I'HB OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , FEBRUAKl' 2G , 18SO. READY TO RECEIVE HARRISON , The Inaugural Preparations Com pleted. NO DISPLAY UNTIL MONDAY. The Prcsldenf Will Hnlor Washing ton Quietly as Ptisslhlo Nc- lirnstcn'H Delegation I/oudeil Jo\vn With Work. WASHINGTON nriin.it ; TUB OitAttv Ken , 1 013 KOUUTERNTH STllBr.T. V WASHINGTON , D. C. . Feb. 25. ) Everything Is In readiness for the recep tion nnd Inauguration of President-elect Harrison , When ho arrives to-morrow after noon , ho will be received by a small commit- tco of private citucns and driven to the Arlington , where ho will find awaiting him a Htiilo of four newly furnished rooms. Mrs. Harrison is the only member of the president elect's family who is expected to stay with him tit the hotel. Others of the family have apartments at the Kbbitt. There Is to be no pomp nor display till next Monday morning dawns , nnd many nro the prayers going up that the weather will bo bright and mild , In stead as now , grlsp nnd cold , with shimmer- ingsnow. GcneralandMrs. | Harrisonarc.tobo given till the privacy possible between the tlmo of their arrival and the inauguration. One of the rooms at the hotel is a very small smoking apartment , scarcely moro than three persons can sit comfortably In it. Here tlio general is expected to rccelvo his callers , who are to bo confined as far as possible to men Invited , and hero ho is expected to fill out his cabinet , which It Is believed is not more than half full. Mrs. Bourke , wife of. Captain John G. Hourko , of the army , is to give a high tea to Mrs. Kussnll H. Harrison from ! to 7 o'clock ' on Wednesday afternoon and evening , to which Mrs. Benjamin Harrison has been Invited , and it is expected that the hitter's friends will pay their respects at that time. Further than this the public and personal friends arc expected to desist from their inclinations to take the time of the llrst fomlly of the land. Everything is In readi ness also for the inaugural parade. The great court of the pension building is being draped with bunting and flags and decorated with evergreens and llowcrti for the inaugural ball. There is to be no shoddy In any of the departments con nected with the incoming of the new presi dent. It Is to bo a brilliant display. The immense ) platform to the east front of the ca | itol. from which the Inaugural address will bo delivered , is completed. Tlio miles of seats on platforms constructed over the government reservations along Pennsylvania avenue , from whence the parade will bo viewed by the multitude fat from " to * ! a head ) are finished , and the chairs , or rough board scats arc being put in position. Tlio windows and balconies along the avenue have all been taken ut from ? ll ) to S'20 a chair , and the most elabor ate arrangements have boon perfected for the review of the procession by the president and family from n stand in iho white house yard. The inaugural committee have re ceived nnd placed in order reports from about all of the military and civil ore animations which will participate in the parade. Iu fact there is very Iittlo now to do to induct , Presi dent Harrison into oltlco in the greatest blaze of glory that was ever thrown around iho chief officer of any republic or empire. The only thing necessary , so far ns the imagination can ronccivcat this time tomako it all a glowing success , is fair weather. The democrats in ollice are eager for tlio end to come when they may step forth into private life , and everybody is saying that it is a pity to keep them waiting. .Despite the Tact that the close of a congress is an ovunt of great Interest , there is very little attract ing comment except that connected directly or indirectly with the Inauguration. All in terest centers in this ovont. The dead-lock in the Mouse against the Sulllvun-Felton con tested election from California , the Cowles frco tobacco bill , the possibility of one or moro general appropriation bills being de feated , thereby necessituting an extra ses sion of the next congress , the threat of a dead-lock in llio the Hoar - senate over south ern election investigation resolution , or the refusal of the president to go into executive session for the confirmation of various nom inations have Iittlo interest to natives or strangers in comparison to the inauguration. INDIAN IlGI'llliDATlON CLAIMS. In the semite to-day Senator Paddock made an earnest appeal to Senator Dawcs to call up at the earliest practicable moment , the bill providing for the settlement nnd pay ment of the Indian depredation claims , which ho stated was of personal moment to many of his constituents , ami which he hoped that thu senator might see his way clear to present for immediate action as soon as thu army appropriation bill was out of the way. As this plcdqo was given by Senator Dawcs , it Is reasonable to expect , notwith standing the few remaining days of the session , that the bill will yet secure a passage. Later in the day , while the house bill to divide a portion of the Sioux reservation into sepa rate rcNorvations was under discussion , Sen ator Paddock called upon Senator Dawes for information ns to whether the portion of the Bald reservation lying within the state of Nebraska was enlarged by the bill as amended in the senato. Under the bill passed by the semite the tract of land is only reserved by executive orders so long ns It may bo needed for the use and protection of the Indians receiving rations and annuities nt Pine RIdge agency. I.AlllI ) OOINO TO WASHINGTON. Representative Dorso.v received a tele- Brain to-day from A. H. Paul , at Hastings , which reads as follows ; "Mr. Laird will probably start some tlmo this weclr for Washington. " It Is a shanio to load down a delegation in congress like the men from Nebraska ara being Weighed down nt this time with lei ters. Tlio mall of Senators Mnmlcr&on and Paddock und Roprcseiitativo Djrsoy is some thing appalling every Ony , roquirlng the work of several men to attend to it. Letters Booking appointments do * no good at thm tluio. They are simply /lleii / away till op portunity will bo given to present tho.m to the heads of departments not yet selected , There Is no such thing as ono man getting ahead of another till the cabinet is formed after the inauguration , and the work of making appointments IK begun. Ofllco Bcokcrs lay thcmsolves at a dUadvautagu by addressing their representatives in congress now. They should wait at least a couple of weeks. To write now Is simply to glvo trouble. The congressional work Is alone enough to occupy nil the tlmo of the dele gation. Congress convenes at 10 o'clock in the morning and ruim along till late at night. Thursday the session will bo almost con tinuous , as only a recess of a few hours will bo taken now and then. It will run through bunduy and Monday night. MOIII : riLim.'HTiniNn. : There nro moro than a thousand and ono measures of moro or leas general Importance beforu congress , but it ia conceded that not a do/en of them will get Html action ouUIdo of the appropriation bills. It lun been demon strated that the Illumstcrs aio determined to defeat everything except appropriations , The republicans Justify their action in till- hus'toring against the consideration of the California contested election case , by saying that , It is simply a scheme to glvo Sullivan , a democrat , about $ HlXMl for two years' ' salary , mileage , contest expenses , otc. The committee agreed to make a majority report , to uimoat Felton , the republican , who ocoapioK ' the seat , last Juno , but the majority report was held back , and since llio minority cannot re- ix > rt before the majority docs HO , thu case 1ms not been called up till now , Atthosiimo tlmo the majority agreed to report uguuiHt thu Heating ol Smalls , the negro from South Carolina , und inasmuch as it wus not do- Blrnblo that the merits oftlmt case should bo exposed by the republicans In debate before the ejection , us It would have u very bad ef fect on the democratic ticket In tlio south , It was thought to bo desirable for appearance sake to hold back the California case "to kcoo company" for the Smalls' case , and now it has boon determined to call It up at i > uch a late day that it will undoubtedly fall of action , If ever a righteous filibuster was conducted It U this one. By dofoutintf action on this case unreal wrought defeated ugahml Mr. Felloe unU u mlKcriblu scheme to glvo a largo sum of money to n man who has no claim to It Is thwarted. NHIIUASKA tANti nmntcT * . Prosld6nt Cleveland came v/ury / near cton- flolidatlng'some of Iho land districts' Iri Ne braska recently. Ho had prepared nt the Interior department a statement showing the area-of the land In the various districts , the receipts and expenses of the offices and othqr information necessary on which to base con solldations , The law require ? that there shall bo at least ono hundred thousand ncres of land undisposed of in each land district , and Whenever the maximum falls below this amount there shall bo consolidation , and consequently the abolition of districts. Hud it not been for Senator Pnddoeh's Interfer ence there would have been at least two dis tricts In Nebraska abolished. I was to-day permitted to sco the statement prepared for President Cleveland , nnd It makes the following - lowing showing for Nebraska ! MISl'HI.I.ANKOfS MATTUUS. Governor Larr.ibce , of Iowa , Is In the city. Ex-Congressional Uo'ogate R : F. I'ottl- grew , of Sioux Falls , is in the city. It is ex pected by many that he will bo hero next winter as nno of Dakota's senators. McICenurce Ross , of Mount Ayr , Hlngirohl county , Iowa , was to-day admitted to prac tice before the Interior department. J'BIIUV S. HCATII. A Tjocal Postal Chance , tW.\sriisoTox , Feb. 2o.--Special [ Telegram * to Tin ; Hii.J : : Thu follow orders , relative to registered mail pouches , have been Issued from thu postofllco department : The postmaster nt Omaha is this day In structed to dispatch a through registered punch to Sioux City via the Sioux City & Omaha railway postofllco at li ! p. m. daily. An exchange of inner registered BUCKS has been established between the above offices , to become operative on and after the USth inst. , the sacks to leave Yankton at ! JW : p. in. and Sioux City at S . 'J5 a. m. via the Manilla- & Mitchell railway postoftlcc. I'nlrlck'H 'lurpedo limit. WASHINGTON , lAb. "i. | Special Telegram toTiinHiiJ : .1. N. H , Patrick and Mr. Rob- crt Patrick , of Omaha , have been spending several days ia the city , and left to-day for New York , from whence they will sail on Saturday for Paris. It is understood that Mr. Patrick has received an order from the government for a number of his submarine torpedo boats , and that Ids visit to Franco Is to sign a contract with the French govern ment for Ilftcen in addition to those already contracted for by that government. Gladstone Arraigns the Times. LONDON , fob. 25. Gladstone , in a letter to the Times , refers to that paper's recent article on the Huwarden evictions and the failure of the Times to print the subsequent explanations or make an apology. He requests - quests them now to print an explanation , and continues : "Your wanton intrusion on a private domain , so alien to the honorable tra ditions of the .British press , has compelled mo to be thus guilty of seeming impertinence in troubling the public with my personal af fairs. " _ Tlio Visible Supnly. CHICAGO , Feb. 23. The visible supply for the week ending February 23 , as compiled oy the secretary of the Chicago ooard of trade , is as follows : Buslrols. Wheat . „ . : H,7UOOUO Corn . 1 15 . J B3 , 000 Oats . SaiOG03 Rye . 1,078.000 Barley . . „ . . . . 2C03,000 P.ivltfj : the Way. SANTA Pr , N. M. , Feb. 2. ) . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HUE. 1 A bill passed the torri- .orml legislature to-day establishing" an agri cultural college and. experimental station at Jos Cruces , u school of mines at sjocorro , a -crritorial - university at Albuquerque and an asane asylum at Las Vegas. The measures appropriate nearly a million and a half lollars for the erection of these institutions. L'heir establishment , it is believed , will strengthen New Mexico's chances for ad- nission as ns a state in case an extra scssjou of congress is held. ShncfTcr'H Itc.markaulo Hun. Cmc'ino , Fob. 25. Frank Mairgiola was Tacob Shaoffcr's opponent to-night in a remarkable - markablo billiard contest. Muggiola did not piny much ho didn't have a chance. At the cad of the third inning ho had two points and Shaeffor three. In the fourth inning' Shacffer made IJ'JT points , the largest run ever made at the game in public. The score was as follows : ShaelTor 0 , ! ! , 0. 31)7 ) 100 ; average , 100. Maggiola 1 , 0 , 1 - ; average , % . Tlio Death Keoord. MnAnviLLi : , Pa. , Feb. 25. Joseph If , Lcn- nart , supreme receiver of the Ancio'nt Order of United Workmea.dled Sunday morning of congestion of the lungs. Nnw Yoitic , Feb. 25. The Romaa correspondent pendent of the Catholic News , of this city , cables that Cardinal Charles Sacconl is dead. Ho was ono of the six suftragan bishops of tlio Roman Pontiff and the senior In rank of cardinals. Two weeks ago the second mem ber of the Sacred college , in point of senior ity , Cardinal John Huptisto Pira , died. . - c. TlriVciulier Indications For Nebraska : Fair , wanner , variable winds , generally southerly. For Iowa : Snow , warmer , variable winds , generally easterly. For Dakota : Fair , warmer , variable winds , generally southerly. A. Coining ICiibc. CniCAno. Fob. 25. [ Special Telegram to I'm : HUE. ] A six-day bicycle race of twelve hours per day for professionals , for which ? l,000nml aclmmpionshlp belt will be offered , ivhllo $1,000 worth of prizes will bo offered to imateur riders , la which several fast Omaha riders are entered , has been arranged for [ jhicago , _ _ _ Tlio I'rlends Scnuro : i Ktny. LANHINO , Mich , , Fob. 85. Governor Luco : ms ordered a s'tay of proceedings it the ex- ; radition cases of Olive 13. Friend and others , : > f electric sugar notoriety , and will give [ hem a hearing on March . KnitjIitH Kiit < < rtuln Frlnnd-i. Members of Knights of Pythias lodge 1 14 entertained their friends last night at rjoodridi'a ' hall , First on the programme iviui a selection by the Metropolitan bane ) liiiirtottc , which was so successfully per- 'or mod that the members , Messrs. George F. LJollenbeek , C , G. Watsoa , Ed. Jones and Uobert McKittrick , wcro brought baloro the uulleiK'O seven times , the last , time Messrs. [ tcllcnbcck and \VaUon rendering "Home , Sweet Home , " as a duet , with variations. After that Prof. Kozurt rendered a selection in the zither , and Dr. Bulloy followed with in excellent baritone solo ; Brother Thomas IMIIcy spoke on the merits of the knight- lood , and then tlio Iittlo Misses Cheney and Mclron furnished thu gem of the evening In i number of Scotch melodies. Supper was iorved , after which a cornet solo , excellently endornd oy Prof. | Ioy , brought the proceed ings to a close. A lady veiled by tlui "Hollo" Jane Hading rolling is a la mode. To bo had by the yard M cents upwards of dealers. Dutlahlo OarpntH. The custom house at this point received ; wclvo bales of imiuirted carpets yesterday 'or S. A. Orchard , the value of which Is iluccd at 81,800. _ Tlio soft glow ot tlio tea roro is uo juirod by ladies who nso I'ozzoni'fl Uom- powder , Try it. 1H2SEUT1NO TUB KNIGHTS. Itontniul Shoe Workers Vorni A Union of Their Own. Fob , 25. The Widespread dis satisfaction of the boot and shoo workers at tached lo the Knights of Labor nt the treat ment they have received at the hands of the general ofllcors , has culminated In n power ful movement tn the largo shoo towns to sever the connection of that trade with the Knights of Labor. Saturday uSght the local assembly of boot and shoo workers of Dover , N. H. . voted to withdraw from the Knights of Labor nnd form a local union , to bo at tached to the Uootniid Shoo \Vorncr.s Inter national union. Tlio local assembly of Hnvcr- hill , Mass. , has also withdrawn. Circulars calling on nil boot and shoo workers to leave the Knights of Labor and form n trade union will bo sent to all local assemblies. National Capital Notes. WASIUSHITOX , Fob. 25.Tlio house com mittee on appropriations has concurred in the senate amendments to the sundry civil appropriation bill , among them belnir ono making appropriations for statues Of Sheri dan , Hancock nnd Logan , and erie for a survey of the Gulf of Mexico , to select a site for a deep water harbor. The president 1ms approved the net grant ing the title of the United States In certain lands to the county of Randolph , Illinois' the not granting right of way to thu Yank- ton & Missouri Valley railway company through the Yankton reservation , Dakota : the act authorizing the construction of a bridge or bridges across the Mississippi at Lacrosse , \Vis. A caucus of republican senators was hold this morning to decide upon llio order of business In the senate daring the remainder of the session , and particularly what course should bo adopted with regard to the F.varts election resolution. It was practically decided - cidod in view of the evident purpose of the democrats to delay final action upon the elec tion resolution until the adjournment of congress , to lay that matter aside temporarily from time to tlmo , nnd all other measures to bo taken uu. Under this arrangement the remaining appropriation bills and conference reports will be tukon uitas fast as they are reported. To-day the bill to sub-divido the Sioux reservation in Dakota wilt be considered if no obstaelo in the shape of nn appropriation bill interferes. A hill to ratify the Scmlnolo acrcement was placed among the privileged class , as well as the Oklahoma bill. Further than this In the arrangement of business the caucus did not proceed , but authorized Mr. Evarls to appoint a committed to arrange a programme after consultation with the dem ocratic senators. Army Afl'airH. WASlltNfiTOX , Feb. 25. [ .Special Telegram to Tin : 13in.j : By direction of the. secretary of war Sergeant William W. Ciex , Company G , Second infantry , now with ills company , is discharged from the service of the United States. The leave of absence on surgeon's ccrtill- cato of disability granted First Lieutenant Robert R. Slovens , Sixth infantry , Dccem- oor , 1S8S , is extended three months on sur geon's ' certificate of disability. It is understood that Lieutenant-Colonel Robert II. Hall , ox-iaspcctor-gcnoral of the Department of the Plattc. will succeed Lieu tenant-Colonel II. M. Lasallo , in charge of the War records onlceat Washington. fllnclcoy's Purchase Confirmed. ST. LOUH , Feb. 25. The purchase by the Mac-key syndicate of the Illinois & St. Louis railroad , from Helluvillo to East St. Louis , with its branches to the coal mines at Vea- nice , and the Carondclct loasefl line , tins become an established fact. Of tlio terms of purchase President Mackey said : " \Vo pay SliTi for preferred stock , which carries control of the property. This repre sents the payment of § 125,000. The gap be tween Mount Vcrnon and Uellcvillo will bo built nt once , and wo may enter St. Louis over the merchants' bridge. " Western Postal WASHINGTON , Feb. 25. [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.B.l A postofllco has been esjab- lishcd at IJcnlap , Polk county , Nob. , with Henry Lohr a9 postmaster. The following Iowa postmasters have been appointed : Edmund Urinford , Dixon , Scott county , vice H. J. Wulff , resigned ; John A. Burned , and J. H. Pcnn , Sidney , Fremont county , vice M. R. Youwoll , resigned. Cowboys for llio Inauguration. DcNvnit , Col. , Feb. 25. The Cowboy baud of Dodge City , Kan. , which will bo ono of the features of the inauguration of President Harrison , arrived hero yesterday. The band , together with the cowboy's marching club , numbering about ono hundred , will leave Wednesday in a special car for Washington , They will bo accompanied by nearly a nun prcd others who will go to witness the in auguration. I'nlmnr and the Navy. DETROIT , Mich. , Feb. 25.Special [ Tulo gram to Tim Bun. | Just previous to his departure parturo for Washington on Saturday Senato. Palmer was congratulated by a naval oftlcer on his prdbablo selection for secretary of th navy by Prcsideat Harrison. The answe of Palmer to this was : ' * "That's the latest , Is it ? It's news to me , nnd I never suspected it boforo. Of. all the places ia the cabinet that would suit mo best.1' "I hope , " said the naval oillcer , "you will take the place. Wo hear It will oo offered to you. " A Crazy Mother's Howl. CHICAGO , Fob. 23. Mrs. Lizzio McAuley , who killed her husband a year ago , was found dead in bed , \vith her two children , aged three and one , this morning , She had smothered the children and then connected a rubber tu bo with the gas jcot , tailing the other end in her mouth. .Sho had been crazy some timo. Stajo Ktl ! > ers Caught. Cr.oviui : > Ai.i : . Gala , , Feb. 25. The sheriff of Menuocino county yesterday morning cap tured two men supposed to bo the persons who held up the Mondocmo stngn on the night of January 5. The men gave their names as Charles Manning and II.V. . llumlon , Itlnino J > i'olino.4 to Sorvo. At-ofSTA , Mo. , Fob. 23. Governor Hur- lelgh lias received a letter from .lames G , Blaine resigning Ids position as member of the delegation to represent Maiuo at the cen tennial of the inauguration of George Wash ington as president of the United States. WisNiimnu Starts Tor Cairo , Ai.i\ANiKiA , Egypt , Feb. 23. Captain Wlssniann has arrived hero and prot'eddcd to Cairo , where ho will recruit several hundred blacks to accompany him on his expedition into tlio interior of Africa from the cast coast. Shipping mill Pun.s , Feb. 23.At a mooting hold at Granvlllo yesterday , a resolution w.is'ado ; > j.- cd favoring un International , convention by which Htiumcrs would , bo forbidden to IIUKH over the Xow Foundlund banks during thu lUliIng season. _ A Petition I 'or Moro Mnnoy , WAMIINOTOX , Fob. 25 , Senator' Paddock to-day presented a petition from the Ne braska State Fanners' alliance , .asking that the volume of money bo Increased , A similar petition was recently presented in the Ne braska legislature. Cleveland Vetoes i.'lvo Pension Hills. WAeitiNirro.v , Fob , 25. The president to day vetoed llvo pension bills , granting 'pen sions to Squire Walter , Henry V. " Hass , William Hurnc.s , John U. Lockoy and John McCool , An Insane Itankcr. SALT LAKK , Utah , Fob , 25. [ Spaclal Tele gram to Tiie Uii : , ] < -John. D. MuCluro , vice prcslacut of the Pcorla Merchants' National hank , wus taken violently iusano In thm city. The Peoria chief of polleo arrived to-night , nnd will return with tlio patient to-morrow , IN THE HANDS OF THE JURY , The Lnrrafcoo Llbol Suit Takes n Surprising Turn. DEFENDANTS- CASE SUBMITTED. . No Vcrcllcti'lfb.icticit ' nt n Into Hour Lnnt MHI ! The Mnyor of lawn City Suicides By OnViroil No Dr.s MOIXBS , In. , Feb. 2.V [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB HRn.J The trial of Governor Larrabco for criminal libel terminated rather abruptly tills afternoon , so fur us tha pro ceeding In open court were conccrneil. After Prosecuting Attorney Macombor hud con sumed some liounvln ailressir.g the Jury , the defense concluded to submit tlio case with out argument , nnu tile judge gavuhls Instruc tions nntl tlio Jury retired for n long : time. Mr. McCombor told the Jury that they were Judges of tlio Inw us well as of the fncts ( n a cuso of this kind , mid then , speaking of the facts , said : "Tho ancient EiiRlish law of libel excused u man for circulating another man's ' he , but but that Is no longer the law. It lined to bo lawful for n peer to libel n common person , but that is no longer MO.Vo nre all sovereigns eigns hero. Governor Larrabco lias no rights superior to those of tlio humblest citi zen ot Iowa. Tills libelous matter may huvo been privileged us to Chester U'nnioy , but it was not as to Mrs , Turnoy. They might llo about the boy , but they had no right , to lie about his mother. Tlio governor has documents before him which ought to huvo admonished him to bo careful about circu lating the charges against Mrs. Turnoy , The petition to the governor , which the defense denounced as spurious , is at least as good as this newspaper clipping. This and other documents show unit abundant evidence was before him that Mrs. Turnoy is a good woman. It looks , as if the governor had cot u little tired ; that ho thought Mrs. Turnoy was too importunate , and went out of his way to neutralise her Influence. It was un called for , legally malicious , and entirely im proper. Hut tlio law looks upon many n thing leniently in n man which is regarded with horror in a woman. When you strike ut n woman's good numo you strike against her best possession. When you say that she is not a good mother , you strike where it hurls. And when you say that she is a big amist , and an udultruss , you iniglit as well strike her ilead. Nothing is so priceless as a good name. " Mr. Macombcr read a largo number of quo tations from the bible and Shakcspearo on tlio value of a good name and the enormity of taking it iiwny. "You , gentlemen of the Jury , " ho continued , "are the judges of both law and fact In this case. You , and not the court , are to determine whether tlio gov ernor of Iowa has the right to circulate defamatory matter against the lotvliest citi zen of Iowa. When the defense decided to let the case go to the jury without argumenton their part the 1udgo had to auk for time to lluish his in structions , aiidt After a recess lie instructed the jury very plainly and strongly that the publication was a.iprivilegcd one. Ho told them that to imlUo.the circulation of a defa matory statement libel.it must bo willful and' malicious. The evidence , said he , shows that the statements alleged to be libelous nro part of the governor's records. The statute vests the governor with the pardoning power. lie niiiy acnd for transcripts and take sworn testimony. In exercising this power ho is a judJuiul officer , and his records as such arc absolutely privileged ; unless selected maliciously for the purpose of de faming and injuring Mrs. Turnoy , and ex posing her to wivitli , ridicule , etc. If the document was ut all pertinent to the case , they wcro prlvilugetl. The burden of proof rests upon the prosecution to show the malice of tlio circulation : of thp document. His instructions-stopped Just short of toll ing the jury to bidngvin a verdict of acquit- . itnl. The jury , retired at 2 : 5 p. m. . and to the surprise of nearly everyone in the court room not immediately return. The llrst hour passed and people waited patiently for the expected verdict of acquittal. Mrs. Turney sat in a llttlo group of syiupatizing females friends. Mrs. Gillette sat at one aide in conversation with Mr. Uishop , the govern or's counsel , evidently engaged in reviewing tlio features of the trial. The prosocutlug attorney waleod the floor in a nervous state. The second hour passed , and still the crowd waited expectantly. Tlio reporters gathered In a group and told innumerable stones of bung-Juries and peculiar trials. Mrs. Tur noy began to look more hopeful. People began to talk of a new trial. Friends of the governor began to suggest what would bo the appropriate thing for him to do next. Envious attorneys began to liud fault with the governor's counsel and to show how much better the case might have been tried. An other hour passed , a repetition of the preced ing yne. Then , as supper time drew near. the crowd began to thin out. Six o'clock , 7 o'clock came , and nobody remained but the reporters , a few loafers and court officers. They began to discuss the politics ol the jury , and found that there were seven democrats , four re publicans and ono anti-prohibitionist , which seemed very significant to some , and so tlio evening were away , with the Jury still locked in. There is much criticism of the course taken by the governor's lawyers , which , It Is understood , was against his own advice. They made no defense , called no witnesses , and allowed the case to go to the Jury with out any argument to offset the damaging ap peals of the prosecution. They thought that it would bo rnoro dignified to put in no de fense , and they supposed they could get a verillct without doing so. Hut the sympa thetic appeals of sentimental people had their effect upon the jury , and the fuel that a republican governor was at the mercy of a Jury a majority of whom wcro democrats , also hud its weight. A OroRkcry Finn' * Complaint. DCS MOINKS , la. , Fob. 25. [ .Special tclo- gr.im to Tin : HUB ] Tlio railroad .commis sioners to-day received notice of a complaint ( lied by J. Pugh & Co. , of Oltumwa , crock ery dealers , against the present ratos. They claim that before the commissioners' rates went Into effect their goods wore placed as second class , while now tnoy are placed as llrst class , with n consequent raise In the rate of freight they must pay. Vomit ; JtowllfH Pined. Diis MOIONHS , In. , Fob , ! i"i , [ Special Tolo- irrum to Tun Uin. : ] Thoyouiigmen arrested some time ago atLMoiugomi and taken to Oftcion , Hoono courtly , for trial on a charge jf disturbing roli jo s mcctinga , wcro con victed in a juslleo'js cjourt at that place last Saturday. They wore , lined each ? .ri and costs mid they have ap/eiil4d | to Iho district court. Public opinion sustained the verdict , but ihlnk the penalty NX/light. loivu CityM Mayor . low i CITY , Iu. , F.t'6 ; 25. Mayor .fohn J. Holmes , who has bgon partially insane /or ivor a year past aud.Jips been under the nur- rclllunco of his frlcaitfs , suicided last night ivl th a revolver. 'Hs'had ' ' for years been a prominent eitizonli'evwal fines having been elected mayor. TM'eity council mot to-duy to take suitableaction1 , To Imprfrlr.'b'iiio ' finmnfl , MASON CITV , Ia.V Fbb. a. > [ Special Tele- Ifrum to Tun HIE. : ] ICorthwooU , Kensctt , and Mauly , citiiotis hiuo formed a syndicate representing JlO.OiX . ) , for the Importation ol uarrlago horses. Parties have started for France , whom the stock- will bo purchased. A Miisuntlno Kirn , MuATiNK ! , la , , Fob. p.1 } . ( Special Telo- Brain to Tni'Uui.J : A four-utory hpuso. a collar factory of Iho W. II. Vannestr. nd es tate , burned within .the walls lust night. Loss , from llO.OOU to 313.0011 ; fully Insured. CniOAOO , Fob , 23. [ Sjiaclal Telegram to rue UKK.I A bit of Inside history of the presidents' agreement was told to-day , It is n fuut , as already hinted , that Charles Francis Adams loft the meeting in dlaguot , thinking there was no. clmncii for un agree ment. . Hardy | had ho gone two houri before 'the agreement \v'as perfected , but Charles Francis did not know' It until ho- arrived n Itoston. Another snng was struck on the. choice of vice chairman of the association The friends of Falthorn and Mldgley weic about equally divided , and before the meet ing knew It n bitter light was being waged A peacemaker in the person of General Me Nulta appeared , and it was decided to prac tically leave the choice of vice chairman h the hands of Commissioner Walker , In ease that gentleman accepted the chairmanship Furthermore , it was agreed that with the consent of the chnlrm.in , "no vice chairman will bo chosen the chairman himself consti tuting the board of arbitration. In that event , the arbitration clause of the ngroo incut , which nearly disrupted the llrst Chicago cage meeting , will bo either ignored or re pealed. The reason for the above conclu sions wan that Mr , Walker , if ho accepts , will bo entirely frco and unprcjudled In his decisions , having hccn chosen unanimously. TIIK HO US 13 OF COMMONS. iMorlcy AddrcB'u.s Home I'tirtinont Qncrle'H to tlio Government. LONDON , Feb. 2o , In the commons this afternoon Morlcy moved the adoption of his amendment to the address In reply to the queen's speech condemning the adminlstra tion in Ireland us harsh , unjust and oppres sive , and asking that measures to content the Irish and re-establish a real union of Great Britain ar.d Ireland bo adopted , In his speech In support of tlio motion Morley asked why , If the condition of Ireland was better , as asserted by the government , proceedings acalnst Irish members of the house of com mons were mare frequent. These proceed ings to him seemed a sign of alarm and dis may , Instead of confidence. Morley's ques tion was received with cheers. Morley strongly condemned tlio singular lack of prudence , foresight and care that has been shown the administration of Ireland during the lust few months. Ho referred at length to the recent arrests in Ireland , and ridiculed the Idea of arresting men for such offences as cheering O'Mrien , otc. The tlmo was swiftly coming when an irosistiblo ap peal would asccud from the nation asking her majesty to recur to the sense of the people R3 that they might decide the great issues now dividing the government and the opposition. The opposi tion required the fullest explanation regard ing the employment of Irish magistrates , crown solicitors and police in framing the Times case. Ho demanded to know why doc uments were handed to the Times for the purpose of n plot to which it might bu proved the government had become dupes and ac cessories. Rofcrring to the case of Father McFadilen , Morlcy said that Ualfour had ad mitted that the police tucitily erred in ar resting the priest. Hallour had sent a doctor to O'Uriea for the sake of the government , and not on the ground of humanity. Ho quoted from a speech in which Ualfour said ho did not think he should allow O'Hrlcn to ruin his constitution for the purpose - pose of injuring the government. Ualfour had asserted that ho ( Ualfour ) had no power to relax llio prison rules , but ho did relax them in the cases of Catholic clergyman for fear of wounding or insulting the religious sentiment of the people. Halfour , upon rising to reply , was greeted with cries of "Pigott. " This was continued until the speaker peremptorily insisted upon tlio house coming to order. Ualfour twitted Morlcy with alluding to the Parncll commission and ignoring tlio most horrible charges of cruelty in humanity with which his ( Ualfour's ) waste basket had been flooded during the recess. Possibly it began to dawn upon the mind of the opposition that they had boon duped by imaginary reports concerning the treatment ofO'Urien. ( Cries of "Oh I Oh I'M Ho ad mitted that the prison rules had been re laxed ia tlio cases of priests , but the house know ho always had been doubtful whether , in relaxing the rules , ho was not straining the crimes act. Halfour declared that , as suming that prisoners under the crimes act ought to bo treated as ordinary criminals , the charges against the government were un founded. Halfour defended the treatment of prison ers under the crimes act. He contended that the state of Ireland was improving wherever the plan of campaign imd not penetrated. There were at the present moment 20tUt ) ) persons in the ordinary prisons of the king- I dom , whilO ) only 1UO were imprisoned in Ireland under the crimes net. If the object of punishment waste to prevent crime , never had so great a result been attained at tlio cost of so iittlo suffering. The conspiracy [ Cries of "Piijott" ! which began in Ireland last Au gust [ Renewed cries of "Pigotf'l showed signs of abating. Statistics of agrarian crime showed a marvelous improvement in tlio condition of the country since the crimes act passed. Ho did not believe that its principles would destroy the best compacted empire that over was put to gether by the wit of man. JJalfour , who spoke in a cynical vein throughout , was subjected to a running lire of laughter , ironical cheers and cries of "Pjgott" and 'Times. " AVIIjIj HOhGOMH GO ? Humor That the U. 1' . Vice IVcHidont Will lo Asked to lU-siKii. CHICAGO , Feb. 2.7. [ Special Tclbcrram to Tnr. UIK. ] The Journal says it is rumored hi railroad circles that Vice President Hoi- comb , of the Union Pacific , will soon bo asked to resign his office by the management. Two IVrsons liurnoil to Death. CAKnoXDAi.R , Pa. , Fob. 25. At Monkey Kun , a mining settlement near this city , last evening , a boarding house burned and Pat rick Sweeney , of Lehigh county , and a do mestic named Sarah Ford were burned to death. Tlio other occupints narrowly es caped. The lire was caused by the explosion of a lam p. . - - . The Ha11. . KIM CoiTPSpoudnncn. WASHINGTON' , T ha state and navy depart ments have received mail from Samoa , brought by the steamer Mariposa , which ar rived at San Francisco aDout ten days ago , Assistant Sec-rotary Uivos said to-day there was reallynothing in the dispatches received from Iho United St'ituj consul at Ania that had not already appeared in the newspapers. Ho said that while the corrcspondonco would eventually bo forwarded to conprcsa , there was nothing in it that called for specially prompt transmission. The department of state has received des patches from the consul of the Unitpd States at Panama and Colon In regard to tlio situa tion of affairs on the Isthmus. The consul reports that no disorders had taken place up to February 1:1 : , and no troirblc is anticipated because of the expected final collapse of the Do Lcsseps company. _ l t > hooting' * TOI'JSKA , ifans. , Fob. 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tiu:13ic. ] O , Heggelund , president of the Second National bank , of McPherson , was instantly killed this morning while in his bank , by the accidental discharge of li revolver in his own han Is. Mr. Heggelund lilcked up the revolver und made Home re. murk to the effect that iho weapon was a bcaulv. when it wont olT. The only ono pres ent at thu time was Mr. Huggelund's son. Tlio deceased was ono of the wealth iest men in central Kansas , and was quite prominent la the political affairs of the stato. Tlio Oklahoma K.vliililtlou. WICHITA , Ivan. , Fob. 25 , The Oklahoma 1'iibtorical exhibition that had been formed hero closed coiuractu wltli a car company tn nil lid their < nva special tram. The exhibi tion leaves horu on April 25th going direct to New York City. Positively cured by thoKO 1'Ulo Pills. They also relieve Pin- trow fro-a I-spei > Mi. ! In- ITTIE dlgrstlon and Too Hearty liatlm ; . A perfect rein- IVER rdyfor Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Droivhlucsa , Had Taste IK tlu : Jloutli , Coated Toogua , 1'aln In tlio HIJo , TOUI'II ) I.IVJU. : TUO.T rcgulato tuo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , SOU'Tll OMAHA. Thd ninttchnrd Kaiully Itnitnlnn. The coiy and elegant homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hlanchard , on Twenty-third street north of N street , was the scene Mon day of ono of the plcasantc.it family gather ings ever had in South Omaha. Monday was the twenty-first anniversary of the mar- riagoof Mr. and Mrs. Hlanchard , and the other members of the family arranged n sur prise for them. The surprise was as perfect and complete as ( wssiblo. When Mr. Kl.uich- aril returned homo to dinner ho was sur prised to llnd that every member of the fain ll.v was prctont In honor of the occasion. Tlio members of the family present were the venerable parents , Mr. and Mrs , Mark Hlanchard , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hall and daughters , the Missus. Myrtle , Minnie and \eralo , and Mr. and Mrs. Craig Armstrong , of Creston , la. : Mesdamcs llnttio Kimtull and .1. W. Hooth and Mr. ,1. H. Hlanchard mid ( laughters , the Missus Grace , Clyde and Jonnle , of Omaha , nnd Mr. and Mrs. M , F. Hlanchuul and sons , Messrs. Lute and Hurt , and daughter , Miss Anna. A 7 o'clock dinner was spread , a regular banquet and foaut for all the families , ui.d n liner spread , happier meeting , more Joyful dny , or more successful reunion could not huvo been desired by the venerable parents nor hoped for by their loving children. WKSTKUX AKT. Its Patrons LtatiMi to un Interesting Last night members of the Western Art association mot at the gallery of Mr. Llnln gerund listened to u finished discourse on the "PreoralU'o in Art , " prepared by tholr secretary , Miss ICate llall. Trac-iinr art It self through the rigid Egyptian copies to the softer Grecian styles , and then from the overdrawn work of the Uomaii artists to thu austere work of the earlier Christian period she followed It down to the present , and made Its practical application to the homes of to-day the thoino for the oveniug. Decora tion ot objects that are much in use , should bo of a simple character , BO that they do not become tiresome. Table ware should bo Him ply decorated , und con ventional in character , paintings of flowers , butlerllies , birds , fishes , and landscapes , on chum intended for usu being of the worst kind of art. A placquu which is intended to decorate n wall , should bo entirely distinct from a a plate used upon the table. The Interior of a CUD will bo covered with the lluld con tained ia It , and when , if a leaf or blade of grass would bo Instantly removed , .should ono fall into it , is tt consistent for a deco rative artist to place ono tlinrc to stay. U'o should never use a form as a decoration where tlio thing itself would bo Inconsistent. While the art of picture making is in a high state of development , the art of pottery painting is as yet at a low ebb , and probably no branch of the ilec- orativo art is moro abused than that of china painting. There is just as much a right and wrong in the use of form and col ors as in the USD of words in language. De signing should not bo discouraged , but its study through proper channels should bo en couraged. The great amount of American travel In Kurope has raised the standard of art in this country , and much of foreign pro duction has been brought across the ocean , until American art merchants find the neces sity of importing the same class of goods. I'ho time will come when the Americans will discard some of the present inconsistencies , uid the utter absurdity of painting a landscape - capo upon a bowl that suggests soup , or wor.se still , decorating a dustpan that sug gests the unpleasant work of tlio housemaid. They will not make banglcboards on rolling ) ins , put thermometers on brass hoys or * use draperies where- there is 10 need for them. They will not , cover up this whoio corner of a brautiful ileturo and lose its effect by flanging up a 'aiieiful piece of .silk on it , and calling it a licture drape. A picture needs no such I rape. In our dcsiroto got , something new , something unlike our neighborswo have done nnny ridiculous things and many frightfully > ad things. Amerorican markets furnish some jeautlful examples ot surface decorations. The wall papers arc exceptionally line , airl a variety of pressed papers are coming into encral use , which will nuke an excellent jackground for anybody or anything. Jn his the study of design is intensely intcrost- ng ndtho execution mechanical. To bn- come skilled menus simply to .study to prac- , icc , and tlio road to success must bp paved jy close application. At the close of the lecture , a well deserved vote of thanks vas unanimously endorsed , and tendon ] the ecturer , after which a short time wan given o the routine business of the association. L'he report of the committee havingii : charge he-entertainment of last week was adopted and the committee relieved from duty with a vote of thanks. Votes of thanks wuro also tendered to the ladies and gentlemen who took part in the entertainment , and to the Y. M. C. A. for the usoof the hall on that occasion. Tlio meeting then adjourned to meet again March It , when an address will bo delivered on contemporaneous art. A Barber & Co. , commission merchants on North Sixteenth street , are getting Into n big legal light with the 13. & M. railroad. A few weeks nco the commission company in stituted a replevin suit In .lustleu Wado's court to gut possession of two car loads of hay which the railroad company held for de murrage. The court ruled that the company had no right to hold goods on such grounds , and the case was , of course , settled in favor of the commission men. After the hay had been ruplevhuid the company brought action against the commission llrm to recover $ 'M ( ) for detention of the cars D.v leaving the hay in them so that they could not ho utilized. Tills case will come up in Judge U'ade't ; court to-day. The commission firm , through Its attorney , will lljc a complaint to-day with the railroad commission at Lincoln , claiming an unjust discrimination hy Iho H. As M. people charg ing demurrage at Omaha and Lincoln , while no sucli chargu is made at any other point in the bUite. Burbur & Co. claim to have paid Lliu railroad over ? ' . ' , .VJU on denim rnic ; ! tlio lust year , and will suu to recover this .inioiint if they arc succosaful with the com mission. * Arrivals. At Southampton -The Kibe , from Now fork. At Hover The Krin , from Now York. At Rotterdam The Rotterdam , from N'cw i'ork. At Liverpool The Mcntmorc , from Haill- nore. Colorado's IMarill Gran , , PUIMII.O , Colo. , Feb. ! H. The state Mardl liras celebration began hero this morning uid will t-oiiilnuo during the week , it gives wcr.v Indication of being a grand HUCCCSJ , BtiBluoss Again nt n Stmifl&tlll Iu tbo House BOTH SIDES ARE FILIBUSTERING Most of the Day Wasted In a Htulj. born MRhtVltlch Promises to He l'uni\vcd This Morning. HOIIHC. WAIIIINOTOK , Fob. 135. In the house , Mr. Hland of Missouri , through dilatory tactics , accomplished his object In , tintUfyinR llio order assigning ono hour 'to tlu contldortv lion of measures called up by unanimous con sent , and It was 11 o'clock bofoio any business could be transacted. Mr. Hatch of Missouri asked unanimous consent to con cur In the .senate amendments to the agricul tural appropriation bill , bat an objection was raised. The conference- report on Iho bill authorizing the Lea von worth it Ulo Grande railroad company to construct a road across the Indian territory was submitted , but the question of contdiicratlon was raised hi the Interest of the California contented election case. case.Tl.o Tl.o house dci'idcd to consider the conference - once report nnd the senatn amendments wuro non-coticurrod In to the agricultural appro priation bill. .Mr. Crisp then called up the contested election case and the question of considera tion In the interest of the doflcluncy appro priation bill was raised. The yens and nays being ordered , the mass of republicans re frained from voting in order to break the iiuorum , but subsequently , when it was man ifest that this object had not boon accom plished , thu republicans recorded thuir votes in the negative. The hmixo decided to consider the election case , hut Mr. AlelCcnna of California , who had voted in the alllnnutlvo for this purpose , moved a reconsideration. Mr. Crisp moved to table that motion , This timu the edict , of "don't voto" went forth and the republicans withhold their votes. Tlio vote resulted in no unorutn and a call of the house was ordered. The iT ! > I members who responded to their unities faded away when the vote recurred on the motion tci table the motion to recon sider , and only 1'Jl were found recorded in the affirmative , while a cipher represented the negative vote. Again a call of tlio house was ordered. The hours passed and there was no change in the situation. Time and ag.iin Mr. Snyors called attention to the fact that , It was im possible for the house tn proceed to-day with the election case , and appealed to Ihe house to allow the delleieney bill to bo taken tin , The republicans expressed their assent to this proposition , but the demand for thu "regular order" from Mr. Crisp operated In each case as an objection , On ono occasion Mr. Crisp expressed a determination to knep the house in continuous session until thu election ciuo was taken up , if ho could re ceive the support ol his siilo of the house. Finally the house , wearied at its own In activity , adjourned. Senate. WASIIIXOTO.V , Feb.S3. In the senate the following hills were reported from commit tees and passed : For a lighthouse and steam fog signal on the east end of the outer break water at Chicago and to nuihomc the city of Lake View , 111. , to ornct a crib in Lake Mich igan for water purposes. Mr. Vest gave noticc.oii bolialf of the com miltei : on commeree , that he would ask th senate to-morrow to proceed to the consider ation of bridge bills. 'I'ho request for a conference on the house umcndmcnlH to the semitubiil , granting a bill to Mrs. General Sheridan , reauelng it from W.1) ! ) ! ) to SW.riUO and making it subject to the pension law * was withdrawn by Air. Davis and the amendments were concurred in. " Resolutions wcro reported from thu com mittee on contingent expenses and agreed to , authorising tlio committee on irrigation to ta u testimony at any placn in the United States nnd to employ a stenographer anil messenger and aiithori/.ing thu committee- on Indian affairs to continue its investiga tion into Indian affairs generally. Mr. Farwoll offered a resolution calling on tlio-sccrotary of the interior for information touching this bribery of the Cherokee coun cil by cattlemen , and for a copy of thu report of Special Agent Owens on that subject. Agreed to. Mr. Sabin offered a resolution , which went over till to-moijow , culling on the secretary of the interior for information as to the dis continuance of certain hind olllccs. The house bill to divide a portion of the Sioux reservation in Dakota was taken up , read , amended and passed. Mr. Allison moved to proceed to considera tion of the army appropriation bill. Mr. Cnlloin asked Mr. Allison to yield for the Oklahoma bill , but as Mr , Allison declined to do so on tlio ground that the Oklahoma bill would give rise to debate , Mr. CuUom gave notice that as soon as the army appro priation bill was out of thn way he would movii to tale up llio Oklahoma bill and press it to a vote. The army appropriation bill was then taken up. Consideration of tlio bill was not con eluded whnn at I ! o'clock , Mr. Cockrcll off [ ; rcd a resolution that , Iho Kimntu receive with profound aorrow the announcement of iho death of the hue. Congressman Uurncs. Rej/nlur business was suspended and Messrs. Cockrcll , Ingnlls , Voorhees , Halo , Hamilton , Coke and Vest delivered brief eulogies , after which resolution ! ! were idopted and the senate adjourned. Power ol' HID Press. SANTA FJ : , N. M. , Feb. 25. [ Spec ! il Tclo. . ; ram to Tin : HII : . | The now famous I bel jill which was vetoed by Govern Koss , mil has since hung liru in the legislating in in attempt to pass it over the governor's icad , was defeated to-day. Tiie territorial iress has fought the measure from its mcup < , uin , and in this way only wns thu bill do- 'eatid. ; The champions of the measure will icrcaflor doubtlessly bo held up to iiuhlio ; a/.e by the press of the territory in a manner io ( , calculated to Kitaranlou much peace of nind to them. Ili ; I'.iilniMl a How. KANSAS CITVMo. , Fob. SV-Special [ Tolo- tram tuTin : IJciA. : | . C. Clark , colored , wised a row In a saloon at 1700 West Ninth treot at 11 o'clock to-night. Julius KIVIJM , ho barkeeper , ordered h.m out and ho made ji assault on him with u icmfe , when liivcrs not him Uiroui'h thu forehead , just above hoe c. He uiiiinol live. . i. " ' " ' " " tW6' " stavw. . . . s . C W.JHU ever/A * * " - 5 ° * $ & > . gsi Thus the ' Mustang" conquers pain , Wakes MAN or BEAST well again !