Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : tSA-TCTHDAY ; 23. 1881) ) .
PlROtt Concludes to Roltovo Hli
Overburdened Oonsolonco.
The Porstinslvo Poxvers if Sir Clmrle
HiiHscll't CrosH-Htn nil lint Ion
Drnxv l-'orth Home Start-
' ' "
LOVPOV , I'cb 2 . Tlio court room xva
rroxvded again Ihis morning when the Put
ilcll commission reassembled. The cross
examination of Hichnrd I'igott xvus contin
ucd. lie admitted wlting the letter to Arch
bUhop Walnli xxhich Sir Charles Russell pro
duccd In court , and xvhich contained n state
inetit that the documentary and peraonnl evl
deuce to bo produced before the commissioi
could bo rendered harmless by the exposun
of the means by which it had been obtained
.At the sufftostioii of Presiding Justice Hun
lien , Archbishop \X'ulsh's letter to Pigott
putt of which xvns read jeslcrd.ix , was reai
in cxtcnso. The urchbishop referred to tin
fact that there had been systematic lynij
i-oiu-uriiiiig thu nationalist cause. XX'itnes
now udmlltod receiving this letter. Hi
mild that when ho wrote to tbo archbishop hi
was In very distressed elicumstancus , oxvlni
to having rcccixcd no money from Houston
Witness' other work had been neglected urn
lost. He therefore X"rot to Archbishoi
Walsh , hoping he would Hiibmil Die niultei
to thu Pnriiellilu members in tlio house ol
commons , and Induce lliem to provide witness
xvlth means with xvhich to leave the country
in return for the Information thu witnes
Bhould give. AX'ilness xvus Hlui tied and sur
prised when the letlers appeared in tin
Times , and considered it a bieceh of faith ,
Ho wrote to Houston strongly piotestliij (
ngiilnst Ihoir tiubllcntlon.
Sir Charles Russell demanded that thi'
letter be produced
Houston here said that hu hud forgotten
receiving It. On being further pressed ,
Pigott voluntarily exclaimed : "I may say
at once that the statement 1 miido to Arch
bishop XX'ulsh xvas unfounded. "
This statement produced u sensation. Hir
Chiirles Uussell then said to xvitness : "You
deliberately xviolo lies ! "
XXitnass replied : "XX'ell , exagiroriitions. "
Sir Charles Uussoll "Did Iho e\-aggora-
tioim have no truth I"
XVItness "Very little. ( Laughter ) 1
forget xvhat I meant \xhen I xvrote lo Archbishop -
bishop XVnlsh that thu dim-iron xx'crc a mix
ture of xvhat I believed to bo true and un
true. "
Continuing , xvitness Bald ho knoxv that
criminal proceedings xvcre projected when
ho xvroto saving that he could nullify them
bv exposing Iho disc-ri-ditahtu means by
which it XXMS sought to institute the | roceed-
ings. Ho could not siy : xvhat the proceed
ings were to bo taken for. Ho imagined they
xx-cre lor complicity in the Phirniv puik ninr-
ders , but there xx-as no foundation for the
statement. Witness ngjtin xvroto to Arch
bishop Walsh on May I , offering to furnish
further information. In reply to this letter
thu archbishop said :
" 1 understand you urn anxious to make n
statement to assist the victims of fraud and
slander by exposing fraud and slander , I
ruiiiiot refuse lo accept such statements
fully. I accept . \otir assurance that you took
no part in the publication. "
Witness s > aid ho forgot xvriting the Htate-
Sir Charles Uussell read a teller dated
Muj f > , to Archbishop XValsh. In it Pigott
olTeied lo make a personal written statement
Witness admitted making n statement to thu
incliblshop botxvcnn May > " and May 7. Ho
had xvrltlcn to iho archbishop recently , but
denied Ihat he hud done so in order to iifain ;
obtain a xvrllten statement.
Sir Charles Hussell read n letter from the
nichhtahop to Pigott. bearing date of May 7 ,
in xvhich the urchbishop said he assumed
tlmt Pigott cither know the author of the
fraud , or knexv what measures had been
taken to procure fraudulent cx'idence. The
witer said ho did not Xvish to knoxv the
nninapf tliagqutlcman wuo wus ut the bottom
tom of the mutter.
Sir Charles Uussell piessed the xvilncss ,
who reluctantly admitted that ho had Hous
ton in mind xvlicn ho xvioto it In reply to a
question by Picsidmg Justice Iiiiinien , xvit-
jiess said lie xx'as not sum that ho had re
ceived the letter. Sir Charles Uussell
quoted from a letter xvrltlcn by Pigott to
Archbishop Walsh on May 1'J. XXitncbs
said he could not say xvhat the latest pio-io
Billon mentioned in Ihu leller meant. He
only icuicmbaied making ono proposition ,
namely , that he had been shown compromis
ing letters. His opinion having been asked
us to the genuineness of thu letter * , he had
stilted that tlio letters credited to Parncll
were rather doulitful.
Tins statement created a sensation in the
romt room. further testified that he would not
fixvear that ho had not told Archbishop
"XX'ulsh that the letlers xvcro forgeries. He
doubted the authenticity of the letterh be-
caubu hu did not knoxv thu hundxvriting in
the bodies of them. Ho believed he told
Archbishop XX'alsh tlmt ho thought the
J-'gun loiters x\-ero genuine , but xvotild not
Exveur that he did. Ho xvns not sure xvhclher
lloustou ever expicssed a doubt ns Iq Hie
pcmiincness ot the letters. It xvai not oxvmg
lo Houston's Uoubls that xvitness offered , to
i-cobtaln the money.
&ir Charles Uussell rend from a letter to
Archbishop Walsh from Pigott , in which ho
ttayo : "I trust your grace xvill do me the
Justice to believe that 1 nm not the fabrica
tor of the letters , us Is falsely alleged. "
Sir Charles asked , "XVho x\-as tliu fabrica
tor ! "
XVitnoss replied thut ho did not knoxv.
Sir Churlca "Uui you believe there xvas a
fabrication i"
Witness "No. "
This answer caused laughter.
Held produced letters from Picott to the
late XX'illiam B. Porster , then chief hucretarj
ior Ireland , dutcd Juno' ' , 1SL1 , in xvhich ho
offered l-'orster napors xvfiich he said xvould
liicuk up the league , for JL'1,000 to C&UU | ,
"Witness said that the issue of the Irishmen ,
the paper printed by Pigott. depended upon
Ills iccelving this sum , us his creditors xvere
pressing him. Korstor , on Junefi , refused
to uccept this offer.
At Presiding Justice Hunncn'ft suggestion"
Kir Charles Huhscll ugrcud to road flec
tions from the letters , instead of the xvhole
of ihcm.
XVitncHs continued that hu hud been In
nt raits Hinco ISSt , und unxlc-iibly turned to
every quarter for money.
Sir Charles Uussoll pioduccd u batch of
loltei-HAvrlltcn by Pigott to Kgan , iiicludim :
ou xvrnten on Kebrnury - , ' ) , issl , In which
the xvritur asked ICgan to give him the ad-
ilrcs.s ul xvhich hu could xvrltu Purriell , xvlth
whom ho wished to communicate u m-attur
of vital Itriwntunee.
Pigott said ho had forgotten the letter ,
but , admitting that ho must have written it ,
had not the slightest Idea as to xvhat iho im-
Iwrtunt matter rofeticd to xvas. On being
liard pressed , and after fencing , ho admitted
tlmt ho must huvo received an mibxvor.
Sir ChurleH Husaoll read .from n letter
from Pigott to Kgan , xvi itten on February
S.T , In xvhich it xvas stated that he ( Pigott )
lind received an anonymous letter from two
gentlemen , who xx-ould call upon and suomll
to Plgott a proposal greatly to his advan
tugc. They came , but declined to give their
mimes. Tliej had an interview lasting txvo
liourA , dm iii | ; which lliey uskcd him towt \ \
lisli a bUitomout , xvhich xvan un outrageous
llbol nlwiit the Hpondliig of IOIIKIIO funds ,
und xvhich xv.w to bo so canMnielcd tlmt ith
publication xvould do much harm. Ho uddtul
thut hu xvas badly In need ot i.'iU ) ,
but would bo Hutihllcd xvllh 1)00 ) In addition
to the i'"CO ulready scut in c-onsiderauon of
Ids paper. Pigott concludnd the letter by
Hiijing : "Had us 1 am , I can truly ui that
1 huvo been true to those xvho have trusted
inc. " WlttiUbs said that Hfran did not bend
the money. On Mnix-h 9 Pigott xvrnto to
JJgan , giving un outline of the blutcinenls
referred to. Ho also stated in the letter that
I'Riin xvould BCO that if he ( Pigoltj pub-
lUtied thu btatcuiuut ho would gel JL'iH ( ) , und
that xvhulcvc'r thu consciuencea ndghl
l ' , ho would bo compelled to
ui'copt the offer unless Kgan assisted him.
On March 11 ICgan replied that ho regarded
the letter as a threat , and dci-llned to paj
mo thing , oven If he could.
Sir Charles Uussell road Kgan's draft of a
loll or xvrltlun on the lly leaf of Plgott's ct-
ten 'llio phiiismgof the Hrnt thirty c-iglit
words xvas hlenllcal xvith thu Times version
p f Ugun's letter of Juuo , 1WI , Witness ul-
u il'.teil that thu similarity xva& remad.\iulo.
Sir Chtxrles pressed xvltnoss reganlmg sov
cral similar rcscuVblnnccs In the phrasing o
loitcru that Kgan had xvrittcn to Pigott , am
the letters that Pigott Imd supplied to lloti"
tin XX'ltntsss admitted tlmt , assuming Si
Charles' enpios to bo cnrrp't xvliieh ho xx-oul
not admit lliocoincldeiiees xx-cresfiklmr. Tli
copies , he said , might have been forged. 1
thci were not , the coincidence could bo go
over because men xx-ere In the habit of usln
the same phrases Piirntt admitted that h
mispelled the xvonl "hositam-v" in the xvlt
ness box vesterilay. Ho believed thai Hi
knoxvlcdpo that the letter of January . ' , ISsi
similarly misspelled the word , hud influence
Ills mind The letter did not come into hi
( Kissosslon until the summer ot ISMl , she
ho could not nccount for the mlspclllni ; o
"hesitancy" In his oxvn letters prio
to that. After Parnell had deellnci
to employ him on the stuff of th
Irishman ho asked a priest named Meaghe
to intercede xvith P/iraell. /
Sir Charles Uussell produced the xvltnesi
loiters to .xieaglier. and painted out furthe
resemiilanees to the Times letlers. Ho thei
asked the witness If he xvas not ashamed o
Pigoll replied hotly : "L'nder the circum
Riances , no. U is scandalous that 1 sholili
bo IhussniGstiotiud. I did not forget the let
tors. If I did 1 should not bihero. . "
Hi-Id produced letters ivrittMii by Plpntt ti
rosrtor , in xvlneli Pigott'iiskod a loan JAfte
much xvrltlng , \vlilcliPlifotlpluadeilpov
eilj , Foster sent htm L'lOO us ; t privutu loan
Sump timu Interas a matter of persona
\xinpathy , l-'oster loaned Pigott i , " to enabl
bun lo go to America. Pluutt did not go
hoxvox'er , but renuxved his applications lo
money until Forstcr granted him an inter
si-L'UP , itAuv , sLi-i-i : ; * .
OpnnliiK of UK : Inl'aniM' Hump 01
llni'iiey Street.
The now creche building was opened undoi
the most auspicious circumstances yesterday
The ladles xvcro busy all the tnornin ;
receiving donations of groceries , furiiittiie
loys and useful articles of uX'er.y knoxvi
description. The donations came unw )
licilcd , and xvero given xvith such liearly o\
prossioiis of good will Unit the Indies of tin
society feel greatly encouraged.
Mrs. Croft und Mrs. Pratt , who coustt
tuted the building committee , received nniitj
eongrutulutions Irom the ladle" of thu so
duty iosteruuy. Previous to thu rccep
tion , und in the afternoon , uU the ladle ;
made - thu ' uraises bo-
xxeri ! happy bxthu xx'urm -
stoxx'ed by the tlnongs of visitors.
The seventy of tlie xveathor did not prevent
thu friends of the society , xvho hax'i
xviitched the efforts of these Indies xvitli
much interest , Irom calling in large number *
nt the noxv building. The visitor *
xvcro received in the . reception
room by Mrs , T. Li. Kimball. | ires
idi'iit ; Mrs. Walker , vice president ; Mrs.
Thos. Kilpatnck , treasurerMrs. . XX' . S.
Curtis , secretary Mrs. XX'm. XVallucc , Mrs.
XV J. Hroatch , Mrs. I'liomas Orr , Mrs.V ,
J. CotinellMrs. Ilenr.x AkinMr.s. L A Clrou" ,
Mrs. Aug. Pratt. Mrs. A. Alice , Mrs K.
Martin , Mrs. O M. Hitchcock , Mrs. J. C.
Cowiu , Mrs. 1C. Hosewater. Mrs. 10. I ) Van-
Coutt , Mrs. A. L > . Morse. Mrs. Hiirlingamo
and Mrs. Oco. A. .loslyn.
In the dining-room dainty lefreshuients
xvcro served under iho superintendence of
Mrs. Pratt.
Four children linvo already been entered
at thu Crcctie , and xvill bo received there
Monday by Mrs. Chedislur , the lady xvho
has been appointed matron. Might others
xx-ill bo entered during tlie xx'eulc. Five
cradles hux'e already been endowed.
After T o'clock in tliu evening the chan
deliers in the litllo infant homu xvcre lighted
for the llrst tlmo and fiomout cvorxvlndoxv ,
ciimo n cheerful glow xvhich , in the piercing
blasts utlracled the attention of every
passer-by , It xx'as such u gloxv ot cheer anil
couifoit as might bo expected from the in
terior of a happy home , xvith a liresidu sur
rounded by kindered nnd loving souls. In
deed , all sux-c the assemblage of a family , did
the Crccho resemble thu kingdom of home ,
because xvitlini xvero charity and devotion ,
honored ami dex'oled '
millions young xx'onien ,
united in the magnanimous xxork of dedicat
ing an institution winch shall bn to many a
waif the only homo it may know on caith.
In unticipalion of the reception the Indies
of the committee had provided aides , xvho
nerved light refreshments , er.kc , tea mid cof
fee , xvhich has been generously donated ,
in many cases , by sympathetic but
anonymous friends. Thusu xx-ere. scrx-cd
in thu little triangular dining room
) f the institution and xxx-rc fiecly
patronized , not less because of the attrac
tions und attention of the fair attendants
: lian for the intrinsic merit ot the appreci-
ted refection. The .xoutig ladies xvho at
tended xxere us folloxvs :
From 2 to 4 o'clock , Miss Richardson , Miss
D'rom 4 lo 0 o'clock , Miss Woodman , Miss
Uhnrch and Miss Clarkson.
From 8 lo 10 o'clock , Misses Stella Itosc-
tX'iitcr , Dollic and Mattiu Poltauk , Kate and
Jlnlro Drake , Nellie , Fiinnin ami Dorolhua
The reception closed at 10 o'clock , up to
, vhich time , the ladies recorded the follow-
ng visitors , the number being considerably
( mailer doubtless than it xx'culd have liuen ,
jut for the frigid xve.ither :
Mrs. ( icorgo Lung , Mrs. I ) . Morroxv , Mrs
Jilcy , Aliss Liz7io Isaacs , Miss Isaacs , Mrs.
Xmes , Mrs. Nichols Miss Adele , IolinoM : ,
iliss Johnson , Mrs. Cleveland , Mias Clark
, on , Miss XVoednian , Mis > s Church , Mrs.
Ougot , Mrs. Albert Calm , Mrs. Martin
Jahn , Mrs. I. New , Mrs , Molurath , Mrs.
Jahn , Mrs. Max Meyer , Mrs. Adler , Mrs.
{ cifelt , Mrs David Kimball , Mrs. Ilainov ,
drs. Jensen , Miss Uosexvuter , M'ss Uichard-
ion , MIJ.S McC'lintoek , Mrs. A. W. Nason ,
ilrs. Van Ostrain , Mrs. Calmer , the Misses
jtoutcnbourough , Mrs. Shiiui , Mrs. Hall ,
Mrs. Ccorge E. King , Mis. George Murker ,
iliss Amy Harkor , Mis. T. F. Lewis , Mrs ,
j. J. Finn , Mrs. O. P. Clarke , Miss Thorn-
rate , Mrs. II. M. James , Mrs. Goss , Mrs.
'oxvell , Miss Logan , Miss XX'cst , Miss
.eoniird , Mrs , . S J. llowcll , Mrs. XVill-
uni Vallace. Miss Grain. Mrs. Gan-
ictt , Misses Llonborger , Mrs XV. S. Cuitis ,
.Irs. Kuclid Martin , Mis Alice , Mrs J. C.
'oxvln , Mrs. A D. Morse , Mrs. A Pratt ,
ilrs. F. Drake , Mrs. Hurlingin , Mrs. Pnt-
hett , Mrs. Van Lourt , Mrs. U. H. Walker ,
lira. Kdward Uosewuter , Mrs. H. Audrexvs ,
ills ; , Nellie Giofl , Frances OrolT , Dorothea
Jrolt , Miss Di.ike , Miss Claire. Drake , Mis.
Vndert.011 , Miss Mamie Mourn , Mr * . I ) . Ken-
icily , Miss Dollie Pollack' . Mnttiu Pol-
nok , Mrs. nmcisoii , Mrs. Cottrell ,
-Irs. - Peattio and Mrs. ( Jiotr ,
ilayor Hroatch , D. II. XVheelor , XX * . ( i.
ihrivcr , Mr. Davis , A. II. Sander , O. S.
ihallce. Mr. Melni.ith , Louis Hennrod ,
udgo UiotT , Dr. ( SilToril , Mr. Coivcll , ICiielld
lurtm , Mr Megruiei- . L , XV. S .
'urtls. Fred Uabcock , Mr. Anderson , M.
'ollaclr , C'olonei C. S. Clia o and T M. Orr.
The creche has alicadj been described in
'ill ! HIJK , but ought to be seen hyox'ery char-
: ably disposed jiorsou inthucitv. In its xvav ,
i Is a llillo gem. It nas beiiii designed with
pecial reference to prospcctlx'o us xvoll us
resent use. and xvlth so much foresight as to
onvince the observer thut the Indies , who
inde the suggestions , and the architect ,
Ir. Mendelssohn , xvho put them on paper ,
dinlrabl.x understood their business , The
iilshing is KinniUi but tasty , liurd pmo pie.
ominuiiiig. If uxccptiJii may bo tukim , it
nist bo to the sue of the apartments , , but
ins could not have b'ion ' obviated xvhcn the
i/e of the building ami thu multiform uses
3 xvhich It must Im put are tamni into con-
kU-ru'Jon. It is to bo regretted ,
ut the Crccho In n very short
line xvill outflow its present ea-
jeily. Already there ui o fourteen applu-a-
oils for udii'ission , and till ( if the little ones
i xvhoso behalf tlmso hr.x'u been made xvill
f enrolled Monday. Thu cu.mcliy of the
ouso issiMy children for dai and txvenly
board by the week. The loriner xvill bo
inirgod 10 cents per duy e\cept ivhuro there
le more than unu child m HID a.iinn family
) Im cared for , wheiu but 5 cents xvill bo
liargcd. Tim rate nf board per xvook li is
ot yet been dotui mined.
Thu Creche in all tlm permanent fuaturc-t
i udinlraiily supplied , but needs n
rent variety of furniture and utensils.
( tic of the llrst thmgk needed is u drsU , a..d
lie of thu ladies uskoil THK HEI : to direct
tu ntt'jiiliuii of the charitaytv Inclined to
ils gruut want.
The tolal cost of the structure is ubout
" ,1'00. Il xvould hiivu boon inuoli Ki-eatt-i
nd it not be-on thp.t urcliltecth , superintend-
ut , imitunnl furnii.hern , uiocliunit-b and /ull-
> ads xvorkcd or Mi-piied ; urtii'.oi or labor
ther for cost or nutlilng. The list of Ihesu
nirltablu people and corporalions Is noxy in-
> mplete , but may later bepublished. .
Pei-Konn xvho desire to contribute to the
iriilslung of the home aru requested to con-
; r xvith the chairmen of the fnverul rom-
iittccs , so that ihoro may bo uniformity In
1 the articles ucix'ptdj. Thu ladles tu bo
msulled ( n this tnuttor 010 Mrs. ( Jenerol J.
. Cowln. chithing ; Mrs. XVilllam XX'ulliun' .
irnlturj , Mrs. CaptuJu AlUr , fun-ishltig.
The Bill of Fnro Waa Dlfloront Ln
A Tnltlc Siu-eiul Wltli tlio Hoit I
tlio Ijixtiil All Seasoned With
Jest nnil Good Fel
It Was n nniiiiicl.
Tlio master plumbers of tlio stuto met t
tlio Mutr.i.v at noon yesterday for tlio purpos
of form a stiito orffunlzjitlon.
All local plumbing ( Iran were reprcsontoi
mid from out of town II. A. Korsuiovur , .
It. O'Neill , II.V. . Orr , of Lincoln ; l-Yun
Hiirclny , RV. . liarclny , Alf. MoMnlioi
Hp.Urieo : A. 13. Whllcomb , Holdi-ego ; I
Helen , York ; V. H. Hurtf.ns McUoolt , nit
.lolin ( Jowly , of Nebraska City , wor
Tlio visitors xvero received upon tholr ui
rival at the hotels by a ilultv.illon from tli
Om.ihu association , headed bv Secrctur
I tench.
The dulognloi and members of the nisc
elation wore presented xvith ImtidMoine all
tuul tfold badges , thu victors , member * c
tlie Omaha usioci.ition and dilTerunt eon
mlttccs being distinguished by tlio dttTcroi
The meeting was cillcd to order by X. I !
Ituwy. A U'mpor.irv orRitilz.itinn was el
I'cctod by the election of Mr. Ilussoy a
oliairmnn and Mr. II.V. . Orr , of Lincoln , a
Uotnmittees on oredontlals nnil Dormniicn
organiriitlim were appointed with instrtic
tioiiH to report at ! i ! il )
At 3 o'clock tin ; convention reconvened.
The committee on pennnm-nt oriiialatfo
made its roott | , noniinatlnir pi'mianciit oil !
cers ns follows For pieildcnt , N. I ! . I' '
Ilussoy , of Omaha ; for vlce-nresideiit , J. H
O'Neill , of Lincoln ; fur rocoidintr secretary
Theo. Ituoch , of Omaha ; for uorrespomllni
secretary , V. G. Hussey , of Onialia ; fo
tro.isurei , M. A. Free , of Onrihu.
The report xxus adopted by n unanlmou
vote and , tlio ifcrotary was instructed t < the vote of tlio convention fo
these nominees. This xvasilonu and the Ren
tleinen named were declared the oftlccrs o
the association for ono year.
The committee on credentials reported thi
followinK delegates entitled to seats in tin
convention :
Lincoln bA. . Korsiiioyer , J. H. O'Nell
II.V. . Orr.
Heatrico F.V. . tlarclay , Frank Barclay
A. McMuhon.
Holdrcitu-A. \Vhitcomb. .
York -J 15 ilan.
McCook R W. llurwoss.
Nebraslta City .lolin Cuxvloy.
( Jrand Island and Kearney F. C. Phil
South Omaha J. F. Hurt.
Omaha N. 1J Hussey. Frank Hussey , W ,
II. Dai , J ) . Fit/patnek , A C. Lichtenbcrgor ,
XV H. Spellmau , J. .1. Hanihan. F. F
Malfe , A. Ii. Wullaco. .lohn Howe , Theodore
Iteuck , Charles Baxter , T. 11. Laurence , .1
It. Barnacle , T. XV. XVhelun. F. .1. Binning
ham , S. D. XVIate. Ciraham 1'ark , A. .lumi
son , M. A. Free , fcj. J. Morrison and .1. 1.
President Ilussoy , in stating the object ol
the convention , said that it had beet" called
to orcaniru a state association of mastei
plumbers , and that the object of the usioc-lu-
lion to be formed will be the mutual piotoiv
tion against imposition , injusticeorencroach-
ments upon the common rights ol its mem
bers , and to advance s ( lentilic sanitari pro
gress .mil improvements , encouraging iiixon-
tions anil improvement4 in smllurv ap
pliunecs , and to promote amicable rotations
with employes on a basis of mutual interest
and equitable Justice to both journeyman and
master plumber alike.
A committee of three was appointed to pre
pare u constitution and by-laws to govern the
Mr.O'Neill introduced for the consideration
of the convention bill uow nsnding before
the state legislature providing for the llecns-
ing of plumbers in towns of over S,00 ( ) inhab
itants. The measure is very stringent unil
makes a number of provisions that the uiom-
bei.s of the association cpnsider entirely im
practicable , and that as the association had
not tune at tins session to prepare such
amendment ! * as they conuidcre 1 necessary , M
was decided that a committee be bent to Lin-
i-oln from the convention and urce the with
drawal ot the bill. Messrs. O'Neill , Kors-
ineycr and Orr were appointed as such com
Messrs. Orr , MoMahon , F. D. Hussoy ,
Phillins and Frank Barclay were appointed
: i legislative committee to esamito into the
bill , revise it if found practicable or prepare
i new bill if it should bo considered that any
legislation is necessary , such bill being llrst
iiiosentcJ to the next meeting of the associa
The bill refpirod to above is known as
tio'iso roll : ! s , , and is enllitled "An act to se-
jtirti the licensing of master plumbers and
; ho registration of journeymen plumbers ami
: heir apprentices , and to provide for the
supervision of plumbing and house drainage
n cities of S.OOO inhabitants or over , " in-
.reduced by It. L. Boilin.
Under the act a license cannot bo granted
; o persons or llrms who have not served an
ippienticoslup of three years at the trade ;
itul no person not iegii tered In the hoard of
icullh shall alter or repair sanitary fixtures ;
ill draining and plumbing in cities uf-
'ccted by the act shall be done under tlio
uporvision of an oflleer appointed by the
ward of health , .and work declared dofec-
ivo by such an oflleor shall bo repaired by
, ho owner or lessco of the lot. Tlio bill also
nakos it unlawful for any master plumber
o employ any but registered journeymen ,
leciarea any violations of the act a imsde-
niMiior , and provides penalties on neglect to
lomply with its requirements.
President Hussey denounced the action of
ilr. lluxsey in Introducing the bill without
: nnbultmg I ho master plumbers , and said
lull he hud the assurance of gentleman
> oforo tils departure lor Lincoln that ho
vould notify this association of any attempted
ivislation in anywise concerning them.
The convention then went Into execution
ession to discuss mutters appertaining to
ho association which they do not care to
nako public at tins time.
At li o'clock the convention adjourned
intil 10 o'clock ' this morning.
Tin * UuniiiL't. |
Amiu flowers and imi&lc and Jolly good
hcorihirty-flvo plumbers of the goodly state
f Nebraska , together with nearly as many
nests , sat down at the banquet board of the
iliirriiy last night.
Flowers bloomed o very where ; upon tables ,
r. I'ornnrs aid from chandeliers they dis-
ll'eil ' sweet frapraneo over the unlghts of
lie solder and the friends who sat with
From the head of the table that father of
lumbers , N. B. Hushcy , president of the as-
Delation , sent , welcoming smile" to all. On
is right sat Mayor Broatcli , and next to him
, 'as Mike Leo , president of thu council , To
lie immediate left of tlio president Con-tri'ss-
lan elect Cor.nell was ticaled , and tn his left
us .1 , II O'Neill , ot Lincoln , elected
lee pres'.dont ' of the new stuto association.
Tim baaquent was tendered bv thu Omaha
lastcr Plumbers association to tnoir visltiiifr
rothcrun , and to say tliat tlio association did
.self great credit uould bo exiire-jshig the
-nth feebly.
A most elaborate and complete ) menu of
, velvc courses had boon prepared by the
miiiiKuuiunt oftiio liotol , and 07orIhinpr
assed nit with Ideal perfection.
llh-ndul with tha .subdued chatter thut ac-
impanled the feast , orchestral music swelled
trough the room. Sparkling ban mots
ildcd tpiceto the iiirttiTiitl food and
"All went ni inerri as a imiriiago bell. "
The material man s..tisfioJ , the feast of
3.1011 befan.
President Hus ey nroso \\clcomo the
Isitor.- * from abroad and rilj guests. He
ild'Tn our vlnitlncr delegates and follow c-lti
ms , it lu'comai my duly , as well as my
le.ii.ure , extend to you a hearty welcome
) those liCbpltiilitUA. Omnha has * made stridci towards prosperity during the
ist few yc.iM , and it U mi'-ut thut she bhould
ii so largely ropiusontcd hero to-night. 1
HiKrutulatu you , fjeuticmon , upon the or-
uilz.itli , ! ! of this association , which promises
t much , Once moro I welcome you "
In icspoiiho Mr Jnmes O'Nuill , of Lincoln ,
ild that It a ( To riled him much pleasure upon
Jhalf of the visitors to olfer hearty thanks
ir the hospitalities "tendered by the Omaha
association to us. Let us drink the health <
It and our now vk'sljent , Mr Hussoy '
After the tea t had boon drank Mnyi
llroatch WHS introduced , "My tlrst Impre
slons of n plumber , " he said , "weio ohtalne
from n play cnQeit the 'Tin Soldlor , ' but I
como to my subject , 'Our City. ' I knew
first In ' < > 3 and hnvo seen Omaha grow fro
a town ofl OO to n town ot K'O.IXHJ. ' " Tl
mayor spoke of the gradual Improvemonl
that had been uutdo and told of thu man
miles of street rallwnvs and of sewers , an
spoke of the watcrworKs and treated of h
favorite hobby tlio acquisition of tht > j
works by th" municipal government. In coi
elusion he extended n hearty welcome to tli
The next toast , ' ' 'The Plumber as a hrnll
oftlcer , " was responded to by Dr. Halph , ell
" There is much of slRiiillcanco and sti |
gestion In the toast. " said ho. " 1'hn plun
ber is n health oftlcor If ho Is practical ; he
a co-laborer with every health oflleer of tl
country if he Is competent , otherwise he
the reverse. 1 nee before me to night tl
representation of u noble profession. XX' it I
out n perfect s.\ stem of plumbing our cltii
will be in a most deplornbU * londftion , and i
I look upon these representatives of tli
plumbing profession , I feel that the care (
this is In safe hands.
Mr. Palmer nnd Colonel C M. .lac !
son , of the Herald , oh Lord ' responded t
the toast , "Tho Pi ess. "
Mr. Palmer wpoko brlelli of the progress (
the nowspapor.s ot the city , and then Colom
Jackson took his place. Kaid.Iaclcson . "XVhil
Mavor Broateh hns said lie was too full In
speech nnd Dr. Ualph says be Isn't fu
enough , I tell jou that I'm just right. " Mi
.laclvsou made many facetious allusions t
the .ininlty existing between the plumber
and the tcporiors , both being representative
of n much utilised class ,
Mr. .lackson was followed by Clemen
Chase , of thcKxcelsior , who spoke of Omali
past and piosent.
MiXX'illiam F. McCarthy , of Towlw , wa
expected to respond to the toast , "Our Ni
tional Association , " but was not able to b
A. F Hoss. rcpresoatlng a jobbing house o
the east , spoke of the relations between tli
Jobbers of the trade and the plumbers. H
-said thut the latter should patronise th
jobbers In their section of country
us , by so doing they wcio en
nhled to carry smaller stocks , mil
allow their customers greater credit
Ho assured the asooc.ation of the heaity cti
operation of the Jobbers of the trade in th
uilorts of the plumbers of Nebraska to pie
mote sanitary perfection in the state ,
Mr. Hess was followed by Mr. F. C. Sholes
F. H. Fnire , ami F. U. Parsons , all ropic
sentatlves of eastern Jobbing bouses. Kacl
of those paid tributes to Omaha and the nevi
bom association.
"Our Kister City" was responded to li'ip
pil.V by Mr. Hart , of Council Bliitrs. whiii
lion , J 'W. C'onuoll reviewed "Tho Plumbo
Irom the Citi/cns' Htandpnint , " and did it n
n manner which allowed the assemblage ti
dissolve in a veritable burst of good humor
anil > Iasicr-i Sl-rt , < ; i in-
and lOinbr.ieo.
The jotirnxvinen plumbers hava decided
not to strike Monday as has btv-n IntcnduJ.
The executive board of the Plumbers ,
Steam and Gas Fitters' union nnd tne Mustei
Plumbers' association have haj a confer
ence , and the tifl\culties | \ Hint ousted luivo
icon amicably spilled , n-id the Journeymen
will continue to stnusgle with gas and wutci
> ! p > s at the old r.itvi.
The sum and nuhstaniv of the whole
trouble- is stuteil , is that the assoi hition
mil thu union woie iifrudot one another.
The former fe.irod. that their employes con-
omplatcd an incroasu in the senle. and the
alter thought that the m.istors contem-
ilnted demanding a ducnMh in wiieet.
The idea of em to nriin'.ui ' t'ie ' pre
sent scale , nnd when the two nrmtni'itions
cimu together , and the fact lcamo munifost
h.vt they both diiaired the sa'ne object , the
vholo difliciiltv wa * quic'tly sott'.Cil.
Some or the jouinevinon object to going
nek at tlie old si-.ilo. but thffy uro In a mo < t
lecidcd minority , end will be governed by
the action ot the union.
Yesterday afternoon Patrick Finan , piesi-
dent of the I'laat'erers * union , stopping at the
California house , fouml a large memoran
dum book containing various documents
which he hab left in tl.c oftlce of tlie titv
editor of Tun Uur. for ideutitlcatiou.
\\11.\T lOVl'.RYUOOYVAMs. .
But I'Vw Gist in Thi-i r.iislinSloilcru
"Give ns a Host. "
That was the theme of the Hon. A. X\ * .
Tourpec , L.L.D , last night , as lie addressed
an audience that filled the auditorium of the
Y. M. C. A. hall. Ho went back u century ,
and spoke of the dilTeretico in things gener
ally as they were then and as they are now.
Americans , whether in business or pie isurc ,
are worn out long before their time. Some
of them have apparently como to the conclu
sion that the only use u man has for his body
is to hang his clothes upon it. If the present
iirogicssive action is kept iq > , it will piy
men financially , to build their shops without
windows , and tinsl to artificial light to dis
play their wares. How differently the news
ol to-day is brought to the homes of tlio
people compared with n hundred yeais ago.
Then it ciept along the river side , or climbed
the hills weeks after the event hud Imp-
pencd. In the present time when the clocic
marked 10HO as the hour in which President
CJarfleld was shot , U o'clock brought back a
message of sympathy from England's queen.
For fifty years before he oanio into promin
ence George \\rashington was being preptrcd
for the grand work that 1ms siuco
i/ed his name , and were ho to day einpuw-
BI ed to step from the tomb ho has honored
for ninety years , how dillcroiit ho would find
things. How different he would find it to
govern the atfair.sof the nation to day , with n
brigade ol rcporte-s behind htm , telling tins
truth when nooe-tsarv , and a lie when it nest
served their purpo of'hit could ho have
Joiic with 20,01)0 ) newspapers following after
him and publishing the news , daily , weekly ,
bi-weekly , tn-weekly and ctonmlU'i How
L'oulil ho have could can led on the govern
ment with them all pegging away at the ad
ministration !
How could John XX'ealoy have maintained
Ills religion if ho hail , a telephone in his li-
urari , with rope.Ued calls in which
for the first few time.s he would
in.iko use of the professional ' 'hello '
mil then feel inclined tn reverse the
word ! Now times arc changed and men are
living at high pressure. XVIioro the mission-
irie.s of former years spent their allotted
, pau of thruj score years and Un , the minib-
: ers of to-day uro worn out with thu Creator
imotint of work they uro asked to do in I en
i'oars. To-day the nody i considered a
ivorthless thing , while the mind alone is
.bought worthy of culture. In the schools
) l 10 d.o knowledge is said to be power , and
i-et how few can naj what knowledge really
s. Many think jj.1is ; contained in u tli-
iloma , " and its a poor American parent that
von'i swap a chll 1 for a diploma. The dl-
ilomn s respectable , and no ono knows
vhat a child ma iprovo to bo. The Anieri-
ran parent says , vipn't lot that scrub of u
Jmith bov do better , i than ion - wu'ro going
o lit you for the whlto house , " and if they
'all in that they lit [ him for thu poor house.
is claimed that Solomon said "I'l.ilnupa
mild in the way hg should go1 but ho never
lid he had too bioad ; a domestic experience
or that. XX'hat ho. wild , as the new version
nlldlv jmts it , la , iVtium up a child In his
voj " That meaiifcto train him up in tno
vny for which hu WJtncd best adapted , and
tot In the hcatcmiMth thut some onu olsu--
vlioll.y iinllku hutfbcd trod. 'J'lion with an
iloqutsnt pcroratioit on tlio necemily of
ivery on oiijoylnj : tbo daily rest that nature
: alls for , the addrc.i&'was brought to u close.
Nrl > r.hki > iu. Iliiy Trotters.
LCMM.ION , Tub i , " . ' Tlio combinutlon
alii of trotters wus continued here to-day.
iixtj-tlut'u head were sold , bring-
ng 'O.sOO. Among the highest
irices were : Henator Bluckbiirn. by
Ucjone , .1 ICeeni' , Fort Spring , ICy. , * 'JOJO , ;
Caty XX'llkes , by Tuinpes , J. ( Jroiahton ,
) maha , $1,500. Moss Uosu , by Mucris , ll.uii-
iliitonlun. S C. Ljne , XS'lndoui , Kv , ? | , ; iV ) ;
llldus , by Kgbeit , M. O'WIuy , Nebraska ,
A TopoUa CoolliiKi-ntlon.
Toi-kKi , Kan. , Feb. S3. The ilve- tory
tone block occupied by the George XX' . Crane
ublishlng company burned this morning.
'he establishment employed 1T > people , arid
lie material , stock , machinery and work on
and were vulucd at nearly sao.OOO , Tlio
) ss ou thu building is $10OUO.
Approval of the Omnibus Dill Ctuis <
Qroat Satisfaction.
1 IIP Itetlreinont ol'tMMieral Koxcurni
Aj rrpd to by tlio House Alter
n Somculint Anhiintcit
WVSIIISOTON , Fob. Si. The house amen
incuts to the senate bill nuthori/lin ; the c-o
striictlon of a bridge across the Mlssissip
river nt Alma , \VK , xvnsconcurred in.
The following bills reported from coinmi
tecs x\ere placed on thu calendar :
House bill to nutliorl/n the construction i
u hi-ldp ? across thi1 Illinois river xvlthln sev <
miles of Columbian : ! , and xvithin sex-en mil
of Uampvillc- . , and tlicMirmy apropriatie
Mr Hoar mnvod lo talte up the olectii'
outrages resolution. Agreed to--.xeas .
n.iys ill ( p.irty x-otei.
Mr. Gorman took the lloor but yielded to
motion 01' Mr. Allison to proceed xvllh tl
consideiallon of the sundry civil apnroprii
tion bill The resolution xx-ns therefore lai
aside , and consideration of the sundi.x civ
bill resumed , the question belli ) ; on Mr. Hi
cock'H ameiidmcut offered .xesteul.iy. upnn
prlntlMir 3UM,0 : , Hi for the expenses of the c'eh
oration of the ot tin1 const.tutioi
Mr. otTeied a substitute for th
amendment. Agreed to. It declarer Tue'
day , April ! 10. Iss'.i ' , the , ) of the Ir
ainruration of ticni-go Washington , a natiomi
holiday throughout the Tinted bt ites ; pn
x-iilcs for Iho assembling of both houses i
the hall of the house of representative' * o
the second Wednesday in December , 1V > !
xvhen under urniiiKement by Joint comnnl
tee , suitable ceremonies uro to be held n
Itirther coinmomoration of tlmt hlstori
event ; authorl/es llio joint committee to In
vile the olllcers of Ihu United Stales , nm
tluouk'h the secret.iry of slate , tlio rmnv
sent.itives of foreign novoi nmeiits , tout
tend ; also Invites the chief Justice to dollve
a suitable address on the occasion , uud ap
propti.tlo t l,0)0 ( ) to defray the expenses of tin
joint committee in carr.xim ; , , ul its .m-.utiu
'J'ho bill xvas than reported buol ; to tin
senate and all Hie nmcuumcnl.s agreed to.
Mr. Daniel offered tin uniundment appro
piiatiiiK ? lt > , UOi > for the site and pedestal foi
the statue of ( Winlleld Sco'.t Ilan
coeU in Ihe citj of Washington. Agreed to.
Mr. Plumb called up the nmondment re
lieviig honorub\ ! elmire.d soldieis am
sailors , anil then xx idoxvs and children , frou
the necessity of competitive examination
and stipie.stliifr in connection xvith it , tin
query. "Was it to be doiie xvith their ffrand
child roil' "
The point of oulor sustained and the
amendment excluded.
The bill passed , andjllio senate procecdci :
to the eonsideratioa uf the agricultural no-
prapriatlon bill.
Air. UCOI-KO moved an amendment striking
out , the provision for diuributing seeds
through suaators and representative ! ! , ami
providing for their distribution through thu
experimental st.itions established Dy the
various citates , under the laxv of March ,
isST , in connection with agricultural colleges.
The bill XXMI then pissed.
The hoiibe umendmcnts to the senate Dill
for a pension to the xx'iduxv of General Sheri
dan xx ere non concurred in , and a conference
The senate then proceeded lo considera
tion of thoiebolnllon , reported by Mr. Kvaris
from the committee on pnvile es and elec
tions for .1 revision of the existing laxvs
rc. iilatin tlio election of members of cun- , and Mr. KC-.I/.II addiessed the senate
in opposition to the resolution , xUiich he de
c-laved to bo foi1 the purpose of
cirrynm on a ciusauu against
the southern states. He would vote
against the resolution because it xvas not
iX.uTJiited b , , iiiiiiiiibcauso ! , ; ' Ihe semitu
had uo iightful jurisdiction ox-erilie < iuoslion ,
nml bet lingo tliu proposed uroceod.ii xvoulu
buu denial of th > 'rU'ht of ! o-al self gox-orn-
moat. If the fedoratix-o system xxere once
brolcen uoxvti , and the capacity of people of a
st.uo for selfKOVorumeiileieiieuied , then
the union XXMS dcstiotcd unit the. liberties of
the cojulr.Stieiillced .
At ihe close of Mr. Hoagan's speech Mr.
IIo.ii- moved that the i evolution be. laid aside ,
and his resolution Instructing Ihe commilleo
on privileges and election to inxcsUgiito the
election outrages in certaia stales , be liiuen
Several roll calls followed on Mr. Hoar's
motion , ou motions to ndjourn and to go into
Lxccutix-e session , and finally , xvithout , action ,
the senate iidjonrncd.
II)1IH ! > .
WISHIM.IOS , rob.J. . ' . In thn house , us
Lho work xvas Uni-ilicil of reuling yesterday's
ournal , the iival chairiiiPii of the commitleo
> : i ways and means and appropriations xx'ero
Jit iho lloor claiming recognition. The
> l > 3akcr recognised Mills , xvho called up a
resolution touc-liinft tne consiilutioiial right
) f the senate to amend the Mills bill by
ueans of a substiluie de.iliriff with tlie entire
iilbjoct of taxation. Itutid.ill , statiiif ; that
ichnd reports to imike from the comiiiitleu
in rnlui , raised the question of consider.-
ion. The honso rofiise < l yeas , 85 ; nays ,
IS lo c-oasuU'r Mills' resolnlion.
The folloxvniL' " aemivratsoted in Ihe nop-
itix-e : Hliss , Br.xce , Chandler , Clilnmiin ,
Elements , Coxvlcs , Crain , Ctimiiiings , Dibble ,
iii-een , Hull , Henderson of Noith Carolina ,
lopkins of Virginia , .lohnston of North
. ' .uolina , untliam , Lynt-li , Merriam , O'l-'cr-
id , Outlixvalto , Penningtoii , Kamliill , Sim-
nons , Spinolu , Stf-xvarl of CiuorKin , Vance ,
iVnshiiiKloa and Wise.
Mr. Hland of Missouri also voted in the
it-rf'itlx'o for llio purpose of rccoiisideralion ,
nit n motion to that i-ffpct xvas met by Mr.
landall xvith a motion to table.
A motion to re.onsider xx'as tabled yeas ,
10 ; naya.U-l.
Mr. iiaiidull then ivpoi led from ihe com-
iiitlec on rules a lesolution providing that
ittcr to-day the dailv hour for asdumilin
hall he 10 o'clock ; thai from Unit hour until
I o'clock business shall he transacted by
iimnlmous and that the spi-akcr
hull not al i'ny other time reieix-e retpiests
or unanlmoiis consent , c-xcept to concur or
ion-concur in house amendments to senate
nils or pass semite bills when received from
he speaker's table.
Mr Hlaml , ot Missouri , objected to the
osolution on the around thut the time of the
rju-so should bo devoted to consideration of
lipropri.itions and the California contested
loction case.
The resolution xvas adopted and thu com-
ntteo on rules reported a resolution for
he immediate consideration of the scaalo
III tfr.intuiK a pension to Irene Hucker
ill u i-1 Ian.
Mr. Hri'cUeuril'e ( ( , of Kentucky , raised
lie ijuestirm of consiilurution and on division
Ir. Chcadlo , of Indiana , raised the point of
0 < | uoruui.
The house dotermincMl ye is 171 , nays iJ ! -
1 consider the resolution , Then filibuster-
ly xvas iuaut'iiiMled bMr. . Kil ir. ) of
'e\.is who in ivod udiournuient , itml when
tiaL motion xvas voted down follo-.vud it xvith
motion lor a n-cesH un'il T.30 Thn motion
3i-a recess xx-as lost yeas ' ' , nays 'ill.
Mr. Ueed'H reaoluliouvaithen aJoptud.
'J'ho Sheridan pctnion bill xx-a-i t uccii up
nd pt9ssd xvllh an itniendmcnt ll\m thu
iito ut $ rJ,5U ( per uaiiiini
Great satisfaction xx'as c-\pro iioJ 0:1 : bath
uku of tlio house xvneii it bccanu ( . ' .JiniMll.\ \
noxvn that tlio invslucat hud siiriu-d Hie lur
ilon il 1)111. Shoilly uflor the housn mala
Ituchil iai.Hicnir : T from tlio xvlntii hni se
i-ou > ; lit the following autograph loti-'rUi iho
liulrniun of tlm commiiit'o un loriilnnui
Hon. William M. Hprm erMy Dour Sir
signed the bill for the admission of Iho
cxv slales at II t5'ch > ck this inornmx' .
Vours vorx truli , Oiiuvnu C'l.iixn AMI
The committee on tut > ropji ted u ro-ium
on for the Imincdi tto consideration of the
.mate till ! for the retirement of iu > jc-cram
ith the rank of Iirliiiiior-Ronernl | The
Jiulution was adopted uud the 1)111 luUen up ,
Mr Spinolu of Now Vork diMircd lo otUr
II amendment iiuthuri/lnir llio p.i'sident to
| itoml | and reliru J U. i'Vemont us u major
[ 'iicrul , but under the terms of tlio rcsoiu
on the previous nuoitlou xvu > > ordered un
10 bill und the umendment c-uuld not be relive -
live 1.
Tlio bill waslhcn taken up and vizorous.v
ipojcd by Mr Strubloof IOVXM on the
round thut liciici ul Uosec-rans hud villilled
enoral Orant and Ueclaiod thut Orant wan
pc'oundrcl. This niun , xvho had villilled
10 uaino of thu country's hero , c-uuio lioio
to-dav ami nsKod for alii without n word <
apology or without showing that ho hn
ihanjed his opinion
Mr. Anderson of lowrt snid at ono time 1
had felt ihat , in consequcnert of the nssiul
mndu b\ General Uosecrans upon Generi
Grant , ho could never forgive General Uosc
crnns. Hut he had changed with time , an
hud coniu to the conclusion that the muni
thing to do In view of the great InDrmltlt
of human nature which attached to tl
greatest heroes , was to vote for this bill.
Mr. Cannon of Illinois said he was not vo
Ing to put General Uoseerans on the retire
list because of what he hud said , hut hi
cattse of what ho had done , and he heiune
that It L'lvssos S Grant could bo called f roi
the grave and stand in this presence h
would bo broad enough and grand enough t
sweep nsido the scenes which took pine
after the war , arising from passion and prc
udlce , and say , "I ivlll vote to put Iheimni
of this man on the retired list tn obedienc
to the w.shes of the great body of the toldlei
In the Into war , and on account of his sei
vices in the war. "
Mr. Mobiles of Iowa wns nstonlshed tliti
nn.v true friend of tlrntit should arise and ni
tempi to cast partisan shafts nt Generr
Kose.cratis. Ho stood out as onn of the lu
roes of victory nf the Into war. The me
win hud foui'ht with bun would never hen
hU nnmo tiirmshod und be silent. In th
course of his remarks Mr. Holmes said
"General Grant wus an autocrat when th
war ended , and endeavored to blot tlie tmm <
of li'vtecrans. as a were , from the roll of th
num. und iiUeinutvd to uirnish his fin
fame. '
Mr. Rimlnll warmly espoused the cause o
Mr. PerUlns of Kansas said thai n fev
jo.irs ago General Uosecruns stood alone 01
the lloor and oiipused tin1 Gr.uU bill , .sa.\iii' '
ho did n on pnnclile | , and that it wns wmn ;
to enlarge the rctued list for the benefit n
those who hail gone into the private walks o
life. Applying that principle to Ins own case
ho ( Perkins ) could not see how Kosccr.ui-
could ask for the pending legislation.
Messrs. Hendeison of Iowa , XX'c.ivor o
Iowa , Howden of Petinsylvuula and Me
Kenna of Culifoiniii favored tlie bill as .
matu-r of Justice to General llosecrans
Mr. Slruhlo regtetted that his colleuuw
( tlolmesi should refer to General Grani
as an autocrat and dictator.
Mr , Holmes lose to deny the use of tilt
hitter term , but Mr. Struliiu dwlined ti :
yield , saying , "You ought to bo ailiained oi
join-soil , and sit down foiovcr in the face ol
those rcnmrus. "
Alter further debate the bill was passed
Mr. Itaml.ill , from the committee on rules ,
it-ported a resolution providing lor consider
ation of the Cowlos bill on Monday next , and
upon his suggestion it was Kit I upon the
table tempui.iril.x , losing none of Us piivi-
leges ,
.Mr. Matson of Indiana desired to offer an
amendment tKiug a day lor consideration of
the bill repealing the act placing it limitation
upon the payment of nrroarages in pensions.
It was icad for " .nfurmatiuii , " us the
.speaker stated , though Mr. Keed samistl-
callj inqiiiiod xvliethur it was for mforma
lion or misinformation , and Mr. Henderson
of Iowa expressed u wish that it could be
read for business ut ouco.
The deficiency appropriation lull was then
ronsideiod xvithout any eoiiclusloa being
reached , and the house took a recess , the
evening session to be for consideration of
piivatu pension Dills.
Sltjilit Flro in Armoiir'N.
The { 'as in Ihe petroleum gas mnehiue
house at t'ie Armour Cadahy packing
houses , caught fire at 7:17 : o'clock Kiiilay
evening from a lamp , and but for the prompt
action of ! ' . H Watson.tho man in charge xvho
closed the mi.chine , there xvould have been
n p.-ctly neiious Un ! . In less titan two min
utes the tlrcmen had water on the flames ,
and they were extinguished belore anv
great damage xvns done. The roof of the
house XXMS slighllx burned and Mr. Watson
lost a < The machine is not injured and
xvill b > in operation today. Mr Watson
had a close call for Ins life , as the door xvns
closed xvheii tlio gis Ignited md the least
explosion would h ixv been iulal to him
rimrt Mai < - City .No. 1 UK Hull.
ITour Hundred and nine tickets \xero lateen
m at the door at the ball gix-en l.nt niprht 111
A. O II hall , Uowloy's block , by Court
Magic Cily , No. UJs , fndcpendent Older of
Koiesteis. If ever there xvas a suciessful
fi.iternul soeicP , ball given in Sonlli Omaha
il xvas Ibis. Although the large hall xx-as
taxed , the s.xsteinutie and Judicious cuioof
the several en mm it. Icemen made il seem just
full enough. The well arranged programme ,
the excellent music , the personal attention
uy conirniitceineii and brethren , and an ox-
L-ellenl supper were nolable features.
Xoii's About tlio City.
Editor J. B. Hnon of the Stockman , has
returned from Ko.uney.
Hon. John V McMillan retimiod from
Lincoln l-'iiday evening.
William Daley , a live I'cru business man ,
is In Ihe city looking for a location.
II. Vf. C'uluertsoii lias been appointed II. A :
M. car accountant , vice li. H. Sherman.
W. H. McCatlistcr has leturned horn Mis-
ionri , he has been visiting fiiends.
Mr. .lames H. Van Dusea und binlo ar-
rix'cd Tlimsduy ex-enlng from Union Springs.
Superintendent H H Meday. of the
"Jcorge If. Hammond 1'ackmg c-omnanv , bus
; oue to Chicago.
Suumleis A : Co , , of Chicago , next xxeolt
vill open u drx goods store m the new
dock , loom No. 1310't , N stieet.
Harnoy Mccary ( ! und dauKliler , Miss Klla
ilcUcary , of What Cheer , la. , aio thu guc ts
if Mr. and Mis. , ) . 1 > . Houngan.
A = ibislaiii Cily Engineer U. H. Lawrence
"Yiday evening leturned from licllcville ,
) ntario , Canada , wliero he lias been visiting.
Wallplusky and 1'olusky , txvo lloliemi.iiis ,
; ot into a quarrel at their boarding house ,
[ Vciitj-fouith mid N streets and woundup
n the city jail.
( Jruding Contiactor I ! I * . Stew.iU .xdl
wix'o Katnrdin for Arkansas. Mr. Sto.ix.ui
fill t iko tils lamily xvilh him and xxill Hist
u to Illinois to visit a brother.
fieorgo JI. Ling ot Sidney is visitnu the
urds to-day nnd is the guest of his old
lienil , t'liarles ' A 1'ilraoi , of this cominiMioii
inn ol Wiiggoner , Ilirney iS : Co.
George Parks , thu contractor biiiUlmg
lie now house for thurmour Cndah.v Pm'U-
iigfoiiip.ini , has commenced xvoi k. Seventy.
xfo perches of stone and : ; ojHM , ! brick xvill
u Itml ,
The Holio.iiiauinmnttlR \ Society Sokol
, -iIl ftivu a musk ball Saiuiduv cxeninu at
liiloiiy .v. 1'oilolak's hall. Thu pn/.u.s xvill
o awarded to lady nmskoisand liiicu prw-s
) genilemeii.
Major .1. C. Hirnev , ishilrmnn of the live
Lock samlary commnsioii. c.tmu In from
ilncoln uud Is virtitlii ! . ' Ins son , I'liurlos
. UIIIIDV. of the romiiilssion llrm olViig -
oner , Hlrnoy , V Co.
Union ll-J , Hrotliornood of CarpouU'i-i. and
oiners , of .Tiutli Oin.iiia . , h is dociii.'J tint , |
n and after .lime I , | yj , mm lurais shall
institute a day's xvot-1 * , inn ! Jlxod thu rat ut
ilrf coats un hour.
Washington's birthday at the Kmoii.m was
tie of lliu plaisantcsi mid best altondcd of
10 Ltdios' Uai-s at tlio Kinonnii , A nnuiuor
T Omaha frieiujs won' pre-iunt , umlxoial
nd iiistnimr-iita ! music added lu the intcicsi.
( Joorgo Ili-aiiley. arriiiled as a mil-
i-i-oUur , and .Iciome U'Koc-fc , urrcsluil for
ealing .lanini l-'auikaur s sliutKUu , xx'i-i'o
ic'i pivi n llftot-'i miinitos iMtnrd.iv , by
jdg.Koiithi to ICMVItl ; < - L.V. Tin-1 , hoth
- Cl'pll'll | | , gift
I'jv < < iJ nt.l II MM itrl 'mil t'liliiers'dl
in Walliioo an 1 Kio'iti.l ' ( irr.e . cif the
lii.ilia Niili'niil Inn' . , a. i-I un-s Vl > * < ji ,
ip'-rmli nduni "it o i / i .1 ia 1' LUIS , id - i .1
jnx were lh ( , - H s \ . 'i-rli\ it ( ' - . -i-
. JI h Mtxvn k md ui'iIMS mi i-"i- , in-/
iildnuof HID So.i'i ' . ) .na 11
[ 'OMtlx'l'l ) CIIH'd Iiy
iVI I -ll > ' I'lS-
> Mo'i MOD an
I ' f t iii-ijiit r m-
' \ ) f'lI'DU/llU'Si Null cl ,
Jiowwri'jss , I'-d T.istc .
15 ! iu Mcntili , ( Yn'ed
T'llI'II ) IIVI.II T'.cy
piilau thn Howeii > . 1'iucly \ egct llt' ) .
In coniMnallon , proportion , .iitd of ItiRrcdlPnls , llood's S.irjnpa-
rlll.t possi-ssra the rurntloxnluoit ) ( the best
known ronicU | , -v-l > , dies of Ilia
vcRcl.ttilo 6lOOU S Ulnpilom.
rccullarln ItsMrPiictlinml economy , llood'3
HnrsapnilllA htlic only medicine ofhlch cnn
truly liosald , ' Ono Hmidrrd DOJCS Ou < Del
lar. " IVcnllnt In Its meilloinnl niorlU , llood'i urcoiniillshcs cures hltherlo lin-
known , ' ' nl
the title of "Tlio greatest Mooil purifier ever
" I' III Its '
dliroxereil. good nnmo
at hoinc , " thrro Is morn of lliiod's
pirllla ? ld lu iowrll < thnn ot alt other
Moml piiilileis. IVcnllnr In Its
record of R * * _ . _ . * , I ; _ u-0' ' ahrond
no othei-r Cc-UNUI i-repnrntlon
cxor attained fo rapidly nor held so
stciidt.ii.tly the coiiflilcnro of all classM
of pooplo. IVouliar In Iho brain-work which
It irprcMcnts , llornl's Sirs.ipirlll.i com
bines nil the Knowlcdga ulmli inoitein
. BO kf | I" W'
srleiici- is B W BlOC I I di'xelopctt ,
wllh many years pr.ictloal cTpcilotieo In
preparing tnodlrliu-s. lie sine to git only
Mood's SarsapariSIa
l I llDOU.t Cd , Aiiotlicnirli- , Lowell , Mi ,
! OO Doses Ono Dollar
r. J. E. McGrew ,
One of tin * Must Sui-i-ps > riil
In the Treats ! of all Cluonic , Spe
cial anti Private Diseases ,
LOSS OF MANHOOD , r , f , '
Niiul Organs , absi > lnlul.x mi oil.
unli'cd ,
QVIM niQPAQCx ? lilH trcntnnint for x\hl-h
or\m UlOUMOLOi gh i"i Iho most bi'innlfii
( ompli-Mou , nnd a porfci-t M.III.
i-'i-nd stump for reply.
Office tJushtnaii Uloo < . lOtli and
Doitulas Sl-j. Omaha. Nee
Nr.ltVOI LltllONK unit I'lllX ATIJ IIIS.K XSK9 ol
X1TA nml \ XOMis.ucei : ttidr lre.lluil
SitlVrliiK from Iliu i m-rn ol rniiltirnl fiilllo nr India
r-retluiK , nr .iro tniulilc-il wltli XVonknvi" , .Norvmu
Di'hliliN , lo > of .MiMiiorj , lii-n ) | > iitti > ii Xvurston tg
- < M ii-I \ , Kl i * . Trdiilil.or n\ itl i m * ' of IhiMiotn
t < > I iiniiv ( ) rtuit < nm lion- Hint s.ifi nmlpeiJj
ruro. MiiiriJt-s it * MMiuible , rl l > e.i i.ill ) lo Hie | u > or
Tliriu Hri' MI.11 v tionhlo 1 vrit'i too fuMtiiciit nrjrini
.iu.t nf thiMj i tilt r nlU'll in' 'ini tiilttl ii > it HlUliI
itn utttii ; ur bur.iiiu sciHHthtn n 1 \\c iK itihitf > l tin
* > sli'iu in it imintti r tin1 pattcut t ti nut account Cm
> iM'\Hiiilnli > u the ut In HI v depoMts a IIITV ; < MIIUMI ] | |
Mil uttiMi ho f i ni nit , nnil goritftlnuM ptitl < tcs t f ultiu
iifiinill tippnu oi llui mini In vt a linn UillKliti
na * nciin cMituitfinu' tn t il irk > i * toriil t , ii > i < t > ttrnruo.
I'lHMt nrt iimiiv tiii'n * vhn ilii1 ut this iliili * tilt ) , Ijnor-
in1 n tjo .in11 liUli i * tin1 MM'im | < 4tnir * of snml
iilvtiMkiUH . 'Ih'Uuit'ir will uiiar.nitcr a poilo t
rtniin tli HIII It i IM nntl it hiMittirt'Miitntlonnf
lie iMiito unn'tij ' irun n CoM-uttnt' in fti'o. * "oiul
i-LMit < tiiinpri > r'Hinu MUM In nil o , liulito lo
pVoiil' ' ' * J Ir i to : v I A I lie
Alum .mil llilli St. , Kuiisasi t'll.v , Mo.
Ei * .Mott'ltin ' iIH < | i iicr. |
'iiH'-l .111,1 ciiNi--t ] | Mont ) l voiirlni.-loi k lurSouiit
luilc l ) | ho unit - uiiirs A Hc-nl lou , -illl luvuluu
lotoiilc. Xiiniul 'ilis VJ" ,
i.o iiiuiiMin jwlllu.u Ehnilc uf .liislm Mm
itiiie ti ) I'luo icrtit Ititic
-"III liy-iiii ( > ki't > , > pr4iiMi IT * nml UriiuvM *
IlillliiN I.\III.XI I' 01 Ml'\l' ' ( ) . I W , t."inli > n.
Drin ( * in I llln ! * llnnc'Aln.
XX'arranlcd itliialutcly jiiiro
Conin , from hn li lh rx.e o (
Oil liubc'nrtnu inlihisinoro \
tlttiii tlnre time * Hie Htreiiijtli
ol Cncn.t lilttcilllli Slir ti , Xtfuw-
root or Suc-ir , and n Ihrrelorf fjr
iii'veccnromicxl.cost llnj Ifss than
aiir cent a citp. It h ilclicioui ,
lMiurilnni : , Vrinitl > cniii ) ( , cuilydi-
-lf J,3nrtrfliiuibly ntL.pttd fnrin-
jliJ , a \\ell i- * for jx.-r.jOii : > in tiejlth.
Soli ! \ > i Urorcrs f tcrjnlierc.
. BAKER 6 CO , , DorcScr , Mas ? ,
tJStxTI'.lTI- CU'ill'OIMIMi
Ss's Cocoa.
iiKi.u : r.\.sr. \
'Il > u IlKiriiiivii I , inh'l ' "f i.'n' ii-iiiirnl Inwj
UL i.-11/01 u Hit- > ! " . ' ! ul" n - Oi.ei- > i nuU n itri
ni nnilli n i-.iiMfnl inii i ill-ill nf ihi' nn , ' iir.inur
'kin" wuii > jli > ii'ili in-in Ur Knptlin * | ir < lii ! > iloiir
iikl i t i iiiln nil'i ' n i'i' l < it -I I'll T. I li" i IUH
lll'llllll , , / , IIIllllll ) lllMVV ililll'li li 114 1111
tinIn In In ii IIHC ill "iin'i ' : utli lis , it iiuit tijat , i
iKilt.m ui iniiy intm lu i I ) ii'Hlt ' up mi II Mrniu
ui'llli t.i ic-i-t cufilcIII | < HI r IK ill- .1 u Illlu-
IT- ! . -I iiiitii- mil 11 oniro rt > ntiii4 iinmn I nt r'.nlr
ntiii < U tvhi'nir.-r tliiri * i" , ui > n < t iDirit xvi * ma/
j-n i.in11 mini tliuil li > ki'-lMiu ; < iiiui > lti" < wi-ll
rtilh' I with IIHI-II nl'i 11 iiml n ii-Oi't-rli I.OIIM lit'il
inn' I Ivll Mrvniiai < tl < ' .
LI i In m mill nil i ixilll'i. uiTur iinlli H i it i ill ;
lull iniiniil uni lir i.rni-i M iHim't-1 tiu :
y 9. nn iimii'tMtui' (
w LU , . 10 . KA.IMI. .
i ( iliis nu. Iti'lfavl. ( riililliiiiiii ! i iv
From ( lew York Every Tuns lay , 1 1 i--.trfi > 4l' 1 > ' . .v < I'll nn lo li > iil'jll
ni ' , ' ' J.- : ' . . "iu ; ' > -i - "U
? eiJ 'o ' ) anil f.'ini < p ( > at I > ' -it Jtv i
> 1.N IIM.OV. IX ft in . < ! 'fl \ > "II'H
r > i Hi . . . .I 10 , v < \ \ orW
HI \ in. iiilJS. : < < ! ! 1x 1 i-'U'i ' AI ; '
Hit U , | ' ' < lhl ! t I 11 .t 0.
K MOOUI' " . . ' --ii . 'I un' .1
u i a' ' ri * In < _ .ljt 'ow K.x-
Koinni niililr fur PL K I-M |
" " ' . ll't ' ll ) O UCtlOII 'lll'l U)4l'lt' ) ( ! ' ( I U I'll-
i v il ) venrV i-tuonl llio l)0-.t tviiinm-
1 ' ( if tliO OXCOl < > rico ( if tlit-bO HiBt'-U-
JfC mn-ieM < u'iy ti > td muullily by twee 10,000
S : vl-itllea. Arn.S'it/f , Ffftctuulutul I'lratant
' > Jf I I'Thnx lijrmall orutAniisiiMt-firnled
TJB EcncKA Uu'jdiciL'Co. , IJuniOlT , Micu.
'c. ' ttuil liu mail Ini ( Jiwdinttr