not got to the bottom of the Moyerling
tragedy. 1 do not believe in the authen
ticity of tbo letters which have ap
peared in the papers ns coming from
Archduke Rudolph and Baroness" Mnrie
Vccscra stating their intention to live
no longer. These letters seem to me to
be of n piece with all thu stories told by
orders of the emperor , between the oc
currence of the tragedy nnd the funeral
of Rudolph. Before there was time to
concoct a good circumstantial account
that would hold well together the oill-
cial people blurted out that Crown
Prince Rudolph had been shot behind
; hc ear in a diagonal directionand that
the coronal part of tlio skull bad been
carried oil by the bullet as it
went out of the head. Nothing
it all was said of Baroness
Marie Vccscra We might fancy that
it was she who discharged the pistol , if
sbo had not been shot in the back.
Both were found dead on the same
couch , and there were flowers scattered
upon the corpse of Marie. Does not
, bis tioint to si woman's hand to that of
a maniac from jealousy , and to the
supreme nnd feminine irony in ven
geance ? Tbo diagonal shot upward also
wints at somebody having been con-
: calcd in the room under the bed or
table , or some other piece of furniture ,
and to creeping along stealthily until
10 or she got up to the bleeping pair ,
and to placing the pistol close to
Rudolph's head and firing up at it.
Marie would doubtless on hearing the
shot have sought to have escaped , when
she was knocked over with a pistol-shot
n the back. There were mutilations
ilso of both bodies which showed a
maniacal hatred. Baroness Vccsora ,
.ho mother. T am told , calls for justice ,
't is withheld to prevent n worse senn-
Inl thnn that which has been stirring
tin world for the last fortnight. "
Ho "Kounrtcil Up" the Judge.
Deputy United States Marshal Willis
irrived hero | to-day , says a Springfield.
Mo. , special , with .fudgo Pcdan of
St. Clnir county in custody. Several
nonths ngo n warrant was sworn out
igainst the judge for refusal to levy n
special tax to pay interest on railroad
loads. lie has many friends and the
Jnitcd States nulhoritic J encountered
, rouble in trying to arrest him.
Pinnlly strategy was resorted to. The
narshal beard that the judge was fond
of fox hunting and ho induced * the
'tinners to give a big circle hunt. The
event came on Friday , and the judge
vas present in nil his glory. AVlnlo
, ho round-up wns in propros Marshal
Willis decided to round-up tbo old
udgo. Judge Pedcn rode awhile mule.
Choosing n moment when he wassopar-
ited from his friends the marshal
iccostcd him. The judge jumped from
lis mule and mndo for the brush.
Willis fired four phots nt him and
Inally captured him. The judge is
low in jnil hero.
Marked Man The tattooed individ-
itil at the dime museum.
Short Tale of Two Citlen.
Chicago Tribune : Chicago boy
.lamina , Cousin Gcorgio Wont off "by
limsel n little while ago nnd cried.
What can bo the matter with him ?
Chicago mother Poor Gcorgio. Ho'a
loincbiclc. He's never been away from
Philadelphia before , you know , and
everything is now nnd strange to him.
le never saw streets like ours boforo.
? nko him out into the back alloy , Wil-
io. and walk him hvor all the tin cans
ind anil heaps you can lltid. It booms
more like homo to liim.
Chronic. Cases of Many Years Cured.
Cripples Cured. Crutches No Use.
AT Pftt-aainri * nn DEALEHI.
0. U. 11 KM , . O. A. IlKltUNailOP
ArcMtect Dosipcn and Superintendent *
of Construction ,
Sir. IlcrlliiL'hof mil HCVCII ycnrs ivllh
Mi'iulcl holiii , Tlhlicr&Lurtry , nnd has
designed inuiiy of thu llnest blocks
In Uniiiliii niul Coituell
Plans and Specifications Prepared and
Estimates made on Apulication ,
lioom H Opera House Block
On hand for city loans ; lowest rales
of Interest.
Fine farms close to Bluffs tocvchniigo
for city property.
Western hum to cxchnngo for city
Big bargains In Broadway lots.
Fine busino/s property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good fresh stock trrocorles to exchange -
change for city property and one-third
Houses and lots on monthly pn.mcnts. .
Small payments down , Prices r.inglng
from $775 to $1,000.
Cheap lots in I3vans' , Wright's , Coeh-
rnn's ' nnd most all additions to city ,
Pine ncro property for bale from 8100
to SoOO loss tlinn present worth.
.No. 10 I'rnrl St. , Council ( Units.
TTHJIl HUNT Two nlcelv furnlsiieil looms for
iiinnntnlu.irooriwofjtfntlomuti.wlth u eof
tuithf , lloKteil by tin unco"t South Seventh
Hlri-et , .Anil-lit block.
"I7IOII HUNT Pinlt fnrin unit imikct cnulcn :
L ucie * . 'i tnllo. noithonst or ( liepmintv.
Uooilil loom IIOIIMO , Imin nml oulbulldjims. i )
acres blackberries * I iicio t < Uu\vuerriif. ! W , C.
STACY , Opera llousa block.
Y\r.ANTii-TJio ; people to try the City Steam
V > Laundry. .11 NoitlrMntn.
" 171011 HUNT Cheap , two hiimUoino , new. sy. |
L. loam cottages , north of transfer , Council
ulLs. ] niUlio ] Ilhinil Klshtor , Mil u\e mid
. ' 1st st.
[ 7 > OI1 liFNT The tlirea-siory nrlck slotoioom
L1 No. < 07 llroulway. The loc.Ulon Is ono oC
the best lu the city , llio bullillni ; bson oc
cupied fey the last twenty years liv Miller \ Co. .
lintilwiire , nnJ wonlil bo . \ery ileslrablo locu
tion for nhniiliA.ii'4 business on that account.
John Dennett.
Who Will Save You Money
Sc. ( > . '
House ,
41" llroailwnv.
CQ Council llltitr- .
IN AI ways 5 11 era
CHEAPEST - : a ° tsa s 2- . .
g S = s . " g fed
& r. ? = * - g. * H
As 1 can prove by
hundreds. S o.S CT3 C9 2 | *
"VH ? s < = ' * td
Lanzendorfer &
| : | § S b
Strofibehn , ? 00 f * "Ly , M
a : g p oo co , J
A O. 221
. Particular attention glvon to Ki
\o. 14 \ . Main SI. , Council I tills.
rnrnlturo repairing neatly done.
Odlcc calls attended promptly iluy nnd night.
And } 'el ( lie l > cst Suit
joii ever liatl.
No , 391 Broaiway , - Council BHilTs.
tJ Tlr. NOTKI : i wiu. sit.r.
Iowa Cattle , Fed on Iowa Corn ,
And will meet nny honett competition on pi lees :
for Mrsi'Clnis Mo.ilu.
SO lironilwny. - - Trlcihiiio | 2OI.
DIH ? uo-rrni ? nuni/i'p / '
lifcAL liMAlli DnUllftti ,
.110 ItKUAItU'AV ,
couNdii ni urKs , i IOWA.
I'rlvuto watchmen itunUhod nt miy niul al
Special ntlentlnn elvcn to collection oC chat
tel mortgages and notus.
Monny tolonn on nooil ilinttol security ,
Ki'ferouco-Any liank , nttoinoy , or btislnvbi
iiiiui In tlio city.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Ciiiuicll Dluirx la ,
Tuos. OFKIPKII. W. If , .M , I'DSii
Corner Main und lUoadway ,
DcaU-rM In forulcn tnil ( lonuwstlo
ana Iut iu3tpuld ua Uiiiodo.
BROADWAY rt,6' '
c pv
\N..SW\\TH &BROS. xtfjfefeS
, . - a n L/ /jwu .i I' ' .ov
SW\naar \ 0V S.Bath Ron m A ' Ac'fiho ' ?
oBft. .B . . , Throu d' ' nl
IO " * * '
i" x * 1 o' o l * "
$ & $ & $ ?
s &oSF
"teS0.T0swA5 ? . jcsi-/itc / ,
Always t 'LOWEST-
, froprieton No.H4MairiSK
Fi-rnifuro & Stoves
on wccKty or-tnontfily .
ortncnts. Brsf
Sc/ec//p/jS Lone
/wees. / Litfir-olc/i'setuiit
for } CASH ,
N.Main St. Telefrhorie >
An old established Boot and Slioe business
in Counoil Blun s , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to G. D. Phillips , at the
store , or to. N. O. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate-
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
B U T.T S | Nos.l58cl8
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted foi
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , fuills and Elevators
pocltUntloiisnmli'Htlmfilci ( n nlhliPd for rompMu sto.uu plnntn. KfL'iilallnn. Dnralillltvdnar
. .
iiilced. ( an luttcis fioiu , i-uis eiu Knul Kroiinniv Is i-qinil with Coillss N < in.tuiitlonfiiig
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Cntalofjue. No. G1O Pearl Str-eot , Council Bluff-5.
JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.
K 221. Fiiruihlicjil
Corrospoiiduncc Soli fit oil. On Aipliciiton. | !
llllud I'm' nil kluiU of mninmal * nnd
Inl bpocltneiu Miiuvaliuml fos < ilit on lianu. '
ulliilulioiiiH , Uc'ni' nml Klk [ mill-id. I'liriuul i
our skin riik'H , mtiili Im vyvivie. . Taxidermy
01 k done In all J'.a brituvUei. tScDil for
Novel , plcaslnp nml practical. I-'or tin
jmrlor , thn clinruli , thu ( Jhantnunii ( ] i.-lrclo ,
riu'lc , thu society hull , The only luoi.lhly ol
ltd kind In tlio' United Huu.-a. Omy tl t
year. Sumplcs , 10 ccnlH ,
KASDMI KIIIII.IIM Siiiivicu Very uuliiur . No
rcbu.irbuls nccilcd. Onl.v 50 cunts for n sup
ply for nny echool , ot nny H/.U ! , Addrcsu
C'oiincll UlufTb , Iowa , J K. llurlincsH , > , ] ana-
Ctr. I'libllshura of "Old Jlstrlrt School , "
, QuU Hodil , " "KvcnliiK With Art , " etc.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool &PUIS ,
n'it tnaikct prices. I'lumpl toturcs. Id
uiid VX Uulu tit. , tounrll illlilta , I