Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    TTTTC OMA1TA "DAILY imEvTm.tAY. ) tflBTmTTATTP 22. 1889.
Collection1 ? of internal revenue yes-
terdtij1 were tt, ! ,
A. 0. Cnmplioll U liold in custody on
the clmrfto of turning tnotiey to his own
account Unit did not belong to him.
Ono hundred nml forty cases of tcrno
plrito from Swansea , Wales , passed
the customs house yesterday. They
\voro consigned to llio Lcc-Clnrk-An-
(1 resun coniany. ]
The American Waterworks company
in rusning a ferry large enough to carry
bi.x loaded wagons across the Missouri
riv.T at Florence for bringing material
from the Iowa side for their rip-rap
near the works.
C. II. Cornell , of Vnlontinc , Is nt the Pax
S. 0. Gregory , of TnlmnRC , is nt tlio rut-
Hon. Church Howe is a guest at the Millard -
J W , Hiilllngcr of Ilsistitiir-j isnt the Mil
I ) . TiiBpart , of Hastings , is n Riicst nt the
H. T. Klnnco , of Lincoln , is stopping at the
C. H. Wallace of Sidney Is a fjucst at the
T. C. Phillips , of Grand Island , Is at the
John .1 Kochc mid wife , of Ncllgh , arc at
the I'aMon.
.lohn H. Marulcy , of O'XcIll , is a guest at
the I'axton.
.1 I' . Ilm-lman , Jr. , of Kearney , is stopping
nt tlio Pnxton.
L. O. Minn , of Howard , Nob. , Is stopuing
nt the I'axton.
" "Ed. I. Howell , of London , Kng. , registered
nt the Puxton ,
.1. .1. Stnbbs , of Oakland , Neb. , is a guest
nt the Mitre-ay.
W. A. Klulnc. of Nebraska City Is stop
plim at tbo Mlllard.
Mr. Luther H. dishing , of lloston , was in
In the city yesterday.
Frank Hiimmoml of Fremont registered at
tlio Mlllani ycstordav.
.1. W. Trammcolc , of Lincoln , registered
nt the Paxton .yesterday.
J N. Woods , of Hloomington , 111. , Is among
the guests altlio Murray.
H. O. Phillips , of Lincoln , was .1 guest nt
the Paxtnn house yestei day.
J M. Timelier , of Fort Nlobrara , icgis-
tcrcd nt the Pa\toa last night.
Eugene Carter and lf ! . Ives , the billiard-
ists , are stopping at the Murray.
Thomas Jensen , of David City , was one of
the guests at the Puxton last night.
Kd Hrunhoff , repiesontlng the Illinois
Slants Xeilung , of Chicago , is in the city.
C.V. . Chambers , of Lincoln , was calling
upon friends in the county building yester
A. J. Sawyer , C. A. Atkinson and II. M.
Buslmoll , of Lincoln , were at tlio 1'axton
last night. _
Not .1
Abraham Steincr , the grocer on Fourth
sti cot , who was charged with bigamy , was
arraigned before .Justice Falker yesterday
and discharged.
Senator It
Senator Mamlursoii arrived in town yes-
tcrnay and received hosts of fi lends at ttie
Millard. The only pronounced opinion to
which be gave expiussioa was that Ucllevuo
119 a site for the fort was out of the question.
On In
The Creiglitoi : Duards have decided to go
to Washington City and take part In the an
niversary of Washington's Inauguration ,
which occurs April ! ! ( ) . The guards liavo not
determined upon iho day of their departure.
in the : lilnck Hole.
Chief Scavey has bad twelve rules posted
conspicuously in tbo central station for the
government of that place. Tlio most import
ant one is No. 11 , which provides that every
day tin ; cells of the station must bo swept
anil sciubbcd anil on every Tuesday the walls
anil ceiling whitewashed
Did Not Kscnpc.
James Thomas , the criminal who was tried
before Judge Croft and a Jury yesterday ,
for Uurglary , and acquitted , made a very bold
attempt to escape , while Deputy Sheriff
Grebe was taking him from the court room
back to the county Jail. Circbo llrcd once at
him , but Thomas was stopped by some people
tit Fifteenth and llarncy streets.
Another Clergyman in Town.
Kcv. Mr. Thaln , the newly elected pastor
ol Plymouth Congregational church , ICounuo
place , lias arrived , and will preach in his
now pulpit on Sunday next. His farewell
sermon to bis Hock in Galcsburg , 111. , was
preached In tlio First Congregational church ,
and it is sam that the church was thronged
with people who reluctantly bade the gentle-
wan fcrowoll.
Those Mun From Millard.
Owing to an error in the nfilduvit made
previous to the arrest of the live persons at
Millaril who resisted Constable S. H. Clark
in the performance of bis duty and threat
ened to kill him , they were discharged. The
prisoners were Chris Popponhagon and bis
son William , Constable August Smith , Jus
tice of tbo Pcaco Kclsoy and Chris Koch. It
is said Hint the quintette got gloriously drunk
last night In celebration of their iclcasc.
Constable Clark says that bo will tlio another
infurmatlon against them anil sco that there
are no clerical errors in it this time.
Douglas- n ( on.
Mr John Douglas and Miss , Parthcnia P.
Urcnton were married Wednesday evening
nt S o'clock at St. John's church , Twenty-sixth
nml Franklin streets. The ceremony was
performed by Kcv Osgood Pearson. Invita
tions were given to n limited number of
intimate friends , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas will
bo nt homo after Maich 1 , at their residence
corner Twenty-seventh , avenue and Miami
street ,
Mr. Douglas is well and fn.vor.ibly known
In tbo city , being a member of the llrm of
Finlayson and Douglas , printers.
for llio School Census.
According to the law the annual school
census must bo completed by the llrst Mon
day in April , and tbo work of those taking
tbo names may commence thirty days before -
fore that time. As the llrst Monday in April
Is April 1 , the work of enumeration nmy
commence March U , n week from next Sat
in iliiy. There- will bo one enumerator in
each ward , making nliio in all. The power
of appointing these canvassers is vested by
law in the secretary of the board. Mr. Piper ,
who now tills that position , has thus far re
ceived twcuty-Uvo applications for the posi
A New Train.
The comieotiiu : link between Ne
braska , and Kansas has just boon placed
In service by the Union Pacific railway.
Tliis train Icuvou Council ] { hilts daily nt
4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha nt 50o ; a. in , ,
mid ruiib tli rough without change to
Manhattan , Ivan. , making direct con
nections thuro with the Kansas division
of Uio Union Pacific railway for till
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topokn , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points east anil south via
Kunsub City. Koturning , train leaves
Manhattan at ii'J5 : p. in. ; arriving at
JjifntricontG2o : ! | ) . in. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omiilm at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:10 : ] > . in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Ktuibns City , Lawrence , Tonoka
nml the oust , and from Denver , Suliim ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in tlio shortest
possible tiino. Those trains huvo first-
class equipment , consisting of BinoVinr
cars and llrstclass day co IlOS O'f the
latest pattern. The ; , ow lruin will nu
a long felt wut m d is bound to bo
popular ,
Two Tlioiifmml Dollar * In Cold Ilnrd
Is the amount that the old , original
Hankers' Life association of DCS Monies ,
represented bv their general agent , W.
C. Heer , paid to Mrs. Lida M. Hoycr
yesterday , in the parlors of the Omaha
'National' bank. The Bankers' Life as
sociation of Dc Molncs , Jn. , is the first
insurance company to pay the loss on
Mr. Doyor , and is the old , original , con
servative company of that name. A
policy in it costs about Jo per thousand ,
per tin num. The company is represented
in Omaha mid Council Blurts by W. C.
Hcer , in Omalia National bank build
The New Institution Which In to he
Opened To-tiny.
Deft fingers \\illingfcctwcre freely
taxed jcsterdny in the new crccho for the
public reception to-day.
The ladies have received some contribu
tions of furniture uut need more. Dona
tions of rugs will bo especially acceptable.
The new building Is ono In which the to-
clcti may well take nrldc.
The exterior has often been described in
the papers ami noeiis no mention here. The
interior is ndmlralilv arranged. Kntcring
through the front door Into a small hall the
visitor turns to the left into the ladles' recep
tion room , ncn/y little apar.ment about six
teen feet siiuaie. On the riirht of the hall is
the largo airy pla.\ room , and back of this
is the illmng room. Off from
the dining room me the kitchen
and pantries , and on tbo south side is llio
room where the babies will be received. Ail-
Joining this are two bath rooms and closets
for clothes , I Icing received hero through
ttie side entrance tbo little ones will bo
treated to a bath and a change of clothes be
fore they will bo allowed to Join the other
In the basement the laundry.roal ami vege
table cellars aim tbo storage room are lo
Up stairs arc the nursery , sick room ,
matron's room , .servants' ' rooms , bath room
and dormitories. There are two of the lat
ter , ono for girls and ono for boys , so situ
ated that the inution c.m overlook both. They
arc largo and well ventilated und furnished
with neat iron bedsteads.
There is also n commodious attic which , if
the necessity for more room becomes npnar-
unt , can be readily converted into sleeping
The reception will take plnco from 2 to 10
p. in. to-morrow with the lollowing commit
tee of reception. Mrs. T. L. Kimball , pres
ident ; Mrs. Walker , vice president : Mrs.
Thos. Kdp.Urlck , treasurerMis. . W. S.
Curtis , secretary ; Mrs. Win. Wallace , Mrs.
W J. Hroatch , Mrs. Thomas Cn ey , Mrs.V. .
J. CouncilMrs. Henry Akm.Mis. L. A. GrofT ,
Mrs , . Aug. Pratt , Mrs. A. Alice , Mrs. IV
Martin , Mrs. O. M. Hitchcock , Mrs. J. C.
Cowin , Mrs. U. Hosewatcr , Mrs. E. D. Van-
Court , Mrs. A. D Moore. Mrs. Uurlington
and Mrs. Geo. A. Joslyn.
That Tired Fooline
Afllicts nearly every one in the spring.
This by&to-m having become accustomed
to the bracing air of winter , is weak
ened hy the warm days of the changing
bciihon , and readily yields to attacks of
dibcasp. IJood'rt Sarsaparillu is just tlio
medicine needed. It tones and builds
up every part of the body , and also ex
pels all impurities Irom the blood. Try
it this scabon.
They Stand Kirm and So Docs the Op
The striking tailois are still out and there
is no present indication of a speedy settle
ment of the difllcultics existing between them
and their former employers ,
The strikers arc being reinforced by the
occasional coersion to unionism of some
of the I'on-union men now employed in tbo
sliops. A pants maker who began working
for Hclin < Sc Thompson Wednesday quit yes
terday and joined the strikers , and a coat
maker employed since the strike by Uamgo
quit Wednesday night without finishing the
garment ho was working on.
CiUeltcrtifc McDonald yesterday received a
letter from Chicago which stated that a com
pany of ten non-union tailors wore then ready
to come to- Omaha if their lure should bo
paid. The lirm deemed to forward the money
and the men will bn hero to day.
"We nro not worrying ourselves any , "
said Mr. McDonald , of tlio same llrm. "It
is a dull time ncbt between two seasons , and
to tell you the truth , wo huvo a man bore
now , a pantsnmkcr , whom wo didn't have
work for und bad to send him in to Helm &
Thompson. The merchant tailors arc help
ing each ether to llll orders , and wo are get
ting along swimmingly. "
In the meantime the Journeymen continue
to bold fruoucnt meetings at Green's hall ,
but as to what transpires during these con
ferences they maintain a strict reticence.
The merchants assert that the strikers bavo
insinuated that they would bo willing to
compromise , but the journeyman deny this ,
and say that they will have what they ask
for or nothing.
The merchants are hold n meeting at
Hamge's yesterday altcrnoon and adopted a
new bill ofiiriccs. Thcio is a decided do-
jit-caso In the scale from the old bill. Tne
price for dicsscoats remains unchanged , but
for frock and sacic coats and overcoats there
is a general decrease of ono dollar , while in
homo instances tue reduction is still
greater , as for instance in the case of
singlo-brcastcd sacks , the price lias
been reduced from { 1U to $ S. In the prices
paid for pants , n reduction of 50 and 75 cents
has been made , and in the case of vests the
former prices nave nil been reduced IM cents.
There is also a marked reduction in extras.
Tills bill , the merchants assert , is still
Higher than the ono paid in St Paul and
Minneapolis and the same as paid by the first
class houses iii Chicago and Denver.
Last night the Journeymen tailors held
another meeting , and the sentiment in favor
of btanding llrm was unanimous. They say
that they will win because their demands
are just and reasonable.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnamst. ,
telephone iL'lil , blank book makers , etc.
William II. Urlilgo applied to the district
court yesterday for a peremptory writ of
mandamus to require Justice of tlio Puace H ,
U. A.Viulo to accept a bond to appeal an at
tachment , easn from his court , Tlio fault
brought by John G. i'casnor to attach a largo
quantity of flour belonging to Hriuge. Justice
Wade rendered a Judgment In favor of thu
plaintiff , and Hridgo made an effort to appeal
tlio cause to the district court , hut the jus
tice' , ho claims , would not accept any bond
that ho offered.
A Choice Selection ol Them Hcforo
the Police Justice.
John Scdclcnk lay in the cooler over night
for being drunk and Insulting Miss Anna
Flola who lives at 14SO south Thirteenth
street. When Ofllcer Sabeck attempted to
arrest him ho made n vigorous resistance
but was overcome by force. When arraigned
lie attempted to ; wln the judge's sympathy
by telling how ho wns injured uy the collni so
of his house several WCCKS ngo. Iho judge
smiled and lined him * I2 fiO.
John Peal , n vagrant who has been so
often before the judge that his honor slehs
whenever ho puts In an appearance , was ar-
r.algncil Wednesday , but he claimed that he
had n job of work nml was released. > Ycs-
tcrnav ho was again arraigned , out this
time was given fifteen days ,
Gcorgo Hincs , another chestnut who
claims to bo n clgnrmakcr , was fined $10
mid costs.
.1. C. Kvnn , who hns no money , but
neltnowlcdgcs that helms managed to live
without work for nearly two months , was
sentenced to fifteen days' labor.
Frank Connolly , another vagabond , was
given a mop and will use it vigorously in the
cells for ten dnjs.
.too Nelson and Pat Kearney pot on a
drunk together. Pat bad n greater cnpacitv
than Joe , and was only gloriously full when
Joe toppled over dead drunl : . Hoth were ar-
icsted. Joe lay in a drunken stupor for six
bouts , and when bo came to was sui prised
to find himself behind iron bars As thjs
was his llrst olTen o ho was released without
fine. Pat is nn old offender and was mulcted
? : ro.
James Morrison , who enmo up from South
Omaha to get drunk , paid i .r > 0 for the priv
Jim Urown , a fellow whom the police says
makes his living bv stealing and has never
been known to work , is In custody on sus
picion. Jim Harrett , who was with him nt
the time , was also arrested.
No one should delay when they have
a cotiffh or cold , when a f > 0 cent , bottle of
Higclow's Positive Cure will promptly
nml bnfoly euro them. Dollar sl/.e cheap
est for family UbO or chronic cases.
Goodman Drug Co.
A .
Wednesday evening nt 4"i5 : o'clock
n still alarm was turned in
telling of a tire on the bottoms
near the foot of Chicago street. The bluzo
proved to bo in a shanty owned by Ncal
Thompson , and the members of the family
had just ahoilt tlmo to escape in the most
scanty of attire. In the confusion an infant
child was forgotten until the attention of the
family was- attracted by its cries , The
father cushed in an saved the little fellow ,
finding him badly but not dangerously
burned. The damage to the building was
about ? ' 0.
Wednesday morning at an early
hour the llro department was called
to M5 South Thirteenth street by
a blayo immediately in the rear of
Smith's laundry. It proved to bo a ben coop
supposably set on fire by a heap of ashes near
by. Owing to its nearness to other buildings
the tire might have proved very disastrous
had it not boon promptly extinguished. The
damage was only nominal.
Urccham's Pills euro bilious and nervous ills.
Marriage 1-iceiiHes
Following tire the marriage licenses issued
yesterday in the county codit by Judge
Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
William Drain , Omaha . 25
. Liio Wassmnnn , Omaha . 17
I Unas F. Johanson , Pueblo , Cole . i4 !
I Annie , I. Anderson , Omaha . 'Jli
Henry G. FiUmaurico , Omaha . lit
Mis. Maggie Hlaclc , Omaha . -0 !
Instruments Placed on Record Dur-
Ine Yesterday.
H 13 Carltoa to L H Stcnilman. lot 5 , Stan-
tini IMiice , w d . . ? 1,000
U Maxtor anil wife to 1 * 1 } U bill et al , lots
Uland21 , blk 1. .Millard Place , w < l 5.COO
South Unmliu Land Company to 1) ) ( ! Me-
Koe , lot r > . blk 4S South Omalm , wil . . .
11 Kunklo and \\lfo to Ceorge Werner ct
al , sw ui > lkllyilo 1'lacu. wil . . . . 200
J A Anderson and wife to II W Yates , lot
C , blkl ! , IlllNuliMidd , wd 3,500
J , J Urown and husband to C } 'iItalian ! ,
lot 7 , blk K1 , KIoiuiKv , wa 423
G \V louts to i ; Miller , ono aero cor
no 7-rj-IO , w U . 1
K Miller to John Steer , same , wd . . . . Ij
OW liognn nml u He to C W I'lerson , lot
8 , blk : : , Hanthoine , wd l.COO
O.H and 13 a llallon et al to William II
Itussell , pt blkl , Ambler Plate , w < ! . . . . fiOO
13 M Taylor to.I I , M IK'S et al , lot Hi , blk
17. Orchard Hill , wil COO
0 I-1 llnik-erot ul to II M Taylor , lot J4 ,
blk 17. Orchard Hill , w (1 003
S S Curtis mid wlfo to 1 M Schock , lot 10 ,
blk 4. Onmhii View , w d l.ijOO
It H tJiinliam et alto J K Heater , lot4blK
I , I.ako View , w d . . . 2,500
W K Drmnmond to William 13 Oration.
lots 1 to a InclusUe , blk C , lloullng
Creen , wd 1,500
1' Stltes nmlllo to John DooliUlo & Co. ,
lot fjll. North Side add. w il COO
U ( iiocox and wife to O ( J Huston , lot 10 ,
I'echam phuo , w il 600
0 llumieu and \\lto to II Meyer , lots fi. 0
anil 7. blk 8. I31kliorn. w d 300
W W Lemon ami wife to A Stockadlelots
i ! . 7 anil f , AlillnoMpiaie. w d 10,010
11 T Maxwell ami wile to II A Churchill ,
w 'M It lot ( I. West Hill ad , wd 3,003
J Mertllk and wife to J .Michael , lot 7 , blk
S1 , Omalia , w il . . 2,200 , mayor , to H 1) Amyn , n 22 ft lot
0. blk 2.j , rioronce. deed 2
Twenty-two transfers It'.ICS
Iuil inu Permits.
The following building permits were issued
yesterday :
T. 15. , one-story frame , Thirteenth
and Nicholas t % 0
John It. bhaw , one-story fiamu , bain ,
1'orty-llrnt ami Hamilton. . 300
U. I * . Dietonobtory frame bainU7 aw
C. 13. ( Jnatd , two-story frame duelling ,
Walnut Hill . . . . . . . . 2,000
Sleepless nights miule miserable hy
that terrible cou > ; h. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
Articles Filed.
The Ferguson Furniture company , with n
capital stock of f 10,000 , filed articles of in
corporation yesterday with County Clerk
Kochc. The concern is onrani/cd lor nn ex
istence of twenty years. The inoorporntors
nro Joseph Ferguson , David Cole , Henry
Crclghton and Harvey Shipinan.
Amended at ticlcs of incorporation of the
Union Trust company were lllcd yesterday
with the county clerk , The amendment to
the original articles provides that the board
of directors shall consist of nine stockhold
ers instead of sovcn. The ofllccrs of the
company nro William A. Pnxton , president ,
and Kobert L. ( Jarlish. secretary.
rKSSSs SHsfe.
' "IS ? & " ! "T 1 ? ' SSfe ? -
n l Illl Illllll"1
hus the , J ; Mustang'conquers ! \
Makes MAN or BEAST well agai
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never \nrlps. A innrvolof purity
strcnptli nml wliolt'soiiii'iicss. More urniioinlcii
thnn the ordinary klmK iiiul rnntiol liri sold It
comuctltlon with tno imiltltuili'4 of low co t
ihnrtwolKlit iiluiu or pliimphnto powders Soli ]
only in cniis , Hoynl linking 1'owUcr Co. , iv
Wnll street , New Vorlc
Chicago , Ills , ( ClarkSt ,
The Regular Old-Established
It still Treating with the Greatest
J / * .
Clirouic , Ncryons and Mate Diseases ,
Ki NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Fnlllnc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Bock Ache anil all ( lie effecll
leading to early decuy ami perhaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-fatline success.
-SYPHILIS and nil bad Blood and SklnDls
easea permanently cured.
ATS-KIDNEY and URINARYcomplalnt , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Slricture , Varicocele and all disease !
of the Gcnlto-Uriimy Organs cured promptly wilhoul
injury to Stomach , Kiilne > s or oilier OrKans.
Aii * No experiments. Age and experience lm <
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
3-Scnd 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous ami Delicate Diseases.
S"Those contemphting Mairiace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , eacl
15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) Consult the oIJ
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallinaysaveruUiresiifler.
\ng \ and Oiame , am ) add golden ) ears to life. * 3Hook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors"jocentsstamps ( ) . Medicine
nnd writings sent crerj where , ( .ccure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 tn 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL ,
i i i * XJ VVX * I _ gt < K&3 * fmviwmmmit
6 MOJ. . * * M& THE 0 N.LY-
i/ifil ETINEM DKo D fl nVlLLECAU
'Send for cir , $ ' HrM\i3 \ fr Q.S-
Abie and Cat-R-Oure
Santa : : - -
For Sale by
G-oodman Dru Co.
Sl'f.ciF'io 1ms ( iircd 1110 or a
illinium t breakltiK out on my li'K , lilcli
LHtiscil Intolerable | iuin. called
I Itezunm by thu do IOIH four oflioiu
itieiiteilinuitli no relief. I runiililly
I confess that I owe my present KOOI !
ill * ulth loS. S.H. which In inyehtlmutlon
11 inviiliKiblu us a Ijlood luincdy ,
.Mlss.llTIlIJllWlTT. .
SSJ7 N. luth St. , St. Louis , Mo
Our baby when two months old uns
| at tacked with Scronilo , liUli fora IOIIK
I tlmo destroyed her eyesight rntlioly.
land rnu-ed todesiialr of her life , Thu
IdoitoiH fulled to relieve her , . .inda
IKnvoherSWIFT'S Sri.i n ic. which boon
li'iirrd hci cntlrel ) , and blio Is now halo
I nnd hearty.
| i ; . V. DI-I.K , Will's 1'olnt. Texas
1 r T'Send for book Klvintt hlntory of
Illool Dlseuhi-s nnd adilio to snlleier/ / > .
Imalloa free. TuiS : HThi'i.'int Co. ,
Drawer 'J , Atluiitu , On.
PATENTED Auo. 10 , ' 1887. IMPROVED FED. 1,1889.
' to cure Ibt fol-
MI. E.mflj All
CompUlntl ,
; iLumbago , General ana
- Nervous debility. Oof
ttveneii , Kidnyr Diieties
Kervouiness , TreraMin ,
Bexual Eih ustionW if
Ing of Body , Disrates
Indlieretlont In Youth , Age , Mar-
Kle Llf , Jc rei * ' ll f"ei i vrutDiua
. . . ur r tuul orrtni of mile or ftmilt.
lit-nHiitnii k : 1'Aimra ( is au IMVH mui ,
i IeJ | .ro'lill | , titlJ ll ) t
. DTdOK. UcDtlooltiliirer | tdlrmi
SOU North Broadway. bT. LOUIS. MO
Owtn'i Electrio Belt Attachment.
ere wlib e&it ao < l eomfort. Tb cur *
nadf lulU or lroor. TLll la lh 00)7 )
tlecirlfl truit end ttlt Ter msif. It
HiibtiinlD tnm IV l DO da , , , lor full dfltrlllion of Dr.
Owtn't KI olro Qilrttilt r > lii , HI lt l in ll.ut Truiici in J
Inioln ifpj 8e. for Mil lllutr lf-i - piuitiltt ol'leU "HI U
lent joa lo pl > ln ic > le < l tDKlo [ . HoJ , oul > lit tt
300 Worth Broadway , BTOUia , MO. _
> irucnajf ully u&txl uiouthly by over 10,000
' Ladies. AteSafe , Effectual and J'leauint
> $1 iicrbnx by nmll.or at ilniRKlBts. Sealed
-J'tiritculart 2 poetngn ftanipd. Addroxd
J'or sale anil li l innll ! > ] / Goodman
Vri < u Cot Omaha , Nebraska *
Preparatory to opening our spring goods we have tnnuguraicrt n Ornncl Closing Out Sale of ninny lmct
ol'our most populni lots in our
Mens' ' Suit Department , and Our Childrens' ' Department
LOT NO. 1--WC hnvo marked n number ofMcns.'Pnncy Worsteds , Scotch nnd American Cheviots
nnd Cnssimct'cs SncU Suits , embracing goods sold nil season for $18 , $2O nnd $ 22 , down to the popular
price of $12.BO to close. Wo wish it understood thnt we nllow no goodsto grow rusty on our counters.
These nre nil this senson's goods , new nnd fresh , nnd made ns only first clnssclothing should be , perfect
in etiers respect , nnd guaranteed to give such satisfaction to the purchaser , as to Increase the popularity
tlio Continental has already obtained by selling only reliable goods. Remember the price of this lot o
Mens' Fine Grade Suits , is $12.5O.
LOT NO. 2.--We have consolidated several lines of Youths' Cassimerc and Cheviot Sack Suits , and
wil , offer them at $12 per suit. We guarantee thnt not one in this lot has ever been sold tn our store for
less thnn $18 per suit. Buyers will appreciate the price when the goods nre examined.
LOT NO. 3 In this department we will offer about 1GO suits of pure , all wool fabrics , goods which
have sold nil senson for $1O , at the nominal cost of $7 per suit.
BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , Ages 10 to 13.
LOT NO. 4 Aspecial bargain lot of School Suits in Cheviots and Cassimores , the roughly reliable
goods , are offered to close atS.
LOT NO. 5 This week we have sold n large number of pantaloons , advertised last Monday ntO.OO.
Now styles will be added , nnd we claim this tobe the choicest bargain fenle we have ever hnct. Now ,
fine Trousers , in several choice styles at $ B.5O. Not one pair hns been sold for less than $0 , and some as
high ns $0. nnd $7.
LOT NO. 0 In addition to the nbove we have ndded ISO pairs of genuine SawyerCassimerc Panta
loons , in n neat brown check , in all sizes up to 42 waist , at $3.OO per pair. And 2OO pairs of all woo
Cheviot Pants , in a neat brown and gray check , at$2.6O per pair. Samples of these pantaloons will ba
shown in our windows to-day.
Sample garments ofthcse lots will be sent to any address , and if not found as advertised , may be ro-
urned at our expense.
OMBAOSTON Freeland , . Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proorietors'
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
nnd tunny times will prove to you n Kroat
OSK , Von slioiilcl not ilola > ovaii for n day
our comlnj ; to our store. Wo are making
a clivui Hwcep of our entire stock of winter
goods , anil will niino you prlcou that win
nterost you.
r. J. E. McGrew ,
Ono of the Most Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
yeximl Oi ( jans , absolutely cured.
Olf'IH niOCACCQ Ills treatment for
uMH UIOuAOLOi Kl\eH the most beautiful
complexion , und u perfect NKII | ,
fcond stump for reply.
Office Bushman Bloc * . 16th and
IJouulas Sts. Omaha. NoQ
" "
"H M !
Capital S400.003
Surplus Jan. 1st , IbbO K.OU )
I , W. VATI-H. I'lesldcnt
1-i.wis b , Ithi.n. Vice J'reaidcnt.
w. ii.s. iiiuiii.s , caiincr.
JIllit'lOHSi ) :
A K Tnu7\r < iN. W.V. MHIISI : ,
JOll.S S. CUI.I.1M3 , J. N , II J'AlllirK ,
Corner l"th and rninnm Sta.
A General Hanking lluslneas Transaiteil.
'vnlj oao la ttie world generating
continuous Kleclriof Magnttta
. - emrrmt. Bclentliic.l'owerful , lur tl ,
FComfort tj | ( > uit jrrtlre. . Avoid fMudm ,
O rr9OOcurwl. . " . L * 0 * .
ALSO KLr.enfino UKLTH rou
Cl. tiORHE , iMYUTOBi 181 ttAUjii AVfc.
Mas Meyer-Established 1856-Adolph Meyer
. ,
CJeiteral Agents for
V08E & SONS ,
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark anil Slioninger-Bell Organs
Wiitc for CatalOL'iio.
N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodfiro Sts.
(11 (
Appliance : for Deformities and Truo3.
Hot Incimiei , nppxrnliu unil romi'iUcn turttiirftt
rul troittmimt of uvurr form of Olnouso ro'iuirlm
Medical or Hurificil Truatincnt.
llonnl and ntlt'iidnncuj bent tioipltul uccorumoJa-
tlnni In tUu won.
\vnnj ; rm Cliictn.Aits on Defonnltlci an I Unions ,
Trillion , dull Kett , ( . 'tmntuni of tba r-plnn , I'lltm ,
Tiimori , Cancer , Catarrh , HroneliHU. Inhnlatlnn ,
Kltctrlcltr. I'urnlyFiln , Kullopur , Klilncy Illmlilor ,
Kjo , liar , Blcln neil Illood.and ullrluritlcal oporutloui
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illooj lieioi | ucrc jfiillr t rent oil
I'olnon loniovea ( rain tliu urMom wlllioiit iui > rcury
Now runorutlve Irnotrnunt for tut of Vital I'jwHr
1'ersuni unitble to vlilt u > m y bn Iruittud lit homo by
rorrnoitlL'nco All fomiuuiitCtitluni ( onUilftitlal
MoUlclne or ln > truincnt tent lit mull or nviiroi" ,
urcurely riacked , no marks tn Indlnito rontvnti or
lender. One pnrtooal Intervluir prulvrrcd Cull anil
coniulltiD or > euU hlxtoryof your rnie , and wo will
eonJ In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlrutc , hpeclal or Nrrvoun DXcuiet Impo
tvniy Hrnhllli , Olcut and Vnrlcocclu , null qnuilloii
Hit. Ailureit
Oma/iu / Medical and Surykal Institute , or
I > lt. .11 eill i\.l.1IV : ,
Cor. 13th nuil DoJgt ) litfl. . - - OMAHA , NKH
fV tfk U7TAU BBB SRI Buffering from the
T | II "CWi * mmSj. laj cirtcta or ycutufui
Mil ' " ' n i vTL Hw error * , early d cay ,
* * UfBEiadJW lout manhood , eta
t will ofnt a valuabla trcati o ( walul ) contalnlnif lull
Bartic.lan for home euro , fr < o nfaharco.
, alrr. a 1'rcf. f , O. i'OWJ-EH , UOOUUH , COIIN.
inWCV al(1 : ( ult tinmry trotibist cuiily. ulclc-
MUlIC I lyauiU-tfoiycured ( 'un.
tules , cases curuil Inoven iluys. Hulil
ll.W iier box , uil ilrtit'Clats , or by mall fruni On *
tutuSlff.Co inUliitoSr..N V. Cull Ultocti.iiu
- , ro d to take for DCS Moln s , AlRrslialloWB
Corlnr llnuidi .Clinton , Dlxon , Clilcnvn , Milwaukee ,
? Jn iJ10'111. ' ' . , ' .T" the I'BnP1" f NabrHiliH.colo-
i J2S : T ° , Iuinf.VU1" ? ' ' lhoNoriidii. . Orodori. Wash-
US' lSADb1.y ! ' 'S J" i i8 " 'U'r'or | ' nU ; n"1 el
AfHltm 'a few of tbc nnnirroiu points of inparlorlty
cnjoji'dbr ( lie p trrB tir this roud lictwiicii OmahS
rtiUJii'lrS" ' . " ? ' " " 'r ' ( ' " tr lim ilar of UAt
JOACHKM , wlilih itr tlnrlneit Unit liiiioan nrt and
InucnuItT can pronto. In I'ALACJHSI.KKI'INrJCAUa
inn uqual of which can nut bo fouriil elupwhi-ro. At
, ' , , , , . ' I'KllanapolH. Cincinnati.
lli llinr lo , '
. 'lurnnto , Montreal.
; .o.tou. New York. I'lilladulpbm , Ilalilmnro , Mnih.
. nil points In the Aa t Ask for ticket * lla.
. .
it. uucjiirrr. ' n. p. WILSON.
Ucn'l M/irmcpr. / ' '
Qen'l 1'ou i Agent.
\V.N. \ IIAIICOCIC , ( V"n'nVo > ; tyrInJ'AFent.
I ) IS. KIM1IAU , . Ticket iten.
" Kl WKST. citr r n n er Agent !
um u
KOI Farnam Bt _ Omalia , Neb ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul fl'y.
TlioUcstlloute from Omiilm anil Council
JHud * to
Chicago , - AND - SIMnnnkre ,
St. I'liul , Mliincnpollg , Cedar
Itock Iblnud , Frtepurl , Itoekfonl ,
Clinton , luUiie ) ! ( | , Darennoit ,
Kadison , JmicHylllc ,
Wnonn , La ( 'rosso ,
Anil nil otbtr Important Dutnti E st , Nortticutt
Tor tbroimh tli-ieli , cell va Ike tltkot i rnt at 1M1
nrrmni mrect. In llurker iilock , ur > l Uuiou 1'iclUJ
I' Blc i > eri and th Bneit I.'InlnK ( > r In th
orU ura run on Ilin main Una of thu ( , lilc vo , Mil *
Tinker It HU 1'aul lUllnar , anil morr atteriUimlipal4
ID ij.ini'uKi'ri br couriKcui niplo/ciof tlicooji/anr <
M. MIIlKKiioneral UauiKai.
J. K. ' 1 UUKKK. Ai l ta t Onjeral Maniror
A. V II , CAHPKNTKU , antral r i > ug r tat
k'AOl Affnt 7
. 1C UKAKrOltD , A tlUnt Utoeral 1'1IICBI
ji 'llokel As nt.
J.T , CLAItu. 'J B raJi rtrlDt ndeni.
General and
( ft YTT ? T1 Weaknei. of llodyanij Mind. Efftcti
< L ; U JLVJJ ofrrroracrEifet.til-JOMtprVourit.
Mrlii > l , > clil > niMllMtliriillf ICnli.rJ Uo ) . , ltljrc , , J |
HlrrnilkrnnMK.I MILrtMII til IIKIU1S * MUlSof Illllrr ,
Jb.c.liul ; Lif.lll. * IKItllIIIHllllVT | : < BM. In I it , .
Men Ir.llr ; rrwm 47 fcUUa , 7rrrlli rlci , end Ktf.t nOmnlrlrf.
| | > 0 < 1Q nrllctbCBl. ltrfrk , rullcitUttttlON , tbj nr Lf. .filltcl
U.iJ.JI free. Uinn u\f \ MtClCAl CB. , BtiMlO , N , | .
MCM I" ' ILmujh crrt.r or
[ 3 lYlClM ! , ! | .rallu..h.u/U
IlvRBK | ' < rfrcilv riK'inril ly llm iicw
il ] JIB ,
_ * L52L * * hi , "lor ourlitw illu.liutnl ( .uuli Ij
KS9HBkaBBX9 llnlili" Aiwlutc ncirrr Vurlco-
ri3ln rurr > l wiUiout PJUI or < 'iH-rntt"ii Auurrti i
Dealon-Duiiro Cllnlcjue , l' ' tttiuwblIuloiu \ !
Physician and Surgeon