Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Stolen Overcoats.
Tno cold spall has brought out tlio over
coats stolen durlni ? tlio milder wcnlhcr , nnd
ycitcrdny the iollco recovered live of tlicm.
Ornntt Imrceny.
Arvll Sarlln , accused of stealing $ < Vj from
n house In which lie was rooming on Ptutl
Mrcct , xvlll lie tried for grand larceny before
Judge GrolT this morning.
Tlio Art Association.
Mi , i ICntc Hall will clvo nil Interesting cml
Instructive talk on "Tho Inconsistencies of
modern decorative art" at the LlnlnRcr art
Unitary this oven Ing. A largo attendance of
nieuilicis la ox ] > cctcd.
lie Cot Out < > r Cheyenne.
Yesterday nftcrroon n foreigner ajipllcd
nt the station for shelter , and Bald ho had
walked in from Clicyenno. On belli ? rari-d
for it was found that both feet were badly
frozen , nnd ho was accordingly removed to
St. Joseph's hospital.
For l > emity , for comfort , for improve
ment of the complexion , uo only To/-
yoni'uPowodor ; there is nothing omml
toil .
_ _
Tlio Public Ijittrnry.
Last month IW new volumes were added to
the public library. Of this number Hyron
Heed picscntcd 301 , and at the last meeting
of the directors the librarian was Instructed
to convoy to Air. Kecd the thatiko of the di
rectory for the valuable gift , nn acquisition
to the library which was much appreciated.
'IVTownsond Itriitly , u younjt man twenty-
seven yoara of ao , who has-been studying
under Dean Dardner for ministry , or
dained yesterday morning nt Trinity Ca
thedral by the bishop. Mr. Hrady's ' liome is
nt Lcavcnworth , Kan. Ho N n graduate of
the Annapolis university , anil will remain in
Omaha as assistant to Dean Ciardncr.
Atlvlsr to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should nl-
ways boused for children teething , It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
rurcs wind eo'ic ' , and is the best remedy for
diurrhcjcn. 2o coats n bottle.
W. Sell wnt U and Gcoigo Jones nro classed
ns vags by tlio police , nnd yesterday after
noon they discussed the chances of bom ?
compelled to work this summer. It finally
wound up in a fight , witli n drive to the sta
tion us n sequel , und the debate was ad
journed Bine die.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia , nnd
liver complaint ? Sluloh's Vitaluer is
puarantootl to euro you. For sale | hy
Goodman Urujj Co.
Soul ti > UN Homo.
E. M. Norwood , an architect of Huff.ilo ,
N. Y. , of whom Tim liisu made mention
ycslcrday morning ns being in the county
Jail , alllicted with St. Vitus dance , was
sufilcientlv rational to be released yesterday.
Ho .started to his eastern homo la company
with a friend named II. II. Hall. Norwood
is the architect of the United States govern
ment building at Carson City , Nevada , and
had left that place for the cast when ho was
seized with the disease which caused him to
bo held over in Omaha .for Uontment. Ho
wan considerably better yesterday morning
wren ho shuck the ircsh and Invigorating
u'r' '
An Absolute Cure.
MEN.T is only put up in largo two ounce tin
boxes , and Is an absolute cure for old sores ,
bur iia , wounds and chapped hand ? , and all
skin eruptions. Will positively euro all
kinds of jules. Ask for the ORIGINAL. AH-
lETINii OINTMENT. Sold by Goodman
Drug Co. , ut 25 cents per box by mail SO
He Ijoo'cecl Kespretriblc.
H. J. Bramble is a well-dressed , respecta
ble looking man , and although ho works on a
small capital , ho lives on the bost. The last
capital on which he worked was & 20 , which
he worked from a conliding friend in Ne
braska City by means of a check on a bank
n which he had no funds. The police wore
iistructod to look out for him , and found him
nttho Millard yesterday .afternoon indulging
in all the delicacies of the season. As there
was not much of the $20 loft , ho was sent to
the police cell annex , where the city marshal
of Nebraska City said ho would cull on him ,
XJie JBest linHl Plniib'ol' Mice nnil
Gang aft aglco. " Not so Ifostettcr's Stomach
ach Bitters. It goes light to the spot it is
designed to beneliciully affect , and there is
no tardiness in its action. But while it re
lieves constipation in common with dyspep
sia nnd liver complaint associate evils
the griping nnd abdominal dlsturoanco pro
duced by drastic purgatives never precede
its operation. Its thoroughness is unmarred
by violence , the chief characteristic of most
laxatives , ami ono that is highly prejudicial
to both bowels and stomach. It is only by
invigorating the intestinal canal , and thus
lilting it to perform its ofllce as n natural
sluice for the c lie to matter of the system ,
h at Us regularity can bo perpetuated. To
ca ken by drenching is to insure Its re-
psj Into disorder. This the Bittcra never
O3. Chills and fever , nervousness , kidney
mplnlats yi old to the Bitters , and appetite
nd sloop are impro veil by it.
Stole a t''ingcr.
Fred Hock , a French barber , ana Pat
Finan , a plasterer , engaged in an animated
conversation at the Caledonia saloon on
Dodge street yesterday afternoon. Fmim
was getting the best of the argument , and
Hook endeavored to stop his How of language ,
by Inserting n lltgor in Fmun's mouth. As
n result Fimui cut short the Debate , and his
opponent's linger In the same mouthful. Uock
was arrested and spent the night in the cells ,
but neither Finuu nor the missing linger can
bo fouud.
A New Train.
The comici-tlnf' link between Nc-
and Kansas lias just boon placed
In fiervico by the Union 1'aoillo railway.
This train IcavcB Counuil Ululls daily at
4-l'r : a. in' . ; loaves Omaha at 6:05 : a. in. ,
and runs through without chiingu to
Manhattan , Kan. , malting direct con
nections there with the Kansas divibion
of the Union 1'aeilic railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Knii-
giia City and points oust and south via
Kansas City. Returning' , train loaves
Manhattan at JM ! : ! p. in. ; arriving t
I Beatrice atOii5 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:60 :
p. in. , und Omaha at lli0 : ! p. in. , Coun
cil 15 iu da 11:40 : p. m. , matting direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , To no i ; a
and the cast , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska In the shortest
possible tlino. Tlicso trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern , The now train will Illl
n long felt want , and Is bound to bo
_ _
Thursday James O'Neill In Monte Grlxto.
Friday James O'Neill In Mimtu Orlalit ,
Saturday AUurnyoti Jumea O'Nolll m
Saturday Night Jnuics O'Neill ' la Munto
riiiAxn oraiA nou8i : .
Monday McNIah , Uanw.a & Arno's iniri-
Tuesday McNi b. Uiunra ft Arao's mm-
Wednesday Afternoon McNlsh , Hamza &
Arno'H minstrels.
Wednesday Niuht McNIsh , Hani/a ft Ar-
no's lulnstrelo.
Thursday Creston Clarke In Jftimltf.
; ; UB.V iiubr.u.
Every Afternoon ami Night Prof. Wat-
lrico'8 exhibit of silk worm * und a iiuuilw of
other curiosities ,
The ( Ja Company Demands Payment
of n Dlflpiilril Hill
Omaha has another big law suit on Its
bands. The gas manufacturing company
has instituted action to recover $ S41S'JJ , al
leged to bo duo from the city for furnishing
gas for lighting public ofllccs and streets
from August I , 1SS4 , to January 1 , 1SS8.
In Its petition for suit the gas company sets
forth that It Is a corporation existing under
the laws of ttio state and was organized for
the purpose of carrying on the business of
manufacturing nnd selling gas ; that the city
is n municipal corporation created nnd or
ganized as n city of the first class until March
30 , 19S" , nnd subsequently thereto a city of
the metropolitan clnss. In consequence of
tlil-Uho company and the city catered into
a written contract September -1,1SSII , by the
trrms of which the company agreed
to furnish gas , and gas lumps to the
defendant for lighting the streets , public
places and buildings owned or occupied by
tlio city. The contract was made under n
penalty for the term of live years from the
date ot its approval by the council and mayor.
It was approved the same iluy that it was
The compan.v claims that it has performed
nil the terms and provisions of the contract ,
and during the live years did light the
sticcts , nlloyi nnd public grounds of the city
ns icquircd und designated by the council ;
that It did supply gas for lighting public
ofllces and buildings during the entire live
years' time ; that Horn September 1 , 1SSI1 , to
August 1 , ISM , the cltv remunerated the
company for all gas and lamps used and
work performed under the terms of the con
tract , at the prices llxed ; but from August 1 ,
IbSI , to January 1 , lisS , the city has refused
to pay for the company's product. During
this noriod the company anirms that It sup
plied the city with a largo quantity of gns ,
lamps and a large amount of work In keeping
them in repair.
From last January up to the present time
the city has been paying for the use of its
For the three years and Jive months that
the company was not compensated for Its
gas , the amount of the bill accumulated to
the sum of 5lt > , S''ti , the amount now sued for.
Tim gas people assert that they often re
quested the city to pay for the gas and
lamps , but It refused and neglected to come
to the front with the collateral.
If you need a perfect tonic or a blood
purilier. take Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic. It speedily euros all troubles of
the stomachkidneys and liver. Can betaken
taken by the most delicate. 1'rico 50
cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Notcq About the City.
Dr. J. C. Whlnnory nnd Dr. II. II. ICerin ,
of Omaha , spent Sunday in the city , the
guest of lr. Whlnncry.
James C. Corley has removed to the Hardy
Kit. J. Hubbell returned yesterday from
The gold watch and chain of George W.
Peck , ruflled oft" Saturday nigiit , was won by
Ed. J. Johnston.
Fannie Gnydcn , wife of G. H. Gaydcn , of
Omaha , formerly of Crete , deserted her hus
band about the holidays and has been living
in the cubtein part of the city with n Bo
hemian by the name of Joseph Maokoting.
Saturday the wayward woman was found ,
and on complaint of John Dimrman , the pair
arrested. Judge Keuther llxed the bail at
? 5)0 ( ) each for hearing to-day.
The now Protestant Episcopal Sunday
school was organized in Hunt's opera house
yesterday. The oflicors elected are Grove
Houltrntc , superintendent ; secretary , Mrs.
A. W. Save ; assistant secretary and treas
urer , Mrs. Curtis , ana musical director , Dr.
C. E. C. Smith.
ICiiv W. Hunt will leave to-day to enter
OS Mollies university.
The Ht. IJov. Dr. Worthington , bishop of
Omaha , assisted by Revs. Xahner. Gamble
Wltherspoon , dedicated St. Martin's Pro
testant Episcopal church yesterday. The
choir from St. John's church , Omaha , as
sisted the choir of St. Martin's. A largo
number of Omaha friends were present.
The Joint committee representing Union
No. 113 , Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners , and Local Assembly No. 8ilti ( , will
meet Wednesday evening to arrange a pro
gramme for a series of public lectures and
open mcetinss , to beheld in Knight of Labor
Hon. Jus. D. Giffln , Judge of the
Eighth Judicial District of Iowa , says :
'It givoa mo pleasure to recommend
Chamberlain's Remedies , because I dose
so from actual experience in the use of
thorn in my family. I refer particu
larly to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
which 1 think unexcelled by any
other. "
The Overcoat Trade.
One week ago , E. H. Marrlck. of 1013
Capitol avenue , lost an elegant capo over
coat , and yesterday a policeman found It on
n Sixteenth street tailor named Sncigler.
He proved that be had bought it in good
faith from a Tenth street second hand
dealer , nnd on surrendering it was allowed
to go. The Tenth street man is out the
Beechain's Pills act like magle on a weak
It Discloses the Details of tlio Terri
ble Accident.
An Inquest over the remains of Howard M.
Blnke , superintendent of construction of the
New York Life Insurance company's ' building - I
ing now being completed at Seventeenth and j
Furnnm streets , was held yesterday in Drcxel
& Maul's undertaking rooms. The three wit
nesses worn Robert Cho.vno , foreman of the
bricklayers ; a laborer named Miller , and H.
Tislier , the engineer of thd stationary engine
which is connected wi'h ' the elevator in the
building. The following facts were brought
out :
For some days two gangs of men have been
nt work within the building , one doing the
plastering by day , the other the concret
ing on tliu lloors ami the tiling by night. This
double force was icquircd because. , as both
depended unon tlio same elevator , they could
not use It nt the same time to advantage.
Saturday night about 0W : o'clock Mr.
Blake visited tlio Duildlng ns usual to goto
the progress of the work. On the basement
floor ho boarded the elevator wlth-tho Inten
tion of ascending to the fifth story. The ele
vator is intended solely for barnnvs ot mor
tar , brick , concrete and other materials. La
borers are not allowed to ride upon le. Oc
casionally , however , Mr. Blake ant
subordinates in authority in ado use of it ,
The elevator is a rough ono nnd m width Is
two feet narrower than the shaft In which It
works , tlio shaft being designed to nccommo
date the permanent elevator. This differ
cnce In the width enables the to
roll barrows loaded with material upon i
and have them carried to any desired heigh
without the handles coming la contact wltl
the floor brains. The engineer was siRtinllct
to raise the elevator. As there was worl
In progress only Ion the fifth floor , the en
glnccr stopped the engine when ho ihough
the elevator had reached that lauding , li
this stoppage he was guided by n marK upoi
the elevator rope as it wound around Ins
cylinder. Occasionally it is necessary for
him to reverse his engine to enable the ele
valor to rest even with the floor. Then
planks on hinges are extended to the ele
vator , mid upon these the barrows nro rollct
from the elevator to the floor abutting.
When the elevator reached the llftli floor ,
Mr. Blake stepped from It. Ho cithoi
stumbled against , or slipped on the beam of
the landing which was wet and slippery. Ho
fell nnd disappeared down the two foot
opening between the elevator and the side of
the shaft. A few minutes afterward ho wa
picked up unconscious in the sub cellar , and
a few minutes later still , ho was dead. Ho
had fallen seven stories , a distance ol
S2 feet 10 Inches , having In the
meantime struck tipiin a plank
with a protruding nail on the third floor ,
wheio ho made a fruitless attempt with his
hands to catch n saving hold of the lauding.
He was then thrown to the west , nnd again
to the cast , where ho was picked up. This
Is n summary of the testimony of Hobert
Cheyno , foreman of the bricklayers , Miller ,
the laborer , and Engineer T ishcr.
The Jury returned a verdict of accidental
death in accordance with the facts.
Mr. Cohurn , father-in-law of the deceased ,
a pharmacist in Boston , will arrive hero
Tuesday to accompany the remains to
That Imckiiiff cotig hcan ho so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee
it. For sale by Cioodman Drug Co.
Constant IniiurloH | auto When it Will
Comn Up.
"When will the murder case of Libby
Becchler , slayer of young Harry King , come
up for trial J"
This query is daily put to the prosecuting
attorney , the shorift and olllcers of the court
by hundreds of curious people.
No tune has been llxed. . as yet for the trial.
The prosecuting attorney stated a few days
ago that all criminal cusei would bo disposed
of before Mrs. Becchlor would bo put on
trial. Considerable Interest is now mani
fested in the case , and tlio olllcers of the
court believe that the throngs of people that
will attend the trial will bo greater than that
of the Lauwr murder which took place two
years ago.
MiRsHeeohlersIncarceration begins to show
on her very plainly , although she is in bettor
spirits and docs not look so careworn as she
did a month ago. She is permitted to leave
her cell which is situated la the north wing
of the prison , whenever she is so inclined , to
walk around the interior balcony. Whenever
taking such exercise she appears in mourn
ing , and strolls leisurly around gazing over
the railing into the corridor below at the pris
It is thought that she will bo arraigned for
trial about the middle of March.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farn am St. ,
telephone 1-01 , blank boolv matters , etc.
Pine piano tuning at A. Hospe's.
Unbidden Cullers.
Thursday afternoon the wife of J. E. But
ler , residing nt 1401 Jackson street , had occa
sion to leave her home for a short time. On
her return she found that thieves had paid a
call and removed some articles of jewelry.
valued at fsX ) . Tlio police were notified and
will investigate.
Work ,
Another of the interesting reports from
the Omaha city mission is made public , and
contains information that can bo road with
profit. It outlines in figures some facts that
may be appreciated , but never understood by
those In happier circumstances , and leaves
for reflection the statement whicii tells how
the mission aids the poor , whom "ye have
always with you. " For the week ending
February 15 fifty-six warm winter garments
were dist1 ibutcd among the needy. Twenty-
nine of these wore the gifts of friends of the
cause , nnd twenty-seven represented the work
of childish hands in the mission school.
Financial aid was needed in two cases of
sickness and out of the millions of dollars in
Omaha only $4.20 was available at the mis
sion for that purpose. On St. Valentino's
day all applicants for aid went away without
receiving anything , nnd the only reminder of
the fact they hau of the occasion was the
fact that they had been forgotten by their
moro fortunuto fellow citizens , and allowed
to spend the day in hunger nnd cold.
The week ended with February 23 !
was marked more prominently , by a case of
sickness nnd death that drew on tlio slender
funds of the mission for f l-.OO. And again
the waifs of the mission school were heard
from , and by the work of their hands con
tributed out of the
twenty-four seventy-one
garments distributed. Some of the recip
ients are neither ungrateful nor forgetful ,
and one , nt least , repaid the relief formerly
granted her , by handing in to the city mis
sionary a small cash contribution anil few
little nrtleles of wear , that the baby
hands of her own children Nul formed
under her guidance. In the meantime the
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor , of the First Congregational , bus pre
sented the mission with a street lainu to bo
placed iiunr the door , nnd a reversible blank-
board will II nil its way to tlio mission. Ten
thousand cards of invitation to tlio gospel
meetings huvo ulso come from the sumo
Koucht Untlor Nnpnlooii I ,
A man who was drafted by Napoleon
I , and who attained the ago of nearly
ono hundred and two years , was buried
recently in Cypress Hill comotory. IIo
was MOSOH Soligtnan Uauor and was
born in Germany , April U. 17S7. Mr.
Manor served Napoleon under compul-
Hion for a month. IIo was discharged
from the French service because lie was
the oldest child and the support of a
large family. Four or live years ago ho
found that smoking made lumdiz/y and
broke oil"a life-long habit. IIo used
alcoholic drinks moderately from Inn
the United BUt tr Oo\crnment. J.ndir8td by the head * of the Oreat I'nlteraltlci
nnd Viibllc 1'ood Analyits , nt the HUpnuest , I'urcrt nnd > uo t Ilinlttiful. pr. J'ricc'a Cream
king 1'owMcriloriiiiitcoi.tRlii Ammonia , I.lmeocAiiitn. Ir Price's Delicious I'laoHiiplr. !
i la , VonlUalemon , , Orflucc.Aluioiul , Rose ctc..ilo not contain I'oitoiioua OilHorClicmicalSi
PRICC BAKING POWDER CO. , NBwYork. CIUcoBo. t. Loulo ,
Absolutely Pure.
Tills nowilernavai'varies. A marvel of purity
BtieiifOi and wholosamoiietH. .Moro economical
tliiin the ordinary klmHnnd cannot bo sold In
comnctttlon with tne imiltltuilm of low cost ,
Miortueight alum or pho.s | > lmt" powiluts. italil
only In cans , itoyni Halting row dor Co. , p
Wnllstrcet. NOW York
chcaeo , > | | | S ( 1 ciarkQt.
Trjfl Regular Old-Established
li lll ! Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Ncryons and Private Diseases ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Dock Ache and all the cfTecti
leadinRto early decuy nnd perhips Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
nevcr.falling tuccest.
. SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
# B-KIDNEY and URINARY complaints , Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vnricocele and all disease !
of tlie Uenlto-Urimry Organs cured promptly without
injuty to Stomach , Kforeys or other Organs.
OSNo experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
BB-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
3 Those contemplating Mairiace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guttle Male and Female , cacti
15 cents , both it , cents ( slamm ) . Consult Ihe old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save futurcsulTer.
inz and shame , and add golden 5 ears to life. * 3 IlooK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( Hamps ) . Medicine
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to . Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
SHIFT'S SrKcmc rnrecl me of malignant
Illood 1'ohonatter I had been Heated lu valu
with olit Ho-callod remedies of Mercury and
1'otash. S. S. 8. notctilyciuctl the Illood I'ol-
sonbut iclleved tho' Haeuiiuitlsm which was
caused bv tin1 poisonous mineral.
CJIiO. H ( > VKL72tt33J AvcnuoM V.
Scr.jfnl atleveloped on niv daughter swelling
nnd lump --on her neck , wo KIJVO her SWIFT'S
Sri'Oiwo , and tlieiosult was \voliilerfnl nnd tliu
cuiopioTiipt. A , OlSAKMOXD.l'Iovehnid.Tcnn.
HwiKT'sbPKL'iFiclsciitirolyn vegetable ruiu-
cdy , mid Istho onlyrcmoJy which permanently
cures Scrofula , ItlooflfJIumois , Cunrar ami Con
taglmiHlllooa I'olson. Bund for boolcn on
Wood and skin disease ? , mailed free.
TUB SWIFT t3i > uciFic Co. , Urnncr3. Atlanta , ( iu
Has Heyer'-Establlshed 1836-Adolpa Mayer
General Agriits lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Story &Clarlc M Slioninger-Bcll Organ ?
Write for Catalouuo.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dods-o Sts.
Appllancsj for Deformities and Trussoj.
Host facilities , apparatus and rurupillcs for SIICCOM
'ul troHtmpnt ot ovcrr form ot dleenio rcqulrlm
llortlcul orHurtflCMl Trout m tint.
Hoard anil uttondanooi belt lioipltul RccorunioJa-
tliuu In llio wuu.
WiiiTl ! roliUiiici'LARaon DoformHIci and Draco ,
Trussi ! * , Cluli Vast. Currnturu or tliu Spine. | ' | | H ,
I'uuiors , Cancer. Catarrh. IlronclUiK , liilnil.itlon ,
: ifclimty , rurulimls , Kpl1oi r. KlUnuy. IllndUiT ,
: /i > . Kar. tkln mm lllood.unJ ullburKlcal operations ,
Diooasos of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Dlieanessanusirullr treated. Srplillltlr
Poleon rainorail from ttio r tom wltliout marcurr.
* uw ro turitlve treataiBnt tor loss of Vltnl IMwcr.
crtons unublo to vIMtni ran ? faa trusted nt liuiuu bjr
corre i > ondtDce. All communications coiiOdviillal
Mudlilno or Instruments rout l > r mull urcrpros.
cucuraly packed , no murks to Indlcalo content * or
vndur. One porsonul Intorvlonr preferred , ( nil and
consult us or send history ot jruur case , mid wo nlll
send In i > laln wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvHto. Hiicclal or Nervous Discuses , Impo
tncy , Srplillls , Uloet and Vnrlcocule , wltu cjtitmlon
1st. Address
OmalM Maliciil and tiiiryicul Institute , or
UK. lUuMniVAHV ,
Cor , 13th ami Do.lgo Sta , , . , OMAHA , NKI1 ,
iVptltlvtlrcurodliipo daj I > / ( r.
ll rne' : U
Truss.combfucd. Ouarantmlltio
eely ono In ttie world Kcneratlna
continuous fltetrta if Magnetic
Vc Oreruooocnnvi. KpDdKUmpforpanipnlcb
AIJ < ( > KLKOTltlU 1IKI.TH toll iil-EAbKH ,
Oi II03NE. IUYUICB , 181USASI \ : AYE. . " '
Physician and Surgeon
Preparatory to opening our spring goods wo have inaurjut'nted n Grand Closing OutSnlo of ninny lines
of our most popular lots In our
epartiiiefjf , and Our Boys' ' & Cliildrens' ' Department
LOT NO. 1 We have marked n number ofMons1 Fancy Worsteds , Scotch nnd American Cheviots
and Cassimercs Sack Suits , embracing goods sold all season for $18 , $12O nnd $22 , down to the popular
price of$12.6O to close. Wo wish it understood that we allow no goodsto grow rusty on our counters
These are all this season's goods , new and fresh , and made ns only first clnss clothing should be , perfect
in eucrs respect , nnd guaranteed to give such satisfaction to the purchaser , ns to Increase the popularity
the Continental has already obtained by soiling only reliable goods. Remember the price of this lot o ,
Mons' Fine Grade Suits , is $1U.6O.
LOT NO. 2.--We have consolidated several lines of Youths' Casstmero nnd Cheviot Sack Suits , nnd
wil , offer them nt $12 per suit. We guarantee that not ono in this lot has ever been sold tn our store for
less than $18 per suit. Buyers will appreciate the price when the goods are examined.
LOT NO. 3 In this department we will offer about ISO suits of pure , all wool fabrics , goods which
have sold all senson for $1O , nt the nominal cost of $7 per suit.
BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , Ages 10 to 13.
LOT NO. 4 A special bar-grain lot of School Suits in Cheviots nnd Cassimeres , the roughly reliable
goods , are offered to close at $ Q.
LOT NO. S This week we have sold a large number or pantaloons , advertised last Monday at$3.SO
Nsw styles will be added , and we claim this to bs the choicest bargain sale we have ever had. Wcwi
fine Trousers , in several choice styles nt $3.5O. Not one pair has been sold for less than $8 , nnd some as
high as $6. and $7.
LOT NO. 6 In addition to the above we have added 1BO pairs of genuine Sawyer Cnssimere Panta
loons , in a neat brown check , in nil sizes up to 42 waist , nt $3.OO per pair. And 2OO pairs of all woo.
Cheviot Pants , in n neat brown nncl gray check , at$2.6O per pair. Samples of those pantaloons will bo
shown in our windows to-day.
Sample garments of these lots will be sent to any address , and if not found as advertised , may be re
urned at our expense.
OMAMA < V FlJi2&Tnirf 'Lrwvmifis & Co !
BOSTON - * ' k < 'G''C.jL < < wlJUW A5 m4\J\JJLJL& & & GLJm
DES Moiwns Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets.
Mi.V anilVO.MIX ! successfully truiiteJ.
Suffering from tlio cITocts of youthful foil Ira or India
crctlun" , or are trouble 1 with Weakness , Nervous
Debility , Ijoss of Memory , iJc poiult'nc } * , Aversion to
Society , Kidney Trouble * or nny d Nun so of the < iunl >
to-Urlniiry Or iine , fiin hero tlml n safe ami apocdy
euro. Cluirgoa reus Jiinbttr , especially to the poor.
TlicriMirc ninny troubled wltli too fienui'iit ovacim
tlons of tliutilaililcr , often iiivomii.inkil by n l\fhl \
snmrliiiL'urtmrnlnK syixalinii.imilriMbvniimot Ilia
i )8tem In a miinnur lliu imtlunt cannot account lor.
On examining tlio urlnni ) ilcpotltsa ropy hc'illliicia
Mill oftitn bo found , unit Hinneilniut iiartli'Iciof alliu-
inunwlll appear or lliu uuliu lie nl a thln.iiillklsh
InuMiiialii clmiuliiK toil < larkurtorilil | Mmunncnce.
'J lioru are nmnr men nlio < llc of thin Ulllk'imy , Icnor-
anio ! UIOCUU9U. wlilth it thesMon.l htHjja of m-ml-
nnl wc'uknc'KH. 'Iliotloctoi ulll { inaranU'u n perfect
euro In all MH'li 11109 and a Itcilthy runtoritUon of
tlio Ki'nlto urinary orjiriH. Consultation frcr. boml
? * tL'nt etamp lor "Youirc Man's I rlLiidor ( juldu to
Wedlock , " iroo to all , A liliu&s
Main and 12th St.Kunsus City , Mo.
JW.Munlloii tUls in per.
20to60 DAYS.
This is a disease which has heretofore
Hurtled all Medical Science.
\Vn hnvo n Itcnii'ily , unknown to anyone In the
World outslilo ot out ( . 'oinimny , mill onu tliulhus
to cine tlio most oliitlnnlu cmes. Ten days In
lucent cuies does tliu work. Hlstlio oldcliionto
deep M'Htfil caxcs that \\o solicit.Vo Intvo
riirvdhnnilrodsnhii Imvo linen abandoned l > y
I'liyslcluns , und piononnued inoiralilu , and wo
ciiulleiiKO the world to luluc nx u cuio tluttva
will not euro In lesstlmn blxty diiyn.
Mnco tlio history ot invalclnu it trim hpoclllo
for Sjpl'lH ' lliu liecn bought lor but nmer
found until our
wns discovered , and wo are Jiistltlnd In saying
It Islhoonly Heineaj in the \Vo \ Id unit will pos
itively curt1 , bncmiho tlio latBbt Medical Worka ,
iniblUhi'd liy tlio bext known umhorltlos , Nity
thero'NMisiiuvcriitrilospecllloticforo. ( Jiirr'in- )
oily will cuiolion overytliliiK eNo lm failed.
\Vfiywii3tojoiirtlino nnd inonoy ultli imtent
iiiL'iilcliivHtrintiiourlinil vlrtuo. or doctor with
iiliyHlcluns that cannot cuio jou , you that Imvo
tiled ovorytliliiK xluu cliould toinu to IIM nowiiiul
Bet pefinunent icllur , jou nu\er ciinget It elsewhere -
where , ilnrk what wo HIIV. In the end yon
immtt.ikooiir loinody or NKVKlt it-cover unit
} on that Imvo been utlllcUiil hut it Hhoit tlino
Hhould by nil niuitiiH coino to us now , not out ) In
ten of nuw cases over ui't iieriuaneiitly cured ,
Miiny Kuthrln unit think they are f run from the
dlbt'use , lint In cmc , two or tlirce jeitri utter It
upputirs iiu'.ilii in a inoru horrlblu loiin.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or lilootl Uiboitbo when
Kvorythiny Klao Fails.
llooin JOanil 11 , U. S. Niitloniil Itunk
lliillillii ; , ' , Oniiiliii , .Veil.
r < TTT ? T1 Wr.kneu of Dodyand Hindi Efftctj
\J U JtVJU of rronor zc > M < ln Older Young.
Rttiuil , N"ll MtMIIMHI full ; lletlorrd. lion In Kol.ri. ? a
Blrc > tlbmt.t MlMM-ol I II ( rlllJlXS 1 , J'JIIlSof llllllY.
Ibiolulfl ; u , * > lllii | IKIBf. Tlll THCM-ll L.llli la t ilij.
Ktm Irillr/ trim 41 blktft , TfrrllorU * . Jt 4 tcrflfnCcniiitrlrc.
Youf atirll tbtM. llv li. rull ibli alU , kn4 tirtMiftniallrl
Uc < J Ilfr r. AdJrw ( Cl [ MttlCAl CO. . BUffAlO , T.
\/lfjnD"l / < > 't Iliroucli cin.n or
VIUUH | t J , , r cuw. . liny U
pcr/Mtly rrsauifU by thv rif
< iiil fur dur illa uatril Jn *
, _ _ _ _ _ < M. AI'wlutCMcrrc ) , Vnrlco-
cuiwltnikautNiln | < ire ( iii > uu. . . .
eslon-Dwpro Cllnlque , ; uTrt Mt hfc ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Itoutcfrom Omaha and Council
Bluffs lo
Chicago , - AND - MlhrnuVcc ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar
Itock Islnud * Frccport , Uockford ,
Clinloii , Dubuque , Dnvcnpoit ,
Eli'in , JIadlson , .Tancs > llle ,
Ilctoit , Winonn , La Crossc ,
And all other Important culnu Bait , Nurtboait aid
ror tbrouob tkkets , call on. tie tlckot rucnt at I'M
Farnam ttruet. In Barker Block , or at Union I'aciOo
1' Sleepers and th flneit L'lnlnu Car In tb
worlil are run on tlio main line of tUe CblcaKO , Mil *
wakuo i St. 1'aul lUllnar , and erors atlentl < inl [ > ald
to pusten Hra br court oua mplorof ( tbacoajpaa/ *
H. Mll.lTBll.tJeneral Mantj.r.
J. F. 1 UCKKIl. Aialitant Uanaral Manifc ;
A. V. It. CAUPJCNTBU. 6ta raJ 1'ai.enger an
Tlckot Aufnt.
UUO. 1C. 1IKAKKOUD , A. lltanl Gtacnl 1'rtJCDf f
nd Tlokel Agant.
J.T. CtiAlUT. 'Jtneraaaut > trlnt Q < l ul.
Ono of the Most
In the Treatmsnt of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
BoxunlOieanH , ubsoliituly onroil
/IM niCACCQ "Is treatment for
ri UIOLr\OLO < Klves the most bpatitlful
inpliixlui ) , and a purfect hKln ,
i < cnd btaiup for leply ,
Oftico Bushman Bloc * . IQtli and
Uouulas Sty. Omnua. Nua
JIK.NJ , iiKiinriintHo 1 Miiuelllc for Ilytitorw , l l//.l-
HUSH. ijonuiUldiii , ills. Nervous Ni'imilula.
lleadnchc , Niirvous I'rostrntlon rutihed by the
tioo ( if alcohol or Inli.iccoVukufiinit"s. \ . Mental
Ucprjs-iliiii. Hofi.Miliuor the liriiln. losuItliiKln
lnsiuiltytindlBiidltit.'toiiil ( > oiy , docar und death.
I'loniiituioOld AK * . llarrennesH. 1,0m of ) 'o cr
Inoltheri-ox. Involuntary l.'Htws and Mpeiniut-
oihii'iKiinsfdliy invr-nxwtlmi of ihobriilli.Milf.
aliiiHc or ovvrlndillvvnci * . J'.ndi box ( outalns
ono moutli'M irual nu-iit. l.o-ln box.oi nlxlioxtM
forlJ.Ki.M-nt by mall p-opald onrocTliitofprlco.
To ctno any casw. With each older locclvoil by
iHforhlx IIOXIH , ac ompnnlcdwltliW.Owiiwlll )
t-ujid thoimrclw iTourwrl't uiKiiarantt'H to ri'
linid tlumoritiy If tnw trniitinctil doci not oifect
itciiro. ( liiiirantei'U IhHiiuil only bv ( loodmitu
JH-tifCo . l > nn'l U , hole AsuntiJ , lll rmnum
Mruct Hill Iia b
-WAt'KKH am
\EUccebtfully \ uted iiionthly by over 10,000
tlxidles AreSafe. tyftiluulautt I'lcasant
81 prrlHiic liymall.nrntilrut.'KUlB. Sealal
t'arllfulart S poilagu hUliips. Atlilrnss
l < 'oi' snlo and Ui > tnitil l > u ( JauiliiKtn
tlntU Co , , Uiitalui ,
nnd many times will provo to von a great
osh. Von should not ilolay i-ViMi for u day
our coining to our Htoro , Wo are ninkln
a cli'an sweep-of our entlro storlc of winter
poodB. nnd will uaino you price j tlmt will
ntorost you.
* *
And Chicago ,
_ onl7 road to ttko for Df llolnos. tlarihnltnnr *
Ci'ilnrllunlili Clinton , Dlion , ( IHniJO. Mllwaukuo ,
nd all polnli Bait. To the r | iln ul NotirulinColo <
r clo , Wjonilntr. Hull , IilBlin , NovailM. Urtvon.Va h.
liiKton and t'Hhfomln. It otttrt luperlor adranlaifCl
not Iiomlblii br nr oltiurlliio ,
An win n fi'tr of tb ntimcioui rolnts of miimrlorltr
rnjoi l br thn iiatrcai of tliln nmil bctwrun Omaha
I'l'l 'liljnHo , nru IU tbri-e trnlnn a ilnof 1JAV
fOATHK .nlilch are tlie llnitot that Irimnn Krmnit
Injd'aultr ran ( Vtnl . lu l'AI.AL'(5Miii'NCAIl3 ( | (
; liu tcjimlof which can not Im fouml l > t < whnru. At
( .ounrll Illuiri. ilnitrAliiii of Ihii Union I'acltln Hull-
wnr rnnnrrt In u lion ilupot with lliuto of Ihn ( 'til-
TK" , , ' * o" ' ' " " Itr In CliliiiKo Iho train * of
ilili line ninku oloiu cniinvctlun with ttioiootallollior
l.juttrn hriHt.
Kor Dclriilt , rolumbiis. Indlnnapoll. , Cincinnati ,
"l KOru f nlli , Iliiniilo. I'imuiirrf. 'Jnronlo. Mmituiil.
' oilon , Nuw Vnrk. ] ' } illa'lcl I'm * * . llalllnioro , Wiiih.
Ingtou , auJ all pjlntiIn tbojiatt , A k for Helen Tl
' "
If roil wlili tliu licit accoiumoJutloii , All tlck
it , UIIIUTI' ; . B. \\iuton ,
livn I ll/inncrr. / ijea'l I'nur Agsot ,
. . / 111910. iifj ) .
, , , , , ,
u . u . i /
N. I1AIK OCIC , ( Inn \Veit0rn I Ancnt.
I ) K KUIIIAI.UTIckat ABaat.
. . , , . " - r.V1ST. . Otr r i * rn (
KOI l-trouia at. Uuialm. lihb.
( So.' ,