TJIFO OMAHA WUiOKLY BJtJIfl : THrjiSDAT , FEBRUARY 21 ; AXOTIIIill SCII1IISSION BILL Jilroilu ) < ; uH u .Jolnl , Huuolu MOD ft ) UK * Hoiwto. WANTS TO UE ON THE SAFE SIDE Jfuluil Al. Utiii AililnmHOH I lid Me lll.'IH III' llllt lllllINO Oil ( III ) VVlllllllll l liiihlliinliu Hun * villi ) HiinnlB. IIMOI.N , N l ) , Kul . 0 | HRiiHl | ) to 'I'm | lii ] MIM ! of llm tminilliK wn ioiihiiiini In llm ( .Hlinln iIlKUh ) liin iiiil | lillllnir Mini' ' ' Inn n.iiilrliiforHlfrri | / wiriornliiiiit | , to IIH or | iuiiih > In Nilinmla In nnlsr In ilo i.nijin llm ( . I. 1 1) . himiliil llowo'U ' | H Imlliil liox lilli 'I in' | HI | | < : | III > rniiiiiiill'in Inlroilnrnil u noli IllllUllllllllilll lUIIVllltllg fill Hvi H.M | inn uuiirl Jmlj/l.'H / , mill luuil | liuilliJ | III ill | illli nf OlIllJl ) fl ) MVl * J'llillH , Hi.-iiiilor l.niilH.iy inlruilnrcil n joint rimnlu linn fur u iiiiilillilllvo Aliuinilliii'iil Id HID run ( illinium. Till * kviift ilium liin'iiiiitii ' llm Hun I id inlriiillliiiiiK lnllH iniiy itluiii | liiifmi ! I In HIIIIIIIII | | ) Illlll ! I Illinium JU lluillullill Illl hllllllll ( Hi , III Tliu miliiiiiHHiiiiilitlfl VMiiil u tniu tin UHiini In ti.iiiil lluil limy i.iiii null up If lln I. .nil I ruliiH HHiiiiml Nil. III. A I'lilnf nnm IIIDII ! nuMiiiHl llm lulloi him In llm ( mil Ilml U u lull liihlo.ul uf u rimiiliilliin. lluiuimlui liilruiliiiiiiil I wu iiiu.ioiiru * In llm IIIIIIAII , nun i lull mill llm iillnir Jnlut minimum. Tin I i.Nulill lull \VIIH liliullliillilil Till ) lilll In Hill tin ( In : fllu , mil iiiuy mil liu nviiilulili iifim jlin itniirmiiu iKiuil IIIIH ( ( iviin Id iiiinnm. | l.liiiimij' * ninvii U In liuvn a IIHII I'ntiiliiiinn wltlin ) rn.iuli Tlm liuily uf ul I iiiiiii ! uimiiiii'iii : It iilmil iiul will ) iiiiiiuln Illi H | ui , miijmiilly Inlniilinaiil dy r.lniUuy. ll'l I.IINIIIlN liliMllllN. An iiffiirl wan inuilri In rm.iill llm liwimi ( ill iilmliitliiiitf nlitln nil liibimli | : < iii , which Ilu winiiln liinl lillliiil , Inil fi fiilliiil. Tim iHiinnillliui uf llm wlinlii i'iiiiiimimiliil ! ; ( , llm lliruii hillit fur llm iiiiiiiilnn at 'I'liiHMm ' niiuiUV , itlnii llm lilll rniuliui | | ( uUlii uflluoit In inuUn vnnrly riiniiiU nl iiniinniy In Ilinli nfili fiH IIIHII Uin litll | iuiviiliii | [ lluil iirolu.iii iiiMiulcii iliiuiiii hiiiuluv liu inuilii nn Balur llux 'I lin uinniln iul.i | > liil : llm IMHUII Jnlnl riimilu linn iiiiiiirtllni | : ( NuliiMttliu iiuiiuniHrtimilt li iliiliiaml u tiiihiwiiiiiiiii uf nil mil rum uf | intilu liiiuU , ix'limi inn MIIIII ) mo nninr | ululm of tin main UH Iniliininllv tinUnnl lunilK. Me IJIIIIIH iiiiruiliiDiiil iv lull In tu | liiiiltt llllMK Illlll iumllillUliima : Mr IlimnlMuy liili'iuliiiiiiil u bill In Uin nllliHl uf nliitn liniliir liihntilnr. | l'ln > miiwln iluiiiilml In inllinini In wmt'inv unlil Moiiilii.Y iitluriiiiiiii. 1 1 u nun. , Null , l'\ili ' UllIHpjixlul In 'I'm ' ' Hi. u i Tim uumiilitou nn iilnunn rupniluil u Uin iii.ii : nf i.ixliiviirniiiIliilhii1 | lluil lin li tiultlliul in ttnmn i' < niniiinsitUi | > u fi'uu bluln nn uiuuuiiil uf lin | iininniliinuii | l.i , lull Ihu.v tHUiUl nnl ilntiinninn ln | luuinuil , niul mixiumimuli'.il llnil I lin nlalin tin | r > 0HUI ( tin | i\oivl | nn Uin tfouurul Illl ) . A nil iiiirll.v rn | > nU > vut nlsu luuuloilln iv-oninnuunl IIIK Uin hulnllnilu | i tHuuuiKiut | nf llm lilll Tlui lilllmivnllan \ fill' Uin lumU in llm wuultirn | > t\rloi' tliu ( u\ui'ulil.v rninvttnl | li.v Uui iMtiiuulliHi erA A \nll \ lulciuuuiiul lij' Mullrlilu In onntMi | uuliuuil cui'iiufimnnt ) m U t tlmic puiHul\ | ful1 | iniin | ii ! ut inxntiun , umluc Uiu luilh n ( tin in\iaiiluul ni' aiH iUuiy , nv nvtUor i-iuu ( illU-dr nf ilinmnnnnyvust , \ wiMVtml t > , V Uu I'lmuuiUiH' ' nnvu.rt umiui.iu ( , vvilii Uu vui-uinnuunUlimi Unit U iln | uii . tlio u i > of tlin dull to M. hulunui , ( n iuUli'i'ai Hut nu Uio of muuuui'ul ttiifCi' . > > ; a ilio sjuuiUor nu Uiu Ui V u iuuil.ii' VI ululiou wu vuUnl iluwu \ lOwimtl louuvvtul lUo wilti lUiuuuUuimt tlml Uui liuU 'V Uor fun \VIUtO IHUVvHl tliu IOl < U\tlt \ > ll \vlili\U was lust- . OUuuUuul uia tliu ituU > lnuU \YllU ln'i ; .ImUu-ii uml Or.IUllni.i \ uud vu vinun ollior ovtlb , mut Ui > iliuut ) IU'OIKUU K ill\v\v lluv limumAHIUU. \ . Ilu UuuitUi , us an upt pf I'.uuvtuw , tlm I'luiulutiiui sluuiKl In Bivui'uIUliitttor4ng ( ! uuilkuis wove uuuli lunl a w\t vC tliu Uiuua Uulmj-iul in , but u vuU \viii duulLv vviuiuHuml \ Uu > vc iu t \\4is yuiuUul l > .v u vnto ut M to 'J ? . ( 'VuUuv oltuvml u I'UioluUyu , vvliu'll wu UilonUul , wxoniluy nil uioiuboravtu > uuyUv \ \ lill U > lliUul tO tllll U tU'OA-i. Mrs. ( K'uyui' tlivui innHuuvtl aiul nuilo tltu lu ( uv u'otvuuuu UI\VUKV. Uillt. lulu'Cluv'MU U Jiv.v were IVtlvU1 'IV muku ull vailvoui.1 ' 'Huoil unVil n-iua,1' 0 1' uutU tUa vm.uio.v bo ( uiuloi.1. \l.\ . UUll vi to uuHo vvuvW uml iUl \ 1UaiUv ( vir Ilio . 'l\ > noimU , ; Tov ( ut- xu > Uin. . ; or uuU to i-ut tyiuow. UU rr.v 'IV wiufoi vallvo Ja to kcoi > \ivi\Uio cxu'.ituj.'a lu voiuVr. All VllU ou Vtiivd i-caillm ; w < uv i > o. tlH > uiHl iw ( UvYVV k w\s'cl > ti liou'.o rolv 01.Uo SomU C > i."iili.i , oluiyl r bill , wuivh w.ii tukcu u ( > uml . ' uuuuimovu volo. A VvV CuutUui to ujjoufu uulil MyiulA\ > 'us . . 'I'UiX houwvout lute a'uimlUiw ol the Vuu'iMcv bilb oitbo youvirul illo. \lou-4iA \ Ulo VM , IXmvuuuVi ViU to vu'OVKlo tov tluv ute ) iuUliv4iUpu o ( M-htx'l WoK-i , \\.vi iu- dvJluiltOlY I'Oatiy ' uwti > V bill Utovluin.t ; tUut ull tluui uui licoiKii uioui\s Ut t vvu uu\.l ciUu-i sUall lx > iiul oov t tUo wuuVv umiw u i l Moluiivol.v tor tdo vuiijiui'li ot tuo vowtuuu HviooU ; ot l > Uo wuutvv \Vas vl i > aVv > .l uf , liuxtU. Jyliuton , ( .Vlljiu uud IWUuvU ( uvuixkt ixttl \i \ > > u ui llio bill , uuU tlld not VUlutliu suj > lUa s li ul.-i .tUoulvX Jujtoud upou v > io vouutr.v vvojOo.uu UlO SlUiJUS ! IllUdl Ut ttlk ) CO.til.lvUV > pt iclVS , und ooiiuU-.x ciDi.lroii ) vu t * > Utulr sUaro vJt 0 o i i.'Jjy. . Joint , i-onoluuoii. toiubjiiit , , vu uinviul- to tlio sUite voutuluiwu pivviiliDK thitl ul ui.'iw.v Joi'ivvHi.f . roui i.Uov > ii In.'vuii.'i uaiil Cm- , sliuuli.1 s' u > W lUi > vvuut > tuhWud oJ ! tliooiU tidioul ( uud ! i Oib cn-.loi. ) ' Unullv lull l b.v u VoUgl W tu UT. oahuitsNi'4 usury l > iU wiu t. Hon gji for ? * > ) ! Uiilcr.Oitw , 'tlio tnU ; u uiij juJo > .l ysvviiltk. ii tlmj ol ugl I , I H Uiiiu * 1. < W lor to.uinij ; mo"v ut auji'o tliiiu is IXM v * > ut \\iv\Kout \ 'I'lliJ vVUlWiUVv ) UplKWtWil lO ouiuJnjiW * uifo \vtucli lu-i UjoJi r < : .ul\ , ; ui. .v nai * wil a ut ilu NI ) , 'I'lio rv uoa ( or Uiu. i 14 Uio vvinmlilj da not * \i > Uuii , liwt ouv Ji' w uio vuituiUMUHi U > , u Uti\v are un Uio vi\'o ut oUiOjsuJi.ilou. . vvlia ! ii\o ; V.vuv'Ji. o yf Uio suiio , 'llio iv\U-uvu + ; .iuco m Utui Uno is ual to U lut ii ) Uiu liou. o , l ub khat-v ) IK otio-mK oJ it lu.iuo a invi\cut.i ; v > , rimro aiu irnoVv-ll Vl > i'K\VM iu Uio uii.U.j , muiuiiiiiH' Uio iMic tm v uij h.t : > , u UmU , TUoAiWtum uU Uio - iiiuuUvr ujul : i iHtn > i > ii M In Junior slvinniM ou one iti. ovor.v turu , I lu SiVJVtvi.V'n oiltiM ll-U Ull ubllltiltUICO Of Vorii , .uul Uiu4-o ; u 140 vUouo in hu OutuviU UiutiU Tlunv ivro nivtcoti uaucA , Vut h.xli' Ui.ii Ui.iilioj' Uv.iM ijo | iiu > 4 . ) 'lii < t uro i ijhilJrcu , vut ut ; ' " 'Hjo irvuu o tr , uud ar-uv | i. V ) ixr vylticU U fr Kjoutiv luAtk 140111 J , 'L'lio ; ifuUUuitd ) | rwoui U. * UMV ; U > rKuuU vhi no . Hill Uino , CUe wviniuiUuo tuu neb Ixvu avuiv iun wiUi work , ixiul lji rv tuu IKVU uu * ( K.xiil lutt < ) uitoui iti Tu ait Av rutjo. wan it K > o < u > IVA U ouKli U ti.-ul uv li.-a.-a Uv ire u uuch holii tu it UOOM& ai layout. Vm-sv fttvv nouMi Wlfs. l)4\ohul ) .UtQiaiou In 1)14 ) tcn.vtu , uud Uioio Muis.i h.ivo licoa Jrtvivlion U\mu > ulurk * h.wl lu-u. MiOv. ! it not * b owUiluolhinK U > do , Yut I < MI ot Uii'Ui tut ) UiMwmj .5) ) n Uiiy vyilh Tljo rx Jit-jt-uvuii , Uw jo Dili liuvii an Hii.lixlincv . rff Ijtlo but | rji | > | jn iiifi. tlitn. Ilioy iiunl f/ir | ) cuiilii.'rvl | / T/iu / ( / < uli * l i/ li viiif niiV ucT ( < o in Ilu : ii'lijjll/ of Uui lulu irlluwnif ( . i In U t < j omli kuiiul r All but flvw or ni niii.i-u . nviiilix ) lln.fniiUi.d of lint | invia c , to tliul liciulnu t Ijf ; xl/'nil l.wiliy ) B VIII tilUi hm of IliU klnil , luhl VVlllll. * ' . ! U lll'.y Icliili.'l | j > Uiu hljiL/i U un niikiMWii qiiiinliLy H'11118 Of III 1)111 Ult Ml | > | Ml wi I'l ll'j ' I'llllt lnlLli.'u WOIK , l < ul tlniru uru only lliixu rein liilllvo * In llm L'iiiil.u willi i.'ii'inKli liiisirirus l fully iniiliiv | u < Mini ) uf tin : rein inltliiiiii lnipn Inn ) lim HIBII n luilf ilo/jin MIU lo i-/in iili-i ilui iiixu iv'i'ilo , uml onci i.iurli coiiM nHrva kcvural of tlimn Tint fciniiiLu uiiiili | > tiu HIU ixttllii | { rWVJ n iliiy , ur iiiiwniiU. lunl onn Hill ii of Unit mini ionM : IdJ HVII ) tin ; ( tlulo vvilliunl NUIIHIIH III cailViiilUJiicn ' ( 'lima Is lonsliluiiiblo ill fi.'iil llIK HllllllllIII" HUlllll/jrn HllJIM t > IVB * IllWUllllll i.ii ninny fjiiixilii | ii iilii | luivii < ; < iiiurixl | fclnuiiinuii Tliutu am Lwiiniy I wn from l < uri ) uiiir imiiuly , iinU olliur liiivu no Miiiu | unMitivu I lin Hum Illn < < iiiiiiiilMnn IJMIII.N , Nub. , l < ' < ili til ) . | Hi | ilnl loTilH DKKI'liu | ' Hi.vinllu liivunllHiitliiK ixiinunlluii linlil ii fco 8iiin HilH inurnliiK' M' ' Aaliwiill , nf llm Htriillnn llnrnlil , wan liu/uni / tin ) mill inllliir , nnil hliunily iiutiltiiiii.'il | by rinivllln , ( lllliiirl nnil I'urlijn ' , Inil nn uvliluiinu nf n ill > illlnilliii { II. Mum VVHH iillulUnl. Mr Abli wull niniilnilli'iilly ilunlun liny uf Iliu liniriiiiir | | nun nf innnuv In vvllli IIIIIII | .IIMU 1 liinbar nnil .luliiibiin , I lui livuulliiir iniilnm frnin Hli'iillun. vvliu inn uHii-rlii | | of liuvlnir HDIIIII liniivvlnilii | { nf thn inalliT , will lin iixniiiinnil Ililn uviniliiv .luliii Hiilili.r lia.i Ilium iikiniuriiluil anil ilia ilniriil : | ( Tliu IniUrnltuiiH nin Hint llm nnil IIIIH buiili rciirliuil , Hnniyli hiinui | iuaillvu uvi ilinnii innv Im nlilninuil frnin llm | i , ill HIM niiinuil nlinvn Onn Hini | ( In iuiluui. : Ihn rliiiiiiliiu inviiHlliriiliuii ivill mil. iiruruinl ninuli liiilliur nnlnim biiiiinlliiuji In ilnvnlun | < il. I.INIUI.N , Nnb , l''nb Ull | | : . lu 'I'llil MUM.Tlu ] nliuily inninliuia uf llm Innibii uiul luunlj Ilium nf llm minulu , wliu vvnin nnl Invllnil In llm lianiiuil | linhl liiol itvunlnft , liuvn unlluil In n riilinut | In Hiinnlur Miuular nun In iiiliinil n ninuli unit nillli Hiiuiulilu ul llinll'M | ' Inilnl nn l''ililuy ' uvunlnr ) , vvliuin , nn llm InliiHinill rr.uilnMliii , lUini IniHliOI'H will liuvn HID flour" uml tin Hin nnUirtalnili- ) onjnvahln liniu IH nnl ! lmlDil. | Kvnr.vbuil.v nnnyi | > il Uin bnuin | ) > nf MTH. I liiiiicur niul l-iHiitinllv | iiinlmuliul | tlnibinii'h | , but HU fur nn nii'inbur nf Iliu linnbii IIIIH ml milled Unit 1m IIIIH iimm nnnvintud In Imr Hinnr.v Tliu | irvili ! > KQ nf tnllilni ; In tlm Hiiiniib With urunltxl na n mum runi limy I'lru at Aii Ai-NbHiiiiin , Nub , li'nli Ull | Kiiinial | Tul UK rm u In 'I'm ; llii ; : . | M. 'I' ' . Hinvlmiil'vi Hliuo nl Hirliiivlu\v | | , ivilli 11m nullrii almili nf muiunil nnirnlntmllin , bni'miil Imil uluhl i limt tlDOiVi , with v.n-.y lullii luaurmiiui Tlm liuiulluii i .HIU ; la Iliu In ilu > U'li'i'i't ' ' limn a ilu forlivn line TWO Nldll 1'h Ail Itiui'iiithl rtiii'vluu I'uiiUiinloil ' lly ( tut "I want In nuil.u a iHmliuiim , " niiaUiKotli1 nll.V ruimii kinl UvuuHClibl 1'ullur l.ihi m lii to llm iioinillv lnrio ; omiKi'otiatloiiUilnh \ tmn btiim ! ( iiUuirii ( | ; nlnliUv av tliu Arinnrj , \vliui-o tlio lovivul muullugn mxi im\v bomu lUiiulur.Uvil. 'I'luiru ' Uavn luun iximilalnls | nbuul tlm uuilitnHiim biiniK nlitll.v durmu Hm lu t fmv nnld niiflith. "Tlm urn fuNhlnii Uuil I urn cului ; to mulioU tliul tlm bull bus litiuu < ilil , but m fviluro I will tioo Unit Hits ronm u ) io | > t wann tf wo liuvo tu iiuiliu n bmillro in llm onutur nf It. Now llioro will bo no ouuiau I'm1 an\bk > d.Y K iiwn.on . lUHHuiul of tlm hmiso buic lnrlikbliv'o \vill bo tu HID IUHIMI onl.\ two uioi'o ui lUa , Imt wlulo wo ui'o hofo U will bo hontuvm. . " Tlm uvuiiKOliti aaKoil u number iv ( luiik to five lu tboir lulyums lo l Tlio'jo who r\mKiiuloil | woru ( xillnf pyoitlioiv miuoi'toiuu mid iv\i > onotu\\ . I'Vr llio ltrt < t lliuu ilui'in Iliu ovunuotial's t > iu on Mr. Miller vuijj u fuw nuiilimontat . " \1.Y own siutl is sticixHl to IU vor.v doptli wlion I tti'mk of tlioso kOiiK i" * 'iul Uio voiutl- til. H.y wu > of oxoUnuttou ho voluv ut sonm stmuva o ( luloun'oniucuud the fo ult o ( m- obfiati n. At Uio ivnuJvuKui o ( the suiglnir Mr. I'ot- Uu' muw.nuu.xU liu Uui ( or the ovoumi ; ' " dn vxnu-ia Uv4 tuVon from tlrat Color i vul 'Vim stibjool was : ' 'l-Vivus muolt u * .so know that \\oronol redeemed with I'orruotiblo thine * ivt iilvor and sold , but with the Wo\'d ' ot I5hri t u > . ot thol.iuilt with uih ami without vl. " r tlio ovuugoiUlS iiviuou ho a luvl ouoof the bivthvrrt i ( ho thomln ; the w u- roy.iliou wut lUloniui ; tovlmv ho wni bdji'- iu The voiO.v wui m the utttrmulwo. "I urn tutkluK to uiou mul woiuou here to muhl that will KO to u ihvutor uudUx'i > oYor u ( uuwod traxixl.v , but theY huvo uo toara U > s > lux\ \ ever t'hrUt , thotr s. vior. " WU.V it wa tUu * ho ivuM not uudovatuiul. 'lVlo.i-i > vv.l ! * thu blowl ot t'liviit.S'Ui. . ovoi- rojool * the utououiout of t'tiri-it m uSU Uod , UP Has the KuUmvut uua tuko-s Uu > owu soul iu UU owu uuudi ( or uotuu\ olio thau dark Alter turtliQr di- ou-1-.ii.j ; hu ubi.vl ] the ovun oii'it MXoil the o wbo o touK Had Uv > u j.a\oU to * t > iuil ut * . A auv > , ir pwtiou oJ the vouxron'utxou uvo-vj. "It there IHI uio' oiio ou UU of Uor ( tvt who u uot ( Kuitivo Ui V hl. > . or huv soul Un-i i4\vJ , ( iloA'iOMtt down. I waul you to U > wnU.\ouv Uod OKrut \uitchmg , \our ai-lipui. " Nv ono UMUiuoU tUoir s > oaVi while Mr. IVt- Swoirul sou ; , ' * were rou < lor Hl uua .muorw \\oro iu vi ted to the altar. Ai usual the mouruors' U'liolxuw otvA\tOil. 'IV uilil ; uud Vo uiori'ow ovouiui ; will ivui livlO the luwtuitft at tboiu'iuoi'.s. 't'boov.iu ( joh.ili will , .if I vi' Hi LI wvoX , heM uiooliiuK" m thovauoui MvthoJv > ti vhuivho.i thivuijhout the OH.Y. UV AUUU.Ul1 VlMl'l S AUliKM.VNKN. Uliklls aiut tMiiiktia Jolu UiiiiUs iu tlio .Uv tlv 'Cv i'lu l.iuH. . m lil the uiombor.oC Alloai.iucii Nf. N I. l > . * . > . fcof VUi--i on..v , wijro b v u NIMH ftoni tiWojit\-Hvo , Uuuiboldii loj o oJ Uio , uio m \\mnou kUul ! > i , Ou v ono uicuibor of the Iiouio \ tilnknow of their ooiuuj , uud ttul vs. n ox LK > i uVv tUiunK U > vlx > , who ro- li4n/u.\li | pro crsvd Uio scci'vU 'Ctu > woi'o uduitUoJ w Uio UJK > . ' . nd afuir u luutrn.U , tUvtboi' klwiv.v Uohui.ui , iuJ Uvnrv ( .Vthotl alolo nw.vv , and uuulo in i\kii 'ojnuuV > \vttli Miiu or , , U the Vwan.t tiolul 021 \rt \ oiUn-uun Uio I.KU tv , .it Uio dKO OMKvahUri. Aoi > rdin i.v. Uio iniMUlNr * ot IxJth a oonkV.out. iiivit aivund t.ililCn winch wtjro yXv-kiiU.v dovvr.kUKl , and h i vxaAI ik tMiinUXul .iiiriMd , tw v.'hiuii nil Uiu iiu.u , n.v > v > ll iu Uio ( IQJUO uioniihjrx did jiirtUwo. Ttig njiKuti wiu giuivoaod with ri iijfk , ioKoti , uud wlUivii ; > mi ! , Wn'oihcr uiUi uu eiMiUi.-ii ! : aiid wiuy.liJroo.i by * . ' . C- Uio uotjlo ijr.ind of Uio oollkvr 'xvut > lii ( < vliowuni ui UtiuiMdt MKO w.u V * . C. lulti on Uig vlumuiy fcUniK \Vlion syvii'v.'hviU b.v iho poi wv KU ufd OVviutur , thg o.\i > 'r bt > iik siKjiik , lunl tu uiu lylilo at UI U' ! iAiui ( ; iiyclita Ihroo Vho - dolKuW ttnd iKX'fuuU.v-uuiilo liulu oi-u wu yuluUjd tg lit iui.v ( grin v ( hiititluuttti imd ului Uho ul wai ; ak liuort.v. Sukv } tJ ui Uy soiinis y ( bio JiuitalijojJy tjty- UVUM C wiu u vmv tluu lloxiblg \ in alt ylvikbuU\ ! ijnu ll v ijo l to * > O.IHO lti > m the Now \'wr i cvwrl ivoui Now \o > UV wlU > . > VM .iK i Cyu'i know whut-it k " "Vw , l Jo. UN th4 hull un4 Q' u > rti uua > uu bUid tutu iu civij , uftor it * dyad , to tii.vlv it , FRKETIIADBANDCLEVEAHD ' 1'nrllf HoJoMn I.OUMIJO'H V/iil ( Jiy L-'or lfJ02. - SPEAKS TO-Niain Tint Aliijiully itt HIM AliHiiluKi I'i'iiniilit Am Tn Mini erA A ' "I'lii'lfl Iliirorini'i' " I'roliixlN. fiin AIIH , Kiill. Ui ) ( HpuHnl Tuln riiin to TIIK Him | "I'luvnlnnil innl I'Vun Tnnli ! foi Iri'.rj ' , " IN tlm luiLLlii nry nf llm few iiiii wuin | nnil ilinniiiiMitli ! liirllf rnfiiinnir * nuvv In stii HIIIII burn. Tlm Hiit/K' ' tl" ! ) vviis ininlii ilnriiifi llm roili'MJ of u sH' ili lu-diiy , HIM ! It wit * loiull.y 1'litiiinxi , 'I'hu iilliinilmicu nt llm bill Ihlit iifluriinnn was vury ullin. VVImn Hn I'unviMitlnn WUH iiulluil to unlnr ,1. Hli'l'llii ) Mm Iun rnlli'il ninn Mr. Jmblln niinl n | iniii | In wlilrli Im Inn ) bcnn n.iHiuiifil. A IUI'KI limply blluiiiin Inllnwuil. Nunl , Im mil in ilium Mr. timiHi. Aiinllini' nni | iinhuml Mr llniiKhlnii , nf Diilintu , ulfuioil i iiittiillitlnn Ui llm nirmil Unit n nnininltlon n llvu Im iiiiiilntni | | | Ui limit u nnmitllntlnn am by liiivn uml In rni | > irt nn it imillmil u ( | nu- ininmnl ur mil/iil.iuu. "I ilu mil iiultn iiiuliir Hlunil Iliu | ilun | II-UMI | UI | burn,1' ' tnilil Mr llnniiblun "I nmli-rnlaml ynn liuvn Imi-nnn liiDiiriiiirnliiil In Ibln nlnlu nmlnr Iliu iiuiliu n llm 'I'arllf ' ' Unfurni IriiKim , and I wnnl li linniv biiinulluiiK nf llm nmtlindu by whn'l VMJ | iii > | in ii In wui li. I am fiuufnl ilml Iln nilliinuilUnn may uuruiuu a Inrun bnily , ruin | irlni < linliv | nf hliuuiura. | uml Imi.'i innvnrbliill > innvn Hluivly Ml' . ilun'o ruHulnlliinVIIH uiinumliiil , mil IJIInlim I'lirliUli nnnln uu nulhiiRlabtli buninli. | Mr l nrblub lmiui | | Hm linigiin \\uulil liiiiiiuun n liiriju boil.v nf HIIIIIIIUIH | ivliuau alamplnu itimld lin Imunl nil nvnr tin linrlhwiiHt , Mr l''nrlilsli ' ilnulnrud thai ivluli all nvnr llmululnnf IlllmiU Hmrn r.nuld In BIKIII | IIIIIIIIIM | lii > | ; iliif | fur wnrli. Ilinru WUH muni tnr aiirli un ui'KiniUiillun mul nur.h i r-uiiviiullim lib tlim. Tlm uiiuikKnr llUmmr iJrnvur t'luvuhiml In Hli'plum A llnnijlari , nml iirnoniiilud In nit auk llm ulik.iiillllrul | ( ini'lliM , and In a llurun vnli nf inliiulnd HIUIIU uud tuvt'iillvu rnlmlu'd nun yi'iibi * fur lufiiu liiKln nbo.v thu dlntalim nf tin | iLiuili | > tu rudili'ii llm lurllt.Vo Irlud In iul ; n rodmillun frnin 17 | mr I'.uul. Imilf and wn ni'ii luld wu liud In Im ruuliiutvllli u iniluo Iliniul fi | nn' uuiil , | ioi'4in n It wan all Wi ruiild H"l from n i > uuinittH ; uhu-liul li.v dumu niiitn. Tlm rniiiiblli'itu inirl.v IIHH Invlndnn llm linn lilnalikw whlnh | ilumi ; > n f > 0nililHKl , ( , nf wlilli mini into n hluvtir.v u Hmubiind Ilinunvnrnii Hnin llm HbkMiry from \\limh llut.v iiibimod lOi > iliHHI nf lilimlmiiii ll'aull llm hiimivlmu \im huvn run llm I'limut nf Hm rumblliiiin | inut.v Irnmlllutim In Wiiiiinimluir , un nnillurvimlhin' \im run t'rnm Hliiluu dmvu ur Hmnllmr wn\ " Hu vm id hiimiliur * udilroa.sod thnoonvoullnn in lavnr of uud unutust Hm inotmu to rtifm \lr lluuijlilun'H ' nmtlnu In Hm rmmulttuu nn riiHolntmna. t'nhnml tiimnrou , nf Cliii'ii u , Hiitd lin Ihmmbl Hm robiilutmn did tint iimim williln llm taimiio of llm ivmmlllunu ivmilu tluiib , n it luiiiKiaod In uruiuiui uud biibmtl to tlm cnuvonHou it | > lim nf ' ui'g.uiuiitmu mul 11 lui'istitullon for Hm hiuua "Tho | > ooilo | of HUK mmulr.v uood oduinitmu on oomimuio mutlui'V mini IXiUmivl I'miusrun , ' 'and .YOU luiunut odtm.iln tlrnm diirnik ; u i > nllliottl i\inimikii. | ! 1 Imvo had bniiut tuiornnikHi | lu Una limi , mid I kuuw You lunt't ovoroonm miiu'h iirojuituxia wlulo Hun mo talKuik ; | Mltlii's.Vu Hi.i I.IHI l , til , but otir o\iiu'u | < iii'o wus uot ik'm ) > ; . " llm roMilutiou wa hilit on tlm tublu. Mr. KdiuumU , of UliiuMa , mild ho thoukhl ; tlm piMiHuulnii. ; * . on tlm ivtuvontiou vnu\i numum m a ( ; u > eve Hint tundod tiui tuuoh to ward free tutdif Uo holonnod , ho md , to tlm Hum of llonrv Clay , when it wttb thought tlntt mluoub iluuilil iMiitrtbuto to ttm MipiHirl of the tovoriuiuiut ) .Mr IMmmuU olUnxxl u roaolutiou udYoiuttuiK a UvilV on lu\uruv < uud free tr.tdo iu iiivoaiuriivir u tuon liquor mul tob.ii\x > , uud u bounty to bo n.iiit for MUKUI- , nvo and wind. Tills was tlm llfst twtttor of thu tAri'ill ust'ormiu' lu the coiiYcutiou , kvhioh hail hlthorto boon dotuinittd ; bj > thu Suuou imi'o fr J trudovsi. Mr , VMmumU aikid ho tlunis'Ut his Huolutum might imt liloAso oYorylsxli , ami ho wu * uiudtt sure of It wlmu u doloKUto .iiUio Uxl tlnvt Mr. Kd- muudi had not Uui Into the wivu. < txutvou turn. Mr. KoWrU , ot the null luvteoliYO Kuiguo ot MtuiiiVaotik , nuiYod U < Kty Mr. Kd- uiumU' roaolutiou ou tlio t.ttilo , but uudor the rule it wont to tlm coiuuuttoo oil rotvlu - Uoui.Vhou the ivuvviUKHi adjouruod ul uoou ttiorokvoivi sviuiitiwus of it 11 rat ol.m row luvxtiukg , ami good doul of hy t Uitdor the Tlio u\w elute fvoo ti'u.U'i'.s , of wtioiu ; ivo Single- \ UUHI , K > YIU U OUt thltt UUlOHS tlukt IVUIUHtU'O OU VU.iOlUllOU-i CU1UO IU Ut OIU'O tho.v would KMVO the ix > nvoutlou. Ttiy.v stttd ttiut the ( xiimuittoo h.kd tKxx.1 thiugt > o tlutt it would notoouiv ! m before uvmorix > w moru- UIK xvith the uiU'iit ot tu'tugixyj iu " \vo.kk-Vuood tlly tariff wltk-ii will dlisuil thoU U \vk-i > lo ttils luoruiui ; the Now York uiouoro not to bo aocu , uud it w a HUKI b.v ouo ot their lU'U' titiou Now \\U-IJL ot u ch.tuoo to ot lu Uor wurlitho.ouldiill . ko homo. I'ho i > cuoo umlvovK dos'luu\l tbul tt t > > would bring that ivmujituM m tbu ufU'i'iKViv if it had to bt > braiii .s.l b.v the Uuir , o thut if uu.vtvt.lji u to bo i.tL-fitlcoi.1 it xvil ! l > o the vomuiiiKS ) on vcsv- tutious. 'Chis ovoumtf ut the mveluij ; the parlt- itar wilt bo Uour.v TUHY l.OSV NKUVK. u > Vote ut pkviirds of uu huur lust ui ht the oity wu * yructu.'aU.v withous I.K > IK > O pivtootwn. vvhllo the uiomtKM'ti of tSo "Mctr . > t > oiiXiiu" tvoroiu uiu-ss unx'tiug itiaotublvs. ' ul luo city . ' luoniooiot ivuuoil eh.ktibor. S'-My-sovoa luoniooi- Iho foroo were proaout , uud Soixv.'ants Sijf- ivitrti tiud Johuboii , uud DJticx.nx Mut&i , l.iv , t'rooluad , ti v-it , Mctlndc , I'ulita.'ii. tlat'vy iiid t obout cro ; ib.- > cntvitli | K > n.iiou Oiil , b > which it 1.1 mU.'uJvM a tuud ihnil Ijv. ' iMihcU to l > > ty dLs.tblvU otn'ors ; , r * who h.tvo icrvoa mixjou > o > ir > < ou tbu force , it uionthJ.v itifjoud ot $10. tXi cu.iblo the board ot i.vinuus.iioui.1'n to uo this , U in Ko uiwnji'j bo t > itrto inuii iiul uioro lhm L per cent of tboir wu , > ( , i , iuid uoti lens Uiuu iic-tiuiixtci ot ttn.v i witr > bi Uio > UJIL.V CMTII , b.v doJH < . ' \t.rit work and c.ipluriux Ui - > . . nlK'J crooks mid > .i'iiiiiiii. ! ; Av the uwvUiirf uLit umht t'htof i > o.ivc.v w.i.i uuuuunou.ilv iipjKinitA.'vl vti.nriu.iu , and JilKXUl C'lhccr 'i'bomas J. > suvrctiirv. On UklviuK UO chair the ctuut .tiuioii/mvd Uo Lho ( oixv ho h.kt o.ilUxl Uiuni tv ether V > JISOUAI thy uionLs of ivinato iliu lA\ which ujvvidii. fur the soUuii ; ujKU-t , t'urui.iUuu mid jktbuihouiont of u ( M.U.V rvUol fund m cities ji uao uioiroiMiiun ciikin , unu which ticv'ii miivduccd b > Suiiaioi' tuin.H , Juuu.u' > $ > ' , It wui uoxv -uJliii ; m Uio hyi o of ronrot < untikti\ , und U.I Ul < i > Wor > dlX'llV | , lllUjIXteWd It Wll-i 111 jrooi for Uiom to t'VlJ y.\ui\jcv.-iou to Uioir vie > . Ono or tvto momtwri uf Uio t'oixo . ' .inioyui , : tnd wlulo .idmilUn the o ! > - li. ut aJ the bill wu..1 . ; IAH ! uug. Uio.t ot > ; ucCvd Lo it/mo J' ' Uiu duiailh , ouioviXl | > uiiwo call ing on uion ho rtbiiod tnoir livu .uul nj Co4jrt.Ii ot Uio uiuouiilh - > J oaruou. m Iitvor ot Uio Muomo , but Uio .Ull lloUllllK lbUt | UlO UUIIItMXHlrk OOJW- Utoy h.kd ruisoU on tfia iWwoC , and Tiu uhiuf Uio ucL u > uuiv txjloro Uio hoaixi , aim li.wh svxuon w < k.i dn un cd ; u- > ilKvu. 'rhon a rvaoiutioit os yut and oar- noJ iniiniiu > M > .ly , i x4Ut ) Utii ( Uio UouxliiA .ouul.v Julu uUJk lu use Uioir bc t * Jlurt ; m Uio lioubo loiVMxlh 4ociirnii ; km puv.-vi o ot : hvi bill Ailtinlt ) .kiiiouduiv'uL , Uhi inouun 4 IVHO of UiaiiitK w > u u > miivil to Suu.itur Ijnuin iar lut. ytloru U > ! MX.'ur i Uio. pitv.-.ij ; > ; of Jio Uui , iuitl to Uiu tiouoi'tktilo Uoaoi v t iii Hid LMiicv v\Hiiuu iouor uud lu Chief isia- ko fur Uiu uiioiv l and uvuuiu ttmy hud i U ) hkvu Uio uiutUir ttruu iit boor ( i Uu uMJIV. ! l kytkl oiMJ ulxlutxsl Oil UIOUOU t tvtiof the iMVvXK\lilit ; of Uu uieoun forkvurdtxl to SU-'uator Ijaiiia , to ouch MxMUbOC Of Ult ) Ut > U > U tvUlllg' liulU- iuliou xid lu Uio 4 < > cr tuo of Uio 0 { lltvl Ulkd UOllC-O vVtltUllaMOlHJfM. 'L'ilO Uiou uJjourMoJ , Vthv Uo uiiiiutHtfK > ) ( Uio iu ujuiauuliv , T'UB U M tvjiorlov ft feVv of tlifni Tlii ! foltotVlng rn amo > , llm rrii'iJ' | ' "Will , vvu w.'iitt to ffftt ft foottiolil , niul 0 li r I'm ml h In foii : , wn r n lluil out how It woifca nml fit U umuiiilcd two yonrs from now " /f " tlipy r/lil ] > Hi > il to II why illJ HIP > nol/M up urn ) nay MI ! Tlm iiliiuf KIIVO tin in n CllHIIIH ) I ( lilll l tlllllll tllU UOIIkllUlllOII Will ( * OIIIK | > | HIIV III An to npflfiit IIM itnriilNifs tii u iiiniiiiur lali ) ilDwn l y Iiuv. lint of oourna If Im ilon't wuiil Ui iln u lint lxi.tril kiiyn , It don't ncrtil Irt l/n | / < lilin ( " "Iliiw uiHiiy of tin ) iircurtiil fonv ) will lie on It , iun ] looking/or / it tin | mr inoiitli iiunsluii /HIecu yoifV1 I iloii I thliiU tliuii' will ) > uny , unil lii-re'wn uro noxv , paying 70o | HT Inoiitli niul it iimi'tiir | of our rnwithis for Iho liuiiitlH of u lot if ilnffui'H w < t nuvur RIIW. I ilon'l think ll' rlifht " "If wn wiuil to irnl iti u hitntivolmit norlety unions ourKiWiwnitui ilo It , mul If xve ilon't , 1 ilon'l ' km wlmV'limml'ir liiniii ] , HID liunnl of IWIMIIIllflslllllllrH 01 * Itliy OHO Ulltl ! llllVII Ul llJ ( with it " "Why iliin'l thin li'Klaliilliru K l 'II ' * " m'JlOlllll nml tax tliL'UPMilvi-ft for llm iiiiiiit | | of nomr niiiiiiliiir xvho niitv IHI In linnl luck tu llftnuii Vmrnl Tlm.v liuvn Jowl IIH Hindi rltfhl Lo ilo Unit nit to nsli IIH to. " "It tlmy want to puNiliiii n iiollrciniin , why iliin'l. llm.v do ( t , nr ilnn caiiNii tlm crimliiiiUi Im HirimlMto it | | | | | nt Wo niTittl uliollt. H'll Iliouniunl | > er yimr , iiml If thiilr xx'oulil only irtvu u nmitll | iur lymtiiuu of tlm Ilium , ll would aiiHwnr llm | nii'iii | i ! . Or lln'.v nilj-'lil mill u ilmliir to tlm mull mid dux-oil ! It to tlm fluid , Tlml woulil iiiinvvnr tlm uainu | iiirni | i > nml liu a lii'iii'lll in uny of tlm lioyit tlmt uumloil t\ \ bimiilll , " "II. lunlm Iclinl of ( impli. I ii'ixv In thu | ii- ; pni'tt llm otlinr duy , Unit II rout &MIwr \ ynn In Ui'iip u prlftiiniir In llm pi'iillnntliiry. 'i' l.t nvi'i' MO u nuiiiLli , If mi otlli'iir IH pimiw imiml.y illsulilril In trying to IHDI : | | Unit ci-lini mil , 1m mill Jill | mr miinlli , unil tlmt nut of Illn own liny. II u fnlluw ivui tu ] UIKI ! ) liy tlml ho lunl hnttiir tin ii I'rlinliiul. " Anil bo hiiiil lliry nil Uml IH , uu iiiiiny in ( inlllil ho Intiii'V'lutvoil. MOUTH O IAIIA MOWN. Ciinrl niiiKlii < ; iy | No. 1 ( IH I. 4) . l\ Illlll , Mont limn mm thoiiHiiuil lli'lirU liuvn hinm nolil fur llm xYiiithniKtim liti-tluliiy hull Ui 1m liivuii ( ' 'ililuy ovouliif , ' in thu A. O , II. hull , Koulny hloi'k , liy iJiiiirl Maiflit ( illy Nn. Ills , lnili > | > iiiilimt. Onlur of l orixtoi'it. ' 1'lm ' ur riiiiKnliiiMiU luix'u lioiiii I'liiiinUitnil iinil tlm I > 'i in ml nr | IH.\H \ itrit Miiiikinlnu t lint limy xvll nut only i > ollito | the hint oiti ) u'lvon liy llmin , hut ttvnr\ \ tiling iivor K'x'ou ' in t.lm Mu lo tily. : I.UMauiiliiii'a iii'.ilimtru of Oinuliu will tnniKli tlm iinwti' ' Mr ( iimiV'i .1. Siilliriii' mill liuly xvlll linnl llm iji'iiiul iiiiii'rh , 'I'lnt iluiiun.y ti'iiin will li Imld till'J ii'oliK'li to mvoiuiiiii- Oiimhti frlitnilri , ( 'our ! I0rlii-.o | No. 111 ? , of Oinuliu , xi'ill iiltinul In u liiiily , mill xvlll ln > unit ut llm ilnpiil by Cioni't Min'tr'it.vluuiitnil liy Illf UlHllll MIlH'll.VHI'lIrl I'tll'llllt Illiml , T'hti City Clini'liif PiiNHt'it. A liili'Ki'imt xx'mt roi'ini'inlnitimluy tiftor noun liruiiiii ; | ; tlm liil'unimUtm tlml tlm un\v \ I'lly I'liiil'lni' bill luul | iu * iil. ! Nutil ono UL'Uvo | iolllli'luu uud inllimiitlitl lUtUuii : 'U'horo iifo ttiimuthliikiii tlml I ilu nul lll > o iiboill tlio now iihui'tiir. Tlm munt iinriiiiit * oUJi'iituiii 1 Ilml to It it tlmt font' iMUnoiliiuMi iii'o to bu olurtinl nt lur u. 'I'luit xx'tll Klx'o u Hlii ) > lo tile muiit Ihiit iiiu.y I'lmuon tu iiiMiluniiuuto in ono xx-iinl , iii'iii'tuuiUy ooiitrol of tlm mix1 uml unit ottv ouuiunl. H xvouhl lu > nil rlirlil if it Hhuulil tin tlm ioi ; > il oloiuont , but DID oliuiiiMts hwo lu this oit.v uro till tijiulustt ( \ liomi ; Kuoil , mill iu tuvor of botui ; li.ul. No , tt Is luisittvoly ilimfoiMU * . " Auotliur loiiillnit oilUoii thus lupnnsoil hl x'toxx's.Vu bikill.v nt'nU ' u I'luii'tor Nutttnl to otif inv.Hinit unit tuturo uooiln uml I inn lioui't it * ' ui fiixui1 of u pi'iiinji' I'liui'tov litxx- for filial of ttm I'last of South Oumliii , but I nut bit toi'ly oppmoil to 'Siuuo ' o ( tlm pi-o vHuuin ot the proAiMil luxv. l'utlio lixNIutvii' to | i.ii-i u luxv to mint mo of ttio ottli-iiilB t < lt > olt ) > l b.v tlm iiooi > liMt ii" out 1'iiij'o tlml I faniu < i bivok. 'I'liH ' IH Just xx'tiut it fontoiin > li\tixiV , uy thH pivsoiit i-lmi < - ti'i' luxv. I ilo not tlitlik ttiui it fan U ) ttono if in ttio court * , Hi ll ooi'tauu.v xvlll IHI if ttili bill botviuo.-t u UivvT" Allf > tul Mill ) I'rnoJtorn. ( JlHH'fJO ItlMllUw , IX bllkCUsillitll , XVtlO lllH IK-OU xvorUiug for Mn C.nv.v uml \ \ illuiiu tUuktiy , u ff4oixxl UirlVr , uro in juil , fhur isl xvitli bvMiis siuspu'ioas ybunkitffYodiifs iluy , uiXMi'iliub' to lllukii > ' 's story , Ithttltay uvrunsoil xvitli Uiux to bloxv up thf vault of tho'olnu kii Savings bunk. Dui'iiiktliu uftfrnfou llrml- If.v xwnit into Millspausli kt IVrswi's nlluM inukn' the ti.tuk ml took u iiioasuii- uif ul ot Uio x'uxilt. Mr. AluUp.kUgh xvho xx'us'Ul ut ttlO tilUltlKlU UO llOlKV o ( Illllt , thlukuu' ho was win'-siuv' for ttio bunk foin- pauy. itlako.x tolil ttio story to ttio polu-c i ttlfor < * mul ut S o'f lock iu the ox'omui ; Mar- shul Mrthoue.v found thf iu together iu u stk- loou , uiul st > us to muXo uo iiustuko uiul tuko no otiauiVvS , uriv.Atiul thum Ivitti. Ki-ll I'roiii StiK'Se Train. J. H Kuxlinh , of t'htlliiu , yvstfuUvy brought a lot ivl sloi-S lu u > tli Sc > uth Ouiuha .vartU , ox'w the It. , Si M. iv. it. Near tie xx'iv * toiiclui , ; hi * tyi < ! , anil foil llio curs , ixwivmtr outau j tu-ui-w3 ou th hotkil aud ( BOO , uud tutt\ruul tujunos. The tram xvas ttop Hxt * ud xvliou ivu-k < xl 141 he wa * uiu\\uiwou * . Whuu ho urcivtxl hove a L > h > iii-Liu xvu * uuiuiouovl uud bu xyoumU ilrvvs.-.i.s.l. His mJui'Kw , suixulttr as it uiuy sooui , tva the intiit xva > ruuaiuj txvcuty link's tiu hour , uro uot scriyiu. lUtl l WlU'tl ll UllK. ' ! ' * ! ! ! . ' Cllll > . 'Ao 'VUirvl xvtiixl Uvuiooitits hax-e orguuUoil u club with Novi-uty-i'ixht niuuoa. The oflJcorti ute : I'rwHiUyut , Jdiuc.s l 'au ; tuvy , Kuxvitiil tlaukry ; tiva uivr , 1.'lourv. A i.vuiLuittt.'o on WJistituttou uud t > y-htxvM , \ > usX9liu at Mo.v r . NVUluuu Mur- t > Xv. 't'uvuix-s tjuuxluu aud Jaiuoa 1'urk-t cro tflcotiM , to tx'l-vrl t Iho un."Oti.i to be h > jW lu the school hoii-M.1 SvktiirvUi.v ovvuiu. ; . AU ilomvcruti aiv luvitod to b piv eut at the uc-\.t m < 'v.'tius. Ni tt Aln > ut the City. Thosyocuil i'uJliux tax is dcUiiqucut. Jul'Ur , KifUpalricii of. Atlantic , la. , 13 viitic oij { ULtivthor , Ur. M. Ktrtpalrick. ! LHiuouu c'lurii's Arubiuu NighLs ivuibui - LIOIJ will ttu > w iu Huut't upv'i'a tn.'j. > e Itjurs- 'Cbc Uohcniutu t.vuiUitotn ! : tocwty Suliul , will ivo a uiitsituviitdu bull ui Sholoiiy X tVJvUii's ti.tit , Stt'4fvla > vvcuaujf iho 'S5U. \VorU. ha bov'ii rcxvivixl frwui the Mil- wuuUuo p.krtu.1 * that xvortt. xvill ivumiiMioo yu the t. stiwt vtaJif.-t , about th < * Will uf Moivh. \Vuruw A , Kwl , roiirv'soiitaiwo fiviu \ > t No ii ) ' . ' , U. A. K. , hjft Tuc-- lo .tttvud tha dcporluious eu- : < j , whoMj hurtbaud wu.s kUiod by i C.IVIIK banii Uui saiiiuior ut Twuuilili.ti mid N itrcut-s i.s m u JtMtitutv condition ui u tuvyl at T veuty-ai.voad mid K str > ; t- . DitiMou Nu. J , .V , O. U. . ha. * uccviftvu. tue niLiiot auuivor .tn mvifcaUun uud will u.urcti iu full ruKikliu Uvm tlio b.tU to the Jc- xjt. w uivxt tno K'.iiiiujt MunuuK-Mil a.M > ciu- of Omaha , Monduv uvvuint ; , M'.irvh 1. tL C. MuMJtoiwn , Of PiuUuuiouUi. of iho Women's Koauf cun > o , ot Nobru.iiit ! , who ha.i beoa the irmj-t of Mr. tnd Mix. K. O. Mu.viiuld. ljW ifyitu on tote to attend Urn aiinuui uicvUntt ut I'roi. V \Vurm\VihHl , 'It ' urrHiirfHi ( { tu x-auiiti a caiiktiu lor tao tjtrcyit of UID tro - churvh. Vt tiic uiooHn m Um . . vil.lL lu do. "Cont .Uld wi'iid , ' a UoikuUt'ul uul popuUtr tiaubata , h.u > bvjii oniurvO , and it l tK | iicooiitublL ; , wilt ba vr ( ) > vud .uid prv- icnUid iKifotv aSuntti ' ' 'L'wo ( * r > fU % uuJ Shun : in .l An..uuu M it - in. bivku Uioliiti | > tfit-v > w i mU , ' . > n store ! ) iij luotrniylic au.i iiuiu t UiMtiii paio uf ahuop , i > > u JutJ. Mo. , jjwciul. TUa. . xvortj mil > .nU uhu > oonunUUtO Uio thi' > hujl such u iiard Utut ? .ilunj in Uio M Mt { { < Mtnti ; .V CluvuUtml : iiui uooniiv luanjil u > J\Jl ) diujnund riu tu k UucUti UVMUUU u rl. lb tilted so Jiutilv Uiat ho coulihi't ot It o.f. : uid iti h.iJ k > umrry bar tu ojuovuc u. ititl hoi- ' 1 nil ! roocivo iu U o uui'iui'a of KU--.I Conti u ttUuiiiil cluuxo jn l utl. from * i Ui 'J. .Xj | IIIIIHT- ami dwIighUul C. 4Ujn | > r mil HI , ami a tiu < > Uiuu RAILROADSTIIENWEREYOUNI WJion I'liBsonuorH Were Dlllod Llk Morclnincllflo. THE FIUST RAILHOAD TICKETS HIMV Ilii ) Hi'iiiapliiirc Originated nni llm I'rlni.'lplo HjiiU'iiiVlilih Anlo- lllll ! < l Illl ! llltro < llllltOM Of Illl ! tloll lnpi ) . \VliDti HnllinmlMVir i "Thut 1'ijiiiliiilH tno of dnyH lonn ( , 'oiu by , " Hiilil .1. 11. KurKUMon , of Uunver yiiHlci'dny , HA lie hiindod it ttow.spiipo clipping uiiiiiniiioliip thn dontli of Uoli ImrtSnvlll , llio I n von tor of the proson HyHlntn ol ruilwny tlrkotM , Mr. I'\irK > ihOii wasoncoa railway inun lint id noxv I'.vloiMlvo iii'n ! iMl in mill lii ' , Hinolllii , nnd thu oilier oucupit tloim of n minurV llfo. "It'n a IIIIIK tinio ! ! < ) , ' ' ho conUnuod hut Mr. Hnvlll wiw Iho niitloiiiiin Ihn liroii ht mo into tlu > railway Bui'vieu Itiilli'iuiilH , IIH I hey uro now , nnd its lhi > , wuro Iliun dilYi.'r Homuwhnl , nnd thti hlhtory HooniH to bo n npoch > H of uvolti tlon In which tlio IH.tnHt , Htirvlvos. had no intinitlon of K < dnK I iilorailninil in xvhi'ii 1 WIIH a hey , hut , you st e , uir riiiiiHtniicuH vnry oflon u < ivii'ii ovonla nnd I found in.vnolf IIH a junliii1 dork ii llio olllco of thu Unidmi \ ltlriniii.rhiin | rnllway , II XMIS txvonl.\-oiit. ( ] yours tti ) < i and Iho old Hynti'in of Ijllliut , ' pus honjjurs lil > o ( rolirlit had no OIllll'ol.V IIIIO Otlt Of UXlstlMHH ! The imrdH , IIH l.hoy c.nlloil thoni or ( ondni'toi'M , n yon would say now itsiul to ( k'livor iinHHiMiKurannil n bill fo thorn , at their varioitH destinations ; The lillln foitliniii wont to the hour ollloo , nnd worn mippo-wd to tnllyvill the nniotint of CHHI | tnrnml in , xvhicl XVIIH Uiu only ohoiilc the nmiiii'or.s , liai on thu honosly of their otnployiis. lint by nnd by , Iho bnsitiDNs > , rro\\ ' U Im Itii'Ko and ciiinboi'.soino and sonudliin ) hail to Im done to aecommniliiU the travel and HimpUfy innttors KOI ) ' orally. 11 WIIH then Mr. Hnvill stopper inlo Iho broach nnd tlovisod the card nyMom now in vo no. * llhi ot'lKlnal Idea , xvith some slijjhl nuul lloations , IM the basin of tiukol a no 1 1 U' nceiHiiits to the proMont. day , niul It was n very doeiiloil ttnprovoniont 01 till ) old MtiitfO Ktvlt ) of dolnf * things. . \ Iravol InoriMisotl and the old London & Itii'inlunham beeniiii ) the London- Norllkwostorn HyMoui , the bonotlt of the blniilo | curd ticket hocaaio nppitronl , niul with that c.aino the necessity of n H.vstuin of aoconnts , siinlo ] , but con- doiihod for Iho UNO of the ticket olorko in nmkln tip their daily accounts , nnd alHn fur the chief olllco in oliockiiiK thorn up This xvnnt xvas also supplied front NuSuviU'a olllco , an invontiou , if it nan bo culled mush , hoitijr porfcetud bv an old gontlontitn in the olllco by niitno of Diffglot The ticket agent's check account. xvas soon ba otir oil as 'tho dlujjlo' and 1 believe retains Unit iiaiuo on Rnulish : n ltd < to this ditto. I believe li r lo ii.UH bo doud tiDtv , but ho never had any oilhnal titlo. William Savillvjus ajjipnintcd see rotary of the London NorthwtStorn systotn xvhiMt the intnio xx'ii- < chanted from London Jt LHraiittj- { hant. "It s-ocins strange , " Mr. Forgusou addml , "that railways htivo ix'aehcd their present hijrh s > Uito of olliciency within tlio tnoinory or lifo of any ono man of about uvui-ayo ago , but such is the CUM' . " 1 often recall with amusement , the old-Utno , living signals which iinie- dntud the ntochiinical ones , mid vet the otiungo was only ( rein tlosh anil blood to wood. . At the oi-ossings and other plaoos where such an arrangement was nooossary , w > sUiti ned a policeman or 'signal orticor. ' Uo xvas Usually dressed iu u blue uniform , bra > s buttons and A very tall pint ; hat. YV'hou it xva < time fur the tram to come along ho stationed hhiiolf near the track and it the road was clour ho t > uxxl tnvot xvith his arms ilea > o to hi * side , like n MiUlior ttttuliuf Lkt 'iittonllou. ' If. hoxvovor , he wantca the train to coiuo to a stuutUtill , ho e.\- toiulcd his risrht arm aetxxs the track. I tvtuotubor one place partic- ula.rly whore , oxviugto a curve or some obstruction , a man on ttio track could not bo s < ; eu ( r iu ad- vtiuoo of the eugiuo , M > , a pedestal was built upou which tno aforesaid police man u ed to tllud and give the necessary - sary s-igiuvls. 'I'he human siirnal , iu time , g vo plstce to the xvoxleu puo , but the principle of uporutioa remains the Mttue. A * a bov , I OKU remembvr xvith ivhtu awe I used to guzo upou these mag nates , esvoeially the ene eu the pedes tal. "Thou there xvtis another system in .ise th\t would seem strautte to the en gineers o to-ilay. Ou branch tines.and iuglo trttclv * . they u.-et.l to ruu trains on iho ''y tom. The ? tvil xvtis > ome- f , hat like a. tvliceuiau's club , aad wa s jaiutod reJ. jrreeu. yellow , or ether .viol's , according to the number re- Kuch divLsiou had ene stall of color. No train could starl out that > uttl beiug in the place fyr it eu the engine , and its xwse > sioii jruve the right of way to that iruiu. A-s there was only one staff.thcru reuld be only one train on the truck at we time , ami , ceiiievjuetttly , there xvere 10 kvUisioiici. "llailroaU uieu did not lull thcui- > ilVtfi > with ovec wurtt iu the e day > , Ltn < i t is almost impossible to reiiii'.f the , reuK > c doits strides made ia the ritilxv.ty vorld durti ) ; ; the p"Bttulrty years. "That retuutdb uo of the lfsu.'rv ) t the beli cord"s.nd .vuother rtuluar nan. "It ha. > iv ? oriiiiu m V'Ucruit .hou li. duivu on the N * v Yorit > . \-utnu weomotive bells were uot tu u c > a."u tnd there \vuj oneu meei'vao -t- . > ntent oil watehiii ; for obstruct on - , lKtt he often run itoppi ig > m. < i . tnd never wtid any attwnUtiii to u. a igtijtlrt as the conductor ui 4n * HUIAO. L'hw l.ttltfr xvu # an Irmh until n-tan i unU witli an l"t huutn's * ii tiitn. U itns to tie a < > uril th igui' fi- ' > arm . .indjui1 t vhon ivt > r h wtthVud Uj atrrucc ' uncuonar > ° > aucnuon. U - . .vi'i'u i . fur a lYvuiv or ttto , mui ' jo 'iiv a 'nUil. IX O'to M tuniu > arm ai SiGK MEADM i l fMtiv . % ly i-ureJ b i 1 tJ"'MI L'"lu 1"s- ' ' 4lX ) ' " ' fu * * 3 nTTLI. dlK' > tott tuJ'T'w Tcif : J\ty O Satlujr. v ptrtt .V fa1- 4 W lf\ Ojviw JU/IUCKS. N.iu i.j p | L S " 'JrowrijutTss. Uad Taw' ' ; to Uw Jtoulli. WH 'fntQCne , IMn n w I'ltntJ ' .A Hit , He io r . > > . Jxi"i ' . "ajf i . .n t' SSALLPILL SMALL DOSE , SaALLKUCE , ; Whan ho ( ltd fln < l out thcro vran troublfj , anil , at ] iut , niter ropoalcd cxjKwtulntlon , lie procccilud lu thrnsh Uio rofrnctory onirlnocr. This led to m ) liivufeU iilion , the neecsHlty of some UK-HUM of corninunienllon l ot\voen tlio cub nnil cmxiosc ostabllshoil , und the boll suj jrc tcd. It vns found to nnswcr every purpose' , nnd was ndoptcil b.v nil otliur rotiUH , when ; it sllll dot's tlio duty purforincd by the engineers' arm of imituA Ho Will llnvo Aliuslvo Trcntinoiit nf \VlllirNNCJ.S Stoppoili "H'H n illsin-aco to the ooiirt , iinJ It 1ms to bu slopped , ' mill ! Judge Herltn ut the close of the police court yoiturdny afternoon , nml then , turning to Deputy County Attorney KdRortoii , ho nililoil : "lilx-o It nn Invcstiirii- tlon , uml If there IH nnythlni ; siininunt to warrant n charge , brlni * ono In. If xvo don't protect people lu tlio court room Itself , where cuti they look for protection ! " It wn the old , old story of attorneys look- In ? for client * , nnd name times ubuslnc thu ] irivlUuiM Kmntod thorn. SnOlo Uush , the principal witness for tlm ntnto In llio Milt of Nebraska vs Denis ( Onirk , clmrfied with prnm ! larceny , sul crying In u uornor of llio pollco court room , whore lior sparkling diamonds nml sealskin saeqiio scorned sndiy out nf P'IU-O xvilh tlio fturroumliiiLpi to ono not USIMI to Iliu motli'y throni ; Unit ilnlly | niys pralnssldiiiil onlls to tlmt classic Drui'inct. Ono or Ixx'o lo itl inon offorcd nd- x-lfo und ono or two ollli'orR oflori'd sympa thy , lint no ntif could offer the $ 'OCH ) bond she WUH iiikiul in furnish , nnd her tours rolled on. Sudlo xx'ns un Inniuto of n liouso of 111 funm nnd Uio owner of n dlumnnd pin. AmoiiKllio pntront she xvns licuiiBcd to re- ci'ivo xx'iis young f nirlc , xvho stele llio pin. nnd yfslcrdny plwulod k'tillty nnd xviw bound ovfr to appeur In llm district court. Siulio xx'im.of t-oui'df , the priiiclpnlvltiiessiiml HO iw iiHitul In sni-li ciiHot xx'iis bound ox'or to ap pear in the sum of $ 1K ) . No friends were In siirlit , nnd the pro poct of spnndlnc tlicnlglit bohlnd the burs \va * too much for lmrnnd thotoiifH llovvod copiously. "Tnko those , " nho Kind ns she took the dmnmmN front lii-r cnrs ; " "of course I'll coino in'tho iiiorinnp if yon x\ They're not. x'ory oloitn , hut. thoy'ro ijood. " Then she told the court thai Attorney tlroon , who wi : ilorondlii } , ' ono of the prisoners , hud conic to her nnd snid : "I wouldn't bo In your place for f.-OjJ. I'll hnvo yon nndor fl.lHX ) bunds before night , und yon know \vlmt Hint is. " "Why , xvlmt for I" she nskt'd. "Why didn't yon ( ? ct u lawyer why didn't you tallt to niol" he sitid. " 1 ilidu't wiinI u lawyer , I xriw only u witness - ness , uud I didn't knouyon. . " "Well my siirn is lianKliii ; right tlioro .you could liuvo see n It. Hut I'll htivo you tinder bonds to-nl/'lit / , und when you po tip to Uio district court you wtll bo oalloJ nil sorti of names nnd blackguarded. 1 wouldn't bo In your place for lo.OOO , ' " This is the story she told the Judg * , i\nj this is why she wns crying. She appealed to Screcnnt Hnzo nnd some other ofllcers to corroborate her story , which they did. It's n case of intinildntlni ; witnesses1 the county ntlomcy , "nnd I think It can be pushed. If it L proved disbarment will follow , but I coincide with the judge , nnd I think It should bo stopped. " This morning Uio result will bo nwaltcil with Interest. _ _ _ _ _ ItOTil SII > iS ; FIGHTING Neither ( lie Mnntcr Nor .liiiiriicynion I'liiitibcrH Wnvor. . "I'm not lu fnvor of pnylng SI n dny to " were the words that llontcd over the tran som of room SO , of the Murray hotel , last night , as a reporter nppro.ichod that apart ment. The reporlorial ear wns stretched to c.ntcli succnoding sentences , but the faithful guiir- dinn in tlio Imll liud Bonnited thu alunn , und the oratorltMtl voice xvns hushed. "Wo h.ivo nothing to ifh'o you , " said tlm socrotury of tlm nuvjllnit wlion the new- Knlheror had culled that functionary into the hull. "When wo have we will let you know , " it was u meetlnc of the master plumbers , nnd nearly every plumbing linn In the city was rcnrusonteil. The mooting w3 supposed to be secret , and the eloviUor boy xvas scathingly "rousted" for oven nllnu-iiiK the reporter to land on the top floor in the vicinity of room SO. After llio nioctinR xvns over , hoxvcver , It wns casually learned that the master plumb- cm would stick to the old prices nnd send outoftoxvn for non-union men if It prove * necessary. They'll Slnncl y. The striking tailors held their customary mooting last night anil discussed iho situa tion further. Talking to a reporter after the mooting u member of the union said tlmt the strikers would ollhcr attain their object or go elsewhere - , where to got work. "Wo will not moke n - , row with llic non-union men that may com a iu , " said he. "If lltey can make n living ut Iho pncas llicso inun offer I'noy arc xvolcomo lo do RO. No , wo didn't transact uny impor tant business to-niglil. " Ktiitnl to the t Drake's Mup.axiiio : Augustus " \Vliy , lioxv weot you look Uii8 evjniiitf ! I'd bo almost templed to Iviss you , if it wasn't for dU-arrattying your blinds. Snmll Brother ( from bcbitid the sofa ) ( . Talvo it oir , sis. M ( < - T OraUo's Mnpnzitto : Eve bnd one atl- vaiitnpc over the modern mnidcn tio- botly over twitted her xvilh being n tailor-tuttdo ffirl. OLD HIP VAN WINKLE went up into the Catskill mountains to take a little nap of twenty years or so , and vrhen he wakened , ho found that the " cruel war was ever , " the monthly magazines had " fought it over" the second time aud " blown up " all the officers that had participated in it. This much is history , aud it is also an historical f < .i > : t that , during the same period , Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery fhad become the most celebrated , 3 it is the most effective , Liver , Blood and Lung Remedy of tha age. Iu fact , it is the ouly medicine for purifying the blood and curing all manner of pimples , blotches , eruptions , and other skin and scalp diseases , scrofulous sores and. swellings , and kindred ailments , possessed , of such positive curative properties as to warrant its manu facturers iu selling it , as they are doing , through druggists , under a pojitce yuanmtee that it will either benefit or cure in every case , or money paid for it will be refunded. It also cures bronchial , throat and lung diseases. Even Consumption ( which is Lung-scrofula ) yields to its marvelous curative properties , if it be taken in time. l&JS.'by Woiito's Disp > s.iar MZDZCAL AssocLiruwt , Proprietors. at * ' of Catarrn in the Hw ii by tue pnnin'-tors of OH. CATAHHH REMEDY. tajimy utu tiiruut. wimutmiL1 * ! ri f UHwubtrv an l acnil. at onbers. thick. tenaai as , macuiw. pumii-tit , oi. > iy , itm putrni ey aj 'v m. nuiruuf in tainf. dt-ui'iifss , UilticuJty of clcnr'ui : Uinjuf , cnp Ht > riUiin of jtfi'n ivu miirmr ; liixutli otr niHTL' aiiicu juil rjiiC ? iipiur l ujil cni'ni iL-hiilty. Only A mv it tlnw iv m.ii. ins ' Itt.-- -H urtc jt juix. riiKinuuuii of rwmlt in uunmiinpc-uii. aminil in difimvc. . By ltd i MMHliiinj. aiiUbcpBLictiuMirw. . : tjic ! tutilluir pr-ipirtji ! > s. Dr. inifa'i curvs Uiu cases. Oiuy 5u MUta. jolu Jiy unitfsaw tsverywlieru. - ' ' - - DR , HORME'S tis Belts ! Thu urantlost Triitmplt of Electric Scionca Sot" . OISEASE CUBED WITHOUT X DIGIX S fnttt th KurU. Illtx , limit ir LlmftN liul" T" * In -u. u.i.niir. u i .lwri. u < - rui Ii.hiiitr. llh.m. ALL ELSE FAILS. TJEStWHOMMLS Jr.TIV. T . " X'tt * f * + il "JiiOAT * uf Tul * : hw v "it * . Uif tfr-mt h'Tn-ra a. i ( " , W < * * * ! ] rr M , IX. . . . u. 3. Y . . . . . " " " * ikaKt > * . iL Jui' f < l n > i'ir-ill" . I. . * vi".xil'l. : . r-ty ' rw rK9 , : u U ill j 'ii jffl'ii 'VM ii. XOtitni > U If. U Huilkiu. M. ' If --T ur ' > .1 a m c-oun'iiBi ! t irn t mi uimrnrui : r has -1 JHtara V * CMI IM * iwmua.i'cwuftti , O * auo. ajBa.J Tvr > Hi T7 i iTViMViVi r SuS 'is , fi w AS 1 iuw < vnl : * d EUtsvcrtuutnocd nocctltt. Df ! . W. J. HORNE. Inventor. J9 | . Wabash Avenue * Chicago. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ardware and Cutlery , 1405 Douglas St. Omaha. ijt