Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1889, Page 10, Image 10

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No advertisements will \ > c tnkcn flu
tlirso coIiiniMH nftor l"ilO : i > . in.
H Cnsli In nilvnnrp.
under this licnd 10 cnnti pe
Hnr- for tnu first mn-rtlon , 7 cunts for ivi > h snl
Kftquont Insertion , an < l I1.M HIT linn per inontl
No advertisement taken for less thin 2.1 rent
HIP Prst Insertion. Seven worus willliui < ninto
to the linn , tlif > y must run c-ousccutlxtljr nn
must lie pftld In ADVANCK. All ndx.Tllse
UiPti'H must bo hnixh-d in before 12.n : ) o'clock r
in. , ami under no riri umstnnct-s will tlioy b
tukon nr discontinued by telephone.
I art lo-iadrpr tulng In these lolumosand htxv
InglholraniTTcrs addressed In earn of Til h lip.
will please ask fur n < berk lo enable Uiem toge
their letters , Hsunti' will bmb-llvoredexi opt 01
jirp-.entnllon . of iliP'k All answers to aiivei
tlsement * should bo c-nrli > eiln ( | onx-elopes
AM iidvortls'-iiiPiits In tliem- columns urn pill
ll hoil In tioth nuirutnc and c veiling editions o
Tiif IIM. tliPdrcii Int Ion f which aggregate
Jn rp Hi mi lcWi ( pnpara dally , ana iMvi- . the nil
venl-crs the hPtii-llt , not only of tin < ity lri'ti
In' ion of I'nr IIH- , hut nls'i of ( otin'll IllulT"
Mm ' .In Knd otluT < ltli > s mill towns turoiighou
thin tfrtlon of tliproiintry.
Advertising for tlinsn rolumns will l n tnKPi
on Mm iibnvo conditions , nl tinfoll'ixxlng bus
Hi-si li'.iiH. H , who urn in thorl7.d ngi nts for ! II
llr.K npt lal no'lciM. and will quote the sum
rates us can ho Imil nt the iniiln olllce , _
TollN W. HKLL , I'unn'imclst , h3U SoutirTontl
V Street. _ _ _ _ _
II VSI5& li ntTi\ Stationers and I'rlntcrs , li
C houlh Kill Street.
CSlf fAHNSUbllTli , I'harmaclst. 21 IS Cult
. . Itlghtieet.
\V r J. Struct. HlHiTfilS. I'harmaclst , 021 North Hit
7ilo. : W. PAltlt , I'unrmaclst , mi St. Mary'
VJ AX Mine
V \ " \\TANTii-lluslnesH : ) man , good standln
l i ( own olllc ci tn represnnt n Nc-xv Voik Urn
111 lluslnt-si suitable for insurance , leni cstat
Rgonls nnd young lawyers n < eking steady ri
Ilinnelatlon. Iniins liberal. Aptily Hugh II. Mi
t'lllloch , , ! U K , llth st . N. V. ( ity 4.-d-2.
ACOMl'IITKNT and o-verleticed bookkeopc
of twenty years'experience JI.WIO t
} SUU ) in invest nr loan employer ixxell secured
desires a position xxliere he can make lilmsnl
iHctnl as bookki-ejier or acconiituut. Addron
lock hot O't ' ) , Omahn. Neb. I.12J
WANTHD To nit as agent to Introduc
something nexx m Omnlin ( no canvassing
or in keiip bruncli ollli e for s une n liable Urn :
us I hno iboolllie room In good location i
limn. Acldiesslli7 ; , llee. 4id-2l
SIIVAT10N wanted first class gardeni'
and tlorlst , ( ierman. single ; grower of rose-
cut Itoxxers and general tilants ; 22 xears' expui
Icnce In Honors , finlts mill vegetables ; Imslne *
prlxato or commcii lal after A.ill ] I. Addres
Th. Mokler , 1114 Holladuy at. , Denver , Colo. .
> - .j > 1 *
U'AN If. ] ) AI smelting works in the east , ;
thoroiiglinnd prnctlial smeltur , and m
dcrstandlng lluxlng and proparntlonot sing fo
gold suliihldes and silver lend ones. Addres-
otatlng uxperlenco. qtialltlcatlons. leferenn
nnd siunry oxnectoi d , P. O. Uox 7.J7 , llaltimoi
Md. il7-24'
AINTI.LMAN ( ! ! or lady In oxeiylown t
tuku orders for "fl atson's New At'as ' o
thoWoild. ' A necessity In every olllco 1111
lamlly. Agents report twelve orilers per dav
Aiblross ( ieneial Agent , 20 Heal build's , Kansa
AOD ! ( bread nutl eakr. baker wants n shun
lion. Address , Charles still , South ottnwi
at , , Jollet , 111. 1(17-2 ( 1 *
Agents to sell our Halainanile
tli | ] > ed lamp wick ; overlabtiiig ; llgli
n'3 ' gas ; 2(10 per i ent prollt ; sills rnpldiv
Knmiiles 10 cents. I'hii-nix Lamp \ick Co
Klnifin , N. V. 472 2lj
AV A NTIJD Cm pot cutler and ! acrnndihutli
maker , lleiinlson . ' .nn. 1,7. 2.1
rpwiNTV-flVi : : men. 1,1 teamsteis , 10 rocl
J men for \\jomlng , good wages , will shlj
AVodnehdrty. Transportation fiunished. Con
tractor ut Hutcuinson A Wead , 1521 Dodge st.
4411 ! M
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
" \\M"N'ril A partner in n good natent t (
T burn brick Cnll or write II. Aibors , 1017 . >
2Jd st . Omnha , Neb. 427 ai *
T jmronts , tiu. Mrs. Iliesn , an 15 H. Kith st
_ _ _
WA N'l'KIJ Agents. Wn want llrsl class rnor
who nre nlre.idy tnivolliig salesmen , ti
carry our lubilentlng oil sample as a siilo line
T. H. Tlminlus A : Co. . ( levolnnd. O. 41"i 23
" \\rANTKD five traxeling snlesmen ; sabiry
T and expense * ; no nxpei Irncu neiessaiy.
Address , with atamp , L. II. Linn ACo. . , Lu
Crosse , Wls. _ II7U-27 *
"VS7ANTfD ( Jood photographer to take
TT chnrgo of a gallery : must give reference
mid lmo K , ) cnpiinl. Addioss It SI , llee olllce ,
\\"ANTii ; ) Kivo wide-axx'ake salesmen ;
11 steady work ; room 210 , first National
bjink building. 'KW-'SI
A.HNTS ( wanted on TiabToJ7.'i pei month
and expenses paid , nnv actixo man or
womanto Hell our goods by sample and live nt
home Hulnrv paid piomptly and expenses in
Bdvnrce. full paiticulais and sample c-n-i !
fiee. Wo mean Just xxiial wo suy. Address
Standard Miverxx-aro Co , Hoslon , ; Mats.
\\7ANTf.D Caipciilcrto do the work on ? ov-
Tl ernl houses to no built nnd take house nnd
Jot ns part pax mont , A. W. McLiuighlln. Iloom
618 1'nxtc ; bldg. Jl.-i 1
WANTKD-ABents for our new patent llre-
pioof sales , slo 28xlKxl3 , weight ttH Ibs. ,
retail price Sl' > , others In proportion. Highest
iiwaid ( silver medal ) Centennial Imposition ;
rare chancp ; permanent business , our prices
lowest. Wo nro not In tlio safe pool. UxcluMx-o.
territory given. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati. O.
/ ANTKD A good man to so on the road ;
T T must bo v Ido axx'ako , full of energy , glx'o
docinlty for money collected and deposit t.'ifor
samples. Call on ( ieorge H. ( line. Uoom 511.
JjjrslNiUloiiaj liniikJi.ilUiing. Qmnha. Nub. 1:17 :
" \ArANTICD-A .stenographer who has hemeT
T I kuoxvledge of bookkeeping. Must be n
good penman. Atldruss , xvlui reforenees , 1' . O.
rawer 17. _ _ iiK" , _
"W ANTUDI'Irstcliiss coat makor. Applv nt
TT once to II. L. Cohen , South Omaha , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1121-1 _
A CUNTS xxmitod Tnoxerytown and cltv In
the wcsl for the ! linden Hand ( ii amide I- ire
Ifctliuul ; her. Apply to 1J. ( . CiuuduU.illO Sonth
IMhst , _ ' _ _ _ _ _ " S71) )
\\7 ANTI5D Agents In oivry clty"nnd toxvTi fii
TT the westtosull the Toy Calliope , the great
est * > dl ir on enrtb ; hond 21) ) cts for sample. I' I ! .
Crnndnll , .ll outh I'ilh nt _ b.i
' \\rANTIU-WK ) men for Washington tcrrl-
TT tory ; good wages , steady xvot a , long Jou ,
Albright s Lauor Ageiu y. 1120 fariiam st.
_ HI4
SA1.1CS.M IN ! \ \ o ulsh a few men tosell our
goods by sample lo the and letiill
trade. Largest manufai turein In our line , lin-
closu2-cent sump. \ \ ngt-s 1 1 per day. I'oiman-
out position. No poll ills answered. Money ad
vanced for xvngns , ndx-ertlslng , etc. Centennial
_ _ _
\ \ rANTiiAgents : for Milwaul's calyx-eyod
TT H-lf-tliieinliiig needle ; preserxc-s falling
Iglit ; n help to good slghl ; peifed boiiau/.n for
canvassers ; siimplei package IHc. S-uiu for
circulars lohendiuartei | s , Stnyner A Co , l'io-
Tldonco It. I.
B OV.S Am , Dlst. Tel. Co. , fWl Douglas.
iA IU' I.lveineiiandxx-omentoongago In
T T nil easy , pa > ing bnslneas ut nomo. Cnn
work ytime or ovenlr.g and male : a to
per hoar : mire thing ; sani'plo and complete lit- ,
rtrnctlons honl for lOc. 1 Aildre-is , World Supply
Co. , Itii'.lniul , Yt. 44U-K28 *
" \\7ANTKO-A eooil girl for general house
T worK. Mtisbo good cook. Apply Huudtiy
or Mond-.y at Ul' N. inn st. 4.VJ-2I'
\\7ANTIiD-Vonni' Inily to iiHslsllii olllc u and
T I btuto ' it
oiierute Ijpexxrlter. oxpeiienii' ,
. , . . .
Allllf-n u If l.t 1' ! > ft * t
any Address It CI. lice. (71-ij
anyW ANTliD < iirto look and do eneinl
housuxvork. .Mr . J. ( i Jones , IWJ Callfor H ,
422 2' *
w for general noimewurk
small faiilly. | 1I.2U L'ullforn'a ' t. cor _ th.
\7"ANTK - lluttoiiholo maker ; 11124U127'
\X7ANTI'.D-A comiH'tent flrl to do
t liounoxxork. vita JJtli t. OtHi x ugea
paid ,
\\TANTKD-llelmble fiermnn nuno veil' ! , 1. to
1) l'iyeara of oKj. Mrs. II. C. l'attPr Qi. Sill
QI1U B Wth.
AV rANTii > -l.liagnmi'ut to do diesf mii lnc
in families. Mis * silurdy.'Alll Jii'nvonxvortU
i ) KIiHSMAKINC lu families , 1'JH 4I31U8U .V I7h.
V\rANTBU-An expert nccountanl for th
TT imrpose of oxamlnlnK county records
best of references are lemilrcd Atipllmtlnu
must bo In by Marcn 2nd , Hs1. ! , Adilress W. I
Kranse. West Volnt , Nc' > , 4.J7 t
\\TANTll-Cnrp 'nterto build mm furnls
T T material for large house , tor cash and lin
residence lot. Address It OJ llee olllce. 4U-
'AISTKD Mo < ksof nierchandIsi * for far ;
or dty property. Will pay sonic casr
Western Land and Loan f.xcaange , 117 S.
ft. 474-37
J\\TANTI.Il-IiMWJ women to u o "W'lirox '
T T fancy Compound Tills. ' I'erftvitlv eafi
nnd always effectual. Semi for4i "Woman i
isnfa Ounrd. " Wllcox Mcdlial Co. . I'lilladel
phln. 114 AI'J'Mi
1 1 US I ' -d.-V-a homo board. OHS lut list.
.isl m-1) ) '
\r ALL MM NIl'S Shorthand and 'lypnwniini
> Institute , IIBXV Piixton biilidltlit , Omilin
The only exclusive shorthand school In tin
Hate. Oxer one hundred grnduixto i In '
ftltu.itions. The school I" under the management
mont of ( . C. Valentine , oHIilnl Kt'inoginpnero
the : ird ludlclal dlilrl'-t of NebiasKn. nnd Prof
H. II. lloyle-t , ,111 exiieilnnciil teaihcrnnd ver
liatlm reporter. Day and evening spsii HM. Stu
dents can enter nt any time. Send for iiculars
2.-.S ml7
'FA N D.v fnTshT.i thnnd -liooi. . 11' ! Sheelex
block , tenches standard ixslnnii and use-
Homltmlon tvpeixrlturs. Cliciiliiis free 72ii
Ump. Ilvrenu. It' ' ) N. Kithst. Ustab
OMAHA . Most reliable In cltv.
XTKll Umploytncnt OIIlce-ai7 N. ir.tlisTis
> " ' -s
J ' ' _ - _
_ _ _ _ _
ANADIAN llmployment Olllco. Mrs. liregn
C .1111 , S istli. Ktfeu-uio Omah.i Nationnlbatili
riiainl *
\\TANTKIl-Hoomnnil board xx Ith prh ati
TT ramlly by joiing mauled couple. Lei a
tlon convonlenl. Address II 71) ) , lleo. I7H-2IJ
\\rANTKD Txxo young men xvant one or tvc
TI looms iinrtn ot farnnm ami xvest ot fit
toenth streets in a strictly onvate fnmllv
State iirlce. conveniences , etc. Address II Oo
llee. 4I.U2I *
\\7 ANTKD Tixo uiifuinlshed rooms forlighl
Tt housekeeping. In adtliessing state UMII
tlon and prli i * . II ( s lleeolll'-e. 14 21-
-\\7-ANTIl ! ) To rent , a I oro-room cottapo 01
IT lint ; to beociupleil nlic'iit March 10. Ad
drcus A. K. I'.s w < or llth nud Haine } .
Lnoil'ltKNT Cheapest house In city ; H'-roon '
inodein liottsi * , nil conxeniem es , 21st ant
Locust sts , Kount e I'lace , only till per month
.LA. Llnahnn , room M ) I'axton block. I72S
irioit ItllNT-l-ioom honso to responsible
I1 party. KPI S. 22d st. 4iU-2IT )
IT OIt HUNT Nice l-room house ; hard ami
A soft water : cor Hth and Webster. Aipl ( }
711 N llth st. 420-J.-.J
Foil "l t'lJN T-I10US021IH ( . 'allfonilast. Apply
at n w corner of 22d and IKivenpoit.m .
m > ik.
ItHNT-O-ioom hoiiso 2."il2 Cnldwellst. ;
FOlt reasonable. Apply 1W7 lard st. 4H2-2st
FOlt ltiNT-8-ioom ; house , cor. 2Jd nnd Web
ster sts. $ i't per mouth. C. I' . Hiinlsoii.Mer
chajitsJNnt'l biuk. iW7 W
| / ) lt UIJVI'-A live-room bouse. South 17lhst ,
JL' two doors south of Jackson. liuiiulro nt fti2
. ' . ' . ' *
SlUthht. a.l ( 'j
FOK ItllNT-Desirablo rott.igi' , r , rooms , 2J2I
Charles si. Iminlrual llil'J ' Capitol iixeiine.
"ITlOIt llf.NTNew 7 room house , all modern
J conveniences , centmlly located , will rent
very reasonnlilo lo tenant making good lease.
ii-room cottage S 17th st , 81.1. S-room ho-ise ,
atil Iloxv.ird st. a room Hat 14J ) N 17th. suitable
for light housekeeplMg. 312. Apply to C.roon A
Williams first Nnt. bank blilis. till
rpHN-HOOM house on ] "tU ne-ir Lenx-enworth
-1 st ; niodom conveniences ; will rent to good
reliable tenant at $10 per month. ( ! . .1. Sterns-
dorll , rooms ; il7-ill8 riitt Nat. llauk building.
K room house , } lt per month , S. II. cor llth and
'J Vlnlon. Imnilie next door. ; ! ii7
G OOD hou&os , centrally located , are In de
mand nt J. II , I'uiroUe. 1GOG Chicago.
TjlITHNISlllTl ) house for lent lu Park Teu-nce ,
JL' opposite llnnscoui Tiirk. nil modornn con
veniences. llnquliw. Leo & NIcliol , 2sth und
Leavenworth. osj
"IJIOIt Itf.NT Nice 5-room house , east fiont ,
-t ? half block of cable cars. 112 S. 28th st.
_ 7.11 m 4t
' ItOD.M house near high scnool. Itent'f.W. ' In-
_ . | Ulro.l. f. Hniton. 2ii ] Capltolavo. Ulsml *
B f.Al'TIl-TL B-room house , gas , city water ,
bath loom , hot and told water , on paved
streets \x-ltli street car , near a good school , only
$ .K per month. Tlio house Is now. Apply at
once. C. f , liarilson , Moichants' Nat. bank.
_ r.2'i
IjlOIt HKNT When you xvlsh to rout a house
JL' stoio or olllcn call onus. II. U. Cole , loom U.
Continental block njr
TllOlt HUNT House and barn.Hanscom place.
JL1 Harris , room 411 first Nat'l bk bldg.
_ 527
Tnoil UUNT-O-room modern Improved house
JL' A I locality , [ lent moderate. Apply M. Ill
gutter , 1001 faiimm nt. _ _ fi'-l
POH UKN'l'-Cottagos. r. rooms. 27J5 charioT
stand 1524 South .st. Inquire K L'12. Shceley
_ _
FOK UKNT-Cheap , ! ! and fi room house , 1'i.T )
821st8t betwpoii Center and Dorcas. 4MinH
FOlt IIK.NT 9-room brlelc , HI SKilh st ; mod.
era conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W
lirillltli. f I' . heaiUiiiartera. _ , 'r )
1T > ( ) It HKNT-7-ioom Hat nt 008 S. Uth. Inqulro
1 J. L. Hrandois & Sons , M7
"IT'OIt HUNT 2 fiunished looms , one p.irjor
Jttiid one small loom , IIU'I I'allloinln st.
_ _ _ _ _
1jlitMSHiD [ ; : rooms , with llrst class boiTiTT
_ - 2JKI llouKlas st. 4',7y
iriOIl DON' ! ' Warm furnished rooms , with
J bo.irci , double or single , fi.UO per neck :
sti'ctly private. 2011 llnrney st. Ill 2iS
ArICi : fiirnishecl rooms i board , 170S Douglas.
-1- ' IVJ
' of 2 ti'inlshed modern -
CJL'IT moms , coin-en-
k7i.Ures , | tilucks fiom P , o , , pilvntu family.
A , Hospe. Jr. , n | ' | Douglas st. 420
family haxo . - desirable
1JIIIVATB x.u-v lur-
WBU&d rooms for lent , oil N 20th st.
nNf.W , Jlrst-tlnss ilnishod. C-ioom ilau with
batluooui. gasxvnter and sewer : 2stoivs
corner , sult.iulu tor drug More : I bntemoiit
( .uitnble lni oai bur shop , corner 21th and Leax--
cinxinilibts. Impure at promises.
AKNLU I' . Ull.luml IfllflCapitol nvn
2 blocks f--oiii P O , iiswly furnished private
I > o.irciugliou94plua3iiutroomsi | | | conveniences
77.1 2'
l lOll IHJN'IHandsomely turnUlieil fToiiT
a nlioxeroiim , < Vpltol me. ne.n-jllth st. ; gen
tlemen preioried , but would boutil ( 'eiitlemmi
nnillfe. . Addiess p. o , bos .IUI. city. 4u | 21
fPO llf.NT-front loum , with board , " for'two
1-j.'eiillemun ; desirable loci'llon. ' 2il ) H 2.nii
avenue , a 17-21J
IJOOMS to i em 101 .i lSth itMSmFiioo
_ 207-20'
SMALL-Itoom , at 130i Douglus st , ilnl lluur ,
IlIINT-Large futnuiieil fiont loom.
' I Ic ill i * * i. J * ilk *
rooms for lent. All moiTVin
iiiil'ioxomem.s , bath fiiinace , etc. , 2.'n
IIMSIIf.D rooms with board. In good lo-a-
tloti , inod rn cwivonieiicflia , 2220 l.naveirtH ,
illb 2iit
_ _
\T\l \ \ KNISIICU loonTn. 22S"N
2j ! 21'
\Tll f. ( -iinsTf i o'rii * ito f | . o
- > llthiti.d Jones -ttroots. li7Diiill ?
Wit HKNT-IJIegnilt hiilto of furnished
J- rooms , suitable lor 11,411 anil wife or three
gent I mr ) en. with all convenience * nnd bo ird In
l > rhrtle family. Terms ie.i onnble. f.nrptlro
utNo. _ H > J > J'iirk uxc-.or t lt'plioue | , ui ,
T.IAMlSUMr.i < V fiunlsliod boutiieasl back
.11 par.or. with or without Joining bed-ioom ;
nil model n Impiovemonn mid the ben accom-
inodallons ; aou fnrnnm iuw S7
1 .A'-yUf'-'iiTroom. ' utcory"'u ri > UhcdT liitiino
-l for 2 gcr.llemen , | sr ( farnam 711
IjM' llNHIir.'Jor uiifijri.l liB J ri > 7mT\x TTh gas
" ' * , Vatli 1,01.1 If doit-ed. 6V | S. setli t. ,
opposite All Kalnta1 churcn. 7J7
rooms , single or cm Hilt , bath
1 ami steiuii , foi KHIIIS only , i.iu lltiward ,
, . , _ _ _
' ] > Li\i'.ANT : iilwly furnished room n inoj
4 dei . part of cltv , 7 blocKi ( rom l"o
on c-ablw Jiuc. SUIO O vetiurt ; ) at , 'fla
Foil ItKNT-VnrnlMied rooms In QrucniRblli
cor. Hth nnd Dollar w Inoulro of Oeo. li
Davis , Mdlnnl hotel billiard room. CSl
T71OH Ilf.NT-Ni'-ely'furnUhPil ' room , xxlt
JL'boird If desired , ga-l , hoot snd bath-roon
1707 Dodpast. Ml
< ) N1LY | ; ntrnHicvl rooms , steam hem , g.v
bat.i , etc. , on same Hoer , 81U per niuutll. 2C
H. sitli. no ( Int. 4.1)
| jM'UNl IIKD rooms , 111 H Win st.near Doclgc
t 42lj *
TlCiLVfurnlsiied : rooms , niso front an
" back parlor ; Wf ) Douglas st. 811
" \ncf.LV furnished rooms xxlth board : nl
JL > nmx elliptic oft. I''IU CnpltO ave , 2C < 7
I > I.KA > ANT furnished rooms 101T Capitol avc
J in'-mn ' *
AI.AlHii : soulhioom ; HIS. , ninall room ulcpl' '
furnishedlovely Innttlon andexory modei-i
conxeiilenio . 2107 Douglas. OtiO
o liomis itilt able for ho't-eteeplUs' price
> tl" . UK I'ior. o < t. I'd ' !
Foil HUNT.Minor - . jjv.i brlrk build
nn ; , with elpvntor. cln-i1 to express olltu1
cheap rrtit , liipt tin- thing tor xUiiilosulmg. gooi
location , apply Uoo. lli-ju , 110 < I uriiiun st.
"Ifolt HRNT T o storiis. RJI , nnd Vj.rNort
i I'.tli ' at. Itiiiiuru at the bulldinx. Hour ]
Foil ItCM Oillpi iuiiu Win month , J
olllirflftpnch. . all ( nintlni ; lilthst. llusli
nmn bloi k , n. o. cor. Irttli and nouylai.V. . M
llushmai' , 1 ill lca\i > HHortli , > T.
171Mt HUNT A fuw oinri ) rooms loft foi
J nmtil.ho.i wi'li lljjhted room on secom
lloor. 4UKi . In Itnmito bnflillnir. _ Irtl
A 'iHialf pilco , tlia ronti-nts of very picttTI ;
vfitinishiMlfottiii1 ; e\ervthtiiK new ; tottn
"rooms , f01 ri'iit : vi-iy di'slrablo location ; m
agents wanted : tor paiticulais H ; 7. '
lieu olllco. tc.-t-aij
_ . . 1UINT--llasement , suitable for a plum
her or barber , nn. lth ! nnd Jackson sts. 'M
" 17IOH llf.NTA warenonso with liljcli base-
- * - ' mctit. i onttally Uv-ated on ( dependent tracli
fiom wlilcli cars can bn unlouled and loadei
Into anil from building. Imtno.llato possession
Ham .1. IIowoll , 217 S. llth at , Omalia OVi
Douglas st. | ' , tt
OWNnitSot houses , stores , lints or bus lues'
blocks who wish the sumo rented and piop-
crly cared forshoiild list with us. rirlins. wish
ing to rent Mill ilnd our list complete. A.I' ,
Tukey. 11111'n blorK. l.ltli and l > onglas. s.87
/"IAMIMIKI.IJ A : TALIIOT , room aai. iiam (
V-/bnIidlni ; . C4 nil
/"M'.O. J I'Al'L. HWO Knrnam St. , houses ,
V "stoics , etc. .for rent. r > >
\Y7IlKl\o sporlnl attention to tenting nnd col
' lectlng rents , llt.t with us. II. II. Cole , loom
IT Continental block. f > W
Vor want jour homos rented place them
If lloiiaw.i A Co Ijth , oppojite postolllce ,
rpn 1C renting season is bora ; bring on yout
- - Mouses ; I lm\o the customers. .1. II , Par
rotte , lflj Chicago. 4'Wf2d '
BLKCTUIC telegraph school , rooms KS and
' - " . ' . r.ixton liloik. Thorough Instruction-
guaranteed. Feud for cliculnr. 4)"lj ) ! >
I3AUTIIZS havliiK a few hunctreu dollars to iir
-L vest will do well tit cull at ourolllie. fiaiir
eis'Land Co. , rooms 20 and 21 , llaiher block ,
Oinnhn , Nel ) . 4IJI-2. " ) *
HIIIOS for sale Herman canaries. $1 ; il'JS ,
17th St. 10I-24T
IIIAVI ! moved my custom shoo snop ami
tailor shop fiom 1201 to HOI I'nston
hotel imsument. I'rank Sliult ? _ 3 f.i 2.5t
"V\Tii.lK : dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and
IT lepalred. fV lirosjean , 2711) Hurt st.
Ifi7 27t
ICLAIlOMA ( inlde Itook nnd Map.
Ihg lull Information as to the now territory.
Mailed to any address on receipt cit nu tents.
Tyler ACo. . , publishers , 521 Wynndotte street ,
Kansas City , Mo. 1172 ; +
EIjlX'TltlC telsgrnph school ; loomsnii A5. . " . ]
I'axtonblk. , cor. IGth Kirnnm sts. ; send
for circular. 1I99-2H *
I IXiAL pupurs carefully rtra\vn and acKnowl-
AJeilccd br.J. ( ! Sternsdoill , rooms 317 andi : : ! <
first National bank building. 'j ' > 2
rillin banjo taught as an art by ( ieo. r CSoI-
Jlenbeck , IKI tJ. lUth st. r.12
IfVOUwaiittobuy. sell , rent or ox.change.
call on or vldtess. ( I. .1. Sternsdorll , looms
oI7 and Illb first National bank building. 052
I IIUSONAL 'Jho llower.s that bloom in the
1 spring are painted true to munition adiii-
ncr &ut ot IDI pieces : aitistlc siiunro shapes and
servli eable ware. We ask but * lii lor the fet ,
nnd those who s o It consider the piico verv
low. Von me invited to call and see it at O. IS.
Moody s ; H2 N. Kith --t. t.VJ 24
1 > iUSONAL : Those ? ! J haiiclng lamps aio
selling rapidly. Call nnd get ono bofoio
t her nre all Rom * , 'i on Mill llmlthemat Moodj'H
china btoie. ! il > 2 N 10th t. 4VI-24
ATKVNCf. MIIDUJM.-Mmo. Sandall , 'tho
young Swede , tells full names of rations , aim
the full name of your future- husband ol wife ,
with date of man Inge , and tells whether the
ono you love is true or false. Not a fortune
teller , but n young spirit medium. Mndnmo
goes Into a perfectly dead trance. will bring
back the iiarted husband or lover , no matter If
they be Iti.dtX ) miles away : will gnnraiiteo to
settle fnlhny iitinrrels. Tailors up stairs. 40S
Noith Sixteenth Htrcet , thlid Hoer ; n > ! 2 >
If VOf Intend to marry or only desire amuse
ment Join our club Address with stamp
Westcin CoireHpindenca ( Iiib , Conned Illntls.
In. I'ii-l ' ml 1
IiitKNAI.Vi.75 will buy a pretty decorated
dlimorsot , suitable foi a hin.ill t.imlly. The
wain Is sometlilng that we Know to lit * \ery
good and hurt Ice iltli * . Wo will m.iko sets 1111 In
niij number of ploie-i , same as in whltn ware ,
Wo me iilwavsgladto slmw this set to young
married people , at Moody'n ihlmi store -W2 ; N.
liithst. If j on do not lt\e lu Omaha write for
Illustrations. WA
G.I. Kl'f.HNSDOIll , ' ! . . Ustnto niid
U\change llroker , has lemoved to Uooms
ai7nnillin. ! flist NutlouAl bank building
nOHSi ; and wagon for sale , cheap , 172:1 : Cum-
lug si. jri 2t
ITiOlt s5Al.i-rninlturo ; of n luii-iodiu cot-
i tage , * l7ri. and ootmge for lent nt Ji.'Ja
inontli. MIA Calirornia st. IIII2I *
AIIAUIi.M.V Thlrievii bundled dolhiis
worth ol fiiiiiltnro lor live hnndrod and
llftv dollnis and lonso of modem house on Cap
itol iiMMine. Must sell on aci omit of poor health
fl _ | 'rotl1' . * ' Ohliago st , , r ; , II
FOlt HA Li : Car load of young sound horses.
Hill California Ht. I ; . H. Wood. IKI
I OIt SALI'-On terms to Mult. Iho neatdittiiKe ,
-I .W Charlesst. Tiduphoiii < rn. or W. T. SMII-
man , Omalia'H largest variety buggies , wngoiiH ,
Ve , , east s do Itith st. north of Nicholas ( . I'kl
. _ . _
\ \ * ANTMITo ) buy rlcnr Oinuha properly.
i I'm sale orlradotwo slocks of genenil
ineicliniidlsi' . hoi es , bngglos. liaineHs. to
Kumeis Land Co. , nioina ft ) and 21 , llnrKiir
) lei k , Omaha , Neb. < iki-2'it
V\/"ANTii : ) To miy good commercial paper.
J-lJJLjin'ilir8"l ! ! ' ! ; " ' * s'hst . _ _ ! tf _ _
\\rANTI3H T-i buy house and lot worm ijl.riOll.
T stpajment i h < ur. Lot worth i\M. \ C. f.
'Ian ' ( son , Mi.rcliimts' Nat'l bank 'Kai
IWANTIID furniture , carpels , moves and
IT household goods of all kinds. ( Jmahn Am-
Ion A Storafo Co. , 1121 I'm num. fil'J
WANTUD To buy ooil comiimrcial paTierT
It. C. iMtti rson dis .s full ht. fj.-j
jTOKAll-At ( : Ion- rule * ut 1121 I uruiuit hi. .
' Omaha Am lion & Storaga Co. 617
IHACKAdi : . HtoragH. lowest rates.V. . M.
l iiin . ,1111 Uiftvimwoi HIS
ll A CO.r toruKO. 1SH"
1 < I barb i f good so.ip
7 barn of line iuundrj neap
3 His Cailfm nla prunes lor f 1 m
' H Ibs Ciiliruiiilii upilrots for . . . , | ID
i In choice laid . . . 1 IKI
HhallHllof Jt'lU . 1 fiD
iow Vorfc HV > cet ttdc-r. pur LIU
liver thread Saner Kraut . . . 2.1
'holce ' liittier. per lit . 17Ji
iiuuita C'runliei'itea , 23
U3 2
N'lHHT ( SOWNS , We Monday innrnllU
will nttlrnlMi"ir table of MV night powt
with W dozen ncn style * , nil l > elns made nf lie1
standard muMtii , nnd hnndsomely tlnlshi1
with Hue tucks and ein'Tolderj. ' Orders Illlei
S. 1' . Morse ACo. .
4TP.M :
"VTHJHT ( UWNS ) , Mother Hubbird styV
- - > V shaped front with "olid olllstir.s of pe
petidlculnr tucks , tiei k and sleeves edged wll
umbioldery , 1'ilce 8-c. orders Illled.
S. I1. Morse A Co.
JKJIIT ( IOWNH , tl.Vt.-Indies' sack nigl
gowns , with solid V shaped yoke of en
New french satlnos now o"ii' ' . - . -
- , 1' .
VKJHT OOWNS ji.sti Thu imwn is
i > tlncst tniislln , Mother llubbnril stlisoil
yoKp of emliroldi'ry insertlnn , ili'ck front an
.slomi-s all trlnimeil with embroldi'iy to m.itcl
Sale price $ \.W \ ; ordern Illlcd.
S. 1" . Moro & Co.
1 SKIUTSiVH'-TlllM Is u uood lionocl
mndcklrt ot utandnrd muslin , llnlslu-
bottom , Ith wide hem mid solid i lusti-r of I' ' MI
tm ks nb > \ e. Tliu beftnlua In tintt > at f.jc
ouleis tilled. P. I' . .Moisu .V Uo.
. ' . '
47.I- !
i.- * SKI UTS { I.i'i-Mudii ot i-\lrn tin
} muslin , deep tucked cnmbrU llouiuu , uit. .
olid clii1 tor of l"i tucks nln > o. Cannot be 11
placed at the prlio : orders HHod.
f. I1. Morso\ .
AIIKs'SKIItr.S fl.5lMndo of llnost wit *
lin , trlmni'Ml xMtn xxhlto turchon lace , oti <
row of lusi'i'tlon nnd tureo cmsti-n of tuck
abo\ . ( iood value , only Jl.W ; ordiTS Illled.
S. 1' . Morbe A. Co.
SKI UTS , W.IM. This garment 1
mnduof line "I'rldt'uf the \ \ ot" inii llii
hasextr.i deep Ilimtuoof rich embroidery inn
cltiAter oftlnu , niitrow tucks ulnno and eqini
In tlnUh nnil width to home-mado uiiniiciit'
We havoht'vptal inora Htyles In this icrndi * ; w' '
oiler tin * lot at tl.u unlfonn prlcu or * ( .l > J
Uiders tilled.
A'ew 1'reiii h chalUe'3 rccclvod.
S. 1' . Mor o & Co.
I A 1)1 ) IX Clll.MlSH , ifip.-Mondn > mornUii
J J \\o wlllotlor AodozutiH i > r this cheiniM ) a
I5. > c , mad" of Kood mnslln , corded bind am
trout ; actual woithOJi. , s.ue prlcu : v. tlrdi-i
tilled. S. I' . Slurue A. Co.
I ADIKS' CIII.Ml.-ii : , BDo. A Kruut barman
J ' iiudt of tie- * .tiiiidnnl muslin. KO.UIUV o
all-over embroider ) In rront , n i K and slei-Ms
edped with cliolcu cmliioiderj : Would be pool
vuliio at tl.W ; our IIIRC , only rile. OrdprIlllid
S. 1' . Mm so .V C. . .
T ADIKS' Al'lld.NS. UV.-Two styl " , M-mila ;
* - moruliiK. we oner IM doi'ims of line luwi
aprons in two styles ; one with - Inch hum am
chiMtt-r of : ! medium tU''ks above : Ihe ollu-i
ltli plain ii-lm h linn at bottom , both oneexti :
largo l7 and well worth fi'li : Monday and ilur
iiiK the week our price n. ill bo Me. Ouu-i1
Agents for iiuttilck's p.itterm.
fc. I' . Jlorso & Co.
" AlllKS DItAWr.ltS Mr M dozen made O !
1 Kood muslin , with vldo lium nt bottom am' '
cluster of tucks above. Uood valno for.MJc , 01
sale at vrn ; older * Illled , b. 1' . .Men so \ ( o.
_ illzL
f A OIKS' IHIAW 1IUS M'r-Mudo of bosl
J i Etandiiul muslin , trimmed at bottom will
wide torchon luce , with cluster ot live mudluii
tiuksabine. ItPKiilnr prko fl.U" , on sale now
at K'e ' ; ouleis llllod. ' y. 1' . Mor-,0 \ ( o.
DHAWKIlSWc Made of llnest inns
J lin , wide , hautlMinif cmbiolderv , thieeclus
tors of tucks above , hast .seasmi s prln
was ; we oiler now at 'Jac.S. .
S. I' . MOP-O \ To.
DUX These an * made ol
best quality of iniifillli , trimmed at bottom
with oxtr.i Una and wide embroidery , with solid
cluster of l < i links aboxe. At a legtilat sale w-
could not sell this Raiment under r..OH ; it lb le
inark.inle vnlno at il.ftli ; orduis IHIed.
llest slilrtlui ; prints uuly , 'ie.
" is. I' . Moisw A Co.
/1OUSI3T rOVUKfJ ( ! 5o , made of extia llnu
V > eambilc Ilipli neck V shaped yoke of line
wide uinbroideij ; worth fl , for a day we oiler
them at Me. Ordora Illled.
S. 1' . Moiie & Co.
47 * : : 1
OIJSUT COVnitS 'Xlc-Tliey nro madewTtTiTi
low Hiiiuo | out neck , front and buck , neck
nnd sleeves edged with tine vmbiolderv mid
made of best ( iiialltyof cambric , a reniilnr l.iVl
quality , on .s.ile lorono wenk at We. Orduis
Illled. S 1' . MorMJ A C- > .
osyr COVUK.s thai llnn
and made of extra tliiocambiic. I.ooquare
neck , fioul and bill k , neck mill slee\es odted ;
\\itli torchon lace , voilld bo cheap at . ' ; loronu
week our piice wtll bo H , ' j. S. I' . A Co.
4'il IJ4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
'PHIS SAM ! Mill continue for 0110 week , com-
Ju inenciiiK to-morrow morning , 1'Vbruary ' 'i" >
nnd lasting until Saturday ovenlng , March .
orders Illled.
Mandard gliiKlmnib only re.S.
S. I' . Morse A lo.
IjlUUNCIl N0IU < Y tfllka jTltl. 21 pieces
J1'rench mnelty nllKs , MO williodiice from
W.W and * IW I ) to fJ.Olajaru. Those i onii * in
rhaiiKe.iblu colors , novelty broche strlpi's ,
Ai mines , and small llgnred BliuonllkH ; only 1
iMitlainnf uach disjlgii. and no two lolurs allKu.
These are the production of ( I. SmiviKje & Co. ,
Lynns , rrtiiii'O , ont of tin * most i llabl if not
the best maimfiii mer.s of Hilk gooils in I0u-
ropi > . Salu i ouimencus Monday , 1 olininry ai.
Orders Illled , b. 1' , Morse , V Co.
7Vir.SS STVI.Iifc
SJ 61 a yam.
Monday moinini : vuMll ; oiler ID.tkx yards of
standaid dioss Mjles Kluiliiins : , .1 quality that
MO him * cold ut lOe and lU'ic ilurliiK the past
season Owing lotue RiiiKiinm war amongst
jobbers , we secured 10 cases of the best Rprlng
Hlyliwat a price , w.ilch unablebiiH to oiler llieiu
iitnc n varil. At iliis prlcu wo will sell only I- !
yaids to uuch custoniur ; ordeiH Illlml
y. 1' . Morie A. Co.
TSTI.W s'lUVC Boods
1 > i'ronch fhallies.
New I'lemh atlnc-s.
We liavn opennd our sprint ; ImporHtlon of
these goods , the handsomest ever liioucht to
theilivVe are Nhowlm ; only now ntylos of
1'iencli .sntliii'H , li'ivlng closed out our old nloc k
last \\uwllleheerMillynendsamiiIcs ipoil
iippllcatlon. Ortiurs tilled.H
H , 1' . Mor o A Co.
Kl'lllNli STVI.I'.s , Carpnts.
Iilsplu > ed mi nur third lloor. NVu liiu o
receixed allot our mm sprlm ; styiiw of rnrputt
nnd Monday moiulim' will display to om p.i-
Iriiiis , the largest anil most can-tully selected
TtocU of c.upetM eMTHhown In Omaha. Wo
liate madoHpucliil iiiupnratloiiri to do nn In-
Housed hiMiiea.s lor the toinlnt ; KCIISOII , and
lm\e spared nclthei ( line nor money In gather-
liig together ( omplete lines In all uriidf * trom
11 reMit Axmlnmej' to an Inuialn.uuoulil
nil ) our .spei lal attemlon to tiui liner iradinof
impctlimti , whlc'liui are showing largely intix-
LTSS of nil foi mer M'asons.omakenpeelal
, 'lloitH loiixcell In the titling and la ) ing of line
: niputs and guaianleo satlsractmn ill oinry
Inlendlni ; purchasers would do well to Inspect
Mir NtocK now , beloru the spring rush com-
iiience.s , IIH tlieKtoik in nowiinliroki < nand many
if Iliii choicest designs now to b hnd , may bo
Illhuult tohccurens tlm season uiUamos.
IlllHJ'M Its U .
W nn > oft'orlmr anot her large lot of line Ilns-
.mks at . 'Uc , the name as formei I > olil at < l.
H. I' . Moine \ Co.
471-- !
\\MNDO\V BIIADK.S ! IV I'nr ono week wa
oiler iiHperlul lot of win-low shado-i , ht v-
ngsjiilngrolloni nnd llxtine.s romnleto ; tlle e
ue sold overyw hero at OUc ; lor this sale only
tie Dado Window slmdos MIC Tlieso Kline In lots
ifomi to lltuHliudfh , are worth foui tlmuithe
irlco wo olfer tnem at. A * HID iiiiantlty 1 llm-
teu , at thin in Ice they cannot last overilii ) s.
H.I' . MoiseA Co ,
M 119. LHNOHMAN can bo consulted on all
Lllnflalrsof life tliniutjti the magic mirror.
SatUrni-llou guurantflKd. IIH N 10th nt. I'pstnlrs
NANNIH V. Warren , clairvoyant. Medi
cal and bufllnosi iiieillum. female discuses
ispoeliilty. | li ) N lutll st. , rooms'J and 'J. fill
Trust Oo. , IVfi fur-
UIDLANIHJiiurautouA fiirntshod titles
o real estate uxaiulnedpi < rfected V cunranteed
ryVoil hALL Tyfor hl'ntem of abstrnc-U for
I1 Jellowon .oiililj. 'Nebraska , flatted and
rniihrrlbml to ISUby fW. . VobWiiikc-I , J'alr-
mry , Neb. _ fli--Xut
IISTIIACTS l.inaliaii & Mnhouoy , rooni/ ) .
i block. 13
OMAHA AbMrnctcnnipmr , lM Pa itnin
Most romplpt < > nnd careTullv prop red si
of abstract IKM.KS nud pints of nil reM impart
m the city of Omaha and Douulas cm * .
IONI.Y to IAHUI on chattel net urn y , mil MI
lot Interest. .1. II. IMrrotto , ItitW ( hlcrtgo s
4 'So s
. C'4 mid 7 per cent , no mil
"dl < 'mf ii. money direct from the eastern li
\cstor , W. ll. Meikle , first Nnt'l b nk liuildini
_ _ _
TJI'llDINO loatisaspccinltv. W. M. Hniri
I > room 'A' ' , frcnyer block , opposite r. O.
Otll'IIAltl ) HillClioln - loans xvatitedln th
addltlou. Kimball , Champ A. 11 } nn.
_ _ _
r DKLL ItUDs ! . , va. ( . No. : i | Sa Ifith st
v ' ( hnmbi-r of Commerce building , loan motm
ntO. fi'i ' , 7 , 7' ' aiulH per cent , according to loci
tlon of property , rnsiirnnssed fnclllties fi
placing largo In ins on Inside business proper ! '
A special fund of several thon-iitid dollars t
loan on tiiiltnpiove.l lots. 2r. ;
"AfONf.Y toloiuon fuinlture , plano , hoiso :
J.'lwiiKon , etc. Cltv Loan Co.llsS nth s
opposite Mlllard hotel. 170
f" OA N > on buslneis propi-rty , JV.HW to * .ViiOi )
iJVMintrl. 1'rovident Trust Ciimp.iny , roni
iWs , first Nntloii.ll Hank building. IOJ
\\TASTf.D- first class Inside loins. Lowoi
It into * . Call and sec us Mutual luxes'
inenl Co , III llarker blk. 1'ith and farnam. o'
'AI.NI7P IHH Ciiolco loans wanted In thi
addition. Kimball , Champ , v Il\un.
AUTIIACI.-ChoIro loans wanted , in thi
addition. Klmbail , lliamp A Ityart.
_ 29J-5S _
MONl'.V to loan on Improved real estate b
Northwostein Miitunl Life Insurance Ci
Lowest rules ; no commissions. Address How
ard Kennedy , special loan agent , Oniah.i , Neb
T ) O you want to borrow money' |
JI'lrst > , ( I. .1. Sturnsdorif , roimiH ; il" and ! tl. >
I'lrst Natlonr.1 bunk bulldim. . will loai
yon any amount from t\wi to fVn ) i , on lu :
pioved or nntin proved Omaha propel tv. Low rates of intermt. No unneresiai V dolaj
Improved business pioperty loans
specialty , 'leleplionu 4'il. W
DO i'Ot' want money ? Loins nude on homo
hold f uriilt in e , pianos , tuuves , etc , wlthtm
ilelii ) nl r' > nin\ii | . Persons wishing a loan o
this kind will do Moii to call at our nlllcc bofnr
dealing elsewhere ; business strictly conllden
tint. A. V. . Uiomiwood A Co. , Hooin I , Cunning
ham block , 1 ilh mid Jackson sin. 5.i ]
MONIIV .idMineed for llr t-class roil
mortmigKs. i"tll on .1. II Kuonv ' A ( iiltiiuii
> n , first National bank tnitldltn , ' . 'OOJ F2s4
MONIJVto loan on fmnlturchorses , wagons
etc. . or on any approved security. .1 W
Uobbins , It. 20)jlieely ) bin. , inth and Howard
IDKOI'Lir.S Kni.incinl lUchiimjo-The fairest
J iiiletoat | , most llbarnl money exchange n
t lie city ; loans made without delay or publicity
In any amount largoor .smull , at the lowusi
latea of Intore-t. on any avallablu security
loans may be pi id at any time or renoMed a :
original rites O. I loiiscaivn , mjjr , Koom MI , !
Darker blk , 1'ith , and rarnam , Wi
DO VOU want to liorrow money ?
Head this :
It win aavoyoii time.
It w 111 save you money.
i'ou can borrow from
II. f. .Masters ,
surcoKor to W. It. Croft ,
room 4 , Witlmell bid's. T'th and Ilainey sts.
MU. Wl , J1' ' . illi. iJo ) , fa ) , $ | . ( KJ ) , , ) , JKI.O ) ) ,
In fn t , siuy sum you want on turnltiire ,
pianos , horses , mules , wagons , ct . . on easlei
ter-ns and at lower rates than any other milcn
in the city , without publicity or removal ol
property from ymir possession.
IJ an instalment Is due on your propoitv
you cannot meet it , cnll and see me. I wil pay
it for you. If you luno a loan lu any other
olllce , call ami got my latea. I Mill take It uii
and cairy It for you ,
I nuke loum for one to slv months , and you
can nav a purt at any time , reducing both prin
cipal and interest.
All limns renewed at original rates , and no
( .barge for piipi-ra.
All business strictly coulldential. Call ami
sou me.
Don t f.irpet the number.
Itoom I , Wlthuell b.ock. 65.1
DUNDKi : Placo-Cholco loans xvnnted In this
addition. Kimball , Chump \ Iljnn.
rpo LOAN -A hpecial fund or SIO.OX ) in sums
JL from J.TOO tip , on unimproved lots in Omaha
If not situated too far out.Oitell Ilrothers.\- ( .
ill2 S. IIUU st. U2S
lOins nt loxv rates , and no
delay. I ) . V. Sliok-s , 210 , first National
to loan on Omnha nnd South Omaha
property , also on fauns , C. f. Harilsou ,
4itnnd ! lul Merchants' National bank. 75.1
1" INOH.N 1'1-ice Clinlco loans wauled In this
J I addition , Kimball , Chump X Kyan. _
I i-t.8
VMillllASKA Mortg , Lonn Co. will mnKo you a
L\ loan cm household goods ,
hor.sos , w agons ,
1 mil contracts
flno Jewelry or securltiosof any kind
without publicity , nt reasonable rate ? .
Itoom 7 , Howley block. South Omaha.
Hooms G1S-31 ! ) I'nxton blk. , Omaha , Neb.
SKL'Sholes. 210 first Nat'l bank before mak
ing your loam , tfirt
ONI ! V-Loans negotiated nt loxv rates with ,
M oul delay , nud purchnso good commercial
panel and mortgitgo notes. S. A. Slouian , cor.
13th nud farnam. M-l
MONHV to loan on Improved property at llrat
hands. No application sent axvay for np-
provnl. Security nnd titles eximlneil free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
compatix'Oil S. IL'th st. Ml
TToNlfV to loan. Harris , H. U. 4 Loan CoT
111 room 111 , First Nat. Hank. fil ! )
. toionil. O. f. Davis Co , real estnto
and loan agents , 1.1 k'i fin iiam st. _ WJ7
1\IONiV : to Loan-Woiiro loidt- for appllc-.i-
I'l lions for loans In amounts from $1X ) to jlt- )
( ) ) on Imm-oi cd Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. I nil Information as to rates Loans
promptly closed , ( iood notc-s will bo purclinsml
liyiih. Call unon us , or willu. The .McCaguo
Iuv"Stm"it Co , I'M
CAN make 11 loxv loan * on llrst-cl-iss cluitti'l
1 M-ciiritlns nt rojiouublo latus. W. K. 1'ottur ,
ronm lu Haikor llk. 7U" >
' borrow moiioy on fnrnititio. liorvn
DON'T , etc. , unlll you havehjnnC II. .lu
cobs , room 110 , First National bulk building
Cor. 1 ithnnil I'arn im -Wl _
YnflLlTTM ! loans. D. V. Siiolus , 21J , first
Jl Nat'l Hank. n
Ti(7i'li-b : ; riu-ui''I.U ' Ilxeluingo-i.iivii and
I small loans for long nnd uhorl lime , nt low-
pst rates of lutoribt , on real oslnto mortgagu
notes , chattels of all kiil'ls. dlamoids , xvntches
nnil towelry. Don't fall to call If you xx-ant fair
and 'cheap'aceoiumoilutluiis. . O. lloiisi .iron ,
Mgr. , ioom'K > 't ' , Ilarkor blk , , llth and farnam ,
Plnce Cliolci ) loans wanted In this
BHKiIiS . Minbnll , LlnimpAr Hjniu , (
fT'fll CUNT inon y lo loan Cash on hand
U W , M. llarili. , room 20 , lniuer block , op p.
! ' . ( ) . i' ' ' ' . )
. COl.K , latin aifoiit.
nK. 217
fONHV to loun ; cash on hand ; no del iv. J.
ill W. Sipilrt ! , I21U farnam bl , , first National
Imnk biilldlng. K > 7
' MorlgHge * Trust Co. ,
cheap eartern money direct to borrowers.
Make building IDHIIS , largo or smnil : perfui t
ltleaacc-ept loatiu In Ihelr wostiirn olllco. ( loo.
IV. I' . Coates , representative , 11 Hoard Trade ,
. loanml for T ) . ( ! ) or ! ) days. on any
MONl.V ch.ittul security , reasonable Inter-
> st ; btisliuss coiilldt-ntlitl , J. J. Wilkinson ,
HIT fnumiintt. M
' ' . Loan l/owest rates. Loans closml
promptly , II. U , , untlnuntul blocK.
j > .vxi.iHiTo ) loaiTnu ) per cunt. Lfiiiilmn & May -
y , lloom & > . I'axlon block. fM
' "OliNTXji"I'lnce Cnolie loans wanted In
L thlri addition. Kimball. Champ .V Kvan ,
ilted htates Nat. Hank llilllillnt ' , , 120' farnam
iy > ) * ' '
" OANSmacioon real estate unit mortgagei
-MxxiuM. I.exvis ti. Hoed A Co. , 1121 farnam.
\1ONKV to loan In large sums at Hie lowest
111 rale * ; noflelay. 11. (7.1'atterBon , Uia B. 1Mb.
I. i ; . COLL , loan agent.
. 217
ULOINU loum , Llniihau A ; Miihonoy.
Bioie , about f ) , OH , In one of the bent
DltUO lu NcL/nihkii , population I.2X ) , terms
nili ; going into Jobbing , Address It 02. line
Dice. 411 U
FOlt .sA I.I ! A now , clean t > tr > i k of bootn and
Hhoes In a live town of NrbiasKa , stock
bout ( I.OOJ , work enough for txvo men on cus
jiu work , good locution , ruin ) lo , Aiidie
L Ct , llv ullictv 433 2C *
SALHA RlU olRo Rrocory , localit
Nn 1 , nuslnes * Uituri hiiiR and lnof n m
Mrlctly tliit rl.ns customers , sales nboiit ha
c * h , proprietor will HWcnr no bad tlobti nr
will ghoxv books. Dei lining health nuisn <
file ; part time If doslnM ; no trade f.miid
ot fennm. CdleHo'iertsoti , HO so 15th Ht. 4
VOf .x ant a llrst class Inxrstment ?
DO xrell pavtiiR bxnk in a thriving lltt
town ii'KUit ' IfO miles from OmnliK doing a got
biisinej.o. Only a ntnnll cixpltal IB iiilred. Don
delay but InvostU'ate nt onca ( lec-rse J. Stem
dorIT , rooms .11 ? nnd Ills itr t Nat. bink b Id *
$20.1X11 stork of drugs for farm , good feed nt
bay business ; mu < t have one-third ens !
IlnUmtivin A Wend , 1121 Dodgi'-st ,
| 4lls2. ' .
_ _ _ _
Foil SAM : -Hakerynmi stock of confect lot
c-ry In n thrlx ing Nelnnska toxvn. populatk
GU i terms oa y ; good trade. Address IKVl.tlo
4oO M
'fj > Oll HAIi-n.Oil : ) stork of c-leu new li
JL1 go.ids and fin iiioliing goods in a live tnx\ \
\xltliiwo rnllwuys fine rlmnivtu step lni
I'stubliHlied biisinp i. Nn jig -nts Addle !
owner , box It ; , Harvard , Clay county. Nnb.
111 21'
f A LU-A nice clean stoi k of hardwnr
JL stoxonitii tinxxaro in n groxxlng oaslern Ni
braska town ; stock nnd building xUll lux-oli
auinit f..itll ; tlio business bus puld a prollt i
nJ" ul iKi , ) lu tiightocu months , nnd xxlll ben
theiln'U t lii.-i-stlgallou ; good rca * > oiis forspl
ing ; the onlv till shop In the phi'-o loniioctt
with It , . ' .ddi-tMs "llarjain"cnre ( omnhn linn
ware Co. . Omaha , Nob. _ 411 LN
A 1 HAT market for sale ; best paying stand I
All Omnlm. Address " 11 fii , " llee olllco
4lW-lii21 *
MAI.U-A line snlonn. Host Icicnlton I
clt.x. t heap foi < ash If taken within 10 dnj'
i has A. I 'cist. l.lncoltiNeb. _ _ 2S2 21 *
IAHTMit : Wnntod A tlrst-cliss nrehltw
and eminent designer XMIIIIS n pnrliler xut
some capital. He must bo able to brlui ! 1
xxork nnd linx-o lulluence with the lending i ai
Itn1l ts nnd cnterprlslm ; linns : no bulletin
knowledge or other xvork loinilisd. Addles
1157 , Hee olllce. il > S-27
SALI'-flist class stock of staple nn <
fancy groin lo ) , fixtures , etc. ; good bus
11013 , tine location , rout low , Addrudslt 17 llec
' : ui-2
A NUw roller mill for sale Innoiood xxlion
belt , and go il mirket for tlnor. for tm m
nddres- .1. Amllens , ( lorden. Nell. 2-TiinlS *
JilOll SALl ; MOCK ot nnrax * . ttri < and stove *
tinners' tools nnd store futures lu Omnlm
Will ini nice nbiitit * .1.1'M ' , at n Imrgilu. ( Jooi
staiiii tor business. Apply nt HO * nnd Uln Iliu
lley street , Omalia , Neb. 2-i | 2."i
SA I.K ( Iroccry stoie tUturos , eti. Chili
A. I'osl. l.lii'-oln. Neb. 2il 21 *
IriOH SALl-The ! Alley coal mine , lo nVedn
Atler , Varloo Co. . Inltlt ni.'i ni ret of tin
best i-oil lands in Iowa , 7-foot vein of H.\
tures , md mai bineiy Ihst class in toi > respect
ralliond swtt'h connected with woika. w III in
sold at a b.ualn IftaKen within II days. Ko :
p.irtlculais address M. , | . Ward , or ,1. \ \
( ienos'T , ciie of Slate Savings bink. Do :
MolticM. la US 2S
HA LU A well ostHbllxhi'd grocery busl
ness in this city. Inquire D. M. Steelu , \
Co . I'ilh nnd llnrnny. 711 ml. !
$ l,7iio , linlfcasli will buy IOU , n re rarm , nn
pro\ed. I1 , miles from Long I'lue , Neb.gooi !
house , bo t water.
tljaw Cttsh for 2 tour room houses rent Ing foi
( Id per inont'i. it re-ddent and 'I biislne-t lots
all hi Long 1'iurt , 1,0U Inhabitants , ; ] i UurUies ,
bricsschool home , waterworks , railroad divi
sion , coed farming i ouutiy. Veiycnoap. mint
be sold. Long I'lno f.xchaug Hank , Loig I'lnc
Neb. t.'nI27 *
1 ? ( > ll IIXCHANC iKID i : nrres of land in Cliey
ennnCo.Neb What have jou to ollni" ,1 ,
T. llnglehardt , IIiiulsin | . Neb. liiVI *
/ i.VCIIAN'ii : ( : Iminovod farms lort'ooil
building lots ; will pi > nisli ilill , icm e ,
Western Laud and Liun i\ :
st 4.I--.T
| j > l lt l.VCIIANll-iood : ( . fur farm
I lanns oracant rll > propeiiy. Uesteni
Laud and Loan i\change : , 117 s liith s : . 471-2 ;
piopertv All kinds of pic
Urovur Stexons. l.i-l linnamst
rilAT .vlll you gl\o lor lot II , block- i. In
llcnson , containing one ni-ic" II 'il. llee.
IIAT will jon Ive for tin * nw 'i ' section
at. towiiblilp Jl. range r > , west , In Holt Co ,
Not . , containing 1ft ) aires , I' ' , miles from
.Stuiul , 1 ! ) iii res under tnitU utlon , good s'oiy
nnd half house , bain for H bund of horses ,
gralnory. i orn < rib , orchard , nnd nil nccots ny
imio\e/ments lor lirst class faun , iiniiiu-
Injure fl.liM , about fl.VI mteiest , ami tuxes tube
bo paid. What will yon five cash for it ' It 21 ,
Hei * . i ; 27
rPO n.\cliauie for goods , \ alnnblo lands , mi-
1 pioved ami near lalboad towns ; shoituin
tiom Omaha , Unit I ulll trade for good stock of
clothing or general mcrcliiiiullsi * . The IIUKH
are good anil the goods must be n peed clean
stock. A rai e opportunity open onlv for n short
time. AiluiLM , I , \ . Cialk , dfi.o i , Neb.
rpo KXt'llANCIl lloiiBfM and lots. finn
J- lauds , inercliaudlse , hoisus , cattle , wagons ,
etc ( all or w i ito i ' . I. . Iteiter , i oem fi , oW or.
nth nnd Houglni. 2li >
OH KXCIIANOK 210 acres nnlmproi I'd land'
'i ' mllu from Thiimmeli , Moirlck countvd
Neb. , to trad * for stock merchunillse. Adiliess
Uox i ( r,1 , Central City , NeDr. V ! 7-l
: section ( HO nciesiof boavv timber land
In lltuko coiii.ty. North Caiollna , c-lenr of
Incumbiiin-o : good titlw Whit Invo y u to
oiler. ' ( ! . .1. .Stoinsdorll. rooms ' 117 nnd ills ,
first bank IJiilldlug. Teloiihonu 4'il ,
I KAVKNWOKTII SUaiit. I liuvo a xeTjTdo
J ' ulrable plec-c ot biislnoss property on this
htreet that call bo tr.ulod for guml funning
land not too far from Omalia nnd part cash. II
is well rentpil und will pay you to Imostlg-ito
( J. .1. hlenis.lnnl , roomi : i7 ! , 'vIIS first National
Hank lillildllig. Teloimone , 4 il. 8il i
I M PillVIII ) and unimproved piopei ty in the
growing tonii of . , la , to trade for
Omahaiciai estate. ( J..I SternloiII. . looms
1117 ami : I1K , first National bunk building. Tel
ephone Kit. hOI
ADAMS county , loxx-n ; elgnty ( SI ) neres
thence 1,1111 ! near l.dlrinil ; all rencod
und under cultlx-nllon ; i tear of Inniim-
brnnco ; xvnilt Oinnhn pioportj ; house nnd lot
proferroil. ( ! . .1 , Slornsdiuir , rooms 117 and ills
i'iibt National bank building Telephone * nil.
H ! ' .
S'iVliltAL mercliainllso stocKs to tliule for
good Omalia property or clear farm lands ,
li. .1 Mcrnsdorll , rooms ill ; i. ilia flrbt National
Ijiink building. tf >
IjiOI ! iXl"IIANi'i : ; * KfgliT.v"acIo of the tlnoht
L tlmlier bind lu Wisconsin , clear of liiciim-
lirinue. What Inixe you tocilfer/ ( .1. Sterns-
lord , looms iH7 \ 'Jls , flrit Natloiul bank
linildlng. ( if. )
( KOD taiiiin. or Iightlj lin-uinbuiuil , lor
I Jiiieich.iiiillsn. lixo Htoik 01 city piopertv. H.
C , Cole , lloomi ) , t ontinontnl block. fit I
IBOIETIlADi : loum II Illnirs nnd Omalia i-Diil
i . ostatefiii InrniH , lioises , catllo or miuuhuu-
UMI Host loth btitxvoen Omalia und Coiim il
lllulH. ( , . K. .MuyinIjtli mid Harnov.
f.7 ! m 1
I7Vlt ) i.VCANIIi : | | : lei de-n ! , li , r
1' propei ty In Oinnliu. any ur nil ot rollowlng.
4ilLlioliu lnnlia | itfnldeni-u lots In lUstllign.
lim lotM In Lliroln.
( HOacres linn fjrmlmrland , Lancaster county.
fine ienlileino pioperty , Lincoln.
Hood rental pioporty , Llmoln.
t'noli'ii Un < y iiMiduaro. i OIIH.T. Los Anodes.
A neat roHlilence piopurty lu llamcini I'lace.
Also. Bomogoodmoitg.irfii notes.
Address , giving location niicl piice of prop-
rty , ,1. II. l | , uue damn lion Co , 1217 Leaven-
\orlli. fi'il
WIIKN you have nnjllungfor i"c II.IIIKI > ill
T T cm or wrltu uii , II , I ! Cuis , U mm i. , Conll-
lentnl block. _ _ _ 17' . '
I OIl ll.YCIIANdliD.KOU. . Hand . .iiintsy. -
L' What IIIIVHou to oiler for a good farm
lure , slightly ( inennibL-red ? Dikoti luiid < n > 'n
Islng In vul uc , and 1U dimtlny canmil he. dU-
luted Will tuke vacant lot or impKivcd prop.
itv ami assiiiiKHoni" lii' iimbrancti ( . . .1.
Heui'-dor.r , looms .117 ami IIS , l'r ! < i' Hnlloiul
Auk building Kiii
' '
SI'KCIAL llarcalns--lnst front on Virulnl-i
n\o ncur Woolwoitli for t-VXJ , below price :
room house with all modern
. lull lot on Park , i ve. , onli.trUi | tortibr lot
p/l Iiirgu lioiika noui I'uru avu. and Lenvi-n-
loith. only jfl.iwi ; u oi lottugd on Oavenpoit
iear Silth st. , only Jl.viOl. I hinoxjineof Hiclx-ht
lurg.ilus In Oinuha. ( Iroier stuvoui , 1M1 I'.ir-
lam Ht. , tele-phono H'"i. 4 17-21 ;
[ j AHV TermnHousBMiuu loin for \ ry biiTidl
U cash painenunudoiio.i } yjuima. ( .lover
teutiOf211'auiuni. ii7-iW
IhTyour lur ttln * with m and I ran s Tl
J thum. ( Mover slevetm , | U | fariiam
ALK Two riiiely"Tmjm > iod fiXrinn in
i , lloonu lounty. Npbrasku , r.ii'i'ilro of
i t'kttrii I.antl and Loan Hxchunse , JIH , loth
> 471-ST
1J1OU SAM ! -Some bargains In building loUs ,
- oeiitrilly lo-aic'd. Wosttirn I.atulniid lioan
f.xclmmsf * . 117 S. pith .st. 4-4 ' "
* I'rlco tijU ; term's cn y.
Lots'.i. ID. ll nnd u block 4. ItPdforl placu.
I'rii e JMM each ; term * p.acy.
Lot 5110 k ft , Hnns"om place. I'rl M. j
Lot 7 bl.ii k 2 , llunsc Mil jilncc- . I'll. . '
Lei II block 1. rinlnxlpxx , I'rlco i 1,2 * > >
Lot ill. stuinystdo. I'rii c$8.IKI. .
Lot 17. Siinnxslde. Price K.\1\ \ ) .
I.ON21 and 2 > , Suiitiysiiie. I'ldo jt-n
Loin lu HIlMldr reserve , opposite * 1 ales flno
residem-e , fiom fJ.VKMo Ind i n
ments to p t lies xvUiiliifj to build In th'snll ' *
Hon.Lot I block UP. clt.v , P. f cor. Kill nti-l I nr.
nainsts. price * $ i2imi.
Lots I and 2 Murk W. city. S. V. cur. llth and
Mil on sts , prlcu jr\tn .
Lot .1 block 21. ' ' , , city , prl , < U..IWO Hnill ngl
on tills bit rent for nboiit H2ii JHT muniii
l.oi 1 bloi k 2,1 , i ity price JI5.UO.
rent for tai per month.
Lot I block aw * , , city , 8. I ! , cor.'O'h and
Cuitilui ; sis. , prii e USMI. ! Hulldlii. ( lent for
nboiit 513.1 t ei month.
Lot s bliH-k 2 , l'otter'8 addition. I-.M
Lots 12 and H , block 1 , Hensnii s .M n 1 1 ' .oil
to Council IllnlM , double rorncr on llr > il \y ,
price # Jllt ) .
lj i ll bleu k 2 , llotisoti's ' .M uddltliiii t < t n n
ell ( Hulls , corner on Hm.iihinv , prim 1 ' '
Uit 12 block i' . llt'lison's 2d addition i ' i > un
ell Illitls , corner on lliondxxay , vxl.s teet ,
pi b e J1.2iio.
Lot I block Ifl. Torrj'H nildltlo-r lo i i n I
IllulK lomeron llmaciwav. il.SSi.
South Omaha-
Lots o nnd 10 block 2 .letters nil ! n llro
house's renting for { TO per month. I'm > . * HIHI )
Lut II bloi k 2.letter sndd n ; four houses tent
Ing foi fin per month. I'tleo.HIDJ.
Lot i block fl. 1'hst ndd'n to South Omiiiin
rilcoJI,17ri ; one third cash.
I .nt II Iiloi-k7 , nrst ailifn to South Omu'i.t
filie , lfiri ; one-thirdc-ash ,
I. . > t 2 block in , Soiilh Omnha. I'n. l\ \ >
cash , f'Oi.
Lots I and 2 block I Potter \ Cob'i ' s Jcl ndd tl
to South Omnlm. I'rlco , * I.1MI. This is i.muoi .
cin'JIth st. inxliU foot , and one-hair t1i < > prii o
usked fur slugjii Ittsldrt lots one bli i k noitli
Ilu llie slot9uli N , Q. 2Ilh , 2.Hh , Stilh und ' th
Call tor pi Ires.
lif. block 7 , first ailiVn to South Omalm ,
1'ilce. t ! , < W ; > , cash
I'ntter \ Cobb , Ii'thntid firuam.s .
- Heal llstnte
Douglas County Abitr.irN.
1W faimtm ft.
In South Omaha , the best ihaiice lei ieit
meut oHered A jjonil now. I room ho-isi * niiil
lot for J'fiii. TldH property Is In the heart of
t-o. Oinahii. there Is not a dollai ngiimst it and
w 111 be sold ijuii k on easy terms , Ala ornei
on Q st , verj ihoice o st. i now i-rn1i * 1 and
contracts urn let for viaduct over U. p. tru. r.s.
Thin lut U n bti ijaln at f-i."JH. lleniembi-r tins
is a cainei lot , i or a-ij uf this pmp , i uwe rt )1 )
take gooil Omalia lots In part pivmi nt if lie. . s
A Choice Coi ner
In llodlek's ( < roic , < tos < > to sttcot rn- , j.i\ : ( < d
streets nnd sihooH ; yon can buy tills tor fi ( I ( I
by pa.Mngi , cttsli ; lluslsill pei i ent li is tlinn
jou can bin suiionndlng propel tv i'oi ; ii-.noiii-
berthis piopi-it.\ In the lieatt ot Oiuali i
for Ilisldi-nie
, 'iopertvhero is a bniitaln , an east fiont on
Uiginl.i a e. , ( . th bt.l , } J. 1,0. ,
il.ri'i i
for Safe Investment.
II fott front by | , n feet doc-p on I'limlng street
wltlia ' . .room house , all for ft Ul ) . Tninkof
this price tor A 1 Cumlng stieet pi'ipeii\ '
i I'M ' i
Near Webt farnamslreut.
a new 2-r.toi v il ronui hoiiso ind tull lot for
il.KO , will be sold ' i cash , balance to suit dilij
If yon want
n homent low price on easy l rm > .seitlii < A
i-i.omeottaieund bain on Vugluta me. full
lot , all foij'l.'iii. . They , isis is murii as this
tor adlolulng lacnnt lol < ; ronui ntid < > iiiiniti
j oui self It Mill want t > Inn , n bu-gari. it'll ' i
We make
loans- abstracts of title , nun liiwi an 'in '
eiiualled list of good piopeity , Ciitnu and
ht e u.s
Ames Ilcnl ll.italc A-eiu-v ' , l"il > 7 faiimm.
( Ml "I
" "
l < XUi > ALi : Itv M. A. I'pton ( ompany ,
JJinestmeni Hankers nnd
Ceneial Iteul INtuto Dealers ,
southeast corner Mill nnd I'm nun
Cut this Out lor r-.itmo llofcren ,
llest residence situ. HMvliVi , s mill an I ensl
front , coiner intluunl Dodge sti > " * is. \u HIHT
lesidiMHe site in Omalia ; fr0il buvslt lllg
bargain ; take it quick.
Ni' e Home.
lli'ic is a good liiin ( > at a veiyre-i onibln
pilie. S'uth iront.r. ; tout lni on Mupl stin.'i ,
jiisteast' of Sauiiileis and solilh ol KOIIIII/.O
nlacc ; new s-rciom bouse , good barn , ou.y Sl.riK ) ,
Terms to suit
Hunt Tills I'p.
Lot I. blocked , illy ,
Lot 4.blui k1l , city.
Lots. blocL , I4H. cily.
( ict out pilco.s on these.
Mono ] to Loan.
We make loins on linpiovod propoitv nt
low ci > t lutos.
.Sold :
Two ol the baig.iinb otleied Hst v/cek by us
have been sold.
Von fool
II\MI > youi day ofgrace wlion yon don il iei mo
some of the bargaliis w oiler. Thej me llKit
theciicus neic to-diiv. but gone to moirow.
l.Kfiet tiaik.viieon lltii streol , Just ncnth of
Mi holiis lei * , liri , ) ) . Mc'iol.isstitfet i , , i'iil Mill
street will be tinxed tills \nr IllL' mnn y lu
this line truckage pi op , itv.
iiMint : lleiliience.
Doe- anyone wint : < meof tlm be ' bn It and
llnely llnlslied IIOUM'S and bainin tlio 'iry/
Hc'iiseol c-lexon looms , ll.un cost eel t\UM. \
House hast" PI \ colivenleiii e. fist fi.ui' lot.
' . . mile fiom rou 1 1 house. Alt ill' stoiii- drive
wnys and walks. A complete ami cl g nit homii.
four mantels and gnitus thai lost oxer Mil U
Iniliiovenients cost ) . Lot is v.ouh f'I.UJ ' ,
HI acres
' , mile west of Aimour'H , South Oinahii Tim
lines ! lUacies in Ih.iL lomlitt Ulll make I I
cottiigo lols2ltN tiuil uih sell ro.i.ltlj at $2 > ll
nndill. ? . Will olfer nils for n few du > 9 nt .1
Tliieo beautiful east Iront lot * . iUtlV ) ench ,
1usl north of Summit I 'ink. for Jl , ( ) i , wortli
double that uit'ount. Umiak < iulck II you wuiit ,
lllls sliup.
Windsor Pine. .
'Ibis year will see good nausportatloii far-Ill
ties \Vlinlior I'liue. Wo cm lull a line luiino
In lliiselogaul addition lor : . ' " , iiiircotit IKS than
it t an bo bought for after Mny 1st.
Look at Tins'
4 loom house , i oiueiited i ellnr. Inicx forndn-
lion , I'istcin. lull lot In omuhn \ lew , all lor
M.l'JiiKJJUcnsh ' , bjlnmofll.i ! ) pur mniith
Aicado I'laco.
Cast f lout lot on , Wiih stioet , ju > il soulli o <
Li-asenwoilh , for tl.HW.
Illilsiilo No. I.
A line double coiner onililb und ( 'lib ago sts ,
liibl east nt' Vines' mansion , lor 'JV-Mil
ICIlby I'luce.
In. ! iiOxltVioiiilith si , jiiht noitli of Dod o ,
fl..iW < ! ( ) casii , bnlimco in I , ' . ' nnd I jeai ir
tiouso lb built to cosi not l , ( s than fl.t ) HI.
Missing II.
Oh ! you nre missing ll bv not piirihasing be *
fore the spi ing tide suts In ,
Hotitb tioiit on Sowart stieut , In S hi nil's 'ir'l
idditlon , H.IM ) .
Cortland 1'lice.
A line home with every conveuleneo ; largo
'at ' , i''OH ) ; f.i,0 ! ) ciiHh , bnliinri7 percent.
South I , Ml i Slin't.
I ot ( < \fii i ; iiofiil il loom house ; line ii'sldeiico
itrt'el : liniii : fl.nil Lot is wet th iht * money.
Sonlli li.tli Mreel.
\\owillsilln < oi mr on lilth and Caxtollar.
.i.xll'i ' , foi leas ill , in miy Insldo lot cnn bit
joiiulit for.
Slietmaii Avonuo.
III' ! feet , u corner on Illuiiey at. , for fiHl , or
lie i uriier lot for f l.'m ' ) .
lluiiMom I'laco.
( Jnble line lo llnus'-oiii I'liiru lllls your Wo
IIIMJ scime ol tlm best runlduni cs and nlte *
fnilitini Stieot ,
.Moniiy i .in be doubled III two yoaiH by buylnc
iropcitj of us on fariiam t-trc-el but ween Utli
md ; ; < ! .
Wi * NHverPold a Lot
et tbnt tbo pun linsc-r has not niniln mom tlinti
eglllai Ilileiust on his illUMtluuilL 'I'llttl in
iei niise we diMJ III iioihliig but llrst c-lass pi > p >
Moi-Kiiuin I'nrlc ,
A uejutiful east Ircmt lot , Kiaded , foi DffJO ,
M.I Hi .
ti ! ( eel cast front on 07th ( pin c-d Ht reel i lir
weun Hogeis' and WltliiiuirKClugniiticsldencei
ind 1' street foril.UtKI.
We haui the 1'iigest and best bargain Hi
lie illy
M. A. I'pton Company. Telephone KM. 4'.n
I710H HALi--r : , | ! acius Ilaiiiliroii I o. NebT
I- latin , W jier acre , ouo-thlrd oixh , balim'iial/
pirccnt. AddiensW..l Wlliliimn , lanei. ) . ( ol.
_ < J7r >
! * IIXJ ciinn , Ij.ilancnfi'i permonth , will buy n"W
P 7 room lioiihiuin 2illi M nuur liiiUo f. l'rl > o.
- . " > . C. II , Iteltoi , room 5 , H , w. cor. Ifith anil . 47'l ml
_ _ _
I71OH HALU Lot OKI',1 , past and fonlh cor-
Iner , near thu Mllum Kouert propoityoii
ViiKt ; tr.ViO ; for a ahort mm * . ( ' . V.
Ian lion , Mel chums' Ntit. bunk. il-ii-M
IjlOIt HAM ! -HousHii'id lot , H e cor. Krfkliii )
1' and 27lh l , flUJ | ; tM. ) iasli. A great bar-
aln. C. f. Harrison , Men hauls' Nnt'l batilc.
fj.riCAPII and Hi moillily.liicliidlntj interosl ,
pbuy nlc.jtlro- nouia nn-1 lot , well lo'atod.
I. li. Cole , loom 0 , Continental blocK. 211
[ I1U ( hiALH-Lot l 7In block VI , Wixl.7l.ou
l Jlnrneyfit. for luiticillar.sliiijuireof Win
lnlg r , ( Inluua , HI , lw mi |
. . . HALI ! Or evcb'imo for Out ih.i prop
* - erly , HJ acrei. miitubbi for plJltlnu ; xvlll
lakmyj lotsall clear ; bit ; money In It for ECIIIII *
nixAliocnii push this ; located ] ilAtoiitilcl ttio
Itylliiiltsot ( JouiiRll Hluir * . Inoiilro ( leo , , f.
U > lk"i vootult UIT ftuu all < ' l ltlt Noilonul
in ! ,
JI1OII KALULou H , IJ ami 10 , block IIVeit
l olilo uddltloa , Tia-du low antfilxlJi ouch ,
i > x'oi-y prwltynnd tha tuiei ) can bu bought
( > rtl.nH They are actually wortn twice Viiak
" 10"W' iA-"iff ? } sr. ? . ' aw ? ! am ,