Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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A notice of the play , "Among the
Hroiircers , " produced lust night Is with
hold until Sunday.
Chief of Police Soiivey has Issued nti
order prohibiting messenger boys and
all other minor ! ) from entering nouses
ot prostitution.
Dennis Quirk and K. O. Bates wore
arraigned on a charge of stealing illix-
mends , and the former pleading guilty
was hold totho district court in the sum
of ! 1,000 , while the latter disclaimed of
participation will bo glvoii a further
rcrsonal I'nrnKrniihfl.
A. F. Hutlgcr , of Lincoln , is nt the Murray ,
K. M. Conin , of Orel , Is n guest nt the Mil-
Innt.S. H. Ilonilorsliott , ot Lincoln , Is nt the
, f. S. Williams. Of Kansas City. Is nt the
hUhnuntl M. Smith , of Denver , Is rcgls
K. C. 1'liilllps , of Grand Island , registered
nt the I'nxton lust nielli.
Titos. Jensen nnd .1. O. Roberts , of Davlil
City , resistor at the Millard.
.J. H. MiilluliPii and It. P. Gartner , of Lin
coin , wore In tlto city yosteriltiy.
V. C. Shlcktoy and W. , C. Massey , ol
Genoa , nro stopping at the P.ivton.
T. M. Hullock anil J. L. . Otis , of Kansas
City , uru lo bo found nt the I'.ixton.
.7. B. Honor * and M. T. Wcdllsti , of Au-
rorn , are among the quests nt the Murray.
Mrs. M. W. limiting and daughter nnd
Miss Phfcbo Doty and Ollie Jonus , of David
City , nro at the Murray.
. AVnnncr To-morrow.
Observer Welch , of the slgniil service
ontce , says thnt the weather to-day will
ho much wanner , as the barometer is gradu
ally falling and every other indication is to
the same effect.
Oavo n
Thomas Hnrrel gave a chnttel mortgage
for $1,157.09 to James Donnelly , Jr , the
Otnahii National haul * and W. S. Shouinnkor
yesterday , on 17,250 clears and manufactured
tobacco In his factory at 1,831 Douglas
A Jobbing Hoiifle.
The wholesale paper firm of B. Wilson &
Co. , of Utica , N. Y. , proposes to establish : i
Jobbing liouso in this city. A representative
of the paper company was nt the board of
trade yesterday negotiating for a location.
It Is supposed that the llrm will establish u
bouse at once if suitable quarters can bo se
cured. _
Sporting No ten.
The proposed bicycle race between Knnpp
and Heading is off. The backers of the lat
ter failed to mr.Uc the necessary deposits of
Morgan nnd Ashinger will have n 20-mile
whirl on their bicycles at the Coliseum Sat-
urdny for $100. It will be remembered that
in their last contest Morgan lost the race by
Following are thu only marriage licenses is
sued yesterday iti the county court by Judge
Shields :
Name and Residence. Age.
J John Douglas , Omahn . 35
I Pnrtlionia I1. Ltcnton , Onmlm . S3
I John P. Peterson , Omaha . 22
( Ida Andcrs > on , Omaha . yj
Two Knlcliti Ktfjht Over a IMii.
MIcKucl FiUgor.ild has brought suit In
Justice Ivrogor's court against James Doug
lass to recover a valuable K. of L. pin.
While Fitzgerald was engaged in a scufto ,
recently in Douglass1 .saloon ho says ho
handed the pin to the proprietor for safe
keeping. Fitzgerald was arrested while
engaged in the light , and next day when
released from jail ho sent for the pin.
Donglafcs refused to surrender it , claiming it
was one ho lost a year ago.
CrclRliton Guards literary.
The programme of the weekly meeting of
tho-Creighton Guards Literary society in
their hall , Ware blooic , Friday night is as
follows :
Instrumental solo . W. C. Ilnrlan
Stump Speech . fames xirennun
Fancy Drum Drill . W. It. Schildcr
Instrumental s > ole . August Uorglum
Kecltation . Miss Maud Hussio
Paper "Tho Influence of the Dr.una
on Religion" . J. W. Evans
Song . O. II. Gordon
Instrumental solo . Miss Anna Ebcit
Vocal solo . Henry Burklcy
Silent Drill . Sgt. Smith and Squad
Debate Resolved , That the policy of the
state department of the United States gov
ernment in regard to the Samoan question
has boon cowardly nnd un-American. Af.
llrmatlve , P. H. Carey , A. W. Gregory. Ncg.
ntlve , O. J. Smyth , Jolm.T. Mnhoncy. Exer
cises will commence at S o'clock.
Partners Fell Out.
John R. Drown , Into of tlio flrm of Drown
ft Lninpshlrc , harnnssiimkors , at 2033 Oum-
Ing street , lias lnul his recent partner Ueu-
bcn H. Lampslilre , arrested on the charge of
Belling Roods and tools fraudulently. It ap
pears that Lampshlro formerly owned the
shop , and sold a half interest to Drown.
The now ptirtner , however , never paid but
$25 on his share , ami drew out $7o of the re
ceipts of the Hliop. Alter waiting several
wcolis In vain for Drown to p.iy for his share
of the siiop Lampshlro ousted him. Since
then Drown has been worrying him with
law suits and threatening him , and the busi
ness of the shop has thereby been Irnlned.
LampHhtro , therefore , traded the stool : off ,
nnd Drown hud him arrested , as ho claims
half of it belongs to him. The hearing of
the case was continued , and Lampshiro
placed under 5100 bonds.
Homo's Story.
Rose Anderson Mauror's
, ox-servant
continues to toll a nuinbor of difl'or-
cut stories , and though cunning at invention ,
Is not shrewd enough to bo consistent. The
most she has over claimed of the money before -
fore is WOO. Mr. Maiiror says ho is willing
to let her have any money that she can prove
is her own. At the time the money waa sur
rendered to him by her nho Hititl that nil of it
belonged to him except $75 drawn in a lot
tery. She told this also to Mr. Mnurur's at
torney nnd Court Olllcor Wlmlen. Ltitor
who told Captain di-ccn the same story.
Afterwards she told Sergeant Ha/o thntf.VJO
of the money belonged to her , and yesterday
ho told a reporter the same story. Shu also
claimed that she had bouti frugal , but at
other times hho boasted of having spent her
money freely , oven having bought a number
of boxes of cigars for gentlemen friends.
She admits that her niuno Is not Itoso An
derson , bolng a imiuo alio assumed when she
cauio west.
Tlui Girl ho halt Ilolilnil Him.
John Anderson , a big , dirty looking follow ,
Is hold in custody nt the city Jail uwnltlng
the arrival of onleora from Denver. Ander
son has lately boon a resident of the Colorado -
rado metropolis , ami , while there , kept com
pany with n comely young woman named
Emma Kolson , Site IB soon to become a
mother , nnd she charges Anderson with bo-
liigtho cause of her condition. Ilo/lodtno /
town and ranio to Omaha. A telegram was
received Tuesday night from the chief of
polloo of Denver , n-nuestlng Anderson's
urrcat , and In forty.Jivo inmulek after Its
receipt Uotcctlvo Ormsby and Uoinpsoy had
him their custody. On being arraigned before
Judga nnd asked If ho wus wanted In Den
ver , ho grinned and answered that ho
"guessed" so. Ho admits having been on
terms of Intimacy with the girl , hut declares
) io will never marry her.
Later , Johnson relented and ho now sava
ho is willing to marry the pirllf she will
only como to Omaha with the Denver onleer.
An Altflolutn Cure.
Ispnly put up In large two ounce tin boxoi.
mid U nn absolute euro fur old sores , bum * ,
wouuda. chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of iiUns.
MKKT. Sold by Goodman Uruj Co. , ut M
cent * per box by unll 30 cents.
The Motley Cr.iwtl Arrayed IJntly In
the I'ullco Court.
A Cnrtwrlght was arrnlpncd for cngnglnR
In n tighten election day. Ho admitted his
guilt , and \VM fined ? " > and cosU.
G. H. Shlnicrlock was found guilty of as
saulting a Swede woman living on the bot-
toniB , nnd lined $ JO and costs.
Charles Haugh , n horny-handed tiller of
the soil , charged with drunkenness , replied
that he haa got tired of working hard and
had came to the city for a little recreation ,
lie convinced the court that ho was n hard
working man , and escaped a fine.
John lildredgo appeared with n peeled nose
nnd a number of bruises on his face. Ho
was charged with striking Henry II. Hoi-
man , but If Kldtc o's face was tiny evi
dence , nil of the blows ho struck had re
acted on himself. He pleaded guilty and
wus assessed $ s fi'J.
A fellow bearing the historic nnmo ot Tom
Vv'iilhcr , nnd who looked as though ho had
] ust escaped from tliu clutches of the old
Nick , appeared with his loft eye wreathed in
mourning nml swelled nearly shut. Ills face
was nthurwiso disllgurcd. Ho said ho hud
run agnlnst another man's list. It was his
llrst n ( Ten BO nnd ho was rolcaseii without
ticlng lined.
K. Hcodor , tin lownn , cot drunk on Omaha
whisky and was locked up over night , but
A full-blooded Indian , who gives his name
as John Priest , Imbibed too much llrcwater
Ttiostmy night. He had Just comuin from the
Indian Territory. It is a grave misdemeanor
to let an Indian have whisky , and the judge
endeavored to asccitaln who gave him the
llitior. | Lo replied that another Indian litid
given it to him. I lo was role iscd.
.lohn Hamilton was arraigned charged
with vagrancy. Ho s.tld that he had done
no work since December nnd could notllnd
anything to do. He added that he had no
money and no friend' ' * , and intimated that he
would not object to living oil the county.
Tim jtiilgo thereupon sentenced him lo
twenty davs.
Henry Craycraft was arraigned on the
chnruo of assault with intent to kill. Frank
Koucek Is the complaining witness. Ho
asserts that on that night of February ) ,
Crnveroft struck him over the head with
a picket.
ATI Iniporatlvo Necessity.
What ] ) iiro ; iir is to an unliciilthy lo
cality , wluit sjn-itijj eleunintf la to the
ifeut housoUcopur is Hood's Snrsipa-
Hlln to everybody , at tnis scnson. The
hotly needs to bo'tiiorotiyhly renovated ,
the blood purified and vilali/.ccl , the
germs of disease destroyed. Si'i-ofula ,
salt rheumand all other blood disorders
nro cured by Hood's Sai-sapapillii , Hie
most popular and successful spring'
How Herman Kotintzc AVill Not ftlovo
to New York.
A sensational rumor was in circulation
ye.stcrduy to the effect that Herman
ICountze , president of the First National
bank of this city , had resolved upon leaving
Omaha ana taking up his residence in New
York , succeeding his brother Augustus , who
is president of a bank in that plaeo. Mr.
Kountzo is the owner of vast property hero
us well as nt , the head of an immense bank
ing institution which has been
built up by devoted energies
in the past twcnty-flvo years. The structure
in winch thu bank has taken up its home bus
been but recently erected , and it has been
put up as a permanent home of the institu
tion. These facts , together with others
not necessary to enumerate , would miiku Mr.
ICount/.o's retirement a most unusual and
wonderful occurrence. This opinion is
shared by all his business associates , who
pronounce the tale of his removal a billy sen
sational invention.
Fred II. Davis , cashier of the banlt , says
that Mr ICountzo is now in Denver , and that
so far as he knows , at least , there is nothing
in Mr. ICountzo's retirement.
Notice to Bluster IMuinhci-N.
A state convention of the master
plumbers of Nebraska will bo held in
this city on February 22 and 1M , at the
Murray hotel. All reputable master
plumbers in the slate are hereby in
vited to be present , whether they have
received a special invitation or not. A
banquet will bo tendered by the Omaha
Master 1 'lumbers' association on the
eveuinjf of the U nd. By order
N. 13. HUS&KY.
rtAXTEtl 11I2XI KI3D.
Another Union Puoillu Ollloc Hns
Keen AhrilirthiMl.
Assistant General Manager Cumlng , of
the Union Pacific's cowboy territory , has no-
tilled Robert Daxter , assistant superintend
ent of the Wyoming division of that road ,
that on March 1 his oftlco will be abolished ,
and that his services are no longer desired
in Cutning'a department. The announce
ment of this step was made known to hit- !
mate friends of Mr. Uaxtor , nt headquar
ters in this city. It is thought that
llaxter will be tendered a position on the
Leavenworth & Southern , assisting W. II.
Ualdwin. No other assistant division super
intendent has been rumored aside from Dax-
Ler by the man from Harvard. It Is stated
that it is next to nn Impossibility for one man
Lo attend to the duties devolving upon thode-
[ lartment of superintendent of the Wyoming
llvislon , and that the department of assist
ant will bo revived as soon as the removal of
LJaxter blows ovnr.
A New Trail htoiTrack. . .
The Union Pacific has commenced the con
struction of a transfer trade at Thirteenth
mil Nicholas streets in order to inalto con-
icctlon with the Chicago , St. Paul , Mlnneap-
} lls & Omaha at that point. Under the
iircscnt arrangements , the transfer is rnado
it tho.yardfi at the foot of Dodge street. As
soon as the now connection is completed the
) fleials ) of the former road Mate that it will
-equiro 7r > per cent less time in transferring
-uru to thu Omaha rnul. ;
General Freight Agent Miller , of the. Dur-
hifton , announces that his road has not , as
ret , Inaugurated tlioS'J-ccnt rate from points
ioutli of the Plntto to Diiluth , but that such
i movement is anticipated , However , the
.tatcmcnt that tralllc Is being solicited by
ho Uurlingtoti at that rate at the present
.lino is miide by good authority , and Harry
Miller , a well-known grain dealer , says the
\tto was put Into effect Tuesday.
Nol > riHka Grain for Diiluth.
The trafllo manipulators of the various
oads state that u largo volume of grain Is
being prepared for transportation to UulUtV
and that , according to reports , Nebraska ha. .
a supply equal to any demand thnt may b <
mmio by the Dulutli grain merchants. Gran
merchants la Omaha are jubilant over th
situation ,
An Excellent Appointment.
Mr. P , E. Hoblnson , widely known In rail
road circles , has been appointed contractlni
freight agent for the Dluo Line fast frclgh
company , with headquarters at Onlahn. Mr
ItobinSon was nt one time assistant pcncrn
passenger agent of the T. , H. & M , V. rail
road , and later held n prominent posltloi
with the Union Pacific. Ho has had years o
training In the railway service , and tits cnpa
billtles peculiarly fit him for the duties hi
has just assumed.
Time by Klectrloltv.
Superintendent of Telegraph ICorty , of the
Union Pacillc , has completed arrangements
for a now system of "distributing time" to
all points on the Union Pnelllo road. For
merly , the time was dispatched from the
headquarters In Omaha. Under the new
regulation , which takes effect March 1 , the
time will bo signaled from the observatory
of the Washington university tit St. Louis.
The standard for signals of reitulatlnn is ID
o'eloclc a. m. , central time. The telegraph
wire * nro connected with an automatic
clock In the observatory and the time Is an
nounced by vibrations of the pendulum
which makes n peculiar .sound , which is car
ried over the wires. Repeating instruments
are placed nt all Junction pointt and the time
is announced nt all stations on the branch
and main line. Superintendent Korty states
that under tlio now regulation , which has
been thoroughly tested and found perfect ,
the service of uniform time will ho com
plete , which will ho a vast Improvement ou
the present system.
A Snow IllocUnile ,
The now rotary snow plow for the Union
Pnclltc was brought In by the Hoelc Island
yesterday and will immediately beforwarded ]
to its Hold of usefulness on the Gunnison
branch of the Union Pacific. Tlio plow is
of a narrow gauge design. Traflle on it has
been suspended for about two months. As
soon as the plow can bo put to work nnd the
track cleared up tralllc on that line will bo
resumed. Assistant General Manager Dick
inson states thnt it will require several days
to remove the snow.
Kvlpnils the Service.
On Sunday next the Union Paeillc will ex
tend the runs of Nos , 42 nndlit iwhbcnper
trains between Valley nnd Deatrico on the
Lincoln it Manhattan branch so as to run to
Dluo Springs , n point lifteeen miles beyond
Deatrico. Heretofore , these trains ran only
between Hoatrico and Valley , but nn urgent
nppcal from the citizens of Dlue Springs has
led the Union Pacific to nniko the above
change. Thesn trains will connect with the
main line trains east and wont-bound at Val-
lo.v. Mail will also be carried on these for
Blue Springs and intermediate points.
Itiiilroatl Notes.
, T. O. Phillippi , of the Missouri Pacitlc ,
who is milking an extended tour of the south ,
will return to Omaha March 1.
The Golden Gate special went west yes
terday on the Union Pacific with forty-
three coast passengers on board.
All main line trains on the various roads
communicating with Omaha were slightly
belated yesterday , occasioned by u slow
Chief Engineer 13oguo , of the Union Paci
fic , returned from the west yesterday , where
he has been engaged in looking over projected
routes for feeders of the main line of the
Union Pacific nt various points.
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas lias just been placed
in borvico by the Union Paeillo railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily at
4-l-5 : a. m. ; leaves Omaha atf > :05 : a. in. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct , con
nections there with the Kansas divibion
of tlio Union Pacific railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topekn , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cast and south via
Kansas City. Returning ; , train leaves
Manhattan at 13:2-3 : p. in. ; arriving ut
Beatrice at ( : li-3 p. m. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Tonoka
and the cast , and from Denver , Salinti ,
Aboline and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will 1111
11 long felt want , and is bound to ho
popular. _
nU 1'ormun.
Thcfollowlng building permits were issued
yesterday :
I ? . SlnboUl , remodeling store front , Six-
tccntli nnd I.oavemvortn . $ 230
N. C. Noilson. one-story frame cottage ,
I.ogan and Alt. ricasant . GOO
N'ols Ilolmmur , onu and onu-hnlt story
frame dwelling. Cmnpbcll's nildltion. . . WO
Sari Peterson , sKylignt , 512 South Thlr-
tueutli street . 100
Total Jl.XO.
No one should delay when they have
\ couch or cold , when a 50 con u bottle of
LJigolow's Positive Cure will promptly
ind safely euro them. Dollar si/.o cheap
est for family usq or chronic cases.
3ooUmau Drug Co.
The Flat lioiul Indian Troubles.
HIMXA , Mont. , Feb. 20. The latest
reports of trouble on the Flathead Indian
reservation are conflicting. At Missouhl it
Is said that two men. Clifford and Cunning-
iim ; , have been killed. MIssoula people
look for trouble. At Kavalli it is said the
itnga has arrived , and that Clifford and Cun
ningham are all right.
For beauty , for comfort , for improve
ment of the complexion , u o only 1'ox-
rconi's Po\vedor \ ; there is nothing count
to it .
Gel-ninny AVanlK Klein Arrcstrtl.
UIIHI.IS , Fob. 20. The Cologne Gazette
; ays thnt Germany will demand of the
United States government that it arrest and
mulsh Klein , the American , whom Germany
charges with having led the Matanfaitcs in
Samoa at the time of the repulse of Ger-
jinny's forces m December last.
Used by the United State * Rovernment. Endorsed tiy the heads of the Orent UnlversUie *
nnr ! I'ublle food Analysts , n the Strongest , Vitrcst mid most Healthful , pr , l'rlce' Cream
JUV.II1 } : Powder dor * net coittntuAmmoula.l.luieor Alum. Dr. 1'rlce'n Delicious 1'IavorliipHx-
tracts , \ anllla , l.i-juouj Orauge , Al uioud , Koto , etc. , do not contalu rottouous Oils or Chemicals.
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , New York. Chicago. 6t. toulo.
Absolutely Pure-
Tills powder never varlei. A marvel of purity
sMeiipth and wliolesomune'n. Moio oconomlen
tlmn tlieotdltmrv kinds , and rnnuot liosoldh
cpmuetitlon with tun multitudes C low cosl
f linrlwelKht iiltiui or phosnhato powders. Sbli
only in cans. Hovni linking 1'owder Co. , i :
Wiillstrect , XoVort
Clmt-les Itoso , residing at No. W1S.Tones St.
an ciiKlnver by trade , hut lately woikltiK'l n
general work , IIIIH lived heto about t o years ,
has been de.if moio or less for twenty years ,
and quite deaf for some time , has hnd catarrh ,
with Its usual symptomK such ns slopjittiB iif
of nose anil accumulations of mucus in hi
throat ; he complained of rlnglnt ; nnd buzzing
in his ears , which \vn a great annoyance to him
Ho reads the daily papers , and through them
was induced to cilltm Dr. Jordan , in tlieltiiniKC
lluildlug , to see if. his nose , throat and oars
t-otild bo bimefitted. He was told they could be ,
nnd ho commenced treatment. Ho commenced
to improve in a short time , nnd nfler a course
o" about three months , was rewarded with a
return of his hearing , so much so ho can
now hear the Mightest Mhlsper. He has no
ringing < " his cars , and his nose and throat has
ceased to i louuiu mm uiitlrelr. He hays : " 1 can
now appreciate what uoforn Mas n total blank ,
nnd 1 cannot sneak too highly of the Doctor's
nullities. * x
( Late of Jlellevtto Hospltal.NewY'ork )
Succeeded by
diaries M. Jordan
( Late of tlio ITniversity of Now York City and
Howard University , Washington , L ) , C.
No. 31O and 311 Ramcro Building
Corner Fifteenth and Harnoy sts. , Omalia , Neb. ,
where all curable cases are treated
with success.
Note Dr. Charles SI. Jordan has been resi
dent physician for Dr. JlcCoy , in Omaha , for
the pust year and is the physician who hits
mailo tno cures that have been published
weekly in this paper.
Medical diseases treated skilfully. Deafness -
ness , Consumption , llronchltls , Asthma. Dys
pepsia , Itheumatlsm and all Nervous and
Skin Diseases.
CONSULTATION at office or by mull , Jl.
Ollico hours U to 11 a. m. , to4 p.m. , 7 to8p.
m. , Sunday oilico hours from U a. m. . to 1 p. m.
Correspondence receives prompt attention.
Many diseases are treated successfully by Dr.
Jordon throuK'i the malls.and It Is thus possible
for tho-o unable to make a journey to obtain
PATENTED Auc. 16. 1887. IMPROVED FED. 1,1889.
Kuerantrcd t % cure ttie fol >
fiiffir itfZ5fc"tvtlB8 dlttttei. Dime/ ) All
S JS Mf9 ! > S ? S aJtnheumtttio Complaint. .
SailLumbago , General nnd
OTjtNcrvous Debility. 3o .
jK vtiveness , Kidney Diieaeea
' Nervcuineit , Trembling ,
Eexual Exbauition.Wnat-
v -w' I E f Body , Diteaies
eauied by ijy.lndl cretion in Youth , Age , Har-
nedorSinm& , * > gIeLlfr. lnf t Idl.f | .ei.iri lnlDj
the womb < A > or frenltnl orgim ot mile or fcm l
" Til IIKtmiMillllK IMltTlti IIS 111 UiYH 1III1L.
RY A IMlll OP CI CftTnlf1 IHCfll CC THICK ,
DR. OWEN'S CLuu I nib moULto ti ITU IMIR.
btnd f e. pOBUge for riuif Illuitrated pamiblrt , wblrli Mil ta
atyou In fUlQ iral" ! envelope. Ueullontbl * | ftKrn < tiJmfl
30(1 North Broadway , 61. LOUIE ) . Ma
Owen'i Electrio Belt'Attaehment.
voro with rue ted eomfnrt. Th * eur >
mtde mild or trooz. Tbli U the gntj
flectrlo Irun aad Celt .ver mtde. It
ItgplDral. fron 10 to Ml J.ji. Far full Jfipfli'lloD ' of IJr.
Oireo'i Kleetro-Qilviult I tin , Hrlu < l jl | > plUiicei , Truiiti ud
Ioiole ieod & & , for r s ( Itluitrittrd inuphlel wlileh will t *
MDtyoula plala leitid envelope. Bold only by tba
SOU North Uroadwuy , BT. LOUIS. Mtt
( Successors to John C. Jacobs. )
Jndertakers and Embalmer
t the old stuml H9" raninm St. Orders by
telcfrajiti solicited nnil proniptly.uttentletl.
Tt-k'iiliono to No , ! .
3hysician and Surgeon
\ puocuoatully Uiu < l niontlily by over 10 UOO
yjjulleu. AruSaft. Kfftctualuntl I'lcataitt
> 81 I T lxX liy mall.or nt cl niKRlsts. Sealed
larticular * 2 l < O6Un ( Btumpu. Address
TUB EIDUCEA CiiEuitui. Co. , DBTHOIT , .Micu.
orsnlciand l > u mail flnodnma }
% Druu Co. , Omahti , Neb.
inilCVaQdl1" " "narytroublesoadly.nulcIC'
ILInUl lyandsafdlycured ) > y UOUrUUAUu ] > -
leu. Bevoral rMtn cured in Haven days. Hold
dU iifr box , all ilruL-KlHts , or by mall from Ii > -
" " " " N Y. Tullilr cttoa
Wo are done with the past season. Wo liavo nearly sold out our winter gooclSf and
have not enough loft to make any noise about , and the incoming spring goods require all
our attention. During the past few weeks wo have boon renovating our store , and made
several changes by which wo gain more room for departments that have heretofore boon
badly crowded. The ( irst which neo'led more worn \vas the Hat Department. Our hat
business has grown to such proportions that its quarters wore entirely too small. Having
now enlarged it considerably and arranged it in bettor shape , wo are pleased to anne unco
to our patrons , that it is filled with an entire new stock.
And we open the season with , one of the largest and most complete assortments of stiff and
soft Hats , comprising the makes of the best manufacturers in the country.
It is needless to say much about the prices Everybody knows that wo are selling
hats at about one half what other dealer < charge. But aside from this we want to ompha-
si/.e the fact and wiali it understood that wo are handling only good honest hats , such as
are guaranteed to us from reliable makers , and such as wo can warrant to our oust omors ,
Kvory hat in our establishment no matter how cheap -is sold with this understanding.
that , if any imperfect'on or damage is found , oven after the hat is worn we take it back
if returned within a reasonable time , aud give either a new hat or return the money
What other establishment will make such an oiler ?
To inaugu ate the season wo place ou sale to-day 75 elegant Cassimero Hats ,
new shapes , at 95c. These hats are of a quality which are usually sold by other dealers
Our Spring Overcoats are now coming in. We shall have this season the handsomest
line wo have ever shown , and our prices will be as low as usual.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
nnd inimy times will prove to you a great
oss. You should not delay oven for a day ]
our coming to oar store. Wo ara iiiaklin ;
u clt'an swoop of our entire Mock of winter
goods , nndvllln.imo you price * that \\lHj
ntcrest you."i
MIjN nml WOMKN 3iu-cc'8slcilly trcutcd.
SiiffprliiK from tlio rfTerta of youthful Cullies or India
( retlmi" , or ur troubled with Wcuknes , Nervous
! ) , ' | jity | ; , Ixjsi of MiMnurr , l > c < poinluiicT , Avcr lim to
Society , Klilney Troublcg or liny ill cine of tlto tit'iit-
lo-l'ilimry OrcHiis , ran hero Nnil a fata anil ppeeily
c'urc. C iMirKcs reiimmtible , e'-iiec'lully to the poor.
Tlicro nro muny trnutilcillth too frequent ovnctia-
tini of the uliulitcr , oflun iiceominiiikMl liv it i-Unlit
Bnmrtlni : or biinilnu' iMisitlin : , anil v > eukenhm of tlio
sjstem In n manner tlui patient rannot iircount lor.
lln c-'i.imlnlnu tliu uilniiry ilepoMti a ropy urillmciit
will ofti'n Iw fyund , anil eomctliues intrudes of iilliii-
mil wi'nkno'n. Tliu iloc-tor Hill umir.intou a pflrti'ct
rurulnall pucli citscf , nnil a lioaltliy restoration of
the ( 'i'nlto-urinitry nrKiui1 * . t-oiiHiillntion fn-f. i-cml
' . ' oi'iit Mump for "Voinii MIIII'D Kiluiiil.or liulclu tu
Wodlotlc , " trou tu all. A I'lrcss
Main nnd 12th St.Kansas Gil.vMo.
ttr-Mentlnn tills paper.
Capital . . . . $100,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , IbSO 52,000
ornrr.iis AMI UIIUX-TOIIS ;
II. W. VATIIS. Vreldent.
I.HWJSS. UKUII. Vice I'rcsld"iit.
W. U.S. Huuiii : * , Ca-iluer.
A. K. TotJ7.At.iN. W.V. Monsn ,
JOHN a , C'OU.INS. .7 , N. II. I'ATJIICK ,
Corner liith and I'linuim Sts ,
A fieiu'rul Hanking Hiiblness Transacted.
"BLAKE , lwssEVAF& cor
JLondoi ; , Iviixland.
Amsterdam , Blollamt.
Frniifnct n Kcnernl Imnklnit Luvlrioft. Securitlm
Jout-lit mid soM on commlislcm. rnrfUn cxcliunifc * .
: 'oinmrrclal unit trnvelcr's Ictu-rn of eruillt.
Orderx fur boiul mid stocks uio-ulu 1 nn ronimln
lion In Lomlun uud on all Cuiitlntinlul llonrsca at
Ktirorio ,
Neuotlntlont of llallvfuy , btuto. City nnd turpom-
lion I.OHIIS u ( | ) f rlulty.
T. .
Itoom 03 Traders' llitlldlii j
Chicago , Ills. ICIarkSt
The Regular Old-EstaUished
Is stl.'l ' Treating with tlio Greatest
Clroiiic , Nervous and Friyato Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhaustinp Drains , Tcrrlbl
Dreams , Head and Back Ache nnd all the cflecl
leading to early dccuy nml iKtlups Con&umpiion c
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods wit
ncier-f.ulmc fuccess.
Ko- SYPHILIS and nil bad Dlood and Skin Din
eases permanently cured.
* S-KIDNEYand UUINARYcomptalnH.Gleel
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all discau
of the GcnltoUrinar > Oigans cured promptly wtthou
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
JtfS' No cxpcriinents. Age and sxperlence lm
portont. Consultation free and sacred.
0 6' Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works 01
Chionlc , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
A ? * Those contemplating Mairiace ' end for Df
Clarke's celebrated gnidc Mole ana Female , eacl
15 cents , lioth $ cents ( stamps ) . Consult the eli
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer
inn and shame , and add goMcnjears to life. ATHIool
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Mcdicin
and uritings sent everywhere , secure from exposure
Hours , 8 to 8. Sunday : , y to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , 5V3. D. ,
106 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ( L& ,
20to60 DAYS.
This is a disease which lius heretofore
Bullied nil Medical Science.
Wo litivo a Homrily , itiiknuwn to anyone In tlio
World outBldool' ' oiirCoiniiitny. nnd ono thatlms
to euro the most olotlmito cases. Ten days In
lucent cales does Uiouork. Itlstlio oldchronia
deep seated cas'-s that \vo solicit. Wo liuvo
cuiudliuudruds liuvo been abandoned l > y
I'liyslciniis. mid pronounced Incurable , ando
c'nnlleiiKO tlio norld to urlug us u case that \vo
will not euro in loss than nKly days.
Plnco tli history of nieiilclno true specino
for Syphilis has been bought tot but never
found until our
was discovered , and wo are .ItistlllBil In saylnrj
it is thi ! only Itemedy in thuVoild tnat will pos
itively euro , liiit-uiibc the Intubl Medical Works ,
linblislied by the beut known attthorltlub , bay
tliero was nu ver a true sp. > clllc lieforc. Our roiu-
ctly will euro wlieu uvorylhliiK else hits fulled.
Why wusto your time nnd money \\llh patent
medicines tnitt never Imd virtue , or doctor with
pliyblclmix that cannot euro you , yon that have
tried everything i'lso should como tottsnowand
ct pormatiL'iit relief , you inn or can get it olss-
whero. Murk what wo hay. In the t-tid yon
must tnko our remedy or NHVI'.H recor anil
you that havu been ullltctotl but a short time
bhniild by nil means cunio to us now , not ono In
tenof now cases over irct permanently cured.
Many irotheln ami think they mo free from tlm
dlNca&o. but in one- , two or three yours after it
appears aaln ; lit a more liot-rlble form.
TJiib in a blooil 1'iii'ilieiaiul will Cure
any Sinn or JJlootl Uihcaso wlion
Everything IClso Fails.
Itouni 10 nml II , I' . 8. National lliink
liiillilln ; , ' , Umaliii ) Neb.
Milwaukee & St Paul '
Chicago , , R'y.
Tlio Dcst llouto from Onialm and Council
lilting to
CLIcngo , - AND - BUhvankpc ,
St. 1'niii , Mlnnenpollg , Cedar
Itock Island. Frcuport , Hockfurtl ,
L'llufon , JJuhiiijue , llavennoit ,
Kliln , jJKdisuu ,
lieloif , Wlnoiia , Ja
And all otlier Important polntl Ktit , North cast t > 4
For tliroimh Ilikeli , c ll VD iho ticket acont At 1501
k'HniHiu itreut , lu Uarkvr Uloct. or t Uulou 1'jclUo
1' Hleper < ud tin rtneU Dlnlnir Cnrt In tta *
FTorlil ar run on tbn main line of tUn 1'lilcniiu. MIL
wakuo ft SU I'aul ll Uln y , unit rnrr ttnllin l | 'ill
, o piuiitiKir > br rourt ui ruplura > a ( tbccuwuanr.
H. MlI.l.KII.iIanernl UaiKKoi.
J. K. TUOKKK , A il t ntU u ral Man cr
A. V II. UAlti'JCNTKU. Otatral i' a or ap
rickut Avrnt ,
; } ' . ( ) . K. IHUmUlD. A liuni U no ( l 1'nnatU
inJ Ticket Auent.
J.T. CLiAlUT , U > atrKlttaptrlaUD < I nl.
Memtrtalila for jowerfiil r
iheUe touti i > lfablu net ion i.nq
tolata duralilFllr. ! > ' ycura' rtoordfT
> ha U ii Kuantntct of th * xoti >
t nc of tiiv'ne luk
Diy IM-A. ( lUHHICIl. ATT'JitN'KV AT-I.A.V ,
I aroarii Si. , I'nicn.-Ji ujficu 'fou , it
buiitiuii ya-cllr miJ i i nr irAur
Uit.W. c. WEST'S Nnnvn AND Hit visTIIIJAT -
JIE.MT , ft Kimrnntccil Ntiecluc for Hymurln , Dizzl-
ni'HS , ( "oiivnlslons , llts , Nurvotts Neuralgia ,
1 [ uiulacho.Non otisl'rosl rut Ion aiitHi-d by the use
of itlciltol or tolmcc'iVakefnlness , Mental De
pression , Softeitlnsi of tlm llrtiln rosnltltiR In In-
hanitj-uud le.iiliiiKt. ) nilst-ry , iloi-uy and dcnth.
Prcinntuio Did AK . llnrrnnntj-w , lo of ] i\vor
In ulther sev , Involniitiiry Looses nn < l iiierniftt-
oilui'ivc.tnseil byoroi-oxonlnnaf thebriitn.sulf-
nlnisu or overliulttlKonc'i' . Kuril box ooniiilni
0110 miinth'd treatnitftit. $1.0 a box , orsKboxcs
fort".0 > , i-entby mull iit'cpiilil ( inrccplpt of prlco
To euro any case. With each order received by
us for HX boxes , accompanied with % " > , tM\vowin
send the purchaser our written KU.iruntea to re
fund the inou y If the treatment rtiun not olTcct
n euro. ( lUarantoes Issitpd only bJooilman
DrtiftCo. , Drut'plsts , Solo Agents. 1110 faruum
street Omalm. Nub.
N , W. Cor. 13th & Dodaro Sts
Appliances for Dafonnitics and Trussas.
Host tnc-HUICK , nppnrntm nnd ri'racilltn for Kiiccou
Jul trenttiK'nt nf t-viiry form ot dlaeaio roqulrlnf
. MuillcHl or SiirslcDl Tra.ituicnt.
ll < mcl nnil attendance ; lion licmiitnl nocommoda.
tlons In the wail.
WiiirBfoitCmriri.AiiHon Deformities nml Bracai ,
Trunjc , Club Koct. Curviituru of tliu "nlno , I'lloi ,
Tnmor < , Cancer , O.ttnrrli , llroncliltli , Inlmlatlan ,
IClcclilclty. I'nrnlT ! , ICi.llop-r. . ICIilnny. UluJJor ,
Kjv , Knr , Skin mm lllooil.nnl nllHiirKlcnl oporuiloni.
Oisoases of Women a Specialty.
TfJTCP T tXT A iT/BV * T TCJf A < M'ing < I
JiJtt.i V ii. JL ± ji JUlf3 a/ii3 ± jj3.
All IllooJ Dlspnuisuccossfiillr tra.itcil. Hyplillltlo
1'olHHi rnnioveil I tarn the lyUnm irltliiiill iiiircurj.
New rcstorullvu trratment for lois uf Vital Power.
Persons unublo tu Tlitt us mny be titfated nl liumu UT
rorr < 1'iiuiidiMK . All cnminuulc'ttluns tuntldeutlal ,
Mcilli lues or Instrunicnn rout by nixll or ezpresi ,
d'cnrely nnckml , no rnnrk tu linllntc ( cnntuntt or
ecndor. One poreonul lulcrvlan inefurri'il. Cull nnd
consult us or HOII.I lilnorr of jrour also , mid wo wilt
lend In ) > lalu wrniiper , nnr
Dpon Private , Mpeclnl or Nervous Dl cnucs , Imno.
tcncf.Myplilllj.aiuct and Varlcutula , with ino > tfoa
list. Arfdrtss
OiiicJiu Medical V icl Surgical Institute , or
Cor. J3th ana Do.lgo . Sts. , OMAHA , NED.
Omalia ,
Council BiulTs
And Ciiicap ,
, . M' ltoivn
lnt9n' .V10" ' < 'IHi"iifi. Milwaukee ,
n H
lr P'15'l'l' ' < 'fNBbriiiin-olo ' ! !
I r io onV U-
.i'A" ' " ' " . ' " " " ' " B Omaha
. "C * " * tnrn * iru n > n < lny of HAY
h ore trio ( Input tlmt Injinun lirt ind
A'wjkti '
D IOII , Now V.irk , I'Jjllmlelnllig , ffu lifmata ivaih :
loo. OM.I Ml point , In tbt Tli.f "A l"t iieleli