Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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To-Day'a Wheat Trnilo Disappoint
ing to the Bulls.
Untn Quiet niut Hiinslantlullj- -
ulinugiMl Provisions Show Con-
Nldcrnblo Htrcnjilli Cnttlo
Stonily HOKH
CIIICAOO , Kcb. -Special [ Tolosram to
TIIK HER. 1 Wheat was ruMicd up "on the
curb" yesterday to tl.lOJ for May , on the
"cold wave. " It opened there this morning ,
and advanced to $ l.l ( % working down , how
ever , to II ua'j , nnd potting heavy and very
dull as the day advanced. It was confidently
expected that the "general public1' would
rush In greedily this morning with buying
orders , and the tip- went out that the bull
lenders were going to take advantage of this
jK > pular furore to boost prices nnd then got
rid of some wheat. The grist of the orders
was smaller than expected , however , nnd
the selling of wheat commenced right from
the opening , so that the big boom fulled to
materialise , to use a uuldhcndcd , but ex-
prcsslvo phrase. The market was
In that respect a dlsiippolntmcnt to
the nulls. The null leaders were
apparently able to part with sotno of their
wheat , nnd tlicro xvcro well authenticated
reports of sales for their account early in the
day , amounting in all to several hundred
thousand bushels. It was also stated on the
authority of more Uian one receiving housu
that considerable ) quantities of good wheat
tire pointed this way from all parts of the
country , a good many lots coming from Mich
igan nnd Indiana , and a fc\v from Ohio.
Chicago is unquestionably the best market
for good wheat within reach , though good
wheat sells readily anywhere , liakcr got
word to-day that 8,000 bushels of ordinary
Chicago No. " spring wheat out of a lot
shipped last summer , had just been sold in
New York at a premium of SOe
over May in that market. That
fairly illustrates the esteem with
which the Chicago contract grade Is held.
Aside from u little quiet selling by the leaders
of the stories of the probable increase in the
receipts , the news was generally bullish.
The foreign markets were quoted higher , and
private udviczs represent the French as hav
ing been steady buyers of California wheat ,
off the coast , for the past ten day , atstcadily
appreciating values. The English markets
are unquestionably hardening of late. Tha
New York advices of clearings of 000,000
bushels in thu visible supply went around.
Chicago also contributed a good sized bull
item. It was to the etlect that vessel room
had been engaged for .iVi.Ojrt bushels of 1'a-
cillc elevator wheat sold last week , nnd that
the grain was being loaded already. The
rnto at which room was chartered was 31.40
to Buffalo. This news was supplemented
by the nuthorativo statement that Manager
llarpcr was shiuping out JOOOCO bushels
by rail , In lots of 10,000 bushels every other
' . ' bushels . An Intensely
day , 0,000 to go Monday.
tensely cold wave seems to have settled
down upon the whole western countr.v. This
lias a tendency ' to harden the new crop
values. A llttlo Hurry carried the market up
J c or such n matter shortly before 1 o'clock ,
but thu recovery was not held , and the last
phase of thu market was that of weakness.
May ranged at 51. ! ) ! nnd closed at
$1.003 , , . July opened ut IGMOiWjtfc , rancceU
down to yriijc , nnd closed nUJ.'i C't'&Xi--
The corn market was inclined to weakness
to-day on a very small amount of business.
The opening was at about iho previous rul
ing prices , but some lots purchased' last week
at a lower price than is now current were
pressed for sale and were one clement of the
weaker fooling. The receipts wore not
heavy , but were again in excess of the
previous estimates. The export purchases
In New York to-day consisted of eleven boat
loads , and the clearances from Atlantic
ports yesterday were below the recent
average. The -demand for shipment from
hero to eastern points was good , as It has
been recently. Olio vessel was chartered
to-day for a Georgian Uay port , ut IJ c ,
including freight and storage. The trading
for th'o day was small in amount and fea
tureless in character. The lluctuations wore
conllncd to a narrow range , with the closinir
prices about 1-Nio to J&c under Wednesday ,
on deferred , and nliout ! e to J4'c higher on
near futures. The amount of business done
was much under the recent averagCi There
was no enthusiasm among the operators out-
Hide of the usual demonstration during the
Jirst live minutes. Charters were made to
day to take out ! 13,000 bushels of the recent
purchase on HnlTalo account. The rnto was
! IJ4f , including storage , until the opening of
navigation. In addition to this , 10,000 bush
els arc being shipped by rail each alternate
day ; ; K > ,000 having already gene forward.
Oats wore quiet , and substantially un
changed within u narrow range. Tlicro was
nn absence of the recent interest in May ,
which was slow nt 2ij < ! ! 7J < t ; , while the
nearer futures were Inactive. June touched
B7c and was later offered nt that , and July
was salable at ! .fc discount. The receipts
wqro fair , with inconsiderable withdrawals
from store. No. 2 to go to store sold ut UOJj'c ,
or about 'fc Improvement.
The provision market showed considerable
strength. An advance In hogs since Thurs
day , of about lOc , made the operators regard
the situation with more confidence. The
packers and the old bear element were more
conservative than usual m ofl'erinir future
products , and as the bullish feeling prevail
ing forced the covering off short contracts by
parties unwilling to lot these lines stand
over Sunday , better prices were established.
AH compared with Thursday's closing , the
day's final quotations showed nn average ad
vance of 12J c on pork , 5c on lard and lOc on
short ribs. _
Cinema , Feb. 23. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK Hin.J : CATTI.B To-day there being
only 1,000 on sale there was scarcely sum-
cent business to make n market , although all
were sold , and the general market closed
steady ut the following range : Choice 1COO
to 1700 Ib steers , $ MO@l , iO ; good 1,100 to
KOO Ib , M.1Q&I.2.J ; good HOO to IfiOi ) Ib , M.7J
( .T-1.00 ; good 1JIOO to 1400 Ib , f.GOyU5 } ( : ; good
liJOO to 1300 Ib , ! . ! ! 5@t.5U : ; good 1100 to I''OO
Ib , $ I.25@UO : ; fair IflOO to ll'.OOlb.f . 1.2oi ( a.75 ;
good little butchers' steers , fa.lKVJioM.V good
cows and heifers , boavy weights , $1.00(93.35 ( ;
fair do , $2.r > OQ-J.75j common to fair , 8.10 to
1100 Ib cows , f..00 < 2.50 ; scalawags , ? 1.J9 ! < S }
1.7.1 ; feeders , &i.50fC'J.U5 ; st.jckers ,
rJ.OOiJtS.SO. Hulls ningo from $1.7502.23.
No Texuns arriving , neither grass nor
corn-fed , would quote them from f3.oO/i.j.25 !
for corn-fed steers ; fc > .2' > @ 2.75 for grass. ftxt
ttteers ; cows. 5l.7.2.WHor grus * and corn-
led ; bulls. ll.MGllWa.
Hoes There was a brisk demand , and
the 1HMKJ ( to 11,0)1) ) fresh arrivals wore about
eolil out nt Friday's closing prices , or
within the following range : Heavy packers
nnd shippers , ( l.ftOdJMX ) ; mixed , $1.50 ( 4 , f > 5 ;
nn occasional load with Jnrirusi per cent
light , . ) ; assorted light , 1W to 170 Ibs
average , tl.lSOi ( ( .70 ; assorted light-light ,
100 to 120 Ibs , averaged $ .85 ( < f5.10 ; sklpb
und scalawags , $ ; ! .SO@i.2.'i.
NEW YOIIK , Fob. ) . [ Spoclul Telegram
to TUB HKB.I--STOCKS London prices have
consiileraulo'lmprovemctit this morning and
cables brought moderate buying orders.
This had a stimulating effect hero , and the
market opened nt advances extending to %
per cent. Atchlsnn was quite stroiy ? nt an
bdvancopf J/ per cent. Union 1'acillo nnd
Northern Paeitlo were the next In feature ,
and largo purchases were made by the for
eign houses. The long talked of contract
between these two companies has nimlly
been consumatcd , and this Insures perpetual
pence in their territory , und much higher
prices for the stocks uro confidently looked
for. The weak feature of the market , how
ever , was St , I'aul common nud preferred.
Tuo yearly Matcuicut .of that coropaey , pub
lishcd tills mo.-nlng , shoxvlnj ? n not loss , of
? : i,000,000 In revenue , caused renewed liqui
dation , The statement shows barely enough
to pay n 1 j > e'r cent dividend on the preferred
Mock after the payment of nil * ed charges ,
Cotton Seed Oil was weak and heavy during
the entire session , nnd largo sales were made
by the Insiders. There Is renewed talk of n
largo pool being formed In Kric , Unscd on the
Improved financial condition of the company.
The commission. houses were doing very
little , and they xvcre rather reluctant In ad
vising thi'ir customers to buy on the decline.
The bears talk very confident , and predict a
sharp decline for next week. The close was
IrreRUlar , but In the main firm. The net de
cline showing St.'Paul , common , \ : pre
ferred , % ; Cotton Seed Oil , \ % ; New Eng
land nndffohi on , c.ich Vf per cent. Otncrn
close about ut the opstnng prices , except Mis
souri Pacific , which shows a net gain of ) i\ \
Krle , ? < i , nnd Chicago , Hurlington & Qumey ,
' / . The total sales for the day aggregated
10I,0X ; ) shares , Including St. Paul , common.
12.1XX ) ; preferred , 4riOO ; Oregon Transconti
nental , fi.CkW j Miourl Paclllc , 7,000 ; line ,
O..VO ; Western Union , 1,000 ; Chlcnco. Hur
lington & Quitu-y , 0,000 ; Union Paelflc , 7,000 ;
Northern Pacltlc preferred , 3.000 , and North
western , a , con.
The following wjro tha closing qtn'atlon * !
If.S. \ * re-mlar. . . ISKKiNortharn Pacltlc. . Iti'.i
It. 8. 4s coupons 128ljI dopreferrttil rc. "
IT.S.4'4sri < ; ? tilar. . lUT'iiC. * N. W \W'i \
lT.H.4'sro'ii > ons .10J il tip referred llll
PncllloiUot Vi . . .1 ) 'N.V. ' Central W
Ontnil P.icltic . . . Ty I1. , 1) . .t i ;
C'lilrago * Alton . .lJU : HocK Islnuil Uil't
Chlr.igo.lliirllnEton C. . M. .VSt. P ran
lit ! do preferred IW
D..I..AV. . . . . .I41'i St. Paul .V Om.-lIU . It.1
Illinois Central. . . .Hi)1 ! ) i ilotireferrcd . . . . VS
l.II.A\V ll'i ' I'nlnnP.tciltR t.1
Kansas .VlVxas. . . li'4iW.St. : ' L. A : I' Ill's
l.nfcoShitro Ifll1 , do profcried. . . . i.11 *
MIchlgiBH'cntrul. . KP j > Western Union tfl
Missouri 1'ncillo . . . 71 ' 41
Mosnv os CAM , Easy , with no loans.
PlIlMD MCHCXNTIMI PAl'BIl I ' ? ! ) par CCIlt.
Srniii.iso KXCIIVNOE Dull ; sixty-day
bills , 5-l.Sij ( < : demand , fl.SSJ/ .
Cnn'.no. Feb. 2t. : \S heat AVcak and
lower than ut opening ; cash , $1.0iV ; March ,
51.00May , ; , SI.IK1 ) ; , , .
Corn Shade tinner ; cash , 34'Vo ; March ,
34' < ; ; May. yr > ! l-lic ( ,
OatsSteady ; cash , 2.V e ; May , 27 ? c ;
July , 'JdJk'c.
Hyo May , Oli/c.
Uarley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj No trading.
Pork Firmer ; cash and March , ? 11.17J ;
May , Ul.Hi. ' ; ;
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.73 ; March , ? 0,77 > ;
May , $ ( Uh ) .
Flour Firm : winter wheat , S'.r > ' . ] rt ? " > .50 ;
spring wheat , fl.n.X'fl.CS : , f. ' .yff : ! . ! . " ) .
Hulk Meats Shoulders , * 5.2.X i3.37 } , ; ;
short clear , fo.l2KJt5 ( ! ; short ribs , J.'i.'i
© H.05.
Huttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 18'i28c ;
dairy , lf > 2ii : : .
Chcoso Unchanged ; full cream choddnis ,
and flats , lO-f ni'llc ' ; Youn Americas ,
Ki'gs Unchanged ; fresh , lfl ( < ? llc.
Hides Kirnior ; heavy preen salted ,
GJ c ; light green salted , Stf' } 5'fe ; green ,
4il. o ; salted 4 ( it < 4/tc ] ; green salted calf ,
( ' ife ; dry flint. 74 ; < JSc , ; green salted kip ,
4c ; dry-calf. 7iSc ; deacons 25jt30c ( each ;
dry salted hides , 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. solid packed ,
4e ; No. 2 , ( * | . ; cake. fi@5jfo.
itcchuit. * . Shiumonts.
Flour , bbls . 17.000 10,00. )
Wheat bu . .50.000 40,00 ! )
Corn , tm . I'.IO.OJd ' 832.100 !
Oats , bu . 101.0JO 101,000
New Vork. Feb. 2J. Wheat Receipts ,
2,200 ; exports , 2,000 ; spot , firmer ; N'o. 2 red ,
Corn Receipts , OO.COO ; exports. 12S.OCO ;
spot , ilrincr and moileratuly uctlvo ; No.
i ! , 4H4Oil4e : inolovator , 45 ; < < ? I4C ! atloat ; soot ,
No. 2 wliitc , 4G > o'c ; ungraded mixed , 40ii i
SOc ; options dull , lower and weak.
Oats Kccclpts , 4,000 : exports. 1,000 ; spot
dull but steady ; options neglected ; February ,
44J < c ; Mtirch , : )3fc ) ; Mav , 3l c ; spot No. _ ' ,
white , ! lA@K)4c : ) ) ; mixed western , 2 : @ 'i3e.
ColTeoOptions opened lirm and closed 15
< 20 iwints above Thursday. .Sales , 40,000
bags ; February , $10. ! j March , $10.-ll@lli.4J ! ;
May , $ li.3-i@l ( - - 'r > ; spot Uio , stronger but
quiet ; fair cargoes , ? 17.8iJ f.
Petroleum Quiet nml steady ; United ,
closed atlllc.
Egg Klriner ; western , 14JfOsl J o.
Pork Firm- now , ? l'J.50@l' .7ri.
Lard Stronger nnd dull ; western steam ,
$7.20 ; Murch , $7.10.
Outter AVcak and quiet ; western , 13@
Cheese Quiet and easy western , I0' < ; < vg
Ijlvornool. Fcb. 23. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB llr.E.J 3:3U p. in. close. Pork
Holders offer freely ; prime mess , eastern ,
C5s , easy ; do , western , 55s easy.
Lard Holders offer spot moderately and
futures sparingly ; spot and February , 34s ,
llimMarch and April , 35s 3d. firm.
Wheat Holders ofTcr moderately ; new
No. 2 , winter , 7s 7d , ' steady ; do spring , 7s
lOd , steady.
Flour Holders offer moderately ; Us 3d ,
steady , ' .
Corn Holders offer spot sparingly and fu
tures moderately ; spot , 4s IJ d , steady ; Fcb
ruary , 4s Id , steady ; April , 4s. steady.
St. I.ouls. Feb. 23. Wheat Higher ;
cash , f M'c ; May , ' .I'.iJi'c.
Corn Mnn ; cash , 2i. ' < Si-)7 ( c ; May , 273/c.
Oats Quiet ; cash , 25o ; May , 27ftC J"7iio.
Pork Hliihor at CU.75 ,
Lnrd Higher nt &I.I10.
Whisky -SU-ady at 51.03.
llutter Steady ; creamery , S-KglOo ; dairy ,
KIUISIIO City. Fob. 23. Wheat-Weaker :
No , 2red. cash. OSJ o aslted ; May , OOc asked ;
No. 3 , soft , no bids nor otTerinsrs. .
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , iMjtfc asked ;
May , 25's'c. bid ; No. 2 white , cash , no bi'is
nor offerings ; May , 27'.jc bid.
Oat--No. , , 20c bid ; Mny , 23
MlniicniiollH , Feb. 23. Wheat Sample
wheat , lower ; receipts fortwoditys , 2s'Jcars ;
bhlpmcntfl , 14l ! cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
February , fl.lUMny ; , tl&X ; on trackl.ll ) ;
No. 1 northern , February , fl.O.i ; May ,
SI K'K ' ; on track , $1.10 ; No. iJ northern ,
February , Jl.OO ; May , J1.03 ; on track.fl.O ) .
Olnclnnntl..Fcb. 20. Wheat Weak ; No.
2 red , 07c.
Corn IJnrol.v steady ; No. 2 , mixed , : )3o. )
Oats -Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 23c.
Whisky Steady ut * 1.U (
DlilwnuUni * , Fob. 23. Wheat Kasy ; ; May. 07u.
Corn Dull ; No. il , yjfiWQa.
Oats Dull ; is'o , 3 white , 27fQ2jJ } c.
Hye Dull : No. 1 , 45c.
Hurl-y Dull : No. 2 , 57J c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.47 .
Chicago , Fob. 23 I'lio Droveri' Jour
nal roinirts as follows :
C.ittlo Uccalpu , 1,003 ; market steady :
steers , ! .OOif4CO ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
J1.75&S-J.70 ; Htoekers , I3.CM ) ; natives , ? 3.10 : *
I.M.Hogs Hecclpts. ly.WX ) ; market strong anil
T o higher ; heavy packing nnd slumiinp , l.r,0
W4.00 ; light , Rb.VgS.lO ; mixed. fJ.5Ua4.S5 ( ;
skins , : i..v.@i.2 : , .
Sheep Kcivipts l.oajj market steady ; na
tives , priiim. JI.12'(2I.4U ' ( ; westerns , $1.75 ;
lambs , 54.WHiO. ) ( .
Fob. 2 ; ! . Cattle Receipts , 400 ;
fi.7nf ta.y ) .
lloga KooalpU. 2,800 ; shipments. 3.UOO ;
market stronger ; oholco heavy nnd butohers'
Bolectlons , ? 1.4.Vjr4.M ) ; packing , fl.40@-l.fi5 ;
light grades , fi,5Uo4ur ; > .
Rlniix City , Fob. ai. Cattle Hccoipts ,
235 ; shipments , 75 ; market strong and un-
changoil : stockora , f2.00 ( < $2,73 $ ; fnt steers ,
(100 ( 3.50 ; feeders , ? 2.20 ( > i2.00i stackers and
fat cows , $1.KK < f2.iX ) ; cannorH ucd bulls ,
Hogs Receipts , 700 ; market So higher ;
light und mixed. $1.2J > tfMO < ; heavy , 4.a3 ,
HmisaH City , V\'b. 2a. Cattle Re
ceipts , 1,400 , shipments , 1,000 ; market active
nncistong to.lOc higher on beef stccra 'and
cowsj good to choice , l,0M4.2.'i ( ; common
to medium , $2SOrf3.IiO ; stoekors and feed
ing steers , steady at f 1.2.Vri2.7i > .
Hogs Receipts. 5,700 ; market opened
strong and fiiOe ( higher , closing with the ad
vance lost ; common to choice , 11.20@1.50.
Saturduy , fob. 2.1 , 1S31' ' .
The few cattle hero sold stronger , and In
most cases ICc higher , but the advance was
due almost entirely to the very light receipts.
The buyers took all the offerings and cleared
the yards early In the day.
The prices paid wo.rc on an average about
steady with yesterday. Two loads brought
M.40. nnd a few trades were made at $4.il7 } .
but the bulk of the hogs , both light nnd
heavy sold at $ l.)5. : ) The demand was coed
and the yards were cleared early in thu day.
There were no sheep here to make n
Hops. . . . . . . . . . ; ; r 2,400
The following is a U'jlaof priast p. ll In
this in.iri < at for lha gr. l3 of staj r mov
Prime st93r3 , 1.133 ta 1.VJ3 Ibs. . (3.40
I'rime steers. 110) ) to IMJJ ibi. .
N all vo feeders . " .Sli
Common to goo.l co ws . 1 .li J
Choicoto fancy cows . .MO 513.00 J
Fair to choice bulls . 1.71 fi2.5 ( )
Fair to cnoica ticnt hoes . 4.C : , ui'4.40
Falrto cliotco fin.ivv hois . 4. It ) ( i44.l5 !
Fair to choice mixiM hogs . 4.0 ! ! .
Fair to choice western slicep. . U.7."i OM.20
Fair to cl ice Nebraska * . 3.5'J ( jfi.15
Tjivc Stock Notes.
Cattle higher.
Kvcrythiug sold early.
Hogs sell at steady prices.
No siicep to make a market.
Hardly cattle enough tolnakc a market.
Some idea of the extend of trade in feeders
may be gained in the fact t > int one lirm , Hen-
ton & Underwood , have sold , since Decem
ber IS , 2,037 head , and for this month up to
date 1,377 head.
I.lstof lettoMronalmtijunviIlel for In llio poit-
oflice for the week cndlnt Kcb. 2. , H'J.
N'oto I'arlletcilllrufor lluta latton will plena
! -iy"A-lvortl3eil"ilvln.'t'i3U .ontl'.u'i3il of t'u
llst.andlniulraforsiuj ut tlij "hi lief Delivery
Window. "
Ton void inMta o hava you r mall n I Jrduai to your
struct nnii number. ,
BN'S r.isr
Phllhricli P r IMnnef1 3 roller on K G
IVtrmkn.l I II
W rrnllU W
I'tllll'tUKj M
Hnhjr llRhmcr F
it r Kit llfiivlolpli HT -tlitnnlmn I *
llvlnhnrtr llclclim.inn It
Hlrlmr9 ! M ( I Illchnionil II IInl > lri on A 4)
Itohertxjii I ) lUibcrs II. U ' ItllTCCl ) It
1'omi It ItoMj
Hois I'M HiiWtfo.i N llubln S
lltliildo l <
Punl-on C W fanbnn I' F Pnn.lpM . W H
Cartel II Schubert K Srlimlilt M
MSchnfuIn K
Schulti W Scanlan W Sctiaefer I.
, . . , .
Scmtlti W 11 .i p > .p iiipn O II
SeltirrC I. r v sliiink W I ,
Shnrp I. iker.M I. Kliiiinom F
Sinn I'll flltprpl e J klnnorW A
Skinner W K C
Smith F. Mntth.I 1i 1
i M
Sinrrs I ) MTaknifin C
Mlrch WJ SI John B A Mcclo II II
fti'i'nr-n W It Slehbms K O StrlcklniKl U
StrnbliiifkiT F Milllvan I'O Sulllvnn A M
STonssou A Sneencr W
Tnlmurt M Tlmrpj A J Trnnof J
'I'hiirix'J II Tliunia * W II 'ln lor ,1
TlllilMIIII IIM Towny J Trumbcll W It
Thomson ( Iv I JV.
Vnn Horn I ! 1' Vnilnm 0 VMI Wjnborili I1
Van llnnk'ii J Vklorl.
llarota A F HanlynirsA llamlln.t
Hart mrs M A llalnes mr A HiroM A
lleiterA I lendrieks mrs ,1 I luiiry 1 ?
HeiUes mra C O 1 letter 1. llellman 10
lle.lln A IIIIISF. llonv K
HnwuJ A S llolllull M
lliwli mrj U , llt'n.lunun mrs U
Paynu I ) I'arkor < i I'lUiuor inrn M
Parker mrs 1'otte.rMin i ;
1'etle.r-o.i J IVltcmmO I'etlerrun AS
I'lekerlnic K A
llan onmrsic ; Itunln iir M mrs 1'
Heilinan N llemcr ItK ItK'lKlldS J
llooney nirsT HoiierinrsK Helm mrs K II
UolL'rt."iin mrs I : Kohlnson U O Uoii3li mrs II
KM IMikinil.M Until mrs I ,
ItunneN U Itylaiuler A I.
s :
Pavacn.M ScharfirOI' .splianns A
Si'Ott.I Mvley mrs II C Slili-liH mrs O
Slinp-onV Meejier mrs S A Sinlili mrs II
Smith inl ! t Smltli I' ' MVCIIHCII M
Spoils mr.s H fpll/aiiuh M SlarksmrslI
StniTbcr ; ! I. MiMiny niMli MlejicrJ
Siitton I , bnuasunC tiwaii.sen inrsM
Sweeil mn I. S
TerbiMli mrs. II C Tlioniprn Thorkn S
Wallnco S Walker mrs I Wnofor M
Wallicrmrs I ! Wur.l I'A Watliar.M
Wallaei'iiirs 1' W Way F W.'tiU. A K .
Wer mr .M Welli , A WliltchlJoT
Wnlto M Wlilto tnr I. Wlllliims mrs CK
\VllluiH ! : nira A Wllllanm K.I Wlilni'in C M
Wiley K Wlllu-r mr.i .M.I Wlli'ox I1M-3
Wliviulst A C \VooJ9 mrs M Wrlulit-U
MIPCKI.INi : < ) US.
Mannserof Illlailly C'o. , i. Haliennan . "i Co. , Chief
ItecriilllnK Olncii of Iliu AIuita ! Kiiri-uylnu Kxpn. ,
NHH-S ilepul , IS-.U Web.tor St. , Ja-'kmun linn. . O.naliu
I'lutliliiK CitKCiillax nvu. Matlle , ] II. > S lull..I Mil-
nor& Co. , K < ll un . "i Co , , Win Henry \ Co. , l.'llu , v
Co. , lloyer nroiVooiliimn itroi. , IlitmUur ur 1'utj.
Co. , No. ( ' .H Meli'li National Hunk HlilK. .
BSlKnor.MullPOierriinion < ' , .lon llj Frlfis He * .San-
to , SUnor 1'ielro .Nurchlo , ( itn-oppo Minaroli , Nataie
c. v.\ii\niii , r.M.
How's Your I/Ivor ?
The old lady who replied , wlionnsK'od
how her liver was , " ( Joel bluss me , 1
novel1 heard that there was such a thin } ;
in the house , " was noted for her amia
bility. Proinothnus , when chained to a ,
roiilc , might as well have pretended to
bo happy as the man who is chained to
n diseased liver. For poor Prometheus
tlicro was no escape , but by the nso of
Dr. Piorco's Pleasant Piirgativo Pellets
the disagreeable feelings , irritable
tempi ) ! ' , constipation , indigestion , diz/.i-
ecbs and side headache , which are
dauscd by a diseased liver , promjitly
nisuipear. |
Had Twonty-Tlireu Children.
The family of Mr.'and Mrs. Charles
II. Helm is quite roniaHuiMo , says the
Boston Globe. lAn' ' forty-six years the
estimable liuly and gentleman have re
sided together , must of the time in
Charleston. Mr. Llolm was born in
Copenhagen. Mrs. .llolm was horn in
East Cambridge. Juring their wedded
life there hava bceu.born , to them twen
ty-three children. . .Of this number
eleven are alive , 'nie oldest child is
forty-four years iiiid tjio youngest four
teen years. Mr. Halm is halo and
harty , She is the store Icept
by her husband in the Wavorloy house
every week dny. Mr. llolm is an actlvo
busineds mail. IIo IK well known as a
The surnrlso of Hip | Van Wiuklo when
awaking from his long slumber could tint
liuvo boon greater than the consumptive's
upon nmlliiK himself entirely relieved by Dr.
Hull's COUKU Syrup. 25 cts.
A pretty picture A sunny-lmlred child
curing the Newfoundland's cut /cot with
.Salvation Oil.
The Stock Journal says- Wyoming has
threu or four fast horses whloli uro bound to
create a stir tlio coming season. Amont ;
thoia may bo mentioned Mr. Hcckwita's
Wanita and Ollio , mid G. 13. Goodoll's Spar-
tun nail nifty. A. Martin's Ned Uiddlo will
Joi ; tilotiK pretty fust , his recent Hlioulder
Bpruln appearing to have mended coin ,
All lovers of the delicacies of the
table.use AngosturuUitterH to secure 11
good digestion , but the genuine only ,
inanufiicturod by Ur. Siogort & Sous ,
at till druggists. %
sunuKn.vy M\VS. :
The sensation nlwat the lawlessness of
.lustlco Ivclsey , Constable Smith , Town Trus
tee ToiponliiierVIHIiitn | : FoppcnhiiKon and
Clirist. Koch , which was the topic of the
OiiMitm dally papers a few dajs npo , tcrml-
imteil in a dismissal of their ra es by n Justice
of Oinnhii on Wednesday. Iho 'JOth lust.
H Is rumored tlmn Christlmi Kuolbcr will
tnatiKiirntv u building boom this coming
spring In Millnnl. Ho owns UOi ) feet frnntltig
towards the depot buildings. To be sure
there arc room enougn for Improvciiieiits.
Hans SchtaliU has raturnod from his visit
to the fatherland In Rood health. His plr.ns
for the future uro not fully dovuloped , but ho
will likely gjfnto the agricultural linplcmcnt
August Faust will return to his farm. Ho
has rented his present residence to Mr.
linrvo Hollenheck IntciitU to po buck to
his farm. There seems lo be oo tuuso vacant
for him In Mlllard. As ho expects to bo
liostniastor at this place , it Is supposed the
building boom will Include u new postofllco
There has been quite n change in politics
since the clfction of President Harrison.
Tlicro were about twelve republican votes
cast by citizens of Mllhml , and the postonico
was the hc.ulinmrters of electioneering for
Cleveland. Now , it is said , there Is a repub
lican breeze waving through iho whole build
ing. Whi'thiT It will purify the Inciimbonts
of ofllcoof all democratic flavor , the decision
of the postmaster general that is the ono
who is in advent-must decide.
1) . C. Westfall , an od ! resilient of this
township , is removing to Fremont with His
family. .Mr.Vestfatl was township super
visor and 1ms had considerable practice in
these parts us a lawyer und auctioneer , and
ho leaves his many friends with ivgrot uc-
coltipanied with the best wishes of nil for his
future well being.
C. O. Howies was In town lost Thursday
looking after the interests.of u now bunking
business to bo matured in Dodge In the near
futuro. It is to bo called the "Farmers'
State Bank , ' ' and was organized on Wednes
day la lwitli a paid up c.ipital of $10,000.
'Plic olllccrs elected wciv us follows : Presi
dent , Ernest Shurmiiii ; cashier , Herman
HoUtuiu ; directors , C. ( ! . Howies , M. Hol-
steln , K. Shut-mini , Ctrirles , Stormcr , Anton
Hiiriosch , Charles Woodruff and .losopli
Married , at the residence of the bride's
parents nt ( llcncoc , on Sunday , the l Ui
hist , , Mr. Del Clark to Mis < Minnie Mont
gomery , Uov. Knuekoy olllciaUng.
The Ilntlgo Hohcniian dramatic troupe
gave an entertainment at Ciliar's ' hull Satur
day night. It was well patronized by the
public and proved a success socially and
lliiauomll.v. They will give another presen
tation about Kuster.
One of tlio best llrms in Oodge was on
Monday of last week obliged to suspend
business through iinancial embarrassment.
The low price of corn and farm produce is
leaving its many victims in bad shape. Farm
ers won't sell , merchants can't sell , and
wholesale houses must have their money.
Tlio Uuv. li. M. Tr.ivcrs , of Leigh , and
family , Mrs. Danker , of Ilowells , and li F.
( ! ray , or Fremont , were tvisltors to JJodgo
this week.
Cold winds hnvo prevailed the last , thrco
days of this week , the number of teams in
town having been contlncd to the teens in
consequence , and a sudden clicck has been
given to business , special services , births ,
murriugcs and deaths , but still thu doctors
keep busy.
Mothers Kprxd.
Tile proprietors of SANTA ABIE
have authorized Goodman Drug Co. ,
to refund your money if , after giving
this California King of Cough Cures a
fair trial as directed , it fails to give sat
isfaction for the euro of Coughs , Croup ,
\Vhoopinir Cough and nil throat and
Lung troubles. When Iho disease-
alTeotsthe iead , and assumes the form
of Catarrh , nothing is so olFective as
preparations arc without , equals as
household remedies. Sold at $1.00 a
package. Three for $2.oO.
Corner 1 < JlU and Farnam Streets , fhainbur of
Cominurco Huiltlln ? .
Capital Stock . . . . . $ 1(10,000 (
Liability of Stockholders . 800,000
l-'lvo per cent paltl on tlnpoMts loanina loon H'al
pslalG anil | ii > renal security ! noton , nan-nuts , slocks
nnd bonds imiclnisn.l.
JOHN li. MIM'.S. I'rcnl.luiit.
AMIItKW IIOSKWATKU. Vice I'ri-'ldunt.
li\Tiil : : I. . THOMAS , C.lflili'r.
1IOAKI ) OK DlltKCl-OllS :
John I , . Mile * , KraMiis llon on ,
Sainnc-l Colnor , .lulin II. ivaiH : ,
Antlrew Itntuwatcr , Morrin Korrison ,
W. A. I. , ( ilhlion , IPO. ! K. llarKtT.
( * ov. Alvln suinitjers , liextor L.Tnoaini ,
Nortiian A. Kuiit : , .laini's 'riioiniiMon ,
F. II. Solinso ! ! , .lolin lluili ,
(7co. C. Ilobiilo.
Capital $ r > 00,000
Sin-plus 100,000
JOIIXA. CHUIOHTON , Vice PreslilPiit.
F. II. DA VIA Canuler.
W. II. Mi'.GgL'IRK. Av-lstant Cashier.
Capital Slock $1.10,000
LinliiliUcs of St'H-klioltlcis ; ! ( ) ( ) ,001)
' - L * i'ul onDe-
Five 1'cr Cent Jtita-rat < -
pnsits Coinftoiintlcd ficinl-
CIIAHM23 P. MANOKIISON. I'ro-lilent.
1 , . M. lIKNNIVrr. Viet ) Prcslili-nt ,
! ' . \VESSGMA MunaultiK Dlrcotnr.
JOHN K. WlUllHt , Ciishlcr
J. W. OASSErr. ! uv O. IIAIITO.V ,
J..1. llitow.v , IM , HINKTT. : :
C. F. .MANIHIMSOX , 'riion , i , . KIUUAI.U
HCMIV I'UNiiT , M. I , . STONH ,
OMAHA I * \ T. Co. , I. . II. WIM.IAMS ,
JAMBS \V. HAVAOK , ! ! . w. NASH ,
I- ' . \VKBSII.H. : . I. U. UONOIION ,
ANSON o. Mct'ooK , N. W. WKI.I.H ,
Ji. NIKMAN , Jon.v IWII.HUII. ; .
NO303 S. 13TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB.
CAPITAL , - - $300,000 ,
Loans Mad3 on Real Estate ,
School , County ami Municipal lloml * N'c utiutuil
WJI. A. PAXTON' . President.
W.M. O. JIAUU Vice Prosldent ,
itonintr u OAUI.ICHS , jfcruury.
Alritii : ) MI I.I.A no. Treasurer.
Hour. U UAiu.iciiri. AI.FIIRU MII.I.AIIII ,
( Jio. : 1C. H.UIKKU ,
( . > ( . 1'Al.MKll. X , I * . UlniUA.y. ) . II ,
Liyc Stock Cominissloii Mentals ,
Offlco Uootn 21 , Oppadle Kiclmnijo lliilldluK , Union
_ block Vardi.BoulliUisaW.i S'ub.
Live Stock Commission ,
Itooci 15 , Kitlintifo IlulldliiK , Unlua litocU VcJ-
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Toha C' .
Dealer ID AgricnltnrallniDlBnicnts.Waglins . ,
it H"ccr ! . .1
_ IMh.Unitlin , N
Agricultural ImiilciiGEls1WagonslCarria ] C ! ;
nutclc ( , Etc. Wholnolf. Omittiit , Nebr li
\VlioleiAc ! litMprs In
Aaiicullnral Implements , Wagons & Riiggici
Ml , W. St6 ntlrt OT Jon * Slrf t , OniHlin , _
" P. pT M AST & CO. ,
Hannfactnrcrs of BocXeyc Drills. Mm ,
CulllTMort. HM lUlri. ruirr Mlllo nml \ilmn I 1'ul
veruort. Cor Illh mill Mcliolm Ptrvrti. _
Whelp l < >
Agricnlljrei iDipleincntyyagoiis & Bnigici
OMAHA llttAM'tt.
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Macliiucry and BiMcr Twine ,
W. K. Mra.tMnnn < cr. 15Hl.ei\Tonw , > rtli ! > U Om hn
MsnufncUirrrsnn'Jobbers in
Wagons , Bnggies , Rates , Plows Etc ,
Cor. lull an.I I'ncltic iirfi'13. Ouiolm.Nvb.
Artists' Matorlnlo.
" A HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Mattrials , Pianos and Organs ,
Mtii MrPol'ni hnNpbrn > lin.
Qooknollcrs nnd Stntlonoro-
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Sucrc-ssorf to A. T. Konypn .V Co. , Wltulonlo A Uolnll
BooteellcK and Stationers ,
Kino Woilillnn SiK'loiicry.intniprclal Stationery
Hi ; IHiUfc'IftSlrcpt. . Onlttlil..Svb.
Boota and Shoas. _ . _
( tfucccisort to lleoil. Jonci A lo.l
WesalB Manufacture ofBootsandSte
AirvnUtor lloston Huhiict i-hop Co. Illf ! , ItllA 11W
llnrucy St. , Oiiinhn. Ncbrnn n. _
W. V. MORSE A : CO. .
, Jokers of Boots anil Shoes ,
SI.OnmliH X
1101 llOJ-1105 Douslas
morst. . Hi nun.
Con ! , Coke and Ulmo.
Jofc of Hard and Soft Coal ,
XB South 15th Street , Omnhd , Nebratka.
Snippers of Coal and Cull ,
! M Foulh lilh ? 'Mi.
Mamifactiirers of Liiii ,
tifl Milppcn of fill , C ) .i' < . f'jmont , l'mt"r , 1.1 mo
Drain Tile mid Serrer l'l | > p. Office , 5H S. IMh
St. , Omiilm , Neb. 'IVIrphonoSll.
Coffees , Sploos , Etc-
Onmlm Coffee and f plcc Mll ! .
Teas , CoITces , Spices , Baking Powder ,
MavorlnK Kxtrncti , iJiiiiiJrj llluiInks. . Klc. HI *
liiailitrnuy tfmnit..Omutia. Nobrnakn.
Crockery and Clnsswaro.
' " "
" " " w. L. WR'IGHT.
Asent forlhe Wmiufnclurcri and Importcnof
Glassware ' Lamps. Cliimneys
Crockery , , . ,
VI" Offl ce , 317 S. r-tli ft. , Omnba , Ncbratkn.
ImoorU'n. ar.d Jobbers of
Crcciery , Glassware. Lamps , Silverware
Klc. 1514 Fcrn ui St. . IV.CT 1 jtton UullilliiB.
Comrnlsslcn and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
'Spuclai'l' ' " nutter. Kgg * , Clipei-i . ronilrT , ( inmt ;
lll'i Kowmil ftreit. Omaha. Neb.
Siicccliors lo McSbaiie k Scbroi'dcr. )
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage ,
_ Dry Coodeino _ Notions.
" '
M. E'SM'ITH i co. ,
Dry Goods , FnrnisMng Goods and notions ,
llWfind IKWnouclM.Cor. illh St. . Omnlm , Kcb.
i < i L P AT mi c i < KOCH"DR'Y'GO 6 DSCO
iDiporlers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Nolions .
Gcnti' rurnlbblnit Coorti. Comer Hill nnU lliunuj
i-t9..Omabn. Nclinitt.i.
& CO.
] ] ii'iirn.'r ] ' nnii .l.ihlnTi of
Woolens and Tailo' '
317 Hi'lltll IMIl S
Wholesale Dealers in Fiirnitiire ,
Kuraam Slrcp t. Omnlm virni a. _ "
Omaha , Ncbnuba.
, % _ _ CrooorioB.
" " " ' ' "
PAXTON. aAL.LAGH"ER"i"c6''i"
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
' .Ufi. 7(17. ( 100 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omntm , Nub.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t th and I.cnvouKorlh Slrculi. Oainbn. Kobrntkc.
Hardware. _ .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Wmron Htork , llovdware. Lumber. Ktc. USi
aii.Uill llarney
Wholcsale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metiila. t'lifct Iron , etc. AK nt.s for Howe Scales ,
illuml I'owdvr nud llnrbud wlru ,
Cinulm ,
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Hacbnnlct' Tooli nnd Ilumio Scalet. KM
Wliok'Balo Munutttcluren ot
Saddlery & Jabiicrs of Saddlery Hardware
And I-oatlier. 1IOJ , 1105 aa-1 1107 Huniy BU , Omnlm ,
, _ '
W. L. PA'RROTfE & CO. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
_ 1107 HarncT Street. Omahn. Mel ) .
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at WlnKc
18tJ8lre t n'4 Union 1'acine Track. Onijh .
Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Lime , Sasfc.
Door , Ktc. VirJt-L'ornof jtii Bn'l JiVTlaii Corb
F E Ef 'wrolfAT !
Lnmlicr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ Tomer h itiii ) Ini , lHiiF.U..Onihii.
C. N. DIET2 ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumlier ,
'Mb natl Culiforaltt fHioutt.OuiaUit ,
To Dealers Only ,
_ Oltlcc. Uitl K rnnm Ptrcct
Wholesale Lnmlicr , Etc ,
ImporlPtl ami Anicrlrnn Orocnt PUil
Agent fur.MlHatiVro Kj.lrnullc Cciucnl nJ
_ _ Ijulncy Whim l.liiio.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood r.iri'Cts ami I'arqurt noortne. lh and Donttat
Mllllrory | nnd Notions.
i. OUERFEUDER" * c67 , '
iwporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
< H. MO mHH South Hill Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4HI mill ill Si nth l"tti St On-ivhn.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
lltti Homer Street. Omnlm.
Ovornlla. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
H < ! Uis I'liutJ.Shim. iCt . Itirjiinil 1101 l.\iu la ! Street.
Uui.ilm. ' .I'll
Offlco FJxturoa. _ _
M nu'nitiir < v of
Bank' , Olfice and Saloon Fixtures ,
itlrv HbU'bonnl' . Hook ( ( . Druit rixlnro .W U
( * IIM > , I'nitltiiinii , Itnlllnirii'oiintprn. ( lloernnulnn
Cooinrx , Mlriora.ctc. Vlirinry nm' otllro , liJU nud Ii-U
Soulli l.itb dl. . Uiuuliii , Tclopbunu 11.'I.
_ _
Wholsale RcOncd and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailu ( irrii c , Klc , , Oinaba. A U lli h" . Mn'inser
Wliolesale Paoer Dealers ,
Cnrrr nlrc nloek or i'rlntlnc. Wrapping nnd Wrlllna .
l h * r Kpi-rlnl Hl * r - w - - n t i f * r io'o. " f
Stqr go , Forwardlrig ; & Commission
' t
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Toy ? , Dolls , Albiimsf Fancy Goods ,
Homo KuriilKliIni ! Coo.lriillitMn'R ruiTliiUB" , Uto.
nnm Slici't. (1niubiNi'b. :
Browort * .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
! 15 > North KlBthtocntli Ptr ot , Om-.ilm. yen.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
nnii iiu'liil.Mcyliicltt * .
Junx KI'KVIiTint , 1'niprlotor.
1US unil 11U South nth Htrcct.
Printers' mntorlalo.
Auxiliary PiiUisliers ,
D ae"n ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 and 1319 Uotulas St. . Omaba. Nob.
Rubber Goods-
Haniifacturcrs and Dealers in Rnlte Goods
'M Clutblns and l stiier Ilcltlci : . lUUd 1'urnum tilrocu
S.i3hDoor8 _ _ ,
n , . AroTsBROv- . GO. ,
'A'holosulo Manu * .caurcrs of
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Ilrancli offlro , 13th and IznM Strccti. Omnlm , Neb.
' ' " "
BOH"N" A N u F A cTuRTrTcF co.
iVannfactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
-uMlnin , Sliilr Work nnd Inlirlor llnnl Woo.l Klw
ka. X. K. Corner 8th nnd Irf'aTuawurtu Street , .
" Stpam PUtlngs , Pumps , Etc.
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
1 Elc-
Wholesale Pmnps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Steam nnJWHlor Suplillos. n Hrtm < nrlrn fur Mit l ,
$8in ? and Water Supplies ,
llnllWajrWInrtMIIlH. 519 ami ! O1 Parnnm St. , OmaU .
* ' r , KOMI , Actlns MunRKvr.
BiiEines , Boilers and General Mactiinery ,
thuot Iron Vorl ( Hii-am Pump * . Sin .MIH . K1.J-1J13
l-cavcnwoiili biruuiiornalia.
Iron Worko.
Cuter a con , 1'rop'n. Mannfi.ciurcrs of all kludi
Steam Boilers , Tsnlis and SW Iron YM
Works South a > Ui and II , A. M. C'roiilnit.
JVYXTOX it viiitf.l.Nif : FoN"women.
Wrouglit and Cast iron Bnilfling fort
KiiKln < - . Ilra t Work. General Koiinilry , Mnolilni , unil
Ulucksnilili Work. Uflli-onml W < nke , L' . I' . Hy.
und Illh htntcl , yr.intia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Iek Halli , Wlnrtow Cu ! r.K . Klowor Hlanilt , Wlro
! KI > , Klc. li'l.Xortli . Kth Klruc't.Umalin.
Wfrs of Fires Burglar Proof Safes
Vanity. Jail Work , Iron Kliuilrra mrl Klro H'oip
t ; . Anilrrnn. I'ropr , Cor , lllliinul Jjick on tl .
Iron and Brtnccs , Railing ? , Guards
end Screens , for bankn , oTlcoi. ( lori' . luitdonrot , etc.
r'iu'il Awnlnu" , Ixickimllli Alncljlncry mid
Illiickunlili Works. lUlf < iiilli lllu Ht.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Tims Luc'a
AKUIIU lor IHubold Uufu a-ui IMC * "
\ uaiu uti't ' JillVo ; . ( I'Jj. . lU'i ' d
C-1 ( bn Mauor Halill , I'aslllrrli . . .
UT Auiulni'tcrlne Or. llnlut-n'
( Juldcn HprcIUc.
U can be ulvenlna cup of coiteo or In artl-
clKbol fdoil , without tliu KiHMvJeclgt ) or tliu ] m-
lent ; It IM ulixoluteljr hiirinle. s , unil will ef >
fvctu iiennuiitut iintlMiiOfilycuiM.vliether ttiu
liuiieut In it inoilcr.vtu ilrlnkttr or nn alcohol
wnfrlc. I'J1 NIJVKIl l'\llS , Over lOO.OQO
< lrnnlcitr < l : < have liet-u nwilatHinnftrato men who
liavo taki-n ( JuMen Hpuclllo In their c < ntee will- )
out tlio'rknowleilfe , i > ntl today liollovn 1'ioy
ittllt ( IflliklliK of Utelil owiiiier.'ifU , 4 ! > | < | { o
buok ot imrilciilarn trotf. Knliii A ; ito , nKeutu unil iiouylns ts , ikth mill Cunitnu titrvetn ,
Oiimtia , N'nli ; I'oinicll UliU : , IOWA ; Ak'rnts , A.