TT-TE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , MONDAY. FEBKIJAJJY 23 , 1859. IDE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE A Rovlow of the BuBlnosa Trans aotocl Last Wook. TWENTY DAYS MORE OF WORK Bonntor Mnnelorson'fl Visit Mrs Gougnr AeltlrrsscH Hid JloiiHC rtn the Sulijcct of Woinnn Snl- c New Linus. Ko tiinp. r LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. -Siccial | | to Tun ilni : . ] Lost week linil less then tlirco days of legislation. Monday afternoon the senate held n forty minutes session and Tuesday nftornoon was given up to the inception ot Bcnntor Mamlorson. Friday bolus a legal holiday and many members wishing to at tend the O. A. K. encampment nt Kearney , the legislature ) adjourned Thursday afternoon - noon to meet again .Monday afternoon. 'llio senate rcnuhcd Its fiftieth day on rj'hursila.vthc last for the introduction of bills. These documents number nbout tuohumlrcd mid iifty. The houno has 450 bills , but hnv- lieun in session oiilyJUhirty-niiio days the number will probably bo Ineroaied by the Html rush of Monday to n < )0 ) , making a grand total of 7fiO in both houses , about ono-tonth of wnich will survive the gantlet and reach the governor. There has been no alarming increase of laws during the past week. Ono handsome ly written document has received the ex ccutlvo signature and been docked out in a big seal. It empowers cities to receive gifts or bequests nf lands within five miles of the eorpoiatlon limits to bo used as parks , and extends their police powers toRiieh _ property. It sccnm that Hon. .1. Sterling Morton pro- jioscil to elonnlo a park to Nebraska City , liut tliero was no law authorizing the munici pality to acquire such property In that way. The bill wus intioduccd for the relief of that lilnce , but now has application generally thioughout the state. This bill originated in the senate „ , nnd that body passed a Joint resolu tion originating in the house. H requests Nebraska's rcpicsontatlves in congress - gross to demand of tlio federal government a suspension of nil entries of public lands in this state when the same are under claim of the state of Indemnity school lands. The most IniDortant measure passed by thn liouso Is n bill for glass ballot boxes In cities til 5,000 or over , after the Colorado style. ISucli box is to have three hovs , which are lept by different judges , and the box cannot be opened except by using all three keys. Up in the northeastern part ot Iho state the reservation of the Omaha and Wlnne- bugo Indians , most of it unorganized terri tory. Years nen Burt and Wayne counties mlded each n slice or the reservation to their territory. The senate boa just passed thieo bills to crcato Thurston county out of that uuorgunbcd territory. It had not the rcnui- filto ) ( ) ( ) square miles ns it stood , nnd two ol thfl bills take back some of the territory in Burl nnd Wayne counties. This same terri tory was organized as Blackbird county over thirty years ago , ) but there was an illegalitv about it. The organization was abandoned , and the county dropped out of history. 'Iho senate has passed a bill allowing pub Ushers legal rates for tax notices ; also an other requiring Mate ofllcers to embody in their reports to the governor u statement of the public property in their respective ofllccs nnd institutions , and u statement of any property worn out , lost or otherwise dis posed of. The house bill for abolishing state oil in spection wns indefinitely postponed , and in its stead the sonuto has before it a bill for it higher test und a better inspection. Among the bills now in process of consitl- cratloji is ono for the protection of inert-limit- , and farmers who furnish provisions or fodder der to contractors at work on railroads. If the latter fail to pay up tue debt , it is to be a lien on the railioad for two years. Among the bills rendv for third leading and pretty sure to pass is ono fifing penalties for the ofllcers of cities or villages who be come Interested in any contract for supplies or public works to which their city or village is a party ; also the house bill making the commissioner of public lands and buildings custodian to receive from the surveyor- gen eral ull field notes , maps , charts and other records relating to land titles In Nebraska. Buch records are to bo free of access to county surveyors and state ofllcers. A Joint resolution was passed urging the Nebraska delegation in congress to favor the bill that proposes to pension survivors of the rebellion who nro over fifty years of ago , Also u similar resolution in .favor of the dec ) ) water harbor on the coast of Texas. Among the important matters 10 como up Arc registration and bank regulation. 13111s Dave been introduced in both houses for a registration law similar to these of other ettiUi ? , und it will probably be made to upplv & cities of 0000 and over. A banking bill has Vea introduced that provides for inspection t least once u year under the direction of atato ofllcers. Hanks will also have to have a capital according to the population of the place in which located , and the bill llxcs a scale. The senate judiciary committee hnvo intro duced several very important measures. Ono provides for submitting u constitu tional amendment increasing the supreme court to ilvo judges , each to servo live yeais , Which will probably pass both houses with out opposition. Another is for a constitu tional amendment providing fora state board of transportation of three .members , to bo appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate. There will Uo u lively contest Over this proposition. The Investigating committed iittrimitc the boiler explosion to carelessness , and the ) fcavo i n trod u ted u bill for the establishment t > f n system of state boiler inspection. The committee investigating thostato farm ind experimental station have examined Dr. JJillings. According to his own story hu is costing about $7,000 , and his work for over two years and o half has been confined to his bog cholera experiments. Ho is n firm he liovor in his theory of innoculatioii , but the committee nro inclined to u verdict of "not proven. " Most of the witnesses thus far have been connected with the university and are drawing pay from the station fund. They nil profess confidence ( of varying degree ) in IJIliings ami his hobby. This \vcolc ox-CIov crnor Furmis und ex-Chancellor Matuitt will bo put ou the Htand , One result of this Agitation in the introduction of a bill to butter dollno the puipusu and ncopo of the college of agriculture and mechanic arts ( now known as the industrial tclinol ) ot the university nf Nebraska , ami to provide the manner In which the Instruction In said work in eaut college shall uo carried on ; and to dctliiu the uses and functions of the experimental farm us a part of bald college. The special committea has repotted ninety - seven employes , including private clerks for twenty-seven of thu senators. The daily cost Is abonit $ X0. Two years ago the employe * numbered 120. norai : . This wcok has been an nil-mound play-day In the liouso. The coming of Senator Man- fur-noil on Tuesday ami the annual meeting of the Oraml Army at Kearney on WCUIICH day completely demoralized the liouso so far ns nny well-defined plan of rushing business ls > concerned , unj the wrok'a work is voii light indeed , Monday afternoon wus largely taken up with preparations to receive Sena tor Mnmlcrson , and the forenoon of Tuesday was devoted to caring for the ofllcc.spokn > nnd Introducing them to members , and the afternoon was entlrcU' consumed by the sen ator In a long address , wherein ho in viewed the legislation of the past six years at home length , The senator was very profuse In his thanks to tlfo menibcis , and through them to their coustitucnts , for thu honor of u ro elec tion with so little opposition , and pledged lilniboH to do ull In hii power to advance the but Interests of thu Mate. He favored he roic treatment of the Indian question , and advocated the complete hovering af ull tribal relations nnd putting each Individual on a farm and compelling him to support himself , lie deitned himself us opposed to the admis sion of Now Mexico us u state on account of its dense Ignorance und "distinctly MoMi'an character , " and shuiplv criticised Cleveland foi 'otolng the special pension bills. Uo afUrmcd that most of the evils that in o sought to bo remedied by legislation How fiom the "abuses of special privileges ami unparal leled Bullishness. " and thought some amend * inuuts-sliauld bo made to Inter-state com * inerco law to render it moro effective. Hn treated the corporations very gingerly , ami did not dwell long on this point. The next day the senator proceeded to Kearney , where ho mot the Grand Army boy * lit annual convention , On wodncsduy the house was treated' to an address or more properly n "talk1' ' of n Very different character. Mr . Helen M Cougar , of Indiana , the woll-known advo cate of woman suffrage , was present In the city , and throuch Mr Dempster a resolution wns offered on Tuesday grunting her the use of the hall on Wednesday morning to pre sent her views on municipal suffrage for women. On motion of Mr. white of Cass , the resolution was laid on the table , but on Wednesday morning n ajmlhir resolution was presented by Mr. Winter , and this being de clared out of order on account of the tabling of the first resolution , Mr. llverott moved that Mrs. Cougar bo allowed the privilege of talking on any subject she inltfht chonse. Afte. * considerable flllbustrnng the motion carried by a vote of ( it to 'J7. Mr. Fonton offered n resolution excusing nny member who might not wish to listen to Ira addrcss.whieh wns unanimously adopted. Mis. Oougur then appeared and consumed the rest of the morning session In n vain nt- tempt to convince the assemble ! solons that the privilege of votltit ? was u ( tod-pivon right which belonged to her by virtue of her existence , nnd that no "tyrant man" has the right to deny her this precious boom. She argued that municipal suffrage Is a success in Kansas nnd was on Iho onward march It victory In every state of the union. Her re marks , principally on ncmunt of the novelty of the thing , wcco well enjoyed by a largo audience. A very important amendment to the state ronstltullon was proposed this week by Mr. O'Uricn , of Douglas. It provides that no lorelgnrr shall become a citizen of Nebraska and entitled to cast a ballot until ho shall hnvo boon duly naturalised as a citben of the United States. Under the present laws u foreigner may comti to tilts state mid in siv months , if iio declares bis intention to bo- eome n cltbon thirty days before the elec tion , can walk up to the Dolls and vote. Should Mr. O'ltrlen's ainoiklincnt bo adopted , no foreigner could c.xcrelseStlio right of suffrage in Nebiaska until ho has been In the United States ilvo years. Mr. O'Urien is himself an liishraan , but thinks it Is no more than right that a foreigner should re main in this country long enough to obtain some knowledge of its laws and institutions before being Invested with the sacred right of the elective franchise. On Tuesday the forenoon was largely taken up with u discussion over u proposi tion to appropriate . ' 0OOJ , to bo expended under the direction of Governor Tlmyer , State Auditor Hontoii and John S. Webster , of Omaha , in sending "suitable persons" to lopresent Nebraska at the centennial celo- biation of the inauguration of President Washington , nt Now York City , on April ? JO. The farmers sharply attacked the bill , and charge that it was simply a scheme to pay the expenses of a Junketing trip by a favored few , and that no such sum would enable the state to make anything of a showing , linker , of Jofleraon , wus the principal supporter of the measure and Corbin , of Johnson , was a leader on the other side. The appropriation wa defeated by the strong vote ot 73 to3. . Among the important bills introduced this week wns one by Potter , making nil railroad tickets "good until used" or until the faro was icfuiidcd in whole or pro rata for the part not used. A joint resolution by Whitford , to so amend the constitution that all license fees and fines should go to the county , rather than to the local school fund , was debated nt length and finally defeated by nearly a tie vote. vote.Hoth the prohibitionists and high license advocates were badly r.ittled by this ptopo- sitlon and seemed to bo taken unawares. The result was that both divided nearly in tho'middle. The delegations from the largo cities were solidly opposed to the measure. The bill to compel railroad companies to list their property for taxation was up for discussion this weok. Cudy proposed nn amendment authorizing the local authorities to tax the railroad property , except the main line road bed within the coiporate limits of each town or city , for all local purposes. This will add largely to the amount realised from local taxes and not decrease the general as sessment. It is quite likely that this amend ment will carry. About ono haudrcd bills have passed the liouso and almost that many have been in definitely postponed. This leaves about two hundred and fifty on which final action has not been taken. Thirty-nine days of the session have passed. It looks now as if the session would extend to the 1st of April. Stout's Claims. Liscoi.x , Neb. , Fob. 21. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] W. A. B. Stout's bill of "extras , " in connection with the construction of the now capilol building , filed with the committee on claims , amounts to $49,550.42. Mr. Stout also claims interest on the warrants that have been issued und not paid , and as the building was turned over to the stnto nearly one year sooner than the contract called for , he nlso wants rent for the now capital for the time stated. These various sums ap proximate $ .V,000 , so the entire claim will amount to almost $100,000. The joint com mittees on public lands nnd public buildings , and on claims , have held meetings to con- skier these matters , and the result is a bill embodying the above items. COMlNtt AVKHIE IN CONOUKSS. The History ot the Present I'ractiunlly Written. W \SIIIXHTO.V , Feb. , at. The history of the Fiftieth congress is now practically written , and in the few remaining days of Its cxlst- ancc it Is likely to achieve no important leg islation except fie enactment of tlio remain ing appropriation bills and the adoption of conference reports on a few other measures which have already been substantially agreed to by both houses. _ In the senate the postofllco appropriation jill will be reported and passed this week with little debate , except upon the reclassifl- catlon scheme. The passage of the other innuiil appropriation bills will follow as rapidly as they are received from the louse nnd considered by the appropriations committee. Mr. Cullom is determined to ircss the Oklahoma bill for passage , but the 'act that Hutler has received Plait's support 'or his substitute gives rise to the expecta tion that its course will be in troubled waters. Certain icpoits from the public nnds coimnlttac respecting lands in Kansas ind Louisiana will bo urged upon the ntton- ion of the sonuto by Mr. Plumb. liut Hoar , ' ( cling that ho is carrying out the caucus mindatc , will insist upon continued consid eration of the southern election outrages , violding only to appropriation bills , and ns hu democratic senators have in no wise changed their purpose to endeavor to in- letlnlU'ly delay uftlrmativo action upon this resolution , it is probable that little can bo dona by thunenate m the Hne-of general leg islation. In the house a corresponding state of nf- 'airs exists as a result of entirely different entities. Tobacco U the stumbling block here. iundnll having the report from the commit- oo on rules , providing for consideration of hoCowles internal revenue bill , at his back , s prepared to danmnd action upon it Justus soon us the appropriation bills are cleared I'Miy. The deficiency bill can bo disposed of o-inorrow nnd the Indian bill , the lust of the appropriation bills to come before he liouso for initial action , will bo called up Immediately aftor- vardi ) and passed , probably with little lolay. The appropriation bills ore in a fail- shape , and thcio Is every reason to bollevo hut , with the exception of the i Ivor und har bor bill , which has failed in every short ses sion during iho past ten ycnis , they will nil mvu reached the president by next Saturday light , Thn pro t'iit , situation is ns follows : Appiovci.1 by the president Diplomatic' und consular anil military academy. Awaiting the president's approval Legis alive , executive * and judicial. In conforencn District of Columbia , fortl- IcnMonH and pensions. Passed the senate with amendments Nu- nl , sundry civil , army and a dcultural , lieforo the senate commltloj on npproprl.i- Iousl'o3tof".leo. . Heforo the liouso Deficiency ( under con- 'deration ' ) , Indian and rivers und im Tlian Tlioy Could Stand , CluriigoTribuDo : The newsboys nnd ) ontllnuKB wore iiuliilfrlntr in u frcv. iRlit in n buclc alloy. Tlio nip was thick viih llyliif ; KimwbullH , brickbats , ami mil Inn uiiKG. "noyf , " sail ! a policeman , approach- n L' thorn , "thiii will htivo to bo stonpud. l look ? Mice a meeting of the Inuiiitm CL'IslutUI'O , " With a yell of mingled shumu ami In- llou the iiiiiiltod boy * turned on polici'inuii mid fhitvoil him half n WOULD BANISH THE BIRCH. Methods of Discipline of the Omnlm Public Schools. MUSCULAR PEDAGOGUERYGOES. Sensible A'lcws Ily Ono Who J the Subject n lilfV-Iionp Study Practical He-suits of the Theory Apiillcel. Corpornl I'tuilsliinrtit , Mi' . II. M , .litmus , superintendent of the Omuhn schools , 1ms contributuel the following interesting paper on corporal punishment , to the Western School .Journal : In the great advance I" celucrtUonnl work in the lust fifty yours , no nioro marked progress has boon iniitlo tiny- wlioi-o thnn in Iho inuttoi1 of discipline. The change of pruutloo in this direction hus been both rtulicul nnd universal. The harrowing talcs of severe punish ments meted out to grown young men by tlio courageous and horotc iimstor , in the da.\sof our grandparents , scorn moro like fiction than reality. So com mon was pnyslcul punislinicnt in these dnys , tliut the master's muscle was ns important a factor of ills success as was his brain or scholarship. Many times the muselo was the chief qualification. This state ot things lias now possoel away. A fragile girl is able to govern tlio most difficult school , and there are many children who , in attending school years together , hnvo never- known of u case of corporal punishment. This change in practice in tlio matter of punishment is llio result , largely , of u radical change of opinion on the on- ti re subject of tlio relation of penalties to discipline and moral training. Tlio advocates'of punishment no longer do' fond it oil the ground that the offender deserves it , but the whole thought is now directed to his reformation , nnd the ellicncy of the punishment in semir ing this result. Severity in family government is by no means what it was fifty years ago. The slate , too , in deal ing with criminals , looks to their reformation mation more than to the vindication ol the majesty of the law. How far this same principle lias entered into theo logical questions it is easy to see. Nol the least of thu differences in tiie ohl and now theologies has resulted from this change in the public mind. Looking thoughtfully at the eiuostion of punishment as related to school dis cipline , it scorns hardly reasonable to supnoso tluit the actual pain inllicted in administering a penalty can exorcise great inllucnso in deterring -pupil from doing wrong. The severest whip ping that a child micrht receive from Iho teacher would involve less real pain than ho might receive in play without any thought of suffering. Anyone ono who has watched boys in thoi'r rough sports needs no argument to bo convinced of this. Tlio bruises that cover small boys"1 limb ? are evidence ol harder hits received in sport than tlio severest teacher would undertake to give in punishment. Should any toucher produce on a child's person , in tlio in- lliction of punishment , such bruises us are often seen resulting from their violent lent games , his reputation for brutality would make him notorious. Whatever of merit there is in punishment consists not in the degree of pain inllicted , but in the mortification of pride attending it , and the sense of outlawry that ono is made to fool in this way ; and the cases are not few where tlio infliction of blows tends rather to diminish the moral phase of the action than to increase ii. Corporal punishment , especially when indicted in the presence of other pupils , is liable to put the offender moro or less in the attitude of a martyr , and in no case can a child suitor pain in the pres ence of his companions without , to some extent , exciting their sympathy ; and if , as is liable to bo the case , the teacher , displays to any degree an appearance of personal feeling , the matter is made worse. Indeed , there are few teachers who know how to administer physical punishment who have buflicicnt self- control and dignity * under such circum stances to secure beneficial results. In most cases , the results of this kind of punishment in school are moro harmful limn beneficial. In 188U , when the writer's acquain tance with the schools of Omaha began , the practice of corporal punishment was common , and , in many instances , severe. Tliero were but 'few schools whore cases were not occasionally re ported ; and in many , a wcok seldom elapsed without one or moro. Tlio un favorable results wore" not peculiar to this city ; many times ill feeling existed between teachers and parents , and be tween teachers and pupils ; and that mutual confidciiro so essential to the highest results did not prevail. It was no unusual matter fora case of disci pline to ho dished up in tlio most ex travagant manner by a sensational newspaper reporter , or ho made the topic of discussion on tlio street corner , or brought before the board of educa tion. It ih unnecessary to say , that such courses not only impaired ilio olli- cioncy of Iho discipline in general , but tended to lower the standing of teachers in public esteem. An effort was accordingly made to re duce the amount of punishment in the schools , and statements were made every two or throe months of tho-num ber of cases reported monthly to the superintendent. A spirit of emulation was fostered ; each principal desiring to innko the best showing for hop own building , and each teacher the best re port for herself. It began to bo observed that those teachers who governed their schools without any corporal punish ment woio just as strong in actual con trol as the others ; and that the general atmosphere in those schools and build ings where this means of discipline was not employed was greatly improved. Thin naturally created a desire on tlio part of all to banish physical punish ment alte > gothor ; and before many mouths olujHed it was entirely ahof- iHliod. In the year ending June , 18811 , with a daily attendance e > f HOH ( ) pupils , there wore 5',5 ! ) e-asos of e-orporal piiiiinh- ment reported almost one-sixth us many cases as there were pupils. Tlio next year , with a daily attendance of 11,810 , (17 ( CIIHOS were reported loss than one case for 00 pupils. The next year , with a daily attendance of 4.Ml , thorej were 10 cases. In 188(1 ( , with -1,700 in daily attendance , only ! ! cases were reported and nouo since than , although the dally attendance iu now pearly 1)H)0. ) ( ) Thu results have boon satisfactory in the very highest dog-rou. The spirit of obcdionco mill rodpocli'il ' behavior has grown year by year. The mutual rola- tioiiH between teachers , pupils and parents have steadily improved. Cases of suspension are much loss , frequent than formerly. Tlio of thu school room has bucomo eihoorful nnd stimulating as never before. Tlio dig nity of tlio tojichor'd , position is nioro generally recognised. Disgraceful rows between n rollnod and educated teacher and a rowdy hey are ulTulrti nuvor heard of. And in public ostcotn the business of teaching lias como to bo something higher than whipping vicious boys. excellent results have boon reached Ivi ; hearty co-operation of the four ulctnoii'ts that enter into the con trol of a school ; the teacher , the super intendent , the board of education , and the parents of the children. \Vithoiit this co-operation success could not have been achieved. Tlio juirl of the1'teachers has been yavy important ; tlu\v have made a careful study of tho.ibost methods of school dis cipline , linvS } endeavored to bear them selves \vlth such dignity and self con trol as to edni'mtnd respect , and in all their dealings with their pupils to exorcise tliiit kindness and firmness that of Ihajnselvoi will bo likely to secure control. The order maintained in these schools is excellent. The superintendent lias ondcnvorod to stand by Iho teacher in the exercise of her authority , und to strengthen that authority in'every possible way , JIo 1ms encouraged the teachers to come to him in all dilllcult cases for advice ; and whenever pupils have boon referred to him he has endeavored to make it appear a matter of a very pcriotis char acter. In all such eu cs ho has insisted on the presence of the parents as cs- Hcntial to a proper settlement , and has endeavored to impress upon them tlio impottanco of hearty co-operation with the teacher. In thin position ho has been Hiistained by the paj-ents thcm- sohos , who , with hardly an exception , have never failed to enter heartily into the work of looking after the improved conduct e > f their children. There is coining to prevail here a sen timent , which should be universal , that refractory boys are much moro respon sible to their parents than their teaeh- ors for ge > od school bnhavior. The part of the board of education has been to sustain the teachers nnd superintend ent , unel in no case interfere with the discipline. Tlio question naturally arises , what is the last resort to ho used in extreme cascsV If the rod is interdicted , what can bo employed us its' substituto' ? Tlio sentiment lias been cultivated , that at tending the public schools is a grofit privilege ; and to be deprived of this privilege , if only temporarily , is a se vere penally. Reference to tlio super intendent suggests exclusion from school , and it is understood that asccoiu reference will bo treated us n vorj grave matter. A few vicious boys , per haps half a dozen in tlio course of : year , have been thus temporarily ex cluded ; but only in rare cases in sev eral years has this penally been on- forccel beyond a month or two. It is fat hotter that such hoys should lose a win tor's schooling , and thus learn the les son of obedience , than that they slioulf remain in school to its detriment and to the positive injury of the other pupils The loss of training in books that sue ) : pupils incur , by not being allowed to Attend school , is greatly overrated. It is the common experience that their progress is not pcrcontiblo unless they attend with u spirit ol obedience. I have no sympathy with the utlompl to abolish corporal punishment in the interest of the poor children whc shoulel bo protected from their cruel teachers. I have rarely known a pun ishment to he inflicted that couldin any souse , bo called unduly severe : hut in the teacher's interest , I do plead that this barbarous relic should bo abel ished. No part of a teacher's duties is so repulsive to a refined and cultivated woman as the infliction of corporal pun ishment. There ) are thousands , ol people , bosielcs teachers , who employ boys in various t capacities und have dealings with them , but in the United States , no other person is expected to chastise delinquents. It is hard to- understund why upon teachers alone should bo imposed this degrading duty. GOLD AND SIIA'1311 STATISTICS. Annual Report of the Director of the Mint , \VASHIXOTOJT , Fob. 24. The director of the mint in a report on the production of gold and silver in the United States during the calendar 183 , says : The gold pro duct , was 1,044,5)27 ) ounces , of iho value of § 33,175,000. This is about the same as in 1S37 , being an excess of only S175.000. The silver product was 43,783,033 line ounces of a commercial value of nbouc $43.000- 000 and n coining value of So9- 195,00. This is an increase of 4,515- 327 flue ounces over the product in 1887. In addition to the product of our own mines , some 10,000,000 ounces of silver were ex tracted Irom foreign ore and bullion , principally Mexican. The total refined product in the United Status in gold wns 1,777,877 line ounces , and silver 53,123,093 Hue ounces. The value of gold deposited at the mines during the year , not Including reduposits , was 41,100,410 , or , including redeposits. $4b,7H,83j. ( : The foreign material com prised in this was $7,055,015. The amount of silver deposited and purchased was 35,513,769 standard ounces of a coin ing value of $11- 323,973 , exclusive of redeposits. The coining' of the mints during the calendar year ISbS were as follows : Gold , ? 1HIS0.803 : ; sliver dollars , fcll.OilO.- Sat ; subsidury silver , ? 1,0,773 : | ; miners , Uli.SO ! ; total , $ H5il8OI5. : Import of gold bullion and coin , $ ll,0.11.l ! l ; export , $31,019- 007. Loss by export , 8.M,5j'J,720. ! The impel L of silver wan $31.593.OSS , and the export $ s9S'J5'Ji2 , , a loss oy ciport of J HO TIE IiKGS. A Tramp round In a Hayloft nt Grnnel Inland litully Frozen. Giuxn ISLAND , Nob. , Fob. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hun. ] An employe la Hunk's transfer b.irn in this city , while nt worlc this morning found a tramp burled in the hay with both feet and legs to the knees very badly fro/ten. He was removed to the hospital and the doctor in attendance says both logs will have to be nmpdtutcd at tlio Icnccs. Veterinary Hospital liiirnoil. UKIMI ISLAND , Neb , , Feb. 34. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hm : . ] About 11:30 : hist night Dr. Sctiioedtes' veterinary hospital in the southwestern part of thu city wus dis covered to bo on lire. The firemen were un able to render nny jiitlstunco , owing to the distance from a hyirant ) , and the whole building was destroyed. Four horses and two wagons were 'burned ; loss , $1.0 ( ) ; In surance , one third , " The origin of the lire is unknown. ' ] HrnUofnnn Hurt. Uu.vimi , Nob. , IFeb. 31. While switchIng - Ing at this plut'o't this morning , \V. Lccklus , a brithemuti on the Mis souri Pacific rujlwiy , slipped and fell between the curs , one wheel p.issmg over his left leg at the kncQ'icilnt. ' "When he partlall" pulled himself out-'and ' a second wheel passed over his faptl near the knees. The physicians think thwifcan save his lug , -f V-u.i'Aimt.0 , Nob. , l ob. 31. [ Special to Tun liue. ] J. L. Mugro & Son have sold out their entire stock ot'inerchaiidlso ' to Mcl'hor- son A : Condcn , of "Arapahoe. 'flies goods were shipped to that pluco yesterday. This now loaves but two general stocks and nnu grocery store In Valparaiso. Miisrco & Son commanded n good trade In their line , but wished to turn their uttuiitlon to another line of business. Theru is now a good opportu nity for anyone wishing a location for busi ness us the rooyis nro vucunt , with fixtures all complete and reiuly for use. StcaniHlilj ) Arrival' . At Now York The Ktruila , 'from Liverpool - pool ; thqURyof Cjhlcago , from Liverpool ; La Hrctugno , from Havre. A Kroiulir CnlllHlem , IC.VON.ULLK , Teiin. , l''ob , 31. Two freight trains collided this morning half a mile north of this city. One of tlio firemen was killed and both engines wroulied. NOTES , An IntovonUncf Suit Growing Oat a Ronl Estnto Doal. A CHAUTAUQUA ENTERTAINMENT IHUICI ! Tor ilio lie- tnrn of Abouondrr Clark Dedi cation of I ho NiMV Catho lic Clinrcli , LINCOLN Htmr.Atr or THE Ouviu URB , I 1029 I1 STURIJT , } LINCOLNTob. . 21. | Isabella nud David Stewart allege a deal on the part of William ami Kosn Vim Glluor that calls for adjustment in the district court of Lancaster eoauty. The plaintiff * sot up that they were the owners of lot IS in bloi'k 3 of Loutllaldwin's addition to the city of Lincoln ; that defendants induced them to trade the lot for a half Interest in n fuini After the transfer had been made plaintiffs further represent that the Van Gilders , through William , represented to them that he could iimko a dcsirublo trade of the farm for some Omnha properly , and induced them to deed back the. half interest in the fiuin , but when the deed for the Omulia property was made out it was deeded to Gilder and plaintiffs were accordingly left out in the cold. The defendants refusing to muko any restitution , suit is instituted to compel them to convey to plaintiffs the prop erty above described. Perlimlnnry papers in this suit were Hied In the office of tlio clerk of the district couit , lute yesterday afternoon. Clmutr.iutinim Kntortulnu'l. The Lincoln ( Jhautauquans wore enter tained last evening by Mrs. H. F. Smith , president of the society , nt her homo , 043 South Fourteenth street. Tlio occasion was a delightful one to all , and there was a hirg attendance of the members of the society Mis Hiiwlhis favored the guests with soin character recitations that were highly enter turning anil amusing. Hefrcshmeiits were served , and the evening was us enjoyable a loyal Clmutaiiqunns could make it. Then were present Mr. nnd Mrs. T. K. Ualvcrt Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Welch , Mr. nnd MM. H M. Hushiicl ) , Mr. mid Airs. T. H. Leavltt Mr. ami Mrs. Hoehmor , Mr. and Mrs. .lame Aitkius , Mr. ami Mrs. M. U. Cheney , Mi ami Mrs. J. A. Kolllns Mr. and Mrs/A. W : . .nno , Mr nnd Mrs. M. D. Lyuian. Mr. niu Mrs. A. M. Uuvls , Miss Cora HnrJy , Mis Mary Slovens , T. C. Stevens ami others. City Nvs anil Xotcs. The new German church , St. Francis D ( Sales , as stated by TUB 13myostenluv : morn up , was formally dedicated and blessed today A delegation of Catholics came down froii Omulia and joined the Lincoln societies a the UurUneton depot , in parade to the church. The ceremonies were imposing um interesting. It Is announced that Mr. Ed. McDonald lute of the Millard hotel , Omaha , has pur chased n half interest in the Capitol hole nnd will Join E. P. Hoggen in its manage incut March 1. Mr. McDonald registered there this morning and will remain in tin city until future plans are perfected , whei he will return to Omaha to make linal ur rangements to make this his permanent home. The real estate sales in Lincoln during the past wcok aggregated $2r > 7,3iH. This shows whither the wind bloweth. Prices are firm with an upward tendency , ami this indexes that the cupitoi of the state is on the eve ol an unprecedented boom. Dullv sales of the week were as follows : Monday , $71r'2 : > ; Tuesday , 513,042 : Wednesday , ? MlTV ; ahursuay , 514,775 : Friday,507olKi ; Saturday , The "Mystic Shrine" degree was con ferred upon an even do/en candidates at Temple hall last evening. This was icason for great festivity among members of the Masonic fraternity of the i.Mtv. A banquet was spread at Carder's. The following , , . . Gustin , J. , T. Bartlett , \V. O. ' Tillson , D. C. Ilond , John Wilson , H. J. Allen , ,1. D. Haw thorne , Kearney ; L. A. Anderson , W. J. FIjOODS IN F11A.NCK. The Seine Itlslus nnd Submcr < ; itm Ael.jru.'ont Country. ICopi/i lolit tssnini James llmtiitn Hcnnett. ] PAIIIS , Feb. 24. | New York Herald Cable Special to Tins HKI : . ] The weather has been cold , with intermittent snowstorms and biting blasts from the north. The Some continues to rise. The Quay D'Antonll Is entirely submurgcd , and the inhabitants of the houses along the Quay are forced to go out and come home in boats. The stream rushes past , bearing along casks and brunches and all sorts of odds and ends. The Commune Crcteil and Alfortvillo nro in imminent danger , being flooded. Water 1ms already percolated into the cellar. The com mune of the Petite Genncvillors is sur rounded by water , forming an island that cannot bo reached in boats. The great socialist manifestation turned out to bo a complete fizzle. It was like the famous mountain and the ridiculous mouse. The cold north wind and snow and M. Con stant were too much for it. Twenty shiver ing glaziers nnd plumbers stood about in front of the Hotel Do Ville , but the snow- soon drove them home. The streets near the ministry of the Interior wore their usual as pect , and the socialist Held day came to naught. Nrw U. 1 CIIIUNNE : , Fob. 24. [ Sltccial Telegram to Tin : Unu.J Work on the neiv shops of the Union 1'uelllc H sill way com ) , any , in this city , is to be commenced nt once. Plans with some slight changes from those originally submitted were presented to the city council of Cheyenne this ovcning by Assistant Man ager G. M. Cummlng , and adopted. The city also ciuntH to the railway company parts of several streets wanted by the enlargement of the present plans over the former ones. During the present year fJOO.OOO will bo ex pended hero in improvements by the com pany. n Makes the ll\cs of m.iny people miserable , causing distress after eating , sour stomach , glclc headache , lip.iitbiirn , loss nf appetite , a faint , "all jjono"feeling , had taste , coated _ . tongue , and Irrcgulailty ot DiStrCSS tlio bowels. Dyspepsia docs After "ot ectr uc" of Itself. U . , , require * careful attention , tuilng nmi n remedy like Hood's SarsaparllU , whlchacts gently , yclcniclcntly. It tunes tlio Momach , regulates the diges tion , creates a good apRfck petite , banishes headache , and refieMioa the mind. "I have been trembled with hnU but lltllo appetite , nnd what I did cat J- . dlstro 3t'd me , or did mo jU0 | | B00ll < Afltr eating i wouldluno n faint or tlrt'd , all gene ( tcllnp , as though I had not eaten anything My trouble was aggravated by my busbies ? , painting. Last spring I took Hood's 8ar. sapyrllla , which did 1110 an Immense amount of good. It ga > o mo an appetite , and my food rclUlicd and tatbHed the craving I previously cxpcileiiccd. " GF.OHUU A. I'Mic. ! Watcrtowu , JIui. : Hood's SarsapaHlla Rolilliy&lldriiirnUti , f 1 ; kliforp' , lrop.irodontj by U. I. IIOOIl i CO. , Aiwtlici.-urlfs.Umull , * IOO Doses Ono Do 11 a r _ AllUTHK -Tte Great EngSisIi Complexion SOAP , FOR MARCH CONTAINS THERAUWMAILSERVICE. BY ExPoSTHASTERQENfllLJfflES A most Interacting nnd valuable paper , Illustrated bv many drawings from sketches mndu on the mnll-trairs by llei bert Denmiin. Ucnonil .lamoH stnnmlv tomim ndt tin- civil aws nsnpplle.l to thoMjrvlce , mid fins much to sa > which must cxclto attention 'llioiinli-U- forms the eighth ot the successful I\iiw\vSinn { : : > i. 'I'lie April 1-suo silicon tain a paper in this series bv ( " "niiiiv.s I'IIA.NCIS AIIAMH. QTCUPMQDM'Q ' fesilal. "Tin- Master ot llnllnntriin , ' Is continued , itrcomnnnled Rl i Li Ol UVUHOUri O by a ( fronlKplt'Co ) full-pane < h a wing by Wl'llnm Hole. ARCPlflAfJ Dfl'nC ls thetltloof n vnlimlilo pnpcrby . II. Scott , dow-rlblng the recent ULnillnll U UK It. excavations nt tin' llttle-Kiinwn ( iiTinan < llv of Trevor , nhlch for 11101 u than a eontnry wns the rupltul of the Itomun Umpire , ruin illustrated. VJ&RNPn'Q ' HPRflF ANfl HFRniMF * ! ' \ dollRMful vapei byW. \pthorp. . Iho HUNCH nCnUCo MHU nUIUlHLOi l 0 llluMiatluiib nit-Kpcclnllr Interesting and include niuny portraits In charade * of tlio ehlof slnnor- the ( i 'riirin Uperu. QUflRT QTflRIPQ ' "HxteminHng e'lirmmtnnroV u ilouT tali1 , by Wlllliun McKcndrco WilUll I 0 I UnlLui lluiK- : , und "An.yo \ toruu Kyo. " liy Hubert ( irnnt. QUflQT AJJTIPI CQ " ' ' " > -lc. n Superstition' ! mid I'olK loro. " by T. A Janvier , nnd OlIUIl I An I luLtOi "Jlconomy In intulluctlml Work , " by w. II. ihnnlmm. TUC [ MH DADHD Is contributed by llcnrv .lamp' ! , \\lio writes "Annimntod IVimcisn IIIU LH'J ' rHfun tlou" dn dluloguo form ) , dlseubslng iuti-i national social tuples with wit and satire. 25 Cents u Xiinibcr ; S'.t.OO a Year. Semi stamp far "AlmutfnffiraiV ' < simiM nuililicJ coiidtdi/iii ; iwtr/i / niliin'jjr ' and tiut-nf-tlie ! ( ' < ! ) / jtmrtiral fii/nrnuilfoii. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S ' SONS , Publishers , NEW YORK , In th world that instantly i stops tlio most excruciating palm. It never f.ilU to gtva ease to th buirererof P.Un arising from whatever c.uibu ; it is truly , the great OF * FAIN It has done more Rood than any known H-niedy. I'orSl'U MN" , IHU'ISES. llACICAl'Iin. 1'AIN INTHKCIir.bTeUrillis , 1 1 BAD \Clli : , TJUl'llAC'lli ; or any other external I'AI.N a few nnnll actions , rubbed on bv hand net llko magic , ciunlHRth-j pain to Instantly Htun. Tor CON < ; isT : ( < > iVS INI'hAMMATIONS. ItHKUMATlSM. NKLHtAl.lilA. lilMIISAHD , SCIATK3A. 1'Al.VS I.V'TJIH SMALL Ol' THU HACK , inoru extended , lonecrvoutiniiail nnl repeated application- n ° cm sary. All INTKKNAI. PAINS DIAltlUKKA. UOJ.IC. Bl'ASM.S. NAl'SS V , r.UXI'IM ! Sl'KLi.s NUKVonSNUSS. SliKUI'liSSNiSS : are ioll vtl Instantly and quickly ciiri'd by taki * wurillv tofiU drops In halt u tumbler ot water. CO cents n bottle : sold bv 11 linn-RHta. WITH UA1)WAY'S PILLS there is no iliiT : i : CUHI2 OK PUKVENTlVIIof I'KVIiKor ASU HIMEBAUGH 8z TAYLOR ardware Mechanics' Tools , Fine Jtronzc Jlitildorn' Good * , anil Buffalo Settle * . 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. Consisting of Fruit Treco , Small TruM" , r.iat ] > Vines , Ornnmental Trois and ? hrtib , Ilu-r Kreon-i. lliHua , etc , toother with a largo nssoit- meiit of Ti cos nnd Seeds for plautlup Timber Claims. LOW PR ICES AND CHOICE STOCK. rncllltles unsurpassed. Write for whole-Mill' and retail lists Address , D. S. LAKE , Prcprlotor. S II KNN DOAH. - - IQU'A. " 15 T0"40 PER CENf" Guaranteed by using THE National Automatio Gas-Saving Governor. . Pecurrs nitciulviind unlfoiin iiogipe of Illn- ( limit Ion , rdhultliiH tt < mi re ular iircssnii ) and on'-i'iiuent p-rfcrt ( oiiibiHtlon of the KIWI. nsiuiiiK a imro nnd hoal-Iifnl iitiiiosihini' | , mid ) bvlatin llio sooty dii > ! tn of nncwniiiinud nibdii upon fioscoud wall" , tiulntliiKS nnd i H the lrfaeicoab'u | wlilstllni ; , blowing uurimokitirf f biiriu'i , and avoids Hi ire- jiicnt iliiiiicei and oxpoaso nf brnki-n ijleibrs Tim ( Jovi-nmr cist tli consiiinsr I'ltAe'll- UAII < V NOnilNO. nt , ( hi ) mtvlim in Kits bllli wliuio full cnni Ityof niator Is usedi will to- mto coat of ( lovurnoi In ovnry I lira j or four nontlis' m-rUco ana In lurpi iiitildlnUVMI ; ilxU du } , thliH nililinlllK M ) M Ml tolMI I'KIl 1JNT. unnuiil dividends on Uio invostnuMU. OVER 10.0CO MAOH1HES IS SSRVIC3. l& " NOTICE ! lt&1 Wo will iiHueliMiriiis.Sniii.lliu'lilne'S ( ( : ( ( i any meter iii | < m flic li'isis of oni'-liiilf Iio Milan oriiionllily Sailiii- . rractlcal testa made at our olllcs. I'ubllc In- Itoil A'enleH ( dlxtrlbntod in all tltiet. FIIEGAS SAVING GUARANTEE CO , , H. K. I'einuT Iliili ami I'linuim Sis , , OMAHA , NBII fer ) | iowcrful enu. ) tiliublu iictiein und nbioluto durn- ) lllt.\ ; ! { ( ) ) uni'i > f nicorel the host ffiianiii" emeif tlio oxcoliciiL-o of tli'-'HO iiihtru- iianls , I tufTcrlnir from the cSrmta ot youthful trror , arydftwjr ! , _ _ l t uivaltixxl. eta. Itvlllsendo valuable trcatiwj UealM ) containing full . OWEN'S AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED ADO.B \ , 1887. IMPROVED FEE. 1,1889. DR. OWKITS ELKCTRO- ft > GALVAMO BODY BELT \yS , AND SUSPEWBORY r. Kutrotcd to cur * ( be fol * " niti. bftmrlr All ! o CoropUinU. , General and TJrbllity , Co i- _ _ .KldnjyDieiiei ( Ncrromneii , Tremblior , Enual Eibiuitlon.WuV cau ed by-Jiy5 ! liict'eretion ! in Youth ! Age , Mar- ncdorSinm'K1gl > . Inf ct | to tb womb * J1 V > r gpoltil crittn * ( if mile or fetnalt. c rst\T TO ni" > ra\siiiii ! rAialL.1 nco uns mui. I /O 'N S ELECTRIC INSOLES c.PJK.R. . . * ii < l be. nosik/o fcr r > n lllmtrated imijijblet , wliJcli III t sent 7011 In filhln icalcd cntclopc. Urntlon Ibli [ it'r 4'lJren OWEN ELECTRIC HEI.T & APPLIANCE CO. JIM North llroatiwny , UX. LOU I a. MO ELECTRIC BELT AND THUSSb CO QIHED. Df ? . ISRAEL'S ELECTRO. OALVANin TRUUS , . Owtn't Elrctric Belt Altachrocnt , orn llh cn.o > ml coniTort Tj | cur ' m.rtimill or > tn > n ; , Tl.l I , tl.e oolT cleetrlo ( run ml tell tvrr m.Jf. II - lluilurr In from 3D li > Till < > ! > . I or full drirrlMlon of IT. DwfU'fl Klcctrn fltlvKOlfl Hrlli Hflntl Apilliner | Tru .fl tH In.ble * rend Ac. for rxn Illuilmtrd pimtlilct * lilth vllt bt fentou In | < ltla tealeJ rnrtlol HeM t > blx LT flic OWJ5II ELECTRIC JIKLT ft APPLIANCE CO. UOO Nprttl Broad WU ) UT. IXJUIS , Ma NATIONAL BANK u. s. DSFCcironv , OIIAHA , WEB. Capital 100,00' ) Surplus .Inn. 18S1 ! fi'J.OOO OKI K Kim AND iiinr.L-ioim ; II. M'-VAII.H. 1'iosldciit lii\\lnS. UHKII. VIca 1'KHlilent W. II S llriniKi , ( nsliior. A. K. TOII/II.IM W.V. JloiiMI , JOHN S. e ' 01. I.IKI , J. N. II It. e1 ' THE HON. BANK , Co in or I''lli and Ciunani Sis. A ( Jeiu'ral Itaiiklnu Iliwlnena Transacted. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Mldilo Agoi Mon , ' HOW THYSELF. ilnilddlu ai ! il men wba lira iillfi'rlnx from iliu-iilicr | < UHii > ul ynulli , ICihnuiHil VKulUjr. } nr. pun nil l'li ) lcal liotillUr I'rrmnturo lloi-llnc. Ac. , ttntl Iliot liini nfiJ untulil tuiattrtu * cun t(4iiont ) ( luvro- < > n , iiti'l ' nil wjju uru Uk und vulTi'iliiu , nil I do not liium wlmt ll > Ilium. Oiii l < u I'nicil without fall br fol owliiij tlioliinlruulniii In tliu r't'lence uf I.Kuor Self I'rnnvrirulloa. I'riin unlr ( I , by mull. iioM-pihl , rulvd. II l a Ixink loruviiri'iiian , aXIjuui ! , ( ulliiilt , l iprcunplldni for ull uculo nml chrunlo dl > 04 ] < . I u Ijr lnitir > M | lir Iliu Nnllunnl Mcdlrnl AoiuUtlon , wlin nwanlfil llio Kiilil un I lowvluil iiimlul lu tltn uulhur. Illutlrntlru Kitinule , wllli Iniloricinl-iiU tit tint i > ir > , Ircu II you iipiilr now. Addrex tlm I'civ luMly Muitlftil Initltulu.or Dr.V II , I'AIIKICU. No.4 llulilnch H. llo lan , > li i , KIJ | uiur tiu tX'iitulUI ya all OUvittet