Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1889, Image 1

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Oollnpao of the Celebrated Oneo
Against Parnoll.
This Fact Proven Beyond a Shadow
, of a Doubt.
Ono of the Moat Romurkablo Ohap-
tora In Newspaper Annuls.
StirprlMPH In Store Kor llio I'rimcuu-
tlon Wliloli Will Prolmbly throw
Pi c\ Ions KovolullotiH In
I lie Shade.
Tlio TlimiUeror Sllrncori.
| r < > piriitW ( / > Inmum ( Jnnloii Itrnnrti , ]
Lovnox , Fub IM. - [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Hii.lAn eventful
week 1ms ended duiing which many tilings
Imvo happened , Pailiamcnt met , but that is
not much , in fnrt , tlmt scarcely cxoitod any
intention , except for 11 fmv minutes on Fri
day night , no particle of interest attached to
the pioccudlngs Parnull cieutiil astir do
iiounelng Hulfonr for the treatment of an-
otlior Irisli member , hut it e.imu to nothing
Tlio Irisli loader looked vurv well , and spoke
in his customary cold and half conversational
Btylo. Ho has been about the house ever
Hinco It opened , but ho seldom goes within
it Next week wo snail hear inoro of him.
Meanwhile ho Is the universal subject of con
versation Ills name is mentioned wherever
two or tlircc persons meet.
The week lias been an important one for
lilm , iieiImps the most important of his life ,
and equally important for Ins assailants.
Memo of thorn nro likely to forgot it in a
hurry. How do they all stand now ! What
can the Times think of the life and ad-
ventuics of 1'icott , as related by himself ,
generally prompted by Sir Charles UussolH
"What ovorA body else thinks appaiently is
that a man of Pigott's peculiar stump never
found a much easier dupe. Ho must have
been fairly amazed at his success. A great
paper plunged into the most tremendous light
at his instigation , without knowing anything
\\halcverof his character , without Inquiring
how or from whom bo got the lettcis which
ho had to sell , and \\uhout the least idea of
the road on which ho was going to lead them.
You cannot llnd anything in fiction more m-
credible than that to me. The entire
circumstances , as they were piosonted
appear beforeus simply unaeeonnt.iblp. The
Times used to be conducted \\ith caution. It
would have been very dlfllcult for a follow
like Pigott to have got within range of Do-
lane. If ho had done 10 Delano would have
been most likely to hand him over to a po
liceman. Hut ho seems to have found no
such dinlcultj dcallnir with McDonald. The
letters were pioduccd without envelopes , so
there is no proof that they had ever been
tin ouglf the post Did that excite McUon-
nld's suspicions ) IIo admits that ho made no
put tiutilnr inquiries. Canny Scot though ho
is , ho took everything for gi anted.
It now appears fiom Pigott's own story
that ho had hawked himself about for sale
forycais hi'foiu ho had the luck to got hold
of McDonald. Ho tried to sell out to roster ,
13gan , and Archbishop Walsh To everybody
lie could lay hold of he was
ready to sell anj thing that might bo asked
for letters , compromising documents , scan
dalous oxposuiea , whatiivci commodity might
happen to be in demand. IIo was always
hard up , or , as ho o\piesses it , always trying
to ralso the wind. Ills life bo's been one of
adventure , not to use a much haishcr term.
Such was the man into whoso hands the
Times entrusted itself blindly. What soi t of
u system can the paper be conducted on'
Pigolt now says himself tlmt ho can give no
satisfactory account of the origin of the lot-
tors. It is Htrango that ccatain words should
bn misspelt in them , and that Pigott himself
made the very same mistakes when Hussell
made him write these wouls down. Another
queer coincidence is that borne genuine let
ters from ICgan and Parnoll which
Pigott had got hold of contained
phnuos lottoiallv repeated. It is dis
puted that ttio letters' style was
imitated , as well as the handwriting , and ex-
pi essions , such as "Mako it hot for old
Forstor , " added to give piquancy to the dish.
The whole piocess of manufactuio appeals
to be an Innocent letter copied , a few com
promising passages tacked onto it , and the
production In a Ilnlshi d state offered to the
highest bidder.
It would not do to say hero , of course ,
while the commission Is 'sitting , but thcio is
soarcclj loom for the shadow of a doubt that
tlis ( Is the real origin of the letters. The
P.irnollito party Is in the best of spints ,
and well they may bo , for the letters have
htiiiclc the public imagination and if llnalb
disci edited nothing can save the other pait
of the case. It will bo generally recognized
that Pat ncll has had gross injustice done
him and llmie will bu a re ictlon of oninlon in
his favur. The rational conservatives must
BCO this At any rate , they will bo com
pelled to BOO it in time. At present the
press Is compelled to bo silent , and the full
meaning of the ovldonco taken this week
may not yo ! bo eonwally understood Hut
It Minima vindication of Painell , for smell
it will amount to , coming at a moment when
Irish members are having their hair cut off
in Jail for , mailing speeches and writing
loiter * . All this cannot fail to produce an
immense effect. As for the effect on the
fortunes of the Times , no ono can suppose
that it will be bcnellcial. the case is not
over , and It would bo tnmfu to pronounce
Hunt judgment upon it , but there Is no possi
bility of explaining awaj Pigott's evidence ,
mul that can only bo regarded as disastrous for
the Times , Newspaper hlstoi.v contains no
wore rcnmiK.iblc chapter.
The sensational witnesses for the | .osecu-
tlon nro all In , but it is said that tloorgn
Lewis and liussoll , betueen them , Imvo still
a BUI prise or two In store. Parsons behind
the BCCIICS talk of coming mvolalions which
will thiow uniting yet produced in thosh.ule.
That , it is thought , would bo dlftUvilt , as
Pigott's match will bo hard to llnd. They
tnlk , however , of being able to prove the
connection of ono or two prominent pubho
men with the attempt of the Times to ruin
Patncll. It Is from the Parnellltes that is
most frequently hoard the word "eon-
uplnu'.v" pir.v , It Is not probable that nuy
politician had guilty knowledge of a con-
bplrucy , or that the Times entered Into u plot.
They uuy have committed Incredible indin-
croUoii' , but conspiracy IJ : iut In tbcirlire.
There is ividently no turn for that sort of
thing , or they would tmvo had a keener cyo
for PlRott ,
Knssoll will doubtless let something out in
his speech , which will occupy a , week in delivery -
livery It Is to bo hoped ho will get at It
soon , the sooner the better for the Parncll-
lie * , who now want the curtain to fall After
that the whole case must be considered in
the commons So. pract c illy , there will bo
another In il without witnesses It will bo
some tinio before all is over. Politics have
been thrown far Into thu background , nml
are not worth talking about.
1'rein Commonlf
I.OVIKIV , Feb 23 The Pall Mali Gazette ,
which on the ll > ti ! Inst said , In com nontlng
on the proceedings of the Purnell commis
sion , tlmt If Pigott was the Apostle Paul , his
solitary word might sufllccj to siisfiln the
charges made by the Tunes against thu Par-
nellitu members of the commons , m its issue
to-day , savs : "Pigott has not been an Apostle
tle I'.ml. The dismay In Downing street
must be only a degree less than that which
prevailed in the Times olll-c. There Is
not a tory to day who is not feeling
heartsick at thu evidence of the witness , in
whoso impeach iblo reputation the Times
CJse absolutely depends" The Ga/.otto
points out that oven the unionist p ip ers
the Telegraph and Chronicle admit that the
Times case has collapsed. Continuing , thu
Ua/ettesays , "If the conviction Ins now
slowly filtered Into the minds of Mr Walter
and his stall that they Imvo been cruelly
hoaxed by an ingenious and resourceful
blackmailer , the only course open to them is
to publicly own that they have been de
ceived and withdraw their allegations , offer
a handsome apology , and p ly the costs tnoy
have forced upon the men whom they have
traduced on Pigott's authority. "
The Star , T P. O'Connor's napcr , com
menting on Pigott's evidence before the Par-
nell commission , says-
" I'lio connection between the Times and
thego\eminent is twofold. Tlio govern
ment cicated llrst , the commission , and second
end , thu Times case. It Attorney Cieneral
Webster had not been enabled to play the
part of prosecutor , judge mid framer of the
indictment , there could Iravo boon no tribunal
at all. If he had not assuied Lord Salisbury
that the letters would prove to bo genuine ,
the commission would not have been created ,
and the unionists never suffered such a blow
as by their own piteous admissions inv.uU
them. The government ehoso the game ,
loaded the dice , selected its p ntncrs and ar
ranged the rules , and it must pay up now.
Thu price is the dissolution of lurliamont.
We want to know what the country thinks
of Pigott. "
Too Clever lly Half.
Li vcoT v. Neb , Fub 'M. As showing the
feeling among the lush nationalists of lie-
land , the following cablegram from Michael
Davitt to Patiick ICgan , of this city , to-dny.
is given :
Uim IN , Fob 2.1. To Pau I iran , Lincoln :
Victory is now near at hand. Pigolt is too
cleer by half. D m i T.
AN OPT ' 10111 TAIjK.
A roollsh Girl , an AuuompliH'inl Vil-
Ininmula Ilcart-Ilrokoii Mother.
Liun : IM r , Cole , rob. 23 [ Special Telegram
gramto Tun Urn. ] The saddest case of
suiuidu that has luppeno I hcie for a long
time occmred this moining About two
months ago Mis. Iluiley and two daughters
came hero fiom Cedar Kupids , la. The
mother suppoi ted the daughters , but Flor
ence sobn found employment in a private
family , whcio she became a great pet in the
household She was a very handsome- young
girl of nineteen , and _ soon became a gcncial
lavorito and had many udmircis. A few
weeks ago she became fascinated with one of
her new acquaintances , and the mother soon
noticed that her daughter came homo
rather late , and ono night about a
week ago she did not return home.
Upon inquny she found that Florence had
been led astray by a polished villian , and
that she intended remaining from home.
M ho poor mother was heartbiokcn , and
vainly did she endeavor to show her daugh
ter her erring wa\s , but all to no avail.
Yesteiday the gill's lover deserted her , and ,
stricken with romoiso and ashamed to 10-
tuin home , she at an eaily hour this moin-
ingwcntto a drug store aud purchased a
bottle of morphine , went , to her loom and
took the entire contents of the bottle. She
was found shoitli after in a semi-conscious
condition A phjsician was sent for , but it
was too lirto , thu deadly drug having done
its work.
Important Missouri I'nulHo Clmii Cfi
Snlil to Iti ; Ponding.
Cincvoo , Pub. 21 } . It loalccd out to-day
tlmt W II Newman , third vice president of
the Missouri Pacific i.illioad , had tendered
his resignation , to take effect Apnl ] . . No
reason is given for Newman's retiru-nent ,
but when considered in connection with the
resignation of Vice-President A. L. Hop
kins , and tlio changes that aio promised In
the board of dircctoip , color Is lent
to thu minor that a complete ic-
oigani/.ition ol the Missouri P ic-illo
company is about to occur. It
his recently been icpoitcl ! that S. II. II
Claik , vice piesident and general manager ,
would retire fiom the service ol the comp my
very soon , but this is now believed to bi a
mistake On llio contriry , tlioso who pro-
fcsj to know something of the relation exist
ing between Mr. Claik and .lav Gould vcn-
tuiu the opinion that the former will bo
made president of the company , Gould ru
Klles n Complaint.
Cine ino , Pub UJ The petition of the
Chicago boaid of trade to thu intor-stato
commerce commission , alleging discrimina
tion apiinst this iMv by ralho ids in charg
ing higher tales for the transposition of
live hogs than for packing products ,
was Illed o'.vlth the commmionur to-day.
All the loads operating between the Mis
souri river and Chicago nro charged wiMi
Violating thu piovislous of thnjintcr-statit
law , which * foiblds unjust discrimination
and the giving of undue advantage to n par
ticular localitj or description of trafllc.
Arc'lllliiko John Polveii. ;
VirN'-v , Fub. tin. Archduke John , who
some ! li'io ago abiuptlv took his departure
fiom Austria , wi" shortly rcsumo service in
the army. The uriiululco , who Is a distant
coium of Kuiporor Francis Joseph , had to
luivo Austria in cunaoqucnco of a direct
o/.lcr from the emperor. According to some
tumor cuirciit at t'tat time , the archduke
had serious quaircl with C'0'i Prince
P III , Fob. 0.1. Kouviur bus aimouncod
that the ministry has accepted Its predeces
sors' budget , and that a comnu'.tee will be
appointed on Tuesday.
Tim \Vriitllor lilllloatloni. *
For J.'ebrask i and lowai Pair , followed by
snow , M-annor southerly winds ,
POP Dakota. Sni/w , warmer icuthcrly
ivl ds ,
Only Four 1'lnces Considered Dofln-
Itrly ritcd.
ljfniivi'nii , Kcb 'J3 There has been
but liltlo cabinet gossip hero to-day. Only
four places that nro considered definitely
Jlxcd are those of Ulaitio , Wlndom , Noble
and Waiummnker. There is considerable
talk , however , of the probability that the
south will > ot be given another representa
tive besides Noble. U is alleged that Noble
will go In as the personal representative and
choice of General Harrison and the southern
representative will 1 o one who has more di
rect connection with southern nffairs , and
who will bo able to give some practical solu
tion of the son them question. Slnco it was
announced that Algcr was no longer being
consideied , it wasjthought that Unsk was
sure of the war department , but within the
past day or two that has been considered as
oxcccdlngli doubtful , o\\lng to the geograph
ical situation.
It is icgardcd that the new
secretary of agiiculturo will
certainlycomo west , nml tends to tluow
doubt as to some of those who have been con
sidered certain for the oilier positions Thu
central westcin states will have three do-
paitmcnts-interior , treasury and agriculture
ture- and the tntu , postoflleo and nuvv , at
least , will go to the east , leaving to the
south and Pacific slope the war and Justice
Many southern icpublicans who have been
hero have uiged that the south bo given thu
department of Justice , as it is to that dep irt-
incut they look more than any other for the
recovery of their lights. This would make
the appointment of Judge Spoor not improba
ble. Hy others It is thought that the navy ,
instead of the war , will bo assigned to cither
the south or the Pncillc slope.
Arrangements for thu mauguial trip have
been concluded.
Shu Hastens to 1'rc.sciit Her Claims
ForSI ntcliood ,
Cili.H\\n , W.\o. , Pub. ' 'H.-fSpccialTele-
gram to TinHi rj. 'ihu admission of four
new stales is iccolvcd with much satisfac
tion in Wyoming , the opinion being sticngth-
cue * , ! that Wyoming's turn for admission will
now follow very soon. The Wiomingitcs
arc eager and unanimous for statehood.
Democrats and republicans alike aio work
ing for admission The teiritory cannot be
counted as politically sate for either parti ,
and if admitted as a state is us likely to bu
demociatic as republican , even though a 10-
public.m delcgato'has been elected for the
past three terms. The population of the
territory is growing at the i.ito
of 15,000caily. . Outside capital is being at
tracted to the rcsouiccs of oil , coal and non ,
ami developments aic being made which aio
bringing a huge immipiation into the tcrrl-
toiy. A number of lines of railway arc head
ing for Wyoming and the coming year will
witness an amount of railway giowtli un-
piccedented in the histoiy of the teiritory
An enabling act pissed duting the picsent
year will hntig Wioming in as a state with
population ana wealth suflicient to ihal
many of the older states.
IIoill Make Important ll vrlntions
On Condition ot'a Pardon.
Ciuc\do , Tub 21 Louis Necbo , brother
to Oscar Neobo , thu anaichist now serving a
term in thu penitentiary for pirtiuipition in
the II lymarket affair , returned from a visit
to his brother at Joliut to-d ly. Before going ,
Neobo had a talk with Judge G iry , who presided
sided at the trial , on the suujoet of a petition
for the prisoner's pardon , an I was told that
when Oscar would make a full statement re
garding the working and plans of the anar
chist gioups , including the .Lehr and Wehr
veroin , the steps ho and the others
took in the consummation of their , uronosed
social revolution ; when ho exposed all the
plans and schemes of the defense durintr the
progress of the trial , and expressed regret
and contrition , tlio Judge would consider
the question of signing a petition for his
paidon. A statement of the requirements
was laid before Oscar , and he agieed to ful
fill them. The prison authorities have
fin nlshcd him with the nccessiry materials
for the purpose , and the statment is probably
being written now.
Tlirou Men Killed and Their Ilodien
ISiiftied Up.
B \xnou , Me. , Feb. 23. A serious accident
occuncd to the morning tram from Hanger
to St. John near Hoyd's Mills , two miles east
of Kingman , at 1U a. in. William IX Mnd-
gclt , railway postal clerk , John Campbell ,
Dnglwh mall clerk , and Hairy Goodman ,
llrcman , were killed , and binned in the
wreck. .1. Augell , engineer , was injured.
No passengers were seriously injiiied. The
cars caught llro from the locomotive imme
diately after leaving the track and the mall ,
baggage and parlor cais won1 buined ,
together with .the c\press , mail matter
and baggage. _
ilollv Tars.
ffnpj/r/uhl / ivilliii JiimfK fimlon Itrnnctt , ]
Nit is , Fob. -Now ) [ York Herald Cable-
Special to Tun Hii.l A largo pirty of
marines and bluejackets from the Lancaster ,
who seemed twenty-four boms shore Icavo ,
came to Xlco this afternoon to llnish their
Washington's birthday festivities. A game
of b ise ball was played on the parade
grounds between picked nines of seamen and
apprentices. Tlio weather was very cold and
but fo\y \ people siw the game. The ap
prentices had an easy time , winning by a
score of I" to 9. Next week n minstrel on-
teitammont will bo given on board the Lau
caster. _
A Topek.i Illuio.
TornhA , Kan. , Peb. 23. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : HUE. ] The building occupied
by Plielps Hros , , wholesale dealers in pro
duce , was gutted by llio about midnight last
night , and the stock and contents damaged
to the amount of $10,000. Tlio building was
owned by tint Hamilton brothers , and was
valued at about filK)0. ( Pholpillios carried
an insurance of aboil' $ | , OOU on their stock.
The total loss , after the Insurance is paid , is
§ 11,030 TUe cause of the llro is unknown.
A Kansas IjoirMntor Dead
TorriKan ; , Pcb , 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tin Hcr.J Hon. S. W. Case , member of
the honso of lepivscntalvcs from Scott
county , died suddenly eaily thin morning of
an affection of the lungs He was president
of the Scott county bank , aud was for soy '
end jeais engaged in the nownpapcr busiticis.
In consequence of his death the house took
on adjournment until Monday ,
I'rlnco Alexander
LOMION , Feb. 23. Advli es li.-/o been ro
colvod hcic to the effect that Prince Alexan
der of Uatlenburg has been ahu.uly mar-
rind to the opera singer Louishitfcr. She is
twcnty-thrco year of age , of l.umblo parentage -
age , and a Catholic.
Another lloyn ! Idiot.
Hnitu.v , Fob. ii' ) . Prince Huport , oldest
son of Prince Ludwlg , of liav.iriu , heir to
the Bavarian throne , is lusano.
John Bull JotUouBly Quardlnff His
Ocoau Sway.
Ho Acknowledges Franco As Prac
tically His Poor.
Aud Russia Follows Close Bohincr
Souret-xry Whitney's ' Pets Gl\un n
Complimentary Recognition
Albion Strong Niuncrlonlly ,
Very Solid , Hut Slow.
An ingllsli : nvnert'-i VlewH.
[ Oipi/i fi/ht I'M till Jain' * ( k > i > lmIcmi'ft.l
Lovnov , Feb 2:1. : [ Now York Herald
Cable Special lo Tun Hcu.J Thu London
edition of the Heiald today contains an ar
ticle from an lingllsh naval export , us fol
lows :
"The subject of national defense is about
to be de-ill with in p irlianicnl , and the Iti-it-
ish nalion will le.un soon the scopj of the
nowinogrammc and the cost , about which
there has been so much speculation. John
Hull has not got a sniplus to draw upon like
his cousin on the other side of the Atlantic ,
nor the revenues of supmessed monasteries
to confiscate for that purpose , like the
Mikado. Hritiin does in
this way is forced upon her , mid therufoio n
sidelight will bo found below in somu buef
accounts of what olhur nations are doing or
innl > ese to do to increase their na\al
.strength. Naturally one turns to Franco
Ilist as by far the most im-
poitant of the continental naval powers ,
possessing maritime strength , second only
in number to that of this country , and said
to be superior in organization , in icadmess
for war and in preparation for coast defense.
Franco has always paid moic attention to
the speed and ste lining capicitics of her
ships , and llictcm lies her chief advantage
lo day. When Admiral Aubo wis minister
of mat me the ship building polic\ was mainly
directed to supply fas cruijeis for destroy
ing commeico , but Admiral Kr.inthas
favored a return to thu construction of
aimorclad and belted cruisers. Eleven
armored vessels are now in course
of construction , five of winch
will be complete 1 tliis your and others in
lb'10 ' and IVJ1. Two steel clad cruisers to
steam over twenty knots are also to bo com
pleted within the svjia .period , ami eighteen
cruisers of not less tuant 1,003 tons displace
ment are on the for 1S33 illwhich
includes also several torpedo cruisers
Along with the nipid completion of the
cruiscis ordered by Aube an expenditure
has been authoii/od for the protection of tnc
harbois of Cherbourg and Brest , and these-
works have nhoady boon begun
in many ways. The administration
of Admiral ICrantz has been noteworthy
and characterized by marked ability and
Next to that of Franco for thy present , but
some way after it , stands the nmntimo
sticngth of Italy , rivaled by that of Russia.
The huge monsters that Ittlyhus launched
possess questionable v.iluo as fighlmg ma
chines , but they carry very powerful guns
and have great speed , in the programme of
isss 01 it contemplates a gradual incica su in
every typo or class of ships from the ar
mored battleships through the proteclcd
cruisers , of winch class this nation owns
some splendid spscimerts , down to the speedy
torpedo craft and see-going tug.
Hussin stands fourth in importance so far
us relates to its naval strength among liuro
pcan uowois. The piogiauimc of shjp build
ing for this nulion dates from Ibbl , and ex
cept that it is likely to be completed in a
shorter space of time than originally contem
plated there seems to have been little or no
departure from its main linos. In addition
to the then existing ( loot it was proposed to
build nineteen lint class battle HhliH , four
second class and ten first class cruisers. The
minor clads nru now being turned out at the
i ate of three or four a year , and the cruisers
neatly in fast. Two battle ships are on the
stocks and four more cruisers have been or
dered. In the iialtio It was only owing to
the early closing in of the ice that another
batllo ship was not launched last \ear.
The now admiral of the German navy is
being entrusted with thu thorough rehabili
tation of the naval service Not only had
Germany practically ceased to add to bur
Iron clad navy sinci ) ivji ) , bu't had never 10
placed tnose ships which from ago or acci
dent had become insufficient. Luoking to
what Hussia was doing in thu Haltieund to the
ginwinur needs of her colonial development it
would have been strange it GUI many hud
still icmamed Idle. The proginmmo for I'ssO- '
01 , which has now | ieon aulhorucd , includes
the constrtictien of ton coas > t survlcu batllo
snips , four foreign sorrlco bittle shins , seven
protected mid four partly protected cruisers ,
bcsidca torpedo craft. Although the
est of tills programme is to
bo charged to several budgets , the
vessels are all to bo ready for use wilh the
completion of the Haltlu and North sea canal.
Uy IS'Jl ' the Unltud States will possess u
navy which Is bound tto bo n factor In any
consideration of the question of nnvai su
premacy. The Texas batllo shin , now build
ing ut the Norfolk navy yard , ami tlio Maine
batllo ship , to bo constructed at the Now
York navy yard , are looked upon by Ivtigllsh
experts as llrst-rato vessels of the class they
represent , but It is in icgard to
her cruisers , or ootnmorce destroyers ,
as Secretary Whitney calls them In his
annual report , that the United Stales
looks at present like running the English
iccord very close. The t'hailoston , Nowall ,
liiiltlmo , Philadelphia and San Francisco
will b protected cruisers which any power
w > uld bo proud to own , While the United
Stiites , so far as their opponent in con-
cei nul , was absolutely supreme at sea , her
commerce was utterly rulnoJ by the depre
dations of half a dozen fast vessels acting on
well conceived and ably oxceuted plans. It
was iho action of these vessels telling
on Iho insurance rates that dU the damugo ,
and no ono In England to day
appears to believe that her cruisers are
HUfllcloiil to prevent a similar raid on her
commerce if she went to war. While such a
belief is prevalent , it Is not oven needed
that there should bo a sot light. War would
cause a puilo and the prohibitive rates of
insurance would rule. It is for this roABon
und because It U neccssaiy to restore con
fidence that the government is going to In-
croa o the navv , but even now they are
hardly henit whole in thclr cndcavors to put
matters on a square foundation.
The Eminent Krctioli Palntor Pny
lllljn TrlhtitP to Amei'lcun Art
\Tnpurlatit \ t < $9 liu Jitiii-i do I'iI'nii'U.l /
Puns , Feb. 'Jl [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Hur. | A correspondent of
the Herald spent a ple.mnt hour yesterday
nfteinoon \ \ ith M. Hjnjamin Constant at his
studio In lleleue. Ho found the distin
guished nitist enthusiastically delighted -
lighted with his visit to the United
btntos , from whenceho leturnod lost
Mondiv bv thu Noimaiidic , utter a stay of
nearly threw months During that tune M.
lienjnmin Constant found llmo 10 visit many
of Hie principal cilies of thu union to ex
amine the public and private' nit galleiies
and to make a number of studies of Amei I-
can scenery , which , ho says , Ins almost
tempted him to turn his attention to his
landscape paintinc.
In reply to n quc Mon about his Impres
sion concerning art in the United Stales. Mr.
Benjamin Constmt slid the public collec
tions I saw in Now Yoik , Moslon , Philadel
phia and elsewhere me well selected and
admirably ariangcd. They form good
commencements for what will doubt
less one day become important
museums. They prove that love for ait is
widely sptead auung Ameilcan people iiml
that theie is no lack of good taslo in such
mailers on the other side of the Atlantic.
Another tiling that struck mo very forcibly
while visiting those collections was tlio fact
that all of them owe their existence and
their artistic value exclusively to private
initiation andmmiillceiiee. What you Amer
icans call public spirit is ceitainty
\ery common among rich men of iour coun
try , mid it is exercised wit'i great Judgment
so fur as nit matten are concerned. There
seems , however , to bo very little public
spirit in thine who have llio management of
Iho public affalis of Now York CUy. For
example , il H p.tvotl in a way that would bj
n dlsgineu to the poorest piovm-ial town in
France. The streets , with few exceptions ,
seemed to mo to 1 > J nlwaj s over anUle deep
with mud , or elsu covered with si tliicic
stratum of dust , while somu of Ihcm
nro Illlhv be.iond description. It appears
tlmt this primitive state of things is not duo
lo any lack of money , for I was lold that the
budget of New Yoik is twice us l.ugo as that
of Pans , but it seems that the bulk of the
appiopnations somehow or other mitugo to
slick to thu lingers of these who Imvo the
spending of Ilium. I cinriot help feeling sui-
piised that so practical people
as the Americans should Maud such
a stale of things so patently
but to go back to art , I confess that I was
literally astounded at the number and neb
ness of private ait collections I saw m every
Ameiican city 1 visited. Nowhere , not even
huio nor in Kngland , are there so many and
such private pictuio galleiies. It is true
that thcso do not contain many canvasses by
the old masters , but it is no oxiiggci.ition to
say that they contain many of the best works
of nil the contemporary schools.
l ( DlfloiH Hulicully From tin : Inter-
Stnto AfirccnuMif.
CIIICMOO , Feb. "J [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Her. ] The Now Yoik telegram which
announced it as a pait ol .lay Gould's plan of
campaign to bulldo/e the outside lines into
signing thu president's agreement was fully
discussed to da.\ among railroad men. Said
ono ol the signers of the agreement :
"Tho tclegiam looks plausible , but I know
that part of it is wrong , and I believe the
whole of it is. To begin with , Gould's trust
sehcmo is entirely different fiom the inter
state commerce railway association , and from
beginning to end Gould bus had nothing to do
with us. If ho had seen his way clear
to do so , hu might havu untaconucd us , for
the agreement 1ms given his trust scheme a
black eye. The scheme proposed to whip
the outstanding roads into line may ha a
good ono , but Vto won't try it. It might suc
ceed to havu one line cut rates on an out
standing line , the association to pay the do-
llciency , but it would make a verj unfiiondly
member when at last it was forced into the
i units. There is every reason to believe
that the auruemcnt will be practically unani
mous. Thu Illinois Central and Huillnglon
& Northern will not Join , but they will keen
the spirit of the agieomcnt. "
IIo Wants to AVipo Up n Portion ol'
Colorado Witli Smith.
Dr.vvhi : , Cole , Feb. 2 ! ) [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HHP.J Lo lllancho and IM
bmith , the pii o lighters arrested Thursday
night while oniragod in a mill , were ai raigned
befoio Justice Palmer to-day , lloth pleaded
gullly lo pi i/e lighting , and were lined $ . . ' 5
and cosls each , which they paid.
"Tho Marine , " who was so unmeicifnlly
handled by Sinilli during the two rounds last
Thursday night , is out with the statement
that hu was taken at n disadvantage , and
hiiffercd thereby. Ho fnithor assoils that
u purse ol § "iOt ) lias boon laiseil , nml tint ho
and Smith will inert inside of ton days In a
lit ; lit to a llnish , and tlmtlio ( LuHlnncho ) will
then show llio Denver lad what easy g.imo
ho Is. ' ! will meet Smith , " s lid LoHlanelio ,
"niid wipe up suvuial sections of Colorado
with him , It wlll , show him what it means
to meet n man who unduislamls his business.
1 was plajing with him the first tound the
other night , and had ho not got in scratch
blow the lusnlt would have boon different. "
In the meantime Smith is i > aid to bo anx
ious for another "go , " and is not losing any
sleep over "Tho Marino's" talk.
Weekly Hold.
C\UOIKKII : , N. Y , Foo. 23. Mrs Frank
Leslie sold to W. .1. Arkoll , of .tho Judge ,
her weekly illustrated papois , both English
and German , the transfers to bo made May
1. Mrs Leslie will retain and personally
direct her othur publications. Arkoll re
fuses to state the price paid. IIo f > a > b that
thu policy of the weekly will remain the
same aggressive and independent.
tin ) Itittcliurt ) .
Sr. J03BI-H , Mo. , Fob. 2J. [ Special Vole-
gram lo TUB HII : : ] It Is said that during
thu past week big Jawed steers havu ucon
slaughtered by local butchers and the moot
sold to the public Several of the suspected
butchers nro bolng boycotted. The cattle
weiu consigned lo commission men fiom
Kansas points. There is much excitement.
A hlKiial Oflluor KM toil.
ST. Lous , Mo , Peb. 21 James Cass.ldav ,
the signal olllcer assigned to tlio Illinois slatu
agricultural olllco at Sprinu'ilold , was run
over and Inslanlly killed by u train at an
early hour this morning.
A Klrciiiinn Falnlly IVn/.nn ,
WARIIEN , Pa , Feb. 2J At a lira hero
to-day , which caused n loss of $ 18,000 , two
llrcinetvfiro ! sevcrel } fro/.en , ono oC whom
is not expected to iccuver ,
Illlzznrd .Suddenly l nvelopes tlio
City lu
P\Mi , I'ob. 20 [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Hni : . | At ' ,1 o'clockes , -
terdaj morning Paris was startled by a
meteorological phenomenon. Tlio sun was
shining brightly , the sky was clear , the
weather cold and the wind due north. Sud
denly , and without nn instant's warning , it
became daik as night A black cloud en-
\elopcd the entile city nml snow foil
in blinding thickness for n few moments.
Tin n Iheio was an aclllal bh//aul. Horses
trembled and ran into each other , and carts
and cabs came Into collision This lasted
for eighteen minutes Then the blackness
mid snow suddenly vanished as If by magic
nnd tlio sun shone brightly again Hut in
that shoit space of time the city uns
covered \\ith an inch and a half of snow.
The Seine is still rising. The work at the
exhibition Is Interrupted by the Hoods The
Spanish section is completely submerged ,
nnd thu wooduoik of the Poi tngcse section
is nil nlloat and goini , at seven Knots an hour
down the river. The Panorama Iransatlan-
tiqno is now washed by the stream , and un
less ihu cold , drjealher that sot in at 11
o'clock this evening' continues , serious consequences
quences are feared.
The setting of the chamber jesterday was
a very tame ono. Thu deputies accepted Ihu
now cabinet as a sort of choice of evils. Tlio
new ministers came into the chamber in In
dian llio nnd look llielr scats on
their benches Just as if they
were going to have llielr photos
taken. M. Tiiard mounted the tiibuno
nnd made his appeal lo the chamber to como
to a Iruce. Mr. 1'irard's appeal was received
pleasant ! ) and uith n spliit that leads to the
belief that his cabinet in ly after all wealher
thu slui in.
: uoss.
A St. iJosepli Katlior Scnrolilni ; Poi1 .1
I 0111 ; loit Son.
ST. .losnn , Mo. , Feb. S.'l. [ Special Tolc-
giam lo Tin , Hi rLast ] .lum * Kddio Cam-
oion , the eight \ ear old son of A. A. Cam-
ei on , a well known citi/en , was kidnapped
bi two men. The c.ihO excited much inter
est at the time Largo luw.nds were oflorod
for the retiini of Hie child. When slolen ,
the boy was phn ing with his twin brother ,
Fred , at a point near the old slock iaula.
Two men nppioached them ami asked them
to go with them and they would gi\o them
plenty of money and ponies to i ule , Hoth of
the little follows at Hist icfuscd lo go , but
upon being told that they would ruHiin
again in a little while , Kdclie Joined them.
Fred did not go homo iininodi.ilelv , thinking
that Kddiu would icturn piesently , and it
was not until a late hour that the parents
weioawaiu of what had h iimonud. The
polite were notified mid a \irch nuUitiiled
in thu city. Telegrams \\eru sent to cilies
nnd adjoining towns , but to no avail. The
family had given up all hones of evei iigam
seeing their son , until litllu Fred eameiun-
mng liomu Friday nftcruoon and divulged
the information tint hu had seoi. the two
men who had taken his brother away enter a
saloon on South Sixth hticct. Mr.
Cameron went directly to the
saloon and the two moa were pointed
out lo him. Hu made them diunk nnd when
thoroughly imbibed with liquor ho dicw
from them tlio whereabouts of his long lost
child. Ho was told that after enticing the
child away they took him to Fort Scotl ,
Kan , , where they said the boy is now doing
thu cowboy act. They say that Hddie is an
e.xpeit rider and throws the lasso equal to
any of them. At tins moment a man
by the name -of Jircckenridgo en-
teied the -saloon , and not catching the
driftof the convers ition , told the Fergusons
that Mr Cameion was thu father of thu boy.
'J ho men , upon hearing this , look to their
heels and skipped thu town. Mr. Cameron
took the Main eaily Tuesday morning for
Fort Scott and hopus to head the men off and
secure the boy. Telegrams received this
evening in St. Joseph arc to the effect that
tlio kidnnppeia will bo captured before morn
ol Vctorniis.
CIIK A.O ( , Fob 2. ) A consolidation of the
rival post and camp sj stems of Ihe Sons of
Yelcians was completed hero tod.ii. It
was done at n conference be
tween Colonel A. L. Conger , of
Ohio ; Coiporal Tiuincr , of Now York ;
General Thomas Ucnnctt , of Indiana ; Col
onel John liurst , of Illinois , and Colonel
George M. Dcvljn , of Michigan , representing -
ing the Grand Army of the Republic , and
Georgu W. Marks , of Hiooklyn , commnndci-
in-c'iief of Ihu post isteiii , and G. 13.
Abbott , of Chicago , commandcr-in-
chief of the camp system. G. A. K , men
were elected as aihllrators. In linnnoiiblng
or compromi/ingtho differences between the
two Junior oigani/alions it was decided that
the new body should bo known us
the camp system , and shall
use the fratoinal lillu "comrade" in
place of "blether. " The titloi of oniccrs
blmll conform to Ihe usage of the Grand
Army of Ihu Kepublic , except that i-.unp- .
may orunm/o dull coips , which ,
when equipped , may employ
military title ; , . Tlio oilier details aru
left to Ihu two eommandur-in-clilufs of the
consolidating bodies , uxccnt tlmt it is pro
vided that Ihu membership bidgo and
chuitei of tlio camp system r.hall bis used ,
and the insignia and rank of Ihe post 1.3 s
The nifdiual Woilil.
[ Ci > ) li lulit / SsSiIitinex / | l ! i'in II iinctt ]
PAIUS , Feb. 2J.Now | York Herald
Cable Special to Tin , Hi'.ii.j Lr. ) Charcot's
now Ireilment of mtisculir iriognlaiity , , s
coming into vogue. It consists in suspend
Ing Iho patient by the arms
for a few minutes daily until
cuicd This , It appears , stimulates the clr
dilation of the blood inlio pails affected
Uvcry day about a do/en patients given up
by their doctms come to Salputner for tie.a
incut. They aru an a rale very nervous on
being taken for tlio hist tune to llio i.ipai- |
atus , but hubrnit cheerfully afterwards
Among ihu cuics is that of a Fiench
writer of nolu alluded lo in Daudeit's " 1m-
mortol. "
Another case of ambulating automatism
has Just declined In the person
of 11 mulwifo who pet funned the
functions of her ofllcu while
in that peculiar state of unconsciousness.
She remembered nothing of the operation
on coming to herself twenty-four hours nf-
lerwaidn ,
Hell \Vinn Anollicr Ciisi .
WAPIIIMIION , 1b 23. Commissioner of
Patents Hall to day rendered un Important
decision In the matter of Ihu pxliiions of
Gray & McDonoiigh lo icopen Iho Hull telephone -
phone intei fcrcnces and to bet aside thu ( Jo-
cision of Commissioner ISuttcrwoith , rcn
dcrcd on ' .Urch 'I , ISSTi. Thu decision covers
131 typo written pages , and ruviowc the
whole hKlory of the telephone contorts. The
commissioner refused to reopen thu Inter-
forcnccb and icnflliius tbo uuaid of pnoiily
to J3U1.
Dlplomntlc Dinners Now the Order
of the Dny.
" "
IIo Coinpltxlns Dittorly of the Action.
of Colonial oniohile.
Llttlo Contldonco Expressed In the
Now French Cabinet.
Quant ilicH ol' SoclallMtlf Iilteiv
Destiojcd llj llio Police
Kinln Itcllel1 i\i : > cdltiou
It.illaii Loan.
tt.iiiiiiet. |
HKIIIIN , Pob. 21. Dlplomatii ! and minis
terial dinnois aio now the order of the day ,
and aio eagerly discussed as affording In
dications of peisoual and International rela
tions Hismaickesteiday ga\u n dinner to
the moinbeis of thu hmcr housu of Piiissian
diet , aud during the scrvmir of coffee , com
plained of the heavy labuis created for him
by what ho termed the "so called colonies. "
Ho asciibcd the blamu for no small poitlou
ol his dinicnltles to thu action of the colonial , who he said fioqucntly acted with
out icquisito knowledge of the cncum-
stances , and especially aid not know
how to ticat thu natives. It was
impossible , the chancellor said , to
allow ti ivial disputes to introduce any
discordant elements in Geimunj'.s iclations
with the u-rcat friendly pox\eis , as the slight
est distill banco prevailing between imperial
government and foreign states might have
thu most pit-judicial eftects upon German
commeicial.ind business relations. Hismarck
is said to have been gi eat ly annoyed nl tlu
consul's proposals to annex Simoa , and the
Vobsiche Xc'itnng'a question as to what
would be thought of the consul who lelo-
giaphcd aproposil lo auuoxClinch or Lnxom-
berg , is behoved lo bo identical with the
opinion of the eh mcellor.
In explanation of the icpoilud ordering of
CiCiman squadron lo Samoa , Ihu Nalional
X.eitungobsei vcs that the impending punish
ment of Mataafa will have no
effect on Gctmany's iclalions with Englander
or America , llio n ht of Kngland lo inlcr-
fere in the mailer not being contested in any
quarter. Tlio lepoit must , however , bo re
ceived with leseive. The squ.ulron Is pio-
viiioncd for Poit Slid in outer , piobably , to
bo in t easiness to piocccd to east Africa , or
to await a development of affairs. U may at
least bo assumed that the squadron will only
go to Samoa m tlio event of the American
Kovcinment proving exacting or unioason-
Hismnrck's desire to avoid troub
les is duo in a lai go to thu uncer
tainty of llinopuan politics , especially these
of Franco.
The North German Gazette and other
leading German papers predict the over-
tlnowoflhu Tn .nil cabinet within a few
weeks. Hismarcit's opinion , that a crisis
will icsult m the accession to power of Honlangcr , is well known , as there.
are few pei sons who do not regard Ins tri
umph as a near piobabdity.
Tlio cmpei or is far fiom bom ; ; free fiotn
painful earaches. 1'ho lecent changes in tire
weather gi\o him much trouble , lie is
obliged sometimes to havu i ucnui so to mor
phia in aider to obtain a few hours' ' sleep.
Ho will honor by his nresenco Count von
Schcllcndorff's faiewell dinner us minister
of war , on the J7tli hist.
The police llnd the utmost difficulty in pre
venting cnti.\ Into the country of socialist
literatuic punted abroad. Duimg the past
week numerous domiciliary visits Imvo been.
made to chiefs of the socialist party , and the
searchers discovered a quantity of pamph
lets , et . , ready for distribution , intended to
influence \otrrs in favor of tlio socialist pro- 5
iho king of Wurtomhiirg is suffering
fiom u sevei o catarih ntlack.
The Peters Umln roliief expedition will
consist of 10 ! ) small soldieis and iJOO carriers ,
are now being engaged at Xan/ and along
the coast. The force will bo well organized
and led hi eight Germans. Several young
Get man ofllcers in search of African ad
venture have obtained thu umpuior's permis
sion to accompany the expedition. The
armory of the expedition includes Winehor-
ler imuflo loading , Hcmington and Snider
lilies for the natives , and specially designed
elephant i if Ion for the spoiling members.
Thu success of the ventiuu is much doubled
heiu. 1'ven if the expedition penotr.iU'H lor
hu\oml Iho coast , it lu not expujted tlmt it
will ever roach Wadolai.
The efforts of thu Hcilln banks to obtain
iho new Italian loan , though veiy porsislcnt ,
fancd ol eflcct , and Kionch IntrignciH nro
accused of additionally iiushmg up Uussiau
securities and trying to fiustratu every oper
ation which IL.ili attempts with ( ! ormuii aud
Knglish lirm-i.
An aiitUlavcry sociuty is being formed In
AUiico-LoiMlnu under tliu iiresldunoy of DepJ
tilj ( iuenU'r. The llrit mcuting , it Is ox-
jiecled , will In : huld m Airil. |
'J'hu Piinco of ildccl.-Pnrmont has re-
tuined lo Cashel uith his daughter IClUa-
helli , after a winter nojourn at Hamburg ,
His health la much Impiovcd.
HCIT Vnn llulow will sail foi a tour of the
United Slates about the middle of March.
Ho will give sixteen piano locltals and cou-
liiclhomo on huatral eoncorts.
Miss Van /.unit v/ill appear at the llorlln
opera housu In Mai ch in Delinu's "Lakmu"
n Italian.
The Neve Fivso Presso of Vienna defies
that Prince Alexander of Hatlonburg 4s
about to contract a morgmaUo mairlage.
A comiiiittoo of the loivrr house of the
Austrian parliament has heard the ovldunco
of twenti live labor experts of all nationali
ties on t'li ' ) propjsiion | t ( . establish chiimbuiH
of labor Thu mujoilty agreed thai thu
iiroposud chamber would udoqnuicly ieprtH-
cut thu biisinesu and poli'iral ' inloicsts of
woritnifii , provided that the iiilof ! electing
eprcHcnlulnos m ptiliamont was granted.
Near ! . , all cljinamlcd unUcrHil fran < luso ,
'J'ho Tn i III' Uoforiui'i'H ,
C'UKMbo , Puh 2J. The ( nmmiltco of nlno
npiiolntcil by llio icc-onl tariff luform conven
tion. selected New York as the headquarters
of the national oryaiiUition , elected David
A , Wcills president , and appointed Hv rott
i' . Wheeler. 1 < It. Uowkcr amlGoirgoII'iyen
I'utnam memtieis of the extcullso commit
tee. It Kbolicd to tbtuuhih uluo a per-
uiaiiciil buicuu