THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY FEBRUARY 24. 18SO-TWJBLVH PAGES , ECHOES FROM THE ANTE ROOM Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , A CHILDREN'S SIDE DEGREE. How HIP Knlnlil-H of PjlliinH Cclo- brntoil 'Ihclr Until Ainlliorsur ) - Social Odd PfltiUH ) ( Jenornl Krntcrtilt ) ( 'oniip , I'Ac. The Omaha knights , fet iomc icnson , did not do much In the inultci of celebrating the lucntj fifth nnniveisao. Mount Slinslui , VioK nnd Nebraska No. 1 hud n very cnjoy- nble Joint ontortnintncnt m the evening , in which u full i omplemet't of Itnighls and In dies participated Oilolo and other looses ) md similar ontcrtamnicnU. Al vnuuus points IhroiiKhout the state the occasion \vns llltiiifly ohicrved. At Lincoln especially the knights did themselves iiioud. The demonstration is pronounced much the llnest of the kind o\cr witnrssed In lancoln , anil this Is snjintf u flood dcnl Tlio pirulc was per foil in its way. ' 1 hu measured ti cad of tlio bojs in lank , thcli drill exercises and > nra lory mot ions were nol onl\ Intel eitln , but fnson ititift , nnd uiloulutod to provoke nd inuation and npnlause 'J lie paradurs eltou Intcil the prniiipil stietts , and nttiacted the nttontlon of thnusands of i itl/uns mid \isitois 'I he Lincoln bovs led the line nf Miirch nciin U hitinarsh , of Norfolk , du- livncd the principal udditss of the dnv. .loo C'nt < hlleld. A A Moi rlsnn nndV ,1. IJijan also i.ildresseil the fratcinilv nnd ijeii- ornl pulilic The speaking e\cieises ' . .eio In Id nt St Pun Is. M i : ehuicli The fosti- Mil of tin' occasion , however , was the even itiK's exorcises A superb binijiict was spread Bolmnnnn'B hull was crowded With inorrj imiKcrH , and the evening houis were ( tpont in tl > c inii wall/ and dashing gallop I'ullv 1WO mcinhcis and \ isitois v.'eio enter taincd At Columbus the opera house was cn- KOKed , nnd aftci the Btrcct p.u ado by the utiifoi in rank nnd band , thu afternoon was Kivcn up to iilTonlliiK aniusciiicnt to the jounnfolk In the u\eiilii | { nn Interesting iiroKi-nmnio was carried out The novvlj t'lee'tcd ofllcors of the uniform rank wcio publicly Installed by Miijor Will 13. Dale , followed h.v excellent music and cxciciscs , nnd nn address uj lion (1 ( ( ! ISowmtn. Tim balance of tins evening was pleas mtlj whllcd away in daucini , ' A baiupict was spicid both aftoinoou and ovcnltif ; . Thu olllccis wore : Captain , .lohn Tannuldll ; licutencnt , C. C HciliiKcr. herald. Geoigo H. hpcnr , recorder , PV Ilenrich ; treiisuicr. David liovvty ; installation ofllccr , Major \V. U. Halo. Triumph Lodco No 112 , of Prcmont , gave n Rrand hall in the evening , for which beau tifully designed Invitations printed on silver wore issued. The religious ohsctancc of the silver nn- s ersary of pithianisiu occuis at Ttinity cathedral to night. The divisions and lodges will meet m tlio kdgo of Nebraska No. 1 , at d 11) ) p. m and mat eh in a body to the cathe dral , wlMlo their families and friends will go ditcettotho ehuuh and bo conducted to ca's by the ushers. Services will begin proinptlj ut 7 ! ) ( > ; Sii knights are requested to appear in full uiiitoi m. The unifoim rank enctniptnont locitiou committee , consisting of MajoiV S Spoil cer , Major .lames Uonnollv , Ji. , Major C ! . W. Meredith , Captain 'Jhacl.ei ard Colonel HI lick , appointed last fall by Ciicndicr ( AV L. lla.vton , out of bids iccciveil fiom live cities hits selected Columbus The commit- tco was In that town on Pndav and made a thoiough inspection of the site th it will ho covoi'd with tents tlio week of .Inly 1 8. 'I ho ito. whiihis on the fair giounds , will an HWCT all thu put poses of the cue iiiipincnt. T lly division No 8 , elected the following oflletts Captain , . ) f Laing , lieutenant , A. V. Kellogg ; second lieutenant , \V. C. Jfolloy ; treasuioi , P II Geutseh , iccordcr , C J. Johnson , ilirht guide. O. T. Amluson , JeftRUidc , V H. Chnstiu A Ctiltilion'h blilo DCKI-CP Of course no good Woodman , Mason 01 Odd 1'ello'V evci gives away the secict vvoik of his order , hut all the same tlio children catch on to many ideas given in convoisition at homo with i elation to this vvoik Tins was admirably illustrated n few dajs ago.tind as it Is behoved to bo the llrst event of tlio kind to uo rccoided , it is hcio given. At a pailj given in honor of the ninth birthday of liltlo Ha/el Camp Adams , of Council ) ! luflnmo elnldien wcio gathcicd. During the nftci noon one of thcgiusts sug gestcd giving a "sido degico" to the icst of llio party. Two otlieis weio t ikcn into hei confidence and given their msuuctioiis. The six to bo initiated were sent into an other room , while the three prcpatcd masks cut from paper mm dicsscd thenihelvcs in the most hideous things to bo obtained. When the lodtroToom was ready the tun began. Ono at n time the can didates wcio ushcicd In and took the dc- grco. One acted as "guide , " one as "lugh priest" and ono as "chief chanc'loi. " Uho latter two weio seated at opposite sides of the room , and all conducted themselves with ngiaviti worthy of tlio occasion , . The cere mony , as given b.v the intciestcd adult lookeis on , is about as follows ( iiiido enters with candidate blindfolded Chief Chane'lor "CJuido , who have jou gotthutol" Guide -"Somobodj what wants tor know 'bout this side dcgi ( o " C. C Let hct take off her shoes , for she inaywcai 'cm out ticadin' on stones an' things | Candidates shoes lomoolT ] Now take her to the high pi test an' make her svvcai. High Pi lest Uo vou know what a 01 ful thing jou hev Kotto doi bay jcs. Candidate - cs 11.1' Then Hay as I say I dosolcm'y swear ( candidate icpeats ) , that 1 won't tell nobodj what 1 seen heio noi what Is dnuo to mo. 1 won t tell papa 1 am a side dugieo or an1 have rid the I won't let the Sun- daj school teaehei know 1 am n side dogico or , ncithei , for shu'il kick tin' wouliin t give mo no ineiits. 1 promise this an' lots 111010 that I can't think of. H 1 tell anjhody "bout " the side dcgioo I nm willin' to ho Rpankcd with a slipper. ( Guldo strikes her with a shoo ) Now take her to the chunc'lor to bo nitlated. " C. C Do you waul to bo initiated ) Can. fm hum C ! . C - Don't 8 iv urn hum ; say , vcs , ma'a.n. Can. Yes , imi'iuu. C. C. An' you want lo ildo the I C'un Yes , ma'am. C CIf j-oii want to tide the goat jou must hay ha n a Hint way. Can. "Ma a a " 'in In was the climax , for as the canduhito opened her mouth to say Han- the guidu tilled It with tnblo salt. 'I heio was a good deal of sputtering , and some teats , hut aftei nvvhUocaih little face was dt led and smiling nnd ready to laugh at the initiation of the next Jittlo gnl. * American ] jeihm of Honor , Omaha Council , No. a0 , tceolvcd sev eral applications for membership at its last meeting , nnd a number of othcis have expressed their willingness to Join thu order nt nn early date The council has resolved to admit new members for the net six months vv ithout the payment of an Initiation fee , and as the order Is ono of thu best In existence concernIng - Ing Insurance and relief bcnellt , an oppor tunity Is hero offcicd to join a good bociety ut a nominal cost The oflleont fw the cm tent jcnr nro : George .1 Klcltner , Com ; J n. Wiginan , V Com. , Chailcs A. Thmman , P O ; O H. l > ukcSui > .v , Kied liondlor. O ; H I-1 Will- lodt , U : H U. .lennhoii , G ; L Miohaells , W.j Trod Hittcrolf , a. Anv ono desiring to Join the Older can gain further Information by addicting the elli cors or any of tlio iiiombcis. < * n I O. O. | . \ March 2o , 1S04 , miller a chaitcr from the territorial giand lodge , AlleinniiPii I.odgo No , S was organized This lodge In reality isthobixtn ono established in Nebraska , No , 1 ut Nchiaska Clt.v und the Kclluvuo body having pasbcd out of existence George . Crowoll ( deceased ) , district deputy , and UjronKocd , ucting KI and treasurer , were luomlnuiit in the installation of the oniccrs , The Ihut incotiiig looking to the organization held Ju the old Ploucor block oa street. This building lias been rcb alt % 'ndc Hint ooetirrctico , tint ] is i > "Wvuticd ] bj the IMcn Mtiseo , but in ISiVI It was th < * n as now a tin PC story otrtuturo , with Shoat s billiard ( mil on the llrst lloor , Hie Republican print ing nfllco on t lie second ami the Masonic tmll of Cupltul No .Ton the third.vvhich was also occupied by the Oddfellows. The charter members of Allcin.inen lodge were Henry Hrucnintr , John T Folsoni.1ncob Schneider ( deccisedVilllurn ) Don and llenrj Grebo. The third story of the I'loneer block was the scene of manv fraterinxl gatherings , nnd thn institution in IMJ ; of No 1U by Deputy ( Jrnnil Master Clrobo und of No - now the oldest lodiro in the state , In 1W arc pleasing rccolleitiotisofthe location. Shortly after Us 01 gnnbnUon Allemanen with NesS S and 10 moved to rooms o\er Collins' Inr- ness slid ] ) in the block of buildings on the south side of 1'arnatn street between Thir teenth and fourteenth streets , anil mot in these rooms for two or three. joirs Then the thiul stoi.v of. I ,1 Hrovvn's building at he corner of rou rteenth and Douglas streets served as u shelter until the completion of Oddfellows' hull. 'llio lodge Is In fjonil condition financially and otherwise nnd ovns { J.XX ( ) ito k of the new building U is the oldest Herman or- gnni/alion In Onnlin , nnd there are but two other ( iciinnn lodges in the state , 0110 at Lincoln and the other at West point. 'Ihe an ingomunt of tin obHctvanees has not v < t advanced to the publication stage , but lunch announcement will bo made. C'hadron lodgS has nou ciu.uters. At St Paul a public reception was held. Arap ihoo lodge pi/o a supper to 1" ) per sons on the occasion of the refill mshlng of Its hall The camp in v was uddiowd by fief A d'Allemaiid , 11.V. . .Mol'iuMcn anit U N Allen. Alloni.inon w is surprised In tuontv-flve brelhten fiom llumboldt , of Coum il HlufN , but bill pres < nee of mind and feasted thu \isitois toMi'h ' The tin e Itchci ci lodgesof thisi It vImh. Ivami Golden Link , Pnd.iv , at GondtHi hall , the Odd follows and their families In a soeul \ \ ly and btmpieted them. Odd IVllo > vslup nnpo.irod in a pleasing light Modern \\ooilnioti. Neighbois Colem in and llor/hindei , ol .IMattsmotith and Kearne\ , read inteiestinp p.ipeis , nnd their efforts aided by thu fra ti'innl exposition of Omaha men ted character unit tone to the lust meeting There will bo live initiations this wee-it. qol llio Orient. The committee of Council fluffs , Omaha and South Omahii secret society men con stituted to formulate ti plan of oipanbation and fundamental laws under the statutes ol IOWM and Ncbin&ki by the recent Council IJlulTs gatheutigof fiatcrnal woikcrs from the thiec towns , owin to the illness of one of its members , Urother J T. Yatcs , did not submit the lesult of its labors However , the leeoverj of the ailing member has re moved the only obstacle at piesont appearing in the way of the earlj completion of the work of the committee Aside fiom the fraternal ends of the , whose tanks will bo filled by nnstic ci.iftsmon , the mam object of the councils sought to bo Instituted , will ho the establishment of a side bcnellt fund that will be ample for the allowance ol $10 per week to each alllieted prince without the monthly assessment exceeding " 0 cents The incidental expenses of llio councils will be deft nvcd out , of the initiation fee of Jl Grand Padisliuv I , C Adams has the helm of the movement ami with his new of able-bodied assistants Of harbor - is sum a good bor A. A. ( J. X HI. S. A tnysteiious and staitling invitatton loathed this citv fiom Lincoln It contained apiogiammo ot attractions pi mted in dis pln.v t.v po , sandwiching u lihcial supplof cxclauiution points A glance at the bill of faioslioued this older of events Reception of petitions and eonfoning of the onlcrs , oxti.iordmaiy festival , iccoption of icturii- ing pilRiims , goieeous processions , Oriental niisteiies , rejoicings , ehuntings , bnllunt illumination" , ami the admonition of Potui- tale Mcleheit U. Garten to illustrious no hies of the necessity for attendance. The Imitation also indicated that a now building had been elected in Lincoln , that is , bcsos tiis temple , in which Is located Shiino hall , the hcad < | u.uteis of all this disturbance. 'Iheiewas something In it , for jcstcidiy afteuioon Hon. Gust iv Andeison lolded his tent w ithout noise , plai cd it on tlin b iclc of a magnilicont camel , and , seating himself on the load , led a caravan of shrineis similai ly cqulnpcu to the i.ipitil city , .11 living there in ample time to witness the doings , of which , it appears on late and full advices fiom the Lincoln bbrino hill , but < i faint outline was attempted in the bidding of the potentate. The Older of the Nobles of the Mjstio Shrine was instituted by the .Mohammedan Kalif Alee , the German cousin and son iu- liuv of the 1'iophct Mohammed , in the vcir of Hcgna 25 ( A. 1) ( > j ( > ) , at Mekkah , in 9Vr.ibia , as an inquisition \igtlaiico com mittee , to dispense justice and execute pun ishment upon emmnals who escape their just deserts through the tardiness of the com Is , and also to piomote religious tolein- tiou among ciiltuied men of nil nations. The oidci isjetonoof the most highlj favoicd among the many sccict societies which abound in onciital counliiOH , ana gathcis mound its shrines u select few ot the bes educated ami ciiltuied classi s U includes the khedive of Kgvpt , who with his piedc- cessors recogm/ed tlio older as a povvoi fill means of iivili/ation Among the modem liromoteisof this oigamitmn in lmopowas Hen Weislwupt , a Kosici ucian and pin- f < ssor of law m thu tmivcisltv of Infold stiult , Havau i This distinguished scholar opened a temple May 1 , ITTti , the inein heis of which were stvled illumi nati , and exticised a piofonnd iiillu enco before and after the Preiich icvolution. Piom this patent Mem the tc-in pies spie.ui thioughout Umopo , iccoiding such nani"s us PiedeucK the Gieat , Mna- henu , Unite of Orleans , Uocthc , bjinio/.i , ICnut. Loul 1 ! icon , and many other piolcs- sionat men. The nobles In Amoiioa do not auvooato Mohammedanism as a sect , but m- culcato the same i expect to Doitlieio as in Aiabia and elsewhere ami hence the secret of this mulound gi asp on the intellect and he ut of all ciiltuied people. ' 1 he vvoikin this country has been peileitcd under the buperv ision of Dr Walter M riemln- , soy eieign grand inspcctoi genei.ilA AS H , anill' . H U of Columtiiin lomminderv Knights Templars of Now Voik , who 10- ( cived his instiuclions and autli6nty fiom KUk Allah Hnssoon "ineinleo " at the hands of HliiEtuous Noble \Vdliim .1 l lorencc , who , in Ifc70 , biought them diiect fioni Cairo , Juno 0 , 1STO , tlie impoiial grind council of the United Stitcs was 01 ganged and Its ofllcers , as in Aintiln , aio elected for thieo jears. The pieioquisitos for membeislilp aiuthat a candidate shall be either u ! ) 'd degicu A A b K era Knight Tempi ir in good standing. The generous pioposition to make the older of noules nn organi/ation for tl.oexeicibo of chanty , mental inipiovomeiit and an ally of Picemasoairj in the United btatcs was pii'ii.inl.v adojited by the impeiial grand council. , Clij Korostors1 Hall. The hall given Pridav evening In A O , H. hall , by Court Magic CHj No K > s. Indepen dent Older of Porcslois , was one of the greatest social events in the history of fia tcrnal societies in South Omaha. More than two bundled tickets wcia taken In at the door. Uespito the largo crowd the excellent management of the ofliccrs and comir.lttecs Hindu every thing inn as smoothly as If a HCOIO of couples only woio ptesunt. Among the many visiting fi lends were Chief Hanger , W. U. Kerr. Medical i\ainlner : Ur. I hniles Hosowattr , Sccretaij H J McCabe , Financial Hecictaiy Pnnl Lessontou , of Court Ucllpso No. 167 , Omaha , and Mrs. I' . .1 McCubo , of Omaha , the Misses Mary Me- Cabo Mary anil Katies Creamer. JCiUlo Kindloy , Klla Whltmoic , Anna and J llzabeth Kasov , of Missouri Valley , la ; Anna n Kheridan , of Omabii ; Miss Kiln Alceary ! , of What Cheer , la , Miss Anulo Uroge , ot Coun cil Illuffs ; Mlsn Ncttlo Uniriiigton , of Manilla , la ; Messrs , U. A. M. Caulloy , \Villlan Siirel , George Hierly , H. 1C , Ash- more , Mr La Mais , tjcorgo Jones , John Mc- Catlcry , Thomas Klnnoy and A. H. Clinton , of the Republican of Omaha ; Garrcll Wall , of Chlcaio ; Harnoy McCioury , of What Cheer , In. , und I'atucic Powniii , of I'eorln , tf * 1C. ( i. K , A now bccret bcnotlciary oulcr Is bclm ; es tablished In Omaha , the Knights of the Golden den Kuglo. To complete the arrangements of the society u meeting will bo buhl Tuesday tuo Wltbuell building OUR OWN FOUR HUNDRED , How They Have Boon Amuslnp Thorasolvos the Past Wook. A LULL IN SOCIAL EVENTS. The Gnnllclit I lfo of Oin.ihn 1'rojilp 1'urps Into Heautlful I'ailoru and Hi Illlnntly Hnll Hootns. Mr. nnd Mri Pd Kahn , at th"ir residcncj on Twenty llfth street , ceiebrated their si\th atinlvcrsrirj of their man Inge on 'Ihursday evening , Pobiuary 20 , and a very cnjovnblo tlmo was had. Among those present were Mr and Mrs. U Kiilm , Mr ami Mrs. J Proyhan , .Mr nnd Mrs. Ir O. Hoffman , Mr nnd Mrs S. Hcrgmun , Mr , and Mrs. 1) Kaufmir , Mr and Mrs , i Kohinson , Mr und Mis. Hlath , Mr and Mrs Lew Mr and Mrs Calm , Misses 'Jillio Newman , Minnie Kosenfeld , A. La/ aru , Clan Hchlcssinger , Theres i Lsuirus , Hello /under , Chun Hlndskopf , tticse , Messis Sim Sohlessiniter , Prvo , Calm , P.Kem m Hlith , Calm Aei > line luncheon was serv cd. A Piciisliiu I'ni'loiinl"i ; At Mis Moionv's residence on Wednesday evening i most pie isaut entertainment was given foi the benefit of the Windsor Place mission Mmic , uiam.itic selections and loveij t ible.iux were thu fcatuies of the LVening The persons having it In chirpo wore Mrs Maionv , Dean and Mis Gardner , Mis Augustus Pi itt , Mrs M O Nldiols mid Mrs Ponda. 'llio entertainment pioved a greit success aitislieall } , bociallj and liuancialli ' \Vmliln < ; t < ) ii's Illi tliilnj at the IZiiiiiiion Lidies day nt the 1'manon club , South Omaha , was a regulir Washington birtlid ly social success The attend nice was luge. Musiu and dancing made the evening pass most pleasantlv Mr Moms and the Misses Koedei , of Omaha , were piescut and added much to the interest of the occasion bv their excellent musical selections. , \ IMi-nsnnt Hiu JH-IMC. Thursday evening Mr ami Mrs U A. Wallace gave a suipiiso puty in honor of their sou Willie , on the occasion of his six teenth birthdaj , ut their icsidence on Podge street Quito n inimbei of fi lends assem bled and p isscd aciy enjovablo evening , Indulging in dancing andcird plaving. At 11 o'clock an elegant lunch was seivcd. * * An IIn jo > all < - AlVili * . Mr nnd Mis. Otto Stub 'n wcte taken un awares Priday evening by over a hundred fnouds , who surpiised tiiem at their home on Noith Seventeenth street The affair was one of the most enjoyable of the past week , the dancing being kept up until a late hour buppci was seivcd about midnight Sue in I Gossip. J. H Millard is in Chicigo Samuel Humes is m New York Mis .1 P. Williams is in S iginavv , Mijh. General and Mis. Hrooko aie in Washing ton. ton.Mr. Mr. P. M Hose left for St Paul Wednes day. day.Mtb Mtb J J. Dickey gives a gei man to moi low evening. Mis Kilphlv Gijlord has returned fiom the oust. M O. Maul has gone to Salt Lake on a pleasure tup. Mis C b Wakele.v gave a nlcasant lei p.u ty Frid iy Mis Kount/c and ilausrhtci give a Gciman next Thuisd i > . Mis Augustus Pratt irivc a card puty Thuisd ay evening. Ulincr P. DiMim in left Wednesday night on a business ti ip east. " ho Deutchoi club gives a misquerado ball no\t Salurdai night Mis. O. N Kamsey cntcitatned fi lends nt cauls Tuesday evening. Mr and Mis H. P. Peck cntci tallied fi lends Thtustlay evening. Miss Yates entertained her fi lends Wcd- nesdai afternoon and evemnir , Miss Mary L ike and Mr. Charles L. Deuel will bo married next Wednesd iy. Ihe West Km ! Uiiclno Uub met at Mr. P. P. Kiikemlall's Wednesday evening. Mrs G W. Gray tendetcd her fuends a pleas int reception iuesdny afteuioon Mis. Kan , Twenti-fouith and St Mary's a\enuc , gavcapaiti AVcdnesdai evening. Mr. Mev or Silver and Miss Suah New man arc to ho mauied a week fiom to-daj. Charles H. Nesby , of Hoston , is m the citj , a guest of his bister Mis. J. M. Kook man. man.Mis. . J. M. Mct < alf gav e a lunch Pi iday la honor of Miss Kount/'c , Mibs McCicaiy and Miss Hidcaut. The IMvvaid Cieighton Gmrds Lite-ary socictj gavoanothei excellent enteitamment Pndaj ovcning. Invitations aic out for the Until masque rade bill of the Y. M II A at Washmpton hall on Maicho. Mr M M Kolliner , wlio his been the guest of his sistei , Mrs C HiaudeK , has ic- tuined to his home. Mr John Dougl is and Miss Pnrtheni P Hrenton wcio mimed Wednesday evening bKev. . Osgood Pcaison. The Vesta cliaptci ga/o its last d mco for the season on Thursday evening at Masonic hall and It pioved a success. Mis W .1. Mm tin and Mis H C Mooio icceivcd friends at the lesnlunco of the lat- tu , 1017 Paik avo'iuo , on Tnuisd iy. The Assembly club held another puili at the Mill.ud hotel p ulois on 'Ihui daj even ing About thu tilive couples were piesont. The Homo Circle ami Assembly clubs have both ended their seiies of bills for the sen- noil. The lO'incr ma.v srivo an extia pirti in Maj. .1. S Collins and Al Pit ! ick gave a luncheon at the Unioi. club Thursday m honor ot Miss Clulds , of Kansas Cit. , , and Miss Huull , of St Joe. The Ladies' Sociil tlub give n ploisant pait.v at Metiopolitan hall on Wednesday evening. Dam ing vv.ii kept up until after mulnis'lit and a geiicial good tinio was cn- Mr and Mis U C. Patterson have issued e.udsfora recaption to bo held Tuesday fiom still Up m Mrs 1) . G. Noisvvanger , Miss liucll und Miss Childs will assist in re ceiving. The Happy Twelve held their regular conco social ThuiMdav afteinoon at the icsi demu of Mrs , ,1. H. Hauls , Ilia South Ninth street , and n pleasant allci noon was w hilcd awaj. The descent Society club gave their llfth daneo of thu season at Ilartman's hall on Thursday evening. About tvvonti llvo < oiipes ] were pu sent nnd danced u piogiatiimo of tvvent.v six nunibcis. A verv enjoyable card puty was tendered Mi and Mi s L. M. Pmklostcin last fan ml iy evening by about Jifty of their Iriends nt their icslder.oo on Grace street. C.n ds and other games , nnd an elegant lunch sci v cd to pass a most pleasant ovonlng. A compllmentmari hantniet was tendered the "Among the UtcaKcrs" companv at tlio Windsor hotel I'rlday evening by Mi. Sol. I'rinco. All the millibars were present , and u most enjoiahlo evening was spout. DMr and Mrs Austin , of Saiatoga , were toiideied a pleasant surprise party rviday ovoniiKT , that day Doing the anniversary of Mis , Austin's birth. Games und dancing canned the evening to pass away delight fully. The soconu annual ball of the Omaha Let ter Cart lor's association was held at Exposi tion hall , Thutnday ovcnlnc.and dicw one of the largest ciowds over gathered together at n danpoin this city , the number at 11 o'clock being estimated al 1,000 persons. A most Inteicstlngand Insttuctlvo enter tainment was given at Imposition hall Til- day evening fen-tho benefit of the Inumnuel hospital It was under the dliectlon of I'rof. 1' , W Dahltiam and consisted of twelve tab Icaux illustrating the life of Joseph. Ono of the most successful social affairs over given by the members of the Tiirnveroin was their nmsimuradu Thtn&dity evening , The grand march atO-ll under thu changing coloiod lights was ono of the prettiest novel ties srcii in any social circle tills season , , . Mr. aua Mrs. C , S , Montgomery guvo a "home warminc" rocepHin Tuosdn.v in honor of moving Into their elfgilnf new home at Thirtj sixth nnd HnlNHowArd. Amonp the features were vocal and instrumental music bv well known musicians nwl n drama'Jc selection hi Mis * Kollj thfr reception lasted until midnight , The last partj of the ituson of the Hnpp\ Hours club will take plaeo , , next Wednesday In Masonic hnll. The last partv of the Young Alarried Men's Social club takes plaeo on Pndaj next , March 1 , instead of March 7 , as hcietoforo announced. Invitations have been issued for thf mar riage of Mr Frank , I I < otVI , of this city , amIUertaC Dllley. of Hioaxtlt.v , la The marrUge will tike place ut St Marv's Church , ioux City , Sun lay , March . ! Mr. Lewis and his bride will rcildo In Omaha Mr nnd Mrs James Hnuner entertained a few of their fi lends at their late residence , Twentj llftb and Cisslus sticets , in honor of the birthdiiy of the former The evening was spent very pleasantly The following guests weio noticed Mr. nnd Mrs Cheek , Mr and Mrs Williams , Mr and Mis Sluttcr , Mr and Mrs Ward , Mrs. n .1. Hell , Mrs Iv C. Smith , Mrs Hrown , Mrs Woodward , Mrs. G C Stebbins , Mrs Cooper , Miss Loind , Miss Ploreiue CON , Miss Julia Scott , Mr Will Homier. On next Wednesday , at' ' ) o'clock. In the church of the Holy Family. John Diiuphertv , clerk of John A. Crelghton , will lead to the altar Miss Chun Creighton , ono of the fullest , most amiable and uccom- Dlished voung ladles in the city Theceie- tnriii will be pel forme I during u soli inn nuptial high mass , Miss Creightou is the daughtei of John 11 Creighton. u well known capitalist of this city The married couple will be at homo ut mi's Cass sticet after A pnl An Inllriniif ) fcii1 Animals , Mrs. Annlo Wuln livers * , who died two \cars njjo in L'iiiliidc'lpluu , bo- iiteUhccl | $70.000 to found and Umi | > nn inlliT.mry for dumb iininiiils. bho was fond of lioi'sc-s nnd doss dm in } : lu-r wliololifo. Her son , who is president of the Philadelphia -sociotj for the Pro- ventKyi of t'ruehj to Auiin.ils , IMS pro- c'urjil tinloqaisito clmitcr and bought a fin in of 110 nci os near the junction of Sprucotovvn and Tomliiisou loads. Any c'xporiiiioiits in viviscc'ion ' will c.iuso foifoituio of the clmtler. Mr. Hvcrss suys : "All wo propose * totlois topiovidc ti coinfort'iblo homo for hot > o- < and do s whoio thoj can rceuput.itc1 , and in the cases ( .of hoi es. boiiic'tuues start in to work nij.uii , or ic > st for the lemaindcr of thuir lives. Unitois , tciinibtors and others \vhoaiotoopooi * to fj'v ° their liorees proper food and lost vvhilo they arc woi king them , etui hn\o them cared for at tlio infirmary. A week's rest will frequently keep a horse in a jjood condition of usefulness for many \eai > . Then , too , the peH of rieli people , who cannot bear the idea of having them killed , will Und hoie a huppi , easy untl oven luxurious home. " Beott'H Manuscript. Tlie mainisoiipt pifje of one of the " \Va\eily'1 novels , sajs a vvliter in Seribner s , is of quarto fci/e , o\enly written in a free and open hand , with out a dotted "T" or H 'cios--ed ' { . " A bhort dash alone indicates the place for a punctuation mark , but the mark itself if left for the pi inlet1 to inset t. The writinir is so unifoim as to suggest that it might almost have been projected a aui&t the piper by a sniffle ellort r.ither th.iu pennpd line bj hue. Indeed the hamhvriling was so letrular that Scott LOiild from tliC amount of < opy cali'ul.ito exacllv to a p ijjo the length of i Miluuto ; tliib ho lias done on the margin of a pi oof sheet of "Pevciilor the Peak , ' ' Kieh of these pages of copy con tained about eitflit hundred woids. At the time of the composition of ' 'Ivau- hoe" tinoe such pifjos. equal to liftecn or sixteen of the original imprebsion , were consideied a daj" vvoik , althoiifjh later lie often exceeded that number. Jlo iccoida the rebiilt of one diij % vvoik at six manuscript p.iffes or about twenty- four pajjes of print ; and one day of haul vvcirk on-"The Fair Maidof Pel Llt"sup- plieil the printer with manuscript for forty pages of print. Occasionally the bottom of a pipe shows tholloiirish used by lavv eis to pievent the insertion of forged additions certainly an un necessary scioll for a Waverly novel. OAljlKOllMA T1CAIN Kill One I'nssciiRor and Injure Anotlior. Drt.ANO , Cal , Peb 2J At tiain No. 17 left Piloat 7 o'clock last night live men boaidcd it. Two on the engine coveted the engineer and hiemcn with revolveis. When about two miles fiom the station the tiain was biought to a stop , and the othei thieo men eiiteicd the cxpiess car and oideied the tncsscngci to open the box , coyoting him with levolvers D nainito bombs wcio exploded uiidci the ens , and during the ex citement several passcngeis i.m tow aid the fiont , two of whom wcio shot i : S Hentley , of Modesto , was probably f.i- tallj wounded , and Chaihb Gabe , of l'oo , was Instantly killed The tiain was ma hack to Pixle.y , wlieietho news of thoiob Deianil killing was loft 1 ho passcngci coaches \veronotenteicil Another account states tint but two men weio conceincd in the lobheiv , and that while ono icm lined on the engine ) the other m ulo his wato the cxpiess car , and hi ex- plodimr bombs under the cirho fiightenod the. mcsbciigeis that llici speedily opened llio doois. Hentley , who was fatally wounded , is a depnti const ihlu heie 1 lie amount ecuied bj the roijbois is unknown. A posse is in puisuit fiom lieie iulil/M ; ; Sliip \Cnnnluhl \ IVflltiJant flmJia. JJ'iiii'K.l LONDON , Pob J1 [ New Yoilc Heiahl Cable Special to Tin : Hi i I Lord Hrasboy icitd a paper on oui naval position and policy at the United States serviej in stitution yesterday aftoinoon , in which ho passed a high eulogy on tlio building .Minis of America , adding : < lNo navy has dis played . oio ouginal genliH in construction than of the United States " The lee liner then proceeded to compiro the nuglish and Prench dock jaids , staling that in the Pi ench dock yards the nunibei of workmen 1321,0)0 , ) , nnd their average eainlngs are 40 a .veir. The niimbor of woikmen in the Kngliih dock-iatds nro H.017 , und tholr average earnings o\ood 01 a yair. With this lomirkablo dlffQi-cnca in the scale of wages , the costof building appcaiit to bo appioximatclytlioHanio in the two countries. Oidcrcil tt > 1'ort Hnld. [ Popi/i fo'it ' iSSUhu Jamu Unnlnn Iltnn > 't 1 Lo.xuov , Pob 21 | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim Hcc. ] 'I ho Times correspondent , refeinn , ? to the fact that the German squadron has boon ordered to Pott Said , says : "Wo hear on good authority thatthls step Is connected not so much witli the Hast Afiican as with the Snmoin ijues lion , The squadron will remain at Port Said pending the development of the latter question , and sul for the Pacillo In the event of the American government pioving too exacting - acting or unreasonable. Hut this explana tion had best bo received with caution. " .Elevens ArrivoH ntanit ) ir. KAN/IIMII , Pcb. 2 > Stevens , who is going on u mission to the Interior of Africa in the Interests of the New York Woild , has ar rived heio. < 'old In Canada. TOI.ONTO , Out. , Pob. 2J The weather Is vet V cold throughout Canada to day. Jn the Ottawa district the thermometer registered Ui = below zoio. Another Cold \\Vullior Cauaiil. MiNNUAi'oi.ib , Peb 2J , A Hlsmarek suecial BU.VD that the report that the Standing Kock stage is missing la utterly fuUe. PATTI'SFAREWEIL ' TO LONDON Ton Thousand People Proeont to Stiy Good Dyo. THE QUEEN OF CRAIG-Y-NOS , A Visit to Ilie Wonilci fill C.ixllc In tin * MoiintniiiM ot W nlos ft'OIHU Uolllllllsi.'CIICL'H of tliu Diva. An Ovation in Alticil Hall. "On Tuesday nl ht , the Albert hall was again packed b.y a wondetful audi ence , which must hints numbered at least ten thousand1 ajs the Pall Mall llmlKot. "Wlien Mute. Put ti vvassinji- inp her maid teed at the dressing ; , room doot with litth1 Kiehi , a tinj woo- { jovvovv terrier wliich was piesented to the great nrima donna b.v the ptesident of the South American ronubUe. ISicltl is little and quiet , with alight blue i ih- bon tied lound his neclt. When Lad > Halle ( Xorman-Neruda ) was liddliii ! , ' her maid appeal oil at the door with her little wee dotf , n llull.v , wooly little ter rier , also with a light blue ribbon annul his little node. "When 1 went in MisJ Oomiv , in" black' , was sitting alone in melancholi silence , until Mine. Patti c-ame hipping to her as fast lib her lonjr ttnilinp : liain \\otila allow and hugnit to chat with her. Then M.o ru-hod oil with tlie handsome and mustachioed Nicolini throtirli { , the f las-.dooiM , across the stone ni , m jo , into a * .peeial I'.tttt ioimiin which weio n red-ttutl couch and a table eovoied with bouiiuelb and llowe-i- . . " .Mine. \itti 1 sit on a coueh , and a Hiring of piettj women came up and shook hands with her , and many \oiy hearty Kisses 1 saw ( and he'iuil ) duiuiMf the ten minutes that 1 was there. 'Lucky , so far. ' slid the prima donna , alluding to the fact that oxen in the inprniiitf she hud not quite made up her mind about faiiifrinjj. 'LueKj so fur. * She then show oil mo a lovely boquet of lilies of the valley which Lady Loudes- boiotifh had ju&t sent her , with immj tc rots that she was } roittj. Lend Do Graj came to ji.ij his tespects , and 1 thought the room would nou'r omjity. Then 1 had about eightj seconds for an inloruevv , which took the following form : " 'Then jou ha\e srivon up yoiu * pro posed holiday in Moate C.uloV " 'Yes ; 1 shall \orj much enjoj a rest at home , sweet home. ' " 'Home , sweet liomc , beiiifj " 'Ah , yes ; I am never so well as when i ambling among tlio Welsh hills. ' " 'When , then , do jou for South America ; " " 'Wo leave Boideau\ the -1th of Mai eh. ' " 'You will piss thioiifjli London on jour wajV " 'Yes , I shall go by wnj of London and Paiis. ' ' 'And on w ill sing at one more eon- cci t , madame. " " 'Jo jou thinU any will care to hoar me againV " 'Canou doubt it.J Why , T am told thai huiidieds of people vveie turned away to-night. ' ' 'Then Mine. Patti showed me the be.iutiful orders which she was wearing and I ga/cd on Ihe magnificent diamond necklace , vvluoh is the linost in the world , and is worlh ASM)0. ( ) As for the concert , it was a great siuocas. Mine. Patti sung us cueores , 'Homo , Sweet Home'and'C'omin' Through tlie Kvo , ' and 1 thought the plaudits \\ould bung down the roof about our eais when she bade us all good-by. ' ' Patti , oven at eight jeais old , was a poisonugo of-Oino ) importance , manag ing to to sustain a huge family on the monoj' she made by conceit-giving , Long befoio she could speak plainly lit tle Adclina would hum all the airs she had le.vinod at her mother's knee with ama/ing facility. Nothing delighted her so much as to ueeompanj her par ents to the Iheater when thej' went to fulfill their evening's engagement. Propped up against the wing , she would follow tlioir pel fet manceth i ougli n. hole m the camus , calnilj disposing of apples and sweetmeats , with vvhieh the artists liboiallj supplied her the while. Well she lomemboied ho\v on the occasion of an eminent primadonna making her debut at the New York opcia house she ran up lo Ihe gieat ladj , who was curlboj ing after her Dual mm to the applause ol an enthusiastic public , an with the 'iigonuoii'j impoiti- nonce of her live siiinmcis exclaimed : "How bndlj' jou lull ! You test lee long on llio second note. Listen to mo , and Irj to do il as I do ! " A crisis came in her parents' rJTnirs , and Ihoir finances hoing at llio louesl ebb the child heisolf piopo-ed to give a oonciMt , foi which UiKi-ls at afovv cents sold well enough. Mine. B.mlli , as she povvuetod her child's small blown face , felt no trepidation ; but Ade- lie.i heiolf , nothing daunted , clutched her doll lleniiotto , in her arms , and strutting on the platform with meltable importance curUoyod with her hand on her heai t , us she had soon Clrtst bofote her. and then , wilh the mosl precocious po-iluros imnginablo , commenced her ' 'I'nstii Diva1 Loud lauglucjr and up- phui-o gieoled the gifted child , vvho-e voice , if not strong , was puio and Until ing as a blackbiid'j , and whose execu tion of intricate passages was well-nigh phenomenal. 1'rom liial day Adelina Patli's concerts became the i.iyo of the town. The Diva nnil TloiCnstlo. . "Aio jou diieetor of an opera houso.J No ? Nor even llio managorof a tiavol- ing troupe ? In Hint ease , mj dour Mr jou would much hotter pii s jour Sun- duy in London. You will never bo al lowed acioss llio dravv-biidgo ; jou aio classed among llio outer barbarians and jou maj taKe mv word for il ! sajH a Ktonch v tiler who \ isiled Paltt in lioi wondeiful Welsh castlo. "If jou object that a Sunday in the rain ami fog of London is not an allur ing pi aspect , I admit it ; but thnn rain and fog at this season are ubiquitous in the British islos. Besides , there is no alternative , ( 'loveior men than jou ( if jou will pardon mo for haying so ) have tried to storm thatstionghold and have failed. Unless jou can make it appear lhal it is to llio pecuniary interest of Iho occupants to ioooivo jou , jou may knock at Ihe gate lill doomsday. Wore you a diieetor , on llio oilier hand , wilh a httlo douceur of $1 W.OOfl or so on a golden salvor. Ihon , indeed , the lioisos ol the chatol.iino would meet you at the railway station with aorj correct anil tableful turnout , and in an hour jou vvould bo ttaiibportcd to the picgciico of the diva tlio chalolalno hemelf. Such , jou know , is tlio way of tlio world. "Tho castle hut how to describe thai castle ? It certainly lias stjlo ; in fact , thuio Is no style thai il has not. Tills bit , for example , is gothio. Adjoining it is a huge modern conservatory' . Id-to is a conical clock toiver ; a square ) Nor man tower dominates tlio opnasilo cor ner. Taken by long and lingo the ollect is unique , and is proven led from being insuircrablo only by llio rellec- tion that each separate style , tower nm Mono ifprosoiits a vocal otfort th it hn boon paid for by an Amoiionti. Ol ) serve , for iiist-iiico , j on dor can on cor nioo ; it is the hist bar of the tondoait li 'La Smiimmbuln , dofrnjctl out of tin pocket of ix I'iti/on of Monto\idoo. Tin trosllos are the lloritura fiom 'Tho Uar her ; ' a ( hiongo ) ) ork-packor furnishei the moiic'j for that. These lollootlons I " -nv , ailord ivvvoot satisfaction to tin residents of the domain. Moreover. UK mountain on which the castle stands 1- to bo bought and paid for in the same manner. A tow poaih not01 in ( "hili iv calo or so In I'eiu. and thineoi , hn\e jour mountain. If tlio mounlnir is not In the right place , remove it ot boio a hole through it. Nothing o.tsior : a mouthful of trills to the Patugonians and the tiling is done" "Indeed , when you ha\o a hank in jour throat , whj'dotij join-self anj- thing ? Castles on mountains , parki on rocks , gas wet Us forjourown tittvato iij-o these ate a mote Imgatello. am thej will ho useful , also , to stimulate thu ontoriirise of the ditodors with tin golden snhois afore aid. "Hut and this is an odd oil cum- stance wo shall beavvfullj bored in oui magnificent castlo. Tlio Chilian thai bom volont Chilian who gives his gold doll irs to hoar the voice the famou- \oioo , has. nftor all , oulj gold dollais to give , and though jou maj build cas < tlosvvith thorn thojvvill buj , vouiu frii'iiiU. I'hoicfoio , moiisiour and mad- nmo live alone all alone with mon sieur's s-oorolarj' and imulamo's com- nanioiu with monsiout's piofossor o billlaids , ami madame's acconnianvist : Madamo's dog- ' , too , thov must not lit forgotten : otilj that of late it has been discoveied that the poor dogs aio vul gar , and but one mi oiablo little hairless loss cur is loft , a mtiuole of ughnoss who-loepstn madamo's ohamber ami has a fur just liKe mudiuno's "And thoio is another renrirUublr fontuio in the domes-tie economy ol this icm.irKablo oastlo. M.tdamo , win : liaseainod the cnliio outtit with hei own lemarkablooice m.ulame. win : is ( or i.ithor should bo ) evorvthing- inndamo. 1 say , is aotimllj ub-oibed in monsieur , who , as ail the world Know * , is nothing whatever but the husband of iifidnmo' Ah. ( upid , this is ono of jour whimsical pleasantries ! Mndamo ! i psjohologist. might oNpresit dillor- ently , hut the fact remains imuhunc loves monsioui je- , there ib nodcnj- ing it she loves him ! naj , she ndoic" lnmsho iiets < eadmirebhim ! And he well , ho submits. He loves hoi ( perhaps ) ; atanratehe talcosgood oatc of her. H is he that superintends the diet , that opens the loUcts , that ex amines the newspapers lest she might , happen upon ati iiiioompluncntnij pir- ngraph which would annoj her ami thus iiijmo her voice. Hvorj thing , remem ber , hinges on that voice ; eveijthiiiH has been logulutod to meet its loquiie- ments. Wo , we dine , al sucii houis as suit the voice. Wo discuss only btieh topics as aio not disturbing to the \oice. Wogo out oulj in such ne.ithei as agrees with the voice. While vvcnio out , wo never on anv pioteiiso stop anj- wlieie on account of the \oico. Wo 10- retuin at a h\ed liour , stillfor the salco of the voice the voice which , bv t'no bis never hcaid in this immense cas tle. M.idamo does not evc-n tall ; , lost she impair the \oice. Is thoio not boinething fantastic about all this ? The eiistlo of the voice in which the voice bi no\or heard ! "It is true we ha\o tlio pimlogoof hsloiiing to monsieur. Monsieur on longer sings he has no need to look after ilia voice. And he does talU ; he even tilUs a gre it deal. Of com so one must talk a deal in older to give commands to forty n-tainuis to live and fort > , to bo aceuiatc of all ages , oolois , fai/es , and SON.OS. Some of these ret'iineibdo nothing but take eaio of madamo's costumes , those ( > ' ) - cos tumes which nave been admitted in all p.u Is of the planet.which have extorted the ohs and ahs of delight of Chin , Peru , and the equator , and which now , like b let od i olios , h.inir in a sort of museum with labels , commemorating the ti iiimphs of the voice. Hverj thing that has bad anj * connoition with the voice is kept even the shppeis and silk stockings. "ho in this castle , where the chief distinction is to iitlno one's self in grand toilet for a tetc-a-teto dinner , do monsieur and madame pass their time in mutual ad mi rail on. Monsieur watches over madame. She can dunk , for in stance , n certain kind of water only , w.u mod in a p.u ticul.u vvajand of a temperatuto innnulablj thesame. Mon sieur , likewise , has things spccmllj for himself. Al the table ihorc is mon sieur's special vv 1110 , which moiisioni's special v.ilel pour- , out for him , the guests drinking vin ordinaire ; there is moiiMcur'ti special roistof beef , eaten by monsieur oxclusivulj and not pis-ed to the others ; and thoio is monsieur's private , which the majoi-domo roqtie.ts gucnis not to u = e , as it is 10- servodfor monsieur. "Thoro aio two diversions at the castle tlo ( in addition to difssuig for dinnorj moiisioui 's ir.imoof billmids and mon sieur's angling. After dinner mon sieur billiards with a cue , kept in a box with a spoeml koj ; the billiard table is a special taulo. and a pi ofessor has been sjioi'tiillj' cngngi'd .it a lat silarylo plav with moiitiu ur. Madame vv.itches moiisiour plain dce p admit vtion. All is ( | iuc't ; not abound allowed fiom one end of the oastlo to the other. Monsieur isiplnjnig bil liards ! "Aftci breakfast monsieur goes lish- ing , speci il rivers and salmon have Ix onoeurod fM' ( monsieui's favotito pastime. The llslnng lacklo is munu- fneturoil spcci.illv for monsioui ; the lodsiiro ol mnivolous ivoods , cut by blavos in ( list ml and baibaiou , rcgioiis spoeiallj for monsicni ; and the bait vvluoli inonsioni U-LS is a apuelal bpocios of M.v , broil spi-i mllj for monsieur , and monsieur hshos fur hours iiii'l m idiimo watolios | him , and the tolaiiioi'i bland gu.uil and wain nwaj the vulgar herd who would nppioach. And tlio birds aiM ordered to hold their tongues and llio 1. avos aio forbidden topistlo and oviii\thing obcvn ovi'i'v thing oxonpt the lish. vvliieh are shocl < inglv obsLi- n.ito and wont bo caught. Yes , the linli , u o disobedient and so are the bil liard balls , if ono is to behovo the i ues. "At cerium periods of lliooai the voice is houid biiiging aiis , alvvajs detached - tachod , alwnjs the bamu. Madiimo IH U'oing over her icpurtoiio. Kour dayn later tlio castle is closed. Moni-iour uid madame have departed to distant lands. Madame is earning millions. Tliooiei ) is at work. Ami after llio voice has donu its work monsieur and nmdamo roluni to Ihe oasllo , and the nilonco begins again , and thu billiards nnd the angling. And in this castle built bj music never is a song , a piuno , nor any music hoairt , i-avu such as is [ round out of the on hoslrion. llul inch an 01 chustrion ! immense , unique , icnovvnod. plionomenal , lOsiuiL' ' thou- ? ands , willi D spLM'ial attendant belong ing to St , Uvoi j evening inoiinieur and madame mavolj' debate which biriol nhnll bo inserted in llio otchobli nm. And the machine grinds/or / hours. And in thin castle of tlio voice , the onlj nuiaic hcaid is llio common ntioot aits and music-hall ] iuglus thitthe gical orchestrion grinds out. Titily , mon- bieur and madame arc gieat in lists ! " Thu oldest house In thu city of Omaha Is nn thu hoi tii side of JJongUs btiu'H buuveem thu olllcoiind Ulcvcntb itrcut. HARRISON AND THE ARMY , Appolntmonta the Next Proeldont Will Hnvo to Fill. LOTS OF PLUMS TO BE PLUCKED How tlio roinlnn Ch'4'f ? lncl ) > ( inO Was Oiu'c Saved I'loin Defeat lj ) nn t ) ! ! 1 ! ' Xow Sift- lloncd In Nebraska. fJoodVoidn I'ot1 llnrrlHnti , POUT KoiuNtnv , Neb , Pot ) . .M. | Cor < resitondence of Tnr Hcr.l President elect Harrison is much hotter known in the army than any picsldent we have had since Grant. 1 was sui prl cd the other dnto hear an old ( i A. H 111.111 nvvni out in Nebraska sa"I was n member ol Oeneial llaulson's icgl- menl when lie was a e-olonel and saw him ever.v d n " ' 1 here is an oht at inj olllrer here w ho once did llnitison a crv gical favor It was In one of the battles of the war , and Harrison was haul picsscd-ln fuel , his hi igado was losing pround , though contesting bravely evciy Inch with the rebels , who far out- mimbcicd linn. I'hls olllcci e line along with a bodj of ttoopo , and seeing haw things stood went to Him ison's suppoit. The la- illinium advanced with n shnut , and with thu aid of the lemfoioemcats soon icgained then lost I'louml , noi did they lose it iigam that ilav I'lns ofllcei mav coino be- foic llaiiison fora favor , and It is to bo Imneil the picsUlcnt will icmeiiibct the voiy gieat sei \ lie he once received fiiini him nt a moment liveijliod.v spcalcs highly of Hinisnii m tlio auny hud the olllc'ei above lefeiml to "Ho was gootl leather , quiet , stiong , clem headed mid a hard llubter , still 1 think 1 sued him once ftotnn good licking. " < llaiiison will havesnme line army ofikeis to dis | o e of U has never h uipened , I think , hcfmc in the historj of the unity that a president will be called upon to Illl so muiimpoitant places as the next picsidcnt will 'these mini plum1 * , as thc.v aio called , will geneialh go to the seiiloi" , mid there loie bo c.isil.v ilccideil. Still the prcs dent cm appoint whoever hepleiscs Cirant nl- vvn.vs did it , and ( taint ought to have known somcth'iig about aimv alliiirs iluii Noti will ( ill everv geiic'ial ofiko In the aunv except the places held hv Miles , Meuitt , Kugei mid Hinokiliencril John ( iihbiti will lotlie Apid''O IS'll ' , being sixt.v font via s of age , and ills pi ice will piobalilv ho llllod bv Col onel P.dvvartl Hatch , Ninth civah.v ( ieneial David S Stanlev will ictlio .lime I. IS'.M , anil his pi ice w ill likolv he Illled bv Colonel A. V. KantLighthinfantiv , of the well known lighting Mi Cook lamilv M ijor lien eial Gcoigc Ciook will retire Sep tember s , 1VM , and his place will bo Illled b } Hngadier ( N'elson A Miles , who is now tlio senior Drigndier general of the Ihio In Novemuei , ISH , M ijor Conornl O O Hevviiidvvill ictiu- , and tlicio will ho u goodbv 'b light likel.v foi Ins shoes , but they will go to a good lepublnati N'e L vcir the of thu iiitny , Hu hard A. Dium , will ic.ich sixtv four and step down and out Mav 2s , issn , iis ) pi.ieo will bo lillcl hkelv 1 > V Colonel Knheitllliams. . ( Au-olom H ilul has just i clued , nnd Colonel Koger Jones been appointed by Mr. Clev eland m Ins place us inspei of thoutiny Jones is mid to he fatally ill. Oenuidl Samuel H llolabnd , nuaiteunastcr geneial , will ictiio lime in , IV I ) , and Cole id Chailcs II Thompkiiib w ill ho apnohitcii in hi * stead , ( < Kobeit McPeeldi , com- missai.v ge"einl , will letiiu in 1VU ) . Suigcon ticneial John Mooio will re tire August Hi , IS'.W. ' ( William li IJocho-tor , chiel piv master , will tetiro 1hi mil v IS , isy ) , and Colonel Clmilos M. leiicll will undoubttdlv ml his plaeo. ( ieneial Stiphen Henet , elm f oidin.inco ollleei , will i etna .lanu.irv "J , is'i ' ) , , uiil the pie-ident electi il will lill his plaeo bj n good icpubliean soldiei 'llieio is no such thing as polities in the nuny , but it is noticcil somehow that democrats aiegencr.illv appointed bv democratic presi dents and icpiiblii in ofticcis l > \ icpublicaii prcsiilcnts At .ill events it is not fe.ucd that such dcinoci iticcoppeine ids as William hcottwlll be peimitteil under lliniibon to saj wlio shall Illl the armv olllies Tlio Grand Aimv of the Republic1 , althcnich nn entnclv non-pni tism boilv , mnv lecommend siimc good men to Comi.ule H.inison tot : ip- poiutmcnt , anil it is haullv likeh he will pass over then reiommcndation These lecoui- ineudntlons , if made , will bo enthely healthy and flee Irom the smell of copper. Spc iking of nut goad s Hilicr president elect , I had a lettoi fiom him nnsolf tno othei dav , and although it was n yoiv pleas ant and ft icndly lommunic.ition , 1 vvassur- pi iscd to find he had m ide no mention in his letlei of his cabinet. Peeling thu comrade must have known my anxictv about the cabinet 1 felt disappointed and vexed at this lack ol eonlidencc Hut I got oven witii him by omitting to send him u c linnet s ! ilo in i\v \ , unsvvei. 1 know ho would feel mo in and bully , but ho must le.irn that conn. ides who have no lonlldenccs to give mubt expect none in letuin. J. S. B. _ _ Hesjiecl and Condolence. At a ror'iil u meeting of Union Paciflo lodge , No 17 , A O U W , hold Kcbi uaiy IS , Ibb' ' ) , tlie following pieamblo anil icsolutious weio adopted : Wneieas , It has pleised the Divlno Hulcr U ) lemove fiom oui midst oui late biothor , P 15 Mtnpliy. thereto 10 be it Kcsnlvci ! . Hv Union Pacille lodge , No. i7 , A O U W. , Omaha , Neb , while wo : > o\v low with humble submission to the will of the Most High , we do not tlie less mouiu foi our brother who has been liken fiom us. Hesoived , 'I h it the heiutfelt sympathy of this lodge be extended to his family m their illliction Hi solved , those i esolulloii'i bo sproul tpon a ineinniial puc of the recouls ot this odgc , ami tint the clmitcr bo diapcd in iiouriinig for tlinlydavs ; that a copy thereof jo tiansmilled to the family of our dti cased notliet under soil of the lodge. Also to i'liu O\ivrv Hr'L foi puolu alien ( ! . M MiHiunr , M.V. \ . Attest G H Hoiiuuis , Hocoidei. C.ililnel ( ! ossi ] > NivYotiu , Peli 21 rSpeeinl Telegram to I'm J'ui | It is icpoitcd that Hin risen has cquesli d Plntt ami Miller and other loading cnublicins of tins btatu to m"ut him on his niiv.illn Wasl inglon The hest-infoimed ncnlieioHiy that Han ison will have thieo ilnces in his ( uhlnct open when he gets to Washingtun , These are thn imvv , allninoy 'cnei aland depu linen t of agiicultuie. It Is White-law Ueid stands the icst elaiiep of 1 1 pro-w iitin Now Yoi It in tlio . ibinel as hccretui yol thei navy It it known , lovvover , th it W.u inn Milloi lias declined the offer of tlio Boeiet iri hip of/iiiJ'iiculturo. I'lii'lro Itci-oi- . Sr. Pu i , , Pel > JI Tim faitiry and - < hops if the Mimie.ota Caiiljjgo and Sleigh eom- i inv havu been < omploteiy dostiopjd bv lira , uising a loss of 7 > ,00) ) , on which thoio is in Insurance of if"j,000 MIMVMKI.K , Ws ! , Pel ) 23A Chlppowa 'alls , Wlii , special s.tjHut ! , f. M. Kehl's loin mg mill in that eil > is b iinln/ , and will uobably bo totally destiojed The mill It valued ut $ .J > , liOO Tiio Caiiini' ( ! MUsiniiariiM. XvN/inui , Po1) J Mii'h aiixl ; tis felt loio regai Jlii ) , tlio fate of tlio niHslunailes who W'-io lecontly cnptiiied by ( he instir- cents No new has iieen iocei veil from lieui Hiiiii ) thc.v veto taken s City Sii ol 1 . Cm , P h. 21 \liied M Lay , igud twenty ix , "unof ex ( 'oniessm m Lay , comnuttril htii id i bv tulcinr liuilnuii It Is suppDSed thai I. i t iiuhc > j by tompo- ,11 i msanitv ate gars TRADE WIARK , RED LABEL. "