THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. No nclvrrtlscinrnts be tnkcli I'or those columns nil or I 20 : ! \ > . in , TorniHCnlli In nilvtuicc. Adverttpeni'ntstincler thin head 10 tents pet fine for the firm insertion,7 rents for each sub Kf-nui'tit ins"Mi m , and M.wi PT line per month. Niiudvcrtlsi meiit taken for less thuii 2'i cenM thellrst Insertion , Seven norus w 11 bocciuuU-il t < itho lln : they must run const-cut hc-ly nnd must be pnlil In AliVANCII , All adif-rll-o- inents rmiHt be handed in before 13 : m o'clock p > n , , and under no i lr < ulnitutvs will they betaken taken or dlseontinued by tehpliono. I ariloi mUiutlsltu ? In these . olntutx and n v- Imjthi'lr anMT'-rsntldrf-s d In caioof Tur. lie ? vrlll pleasou k for aihd k to ennble thorn t gi t their letters , as none will be delivered i xcepton pre ent tlon of < hrik All answer * to adver tisements sh'itild be 1-nHiivnllti envelopes AH adveitl i iuent In tbosrniumns are pub- II bed In butli morning ami evening i-dlttoiisof Tlih lit K , tin1 ilfiiiuilnn nf whuh aggregates more tlmn 1"W papers ibdly. nun nlves the ad- vfrtiicrx tlio neni'IIt nut only of thn < lt > rir u- lallon of'inr llf t. but also of ( otincll lIlutTs , Lincoln mid otliircltltiH and towns throughout UlH section of tllo c ountry. ' 'BRANCJ-TOFFICES. - . Advertising for those columns will bo t.iken on the nbnvo conditions , nt the following busi ness housm who nro BI thnrl-nil agents for Til fc IIKII vpeclnl nmli-es , and will quote the tiaiii * rates an can bi had at the main olllci * . roilN W. lliiI ; , , Phurrniitlst , i South IVtith ) Street. " " " " " C ! ! Vsr"ir.iIViSmtii nc7ii"ftna Printers. 11) MMltll pitllMn-Ol. _ _ _ t. all' ) Cum- \\r .1. llfilis. | : I'lnrnuclst , tui North Kth > > Htret't. GKO. W. PAHIt , I'lmrmaclst , ISOy St. Mary'd Avctiuo SITUATIONS WANTED. \ \ ' AN'l 111) Situation an stenographer and TT ' typuwiltoi , niii-d twenty , Kiiulliato from ' . . ' . . . . . . . law department of Iowa state unUersltj ; cert - t i-ct. t liabllH , aul iry no object. Address , O. V. nibert Ocl ir I nlls.jn , V > ! 2 ! ' "IJMJSITION as pharmaiT T speaks ( Ivrman J and KngllBh. r > years'expetlenco. Hull , llt-v. ilU ) 3.1 SITTATION wanted. Klrst clnas gardt-ner and llorlst , fiprmiin , dingle ! grower of roses , cnt tlowom and gL-ni'rnl ' tiliiuta ; si years' expel- Icnco In lloweis , fi lilts nnd vegetables ! business lulvate or tominnicliil afU'i April 1. Addiess 1l > . Moklor , Illl llollailiiyst. , Denvei , Colo. : , ir " \\rANTIJD Mtuiitlnn as second haKi-r , 01 T T cook , by man used to work In klttheii. K 4'l ' , llee olllcc. ! lp- | ! Al 1 HST-cfuss clrussmaVer w Ith an eastern experience w Inhes employment by the dav In goon families. Call or aildress ll.UN 18tii nt. i'lt\ . an-33 * ' " WANTED--NIALE HELP. V\rANTi.D A good Bhoo salesman.must also TT be ] ) osteil on furnishing goods. ( > 14 H Illtli. 'VVrAN'lll-'luiHt\ ' ! boy who lixo- . with Ills TT parents , flu. Mrs. llicgii , ; 1H'2 ' S.J.'ah st \ \ * ANTKU ioiinp man. light work , ijooil Call lO.'n DodKO Irom 10 to fi. "X\r ANllMAgents. . We want llrst class men V > who arc iiliuady traiellUK salesmen , to ran v our lubricating oil sample us a sine lint. ' . T It. TJiiimlni A : Co. . Clmclmid , O. 411 2S \\rANTKO 2 < ) cont-mtikers , 15 pant'-makeis. T lOvo-t u akcrs.JIdlnliiK-room Klrls , l olllco lady ; nlwnjH placus In private families , at II. II. Wniideli'H , S. U. Cor , of l.ltn and UoitR 2d llooi , rootiifi. 418 Ten acti\o dry Roods salesmen toasHlstat tlio treat ten daj'i sale now Hi > l illcm at III B 15th at All goods must bo Mild bufoio the 1st of .March. Applicants must call In the mornlnt' . C. .1. Weber. y'5-2i ' : \ \ 7'ANTr.I > - Mrin and wlfo on a fiuni ; alno T f man who ha a team on n farm. Mis. . _ ; NI a.'t TV \ rANTIl ! > - Man pastrj- cook , ? " > 0 : cook tor V > .smnll hotel , tl . Mrs. llreKa , yil'j ' S Ifitli. -1'ivo trtNolltig salesmen ! ; and expenses ; no expeilouce neiessury. Address , with stamp , I , . II. Linn & Co. , l.a Cro-Kiii , wt . I170-37 * ( iood photographer to take vhtirfio of n ifiillvry ; must il\e referente and hayo l , u capital. Addieja K 51 , Ilco oillce. vrANTKDClothing salesman. I , . O. Jones. , " \\rANTKD I'lvoideaMtke salesmen ; ' steady work : room SIB , 1'irst National bank bulletin } : . 3-K.0 A OIINTS wanted on xalary. * 75 per tnontii nnd expenses paid , any actho man or vroman'to . sell our K"ods by sample and live at home Siihuy paid promptly and ex ] > enses in ndvncce. I'ull paitfculiirs and sample case free. Wo mean Just w-nat w .say. Address Htandard bilvciumo Co , IIo.toii , ; Mass. "ITTANTKI ) Salesmen everywhere for our adjustable door plates ( can sell and de liver at oni'el , four styles of door boll" , metal and white enamel loiters , house Humbert , etc. Hamples , circulais , etc , free. New Vork Door Plate Co. . Allmnjvtf.y. _ _ 25.KSI * "V\rANTKl ) Carpenler to do the ivork on sov- T oral houses to bo built and take house nnd lot an part p ivmont , A. W. ilcLaughlln. Kooni 61S I'axton bldff. _ _ 215 1 _ WANTii ; > Agents for our new patent lire- pioof sares , l7o ' . ' ( IMxlS , weltjht MIbs. \ . , retail pi Ice PI' , olheis In proportion , Illchnst uwaitl ( stiver medal ) Cunteuulal Kvposltlon ; rare thanco ; permanent business. Our prices lowest. Wo are not In the safe pool. Kxcltislvo teriltoiy given. Alpluu Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. "VANTHDA oed man to go on the road ; must be wide awake , full of cnorgj' , Kl\o Becurlty for money collected and deposit I.'O for samples , call on OenrKO 8. CUiio. lloom "ill , Ji'lrst NntlAtial bank building. Omaha , Neb. 1 17 . . . . . .SI ) A stenographer who has somu kiiowledgo of hookKeupliig. Must hi ) u good pinmaii. Address , with references. P , O. draw IT 47. UNI " \\TANTRI-rirst-ilass ) coat manor. Applv at IT once to 11. I , . Cohen , South Omaha. Neb. AdKNTS wanted Inoterytown and city In the west foi-1 he Maiden Hand ( iraimdo Mm Kxtlngnlsher. Apply to l' . (1. ( Ciaiulall.UlU South jr.thBt. . h7U \\rANTKD-Agents in oiery city mid town lu T T the west to w ll the Toy Calliope , the gu-at- i > rt Bcllor on earth : hend 'M cts for sample. 1' (1. CriiiKlnll , 1110 South b7'j _ \\TANTii : > W men for Washington tcTrl- TT lory ; good wages , ntcndy wort , long JOD. Albright' * l.aboi Agency , JUu I'limam at.SJI _ SJ-I I'N Wo wish a few men to sell our V ' goods by samule to tlio w hoiesale and letnll trade. Largest maniifiictuier.s In our line. ln- ! t'loso 2 cent stamp. Wngesjl porday. I'otmnn- < ml position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial Mim't'K Co. . Cincinnati. O. _ . . WANTKD Agents for Mllwanl'H calyx-nyed Hclf-tlircadlng iienilla ; preserves falling Eight : a help to good sight : perfect bonatua lor canvassers ; sample parkago IDo , Semi for circulars to heiulimarteis , Htuyner A. Co. Pro- yldenco , It. I. Odclm' . " JDOV H-Alii. IMst Tel. t o. , 1'JOI Dousliia. AX A N'l'KI ) Mve men und woman to engage In T T an t-a y , paying biulni'ss at Home. . Can voile daytime or mcnlng and make We to fi per hum ; sure thing , Miniiiht and complete In- htilli tlona sent foi lUi , Addr'-ss , , \ \ orlu Supply Co. . Itutland. Vt WANTED--FEMAUEl < El..P. _ _ _ ' \\TANTKO-A fompt'tont girl In a family of > two. 001 south Shtli. 'llb-3i _ G OU ( ) girl for toncral housuwoik , 1010 Call. foruiast. lii'J 33' experienced hotel house i T keeper. No v ry ulilct woman m-t-d npiilj ; tiUo lioiinekrppt'r furxrldowtr with , 'lltttle gills ; ono wunted on a faun ; only : . ' to cook for. Mr , niega. 'lU'i ' H. Htlt bt. 4mi 3. ) _ VVANTKD-rirat ciii ! c.iiok. Apply la" Park Y > a\e. ' . A _ _ _ _ . "l\rANTl I ) lluttonholiiinaktr ; 1113 i'nniam 4ii --I I * _ ANTKI-'IA\enly-IUo young ludle-s. with mill without expeilemo. to traiel wit" Imilesque company f alai ) and expenses. Cal1 between 10 ami U' , or fi and 7 , io-ilay or tomorrow row , at \ \ iniUor llot l. V. K Clark , ytl-xit \\rANTRD-A rompeteiit girl for u'cm-ral TT housework nt iill Uouglas. , 'I7U ' - " ' \\rANTlIu-A llrat-cla s glil for general TI housework , Mu t bo tlrst-clnss COOK , lu- fjnllf , ftiw Harney btiect , Jits. A. U. .Morst- . _ ai1.-1 _ _ . \\7ANTKI ) A competent girl for geiivrnl T houaeworlr. iVlli & foth aye Wn il \\7ANTKD ( Sooil woman rook for Bewiird. T WH l for Munnlmr , i.r ; bmudrcks , i5 ; J Alnlngroom glrla. COOK for prlratn boarding lioiue , * 7 : Illirmi girl , a > girls for general noust- \\Mk , Mr * , lirea iOB loth. Jlsl 33' \\7ANTKO-\oung gir fonure pply W wooiwonnave- \ \ 7ANTKD-A nea girl for gontral II work. Inquire X3 8 10ti. aj3-aa AlV aRcnts clear ! V > wcenly selling out photos of .Mr . General Harrison , llotthinn aio. an Clhybttrn ave. C'lilfnso. lll. _ * ' ' * iu.'city hotc-I. ( Hrt Uishwashpr , at onco. ! m-33 * _ \ \TAN T I : T > - A t on r" ? Two ladlVsTmil Iwo V > gpiitlpinen to solicit , Must be of good uddres , able to give bon1 nnd havp Ji'i In rash. Salaiy f.Vltn JlKlper inmith. rail or aiV dross room All , Hrat National bnuk btillilftig. WA TfT lIT-A coiniidtenT g I rl to do" houscwcrk. 313 S JUth st , ( jood pnlil _ 3T. ' .M AirAN'I ll ! > A good pirl for general house work ailUinui > rnsM. : ra3 A\r.\N'lii : ) iteliablDlprmnnmir ( < itUI , I'J to > 11 years of ngu. Mrs H. C. Patterson. 2,111 1 amain't ' DRESSMAKING. rAXTn > nnira em < > nts to do dressmaking In families Miss Murdj,3ul7 I.eaxenw-orth ins. m 31 * J Itns-sMAHINU In fauillTciYlsfl is'17th. ) H'J in 3U \UK-8MAKINU.rut tlni ; . % llttlus.-'H' . MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. O\THSiilIl : : > rwanied ovenwhoro at home or to Max \\rwlslitoomploj a rel'ahlc per son IP your count > to tutk up iidMirU einiMita uml show cards of elottrlc goods , Athertlsu- iiients to be tin keel up e\criwhere , on trees , fences and turnpikes , in conspicuous plaios , In town und couutr ) lu all puts of the t'nlU-d Status and Ctin.ida Steady employment : wages f.'JVl per day : expenses nihanci-d ; iin talklnu leciulnd. l/iical work for all ol p.ut of the lliiiK. Address with stamp , Kmorj X Co. , man agers , Mil Vine st. , nnclntmtl , O No attention paid to pmtqlcards. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 117-3-1 * \VANTrl I\iT.vbody to know that I luuo TT HMuc\ed my nlllce to rooms ; I17 and IIH I'lrst National bank building , \\heie I shall be pleaded to moot them. O .1. Sternsdortl. Heal Loan , Hxihnngo llroker and Itrntnl _ _ „ _ _ - . women to use "Wllcov'9 rancy Compottnd Pills. ' Perfectly , ifo and always cllecttml. Soinl for 4c "Woman's SufoduaHl.ilcox Mcilltal Co. , Phlladcl lihi.i. H4AlU"-i > _ ' ' SOARDINC. _ TjiTuST-CIASS Ii6mo"boaril7oi8 S inth sd. J : iUMiflU * _ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING . ' . ' Miorthalld and 'lyiinwiltini , VAI.KM'l.Niu'S Paxton biilldlni ; , Omnha. The only excluslvo shoHhand school In tin htatu. O cr 0110 linuiliod KraditatM lu BOOI situations. 'Ihu school Is under the mamim ) tnont ol C. C. Valentine , olllclal Htfliiugiannur of thi ) .ltd Judicial district of Nebraska , and I'rof , II. II , Iloyles , an extiorleuced teacher and ver batim report ni. Day and oventni ; sessions. Stu dents can enter at any time. Send for circulars. "s _ _ _ Q'l\\JNIATn > Siortliaiid ! School. 113 Shoeley O block , teathes standaid s < tellls and uses lleiiilntilcin t\pewrlters. C'lrenlurs free 7- ' EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. Kmp. Tfvreau. II ! ) N. llltli st. IMab" OMAHA 8 years. Most reliable In city. Ills pja * _ XTI'.Il Kmpioyment Omce-317 N. IBtli st. IN _ _ mi f Sst _ iVNAniANUmploj-mentOtllce. Mrs. llreci , Gi 1 S lltli. Ueference Omaha National bank fill ! mU WANTED--TO RENT. " \\rANTKD-To rent , a 4 or o-room cottngo 01 * i > Hat ; tobdoccnplcil ab'-iit Mureh 10. Ad- diess A. 15. 1' . s w cor lltli and Harney.aurt211 aurt-211 V\rANTKU 1 or 2 looms fuinlshed for light r > liousekeeplnK : man midwife. AddresH , Htntlm ; price. U ill , Hee. OS1 "if House with 8 or 11 rooms , good accommodations and central location , Addrops K 1 , lleoolllco. JH-a-'J FORJENT--KOUSES. _ . . . HUNT liouso ' 'lit ! rnllfornla st. Apply at n w corner of 33d and Iaeupoit. . ITIOIt linNT-0-rooni house aiu ; JU lent reasonable. Applv IN ) " Uaul st. 4lr.T filOK HUNT8rooin houso. cot. 22d and Web ster sts. t l"i poi month. U. I" . Harrlion.Mor cliantB * Nat'l biuik. ! IB7 21 1TIOH , HllNTA live loom house. South 17th ht , JL1 two doors HOUth of Jncksou Iluipilro at 003 S inth Bt. _ .W ) ! * 17IOII HENT Ooocl cottage. 37H Dccntnr st. . JL1 uttei Match I. City water and clstein. \ \ allaco. Crolghton block. ii.V.i-31 ' ' HOO.M house foricut , 3W3 racllle street. O : in-3-'t 1 f\ room house nnd barn for rent nnd fuinl- Jv/ turn for .sale , at a sacrifice ; possession ghen Mnich 1 ; rent Jj'J ' ; IW California st. FOK HUNT 7-rooni. 3 story house , wlthhugo gairet , modern ronvt'iileuros ; cor'hth mid Dot-atur. K , i' . Cook , Chamber of Commerce. FOR HKNT-Deslrablo cottage , fi rooms. 3534 Charles st. Inn.ulro at lill'J Capitol avenue. HOU8K H rooms , ITilJ Ca s st . . . , . | W ( X ) llousoSrooms , 2Sth and HlCKoiy . 400) ) rurnlshed nouee. 4Jd nnd Calltornia 21 va iight-rooni : house , 2117 Clark . . 21 IU Twoii-rnoin Iionspn , SeWHra atid2Stli 100) ) No. S2d South 2'th . . . . . 21)110 liouso I rooms,2U1I Clark . . . 14(0 ( IlousoO rooms , 1127 N. I'ltli ' 2) OJ And a largo list of others. JEill 22 ( lei ) . .1. Paul. , jCT'll'arnam St. iriOIt HUNT Now 7 room house , all modern JL convenlentos , centrally located , will lent veiy reason.iblu to tenant making good lease. 5-100111 cottage S 17th" , . 8-ioom house , 2021 Howard st. II room Mat 14Ji ) N 17th , suitable for light housekeeping , JIJ. Apply to Oreen A ; Williams First Nat. bank bldg. till rPKN-HOOM house ou It-th near lA-avenworth J. st ; modern conveniences : will rent to good reliable tenant nt Ji | ) per month. C5 .1. Sterns- ilorlf , rooms UI7-J1H 1' Nat. llaiiK building. -IU "T loom house , til per mouth , H. K. cor lltli and * J Vlntoii. liujiiliu next door. itu7 houses , centrally located , are In demand GOOD mand at J. II. Pairotto , ItXJi ) Chicago. IS'J 2 < FrilNISIIKI ) house for rent In Park Terraci1 , opposite Han- > com Park , all modeinn con- \enl nce . Kiuiuliv , heo A : Nlchol , 3 111 and leii > enworth. USJ KENT Ono 5 room house , J18. Innulto Uoughis. Kin p ( lit HUNT Nice fi room house , east trout , half block of cable cars. 113 S. 'Must. _ _ _ _ 8IIOUM house near hlcli si liool. Ui-ntfli. In- _ gull u .1 . i * liartoii , U'dH ( .ipllnlini. . illJ'ml * " 13iArTIFl.'lj : 8-room house , gas , city water. Jl 'bath room , hot ami cold water , on pavml streets with street car , ncara good HChool , only in per mouth. The house \ nnw. Apply ut once. C. I' , Iliurlson , Merchants Nut , bunk. I/IOK HUNT When you wish to rout a house. JL' More orolllce call ou iii. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block ri'.M FOIt HKNT liouso ind bain , Ilauscom place , Harris , room 111 Kirat Nat I bk bldg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5J7 171011 HUNT U room modern Improved housn JL1 A I locality. Hunt moderate. Apply M , III gutter , 10JI I'm niiin at , _ fija 1OH > ItHNT-Cottages , 5 rooms , ar , ' ! r-liarlos I ? si and li.'l So 5th st. Inquire 1C Sl'J , Sheeley block. FOH Itr.NT-Cheap , . ( and fi room house , ll'n S3lsttit between Centei and Donas. < rOiul } : "ITiOlt HKNT-9-room brlcic , 111 S3jth st ; mod- JL' ern convomcnci- j nuar cable lino. .1. W , ( Irlnith. I' P. hoailniiartera. Ml FOK HUNT -7 room Hat at 608 S. 13th. Inquire J. I * llranduis A. .sons , MI FOR _ RlENTF-FLIRrri rTED ROOflS ITUilt HUNTllniidnomoly furnished front JL above loom , Capitol ave. lltli t. ; g 'ti- tinmen pr ft > rn < I , but would bo.ird gentli-iimii ami wife. Addiess I * . U. box ! 10I. city. 4I 31 rpo IIIlS'lTrout loom , with boaul. for two Jl gentlumen ; cleHlr.iblo location. 2UI a 3itii u euue. U'J7-3U K OOMB to rent CO ! S lath bt. , Sna'lioon S 130i Douglas tt. 3rd llooT. _ Itr.NT f.argo furntiheii front looinT i Dodijn st. 10'j ' JjM'HNISIIl'.l ) rcwnis for ivnt. All modem tmiuo\vineiits , bath furuace , etc.Jll I'uriraui. llii TJuTllMSIUIU room * witliboard. In good lota. Jtlon , mudoru coiiveuteucesa , ii.y Lenvcn'th , His _ _ _ _ ITIl'HNlSIU'.l ) IOOUIH.j N luth. JD aisyi' XJltJK ( rooms. ) ffomtStoti.'ttiuontiiPealKMy ! J- > lit hand Jones Mreeta. UTOiull : Ui rooms , IU S 'JOtU bt.uear H lsj. IlKXT-tncgunt "tilt * of furnished ronm , siiltablo for tnnn and wife or three gentlemen , with all conveniences and board. In prlvAto futility. Term * reasonable , inquire at ? io. 1K > - | I'nrfc avc.or telephone list. jrjsvjs * HA.VDSOMKlA * furnished lotlthcast back pallor , with or without Joining bfd-roonii all modem Itnprovsments mil the best nrrom modatlons ; Z-Irt rarnam > s 27 * iron HUNT Single or enstiltc. liandcotiii'lj JL tin tiKlintl rooms : stcnm heat , bath : rates r a < onable. Apply 1WJ N Iith st. rlrst Hnt.w I AlKTlT front room , hit ely fuinl3hcd"suTfaT > io J Jfor 3 trcntlcmi'n , lv ' 1 Karnatn. 71 _ _ "lilL'HNfsilElTor imfuru"lshfld roiTrn. with gas JL ana bath , uonrd If desired , jlUS.'Gtn st. , opposite All Saints' churcn. 737 rooms , single or en suit , ball and steam ; forgunta only , lil' ' Howard. _ _ _ _ J/olt Itr.NT rurnlsliDil looms with gas. bath and board If .lealtcd. aifi ) rarnani t. CT m _ _ _ _ 1)M\SANT. : tibflv IninlThed rooms ininos J desirable- part of cltv , 7 blocks from 1' . l ) . on ( ableline. . : au ) | Davoiipoit at. iirj-i'i' II1OH HKN Friirnlslied rooms IrTrTrtienltt blk -1 ror. lltli and Dodge sts. Ituitllio of Gee 11 Ua\K Mlllard hotel bllllanl room. fi 37IOII HUNT Nicely tunilshad loom , will iNinril If desired , gas , heat and bath-room 1707 l"di'ent. ) _ _ _ JVll _ f ) NI ( UliV ttunlshed looms , "team heat , ga -j bntli , etc. , on same tloor , * 1U per month , a ) " S. 31th , no Hat. I.'O AVI.M'i : ItooiuH At lull and Ifltj Capitol nvo 3 blocks f rom P o. new ly furmsh-d private bo.xri'lngliousn.ploasantrooins.nllcoiniMilences _ _ _ _ _ 77i ) 3.1 * _ N i'iY rooms , also front an. back parlor ; ItVW DotlRlas st. Sll JICIII.V furnlslii'd room" with board ; nl com onluncm. I'lli ) Caplto nve. U'ti7 J OH ltI.NT-ntriilshoilrooms ; , llUJ NJWi. "I H.KASANT fnriiishod looms 1617 Cupltol ive. 1/ult HUN I' I'mulshed looms ISli > liodiro . . , 1" . - i % > * . . * t > 11 - * f A I/A UII ( south room ; also sm ill roam ulcelj finidsliedlovely locution and o\en moilert coiivelllciii-c' . lt)7 ) Douglas. Iill ! J-ORJJENT ROONIS UNFURNISHED O UOOMS-Snlt able for hoiiaflKOJpltJ-f prl'o < > $10. IjJ. ' . Pierce st. W _ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES 17K > lt linNT-2lloors22\Hioneh.ln luick build J im ; , w Mb elevatoi. cli u to nxpruss ollice theap lent , jitat tlm thing for \ \ holesalltiir , KOOI location , apply Oco. llejn , 110s riunaiu t. 1HwWNTTwo Fores. fi.'l. and fi l Nottii" Jl Kith st. Imiuiro at tlio building. Henry Oslholl. Kit JjlOIt uJNoce suite W a mouth. 2 JL1 olllces f 13 each , all fronting Pith st. Hush man block , n. c. cor. inth and Douelas. W. M. llushmai' , 1111 I.e.ivenwortli. > T FOIt IH2ST A fuw ofllco looms loft for rental. Also a \ > li llulited loom on Heooml lloor. 40\nn. ! n 11.111130 biilldlns. ini FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. "IT1OII ltiNT--llasi : > mniit. Htiltable for a plum J-1 ber or barber , cor. I'lth and Jackson ats. ! r.V HUNT-A waremmse will ? high basa- ment , ( ontrally locjitid ou Idopandeut track from which cars ran bo unloaded nnd loaded Into and from biilldlni ; . Immedlalu possession. S im .1. Howell , 217 S. Iith st. Om ilia. M FOIt HKNT Oooil basement , 2.'x'Hl. lin Dotinlas t. 4'U ' RENTAL AGENCIES. OWNIIHSof houses , ntores , Hals or business blocks who wish the sanio rented and piou- erly inred forsli < > uld Hit v. Itli ua. Parties w Mi- Inctorent will Mud our list complete. A. ! ' . Ttil-.ey. Hill's blocit. lltli and Pom-las. St , AMlMtKLl , . TAI.IIOT , loom , 'KI. biilidlug. f.l'linl G HO. .1. PAUL , inii'j 1'aniam St. , houses , stores , etc. .for rent. IVls LIST \oiir houses. Hats , stores , etc. . with ( ! . .1. Steinsdorli. iioinI7 ! and II.S Pirst Na tlnnal bank htilldhit ' , . Spei lal attention given torur.tlng and rents tollottod li-V. WK give spo lal attention to renting nud col lecting rents , lt < st with us. H. I' . Cole , room (1 ( Continental block. Kfl r Ol * v.ant jour houses rentsd pac ! them I "ltd Iteuawa X Co I.'itli , opposite poctoihce. season Is hero ; brini ; on your Xiiou es ; I fia\o thu customers. .I.-ll. I'ar- rotte , lOJii Chicago. JilSf2s MISCELLANEOUS. > IH1 > S for sale ( ierman canaries. T ) ; Tl'i > 17th st. 4JI-3ir / iOH ( > openings for tumbiir , conl ami impla- VJ m cut s , and general merchandlMo htoii' In comity .seat town : .U inlb-s to nearest lumber yard. Address It < " , , Omaha Hue. :1T8-3,1' : 11IAVH moved my custom shoe snop and tailor shop from Hill I'unmm lo 1IU1 I'axton hotel Daseiiit'iit. l'iauk ihult3HI 3uf \71II-S ! dug or cleaui-d , cisterns ( leaned and T repaliod. K W ( jrosjunn , Uri'l ' Unit st. OKLAHOMA ( luido Hook and Map. contain- ihg full Information as to the naw terrlloij. JIalled to any .uldross on receipt ol 50 cents. 'l'\ler A. Co. , iiubllnheri ) , \\yaudottastreet , Kansas flty , Mo. 1172T + EMICTUIC tolsgraph si-hool ; rooms 5'b .t M'l ' Paxtonblk. , cur. lijth A : 1 ainam sts. ; send foi circular , ! TOJj' HAVi : j-oii a house nnd lot you wish to selli1 please send full particulars loOoorge J. Sternsdoilf. rooms ,117 A : i18 ! I'lrst National Hank llulldlng. who will find you a purchaser. Telephone , 4(11. ( Ki5 LEJAIi ( papers carefully drawn anil acKnowl- edged by II. . ] . SternsdoiIf. rooms .117 and.l ) ! < I'irst National bank building. 052 M1III' banjo taught ns an art by Ooo. K Oel- lenbe-k , lill S. lUthst. 512 I r YOU want to buy , sell , rant or exchange , callon or iddiess , d. .1. Kternsilorll. rooms 317 and31 $ Flrac National bank banding. l < 52 ( i .1. 8TBII.N'SI)01iri' ) e tate loans and VI.rentalagent , lias removed fiom room il. opp. 1 * O. , to rooms 317 and Us. 1'irst Nutlon il bank building , where ho will bo glad to meet nil bis old filvnds pud many new onus. i > . 'i2 PERSONAL. JI.NN11' A. could not get to masquerade. I. t mo hear again , please , for Satuidny cneu- lug. It , II Ileeolltco. IM I.1- : ; A Tit \.NCB MnDirM.-Mme. Sandall. the young Swede , telN full n'lmes otiMlleit un < i the lull iiatne of jour future husband or wife , \\jthihiteor manla'o. and tolU whether the one you Jove is trun or false. Not a fortune teller , but a j'oimg spirit medium. .Madame KOOHlntoaporfui tly duiid trante. .Will biliig nick the parted husband or lover , no matter li thtty ha 1U.UO ) miles away ; will guaranteii to settle fallmy timirrels. Parlors tip ntali-s. loa Ninth Sixteenth street , thlid lloor , UJ ( ! 25 * pKHSONAI. Wanted torent.good8orluloom 1 modein luiuw , with barn , for o no year or inner. or would e\chanse house and lot on 15th St. , in business part of cit > ' If suited , Koiiut/e : > luco pioferred , Addieis T , ac. , of Citizens' jnuk. 2Ji-2J JJ. ' YOr Intend to many or only duslru amuse- mtut Join our club Address with stump \ \ t'sttfin Cont'gpjniloiicj Club , Council IIIull , 1 a. ai i n 111 G. : . STIIIINsnoiH-'l , Heal l. > tate and K\chango Uroker , his remove 1 to Itooms 117 andUH , I' Natlonil bank bulldltiK LOfiT L"T ( Cngllsh bull terrier bitch , white , eau cut , K mouths old. Untuni to Thos , I , . Kimball - ball , 1 WI h ith and get I uw aril. , l.i2J' QTHA Vii-Kiom : .1. N7ll. l itrlc iTs iMTiluiTco , n Dundee Place , onw black mare , onn blaik mile and ono sorrel mule Suitable reward wli Lo paid tor their i etuui. , T > I JJ > FORSALEfllSOELLAf EOys. _ _ _ FOfl SAI.K * Fufnltnri ) of iflfvii-ioom cot tnee , (175 , and cottage for tent at 4 .Ma iiontli. 1111 California st. 4 HI 21 * FOIt BAI.r. L'arputs and some furniture , all new , with lea oof lO-room house , on a good Btreet near imstolllce. Now i.s your chance to get u bargain. Call on J , Thomas , 11 1 N Hith st iUI'J Tit _ AllAlKiAIN Thlrteea lumdrod ilolluis worth of furnltnra for live hiiiulr d and Ifty dollars and luatd of modern Imusii dn Cap- toi a\emie. Must sell on account of poor health l , II. I'arrotty. Iboaohicaiio t. ; tit u I/HJU SAI.K-l'arrot : wan anted line talker : L1 KM a utii at , room a ! Hv'j POH SAM'-Car load of young sound horses. 1510 California t. i : . it , Wood. X'i [ J1OH SAI.K-On terms tosiilt. thoimt tot lag , JL1 2SAlCharlusst. Tolephci.e'-'r , or W. T. man , Omaha's largeit varlotbuurfie * . ivauoiiit , ic. . fiut slUB IbtU St. , u rtU of Nicholas tt , 4' i WANTEO TO BUY. \VANTKD-Tomiy fjbod commercial pnpef. > V H. C. Patterson. 31K S nth at , BJ \\r ANTKD-To btiy'hbusp and lot worth ! .V > 00. TI 1st pajmcnt clear. lotworth fl.lai l.F Harrison. Merchants Nat'l bank as ; yn \\7ANTin-Turnlturt. : carpets , stoves ami T I household joods of fll kind' . Omaha Auc < rhavo several customers \vlicT waut to iiuy houses and lots ran ttig from JI.IVIJ ti ) JM.OiW , Pi operty ow uors , plesso send me a full desi rip- tlonof what you have for nlo ( J. .1. stems- dmII. rooms ,117 & ai.s First National Il.uik Jiiillilln ? , Tolophuno , , { 1t. SM. XV"ANTnO To lrtiy ( roodcomtneFciai paper. T l H. ( Patterson , lh S 1Mb st. frji CLAIHVOYANT MItri t.CNOIIMAN tanbo cun ulted on all allalr-i ot life tiironuh the magic minor. Satisfaction guaranteed. 41 N Pith st. Tpst ills . Iffi > It NAN.Nll' V. Warren clairvoyant , Modi- ' l cal nud business medium "iVmaiai a specialty , ll'i ' N IBth St. , rooms 3 aiad j nil STORAGE. 01H.\li-At ( ) ( : low rates aTTist iTrniin sT7 > ' Oimiha Auction & tora s ( o. S17 rpltAUiAUi : , storage. iv.vist tatas. W. M. JL lluslimati , 1111 l.i'i\\on oitli. > \ < TTltANrlTSrcu. , storage , I3inio"wiird7 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. , _ _ _ OA1AHA Abstract cMinpinv. iM'i ' rainnm it Most complet" and rTr-r-ilh prup.itoil i"l of iib'trnct IIOOKI and pi its of all real proportj in the city of Omalm uml Uj'wlas county , 170 All.sTH.U TS-Munlmn \ Mahonoj , loom fiutl I'axton block. M5 MIDIAND ( Jitarantee \ Trust Co. . IVii 1'ar- uam. ConiDioto alxtracts fiu-nlsliod .ttillos to realostalo oxamlnod.porfo I A. guaranteed f.J MONEY TO LOAN. < ft l.tOl to J.Vi.OX ) nt 0. ri , and 7 per cent , 110 mid "illutnen. money dltect from the t-astern In Nester , \ \ . 11. Melkle. I irst Nnt'l bant biilldlmj 4U7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B ritiUINd loans a sivi laity. W. M Iliiuis loom S ) , rrtiiuor blotk. opposite P. O. OHCIIAItn Hill Choice loans wanted In this addition. Klmbatl , Champ A. Hyati. lTii7l7ifitOS. : & Co. , NO. : il3 so. lutli 8 Chamber of Cnnnnorro bnllilltnt. Uiitn money nt II. tl'4 , 7 , 7 i and R per cent , according to loca- tiou of property. I'nMiroassed lattllties foi placing laiKU loans on Inside business property A s [ > o ( lal iiind of s \ral ttiousund dollar to loan im uulmiuoved lots. - > ] i MONKVto lo.m on fuinlttire. iiiiinos , hoisos. wngonsetc. City l.o in Co.lbS I Ith st , opposite Mlllard hoti-l. 17 < i I\ ( ) N's on business pioperty. tvnw to fiti.iiUO. wanted. Provident Tru > t ( ompauj , loom "i > , I list National Hank building. IUJ \\TANTr.D Tlrst cl iss inside loins. Lowest > > late- , . Call nnd see us MtUinl Itnest- inpiitCo. Ill Hartor blk , 1'itli and rarn im. i.iV ) r.VINl T Hill Ciioica loans wanted lu this addition. Kltnball , ( tiamn \ Ityun. MONIIV to loin on Improved estate by NoitliWDSteru MutUil l.lfo Insurance Co. I.o est rates ; no roitiralSslons. AddtisS Him- aril Kt'imedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Neb. t-37 DO 3011 want to borrow money ? If so , ( J , ,1. Stenisdorir , looms yl7 and , ! lf , first Nalli.ual bank bulldlui. , will loan jou any amount froin ? 1n > ) toi'iH.OK ) . on 1m- pioxeil or unlmpioved Omaha piojiertl.ow - esttateiiof interest. No umiecessarv del ly. Imprcu'od business piopciljloaiu a Hpuil.ilty. Telephone 41f. Sni DO VOL" want monoyV-Loatis undo on IIOIIMJ- lln'.d futultillo , JinucM , iiorses , rtr , without delay or luuicniil , Pevsoiis uUlilmra loan of this Itiuil will do well tcicall at our olhi e before cle.iliug eisewheiu ; bu-lness stile tly coiillilcu tint A. H. OieenwooilA To. Hoom I , Cuutll hum block , I it h and .lai'Vs m sts. vj I M ON KV ad Minced fijr-llrst-cUss ti-il cstnto iuortjHieCall ou ,1.11 Kuony A. ( o.Koom > th , I'll st Nation il bmk iinlldliij. ix ) ) i"W MO.MiVto loan on fuinltilrn.linises , etc. . 01 on anv nmnoveil setnrlry. .1 Uobbliia , ll.'M , Shuely bU. , inth and Howard. I - AUTIIAOi : Choice loans wanted in this C uddttluu. Kimb.ul , Champ \ K > an. - 1 > K01'I.iS : I'lnancial fi\ohiiin/o The lalrest. quietest , mot liberal inoiiajexcliause In tlioi-ity ; loans made without delay or publicity. In any amount large or HUI ill , at the io\o-.t lutes of Inteiust , on any available Mfciuity : loam maybjpild ut auj time or lonewed at original rates. O. llouscareu , mijr , Itojm ili'iij , Ilaikerblk , 1'ith and rarnam , 5i r\O VOL' want to norroiv money ? JL/ Ic.-adthts : H will save j OH time. It will save jou money. l"ou can borrovv from II. 1' . Master- , , successor to W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wltlmell bld'c , I" > th and llninoy sts. Jiu'M , J.-.I , jiui , $ n , f- ( t tl.uui , t\ffM , tlii.OJ ) . In fii"t , nnj' sum vou want on lurnlturo , pianos , liorsas , mules , WMKOIIS. et" . . on easier termami nt lower rates tuan any other oilice In the city , without publicity or it-moral of properly trom j ur possession. If an liistalmont Is due on your property nsid you cannot meet It , call and bee me. 1 wil piy It for yon If you ( lava a loin In any other ollice , call and KPI my rates. I will take It up nnd carry It for you. I make loans for ono to six months , and j'ou can pay at any tlmo , reduclntr both prin cipal and interest. All loans renewed at original ratea. and no charge for p pers. All business strictly conlldentlal. Call and see me , Don t foi-KOt the number. Itoom 4. Wlthuell l/.ock. 611 D UNDKi : Place f'holco loans n anted in this addition. Klmball , Champ A. lt > an.2HV2S 2HV2S rpO LOAN -A special fund of Jin.nrtO In sums JL fiom dOOup.on urilnipro\nd lots in Omnha if not situated too far out.OJell Hrothers.A.- . , IU h. Kith st. , is ! FlltSTuioitg'icra .oiux ur low i.ites , and no delay. 1) ) . V. Slioles , 210. rirst National bank. ' " " _ _ MONHY to loan on Omaha anil South Oiualii property , also on farms. C. I' . Harrison , 40.1 and 404 MtTchants' National bank. 755 LINCOLN I'lico-ChoTre loins wanted"in this addition. Kltnball , Champ A. Itjau. 2UV28 _ "VTEIJKASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make jou a i > loan on hoiisuhold goods , horrtes wairous , land contricts. fine Jewelry or .securitiesof any kind without publicity , at reasonable ratoi. Itoom 7 , Kowley bloclc. South Omaha. Itooms fils-'il ! ) Paxton blk. , Omaha , Neb. 015 SKUSIiolcs , 210 I'lMt Nat'l imik bcforo mak ing your loans , [ Kill IONKY Loam neRotl.itod nt low rates with- Jil out delay , and puruliast ) good commoriful inner nnd moitpntjo uti os. D. A , Slomati , cor. Jtliaiid Kainam. nu.1 MON U Y to loan on Imiwovotl property at llrat hands. NCI application sent away for np- iroynl , Security and titles examine ! free of charge to borrowers. Lombard investment companj , f oa S , ! st 511 MONKY to limn. Harris , It. II. ft Loan Co. room 411 , first Nat , jiank. ll ! MdNRYtoloan. O. rr"Iavls Co , leal estate and loan agents , 15T ) Knrnatn st. 5u7 "ill ON BY to" Loan -Wo nro loTcly for applica- J.'I lions for loans in amounts from fTX ) to tiu.- IIJ on improved Omaha JY Douglas totinty real estate , lull Informatiijffi as to rat s ( .oans iromntlv closad. ( iood fbtes will bo purchased ij'us. Call upon us , oJgvrlto , The MeCagua nvestment Co. S ) l ! o I CAN make a few loans on lirst-cl.iss chattel securities at reaionablo latos. W. K. I'ottei , room 10 llurker blk. 701 DON'T borrow money on furnltuio , wagons , etc , untU j'ou havosioul. ' robs , loom HO. First National banlc biilldlni. .or. IJthund 1 arimin , " 41 rl.DlNtioans. iv. ) : : I 'I "t Nifl Hunk. ya PI'.OI'I.K'S KlnaiifUl Bxchange'-larga and small loans for long and short time , at low est rates of interest , on real estnta mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches mil Jo'\olry. Don't full lo call If you want fair mil theap accommodations. O. lEoiuc ren. r. , lOoiiiM1 ; , llurker blk. , 15tli and rarnani , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | > ltIH ( ! ( ) Place-Choice loans wanted In this Jl > addition , Klmbull , Champ A , lljan. _ ' ' { I'Ell ( ENT money to loan Cash on JV. . M. Himls , room M , trauzvr block , opp. II K COI.U , loan uifeut. 24T MONK \ to loin : cash on Jiand , no d play. J. W. Squire. 131 t' si , . First NMlonM bank build 1 ng. W7 _ pltlli.VDKMMUA Mortgage * Trust Co. , JL ehrapeartorn money direct to borrowers. Jlnko bulldlmj lo.ins. Urge or cinixll ; perfect lltlesi Accept loans In their western olliro. Geo. AV. 1' . Coiitos , representative , 13 Hoard Trade. _ _ _ _ for : . lib or Wday . on any klmi of chattel se < urltj . reasonable Inter est : business confidential. J , J. Wilkinson , 1417 rnrimm st. IV.1 \ \ OhKVto t.oixn Lowest rate * . t < onns closed li 1 promptly. II. II. I'oip.Ufl.i'ontltientnl blucK. hone ) , itoom .VH I'nxtou block. WH KUVSTyTB'l'Iaee-Ciuile * lunns "wiiiiti-il In thU nitilltlon , Kltnball. Uininp \ H\nn , fnltoil States Nnt. llank llulldlne. 1-1) ) Knrnniu Sl > VS ] " ( lAXSninrtoim real ttiuo aim mortRaKot Jbought l.ox\lsS. Hood A Co. , IWl rntnaiii. " \1 OSI3V to loan In hrgo suisis nt the lowest 111 intes ! nodt'l.iy II. C. 1'atteison , 31 * P. 1Mb. "j 1 I' . ( Ol.i : , loifti'ngenl. BriMINU loans. I.lni'itm ' A Mahouoy. son BUSINESS CHANCES. " iSltt ( ! SIOIllTo : bTsold as feiiulred h\ the 11 will of Hi. Wllltuui Kdwnnls. uecoaied , the slotk aiul il\ttuvi of the l It } Hall dtut : stuie , nt Pintle Center. Neb. The stock and fixtures nu > new nud well selettoil , nnd relit low. 'tills Is u Hue opening for u doctor 01 lUimclM. Applv to John l.tisden , administrator , Colum bus. Nob. , or ut thug slore. _ 41Q' " oTrSATirnn J HTnclTor ( leir Hew dty Hi ids and fui tiNhing goods lu a live tow n with two railways I'luo chance to .step Into cst ilillslted btismo's. > c > ag ills. Addit'ds owuoi' , box IU , Harvard , Clav lotinty. Neb , . 11 .u * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ITTHt SAI.K \ nlcedean st.n . kTif -L sloMjsaml llnuaio In a mowing eastern No- hiuskatown ; sto , k uml bnlldhm will ln\olie iib.nit W.iHll ; the lnmes < hmptlda proilt of nbont $ , l.iui In eiplitoen months , nnd will bear thoclo'e t llu'estluatlon ; irood leasotis for . ' ell- IIIK : the onh- till simp In the plain connected with It. AddUMs "llaic.iln , " mre Omaha Haul- ware L'o. . tliialui , Nob. _ -HI US _ \ ] I'.AT market for hale ; best payltiK tand In i'l Omaha , Aildtoss "It fps , " lieeotllcc. "IJAUTNIill Wmitcd- Ilist-cl'iss archlti'Gt -1 andemlneut iluslijtiei wants n puttuer with Homo capital. Ho nmst bu nblo to bring In woik and have Iniliience wltli the leadlm ; cap- Itull-ls and enteipiislnir ilrniM ; no kiiowltnluo orotuut woik rcunlrod. It " , , llee oilier. : i-S-i ? ( U.Mcau bo made per month by taklnif com- Pplelu finnishod Hat ne.n I' . O. I urnllitre for sale cheap In stimll payment.s ; will take good HHililbho.'se in payment. Address It m. lieu oiiiic ; va-y \ SAI.L-Cheap for cash , a stock of fiirni- tntewlt'i or without MOID building nnd lot : the only stock of linnltnre. In a peed county seat town 111 western Kansas ; nnod leasons Kl'-eu toi sellins ; call on 01 address .1. M. Wood- w-oith , Ho\lo. Ivimsai. , li7t Ijllilt ' 'Al.r. .VltolODs'iiiii-siill stocks ; weds In I'.itboii county , U vomliiK. Omaha Com- pillj. Addicss It&u , life. : ! T > J-it * "ioTt MAIjK-riist class stork of htaple and Jf.imj mocei lei , tKiures , etc. ; ( jood bnal- ucss , tint ) locution , tuiit low. Address It IT lice. AN-IM * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AM'.NV rollei mill for sale In a wood wheat holt , and good mittkut for Hour. Porternib address r J. ( lortlun , Nub.N'imIS * FOK bAliIl btOLi : Ot nariHMiro and stoiei : , Illinois' tools and stotttlxtures In Omiha Will linolie about M. ) H , nt n batfj.iln. Good stand for biislnesM. Apply at HU iind II 10 lii'y stu't't , Onmtra. Neb. ! N , a.- > "ITloFl > . \I.K A ffhe saloon llusl ID cation In Jitv. . ( lie. ip fm cash II takun w Ithiiilildajs. Chas A. Post. Lincoln. Neb IM-- : ! * r/Olt t AIi-f.iorury : viom llxturea , otf. Cliaa. -t A. Test , [ .hiinlii , Mob. M-'l * I7Mlt hAl.r.-'lhu Alley coal mine , located at JL AtliMarlon l'o . hi. , with "il'i aeiof the be t l.i'idin lo'\a. 7footein of 1K- tnresanil iniielilnei > Ili-.tcla'-s In e\eiy respcit , lalhofid s-.vlti h coiineclod with works , will De sold at u bargain Itlikcuritldli ir > ilay.s. Vof particillaib addie--s M. .1. \\.ml , or .1. U. ( Icnoscr. t.uo of State savin * * bank. Ies ) Moines , la. I , IsS 1J1OH SAI.i : A well established sroeery bnsl- X1 ness in this ilty. Immlre l > . M. Steelu * c C'o 1'lth and Iliuiii-y. 711 m J $ I,7i > i ) , h.ilfrasii v. ill buy b'U neni rarm , im- [ iron-d , l > 4 miles fiom l.w\g I'lue , Neb , good him ' ' , boot water. ijl/iiociuh for -I four room honios ri-ntlii for $ lfi per month. II restdunl and ; i business lots all in l.oau I'ltii1 , I.01J Inhabitants , .1 churches , hi ice school home , watenvoi'ks , rallro.i 1 ilHi- Rlon , irooil farming coiiutry. Very ctteap , must bd sold , t.onir 1'ino IXchaiii Hank I.onjjt I'lno Neb. _ 4.-II t 7 TTIOltSAhK A well-ost ibltshod. piylus pro * - il'ico conmlsiloii bii3lQ)3'i : , owner must it- tend oxelMsivoly t ) other bnslnoss. Imiulro quick of I'eaiou , Cole .t Itobeitso.i , 310 S lltli st. FOR EXCHANGE. fpo IJXCH.Vtri : Iloiisai nnd lots , farm J-jniis | , meiihanillsi ; , horsi'h , tattle , wagons , etc t nil orniltuC. H , Ilcltor , loomC , aW tor. l..tnanil Douglas. 2in rPO ixr'IIANnr.-Town : lots In South JL ror a KOO I. spiMly single nrler. . or a team ot load sters , trotters or pacers. II H Helm , lluilau , In IVO-l" FOIJ i\TIIANCE210 : ; acres imlnnuovoil land' 'i milu fiom 'Ihiimmell , .Meirlek comityd Neb. , to ti.ule Im stock morcnaiidlse. Adtliuis llox . 0. ' , Central City , Neiir. O'17-l ONH section MO aeies ) of he.avv timber land In llurke. ( oiinty. North l/.irollna , clear of inuimbrance ; itoul title. What hiva y < tn to ollor' ( ! . .1. Moiiisdorll , rooms ' 117 and ills. Hist National batil. Ijuilillni ; . 'I'ulcnluria 4BI. Mil IllAVSINWOUTll Strdot. I have n. veiy d - J hirable plei o or business property on this street time can bu nailed for uooit farming hind not ton far f coin Ornali.i .mil pirt cash.i \ Ih well lented and will pay yon to luvustltfiti ) . ( I. . ) . Meiiisdinl , rooms .11" > v IIS I'lrst National Hank HiillilliiK. Telephone , 411. SIJ5 [ M I'JIOVKI ) and unimproved ptopoity in the Krowlim town of I'iDSlon. It. , to tradu for Oimiha real entile < ! . , ! . Stornmlorll. rooms 117 and ilN I'lrst National li.uiL buildln ? . Tul- cphone 1IU. t-fll ADAMS county , Inw.i ; elKlity (8J ( ) acies choice 1 ind near rallioad ; nil fi'iuul nnd under cultivation ; lear ot Itirum- bruncn ; want Om.ih i piopeity ; honso and lot piofft'ied. ( i. ,1. Mernsdoril , looms .117 and : ils riiat : bank liiilldlilif Telephone ( ill. SHVI.UAI , niprrliandlin stocus to tiadofor pooil OniHlia property 01 cleat farm lands. ; ; . .1. .Sti'insilirl ( ) , rooms , JIT , \-lt ; ! ) rimt National j.uik Ijiuldni- . ta'i'S IT'Olt ' iXHANJi ( ; Illshty acTcs of thn finest JL timber land In Wisconsin , clear of irnnte. What II.IVH you to oilerO J.Stmns- lorll. uiotiiH JITHi. . I'll > t National bank JliildlllK. fij | _ _ ( HIOI ) lai ins. clear or llchtly iiiriuiibou'i ] , for nicrcll.'indlKe. lite Btuck 01 ilty propeity. II. K , Cole , KOOIII n. ( 'onlliiuntal block. 07J " [ 71OH TltADiLomull : Illurfd.iml X1 ostntH fcr farms , liorncg. cattle or merehin- lise licit lots bt'tueeu Oniaiit and Cinmcll liluirs. I . K. Mayne , l.jtll nud lUrnuv. M7 m I _ _ _ yiviitAI.nry : : nne residence ) in Kouut/ fjl'liuv to trade. M ii.U huviMou to ulli-i ' li. I. MPI ( iidoi u , 1001113 111 ; A ) | H rimt .Satioiiat xink hnlldlng , u'lv rOH lXrilANilror ! ( dtHiablu r property In Omaha , any or all of following ; 4Uthulio liwldn resldon o lots lu lUstniKf. IHIlotsin l.tinoln. I'JOacriis llnu fiimlm.'l.ind , Lancaster county. I'liiH lenldem u pioperty. Lincoln , lioodiontal propurty , f.lneohi. Ciiohn f incy rosldsuco. coiner. lo Anielns , A neat ie ldenc property In Iliinscom 1'laee , Also. EomuKoodnlorlKa jo notus. Aildiesn , ilvliii { location and prlcn of piop- rty , .1 , K , II , cato ll.ium lion Co , 1317 I.uavun- . ortli. r > 7l \ \ ' IIII.N you liruo aiiythlmt for c > \i haiue tall > nil 01 wrlto Us , II. K t'ols , KOOIII il , Contl- FOR HXCIIANliUDakota , Hand county. - What luvu joii to oiler for u good farm lerc , gllghtly uncuinheriid/ Dakota laud > uro Isiim Jn value , and Its ili-Mluy cutmot bu ills- mtud Will take \acnnt lo : or Implored prop- rtv and nsiiiui" xomi ) Itii uinbrain'i ) ( i. .1. iti'i n d'irir , looms 117 and ! IH , Tim National mnk bnlldiiiK _ wit FO R 8A L tR E AL , "BSTAT E. > ) racics bihool land for eule , Terms roa- > U > oiiable. Atldicss II , f. T , room H , Mar ker block. _ IWjJiJ 'ftUHOnn lltts HI wiuth of the AHAltfiAIN \latlitc t , with mnall hou i ) ami barn , 'Ihls noperty In the mar/-jt for n short tlmu only at heuiLtroiiiulow uncn of 41M ) . Thl Is $ . ' , ( ) e s tr.uu ItHnctunl laliin. ( I. J , Hternsdorll , Natloutl bauk bulldltiK. SAt.K-Atftftcrinc , 15KI21 ( ft et ! fliul - north front , corner ; wh ftinl Uowanl st . , ono block from lloRer'a. r M > ' ftnil Klrketulnll' * llmir ? l'lfin-e ' ( . Just thine , IWxl.'O ft , nml A com r , too , nml only fl.MM. I/it InSaumler * A Iliniflbftiieh' * ftiW. Vrlc * tW. . No ca h jinyment nuil Inu to suit to nuy one who will liiillil. Now T room hoiiie , well And cistern. n OTth sf. ne r car line. I'rlee fi.MX ) . will take clo. r lot ns 1lrt v xnient balance t" full. 41 ft bii liif < si proportj with two Rood 2 ntor\ Rtoro btilldliiir , rontliiK for { < W ) a year ; thtt n n ttarcnlu at M.Wi r V . Hi-lter , room B , . w cor. l.Mhaml l > onglnt - ' . S47- /"i STKVIINS , I5il htrnnm , has a nnm V'bor of barKnlii" In houses mill lots In nl part * of the city. If you vantto buy. < i'll o o mo n tall. 875 " \VMIOwlll innko small rash p.iMiii'nt on Mr t- T I class Kountro place house and piu JV ) per month on balance. ' will bo sold at a cash value , It \ lleo otlii t. , W . ' 4 > NllW.'tlist class finished , fi-room Hals with O bathroom , g.i . water and sewer ; 3 stores , corner , sultible for ding stores I ba < emont sultablo for bat ber sliup. loinet Sltliniul I.en- onworthsts. Impitniat premises 21 * mJ * TpoirsA lTl Vt rriiirc.ilti. a farm or I JL lu I latiklln coun-y.Nt'b. , or would e fnriicatit lots In Omaha. Address 0 \ \ . A. , " i , III , , box r * . FpUAKAl ( l"Pn ( tno I' I1. It. H lnxl"r ! ! .1 llliln tin' mile line. Till * 1 tlu > beit bin naln in Omahas t-\W > , ( irovor StoM-n , lu'J I'm num. : i7fl _ SAI.i : nie.uiNot for traile : Ml.Trt acres laml ( Sec ft-l'-fii two inllei from Muriiiietto. llamtlltm ( onnlv NobrasKa. I'mme hinisp , ita- lle ) , : u m ret uniler irooil tnrb-wlro fuiu1 , round cedar no t' . two MHS ; llvliiK water. .U- foot clmnnelwclK .t.'i > bairel tnnk , , pi-lf-focilerj a natuuxl 'lock r.inch ; in a tine coin belt. 1'iico ( about jll BO per acre ) . . . . ffl'J."iiI Cash down . . . . , yo ! 2 ami ' 4 yenr-t llmo i ! per tent . , V-'iO do uiiil IOOK oer land Aililri" owner. I' . K Atkins , I'Oi l.iirlmor "i Demur , Col. ri7il \ \ Tiyi' ; OMAHA -Two decant lots at a bar- K.iln. ( Jroxtfi Ste\en , 1K1 I nriuun , .ITil H . Al.ll-lmmeillatoly. four loom cottage costlm ; f.toti , on lnft ed KI omul , will tell fm If solil nt once ; owner must leave city. In- mute on meiulst. ' * . cor. ill t and .liickaon "t. itJ i- * Ijioft HAlTi ; n irT\o 40 ncrSTiif" oed liiiiil at J-1 DcsolB. between lllalr iiml Omnlin. whli h I ata K"lnu" to Mill for Dust m Ice 1 ran uot before leaIIIK for my homo In Oil Clt > , I'a. Who w.\ntn It/ Apply A. llrnke. laio UOKKI A Hill. L'JU-I ITlAVlfreitriTnil p siriuTPinopertv of nlT kinds for trule . L'.ill ami see me. lit' irgnJ. Storii'ilorir. Uooms JI7 ami 31" , L'lrat bank bullillni ; . Ml $0.50. W.SV ) cash , fl.'KX ) ft years ( l jior cent , bin s -story h loom IIOIIIL' . fnriiaco , Iiiith. etc , lot M > \ Mil feet. No - I3 1'opplototl uvo. , ilnnacom I'lacc ; imi t KO by Mirch 1st. iiaity goln away. 1) ) . V. Shuli ! % Sill 1st Nat 1 bank. Uill _ $100 cash , balance fi'i tier month , will buy n w 7 room house ou 'Jitfi st neiir Iiiiko at. I'm o , C' . K. Iteltet , room 5 , ! > . w. cor. l.'itli ntid s. _ 17 ; | nil _ Ij Olt SAlii ; I'liw" llnwiey iioTTser"NorTTT JL1 1'l.itti1 , Ncli. , or will tr.ule for KOOI ! Im proved fnrni or Hty iironeity. The house Is riiruNhcil ami In tiiiinlni ; order. 1'rlce tniaa , subject to I'ticutnbr.uiKo of tl.OJJ Aildrms .lolin IMwloy. .Not Hi I'lntru. KlU. ? _ \\MVKItl.VAildltloiu This pi opurtv aillolna IT the famous Contial 1'arfc anil Mouiuo.itli I'nrk luldltlons. I imvo a numb-Tot Ion In the above atlilltlon tlnit can be sold on terms to null Ppijctallniliicijinontsollercil to these who wlllbiilnl. It wlllpiy vou to IiiMisttiiitu ( I.J. Hteinsilotir , rooms 117 nml .lia Plrat bank mUlillng. CM ? T T. " hTT : 1 1 NSDOIU'T. looms , J17\-ilS ; Klis V r. National li.uik llullillnR , lias neveinl plece.s of tluu resMence. ami Duslness inopurty to tie. A Ko ovural farms near Omnha. 'rule- one. 4 l. ttTi FOIt SAIiK Lot SlxlVi. nasl ami poutli cor nel , near the Mllicm Ito-jcrj propcityim We--t rarnani : f''A ) ; for a suort time. C. T Harrison. Merchant ' Nat. bank. ; H7-"C > [ TlOlt SAlii : lloiisoaml lot , a e cor. T.rJklno nml ath ; ats 11,101 ; fTiOJ < ash. A Kieiit C. P. Ilarrlnoii , Men hauts' Nafl bank. SST I'll CASH mill $ ) "i monthly , Inchulln ? Intoro't. SB > hiilcoi ; loini IIOIHJ anl Int. well luiutoil. II. K. Cole , room i ) , ( . ' lilocit. X'H \"l l rot in. In bTTdTTirrjl1'clVl. on HaineyBt. I'or ii'iitlcul.irs liuinlio of Win Singer , ( inluna. 111. W < mlfl " 171011 SAI.I3 Or evilian o for Orailia mop- JL' eity , K ) acies. siilfibln for plattlnu : will niaku 4tMIots.alU < leur ; bis money In It for ' oniu ems w ho c in push this ; lo nail iilsLoutsbla tlio city limits of Council Illiuls. Imiulra ( ion. . ! . Stoi-isdoi'll. rooms 1)17 uml JH , 1'ltat bank bullillng. 67J "IllOlt SAM- < oH II , nanil 18 , block IIVusl JJ blilo udilltlo.i. Tlieio Ion iue. " > KUi oa b , lay very prVittjanil the thioa can ha bought for $ l.ttl. ) Tlmyaie actually wortli twlco tliftt amniint. ( I. . ) . Hternsdoill , Rooms J17 aiul . ! ! , Fir t National bank bnllillnff. T > s SOI'TII OMAHA I Imvo a number ot gooil lots \arlous mlilltions thnt inusr be sold atoncoandcan bo bought at prlcei that will suit you. ( i , .1. Stcrnsdorll , looms 317 nml 314 KUat National Dank bulldliu ; . _ Ki'i A.MHS IMatc. Douglas County Abstract's , 1M17 ranum st. In Houth Omaha , the bust chance lor Invest ment olfi-red. A good nowj-ronin hoiiso and lot for ilW. 'Ihls propel ty 11 In the hum tot ho. Omaha , them U not a dollar a .ihist It and will bt < sold qtiu k on easy terms. AMo .1 corner ouQ st.urv choice , l ) st. Is now Rinded and contiactsaro let for vladntt over U. I1 , tracks. 1'hla lot is : i bir tiln : at J.i.wri. Itumembcr this is a. cainer lot. Toi unv of this piopcrty we will tnkegood Omahii Iota In part payment If nuces- aiy A Choice Coiner In lledlck's ( Jro1. e , closi ) tosticer caiii , pived streets and schools ; yon can 1m } tills for * t.a 0 by paying 'D rash ; thisis ! ! ! iercent leHs than you IMII buy Hiiiiouiidliiij property for ; lemom- berthUpioperty Is In thu lieait of Oiuulia. I'or Iti.sldencn propeityhero Is a baiKalu , an east fionton ViiKlula ave. , Kith St. ) , very cheap at | i"iO. < lir > ) Tor Safe Investinont , 14 feet front by 1.15 fuel dnep on I'umlntr btreet. vllha 7-room house , all lor $1 lift ) . T/ilnkof / this pi Ice for A 1 Ctimlna street piopeity Near Wont Karnamstreet. a new " -story ( t room housn niid full lot for IH.IU ) , will bu hold ' , cash , balance to Milt. (013I. ( If you want nlioment lowpilco on i , isy terms see till" . A 7-1 uomciitt.iKC and barn on Virginia live. , full lot , all foi-if.iio. They ask as much ai this for adjoining v.irantlots ; cumu uml convince > ouibelt it joii to buv. abarnaln. ( Wl. ) We make loans , abstracts ol Illlo. ami ha\o an mi- uiinalled Hut of good property , Come mid hi I ! IIS Ames Heal llHtate. Agency , 1107 rarnani. _ _ _ _ _ BT'SINi ' : 1 ! propuity. Capitol n\e. lutHTljIork ; ii , bet. Hsniiftt block and HJtli HI. Take pomati.i'lu. Sunu olFur lo owner , John \V. Tay lor , ft Cuclld ave , ( lerol.tnd. O , _ lOUl'Mr < hti ; MAKUS llrst iiynnnt on niea il-room ( OiiuUHo , iood io > atiiii. 11 1' . C'lo room n , Contliiuiital block. 4H SO.MIJ of the cholcoU cluar property In C Inn- wood , Iowa. ( l.J. Sti-rnsdofif. rojins .117 nml lllf , I'lrst Nation-il bans bulUIni , ' . b)1 "Ij OH SAIiK 7 roouiod housn and full lot , Kood J wurroiimllnys , on a urcet cir line. Will t.iko hi exchanii ( ) Ncbraika m Kunsis farm iiropurl } with HOIHO liii'iiuilir ncc , or viuiint lot in ( fmnlm or South Omiha. Call and luveitl- yate no . C. I' . Ilaiilson , 4U1 and UI Nler- chants' National bank 7 3 _ " IflOII SAIii-A"uTcu : llttla ho-ni onS.itli ' | ) it , 1 loutaliilnK I roniiH , all In g.nd r.inir , , well , cistern , celUr. barn , .ye. ThU iirop uv can l i ( .old on a sinnll inyiiuiit ilntvn. biliucu fli pur month , \\lii pay rent when a col lea opportiit nlty llkii nils fitarm you In tlin ra < u' O , J , . ti'rnsilorll. rooms 1117 ami Jl * . 1'lnt National Immc b'llldlni ; . .I'i7 ( "t A 1,1. on II , II. Cole , northeast corner "o'flTtii aml Douglas sti , Omaha for IMwIu 1C. Al- bin x ( ( > , ' i utaloiuusof lamU ut dillforula. ! i 111 A pi 1 1 Hi' _ _ _ LO I' ! > , limcit I , Dnpnnt I'lace. H room nouso In t oed repair , JI.OJ I. iiiH cam , hilania ttasy ; will take team of horses us nurt piymea t li , ,1. RiTiivliirll. .117 and . IH Klrst National bank imlldlni ; . ' > * i ! "IT'OH ' hAM ! or Kxchnnirii-Inipiovoii stork JL1 farm of M ) ucifj In eaHturil NebrasU i , nuar market ; also now 12 room liouso wltu all c.on- \ > -nlii ) ( u" , In dojlrablo reililenco jiortlou of Omaha Andrew Iluvlns , Attorney , I3J amis \ \ I'aMon bloi'k , Omaha , Neb 70 TjliJlf HAUI-MiTi'ieV HamllJon ( 'i T fj"pb7 J- land , (3 per acre , one-third d li. balanuiat nptrtont AddiuiaW. J Wlldmaii , l > anvur.'u ( | , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f)76 " \ VAI.LACB. noitfiiton biooic , rth and nu i < Im. ollerH thu folloM'inK on Biuyleims : Lots 13 , IH , I'J ' , SI , blotlc 0 , West Ciimlni ; , each , j.othl and il , block 31 , Carthage , each. ? l,00) ) . l.ntsai and ! JJ , block 'i , ( > i chard Hill , icirnura on l. < Sw aviimo. ! with city water , both. .fl.T i. Lots 17 unil IH. bloclc 13 , Orchard Hill , uaih , J , MBJ lol | | , block l < , l.awli addition , O'J ' ft front , * I. : H I.otlblo'.k I , DenMo aildltlon , J.,7V ) . Ixit ? , block ri. Hawlliouiit , , Lot 111. hlitcx II , llrlKKn I'luce. coiiifir. i'mi. Lot IH. nlock H , llrlK'b" * I'lace , Huuth front on Turnum , l..OJu. Hole agent for "Moniniiutli park , " the most beautifully Hltuutwl addltlan .ibout Omaha ; on Ki loth told In tills a Idltlou Hivru have IM-MI II L'ood houan tiectuil.VulUte , Cioifl'tou blouic , T7V1U S.Mi liunroi'M clear farm of KO acr t JL1 in Mower county , Minnesota , HJ jwr acre. Owner Ooslrlng to move to Omaha ; will chanRO tor a homo here , F , Harrljon , Mor- chant * ' Nat'l bsnlc. 112 Notlco to Stockholders. The animal ineetlniif ! thfl st * kh > lderofiTlm llrp Publishing Co , will be held at their ntlliv. on Monday. March 4th , Ixsy , at n o'clock p , m .for the puitmsonf eliH-llngnboaid ot illiorlors ami MI hut net business us uiny come before thn meeting , llv otderof the president , f 'dl"t OHO II. T/.SlHl.'Ch.PcC'j- . To Contrnctors nml Bulldors , 1 want n dwelling and barn built , on my furtu 1 * miles west of Omahu , costing about fllU- ! ) forwhlih I nlli evrhinge No 1 prupcity ltl side i't old cltj limits , in ntnftha Addtess f.i'diitp , l U Sll.IH. . Hlkliorn. Neb Nut lot * . SliU.lIO proposals will bo received at lha olllee of the Cciuntv Cleik of Douglas Conn , t , Ni'htaskii , until noon of Siiturdav. the. atrd tlaj of Tehrnai } . W , fur i ountj luliertlsmit for thejenr issi. Un Imlinu iMliiinient tux list , an nual : trensiirei M leport , scml-ammai. load and all other legal notices and commissioners' pro- < cedlngs. . \ rerlllled i hei k of fiVOO must no ri < iniinj | euih bid ; also , a sworn statement of the proprietor , editor or manager of each news- piper tendering bids for said count ) advert Is Ing that It has a circulation in Douglas county of not less than 3um dally copies ami MM weekly i oplrs , and that amount of circulation in Dong- las ( niintv shill ha taken Into cMiislderiitlon , lllitiks speeltl , atl'Uis ' and forms tiin bo ob tained on application at the county clerk a ollleu ( lie othei foim of bids reeeUedi. The commissioners reserve the right to leject ntiyor all bids. IHd'it ' M. I ) . Hocnr , County Clerk. iiv.AiJiirT'itoro'\Ts "ori'in : or PHIJ n Postmaster , Omaha , Neb , IVb 13th , Issii Sealed piopo als will be leeehed until U o'clock , no m. on the llrst day of Man h , issn ( for the Mill1 of piopetU suitable for u site for tint Pntilie ItiiiUHnf aiithorl/.ed to bu ereclvd In jounlty A coiner lot Is ptcfonod and the illuii'tisbmssiioiild tint be less than 3iXl feet by 3'iOleet.lf not a coiner lot , the illmcnsbms shiiuld be not less than 3)11 ) feet In ftil feet , the 3KI ! feet to be Mtreet fioiitnge. Hulldliigs on tn-operty selected to be retained ami removed The Department ieerios the to reject anj and all pioposals. I'mpwals Hlinuld bu marked , ' 'I'ropos.tlt ' for the sale of propel tv for a situ for tlie pub lie biilldhiK at Omaha , Nebraska ; mid to bo ntldicsseilto the Secretary of the Tieasiiry * nd foiwurdod to C. V. tAI.IiAtlllilt ! : , Postmaster , Omaha. flMSt ESTABLISHED 1851 I 180 So. chCnBO | , m8. \ cinrkSt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is sttll Treating Kllblho Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS ' .1..M / . .T.T.Ij Clirouic , Noryons and Private Diseases , ' B-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlblo Dreams , liead and Back Ache iitul all llie cffcctJ leading to early decuy and peilupii Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new ni'.lhods with ticver-failm2 MICCCSS SYPHILIS nml nil bad Blood and SklnDls. eases nermnncntly cured. * w-KlDNEYand UiUNARYcomphinli.QIcet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vnrlcocele and all dtscasu of the Gcnlto-l'rliuty Oiians cured promptly without Itjury In Stomach , Kidneys or other Orgim. asNo experiments , Age and experience lm > portant. Consultation free and sacred. 3 Scnd - | cents postage for Celebrated Works oa Chronic , Nervous and DelicateDucisci -Those contemplating Matnaee lend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated gimlc Male and Female , ench 11 cents , iKilh 3 ; cents ( sumps ) Consult the old Doctor A friendly letter or cnllm. y save future uflcr inn ami f hiinc , and add golden j ears lo life * DHook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " so nt ( stamps ) . Medicina and\\rtm ! f sent e\cr ) iicre , secure from exposure. tlourstiu8 ) Sundajiy tfi 12 Address F. D. CLARKE , M. DM ISO So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. 111 is V ln. ) i ; C. Wi RT'S Nniivr ivo HIIAIV TIIKIT- 41 KM , a guarantee 1 Bpucltif lor HjHtmln. U1/.7.1- ncss. Couviilsluns , fits , Ncrvo'is Neuralgia , lloadache. Nervous I'roslrallon caused bj" thu use of nltoliol or tobacco , Wnkefn'ip'ss ' , Mental Depression , Softpnlngof the ( train , iosultltiin | Insanity and Ieadiuitomlsei\ ayaiid death. Piematitie Old A e. llaiionnev , f/nss of I'on'ur In either sex , Itnoluntary I.OSSMS and Sperinat- oyor-OYeitlonof ' . oihceacausodbv - thi'bi.iln.solf- nbuse or mirlndnlgenreI.'uch box contains one month's treatment ifl.iKl a bov. ot Kit boxosj lors-'i.liO.bent inallp"eiald ] on reci'lpt of pHco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for sK boxes , accompanied with M.'W ' , wo will send the purchaser our wrltt-ii giiarantert lo re fund the money If the tioatuu'Ut does not eifcct n cure't's issued only by ( loodman Drug Co , Drn/clsts , Hole Agents , lllu I'artiam Mrcct Omaha , Neb. State & Monroe Sts. CHICAGO , . yiiil llluittuloiii 0 i rlLluj rrfr/trllele requlMcl lijHiaiH of Drum Oorp , Inclaolnf It * naliloi Mttollali. Trlir.n > lnj , tie , Conlftlni ln tructlou Tor TlmnUnrllia-11. MfrelM > nilH llrura JUjor I T ctlo , III I t UclidUJ ( In of Hind llulla WEAK ! | snfTurlnc from the 1' of youlhfui errors , oarjy rtooay , I loct mimhood. uu. f wtllnond n vnluaulo trcitfuo ( nonlcil ) ooataluliig full particr. Iftru for homo onr . frro of olmrpe. , aArcini I'rof. Jf. O. JTOWiiEIl , MOOiJUS. CONN. N XliW'S. IIILIiorn. fjoorgo O. Hrophj , of Oinah.i , Stindaycu hero. hero.Win. Win. Hall , of the \l. \ M. S. , visited homo lust week. Miss Hello C'anonof Des Molncs. Is visiting her pu Pills , Mr. and Mrw.V , B. ( 'linnn. Thnni u boor drink nud ( intui ) at tin hdidwari ) htoro of William Kornor's , Just t-ompltjlud , last Saturday night. Contractor .IcHcm has the livery barn of J. A. l-'ry completed. lleury Iiusinui started for ClarkHun , Col- fax county , Monday , whoru ho will build a hoiiso iiml ii.ini for Mr. Mclcnoy. Gropii Swi.\7o : was \i'ltcd by hist father , from Iowa , hist week. William ( iiirkim nnd fam'lv ' Btartod foi' Broken How butunhiy. floorgo H. Ooodhiird has made npplicntinn. to thu villngu ilnilft for lliiuor litciiso. llu htia lotisuil liiH hrnther's Raloon. The offt'ctsof Old U'lirrun , deceased , worn i.nid at iiublii- sale List Mominy. lOvor.vthlng Ill-ought lug prices , duenn doubt , to thu lib eral libations of tlio "i-osoy. " A t'iit Kolhlnif , of tlio Union Pacific , hns coiio to AiiKolmu , ( Jiistcr cuiinly , nn u wcok'u lunvu of absence , llu is accompanied by Mrs. Night Operator Petit prosldos ever the ticket caHu In the uliKuiiLi ) of Agent Hcililiig , Hoy. r. glonloti , of HUH placenud Kov. Mllli.-r , ol HiirniylUilit. Imvo bt-on holding u Horles of well attended iiiuetiugH ut thu Spring ( Jrovo school houso. 11. llenrioliH 1ms sole" his hardware utoro to ' ' .I Uubcr , of lloopur Mr , Hobor will talco lObsunsion Murt'h 1 , A lluppy Con plo. Now York Weekly : Wife "Whtxta mppy loolcinj , ' couple thu.y iirul ] wou- lor liow lonn Uiuy'vo boon married. " Iluslmnd "Oil , I ( , 'uijfcs thcy'ro only Orako'.s Muiiuino : It Is said that j'ulub I'obi , ilurint , ' tlio reign ot Tlbor- us , would sit for two iluys and tiiglita IrlnkitiK ulinoHt without Intormlssion. 1'lilH IB the Htroiif08t { proof wo have that lurr 1'oal wua nu luiurohlBt loitdur lu liri day. Krnlfo's Magniiiuc : When a woiriitn an ot $10,000 datnugos lu a broach of iroinlbo cuso , KIO ! IB jusllflcd in roason- iif ; that a , proinltiu of tiiarrla o la moro Kinorod in the breach than in thu ob- BCI'VUIICO.