THE OMAHA PA1IYY J3EE : fcflffTUKDAY. FEBRUARY 2j ; , 1S80. THE CITY. The city ofllocs wore nil closed yes- tor day. There tvns si inpolinp ; of Oklahoma boomers Inst nightnlTwonlli-fourih uml Ciitnlntf Htruuts. Yufltordny was quiet jn police cln'lcs. only llmsu urrcstH being iniidi ) up to < iH : ! ) l . in. They wore nil vncrnnts. No bnsliifps wns transacted at the Kovprinm-iit building yosturdtiy , J' ' was the anniversary of George Wash ington's birth. All Ilio Doufjlns county legislators , uith imprinlclinjr of tlioo from other counties were in the city eelobralltif , ' \Viif.hiiij'toii < H birthday. Two ciirloiuls of imported crockery from ! J 'in tock , Knylnnd , rcachuil Oiniiha yostordnv. They were con- Biincl ( to HI 1 13 & Ismu-'s. Charles . Moneriof , who wn lately arrobU'il on the ehnrjjuot boating his wife , has writlon a loiter to TlllJ llKK in which ho gives his better half a DiT-lty hard reputation. Miss Amy Fay , the celebrated piunisto , will bo in Omaha March I and \\illuivohorpluno \ermillon In the o\rniii ( ; at Mat Meyer's hall , corner hiijtU'cnUi and l''urniun streets. There was a benefit in exposition hall liiht night for Immamu'l hospital , t'otiBlsling of the Life of .loioph illus trated with tableaux and accompaniud by vocal and itistriiim'iitiil music. Htiilding Inspector Whitlock says that if tin ! i > arly who wrote him con n-ruing a certain brick block , ISOl ! , 1MH and 1MW , will give the name of the street tlio matter will bo investigated. The Adams K.xpresB company intends to loimne from Its present quarters on Fourteenth street to Fifteenth street , opposite the opera house , and the floor of the btoro at the corner of the alley in I'liion block ih being lowered to the sidewalk to accommodate them. The charge of assault brought by Anna Ilavlicok against her husband ld ! ward , and his brothers .lames and I'linrloH , occupied the greater portion of the entire afternoon , but after the oxidi-iK'o was all in there was nolsulli- eient toonvict and the , prisoner- ) were discharged. H. F. Wiley is u guust at the MilUml. .1. P. Johnson , of Kearney , Is at llio Mil- Innl. Innl.A A If MeM.ihon , ofllcati ieo , is a guest tit the Murray. S. W Uarcluy , of Heat rice , Neb. , is at the Mm ray. H. W OIT , of Lincoln , Is a guest at the Murray. S. I. , . Tmvle , of Lincoln , was at the Mill-ml yesterday. K. O. and wife , of Sidney , Neb. , are at the PnMon. Jolm W. Tuclccr , of Valentine , is stopping at the I'.ixton. .lolm W. Hoffman , of Lincoln , is stopping1 at the Milhml. II M. Lovutt , of Lincoln , registered at tlio Millard last night. C'linrlcs 1) . hmitli , of Lincoln , was at the Paxton yesterday. 11. II. Uouinson. of ICimball , Xub. , at the Pnxton last night. W. A. Dwipht , of Hastings , registered at the Millard jcstorilay. Frank Itarctilcr. of lio.itricc , registered at the Murray labt night , ( . ' II. Dietrich , of Hastings , registered at the Murray yesterday. 1' O'Neill aad wife , of Lincoln , were at the Murray yesterday. Frank 13. Harness , of McCoDlc , Neb. , is stopping at the Murray. T. II. Hcntnn , of Lincoln , was among the guests at the Millard last night. S. H. Wallace , of Sidney , was one of the guests at the Milliird lust night. F. ( J. Sholc.s , of Lincoln , was one of the guests at the Mun.iy yesterday. William Fnlloii , of Nebraska City , is among the guests at the P.ixton. F. A. Korsmcycr and James II. O'Neill , of Lincoln , are slopping at the Murray. Miss Ulaia A. .1. Corey , of Clinton , la , is the guest of Miss Mauu K. Corey , 11U.I Ham ilton street. Harry A. Lee , manager for Crcstnn Clarke , is in the city. Mr. Clarke is a nephew of Ed win IJootli. Otis II. Ilcnnis , n nephew of fieneral .T. H , Dennis , of tins citv , has been appointed con sultation clerk of the United States supreme court. _ Yomifj Men's Kcpiilillcnn Club. There will bo a meeting of the Young Men's club on Saturday oven ing at 7. HO at ill ! South Sixteenth street Busi ness of iinportancu will oomo up. and every member of club Is rcqnostud to bo present. A ( luniixvay. A horsn took fright at the cars near the Union Piitiillu depot , and running north on Tenth street was not stopped until ho had succeeded in completely demolishing the buggy to which ho was attached. The steed was stopped at Jim Stephoason's barn. Received nt the Open Door , Thursday Mrs. Clark and the other ladies connected with the "Open Poor , " at 'M0 ] Capitol avenue , received a number of calls from ladies and gout lemon Interested in the worlt being done tnerc. A number gave most substantial proof of their Interest by money and other contributions , and Mis , Clark hns determined to have u gencrcl re ception day once every month. An li\oiii'Nli > n to Ijlnciilii. The Hnrlington has made a special rate to Lincoln and return of one faro for the round trip from Oinalni , the same to apply Sunday next , ttio occasion being the dedication of tfto German Catholic church at that place1. A special train , leaving hero at S a , in. Sun- dav morning , will be run , and it is thought that a largo delegation from Omaha , to gether with member * of civic societies , will attend. AVrcmliin ; ClinlliMiji * Ai'ecpteil. The challenge of ( Jeorge H. Stewart , of the Paxton barber shop , to wro > tlu any 110- po-ind barber forKKasidu ) , bestthrco in five falls , catch-as catch-can , 1ms been accepted by P. C. Merry , of south Omaha , through a letter to Tnr. HII : : . Merry say-i he will moot Htowart at S'tO ; p. in. next Mondav at the Diamond , where ho will inane a deposit of $ > , and agree on the tiuvi when the match will lake place. Wants u Claim C'luli Iitli. : John Murphy , nt whoso approach every iiosa curled , was arraigned for drunkenness. He were two shirts and said that whenever the outer one got dirty ho used it for an un dershirt and then washed the one thai I.nil served for that purpose. A shirt would thus last tlvo or HIV weeks without holm. washed. His honor sent him to the county jail for nvo ouyo so that he could gut tfoth shirts'ied nud get u good b ith In the bargain. Colni ; to tin ) Inauguration. Among the distinguished guests that ar rived from the west was U'Hsoil ' H , Hum- onDon of the proaldont-cloct. Ho Is on bis way to Washington , whither ho will at tend tlio Inauguration cxerclsas. Ho Is a pucst of Governor Siumbrs , whora Mr * . Harrison Is sojourning. Tlio latter will ac company Mm to Washington , though It Is as yet undecided as to whether Clovcraor and Mrs. Saunuors will join thorn. .Mr. and Mrs , Harrison will Ivavo to-day. IHilii'c Think n Win Loailinl. Conthlorablo cniKtornatlon was caused In court bj the end of the gavel ( lying off on a tnngoat wh'.o hU licnor was pounJImr tlio desk with It. Thu Jilylng uiUsilu Hew straight tit tlio head oC Attorney Simural , who cscwi'od an ugly contusion by ducking bis cnput The judgu was talking nt the tlmo but the accident so ratllod him that hti Stopped right in the inlddto of n simloiii'i' and could not romombtjr uftur'.vurxls wbuio ho Jiud led or. : JIION ri/\i > Almnl nt Ijflrtyers , They lilt Report- ITM Harder. New rules lmvo gone Into effect nt police hraJiiuartrrs , nnd In future no attorney will ho nlloxvcd to look for clients among the prisoners behind the burs. No friends will he Allowed to speak to the unfortunates unless the chief , the mayor or the police jtldite shall give a written order to that effect Ncxvspapcr reporters are also placed under the bun , nnd nro tint allowed to use the telephone , or interview n prisoner , unless by written permission. The rules now to bo obsencil , read as follows : Nn smoking allowed. No person not belonging to the polled de partment is allowed to use the telephone. No person not belonging to the police de partment or in charge of the police is allowed inside the railing and partition next to the culls , No person not belonging to the police de partment is allowed to speak to prisoners while in their cells. Until prisoners are bronchi Into the police court no person will bo permitted to speak to imy of them unless having a written order fiom the imi > or , the police judL'ior chief of police. Any person having such written order to speak to a prisoner , the captain will detail an otllccr to take such prisoner into the police court room to see the narty who desires an Interview. No police odlcer will he allowed to furnish bail lor any prisoner. If any prisoner wishes to send a message , ami has monc.v to pay for It , the jailor , after being informed of the nature of the message , mav call a messenger hey for that purpose. 'I lie jailor will give nil reasonable inlornm- tion to eiti/ens miiiiring | after prison ers , and will fuinish the captain with written memoranda each day of all complaints , of cili/ens. For the accommodation of newspaper re- portets and others , the Jailor \\l\\ \ \ Keep a book giving the name of all prisuneis , date and cause of arrest , hi whom nt rested ami the charges nuainst them. This book to bo kept on the desk outside of the tailing night and day. Thu cells mast bo whitewashed every Mon dav and washed out every day. Prisoners permitted to work out their line nt the station must , whoa not at woik , bo locked up. The popular blood purifier. Hood's Sar.siparflla , is having n tremendous sale this K'UMIII. Nearly everybody takes it. Try it yourself. OIMicTii : : > TO PIlKIV/tlNG. IliifsfN lli'l'iisc 10 Stand Unhitrlicil In I lie Colil. The cold weather was account iblu for a number ol run iw.iyscstcnlay. . One team , attached to the carriage of William Wallace , cashier of the Omalia National bank , under took to warm themselves bv a dash from the corner of Tenth and Howard streets to Six teenth street near California , where they | wore stopped li..lolm . Straight , a driver In | the employ of William Sio\vrs Ho checked 1 them hefoii ! nn.\ material dnimmu was done , but he did it at the risic of Ins life. Another hoi so ran aw.i.v from near the corner of Seventeenth ami Fnrinim , and at latent ac counts was m the ncigliDorhood of Lake street , while a third claimed the right-of- way west along St. Mary's avenue In each case they were loll standing too lena in the cold. ] If you need a perfect tonic or a blood purifier- , take Dr. Jones' Hed Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of the btotnaehkidney and liver. Can betaken taken by tlio most delicate , i'ricc 60 cents. ( Joodman Drug Co. I Council nnd ( lie Postmaster. ; i "I tun not going to Washington to en deavor to slop the Potomac river , " said Hon. W. a. Council. "I am taking no laws with mo and will introduce no measures until after I shall have become thor oughly nccliuratl/ed. I shall return on Mm eh 10. Dunmr mv absence my bnsi- ness will be attended to by .liulgo Ivos who has heun In my oillco fora couplj ot years. "Ai regards my preference for postmaster I am in favor of Woodaid , 'hough I do not know who the other candidates are. I am in laver of Woodard simply because I desire to rollout the republican sentiment of this city , which I umierbtnnd has liberally endorsed him. "I did not know Mayor Fnray was in the Held , but he would maku a strong man. " Mr. Council intimated that personally he would have nothing to do with giving the ollico because that was in the control of Sen ator Mandorson. _ Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamst. , telephone 11201 , blank book makers , etc. _ i Mortuary .Mutters. Mrs. M. T. Johnson , housekeeper at the Arcade hotel , died Thursday night of heart disease. Her death was rather sudden but not wholly unexpected. She had been suffering for sev eral dnjs. A brother living at Dexter , In. , was telegraphed to and is expected hero this evening. It is thought he Will take tlio 10- mains there for burial. The body of Mrs. It. F. . Dney was shipped yesterday by Drevel & Maul to Kx-etor , Neb. , where it will bo buried. The gay young bicyclist he's In his bed , ' Not for him is thu spring sun shining , ' He hns been Hung nnd is sore in body and head Hut Salvation Oil will make his smiling. "I've got it at last , " said the fellow who found his cough subdued by a bottle of Dr. j Hull's Cough Syrup. 1'OSIOFFICK PRISONERS. A .Man mill Woman Held on llio < ' ) iii ; < v ol'Stculinc I'DitL-rs. j Lawsnn Cowell and hH wife , against { i j whom infoniiatioii was llled last Monday I I with Unite. ! .States Commissioner Anderson , ' wore lironclit hum prisoiuM's Thursday nlf-lit by Postolllt-oInspuctorCicor/io / 11.\Vatorbtiry , of DenvL-r , and Deputy Marshal Allen , wcro cvntnint-d and bound over in fl.OJO each. In runm"'Uonvitli this hlatuniL'iit conies nn intcrcstiiifj little story. Mrs. Ktta Co\v- ! j oil is a blonde and rather I very prettj , stylish , i a fascinating woman. For months she and her liushmul have had cliaVgo of the It. A : M. station at llelscy , a small place be tween HroUcn Uow and Alliance. Ho was the agent and slio the telegraph operator. Last August Mrs. Cowell received a bluu ribboned document from tVashmgtou ap pointing her DiiMmlhlrcss for Helspy. in turn .she designated her husband to net ns the assistant. About Ilio 1st of November complaints commenced to reach the depart- meat that registered letters destn oil to par- tics who get their mall at a point called Pur- dum , fourteen miles noithof Hclse.v were occasionally ml ed Afttfr considerable correspondence Mr. Waterburv was in Mrneted lo Investigate ninth rs nnd he soon discovered Hint thu ndsslni ? letters wert being rilled at Ht-lsoy , where the mall for Punltim Is tnken off ami sent by carrier across country Having satlslled hiinscll that Mrs Cowoll and her husband were the thieves , ho engaged n constable to watch Jlicni while he could come to Oiuilm and get the necessary pnpcrs for their arrest. On his return the two were taken into custody nnd hold until Deputy Marshal Allen ar rived there Thursday to bring them here. The inspector succeeded In ascertaining be yond reasonable doubt that tho.v hiid broken open nnd robbed seven letters , containing from i't to { 15 each , nnd that there are pre sumably many others not yet reported. The letters found had been opened by steaming and again scaled lip with nmclhib. [ The trick wns ingeniously anil nenlly worked 'I ho prisoners were taken before Conimis sinner Anderson and arraigned Immediately after arriving in the city. They waived pre liminary examination and weie held in $ lXt ( ) bail for trial at the next term of court. AlIM - to Mot hers. Mrs. Winslmv's Soothing Syrup should al ways boused for children teething. U soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , cures wind co'ic ' , nnd is the best reined j for diarilxiM. - " > cents a bottle. Res ol lit e .loni'tieytliPii. There are no Indications of a termination of the tailors' strike. Klglity-soven men are still out , and as both sides seem determined not to give in , the trouble will probably not be settled for some time. time.No No iliiect overtures have been made by either the journeymen or the merchants , al though there have been in formal conferences between strikers and their former employers. The merchants assert that the men have Insinuated a willingness to return to woilt under the new bill , provided an in crease is made in Class C Hxtras , but th.itas Mich an Increase would practically make the prices the same as In the past , they are un willinir to make the concession nnd say that the journeymen must come back under the bill as it stands or not at all. Speaking of this assertion yesterday a prominent union man said that it was un true , that they not only want the Increase in the extras , but also want tlio old lull as it stood , thus making an even higher bill than the old one. Ho said the work in Omaha was harder than in New York. Clueaco or any other . which he had over worked , owing to the demand for superior made clothes. The same man denied that the union was persuading scabs who had gone to work in their places to leave their benches , "We It now they cannot no the work1 said he , ' and they only spoil garments nnd make matters nil ttm belter for us. " The journeymen say positively that they will not go back to work under the new bill us they would not be able to make a living. A X e\v Train. The connectiii11 link between Ne braska nnd Kansas lias just boon placed in service by the Union 1'acitic railway. This train leaves Council HlnlTs daily tit 1:1" : ) n. in. ; leaves Omaha ; it < > :0" : n. m. , and runs through without change to Manhattan , ICtin. , making direct con nections there with tlio ICnnsas division of tbo Union I'acilie railway for all points in ICtinsiib and Colorado west bound , and for TopeKn , Lawrence , Kati- ins City and points and south via Kansas City. Uoturiiiiig , train leaves Manhattan at --o : p. m. ; arriving at Heatriee at"i ( > : p. in. , Lincoln at 7oO : j ) . in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. . Conn- cil UlulTs 11:10 : p. m. , making direct connection with Kansas division tnins from Kansas City , Lawrence , ToneUa and the east , and from Denver , Salina. Abelino iiiiil nil points westj enabling passengers to visit the principal points in Kansas nnd Nebraska in tbo shortest possible time. These trains have lirst- clnsa equipment , consisting- smoking cars and day coaulios of tht5 latest pattern. The new train will fill a long felt want , and is bound to bo popular. Tlio McC.uui Suicide. The circumstances attending the suicide of the woman in Chicago , who claimed to bo the wife of an Omaha real estate agent named Tuclccr , have reached the ciiy.though the whereabouts of the man to whom she claimed to bj marrlivt are clouded in mjs- tery. It is now thought that the Tucker in question is a resident of s-omo other city bc- cause the most reliable records have failed to pioduco a real estate man of this city bearing that name. The suicide was n pretty girlwhoso beauty and iraldincss led her to excesses which brought sorrow to her parents and herself to the death of an abandoned and dopravcd woman. She resided in ICeokuk until a few years ago , when she went to Chicago. Her sister Hirdio was also led into a reckless life and several years ago charged Ted Kennedy , who played with the Omaha club ol 'Ss , with seduction. The charge was made just as he was about entering the National league , but was afterwards withdrawn. The New York girls , how pretty they look with the new "Hello" .lane Hading veiling , to bo had of dealers , by the yard at 05 cents up. Slio Oot Her Machine.N Mrs. Anna Porter , alias Mrs. Anna Ilus- sell , brought suit in Justice. Kroeger's court agninst a barber named Maker to recover a sewing machine , and won the suit. Mrs. Porter's real name is Mrs. Anna Uu&scll Her husband lives in Kansas City. She took a great fancy to a limn named Porter and the two eloprd , coming to Omaha a few weeks ago. She has since been living with Porter as his wife. She had a sewing nra- chine , bent to her from Kansas City. She gave < her husband pro tern nn order to get it I at the depot. Porter got the machine , but meeting ' M.ikcr sold it to him for SID nnd has not since returned to his rooms on Webster stieet , where his psetido wife has been wait ing for him. 15.y ueci'lont she learned of the disposition of the machine and biought suit against him , when the nbuvo facts are gleaned from her testimony Slio has re covered tlio machine , and Porter is also anx ious to return to avo'U prosecution. Puni'b' soap ib the moat elegant toilet adjunct. "Will llo Keiitetiocil To-day. A. Campbell , the driver in the employ of Jim , who was arrested on the charge of appropriating some ot Jim's money , was arn.ig.ncd and pleaded guilty , butyester- day being a legal holiday the judge postponed the .sentence until to-day. ( - l . \ NATURAL FRUIT FIAVOHS Tsnl liy the t'liitnl Stairs Ro\trnnirnl J'mlorscil bv the lit-ni ] of the C.rrat 1'nucrnt ts nml riitillcHooil Aua ! > sU. ns the StrJiiKCkt I'lito-l aiul'lliost IlcjHlifnl 1'r l'ric n ( 'renm Vakinir l-owdcrtlot-h not contain Autiaomn I.liiieurAlum lr 1'rict- IellLionsi\oriiiil'.x- ) ) ! tracUVaulllaIeiuon , OrauycAlinuiul , Ko v tic .ilunoicontain l'ul.s-iou ( ) ilaurV.Li.iulrals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. Ch'cuso. ' st. Loula. This pnwiler never varies. A marvel of purity itrtn ami winilesoinenes * . Mnro than the ordinary kinds , and uiiinot bn xuld In romtu'Utlun with multitudes of lncost. . MioltuolKlit ulllin or ph'wplinte powilu s S only In cans , lloyal llaLln 1'owdef Co. , 1.M \\ullsHeet \ , NI > \ \oik The TYLER SYSTEM of DANK COUNTERS Cannot be Excelled. They arc Elfgant In Deilgn and very Low In Price , Also , Court House Furniture , and Some 400 Styles of OElce Dctht , Chairs. Tallies , Etc. 100 Page Illustrated CotiloEue Flee. Postage 7 Cts , TYLER DESK CO , , St , Louis , Mo , , USA , ana nil urinary troubles easily , . , _ _ ly iliulsifelycitred by HDLTI'ltA I'.m- . . . . . . SoveiMl cisi's cured In seven duvs. .Sold H.GO per box , nil ilruc Nts , or by mall Irom Do- uutaMfK.l.'o 113 White St..N V. Tull Direction * SPRING STYLES , While other Clothing llou * arc still trying to dispose of their winter stock , \ve nro ns usual tlu first in the fii'ltl with Nt'\v Spring Tomorrow morning we shall luivo open and ready for inspection , onr complete line of Spring Overcoats. Don't fail to look at them as it will ho a Jroat lo yon to si'o the now styles and n .sm-prisa to s.-o . ( ho prices. Til HUB IS AHSOLUTHIiY NO HOUSK 11KKK OK KLSE- WIIHHK THAT WILL SHOW YOU AN EQUAL LINE , N0.11S TIIKKK ANOTHHU HOUSK 11K1U- ] OH KLSE\VIIKKK \ THAT \V1LL \ COMPUTE WITH US IN THE PHI CHS. Among the line , vrf will show you two sfyl of Moltou Ovorcon's ' ono a Imnni the otlior a groy shade , both very nice ; lined with good serge and front faced to the luitton holci with silk , al $ . " > . 75. .Ittsl tit nk of it ! A genteel 0\oreoat. silk fuc.'d . and elegantly miule , and good enough for anybody lo wear , al ? " ) .7. . You Hover saw such a garment olleretl for less than $10. Another Spring Overcoat to which we direct attention is the one wo nro olleriiig at $7.90. This is made of a line , stylish wide wale Leeds , medium light color , trimmol and made like any merchant tailor garment , with a rich satin sleeve lining ; other houses \vill charge you from S12 to $ ! . " > for snch a coat. A third garment v.hich we tuko pride lo mention is a very line Mellon , of a beautiful lip It t sl wpofflrnll3.-.0. ? This i-cwt is LI N HI ) TlllKM'lIItTT ! ( ) WITH 1-MXK SI Iland in quality , appearance and make , equal to any en-loin made garment for which a merchant tailor would charge $ : ! . " > o$10. . These are only a very few of Mm styles. \Vo can show you do/ens of them , and every one yon will a Innt is a beauty and a bargain. Don't del.iy. but remember that the earliest caller enjoy the ad van I age of the witlt * t choice. Our hat department i * . booming and Iho-c ! | . " > e Dorbys are g.ting Itk1 wild lire. PLAIN FIGURES AMD ONE PRICE ON&Y. Corner Douglas and. Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. GENTS' ' WITH WITH LADIES' ' No , 4 SPINAt SPINAL BELT. APPLIANCE No. 4 AFPtlANCE ATTACHID BELT ATTACHED. Tr. Owl N'S Klct'tro- Idnhnnlr Holt ami 'iisjion'ory Cure tlifl follow- l all otlirr.s at a ncnnus i linraclri Itliciitna- < i { liny kind , sciatica , I'.ir.ilvfiis , Kpl- K'psyphial ni-oa-fiS , M. \ilun' ln lsuisi | : > . Pill's , Hcnit IH ) pa-ps , l.ntnljnRii. licnrral ami > Ner\nii nt'n9 , 'In inbllli ( . ' . W.i . . . . . . . . . . . .w - . * * * - - - " " ' " .my 'lenientc\cr made in ; iifihini | ; l.kitik'ily to the Boily ' .r . the cut a or ili-en-i ) or as n remedial HRCIII. ' llody llelthis jiistlieen patented August Kith , 188T , ants Ibo best , ami tliis'lioSv ill liiiil tin ! 6 cn to bu. lldiltors fium all olht'is U IB n Jjmtory licit containing ulN wiili 100 - . - . of ttioiiplli.CNrppt nnr No. ! Full Power Uh'CM ! of Hi ciiKlh has and tvo onnenl , and the cm i enl e n be I urtcil. s uid Twenty Gnlvnnlo Cells , v - ICBI eci , n Positive NcjnJ ( ej ? . ! lliu.J-r.e..I.VJ.5.y..lMyu ! . \ nil . llattcn 'I hi l.leelrie icnl bo \ \ ) nn < Tosfcil U1U roiiiplalnlH Curnlilo by riccllicilyfirnCahiin.c in . . . * , . . . y . . . . . ; _ . . . , . slil. AIlercMiinlnuiBlliisbelt \\ill buy no other , as itlslifjlitand ea-ilj mini nnd Mipcii' i to all ot ThU The OWEN ELECTKIG BELT fe APPLIANCE CO. , 308 Noi-tli Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. BINPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION w Ovjit A MIM.IO.V ] ) ivritinrTiu ! Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated liy the leKM.Umo in Wf * , for IMiicatioiml anil ( . 'limltalilo purposeami Us frani hNe iniilo a unit of tlio | in > viit State ( . 'on- Htltntion , in 1S7U , by nil o\ci\\liulmlUK vote Its MAMMOTH IWAWINliS take place Ppinl- AiiMuiillyc.lium and Deconilieri nnd Its ( ! IIANI > SJNdl.i : N't \IIU3lt JHAWINiS ( take place in each of the other ten inontlis of tlio j car. and nro nil iiniun 1" jnibllc , at tlio Acadoniy at Music , New Oilc-ans , In. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , I'lirliilc rilynf ils ltruhm'S , and Prompl I'aj mo it ( if 1'rlxcs. \T1I Sll.ll * S K.O\VS [ : "Wodo hereby certify that we siiporviset- air.ini'emcnts for nil tbe .Monthly and Suml-An nnal lr.i ) iliisot"riio ( Louisiana Kiato l.ottory Coiiip.inj , nnd In pui ou nianiiKu and control tlio lrin ) > 'liiKS tlifiii-i'lvos. anil that tno MUMO me conducted with honesty , falrm-n" , and In K od faith towaid nil pirtle- . , and wo authori/o the company to use tli s c.'itllUato. with fac similes of oiui signatuies attached , In Its adver tlSL'lllL'lltH. " rOMMISSIO.NUHS. We. nnderilKnml Hanks and llankeih. w ill pay nil I'rle.drawn In Tlio l.oni.sluna Main l.ot'oiies ' vhlch may bo presented at onr tonn- t-rs. II. M. WAl.MSI.r.V , Pros. Louisiana Nat. Hank. l'iiiilti : : I.ANAI \ . 1're.s. Mate Nat'l Hank. A. IIAI.mVI.N. I'ins Nmi Oilcans Nnfl Hank. t'Altl. KOll.V , I'les ' I'nloii National Hank. 51 U D M3HTHLY D RAWING , At tlio Aiiiulnuiy < ) ! ' .Music , \o\i' Or- IcaiiK'J ucNdny , Mni-uti 1- , IHHI ) . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100.COO Tickets a.\ Twenty Dollars cash. Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenth : , $2 ; T&'jn- tiethj , $1. f.inn.ini i I'lti/.i : or im.iKHiiH i 1'iti/r. OK inkiiH ft 1,1 N HI i I'ui/.K or ifiiio.iis M.V 0 > X I'lll/.r.S OP H'.utilaro. ' fi ] > ii/.is ( : or Jiix.i , ) Kru. " . ' IMtl/.KS Ol' I.UMiire 1IKI I'ltl/P.S OlNMliro. . ro.iiH SIM I'ltl/.lIS OlIXklare. . W l I'Jtr/.CS OK 'i lare. I'lll/IJS , 100 I'll/.es of fvidam KH ) 1'il/e.sot IKOaro lot ) I'rl/m of L'0)ar ) rriiMiNii. i'iii/i.s , Ii'li Prizes of fid line } ! nOl ! Ib'J ' l'n/es ot lOOato VJ'j ( i Miil ; I'rl/es. ninoiinlini ; to tlOTil,8X ) Nell TUkcu DrnwIiiK t'apiial I'lUi-Huru nulen- 111.i > l in tcrinliiil IPII/IIN. Jtr'l nn n I'll IIMI x , or imy Inrllit'r liifiiriniuli'ii IcHlruit. wild ) Icjibly In tlio niulct > liiicil. eliitrly i-tiiilii. ) nut re-tlileni e , Hlth hlali , ) . Mn etioiil Niiinlicrlore riihlil nitiirn itiioi ili'lliery will l > v UN- Hiirc 11 > , jiiiir eiiLlu lnj an enilu la bearing your M'li I I'nvi'AI. Mll'KS , IHiirem .Money Orleri.or New \urk Hxihnni. In iinllnurj letter , i uriuiie ) by OrM A IMI'PIIIN , .Now Urlcam. I Address Registered Lelleis to Ni.VOlII.IiANS NATIONAL HANK , Nuu , Orlfiin1 ! , l.a. > ITAI I.'l'Vril < M > ' " " " ' "u iHiynn-nt of luMM hi\I lilMi ir/.iiK . \ ( : : n KM K NA'I'KI.VAI. II t.SKs 01 Ni'W drieaii' . innl e u k' U .ire nluiiu I li ) ( he PieMilt-nt ot an lootitii .op utiiiNu iliaitereil il.'litK are reui nt/o I lo Ilii- i.t'lu'i-t i ur'H ' ilierclfint. licnarc-oi .ill iniiiatioiiv or lltt IV Ilillll * ) l II1L UNiHi.Mt ! ; | | i tinnrl i1 "I Hie mioillusl part or fi.i lion of ti tirkel l- > r | il I - in a ID ilii > n \u > Ilunn' in our omnu oilo.t-il fur i i nt . IJol auxin liu CURED ' inl MllllNIMItll rollr IJ ovrltoBit t . BUUBt i I uiittr.i.llvutin'Uluitc ! * ! ! . t cia foil Mr hi-lf. lu llueinilli > 'fn' KiHwMful ktrrtfkl vlhrf rmifl'ti MIU PHHU ( ( H | ( | f. HJdOGJf l.r.II llroj.l.vuj , I ll \urli. li kiri.riLLtiTi'ooia ( ( uurj , uti. uiiiiri 20to60 DAYS. This is a disease whii'li lists heretofore Bullied nil M oil i ctil Si'ienco. Woliavon Itenii'ily. nnknowu to am one In tlio \Vorlil outsidoof oiir < 'oniiany | , nnil one tint liai % : VIEI : E'AIB. S * to cnio the most obstinate OM-.I-I. Ton ilavs In rii ent oases iloi'S thu unrk. It Kt'io ' olildironle iloep seated in es tlia'o Hollrit. Wo liavi- cnteil liUnlieiis\\lii ! ) hn\o l > iu-n nli.iuiloueil ] > y I'hyslclan-i anil iirononnced Inenralili1 , anil M > ehalleiiKi' the vtorlil to biliiK ns u casu thai wo will not cure In letlian hl\ly ilaj-n. Sliicutlie hl-itory of inedlclno u tint'peildi for fjiilillis haliLt'ii hoiigiit lor but noxor found until onr .any cetieii ani tn ey arc u-u illhoii-e , but In one , two or thieuear iiijieiMuiiln | In a more li-irilbli ) rmin. Thifa IHII blood I'lirilii-r nnd will C'uro any Skin or IJIood liiei-o : ! when Kvervthiiif , ' Klho l-'alls. THE COOK REMEDY CO , . Itoom iOiiinl II , I1. S. National Itnnk Omalia , Ni-b. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , USB. C'a pi till . 1KW.OOO HurpltiH .Inn. Int , IhW ) . -J-,00" , OFHI 1:118 : AND IUHKITOIIK ; II. W , V\TKH. l'io--lilent Li.wisK , Uiin. : ; Vleu 1'r.Hlili-nt. W. II..1' llriiinftihicr. ( . A. } ' . Toir/M.iN , W'.V. Mouse , JOII.N S. CDI.I.I.N1 * , , IN. II I'MltlCIC , It. L' Cl'KIIIXI , THE IPiON BANK , Corner l.'th anil I'limam h'ls. A ( llanklna lliihineha Transai'tol. Gold Watches ! ? [ and RIFLES JLEiJ . tb Juti/m v.rtol yndUfarr ti rll I.I. in I Ira.M < j lil Wul rli duly i > 1 er u \ Inrlii filer ftrr > ajr ti ) UtltreLeinore .rtrfveailinim iVllU'll * r KKh'i ltB.,4ibci ) d tti tt. . h N.i n.t . riuiiu Niit T IVlltt'llt Hn4 rtcti il lli in il J'JiiUlitdVlllfllf Ournj.u I _ < l > jrtt 13 UU KK n ( > flir 11 to 5jr I tr HiKelcil f rry ion n iirrli * ytntlr ltlu lri rj t tullj | 'N | tr Kt f * Ut ltl J lu ) * T , * * i.l It will t titi < I 13 in" ilUioVryi' ' ri II ilftj rrllwinii 1,1 , ( our M ! l" > 9 ll nn i i > " "Hl CwdJ , 5 Chfd.rtA llvleiTinm. I lle ftllr.wlrolwrvdil/Pl tj ln < u.twlul HKn'i.ui' ( Viui Jru.i,4rAc. U lib > 11 - , . , ! ttu uwt 'i J ! < > 'rnl I' I'tlp l' > y C"il " ' " ' ' ftjtrrllrfintnt , i > l je. Ac. 'He n n * of lt < ur > i > ilul " * i4f. SUHH1SISC FRIHTIKQ CO FASSAIC , HEW JtRUT. - DR. ALFRED SIIIPMAN Physician and Surgeon 1'J.A'H'H.MOUi'Jl , - .NliUKASKA OW1AUA MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE vfts ; < < * " - % ' - * - - --i N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodsro Sts. 1OI1 TIIF HILT1IE.VT or AI I. S R , Appliance : for Daformlties and Trusso ? . nest tncUitli-H , appiirattia ami rpini'illc4 for I IICCL I ful lre.itmi-111. or > vury foi-u of Ulai.'tisu retjulrlni McillcHl or buoiiil Truitnieut. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. lirmril anrt nllcaclancc ; bust Hospital nceommoU tllma 111 Ull' West WHITE ton niiriTi AIIS nn Do form llle nnrt Uriiccn , Trnsned , Clut , Keut , I'tirviituro uf tin * Spine. I'lli1 * , Tuiiior * . ( 'linear < Marrh , llroni. ! ! ! ! ! . InU ilHtiun , ICIeclrUltj , l'.inilr l . Killai5v | | , Kliliier , Ilia IJ r , lje , inr : , Skin nnil I .illb irclcnl rprrilloT Disonsoa of Women n Specialty. UOOK ON DISFASE5 Ol' WOMEN I'lIEK ONLY RELIABLE MBDICAL INSTITUTE A MPiriAITV OF PRIVATE DISEASES. AIMIiuoil DlioascH iuccui9fully ! Irealoil , Syplillltlo 1'titHUti reniut r * I frinn tlitdbtruj wlllioul lui'ro.irr. New riiilnriitlvu ni'nt lor Insi ol VIU1 r > ni < r. rcfiini iiniible In vl H in nriy ho IIHIH.HI nt linmr tiv rorrt'tiiiuiKli'iirf * . All t'uiiiinuiilcitioiiH ( uiulilcnltal MeitklncH or In ilriiinontii "ut l > x lunil ue ntprm , ccin-'l ) | i ikil 1.1 > iniirki t > hiill'Hio cnnli nti < ir t-oudor. Oinpeifnnal Intcrviiiw pn-lrrrtMl. ( n'l ' nnd cn-iiiilt UH ur Ri-nil Iil4tor ) ot jour case , and * u will sund In I'l.UTi ' n rapper , our BOOK TO MEN. FREE ! Upon Private. Spei-lal or Ni rvnin li ) easc < . Im > o > Icnty. StplilliHUluel nail Vinlrututu , "illi iinciiu I list. AiUrc94 AiUrc94MciUrol r/uiZ tiwjiftd Institute , or Cor. 13th anil DoJuu bta. , - OMAHA , NIJII -mi : OF THIS Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The ftcsl Itoute from Oniulm anil Council llliins to TWO TUAIN3 DAII.V IIKrWKK.N OMAHA AND COUNCIL IILUITU Clilrngn , AND Milvumkcc , St. I'uni , Mliincniinlls , ( Vilar Itiijililf , Itork Klainl. Frccoi' | ) ( , Jtocliforil , Clinlou , lnliiiiio | , Dini'iinoit , Kl-'ln Kuillson Jaiicstille - , , , Jlclolt , Wlnoiiii ) I.ii Cri sc , And nil oilier Important pcnnti Ktst , Nurllii ) > t iiI For Ihiouoh lltkelt , * h uu ilia tirkol ncent at if/ll I urimni ttit't't lu llnrker lllock , ur HI L'UIOII I'auno 'UIIUl. t'ullii.un RU'ei'tri aiiu the flnut ttlning ( "nrt In tde world urn run uu ib mtln line of Hi" ( Mnu'u Mil. wftloe A hi. raullUllfny. til urer nut , ii.ul | lil fj u'lkienuFri tir ( o'.rioj rnpiuTusci n ouju.puur. if. Mil.I.Kit , ( Iuntr l UkUXKi. .1 K 'H/UkKK. A < lflnntUiu r I iUiufcr A. V II CJItrKMUU , lJt il l I'BliobJir 0 Tic < ut A/cut OKU I K HKAFrouo , Annual 0 < ncril I'/iittjer uJ 'llo ' < 8l A > eot J.T. cLAiu , DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS nnil innny times \\lll jitovo to von a woat 1 eVen stinnlil not ilelnv m--n for a dnjr onr I'Oinlim't ) oin stunt. We au iniiklni ; u vli-an hU < c ; > nt oin uiitlu- sun U ofMntor Koodi * and wlil nun yon priu's that lll nteiust you. THE CHICAGO Tl.o onlr mid to take for Ic ) Molnoi , MRmlnllo Co nr lli.plrtu Clinton. IHion , t liun n Mllnnuli nnlNllpi inKKHil ! lli pp..pi. . t Siil.iiiika.Col rnilo. U iiiiinriK , iinli , lil.ihn. Ni-nnin. Oregon. Wiili- liiBtnii niiij CuTlfnrnln II oir rn nuiierlor uiUaritiues not pniMblftliy- > minTlliie AI-IUII/ IHW of I an immrriMii pointu tit tuperlorUr rijii | > e.liy . Iho p ii < , n of lliH i m I ijelwitn Omnlm . \CIII. ' wlili h Ilia llni n I ml li im n art ninl I ici nilllirfniiPrriilp | l l'AIAl ( "I KI'I'INIJ CJ.HH "ci'junlnf wliiiliian imt hifoini.l uMijiir At I mini n lll'illn td ! r ln of llni Iliimii TH-IIIC Hull- wny ID inn I In t i KIM ill put -till ] II' , H of Ihu Chi. nin ! V Norili Liicrn l > la ( liirnko HIM IruliK ol I itlininin.o rlururonnui Ik u null Iliimuor ll other I nr l.i-lr .It , C-nlurutiiiii li.'llniHiiolH Clndnnitl , .4. iru 11 uil , lluirn o. ritUiiui , li.n.nlo. Mnnliual , fliin Ninork | ' | | | I I | | | IIIH | , lliililinote. W iU ' " ' ' . nl H pJlnUIn Itio tnti \ > k lortlckoH | U ' ° f' ' ' ' " " , , , ! l'l'ri'lm"TMiyrSTERN" " ' " * TI * ' * " "YiM.ini'r. "f'M. i . WII.HON , ItL'Il I * < 1 AfjJIBTt ( Ifiu'J I'Alt f AlfCDt * ' . > IIAIKMl'i.iuMVB-iteiii : A vnt. K I ! JIMIMI.I.'l'lrkit { ! Ax nt. , , ' ' ' WKbl1. Cur f-iii ngerAitn m u HOI rernum HtOmmlm. . Neb DREXEL & , MAUL , llu-eKsir t > i Julio C. .liuoln.i Undertakers and Embalrnor At ti.f > M ' .i 11 HJ ? Km inn fit. Onleiii tiy t . ' 1 > b.iliilleil .l.ll Jioiilitly | .ItlullilCll. TI 1' till ill' ' to p 0 . ' . ' . * IIIVOItlK'i A. li > llJttli II ATfOll.sev AMiAW JJ l.llH'ur .orn lu. I aiie u. n u-lcu Irj i | VI yMr < iiiin.rai.cwj bucuuK iji.tur .iuJ i