Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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OI'MCH. NO li ! 1'KAKL. . STltHl *
J c1itM dtir cAtrlf-r in yinv Vntt of he City
'ix ftiiy Tints I'erWcek. . . , . „ ,
fir isr Omri ! No. 1
NlllMT ClIIlOll , Ml. SI.
MM-t | | .MENTION.
K. Y. Plumbing company.
Cunlanil wood , H.K.MiiyiieOin H'wn
'L'hn board of education luljournod In
without action , there being
'I'hu funeral of Httlo Harry Ailni
will occur to-morrow at - : ! ! ( p. m.
the homo of tlio imronts on Uroaitwn
A marriage license was issued yestt
iliiy to Andros hur-on UiUstud anil .
lianiHnU'Hllvo Anderson , both of tl
city.At a mooting of Bluffs division K.
P. In-Ill liistovL-iiiiitf , Uio invitation
the Oinaliti brethren to visit Unit ei
tomorrow was ai-coptoil.
The jury in llio case of Kinith vs M
erne. to collect $ l'Jo roinmiMsloii , i
t'iriied ' \cnlic't for tin- defendant aft
bVnitf out lour hours.
.laiwiM. Dunn , the noted tcmwi
ajM'i- lei turrr , will bejrin his horivs
March , ' ! Inktomi
lnootin ( , ' hero on
March Id. n.s IIIIH IH-I-II amiminccil.
This altoi'iioon IIP ! ! o'clock the hull
auxiliary of llavolCainplodxc will nu
to arran coniu important details i
h"ctiii | ) { , ' the funeral ot little Liar
The union depot project should
pushed right along. Council Utulls li
vou hod si joint when there are to
i-lthcr several imw local depots or o
yriuid union depot. Which shall it b
Mr. and Mrs , Charles Kramer are t
liappy paionls of a line daughter tl
arrived at their homo yesterday afti
noon. Mr. Cramer is a clorlj at t'olo
Cole'h Main street hardware Obtablis
The school children are having qui
a vacation. Yesterday they enjoy
Washington's birthday , and Saturd
anil Sunday following malcos a thr
lays' respite from school work. T
teacher- * enjoy it hardly less ,
A S0,00 : ! ( ) real estate transfer w.ts t
corded \esterdav at the county rec <
tier's otlico. The deed included lliO 1 <
in Charlton addition. The grantor
John L. McCagno and the grantt
Maurice S. Martlett and Uuburt Wilsc
The vacancy caused by the resigi
lion of Ollleer Oleson has been Tilled
the appointment of Klmor .loilyn ,
blacksmith formerly employed at t
carriage repository of K. T. Watermii
He outers upon his now duties to-nu
row.Tho local politicians of sporting p
ellvities are not at a loss for iiibjccts :
speoilation. This iiostmabtorshii ) is
question that admits of any amount
trucking. The democrats are as rea
to bet on the .subject as the rcpimlieai
A number of bets wore made yohtord
aw to the appointee-to-be , one of tin
being that the olllce would not fall ill
editorial hands. The general opiui
seems to bo that .1. .1. Steadman , of ti
Nonpareil , will receive the appoh
inonl , but there is plenty of money tl
is waiting to bet the other way.
"VVo have a stock of groceries in tl
eity for trade. One-third cash. Conn
Blulla ln\estment Co. , No. 10 Pearl
' 'Tailor's" is the
The London place
get your clothes made. 037 Ltroadwi
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan moaov ,
For Saleat u
' *
Tlotcl property in Council ] Muffs , e <
trally located , dointr good business.
P. Ollleer. pole agent , No. 1:2 N. Mi
St. , Council UlulYs.
Send all orders for bottled beer to
M. Kiiikelbtuin , Omaba.
I'nrHonal I
Mr. .1. V. Petersen lias received :
telligenco of the serious illness of 1
mother , living in Denmark. Hov
leave for his old homo next Tuesd :
After visiting his homo he conic
plates bottling in business in Cope
County Attorney Organ return
from Avoca yesterday. Jlo tried t
ease of State vs Uaumeistor , churg
with seduction , and secured a conv
tion. Sentence will bo imposed Mi
lay morning. The case ofMiiili
and Ijotts , the prisoner.- . now conlia
hero in the county jail for highway r
1)0 ry , was pa. od to the next term. T
criminal cases in this court will boco
monced a week from next Monday.
All grades soft coal. C. P . Fuel Co
Try our XXX bottled beer. Spec
rates on all orders from fowa.
U M. FlNKKf.bTr.lN'
Rooms to rout in Uio Merriam blo <
S. B. Wadsworth , tCo.UM Main btre <
llavo our wagon call for your soil
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Pickled 'tripe and pigs' feet at T
bittb' , U15 Broadway.
The Wabash Western railway t
nonncc0 that tickets will bo sold fr <
all stations to Washington and retiu
for the inauguration of President II ;
risen , at half fare.
Rate for round trip from Coun
niulTc , la , , mi Tickets will bo on si
February i7 ! to March - ; good roturui
until March 10 , ISM ) . For further p :
tieulars apply at the Wabash Westc
ticket ollicol"l Broadway.
. ) . ( . ' . Mm II'KM. , Agent
l'"oia Ciinitiilatc.
The ropubliciins of the Third a
Fourth wards will moot this evening
the grand jury room at the court hoi
to nominate a candidate for the ollli-o
aldurman of each of UH--SO wards. T
meeting will bo held at 7 : ; > U shai
John Limit and A. T. Fllckingor , wa
I have moved mv ollico U > Omaha ,
which all orders will be received a
Iroin which all dolivurins will bo ma
by nngoii. L. M. Ki.N'KHi.sTKlX
All grades hard coal , C. B , Fuel Co
Money leaned at L. B. Craft's & Or
loan ollico on furniture , pianos. Itor i
wagons , poraoiml property of all kim
and all other articles of vauio withi
removal. All business strictly cor
J. G. Tlptotr real estate , fit ! ? B'dw :
Notice the bunutiful finish crivon c
lurs , calls and shirts by CascaJo Lnu
dry company.
Blank books made to ordor. Can fi
iilah patent binding for parties wish !
the hiui'o. ( 'all and sou samples at rij <
1 , Km-i'lt block , Pearl street.
Parties having temperance billlr
liallH and restaurants will do well
take the exclusive gale of my tempi
unco beer. L. M.
Aldovlnon Exprosa Varied Views
to Soiling or Trading It.
IlioSrnleil VoiOltM Snltl to Hfi A ali
Him -A Ht > Itlny K > r tlin Court
'Ihe CHy KathPiB In
Ti-.ulo anil Triiok.
The various aldermen of the city wo
seen yesterday by a Bur. reprcenlati
in regard to the propo-od exchange
the big hook and ladder truck fo :
smaller anil more sericeablo out . Wi
the exception of Alderman Weaver
of the contk-men were very pronounr
in their opinions , and did not besit'i
in the least to express iheinselves ,
Alderman Lacy , nretident of t
council , was the llrtloiioapproai'lieu i
garding the matter. Saia he. "Th
truck is all right. It i * just what t
eity needs , and you might jurit as \ \ <
talk of throwing out the whole lire ;
partmentas of yelling that truck. Th
nave one in Omaha that weighs : ! , (
pounds more than this one , anil th
run it with two hor-cs , up hill anil ( low
What would we do if there was a lire
of the larger bull
theOgden , or any
ings in the cityV Of course it cost h
of money , but it > bore , and so i- . t
No. 1 hoao house whore it is stationc
which by the way is the linost in t
west , ami an ornament to the cit\ai
the city ouirht to bo proud of them.
"You needn't talk about getting ref
of the truck , .lust let the matter dri
If you want to quote mo on the subjei
you can say 1 am in favor of kuoping
and tlu't wo can't get along without il
Alderman Waterman , chairman
the lire committee , wan the ue.xt inU
viewed. Hisviowof the -ituation is
follows : "Thii truck is not suitable
the needs of the eity by a long shot.
is altogether too big , clumsy and u
manageable. It practically valueli
to the city and costs a large sum yeai
to take care of and manage. I think
ought to be disposed of. and a small
one substituted. The money expend
ycarlv on that truck could bo u-eil
inucli hotter advantage , and I i
heartily in favor of a change. "
Said Alderman Knephor : "Th
article in vestcrday's Biu was all rigl
The truck" is not constructed right.
is iiltogc-thor toi clumsy. It can't
turned around without going to a strt
intersection , and is no u
whatever to the city. It coi
a small fortune every year
run the thing , and i- not al all adapt' '
to the needs of this city. It slum
never have been purchased , and m
the best thing the city can do is to d
pose of i t on as favorable terms as pi
slide , and ' ccnro a truck that can i
managed. 1 shall most certainly e
dor.-o a change. "
Alderman Bellinger , of the Secoi
ward , thus expressed himself : "I doi
think that this truck is what the ei
needs , but it seems slrantre that t
subject is brought up just at preset
It looks to me like apolitical mo
gotten up to make capital atthecomii
election. However , I should favor
change if the matter was brought I
fore the council. It seems to me thai
smaller truck would answer every pi
pose , and it could certainly bo handli
in a far more satisfactory manner til
the present one. "
Alderman 'Weaver said : ' 'I don'tkm
very much about it , as t have not look
into the matter. I do know that itw
an enormous sum to run the thing , a
I don't think we got much benefit fn
it. J am very much opposed to any :
tempt to exchange-it for anything eh
for the committee in charge of tli
branch maUcs very poor work of
"They traded for a pair of horses a
the result made mo sick. No mo
trades in mine , if you please. If
could bo sold and something else in
chased it might do , as the sum of 'j-j , ! '
that is annually expended , in kcepii
that truck could bo used more adva
tagjously somewhere else , or at least I
some other apparatus. "
Alderman Metcalf agreed with Aide
man Lacy. Said he : ' 'I am in favor
keeping it , for I think the eity ought
have it , even if costs S'i.OOO. It mig
1)0 the means of saving a human li
and for this reason alone it ought to
kept , oven though it is not needed I
many years. I think it is a , nr-co-sii
for an ordinary ladder is not stroi
enough to hold two or three men and
line of ho o with the water pressu
that wo have here. JCo , sir , 1 say
not soil it , and I shall vigorously res
any sucti action. "
In this manner do the member- t
council regard the matter. The l\ \
gentlemen , who were members of t
council which purchased it , saj "Ice
it by all means , " while the four m
incmbcra are atrongiy in favor of lelti
it go.
Money loaned on fuinitnre , piam
diamonds , horses , buggies or anythii
of value at low rntoa of interest , i
publicity ; fair and honorable dealin
A. A. Clark < t Co. , ollice cor. Broad w
and Main , over American express.
Vair Koi- the City.
Nothing was done in the distr
court yesterday , it being a legal ho
day. and court adjourned Tinned
evening until Monday morning. Jud
Thomull left for' Sidney to spend Si
day with his family.
The jury in thecat.eof Fair vsTheCi
returned a scaled verdict , which w
not bo opened until Monday mornin
Its contents are , of course , unkno\\
but it ! s stated that the verdict is I
the city. It is undcr.-.tood that on t
lirat ballot the jury stood 10 to I
the city , the minority desiring to ( ; i
the phiiutilV f&OO , A twelve hour * ' i
gumcnt among themselves bioug
thorn all to one way of thinking.
id' ICIcctioii.
At a pocial meeting of the city con
cil held last evening , the mayor ant'
full board of aldermen , except Belli
gcr , were prot-ont. Judges and clor
to Mirvo at iho coining election were n
pointed as follows :
Fir t Ward Judges , O. noise , D.
Dodson , J. W. Weightman ; clerks ,
T. Brumt , H , ShocmaUor.
Second Ward .ludgo. , , It. V. Ph
lips , ( } . L. Jacobs , James Milhc
clerks , K. L. Cook , C , M. Lynn. '
Third Ward-Judges , S. 'Stewart ,
Sullivan , Cicorgo Blnxsim ; clerks ,
11. Oilmoro , J. L. Column.
Fourth Ward First precinct : Jndgi
M. Boyle , Sol 11. Foster , W. A. M
Millon ; clerks , G. A. HoblnsOn , Wi
iam Hue.
Fourth ward.Bccond precinctIndg (
C. Wolnloy , John Cook , Ferd Johnso
clurkb , M. Ucfiroat , William Smith.
An ordinance ll.xing the salaries
aldornuMi at f-00 a year , payable qun
torly , was read , The twentieth ru
was suspended , and the ordinance w
An ordinance was passed provldii
how the oily shall accept streets , ot
whoa devoted to the public uso.
The claims of Captain Henry and J
sluti Danforth wore referred to the eoi
miltee of the whole with instructions
report al the next meeting.
The cltv solicitor reported on the v
tition ot tin- Omaha World , that the
representative be allowed access to tl
records of the city marshtill's olliec ,
the cITeel thai the council hail no a
thority in the matter. Report recclv ;
and concurred in. A petition from tl
World to the marshal is now in ordc
'I humped n Itcnorlcr ,
History is again repeating it-olf. fii
reporter slugging U again coming in
fashion. H. B. We-lcotl , reporter f
the Council Bluffs department of tl
Omaha Herald. Is the latest victim , t
accidcnlly run against the list of C'harl
Nicholson , assistant chief of the lire d
partnwnt. yesterday afternoon , but fd
Innately the point of .colli-don was <
his cheek. As the cheek of lhea\n
age reporter is lightning proof , tl
genial "Bob" came out unscathed. 11
feelings and silk tile were con-iderab
damaged , however , and the victim seel
redress in court.
The cause of the "accident" was :
article in ye-derday morning's Horal
purporting to be the com elation
Nicholson. The lire lighter branded
as false , s uil in the cour-o of a hcati
argument the reporter's tongue unwl
lingly framed the obnoxious won !
"d - - - liar. " and il was nil over hurl
afterward. NichoKou immediately wet
to the police station anil pleaded guil
to disturbing the pea-o. WoMi'ott wi
bring another charge ngaia-4 him.
'J h - I I em , in Ma q i.-r iilo.
The members ( jj the F.Nonmn ho
team spread themselves justorday. ai
arc about WHO richer on account of i
During the afternoon they gave
parade in costume , and a short cxhil :
tion run. In the evening the Ma--oii
hall was tilled with a mo-l grole [
crowd of maskers , who were called 01
by the grand ball given by this new
organi/.ed racing team. There wei
fully ; ! 00 couples present. An olegai
supper was served by the hidiedofl'iii' '
guild , who netted a' neat sum as the
- hare of the proceeds.
The amount cleared by Iho organic
tion will pay for the new racing ca
just purchased , and also furnish 11
mcmbeis of the team with i-uiiniii
shoes. The Kisomaii team IH now in
first-class condition llnanclally , and
prepared to make itself heard from du
the no.xt few months , and eventually !
the June tournament.
Ho N an Allied Now.
Thui-bday night at 11'W : o'clock littl
Harry , son of Mr. and Mrs. K. !
Adams , passed away alter a short il
nes. ' , ot congestion ot the lungs. It :
the lirst time death has invaded th
home circle , and the blow is a crush ! n
one. The mother is much proslratci
Harry was but a single year old and
bright , winsome little fellow. Natural
the tears must How , but many hoarUiu
burdened with the same anguish. and i
this community of grief the HUM pn
found sympathy i oxpreod for M
and Mrs. Adams. The detail for tl
funeral are not yet fully arranged.
will occur to-morrow , and tin hour wi
be hereafter announced.
Heating stoves at cost 10
Odell iV Bryant. _ _
Coiiui-i-t Program in < * .
Mr. Charles Baetonn has the | ) leiisiii' '
to announce that his next studenli' n
cital will talie | ) lacetit Max Meyer's hal
Monday evening , February " "i , at
Selection Ernnin . Ver
k-uii-lilans-lust club.
Strj - - -
| n Noser 'I'.mz . F , . Gurli
Quitroinnins- ! < .Sp.uiischo T.m/o .
( . M. Moskows' '
Misses AiinilliiiL : iu.l.eli.i Xilo .
] ) uo for clunoiiL't und cornet Norm.i-
Puritnni . Belli
Messrs. Arthur ICurbuct. and 1'orr.v Uadullu
Solo -Violoncello caviitina . U.i
Air. Jolin Hi'own.
Qn.irtottc for four violins . Bactcr
Messrs. 11. Jlogcrs , ( ' . Tulloys , ! -
J3. Karbacli.
Traunibildor. . Luiabi
Str.vk-L-n-llias-ltist ! club.
( With solo for KUitur liv Mr. .1. Brown. )
Duet lor violin and violo . ISactui
Miss Claire Cliambcrliiw anil Mr.
f a Waldvogluin unil Mm-
' > CS.lllf'Ur . K. Hill'iatQ
Ui-itincnln , ' , . .
} ) Xt,1) ( le M.u _ _
I. . l-Vancis Bel
Miss Laura Coach ,
Solo Flute tarraiitclla . Biiott.t
Mr. Frank B.ulollut.
String qmirtutto LUTKO . Ilauil
( For two violins , viol.iand vloltncctln. )
Messrs. II. Hogcis , 1' . Tulloys , G.Villi.sin
Knill Karbncti.
"Visions" . ' . F.uiconu
Strylt-fti bliins Init club.
'rt ( . ' ' "Uiil piano will bu usril ,
Dr. C. C. Ha/en , dentist , Opera , lions
block. _ _
AiuiishiK I'xniM'lim-iH With a Sutn : ; !
sive .Siil.j ' : t of ill Manuel ii ; I'ovvei1
At ii mooting of the Berlin Mtdlc :
Society. Prof. Virehov/ introduced
French pbyhician , Dr. Feldmann , wl
made nonie experiments in hypnotist !
saj-itho London Xeus. A young ma
named ( iarrick oll'ercd himself aa mi
ilium. After a few .seconds of the iiiiu
manipulations the medium fell into
deep magnetic s-lccp. Ho became pi ;
fcetly apathetic and motionless.
' ' ' ' Dr. Fell
fn his state of 'suggestion'
maun showed the inlliieiu-u of varioi
mondicamonts on the mcdiuni , wl :
toolc ( juinino for sugar , smaking h
lips with cnjoymontmil he believe
ammonia to bo perfume and smelt
for some time. Immediately aftor.vai
following the will of the doctor. 1 ;
fallowed the usual abhorcnco of the- .
bitter and caustic subjiancci , With tli
t-amo success ho ate a lemon for a nag
pie. A ] ) icco of camphor hold on h
forehead had a singular olli-ct. * Tli
medium bunt his bod.y far Inickwai
and had to bo hold in his chair.
A magnet caused a dreamy , state du :
ing which the medium related his in
presbions us to events in the street , i
which ho believed himself to be. The
the medium obeyed the will of the doi
tor in various ways , shoveling snow
skating , falling and rising again wit
one jump , at the doctor's siiggei
tion , and dually took a pocketbook h
force out of Prof. Virchew's pocket
Ho was then ordered by Dr. Feldman
to reseat lii nioolf soon woke out <
the hypnotic sleep , remembering neil
ing of what had happened. The yo'nn
physicians then spoke , declaring tin
such experiments were without scioi
tine basis. They believed the "niiggei
lions" lobe probably genuine , but as t
the other experiments , especially th
olTcctof medicines arid the magnet. the
thought they needed careful e.\amliu
tion. _
Voiinic noulil or Allnnalln
41U l''atlici''H I'lisinosj ii'rii-iulH.
It is the go no ml belief among Wa
street men that A. L. Hopkins wi out of the Gould railroads h
young George ,1. ( j'oald , says the No1
Vorlc World. There was a good dei
of talk among financial men at th
Windsor hotel yesterday about Mi
Hopkins' retirement. It was siispcute
that the roconl order for a reduction <
biilnricb on the Missouri Pacific rai
road was to force Mr , Hopkins to rotirt
His relations with Mr. Gould had buo
o important that Wi was
regard the order .nj a personal n'Tront '
It is a fact , though not gouor.ilij
known , that Mr. ( Jonld is jioitlvel\
under the ihumb of his enlest son. Hi-
ilcsirc has always \uon Hint U corgi
should be as great a , llaahcier as him
self. Ho has made1 the young man in :
important olllcer In every corporatiot
Milch ho controls , and In so\er.i1
instances has elovivt-xl him to ioltions
Unit older men in the management
were entitled to ,
Mr. Ctould. it is pretty well known
discarded ( i. I3. Moroslni to please hi
sou. Mr. Morosini fell the treatmcn
very keenly , but he never ultcred i
word against Mr. ( ? ould. Id the Krii
railway troubles years ago ho actuall ;
protected Mr. ( iould's life. Jlc provei
bis loyalty to the llnancier many time !
in the course of his association will
him.Not only was Mr. Hopkins the n pro
MMitntlvo of Mr. ( ionld in railroad af
fairs , but alto a personal friend. Whet
the yacht Atlanta was launched he wa ;
invited tn accompany its owner on the
tlrsl trip from the bhigiyards to Irving
ton , the financier's country place. Hi
imariahly accompanied Mr. ( Jntilil 01
his trips over the South western i-oa'l- *
and he was a privileged f > ue t at Mr
itould's bouse , ( ieorgo ( ioulil l said ti
have 1-een jealoi's of the favor his fat I "i
showed Mr. HopUins- ,
< T
To toMimoninl ol'n "cntli-nian rim-d
of Ijiimlingob.vSt .TnrntaOil nbscrilied
the hiihjoiiu'd induiM'iiiuit and auto-
gi.iph of n di'ilmgiiislird public oflli'er :
" 7 ( O'ldir in intlariitrq SI. Jacobs Oil. "
Ex-Poslmaslcr < * Gcnl U. 8.
' Vcnl-if I rr'ntfitie
Sot ( Infinwj
The t'luuli's Ivr Cu..liattu. > Mil.
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
of intoroht.
Fine farms clo o to Li luffs to exchange
for city property.
\Voalern. lanii to exchange for city
Hig bargain" in Hroailway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farm- . .
fiood fresh toi.-lj erocories to ex-
L-hnngo for city property and one-third
L-a.-ih. '
Houses and loth on monthly payments.
Small payment * down. 1'rioei ranging
from il-'i to $1.0110.
Cheap lots in lOvans. ' . Wright's , Coch-
ran's and moil all additions to city.
Kino acre propertj for sale from $100
to ij.j ( ( ) less than ( Jrcsent worth.
No. 10 Pear ! SI. , Council
"IT-OH HUNT -T o nicely fnrals'ii-il ronm for
-LA iniiiianil wifucirt\\OKuutieiii > > n\vith nsuif
liaths. li-atcil lij lura.ii'o. 1 Soutn M-vi-nth
street , A incut block.
> K HUNT I'rult lann nmrkot KiiiiliuV'
F "lucres , ' , mile , ur ( iifiin.ili' .
Hood i > room hniibu , liurn anil < iutliiiiliiiiu' < il
: i res blackliuirlos ; I aoie stiiiwuurrlei , W. C.
STAOV , Ujiur.i llo.iae block.
pKl ( ) ) WOlllv TIUM roil sr."l.KVltl"vMi
VX onone year's time or.Mil tr.uli-tn lieu o
und lot In city. Avjily to l.coniird Ilvciett.
\\r.\NTii-Tlie : people to try the Olty'pU'aiu
> T l.Hiniclry , III .North Main.
FOlt HUNTciemi. . two h.inuSome , new , sl\-
mom rottajt-s , north of tiaiisfer. Counpil
lllnlls. liKjulre llliuul Itlsbtor , fitli a\o. anil
. ' 1st st.
\\7-\NTKO Compi'tciit abstraulcr of titles ,
T T J. W. Sinitre , Council llltilts.
HKNT Tlio ttiroo story nrlck store room
Foil . IDT Ili'OiiiUvay. Tlio louitlon is one of
the iii'st In th" city. 'I ho Ir.ill.lhihas bc'ou oc-
. 'iipli-il 1'oy t is last twenty yj.i-s bv Miller A : To. ,
lianluari * . nud would bu \ory ( leHir.tblc loca-
lioa for u liiinlivnru business 0:1 : tnat account ,
Jolm Hennoti.
. Urnf 1:11. : W. H. M.
Corner Mnln and HroaiUvay.
COlNt/Iti HIjlTKI..S , IOW1.
Dcali-is In for -li'n domes'lo e\rliinic.
villiM lions miule ami Inloru t | > aM on tinio du-
? 5Fuel Merchants. WatchTheSIGNS
, South Main St. gt TIMES .
Courteous At tent ton. " * * * 5'-Pointed by ? ,
. . , i * * Prompt Delivery. P.C.MILLER * ET.B.GARDINER.
Wcitwitc your patro n age . . . /VQ / O4BROA D WA
Nos.ll&3 ! Pearl St. , >
' ° & ? -ffi < <
Pearl St.
I Bluffs , .
What a Sliirt
'f ' von liiultiiki'ii It tu the ( Ity sitf.un iuuiulry
it wouldn't look so
jOluln Street 'IVli iilionv HI.
r. i : . liui.t. . o. A. unit i.i NT nor
ArcMlcctJ , Designers and SiiDorintcmlciiti
of Coiistriiclioii ,
Mr. llorHiifrhof was se\cn yi-nis uitli
Mrnilclt.snliii , Fisher A : Ltmry , nml has
U'siitiifd ninny of the llnest blocks
in Omaha ami Cimm'il Hlulf < .
Plans and Succificatioin Prepawd and
Estimates made on Aplicitioa ,
Sttttlio , Jiootn ' Oin'i'u Jltnittc JJluolt
I'Mii , Ki'iiTiiKii .soiiir. \vii.t. . ii.i : ,
jaCaltle Fedo toaCon ; !
Anil will meet any Inmost ( . impctllloaouprl 'Di
lor 1 Irst-i Inh" ) Mu il .
. 'JO1.
1SJO Uronilwny. - - Telephone
TUV Ol'll M Drill.
Xovcl , plcasiiift and practical. For the
parlor , the church , the Chautnuqim cnclo ,
circle , the society hall. The only monthly of
its Itinil in tlio United States. Only $1 n
year. Smnplus , 10 cents. KMIIIXM Sr.uv n E Very unique. Xo
rehearsals needed. Only "iO cents for a sup
ply for any school , of any si/e. Aildicss
Council Hlnffs , Iowa , J K. Harkness , .Mana-
t-'er Publishers of "Old IJistriet School , "
M nU Social,1' "KvunniKV'th ' Art , " etc.
Hidesjallow , Pells , Wool fi
Highest inarlci-t pilies. returns. KG
and to. M.iln S. . . I oinii 11 Ithllls lo\\.i.
To any regular physician wlio % cli-sires Lo loralc , 1 have' U
offc'iin a thriving-city in Iowa of S.oooj opulation , the hoim-anc
practice of the leading physician of the place , lie has ivsiclril
in said city for sixteen .j'ears last past , and his books will shew
an annual business of $6,000 per year.
For reasons personal to himself he proposes to change 1m
residence to another city , lie will sell his home , which is ; i
comfortable frame house of eight rooms , heated by furnace ,
and with all necessary outbuildings and conveniences , foi
$3.5 . ° ° ' He will turn over to the buyer his practice and good
will , and will remain with his successor some months pending
his settlements and collections.
Any reputable physician desiring to make a change will dc
well to correspond with the undersigned , who is prepared to
verify the entirebona , fides of the whole business.
Room 522 Paxton Block , Omaha , Neb.
JAIIR iNMri'.n TO ( AM , .vi (
Anil MH > her Hun line of Hair ( SoiiiU , FIXKST HAIR
OltXA.MK.NTS In the rlty. Wlpi , Hoards , etc. ,
for Iti'iil or Sale.
< aiJTii AMI co I'M * AM > MYIJICS
\ < > . 2J ) MAIX ST. , : COI/M'IL , IIMJITS.
(30 * 011111:118 : iiv MAIL IIKCIIVI : : I-IIOMI-T ATIKNTIO.V.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
located at No. H North Cth st. , opposite po.Uolllcu. on
Motor l.liK1 , t'ouncll lllulls , In.
lllrds and nnliiiuls inouutrd naturally and In theV&t method of
tlio ait. Warranted to prosurvo for yearn. Foreign blrdi snppllo
onsliort notlcu Hljjhmt prlcipulj for owls and nuwkn of all kinds. I'ersons m-ndlr ; ; onle
. .
' - !
assured of pjrv'Ct butlsfactlou , J'ur ( Irobssnu a specialty. Wrlto for particular.-
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Counnil Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate-
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
r.spcolalljr Ad.ipUJ foe
25 TO 303
POWER , Mills and Els/alors / ,
. . . . . . .
FpeeiflriiHons mid rstlnmtt-4 furiiHio 1 f > r compldn strain plant * Ilrci latlon , IM.J.I- Oiur-
intcul. tan uliuw luttui' fiomivrti \ "hero fui'l ' IVoiiuinv H i-ijiiid witli ( iirli i Nun-l uti 11
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Gala ! No.ill ) JVarl Street , ( uunc-il Ill'ill-
JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.
. < > Ajil'i-ation.
Ciirri-ipuiuluiico S ilk-Iti-il. n | |
'rl ' RIRKINRINF-- " > ' ( ) r'1lll" : . al" ' Sanitary _ Knainccr. 1'lans , ! > tiinnlc ,
- - Specillcatiu i . Snpp , vi-i'jn ui I'nblL Work. Drown
, Council Iliufl'i , Iowa.
M QPUR7 | ! Justice o ! the IV.icc. Olllce over Anifi ic.ui E.\jiresv , No. 419
liioadwny , Council Hlnll's. loiva.
at Law , 1'inctlri ! in tin- State iiml Kedcra
R/ w" C'ourtiJllUtr I < iioini > 7 and ti , bini iirt-Hcno Ulock ,
Counri1 Itliill'i > , Iowa.
Law , Room 10 , Sj t\ \ Hloc.1
Tb unil Wlml ( bul < j Duuli'i-s In
Ordisro I'roiniilly rillt-il and
Slo. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.